Improvement of GPS performance using SNR information analysis Jong-woo An1, Yun-Ki Kim2, Jin-Ho Kim3 ,Yo-Seop Hwang4 and Jang-Myung Lee6 1,2,3,4 Pusan National University, Korea, Republic of (Tel: 81-51-510-7379, Fax: 81-51-514-1696) 5 Pusan National University, Korea, Republic of (Tel: 81-51-510-2378, Fax: 81-51-514-1696) 1,,, 4, Abstract: In general, GPS signal, structure, these errors geometric error occurs, the degree is severe enough low-cost GPS.Of course using a GPS or RTK system, it is possible to know the position accuracy location estimates.But, such as these systems have the disadvantage that high cost and need to reference stations station for adjust the position.Recently, intelligent robot industry which is mobile function equipped to provide more convenient services to users is expanding.In order to provide move convenient and accurate service to users, the process. In the activation of intelligent robot industry, many costly for the exact position estimation of the robot, it becomes an obstacle. In this paper, traceback the GPS receiver location by using the pseudo distance between the satellite ephemeris and satellite receiver. We will progress the pre study to obtain precise position by using the SNR value obtained by the estimated value. Keywords: Mobile Robot, GPS, Satellite, Localization 1 INTRODUCTION This paper is pre study to obtain more precise location information using by satellite orbit information, pseudo range and SNR information instead of NMEA 0183 Protocol provided by the GPS. Recently, intelligent robot industry which is mobile function equipped to provide more convenient services to users is expanding. In order to provide move convenient and accurate service to users, the process. This is because when intelligent robot do not know own location, there are difficulties to performing the given task. Although exactly recognizing the own position of the intelligent robot is basic intelligence to provide services to users, It is bottlenecks technology that is hard to overcome by the factors such as peripheral environment, technology and development cost. Many manpower like Universities, industry and research institutes are investing time to develop location recognizing technology. Although location recognizing technology has technically providing guidance, It is questionable whether it has the investment value because it has lots of shortcomings like price, reliable technology and technical perfection. But the industry related to the quality of human life has emerged as a future technology. Based on these trends, in order to enrich the quality of human life, intelligent robots are expected to play an important role. And also in order to intelligent robot industry becomes active, location recognizing technology that has high accuracy is needed. Of course, It is able to obtain the precise location information by using the DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) and RTK(Real Time Kinematic) system. DGPS and RTK systems require a number of fixed reference stations to provide more precise location information and receiver that is capable of receiving the carrier wave to obtain a position compensation information to be transmitted from the reference station. Also There is disadvantage. It cost high making the network to installing reference stations and conjugate it. In this paper, we proceed with the pre-study to overcome these disadvantages and improve the performance of lowcost GPS receiver using the SNR information. SNR means the signal to noise ratio, and it shows the degree to which the signal is distorted by the noise generated in the course of transmitting a signal from the satellite. Generally, when SNR value is higher, distortion of the signal is low. Generally, the SNR value is higher to the distortion of the signal that the enemy, The reason for this can be seen by the equation defined as follows. SNR signal strength noise (1) Like a formula shown in the above, when divide the noise from the original signal strength it become the SNR value. And the smaller the amount of noise at the same signal strength, SNR value become large. In this paper, traceback the GPS receiver location by using the pseudo distance between the satellite ephemeris and satellite receiver. We will progress the pre study to obtain precise position by using the SNR value obtained by the estimated value. 2 Location recognizing Estimation of using GPS is single determination and absolute determination. In this paper, using single determination Pseudo-range of GPS and Receiver. And receive from GPS orbit of satellite using GPS location receiver of estimation. 2.1 Calculation of Pseudo-range Single determination is method for determining the position in the Code Tracking, method, In one receiver, suah as Figure 1 after observing the four or more satellites, using the pseudo-range and calculates the position. In this context, the pseudo-range is in the process of receiving a GPS signal, including a distance error between the number of factors that can be generated by the satellite and the receiver refers to the distance of the computed satellite and the receiver. UBX protocol may collect information about the broadcast ephemeris also between Using the satellite and the receiver described in 2.1 UBXprotocol doctors are also readily available on the street. In figure 2 is follows structure of UBX protocol. Figure 2 UBX Protocol UBX protocol provides the same information as is shown in Table 2 for each class ID. Figure 1. 단독 측위법 Between satellite and Pseudo-range is define as follows: r i A ( X i X A )2 (Yi YA )2 (Zi Z A )2 c (1) ri A is Pseudo-range to the receiver means he A where (1), from the satellite I, and the unit is meter. C refers to 3.0 108 m/s the speed of light in vacuum. is the clock deviation between satellite and the receiver. Ahead of the intersection of several factors are included, but the error occurs, formula (1) is a basic formula to establish the assumption that there are many types of errors. if receiving the data from four or more satellites in the GPS receiver, the formula (1) composed of at least four between applying the least square method in the position of X A , YA , Z A and clock deviation( ) of a receiver of GPS and each satellite doctor can get a distance. Table 1 UBX protocol Class NAME Class ID Description NAV 0x01 Navigation Result RXM 0x02 Receiver Manager Messages INF 0x04 Information Messages ACK 0x05 Ack/Nack Messages CFG 0x06 Configuration input Messages MON 0x0A Monitoring Messages ADI 0x0B AssistNow Aiding Messages TIM 0x0D Timing Messages ESF 0x10 Ex In this paper, UBX protocol can obtain the value of the RXM-EPH and RXM-RAW, it parameters necessary for the RXM-SFRB calculate the position of the satellite to provide the type of service in the RXM. Required to calculate the position of the satellite fomula as follows. SatX Xdash *cos(Wc) Ydash *cos( I )*sin(Wc) (2) SatY Xdash *sin(Wc) Ydash *cos( I )*sin(Wc) (3) 2.2 Location Recognizing of Satellite The Control of GPS is composed of a MCS(Master Control Station and unattended five Monitor Station Operatiing. Generally, Broadcast Ephemerides determines a reference orbit for each satellite to calculate the trajectory of the satellite based on the data accumulated for one week at 5 Monitor Station. In general, the NMEA 0183 protocol used by the GPS does not provide information on the Broadcast Ephemerides, the UBX protocol provided by the in-house developed in U-Blox use to obtain information for the broadcast ephemeris. Of course, if only to be used a Ublox's GPS receiver to use Timing model among them the SatZ Ydash *sin( I ) (4) Using the Formula (2), (3), (4) to obtain basic information about the coordinates of the satellite. And to obtain the final satellite coordinates using the following formula. The position of the satellite is calculated considering the Earth's rotation. SVx SatX *cos(alpha) SatY *sin(alpha) (5) SVy SatY *cos(alpha) SatX *sin(alpha) (6) SVz SatZ (7) Alpha tau *Wedot (8) The formula (8) of the amount of Earth's rotation, ask the coordinates of the satellite through the above expression can be determined the position of the receiver using the following equation. Figure 3. EVK-M8T SVxi Rx Ri SVyi Ry Dyi Ri SVzi Rz Dzi Ri Dti 1 Dxi (9) (10) Figure3 is the use u-Blox, Inc. EVK-M8T to experiment to try to progress in this paper. As noted in Chapter 2, to obtain the data to be studied in this paper, we are advancing the experiments using the u-Blox Company T series models. (11) (12) With the Dxi , Dyi , Dzi , Dti and (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), it is possible to track the position of the GPS receiver. Dx0 Dx A 1 Dx2 Dx3 Dy0 Dy1 Dy2 Dy3 Dz0 Dz1 Dz2 Dz3 dR ( AT * A)1 * AT * L Rx Rx dR0 Ry Ry dR1 Rz Rz dR2 Dt0 Dt1 Dt2 Dt3 (13) (14) Figure 4 Reference It is promoting an experiment in South Korea in Pusan National Univ playground, to collect the data by attaching a GPS to the people, by simulation using the collected data to proceed in the direction you want to see the results. Figure 4 shows the reference (15) (16) (17) Write a Matlab code based on the above formula and Section 3, using the u-Blox's EVK-M8T and to proceed with the experiment to estimate your location. 3 Experiment Figure 5 Simulation Figure 5 is a result of the estimated position of the GPS receiver using a Matlab. It means the X axis is of the X-axis of the ECEF and Y axis is Y-axis of the ECEF (2004), The Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography 22(4), Korea, Dec 31, 2004, pp.383-390 Figure 6 Google Earth Figure6, based on the results of the simulation were confirmed via Google Earth to the position of the user estimated by using the NMEA0183 protocol and UBX Protocol. Green, existing NMEA data, blue is the UBX data. 4 CONCLUSION This paper is pre-study to improve the performance of the GPS receiver using the SNR information. To estimate the position of the GPS receiver that uses a pseudo range of experimental results satellite coordinates and the doctor is necessary still a lot of research. Future advances the research of the position recognition using a mobile robot, and after visible results similar to existing GPS data, by using the SNR information, and is a plan to advance research for improving the position estimation precision. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by the MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy), Korea, under the Industry Convergence Liaison Robotics Creative Graduates Education Program supervised by the KIAT (N0001126) REFERENCES [1] Youg He; Haihong Yu, Hui Fang (2005), Study on Improving GPS Measurement Accuracy. Proceedings of Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2005(IMTC 2005), Ottawa, Canada, May 17-19,2005, pp .1476-1479. 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