Table of Contents Welcome from Dr. Theresa Maldonado................................................... 2 Welcome from Dr. Stephanie Adams........................................................ 3 Conference Agenda.................................................................................. 4 2012 Panel Sessions................................................................................. 9 Panel Facilitators.................................................................................... 11 Poster Sessions....................................................................................... 16 Posters By NSF Program......................................................................... 33 Index of Authors..................................................................................... 42 Virginia Tech Research Center—Arlington.............................................. 49 The Westin Arlington Gateway............................................................... 50 1 Welcome from Dr. Theresa Maldonado Division Director, Engineering Education and Centers National Science Foundation Welcome to our 2012 Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Division Awardees Roundtable. This meeting brings together principal investigators in the following programs and areas: · Innovations in Engineering Education, Curriculum, and Infrastructure (IEECI) · Research in Engineering Education (REE) · Research Initiation Grants in Engineering Education (RIGEE) · Engineering Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) · Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) · Faculty Early Career (CAREER) · Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineering · Engineering Research Centers (ERC) The primary purpose of this conference is to empower you, our grantees, to discover how to enable our education system to produce outstanding engineers cultivated from rich, broad backgrounds. Here, you will share new ideas and results among a dynamic, dedicated, and growing community of researchers. My sincere hope is that you will return home to your institutions with a renewed appreciation of the importance of the work you do, with new contacts and partners to strengthen your research activities, and with fresh ideas that can be nurtured into competitive proposals. Hence, fostering an environment that supports open dialog and transparency between us is critical to success. While you are here, take the opportunity to build community and partnerships between NSF, other attendees, and yourself. I request your valuable feedback and ideas to guide our thinking on new programs, on strategic directions, and on re-examining our existing programs. Numerous opportunities for dialog with NSF personnel are available during the meeting, and I am confident that the feedback you provide will help us better evaluate the impact of the work we fund and continue to better serve the needs of the engineering education community. Finally, this meeting provides an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and reaffirm the importance of our work. Well-trained and innovative engineers who can place their work in the context of national and global challenges are vital to our future. As pioneers in improving our education system and offering opportunities to students, your work deserves recognition. We look forward to seeing you at the panels. Sincerely, 2 Welcome from Dr. Stephanie Adams Department Head, Engineering Education Virginia Tech On behalf of the Engineering Education Department at Virginia Tech, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2012 Engineering Education Awardees Meeting. Our department is pleased to join the National Science Foundation in sponsoring the opportunity for researchers and practitioners in our rapidly developing field to come together and share the latest results of their work. The work you will see here represents the cutting edge of engineering education research and development. Following last year’s model, the conference continues the use of panels designed to support a collaborative relationship between NSF program officers and awardees. As you can see from the program, each panel includes a representative from NSF along with a leader in the field who will facilitate discussions. Through these discussions, we hope to help NSF keep improving its methods of supporting the education and research enterprise of engineering education. We are also gratified to be able to support undergraduate students involved in REU programs, teachers involved in RET programs, and graduate students participating in the recently formed Graduate Engineering Education Consortium for Students (GEECS). Of course, we are also happy to provide a variety of interactive opportunities for NSF awardees to share their innovations in teaching and research. We hope you will have ample opportunity to meet new colleagues, generate new ideas, and continue to advance our ability to prepare the next generation of America’s engineers. Best regards, 3 Conference Agenda Sunday, March 4 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Registration Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function 6:00 – Midnight Poster Setup Available Westin: Hemingway Salon Monday, March 5 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function; seating in Ballroom 8:00 – 8:55 a.m. Opening Remarks: Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom Stephanie Adams, Department Head, Engineering Education, Virginia Tech Theresa Maldonado, Division Director, Engineering Education and Centers, NSF Alan Cheville, Program Director, Engineering Education and Centers, NSF 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. Morning Panel Sessions 1. Providing a Just Education for All Students Don Millard, Division of Undergraduate Education, NSF Roger Burton, Collaborative Change Agent 4 VT Research Center: Ballston Conference Agenda 2. Preparing Innovators Sue Kemnitzer, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom A Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University 3. Building Value Propositions Rebecca Bates, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF VT Research Center: West Falls Church Cindy Finelli, University of Michigan 4. Laying a Foundation for Future Graduate Student Success Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom D Maura Borrego, Division of Undergraduate Education, NSF Monica Cox, Purdue University 5. Supporting Undergraduate Research Esther Bolding, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom B Kaarin Goncz, Colorado State University 6. Developing Pre-college Outreach Mary Poats, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom E Pam Truesdell, Einstein Fellow, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Tamara Moore, University of Minnesota 7. The Larger Context of Engineering Education Carole Read, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom C Brent Jesiek, Purdue University Jack Lesko, Virginia Tech 8. Visually Representing the Engineering Education System Alan Cheville, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF VT Research Center: East Falls Church Michael Richey, The Boeing Company, Associate Technical Fellow 5 Conference Agenda 11:00 a.m. – Noon Poster Session A Westin: Hemingway Salon Coffee Break available 10:45 – 11:15 a.m. Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function Noon – 1:15 p.m. Lunch and Overview of Recent Changes within NSF: Representatives from NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Poster Session B Westin: Hemingway Salon (Coffee Break available 2:15 – 2:45 p.m.) Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Afternoon Panel Sessions 1. Providing a Just Education for All Students Don Millard, Division of Undergraduate Education, NSF VT Research Center: Ballston Roger Burton, Collaborative Change Agent 2. Preparing Innovators Sue Kemnitzer, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom A Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University 3. Building Value Propositions Rebecca Bates, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF VT Research Center: West Falls Church Cindy Finelli, University of Michigan 4. Laying a Foundation for Future Graduate Student Success Maura Borrego, Division of Undergraduate Education, NSF Monica Cox, Purdue University 6 Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom D Conference Agenda 5. Supporting Undergraduate Research Esther Bolding, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom B Kaarin Goncz, Colorado State University 6. Developing Pre-college Outreach Mary Poats, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom E Pam Truesdell, Einstein Fellow, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Tamara Moore, University of Minnesota 7. The Larger Context of Engineering Education Carole Read, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom C Brent Jesiek, Purdue University Jack Lesko, Virginia Tech 8. Visually Representing the Engineering Education System Alan Cheville, Division of Engineering Education & Centers, NSF VT Research Center: East Falls Church Michael Richey, The Boeing Company, Associate Technical Fellow 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Poster Session C Westin: Hemingway Salon 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Reception Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function Tuesday, March 6 7:30 – 10:00 a.m. Registration Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function; Seating in Assigned Breakout Rooms 7 Conference Agenda 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Breakouts by Program 1. Engineering Research Centers (ERC) and “Other” Lynn Preston 2. Engineering Education Programs (EEP), Innovations in Engineering, Education, Curriculum, and Infrastructure (IEECI), CAREER awards in Engineering Education, Research in Engineering Education (REE), and Research Initiation Grants in Engineering Education (RIGEE) VT Research Center: Ballston Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom DE Alan Cheville 3. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Esther Bolding 4. Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Pam Truesdell 5. Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) Mary Poats 6. Veterans’ Education for Engineering and Science Sue Kemnitzer 7. Graduate Engineering Education Consoritum for Students (GEECS) Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom AB Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom C VT Research Center: West Falls Church VT Research Center: Foggy Bottom VT Research Center: East Falls Church GEECS Leadership Team 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Noon – 1:30 p.m. Poster Session D Westin: Hemingway Salon (Coffee Break available 10:45 – 11:15 a.m.) Westin: Fitzgerald Pre-Function Dialogue Lunch: Panel Representatives Westin: Fitzgerald Ballroom Concluding Remarks 8 2012 Panel Sessions At last year’s NSF EEC Awardees Conference, participants met in facilitated panels to discuss advances and challenges in various issues in engineering education, with a focus on NSF’s role in moving forward. This year, NSF wants to hear back from you again. Representatives of the NSF will open the conference by addressing the findings from last year’s panels. Then, in addition to the sharing of research via poster sessions and program-centered meetings, we will hold panels that again bring our range of researchers, practitioners, and NSF officers together to continue the dialogue. To discuss impacts of NSF efforts to grow the field of engineering education, panels will focus on the topics below and address questions such as: What is NSF doing right? What could NSF do better? What unintended consequences (positive or negative) have emerged? How should we go forward? 1. Providing a just education for all students: What does access to an engineering education for all students mean? How can we achieve this goal? What are the philosophical underpinnings of commonly cited reports such as Rising Above the Gathering Storm and The Engineer of 2020, and do they help us achieve access? Facilitators: Roger Burton, Don Millard 2. Preparing Innovators: How should we as engineering educators operationalize innovation given its current status as a buzzword? How can we identify the next generation of innovators, and shape curricula to support future innovators? Facilitators: Sheri Sheppard, Sue Kemnitzer 3. Building Value Propositions: Does engineering education really have any value to faculty in traditional engineering departments? Can engineering education research address national as well as local needs? How can PIs build compelling value propositions into proposals enabling NSF to incentivize large-scale change? Facilitators: Cindy Finelli, Rebecca Bates 4. Laying a Foundation for Future Graduate Student Success: How should engineering education graduate students actively ensure they are employable and universities perceive their value? What more could NSF do to support graduate students beyond the Graduate Research Fellowship Program and funding research proposals? Facilitators: Monica Cox, Maura Borrego 5. Supporting Undergraduate Research: Key issues include challenges of creating successful REUs, the importance of training and supporting faculty mentors, and opportunities for undergraduate research beyond summer programs. Facilitators: Kaarin Goncz, Esther Bolding 9 Panel Sessions 6. Developing Pre-college Outreach: Key issues include helping Outreach, particularly to P-12 schools, become a primary consideration in STEM education, encouraging institutions to collaborate rather than compete in Outreach efforts, engaging and preparing pre-college educators, and effective strategies for marketing Outreach programs. Facilitators: Tamara Moore, Pam Truesdell, Mary Poats 7. The Larger Context of Engineering Education: Engineering education exists within larger economic, social, and technical systems. How do these systems impact our research and practice? Can we adapt to or, better, leverage these larger influences to enhance the impact of our research? What future trends should all PIs be aware of? Facilitators: Brent Jesiek, Jack Lesko, Carole Read 8. Visually Representing the Engineering Education System: How can one represent the engineering education system? Participants will be asked to create a visual representation, or engineering diagram, of the engineering education system, then identify where their research interfaces with or impacts this system. Facilitators: Michael Richey, Alan Cheville 10 Panel Facilitators Roger Burton is a collaborative change agent and management consultant. Currently he is working with faculty in higher education to consider their own developmental process while they deliver traditional curriculum in an alternative learning environment that is collaborative, team-based and linked with larger community in which the university is situated. Prior to that Mr. Burton was collaborating with clients who had an emerging focus in the questions of change in the ‘east/west’ relationships between Chinese entities and transnational corporations. In particular Mr. Burton was exploring the questions of carbon footprints for major planetary supply chains (food, water, energy, waste) and the emerging business, economic, organizational and change models required to appropriately respond to the current condition of the planet today. This is in great part a consideration of how our currently enacted system is producing most of the major challenges we face today. This included 18 trips to China in the course of several years with the intent to develop change capacity within a community of leaders. This work included work with city level leaders from China and the US considering the nature of zero emission cities. His practice includes not only the development of leadership to face the challenges of today’s world, but also the development of change agents and communities of practice in various settings. Previously he was a partner with CSC/Index and prior to that had his own consultancy specializing in Sino-US trade and manufacturing. Mr. Burton has worked with a wide variety of businesses, governments and schools in about 40 countries to date. He has worked with a diverse set of large multi-national clients since the mid-1990’s in a wide variety of business and functional settings including: work on site with the line and particular assets, systems (living systems) change with global business units, strategic and systems dialogue, transfer of competency in both line and functional settings, model design and capability building, innovation, coaching senior executives up to the CEO level and their teams, consultant and coach development, and conference design and implementation. His clients include: BP, BMW, Cinergy, Astra-Zeneca, GSK, GE, Fletcher-Challenge, Mead, St-Gobain, Georgia-Pacific, the US Internal Revenue Service and various Universities to name a few. Monica Cox, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, Interim Director of Indiana Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, Director of the Pedagogical Evaluation Laboratory, and a Visiting Professor at the Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico (UDLAP). In 2011, she became the first known African-American female to be promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure in the College of Engineering at Purdue. She has made critical contributions to shaping the field of engineering education via the innovation of her research and through her imaginative use of mixed methodologies for inquiring into significant research questions in engineering education; her integration of concepts from higher education and learning science into the new field; and her development and dissemination of reliable and valid assessment tools for use across the engineering education continuum. 11 Panel Facilitators Her honors include being selected as a National Academies of Engineering Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education New Faculty Fellow; an Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine; a participant in the inaugural National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers in Engineering Education conference; a 2008 NSF Faculty Early Career (CAREER) Award Recipient; and a 2008 recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers. She obtained a B.S. in Mathematics from Spelman College, a M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Alabama, and a Ph.D. in Leadership and Policy Studies from Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. Karin Goncz, Ph.D., is currently the Education Director for the Extreme Ultraviolet Engineering Research Center (EUV ERC). Kaarin has a multidisciplinary history involving engineering and education. In 1994, she received her PhD in Biophysics from UC Berkeley. She then participated in Gene Therapy research for 9 years. In 2003, she went back to school and received her Master’s in Secondary Education from the University of Vermont. Dr. Goncz was in her fourth year of teaching High School physics when she applied for the EUV ERC position. Since February 2008, she has worked to implement the Education and Outreach goals, strategies and methods of the EUV ERC through a variety of programs. Kaarin enjoys that challenge of developing materials that are engaging as well as that focus on the science and engineering applications of lasers, light and optics for the wide variety of learners that the EUV ERC impacts. Cynthia Finelli, Ph.D., is Director of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching Engineering and Research Associate Professor at the University of Michigan. She earned B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from U-M in 1988, 1989, and 1993, respectively. Prior to joining U-M in April 2003, she was the Richard L. Terrell Professor of Excellence in Teaching, founding director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and associate professor of electrical engineering at Kettering University. At U-M, she helps lead institutional change around teaching and learning. She consults with administrators, faculty, staff, and graduate students, offers workshops and seminars on teaching and learning, and supports college-wide initiatives in engineering education. In addition, she actively pursues research in engineering education at U-M and assists other faculty in their scholarly projects. Her current research interests include studying faculty motivation to change classroom practices, evaluating methods to improve teaching, and exploring ethical decisionmaking in undergraduate engineering students. Dr. Finelli also provides national leadership in engineering education research. She was co-editor for a special issue of the International Journal of Engineering Education on applications of engineering education research and is past Chair of the Educational Research and Methods Division of the American Society of Engineering Education. 12 Panel Facilitators Brent Jesiek, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor in the Schools of Engineering Education and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He is also an Associate Director of Purdue’s Global Engineering Program, and leads the Global Engineering Education Collaboratory (GEEC) research group. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Tech, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Virginia Tech, and has extensive professional experience in the information systems field. Much of Dr. Jesiek’s current research involves social, cultural, historical, and epistemological studies of global engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and engineering education research. He has served as PI or co-PI on a series of grants focused on defining, developing, and assessing global competency among engineering students and practicing professionals. John J. “Jack” Lesko, Ph.D., is a Professor of Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Tech and currently serving at the Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies. Dr. Lesko has 20+ years of design and analytical experience as a mechanical engineer, with background in physics, mechanics and system analysis. His research and education efforts have focused on emerging interdisciplinary design involving lightweight polymeric multifunctional materials, structural design and reliability, packaging, and energy systems. Dr. Lesko is also co-founder and a Principle at PowerHub Systems, a four year old start up in the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center. PowerHub Systems develops, designs, and manufactures battery electric storage and power processing systems for the electric utility distribution systems enabling the utility to introduce flexibility, security, reliability and renewable integration to the Smart Grid. Through this startup experience and efforts to grow PowerHub, he has become interested in engineering education as it relates to problem based learning enabled through interdisciplinary entrepreneurial training experiences. His recent work in has included the development of a cross university Entrepreneurial Capstone Experience and the Washington Entrepreneur’s Summer Semester internship pilot in Northern Virginia. Tamara Moore, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesotat. She is also Co-Director of the STEM Education Center. Her research and teaching interests are centered on the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts in mathematics, science, and engineering classrooms. Getting students interested in STEM fields while at the same time providing them with rich learning experiences is challenging. In order to address this challenge, her research agenda has been focused on learning and teaching problem solving and modeling through the context of engineering. In this pursuit, her goal is to students with realistic contexts in which to learn mathematics and science in order to further their interest in these subjects. Because of her belief that teaching mathematics should be tied to a context, she has been developing curricular tools and researching professional development in this area. She is currently working on three National Science Foundation supported projects related to her research interests: the Engineering through STEM Integration project, the MEDIA Project and the Reach For the Sky Project. 13 Panel Facilitators Dr. Moore is the Principal Investigator on the Engineering through STEM Integration project, which is a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program award from the National Science Foundation. Currently, there is a movement in K-12 education to include engineering academic standards in the science curriculum. In 2009, Minnesota was one of the first states to implement such standards. Integration of engineering into science and mathematics requires a shift in current educational practices; therefore, teacher training on the implementation of these standards is offered through grants from the Minnesota Department of Education. This research project builds on the STEM Integration research paradigm, defined as the merging of the disciplines of STEM. There are two main types of STEM Integration: Content Integration and Context Integration. Content Integration focuses on the merging of the content fields into a single curriculum in order to highlight “big ideas” from multiple content areas. Whereas Context Integration focuses on the content of one discipline and uses contexts from others to make the content more relevant. The purpose of this research is to understand and identify the ways in which teachers implement engineering standards in their classrooms. Michael Richey, Ph.D., is an Associate Technical Fellow currently assigned to support technology and innovation research at the Boeing Company. Dr. Richey is responsible for leading a learning science team conducting research projects to improve the learning experience for engineers and technicians. His research encompasses, Complex Adaptive Systems, Learning Curves, Learning Sciences and Engineering Education Research focusing on understanding the interplay between knowledge spillovers, innovation, wealth creation, and economies of scale as they are manifested in questions of growth, evolvability, adaptability and sustainability. Additional responsibilities include providing business leadership for engineering technical and professional educational programs. This includes development of engineering programs in advanced aircraft construction, composites structures and product lifecycle management. Dr. Richey is responsible for leading cross-organizational teams from academic, government focusing on how corporate engineering education must acknowledge and incorporate this new information to build new methodologies and paradigms that engage these developments in practice. He holds a PhD in Strategy, Programme and Project Management, with a focus on Engineering Education Research from Skema Business School, and a Stanford Certified Project Manager (SCPM) certificate from Stanford Center for Professional Development. Dr. Richey often represents Boeing internationally and domestically as a speaker - presenter and has authored multiple patents on Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing and has published multiple papers in lead journals addressing topics in large scale system integration and corporate engineering education. Sheri Sheppard, Ph.D., P.E., is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Besides teaching both undergraduate and graduate design and education related classes at Stanford University, she conducts research on weld and solder-connect fatigue and impact failures, fracture mechanics, applied finite element analysis, and engineering education. In addition, from 1999-2008 she served as a Senior Scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, leading the Foundation’s engineering study (as reported in 14 Panel Facilitators Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field). In 2003 Dr. Sheppard was named co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to form the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE), along with faculty at the University of Washington, Colorado School of Mines, and Howard University. More recently (2011) she was named as co-PI of a national NSF innovation center (Epicenter). Dr. Sheppard is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). She was awarded the 2004 ASEE Chester F. Carlson Award in recognition of distinguished accomplishments in engineering education, and the ASEE Wickenden Best Journal of Engineering Education Paper Award in 2005, 2008 and 2011. In 2010 she received the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford’s highest teaching honor. Dr. Sheppard served as co-director of Stanford’s Learning Lab (1997-1999), was Chair of Stanford’s Faculty Senate in 2006-2007, and since September of 2008 has served as Associate Vice Provost of Graduate Education. For the last eleven years she has served as faculty advisor to the Stanford graduate student group MEWomen. Before coming to Stanford University, she held several positions in the automotive industry, including senior research engineer at Ford Motor Company’s Scientific Research Lab. Dr. Sheppard’s graduate work was done at the University of Michigan. 15 Poster Sessions All poster sessions are in the Hemingway Salon and Hemingway Pre-Function Area. The numbers indicate the location of each poster. Poster Session A – Monday, March 5, 11:00 a.m. – Noon A1. Cooperative Human-Computer Model Updating Cognitive Systems (MUCogS) for Civil Infrastructure Juan Caicedo, University of South Carolina A2. International REU Program in Smart Structures Richard Christenson, University of Connecticut; Juan Caicedo, University of South Carolina; GunJin Yun, University of Akron A3. CAREER: Does Motivation Matter for Conceptual Change? Holly Matusovich, Virginia Tech A4. Lifting the Barriers: Understanding and Enhancing Approaches to Teaching Communication and Teamwork Among Engineering Faculty Holly Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech A5. A Model for Faculty, Student, and Practitioner Development in Sustainability Engineering through an Integrated Design Experience Shane Brown, Washington State University; Karl Olsen, Washington State University; Nadia Lustig, Washington State University; Mike Wolcott, Washington State University A6. What is Engineering Knowledge: A Longitudinal Study of Conceptual Change and Epistemology of Engineering Students and Practitioners Shane Brown, Washington State University; Devlin Montfort, Washington State University; Nadia Lustig, Washington State University A7. Intentional serendipity, cognitive flexibility, and fluid identities: Cross-disciplinary ways of thinking, acting, and being in engineering Robin Adams, Purdue University A8. CAREER: Implementing K-12 Engineering Standards through STEM Integration Tamara Moore, University of Minnesota A9. A Holistic Assessment of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates Cynthia Finelli, University of Michigan; Donald Carpenter, Lawrence Technological University; Trevor Harding, California Polytechnic State University A10. From Defense to Degree: Accelerating Engineering Degree Opportunities for Military Veterans David Soldan, Kansas State University; Noel Schulz, Kansas State University; Don Gruenbacher; Blythe Vogt, Kansas State University; Rekha Natarajan, Kansas State University A11. Multifunctional Nanostructures for Integrated Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical and Biological Applications: an Interdisciplinary Certificate Program Priscilla Hill, Mississippi State University; Oliver Myers; Yaroslav Koshka; Giselle Thibaudeau; Carlen Henington 16 Poster Session A A12. Improving Undergraduate Research Program Diversity: Recruitment Strategies, Program Integration, and Education Shane Rogers, Clarkson University; Michelle Crimi, Clarkson University A13. Promoting Diverse Thinking Through a Graduate Seminar Series Devdas Pai, NCAT; Dhananjay Kumar, NCAT; Jagannathan Sankar, NC A&T State University; Courtney Lambeth, NC A&T State University; Robin Liles, NC A&T State University A14. Impacting Undergraduate Nanoscience And Nanoengineering Education At North Carolina A & T State University Dhananjay Kumar, NCAT; Devdas Pai, NCAT; Courtney Lambeth, NCAT; Robin Liles; Cindy Waters, NCAT A15. Informal Pathways to Engineering Marisa Wolsky, WGBH; Monica Cardella, Purdue University A16. Formative Feedback: Impacting the Quality of First-Year Engineering Student Work on Modeling Activities Heidi Diefes-Dux, Purdue University; Monica Cardella, Purdue University A17. A Comparative Study of Engineering Matriculation Practices Matthew Ohland, Purdue University; Catherine Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Marisa Orr, Purdue University; Russell Long, Purdue University A18. Socioeconomic Factors in Engineering Pathways Matthew Ohland, Purdue University; Valerie Lundy-Wagner, New York University; Marisa Orr, Purdue University; Russell Long, Purdue University; Cindy Veenstra, Veenstra and Associates; Nichole Ramirez, Purdue University; Xingyu Chen, Purdue University A19. Using a Sensor Technology REU to promote multidisciplinary approaches to undergraduate research and graduate school aspirations Jan Van der Spiegel, University of Pennsylvania; April Yee, University of Pennsylvania; Valerie Lundy-Wagner, New York University A20. Transforming and Integrating: Evolving Construction Materials & Methods to the Next Level Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina Charlotte; David Cottrell, Univeristy of North Carolina at Charlotte; Candace Mazze, University of North Carolina at Charlotte A21. A Content-Driven, Reflective Model to Support Teaching in Engineering Jill Nelson, George Mason Univesity; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University A22. Implementation, Dissemination, Barrier Identification And Faculty Training For Project-Enhanced Learning in Gateway Engineering Courses Razi Nalim, Indiana University Purdue Univ; Robert Helfenbein, IUPUI A23. Meeting the NAE Grand Challenge: Personalized Learning for Engineering Students through Instruction on Metacognition and Motivation Strategies Michele Miller, Michigan Technological University; Sheryl Sorby, Michigan Technological University and The Ohio State University; Jim De Clerck, Michigan Technological University; William Endres, Michigan Technological University A24. A Preliminary Look at Faculty Adopters and Non-Adopters of Engineering Education Innovations Kirsten Davis, Boise State University; Sondra Miller, Boise State University; Ross Perkins, Boise State University 17 Poster Session A A25. Building bridges between the engineering classroom and the research laboratory: nanoscience at Union College Palma Catravas, Union College; Samuel Amanuel, Union College; Brian Cohen, Union College; Rebecca Cortez, Union College; Michael Hagerman, Union College A26. How to Create a Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Minor James Brenner, Florida Tech Chemical Engineering; Kurt Winkelmann, Florida Tech; Joel Olson, Florida Tech; Xu Shaohua, Florida Tech; Yekaterina Lin, Florida Tech; Lisa Cole, Florida Tech; Kavitha Hari, Florida Tech; Kyan Ali, Florida Tech; Jack Kindred, Florida Tech; Andres Phillips, Florida Tech A27. Incorporating Ethical Decisions into Nanomanufacturing Research Carol Barry, University Massachusetts Lowell; Jacqueline Isaacs, Northeastern University; Ronald Sandler, Northeastern University A28. NUE: Interdisciplinary Course - Nanoscale Transport Phenomena for Manufacturing Nanodevices Zhiyong Gu, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Bridgette Budhlall, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Hongwei Sun, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Carol Barry, University Massachusetts Lowell; Alfred Donatelli, University of Massachusetts Lowell A29. NUE: Nanoengineering Education in an Under-represented Minority University Syed Omar, Texas A&M University-Kingsvill; Amit Verma, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Reza Nekovei, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; David Stollberg, GA Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology A30. An Integrated Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education Program at the University of New Mexico Mani Hossein-Zadeh, Univeristy of New Mexico; Zayd Leseman, University if New Mexico, Mechanical Engineering; Matthias Pleil, University of New Mexico, Mechanical Engineering; Claudia Luhrs, Naval Post Graduate School, Mechanical Engineering A31. An InterdisciplinaryModular Approach To Nanodevices And Nanotechnology Objectives Through Engineering via Cyberlearning Srinivas Palanki, University of South Alabama; Kuang Hsiao, University of South Alabama; Mark Adams, University of South Alabama A32. S-STEM at Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University Mary Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University; Tony Rodriguez, Arizona State University A33. Using a Virtual Gaming Environment in Strength of Materials Laboratory Jon Preston; Wasim Barham, Southern Polytechnic State University; James Werner A34. Research Initiation Grant: Investigating the use of Simulation and Gaming in Sustainable Energy Education (funded Summer 2011) John Bean, University of Virginia; Aaron Bloomfield, University of Virginia; Stephanie Moore, University of Virginia A35. REU Site: Texas Center for Undergraduate Research in Energy and Combustion Eric Petersen, Texas A&M University A36. REU Site: Research Experiences in Microscale Sensing, Actuation and Imaging (MosAIc) Sriram Sundararajan, Iowa State University A37. Multi-Year Research Experience for Teachers (RET): The Impact of Long Term Research in Rocket Science and Teaching Thomas Sammet, Texas A&M University 18 Poster Session A A38. RET Site: Enrichment Experiences in Engineering (E3) Cheryl Page, Texas Engineering Experiment S; Robin Autenrieth; Karen Butler-Purry A39. Translating Research Experiences into Classroom Practice: An RET Project Kwabena Narh, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Rajesh Dave, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology A40. Engineering Innovation and Design for STEM Teachers Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; Rebecca Blust, University of Dayton; Sandi Preiss, Dayton Regional STEM Center; Suzanne Franco, Wright State University; Renee Beach, University of Dayton A41. Teachers’ Research in BioPhotonics – Sensors and Systems (TRIPSS) Cynthia Brossman, Boston University; Michael Ruane, Boston University; Helen Fawcett, Boston University A42. 2011 Research Experiences for Undergraduates – Nanotechnology and Materials Systems Dimitris Lagoudas, Texas A&M University; Jacques Richard, Texas A&M University; Kristi Shryock, Texas A&M University A43. REU Site for Increasing Diversity In Engineering at the Pratt School of Engineering of Duke University Martha Absher, Duke University School of Engineering A44. REU Site: Bioengineering at Saint Louis University (BE@SLU) David Barnett, Saint Louis University A45. Undergraduate Research and Real World Sensor Applications Caroline Schauer, Drexel University; Jin Wen, Drexel University; Keiko Nakazawa, Drexel University; Dorilona Rose, Drexel University A46. Exploring Nanotechnology with Electrospinning: Design, Experiment, and Discover! Caroline Schauer, Drexel University; Jennifer Atchison; Danielle Tadros, Drexel University A47. Enhancing Undergraduate Research in Sustainable Transportation Systems: Hybrid Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Alireza Khaligh, University of Maryland A48. Impact of Software Applications for Integrating Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles within the Smart Grid Alireza Khaligh, University of Maryland; Shruti Ramaswamy, University of Maryland; Seshadri Raghavan, University of Maryland A49. Transitioning Engineering Research to Middle Schools (TERMS) Karen High, Oklahoma State University A50. Earthquake Engineering Internship for Resilient Communities, NSF REU Site coordinated by the PEER Center Heidi Faison, PEER Center; Stephen Mahin, PEER Center A51. NSF REU- Educating a Culturally Sensitive Industrial Engineer: A complex interdisciplinary systems perspective to global IE issues Viviana Cesani, University Puerto Rico- Mayaguez; Saylisse Davila, University of Puerto Rico A52. Reseacrh Experiences for Undergraduates in Electrical & Computer Engineering at theUniversity of Kentucky Regina Hannemann, Univeristy of Kentucky; Ingrid St. Omer, University of Kentucky 19 Poster Session B A53. REU Site: Back to the Future – Engineering Research in a Historic Context Michael West, South Dakota School of Mines and Technologhy; William Cross, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Alfred Boysen, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; S tuart Kellogg, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology A54. Biology-on-a-Chip Internship Program (BioChIP): Hands-on technology development and biological discovery at UC Berkeley Frankie Myers, UC Berkeley; Luke Lee, UC Berkeley; Megan Dueck, UC Berkeley A55. REU Program in Computational Sensing and Medical Robotics Ralph Etienne-Cummings, The Johns Hopkins University; Jerry Prince, The Johns Hopkins University; Anita Sampath, The Johns Hopkins University A56. Teacher Training and Student Inquiry and Science Literacy: Linking Teacher Intervention to Students’ Outcomes in STEM Courses in Middle and High School Classes Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California A57. Preparing for Graduate School through Interdisciplinary Summer Research Kathleen Rubin, University of Massachusetts A58. Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Kathleen Rubin, University of Massachusetts Poster Session B – Monday, March 5, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. B1. CAREER: An Exploration of Expert Teaching and Student Learning in Capstone Experiences Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech; Cory Hixson, Virginia Tech; James Pembridge, Embry-Riddle University B2. Using Writing-to-Learn Methods to Improve Conceptual Understanding in Statics Lisa McNair, Virginia Tech; Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech; Chris Venters, Virginia Tech B3. CAREER: Reflective practice for graduate engineering students Lisa McNair, Virginia Tech; Wende Garrison, Virginia Tech B4. CAREER: Cognitive and Metacognitive Activities in Engineering Design Education Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University B5. Theory to Practice: Developing conceptual change theory to inform engineering education instruction Ruth Streveler, Purdue University; Shane Brown, Washington State University; Holly Matusovich, Virginia Tech B6. CAREER: Characterization of Cognitive Models of Conceptual Understanding in Practicing Civil Engineers and Development of Situated Curricular Materials Shane Brown, Washington State University; Robby Borden, Washington State University B7. CAREER: Mathematics as a Gatekeeper to Engineering: The interplay between mathematical thinking and design thinking Monica Cardella, Purdue University B8. Students’ Understanding of Human-Centered Design and the Impact of Service Learning Monica Cardella, Purdue University; William Oakes, Purdue University; Carla Zoltowski, Purdue University B9. Assessing Motivation of Engineering Students using Expectancy-Value and Future Time Perspective Theoretical Frameworks Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Beshoy Morkos, Clemson University 20 Poster Session B B10. Engineering Student Problem Solving Strategies that Contribute to Successful Solutions Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Sarah Grigg, Clemson University B11. University Education – SMART LIGHTING ERC: Educating the 21st Century Illumineer Kenneth Connor, Smart Lighting ERC; Elizabeth Herkenham, Smart Lighting ERC; Dianna Newman, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Meghan Morris Deyoe, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Christopher Valle, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Thomas Little, Smart Lighting ERC; Gretchen Fougere, Boston University; Steven Hersee, Smart Lighting ERC; Charles Joenathan, Smart Lighting ERC; Robert Bunch, Smart Lighting ERC; Mohamed Chouikha, Smart Lighting ERC; Peter Bofah, Smart Lighting ERC; Craig Scott, Smart Lighting ERC; Yacob Astatke, Smart Lighting ERC; Partha Dutta, Smart Lighting ERC; Silvia Mioc, Smart Lighting ERC; Robert Karlicek, Smart Lighting ERC B12. Smart Lighting ERC Outreach Programs: Community Outreach and Research Experiences Kenneth Connor, Smart Lighting ERC; Elizabeth Herkenham, Smart Lighting ERC; Gretchen Fougere, Boston University; Thomas Little, Smart Lighting ERC; Charles Joenathan, Smart Lighting ERC; Robert Bunch, Smart Lighting ERC; Dianna Newman, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Meghan Morris Deyoe, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Mohamed Chouikha, Smart Lighting ERC; Yacob Astatke, Smart Lighting ERC; Craig Scott, Smart Lighting ERC; Christopher Valle, University at Albany, Evaluation Consortium; Peter Bofah, Smart Lighting ERC; Steven Hersee, Smart Lighting ERC; Robert Karlicek, Smart Lighting ERC B13. Two Plus Three Community College to University Programs Project (T-CUP): A Pilot Program to Broaden Community College Pathways into Engineering Careers Patricia Mead, Norfolk State University B14. Can gaming provide enough context to improve knowledge integration and retention in engineering freshmen? Agustin Rullan, University of Puerto Rico; William Hernandez, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Cristina Pomales, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Bienvenido Velez, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Felix Zapata, University of Puerto Rico; Miguel Figueroa, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Noel Artiles, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez B15. Entrepreneurship in undergraduate engineering: An examination of curricula, faculty, and students Angela Shartrand, NCIIA; Phil Weilerstein, NCIIA; Teri Reed-Rhoads , Purdue University; Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University; Sarah Zappe, Penn State University; Elizabeth Kisenwether, Penn State University B16. Engaging Students in STEM Education through a Virtual Learning Lab Stephanie August, Loyola Marymount University; Michele Hammers, Loyola Marymount University; Allison Neyer, Loyola Marymount University; Don Murphy, Loyola Marymount University; Robert Thames, Loyola Marymount University; Daryoush Shokrgozar, Loyola Marymount University; James Vales, Loyola Marymount University B17. Understanding Diverse Pathways: Disciplinary Trajectories of Engineering Students Susan Lord, Universitiy of San Diego; Matthew Ohland, Purdue University; Richard Layton, RoseHulman Institute of Technology; Russell Long, Purdue University B18. Examining the Migratory Patterns of Engineering Students Using Social Psychological Theories Demetra Evangelou, Purdue University; Matthew Ohland, Purdue University; Russell Long, Purdue University; Ida Ngambeki, Purdue University; George Ricco, Purdue University; Marisa Orr, Purdue University 21 Poster Session B B19. Developmental engineering: An examination of early learning experiences as antecedents of engineering education Diana Bairaktarova, Purdue University; Demetra Evangelou, Purdue University B20. Use of Haptics in a Virtual Reality Environment for Learning of Nanotechnology Curtis Taylor, University of Florida; Dianne Pawluk, Virginia Commonwealth University; James Oliverio, University of Florida B21. Collaborative Research: Use and Knowledge of Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) in Engineering Science Courses Stephanie Cutler, Virgnia Tech; Maura Borrego; Jeff Froyd, Texas A&M University; Michael Prince, Bucknell University; Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University B22. Transforming Military Veterans Experiences in Engineering at Texas A&M University (AggiE-VETS) Jeff Froyd, Texas A&M University; Cesar Malave; Michael Yeater, Blinn College B23. Investigation of Hands-On Ability for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Michele Miller, Michigan Technological University; Leonard Bohmann, Michigan Technological University; Chris Van Arsdale, Michigan Technological University; Natasha Hagadone, Michigan Technological University; Edward Cokely, Michigan Technological University; Donald Norris, Michigan Technological University B24. Weaving Threads of Sustainability into the Fabric of the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: Impacting the Fundamental Manner in which Students Solve Problems Michele Miller, Michigan Technological Univers; John Gershenson, Michigan Technological University; Chuck Margraves, Michigan Technological University; Ibrahim Miskioglu, Michigan Technological University; Gordon Parker, Michigan Technological University B25. NUE: Bottom-Up Meets Top-Down – An Integrated Undergraduate Nanotechnology Laboratory at NC State Yong Zhu, NC State University; Joe Tracy, NC State University; Jingyan Dong, NC State University; Xiaoning Jiang, NC State University; Gail Jones, NC State University B26. Impact of Themed Learning Community (TLC) Program in Freshmen Engineering on Nanotechnology Track in Undergraduate Degree Program Maher Rizkalla, IUPUI; Mngilal Agarawal, IUPUI; Hazim El-Mounayri, IUPUI; Janet Meyer, IUPUI; Kody Varahramyan, IUPUI B27. Fluidics Fabrication Engineering Workshop in Secondary Education (FFEWSE) Elijah Shelton, UCSB Nanolab; Sumita Pennathur, UC Santa Barbara B28. NUE: Interdisciplinary Research-Based Education in Mechanical Engineering Erik Thostenson, University of Delaware B29. NUE: Nano Science And Laboratory Experience (ScALE) at UMaine Rosemary Smith, University of Maine B30. NUE: Integrating Nanotechnology into Undergraduate Engineering Education at the University of Arkansas Min Zou, University of Arkansas; Gregory Salamo, University of Arkansas; Steve Tung, University of Arkansas; Keith Roper, University of Arkansas; Jin-Woo Kim, University of Arkansas; Jingyi Chen, University of Arkansas; Adam Huang, University of Arkansas B31. Enhanced Engineering Education & Engagement in a Technology Rich Learning Environment Rob Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology 22 Poster Session B B32. Research Initiation Grant: Developing strategies to improve women’s active participation in engineering student group project teams Lorelle Meadows, University of Michigan; Denise Sekaquaptewa, University of Michigan B33. ADEPT: Assessing Design Engineering Project Classes with Multi-Disciplinary Teams Asim Smailagic, Carnegie Mellon University; Susan Finger, Carnegie Mellon University; Daniel Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University; Carolyn Rose, Carnegie Mellon University B34. Agent-Monitored Tutorials to Enable On-Line Collaborative Learning in Computer-Aided Design and Analysis Jack Beuth, Carnegie Mellon University; Carolyn Rose, Carnegie Mellon University; Rohit Kumar, Carnegie Mellon University; David Adamson, Carnegie Mellon University B35. The Progressive Learning Platform Sohum Sohoni, Oklahoma State University; Kerri Kearney; Rebecca Damron; YoonJung Cho B36. The Learning Bridge Emin Aktan, Drexel University; Franklin Moon, Drexel University; Thomas Hewett, Drexel University; Franco Montalto, Drexel University B37. RET Site: Sustainable Energy, Water And Manufacturing Kimberly Ogden, University of Arizona B38. Partnering Researchers and Educators to Create Problem Based instruction that Adapts Research in Engineering for Students (PREPARES) Valerie Schild, Kenan Fellows Program; Ruben Carbonell, Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology, & Science B39. UT Arlington RET Site on Hazard Mitigation Yvette Pearson Weatherton, UT Arlington; Nur Yazdani, UT Arlington; Stephanie Daza, UT Arlington B40. UTA REU Site on Hazard Mitigation Yvette Pearson Weatherton, UT Arlington; Nur Yazdani, UT Arlington; Stephanie Daza, UT Arlington B41. The TeachEngineering digital library: What’s on it, Who’s using it and How to use it Kaarin Goncz, EUV ERC B42. An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Ecosystem Restoration Alan Rabideau, University at Buffalo; Amy Bartlett, University at Buffalo; H. Copeland, Educational assessment consultant B43. Phase Behavior of Polymers and Block Copolymers Charlie Chirino, CBEN; Carolyn Nichol, Rice University B44. Rice University Nanotechnology Research Experience for Teachers Carolyn Nichol, Rice University; Vicki Colvin, Rice University; John Hutchinson, Rice University B45. The Joule Fellows: Teachers in Sustainable Energies Research Laboratories Aida Ghiaei, University of Connecticut; Kazem Kazerounian, University of Connecticut B46. Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) - Focused on Green Technology Kimberly Cook-Chennault, Rutgers, the State University B47. REU Project Outcomes: A Computational Study of Transient Couette Flow Over an Embedded Cavity Surface Michael Thompson, Arizona State University; Amy Lang, University of Alabama; Will Schreiber, University of Alabama; Chase Leibenguth, University of Alabama; John Palmore, University of Alabama 23 Poster Session C B48. REU site in Fluid Mechanics: Educational Goals and Outcomes Amy Lang, University of Alabama; James Hubner, University of Alabama; Tom Zeiler, University of Alabama B49. Virginia Tech’s REU Site on Interdisciplinary Water Sciences and Engineering: 2007-09, 2011-14 Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech B50. Design and Application of a Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Lab in Sustainability Education Parhum Delgoshaei, Virginia Tech; Dustin Greer, Wichita State University; Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech B51. American Student Placement in Rehabilitation Engineering REU Program Maria Milleville, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Goldberg, University of Pittsburgh; Alicia Koontz, University of Pittsburgh; Rory Cooper, University of Pittsburgh B52. Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE) Program Maria Milleville, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Goldberg, University of Pittsburgh; Rory Cooper, University of Pittsburgh B53. REU Site: National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Susan Burkett, University of Alabama; Pauline Johnson, University of Alabama B54. Relative Effectiveness of Different Modes of Education Abroad Jan Helge Bøhn, Virginia Tech B55. An Imaging Focused Interdisciplinary REU incorporating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Stefi Baum, RIT; Jake Noel-Storr, RIT; Carl Salvaggio, RIT B56. REU Site: Research Opportunities in Miniature Robotics Sarah Bergbreiter, University of Maryland, College Park; Satyandra Gupta, University of Maryland, College Park B57. Education Activities at the Engineering Research Center for Mid-InfraRed Technologies for Health and the Environment (MIRTHE) Roxanne Zellin, MIRTHE Center B58. NUE: Integrating Nanotechnology Education at CUNY Community Colleges Mohammad Sohel, Hostos Community College; Vicki Flaris, Bronx Community College; Ilona Kretzschmar, The City College of New York Poster Session C – Monday, March 5, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. C1. Publicizing Research Johsua Chamot C2. STAR Metrics and the Assessment of Engineering Education and Centers Grants Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech C3. Building new engineering education theory and practice for interdisciplinary pervasive computing design Lisa McNair, Virginia Tech; Tom Martin, Virginia Tech; Ed Dorsa, Virginia Tech; Eloise Coupey, Virginia Tech; Kahyun Kim, Virginia Tech; Jason Forsyth, Virginia Tech C4. CAREER: Influence of Social Capital on Under-Represented Engineering Students’ Academic and Career Decisions Julie Martin, Clemson University 24 Poster Session C C5. On Complex Problem Solving: From Engineering Practice to the Classroom Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University; Anna Zilberberg, James Madison University; Robin Anderson, James Madison University; Sean McVay, James Madison University; Jacquelyn Nagel, James Madison University; Jesse Pappas, University of Virginia C6. The Engineer Identity: Identifying with Engineering and Becoming an Engineer Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University; Kathleen Casto, James Madison University; Robin Anderson, James Madison University; Heather Watson, James Madison University; Kyle Gipson, James Madison University C7. Integrating Developmental Instruction in Sustainability Contexts into an Undergraduate Engineering Design Curriculum Robert Nagel, James Madison University; Eric Pappas, James Madison University; Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University C8. Do goals matter in engineering education? An exploration of how goals influence outcomes for FIRST robotics participants Jeanine Skorinko, WPI; Jim Doyle, WPI; Gretar Trggvason, University of Notre Dame; Michael Gennert, WPI C9. Empirically-based Instructional Tools for Fostering Engineering Problem Solving and Cognitive Flexibility in Pre-college Students Martin Reisslein, Arizona State University; Roxana Moreno, University of New Mexico; Gamze Ozogul, Arizona State University; Amy Johnson, Arizona State University; Kirsten Butcher, University of Utah C10. Instructional Sequences in Pre-College Engineering Education Martin Reisslein, Arizona State University; Amy Johnson, Arizona State University; Gamze Ozogul, Arizona State University C11. Education and Outreach Programs – Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC) Kate Spohr, SynBERC C12. Berkeley Engineering Research Experiences for In-Service and Pre-Service Teacher Teams George Johnson, University of California; Jay Keasling, SynBERC; Elisa Stone, Berkeley Science & Math Initiative; Kate Spohr, SynBERC C13. Preparing Global Engineers for the 21st Century Aditya Johri, Virginia Tech C14. CAREER: Advancing engineering education through learner-centric, adaptive cyber-tools and cyberenvironments Krishna Madhavan, Purdue University; Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University C15. Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Brook Sattler; Kate Mobrand, University of Washington C16. One Day’s Pay: Educating K-16 Engineers to Design Affordable Innovations Lauren Cooper, CU Boulder; Malinda Zarske, CU Boulder; Derek Reamon, CU Boulder; Daria Kotys-Schwartz, CU Boulder C17. Co-Instruction Model For Multidisciplinary Senior Projects In Sustainablity Jinny Rhee, San Jose State University; David Parent, San Jose State University; Leslie Speer, San Jose State University; Anuradha Basu, San Jose State University; Larry Gerston, San Jose State University C18. Platform Independent Interface for Remote Laboratory Experiments Bo Cao, University; Xuemin Chen, Texas Southern University; Gangbing Song, University of Houston 25 Poster Session C C19. Pilot Intervention to Improve “Sense of Belonging” of Minorities in Engineering Kari Jordan, The Ohio State University; Sheryl Sorby, The Ohio State University; Susan Amato, Michigan Technological University; Tammy Haut Donahue, Michigan Technological University C20. Programming Standing Up Matthew Berland, University of Texas at San Antonio; Taylor Martin, University of Texas at Austin C21. Improving Learning in Engineering Classrooms by Coupling Interactive Simulations and Real-Time Formative Assessment via Pen-Enabled Mobile Technology Frank Kowalski, Colorado School of Mines; Susan Kowalski, Colorado School of Mines; Tracy Gardner, Colorado School of Mines C22. Strengthening the Community College Engineering Pipeline Using Tablet PCs and Online Instruction Amelito Enriquez, Cañada College C23. REU Site: Engineering Cities and Drexel University Mira Olson, Drexel University; Patrick Gurian, Drexel University; Sabrina Spatari, Drexel University; Sarah Colins, Drexel University C24. NUE: Integrated Approach to Environmentally Responsible Nanotechnology Education Mira Olson, Drexel University; Patrick Gurian, Drexel University; Alisa Morss Clyne, Drexel University; Wan Shih, Drexel University C25. iREU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Medicine, Energy, and Advanced Manufacturing Alisa Clyne, Drexel University; Surya Kalidindi, Drexel University; David Urias, C26. Integrating Nanotechnology into Undergraduate Engineering Curricula at Bucknell University: Enhancing a Biomimetic Materials Course Donna Ebenstein, Bucknell University; Erin Jablonski, Bucknell University C27. Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Option Network in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Education Rene Overney, University of Washington; Lakshmi S. Kocherlakota, University of Washington C28. NanoSTEP: Nano-Science, Technology, Ethics, And Policy (NanoSTEP) Introducing Societal, Ethical, Economic, and Environmental Issues Relevant to Nanotechnology Into Liberal Education for Engineers Cortney Holles, Colorado School of Mines C29. National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s International Research Experience for Undergraduates Program Nancy Healy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lynn Rathbun, Cornell University/NNIN C30. National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s RET program: Six Years of Success Nancy Healy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Angela Berenstein; Kathryn Hollar, Harvard University; Gary Harris, Howard University; Kathy Gehoski, Pennsylvania State University C31. BRIGE: Testing the efficacy of concept inventories with bilingual students: The application of CATS at UPRM Aidsa Santiago, UPRM C32. Leveraging Simulation Tools to Deliver Ill-Structured Problems in Statics and Mechanics of Materials Christhopher Papadopoulos, UPRM; Aidsa Santiago, UPRM; Genock Portela, UPRM C33. An Experiential Pedagogy for Sustainability Ethics Thomas Seager, ASU; Evan Selinger, RIT; Jathan Sadowski, RIT; Susan Clark (Spierre), ASU 26 Poster Session C C34. San Diego State University’s Troops to Engineers SERVICE Program Patricia Reily, San Diego State University C35. Collaborative Research: Development and Testing of 4-P Model to Assess the Effectiveness of Case Study Methodology in Achieving Learning Outcomes P.K. Raju, Auburn University; Chetan Sankar, Auburn University; Qiang Le, Hampton University C36. A Participatory Investigation of Learning in International Service Projects: Early Findings about Learning Outcomes Russell Korte, University of Illinois; Laura Hahn, University of Illinois; Valeri Werpetinski, University of Illinois; Bruce Elliot-Litchfield, University of Illinois C37. Research Experience for Teachers in the Manufacturing for Competiteveness in the United States (RETainUS) Mohamed Abdelrahman, Texas A&M University-Kingsville C38. RET in Engineering and Computer Science Site on Engineering a More Sustainable Energy Future Joan Brennecke, University of Notre Dame; Jay Brockman, University of Notre Dame C39. Research to Inspire Students in Engineering (RISE) through Inquiry Stephen Hale, University of New Hampshire; Dawn Korade, NH Academy of Science and Design; Brad Kinsey, University of New Hampshire C40. Science and Mechatronics-Aided Research for Teachers (SMART): An RET Site Project Vikram Kapila, Polytechnic Institute of NYU C41. RET Site on Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) Xiaobo Tan, Michigan State University; Drew Kim, Michigan State University C42. Strengthening a K12 Learning Community through Engineering Research Chen Ling, University of Oklahoma; Randa Shehab, University of Oklahoma; Mark Nanny, University of Oklahoma; Hazem Refai, University of Oklahoma; Matthias Nollert, University of Oklahoma; Christopher Ramseyer, University of Oklahoma; Patricia Hardre, University of Oklahoma C43. Experiences in Sensor Networks--University of North Texas (UNT) Dr. Murali Varanasi, University of North Texas, RET C44. NSF Retaining Engineers through Research Entrepreneurship and Advanced–Materials Training (RETREAT) 2011 Okenwa Okoli, Florida State University C45. REU Site: Particle-Based Functional Materials for Energy, Biomedicine, and Sustainability Joseph McCarthy, University of Pittsburgh C46. REU Site: Summer Research Experiences in Wireless Sensor Networks – Design and Applications Scott Smith, University of Arkansas; Jingxian Wu, University of Arkansas C47. Injury Science REU Flaura Winston, MD, PhD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention; Meghan Marsac, PhD; Carol Murray, MSS, MLSP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia C48. Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Bio/Nano Applications Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of Engineering C49. Engineering Solutions for Clean Energy Generation, Storage and Consumption: Undergraduate Research with Computational and Experimental Synergy Scott Danielsen, University of Pennsylvania; Jason Tedstone, Clemson University; Alex Cooper, University of Virginia; Christoffer Turner, The University of Alabama; Jason Bara, The University of Alabama 27 Poster Session D C50. INSET: Internships in Nanosystems Science, Engineering, and Technology Megan Valentine, UC Santa Barbara; Nicholas Arnold, Santa Barbara City College; Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Santa Barbara City College; Maria Teresa Napoli, UC Santa Barbara C51. Research in Advanced Propulsion and Fuel Technology for Sustainable Transportation Bo Chen, Michigan Tech; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Tech C52. Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center (QoLT ERC) REU Internship Program Maria Milleville, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Goldberg, University of Pittsburgh; Dan Ding, University of Pittsburgh; Reid Simmons, Carnegie Mellon University C53. Wind Energy Science, Engineering and Policy (WESEP) REU Eugene Takle, Iowa State University; James McCalley, Iowa State University C54. Novel Advanced Materials and Processing with Applications in Engineering Christos Takoudis, University of Illinois-Chicago; Gregory Jursich, University of Illinois-Chicago C55. First Year Accomplishments of a New REU Site at Stony Brook University on Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment Gary Halada, Stony Brook University C56. Highlights of the 2011 Electrical Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates (EEREU) at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park William Jenkins, Pennsylvania State University; Sven Bilen, Pennsylvania State University C57. Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Experiences in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oakland University Osamah Rawashdeh, Oakland University; Daniel Aloi, Oakland University C58. Development of an Online Application System Available to all REU Programs Justin Grevich, UC San Diego; Robert Sah, UC San Diego; Melissa Micou, UC San Diego C59. Research Experience for Undergraduate Site in Additive Manufacturing Robert Landers, Missouri S&T; Hong Sheng, Missouri S&T; Ming Leu, Missouri S&T; Frank Liou, Missouri S&T; Greg Hilmas, Missouri S&T; Joseph Newkirk, Missouri S&T; Doug Bristow, Missouri S&T Poster Session D – Tuesday, March 6, 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. D1. NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC): University Education Program D. Raj Raman, Iowa State University; Karri Haen, Iowa State University; Mari Kemis, Iowa State University; MaryAnn Moore, Iowa State University D2. Sustainable Biomass Production and Processing Systems (SBPP) Research Experience for Undergraduates D. Raj Raman, Iowa State University; Michelle Soupir, Iowa State University; Karri Haen, Iowa State University; Mari Kemis, Iowa State University; MaryAnn Moore, Iowa State University D3. Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC) Pre-College Education Programs Adah Leshem, Iowa State University; Karri Haen, Iowa State University D4. REU Site: Tackling Environmentally-Related Grand Challenges for Engineering Inez Hua, Purdue University; Michael Harris, Purdue University; Stephen Hoffmann, Purdue University 28 Poster Session D D5. Learning from Small Numbers: Methodological revisions Alice Pawley, Purdue University D6. Assessing Sustainability Knowledge: Gateway Concepts to Drive Sustainability Content Exploration Alice Pawley, Purdue University; Stephen Hoffmann, Purdue University; Matthew Ohland, Purdue University; Monica Cardella, Purdue University; Ranjani Rao, Purdue University D7. Recommendations for Promoting Desirable Characteristics in Engineering Ph.D.s: Perspectives from Industry and Academia Monica Cox, Purdue University; Jiabin Zhu; Benjamin Ahn; Jeremi London D8. Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Project-Based Learning Among Engineering Students Debbie Chachra, Olin College D9. CAREER: A Study of How Engineering Students Approach Innovation Senay Purzer, Purdue University D10. Culture of Connectivity in STEM Joseph Cocozza, USC D11. Preparing for a Workforce Environment: Bridging Education and Industry for ERC Students Dr. Penny Jeffrey, FREEDM Systems Center; Dr. Mesut Baran, North Carolina State University; Dr. Petru Andrei, Florida State University; Dr. George Karady, Arizona State University; Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi, Missouri Science & Technology; Dr. Mark Weatherspoon, Florida A&M University; Dr. Kristen Molyneaux, Florida State University D12. NUE: NanoCORE II (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education) at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Amy Chan-Hilton, Florida State University; Rufina Alamo, Florida State University; Dr. Petru Andrei, Florida State University; Mei Zhang, Florida State University; Ongi Englander, D13. Engineering the Common Good Linda Barrington, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Emmanuelle Reynaud, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Julianne Rhoads, University of Massachusetts Lowell D14. E-book Dissemination of Curricular and Pedagogical Innovations in Engineering Thermodynamics Donna Riley, Smith College D15. Emphasizing mathematical sense-making in introductory physics courses helps students succeed in later engineering courses Andrew Elby, University of Maryland; Ayush Gupta, University of Maryland; Eric Kuo, University of Maryland; Mike Hull, University of Maryland; Brian Danielak, University of Maryland D16. Building Design Apps for Early Engineering Education Scott Ferguson, North Carolina State University; Larry Silverberg, North Carolina State University; William DeLuca, North Carolina State University D17. The Role of Student Engagement and Motivation on Student Conceptual Change Trajectory in Core Materials Classes Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Jacquelyn Kelly, Arizona State University D18. The Use of Differentiated Learning Activities to Enhance Engineering Students Learning Michelene Chi, Arizona State University; Stephen Krause, Arizona State University D19. Mechanix: A Sketch Recognition Truss Tutoring System Julie Linsey, Texas A&M University; Tracy Hammond; Erin McTigue, Texas A&M; Olufunmilola Atilola, Texas A&M University 29 Poster Session D D20. Learning to Innovate Through Biosinspired Design (EEC 1025155) Daniel McAdams, Texas A&M University; Julie Linsey, Texas A&M University D21. Developing and Implementing a Plan for Transitioning America’s Veterans to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Academic Programs Robert Green, Mississippi State University; Rayford Vaughn, Mississippi State University; Sarah Rajala, Mississippi State University D22. A New Protocol for Problem Framing in Engineering Problem Solving John Jackman, Iowa State University; Gloria Starns, Iowa State University; Mathew Hagge, Iowa State University; Stephen Gilbert, Iowa State University; Gregory Aist, Iowa State University; LeAnn Faidley, Wartburg College D23. Computational Nanoscience: Education and Evaluation in Computational Nanotechnology Course Yongsheng Leng, George Washington University; Huachuan Wang, George Washington University D24. Teaching bio-nanotechnology to engineering students with varied backgrounds Jonathan Silver, George Washington University D25. Using Digital Pens to Automatically Predict Student Performance in Engineering Statics Tom Stahovich, UC Riverside D26. NUE: Nanomanufacturing for Energy and Biomedical Engineering Ying Sun, Drexel University; Jason Baxter; Christopher Li; Frank Ji D27. The Minor in Nanoscale Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology Dong Qin, Georgia Institute of Technology D28. Nanocomposites for Damping in Snow Skis: A Laboratory Module and Capstone Design Project for Integrating Nanotechnology into the ME Curriculum Kam Leang, University of Nevada Reno; Brandon Hurd, University of Nevada Reno; Jonghwan Suhr, University of Delaware; John Cannon, University of Nevada Reno D29. How much do engineering students consider the context of design problems? Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington; Cynthia Atman, University of Washington; Deborah Kilgore, University of Washington; Anukrati Agrawal, University of Washington; Ryan Campbell, University of Washington D30. Engineering design in context: Breadth of concerns Ryan Campbell, University of Washington; Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Sanne Haase, Aarhus University; Micah Lande, Arizona State University; Cynthia Atman, University of Washington; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University D31. National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Tom Byers, Stanford Unviersity; Tina Seelig, Stanford University; Kathy Eisendhardt, Stanford University D32. Stanford Research Experiences for Teachers (SERET) Program: Catalyst for Student Motivation? Kaye Storm, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Beth Pruitt, Stanford University D33. Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology: A course connecting communities Michael Gorman, University of Virginia; Nathan Swami, University of Virginia; Joanne Cohoon, University of Virginia D34. Research Initiation Grant: Can Makerspaces Develop Undergraduates’ Research Creativity and Innovation? Cindy Harnett, University of Louisville; Thomas Tretter, University of Louisville; Stephanie Philipp, University of Louisville 30 Poster Session D D35. Research Initiation Grant: Increasing Student Engagement in Homework Richard Bennett, University of Tennessee; Taimi Olsen, University of Tennessee; Will Schleter, University of Tennessee; Stanley Guffey, University of Tennessee D36. RET Site: Milwaukee Regional Energy Education Initiative (MREEI) Ilya Avdeev, UW-Milwaukee; Craig Berg, UW-Milwaukee; Michael Lovell, UW-Milwaukee D37. Research Experiences of Teachers in Engineering at The University of Texas-Pan American: Building Partnerships for Learning and Teaching in the Rio Grande Valley Mounir Ben Ghalia, The University of Texas-Pan American; Jaime Ramos, The University of TexasPan American D38. Computing Research Experiences for STEM Teachers (CREST) Harry Cheng, University of California, Davis D39. Research Experience for Teachers (RET) site at the University of Houston (UH) “Innovations in Nanotechnology” Fritz Claydon, University of Houston; Stuart Long, University of Houston; Debora Rodrigues, University of Houston D40. Nanopatterning Surfaces with Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers Alona Bozhchenko, Rice University; Gila Stein, University of Houston; Fritz Claydon, University of Houston D41. Research Experiences for Teachers, Site RET in Engineering: Connecting with Community Colleges – Year 1 Isabel Lloyd, University of Maryland D42. REU in Infrastructure Materials Elliot Douglas, University of Florida D43. Rutgers-NSF REU in Cellular Bioengineering Charles Roth, Rutgers University D44. An Engineering REU Program Focused on Diabetes Eric Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Allison Antink Meyer, Illinois Institute of Technology; Megan Faurot, Illinois Institute of Technology; Norman Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology D45. REU Site in Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Northwestern University Margaret Connolly, Northwestern University D46. SURF NIST Boulder Builds Bridges to Ph.D. Programs Joseph Magee, NIST; Annemiek Kamphuis, NIST; Ron Goldfarb, NIST D47. REU Site: Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Experiences for Females and Underrepresented Minorities at WPI (EEC0754996) Marsha Rolle, WPI; Jonathan Grasman, WPI; Jeanne Hubelbank, Evaluation Consultant; Kristen Billiar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute D48. RET Site: Inquiry-based Bioengineering Research and Design Experiences for Middle-School Teachers (EEC 1132628) Terri Camesano, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Jeanne Hubelbank, Evaluation Consultant; Thomas Oliva, Forest Grove Middle School; Kristen Billiar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute D49. Tailoring Activated Carbon for Improved Removal of Dissolved Organic Matter for Water Reuse Margaret Kupferle, University of Cincinnati; George Sorial, University of Cincinnati; Jacob Lalley, University of Cincinnati; Valerie Deeter, California State Polytechnic University Pomona; Oscar Medellin, Illinois Institute of Technology; Liang Yan, University of Cincinnati 31 Poster Session D D50. The Bioengineering Education Research REU Program Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; Stacy Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University; Mark Bourgeois, Northwestern University; Penny Hirsch, Northwestern University; Jean Alley, Vanderbilt University D51. REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology Leyla Conrad, Georgia Institute of Technolog; Gary May; Jill Auerbach D52. Exploring the Role of Computational Adaptive Expertise in Design and Innovation Ann McKenna, Arizona State University; Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; Adam Carberry, ASU; Jennifer Cole, Northwestern D53. REU Site: Biofuels Development - Feedstock to Tailpipe Russell Ostermann, University of Kansas; Susan Williams D54. RET: ‘Shaping Inquiry from Feedstock to Tailpipe’ to Promote a SHIFT in Science Instruction Claudia Bode, University of Kansas; Susan Williams; Lisa Blair, Southeast Kansas Education Service Center-Greenbush D55. Optical Imaging for the Elementary School Classroom Lisa Blair, Southeast Kansas Education Service Center-Greenbush; Janggun Jo, University of Kansas; Xinmsi Yang, University of Kansas; Pat Zimmerman, USD 343; Lisa Friis, University of Kansas D56. Elementary School Lesson Plans on the Response of the Body to Sensory Input Alica Thomas, Baldwin Intermediate School; Timothy Craig, University of Kansas; Sara Wilson, University of Kansas; Lisa Blair, Southeast Kansas Education Service Center-Greenbush; Lisa Friis, University of Kansas D57. Toolkits for 4th and 5th Grade Teachers (BET 4 Teachers) RET Site Lisa Friis, University of Kansas; Erin Lewis, University of Kansas; Lisa Blair, Southeast Kansas Education Service Center-Greenbush D58. BIOSENSE REU Site - Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems for the Development of Biomedical Applications and Devices at Northeastern University Kristin Hicks, Northeastern University D59. CAREER: A Quality Framework for Interpretive Engineering Education Research Joachim Walther, University of Georgia; Nicola Sochacka, University of Georgia; Nadia Kellam, University of Georgia D60. Making Connections: A Theory of Synergistic Learning in Engineering Nadia Kellam, University of Georgia; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia; Sandy Bird, University of Georgia; Kelly Guyotte, University of Georgia; Tracie Costantino, University of Georgia 32 Posters By NSF Program Featured Posters C1. Publicizing Research C2. STAR Metrics and the Assessment of Engineering Education and Centers Grants Engineering Education Research Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) C6. The Engineer Identity: Identifying with Engineering and Becoming an Engineer C31.BRIGE: Testing the efficacy of concept inventories with bilingual students: The application of CATS at UPRM CAREER Awards A1. Cooperative Human-Computer Model Updating Cognitive Systems (MUCogS) for Civil Infrastructure A3. CAREER: Does Motivation Matter for Conceptual Change? A7. Intentional serendipity, cognitive flexibility, and fluid identities: Cross-disciplinary ways of thinking, acting, and being in engineering A8. CAREER: Implementing K-12 Engineering Standards through STEM Integration B1. CAREER: An Exploration of Expert Teaching and Student Learning in Capstone Experiences B3. CAREER: Reflective practice for graduate engineering students B4. CAREER: Cognitive and Metacognitive Activities in Engineering Design Education B6. CAREER: Characterization of Cognitive Models of Conceptual Understanding in Practicing Civil Engineers and Development of Situated Curricular Materials B7. CAREER: Mathematics as a Gatekeeper to Engineering: The interplay between mathematical thinking and design thinking B9. Assessing Motivation of Engineering Students using Expectancy-Value and Future Time Perspective Theoretical Frameworks B19.Developmental engineering: An examination of early learning experiences as antecedents of engineering education C4. CAREER: Influence of Social Capital on Under-Represented Engineering Students’ Academic and Career Decisions C5. On Complex Problem Solving: From Engineering Practice to the Classroom C13.Preparing Global Engineers for the 21st Century C14.CAREER: Advancing engineering education through learner-centric, adaptive cyber-tools and cyberenvironments D5. Learning from Small Numbers: Methodological revisions D7. Recommendations for Promoting Desirable Characteristics in Engineering Ph.D.s: Perspectives from Industry and Academia 33 Posters By NSF Program D8. Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Project-Based Learning Among Engineering Students D9. CAREER: A Study of How Engineering Students Approach Innovation Engineering Education and Programs (EEP) A9. A Holistic Assessment of the Ethical Development of Engineering Undergraduates A10.From Defense to Degree: Accelerating Engineering Degree Opportunities for Military Veterans B13.Two Plus Three Community College to University Programs Project (T-CUP): A Pilot Program to Broaden Community College Pathways into Engineering Careers C9. Empirically-based Instructional Tools for Fostering Engineering Problem Solving and Cognitive Flexibility in Pre-college Students D13.Engineering the Common Good Innovations in Engineering Education, Curriculum, and Infrastructure (IEECI) A4. Lifting the Barriers: Understanding and Enhancing Approaches to Teaching Communication and Teamwork Among Engineering Faculty A5. A Model for Faculty, Student, and Practitioner Development in Sustainability Engineering through an Integrated Design Experience A6. What is Engineering Knowledge: A Longitudinal Study of Conceptual Change and Epistemology of Engineering Students and Practitioners A16.Formative Feedback: Impacting the Quality of First-Year Engineering Student Work on Modeling Activities A17.A Comparative Study of Engineering Matriculation Practices A18.Socioeconomic Factors in Engineering Pathways A20.“Transforming and Integrating: Evolving Construction Materials & Methods to the Next Level” A21.A Content-Driven, Reflective Model to Support Teaching in Engineering A22.Implementation, Dissemination, Barrier Identification And Faculty Training For Project-Enhanced Learning in Gateway Engineering Courses A23.Meeting the NAE Grand Challenge: Personalized Learning for Engineering Students through Instruction on Metacognition and Motivation Strategies A24.A Preliminary Look at Faculty Adopters and Non-Adopters of Engineering Education Innovations B8. Students’ Understanding of Human-Centered Design and the Impact of Service Learning B10.Engineering Student Problem Solving Strategies that Contribute to Successful Solutions B14.Can gaming provide enough context to improve knowledge integration and retention in engineering freshmen? B15.Entrepreneurship in undergraduate engineering: An examination of curricula, faculty, and students B16.Engaging Students in STEM Education through a Virtual Learning Lab B18.Examining the Migratory Patterns of Engineering Students Using Social Psychological Theories B20.Use of Haptics in a Virtual Reality Environment for Learning of Nanotechnology B21.Collaborative Research: Use and Knowledge of Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) in Engineering Science Courses B22.Transforming Military Veterans Experiences in Engineering at Texas A&M University (AggiE-VETS) 34 Posters By NSF Program B23.Investigation of Hands-On Ability for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers B24.Weaving Threads of Sustainability into the Fabric of the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: Impacting the Fundamental Manner in which Students Solve Problems B34.Agent-Monitored Tutorials to Enable On-Line Collaborative Learning in Computer-Aided Design and Analysis B52.Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE) Program C3. Building new engineering education theory and practice for interdisciplinary pervasive computing design C7. Integrating Developmental Instruction in Sustainability Contexts into an Undergraduate Engineering Design Curriculum C10.Instructional Sequences in Pre-College Engineering Education C15.Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios C16.One Day’s Pay: Educating K-16 Engineers to Design Affordable Innovations C17.CO-INSTRUCTION MODEL FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SENIOR PROJECTS IN SUSTAINABLITY C18.Platform Independent Interface for Remote Laboratory Experiments C19.Pilot Intervention to Improve “Sense of Belonging” of Minorities in Engineering C20.Programming Standing Up C21.Improving Learning in Engineering Classrooms by Coupling Interactive Simulations and Real-Time Formative Assessment via Pen-Enabled Mobile Technology C22.Strengthening the Community College Engineering Pipeline Using Tablet PCs and Online Instruction D6. Assessing Sustainability Knowledge: Gateway Concepts to Drive Sustainability Content Exploration D14.E-book Dissemination of Curricular and Pedagogical Innovations in Engineering Thermodynamics D15.Emphasizing mathematical sense-making in introductory physics courses helps students succeed in later engineering courses D16.Building Design Apps for Early Engineering Education D17.The Role of Student Engagement and Motivation on Student Conceptual Change Trajectory in Core Materials Classes D19.Mechanix: A Sketch Recognition Truss Tutoring System D20.Learning to Innovate Through Biosinspired Design (EEC 1025155) D21.Developing and Implementing a Plan for Transitioning America’s Veterans to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Academic Programs D22.A New Protocol for Problem Framing in Engineering Problem Solving D25.Using Digital Pens to Automatically Predict Student Performance in Engineering Statics D30.Engineering design in context: Breadth of concerns D60.Making Connections: A Theory of Synergistic Learning in Engineering Research in Engineering Education (REE) A15.Informal Pathways to Engineering B2. Using Writing-to-Learn Methods to Improve Conceptual Understanding in Statics B5. Theory to Practice: Developing conceptual change theory to inform engineering education instruction B17.Understanding Diverse Pathways: Disciplinary Trajectories of Engineering Students 35 Posters By NSF Program B33.ADEPT: Assessing Design Engineering Project Classes with Multi-Disciplinary Teams B36.The Learning Bridge C35.Collaborative Research: Development and Testing of 4-P Model to Assess the Effectiveness of Case Study Methodology in Achieving Learning Outcomes C36.A Participatory Investigation of Learning in International Service Projects: Early Findings about Learning Outcomes D18.The Use of Differentiated Learning Activities to Enhance Engineering Students Learning D34.Research Initiation Grant: Can Makerspaces Develop Undergraduates’ Research Creativity and Innovation? D35.Research Initiation Grant: Increasing Student Engagement in Homework D52.Exploring the Role of Computational Adaptive Expertise in Design and Innovation D59.CAREER: A Quality Framework for Interpretive Engineering Education Research Research Initiation Grants in Engineering Education (RIGEE) A34.Research Initiation Grant: Investigating the use of Simulation and Gaming in Sustainable Energy Education (funded Summer 2011) B32.Research Initiation Grant: Developing strategies to improve women’s active participation in engineering student group project teams B35.The Progressive Learning Platform Other A11.Multifunctional Nanostructures for Integrated Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical and Biological Applications: an Interdisciplinary Certificate Program A32.S-STEM at Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University A33.Using a Virtual Gaming Environment in Strength of Materials Laboratory A58.Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics B31.Enhanced Engineering Education & Engagement in a Technology Rich Learning Environment C32.Leveraging Simulation Tools to Deliver Ill-Structured Problems in Statics and Mechanics of Materials C33.An Experiential Pedagogy for Sustainability Ethics C34.San Diego State University’s Troops to Engineers SERVICE Program D29.How much do engineering students consider the context of design problems? D31.National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) A12.Improving Undergraduate Research Program Diversity: Recruitment Strategies, Program Integration, and Education A13.Promoting Diverse Thinking Through a Graduate Seminar Series B11.University Education – SMART LIGHTING ERC: Educating the 21st Century Illumineer B12.Smart Lighting ERC Outreach Programs: Community Outreach and Research Experiences C8. Do goals matter in engineering education? An exploration of how goals influence outcomes for FIRST robotics participants 36 Posters By NSF Program C11.Education and Outreach Programs – Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC) D1. NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC): University Education Program D3. Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC) Pre-College Education Programs D10.Culture of Connectivity in STEM D11.Preparing for a Workforce Environment: Bridging Education and Industry for ERC Students Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineering A14.Impacting Undergraduate Nanoscience And Nanoengineering Education At North Carolina A & T State University A25.Building bridges between the engineering classroom and the research laboratory: nanoscience at Union College A26.How to Create a Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Minor A28.NUE: Interdisciplinary Course - Nanoscale Transport Phenomena for Manufacturing Nanodevices A29.NUE: Nanoengineering Education in an Under-represented Minority University A30.An Integrated Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education Program at the University of New Mexico A31.An InterdisciplinaryModular Approach To Nanodevices And Nanotechnology Objectives Through Engineering via Cyberlearning B25.NUE: Bottom-Up Meets Top-Down – An Integrated Undergraduate Nanotechnology Laboratory at NC State B26.Impact of Themed Learning Community (TLC) Program in Freshmen Engineering on Nanotechnology Track in Undergraduate Degree Program B27.Fluidics Fabrication Engineering Workshop in Secondary Education (FFEWSE) B28.NUE: Interdisciplinary Research-Based Education in Mechanical Engineering B29.NUE: Nano Science And Laboratory Experience (ScALE) at UMaine B30.NUE: Integrating Nanotechnology into Undergraduate Engineering Education at the University of Arkansas B58.NUE: Integrating Nanotechnology Education at CUNY Community Colleges C24.NUE: Integrated Approach to Environmentally Responsible Nanotechnology Education C26.Integrating Nanotechnology into Undergraduate Engineering Curricula at Bucknell University: Enhancing a Biomimetic Materials Course C27.Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Option Network in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Education C28.NanoSTEP: NANO-SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ETHICS, AND POLICY (NanoSTEP) Introducing Societal, Ethical, Economic, and Environmental Issues Relevant to Nanotechnology Into Liberal Education for Engineers D12.NUE: NanoCORE II (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education) at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering D23.Computational Nanoscience: Education and Evaluation in Computational Nanotechnology Course D24.Teaching bio-nanotechnology to engineering students with varied backgrounds D26.NUE: Nanomanufacturing for Energy and Biomedical Engineering 37 Posters By NSF Program D27.The Minor in Nanoscale Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology D28.Nanocomposites for Damping in Snow Skis: A Laboratory Module and Capstone Design Project for Integrating Nanotechnology into the ME Curriculum D33.Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology: A course connecting communities Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) A37.Multi-Year Research Experience for Teachers (RET): The Impact of Long Term Research in Rocket Science and Teaching A38.RET Site: Enrichment Experiences in Engineering (E3) A39.Translating Research Experiences into Classroom Practice: An RET Project A40.Engineering Innovation and Design for STEM Teachers A41.Teachers’ Research in BioPhotonics – Sensors and Systems (TRIPSS) A46.Exploring Nanotechnology with Electrospinning: Design, Experiment, and Discover! A49.Transitioning Engineering Research to Middle Schools (TERMS) A56.Teacher Training and Student Inquiry and Science Literacy: Linking Teacher Intervention to Students’ Outcomes in STEM Courses in Middle and High School Classes B37.RET SITE: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, WATER AND MANUFACTURING B38.Partnering Researchers and Educators to Create Problem Based instruction that Adapts Research in Engineering for Students (PREPARES) B39.UT Arlington RET Site on Hazard Mitigation B41.The TeachEngineering digital library: What’s on it, Who’s using it and How to use it B44.Rice University Nanotechnology Research Experience for Teachers B45.The Joule Fellows: Teachers in Sustainable Energies Research Laboratories B46.Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) - Focused on Green Technology C12.Berkeley Engineering Research Experiences for In-Service and Pre-Service Teacher Teams C30.National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s RET program: Six Years of Success C37.Research Experience for Teachers in the Manufacturing for Competiteveness in the United States (RETainUS) C38.RET in Engineering and Computer Science Site on Engineering a More Sustainable Energy Future C39.Research to Inspire Students in Engineering (RISE) through Inquiry C40.Science and Mechatronics-Aided Research for Teachers (SMART): An RET Site Project C41.RET Site on Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) C42.Strengthening a K12 Learning Community through Engineering Research C43.Experiences in Sensor Networks--University of North Texas (UNT) D32.Stanford Research Experiences for Teachers (SERET) Program: Catalyst for Student Motivation? D36.RET Site: Milwaukee Regional Energy Education Initiative (MREEI) D37.Research Experiences of Teachers in Engineering at The University of Texas-Pan American: Building Partnerships for Learning and Teaching in the Rio Grande Valley D38.Computing Research Experiences for STEM Teachers (CREST) 38 Posters By NSF Program D39.Research Experience for Teachers (RET) site at the University of Houston (UH) “Innovations in Nanotechnology” D41.Research Experiences for Teachers, Site RET in Engineering: Connecting with Community Colleges – Year 1 D48.RET Site: Inquiry-based Bioengineering Research and Design Experiences for Middle-School Teachers (EEC 1132628) D54.RET: ‘Shaping Inquiry from Feedstock to Tailpipe’ to Promote a SHIFT in Science Instruction D55.Optical Imaging for the Elementary School Classroom D56.Elementary School Lesson Plans on the Response of the Body to Sensory Input D57.Toolkits for 4th and 5th Grade Teachers (BET 4 Teachers) RET Site Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) A2. International REU Program in Smart Structures A19.Using a Sensor Technology REU to promote multidisciplinary approaches to undergraduate research and graduate school aspirations A27.Incorporating Ethical Decisions into Nanomanufacturing Research A35.REU Site: Texas Center for Undergraduate Research in Energy and Combustion A36.REU Site: Research Experiences in Microscale Sensing, Actuation and Imaging (MosAIc) A42.2011 Research Experiences for Undergraduates – Nanotechnology and Materials Systems A43.REU Site for Increasing Diversity In Engineering at the Pratt School of Engineering of Duke University A44.REU Site: Bioengineering at Saint Louis University (BE@SLU) A45.Undergraduate Research and Real World Sensor Applications A47.Enhancing Undergraduate Research in Sustainable Transportation Systems: Hybrid Electric and PlugIn Hybrid Electric Vehicles A48.Impact of Software Applications for Integrating Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles within the Smart Grid A50.Earthquake Engineering Internship for Resilient Communities, NSF REU Site coordinated by the PEER Center A51.NSF REU- Educating a Culturally Sensitive Industrial Engineer: A complex interdisciplinary systems perspective to global IE issues A52.Reseacrh Experiences for Undergraduates in Electrical & Computer Engineering at theUniversity of Kentucky A53.REU Site: Back to the Future – Engineering Research in a Historic Context A54.Biology-on-a-Chip Internship Program (BioChIP): Hands-on technology development and biological discovery at UC Berkeley A55.REU Program in Computational Sensing and Medical Robotics A57.Preparing for Graduate School through Interdisciplinary Summer Research B40.UTA REU Site on Hazard Mitigation B42.An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Ecosystem Restoration B43.Phase Behavior of Polymers and Block Copolymers 39 Posters By NSF Program B47.REU Project Outcomes: A Computational Study of Transient Couette Flow Over an Embedded Cavity Surface B48.REU site in Fluid Mechanics: Educational Goals and Outcomes B49.Virginia Tech’s REU Site on Interdisciplinary Water Sciences and Engineering: 2007-09, 2011-14 B50.Design and Application of a Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Lab in Sustainability Education B51.American Student Placement in Rehabilitation Engineering REU Program B53.REU Site: National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges B54.Relative Effectiveness of Different Modes of Education Abroad B55.An Imaging Focused Interdisciplinary REU incorporating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training B56.REU Site: Research Opportunities in Miniature Robotics B57.Education Activities at the Engineering Research Center for Mid-InfraRed Technologies for Health and the Environment (MIRTHE) C23.REU Site: Engineering Cities and Drexel University C25.iREU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Medicine, Energy, and Advanced Manufacturing C29.National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s International Research Experience for Undergraduates Program C44.NSF Retaining Engineers through Research Entrepreneurship and Advanced–Materials Training (RETREAT) 2011 C45.REU Site: Particle-Based Functional Materials for Energy, Biomedicine, and Sustainability C46.REU Site: Summer Research Experiences in Wireless Sensor Networks – Design and Applications C47.Injury Science REU C48.Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Bio/Nano Applications C49.Engineering Solutions for Clean Energy Generation, Storage and Consumption: Undergraduate Research with Computational and Experimental Synergy C50.INSET: Internships in Nanosystems Science, Engineering, and Technology C51.Research in Advanced Propulsion and Fuel Technology for Sustainable Transportation C52.Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center (QoLT ERC) REU Internship Program C53.Wind Energy Science, Engineering and Policy (WESEP) REU C54.Novel Advanced Materials and Processing with Applications in Engineering C55.First Year Accomplishments of a New REU Site at Stony Brook University on Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment C56.Highlights of the 2011 Electrical Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates (EEREU) at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park C57.Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Experiences in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oakland University C58.Development of an Online Application System Available to all REU Programs C59.Research Experience for Undergraduate Site in Additive Manufacturing D2. Sustainable Biomass Production and Processing Systems (SBPP) Research Experience for Undergraduates D4. REU Site: Tackling Environmentally-Related Grand Challenges for Engineering D40.Nanopatterning Surfaces with Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers 40 Posters By NSF Program D42.REU in Infrastructure Materials D43.Rutgers-NSF REU in Cellular Bioengineering D44.An Engineering REU Program Focused on Diabetes D45.REU Site in Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Northwestern University D46.SURF NIST Boulder Builds Bridges to Ph.D. Programs D47.REU Site: Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Experiences for Females and Underrepresented Minorities at WPI (EEC0754996) D49.Tailoring Activated Carbon for Improved Removal of Dissolved Organic Matter for Water Reuse D50.The Bioengineering Education Research REU Program D51.REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology D53.REU Site: Biofuels Development - Feedstock to Tailpipe D58.BIOSENSE REU Site - Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems for the Development of Biomedical Applications and Devices at Northeastern University 41 Index of Authors A Abdelrahman, Mohamed: C37 Absher, Martha: A43 Adams, Robin: A7 Adams, Mark: A31 Adamson, David: B34 Agarawal, Mngilal: B26 Agrawal, Anukrati: D29 Ahn, Benjamin: D7 Aist, Gregory: D22 Aktan, Emin: B36 Alamo, Rufina: D12 Ali, Kyan: A26 Alley, Jean: D50 Aloi, Daniel: C57 Amanuel, Samuel: A25 Amato, Susan: C19 Anderson, Robin: C6, C5 Anderson-Rowland, Mary: A32 Andrei, Dr. Petru: D11, D12 Antink Meyer, Allison: D44 Arnold, Nicholas: C50 Artiles, Noel: B14 Astatke, Yacob: B11, B12 Atchison, Jennifer: A46 Atilola, Olufunmilola: D19 Atman, Cynthia: D29, D30 Auerbach, Jill: D51 August, Stephanie: B16 Autenrieth, Robin: A38 Avdeev, Ilya: D36 B Bairaktarova, Diana: B19 Bara, Jason: C49 Baran, Dr. Mesut: D11 Barham, Wasim: A33 Barnett, David: A44 Barrington, Linda: D13 Barry, Carol: A27, A28 Bartlett, Amy: B42 Basu, Anuradha: C17 Baum, Stefi: B55 Baxter, Jason: D26 Beach, Renee: A40 Bean, John: A34 42 Ben Ghalia, Mounir: D37 Bennett, Richard: D35 Benson, Lisa: B9, B10 Berenstein, Angela: C30 Berg, Craig: D36 Bergbreiter, Sarah: B56 Berland, Matthew: C20 Beuth, Jack: B34 Bilen, Sven: C56 Billiar, Kristen: D48, D47 Bird, Sandy: D60 Blair, Lisa: D55, D54, D57, D56 Bloomfield, Aaron: A34 Blust, Rebecca: A40 Bode, Claudia: D54 Bofah, Peter: B11, B12 Bohmann, Leonard: B23 Bøhn, Jan Helge: B54 Borden, Robby: B6 Borrego, Maura: B21 Bourgeois, Mark: D50 Boysen, Alfred: A53 Bozhchenko, Alona: D40 Brawner, Catherine: A17 Brennecke, Joan: C38 Brenner, James: A26 Brey, Eric: D44 Bristow, Doug: C59 Brockman, Jay: C38 Brossman, Cynthia: A41 Brown, Shane: A6, B6, A5, B5 Budhlall, Bridgette: A28 Bunch, Robert: B12, B11 Burkett, Susan: B53 Burr-Alexander, Levelle: A39 Butcher, Kirsten: C9 Butler-Purry, Karen: A38 Byers, Tom: D31 C Caicedo, Juan: A1, A2 Camesano, Terri: D48 Campbell, Ryan: D30, D29 Cannon, John: D28 Cao, Bo: C18 Carberry, Adam: D52 Index of Authors Carbonell, Ruben: B38 Cardella, Monica: B8, B7, A16, A15, D6 Carpenter, Donald: A9 Carpinelli, John: A39 Casto, Kathleen: C6 Catravas, Palma: A25 Cesani, Viviana: A51 Chachra, Debbie: D8 Chan-Hilton, Amy: D12 Chen, Bo: C51 Chen, Xuemin: C18 Chen, Helen: D30 Chen, Jingyi: B30 Chen, Xingyu: A18 Cheng, Harry: D38 Chi, Michelene: D18 Chirino, Charlie: B43 Cho, Chung-Suk: A20 Cho, YoonJung: B35 Chouikha, Mohamed: B11 Chouikha, Mohamed: B12 Christenson, Richard: A2 Clark (Spierre), Susan: C33 Claydon, Fritz: D39, D40 Clyne, Alisa: C25 Cocozza, Joseph: D10 Cohen, Brian: A25 Cohoon, Joanne: D33 Cokely, Edward: B23 Cole, Jennifer: D52 Cole, Lisa: A26 Colins, Sarah: C23 Colvin, Vicki: B44 Connolly, Margaret: D45 Connor, Kenneth: B11, B12 Conrad, Leyla: D51 Cook-Chennault, Kimberly: B46 Cooper, Lauren: C16 Cooper, Alex: C49 Cooper, Rory: B52, B51 Copeland, H.: B42 Cortez, Rebecca: A25 Costantino, Tracie: D60 Cottrell, David: A20 Coupey, Eloise: C3 Cox, Monica: D7 Craig, Timothy: D56 Crimi, Michelle: A12 Cross, William: A53 Cutler, Stephanie: B21 D Damron, Rebecca: B35 Danielak, Brian: D15 Danielsen, Scott: C49 Dave, Rajesh: A39 Davila, Saylisse: A51 Davis, Kirsten: A24 Daza, Stephanie: B39 Daza, Stephanie: B40 De Clerck, Jim: A23 Deeter, Valerie: D49 Delgoshaei, Parhum: B50 DeLuca, William: D16 Diefes-Dux, Heidi: A16 Ding, Dan: C52 Donatelli, Alfred: A28 Dong, Jingyan: B25 Dorsa, Ed: C3 Douglas, Elliot: D42 Doyle, Jim: C8 Dueck, Megan: A54 Dutta, Partha: B11 Duval-Couetil, Nathalie: B15 E Ebenstein, Donna: C26 Eisendhardt, Kathy: D31 Elby, Andrew: D15 Elliot-Litchfield, Bruce: C36 El-Mounayri, Hazim: B26 Endres, William: A23 Englander, Ongi: D12 Enriquez, Amelito: C22 Etienne-Cummings, Ralph: A55 Evangelou, Demetra: B18, B19 F Faidley, LeAnn: D22 Faison, Heidi: A50 Faurot, Megan: D44 Fawcett, Helen: A41 Ferdowsi, Dr. Mehdi: D11 Ferguson, Scott: D16 Figueroa, Miguel: B14 Finelli, Cynthia: A9 Finger, Susan: B33 Flaris, Vicki: B58 Forsyth, Jason: C3 43 Index of Authors Fougere, Gretchen: B12, B11 Franco, Suzanne: A40 Friis, Lisa: D57, D56, D55 Froyd, Jeff: B22, B21 G Gardner, Tracy: C21 Garrick, Rob: B31 Garrison, Wende: B3 Gehoski, Kathy: C30 Gennert, Michael: C8 Gershenson, John: B24 Gerston, Larry: C17 Ghiaei, Aida: B45 Gilbert, Stephen: D22 Gipson, Kyle: C6 Goldberg, Mary: C52, B51, B52 Goldfarb, Ron: D46 Goncz, Kaarin: B41 Gorman, Michael: D33 Grasman, Jonathan: D47 Green, Robert: D21 Greer, Dustin: B50 Grevich, Justin: C58 Grigg, Sarah: B10 Gruenbacher, Don: A10 Gu, Zhiyong: A28 Guffey, Stanley: D35 Gupta, Ayush: D15 Gupta, Satyandra: B56 Gurian, Patrick: C23, C24 Guyotte, Kelly: D60 Harris, Michael: D4 Harris, Gary: C30 Haut Donahue, Tammy: C19 Healy, Nancy: C30, C29 Helfenbein, Robert: A22 Henderson, Charles: B21 Henington, Carlen: A11 Herkenham, Elizabeth: B11, B12 Hernandez, William: B14 Hersee, Steven: B11, B12 Hewett, Thomas: B36 Hicks, Kristin: D58 High, Karen: A49 Hill, Priscilla: A11 Hilmas, Greg: C59 Hirsch, Penny: D50 Hirsch, Linda: A39 Hixson, Cory: B1 Hjalmarson, Margret: A21 Hoffmann, Stephen: D6, D4 Hollar, Kathryn: C30 Holles, Cortney: C28 Hossein-Zadeh, Mani: A30 Hsiao, Kuang: A31 Hua, Inez: D4 Huang, Adam: B30 Hubelbank, Jeanne: D48, D47 Hubner, James: B48 Hull, Mike: D15 Hurd, Brandon: D28 Hutchinson, John: B44 I H Isaacs, Jacqueline: A27 Haase, Sanne: D30 Haen, Karri: D1, D3, D2 Hagadone, Natasha: B23, A25 Hagge, Mathew: D22 Hahn, Laura: C36 Halada, Gary: C55 Hale, Stephen: C39 Hammers, Michele: B16 Hammond, Tracy: D19 Hannemann, Regina: A52 Harding, Trevor: A9 Hardre, Patricia: C42 Hari, Kavitha: A26 Harnett, Cindy: D34 J 44 Jablonski, Erin: C26 Jackman, John: D22 Jeffrey, Dr. Penny: D11 Jenkins, William: C56 Ji, Frank: D26 Jiang, Xiaoning: B25 Jo, Janggun: D55 Joenathan, Charles: B12, B11 Johnson, George: C12 Johnson, Pauline: B53 Johnson, Amy: C10, C9 Johri, Aditya: C13 Index of Authors Jones, Gail: B25 Jordan, Kari: C19 Jursich, Gregory: C54 K Kalidindi, Surya: C25 Kamphuis, Annemiek: D46 Kapila, Vikram: C40 Karady, George: D11 Karlicek, Robert: B11, B12 Kazerounian, Kazem: B45 Kearney, Kerri: B35 Keasling, Jay: C12 Kellam, Nadia: D60, D59 Kellogg, Stuart: A53 Kelly, Jacquelyn: D17 Kemis, Mari: D1, D2 Khaligh, Alireza: A47, A48 Kilgore, Deborah: D29 Kim, Drew: C41 Kim, Jin-Woo: B30 Kim, Kahyun: C3 Kimmel, Howard: A39 Kindred, Jack: A26 Kinsey, Brad: C39 Kisenwether, Elizabeth: B15 Klein-Gardner, Stacy: D50 Klimeck, Gerhard: C14 Kocherlakota, Lakshmi S.: C27 Koontz, Alicia: B51 Korade, Dawn: C39 Korte, Russell: C36 Koshka, Yaroslav: A11 Kotys-Schwartz, Daria: C16 Kowalski, Frank: C21 Kowalski, Susan: C21 Krause, Stephen: D17, D18 Kretzschmar, Ilona: B58 Kuhn, Jens-Uwe: C50 Kumar, Dhananjay: A14, A13 Kumar, Rohit: B34 Kumpaty, Subha: C48 Kuo, Eric: D15 Kupferle, Margaret: D49 L Lagoudas, Dimitris: A42 Lalley, Jacob: D49 Lambeth, Courtney: A14, A13 Lande, Micah: D30 Landers, Robert: C59 Lang, Amy: B48, B47 Lawanto, Oenardi: B4 Layton, Richard: B17 Le, Qiang: C35 Leang, Kam: D28 Lederman, Norman: D44 Lee, Luke: A54 Leibenguth, Chase: B47 Leng, Yongsheng: D23 Leseman, Zayd: A30 Leshem, Adah: D3 Leu, Ming: C59 Lewis, Erin: D57 Li, Christopher: D26 Liles, Robin: A14, A13 Lin, yekaterina: A26 Ling, Chen: C42 Linsenmeier, Robert: D50, D52 Linsey, Julie: D19, D20 Liou, Frank: C59 Little, Thomas: B12, B11 Lloyd, Isabel: D41 Lohani, Vinod: B49, B50 London, Jeremi: D7 Long, Stuart: D39 Long, Russell: B18, A18, A17, B17 Lord, Susan: B17 Lovell, Michael: D36 Luhrs, Claudia: A30 Lundy-Wagner, Valerie: A18, A19 Lustig, Nadia: A6, A5 M Madhavan, Krishna: C14 Magee, Joseph: D46 Mahin, Stephen: A50 Malave, Cesar: B22 Margraves, Chuck: B24 Marsac, Meghan: C47 Martin, Julie: C4 Martin, Taylor: C20 Martin, Tom: C3 Matusovich, Holly: A4, A3, B5 May, Gary: D51 Mazze, Candace: A20 45 Index of Authors McAdams, Daniel: D20 McCalley, James: C53 McCarthy, Joseph: C45 McKenna, Ann: D52 McNair, Lisa: B3, B2, C3 McTigue, Erin: D19 McVay, Sean: C5 Mead, Patricia: B13 Meadows, Lorelle: B32 Medellin, Oscar: D49 Meyer, Janet: B26 Micou, Melissa: C58 Miller, Michele: B24, A23, B23 Miller, Sondra: A24 Milleville, Maria: C52, B51, B52 Mioc, Silvia: B11 Miskioglu, Ibrahim: B24 Mobrand, Kate: C15 Molyneaux, Dr. Kristen: D11 Montalto, Franco: B36 Montfort, Devlin: A6 Moon, Franklin: B36 Moore, Tamara: A8 Moore, Stephanie: A34 Moore, MaryAnn: D1, D2 Moreno, Roxana: C9 Morkos, Beshoy: B9 Morris Deyoe, Meghan: B11, B12 Morss Clyne, Alisa: C24 Murphy, Don: B16 Murray, Carol: C47 Myers, Frankie: A54 Myers, Oliver: A11 N Naber, Jeffrey: C51 Nagel, Robert: C7 Nagel, Jacquelyn: C5 Nakazawa, Keiko: A45 Nalim, Razi: A22 Nanny, Mark: C42 Napoli, Maria teresa: C50 Narh, Kwabena: A39 Natarajan, Rekha: A10 Nekovei, Reza: A29 Nelson, Jill: A21 Newkirk, Joseph: C59 Newman, Dianna: B11, B12 Neyer, Allison: B16 46 Ngambeki, Ida: B18 Nichol, Carolyn: B44, B43 Noel-Storr, Jake: B55 Nollert, Matthias: C42 Norris, Donald: B23 O Oakes, William: B8 Ogden, Kimberly: B37 Ohland, Matthew: A18, A17, B18, B17, D6 Okoli, Okenwa: C44 Oliva, Thomas: D48 Oliverio, James: B20 Olsen, Taimi: D35 Olsen, Karl: A5 Olson, Mira: C23, C24 Olson, joel: A26 Omar, Syed: A29 Orr, Marisa: A18, A17, B18 Ostermann, Russell: D53 Overney, Rene: C27 Ozogul, Gamze: C9, C10 P Page, Cheryl: A38 Pai, Devdas: A13 Pai, Devdas: A14 Palanki, Srinivas: A31 Palmore, John: B47 Papadopoulos, Christhopher: C32 Pappas, Eric: C7 Pappas, Jesse: C5 Parent, David: C17 Paretti, Marie: B1, A4, B2 Parker, Gordon: B24 Pawley, Alice: D6, D5 Pawluk, Dianne: B20 Pembridge, James: B1 Pennathur, Sumita: B27 Perkins, Ross: A24 Petersen, Eric: A35 Philipp, Stephanie: D34 Phillips, Andres: A26 Pierrakos, Olga: C6, C5, C7 Pinnell, Margaret: A40 Pleil, Matthias: A30 Pomales, Cristina: B14 Portela, Genock: C32 Index of Authors Preiss, Sandi: A40 Preston, Jon: A33 Prince, Jerry: A55 Prince, Michael: B21 Pruitt, Beth: D32 Purzer, Senay: D9 Q Qin, Dong: D27 R Rabideau, Alan: B42 Raghavan, Seshadri: A48 Ragusa, Gisele: A56 Rajala, Sarah: D21 Raju, P.K.: C35 Raman, D. Raj: D1, D2 Ramaswamy, Shruti: A48 Ramirez, Nichole: A18 Ramseyer, Christopher: C42 Rao, Ranjani: D6 Rathbun, Lynn: C29 Rawashdeh, Osamah: C57 Reamon, Derek: C16 Reed-Rhoads, Teri: B15 Refai, Hazem: C42 Reily, Patricia: C34 Reisslein, Martin: C9, C10 Reynaud, Emmanuelle: D13 Rhee, Jinny: C17 Rhoads, Julianne: D13 Ricco, George: B18 Richard, Jacques: A42 Riley, Donna: D14 Rizkalla, Maher: B26 Rodrigues, Debora: D39 Rodriguez, Tony: A32 Rogers, Shane: A12 Rolle, Marsha: D47 Roper, Keith: B30 Rose, Carolyn: B34, B33 Rose, Dorilona: A45 Roth, Charles: D43 Ruane, Michael: A41 Rubin, Kathleen: A57, A58 Rullan, Agustin: B14 S Sadowski, Jathan: C33 Sah, Robert: C58 Salamo, Gregory: B30 Salvaggio, Carl: B55 Sammet, Thomas: A37 Sampath, Anita: A55 Sandler, Ronald: A27 Sankar, Chetan: C35 Sankar, Jagannathan: A13 Santiago, Aidsa: C31, C32 Sattler, Brook: C15 Schauer, Caroline: A46, A45 Schild, Valerie: B38 Schleter, Will: D35 Schreiber, Will: B47 Schulz, Noel: A10 Scott, Craig: B11, B12 Seager, Thomas: C33 Seelig, Tina: D31 Sekaquaptewa, Denise: B32 Selinger, Evan: C33 Shaohua, Xu: A26 Shartrand, Angela: B15 Shehab, Randa: C42 Shelton, Elijah: B27 Sheng, Hong: C59 Sheppard, Sheri: D31, D32, D30 Shih, Wan: C24 Shokrgozar, Daryoush: B16 Shryock, Kristi: A42 Siewiorek, Daniel: B33 Silver, Jonathan: D24 Silverberg, Larry: D16 Simmons, reid: C52 Skorinko, Jeanine: C8 Smailagic, Asim: B33 Smith, Scott: C46 Smith, Rosemary: B29 Sochacka, Nicola: D59 Sohel, Mohammad: B58 Sohoni, Sohum: B35 Soldan, David: A10 Song, Gangbing: C18 Sorby, Sheryl: C19, A23 Sorial, George: D49 Soupir, Michelle: D2 Spatari, Sabrina: C23 47 Index of Authors Speer, Leslie: C17 Spohr, Kate: C11, C12 St. Omer, Ingrid: A52 Stahovich, Tom: D25 Starns, Gloria: D22 Stein, Gila: D40 Stollberg, David: A29 Stone, Elisa: C12 Storm, Kaye: D32 Streveler, Ruth: B5 Suhr, Jonghwan: D28 Sun, Ying: D26 Sun, Hongwei: A28 Sundararajan, Sriram: A36 Swami, Nathan: D33 T Tadros, Danielle: A46 Takle, Eugene: C53 Takoudis, Christos: C54 Tan, Xiaobo: C41 Taylor, Curtis: B20 Tedstone, Jason: C49 Thames, Robert: B16 Thibaudeau, Giselle: A11 Thomas, Alica: D56 Thompson, Michael: B47 Thostenson, Erik: B28 Tracy, Joe: B25 Tretter, Thomas: D34 Trggvason, Gretar: C8 Tung, Steve: B30 Turner, Christoffer: C49 Turns, Jennifer: C15 U Urias, David: C25 V Valentine, Megan: C50 Vales, James: B16 Valle, Christopher: B11, B12 Van Arsdale, Chris: B23 Van der Spiegel, Jan: A19 Varahramyan, Kody: B26 Varanasi, Murali: C43 Vaughn, Rayford: D21 48 Veenstra, Cindy: A18 Velez, Bienvenido: B14 Venters, Chris: B2 Verma, Amit: A29 Vogt, Blythe: A10 W Walther, Joachim: D59, D60 Wang, Huachuan: D23 Watson, Heather: C6 Weatherspoon, Mark: D11 Weatherton, Yvette: B39, B40 Weilerstein, Phil: B15 Wen, Jin: A45 Werner, James: A33 Werpetinski, Valeri: C36 West, Michael: A53 Williams, Susan: D53, D54 Wilson, Sara: D56 Winkelmann, Kurt: A26 Winston, Flaura: C47 Wolcott, Mike: A5 Wolsky, Marisa: A15 Wu, Jingxian: C46 Y Yan, Liang: D49 Yang, Xinmsi: D55 Yasuhara, Ken: D29, D30 Yazdani, Nur: B39, B40 Yeater, Michael: B22 Yee, April: A19 Yun, GunJin: A2 Z Zapata, Felix: B14 Zappe, Sarah: B15 Zarske, Malinda: C16 Zeiler, Tom: B48 Zellin, Roxanne: B57 Zhang, Mei: D12 Zhu, Yong: B25 Zhu, Jiabin: D7 Zilberberg, Anna: C5 Zimmerman, Pat: D55 Zoltowski, Carla: B8 Zou, Min: B30 Virginia Tech Research Center—Arlington 900 North Glebe Road Arlington, Virginia 22203 (Second Level) Farragut West Clarendon (No Food or Beverages) Break Area Smithsonian McPherson Square Catering Kitchen erages) d or Bev (No Foo Stairs West Falls Church Glebe Road Foggy Bottom Men East Falls Church Women Falls Church Pre-function Area Elevators Ballston Ballston Reception Area Ballston Pre-function Area Elevators Vienna Stairs Virginia Tech Research Center – Arlington (Second Level) 49 The Westin Arlington Gateway 801 North Glebe Road Arlington, Virginia 22203 Phone (703) 717-6200 Fax (703) 717-6204 SECOND FLOOR PRE-FUNCTION C D F. SCOTT FITZGERALD BALLROOM D A A C B E E B OPEN TO BELOW SERVICE AREA ERNEST HEMINGWAY SALON 1 LOUISA MAY ALCOTT BOARDROOM 50 2 3 HEMINGWAY PRE-FUNCTION 2 1 3 Notes 51 Notes 52