Dr. Masoud Nikravesh: Short-Bio: 1990-2012 University of California-Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Email: Nikraveshucb@gmail.com Current Title: Presently, I am the Director of Computational Science and Engineering at the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) with special Principal Investigator status, Executive Director of Designated Emphasis- Computational Science and Engineering at the University of California (UC) Berkeley, and Visiting Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Computing Sciences Directorate. Prior to joining CITRIS, I was the Executive Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing), and British Telecom Senior Research Fellow in the Computer Sciences Division at the University of California. BISC is a world-leading center for basic and applied research in soft computing (Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning) with over 5,000 members worldwide. Skill and Leadership: Over the past 20 years, I have demonstrated experience in building collaborations between academia, industry and government agencies as well as developed road maps for implementing new technologies at National and International levels. Fostering cooperation between students, faculty, researchers, and among chairs, deans, and directors in different disciplines and the ability to lead projects across multiple disciplines are among my greatest strengths in leveraging relationships. Collaborating for over 30 years with leading corporations and Universities, including with my ~20 years at UC Berkeley and US Department of Energy’s National Lab, provided me with enriching professional and managerial experience at increasingly complex levels. One of the most important things, I have experienced is that listening, participating, and having experiential perspective to appreciate different points of view are key abilities to ensure success. I value academic quality, recognize the importance of integrating teaching, research, innovation, scholarship, and outreach, as well as the need to work closely with faculty governance, Deans, and others to assure that student achievement and academic quality are continuously improved, assessed and documented. Research Focus: During the past ~20 years, my research has been focused on development of novel and complex algorithms for pattern recognition, feature creation, selection and extraction, advanced predictive analytics and statistical analysis, complex multi-level aggregator operators, and applications of soft computing (fuzzy logic and computing with words and perceptions, neuro computing, DNA-based genetic and evolutionary computing, genetic algorithm, and genetic programming) and machine learning for data fusion and mining with uncertain and incomplete information, and advanced expert systems and crowd sourcing techniques. I have applied computational intelligence techniques in a wide variety of fields such as intelligent data and decision analysis and support systems (such as personalized date matching, user profiling and social behavior prediction, university admission, and credit card ranking), personalized-targeted advertising and the customer satisfaction and marketing strategy, fault diagnosis and anomaly detection such as automated sensory inspection systems with application to medical diagnosis and prognosis and predictive and personalized medicine, fraud detection and detection and analysis of the anomaly and rare events, hybrid expert systems and crowd sourcing, improvement of capabilities of internet and search engines and personalization, signal processing, building dynamic ontology from data and expert knowledge, advanced control systems, oil and gas exploration, earth sciences, and geophysical analysis such as reservoir modeling and characterization to decide where to drill the next economically viable oil well. I have published 9 books and over 200 papers, book chapters, and presentations on a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence and soft computing, big data, computational science & engineering, and their applications to scientific, social and economic problems. I have also initiated a series of large scale programs that have been a source of major attention within Berkeley faculties and researchers, Center for Data-Driven Scientific Computing (CDISC), Center for Accelerating Environmental Synthesis and Solutions (ACCESS) & Environment Quality and Security (ACCESS), and “Sustainable California” – a return to the Golden State.I 1 am an active contributor in many societies including: SEG, SPE, AAPG, AGU, IEEE, SIAM, ACS, ACC, IFSA, NAFIPS, and AICHE. I am member of SEG Research Committee and served as SEG, SPE, and AAPG speaker, invited speaker, workshop and special session organizer. I have led teams of scholars and interacted with private and Government funding institutions to develop strategic research plans. CSE Director/Role-Job Description and Responsibilities: In my role as the Director of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), I am key in providing high level executive support to the CITRIS Director and LBNL Associate Laboratory Director- Computing Sciences Directorate, and am responsible for program development and management of all aspects of the program’s operations, including its budgetary matters. As Director, I provide intellectual leadership in curriculum development and judgment in defining outreach services as well as develop and maintain liaison with the advisory board and coordinate fund raising in consultation with the program’s constituent organizations and LBNL. I also have a highly interactive and integrative role with our multidisciplinary team of researchers whereby I identify potential synergy among them, leverage our facility at LBNL, and advocate CITRIS funded programs to a broader community. I am also responsible for the genesis, cultivation, and maintenance of interactions with these sponsors, extend existing research programs or develop new ones, and oversee execution of these programs once funded. In this capacity, I am also the key team member who takes the lead on industrial and government interactions and negotiations. CSE Program: Our CSE program is an integrative and rapidly evolving collaborative UC centric (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz) one that has led 120 faculty from 22 departments and graduate programs to join together to create a new Designated Emphasis in CSE, essentially a “graduate minor” for PhD students enrolled in these 22 programs to become fluent in modeling, simulation, and data analysis tools. The participating departments are extraordinarily diverse and include Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Astronomy, Neuroscience and Political Science, among many others. As a multidisciplinary field that encompasses real-world complex applications (scientific, engineering, social, economic, policy), computational mathematics, and computer science and engineering. Our new High Performance Computing (HPC) graduate program was developed and is interactively supported by CITRIS, the Computing Sciences Directorate at LBNL (Berkeley Lab), and the College of Engineering, the College of Letters and Science, the College of Chemistry, and the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the UC Berkeley. This effort has been very rewarding for me and I look forward to leveraging these skills and operational learning in my future work. Credentials: My credentials have allowed me opportunities that have led to front-page news at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory News and headline news at the Electronics Engineering Times. I am the member of distinguished Hall of Fame (HOF) judges, the Silicon Valley Engineering HOF which includes also Steve Wozniak (Apple Founder). I have also received an Honorary Doctoral Degree from Economic Department, Economic University, Baku- Azerbaijan. I continue to advise the Maxeler Technologies Company and am a member of the international advisory board of ITFoM in the ICT work package. ITFoM is one of the EU pilot funded project to compete for $1BB Euro/10 years EU Moonshot Flagship project (submitted May 2012). In addition, I am invited speaker at the “Baky International Humanitarian Forum”, a forum which is by special invitation only. The roundtable meetings will bring together prominent scholars, including Noble Prize laureates, and cultural figures from different countries (UN Secretary General Ban KiMoon has also received an invitation). The Forum is chaired by the Honorable Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation and the Honorable Ali Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. Aside from Scientific Life: Dr. Nikravesh has great passion for soccer including coaching younger kids. Dr. Nikravesh is Member of US National and NSCAA-Premier Soccer Coaches (the highest Coaching Diploma in US and similar licenses and diplomas from around the world). He holds many National and State Licenses and Diploma. 2 Resume: Table of Content EDUCATION 4 ABOUT CSE 4 ABOUT CITRIS 5 RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2000-PRESENT 5 ROLE OF THE CSE DIRECTOR 5 ASIDE FROM SCIENTIFIC LIFE 6 REFERENCES 7 PROGRAMS MANAGED 2000-PRESENT 8 PROJECT FUNDED OR SUBMITTED: 2009-PRESENT 9 THE MOST 10 RECENT INVITED LECTURES 10 PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS (JOB DESCRIPTIONS) 11 PROPOSAL/WHITE PAPERS 12 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (SELECTED) 13 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 15 PATENTS 15 NEWS AND MEDIA 15 BOOKS EDITED/PUBLISHED 15 CHAPTERS IN BOOK 15 SPECIAL ISSUES 17 JOURNAL PUBLICATION (SELECTED PAPERS) 17 INVITED LECTURES 18 REFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 20 TECHNICAL REPORTS 23 BISC VISITORS/STUDENTS- INTERACTED-SUPERVISED 2000-2007 24 APPENDIX I: CITRIS-CSE UPDATE- SOME HIGHLIGHTS 27 Dr. Masoud Nikravesh University of California-Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. 3 From 1994-2012 Email: Nikraveshucb@gmail.com Phone: Home (510) 528-4494 Physical Address: 555 Pierce St., Apt.# 645, Albany, CA 94706 NAME POSITION TITLE: CITRIS DIRECTOR for Computational Science and Engineering with special PI status @ Berkeley Masoud Nikravesh (US Citizen) EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Economic University, Baku- Azerbaijan University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley DEGREE Honorary Doctoral Degree YEAR(s) 2008 FIELD OF STUDY Economic Department Executive Certificate Degree 2006 Global BioExecutive Program Haas School of Business Executive Certificate Degree 2004 BioEnterpreneurship Program Haas School of Business Berkeley Project Leadership Program , Business and Technology Interdisciplinary Program University of California, Berkeley Leadership Certificate Degree 2004 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab University of California, Berkeley Postdoctoral Postdoctoral 1995-1998 1995-1998 Earth Sciences Material Sciences and Mineral Engineering Department University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. Student Fall 1994 Material Sciences and Mineral Engineering Department Ph.D. 1994 University of South Carolina Chemical Engineering Control and Computational Intelligence) University of South Carolina M.S. 1993 Chemical Engineering (Control and Computational Intelligence) Abadan Institute of Technology B.S 1985 Chemical Engineering (M.S.E Eqv. 160 Credits) About CSE: Graduate Program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE): The Designated Emphasis in Computational Science and Engineering (DE CSE) is a recently established graduate program developed and supported by the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), the Computing Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the College of Engineering, the College of Letters and Science, the College of Chemistry, and the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California, Berkeley. The goal of our program is to train future leaders in CSE, who will not only be experts in their chosen field, but also conversant with important techniques, opportunities and limitations arising from the multiple disciplines underlying CSE. Participating students will benefit from leading-edge training in research techniques, working in interdisciplinary teams with research leaders across the campus and at LBNL. They will also gain a competitive edge for the most desirable jobs in academia and in the industry. (http://cse.berkeley.edu) About CITRIS: The State of California has created a group of four California Institutes for Science and Innovation. As one of these institutes, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) is a university, industry, and state partnership charged with having, through its research in information technology, a highly-visible, profound impact on the quality of life of the people, the growth of 4 industry, and the effectiveness of many agencies of the State. CITRIS is a four-campus institute comprising the Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, and Merced campuses of the University of California. (http://citris-uc.org/) RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2000-PRESENT 2012-Present: Advisor to Maxeler Technologies Company 2011-Present: Member of Distinguished Hall of Fame (HOF) judges (Board Member), the Silicon Valley Engineering HOF. (2011-2014) 2011-2012: Distinguished Professorial Fellow / Adjunct Prof. @ DEBI Institute, University of Western Australia (Curtin University, 2011-2012), Australia (2012Present) 2009-2012: University of California, Berkeley; CITRIS Director for Computational Science and Engineering with Exceptional PI Status, (September 2009- Present). 2000-2012 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Visiting Staff Scientist at Computing Sciences Directorate-CRD, 2000-Present 2007-2009: University of California, Berkeley; Executive Director for Computational Science and Engineering, (September 2007- 2009). 2000–2008 Visiting Staff Scientist; Imaging and Informatics Group, 2000-2008: Member of Executive Committee and member of Research Council-UC Discovery program. A state funded $30M/year program, supporting research at University of California through matching fund through Industry. LBNL-NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division) representative to the DiMI- UC Discovery Program 2000-2007: BISC Executive Director, Computer Science Department, EECS, University of California, Berkeley and Member of the Industrial Relations Advisory Board in the EECS Department. British Telecom Senior Research Fellow in the Computer Science Division (2000-September 2007). Role of the CSE Director: The Director of Computational Science and Engineering provides high level executive support to the CITRIS Director and LBNL Associate Laboratory Director. Responsibilities of the Director for Computational Science and Engineering include program development and management of all aspects of the program’s operations, including budget matters. The Director will also provide intellectual leadership in curriculum development and judgment in defining outreach services. The Director will develop and maintain liaison with the advisory board and coordinate fund raising in consultation with the program’s constituent Schools and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). With direct reporting responsibility to the Director of CITRIS and the Associate Lab Director of Computing Sciences at LBNL, the incumbent will interact with highly multidisciplinary team of researchers, identify potential synergy among them, leverage user’s facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, advocate CITRIS and DOE-SciDac funded programs to a broader community. CITRIS is supported by a large number of industrial and government sponsors, and the Director of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) will interact with their respective representatives. The Director will interact with these sponsors, extend existing research programs or develop new ones, and oversee execution of these programs once funded. In this capacity, the Director of CSE will interact significantly with CITRIS Chief Scientist, who takes the lead on industrial and government interactions and negotiations. CSE is an important academic enterprise; it develops and applies advanced computational methodologies to solve large-scale scientific and engineering problems. CSE plays an important role in the future of scientific discovery by extracting novel, unprecedented scientific phenomena and engineering design. It also focuses on the integration of scientific and engineering knowledge with computer science and engineering methodologies to create a powerful problem solving environment for a wide range of problems. With applications ranging from scientific computing, science and knowledge 5 discovery from large scientific data, energy, environmental and climate change, engineering design, neurosciences and cognitive computing, IT, and health care. Aside from Scientific Life: Dr. Nikravesh has great passion for soccer including coaching younger kids. Dr. Nikravesh is Member of US National and NSCAA-Premier Soccer Coaches. He holds many National and State Licenses and Diploma, including: National Soccer Coaches Association of America U.S. Soccer Federation Attended USSF A National License Coaching June 2NSCAA Premier Diploma- 2010 (the Highest NSCAA 11-2012 (the Highest USSF Coaching License in US) Coaching Diploma in US, by Invitation only) USSF Audit A National License- 2011 NSCAA Advance National Diploma- 2009 USSF B National- 2010 NSCAA National Diploma- 2008 USSF C-National-2009 NSCAA National Goal Keeping Diploma 2008 USSF D-National-2007 NSCAA Regional Goal Keeping Diploma 2008 CAYS D-State License, 2007 NSCAA State Goal Keeping Diploma 2008 CAYS E-D CAYS License, 2007 NSCAA Director of Coaching Diploma 2009 CAYS E License, 2007 NSCAA Director of Coaching Diploma 2008 CAYS F License, 2006 NSCAA-Advance Regional Diploma, 2008 CAYS Goal Keeping Diploma, 2006 NSCAA- Regional Diploma, 2008 NSCAA –State Diploma Referee Grade: Refree-8, Ref. and Assistant Ref., Youth, Co-Ed, and Woman League, 2007-Present. REFERENCES (PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT DIRECTLY. PLEASE CONFIRM BEFORE CONTACTING): 1- Prof. Horst Simon, Deputy Laboratory Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory http://www.lbl.gov/LBL-PID/LBL-Directors.html Phone: 510-486-7377 | Fax: 510-486-4300 Location: 50B-4241 | Mail Stop: 50B4230 Email: HDSimon@lbl.gov 2- Prof. Kathy Yelick, Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences, NERSC Division Director & Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) & University of California at Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory One Cyclotron Rd., MS 50B-4230 Berkeley, CA 94720 Email: kayelick@lbl.gov Phone: 510-495-243 3- Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) 729 Soda Hall #1776 Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 zadeh@eecs.berkeley.edu Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959 Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569 4- Prof. Mark Richards, Executive Dean of the College of Letters and Science Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 6 Professor of Earth and Planetary Science University of California, Berkeley 210B Durant Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 Phone: 510-642-5872 Email: Mark_Richards@berkeley.edu 5- Prof. Shankar Sastry, Dean of the College of Engineering Director, Richard C. Blum Center for Developing Economies Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Professor of Bioengineering. Roy W. Carlson Professor Dean's Office- 320 McLaughlin Hall # 1700 University of California - Berkeley, CA 94720-1700 Phone: 510-642-5771 Email: sastry@coe.berkeley.edu and sastry@eecs.berkeley.edu 6- Prof. Jim Demmel, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr. Richard Carl Dehmel Distinguished Professor Former Chief Scientist of CITRIS, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society Chair, Computational Science and engineering Program, 2007-2012 564 Soda Hall Computer Science Division University of California at Berkeley Berkeley CA 94720-1776 Email: demmel@cs.berkeley.edu Office: (510) 643-5386 FAX: (510) 642-3962 7- Prof. Paul Wright, CITRIS Director Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley Director of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) NAE Section 08 - Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems University of California, Berkeley 330C Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-1764 Phone: (510) 643-2200 Email: pwright@citris-uc.org 8- Prof. Fred Aminzadeh Professor of Petroleum and Electrical Engineering Executive Director, USC Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC) University of Southern California 925 Bloom Walk HED 310 Los Angeles, CA 90089-1211 Tel. 213 821-4268 Email fred.aminzadeh@usc.edu 9- Dr. Bahram Parvin Staff Scientist, Life Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory M.S. 977R225A Imaging and Bioinformatics 7 Berkeley, CA 94720 Phone: 510-486-6203 Email: B_Parvin@lbl.gov 10- Prof. Mihaela Ulieru President, IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy Director, Adaptive Risk Management Laboratory Professor (on leave), Faculty of Computer Science The University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3 Canada Tel. +1-506-458-7277 Fax. +1-506-453-3566 http://www.cs.unb.ca/~ulieru/ 11- Prof. Josh Bloom, Associate Professor Astronomy Department 447 Campbell Hall jbloom@astro.berkeley.edu http://astro.berkeley.edu/~jbloom/ PROGRAMS MANAGED 2000-PRESENT: 2007-Present- Computational Science and Engineering Program (CSE) at UC Berkeley (Large Scale Simulation and Big Data): Takes leadership role in independently managing and developing the CSE Program, which is a large, complex academic or and research program of high visibility. Develops vision and establishes agenda to achieve research objectives. Oversees all elements of program administration. Collaborates across multiple research groups, including Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), the College of Engineering (COE) and the College of Letters and Sciences to create a postdoctoral research fellow and a graduate student program made up of roughly equal numbers from UC Berkeley Engineering and Sciences disciplines. Also creates a CSE Designated Emphasis (A Ph.D Program) and an associated CSE certificate program which will enable both graduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows to specialize in computational science and engineering as they complete their degrees or post graduate work. At UC Berkeley, DE-CSE was approved on June 2008. The new graduate program was developed and is supported by the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), the Computing Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), and the College of Engineering, the College of Letters and Science, the College of Chemistry, and the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California (UC) Berkeley. CSE is a multi-UC-campus program (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz).The excitement generated from these opportunities has led 120 faculty members, from 22 departments, and their graduate programs to join together to create a new Designated Emphasis (DE) in CSE, which is essentially a “graduate minor” for Ph.D. students enrolled in one of the 22 programs. This new emphasis will allow students to become fluent in the use of modeling, simulation, and big data analysis tools. The participating departments are extraordinarily diverse and include Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Astronomy, Neuroscience and Political Science, among many others. (http://cse.berkeley.edu) and (http://citris- uc.org/about/headquarters/cse) Driving forces for the CSE program: o Continued exponential increase in computational power simulation (Computing) is becoming third pillar of science, complementing theory (Mathematic ) and experiments (Applications) Simulation 8 o Continued exponential increase in experimental, simulation, genetic devices, body sensors, and social and health data techniques and technology in data analysis, visualization, analytics, networking, and collaboration tools are becoming essential in all data rich applications Big Data 2009-Present- CSE in Cloud: To Conduct Large-Scale Research using Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing will be used by a broad array of Computational Science and Engineering faculty investigators, researchers and graduate students from social scientists and economists to astrophysicist and bioengineers. Exciting aspects of cloud computing will be to conduct largescale research and to analyze large scale social-economical-political data by our faculty. Furthermore, we hope to refine these target areas and to identify new ones among the vast array of potential computational research avenues available through the CSE Program. The breadth of this enterprise promises to create extensive new applications of interest to our partners in high performance and cloud computing. (http://cloud.citris-uc.org/about) 2009-Present- High Performance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry: The compute intensive imaging paradigms such as reverse time migration, iterative and interactive model building, and waveform inversion make High Performance Computing (HPC) more vital than ever to the Oil and Gas Industry mission. In addition to imaging, HPC is critical for everything from timely modeling and simulation of large-scale physical systems once thought to be impossible, to processing, analysis and interpretation, and visualization of huge seismic data volumes. This workshop focuses on recent advances in HPC as well as challenges due to the end of Moore’s Law and its impact on the Oil and Gas Industry. (http://hpcoilgas.citris-uc.org/) 2000-2007- University of California, Berkeley; BISC Executive Director (Associate Director and Program Administrator) BISC is a world-leading center for basic and applied research in soft computing (Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning) with over 5,000 members worldwide. Prof. Lotfi Zadeh is the founding Director of the BISC. (http://www.bisc.berkeley.edu) (http://cs.berkeley.edu/~nikraves) PROJECT FUNDED OR SUBMITTED: 2009-PRESENT IT Future of Medicine (ITFoM): http://www.itfom.eu/: The proposal is one of the EU pilot funded projects to compete for $1 Billion Euros/10 years EU Moonshot Flagship project. I am currently the member of the international advisory board of ITFoM in the ICT work package. (2011-Present) NSF-CDI Proposal: CDI-Type II: Real-time Classification of Massive Time-series Data Streams, Josh Bloom (PI), et.al, Masoud Nikravesh, $1,573,550 (2009-2012) NSF-XD Proposal, Technology Audit and Insertion Service (TAIS) for XD, Deb Agarwal (PI), et. al, Masoud Nikravesh (~$15MM, Not funded) Tekes-Finald-Abo University, Knowledge Mobilization Proposal, $1MM Euro Proposal. Christer Carlsson (Abo-University-Finland, PI), et. al, Masoud Nikravesh (2008-2010) Yahoo! Cloud Computing donation: Yahoo! announced that it has expanded its partnerships with top U.S. universities to advance cloud computing research. The University of California at Berkeley, Cornell University and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst will join Carnegie Mellon University in using Yahoo!’s cloud computing cluster to conduct large-scale systems software research and explore new applications that analyze Internet-scale data sets, ranging from voting records to online news sources. The continuation of this project, effective 2012, is through OCCY-Cloud. IBM HPC Cluster Hardware Donation. IBM has made a generous donation of computing 9 clusters to CSE-CITRIS. During the past two years, the Cluster has been used by over 100 faculty members and researchers. Areas of the interest include, but are not limited to, the following (with priority given to solving pressing issues with major social impacts such as Energy, Healthcare, Adaptive Cities, Data and Democracy, and Big Data and Analytics): o o o o o o o o o Data Enabled Discovery (Streaming Visual- Data Analytics; Insight Lab) Cloud-Mobile Computing– Knowledge Mobilization (Services Science and HPC Cloud) Ecosystems and Urban Metabolism (Smart Cities) (Energy and Environment) Financial and Economic Systems and Market ICT-Enabled Disaster Resilience (Command and Control) Healthcare - IT, Monitoring and Life Sciences (P4- Medicine) Intelligent Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (People, Sensors, Machine and Systems) New Media and Data Democracy Education and CSE Siemens NX Software Donation: Secure Siemens donated ~$60 million worth of NX commercial CAD/CAM/CAE PLM software licenses to the CITRIS program, which will be shared by four University of California campuses including UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz. The gift, the largest ever software donation to the CITRIS program, will be used by over 100 faculty members and more than 20 departments throughout the four campuses including the Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) at each campus. Maxeler Technologies Company: Research and Student Fellowship, MaxFlow- FPGA and Maxeler Technology for Scientific Applications. (2012-Present) THE MOST 10 RECENT INVITED LECTURES: 1. Invited Speaker. The Baky International Humanitarian Forum, Humanitarian problems, prospects and challenges in the XXI century in view of the realities of a globalizing world. (By special invitation). Conference Chairs: Honorable Ali Ilham Aliyev, President of the Azerbaijan Republic and Honorable Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. Oct. 2012. 2. Computation for Interdisciplinary Data, Synopsys, Conversation Central Radio Show, Recorded on June 21, 2012, Radio Broadcast on July 21, 2012. 3. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) @ Berkeley: The Emergence of Computation for Interdisciplinary Large Data, Keynote speech at HSI-2012 Conference, IEEE Electronic Society and TC on Industrial Informatics and Human Factors, Perth, Australia, 6-8 June, 2012 4. Train the Next Generation of the Brightest Researchers in the World, A CSE and “Computational Lens on the Science” Approach- Educating Leaders, Creating Knowledge, Serving Society, Presentation to ITFoM and prepared to be presented to the US leaders in D.C., toward EU-US Collaboration, June 6, 2012.(With Prof. Mihaela Ulieru) 5. The Emergence of Computation for Interdisciplinary Large Data, IEDEC-IEEE 2012, Santa Clara, CA. 6. High Performance Computing and Computational Science and Engineering, SEG PostWorkshop, Geophysics and Engineering: Convergence of Disciplines, SEG 2011, San Antonio, TX, 18-23, 2011. 7. Panelist- HPC and Academia- Computational Science and engineering, SEG Summer Workshop, High Performance Computing in the Geosciences, SEG 2011, July 18-21, Berkeley, CA 8. HPC Resources, Hardware and Software: National Lab and Government Agencies, HighPerformance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 25-30, 2009. 9. CSE @ CITRIS and LBNL, Tenth Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection, Berkeley, CA, August 18-21, 2009. 10. Computational Science and Engineering @ CITRIS, SIAM-CSE Conference, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09), Miami, March 2-6, 2009. 10 11. HPC Resources, Hardware and Software: National Lab and Government Agencies, HighPerformance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 25-30, 2009. PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS: University of California, Berkeley; BISC Executive Director (Associate Director and Program Administrator): 2000- 2007 Associate Research Engineer Step IV (July 2007-September 2007) Associate Research Engineer Step III (July 2005-June 2007) Executive Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing), British Telecom Senior Research Fellow in the Computer Science Division (2000-September 2007) Dr. Nikravesh’s main focus has been on the development of computational intelligence for data understanding and knowledge & scientific discovery from multiple scientific domains. He is a member of the industrial relations advisory board in the EECS department. Dr. Nikravesh has published nine books and numerous papers and presentations on a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence and soft computing (Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning) related to real world applications and large scale scientific data. He has led a team of scholars and interacted with private and government funding institutions to develop strategic research plans. He has served as a reviewer and has been on the board of several public and private IT centers of excellence. Developed lectures, seminar series, and special courses independently and with Professor Lotfi Zadeh, and directed visiting scientists, postdocs, and graduate students toward advancement of soft computing technologies. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Visiting Staff Scientist at Computing Sciences Directorate-CRD, 2007-Present Computational Sciences and Engineering program Visiting Staff Scientist; Imaging and Informatics Group, 2000 – 2008 Research Scientist in the Imaging and Informatics Group at Life Sciences and previously at NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In addition, Dr. Nikravesh is the LBNL-NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division) representative to the DiMI- UC Discovery Program and he is member of Executive Committee and member of research council-UC Discovery program. University of California, Berkeley, BISC Program-EECS, CS Division; 1995-2000. BISC fellow and Visiting BISC Fellow part-time from 1995-2000. The use of Computational Intelligence including the use of Evolutionary Computing based on DNA, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic for knowledge management University of Utah, Senior Research Scientist, Energy and Geosciences Institute, 1998-2000, Technology developer for a $6.2 MM project funded by DOE and $1.5MM project funded by GRI. He is the recipient of the AAPG President’s Certificate of Excellence in presentation, AAPG Annual meeting in 1999. Dr. Nikravesh worked with major oil companies during this period. He developed a joint proposal for the Center of Excellence for NSF with Ray Levey (EGI Director) and Christopher Johnson, Director, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Visiting Staff Scientist and Consultant; March 1998-Sept 1998; Development of Computational Intelligence Methodology and Data Fusion and Mining Techniques, supported by 35 Oil Companies, under the DeepLook Project. University of California, Postdoctoral Fellow, Material Sciences and Mineral Engineering; 1995-1997. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Postdoctoral Fellow; Earth Sciences Division; 1995-1998 Dr. Nikravesh received a full scholarship from the University of California, Berkeley for his second Ph.D. in the Material Sciences and Mineral Engineering Department in the Fall 1994. While he was a student at UCB in 1994, he decided to start his scientific carrier as a postdoctoral researcher in Spring 1995 at the University 11 of California-Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a joint appointment. He was the technology developer for a $750K project funded by DOE based on his PhD thesis, a project ranked by DOE as the highest ranked ACTI Project in 1997. He was responsible for the development of Computational Intelligence Methodology and Data Mining & Fusion Techniques, and Advanced Controller for Time Varying Processes. He has been the Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI of several projects funded through DOE and private sectors. Dr. Nikravesh’s achievement as part of a collaborative effort between private sector (35 oil companies under DeepLook project, JPL-NASA, Lawrence Livermore National and Oakridge National Laboratories) made front page news at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1997. Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI); Ph.D. Student and Pos-Doc, 1994-1995, Research in the field of gas condensate and mathematical modeling and simulation of petroleum reservoir with complex behaviors. University of South Carolina, 1991-1994 Research Assistant; Process Control and Thermodynamics. Research in the field of Intelligent Systems for Control Purposes. PROPOSAL/WHITE PAPERS: CCSIP on ICT-Enabled Disaster Resilience, Towards a Joint Canada-California Center of Excellence in Disaster Resilience, Mihaela Ulieru (PI), et.al, Masoud Nikravesh. Proposal to NIH and to use Yahoo! Cloud: Phylogenomic tools to predict protein 3D structure and functional sites, Kimmen Sjölander (PI) , Andrej Sali , Michael Jordan, Ruchira Datta, Masoud Nikravesh, James Demmel, David Skinner Proposal to NIH and to use Yahoo! Cloud: Bringing the power of High-End Computing to Simultaneous Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Tree Construction, Kimmen Sjölander (PI), John Huelsenbeck, David Bader, Dr. Ruchira Datta, Masoud Nikravesh, James Demmel,, David Skinner. Berkeley@home: A Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center: A joint proposal with James Demmel-Computer Science Division and Mathematics Department, UC Berkeley, Beth BurnsideVice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley, and David P. Anderson-Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley Search and Explore the World of Knowledge: EECS, CITRIS-UCB and NERSC-LBNL Scientific Decision Systems: EECS-UCB Scientific Discovery and Global Socio-Economic Modeling for Large-scale Quantitative Climate Change Analysis: NERSC-LBNL and UCB representative at three town hall meetings. A white paper prepared by a group of scientists from DOE-National Labs and US-University during three town hall meetings for US-DOE (10-year DOE vision for Exascale Computing- E3SGS Initiative). Math and Algorithms for Exascale Computing: NERSC-LBNL and UCB representative at three town hall meetings. A white paper prepared by a group of scientists from DOE-National Labs and US-Universities during three town hall meetings for US-DOE (10-year DOE vision for Exascale Computing- E3SGS Initiative). Cognitive Computing: CITRIS-UCB and NERSC-LBNL and in collaborate with EECS-UCB, IBM, and UCSD. 12 Computational Machine Intelligence and Systems Science: Life Sciences and NERSC-LBNL and EECS and CITRIS of UCB. Yahoo! Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing for Perception-Based Intelligent Decision System PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (SELECTED): 1. Member of Distinguished Hall of Fame (HOF) judges (Board Member), the Silicon Valley Engineering HOF. (2011-2014) 2. General Chair, 2011, SEG Summer Workshop, High Performance Computing in the Geosciences, SEG 2011, July 18-21, Berkeley, CA 3. Local Chair, 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, California July 31 - August 5, 2011 4. Co-Chair-Workshop Organizer, SEG-RC post workshop, MetaWorkshop, Geophysics and Engineering: Convergence of Disciplines SEG 2011, San Antonio, TX, 2011. 5. Chair-Special Session Organizer, Recent Advances and the Road Ahead, SEG 2011, San Antonio, TX, 2011. 6. Workshop Organizer, High-Performance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry, SEG-RC Summer Workshop 2011, Berkeley, CA, 18-21, 2011. 7. Associate Editor: Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2009-Present. 8. Workshop Organizer, High-Performance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 25-30, 2009. 9. Special Session Organizer, Recent Advances and the Road Ahead, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 2530, 2009. 10. Workshop Co-Organizer, Tenth Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection, Berkeley, CA, August 18-21, 2009. 11. Workshop organizer: HPC for oil and Gas, SEG Annual Conference, 2010 12. Member of Industrial Relations Advisory Board, EECS, UC Berkeley, 2005-2009. 13. Member of Executive Committee; UC Discovery (Appointed by Provost and Senior Vice President), 2003-2008 14. Member of Research Council: UC Discovery (Appointed by Provost and Senior Vice President), 2003-2008 15. LBNL-NERSC Representative in UC Discovery Program (Appointed by NERSC Director), 20032008 16. Member of SEG Research Committee/Council: SEG 2006-2007 17. Editorial Board: Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 18. Editorial Board: International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA) 19. Symposium Organizer: Cognitive Computing, University of California, Berkeley, May 2-3 2007 20. Symposium Organizer: The Future of Search, University of California, Berkeley, May 4-5 2007 21. Organizing Committee Member, International Conference: IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2006 22. Organizing Committee Member: 5th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference 2007 23. Organizing Committee Member, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, 2007 24. Chair Special Track Organizer: FLINT-IFSA 2007, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 25. Special Session Organizer: Fuzzy Tree IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 1821, 2007 26. Special Session Organizer: Soft Computing in Petroleum Applications, IFSA 2007 World IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 27. Special Session: FLINT– Search Engine and Information Processing and Retrieval, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 28. Panel Organizer: A Glimpse into the Future (Global Issues), Forging the New Frontiers, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 29. Panel Organizer: Soft Computing: Past Present and Future, Forging the New Frontiers, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 13 30. Panel Organizer: Fuzzy Sets and Information Systems Forging the New Frontiers, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 31. Panel Organizer: A Glimpse into the Future (Global Issues), Forging the New Frontiers, FLINTBISCSE05, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 2-5, 2005 32. Panel Organizer: Soft Computing: Past Present and Future, Forging the New Frontiers, FLINTBISCSE05, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 2-5, 2005 33. Panel Organizer: FLINT and Semantic Web, Forging the New Frontiers, FLINT-BISCSE05, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 2-5, 2005 34. Panel Organizer: Fuzzy Sets and Information Systems Forging the New Frontiers, FLINTBISCSE05, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 2-5, 2005 35. Chair and Conference Organizer: Forging New Frontiers, FLINT-BISCSE05, University of California, Berkeley, November 2-5, 2005 36. Chair and Conference Organizer: Soft Computing for Internet and Bioinformatics, FLNT-CIBI, University of California, Berkeley, 2003, 15-19 December 2003 37. Chair Special Track Organizer: FuzzIEEE-FLINT2003, St. Louis, MO, May 25-28, 2003 38. Chair Special Track Organizer: Second BISC International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Internet; Joint NAFIPS 2002 and FLINT 2002 International Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 27-29, 2002 39. Chair and Conference Organizer: New Direction in Enhancing the Power of the Internet, FLINT 2001, University of California, Berkeley, August 14-18, 2001 40. Co-Chair: BISC-SIG in Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics; 2002-Present 41. Chair: BISC-SIG in Fuzzy Logic and the Internet; 2000- Present 42. Chair: BISC-SIG in Earth Sciences; 1995-Present 43. Chair: First BISC International Conference in Fuzzy Logic ad the Internet; FLINT 2001, 44. Member of DIMI Executive Committee/Research Council and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Representative in DIMI Program. 45. Reviewer for NSF and DOE STTR-SBIR program and several other national and international funding agencies. 46. Served as chair of several national and international conferences and workshops 47. Serve as member of IEEE, SPE, SEG, ACS, AGU, and AICHE TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. External Ph.D Examiner: 4 Students (2000-2007) 6+ Undergraduate Students /year: Supervision of Student projects (2000-2007) 6+ Visitors: PostDoctoral/Researcher/ Faculty: Supervision of the research of the BISC Visitors Organize the BISC Seminars during the academic year including summer with 30-50 lectures/year and several special events. August 2000-2007.. During the past four years (2003-2007), I had technical discussion and meeting with +50 visitors/year to the BISC Program. Joint Lecture and Seminar Series and Special Courses with Prof. Lotfi Zadeh. Short Courses in Reservoir Characterization, Soft Computing (Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, and DNA coding), and Intelligent Well Log Analysis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and BISC Seminar-Special Course Instructor, BISC-UC Berkeley, 19971998. Research Assistant; Summer 1992, Summer 1993, Fall 1993. Teaching Assistant, courses thought from 1987-1994 process control, heat transfer, thermodynamic, fluid mechanics, Jan. 92-May 94, chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, computer programming, numerical analysis, mass transfer, process control, and gas conditioning, Dec. 82-Sep. 91 process control, physical chemistry, and organic chemistry laboratories, Sep. 85-Nov. 87 Industrial advisor and director of numerical analysis, gas conditioning, and unit operation computerized projects, Sep. 85- Nov.87. 14 PATENTS: Smart Neural Network Wellhead Control System for Oil Fields, Filed in LBNL Patent Department, DOE, 1996. NEWS AND MEDIA: 1- Front-page news at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory News (Researchers Use Soft Computing Techniques to Find Hidden Oil Reserves ) 2- Headline news at the Electronics Engineering Times (Fuzzy logic is proven stable). PUBLICATIONS (Selected Publication): Published and presented over 200 papers, book chapters, reports, and presentations BOOKS EDITED/PUBLISHED: 1. M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers I”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (Publication date: October 2007) 2. M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers II”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (Publication date: Marchr 2008) 3. Isabelle Guyon, Steve Gunn, Masoud Nikravesh, and Lofti Zadeh, “Feature Extraction, Foundations and Applications”, Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, PhysicaVerlag, Springer, (2006) 4. M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Soft Computing for Information Processing and Analysis”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (2005) 5. Masoud Nikravesh, Lotfi A. Zadeh and Victor Korotkikh “Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations” Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, published in the Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer, Jan 2004. 6. Vincenzo Loia, Masoud Nikravesh and Lotfi A. Zadeh, "Fuzzy Logic an the Internet", published in the Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer, Jan 2004 7. Masoud Nikravesh, B. Azvine, R. Yagar, and Lotfi A. Zadeh, "New Directions in Enhancing the power of the Internet", published in the Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer. Jan 2004 8. Masoud Nikravesh, Fred Aminzadeh, and Lotfi A. Zadeh, “Intelligent Data Analysis for Oil Exploration”, Developments in Petroleum Science, 51; ISBN: 0-444-50685-3, Elsevier, March 2003. 9. Patrick Wong, Fred Aminzadeh, and Masoud Nikravesh, “Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol 80, Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2002. CHAPTERS IN BOOK: Chapters in: M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Forging the New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers I”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (Publication date: October 2007) 1. 2. 3. 4. Evolution of Fuzzy Logic: From Intelligent Systems and Computation to Human Mind G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Morphic Computing: Concept and Foundation Concept-Based Search and Questionnaire Systems Computational Intelligence for Geosciences and Oil Exploration Chapters in: M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Forging the New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers II”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (Publication date: March 2008) 15 5. 6. 7. 8. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh , Morphic Computing: Quantum and Field Decision-Based Query and Questionnaire Systems Soft Computing for Intelligent Reservoir Characterization and Decision Analysis Zhiheng Huang, Masoud Nikravesh, Tam´as D. Gedeon, and Ben Azvine, Pattern Trees: An Effective Machine Learning Approach 9. Enhancing the Power of the Internet using Fuzzy Logic-Based Web Intelligence: Beyond the Semantic Web, in Fuzzy Logic and the Semantic Web, ed. Elie Sanchez, Elsevier (62 pages), 2006 10. Beyond the Semantic Web: Fuzzy Logic-Based Web Intelligence, in Soft Computing in Ontologies and Semantic Web, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (60 pages, 2006) 11. Concept-Based Semantic Web Search and Q&A, E-service Intelligence, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (30 pages), 2006 Chapters in: M. Nikravesh, L.A. Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, “Soft Computing for Information Processing and Analysis”, Springer-Verlag in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (2005) 12. Masoud Nikravesh and Dae-Young Choi, Perception Based information processing (54 pages) 13. Masoud Nikravesh and Souad Bensafi., Soft Computing for Perception-Based Decision Processing and Analysis: Web-Based BISC-DSS (110 pages) 14. Masoud Nikravesh et al. Soft Computing for Enhancing the Power of Search Engines and Navigations: Perception-Based Web Intelligence (58 Pages) 15. Chris Loer, Harman Singh, Allen Cheung, Sergio Guadarrama, and Masoud Nikravesh, Evaluating Ontology Based Search Strategies (14 pages) 16. Martine De Cock, Segio Guadarrama and Masoud Nikravesh, Fuzzy Thesauri for and from the WWW (10 pages) 17. F. Olcay, Sema Alptekin, and Masoud Nikravesh, Consumer Profiling Using Fuzzy Query and Social Network Techniques (10 pages) 18. Kazushi Kawase, Tomohiro Takagi, and Masoud Nikravesh, A Trial to Represent Dynamic Concepts (8 pages) Chapters in "New Directions in Enhancing the power of the Internet", Editors: Masoud Nikravesh, B. Azvine, R. Yagar, and Lotfi A. Zadeh, published in the Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer (Jan 2004) 19. Masoud Nikravesh, Ronal Yager and Ben Azvin, Past, Present, and Future; Intelligent Information Processing, (2 pages) 20. Masoud Nikravesh, Enhancing the Power of the Internet, pp. 1-20 Chapters in "Fuzzy Logic an the Internet", Editors: Vincenzo Loia, Masoud Nikravesh and Lotfi A. Zadeh, published in the Series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Springer (Jan 2004) 21. Masoud Nikravesh, Vincenzo Loia and Ben Azvine, Fuzzy Logic and The Internet (FLINT), Internet, World Wide Web, and Search Engines 22. . Masoud Nikravesh and Ben Azvine, Fuzzy Queries, Search, and Decision Support System Chapters in Masoud Nikravesh, Fred Aminzadeh, and Lotfi A. Zadeh, “Intelligent Data Analysis for Oil Exploration”, Elsevier, March 2003 23. Masoud Nikravesh and Fred Aminzadeh, Soft computing for intelligent reservoir characterization and modeling, pp. 3-32. 24. Masoud Nikravesh and Fred Aminzadeh, Soft computing for mining and fusion of petroleum data, pp. 119-142. 25. Masoud Nikravesh, Ray Levey, and Roy Adams, Intelligent reservoir characterization (IRESC) for optimum well placement (OWP), pp. 471-498. 26. Intelligent computing techniques for complex systems, pp. 651.672. 16 Chapters in Computational Web Intelligence: Intelligent Technology for Web Applications: Editors: YanQing Zhang, Abraham Kandel, T.Y. Lin and Yiyu Yao (Expected Date; March 2004) 27. Masoud Nikravesh and Tomohiro Takagi, Web Intelligence: Concept-Based Web Search (Chapter 2, pp. 29-62) 28. Gamil Serag-Eldin, Masoud Nikravesh, et al., Web Intelligence: Web-Based BISC Decision Support System (WBISC-DSS) (Chapter 19, pp. 405-444) SPECIAL ISSUES 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Issues, Forging new Frontiers I, International Journal of Soft Computing (Jan 2008) Special Issues, Forging new Frontiers II, International Journal of Soft Computing (Feb 2008) Special Issue, Fuzzy Frontiers, Applied Soft Computing Journal, June 2008) Vincenzo, Loia , M. NikRavesh, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Journal of Soft Computing, Special Issue; fuzzy Logic and the Internet, published by Springer Verlag, Vol 6, No. 5, August 2002. 5. M. Nikravesh, F. Aminzadeh and L.A. Zadeh, Soft Computing and Earth Sciences (Part 2), Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 31, Issues 2-4, January 2001 6. M. Nikravesh, F. Aminzadeh and L.A. Zadeh, ), Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Soft Computing and Earth Sciences, Volume 29, Issue 3-4, May 2001 7. P.M. Wong and M. Nikravesh (2001), A thematic issue on “Field Applications of Intelligent Computing Techniques,” Journal of Petroleum Geology, 24(4), 379-476. JOURNAL PUBLICATION (SELECTED PAPERS) 1. Evolution of Fuzzy Logic: From Intelligent Systems and Computation to Human Mind, International Soft Computing Journal (Jan 2008) 2. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Morphic Computing, Applied Soft Computing Journal (June 2008) 3. Concept-Based Search and Questionnaire Systems, International Soft Computing Journal (Feb 2008) 4. Editorial Note, Special Issue I, International Soft Computing Journal (Jan 2008) 5. Editorial Note, Special Issue II, International Soft Computing Journal (Feb 2008) 6. Editorial Note, Special Issue, Applied Soft Computing Journal (June 2008) 7. Soft Computing-Based Computational Intelligent for Reservoir Characterization, Special Issue: Intelligent Computing in the Petroleum Industry; published in the Vol. 26 No. 1 of Expert System with Applications, 2004, pp. 19-38. 8. Masoud Nikravesh, Vincenzo Loia and Ben Azvine, Fuzzy Logic and The Internet (FLINT), Internet, World Wide Web, and Engines Search, Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 6, No. 5, August 2002. pp. 287-299. 9. Masoud Nikravesh and Ben Azvine, Fuzzy Queries, Search, and Decision Support System, Journal of Soft Computing Vol. 6, No. 5, August 2002. pp. 373-399. 10. Vincenzo Loia Masoud Nikravesh, and Lotfi A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, Journal of Soft Computing Vol. 6, No. 5, August 2002. pp. 285-286. 11. Masoud Nikravesh and Fred Aminzadeh, Editorial comments, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 31, Issues 2-4, Nov 2001, Page 67-79, 12. Masoud Nikravesh, Roy D. Adams and Raymond A. Levey, Soft computing: tools for intelligent reservoir characterization (IRESC) and optimum well placement (OWP), Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 29, Issues 3-4, May 2001, Pages 239-262 13. Masoud Nikravesh and Fred Aminzadeh, Mining and fusion of petroleum data with fuzzy logic and neural network agents, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 29, Issues 3-4, May 2001, Pages 221-238 14. Masoud Nikravesh, Fred Aminzadeh and Lotfi A. Zadeh, Editorial comments, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 29, Issues 3-4, May 2001, Page 151 15. M. Nikravesh, A.E. Farell,T.G. Stanford, Control of nonisothermal CSTR with time varying parameters via dynamic neural network control (DNNC); Chemical Engineering Journal 76 (2000) 1– 17 16 16. Valluri, S., M. Soroush, and M. Nikravesh, Shortest-Prediction-Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, the Journal of Chemical Engineering Science, (2) 53 (1998) 273-292. 17. M. Nikravesh, A.E. Farell, T.G. Stanford, Dynamic Neural Network Control for Non-linear Systems: Optimal Neural Network Structure and Stability Analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 68 (1997) 41-50. 18. Nikravesh, M., A. E. Farell, T.G. Satnford, Model Identification of Nonlinear Time-Variant Processes Via Artificial Neural Network, Computer and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1277-1290, 1996. 19. Nikravesh, M., A. E. Farell, C.T. Lee, J.W. Van Zee, Dynamic Matrix Control of Diaphragm-Type Chlorine/Caustic Electrolyzers, Journal of Process Control, June 1995, vol.5, (no.3):131-6. INVITED LECTURES 1. Invited Speaker. The Baky International Humanitarian Forum, Humanitarian problems, prospects and challenges in the XXI century in view of the realities of a globalizing world. (By special invitation). Conference Chairs: Honorable Ali Ilham Aliyev, President of the Azerbaijan Republic and Honorable Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. Oct. 2012 2. Computation for Interdisciplinary Data, Synopsys, Conversation Central Radio Show, Recorded on June 21, 2012, Radio Broadcast on July 21, 2012. 3. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) @ Berkeley: The Emergence of Computation for Interdisciplinary Large Data, Keynote speech at HSI-2012 Conference, IEEE Electronic Society and TC on Industrial Informatics and Human Factors, Perth, Australia, 6-8 June, 2012 4. Train the Next Generation of the Brightest Researchers in the World, A CSE and “Computational Lens on the Science” Approach- Educating Leaders, Creating Knowledge, Serving Society, Presentation to ITFoM and prepared to be presented to the US Leader in D.C., toward EU-US Collaboration, June 6, 2012.(With Prof. Mihaeal Ulieru) 5. The Emergence of Computation for Interdisciplinary Large Data, IEDEC-IEEE 2012, Santa Clara, CA. 6. High Performance Computing and Computational Science and Engineering, SEG PostWorkshop, Geophysics and Engineering: Convergence of Disciplines, SEG 2011, San Antonio, TX, 18-23, 2011. 7. Panelist- HPC and Academia- Computational Science and engineering, SEG Summer Workshop, High Performance Computing in the Geosciences, SEG 2011, July 18-21, Berkeley, CA 8. HPC Resources, Hardware and Software: National Lab and Government Agencies, HighPerformance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 25-30, 2009. 9. CSE @ CITRIS and LBNL, Tenth Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection, Berkeley, CA, August 18-21, 2009. 10. Computational Science and Engineering @ CITRIS, SIAM-CSE Conference, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09), Miami, March 2-6, 2009. 11. HPC Resources, Hardware and Software: National Lab and Government Agencies, HighPerformance Computing for Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, SEG 2009, Huston, TX, 25-30, 2009. 12. CSE @ CITRIS and LBNL, Tenth Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection, Berkeley, CA, August 18-21, 2009. 13. Computational Science and Engineering @ CITRIS, SIAM-CSE Conference, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09), Miami, March 2-6, 2009. 14. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), UC Davis, 2008. 15. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), UC Merced, 2008 16. Morphic Computing, BISC Program- EECS, University of California-Berkeley, Dec. 5, 2006 18 17. Recent Breakthroughs and Future Anticipation-Reality or SciFi; Year is 2020: Trends and Future Challenges for Soft Computing, BISC Program- EECS, University of California-Berkeley, September 12, 2006 18. Searching for the Next Search Engine: The Future of the Advertising, BISC Program- EECS, University of California-Berkeley, September 20th, 2005. 19. HUMAN MIND, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND COMPUTATION: EVOLUTION OF FUZZY LOGIC AND LOGIC OF VAGUENESS, IEEE Chapter, Reno-Neva. University of Reno, September 19, 2005. 20. Intelligent Decision Support and Information Systems: Neuro-Fuzzy-Evolutionary ComputingBased Recognition Technology, CS Seminar, Reno-Neva. University of Reno, September 19, 2005. 21. Theory of Natural Language Computing and Computing with Words and Perception, Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. 22. Theory of Natural Language Computing: ORIGIN, CONCEPTS, TRENDS, APPLICATIONS; Computing with Words and Perception, and Precisiated Natural Language, University of Science and technology Beijing, July 28, 2005, Beijing-China 23. Fuzzy Theory: Origin, Trend, Application, Brief Introduction to BISC Program, University of Science and technology Beijing, July 28, 2005, Beijing-China 24. Fuzzy Theory: Origin, Trend, Application, Brief Introduction to BISC Program, Chinese Academy of Science, July 29, 2005, Beijing-China 25. The Application of Natural Language Computing : Decision Making and Analysis Under Uncertainty Using Computational Intelligence, Chinese Academy of Science, July 29, 2005, Beijing-China 26. The Application of Natural Language Computing; Decision Making and Analysis Under Uncertainty Using Computational Intelligence; Invited Lecture Series, Natural Language Computing: Intelligent Decision Support and Analysis Tool based on Computing with Words and Perceptions, June 16, 2005; City University of Hong Kong 27. The Application of Natural Language Computing; NeuFCSearch Conceptual Based Text Search Based on PNL and Neuroscience, Invited Lecture Series, Natural Language Computing: Intelligent Decision Support and Analysis Tool based on Computing with Words and Perceptions, June 16, 2005; City University of Hong Kong 28. Theory of Natural Language Computing: ORIGIN, CONCEPTS, TRENDS, APPLICATIONS, Invited Lecture Series, Natural Language Computing: Intelligent Decision Support and Analysis Tool based on Computing with Words and Perceptions, June 16, 2005; City University of Hong Kong 29. Theory of Natural Language Computing, , June 15, 2005; Culturecom Holdings Limited, Hong Kong 30. Decision Support System & Information Systems in Enterprise: Decision Making and Analysis Under Uncertainty Using Computational Intelligence, Fall Advanced Information-Based Modeling (AIBM) Seminar, Chevron-Texaco-October 7, 2004, "New Directions in Knowledge Discovery from Textual, Visual, and Multimedia Data”. 31. Panel Session FlintPnl: Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, St. Louis, MO May 25-28, 2003 32. Google™ and Yahoo! Concept-Based Intelligent Search Engine, CS Colloquium, University of Central Florida, Nov 2002 33. Perception-Based Computational Intelligent for Reservoir Characterization, IMP, CIC 2002; Mexico City, Mexico, Nov 2002 34. Computational Intelligence for Concept Based Search Engines, BISC, University of California, Berkeley, Dec 2002 35. Web Intelligence: Google™ and Yahoo!-Concept Based Search Engines, CIT, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada, Dec 2002 36. Computational Intelligent for Reservoir Characterization, Department of Chemical and Oil & Gas Engineering, University of Calgary, Dec 2002 37. Intelligent Data Analysis for Oil Exploration, BISC, University of California, Berkeley, Dec 2002 38. Reservoir Characterization, Chevron-Texaco, California, Feb 2002. 39. Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICT) for Intelligent Reservoir Characterization, Lawrence 19 Berkeley National Laboratory, May 2002 40. Concept-Based and Perception-Based Intelligent Search Engine and its application to Google™-Based and Yahoo!-Based Search Engines, University of Vienna, Medical School, Austria, September 2002. 41. Conceptual Fuzzy Sets and its application to Google™-Based and Yahoo!-Based Search Engines, BTExact Technology; British Telecom, London, UK, Oct 2002 42. Intelligent Reservoir Characterization, Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, Houston, Texas, Oct 2002 43. Artificial Intelligence for Data Analysis (Reservoir Characterization), Energy and Geoscience Institute, University of Utah, May 1998. 44. Mining and Fusion of Petroleum Data with Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy Agents, Petroleum Engineering Department, Stanford University, April 1998. 45. Mining and Fusion of Petroleum Data with Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy-Genetic Agents, 1998 BISCSIG-ES Workshop, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, March 3-6 1998. 46. “Estimation of Permeability Based on 2-D Pore Level Information and Pattern Recognition Techniques”, BISC-SIG-ES’98 Workshop, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, March 2-6 1998. 47. Industrial Implementation of ANN Techniques for Control Purposes, Invited Lecture, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nonlinear Model Based Process Control, 10-20 August 1997, Antalya, Turkey. 48. The Role of Soft Computing In Earth Sciences, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, 1997. 49. The Role of Soft Computing In Reservoir Characterization, BISC, Computer Sciences Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1996. 50. Modeling Flow Behavior in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, Sixth Workshop, May 4-5, 1995. REFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Morphic Computing Part I: Foundation, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007, 2. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Morphic Computing Part II: Web Search, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007, 3. Concept-Based Questionnaire System, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 4. Zhiheng Huang, Masoud Nikravesh, Ben Azvine, and Tam´as D. Gedeon, Weighted pattern trees: a case study with customer satisfaction dataset, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 5. Decision-based questionnaire systems, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 6. IRESC: Reservoir Characterization, IFSA 2007 World Congress Cancun, Mexico, June 18-21, 2007 7. Recent Breakthroughs and Future Anticipation: Reality or SciFi; Year is 2020; World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI- July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada 8. , Decision-Based Query and Questionnaire Systems, 7th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systesm and Soft Computing, Sept. 13-14, 2006, Siegen, Germany 9. Concept-Based Search and Questionnaire Systems, 7th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systesm and Soft Computing, Sept. 13-14, 2006, Siegen, Germany. 10. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Computing with Words by Superposition and Decomposition of words (Fields) International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, May 16–19, 2006, ICCNS06. 11. G. Resconi and M. Nikravesh, Field Theory and Computing with Words, , FLINS 2006, 7th International FLINS Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence, August 29-31, 2006 Italy 12. Natural Language Computing Computation and Reasoning with Information Presented in Natural Languages, Forging the New Frontiers, 40th of Fuzzy Pioneers, BISCSE05, Nov. 2-5, 2005, UC Berkeley, USA. 20 13. Soft Computing, Past, Present and Future, Forging the New Frontiers, 40th of Fuzzy Pioneers, BISCSE05, Nov. 2-5, 2005, UC Berkeley, USA. 14. Flint and Semantic Web, , Forging the New Frontiers, 40th of Fuzzy Pioneers, BISCSE05, Nov. 2-5, 2005, UC Berkeley, USA. 15. Fuzzy Sets and Information Systems, , Forging the New Frontiers, 40th of Fuzzy Pioneers, BISCSE05, Nov. 2-5, 2005, UC Berkeley, USA. 16. A Glimpse into the Future, Forging the New Frontiers, 40th of Fuzzy Pioneers, BISCSE05, Nov. 2-5, 2005, UC Berkeley, USA. 17. Natural Language Computing and Computing with Words and Perception: ORIGIN, CONCEPTS, TRENDS, APPLICATIONS, Forging the Frontiers, University of California-Berkeley, Nov 2-5, 2005 18. , BISC-DSS-Based Recognition Technology: Monitoring and Automation of Fault Detection and Diagnosis, 3rd US-European Workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management - An International Research Perspective - October 12 & 13, 2005, Claremont Resort & Spa. 19. NeuSearch™: Conceptual-Based Text Search and Question Answering System Using Structure and Unstructured Text based on PNL, Neuroscience, ICSCCW-2005, Antalya, Turkey. 20. M. Nikravesh and B. Parvin, , "Knowledge Mobilization and Intelligent Augmentation (KnowMIA): Application to Homeland Security" Paper ID #1448, Poster Presentation, Working Together: R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, Boston, Massachusetts, April 27-28, 2005 21. M. Nikravesh and B. Parvin, "Knowledge Mobilization and Intelligent Augmentation (KnowMInA): Application to Homeland Security, Working Together: R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, Boston, Massachusetts, April 27-28, 2005 (Proceeding paper, 12 pages) 22. Intelligent Information Systems in Enterprise, 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 21-26, 2005. 23. M. Nikravesh, Intelligent Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 21-26, 2005. 24. Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Management, The IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, IEEE GrC-2005, Beijing, China, July 25-27, 2005. 25. Intelligent Decision Support and Information Systems in Enterprise: Evolutionary-Based Optimization, The IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, IEEE GrC-2005, Beijing, China, July 25-27, 2005. 26. Neuroscience and Precisiated Natural Language-Based Search and Question Answering System: NeuSearch, The IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, IEEE GrC-2005, Beijing, China, July 25-27, 2005. 27. NeuSearch™: Conceptual-Based Text Search and Question Answering System Using Structure and Unstructured Text based on PNL, Neuroscience, and BISC-DSS, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE SMC HAWAII 05, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA, October 10-12, 2005 28. BISC-Decision Support System and Information Systems in Enterprise: Evolutionary ComputingBased Optimization Multi–Aggregator Fuzzy Decision Trees, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE SMC HAWAII 05, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA, October 1012, 2005 29. Neuro-Fuzzy-Evolutionary Computing (NeF-ECom), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Washington DC, June 25-29, 2005. 30. Human Mind, Intelligent Systems, and Computation: Evolution of Fuzzy Logic, IFSA2005, Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005 31. NeuSearch Engine: Concept-Based Search Engine, FUZZIEEE 2005: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Reno (Nevada, USA) May 22-25, 2005 32. M. Nikravesh, BISC-Decision Support System, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 23. 33. G. Serag-Eldin and M. Nikravesh, Web-Based BISC Decision Support System, FLINT-CIBI2003, p.24 34. S. Souafi-Bensafi and M. Nikravesh, BISC-DSS: Evolutionary Computing-based Multi-Aggregator Fuzzy Decision Trees and Optimization, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 25. 35. F. Olcay Citrit, S. Alptekin, and M. Nikravesh, Automated Consumer Profiling Using Fuzzy Query and Social Network Techniques, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 44. 36. Y. Asfaw, M. DeCock, and M. Nikravesh, Performing Region Detection Using Fuzzy Agents, FLINTCIBI2003, p. 46. 21 37. T. Takagi and M. Nikravesh, BeMySearch: Conceptual-Based Information Retrieval and Search Engine, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 64. 38. BeMySearch, Conceptual Search Engine and Navigation for Google™ and Yahoo!, Web Intelligence, FLINT-CIBI2003, p.64. 39. M. De Cock, S. Guadarrama, and M. Nikravesh, Constructing Fuzzy Thesauri for the WWW: Application to BeMySearch, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 67. 40. A. Kolobov, D. Kuo, M. DeCock, and M. Nikravesh, On Similarity Measures and Pruning Strategies for Fuzzy Ontologies, FLINT-CIBI2003, p. 67. 41. *FLINT-CIBI2003: 2003 BISC FLINT-CIBI International Joint workshop on Soft Computing for Internet and Bioinformatics, Dec 15-19, 2003, UC Berkeley, California, USA, Memo-ERL/UCB M03/47. 42. Masoud Nikravesh, A Coordinated Intelligent DNA (IntelDNA)-Based Computing, a Biologically Inspired Computational Intelligence (BISCI): Application to Distributed Control of Collaborative Robots" AINS 2003, SRI, California. 43. Masoud Nikravesh, Reservoir Characterization and Management, Quantifying Uncertainty in Reservoir Properties Prediction, August 24-29, 2003, San Luis Resort and Conference Center Galveston, Texas 44. Masoud Nikravesh and T. Takagi-; Concept-Based Search Engine, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 45. Masoud Nikravesh, Reservoir Characterization and Management, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 46. Masoud Nikravesh, M. Hassibi, Intelligent Reservoir Characterization (IRESC), INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 47. Masoud Nikravesh, M. Hassibi, Intelligent Computing Techniques for Evaluating the Mass and Volume of Contaminants, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 48. Gamil Serag-Eldin and Masoud Nikravesh, Web-Based BISC-DSS Software, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 49. Masoud Nikravesh, B. Azvine; BISC Decision Support System, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 50. Souad Bensoafi and Masoud Nikravesh, Multi–Aggregator Fuzzy Decision Trees: EC–based optimization, INDIN03, Calgary, Canada, August 2003. 51. Tomoe Tomiyama, Ryosuke Ohgaya, Akiyoshi Shinmura, Takayuki Kawabata, Tomohiro Takagi, and M. Nikravesh, Concept-based web communities for Google search engine, The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, St. Louis, MO May 25-28, 2003. 52. Ryosuke Ohgaya, Tomohiro Takagi, Kouta Fukano, Koji Taniguchi, Akiko Aizawa, Masoud Nikravesh, Conceptual Fuzzy Sets-Based Navigation System for Yahoo!, NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 International Conference, June 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA 53. Akiyoshi Shinmura, Koji Taniguchi, Kazuyosi Kawahara, Tomohiro Takagi, Akiko Aizawa, Masoud Nikravesh, Exposure of Illegal Web Sites Using Conceptual Fuzzy Sets-Based Information Filtering System, NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 International Conference, June 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA 54. BISC Decision Support System: Fuzzy Logic-GA Based Decision and Risk Analysis, NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 International Conference, June 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA 55. Fuzzy Conceptual-Based Search Engine using Conceptual Semantic Indexing, NAFIPS-FLINT 2002 International Conference, June 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA 56. Billions of Transaction for an Industry Worth Hundreds of Billion of Dollars, IPMM2001, July 29 August 3, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 57. Credit Scoring for Billions of Financing Decisions, IFSA/NAFIPS 2001 "Fuzziness and Soft Computing in the New Millennium" Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, July 25 - July 28, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 58. Nikravesh, M., and F. Aminzadeh, Neuro-Statistical Technique for Characterization of Contaminant Sites Using Sparse Well Data, JCIS'98, The Fourth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, October 23-28, 1998, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. 22 59. Nikravesh, M., F. Aminzadeh, and B. Novak, Data Mining and Fusion with Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy Agents: Rock Properties and Seismic Attenuation, The Fourth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, October 23-28, 1998, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. 60. Novak, B., and M.Nikravesh, Comparison of two Methods for Non-linear Identification, JCIS'98, The Fourth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, October 23-28, 1998, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. 61. Nikravesh, M., A.E. Farell, T.G. Stanford, Control of Nonisothermal CSTR with Time Varying Parameters via Dynamic Neural Network Control (DNNC), published in 1999, the Journal of Computers and Chemical Engineering. 62. “Neural Network Knowledge-Based Modeling of Rock Properties Based on Well Logs Databases”, SPE# 46206, 1998 SPE Western Regional Meeting, 10-13 May 1998, Bakersfield, California, USA. 63. “An Intelligent Approach for Prediction of the Waterflood Performance and the Infill Drilling”, SPE# 46207, 1998 SPE Western Regional Meeting, 10-13 May 1998, Bakersfield, California, USA. 64. Nikravesh, M., M. Soroush, M., and R. Michael Johnson, Nonlinear Model-Based Control of Petroleum Reservoirs, 1997 AICHE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Nov 16-21, 1997. 65. Nikravesh, M., Industrial Implementation of ANN Techniques for Control Purposes, Invited Lecture, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nonlinear Model Based Process Control, 10-20 August 1997, Antalya, Turkey. 66. Dynamic Neural Network Control (DNNC): Smart Wellhead Controller for Water and Steam Injector, SPE# 38275, 1997 Western Regional Meeting 25-27 June, Long Beach, California. 67. Soroush, M., and M. Nikravesh, Shortest-Prediction-Horizon Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, 13th Triennial World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1996. 68. Nikravesh, M., M. Soroush, A.R. Kovseck, T.W. Patzek, Identification and Control of Large-Scale Processes via Neural Networks, CPC-V Conference Tahoe City, California, Jan 1996. 69. Nikravesh, M., C. Dobie, and T. W. Patzek, Field-Wise Waterflood Management in Low Permeability, Fractured Oil Reservoirs: Neuro-Fuzzy Approach, SPE # 37523, 1997 International thermal Operations and Heavy oil Symposium, Bakersfield, California. 70. Nikravesh, M, Theoretical Methodology for Prediction of Gas-Condensate Flow Behavior, SPE #36704, The 71st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Denver Convention Center, October 1996. 71. Nikravesh, M., A.R. Kovscek, T.W. Patzek, Dividing Oil Fields into Regions with Similar Characteristic Behavior Using Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Approaches, Paper # NF-96103, Biennial Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS'96, University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 19-22, 1996. 72. Nikravesh, M., A.R. Kovscek, T.W. Patzek, Prediction of Formation Damage During Fluid Injection into Fractured Low Permeability Reservoirs via Neural Network, The 1996 SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium, Lafayette, LA, Feb. 1996, SPE paper No. 31103. 73. Nikravesh, M., A.R. Kovseck, A.R. Murer, T. W. Patzek, Field-Wise Waterflood Management Using Neural Network, 66th Western Regional Meeting, Alaska, USA, May. 1996, SPE paper No. 35721. 74. Garg, A., M. Nikravesh, A.R. Kovseck, L. M. Castainer, T.W. Patzek, CT Scan and Neural Network Technology for Construction of Detailed Distribution of Residual Oil Saturation During Waterflooding., 66th Western Regional Meeting, Alaska, USA, May 1996, SPE paper No. 35737. TECHNICAL REPORTS 1. The Role of Soft Computing Techniques and Geosciences for Intelligent Reservoir Characterization and Oil Exploration, Memo No. UCB/ERL M04/24, July 1, 2004 2. Soft Computing-Based Modeling for Intelligent Reservoir Characterization and Geosciences Applications, Memo No. UCB/ERL M04/23, July 1, 2004 3. BISCSE05; Forging New Frontiers, Memo No. UCB/ERL M05/31, November 2, 2005 4. Masoud Nikravesh, et al, Soft Computing for Internet and BioInformatics, UCB/ERL, M03/47, Dec 2003 (93 pages). 5. Masoud Nikravesh, et al., Perception-Based Decision Processing and Analysis, UCB/ERL Memo 03/21, June 2003 (118 pages) 23 6. Masoud Nikravesh, et. al, Perception-Based Information Processing, MemoUCB/ERL M03/20, June 2003 (68 pages) 7. Masoud Nikravesh et al., Web Intelligence: Conceptual-Based Model, UCB/ERL M03/19, June 2003 (72 pages) 8. FUZZY LOGIC AND THE INTERNET; PERCEPTION-BASED INFORMATION PROCESSING AND RETRIEVAL Fuzzy Query, Fuzzy Search, and Fuzzy Decision Support system BISC Internal Reports, Edited : Masoud Nikravesh, Report No. 2002-1-SI-BT, September 2002. 9. BISC and the New Millennium; Perception-Based Information Technology, Computing with Words (CW), Computational Theory of Perception, Precisiated Natural Languages, Perception-Based Decision Analysis, Perception-Based Information Processing and Retrieval BISC Internal Reports, Edited : Masoud Nikravesh, Report No. 2001-1-SI, September 2001 10. Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, Perception-Based Information Processing and Retrieval BISC Internal Reports, Edited : Masoud Nikravesh, Report No. 2001-2-SI-BT, September 2001 11. FLINT 2001- NEW DIRECTIONS IN ENHANCEING THE POWER OF THE INTERNET PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2001 BISC INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FUZZY LOGIC AND THE INTERNET BY: Masoud Nikravesh and Ben Azvine, UCB/ERL M01/28, August 2001 WORKED CLOSELY WITH STUDENTS AND BISC VISITORS 2000-2007 2000-2001 ======= Prof. Dae-Young Choi, Korea, Aggregation and Internet; Jan 2001-Dec 2001 Marcin Detyniecki; PostDoc, France, Aggregation and Decision Tree; Jan 2001-Dec 2001 Virginia Johnson; LLNL Staff, USA, Decision Analysis, Jan 2001-June 2001. Andreas Nuernberger; PostDoc; Germany, April 2001-Dec 2001; Fuzzy Logic and Internet Prof. Wheyming Song; Prof., Taiwan, Operation Research and Management; April 2001- Jan 2002 Prof. Tomohiro Takagi; Prof.; Japan, Fuzzy Logic and the Internet; August 2001 Tru Cao; Visitor, UK, Semantic Web, August 2001-September 2001 Mana Haeri; Visistor, USA, E-Business, August 2000-August 2001 Fred Aminzadeh, Fact CEO; USA, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, August 2000August 2001 Prof. Anvari; Visitor/Staff, USA, Knowledge Management, Jan 2001-Dec 2001 2001-2002 ======== Prof. Dae-Young Choi, Korea, Aggregation and Internet; Jan 2001-Dec 2001 Marcin Detyniecki; PostDoc, France, Aggregation and Decision Tree; Jan 2001-Dec 2001 Virginia Johnson; LLNL Staff, USA, Decision Analysis, Jan 2001-June 2001. Andreas Nuernberger; PostDoc; Germany, April 2001-Dec 2001; Fuzzy Logic and Internet Prof. Wheyming Song; Prof., Taiwan, Operation Research and Management; April 2001Jan 2002 Prof. Tomohiro Takagi; Prof.; Japan, Fuzzy Logic and the Internet; August 2001 Tru Cao; Visitor, UK, Semantic Web, August 2001-September 2001 Mana Haeri; Visistor, USA, E-Business, August 2000-August 2001 Fred Aminzadeh, Fact CEO; USA, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, August 2000August 2001 Prof. Anvari; Visitor/Staff, USA, Knowledge Management, Jan 2001-Dec 2001 Dr. Andreas Nuernberger; PostDoc, Germany; 2001-April 2003; Web Data Mining 24 Prof. Christin Wahmkow; Professor, Germany; March 2002-July 2002; Increase Driving Safety of Cars Prof. Soon Hak Kwon; Professor; South Korea; March 2002-Jan 2003; Similarity and Internet Dr. Andreas Nuernberger; Post Doc, Germany; 2001-April 2003; Web Data Mining Prof. Christin Wahmkow; Professor, Germany; March 2002-July 2002; Increase Driving Safety of Cars Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin; Professor; Germany; March 2002-August 2002; CTP and PNL Prof. Tomohiro Takagi Takagi; Professor; Japan, June 2002 and August-September 2002; Internet; Search Engine Software Development Shinmura; Student; Japan; August-September 2002; Internet; Search Engine Software Development Ogaya; Student; Japan; August-September 2002; Internet; Search Engine Software Development Prof. V.Korotkich; Professor; Australia; Nov 2002-Feb 2003; Optimization and Fuzzy Partial Differential Equation Dr. Aynur Unal; USA; June 2002-June 2003; Supply Chain Tero Joronen; Ph.D. Student; Finland; Sept 2002-Dec 2002; Advanced Control Shuangyu Chang; BISC Post Doc; Sept 2002-Sept 2003; Speech 2002-2003 ========= 2003-2004 ======== Souad Souafi-Bensafi - 2/1/03-12/31/04. Research: Genetic Programming in machine learning and document image analysis and structure recognition Tomohiro Takagi - He visited on 7/26/03-8/31/03. Came back as a scholar: 3/15/045/31/05. Research: Web intelligence and conceptual search engine and navigation Sema Alptekin (9/1/03-5/31/04; extended time: 6/1/04-6/30/05) Research: Development of Embedded Soft Computing Applications for Micro Platforms" Martine De Cock (9/1/03-12/21/03) Research: Fuzziness and Uncertainty Modeling Barbara Diaz Diez (3/1/04-3/1/05) Research: Knowledge Discovery and Fuzzy Rule Systems in Economics Sergio Guadarrama (8/5/03-6/1/04) Research: Search Engines and Soft Computing Chin-Teng Lin (12/20/03-3/31/04) Research: Fuzzy Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines Shuhua Liu (5/5/04-11/15/04) Research: Enhancing Fuzzy Software Agents 2004-2005 ======== Sema Alptekin (USA) Soft Computing 3/04-3/05 Tomohiro Takagi (Japan) Soft Computing and Search Engines 6/03-6/05 Barbara Diaz (Spain) Soft Computing and PNL 2/04-2/06 Souad BenSoafi (France) Signal Processing 2/03-8/04 25 Shuhua Liu (Finland) Natural Languages 4/04-8/04 Seyed Shahrestani (Australia) Soft Computing 6/04-7/04 Kaj-Mikael Bjork (Finland) Soft Computing 4/04-4/05 Mahnaz Hassibi (USA) Signal Processing 2/04-8/04 2005-2006 ========= Prof. Barbara Diaz, Visiting from Spain (3/1/04-3/1/06) Research: Knowledge Discovery and Fuzzy Rule Systems in Economics Tomohiro Takagi (Japan) Soft Computing and Search Engines (6/03-9/05) Kaj-Mikael Bjork (Finland) Supply Chains and Soft Computing (4/04-4/05) Mirza Beg, IIT- India, Search Engine and Question Answering 11/05-10/06) Zengchang Qin – UK, Search Engine and Question Answering (2/06-1/07) Ramon Leonato; Spain, Agents and Soft Computing (9/05- 03/06), Prof. Sanguk Noh , Korea, Decision Analysis and Soft Computing, (12/05-12/07) Prof. M.-R. Akbarzadeh (USA), Multi Agents and Soft Computing (12/05-12/06) Dr. Tero Joronen, Finland, Control and Soft Computing (09/06-12/06) Dr. Zhiheng Huang, UK, BISC-DSS and Decision Trees (03/06-04/07) 26