MADHYA PRADESH POWER GENERATING CO. LTD. OFFICE OF THE ADDL.CHIEF ENGINEER (THC), MPPGCL, SIRMOUR, REWA (M.P.) PHONE NO. 07660-298623 FAX No. 07660-260727 G E N E R A L TE N D E R IN G CO N D ITIO N S O F CO N TR A CT (A) Tender No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. (B) Description of Tender : (C) Due date of submission. : General annual overhauling of units, equipments & their associated auxiliaries of 2x10 MW Hydel sets of BHEP- IV MPPGCL Jhinna & attending oil leakage of Unit I&II. Dt. 26.02.2013 up to 3.00 PM. (D) Date of opening of tender. : On Dt. 26.02.2013 at 4.00 P.M. (E) Tender Form issued to : ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ (F) Cost of Tender Form. : Rs. 500/- + 5% VAT (G) Reference of Cost of Tender Form. : _____________________ (H) This specification contains total 30 number of pages. (S.G. Gadkar) Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. INDEX Sl. No. CONTENTS PAGE No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notice Inviting Tender General Terms and Conditions Commercial Terms and Conditions Questionnaire (Annexure-A) Earnest Money Details (Annexure-B) Details of Previous works (Annexure-C) 03 04 to 07 07to11 12 13 14 (Annexure-D) 7 Deviation from General/Coomercial/ Technical T&C of Tender specification 15 8 Authorisation 16 9 Declaration of Tenderer 10 10 Scope of works. (Annexure-I) Special terms & conditions. (Annexure-II) Price Break-up schedule of deduction towards non executed work(Annexure- III) Price bid format. (Annexure- IV) 11 12 (Annexure-E) 2 (Annexure-F) 17 18 to 21 22 to 26 27 to 29 30 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. dk;kZy; vfr-eq[; vfHk;ark ¼Vh,plh½] VksUl ty fo|qr ifj;kstuk] e/; izns'k ikoj tu- daiuh fyfe-] fljekSj] jhok ¼e-iz-½%486491 % nwjHkk"k 07660&298623 fufonk vkea=.k lwpuk fuEufyf[kr lwpukvksa ds vuqlkj eqgjcan fufonk;sa vkeaf=r dh tkrh gS%& 1- fufonk fof”k’Vhdj.k dzekWad % 91&84@Vh,plh@fu-& @2013&14 fnukWad 2 dk;Z dk uke % 2x10 esxkokV fo|qr x`g&pkj] f>Uuk ds okf’kZd j[k&j[kko dk dk;Z A 3- vuqekfur ykxr% :i;s 7-15 yk[k ¼lHkh VSDl o [kpksZ lfgr½ 4- vekur jkf'k% :i;s 5]000@& 5- fufonk izi= dk ewY;% :i;s 500@& ,oa oSV 5% vfrfjDr6- fufonk fodz; dh vafre frfFk% fnukWad ¼17-30 cts rd½7- fufonk izi= tek djus dh vafre frfFk% fnukWad ¼15-00 cts rd½8- fufonk [kqyus dh frfFk ,oa le;% fnukWad ¼16-00 cts½fu;e ,oa 'krsZ%& ¼1½ dk;Z ds fufonk nLrkost v/kksgLrk{kjdrkZ ds dk;kZy; ls fnukWad ¼17-30 cts½ rd fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol esa nLrkost ewY; Åij vafdr fufonkuqlkj js[kkafdr Hkkjrh; iksLVy vkMZj@uxn tek dh jlhn@fMekWaM MªkQ~V@ is vkMZj }kjk tks {ks=h; ys[kkf/kdkjh] VksUl ty fo|qr ifj;kstuk]e-iz-ik-ta-da-fyfe- fljekSj dks ns; gks] izLrqr djus ij izkIr fd;s tk ldrs gSa A fufonk izi= Mkd }kjk eWakxus ij :i;s 75@& vfrfjDr ns; gksxk A ¼2½ Bsdsnkj dks fufonk izi= izkIr djus gsrq vkosnu ds lkFk lerqY; jkf”k ¼vFkkZr~ U;wure 80 izfr”kr ykxr dk ,d vFkok 60 izfr”kr ykxr ds nks vFkok 50 izfr”kr ykxr ds rhu dk;kZns”kksa½ dk foxr rhu o’kksZ esa fd;s x;s lHkh leku dk;ksZ dks larks’ktud :i ls iw.kZ djus ds] lacaf/kr ty fo|qr x`g ds izeq[k@v/kh{k.k vfHk;ark }kjk tkjh izek.k i= ds lkFk bZ-ih-,Q- jftLVªs”ku] isu dkMZ] lfoZl VSDl jftLVsª”ku dh izfr;kWa] izLrqr djuk vfuok;Z gSA ftlds vHkko esa fufonk izi= tkjh ugh fd;s tkosxsa A Vhi%& os fufonkdkj ftUgksaus foxr rhu o’kksZ esa VksUl ty fo|qr ladqy vFkok e-iz-ik-tu-daiuh fyfeVsM ds vU; ty fo|qr x`gksa ds okf’kZd j[k&j[kko dk dk;Z viw.kZ fLFkfr esa NksM+ fn;k gS ,oa ftu QeksaZ us foxr o’kZ vkns”k dh “krksZ dk ikyu ugh fd;k gS] os fufonkdkj izi= izkIr djus gsrq ik= ugh gksaxsa A ¼3½ fdlh vU; QeZ ds v/khu vuqHko ds vk/kkj ij fdlh O;fDr@QeZ dks fufonk izi= tkjh ugh fd;k tk;sxk A ¼4½ Bsdsnkj dk foxr 01 o’kZ dk VuZ vksOgj U;wure :i;s 05 yk[k gksuk pkfg;s] bl vk”k; dk cSad LVsVesaUV fufonk izi= izkIr djus ds fy;s vfuok;Z gksxk A ¼5½ fufonk vkea=.k ls lacaf/kr foLr`r tkudkjh gekjh cso lkbV ;k ls izkIr dh tk ldrh gSA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy;s Qksu ua0& 07660&298623 ij laidZ dj ldrs gS A ¼5½ fufonk izi= eaMy@daiuh dh osolkbV ij Hkh miyC/k gS] ftls MkmuyksM dj tek fd;k tk ldrk gS A ,slh fLFkfr esa fufonkdkj dks fu/kkZfjr vgZrk djus gsrq okafPNr leLr nLrkost+ ,oa fu/kkZfjr fufonk “kqYd ds lkFk ,d vyx fyQkQs esa j[kuk vfuok;Z gS A mDr fyQkQs ds Åij ¼v½ PQR ENVELOP ¼c½ fufonk dz-@fnukWad ¼l½ fufonk [kqyus dh frfFk ¼n½ fufonk “kqYd dk fooj.k vafdr djuk vfuok;Z gksxk A fufonk izi= “kqYd ,oa okafPNr nLrkost+ks dh larqf’V ds i”pkr~ gh ,slh fufonkvksa ij fopkj fd;k tkosxk A ¼5½ fdlh Hkh fufonk dks iw.kZ@vkaf”kd Lohd`r@vLohd`r djus dk vf/kdkj l{ke vf/kdkjh dks gksxk A vfr-eq[; vfHk;ark¼Vh-,p-lh½] e-iz-ikoj tu- daiuh fyfe-] fljekSj] jhok ¼e-iz-½ 3 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) Tender documents can be purchased from this office and are also available on MPPGCL’s website and can be downloaded directly, for submission. Offer in any other form is not acceptable. 2) Tender is not transferable. 3) Fax / Telegraphic Tender offer is not acceptable. 4) The firms/contractors who have downloaded the tender documents directly from website, shall furnish the PQR with documentary evidence while submitting the offers along-with tender fee as mentioned in N.I.T., otherwise their offer shall not be opened. 5) The agencies which have carried out the AOH works in Hydro Power Station of MPPGCL /other generating companies during last three years shall have to submit the performance certificates of all such works issued by the respective HOD of concerned HPS for all the works carried out by the firm. The tender form downloaded, shall not be considered for opening, if such performance certificate/information is not furnished with PQR documents. 6) Tender, received late will not be accepted under any condition. MPPGCL is not responsible for any delay including postal delay. 7) Tender should be sent through registered post with acknowledgement due letter. If delivered personally, it may not be handed over to any official of the office but must be dropped personally in the tender box, kept in the office for this purpose. 8) Tender must reach to this office latest by 15.00 Hrs on the date mentioned on the notice inviting tenders. Tenders Envelope will be opened on the same day at 16.00 Hrs in presence of tenderer or their authorized representatives, who wish to be present. 9) If above date is declared a Holiday, the tenders will be received and opened on the next working day. 10) The tender is to be filled up in eligible writing or may be type written. All correction should be duly signed by the tenderer. 11) Every page of the tender should bear the signature with seal of the tenderer at the bottom. It is compulsory to submit the complete tender form. 12) [A] PARTS OF TENDER If tender document is purchased from this office and is submitted by post or personally, then the tender shall consist of following (Each Envelop must be superscribed indicating its part number, tender specification no., date of opening of tender and):i) PART – I:- Earnest Money Deposit is to be submitted in separate sealed envelop. ii) PART – II:- General, Commercial terms & conditions and Technical specification of material is to be submitted in separate sealed envelop. iii) PART – III:- Schedule of rates to be submitted in separate sealed envelop. 12) [B] In case, if tender documents are downloaded from MPPGCL’s website, then the tender documents should be submitted in following four parts:4 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. a) PART-PQR:- Cost of tender in form of D/D payable in favour of Sr. Accounts Officer, T.H.P. MPPGCL, Sirmour and proof of documents against Pre-Qualifying Requirements (PQR) mentioned in the NIT to be kept in separate sealed envelop and superscribed as PART-PQR. b) PART – I:-Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted one separate sealed envelop. c) PART – II:-General, Commercial terms & conditions and Technical specifications of materials to be submitted in separate sealed envelop. d) PART – III:- Schedule of rates submitted in separate sealed envelop. REMARKS:-i) If tender form has been purchased from this office, all the above envelops i.e. Part-I, Part-II & Part-III shall be kept in one big size sealed envelop, and if the tender form has been down loaded from website, then all the sealed envelops i.e. Part-PQR, PartI, Part-II & Part-III shall be kept in one big size sealed envelop. All envelopes shall be individually super scribed with (a) Tender No. (b) Date of Opening of Tender & (c) Tender Part no. and the tenderer’s name & address should be mentioned at the bottom of each envelop on left hand side. MPPGCL will not be responsible for any loss or misplacement of envelopes. ii) After opening of Part (PQR), if tenderer does not fulfill the PQR, the remaining envelops will not be opened and the tender of the firm shall be rejected outright. I) EARNEST MONEY – (1st ENVELOPE, Part No. 1) In the first envelope proof of payment of Earnest Money shall be kept. DO NOT KEEP CASH IN THE ENVELOPE. Point No. 15 may also be referred in this regard. (A) E.M.D. will be acceptable in the form of Bank Draft / Case money receipt only. (B) If tenderer is exempted from payment of E.M. or paying at concessional rate, a certificate issued by the competent authority be kept in the envelop. (C) This envelope shall be marked as Part No.1 and be super scribed as “Earnest Money”. II) TERMS & CONDITIONS & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION(2nd ENVELOPE, Part No. 2) (A) In the second envelope, complete tender document except price bid, special terms- if any, details of experience, list of deviation from our specified terms and conditions and any other information tenderer desires to furnish, shall be kept in this envelope. (B) This envelope shall be marked as Part No-II and super scribed as “Commercial Terms and Conditions & Technical Specifications”. III) SCHEDULE OF RATES/PRICE BID (3rd ENVELOPE, Part No. 3) (A) In the third envelope, schedule of rates shall be kept in the prescribed format furnished by MPPGCL. (Page-29). The sum of work & supply portions inclusive of all applicable taxes & charges and deduction of rebate (if any) shall be considered as bidding amount for ascertaining the bidder’s rank. No other terms of any type, general, commercial technical etc be written in this part. It may please be clearly understood that any terms / condition / deviations etc written / kept in the price-bid envelope will not be accepted. (B) This envelope shall be marked as envelope No-III and super scribed as “Price-Bid” 5 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. 13) The conditional tenders, tenders having deviations from our terms and specifications are likely to be rejected. 14) OPENING OF TENDER :- If any tender form has been down loaded from website then the envelope superscrived with Part (PQR) shall be opened at first. After opening of Part (PQR), if tenderer does not fulfill the PQR, the remaining envelops will not be opened and the tender of the firm shall be rejected outright. I) After that, the envelope superscribed with Part-I containing details of payment / exemption of E.M. will be opened. If payment of E.M. is as per the MPPGCL rule, further envelopes will be opened; otherwise the remaining envelopes will not be opened. II) If conditions of E.M. are fulfilled the second envelopes, containing terms and technical specifications, will be opened. III) Up to this stage all the envelopes will be opened except envelope containing schedule of rates. IV) In case, MPPGCL is satisfied that no clarification etc, is considered necessary regarding general terms, commercial terms, technical specifications, deviation etc. from any of tenderer or in case the/their authorized representatives are able to clarify them or able to submit the requisite documents immediately, the envelopes, containing price schedule will be opened. V) For satisfaction of MPPGCL, it becomes necessary to obtain clarification / confirmation from any tenderer and if it is felt that this may take time, no envelope, of any tenderer, containing price bid will be opened. After getting clarification / confirmation from the concerning tenderer, all the envelopes, containing Price Bid will be opened on some other day in the presence of tenderers / authorized representatives. Due date of opening of these envelopes will be intimated to all the participants, well in time. 15) DEVIATION :Separate blank sheets are provided in the tender form to enable tenderer to mention clearly any deviation in his commercial and general terms or technical specification. Deviation in Design, material, specification etc. may clearly be written on deviation sheet provided. 16) EARNEST MONEY :I) It is compulsory to deposit the amount of Earnest Money shown in N.I.T. without which tender will not be accepted unless exempted. II) Earnest Money is to be deposited strictly in the form shown in the “Details of Earnest Money” given below. III) N.S.C/B.G/F.D.R. Cheques or Money orders will not be accepted for submission of E.M. IV) The Earnest Money to the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned within reasonable time on a written request from them. V) No interest of any kind is payable on E.M.D. VI) If the tenderer does not or refuse to carry out the work, if ordered within the validity period of offer, their E.M. will be forfeited. DETAILS OF EARNEST MONEY :6 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Earnest Money can be paid only in the form of Bank Draft / Cash (Money receipt) payable in favour of Regional Accounts Officer, THP MPPGCL, Sirmour at Union Bank of India Sirmour Branch. Other forms of payment of Earnest Money are not acceptable. However, following are exempted from payment of Earnest Money:I) Small scale units registered with MP/Central Government N.S.I.C. II) State / Central Government undertakings. III) Units/Tenderers who have deposited permanent EMD with MPPGCL and the same is valid. Please put copy of valid PEMD letter in EMD Envelope.(Envelope Part No.-I) IV) Ancillary units of M.P.P.G.C.L. V) Firm registered with D.G.S. & D are not exempted from payment of E.M. 17) While submitting Tender, it will be presumed that the tenderer has fully understood the scope of work / supply, technical specifications, terms and conditions etc. Complete information, including detailed technical specifications, are to be furnished with the tender. Incomplete tender offer will not be considered and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. 18) Tenderers are advised to submit details of past experience in carrying out the work of similar nature in ‘Annexure-C’. Following information are to be furnished:I) Name and address of the agency where work is done. II) Quantity of work and cost of order. 19) Only one tender will be accepted from one tenderer. 20) The Tenderer will not be permitted to sublet the contract without written consent of competent authority. 21) The tenders submitted along with drawing leaflet etc. will become the property of the MPPGCL. MPPGCL shall not pay any charges for these. 22) MPPGCL shall not compensate in anyway the expenditure incurred by tenderer in preparation of tender offer. 23) MPPGCL shall have the right to split the order or place the order on more than one tenderer at a time without assigning any reason 24) The right to accept/reject in part or in full of any tender or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever it may be, is reserved with the MPPGCL. COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1) RATES:i) The rates are to be quoted should be firm in Rupees work and for supply. Rates must be quoted on enclosed schedule of price format only. ii) Rate must be inclusive of all taxes & duties (as & if applicable) except service tax. Applicability of Service tax should be mentioned catagorily in price bid format. 2) QUANTITY OF WORK AND SCHEDULE OF RATES:The estimated quantities of work given therein are purely based on assessments. Any of the items may be deleted completely or quantity may be reduced depending up on the conditions of Auxiliaries and availability of time and spares, the payment shall be made as per actual only. However, the contract shall be governed based on complete quantity. Any quantity of 7 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. work can be undertaken for any of the units, the rates are firm and inclusive of all taxes, duties if any. No extra payment shall be made against any claim towards any connected work not mentioned in the scope of work; the total amount of the work shown against each item is without availing the discount. 3) DELETION / WITHDRAWAL OF WORK:I) The item(s) which may be felt necessary to be taken departmentally / through other agency can be deleted at any stage during execution of work without any liabilities on either side. II) In case, the contractor is found negligent and work progress remains unsatisfactory, MPPGCL reserves the right to withdraw incomplete item(s) from the contractor’s scope and can award such balance work to some other agency or may be take up departmentally at the risk and cost of the contractor. The amount of balance work or the expenditure incurred on carrying out the balance work, whichever is higher will be recovered from the contractor’s bill. In addition to this supervision charges@ 24% shall also be recoverable from the contractor’s bill. In all cases, in which the progress of work is delayed due to reason beyond the control of contractor, he may apply for extension in completion period with genuine reason for consideration of the MPPGCL. 4) VARIATION IN QUANTITY:The quantities of work indicated in the schedule are tentative and liable to change at the time of placement of order. It may vary to any extent and shall have to be executed on as and when required basis / as per time period stipulated in scope of work of the tender and order. MPPGCL reserves the right to award contract for same work to more than one party. 5) WORK COMPLETION PERIOD:The work is to be completed within the time period ascertained. The E.E.(O&M) of concerned Power House or Engineer deputed by him will be the Engineer-In-Charge to supervise the work. 6) PAYMENT:After satisfactory completion of works, payment will be made to the Contractor in 45 days or on turn as per queue whichever is later, after submission of monthly / RA bill in triplicate. The MPPGCL shall not be liable for any interest due to delay in payment. The bill shall be submitted by Contractor monthly, directly to the Engineer-in-Charge in triplicate for due verification, certification & further processing. Payment will be made on actual measurement basis. 7) PERIOD OF CONTRACT:The contract period will be 1 month [15 days for each unit] from handing over of the site. The contractor will be bound to complete the work within specified period of contract. 8) PENALTY:i) In case, the contractor fails to complete the work within the scheduled period, penalty @ 0.5% (half) of the total value of order per week, subject to maximum 10% will be imposed. ii) In case, the contractor fails to start the work within specified time, a separate agency will be deployed or work will be done departmentally to minimize the plant break-down and all charges will be recoverable from the contractor. 8 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. iii) If the contractor fails to complete the work as per scope of works, the deduction for non execution of any part of work, shall be made from contractor’s bill as per attached price break-up schedule(Annexure-III) and as per special terms and conditions (clause no14). 9) PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT :The contractor shall abide by the terms and conditions of the contract and works shall be carried out as per the instruction issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. In case the contractor fails to carry out the work as directed or is not able to complete the work satisfactorily and it is found that the smooth working of the plant is affected due to his unsatisfactory working and he fails to improve his working, the MPPGCL reserves the right to terminate the contract any time during the currency of contract by serving him seven days notice. The Security Deposit in such case shall be forfeited. MPPGCL shall be entitled to forfeit the Security Deposit or the balance thereof that may be recoverable at that time and to realize any further sums as damages from any sums due to the contractor from MPPGCL for any breach of the terms and conditions of the contract. On the termination of the contract, the additional expenses which MPPGCL will have to bear for getting the work completed by engaging labour or getting the work executed through alternate agencies or departmentally, for the balance work for which contract was to be operative, will be recoverable from the contractor whose contract is terminated as mentioned in the proceeding clause. This difference will be worked out on the basis of actual quantum of work done prior to termination of the contract and the new rates as per the alternate agency or actual payment involved plus 24% supervision charges will be recovered from the dues deposited of contractor. 10) GUARANTEE :As per special terms & conditions clause no. 18. 11) ACCOMMODATION :Accommodation in MPPGCL’s Quarter shall be provided on chargeable basis, if available. 12) INCOME TAX & VAT :(a) To be deducted from the contractor’s bill as per Government Rules. The tenderer shall furnish with the tender latest Income Tax Return filed by the firm from the competent authority. Alternatively, the tenderer shall submit valid reason for the inability to furnish such Return. (b) Service Tax:- If applicable, Service Tax shall be payable as per Government Rules. 13) VALIDITY :a) The validity of offer shall be 6 (Six) months (180 days) from the date of opening of the tender. b) Tender shall remain open for acceptance for a period of Six Months from the date of which they are due for submission and during this period no Tenderer shall be allowed to withdraw his tender. 14) AGREEMENT :The successful tenderer will be required to execute an agreement bond, on Non-judicial Stamp Papers of appropriate value, affixed with Revenue Stamp of Rs. 1/- for proper and due fulfillment of contract. Cost of the Stamp paper will be borne by the Contractor. Agreement 9 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. to be executed within 7 days from the date of receipt of detailed order. Without execution of agreement bond, work will not be started and no payment of any kind will be released. 15) INSURANCE & WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION :The contractor shall be required to ensure his workers under workman’s compensation Act. He will also be required to follow the provisions of the factories Act and obtain License whenever necessary. In every case in which by virtue of the provision of Section-12 Subsection (1) of the workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and its modification till date, the MPPGCL is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the contractor in execution of the work. The MPPGCL will recover from the contractor, the amount of the compensation so paid without prejudice to the right of the MPPGCL Under Section-12 SubSection (I) of the said Act. The MPPGCL shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by the deducting it from the Security Deposit or from any sum due by the MPPGCL to the contractor. Whether under the contract or other-wise MPPGCL shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under Section-12, Sub-Section (I) of the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and up on his giving to the MPPGCL full Security for contesting such claims. The MPPGCL shall not be liable in any manner what-soever to his worker in respect of any losses damages suffered while working in the Power House Premises. The whole responsibility shall be of the contractor. 16) COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL CHECK-UP:The contractor shall ensure comprehensive health check-up of their workers, to be engaged in the contract, by registered Medical Practioner, as per directives of Hon’ble Supreme Court in MP (Civil) 79/2005& kept in their record and furnish the documentary evidence in this regard, if desired by MPPGCL. 17) SECURITY DEPOSIT :a) The successful tenderer will be required to deposit Security Deposit at the rate of 10% of the contract value for due and proper fulfillment of order. The Security Deposit shall be retained till faithful compliance of the terms and conditions of the order and completion of guarantee period as performance guarantee. On acceptance of the tender, the successful tenderer will be issued a Letter of Intent, within 15 days of receipt of LOI the contractor will have to deposit the security deposit. The contractor may deposit the Security Deposit in either of the following form :i) Bank Draft/Bankers cheque drawn on Union Bank of India, Sirmour Branch in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, THP MPPGCL, Sirmour Distt. Rewa . ii) Bank Guarantee from a scheduled Bank, which must remain valid during the entire period of contract including guarantee period. This is to be furnished only in the prescribed form of MPPGCL, which will be furnished to the successful contractor at the time of issue of Letter of Intent. b) If the contractor fails to deposit the security deposit, as prescribed above within the time period mentioned, their E.M. may be forfeited. c) The Security Deposit will be forfeited in case of failure of execution of order or any breach of contract / order. 10 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. d) The S.D. will be returned after making deduction if any, on successful completion of work & after specified guarantee period, within reasonable time on application. e) No interest of any kind is payable on S.D. f) If the tenderer desires, the amount of E.M can be adjusted in the S.D. 18) Contractor shall be required to follow all the Factory Rules as per Factory Act, labour laws and payment of minimum wages Act as per order issued by the Government / MPPGCL from time to time. Any liability occurring due to non-completion of above rule will be solely responsibility of contractor. 19) It will be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain the various registers as per factory Act as well as labour Acts and have to produce to the Engineer-in-Charge or any Government officer for inspection demanded any time. 20) LIST OF T & P AND TECHNICAL PERSONNEL:List of technical persons who will supervise the various works should be enclosed along with tender documents. The list of T & P items with valid fitness certificate from authorized agency shall also be enclosed with the tender documents. The Engineer-in-Charge will verify the list of technical persons T & P and test certificate before starting the work at site. 21) BANK COMMISSION CHARGES :All Bank Commission Charges are to be borne by the contractor. 22) In case of any dispute, the decision of the Chief Engineer / Addl. Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer of site / will be final & Binding on the contractor, further the disputes & claims, if any shall be triable and settled only in any competent court situated at Rewa/Jabalpur. The expenditure incurred in this regard shall be borne by the contractor. 23) MOBILISATION PERIOD:The awarded works shall be required to be commenced immediately after the work order is received by tenderer and compliance of Contractual formalities regarding Agreement & Security Deposit within 7 days of receipt of order. 24) SPECIAL CONDITIONS RELATING TO SAFETY 1. The contractor and their workers shall follow provisions of factories act, 1948 and M.P. Rules, 1962 for minimizing any untoward incident. However, in case of any accident, loss or damages to M.P.P.G.C.L’s employee or property due to negligence on part of contractor or his workers, contractor shall be held fully responsible for the same and the recovery shall be made from him. 2. Before starting of work at site, the contractor shall compulsorily provide personal protective equipment (confirming relevant IS code) to his employees. 3. The contractor shall not be allowed to store more than 5 (five) Nos. of Acetylene/Argon gas cylinders at a time to store/use inside power house. 4. Carrying/striking of matches, lighters or smoking or other acts which may cause fire hazards in the power station is strictly prohibited. Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) 11 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-A QUESTIONNAIRE 1) Name and address of the tenderer : i) Whether valid Power of Attorney enclosed 2) Whether technical terms and conditions are acceptable to the tenderer, if not points(s) of the difference may be clearly indicated i) In deviation sheet. ii) Whether earnest money deposited or proof of exemption submitted 3) Whether you are agreeable to the MPPGCL’s security deposit clause 4) Whether you are agreeable to the MPPGCL’s terms of payment. 5) Whether you are agreeable to the MPPGCL’s Special terms & conditions, penalty clause and other commercial terms) 6) What is the validity period of your offer, (Not less than six month). 7) Whether quoted rates are inclusive of all taxes and duties. 8) Whether any rebate is offered, if yes mention clearly in words also. 9) Guarantee of workmanship for satisfactory performance of work for 06 months. 10) Previous experience for said type of work, if yes please give evidence. 11) Whether the contractor will follow all the Labour Laws prescribed by government. 12) Time required for starting the work after award of the same. 13) Whether latest Income Tax clearance certificate/ Return enclosed. 14) Any other information Tenderer desire to furnish. 15) Whether quoted rates are inclusive of Service Tax. 16) Price break-up in % for Tender : a) Material cost. b) Labour cost. 17) Whether the tenderer is ready to work if deviations recorded by them are not accepted to MPPGCL : Yes/No : …………………………… : Yes/No : …………………………… : Yes/No : Yes/No : Yes/No : ………………………… : Yes/No :…………………………. : ……………………… : ………………………… : Yes/No : ……………………………….. : Yes/No : ………………………………. : Yes/No : Yes/No : Yes/No : ………………% : ………………% : Yes / No 12 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-B EARNEST MONEY DETAILS _________________________________________________________________________ Sl. No. Form/ mode of Earnest Money Amount ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-C Details of Previous SimilarWorks 14 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-D DEVIATION SHEET Any General/ / Commercial / Technical deviation from terms & conditions of tender specification should be clearly recorded in sentences in this sheet. Additional sheet may be added, if required. If none deviation is recorded in this sheet then it will be presumed that all terms & condition of tender are acceptable to the tenderer. 15 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-E AUTHORISATION I …………………………………… hereby certify that all the information provided in the tender document submitted by me are correct. Further, I declare that Shri ……………………………………… whose signature is attested by me below, is my authorized representative for my tender proposal no. …………. Dtd. / / 2013. He is authorized to sign on my behalf for all matters in connection with above said proposal. Name, Address & Contact No. of Authorised person: ………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………... …………………………………………………… Signature of the Authorised person ………………………. Attested Date: / / 2013 Place: …………………… Signature & Seal of Tenderer 16 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-F DECLARATION OF TENDERER In accordance with terms & conditions stipulated in the tender specification no. ….. dtd. / / 2013, I/we hereby submit my offer for execution of works detailed therein. If my/our offer is accepted then I/we offer my/ our consent that I/we will comply to all rules, terms & conditions detailed in the above mentioned tender. I/we further state that if I/we do not start the work within scheduled time and/or do not deposit the full amount of security deposit then MPPGCL or its successor company will be fully authorized to forfeit the amount of Earnest money deposited by me. Date: / / 2013 Signature & Seal of Tenderer Name: Address: 17 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure-I SCOPE OF WORK General annual overhauling of units, equipments & their associated auxiliaries of 2x10 MW Hydel sets of BHEP- IV MPPGCL Jhinna. (A) GENERATOR 1 Dismantling of chequered plates & air guide. Cleaning of air passages. Visual inspection & cleaning of stator core, windings, rotor poles, bottom bracket, complete generator structure by air & recommended solvents to remove oil, grease, dirt etc. Tightening of support brackets of rotor leads, bolts & location pins etc. Checking of pole keys & all joints. 2 Checking, tightening & replacement of fasteners as required. Assembly of air guide and chequered plates. 3 Cleaning of brush gear, slip rings and top dome by air & recommended solvents. Replacement of carbon brushes & tightening of brush holders. Check for any grooves, roughness ,high points on slip rings, if found, rectification of the same. 4 Back washing of air coolers and oil coolers. Cleaning of inside & outside of each cooler & it’s pipe line by opening of its flange, bend and valves separately. Pressure testing of cooler tubes for leakage. Plugging of leaking tubes –if required & as directed by the Engineer-in charge. Fixing of coolers. 5 Cleaning of brake chamber, inspection of brake pads after dismantling brake assembly’s adjustment/replacement of brake pads, as required & their reassembly and tightening. Complete over hauling brake system,. Cleaning of brake-jack system with its oil & air line and valves. 6 Attending oil leakage from pipe lines/ flanges of governing system and bearing housing. Attending air / water leakage from pipe lines. 7 Complete cleaning of thrust bearing housing after emptying it. Checking clearance of generator guide bearing pads. Filling of oil after filtration. Sealing of Oil Chamber windows/openings by Red Gel of standard make. 8 Two coats spray painting of Rotor Poles & Stator Winding (top & bottom) current carrying leads by Dr. Beck make insulating varnish. 9 Painting of checkered plates & doms. Cleaning of impulse lines, transducers, probes & sensors of all pressure & temperature measuring instruments & gauges of Generator. (B)TURBINES: 1. Dewatering of water ways & Inspection of underwater parts of Spiral casing, Runner, Draft tube, Penstock for any cavitations-erosion or any other damage . If additional pump sets are required same may be arranged by the Contractor. Check condition of paint of underwater parts. Removal of all deposits from face of the pivot ring and guide vanes. Checking of guide vanes bedding – nipping and top & bottom clearances. 2. Greasing of guide vanes from both ends by CGL system. Servicing of CGL system. Servicing of CGL system includes servicing of grease pump, pressure regulator, solenoid valve, set of dose feeders ,steel tube, copper tube, HP hose pipe, grease filter & nipples. If grease on any point not reached by CGL system , greasing of that point shall be done manually through grease gun. Examine the guide apparatus & all connecting backlash. 3. Cleaning of top cover, regulating ring, turbine platform and all the area of turbine pit by air, water & solvent to remove soil, sand, oil, grease, dirt & debris. Checking of shaft sleeve for wear, checking of bolts-nuts & dowels. Also cleaning of servomotor cylinders & it’s pipe lines. 4. Servicing of Aeration valve (vacuum breaking valve) by dismantling valve, cleaning it’s internal surface, adjust spring pressure if required and check the working of valve at the time of recommissioning 5. Complete inside & outside cleaning of PP sets after emptying it. Filling of oil after filtration. Cleaning of pressure receivers and governing oil pumps, filter elements. Servicing of isolating valves, idler 18 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. valves & NRVs. Adjustment of idler valves as per requirement. Adjustment of pressure & level switches of PP set and pressure receiver also cleaning of servomotor cylinders & it’s pipe lines. 6. Complete cleaning of turbine guide bearing housing after emptying it. Checking clearance of turbine guide bearing pads. Readjustment of bearing clearance if required. Filling of oil after filtration.Cleaning of impulse lines, transducers, probes & sensors of all pressure & temperature measuring instruments & gauges of Turbine. 7. Attending Oil Leakage of oil header. a. Dismantle the top dome cover, opening & closing pipe lines, runner opening & closing feed back mechanism. b. Dismantle the oil header body. c. Dismantle oil bath & oil guide as per drawing. d. After attending oil leakage in oil headers:i) Checking of individual components of oil header. ii) Replacement of ‘O’ Rings, glands, felt ring. iii) Place oil header assembly & ensure the movement of pipe line assembly in the oil header bush is smooth iv) Assemble oil bath & oil guide as per drawing, centralize oil bath to get the uniform labyrinth clearance. v) Lower oil header body carefully in balanced condition taking guide from central pipe in such a way that there is no radial pressure or bending effect on central pipe. vi) Reassembly of opening & closing pipe lines & runner feedback mechanism. vii) Quadrant joints of the two layers of insulating lining as per drawing to be staggered. viii) Gland packing’s should not be over tightened to minimize friction ,minor oozing/sweating is desirable for lubrication of the packing. ix) Insulation has been provided between the parts as per drawing for protection of bearings & bushes against shaft currents after assembly. It should be ensured that there is no electrical continuity. x) After checking free rotation of runner blade stroke(fully open & fully close), rotate the machine at very slow speed for checking fouling between stationary & rotating components. xi) Check the stroke of runner servo motor, setting of feedback mechanism & fix the scale as per drawing. xii) Setting of governor. ( C ) AUXILIARIES: 1. CW Pumps (3 nos): Inspection of shaft, impeller, neck ring and other parts. Replacement of parts, it required. General servicing & alignment of motor & pumps. Checking of motor bearings, replacement of bearings, if required. Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. Cleaning of CW strainers. 2. Air Compressors (2 nos): Cleaning of NRV, pipe lines. Attending air leakage from HP & LP pipe lines and all valves. Replacement of lubricating oil. 3. HS pump (2nos): Cleaning of HS pump, attending oil leakage from pumps and associated pipe lines. Servicing of motors and pump. Adjustment of pressure switches. 4. Oil leakage unit (2 nos): Cleaning of oil tank, attending oil leakage from pipe lines. Servicing of motors and pump. Adjustment of level switches. 5. Dewatering Pumps (2 nos): ): General servicing of motor & pumps. Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. 6. Submersible Pumps (2 nos): Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. Cleaning of suction port & strainer of submersible pumps and checking & servicing of its motor & pumps. 7. Pipe lines & Valves: Tightening of all flanges, joints & clamps and servicing of manual isolating valves of water, oil and air pipe lines. Servicing of Penstock bypass isolating valves. 19 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. 8. EOT Crane: Cleaning of EOT crane frame, all mounted control panels. Greasing of bearing of motors. Checking of oil level of gear boxes & topping-up, if required. Inspection of wire ropes & pulleys of both hoists & application of cardium compound on rope. Tightening of terminals of motors & control panels and all nuts & bolts. Greasing of wheel bogies. 9. Fire Fighting System:-Tightening of foundation bolts of motors, pumps, pipe lines & clamps and cable connections, cleaning of water pipe lines, nozzles etc. Cleaning of impulse lines, transducers, probes & sensors of all pressure & temperature measuring instruments & gauges of Auxiliaries. (D)[i] 132 KV SWITCH YARD: 1. Generator Transformers (2 nos): a) Tightening of clamps & connectors of CT, Breaker, Isolator, LA, PT and replacement if found essential. b) Tightening of clamps of HV bushing, LT side power cables connections. c) Tightening of Foundation bolts of GT & flanges of valves. d) Checking of Silica gel and replacement, if required. Checking of BDV of oil, IR value & tightening of control circuit cables. e) Alignment of Isolator for perfect closing. f) Topping-up of transformer oil after filtration up desired BD value. (D)[2] 132 KV BUS COUPLER, BS-II FEEDER, BS-III FEEDER AND AMARPATAN FEEDER: a) Tightening of clamps & connectors of CT, Breaker, Isolator, LA, PT, CVT and replacement if found essential. b) Alignment of Isolator for perfect closing & adjustment of auxiliary contacts mounted on JB of Isolators. (D)[3] 11KV SWITCHGEAR: 1. Auxiliary Transformer (2 nos): a) Tightening of HT & LT side power cable connections & foundations bolts. b) Replacement of Silica gel. c) Checking oil level & BDV of oil. Tipping up of transformer oil after filtration up to desired BD value. 2. Excitation transformers, Bus duct, LAVT, NGT (2nos): Cleaning of bus duct by air & recommended solvents and cleaning of excitation transformer, LAVT & NGT by air. Tightening of connections & nut-bolts of above equipments. Checking & servicing of bus duct heater elements & circuits. 3. 11 KV Breaker, PT & Isolator (2nos): Cleaning of bus contacts of 11 KV Breaker, PT & Isolator by air & recommended solvents. Tightening of nut-bolts of above equipments a) Tightening of cable connections of 11 KV switchgear. b) Cleaning of all cable trays and trenches and welding & fixing of cable trays as required. (D)[4] 0.4 KV SWITCHGEAR: a) Cleaning of 0.4 KV bus and cleaning & servicing of all isolating modules, both incomer breakers & bus coupler breakers along with AC modules, Fire fighting modules and 0.4 KV switch gear of 132 KV switch yard by air & recommended solvents. b) Tightening of cable connections & nut-bolts of 0.4 KV bus, all isolating modules, both incomer breakers & bus coupler breakers along with AC modules, Fire fighting modules, AC lighting modules and 0.4 KV switch gear of 132 KV switch yard. c) Cleaning, servicing & tightness of starter modules of all 0.4 KV auxiliaries. d) Cleaning of DVR panels, EHG panels, Auto sequencer panel, Relay & Annunciation panels and by vacuum cleaner. Removal, cleaning by vacuum cleaner and reinsertion of electronic cards of all panels. 20 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. e) Tightening of cable connections & nut-bolts of motors of all auxiliaries. (E) BATTERY & BATTERY CHARGER PANELS: a) Cleaning, servicing and tightening of connection of battery terminals of 220 V station battery, UPS battery, 24 V battery , 48V communication battery and their charger panels. b) Measuring of specific gravity & voltage of all batteries of both 220 V battery banks and toppingup/replacement of electrolyte & distilled water. Replacement of batteries, if required. c) Cleaning of 220V DCDB panel and cleaning & servicing of all isolating modules, both incomer modules & bus coupler modules by air & recommended solvents. (F) TRIAL AND TESTING:After availability of sufficient water head for operation of units, the trial, testing & starting of both units and associated auxiliaries is to be carried out in presence of contractor with staff. If any defect arises or found out, that shall be rectified by the contractor. Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) 21 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure- II SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. INTENT OF SPECIFICATION:- The intent of this specification is Annual Over Hauling of units, equipments & their associated auxiliaries of BHPS-IV Jhinna in accordance with the work schedule given in the scope of work and up to satisfaction of engineer in charge during the contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK:- The detailed scope of work along with list of equipments and list of various activities are enclosed. In case of any dispute at site regarding scope of work, the decision of Engineer InCharge, shall be final and binding. 3. TOOLS, TACKLES AND MACHINES:A) IN THE SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall provide following tools-tackles and machines for the work, at his own cost:i) All size & type of spanner sets, Wrenches, Pliers, Puller, Fixers. ii) Drilling machine, Grinding machine, Die set, Tap set, Files(Flat, Round & Triangular). iii) Grease Gun, Hand operated Oil transfer pump. iv) Gas cutting set, welding machine, whenever required. v) Blower & Vacuum Cleaner, spray gun vi) Hammer of different sizes, Chisel, Allen-Key sets, Bench Vice. vii) Screw driver set, Soldering Iron, Hexa frame. viii) Pipe & Slide Wrenches (12”, 18”, 36” & 42”). ix) Oil Cane/Bucket, Polythene sheet. x) Diver kit, with oxygen filled cylinder xi) Any other required T&P which is needed at site according to scope of work shall be in Contractor’s scope. xii) For execution of work, if approach/ working platform/ scaffolding is required, that shall be arranged by the contractor on his own cost. xiii) Minor/Major repairs like threading, machining etc., if required, shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. B) IN THE SCOPE OF MPPGCL:i) Special Tools, Fixtures, tackles initially supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment which are not in scope of Contractor. ii) Mobile Crane, EOT crane, Oil centrifuging machine, & Truck with operator as per availability. iii) Compressed air, service water, 3 phase AC Power at one point in the power house building and pumps for dewatering shall be provided free of charge, however, the electricity duty and cess at the prevailing rates on the consumed energy shall be recovered from the contractor’s bill. If these items required to be extended up to the job, that will have to be arranged by the Contractor. (iv) Spare parts & permanent consumables such as 'O' rings, Gland packing ,Jointing gasket, Rubber cords, Turbine oil & Transformer oil (for top-up and refilling). v) Major spares like special fasteners, pipes, valves, bearings, pump shaft, bushes, silica gel etc. shall be arranged by the Board/ Company free of cost. Special T & P if available shall be provided by Board on returnable basis free of charge basis, however in case of any theft/damage to Board/Company T&P, the contractor will have to 22 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. return/replace the same at his own cost. If contractor fails to return/replace the same, the cost of theft/damaged item will be deducted from the contractor’s bill. 4. CONSUMBLES:(i) All the consumables like cotton waste, cotton cloth, general purpose grease, white sprit, petrol diesel, CTC,CRC, PVC/Teflon tape adhesives, glands, gaskets, welding electrodes, neoprene rubber sheet, Ektra clean/Acetone, , M-seal, Araldite, Hexablade, emery cloth & paper of required grain sizes, brushes, clamps, cleats, nuts & bolts, cable lugs, paint, thinner, Mica sheet and all other consumables required to complete the work & general fasteners etc shall be arranged by the contractor and the same will have to be provided along with bill to OIC/authorized representative of Engineer-in-charge before start of each activity, as per the requirement for satisfactory completion of work. Additional or any other specific consumables shall have to be provided by the Contractor if & as instructed by OIC of the work. The deposited consumables shall be handed over to Contractor or his authorized representative as per requirement. (ii) Other small nature of work which is not included in scope of work and if feels essential to carry out, to complete such activity, shall be in the scope of contractor. 5. SAFETY APPLIANCE:The contractor must take appropriate precautions for safety of his labors engaged in the work of AOH of units and all associated auxiliaries of 2x10 MW BHPS-IV, Jhinna will have to ensure the safe working. The contractor shall provide safety appliances to his staff at his own cost and ensure that these were appropriately used by them while they are working. The name of important safety appliances are given below:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Helmet & safety goggles. Safety belts. Safety shoes. Rubber & leather hand gloves. Asbestos hand globes & Apron. 24 volt AC transformer & Lamp. Any other items related to safety rules may be assumed in Contractor scope. 6. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS:The contractor shall provide following measuring instruments at his own cost:i) Vernier Calipers, Screw gauge. ii) Sprit level. iii) Vee-blocks. iv) Level Indicator/Transparent rubber tube. v) Measuring Tape. vi) Dial gauge, Filler gauge. vii) Any other instrument related to job may be assumed in contractors scope. 7. MATERIAL MOVEMENT:Collection, return and transportation of material such as equipments, spares, consumables lubricants, T&P etc from store/workshop to site store/work place or anywhere as per requirement shall be arranged and done by contractor. Unserviceable items/scrapes material shall be transported by the contractor to the scrap yard/area shown by the Engineer-in-charge at the contractor's own transport. The MPPGCL shall not make any extra payment against these works. The contractor shall provide special consumables (as mentioned in clause 2) at his own cost at the beginning of the contract & submit the bill along with the consumables material with OIC or his representative of the contract. The deposited consumables shall be handed over to 23 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. the contractor or his authorized representative as per requirement of work, which fails in regards will not be entertained. 8. HOUSE KEEPING:The contractor shall maintain cleanliness and good house keeping of the working area. The debris, scrap material etc shall be removed regularly. 9. WATCH & WARD AND POWER STATION SECURITY:The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety of the equipment, assemblies, tools & tackles etc. Loss and damage to the MPPGCL's property during the contract period due to negligent working shall be recovered from the contractor. The security rules enforced by MPPGCL security staff shall be honored by the contractor as well as by this staff. A list of persons engaged and related to the work will be submitted by the contractor in order to issue temporary identify card which must be returned, if the person, the job or the contract gets completed. 10. PERMIT TO WORK:The contractor/his workman shall start the work only after receipt of permit to work on the equipment. The necessary permit shall be arranged by MPPGCL Engineer/Supervisor. After completion of work the contractor's staff shall ensure that all men, tools and tackles etc have been removed and equipment/system has been box-up properly and normalized. Then only permit shall be returned back to the competent authority for charging/operation. If any defect still persist, the same shall be rectified immediately but only after getting proper permit to work again. The staff should present during charging/operation. 11. DAILY RECORD OF WORK:Contractor will have to keep daily record of work carried out by him, duly countersigned by the Engineerin-charge or his authorized person/officer. The same may have to be enclosed with bill to the Engineer-incharge. 12. STATUARY REQUIREMENT:(i) The contractor must have valid labor license, labor insurance etc. (ii) The contractor should be registered EPF holder. The copy of registration certification shall be submitted in this office along with tender documents. In absence of this the offer will be rejected. (iii) The contractor shall abide by all statutory requirement of central/state Govt. and MPPGCL. (iv) The contractor shall be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations under factory act, minimum wages act, payment of employee's contribution under EPF scheme. (v)The contractor will ensure timely payment of wages to their workers, irrespective of payment received from the MPPGCL. (vi) Boards/Company's all other general terms &conditions regarding penalty, security deposit, income tax/commercial tax/service tax or other statuary taxes etc shall apply on this tender. (vii)The payment of workers against earn leave days, bonus @8.33% and paid national holidays must be ensured by the contractor as per factory act and other government rules. The proof of payment shall be produced by the contractor during the whole tenure of contract. The contractor's bills will be passed only after ensuring that payment to workers have been made in presence of MPPGCL's officer and accordingly issued duly signed certificate in lieu of that. 13. INSURANCE:Contractor shall arrange suitable insurance of workers (which shall also cover the workers for working up to the height of fifteen meters above ground) against any mishap/accident during the work. In 24 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. case of any mishap or accident during the work, complete responsibility will lie on the contractor towards death/injury of his workers. MPPGCL in any case, will not be liable for payment of any compensation to any worker, if any, as per MP Govt. rules. The contract must submit the copy of insurance policy in this office prior to start of work. 14. DEDUCTION/PENALTY:(A) If any auxiliary/ equipment not handed over to contractor for work by MPPGCL, then the amount for non execution of that work shall be deducted from contractor's bill as per annexure-III. (B) Any part of work that could not be completed due to lack on contractor;s part, in addition to deduction of cost of non executed work as per annexure-III, penalty as per general terms & conditions (8) of tender specification booklet shall be imposed. 15. PREPARATION FOR START OF WORK:The contractor shall deploy sufficient man power, tools & tackles, consumables, scaffolding plate form etc. as required for the work. The contractor shall collect essential spares from store, transport items to job place and keep those in his custody. The equipment shall be handed over to the contractor for the work only after ensuring that t6he preparation is satisfactory. The contractor shall be liable to make good all & every loss or damage to the Company's property arising out of any act by contractor or his workers during the course of the contract. 16. MANPOWER DEPLOYMENT:(i) The contractor has to engaged daily sufficient no. of skilled, semiskilled and unskilled experience workers along with two nos. supervisors daily. Out of the two supervisors one should have at least Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 03 years experience of mechanical works and other should have Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 03 years experience of electrical works of power plant, to carry out the annual overhauling works of two units as detailed in scope of works within 40 days (20 days each unit). The certificate in respect of qualification and experience of supervisors shall invariably be submitted by contractor prior to start of work. In absence of supervisors, supervision charges @24% of contract value shall be deducted from contractor's bill. During the work if services of divers are required, that shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. Engineering supervision required by experts for any job as decided by engineer in charge, shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. The whole work as detailed in scope of work shall be carried out as per instructions of the engineer in charge of work. As per requirement of the work, workers will have to be engaged for extended hours of normal working hours (i.e.08:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs) to complete the work within the specified time schedule of 40 days (20 days each unit). The extra/ over time wages arising out of this, as per prevailing labour laws/ Govt. rules shall be payable by the contractor to the workers at his own cost. The payment of the workers must be certified by the Engineer-in-charge of the work. (ii)-If any person engaged by the contractor is found lacking in technical knowledge or not working as per instruction or misbehaving with Board employees, as per instruction of engineer in charge such person shall be immediately removed from the site with replacement of suitable person. No female workers need to be employed for above work. (iii) It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the workers engaged for the works are honest, non terrorist, fit and quite able for entry to our factory/place of work. (iv) The contractor should ensure that the work does not suffer due to shortage of manpower at any time and work should be completed satisfactory within time prescribed by Engineer-in-charge. In case of extra man power is required for completion of work in time, the same shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. This will be contractor's responsibility to get the attendance of manpower verified daily by the 25 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative and maintain attendance register and to be produce on demand. (v) The services of Ex-BHEL engineer having experience of TG Set erection of Kaplon Turbine if required for supervision of any work, shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost 17. Service tax shall be paid on submission of documents (Challans). 18. GUARANTEE CLAUSE:If any defect arises or found out within six month after completion of work owing to poor workman ship of contractor, the same shall be rectified by the contractor free of cost immediately, otherwise the cost incurred on rectification of the same shall be recovered from contractor. 19. 20. Contractors are advised to have a prior visit to the site for correct assessment of work before submission of offer. List of regular technical staff (along with proof of payment for 12 months) employed by the contractor [which should be minimum in accordance with Clause 16 above] and list of T&P owned by the contractor [which should be minimum in accordance with Clause 3(A) & 6 above] shall be submitted with the 2nd (commercial) part of the tender, failing which offer of the firm may not be considered. Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) 26 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure- III PRICE BREAK-UP SCHEDULE OF DEDUCTION TOWARDS NON EXECUTED WORK Name of Work:- General Annual Overhauling of both the units of 2x10 MW BHPS-IV Jhinna & Associated accessories for the year 2013. S.No. A 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 B 01 02 03 04 05 Particulars GENERATOR Dismantling of checkered plates & air guide. Cleaning of air passages. Visual inspection & cleaning of stator core, windings, rotor poles, bottom bracket, complete generator structure by air & recommended solvents to remove oil, grease, dirt etc. Tightening of support brackets of rotor leads, bolts & location pins etc. Checking of pole keys & all joints. Checking, tightening & replacement of fasteners as required. Assembly of air guide and checker plates. Cleaning of brush gear, slip rings and top dome by air & recommended solvents. Replacement of carbon brushes & tightening of brush holders. Check for any grooves, roughness ,high points on slip rings, if found, rectification of the same. Back washing of air coolers and oil coolers. Cleaning of inside & outside of each cooler & it’s pipe line by opening of its flange, bend and valves separately. Pressure testing of cooler tubes for leakage, plugging of leaking tubes –if required & as directed by the Engineer-in charge. Fixing of coolers. Cleaning of brake chamber, inspection of brake pads after dismantling brake assembly’s & their reassembly and tightening. Complete over hauling brake system, adjustment/replacement of brake pads, as required. Cleaning of brake-jack system with it’s oil & air line and valves. Attending oil leakage from pipe lines/ flanges of governing system and bearing housing. Attending air/ water leakage from pipe lines. Complete cleaning of thrust bearing housing after emptying it. Checking clearance of generator guide bearing pads. Filling of oil after filtration. Sealing of Oil Chamber windows/openings by Red Gel of standard make. Two coats spray painting of Rotor Poles & Stator Winding(top & bottom) current carrying leads by Dr. Beck make insulating varnish. Painting of checker plates & domes. TURBINE Dewatering of water ways & Inspection of underwater parts of Spiral casing, Runner, Draft tube, Penstock for any cavitations-erosion or any other damage.. If additional pump sets are required same may be arranged by the Contractor. Check condition of paint of underwater parts. Removal of all deposits from face of the pivot ring and guide vanes. Checking of guide vanes bedding – nipping and top & bottom clearances. Greasing of guide vanes from both ends by CGL system after servicing of CGL system. Servicing of CGL system includes servicing of grease pump, pressure regulator, solenoid valve ,set of dose feeders &grease tubes. If grease on any point not reached by CGL system, the greasing of that point shall be done manually through grease gun. Examine the guide apparatus & all connecting backlash. Cleaning of top cover, regulating ring, turbine platform and all the area of turbine pit by air, water & solvent to remove soil, sand, oil, grease, dirt & debris. Checking of shaft sleeve for wear, checking of bolts-nuts & dowels. Cleaning of servomotor cylinders & it’s pipe lines. Servicing of Aeration Valve(Vacuum Breaking Valve) by dismantling valve, cleaning it’s internal surface, adjust spring pressure if required and check the working of valve at the time of recommissioning. Complete inside & outside cleaning of PP sets after emptying it. Filling of oil after filtration. Cleaning of pressure receivers and governing oil pumps, filter elements. Servicing of isolating valves, idler valves & NRVs. Adjustment of idler valves as per requirement. 27 Qty Fixed proportio nate % of quoted rate 02 Job 10.00% 02 Job 2.10% 02 Job 1.40% 02 Job 5.00% 02 Job 2.10% 02 Job 1.40% 02 Job 5.30% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 8.00% 02 Job 2.20% 02 Job 2.80% 02 Job 1.40% 02 Job 1.40% Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. 06 07 C 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 D 1. 2 3 Adjustment of pressure & level switches of PP set and pressure receiver also cleaning of servomotor cylinders & it’s pipe lines. Complete cleaning of turbine guide bearing housing after emptying it. Checking clearance of turbine guide bearing pads. Readjustment of bearing clearance if required. Filling of oil after filtration. Attending Oil Leakage of Oil header as per scope of work. AUXILARIES CW Pumps (3 nos): Inspection of shaft, impeller, neck ring and other parts. Replacement of parts, it required. General servicing & alignment of motor & pumps. Checking of motor bearings, replacement of bearings, if required. Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. Cleaning of CW strainers. Air Compressors (2 nos): Cleaning of NRV, pipe lines. Attending air leakage from HP & LP pipe lines and all valves. Replacement of lubricating oil. HS pump (2nos): Cleaning of HS pump, attending oil leakage from pumps and associated pipe lines. Servicing of motors and pump. Adjustment of pressure switches. Oil leakage unit (2 nos): Cleaning of oil tank, attending oil leakage from pipe lines. Servicing of motors and pump. Adjustment of level switches. Dewatering Pumps (2 nos): ): General servicing and alignment of motor & pump. Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. Submersible Pumps (2 nos): Tightening of clamps of suction & discharge pipe lines. Cleaning of suction port & strainer of submersible pumps and checking & servicing of it’s motor & pumps. Pipe lines & Valves: Tightening of all flanges, joints & clamps and servicing of manual isolating valves of water, oil and air pipe lines. Servicing of Penstock bypass isolating valves. EOT Crane: Cleaning of EOT crane frame, all mounted control panels. Greasing of bearing of motors. Checking of oil level of gear boxes & topping-up, if required. Inspection of wire ropes & pulleys of both hoists & application of cardium compound on rope. Tightening of terminals of motors & control panels and all nuts & bolts. Greasing of wheel bogies. Fire Fighting System:-Tightening of foundation bolts of motors, pumps, pipe lines & clamps and cable connections, cleaning of water pipe lines, nozzles etc. 132 KV SWITCHYARD Generator Transformers (2 nos): a)Tightening of clamps & connectors of CT, Breaker, Isolator, LA, PT and replacement if found essential. b)Tightening of HV bushing, LT side power cables connections. c)Tightening of Foundation bolts of GT & flanges of valves. d)Checking of Silica gel and replacement, if required. e)Alignment of Isolator for perfect closing. f)Topping-up of transformer oil after filtration up to desired BD value. g)Fabrication & fixing of PRV & Bucholtz covers for protection from rain water . 132 KV BUS COUPLER, BS-II FEEDER, BS-III FEEDER AND AMARPATAN FEEDER: a)Tightening of clamps & connectors of CT, Breaker, Isolator, LA, PT, CVT and replacement if found essential. b)Alignment of Isolator for perfect closing & adjustment of auxiliary contacts mounted on JB of Isolators. c)Indicating Red, Yellow & Blue marks at various equipments/locations of switchyard as per site requirement. Earthing Strip is to be painted with Green color. 11KV SWITCHGEAR: 1.Auxiliary Transformer (2 nos): a) Tightening of HP & LT side power cable connections & foundations bolts. b) Replacement of Silica gel. c) Fabrication & fixing of Bucholz cover for protection from rain water. 2.Exitation transformer, Bus duct, LAVT, NGT (2nos): Cleaning of bus duct by air & recommended solvents and cleaning of excitation transformer, 28 02 Job 4.30% 02 Job 28.00% 03 Job 2.10% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 1.40% 02 Job 0.70% 0.70% 01 Job 01 Job 0.70% 01 Job 0.70% 02 Job 2.10% 04 Job 1.40% 02 Job 0.70% 02 Job 1.40% Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. 4 E F LAVT & NGT by air. Tightening of connections & nut-bolts of above equipments. Checking & servicing of bus duct heater elements & circuits. 3. 11 KV Breaker, PT & Isolator (2nos): a) Cleaning of bus contacts of 11 KV Breaker, PT & Isolator by air & recommended solvents. Tightening of nut-bolts of above equipments b) Tightening of cable connections of 11 KV switchgear. c) Cleaning of all cable trays and trenches and welding & fixing of cable trays as required. 0.4 KV SWITCHGEAR: a)Cleaning of 0.4 KV bus and cleaning & servicing of all isolating modules, both incomer breakers & bus coupler breakers along with AC modules, Fire fighting modules and 0.4 KV switch gear of 132 KV switch yard by air & recommended solvents. b)Tightening of cable connections & nut-bolts of 0.4 KV bus, all isolating modules, both incomer breakers & bus coupler breakers along with AC modules, Fire fighting modules, AC lighting modules and 0.4 KV switch gear of 132 KV switch yard.c)Cleaning, servicing & tightness of starter modules of all 0.4 KV auxiliaries. d)Cleaning of DVR panels, EHG panels, Auto sequencer panel, Relay & Annunciation panels and by vacuum cleaner. Removal, cleaning by vacuum cleaner and reinsertion of electronic cards of all panels. e)Tightening of cable connections & nut-bolts of motors of all auxiliaries. BATTERY & BATTERY CHARGER PANELS: a)Cleaning, servicing and tightening of connection of battery terminals of 220 V station battery, UPS battery, 24 V battery and their charger panels. b)Measuring of specific gravity & voltage of all batteries of both 220 V battery banks and topping-up/replacement of electrolyte & distilled water. Replacement of batteries, if required. c)Cleaning of 220V DCDB panel and cleaning & servicing of all isolating modules, both incomer modules & bus coupler modules by air & recommended solvents. TRIAL AND TESTING: After availability of sufficient water head for operation of units, the trial, testing & starting of both units and associated auxiliaries is to be carried out in presence of contractor with staff. If any defect arises or found out, that shall be rectified by the contractor. 02 Job 01 Job 1.40% 1.40% 01 Job 1.40% 02 Job 5.00% Due to non execution of any above part of the work, the deduction shall be made as per fixed proportionate percentage of quoted amount of AOH work. Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) 29 Signature & Seal of the tenderer Tender Specification No. 91-84/THC/Tender-103/13-14 dtd. 31.01.2013. Annexure- IV Tons Hydel Comploex, MPPGCL, Sirmour, Distt. Rewa (M.P.) PRICE-BID FORMAT Note:- Please do not Tear off this page from Tender Document. The tenderer should submit offer on their printed letter head as per this prescribed Format. Sub:- Tender for the work against tender notice NO. 91-84/THC/Tender/13-14 dtd. …………… 1. Firm’s/Tenderer’s Name --------------------& full address :----------------------------------------2. Service Tax Registration No. --------------------3. PAN No. --------------------4. EPF No. --------------------5. Labour License No. --------------------I. Tenderer’s proposal No. & date (if any) -------------Quoted SNo. Particulars Job Qty. Period Amount Rate General Annual overhauling of units, equipments & their associated auxiliaries of 40 days 2x10 MW Hydel sets of BHPS-IV Jhinna & 1 01 Job (20 days each unit) attending oil leakage of Unit I&II, as per tender schedule and terms & conditions. 2. Total Rs. Cost Break Up A Cost of Work portion Rs. B Cost of Supply portion Rs. C Total bidding amount (sum of supply & work portion) Rs. The quoted rate is inclusive of cost of material, salary of workers, all statutory requirements under this contract (EPF/Administrative expenses/Income tax/insurance/deduction of T&P sundries/Contractor’s profit/E.L./Bonus/VAT/paid national Holidays/Necessary consumables etc.) as applicable Govt. Rules. Total Amount (in words) Rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inclusive of all taxes, charges and all expenditures except Service Tax as applicable present rate @ 12.36%. II Service Tax:- It will be claimed extra : YES or NO. (Strike-off as applicable) Encl: (if any) Signature of Tenderer/Firm Name & full address Seal of Tenderer Note:- 1. The Price-bid shall be submitted as per aforesaid format only other-wise it shall be liable for rejection by MPPGCL. 2. Contractor shall quote the rate/amount clearly in figures & words rounded to Rupee. Addl. Chief Engineer (THC), MPPGCL, Sirmour, Rewa (M.P.) 30 Signature & Seal of the tenderer