Discrete Data Structure and Colour Mapping

Visualisation : Lecture 5
Discrete Data Structure and
Colour Mapping
Computer Animation and Visualisation –
Lecture 10
Taku Komura
Institute for Perception, Action & Behaviour
School of Informatics
Taku Komura
Colour Mapping 1
Visualisation : Lecture 5
Discrete data structure
Topology and interpolation
Topological dimension
Data Representation
Taku Komura
Topology - Cells
Geometry - points
Colour Mapping
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Discrete Vs. Continuous
Real World is continuous
Data is discrete
finite resolution representation of a real world (of abstract) concept
Difficult to visualise continuous shape from raw discrete
Taku Komura
eyes designed towards the perception of continuous shape
we need topology and interpolation
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Taku Komura
Topology : relationships within the data invariant
under geometric transformation
Which vertex is connected with which vertex by an edge?
Which area is surrounded by which edges?
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Interpolation & Topology
If we introduce topology our visualisation of
discrete data improves
Taku Komura
why ? : because then we can interpolate based on the
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Interpolation & Topology
Use interpolation to shade whole cube:
Taku Komura
Interpolation: producing intermediate samples from a
discrete representation
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Taku Komura
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Importance of representation
What happens if we change the representation?
Discrete data samples remain the same
Taku Komura
topology has changed ⇒ effects interpolation ⇒ effects visualisation
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Taku Komura
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Topological Dimension
Topological Dimension: number of independent continuous variables
specifying a position within the topology of the data
different from geometric dimension (position within general space)
e.g. 2D (x,y)
e.g. 3D point on curve
3D (in general)
Temporal volume
3D (+ t)
Taku Komura
e.g. MRI or CT scan
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Structure of Data
Structure has 2 main parts
topology : “set of properties invariant under certain
geometric transformations”
determines interpolation required for visualisation
“shape” of data
Taku Komura
instantiation of the topology
specific position of points in geometric space
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Data Representation
Data objects :
structure + value
referred to as datasets
- Topology
- Geometry
Data Attributes
Taku Komura
Consists of
Cells, points (grid)
Scalars, vectors
Normals, texture
coordinates, tensors etc
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Dataset Representation of the
Points specify where the data is known
specify geometry in ℝN
Cells allow us to interpolate between points
specify topology of points
Point with known
attribute data
(i.e. colour ≈ temperature)
Cell (i.e. the triangle) over
which we can interpolate
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Fundamental building blocks of visualisation
our gateway from discrete to interpolated data
Various Cell Types
defined by topological dimension
specified as an ordered point list
primary or composite cells
Taku Komura
(connectivity list)
composite : consists of one or more primary cells
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Zero-dimensional cell types
Primary zero-dimensional cell
Definition: single point
Composite zero-dimensional cell
Taku Komura
composite : comprises of several vertex cells
Definition: arbitrarily ordered set of points
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One-dimensional cell types
Taku Komura
Primary one-dimensional cell type
Definition: 2 points, direction is from first to
second point.
Composite one-dimensional cell type
Definition: an ordered set of n+1 points, where
n is the number of lines in the polyline
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Two-dimensional cell types - 1
Primary 2D cell type
Definition: counter-clockwise ordering of 3 points
Triangle strip
Composite 2D cell consisting of a strip of triangles
Definition: ordered list of n+2 points
n is the number of triangles
Primary 2D cell type
Definition: ordered list of four points lying in a plane
Taku Komura
order of the points specifies the direction of the surface normal
constraints: convex + edges must not intersect
ordered counter-clockwise defining surface normal
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Two-dimensional cell types - 2
Primary 2D cell, consisting of 4 points
numbering is in increasing axis coordinates
Primary 2D cell type
Definition: ordered list of 3 or more points
Taku Komura
topologically equivalent to a quadrilateral
constraints: perpendicular edges; axis aligned
counter-clockwise ordering defines surface normal
constraint: may not self-intersect
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Three-dimensional cell types
Definition: list of 4 non-planar points
Taku Komura
Six edges, four faces
Definition: ordered list of 8 points
six quadrilateral faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices
constraint: edges and faces must not intersect
Topologically equivalent to Hexahedron
constraint: each face is perpendicular to a coordinate axis
“3D pixels”
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Attribute Data
Information associated with data topology
Taku Komura
usually associated to points or cells
Examples :
temperature, wind speed, humidity, rain fall (meteorology)
heat flux, stress, vibration (engineering)
texture co-ordinates, surface normal, colour (computer graphics)
Usually categorised into specific types:
scalar (1D)
vector (commonly 2D or 3D; ND in ℝN)
tensor (N dimensional array)
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Attribute Data : Scalar
Single valued data at each location
ozone levels
elevation from reference plane
Taku Komura
volume density (MRI)
simplest and most common form of visualisation data
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Attribute Data : Vector Data
Magnitude and direction at each location
3D triplet of values (i, j, k)
Wind Speed
Force / Displacement
Magnetic Field
Taku Komura
Also Normals – vectors of unit length (magnitude = 1)
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Attribute Data : Tensor Data
K-dimensional array at each location
Generalisation of vectors and matrices
Tensor of rank k can be considered a k-dimensional table
 Rank 0 is a scalar
 Rank 1 is a vector
 Rank 2 is a matrix
 Rank 3 is a regular 3D array
Taku Komura
Example : Tensor Stress
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Visualisation Algorithms
Taku Komura
Generally, classified by attribute type
scalar algorithms
vector algorithms
(e.g. glyphs)
tensor algorithms
(e.g. tensor ellipses)
(e.g. colour mapping)
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Scalar Algorithms
Scalar data : single value at each location
Structure of data set may be 1D, 2D or 3D+
we want to visualise the scalar within this structure
Two fundamental algorithms
Taku Komura
colour mapping
(transformation : value → colour)
(transformation : value transition → contour)
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Colour Mapping
Map scalar values to colour range for display
scalar value = height / max elevation
colour range = blue →red
Colour Look-up Tables (LUT)
provide scalar to colour conversion
scalar values = indices into LUT
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Colour LUT
scalar values Si in range {min→max}
n unique colours, {colour0... colourn-1} in LUT
Define mapped colour C:
if Si < min then C = colourmin
if Si > max then C = colourmax
C = colour
S i − min
max− min
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Colour Transfer Function
More general form of colour LUT
A continuous function instead of a discrete LUT
Taku Komura
scalar value S; colour value C
colour transfer function : f(S) = C
e.g. define f() to convert densities to realistic
skin/bone/tissue colours
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Colour Spaces - RGB
Colours represented as R,G,B intensities
3D colour space (cube) with axes R, G and B
each axis 0 → 1
Black = (0,0,0) (origin); White = (1,1,1) (opposite corner)
Problem : difficult to map continuous scalar range to 3D space
Taku Komura
(below scaled to 0-255 for 1 byte per colour channel)
can use subset (e.g. a diagonal axis) but imperfect
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Colour Spaces - Greyscale
Linear combination of R, G, B
Defined as linear range
easy to map linear scalar range to grayscale intensity
can enhance structural detail in visualisation
The shading effect is emphasized
as distraction of colour is removed
not really using full graphics capability
lose colour associations :
Taku Komura
e.g. red=bad/hot, green=safe, blue=cold
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Winding numbers :
say we have a curve on a 2D plane
How much a point is surrounded by the curve
We can calculate the winding numbers at every location
Taku Komura
Winding numbers
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Winding numbers visualized by
grey scale
Taku Komura
Cup with an open top
Star with an open top
A bar
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Color Spaces – RGB
Combining different channels to define a mapping function
Taku Komura
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Winding numbers visualized by
red and blue
Taku Komura
Cup with an open top
Star with an open top
A bar
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Colour spaces - HSV
Colour represented in H,S,V parametrised space
H (Hue) = dominant wavelength of colour
“vibrancy” or purity of colour
V (Value) = brightness of colour
Taku Komura
colour type {e.g. red, blue, green...}
S (Saturation) = amount of Hue present
commonly modelled as a cone
brightness of the colour
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Colour spaces - HSV
HSV Component Ranges
Hue = 0 → 360o
Saturation = 0 → 1
e.g. for Hue≈blue
0.5 = sky colour; 1.0 = primary blue
Value = 0 → 1 (amount of light)
Taku Komura
e.g. 0 = black, 1 = bright
All can be scaled to 0→100% (i.e. min→max)
use hue range for colour gradients
very useful for scalar visualisation with colour maps
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Example : HSV image components
Taku Komura
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Winding numbers by HSV (only
changing hue)
Taku Komura
Cup with an open top
Star with an open top
A bar
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Different Colour Spaces
Visualising gas density in a combustion chamber
− Scalar = gas density
− Colour Map =
A: grayscale
B: hue range blue to red
C: hue range red to blue
D: specifically designed
transfer function
 highlights contrast
Taku Komura
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Color maps from Matlab
Taku Komura
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Colour Table/Transfer Function
“More of an art than a science”
Key focus of colour table design
emphasize important features / distinctions
minimise extraneous detail
Often task specific
consider application (e.g. temperature change, use hue red to blue)
Rainbow colour maps – rapid change in colour hue
representing a ‘rainbow’ of colours.
shows small gradients well as colours change quickly.
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Examples of Manually Designed LUT
3D Height Data
HSV based colour transfer function
Taku Komura
continuous transition of height
8 colour limited lookup table
− discrete height transitions
− Based on human knowledge
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Visualisation : Lecture 5
Discrete data structure
Topology and interpolation
Topological dimension
Data Representation
Taku Komura
Topology - Cells
Geometry - points
Colour Mapping
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