Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhaweochturn Chaornhnu Cornhihaoil Mr Dona1 Casey Pollution Control Laboratory Vie Kube M agheranan L e tterkenny Co. Donegal Headquarters,PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Ceanncheathru, Bosca Polst 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. Eire T. t353 53 916 0600 F, t353 53 916 0699 E: info@epa.ie W: w . e p a ie LoCali. 1890 33 55 99 19 October 201 1 Re: Acknowledgement i n accoi-dance with Regulation 25(c)(i) of the Waste Water Discharge (L i cens i n g Regu 1at i o tis ) 200 7.&a mended , i n re spect of \vast e water d i scharge C el-ti fi cateAof' .i\utliorisation Applications i n respect of the attached , 4 w l o m e r a t i o n ~ Dear MI-Casey 1 refer to the attached referenced applications for waste water discharge certificatcs of authorisation which were received by tlie Agency on 24/06/2011 (and to other information i n respect of tlie application received by the Agency in reply to its notifications in accordance with Kegu 1at ion 2 5(c) (i i )) As the a p p 1ica t io n docunien t a t i on now conip 1i es wit h the requi remen t s o 1' Regulation 24 of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended, I ani directed to acknowledge the attached applications i n accordance with Regulation 25(c)(i) of the Regulations: , All the application documentation is made available for public inspection on our website w w w .epa,i e The Agency will issue its decision on the applications for certificates of authorisation in due course. Yours sincerely, A A /Noel ee n Kea ve y Programme Officer Environmental Licensing Programme . lRee Number IA048 1-01 IA0495-01 1140487-01 IA0483-0 1 IA0482-0 1 IAO496-01 lAO477-0 1 ~ ~~ lAO473-0 1 IA0472-0 1 IA0494-0 1 lA0479-0 1 (A0489-01 [A0480-01 IAgelomeration IArranmore Housing Scheme IBallindrait Housing Scheme IBruckless Housing; Scheme Churchill Housing Scheme Cloghan/Brockagh Doneyloop HS Fintown No. 1 Housing Scheme Fintown No. 2 Housing Scheme Frosses No. 2 Housine Scheme ~GlencolmcilleNo. 2 Housing Scheme lGlencolmcille No. 3 Housing Scheme IGreenbank No. 1 Housing Scheme Killybegs New Housing Scheme Letterbarra Housing Scheme Letterbawa No. 2 Housing Scheme Loughanure Housing Scheme Meenanearv Housing: Scheme IMeenlaragh Housinrr Scheme IPorthall Housing; Scheme IRedcastle Housing Scheme ITamnev Housing Scheme Termon Housing Scheme Tory Island Housing Scheme I I I I I I I I I I I