19 ो 25 ᳳ 20150618 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research June 18, 2015 www.CRTER.org Vol.19, No.25 1 1 150001) 2 1(1 1500012 1 !"#$%&'()*+,-% ./01 23456789:; 2 <=>?@ABCDEFGHIJDEFKLMGHINLMFGHIOP G HIDQR SQGHTU:; 3 VWXYZ[7\,-]^_`ab!cdeQGHfghiDQjklmnoKpqr Z[; 1987 !" #$%&#'()*+, -./012345 678 9:;< = >?@A 150001 :R318 :A ᨬ㽕 jksKtuDQlv Iwxy `zc4 !{|}YgVW"#~%Tt XfdeQlmno012789:; zC&'GHI IFTU:; 1990 1 1 2014 1 1 Scopus I (q)lm< m/ Titanium alloyPlantAntibacterialCoating¡deQGH¢; £GH¤F¥$%/DEFGHIJDEFKLMGHINLMFGHI OP GHIDQR SQGH¦¤GH§K¨uDQlv ©ªK¦«¬­®f GH78¯r°g"#>±GH²³´Bcµ¶tu IDQlv I-w · I¸¹ ºr78m¡lB»I¼fg½¾e78N¿_´À?Á EÂ&'GHÃlB»I¼ÄÅ !msE; . 19(25):4069-4075. :2095-4344 (2015)25-04069-07 ࠄߑـġ2015-04-05 http://WWW.crter.org !"#$[J].%&'()*+,2015 doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2015.25.026 Titanium surface covered with antimicrobial coating: antibacterial ability and biocompatibility Wang Jia-qi1, Shang Jian1, Sun Ye2, Han Xin-guang1(1Department of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China; 2Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China) Wang Jia-qi, Studying for Abstract master’s degree, Physician, BACKGROUND: Titanium alloy with good biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties have been widely used in clinic. How to give its excellent antibacterial properties so as to cope with plant-associated infections has become a research focus in recent years. OBJECTIVE: To review the principle, techniques, classification and relative merits of antimicrobial coating. METHODS: A computer-based search of Scopus database and VIP database was performed by the first author to retrieve relevant articles published from January 1990 to January 2014 using the keywords of “titanium alloy, plant, antibacterial, coating”. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Coatings can be classified into antibiotic coating, non-antibiotic organic antimicrobial coating, inorganic antibacterial coating, anti-adhesion coating, antibacterial bioactive polymer coating, all of which have better biocompatibility, but also have their limitations. Current studies concerning antimicrobial coatings mainly focus on how to enhance the binding force between antimicrobial coating and the substrate as well as how to get a good anti-bacterial ability, biocompatibility, high wear resistance and persistence; antibacterial phase structure and distribution effects on the bacterial colonization. The antibacterial phase structure and distribution is the key factor for the antimicrobial properties of titanium alloys with either entirely added anti-bacterial elements or surface coating. ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH Department of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China Corresponding author: Shang Jian, Professor, Chief physician, Master’s supervisor, Department of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China Accepted: 2015-04-05 4069 www.CRTER.org . Subject headings: Biocompatible Materials; Titanium; Polymers Wang JQ, Shang J, Sun Y, Han XG. Titanium surface covered with antimicrobial coating: antibacterial ability and biocompatibility. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2015;19(25):4069-4075. 0 Introduction !"#$%&!'( )*+,-./012345678+9 [1] : ;<=>?@ABC78+23DEF500G [2] H I78+,JKL/MNOPQRSTU VWXYZ [I\]^_`abcdK [3] LefSgh+9:,JKL i;jkl+ [4] 9:,JKLQmg0.5%6% ;nop^YZ qrsLtuvwxyqrz{|}Q< M;~Ck<r!r *v YZ23. KL78+9:gTu +9:,JK [5-6] Lv ; 78+jWT#V 4@¡ y¢qr£-¤¥¦\]^§¨©ª «¬+¤K­78+®<¢QKL¯°q [7] r±ª²%³´µ¶ ;KLQ·¸°qr¥ [8] ¦<78+¹+eº qr»¼½3+ º¾¿§¨ÀÁÂ3I+eº¹MÃÄUe§ [9] ¨ÅÆ ;78+qr¥¦|}|FVÇÈu ÉÊqr!qËV+ÌÍ,ÎÂ3ÉeÏÐ ¦<78+9:Ñqr¥¦ÒÓ§ [10-11] ;qr<¹+eºM}Ô[|} +9:,JKLQÕÖ×Ø Ùu 8¨£-¤ÚÛqrsLqrÜ|FÝÞ!¥º 7 8+{z78+ßàáâãäÓ±+9: [12] ,JKLQ ;å +eº¹æçqr< 78+¥¦ÜWX 78+,JKLQ ;èKL.éQê¨ë|}/ìÆíîïT [13] WXðñ ;ò¼Pxr Õóô õrö÷Pøùrg~ Ckúûüý; røù/þVg¨|Fø! !!z! ô Wr tu9:ø<¨;rú û=<VÇÊrøù23e rXÕó\"røù ¨Pr!+,-!' 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