Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. ECE 480L: SENIOR DESIGN SCHEDULED LAB DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ________________________________________________________________ I. TITLE: Lab I: Digital Color Organ - Power Supply and LED Outputs II. PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES: A. Introduction Over the next several labs we are going to build and test a Digital Color Organ1. You are also going to try to improve on the original design. A color organ is an electronic device that divides sounds into several frequency bands and modulates colored lights depending on the frequency content of the sound or music. Many color organs have been designed since the 1960's using analog filters to divide incoming sounds into distinct bands2 of frequencies. Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) were used to control line-voltage colored incandescent lamps. This was not only dangerous but very energy inefficient. With the advent of microcontrollers, we can accomplish the same functions with much less hardware and lower voltages. In addition, we have the ability to reconfigure and tune our design after assembly. This design does have analog circuitry to provide dc power and to manipulate a microphone input and a stereo line-input. We also need to do some overall analog filtering to limit the bandwidth to half the sampling frequency of 16 kHz as required by the Nyquist criteria3. The frequency selectivity is done with digital filters using a microcontroller. The output powers a bank of LEDs. B. Lab Organization (Please read carefully) 1 C. A. Lindley, Psychedelia II: A Digital Color Organ, Nuts and Volts Magazine, Vol.29, No. 1, January 2008. 2 Similar to Lab VIII: Room Equalizer Design in ECE 203. 3 See the ECE 202 text: Thomas, Rosa and Toussaint, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, Chapter 13. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 1 1. In this series of experiments with the Digital Color Organ you will be working alone. This is being done to help refresh your lab skills and to prepare you for the capstone design experience. All work must be done by you and only you. You will be asked to sign a Code of Ethics Declaration for each Lab Report. 2. You need to stop by the ECE shop (Room 3234) during business hours and sign out your own lab Storage Box. This Storage Box contains tools, cables and most of the parts4 needed to build the Digital Color Organ. This will be your box for the rest of the semester. Please write your name on the box and take the box home for safe keeping. Bring the box whenever you come to lab. If you damage or loose any of the contents of the Storage Box, you will be required to replace them (See the Bill of Materials for ordering information or the ECE shop). At the end of this project you will get to keep the Digital Color Organ and only need to return the tools indicated in Section V: Parts Required. 3. When inside any of the ECE labs, you must wear eye protection. For each instance of not wearing eye protection, your lab report grade will be lowered by 1%. 4. In this lab there are references to the ECE 203 and 303 lab lecture notes. If you did not take these courses at MSU, you can find videos of these lab lecture notes at: . C. Bound Lab Notebook and Lab Reports (Please read carefully) 1. In this lab and the upcoming labs, you will be asked many questions and you will be asked to measure or calculate many things. You must record your responses and results in your own personal Bound Lab Notebook. This is done to make sure things are working correctly and to help you understand how the Digital Color Organ works. The Bound Lab Notebook is a good place to record design ideas. 2. If the lab asks you to record something in the Lab Report, then you will find a place for this in the Lab Report Template at the end of each lab. The emphasis in grading this part of the course is on the final results and not the steps leading up to it, so weekly lab reports will be short. III. BACKGROUND MATERIAL: See Lab Lecture Notes. 4 Some parts were changed from the original article due to availability. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 2 IV. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1 1 1 1 1 4 V. Your own personal Bound Lab Notebook Agilent Infiniium DSO-9064A Digital Storage Oscilloscope Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter Agilent E3611A Power Supply Extech LCR Meter Agilent N2873A 10:1 Miniature Passive Probes PARTS REQUIRED: ECE 480L Storage Box (Tolerances 10% or better) 3 1 10 1 1 W1 C1,C4,C5,C6,C8 C2,C13,C15 C3 C7,C10 C9 C11 C12,C14,C16 R1 R2,R6-R8,R13,R14 R3,R4,R9,R10 R5 R11,R12 R15 R16,R18,R20,R22 R17, R23 R19, R21 D1 D2,D27-D34 D3-D10 D11-D18 D19-D26 J1 J2 M1 Q1-Q4 SW1 SW2 U1 U2 U3 U4 Solderless Breadboard strips Bundle of coated hook up wire Female-Male 6" jumper wires 3 ft. Stereo 3.5 mm/1/8” Male-Male audio cable USB cable Wall Wart (9 V, 300 mA) 4.7 μF capacitor Polarized 0.1 μF capacitor 240 pf capacitor 0.022 μF capacitor 0.01 μF capacitor 0.047 μF capacitor 47 μF capacitor Polarized 4.7K resistor 1/4W 1K resistor 1/4W 20K resistor 1/4W 1 meg trimmer (thumb wheel) 1.6K resistor 1/4W 330 ohm resistor 1/4W 470 ohm resistor 1/4W 22 ohm resistor 1W 18 ohm resistor 1W 1N5819 diode Orange LED Red LED Yellow LED Green LED Stereo 1/8” jack male connector Wall Wart barrel type connector Electret condenser microphone TIP31A switching/power transistor Breadboard SPDT Mic/line switch Breadboard SPDT Power off/on switch LM324 Quad op-amp LM2940CT 5 V, 1 A voltage regulator LM3940IT 3.3 V, 1 A voltage regulator MSP430 LaunchPad with MSP430G255 Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 3 Tools included that are to be returned at the end of the semester: 1 1 1 1 1 8 Needle-nose pliers Wire stripper Flat-head screw driver Side cutters BNC-to-Banana adapter Banana-to-grabber wires VI. LABORATORY PROCEDURE: A) Agilent (HP) 34401A Digital Multimeter 1. Check the contents of your Storage Box against the Parts Required in Section V. The color code for resistors and the code for capacitors can be found in the ECE 203 Lab I and Lab III lecture notes, respectively. (One simple way to remember the resistor color code is by constructing a short sentence with the first letters of each color. For example, “Big Brown Rabbits Often Yield Great Big Vocal Groans When Gingerly Slapped,” which might be an easy way to remember Black 0, Brown 1, Red 2, Orange 3, Yellow 4, Green 5, Blue 6, Violet 7, Gray 8, White 9, Gold 5%, and Silver 10%.) The MSP430 LaunchPad has a CMOS microcontroller on it and can be damaged by handling. Only touch the LauchPad by picking it up by the outside edges of the printed circuit board. Keep the LauchPad in the anti-static bag when not in use. If any of the contents of your Storage Box is missing, see the technical staff in the ECE shop (Room 3234) for replacement. They will only replace missing parts the first week of lab. 2. The Agilent 34401A shown in Fig. 1 is a 6½ digit, six function, autoranging precision multimeter and is usually referred to as a DMM (Digital MultiMeter). The measurement functions are DC and AC Voltage, 2-Wire and 4-Wire Resistance, Frequency and DC and AC current. You will need two pairs of red and black banana-to-grabber wires. One such wire is shown in Fig. 2 and these can be found in your Storage Box. Connect a red banana-to-grabber wire to the HI Input and a black banana-to-grabber wire to the LO Input terminals on the right side. (It is common in electronics to use red wires for positive and black wires for negative.) Press the POWER push button located in the lower left corner. Press the Ω 2W (2-wire resistance) button. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 4 Figure 1. Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter Figure 2. Banana-to-grabber wire 3. Measure all the resistors in your Storage Box greater than 50 Ω by connecting the grabber clip to each end of the resistor. The last digits may drift due to the “aging” of the resistor. If your values are very unstable it may be due to a high contact resistance between the grabbers and the wire of the resistor. This is caused by oxidation of the metal grabbers. One quick way to clean the contact is to hold the resistor firm and rotate each grabber clip. Try not to bend the wire. 4. The Resistance Accuracy specifications for the DMM that are given in the ECE 203 Lab I lecture notes are for the Fluke 8840A DMM used in the ECE 203 lab. Your Agilent DMM is more accurate. It is 6½ digit with an accuracy of ± [0.0020% of the reading + 5 digits]. Re-doing the example from ECE 203, suppose that you read a resistance of R = 1 3 . 3 4 1 3 0 kΩ Then (0.000020)(13.34130 k) = 0.000266826 k + 5 digits = 00.00005 k ______________________________________________ Accuracy = ±0.000316826 k Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 5 Thus your actual value of resistance is between 13.34130 k - 0.000316826 k = 13.34098317 kΩ and 13.34130 k + 0.000316826 k = 13.34161683 kΩ What this means is that you can trust the first four digits of the DMM. 5. Connect the second pair of banana-to-grabber wires to the HI and LO Ω 4W Sense (4-wire) terminals to measure any resistors less than 50 Ω. (Put all measurements in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) Connect the resistor as shown in the ECE 203 Lab I lecture notes on page 6. Measure the resistance in the Ω 2W mode. Invoke the Ω 4W mode by using the blue shift button. Measure the resistance. From this data, you can calculate the resistance of the wires and grabber clips. This should be less than 100 mΩ. If not follow the procedure in Section VI-A-2 for reducing contact resistance. B) Extech LCR Meter 1. The Extech LCR meter shown in Fig. 3 is a device that measures AC Impedance at two frequencies, 120 Hz and 1 kHz. Turn ON the LCR meter by pressing the power switch button (ΙΈ) found in the upper left corner. If necessary, press the L/C/R button until a Capacitance screen is displayed. (The turn on screen is the last one used.) 2. The LCR meter has a spring clip fixture that allows the insertion of component leads. The frequency is displayed in the upper right corner and is changed by pressing the FREQ button. Set to 120 Hz. Figure 3. Extech LCR meter 3. The accuracy of the LCR meter is ± [0.7% of the reading + 3 digits]. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 6 Pick one capacitor and measure it. Using the explanation in Section VI-A-3, can you predict the number of trustworthy digits? (Put all calculations in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) 4. Measure the remaining capacitors in your Storage Box. polarity markings on the LCR meter for measuring capacitors. Check that all of your capacitors are within Replace any capacitors that are out-of-tolerance from either Cabinet or the ECE shop. Note the polarized tolerance. the Parts’ 5. Turn OFF the meter when finished. C) Agilent E3611A Power Supply 1. We will be using a wall wart to power the Digital Color Organ, but before we do this we are going to use the Agilent E3611A power supply shown in Fig. 4. This power supply has an adjustable voltage and an adjustable current. We are going to set the maximum current low enough so that if we make a wiring error or if we have a component failure, we don’t melt our Solderless Breadboard. Figure 4. Agilent E3611A Power Supply With no external connections to the three terminals in the lower right, turn ON the power supply by depressing the button in the lower left corner. If necessary, set the Range button to the 1.5 A position. There are two knobs on each supply. The right knob marked Current controls the maximum magnitude of current available. On this range you can have a maximum current of 1.5A and a maximum voltage of 20 V. (On the .85 A range, the maximum voltage is 35 V. For either setting there is about 30 Watts max). The left knob marked Voltage allows the user to set a desired voltage magnitude. Turn this knob and observe. Set the magnitude of the supply to approximately 9 V. 2. Since 1.5 A of current is large enough to melt our Solderless Breadboard, let's set the maximum current limit much smaller. To set the maximum current limit, press and hold the CC Set. Rotate the current control to .05 A. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 7 Note: If your circuit ever tries to draw more than 50 mA of current then the voltage will collapse, that is, it will drop to a much lower value in voltage than what is set by the voltage control. Do not try to increase the current control setting, unless instructed to do so, because something is seriously wrong. Increasing the current control may melt the Solderless Breadboard. Find your error and fix. 3. This is a floating power supply. To make the supply a positive voltage with respect to ground, we need to connect a wire from the - terminal to the terminal labeled with a ground (⊥) symbol. To do this, unscrew the - and ground (⊥) terminals. Strip a piece of wire on both ends and insert from the top. Screw both terminals being careful not to tighten down on the insulation. You should be tightening only the bare wire. 4. Turn OFF the power supply. D) Digital Color Organ Power Supplies The Power Supply Section of the Digital Color Organ is shown in Fig. 5. It has three voltages used to power different parts of the Digital Color Organ. A wall wart will be connected to J2 to supply power. A wall wart consists of a step-down transformer with full-wave rectification and a smoothing filter capacitor. We built this type of circuit in Lab IV of ECE 303 and added a load resistor. As we saw in ECE 303, the average value of the output voltage decreased as the load resistance decreased (or the load current increased). The wall wart for this project is listed as 9 V @ 300 mA. This means that the output voltage of the wall wart is approximately an average of 9 V when there is a load current of 300 mA. This would be the effect of connecting a load resistance of 9/.3 = 30 Ω. What is not known is the peak-to-peak ripple voltage, vr ,which will cause the minimum output voltage to be 9 - vr /2 volts. This minimum output voltage needs to be big enough to run the linear voltage regulator, U2. Figure 5. Power Supply Section Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 8 We will use the Agilent E3611A power supply in place of the wall wart for now so that we can protect our Solderless Breadboards and circuitry. The Agilent power supply is very well regulated and will not have any noticeable ripple. 1. The Solderless Breadboard strips used for this project are the same ones that formed the larger Proto-Board we used in ECE 203 and 303. See the ECE 203 Lab II lecture notes, if you need to review the layout of the holes. Each strip has 63 rows of holes. We want to fit the circuit for this lab on about 1/2 of one Solderless Breadboard strip. 2. Obtain the data sheets of linear regulator ICs U2 and U3 by searching the Texas Instruments web site: and find the front view pin out of the TO-220 package. Note that the metal tab is connected to the center pin. Make sure that this doesn’t touch any other metal surface. 3. Build the circuit in Fig. 5 with J2 ONLY to the extreme left as shown in Fig. 6 and try to use roughly 30 rows or less of the Solderless Breadboard strips. Do not wire J2 at this time. To help you, here are some tips: a. We want to use the SPDT switch SW2 as just an on/off switch. It has three terminals, using the ohmmeter figure out which 2 of the 3 terminals you need to use. The switch should fit directly into the breadboard. Position the switch in the block of rows just below the channel where J2 is connected. Leave enough room for your finger. Figure 6. Breadboard with J2 b. If you need to connect holes that are close, strip the coating off the Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 9 coated wire with the wire strippers and the pair of pliers. Use this bare wire to connect these nearby holes. Check to see that these jumpers are not touching any other metal objects. c. As shown in Fig. 7, mounting resistors or diodes vertically instead of horizontally can save a lot of space. Figure 7. Mounting a resistor vertically d. LEDs have the n-side shorter than the p-side. Also the lens usually has a flat or notched side indicating the n-side of the LED. 4. Please check over all of your connections again before doing the next step. If power is applied incorrectly, component damage can occur. 5. Using the grabbers, connect the E3611A power supply to the left-side of SW2 in Fig. 5 in place of the wall wart. Turn ON the power supply. If necessary turn ON switch SW2 and the orange LED should be on. If your power supply voltage drops from its initial setting, there is something seriously wrong. Turn OFF the power supply. Look for a wiring error and fix. E) Agilent Infiniium DSO-9064A Digital Storage Oscilloscope The Agilent Infiniium DSO-9064A Digital Storage Oscilloscope, shown in Fig. 8, is the next generation of Infiniium oscilloscopes from the one we used in ECE 203 and 303. In addition, this scope has four analog scope channels and a touchscreen display. Figure 8. Agilent Infiniium DSO-9064A Digital Storage Oscilloscope Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 10 1. Turn ON the Infiniium by pressing the button in the lower-left corner. Use the KVM Switch located behind your left computer monitor to switch the keyboard and mouse to the Infiniium. Use your EGR login. 2. The Infiniium should have four Agilent N2873A 10:1 passive probes connected to it. If not, carefully reconnect them by rotating the collar clockwise and gently pushing. Press the Default Setup button to clear the settings of the last user. For this lab and all of the following labs we will always use the probes. The probes are somewhat fragile, so do not remove these probes from the scope when you are finished with the lab. Please take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with this scope. A good place to start is to see if the probes are compensated properly. 3. Connect one probe up to the calibration hook at the bottom left of the scope face and connect the probe ground clip to the ground tab. Do not use auto scale! Start out by pressing the Default Setup button. Adjust the horizontal (x-axis) scale until you see a square wave. Next, adjust the vertical (y-axis) scale for the channel you are using until the signal is maximized on the screen without clipping. [One way to fix high-frequency noise is to lower the bandwidth of the scope. You can find this by clicking on or touching the number of the channel you have connected your probe to on the top of the scope screen. A dialog box should appear. Click or touch the HW BW Limit (20 MHz) box. Close the dialog box.] You should also pick the triggering for the channel that you are using in the grouping labeled Trigger and rotate the Level knob to intersect the trigger with your waveform. 4. To further clean up any noise you can use averaging. To activate averaging, move the mouse pointer to the menu bar on top and find Setup. Under this find Acquisition in the pull down menu. Click on this and find Averaging in the resulting dialog box. Click on the box next to Enable. Set the # of Averages to 16, by clicking on the up or down arrow until you find this value. Your waveform should now appear to be smoother than before. Close the dialog box. You should now see a square-wave at approximately 810 Hz and 1 Vpeak. These probes need a special tool for adjustment. If there is a problem only the ECE shop can re-compensate your probes. 5. The probes tend to pull parts out of the breadboard. So strip the ends off of some coated wire and place one end of each wire in each of the 4 Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 11 non-grounded nodes in Fig. 5. Connect the 4 scope probe tips to these wires. Connect the alligator ground clips to the ground strip on the breadboard likewise using coated wires with stripped ends. 6. Press Default Setup. Do not use auto scale! Adjust the time-base to display 10 msec/div. Adjust all four volts/div scales to the same value, and align the reference grounds for the 4 measured voltages to the same level. All four reference grounds should be visible on the scope. 7. We next want to measure the average (dc) voltage for each probe. By holding the mouse cursor over the Toolbar icons on the left-side of the screen, you can see what the icons measure. Find the V average icon and select by right-clicking the mouse or by touching the icon on the screen. Pick the appropriate Channel for that probe and select Entire Display. Click or touch Ok. Repeat for the remaining probes. Are the values consistent with what you expect? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) If not, look for a wiring error and fix. Make a hard copy of the screen (select invert waveform colors) including the average measurements. Since we are printing in black and white, you will need to mark which node is which on your printout. Mark this section letter and number on the plot. Give the plot an appropriate title. Attach as indicated in the Lab Report. 8. Turn OFF the power supply and connect the two 22 Ω resistors in parallel from your Storage Box at the output of the 3.3 volt regulator (node 4). Calculate the total current in the parallel combination. (Put all calculations in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) 9. Turn ON the power supply and observe what has happened to the values of the node voltages from Section VI-E-8. Does this make sense with what you calculated in Section VI-E-9? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) 10. What value should you reset your current limit to on the E3611A power supply? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) Disconnect the power supply and re-adjust the current to 20% more than you need. 11. Reconnect the power supply and observe what has happened to the values of the node voltages from Section VI-E-5. Does this make sense given the data sheets of the voltage regulators? Which plot in the data sheet helps explain what just happened? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 12 12. Please do not touch the 22 Ω resistors because they may be very hot. Knowing the average voltage across each resistor, calculate the power dissipated. Is it less than the 1-Watt rating? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) 13. Turn OFF SW2 and turn OFF the power supply. Disconnect the wires from the power supply. F) Wall Wart 1. Locate the wall wart (a rectangular box with wall outlet prongs) in your lab Storage Box. Remove the connector J2 from the Solderless Breadboard. The connector has three terminals. Carefully plug the wall wart into the wall socket on the lab bench and insert the other end into the wall wart connector J2. 2. We need to figure out which terminal is positive and which is negative. We will use the Agilent DMM. Change scales to read dc voltage by pressing the DC V button. Connect the positive terminal to one pin of the wall wart connector and the negative terminal to another pin of the wall wart connector. Do you read a positive voltage greater than 9 V? If so you have found the + and - terminal of the wall wart connector. If not, try another combination. Be careful not to short wires or connections. Make a sketch of this in your personal Bound Lab Notebook. Disconnect the wall wart from the wall wart connector J2. Unplug the wall wart from the wall outlet socket. 3. Put the wall wart connector J2 back into the breadboard as shown in Fig. 6. Using your sketch, wire the connector into the breadboard with the negative terminal connected to ground and the positive terminal connected to the left of SW2 in Fig. 5. Does this wiring make sense to you? If not please ask the ECE 480 lab TA for help. 4. Double check that switch SW2 is OFF and that your Agilent power supply is OFF and is totally disconnected from your breadboard. 5. Plug the wall wart back into the outlet on your lab bench and connect the wall wart to the connector J2. Turn ON switch SW2. The orange LED should come on and you should see new waveforms on the scope. 6. Are the voltages on the scope consistent with what you expect? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) If not, look for an error and fix. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 13 7. Using the Measurement Toolbar, add a measurement to find the voltage peak-to-peak at node 2 in Fig. 5. This is the ripple seen by our power supply with a load. If you have troubles getting a stable trace, try Line for your triggering. Adjust all four volts/div scales to the same value, and align the reference grounds for the 4 measured voltages to the same level. All four reference grounds should be visible on the scope. (Include the 4 average voltage measurements) Make a hard copy of the screen (select invert waveform colors) including the Toolbar measurements. Since we are printing in black and white, you will need to mark which node is which. Mark this section letter and number on the plot. Give the plot an appropriate title. Attach as indicated in the Lab Report. 8. Look up the data sheet for D1 on the web. Can you explain what the purpose of D1 is and why did the author choose this type of diode? (Answer all questions in your personal Bound Lab Notebook.) 9. Turn OFF SW2, unplug the wall wart. Caution: the 22 Ω resistors in parallel are very hot. Disconnect these resistors from your circuit using a pair of pliers and let them cool down. G) LED Bank of Lights 1. The LED bank of lights for the Digital Color Organ is shown in Fig. 9. 2. You will need one full Solderless Breadboard strip of the three that you have to build this circuit. Only build the Red LED light bank at this time. To help you here are some tips: a. If you need to connect holes that are close, strip the coating off the coated wire and use this bare wire to connect these nearby holes. Check that these jumpers are not touching any other metal objects. b. LEDs have the n-side shorter than the p-side. Also the lens usually has a flat or notched side indicating the n-side of the LED. c. Obtain the data sheet for the TIP31A on the web and find the front view pin out of the TO-220 package. Note that the metal tab is connected to the center pin. Make sure that this doesn’t touch any other metal surface. 3. Again we want to be cautious and so let’s use the Agilent E3611A power supply with the current limiter to make sure we protect our circuit from damage. Set the voltage to 9 V and the maximum current to 200 mA. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 14 Figure 9. LED Bank of Lights Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 15 4. Using banana-to-grabber wires, connect the positive terminal of the E3611A power supply to the 9 V arrow in Fig. 9. Connect the negative terminal to ground. Turn ON the power supply. If your power supply voltage drops from its initial setting, there is something seriously wrong. Turn OFF the power supply. Look for a wiring error and fix. 5. To test the Bank of Lights, we will need to connect the function generator. There are two different models of function generators in the ECE 480 lab. Steps 6 and 7 will explain some of the differences. 6. Agilent 33250A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator a. If your lab bench has the 33250A generator, proceed to the next step. If not, go to step 7). b. The function generator’s setting for amplitude is defaulted to the case where it is assumed that the function generator is connected to a 50 Ω load. We can reset the function generator’s default load of 50 Ω to a high resistance load by using the Utility button located in the second row of rectangular buttons. Press it and highlight Output Setup. Then select High Z and Done. If we don’t do this our displayed voltage will be off by a factor of two. This resetting of the high resistance termination option will remain in effect until we turn off the function generator. So please do not turn off the function generator until instructed to do so. 7. Agilent (HP) 33120A Function Generator / Arbitrary Waveform Generator a. If your lab bench has the 33120A generator, proceed to the next step. b. The function generator’s setting for amplitude is defaulted to the case where it is assumed that the function generator is connected to a 50 Ω load. We can reset the function generator’s default load of 50 Ω to a high resistance load by entering into the SYStem MENU. To set the calibration of the function generator’s amplitude to the high resistance option, press the Blue Shift button, followed by pressing the Enter button just above the Shift button. A: MOD MENU should appear on the display. Pressing the > button once should cause B: SWP MENU to appear. Pressing the > button again should cause C: EDIT MENU to appear. Pressing the > button again should cause D: SYS MENU to appear. We can go down into this menu by pressing the V button which will cause 1: OUT TERM to appear. Pressing the V Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 16 button again will cause 50 OHM to appear. Pressing > will finally cause HIGH Z to appear. To pick this option all we need to do is to press the Enter button again. If we don’t do this our displayed voltage will be off by a factor of two. This resetting of the high resistance termination option will remain in effect until we turn off the function generator. So please do not turn off the function generator until instructed to do so. 8. Setup the function generator to output a 5 Vp-p, 100 Hz square-wave with a dc offset of 2.5 V. Remember to set High Z. Use the scope to verify that this is indeed the signal coming out of the function generator. 9. Connect the positive terminal of the function generator to R16 and the negative terminal to ground of Fig. 9. The Red LEDs should be on. The E3611A power supply is displaying the average current supplied to the Red LEDs for a 50% duty cycle. On 2 channels of the scope display the two node voltages of the leads of R17. Calculate the maximum difference and divide by the nominal resistance value of R17. This is the peak current. How does this compare to the average current for a 50% duty cycle read on the E3611A? 10. Make a hard copy of the screen (select invert waveform colors) including the peak-to-peak measurements. Since we are printing in black and white, you will need to mark which waveform is which. Mark this section letter and number on the plot. Give the plot an appropriate title. Attach as indicated in the Lab Report. 11. Lower the frequency to 1 Hz. How has the appearance of the Red LEDs changed? Explain why. Change the frequency back to 100 Hz. 12. Build the remaining three LED light banks (Yellow, Green, and Orange), and test them as you did in step 9 to verify proper operation. 13. Disconnect the function generator from the Digital Color Organ. 14. Using your previous calculations, calculate the total average current drawn by the LED Bank of Lights for a 50% duty cycle. What is the total peak current? 15. Move the 9 V connection from the LED Bank of Lights to the left side of SW2 in the Power Supply Section. Connect the LED Bank of Lights to node 2 of your power supply. Turn switch SW2 ON, if necessary. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 17 The E3611A power supply is now displaying the average current supplied to the Power Supply Section and to the Analog Section of the Digital Color Organ. This is our total current consumption for the parts we have built. H) Demonstration 1. Once you have finished the lab, call the lab TA over to grade your lab report before you leave. There are also a few demonstrations that will be required to show the functionality of your circuit; make sure that you have these working before you call the TA. 2. Using the digital multimeter, measure the voltage at node 2, 3 and 4 of figure 5, that is, the voltage of the 9 V supply, the 5 V supply, and the 3.3 V supply. Take this measurement with the two 22 Ω resistors in parallel attached to simulate a full load. 3. Use the function generator to drive all four LED outputs at the same time with a 1 Hz square wave. Measure the voltage across the power resistor of one of the LED light banks using the oscilloscope. I) Clean up Do not remove the scope probes from the scope. Turn off all equipment. Put all of your things back into your Storage Box and take it home with you. VII. ASSIGNMENT FOR NEXT LAB PERIOD 1. Listen to the next recorded lab lecture and read the Lab Procedure portion of that experiment. There will be a quiz on this material at the beginning of the next lab. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 18 Lab Report Lab I - Digital Color Organ - Power Supply and LED Outputs Name: .................................................................................................................. Date: .................................................................................................................... Code of Ethics Declaration All of the attached work was performed by me. I did not obtain any information or data from any other student. I will not post any of my work on the World Wide Web. Signature ............................................................................................................. Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 19 VI-E-7 Mark VI-E-7 on the top right side of your plot and attach as the next page. Give the plot an appropriate title. VI-F-7 Mark VI-F-7 on the top right side of your plot and attach after VI-E-7. Give the plot an appropriate title. VI-G-10 Mark VI-G-10 on the top right side of your plot and attach after VI-F7. Give the plot an appropriate title. VI-H-2 Measured 9 V Supply: ____________________ Measured 5 V Supply: ____________________ Measured 3.3 V Supply: ____________________ Instructor Signoff: ____________________ VI-H-3 Instructor Signoff: ____________________ Copyright © 2015 by Stephen A. Zajac & Gregory M. Wierzba. All rights reserved..Spring 2015. 20