11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society September 2006 – Zao, Japan Portable Gait-Event Detection System with Built-in wireless sensor configuration Se-Jin KONG 1, Chul-Seung KIM 1, Gwang-Moon EOM 1 1 Biomedical Engineering, Konkuk University 322, Danwoldong, Choongju, Choongbuk, 380-701, Korea sejin.kong@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a portable gait-event detection system which is necessary for the cycle-to-cycle FES (functional electrical stimulation) control of locomotion. Proposed gait-event detection system consists of a signal measurement part and gait event detection part. To make the system portable, we made following modifications from the previous wired system. That is, 1) to make the system wireless using Bluetooth communication, 2) to make the system small-sized and batterypowered by using low power consumption microprocessor. We also used a video camera system to get the reference gait events. The gait-events were detected off-line at the main computer using ANN(Artificial Neural Network) of Machine learning technique. The proposed system showed no mis-detection of the gait-events of normal subject and hemiplegia subjects. The performance of the system was better than the previous wired-system, probably due to the reduction of unnatural movement during gait signal measurement. It is expected that the result of this study will be useful in the design of cycle-to-cycle FES controller. the muscle delay(100~300ms) is the main problem to solve for the real-time control [3]. Therefore, it is desirable to use the cycle-tocycle feedback control to decide the stimulus pattern for the following gait cycle based on the previous gait cycles[3][4]. A rule-based system consisting of if-then rules [1][5] and also the Fuzzy system [3][4] were suggested for the gait-event detection. However, these methods require predetermined knowledgebase and suffer from intersubject difference [6]. For such cycle-to-cycle control, recognizing each gait phase as well as the whole gait cycle is required [3]. This study aims to define a cycl e of gait in five gait phases, as in Fig. 1 and diff erentiate gait phases based on five gait events. event detecting leg contralateral leg Heel Strike (HS) Weight Acceptance Foot Flat (FF) Late Swing Max Keen Felxion (MKF) Heel Off (HO) Early Swing Toe Off (TO) Terminal Stance Fig. 1 Phases and events gait cycle 1. INTRODUCTION Functional electrical stimulation (FES) refers to the method for reconstructing the motor funct ion by applying artificial electric stimuli directl y on the peripheral motor nerves or muscle bypassing the paralyzed nerve conducting path, to complement the lost motor function. To date, most clinically applied FES systems for restoration of locomotion use a manually triggered open-loop control method [1]. But this manual control cannot cope with the non-linear and time-varying characteristics of muscle [2]. Recently, there are many attempts to the realtime and closed loop control for the FES. But Data acquisition Foot switch 1 Foot switch 2 Gyroscope ¥ì-processor Bluetooth Bluetooth main computer Video camera Gait- event learning/detection Fig. 2 Gait-signal measurement system structure The purpose of this study is to develop a portable gait-event detection system which is necessary for the cycle-to-cycle FES control of locomotion. – 237 – 11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society September 2006 – Zao, Japan To obtain the gait phases, we used the foot switches and the Gyro sensors [7]. We made the whole system small-sized, wireless, lowpowered and thus portable. Then we applied it to both normal and disabled people, to verify its performance. f-FSR r-FSR Gyro 5 䏗 䏏 䏒 䏙 4 3 2 1 0 12 14 16 video ANN 5 䏗 䏑 䏗䏈 䏌 䏄 䏙 䎪䏈 4 3 2 1 12 14 16 Time(s) Gyroscope (a) Normal f-FSR r-FSR Gyro 5 Foot switch 2 4 䏗 䏏 䏒 䏙 Foot switch 1 3 Fig. 3 Attachment of sensors 2 1 0 0 2. METHODS 1 2 3 5 video ANN 䏗 䏑 䏗䏈 䏌 䏄 䏙 䎪䏈 4 2.1. Portable gait signals detection system 3 In the portable data acquisition system (Fig. 2), the low-powered microprocessor (ATmega 8535L, 2.5V~5.5V /5mA~12mA, Atmel) integrates signals from two foot switches (FSR10kg, Tech storm Inc.) and a gyro sensor (CG16D0, 5V/4mA, NEC/Tokin). And the system also generates a signal for the synchronization between sensors and the video camera (VLPD3, 30frame/sec, Sharp). Measured data and sync. signals are transferred to main computer using Bluetooth (KW-SA4, 5V/100mA, Korwin). 2 1 0 1 2 3 Time(s) (b) Mild Hemiplegia f-FSR r-FSR Gyro 5 䏗 䏏 䏒 䏙 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 5 video ANN 䏗 䏑 䏗䏈 䏌 䏄 䏙 䎪䏈 4 3 2 1 0 2.2. Gait event learning and detection algorithm using ANN Time(s) 3 f-FSR r-FSR Gyro 5 4 䏗 䏏 䏒 䏙 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 5 4 video ANN 䏗 䏑 䏗䏈 䏌 䏄 䏙 䎪䏈 Three hemiplegic patients and one normal subject were examined. As shown in Fig. 3, we attached the two foot switches and one gyro sensor. 2 (c) Severe Hemiplegia 1 The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to detect gait event. ANN is an information processing algorithm similar to the information processing method of brain. The detection of gait events starts from the ANN learning where the video camera data is used as a reference signal of the gait events. If learning is finished, iterative learning number and squared error at the output layer are displayed, and inter-neuron weights are stored in text file to be used afterward for analyzing other data. After the learning process, ANN can detect the gait events with on-line or off-line input data. 2.3. Experimental method 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Time(s) (d) Severe Hemiplegia 2 Fig. 4 Sensor signals and Event detection result of Normal and Hemiplegia subject Foot-switch 1 and 2 detect a contact of toe and heel on ground, respectively. And the gyro sensor measures the angular velocity of the shank segment on sagittal plane. – 238 – 11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society September 2006 – Zao, Japan Subjects walked about 10m distance at a comfortable walking speed, and the experiment repeated three times per subject. 3. RESULT and DISCUSSION Fig. 4 show sensors data and the recognized gait events of the normal and hemiplegic subjects, respectively. The recognized gait events matched well with the reference signals from video camera. Also, Fig. 5 shows the sequence of gait cycle recognized by ANN. In results of the normal subject (a) and mild patient (b), the gait phase processed regularly in the order of Toe Off ĺ Max Knee Flexion ĺ Heal Strike ĺ Foot Flat ĺ Heal Off. But severe hemiplegic subjects do not show a regular gait pattern, as shown by Fig. 5(c) and Fig. 5(d). Their gait pattern is different from the normal one in order, and especially Fig. 5(d) consists of four gait events because the heal-off and the toe-off occurs simultaneously. (marked as foot-off) Toe Off Max Knee Flexion Heal Strike Foot Flat Heal Off (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (a) Normal subject Toe Off Max Knee Flexion Heal Strike Foot Flat Heal Off (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) Mild hemiplegia Toe Off Heal Off Max Knee Flexion Toe Strike Foot Flat (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (c) Severe hemiplegia 1 Foot Off Max Knee Flexion Heal Strike Foot Flat (1) (2) (3) (4) (d) Severe hemiplegia 2 Fig. 5 Gait phase from sensor signals In the rule-based system or Fuzzy system using knowledge base, separate knowledgebases are required to account for the various gait-event orders and special events, e.g. footoff. However, it is easy to create the event detection system for each patient with ANN, as ANN learns such individual characteristics. Further improvements of the proposed system regarding the location and durability of foot-switch are still required. Because foot- sensors were attached under the sole of a shoe, the location of foot-switch had not been same each time and the mechanical property of the foot-switch could not be maintained as experiment go on. To overcome these limitations, the modification of foot-switch into the insole-type one is desirable. Also, it seems necessary to facilitate clinical application by unifying and minimizing both the gait event detection system and the stimulator, because it is difficult to wear them and walk, in case they are attached separately. 4. CONCLUSION We developed a portable gait-event detection system and verified its ability to detect gaitevents in normal and pathological gaits. It was also confirmed that the sensor combination of foot switch and Gyro sensor is useful in detecting the gait events. References [1] Pappas, I. P. I., Keller, T., Mangold. S. et al. 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