Vx = V cos θ = 18.6 cos 20 = 17.478 m/s Vy = V sin θ = 18.6 sin 20

NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ______________ PERIOD: _____
In the App “Angry Birds”, a player launches a red bird at its first target (the pig at the lowest height). The
initial velocity of the bird is 18.6 m/s @ 20°. Based on the position of the target, the trajectory will be
a) Find the x and y components of the velocity vector.
Vx = V cos θ = 18.6 cos 20 = 17.478 m/s
Vy = V sin θ = 18.6 sin 20 = 6.362 m/s
b) Calculate the total time the bird is in the air.
t = (Vf – Vi) / -g
= (-6.362 – 6.362) / -9.8
t = 1.298 s
c) Find the range of the bird.
∆x = Vx t = (17.478)(1.298) = 22.686 m
3.135 m
Your first shot was a success! Your second shot now requires you to launch the red bird at an elevated target.
To reach this target you launch the bird with the same initial velocity at an angle of 30°. The final target is at an
elevation of 3.135m from the launch point.
a) Find the x and y-components of the initial velocity vector.
Vx = V cos θ = 18.6 cos 30 = 16.108 m/s
Vy = V sin θ = 18.6 sin 30 = 9.300 m/s
b) Find the maximum height of the bird.
∆y = (Vf2 – Vi2) / -2g = (02 – 9.3002) / (-2(9.8))
∆y = 4.413 m above launch height.
c) Find the total time the bird is in the air.
t1 = (Vf – Vi) / -g = (0– 9.300) / -9.8 = 0.949 s
t2 = √(-2∆y/g) = √(-2(-1.278)/9.8) = 0.511 s
t = t1 + t2 = 0.949 + 0.511 = 1.46 s
d) Find the range of the bird.
∆x = Vx t = (16.108)(1.46) = 23.518 m