THE MORNING r TOM OBIlE. MARCH OREGONIAN, MONDAY, 1923 G, FOB KFVT. FEMALE. ANTED FOB KENT. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LE. HHim With Hoard In rHle IhiiiH.t. Furnished KMiin. estiDress m an e superintendent, mator, draftsman;' residence and general nRfasft&S and srowns. nurses' uniforms NICE Ume. clean. w?fli-- f ur niPhd roum HOTEf. CLIFFORD. I HAVE only a few ef those light, aco- with board : aood home conking; room PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL construction; full knowledge of costs, and anrons. house dresses, children's nomic-a- l TH. I large enough tor 2 or ft. Lame c!osu s EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST cars left. Sola to clothes, men's silk shirts, handa emconstruction and purchasing; QUIET. niCVIfa'IKI) AND REFINED; (Mian st. 14 All hoiiiA nrlvl on our popular selling plan of broidery on dresses and waists man with ability and experience desires 31, a Apt. Belknap. JK!Sstamping. do PE 455, AE A"P.K.: room "u U irboaTdTM connection with reliable firm, CONVEX I E?AV' N T. A L L NIGHT GARAGE Main 4607. per week; also table board, ner Adfox ONLY $100 DOWN, Oregonian. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of Auto School and Dental College. 3;5 JULE'S YOUNG man, experienced in logging and moderate-priceIS MONTHS' TIME ON BALANCE d rooms for young men in Halsey, near Union ave. will make your frocks, gowns and wraps sawmill operating, also office, wishes rooms at remodeltag Including all parts do city. of also and the all occasions for ROOM, responboard In private family, pleasant, position In any capacity with the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each meets with our approval. Mr. Used Or reasonable prices. 431 Artisans b.dg. at rm. for 2 men, 13.1. Use of living num. interconcern An sible this in room, srtower 5606. ciuo racuiuw. Buyer, you owe it to yourself. InvestiBroadway baths and with fireplace, 492, V where you can liel at view appreciated. be would ' HOTEL NETHERLANDS. gate . home. Bdwy 3072. or 85 10th at. DRESSMAKING-- I ' absolutely guarantee 126 13TH 6T AT WASHINGTON. Mra. Laura Call my 14 day. work, ail NICE, room, 3 windows and Ufgs warm poup: ALL AROUND country printer wants Rates. $1 a day, a week $5 and KORTHWEST OAKXANT COMPANT, C Owen, Marshall 1047. closet ; excel lent board, very reaonabi. private bath $8; fireproof and clean. sition in country office; married, steady; 344 Burnstde Street. Man t wo e ployed men. or and wife rues. N empresent cjose excellent references. At to business center. (Just West of Broadway.) Aio single room. 101 11th si. ployed but have legitimate reasons for TRAINED in country nuw with home APARTMENT HOUSE. IRVINGTON IN ihmIk.k-ancnangmg; reasonaoie wages. Ay zai, " here in Portland f room, Lovely foF children or runt care will Rooms with and without bath, $2o Oregonian. furniture; home cookUm; reflnvl convalescents. Taor 7730, Beaverton and up; for refined gentlemen or garage. home; porch, sleeping 6. 151 Line 106 Office, Bookkeepers, required. Stenographers, ladies employed; references LATE model Chalmers touring car. Has 645. em. uiair sr., corner run only 0OO miles; will sacrifice ac WS INSTALL and operate a special book- ANYONE wishing the services q a competent practical nurse, call Alain 6602, keeping system, ' including income tax $000; give terms. Call Tabor 1542. RECTOR HOTEL of 4 PARTT at In bright front apt. 3. Genevieve apts.. 445 Columbia service (Indorsed by leading merchants N. Bdwy., at mod. rms.; prlrooms, twin lntresfd con beds, fireplace, ever associations) ; work done by expert acMrs. George Goodrow. vate natna, .ale locitu, wk. up. i ny. CASH FOR CARS. 411 ALOER ST. Hil wy. west side. venlenre. countants far $10 to $15 monthly. Re- PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of invalid Furnished Rooms in rrivate Family. Automobile WantWL tailers Service Bureau. 717 Gasco b,ldg. cases; references. best or confinment 4538. 2 LARGE, newly fumisned sleeping rwnu WALKING distance for t people implovl. MOUNT SCOTT BARGAIN. Tabor 7772. m, Three-rooior gentlemen private home, ci&ee cottage, plasred, ras lure room, with separate bed: attiactiva ACCOUNTANT wants small sets of books NURSE Will care for Invalid and do light housej?, fruit trees and berries, b'ock frcy.i 3 cars; Irvington district; residence. fO;mt 5715 keep evenings; income tax returns to filken good cook. reasonably housekeeping; must give speafternoon. two lots: price $150; will accept auto Call references. systems prepared; a store NICE room and good board In private retail 1220 Division st. for any part payment, balance easy. Mr. ajna. cialty; audits made, balance sheets prehome. No other boarders. Home pri own DELIGHTFUL for'patlents in her Krog. Broadway 37. gentleman, best lieges. room pared; terms reasonable. AN 455, Qre- -' NURSE will' care for Near Piedmont car barn. Wdln. home: diet a specialty. Manor a tag. location, west side, easy walking dis- 4784. gonian. OAKS WANTED. home. every private reasonable tancc. convenience; Bring your car to the auction bouse in care invalids for WILL ROOM AND HOARD, one gen tU nut ; OFFICE manager and accountant with Broadway 6111. rent Main 2529. for quick sale and full value; small home. 576 j.arld ave. K, a xt ,t:t;l real experience wishes a position where furcharged ; fireproof bldg., steam nurses;; beautifully rooms, calls VERY and male CAPABLE attractive lemaie fornot who one is is future a there 'if nished, narlor. clano. home privileges; $:10 MONTH, 121 E. 11th. Phono K. beaed. Phone Broadway 2320. Corner ana. day or night. Marshall 224. necessary long when hours of afraid sixth and Everett sts., wt.n flice. rates $3.50 up. 61 N. lath at. Bdwy. Furnlwhed Apartment. and energy and efficiency are appreci-' MATERNITY HOME Best care to pa 2721. V. price THKM cash 468, WRECK Oregonian. Hineat ated. AJ THE CROMWELL, tients. Price reasonable. East 85. paid fa old cars, condition no oDject. at.Lraotivelv furnalied pootm, fur Fifth and Columbia Streets. office ' manager, expert EXPERIiENOED nurse, cere any kind, by LARGE EXPERIENCED KKCD.NSTK'jC'I JLUXU CJ.. nace heat, tiled bath, homo nrivi'legee. 5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's accountant-bookkeepeposition; ay Ma.r. d desires week. or zba. GL1SAN. AND THIRD Mar. walkimg distance, modern hornet store; good su r round in k. strictly modexcellent iocai references. Phone Tabor 1 osa Ho nseiteepera. 40 ACRES, valued at $1000; near Rainier, ern 2 and furnished apts., out' Or.; take auto as first payment or All. side and French doors and balcony; pcr- faousa PRIVATE garage and nice room In modern as WANTED Position Catholic. PERIENCED and accountant EX auditor , wustnn. Kamier, ur. elderly neigh manent or ,nile.nt. nice keeper, and children home for slrele entieman: with widower systo keep; desires mail set of books car; prefer Hup "WANT late mode borhood, close In. 100 E. 30th. Tabor PORTLAND HEIGHTS. csy three rooms, couple: best rer. win leave rurimuu. tems installed; bocits kept by contract. 5501. or Dodge; spot cash; no deaiera. Coss, Address. E. P., 696 S. ISth, Salem, Or. convenkitchenette end bath, built-iBroadway 1088. --"J n. 14th. house iences; 11 windows, French doom, hardPLEASANT room, suitable for 1' or 2 YAlixii woman wants nlace as EXPERIENCED stenographer and open floors, own wood gentlemen, fireplace; boss; will Phons in. east close side, will be combination she keeper where LIGHT roadster for cah; full particulars near Portwants work at sawmill sun room and sleeping porch with disEast 7404. go out ot town. lv uregoiiiaii. letter; must be bargain, av zov, first land. AB 460, Oregonian. BOND SALESMEN. appearing beds; aim mahogany duy bed; regon la n. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL 2 front sunny rooms, first An opening for two high-clato keep la spare time YOUNG woman with baby would assist IRVINGTON. BOOKS SET OF WANTED clean, like new; 65. Mam HMl HELP WITH INVESTMENT. nothing want everything Too Here but light best. housekeeping, floor, the Box opportunity to WILL pay cash for some lata model In city or out; home treatment. I light bond salesmen, an money by experienced accountant. Kates reaJt is. Standardised with schools In 60 30. 5232. ANY PERSON who wants to invest 1200 WELL furnished; INGTON' CO U RT V N C VW, H East quickly. ears; Fords. Dodges and Buicks NaselVe, 71," big "Wash. some make 5339. Tabor sonable. other cities. good, Best laboratories, beet $1500 in a or business established 4 MANAGEMENT. preferred, call a jnanaersst. M. 2 P. Apply room, near library suitable and ehop equipment and instructions. Actual INCOME TAX returns prepared, systems WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper PLEASANT 4 rooms, strlcty modern, beautlfuily answer Alt 4oo oregonian. MR. GREENE. 410 one or "WJLL pay cash for IWli or 10 Hup Salmon. Marshall two. for nop piactice iiven on real repair jobs. noma, installed, books kept; reasonable. 800 ior gentleman witn furnished, close In, walking tilatenn; Portland, Or. S44 Pittock Block- 1020. might consider Cadillac or Hudson Tfaa Results absolutely guaranteed. Couch bldg. Broadway 2S74. EXPERT tun particulars, aj dj, uresuinmi. will rent to responsible parties; $55. roadster. Bdwy. 3521. room and drei " time for you to go to sobool is while BEAUTIFULLY furnished Bdwy. 124.Y HELP CLERICAL HELP. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. OFFICE Domestics. big parts water, cold steam for all ing room with hotbusiness is quiet. Prepare now for CARS WANTED to wreck "Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953. SHINGLING- - We specallze in reshingUng S. Auto Wrecking. Co., REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, "VERLBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. business opening in a few months. In- heat, easy walkicars for less. S. &rsroaaway istance. 215 14th. Williams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. GARFIELD APARTMENT. and roof repairing. It will pay you to; COLUMBIA 1027. ojo. EXPERIENCED MEN " or leoanoigg, juue Ifttn and Aider, .insutui room in modern sleeping ngure vac. get our prepared, TAX waxing . returns ONLY. INCOME and letting contract Deiora get audits floor OCT 11,. Main st. at Sixth, in service men ant V CASH for all makes of cars, condition no Completely satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free made, systems installed- - Main 63.. furnished modern cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv MUST HAVE CAR AND JCNOW THEIR uuui object. 414 Qllsan at loth. Bdwy. 293 Aiarsnaii apt.; also modern BUSINESS, East 12. en; best of rererences. BEGIN EARNING MONEY OUICKLY. ATTRACTIVE furnished room. ' strictly apt., with nice, largeunfurniahed CASH for light cars; condition no object. CO.. O. ULRICH sleeping porch, lor a s by AS man: JANITOR under ug. oa. cqwy. sr.. day In. Ho Enroll far or bight school at this Phone usecieani modern, reasonable, close jui r. iiia Union. and 45. 361 Falling, 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. of- Janitor work, otnee stands all kinds great business college, N. King st. Broadway 1557. the training 15!. "VE WILL loan you money on your auto nationally or apartment house or any kind of jani position is open in a school for successes. . Courses include A GOOD oompany Expert white and NICELY furnished front room, all modern HOUSE CLEANING 701 APARTMENTS, WASH., JAEGER mobile. Genning fc reece. oa Aider et. worn; tor of to references. best fnona ... comptometer. known . banking. Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace. Jua-conveniences, walking distance. reason Has 1 3 and 1 furulahed able to give BEST Ford sedan $50J cah will buy. AM tious man; must be over 25,rapid bookkeeping, private secretarial. Write REFINED young lady desires general ofcleaning, tioors waxea, xurnuure Main 91H5. 432 Mill promoable. vacant. 4ax, oregonian. local references; good pay; or pnone Main 500 for free catalogue. fice work. References. O 435,, Oregonian. carpets cleaned, windows washed. NICELY IS THERE a firm in this city that can personal Call for man. right Kitchen also privilege, rm.. to fur. the tion 491 ALDER ST. SERVICE. CARS WAVTKD. use live man, 10 years executive: good CITY HOUSE CLEANING Bdwy. 4320 after fl A, M. nice attic rm. 84 N. 21st St., cor. Everett. interview. I35MAIN 40 Hi $35. COLLEGE, 1SS Chapman st, Phone Main 1157, handler of men and get results? Invest Motorcycles. Monday. Ask for Mr. Coulter. Can be inspected today; rooms anrt necessary. BJ 453, Oregonian. LARGE room, suitable tor 1 or 2 young Fourth near Morrison, Portland. if LADY, course in completing YOUNG just iiaTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. MOLEK apartment, a a. c lasman and want a DO small kitchen J1Q month. 667 Glisan. Bdwy. uma. vnn ai tint men. as college, position business desires BARBER COLLEGiS will teach EAST SIDE MOTOKCVCUfi CO., experienced, JANITOR, thorough, conscien good furnished, & pleaaant uutlonk; can iirm, a h4t. renaoie BENT. with TO willing low sition stenographer; to start at WANTED you the trade in distance, comfortable steam8 WALKING weeks, furnish a set Grand Avenue. permanent tenants only. .Utn 310 tious. caoable takina: chare e if neces Chamber of Commerce piag. must nave salary. Phone Main 6602, apartment 9. neatea apt, nouse room, aiam ao-- -. of tools to you, and give some pay while sary; excellent references. AJ 464, Ore- AND BICTCLE3 FOR MOTORCYCLES WEST apt., SIDE desirable ctiauio. ; learning; positions secured former LADY wants family washing; men's silk LET US HANDLE your property and save CLEAN, light front room, reasonable, 2 gonian. TRY US. 209 THIRD ST. MAIN 6130. to purchase best furniture at big reducGREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT men receive state aid while atshirts, fine linens; take to her home; blocks Broadway bridge. 3K2 Ross. collecting you the bother of rents. 7581. tion. city. leaving Muat Owner Automobiles for Hire. builder and general contending our school. day Write or call for 2059. also; work references. Wdln. Houses, flats, apartments, stores. We W A X TE D 2" g en Li em an, eat sid. LVt Main 8622. men tractor; start your new home now alcatalogue and particulars. 234 Burnaide. sa LKSMEN Three OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. 7104. trust woiMny lady wants have a waiting tn. S41 vAftrs terations and general repairs promptly EXPERIENCED, LARGE, lifciu, front reierances. lhii or write New cars for rent without drivers; EXPERIENCED teacher, English, Amer apai inint. housecleaning. washing or ROBINSON. FRANK. work. other In or room Ridge day Nicely done, contract. to 7503. furnished East bldg.. 3 day North RENT opep and night. at. at Aibina ave. 205 Artisans reasonable rates; Alu 503-good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 630flj. Selling Bldg. ican history, civics, ior wishing to Main 2557. ram. home, west in. aof private close Co. $2250. 825 Glisan St.. between Broadway and car, Brush Kenton 20 to ton, minutes citizens; become NOWSHIP, G. HERMAN fori reasonable rates laundress wishes work WE CAN rent your property xor you; have FRONT room suitable for 1 or 2 gentle phone Main 6.25. 6th st. Phone Bdwy. 5593, $1.25 per hour. foreigners; classes or single. AH 421, IF YOU are a salesman and have experi PLOWING. &136, houses, Tuesdays. eveninga. waiting for stores. Gait Main flats clients ip:o. ivo men. 74i averett st. Oregoniani. HAULING "EXCAVATING, ETC. AUTUia FOR HIRE, wltn or without drivence in selling to nomes na van apLAMBHOOK APTd room 8. etc. ers. Day and night service. MARSHALL 1212. PALATINE HILL RD references, call Broadway 3125 for 430 B. YAMHILL ST. suite, uheap rent, near 3 oar lines, OREGON BARBEK :G.L,LEGE will teach GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. YOUNG woman, experienced hotel maid, COUCH MAN GARAGE, pointment. 24hth 587 South. rent, 2057. E. For weens; Seiiwood yqu furtilshtd Bldg. Bdwy. Phone 23U toe in scalp Cham, Com. traae of 758L and face man MAN AND WIFE want farm work; Broadway 36?9. wants work; will go out of town. K 19th and Couch. apartments. reaaouti, everywhere massage specialty ; tools free; positions i w. ifjKKTS do chores, wife good cook and house488 Oregonian. WB HAVE many cans tor nouses and ROOM for gentleman, west side. 720 Gli- - LIGHT, pleasantCall Fait f 4' Ml. Remember our number. Broadway 8690. ; pay while learning; guaranteed original vimci 2, the apart tuition ; handle uruiwhed Young, 3613. steady. n keeper; 137, yours; ea Marshall " box J. us a reference. ft. rent can let hand. flats and px v;om. uuis- CAPABLE woman, excellent "oook and H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH-OURay line. Ziq ment, new ly decorated ; f uruai h h at. reduced this term. 233 Madison st. Vancouver, W ash your property ana coueat your reoti ROOM with dressing room and sleeping ARMY GARAGE. 3D worker, warUs place; 2 ox 3 adudita, no DRIVERS. light, phono, bath included; dtfeiraoia 23ft MATTINGLY'S CO.. St. C. WAGNER MISS Private School A. Stark gents, 4d: tiawy. Short side, porch, west 1687. 40. Bdwy. 733. oh.i'ldPen.. AND TAYLOR- MAIN SEE ME first on income tax reports and location; ad ults only. P h on K a h t o hand, Typewriting; .Day, Evening; IndiWANTED AGENTS. To lease a modern unfurnished ROOM With breakfast for young Indie accounting; officer: satisfac "young "colored woman' "wishes W'ANTED AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. 2utf 14th, Bear JefCUMUERLAND AI'AH T Al ti lb. vidual Instruction. w 111 pmy st. N. Laat thus. Dome in teoii micu uisuji. Reliable women to represen employed. tion guaranteed; charges reasonable. 518 REFINED ath East n, waxtkd CITY GARAGE. en are position nursing, between cati furnished apt., ail oulalde rms.; ferson. per x, month, N. Clark, NICELY as high aa $12- cnamoer or commerce. iroaoway octyu. us; our agents are uiius wis Bdwy.' 840. 132 12th at. 10 and good furniture; walking distance; aduu o'clock, Woodlawn 1380. furnished front room; furnish Broadway college on barber sens any MODERN msut, teaches otner maite; trade in unlike only. West i'srk an. I Columbia. Laet njti.. BUICK FOR HIRS heat. 510 E. Salmon. ROOFS repaired, rain or shine; evetroughs LAUNDKiiiis. colored, neat and expe CYLINDER b wks. tools lurnisnea, some pay; posi"Apartmenta. send fox Information and full particulars. "WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. cleaned and repaired: all work guar rienced, win ao cleaning. hast looa, ask MONTGOM ER Y A PA HTM ENTS. LIGHT, cheerful warm attic room, $3.23 tion secured; special rate this month. LUMrA x, DURAB1LT COKS & Paint $50 Repair Roof apt., unfurnished, anteed. Portland pruwp 1311. 2 ! ooms. furnished 24th. Main North week. modern is. 23 hardwood floor- -. um.ii or ior xa Mass. Springfield, paritcuiars. im wniB 1st st. co. rnone Aiam oazu. elevator, strictly nicdn 11. ail outmiit:. without or $00 with garage. Bdwy. 5616 WARM front room, hot and cold w attar, shdp; Sarbef manicures for TELEGRAPHY hospital Railway insurance. LEAKN and Tele HEALTH, accident v A. M. and o f. M. Muntgnm cor. distance FOR SATF TRUCKS AXD TRACTORS. between walkinir any YOUNG man, pnone experienced o..w. rerences. driver, make re Die; 01 41H1. reasona teierences. East best graph, institute, rtaiiway Exchange omeu uma. Bis: commission. oi car, will drive party to Los Angeles for WOMAN wants ironing, housework, WINTHER TRUCKS. ALICE COURT Mod. 3 laiaa rwoint, Ud Pay and night classes. bids200 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice room, coupons, new offer. 408 Washown passage and expenses; beat wi PHOTO fi We have long hauling eon tract, good prk beds, nis baU). tel. include'!, repiace, refalone; room, Main woman walking ZZAv2 Kusseij st. UNFURNISHED distance. day. 83i. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. ington st. ana xa erences. D 405, Oregonian. $50. gravel haul for county; also several good Cor. E. East JUtiti. erences exenangea. Af 4,4, uregonian. 257 12TH :NICELY furnished, hot and cold w nea, jranK supt LACE 0URTRAIXS, HAND LAUNDERED, state Rnye City car. city jobs; all the above require the purby day handy or man. GARDENER week: bidg. W. mgr.. Bank N. Auto. Kuoms With Board. 12 x&AKa easy terms. See EAST Q196. water In room; men only. chase of a truck; 527 any FEMALE. cleaning WANTED or understands house kind HELP DHICKSTO.V APARTMENTS. Washington St. H A RTSHORNB, culture evenings. Mtdam LEARN beauty with or without expeof work around private home ; beat of RELIABLE girl will do work in home, day YOUNG business man wants room or room CLEAN FRONT room, 446 11TH t l'. OUKO lady of good appearance, charge awy. ouua. west side d referred. x. and board, ciase-iCurtis. rererences. inone ast 4d7. board, also a garage. East H40R. jr iw ui. wain FOR SALE 1021 Fordson tractor with One 8room mm1rn, two dlaappearing in meeting public, to takecourtesy rienced Orego 41Q. BJ furnished. References governor and belt pulley attached; only FISK Teachers Agency belw. Janitr "bldg. office; journal walking and plum'. bedmoin, charge "like branch boy of would LARGE, in furnished natly work apt. wauts" of LADY Chinese REFINED downtown small 1 ApRumiey oil pull nian. used six weeks; also Main 43. Teacmng position, free reg. u. private home where he could, study f urniahad. uicvly apartnmnt. and pleasing personality essential. distance. $2.25 per week. 4i utn uuuhb. auvu. uju-0 horsepower. Wdln. 206 tractor, Room, board for WANTED ply at main plant. Frank's Dry Clean- nignt. rt 4qj, uregonian. Teachais' Ageucy on t he wvni aide cheaper bun- be R. new room, than Fre C had lady, Park pupils teacher, wishes DELIGHTFUL PIANO at ; Monday. a boy, near Kenton school mother's ttt-auroaqway bldg. Co Easy ing d lata it c. walking registration, same ozt-aprice. tw niain for good at. a. e. as 171. a cad galow. chauf Auto, for POSITION mechanic home. Tabor their care wanted. K 46a, Oregonian. new 2 - ton Denny, run only 1 NEARLY 415 E. Couch. Grand ave. Protective Division, city SCHOOL, beauty culture lamiiyj good references. EXPERIENCED colored woman feur in private Madam THE WOMEN'Soners Knomi With Board. 4 months, cast 22oO: will sell for 1300. NIGHT ow-aMiscellaneous. 41& aervi-awy. onus. MANAUbilliNT, Clayton Aiiiier. Aut. Portland, of UNDER NEW call Curtis. day a work. Phone East 5708. THE LORRAINE. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of or, nortsininir trt tha welfare and pro JAPANESE, experienced cook, " WANTED-rSto- re Beautifully furnished 3 ami 4 room",' in apartment or room city to learn the vulcanizing IF YOU WANT Broadway B776. 213 NORTH 20TH STREET. Commerce. office work. Mar wishes hail-da- y tection of women and girls; interviews ' references, desires position inwith newly renovated throughout ing house building; particulars iirst let all uu private TYPIST Dusmess can m? maat croaoway. Broadway 346J. Phone 2456. dius.. shall confidential, worcesier oi Oregonian. agents. 23.1 at. N. 1918 FORD truck chassis. 1922 license; 457. L V No tot. side rooma. Mar. 2045. M. Yamancht. Bl N.f 3d et., city. family. 7422. Bdwy. modern to live all with paying place A trade teach nice $100 WILL sts. Oaic month for Phone s 240 8 and East th. condition. waitress wants EXPERIENCED work apartment, at ona RENT furFOR furmehed rotmi New and furniture conveniences. TRUCKwants truck line out of Buyer and manager; man or WANTED t II U. J. Main iumi. HAULING wanted with, late truck. with k Itch lie l la and alec pins; non-i)- , nishings; excellent table board; all airy Portland or long contracts. 122 12th st. woman, for our arapery - aKianuisui, FOB BENT. Broadway 4662. 355 woman day 22d st. North. wants, N. per heat, can aater. hot and cold work. month; 2ad to $45 RELIABLE eOioX $00 rooms.; Phone rates Broadway Ill estimate and must be competent to sell, at.. Main 3640. Furnished Rooms. Wooaiawn accommodate a few more people, single pf thorough exHELP WANTEO MALE, PAINTING, PAPERING. KALSOMINING. direct making; only one rooms. .rrice, Mrs. (u 3- - rouin pa 11 or u exdouble tali a iavma m ROVVLAND. RENT ed HOTEL FO of ri WOMAN day wants work, Give details Irvington or money perience considered. Get our prices first and save NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING MAN. AUTO REPAIRING. manager. 207 U Fourth St. Mar. 45ft. inent; llnht. heal, hot auu com Aiameaa. w am. perience and salary expected. The Hen- Tabor 2328 or Auto. youn$ of pleasing personality, strict inRates, 4224 or call at I'll- - 1 rooms, located. centrally AUTO REPAIRING. furulahed. Tabor 165 HOTEL. CAMPBELL nessy company, ouue, muiiv. tegrity, good education, with ambition to IXPERIENCEO laundress wfshes laundry CARPENTER shop, 120 12th st.. altering, When your car needs repairs it will 75c, $1, $L5Q per day; $i per week and Hawthorne ae.. Apt, "A." 23D AND HOYT STREBT9. X3U w y become a advertising man ; ur uy ui . wts repairing, cabinet work, of all kinds. in need of competent reliable of pay you to see us, we have a surprise CAMPBELL-HILHOTEI FRONT apaitmeat, 3 ruoina. balcony and salary small at first measured, rn money, WHEN or any ' ma can Broadway 7800 help aft Stenoaraphers Bookkeeper JlVt" fice Office. ' ST. for yon. 741 WASHINGTON ANSONIA HOTEL. BUbath, nicety furnlaheu, on lrvitiglon cm but with big opportunity; the work will THE CLERICALG, PLACEMENT MOTOR SERVICE CO.. carpenter, n contractor Aresidential b Two of tb tiJ& L OFFICE woman, thoroughly compet line, rent reaaouabie ; adult a 124 14th at., at Washington. , Rates $5 Crosaley, Manager, EXPERIENCED include practical experience in every REAU, Miss A. Bdwy. 5242. 447 Flanders St. very repairing, finishing; building, coast. ' nn tna years r&a Paalfia 1 day; up, fireproof, targe stenograpner, per ent 15th North. week several and production ' advertising of and branch fi26 Corbett Bldg. export-imposonable. East 8308. wUb or without bath. WELL-FUKAUTOS "repaired at your home or iny prifirm, bookkeeper, capable American plan. large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to your own handwriting, selling. Apply 3 room opera apt.. Willi ISilED hfiautv n y uarlor a up; aay or a moat any line, any capacity, de rates day 12.50 carpenter, charge Phone helper vate shop;- work guaranteed. aa "teamster, ana lull snopping center. POSITION amusements qualifications and experi; s'0 rent. stating your,Gnzette-Time; only s piano Kut preferred; tar:" llarinella girl Aleais servea to tranaionta. sires position, permanent or temporary. on will take anything; references. Bdwy. ence. Daily Oorvallis, Or. Ald;r. Heat, yx.i a i k h t In rj it i fij ANGELA HOTEL,, required; good wages, write L) 474. uregonian. 3 Hi. 223 EAST 20TH. FOR repairing at your garage; motors WANTED 625 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Buyr and manager, man or; references NEWLY furnished lower flat rtni; al t Lla Beau,ty Parlors, Aberdeen, de Flmir side residen east exclusive Portland's lobby fireplace. per stenog overhauled, $10; other work accordingly; power concrete, college BY $1.25 Large, graduate, with hour; BUSINESS woman, WILL mix attractive 1, 2 anxi 3 housekeeping. 2il N. -- Ut for our drapery department w asn. rapner, oouKKeeper, otnee appliances tial hotel, alt comforts of a home com Special ratets to permanent guests. work guaranteed. East 8778. mixer Band tools. Phone East 733 be M aj must be competent to sell, estimate and PLAIN cook, small hotel, cook dinner and o r I'h.une '.2. bined with hotel service, large grounds. P. M. tween and direct making; only one of thorough exWASHINGTON rtuTiu, STS. 23J l2lh; 3 roonf milliter: no niea to make: good room, $lo WHY porches, shower bath, fireplace, strictly TU K WENTWOUTIt willing to learn, woodlawn 312. perience considered. Give details of ex12TH AND WASHINGTON RENT 7 Will buHd you" good home. rxr uiotk Annlv MU wa.u kie Hotel. Mil a apt., jnouern; iitarrtcu coupio; suuuniu meais. rast GARAGES. reasonperience and salary expected. The rooms at suites payments margin and ex Attractive lady years' 1UU.NU Call smaUex with six office small than 3 a dults. or phone Milwaukle B4J. waukie, fur downtown 1 HCTEL, Portland's A or by Company. Mont. mon;h. Butte, space week N0RT0N 5 able rates perience desires stenograohlc nosition, cars at $5 rent, main aidx WE HAVE storage ior MEREDITH, aid lmnt, moucrn. biga-c;a- s family- notei ; rooms en suii per month. Phone Bdwy. 5242. Can also handle light set of books. Ex- HOTEL, BROADWAY. LOGGERS AND MALl. MEN, middle-age- d lady to do FLOOR surfaomg vv..and finishings, waxing COMPETENT, ing aitiiaiH'a, j mil i auu iicmi. aim or Hingie, wiin or wimout uuaiu, ior Broadwav and Burnaide St. cetient rererencea Tabor ponsmng. When in Centralis, WasH.. aza 61 S I. Bdwy. ti. xioojta. and K. private women. men Washington. in work cooking and business kitchen and and families up; week,' $5 and "' Rates: day, $1 andanq E. Tabor 4052. Call at ave. family, where there are 7 boarders: We give you all the comforts of a heme. TWO 4 ROOM uuf ui ulUul a par tin ui up. pnone. up; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Path, private free DELANET EMPLOYMENT SERVfCS, R WE AHE the cheapest in "guaranteed tint V. ea s onaaiB good home; state wages expected. rates. 1071 South Tower Ave. WE HAVE THE MONEY. d -- aires pooitlooi at onoe, 8 yeairs'- exp&ri' HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North "10th St., WIDOW with home would like to have two ing. painting, enameiingand paperhang 405. Oregonian. 3 J Bdnltw on y. .'i55 K Vumhl H. 9 uirtks north of Wahinton sL : fire ena. A- refs. East 29L, room 410. YOU HAVE TUB CLOTHES. FOR HELP ing. Main S45Q. Res., East 8260.' ner boarding man lor houge men or and wile ; - rooms if in n t work to LADY A LA RG 15 at 00m apart im tit on t verj rooms suites proof; pleasant and Wo buy and exchange ladies and PHONE pre., 'gardener, CALL US OF room; FOR "posi EVERY OFFICE room employed; and HELP K front desires peorle CHAUFFEUR An $4'. her husband's board and and middle-agea. f loor everything iurmanm iccpt ..rlr Hignest prunes paji. .. II T1U ckhing. STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, srents ' room ') ' t .. e, 6053. erences. WILLDESCRIPTION. Atjto. c ret experienced BPWY. Tuesday. tion, by oactv .I.K'kgon st. X2t fer 5230. BROADWAY OaU leuiing, pretrials a and l ' MATTHIESEN HOTEL. 504 IAMS' O re gonian. ftPAULDING SERVICE. for business girls; all 2 VERY aitracLi cly furulhwl rciiu tn board ROOM and up; up; deliver any part of city. Phone calls BUSHELMAN, clean, $3 day week "making capable 60c of Rooms UUXVtL 'all BLDG. SERVICE. HANG wall 'paper at 25 cents a roll. prom ptJ y an d con fiden ti a y. aietanca; aiiewerwl modern conveniences, . wanting west stda hi"f. txctUHlvo riMHiriiio ula-- . light, hot and cpld water, steam heat. kinds of alterations, also willing to as- WANTED- - Nursemaid who will make her- - WEphone 12 E. 7th at. bookkeeper and typist, S5 per week. Auto KXPERIhTNCED Main si.tu. jtes.. feiast 8200. For quick service call us and waifcch re- 2u4 Columbia. tnrt. Mar. 17. sist as salesman in men's furnishings; self generally useful in home where ana Besx conscientious reliable. reier Ul 3 Room, any man board 1061. WASHINGTON wishes maxried to right man. of kept; Main YOUNG ftady position help ie MARTHA references. kiud rooms sleeping jOUK', JUt Scofch other with X ICELY furnihheil a pai lnu n furnished ences. Sellwood' 3721. ADLKR. THE TAILOR, worn, dftt. nn n. aiar. Kearney. fnr girls, mod, rate. a wotX. Store, Woolen Mills 980 Centralis. Wash. E. lutb at. iko use opened. ana lights ot teiepnone; Rent $3750. electric 4i Uaan 207. or 211 Third St, HELP CLERICAL OFFICE HELP. twp two, job with rooms run something room work; iv. no large too for rt. with, Portland, ATTRACTIVE or in Kaft CARPENTER ir07 two furnished CLOTHING salesman: active and ex- 50 LADiES wanted some clearing Of aH descriptions'. Call Bdwy. 6953. n n aranu 10 a ning water. 351 W. Park. new. selling fast, too small. w ouumi n ouao. mals. ;si'U inn perienced, with references. Ask for Mr. ECOND-HANGilaaii CLOTHING WANT ID. Wl'iSTONJA Al'AllTMK.STS, Williams Service, 504 Spalding bldg. day. Call at Adrian Hotel, 3fi0' E. Mor- KALSOMINING AND PAINTING; FIRST- BUCKINGHAM, Gruman, Lion Clothing Co., 4th and under new man MEYER, pari cm, vci y iiium PAYS THE 2 room f urniah RoomH With Board in private Family. HOTEL THE TAILOR, ' st-6i?A.A( experienced acq 10. lady, room billerYOUNG typist. and iTTTH WABIf ' rison Washington et. Modern agement, Morrison. walking 652 dtMrtnv pin; HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVERhome, room in inocicrn in front i.iiiHT im wishes position in oxiice; best rererences. private baths, free phones; reasonable SHOES. WS EXPERIENCED salesman to manage busi- THE ' ii YQ. CO. COATS. MACK1NAWS, CARPENTER JOBBING. quiet neignnornooa, ruuudiu mr iwo gen JULIANA APARTMENTS. Tabor 1858, or write D 461. Oregonian. rate, t3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6Hat. CALL ANY WHERE IN THE CITY. PAY will give outside workt full or part time, ness chance department in an established 45 TUIMT? PLAi 'K. Repairing and painting. East 8398. tlemen imnie cook nn. ia 00 r 1 bookkeeper' cashier, t27 CALL MAR. 1229 OR and OR EVENING. women. or Call COMPETENT write witn dependable 332 to Failing bldg. HOTEL, near 170 office. estate 2 St., Eleventh AND real PT" FXTRNT.SHKD ARTHUR room, fiuiiaUIe for 2 nieu ur nptn with fi years' EXPERIENCED chauffeur 233 MADISON ST.. NR. THIRD ST. 10 years experience, aesirus posiUan. A Broadway 6528. Corbett b'dgMorrison Clean ana moaern rooms oy 1 LARGE iuip. 4oor HADDON HALL. 11th uml iUi!- -3 muiu and wlie, in attractive references. a.ui- - wmt. ,an yut. 4tf4, Oregonian. day, week or month at reasonable rates. to ANY GIRL In need ui a friend, apply Experienced cannery booknarnwouu WANTED naicouy. oatn, apartment. sior. plaster, repairing, paintMay-faKALSOMINING. lady with office experience, YOUNG OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Main keeper, single man, 40 to 50 years of floors; walk ing djalatif. Mar. 1IH0. -- oua. rooms auitable for ....2: WARM, pleasant log; reasoimmp. SECOND-HANSUITS AND OVERCOATS wishes position, can use typewriter. HOTEL . and Alexander etnsets. Phone age. Address Seufert Bros. Co., Tbe $1 day, weekly $5 and ur. Free phone I.: ..llrlna lct.,nA. M liout a pm t lite ui iichI in. p iinfc Vv ORix OF AH- - iINiS. We pay highest prices. BOUGHT Marshall 3540. DM car. TABOR iignt ana airy, -- team neat. CKAlEN 340. baths; Dalles. and yo. Kast home. Arhne apartincius. inn ami i.ovtjwj. Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d st. BATH HOUSE manageEXPERIENCED and competent stenog NEWLY furnished front room with fire m if iK Elderly man to do light work THE OREGON Or., Bdwy. 1t12. u a a . two roo jus tenfor a N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. 724i. WANTED rapher desires temporary woric by TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East ment, Salem, desires to communi200 jn. 21st. 2 or 3 hours every morning In exchange place; also kitunenette. u t: omi ; w&tk.uns autamc. 101 iwim - ROOM f iii'illailied. pi U a la Ini day, week or month. Marshall 3521. the cate with a lady masseuse, wishing em ; for light h. k. rooms. ... Auto. Grand ave. apt., private home, fja per ninui. Third t. Norfh. WE WILL" ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for ployment. 20 months' experience. contractor, STENOGRAPHER, tile East Phone garages. 253. Jiouaes pRICK steamdistance, wt. attractive WALKING apartment, neatly your discarded suit in payment ou a suit furulahed. experienced bookkeeper, East wishes position; law boy to work In bakery auuau Apply THOROUGHLY apartment fuuui. atain xrom heatea St., 271 diocks MacMunena APARTMENTS. made to order and you can pay us tbe STRONG ALBERT KING 8147. capable of handling accounts and meet- CEMENT work; have mixers; work guar ready to work. Wilson Cracked Wheat 3622. Broadway bridge. Phone East ftOhri. strictly modern, elevator, til balance on easy monthly payments. ing the public. 804 Washington Bakery, 4th and Yamhill. tit St. BY STENOGRAPHER of 5 years' experi Bring in your used suit and apply it on antee Mam b;i th. NICELY furnished room for 2, reasonable. A NICE, clean, warm, turnUlied room In 11th and Atom ginnery. ence. juioiutt! qivo. bookkeeper; must BRICK work, any kind of brick work. . a new one. 4oy, the Tailor, 104 Fourth, WANTED Thoroughly ' experieuced and WANTED A or me, no wun N. I"th. 2 ooara. lovely a wiinout SAWYER AH 466, BOOKKEEPER, general office work, typ- know shorthand; references. nar Stark. forts. Main 6510reliable hardware and paint retail Sbda. garage. I'lioiiu Last 'i. rooms Also fur it. niahed Oregonian. open 5 571. Bdwy. 1st, 107- position. Simon's Store, 2d and Alder st. Hoyt, 733 mod offers HEREFORD, pruned 10. Bdwy. trees main 7714.any rooms, goud THE and and board, busi other iaodLOVELY employed, KQSES ern, comiortaoie steeping rooms at re- TWO Dressmakers. wholesale house, ex- HOUSEKEEPER for mother, scaye wut. kind, WANTED By largeman; apt-used rwatiy lot niblid, $1 of household ness people oniy; nume privileges. Main 2 AND perienced credit and three school children; C. 6. preferred, state age, expeduced rates. Also apts. Main 3305. ' GEN TEAMING. 10 Pr iu 10 " ladies, Dresses attention. ihni. STOUT designed $25. good evenings. 708. salary Tabor V 404. home. goods, and good Oreponian. bought idea. A and rience cash; KEPAUL, Fourtn and Aiuer. g tin. ST. Van plowing, excavating. and THE Grading, East 8873 board, ev light, with clean LARGE, mis. pricesCO.paid, west portland salV- EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home' is PAINTING, tinting, papering; good APARTMENT. '"TlOSKLYN ery convenience, rewauimuia, ctoaa in. specialty;, prices reason-able- . work; SILK presses a 6724 AGE up. Rates by week or month. ready to help any girl in distress, 853 building contractors' official paper. 203 inoUcru furnished 110 N. 2 1st, 46th ave. 3. E. Smith. East 7005. reasonable. Sell. IgOlL TAILOR, PAYS E a st Glisan. "MV' car. East 310. tiOLDSTEIX, THE NEW PERKINS HOTEI Stork exchange. spt, will receive good care In CHILDREN DRESSMAKING remodeling, REASONABLE. builder, CARPENTER, HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S DISHWASHER, experienced, to help In LADIEiS to sen eusUHn-madWashington and Street Fifth Mrs. M K N T S. woman. APART GUILD motherly 2146. Auto. of WOODLAWN MRS. specialty. home a GOOD. East 2837. SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. , kitchen; wagea, room and board; resiSpecial permanent rates. Thomas, OarWon hotel. Cal 10 A. M. apt., private balh, ail outilde 8U32. BROADWAY 24asANDBURNS1DE, day or con- - DRESSMAKING; my home or jraurs. ' 12S 50c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths LARGE front room in modern home. to 10 P. M.. Monday. CARPENTER s wants wora by S70.V 34 tiuiM r dential hotel. 233 tith fit. Main rooms. Bdwy. room THIRD. BETWEEN SECOND uzp-u 817. Irving st. Aiarsnaii 18. 13th st. worn. tract; s f re e. riotei caaiuac. aa near .errerso n SECURE POSITIONS for salesmen, men, women; experi- WE CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. THREE unnecessaryLILLIAN APARTML.STS. ROOM In private family with or without . office help; us. Williams YOUNG man, '21, strong and willing, wauta FOR GOOD SEWING call East 3083. 600 JL.ARRABEE HOTEL Modern, register 3 week with ence exclusive large, territory; k modern, rooms, tit. weal $ FURS-FUV F RS. board. Main iM. 400 aiontgnniery at. Spalding bldg. Union ave. N. Service. piks it. steei oriage tfwoe. up. Larraoge st., good money. See Mr. Post. Tait hotel. a position, van anve. 3 78. M..rahall side. 3M Hth atLow rent and low prices; remodeling Sewing by skilled tailorees at LARGE desirable room,- modern; use of LIGHT, com for labia front room on car- woman to do cooking and POSITION by experienced man, janitor or WANTED by M sell advertising. N II A PA II E T T See EXPERIENCED ALB and repairing, furs tanned and dressed EARN big money; KING mean, muiii 4iof. the day. Tabor 2566. line; tjpwnstalrs; wages SflO. Main 251ft. home or 6th st. watchman or handy man. Tabor 8779. Robinson. 210 Stock Exchange. piano. strictly modern. it atut. tl: La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 0.6 West Park dressmaking, reasonable prices. COZY furnished room reasonable. with meals; street. Pnone Main 650. SICKLY f urniahed rooma contract. Owena, FANCY Mrs. ba t h. 11th and alont jqiiit y. Main il'ifl RETAIL candy maker wanted. The Rain- AMATEUR talent of all kinds. Good pay. WANTUD 033 Kearney at. Y'oung, N Main 7343. aiMirict. "1U Call Room 4. Oregon. 23d theater, Washington, 8755. Eugene, and Little Main bow, il Tabor Johnson. NOTICE TU PUBLIC. light, .im. LARGE. tif in, m iv s Do not throw things away. We pay AMATEUR talent of all kinds. Good pay. WANTED EXPERIENCED6205,dressmaker. $3.50 a day 2 ROOMS, well furnished, clean, close In, GOOD rooms wwuth board or Kitchen privlpi.. ion, work, reason-ablsailing Teachers for mission, school. C A RPENTER First-clas-6295. bouav Keeping evenings. a&t joir. 0 Kaa tK t r o r. A U. Call Tabor good prices for used furniture, tools, cicie. iefre. i naon af huolw. near Broaaway nriaga. ua ttos. c. wu.i Woodlawn 23d and Washington. theater, Apply to 4 P. M. 170H 1st st., from Little clothing, stoves, carpets and all kjnds OFFICE BOY WANTED. S dressmaking; work guaran-- ' JTURNISHEU or unfurnished rooms; your ELEGANT single room, close in, tie el Ie ut CLEAN, completely rurniilie a jm H 487, ORE- - COUNTER, girl wanted.' fit. Nicholas Cafe- PAPERHANGING 30c a roll;' painUns and of junk Phone Main 2020. teed; prices right. East 3006. board private home. E. 2r4. ttnot. ioiiiuiu, tuiiiur riKU l, tinting. Marshall 2493. price witnin reason. 100 rirm. GONIAN. teria. second-hancar. fur.Tohn St. per LYENS, IO BUY, sell or traae goods, W. breakfast, room week; W. rooms, 119 with dressmaker MRS. WARM of close papjring and kalsomining; TAILOR for men's busheling work. Lion LIGHT comfortable sleeping I.DE RLY lady wanted for c omp anion ; PAINTING, see niture and household in. fur. apt., YORK 2U close in. oj; Aionigomery. i3thi baa moved to 681 Hoyt. Main 6,63. pre-wAll jv- NEW prices.' E. 6835. Tabor 2325. ' utn st. aiam b Clothing Co., 4th and Morirson sta. some wages. W oodla wn 3 827. in. west side OKI FURNITURE CO., ua $27. An, inciun iiik nan iM, "fii, nni 209 Second, Main 4197. K. 7th and watT, in,"n. cold ' "WANTED 20O toid of siabwood, f. . h. Af'TR." CuLKT HIGHLAND cars Portland, or along R. R. east unfurnUhed iiui tmanta. 4 and of Portland. Address Seutert Bros Co., H,' J, TVTHIL. Marshall 31H1 HOMEp SWEET HOME; GEORGE WJNg QNf-B- Y The Dalles, Or. C E L I A APTS.j 22D AND lil.I.vlN E C WANT to buy good piano for use In counVary aeaiitwi umui iiitua apt. try; telephone Broadway 5523; ask i"or with bairony- Marsha. Mr. Smitn. ftiriithvU, APi'o. CARLOiS I , AWD TliOg LOW COM6CV LOOKMO AT liEFORE you e41 ' piano or phonograph- I UOU0-- f Co KlfYil LlOVJJ ODD ein Rparntit'ni. inn mhi iiirK"i. oons-uiresa-land exchange dept. Orewith baih Wm. NuJeLY fumiahtl apis, tuners Music Housft, 2hiH Wash, st. " ininir )" V'K WISH to buy a good piano and also alure and iiv will pay all cash ; must abe phonograph; " unnni. ina room. bargain, no trah. X 4Ho, Oregonian, apt., Ci. itui apt. your cast-of- f TWO AND clothIFingYOU sell avuuama 2 20u 3225. Madiaon call h People's Secondhand Store. f v OMEj ALtX) APTS., E. Couch and ITnlun J wao PS( 6op nmaprc woo bought at highest market DIAMONDS im furn uiid n.rt. price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. MORTON muni ywfii'iiuu t. mii vvy. nni JHGHE3T cash price paid tor nfiea, shotgun aHoclifehL85Third. near Oak. UNION AVE. and Klilingaworth. fur. apt.. WANTED isale for office. Give size and J vA cam uaocu V I lowest price for cash. 8 469. Orgeonian. . SAN MARCO ATTKACTIVK, jtDJEd coats, cults, dresses bought sold exchanged. Broadway 7339. and ikoderu apia.. um b.iu. 3 AND Puena Vjta ayta Main Furniture Wanted. U'ZKRNB APTfei. 738. main Call J room modern f'irnihjd sparmenf. used fur.vitcrb cash paid i. NICELY lurnisUed apta. with bath. and household any goods; we pay FOR SA L A MALE. HELP WANTEO HELP WANTED FEMALE. KCEIXAXEOF S, Two women to manage one LUMBERMAN EMPLOYMENT WANTED AGEC Wantea. of the best apt. houses in this city. Will Anaeny, corner secona. CALL ilAhiHALL 2ti4 M. 8 TODAY A. OPEN AT consider mother and daughter or two pay I the right price for household women of good personality; rererences The Leading Lumber Office of the srooas: a ao me run of furniture or on required. giving address and Ans., Pacific Coast. article; I need tables, chairs, dressers. phone No,, for interview; salary $100 We want the following men and will peas, cnitlonler and good rusts, roll apt. V 406. Oregonian. each and advance the fares: top dek and all kinds of hardware Choker Betters, buckers, timber fallers. tools. If you are ready to sell call Mar Wanted Domestic., chasers, rig up men, wood splitters and snail Jttfi i will be there wometlv wit HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower with any other number of men. cash. Crown Furniture Co.. 204 First st. three children of school age, NORTH. WE are in need of used furniture, carpets. home in small town; should be refined Mill and yard men and young men lady, between 80 and 85 years of age, stoves ana ranges and bouse Quid good for box factory work. Fare advanced. of all descriptions and will pay ab who is wilting to take full charge of you. place see us today. can Come We solutely the top prices for same. Call household and children In exchange for one a good home and liberal salary; no Marshall k&7, and our buyer will be YOUNG MAN! Take mis tip: The TOU beet place In the city to assist one child. AV 2S9. Oregonian. to t'tero bt onoe with, the cah. A. A In findin- - a nosittnn in clerical com Gevurtz Furniture Store, 2oA and 20' or girl wanted for general housemnrcial or techainal linn ia the Y. M. C. LADY tet. Taylor and Salmon..: rirst. work In modern home oq farm near ""' A. employment department. You can get CASH VUkXlTL'RE CASH. Salmon, Waah. Call at 600 East Whits reliable information and they will mulWe need used furniture, stoves, ranges. 36th st. North, city ; Beaumont car to tiply your chances and put you next to Must have reference. Phone st. iu eaip out oi lawn; win paj nt., Knott never you find ooportunlties will that higher pr.ees than other local deaiers Auto. call morninga tcrougn your own extorts atone. strangcall us for one article or a bouse full young especially men All EXPERIENCED and reliable" woman or girl and a courteous, competent buyer will with cordially to ers are talk general invited for housework and care of baby; vim. jrcaaway xzuu, ix in or in aa sc., wt Atoona one of tne secretaries. be good cook; best wages to capmust ituaenberg a mniture Exchange. Y. M. C. A. Tbomp-eo- n able party. Call B 6)58. HIGHEST prices paid lor second-han- d fur St., Irving ton. life Insurance company wants E niture. tau wooaiawn zvu. He must YOUNG girl who can do ffaod plain cook manager for western Oregon. be between Sfi and 40 yeara of age. of ing and housekeeping for small family.! good cnaracter, possess energy muu intelligence end be able to furnish bond. EDUCATION..! 4602. conExperience advantageous. Maximum year. girl for cooking and EXPERIENCED to $5000 first tract equivalent FOUR WEEKS TRAINING FREE. housework; best wages; small family Address Pplendid permanent position. city required. agents, reference Mam 4514- Fraser, Pierre of I. director W. W have hundreds of graduate now South Dakota. Girl or younsr woman for gen WANTED uocessiuiiy engaged in the auto, tracera! housework. tor, battery and the auto Must be good. cook. Help Wantefl Salesmen. busi electrical rvo wasning. cast Oira. ness, vve can assist you to a good position, too. We ive vou a four weeks' WANTED Competent young maid ' fo OPPORTUNITY. AN EXCEPTIONAL ' GRADE OREGON FREE TRIAL. No money in advance. CORcooking and downstairs work; good eook, HIGHEST The trial obligates you in no way. It rererences. Main ouio. PORATION DESIRES TO EMPLOY affords you an excellent opportunity to SBVBRAL MKN IN THE SALE OF ITS WANTED Girl to do general housework, up our scnooi anct teat your qualifiEXCELSHOURITIES; family, good wages. Call East 2436, small cations to learn mechanical work. Full PERMANENT AND LENT INCOME general sew h cute work ; good eur in for GIRL FUTURE CONNECTION, GRHAT WITH Particulars write for it today. Ask for rereren-cesFOR RIGHT MAN ; POSSIBILITIES fo. vvooqiawn tt4o. family uouk ivo. a: u s free. DESIRABLE. genera EXPERIENCE SELLING for housework" In MAID ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL. SPALDING BLDG, 0 or a. iast. lowi CALL AT UNION AVE AND WASCO TO 10 A. M., 3:30 TO 4:30 P. M. WANTED Competent' srlrl', general" bourse Woodlawa or Alberta, car,- 84 and Alder. work; small family. Main 3214k. VANTF.D-.- U Furniture er SITUATIONS CONSTRUCTION r. high-clas- - n. r 111 14 m. HIGH-CLAS- S y ' Lt 312-4- AnI-en- 65-- OLD-LIN- 4. prl-va- 11 ' -- r, FAST-SELLIN- 112-pn-ge Jri ' ho-nu- 621-2- . 3 n hook-keep- ss ' ' 10-1- . a- STEAM-HEATEl -- nr first-clas- wiae-aw.- stenoa-ranhv- e, J ti 44-4- loa-i- FIRST-CLAS- S i; 4 FIRST-CLAS- S wtea T ' 11 4, X 211 FIRST-CLAS- S t - t. 10-3- YATES-FISHE- 512-1- R . s ; 1 first-clas- . 11 n-- 624-3- h . L -l ! ' 220-1- i'Tf s, rt Trtraf-iMK- K al-ult- first-clas- fr 11 ).t. home-cooKe- Hen-ney-- t FIRST-CTAS- S BOOKK&EPER-STEXOGRAPHK- R ; - ' i -t 1 li- 1 -- ; d; 518-8- 210-74- ij-t- fit-- 111 ' , FRANCO-AMERICA- N ir Ore-ga- . 1" na ! - 2- 510-3- TWO-ROO- pret-erred- daiai first-class- call general tools furniture for sales-Tna- n. fui-K- -- "t ' ie txwiye-taj- finish-built-l- . first-cias- high-clas- - i RS 503-50- 4 & - 8- i, V. -7 - e. . -- FIRST-CLAS- ; 3. " 1 vo-'- O.-- I'. J T ) vr. -5 -- . auu rue Oust cMl omlv V .n. vfSf ' roAT 4 APTH.-3-ro.- -- - -- m tt tuv J yyyy ' wA( lln. for W-- more a dealer; give usthan trial local exchange, used furniture 738. main call nhone CALL MAIN 8S78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you selL CALL UNITED FURNITURE sXORB. Main S7S. PAY aa much as any aeaiar can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange in new for what you furniture. M, H Calef, furniture, 140 KlHlngsworth. Woodlawn 6604. NJCED fureUt;re. rugs, stoves and tools of every deacrlotlon in single plenes or in lots: will pagr more than local deal-r- s; prompt attention given. East 2405. fcECOND-HANFURXITURB WE NEED of any description: have the ready cash, Fbor.a today. Main 4H2T. or 1P6 First at. turniture or sell far WE WILL 1UY your George yon on commission. Baker St Co., auctioneers. Main 3332. WANT roll and fiat-to- p desk and adding machine, p, N. Babuock, Rdwy, 27 ju. cr. yuun, ait.. fur. near pnvat ni Harriott apt., front nroaam. FCRNIRI1EU M orriaon. K a Uo-roo- vry A 2 !mm;mumu,u;,;uimmm,u;,m,;,u , e -- by the Mall & Express FLOK-M- Co. 3t tg iu l ' RDM .tf 72th: SHEFFIELD double apt: 1922, Mif. pariiitaiil. modern, a.l oulaida loom. A rline apia. rwaiwav furniahiHl apt., uith bain, lmi(n yard. Kaat rj'- for rent; tov net. must te r?enwot;n a.n rt. furnUhi-iapt.; llKh4. M v ' ' ' ry ry nii. " A Copyrig ht, and inj bih iu rrroii, apt. 1K A Y lrge TERUACM. apt 2 r. Hroadway; wan t.eai. APTS, Ssii ILii al z roorn apart rt'nta. THE CHKLTUNHAM, apts. M 272 i ut U tfutt. ai-- 3 nr. 3 rpo n ai.d Noi Uirip,