greentables - Stakeholder Forum

Live at the CSD: List of contributors and participants
Episode One; Can A Revolution Be Green?
- Led by Richard Black BBC, UK
Gary Toenniessen – Managing Director, Strategic Operations in Agriculture
Development, Rockefeller Foundation, USA (CSO)
Serge Benstrong – President of the Seychelles Farmers Association, International
Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP); Seychelles. (Farming Major Group)
Nnimmo Bassey – Environmental Activist: Chair Friends of the Earth International
Co-Founder Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria. (NGO)
Episode Two; Last to Know and First to Go? –
Led by Michael Strauss, Earth Media, USA
Ambassador Ronny Jumeu – Permanent Representative of Seychelles to the
United Nations Seychelles Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Seychelles. (Government)
Dr. Angus Friday – Permanent Representative of Grenada to the United Nations
Grenada Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Grenada. (Governement)
Francesca Spatolisano – First Counselor, Economic & Financial Affairs, European
Commission Delegation to the UN (Government)
Episode Three; Greentables –
Led by Richard Black, BBC, UK
Dr Hans Holger Rogner - Section Head for planning and economic studies, Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria. (Intergovernmental)
Annie Wilson – Energy Committee Chair, Atlantic Chapter, Sierra Club, New York
Sabina Mensah – WOCAN and the Gratis Foundation, Ghana. (Womens Major
Episode Four; Watering down the issues? –
Led by Hannah Stoddart, Policy Coordinator Stakeholder Forum, GPPN Secretariat,
Randy Christensen –Environmental Lawyer, Ecojustice, Canada. (NGO)
Geert Aagaard Andersen – Head, Environment and Sustainable Development
Secretariat, Royal. Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark. (Government)
Olcay Ünver - coordinator of the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP),
UN Water, Paris, France. (Intergovernmental Organisation)
Episode Five; Time For Another Earth Summit? –
Led by Felix Dodds Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum, UK. (NGO)
Juan Hoffmaister – Third World Network, Costa Rica. (NGO)
Bedrich Moldan – Senator of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Director of the Environment Center of the Charles University in Prague, Head of
Delegation, Czech Republic. (Government)
André Odenbreit – Ministry of Foreign Relations, Brazil. (Government)
Episode One
Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria. (NGO) interviewed by Catherine Karong’o
Episode Two
Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Canada. (Intergovernmental Organisation) interviewed by Madhyama Subramanian
Episode Three
Tariq Banuri, Director of the UN Division on Sustainable Development, USA.
(Intergovernmental Organisation) interviewed by Madhyama Subramanian
Episode Four
Sheila Oparaocha, Secretariat Coordinator for the International ENERGIA Network
on Gender and Sustainable Energy, Holland. (NGO) interviewed by Merim Tenev
Episode Five
Barbara Bramble, Senior Program Advisor at the National Wildlife Federation, USA.
(NGO) interviewed by Madhyama Subramanian
Episode Six
Kartikeya Sarabhai, Director of the Centre for Environmental Education,
(NGO) interviewed by Catherine Karong’o
Episode Seven
Cary Fowler, Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Crop Trust, Italy.
(NGO) interviewed by Merim Tenev
Episode Eight
interviewed by Armando Canchanya
Episode Nine
Achim Steiner, Executive Director UNEP, Kenya. (Intergovernmental Organisation)
interviewed by Richard Black
Episode Ten
Neth Dano, Third World Network, Philippines. (NGO) interviewed by Merim Tenev
Episode One, Today at the CSD 4th May
Catherine Karong’o presenting
Cyril Ritchie - Chairperson Environment Liaison Centre International, ELCI,
Geneva. (NGO)
Dr James Hansen – Head NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, adjunct
professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia
University USA, interviewed by Merim Tenev
Marilyn Averill - A doctoral student Center for Science and Technology Policy
Research University of Colorado , USA
Monica Willard - The United Religions Initiative, USA. (NGO) interviewed by Sharon
Episode Two, Today at the CSD 5th May
Madhyama Subramanian presenting
Wiebke Volkmann –The Integrated Rural and Nature Conservation (performed an
experiment to do with rainfall on soil at the conference), interviewed by Sharon
Daniel Hillel - Professor of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of
Marco Contiero – EU Policy Director Sustainable Agriculture, Greenpeace
European Unit, Belgium. (NGO)
Joan Anderson – Information Officer and Earth Charter Coordinator Soka Gakkai
International Buddhist Organisation, Japan. (NGO)
Kevin Tan – SYINC, Singapore. (Youth Major Group)
Episode Three, Today at the CSD 6th May
Armando Canchanya interviewing
Richard Heinberg –Author, Peak Oil Advocate including Blackout and the Partys
over, Peak Everything , USA
Rob Wheeler –World Citizens Network for Sustainability (NGO)
Lauren Neville Gisnås - Coordinator of Drylands coordination group, Norway.
Barbara Hachipuka – Director Mbabala Women Farmers Cooperative Union,
Zambia. (NGO)
Episode Four, Today at the CSD 7th May
Merim Tenev presenting
Nickodimus Illauq – Inuit representative from the Arctic, Co-Chair of Ittaq Heritage
and Research Centre, Clyder River, Nunavut, Canada. (Indigenous Peoples Major
Mahendra Shah - Coordinator of UN Relations International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, Austria. (Science and Technology Major Group) Interviewed by
Madhyama Subramanian.
Anjenda Muripe – South African Ministry of Energy and Minerals, South Africa.
Shelia Oparaoch - Secretariat Coordinator for the International ENERGIA Network
on Gender and Sustainable Energy, Holland. (NGO)
Cameron Gabanda – National African farmers Union in South Africa, (Farmer Major
Professor Anita Spring – Dept of Anthropology, University of Florida, USA.
interviewed by Brett Israel
Michael Kibeyo – A Kenyan Grassroot activist and pastoralist
Muyel Fredodomo – A Kenyan activist and pastoralist
Michael Gerrard – Director of the Centre for Climate Change Law, Colombia
University, USA
Episode Five, Today at the CSD 8th May
Catherine Karong’o interviewing
Ana Bianchi – Vice-Chairperson representing Latin America and the
Caribbean at CSD-17, member Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United
Nations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Argentina, (Government)
Freddie Bakata – A member of the Congolese Delegation to the CSD
Thomas Goreau– A member of the South African Delegation to the CSD
Gerda Verburg – Chairperson of CSD -17, Dutch Agriculture Minister, Netherlands.
Liana May – A Contract Botanist , Chicago Seed Bank, USA interviewed by Brett
Johannes Lehmann – Associate Professor of Soil Fertility Management and Soil
Biogeochemistry, Cornell University, USA. A Pioneer of Bio Char interviewed by
Madhyama Subramanian
Jason Aramburu – Re-Char; USA. Feature on turning of bio mass into bio char
Interviewed by Merim Tenev
Barbara Bramble, Senior Program Advisor at the National Wildlife Federation, USA.
Episode Six, Today at the CSD 11th May
Madhyama Subramanian interviewing
Bedrich Moldan – Senator of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Director of the
Environment Center of the Charles University in Prague, Head of Delegation, Czech
Republic. (Government)
Achmad Rizal Purnama – G77 representative at the CSD, Third Secretary
Jan-Gustav Strandenaes – NGO coordinator at the CSD, Senior Policy Adviser,
Rick Lawford– Network Manager of the Drought Research Initiative, University of
Mantioba, Canada
Edmund Mathez – Curator, American Museum of National History, interviewed by
Merim Tenev
Episode Seven, Today at the CSD 12th May
Catherine Karong’o interviewing
Nnimmo Bassey – Environmental Activist: Chair Friends of the Earth International
Co-Founder Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria. (NGO)
Jacques Bonou – Benin delegate at the CSD Chair of the IFAP Africa
Committee,from Benin (Farming Major Group)
Thomas Goreau – South African delegate to the CSD President, Global Coral Reef
Alliance, South Africa
Lokia Foul - Director General, Ministry of Agriculture, Senegal (Government)
Kamawaila Hayou – Hawaiian citizen, runs a farm initiative that employs high
school graduates to understand how organic farms work, talking about the loss of
understanding in regards ecosystem balances Interviewed by Sharon Shattuck
Laura Martin – Sustain Labour (Trade Union Major Group) interviewed by
Madhyama Subramanian
Angela Lomosi – representative of the African Regional Organisation of the
International Trade Union Confederation ( ITUC-AFRO), (Trade Union Major Group)
interviewed by Madhyama Subramanian
Episode Eight, Today at the CSD 13th May 2009
Merim Tenev interviewing
Dr Hans Rudolf Herren – President Biovision, Co-Chair of the report by the
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for
Gerda Verburg – Chairperson of CSD -17, Dutch Agriculture Minister, Netherlands.
Nnimmo Bassey – Environmental Activist: Chair Friends of the Earth International
Co-Founder Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria. (NGO)
Frederica Pietracci – UN-NGLS, (Interngovernmental) Talks about the impact and
the results of the CSD talks. Interviewed by Armando Canchanya
Felix Dodds – Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum - Interviewed by Armando
Michael Tchana – Guiding Hope, Cameroon (NGO)
Thais Corral - Founding Director of the Network for Human Development, Brazil
André Odenbreit – Ministry of External Relations, Brazil (Government)
Jan-Gustav Strandenaes – NGO coordinator at the CSD, Senior Policy Adviser,
Bernise Ang – SYINC (Children and Youth Major Group)
Episode Nine, Today at the CSD, 14th May
Merim Tenev interviewing
Kusum Athukorala – NetWater, Sri Lanka. Women for Water Partnership (NGO)
David Andrews –Senior Director of Food and Water Watch, USA. (NGO)
Ahmed Djoghlaf –Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity,
UNEP. (Intergovernmental)
Gunilla Carlsson –Ministry of International Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Sweden, interviewed by Armando Canchanya (Government)
Dr Youba Sokona - Executive Secretary of the Observatory of the Sahara and the
Sahel (OSS), Tunisia (NGO)
Kiara Worth – Sustainable Development Consultant from South Africa, and adviser
to the youth delegation
Bernard Bempah – President Bemcom Youth Enterprise Association. Interviewed
by Sharon Shattuck
Dr Sandra Williams – Lost Creek Mushroom Farm, USA and Mushrooms in Ghana
Episode Ten, Today at the CSD, 15th May
Madhyama Subramanian interviewing
Anabella Rosemberg – Sustainable Development Policy Officer, ITUC (Trade
Unions Major Group)
Joji Cariño – Tebtebba, Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy
Research and Education by Armando Canchanya (Indigenous Peoples Major Group)
Noel Adoha - Youth Representative from Nigeria, Water and Youth International,
interviewed by Merim Tenev (Youth Major Group)
Jan-Gustav Strandenaes – NGO coordinator at the CSD, Senior Policy Adviser,
Sister Philo Morris – Medical Mission Sisters, Finance for Development NGO
Committee Member, USA. (NGO)
Alexander Carius - Director of Adelphi Research, Berlin, an Environment based
think tank, interviewed by Brett Israel
Sarala Gopala –IFAP, Indian Farmer, Interviewed by Catherine Karong’o (Farmer
Major Group)
Elizabeth Gaufin – IFAP, Dairy Farmer from Sweden, Interviewed by Catherine
Karong’o (Farmer Major Group)
Ajay Vashee – IFAP, President Trustee of Zambia’s National Farmers Union,
Interviewed by Catherine Karong’o (Farmer Major Group)
Episode One – Led by Catherine Karong’o
Gerda Verburg – Chairperson of CSD -17, Dutch Agriculture Minister, Netherlands.
Gemma Adaba – Representative to the United Nations ITUC (Trade Unions)
Juan Hoffmaister – Third World Network, Costa Rica. (NGO)
Episode Two – Led by Madhyama Subramanian
Genevieve Verbrugge – Independent Consultant to UNEP, France.
Kiara Worth – Sustainable Development Consultant from South Africa, and adviser
to the youth delegation (Youth Major Group)
Episode Three – Led by Armando Canchanya
Neth Dano, Third World Network, Philippines. (NGO)
Emilio D’Alessio – President of Agenda 21 Locali Italiane, Italy (Local Authorities
Major Group)
Episode Four – Led by Merim Tenev
Morgane Danielou-Doumbouya – Director of Communication at the International
Fertilizer Industry Association (Business and Industry Major Group)
Thomas Forster – International Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (IPSA),
Lecturer in Food Science, The New School, New York USA
Episode Five – Led by Catherine Karong’o
Kevin Tan – SYINC, Singapore. (Children and Youth Major Group)
Mechaila Okhengbon – Youth Delegate
Episode Six – Led by Armando Canchanya
Hannah Stoddart – Policy Co-coordinator, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable
Future, UK (NGO)
Lesha Witmer – Netherlands Womens Council, Chair Standing Committee
Environment and Sustainable Development and Taskforce of Water, Business and
Professional Women International (Womens Major Group)
Episode Seven – Led by Merim Tenev
Christopher Aicher – Franciscans International (NGO)
Arthur Getz Escudero – Director of Advocacy, Heifer International (NGO)
Episode Eight – Led by Armando Canchanya
André Odenbreit – Head of Division for Environmental Policy and Sustainable
Development, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Brazil (Government)
Roger Peniche – A member of the Mexican delegation at the CSD (Government)
Episode Nine – Catherine Karong’o
Wilfred Legg – Head of the Policies and Environment Division in the OECD
Agriculture Directorate
Neth Dano - Third World Network, Philippines. (NGO)
Episode Ten – Led by Merim Tenev
Lucy Mulenki - African Indigenous Women's Organization, Kenya. (NGO)
Professor Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring - Centro Regional de Investigaciones
Multidisciplinarias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Cuernavaca,
Mexico); 1st Munich Re Chair on Social Vulnerability, UNU-EHS