WebsiteSmart™ 2.0 Quick Start Guide

WebsiteSmart™ 2.0 Quick Start Guide
1 Personalize your website
To many online visitors, your website is your business. Just as it is important to be sure your sales floor is ready
for visitors, you must spend a small amount of time preparing your new website for visitors as well. Your
website homepage serves a number of important functions. For many visitors it serves as the first introduction
to your dealership and an important place where they look for what your business and website has to offer.
Equally as important, your homepage is a rich content area where search engines “read” through your content
to find out what your website offers and how to rank it in the listings.
For all of the reasons mentioned above, one of the most important things you should do when you first receive
your website is take time to establish your homepage content. The steps below highlight the steps you should
take to customize your homepage. Beyond your homepage, we also recommend adding a few contacts, store
hours, and departmental web pages as best practices in setting up your new website. Including these elements
in your website will help drive both digital and physical leads to your store and ensure your website is a success.
Don’t miss the helpful training videos that provide additional guidance in using your new website homepage
editor! You may find the training videos on your administration homepage or here:
Customize your homepage
Establish Page Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords to enhance search engine listings
Company > Page Content > Homepage, click tab “Header and Meta Info”
Try to create a meaningful page title and description. Click on the
hyperlinked titles above to visit web pages that provide additional
guidance on creating the best page title and description for Search
Display information on seasonal promotions and sales (Flex Promos, Slideshow, HTML widgets)
Company > Page Content > Homepage, click tab “Construction”
The homepage construction page is created using a grid of rows and item
boxes. “Drag & drop” the Text widget from the Row group from the left
panel onto the homepage area to create a new content area. Click the
edit icon
to access the content editor. You may create content using
the editor, insert and upload images, as well as edit in HTML using the
content editor tool.
To add additional content areas to each row, drag elements from the Item
group onto an existing row. To create a new row, drag and drop any
elements from the Row group onto the homepage above or below an existing
row. Note that the same elements exist in the Item group as well as the
Row group. The group you select from will determine whether you create a
new full row or simply add an item to an existing row.
When you’re happy with your homepage settings, be sure to hit the “save
then use this homepage” button to publish it for users to see!
The available widgets and a brief description of each are provided
Flex: Flexible content area which can be used to upload images and other
content, along with text and HTML
Text: Editable content area for adding text to a page.
Hot Items: Widget to display your top selling parts and accessories with
links to the product detail pages.
WeatherSmart: Place the weather report for your area anywhere on your
homepage (Optional website addition.
Inventory Promo: Displays random units from the MyInventory section of
your website each time the web page is loaded.
News: Widget to automatically display the most recent news article from
the news area on your website.
Multiple News: Widget to display a list of the most recent news articles
on your website, with links.
Flex Promo: Widget to place and select from the flexible promotions on
your website.
Slideshow: Widget to place a dynamic image slideshow with optional links
and text descriptions.
Create clear calls to action that link to your parts lookup and any online discounts (Flex Promo
Company > Page Content > Flexible Promotions
Once you’ve created new flexible promotions, navigate to the homepage
editor and “drag & drop” the Flex Promo widget into the space where you
would like it to appear on your website.
Click the edit icon
to select the appropriate flexible promotion
layout and the desired promotion.
Draw attention to your units in inventory (Inventory Promo Widget)
Write brief information about where your dealership is located and what brands and products you sell
and service (Text Widget)
Add dealership information
Add relevant departments and email contacts
Company > Page Content > Contact Us
You can create a contact and email address for each department within
your dealership. Website visitors will be able to select from these
contacts to email the appropriate department from your website.
Add dealership hours
Company > Page Content > Maps and Location
Add department information
Create page with information on service department packages and pricing. (Custom Pages)
Company > Page Content > Custom Pages
To create a new page, click the “Add Page” button at the bottom of the
page. Use the provided editor to write relevant information you want to
share with website visitors. You may click the insert image icon
access the image gallery to upload and insert images into the web page.
You may also click on any of the widget buttons, such as “Inventory
Promo” to add a dynamic content widget to your custom page and cross
promote items on your website.
Note: Images uploaded must be smaller than 1 MB in file size. Images
taken off digital cameras must be reduced in size prior to upload. A
free tool, Shrink O’Matic is available for download to help shrink
images here.
When complete, click “save” button. When you return to the listing of
custom pages, click on the “edit domains” link and check the box next to
“Main Portal”. This selection attaches the custom page to your main
website. A new navigation button will automatically be created with the
name of the page for you. You may reorder the navigation item by going
to Company > Navigation.
Helpful Hint
There are a lot of great, free websites on the internet that can help you to learn more about Search Engine
Optimization tactics you can use to increase the visibility of and traffic to your website. The links below will help
you to learn more about the basics of SEO and how to use it on your website.
The Beginners Guide to SEO (Courtesy of
Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (Courtesy of
2 Add your inventory
Add inventory in stock to website
Add new and pre-owned units
MyInventory > Manage Inventory
Click the “Add Inventory” button on the top-right side of the page.
Select what type of unit you would like to add. You may then select an
existing unit from manufacturer data to pre-populate the unit with
images and specifications created by the manufacturer. If you want to
create an independent unit from scratch, you may click to select the
empty box on the right at any level in unit definition process.
If you are adding a unit and want to base it off of existing data while
enabling you to update the information and photos, select the prepopulated menus until you reach the model level. When you reach the
model level, click the selection on the right for “A Custom Model”.
This will enable you to copy the manufacture data and modify it
accordingly to represent the model. If you wish to copy the exact
manufacturer model without editing, select “based off this model”. A
selection box will appear below the unit image from which you can select
any available configurations and MSRP.
Customize unit description and dealer options
MyInventory > Manage Inventory
Click “edit” on the pricing details line of a unit detail page to
establish a custom price and color. Only MSRP and Price are displayed
to visitors on the unit detail page. If the unit was created as a
“Custom Model” you may also update the color description and MSRP as
well as the price.
You may add custom dealer options to be displayed on the specifications
area of the unit detail by clicking “Add Options Group” on the “Dealer
Options Tab”. First create or select a predefined group for the option.
In the following screen, select the label or create a new one; enter the
value for the label. (i.e. – Options Group: Electronics, Option Label:
GPS, Option Value: Garmin Street)
Upload custom unit images
MyInventory > Manage Inventory
Click the tab for “Media”. Click the button, “Upload New Photos” in the
top-right corner. Click the button “Add File” and browse to the image
you wish to upload of the unit. An image of 1000 pixels or larger is
recommended. You may then manipulate and crop the image using the
provided tool. When complete, click the button for “Submit”.
Helpful Hint
The website administration area now includes a “Quick Links” drop-down to help you access the areas you need
most frequently with one click, avoiding the need to navigate through the menu system. The Quick Links menu
is available on the top-right corner of your administration area. You can access the following items directly from
this menu:
 Home Page: Manage and edit your website homepage.
 Navigation: Manage and organize the navigation menu on your website.
 Inventory: View, edit, and add items to the MyInventory section of your website.
 Custom Pages: Manage, edit, and create custom web pages on your website.
 Print Orders: Review and print off any orders received from customers on your website.
3 Optimize your E-Commerce
Establish ordering basics
Add countries you will ship to
eCom > Settings > Shipping Countries
Click link “Click here to add a country”. You may then select the
country you wish to ship to. You may also enter in a surcharge value to
help offset shipping costs to other countries, which will be rolled into
the shipping and handling fees during checkout. You may add additional
countries by repeating this process. When complete, click the button for
Set shipping tax
eCom > Settings > Shipping Methods
Click the button, “Add Tax Rate”. In the dialog box you may select the
desired taxable state and enter the appropriate percentage rate. You
may also check to make shipping and handling taxable. Repeat this
process to add any additional states you wish to also charge taxation at
Set shipping options and rates
eCom > Settings > Shipping Methods
Click the drop-down menu for “Shipping Type” to select the shipping
method you wish to offer. The two options are flat rate or shipping
carriers. UPS is presently the only shipping carrier that provides
automated shipping estimates through the website.
If you elect to use flat rate shipping, you may then define the shipping
options available as well as the prices you wish to charge for given
order value tiers.
Enter preferred order notification email address
eCom > Settings > Order Notifications
Establish preferred payment types
eCom > Settings > Payment Methods
Click the link “Click here for payment methods”. You may then click the
“+” icon for any payment type to activate it on your website. Manual
processing is the default value, which means that you will process the
payment information through your existing business merchant account.
Establish pricing
Update OEM Parts pricing
OEM Parts > Brand Settings
You may set custom pricing in the OEM parts area using two methods:
price file upload and price matrices. You may use the price file upload
to override parts prices with your unique prices, as well as force
certain parts to show a “call for price” message. The custom price
matrix enables you to adjust part prices based off the MSRP value
provided with most data sets. You may establish markup or markdown
values by OEM, as well as by specific price tiers.
Update Accessories pricing
Catalogs > Catalogs > Products by Distributor
To add accessories content to your website, first click “settings” next
to the catalog you wish to add. Specify the desired pricing and minimum
and maximum ship dates for those items. When complete, click “update”.
When you return to the catalog list, click “brands” next to the same
catalog. To add the brand to your website, click the link to add brands
to your site. On the page listing all brands within the catalog, click
“check all” and select the button “Add all selected brands to my
website” to save the changes.
The final step is to click the “+” icon to add all products from the
catalog to your website.
That’s it…your new website is now optimized and ready for business!
Helpful Resources
Website Support
ARI Technical Support: 1-800-558-9044
WebsiteSmart Pro Frequently Asked Questions:
Search Engine Marketing
SearchEngineSmart™: 1-877-242-5233, ext. 2
ARI SearchEngineSmart™ is a managed service that places pay per click ads on all major search
engines to help drive qualified traffic to your website, increasing your sales opportunities and