Multipath can be described in two domains: time and frequency Time domain: Impulse response time time time Impulse response Frequency domain: Frequency response time time time Sinusoidal signal as input f Frequency response time Sinusoidal signal as output Introduction to OFDM modulation N carriers Symbol: 2 periods of f0 Transmit + f f Symbol: 4 periods of f0 B Symbol: 8 periods of f0 Data coded in frequency domain Channel frequency response Transformation to time domain: each frequency is a sine wave in time, all added up. N carriers Receive time f B Time-domain signal Frequency-domain signal Decode each frequency bin separately Introduction to OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplex) Time-frequency grid Data Frequency N carriers B Carrier f0 B One OFDM symbol Features T=1/f0 Time – No intercarrier guard bands – Controlled overlapping of bands – Maximum spectral efficiency (Nyquist rate) Intercarrier Separation = Any integer Multiple of 1/(symbol duration) – Easy implementation using IFFTs – Very sensitive to time-freq. synchronization Modulation technique A user utilizes all carriers simultaneously to transmit its data as coded quantity at each frequency carrier, which can be quadrature-amplitude modulated (QAM). OFDM Modulation and Demodulation using FFTs f b0 b1 b2 . . . . bN-1 IFFT (Inverse fast Fourier transform) time Data coded in frequency domain: one symbol at a time d0 d1 d2 d3 . . . . dN-1 P/S d0, d1, d2, …., dN-1 (Parallel to serial converter) Transmit time-domain samples of one symbol Data in time domain: one symbol at a time S/P d0’, d1’, d2’, …., dN-1’ (Serial to parallel converter) Receive time-domain samples of one symbol time d0’ d1’ d2’ d3’ . . . . dN-1’ FFT (Fast Fourier transform) f b0’ Decode each b1’ frequency bin b2’ independently . . . . bN-1’ Loss of orthogonality (by frequency offset) ψ k (t) = exp( jk2π t / T ) y ψ k +m ( t) = exp ( j2 π (k + m)t / T ) Transmission pulses ψ δk +m (t) = exp (j2 π ( k + m + δ ) / T ) con δ ≤ 1 / 2 Reception pulse with offset δ I m (δ ) = Interference between channels k and k+m Im (δ ) = T sin πδ π m+δ ∫ T 0 Summing up ∀m exp( jk 2π t / T ) exp(− j(k + m + δ )2πt / T )dt = N −1 1 23 T 2 2 ≈( δ) 14 m =1 m ∑ I 2m (δ ) ≈ (Tδ )2 ∑ m T (1 − exp(− j2πδ )) j2π (m + δ ) N >> 1 (N > 5 Is enough ) for Total ICI due to loss of orthogonality Interference in dB 0 -10 m=1 -20 m=3 m=5 m=7 -30 ICI in dB Loss for 8 carriers -40 -50 -60 -70 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Frequency offset 0.2 0.3 0.4 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 δ =0.05 δ =0.02 δ =0.01 δ =0.005 Practical limit δ =0.002 δ =0.001 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Carrier position within the band (N=16) δ assumed r.v. Gaussian σ=δ 16 Loss of orthogonality (time) Let us assume a misadjustment τ Then if m=k-l − T / 2+ τ Xi = c0 ∫ −T /2 τ senmπ 2T T , c ≠c 0 1 Xi = mπ c0 = c1 0, In average, the interfering power in any carrier is Xi 2 E 2 T independent on m τ ICI ≈ 20 log 2 , τ << T T Per carrier 2 2 1 τ 1 τ = + = 4 T 2 0 2 2 T ICI due to loss of orthogonaliy 0 -45 -5 -40 m=1 -10 -35 -15 -20 ICI in dB Interference in dB τ Xi 2mπ T τ ≈ =2 T mπ T Or approximately, when τ<<T Loss for 16 carriers m=5 -25 m=10 -30 -35 assumed a uniform r.v. -30 -25 N=8 Max. practical limit -20 -40 -15 -45 -50 2 consecutive symbols T/ 2 ψ k (t)ψ *l (t − τ )dt + c 1 ∫−T / 2 +τ ψ k (t)ψ l* (t − τ )dt 0 0.1 Zone of interest 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Relative misadjustment τ 0.8 0.9 1 -10 N=64 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Standard deviation of the relative misadjustment 0.08 Including a cyclic prefix to each OFDM symbol To combat the multipath: including time guards between the symbols copy CP τ T Tc Including the Cyclic Prefix Without the Cyclic Prefix Symbol: 8 periods of fi Initial transient Ψi(t) Channel: h(n)=(1 ) –n / n n=0 ,…,2 3 ≠Ψi(t) Loss of orthogonality Decaying transient Symbol: 8 periods of fi Passing the channel h(n) Passing the channel h(n) CP Ψi(t) Initial transient remains within the CP The inclusion of a CP maintains the orthogonality Ψj(t) Ψj(t) Symbol: 4 periods of fi Final transient remains within the CP Symbol: 4 periods of fi CP functions: – It acomodates the decaying transient of the previous symbol – It avoids the initial transient reachs the current symbol .. Symplified scheme of an OFDM transceiver Transmitter . S P S IFFT BITS CODER Cyclic prefix (CP) DAC RF P f0 RF ADC Filter S f0 PLL, symbol timing DECOD. P FFT Receiver S P Channel estimation frequency offset BITS Windowing of the OFDM symbol Total band used by OFDM: it depends on the number or carriers ACI ACI Wide separation Maintainig a fix bandwidth, if N increases Narrow separation Adjacent channel interference decreases BUT It is interesting to have few carriers as well: To introduce short delay in data gathering and signal processing (FFTs) • • To have a bigger intercarrier separation --> It reduces the relative frequency offset Compromise Need to shape the OFDM symbols OFDM modulators with symbol shaping p(t) ejωnt Equivalent architectures an ……… ejωnt p(t) an Σan p(t) ejωnt p(t) Σanejωnt ……… ak ak p(t) ejωkt ejωkt Implemented with FFT After the synchronous reception p(t) even I=∫ T/2 −T / 2 p(t)e j2 π (k− n)t / T T/2 0 , k ≠ n dt =2 ∫ p(t)cos[2π (n − k)t / T]dt = 0 1 , k = n p(t) T/2 0 cos The simplest way to maintain symmetry within -T/2<t<T/2 is p(t)=k ❏ Symbol shaping has to be carried out as part ❏ of the symbol duration + CP The total ACI can be condiderably reduced even odd PC+T Robustness against the channel and ACI improvement N …… Virtual OFDM symbols within the slot • With guards (Cyclic prefixes), the channel’s time dispersion is avoided L=N+CP PC PC …… PC PC PC OFDM symbols with time guards (CPs) • With smooth transitions between symbols, the adjacent channel interference is minimized PC PC PC …… OFDM symbols with time guards and symbol shaping PC 802.11a Physical Layer Data Symbol Format t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 GI2 Short training sequence: AGC and frequency offset T1 T2 GI OFDM Symbol GI OFDM Symbol Long training sequence: Channel estimation Training symbols: 4 us each t: 0.8 us, 16 samples GI2: 1.6 us, 32 samples T: 3.2 us, 64 samples Data Symbols: 4 us each GI: 0.8 us, 16 samples OFDM Symbol: 3.2 us, 64 samples * Only 52 of the 64 carriers are used. * 4 of the 52 carriers are used for pilot carriers (no data). Data rate for each 20 Mhz channel: 20 Msamples per second. 250 Ksymbols per second. 48 data carriers per symbol. 1/2 or 3/4 convolutional code. 1 bit/carrier (BPSK) to 6 bits/carrier (64 QAM). Overall: Lowest: 48 * 1 * 1/2 * 250K = 6 Mbps. Highest: 48 * 6 * 3/4 * 250K = 54 Mbps. Turbo mode supports 108 Mbps using 40 Mhz channel. Robustness against errors: random noise and channel-selected errors Random noise: primarily introduced by thermal and circuit noise. Channel-selected errors: introduced by magnitude distortion in channel frequency response. Frequency Time-frequency grid B Bad carriers f0 f Frequency response Data bits T=1/f0 Time Errors are no longer random. Interleaving is often used to scramble the data bits so that standard error correcting codes can be applied. Spectrum Mask Power Spectral Density -20 dB -28 dB -40 dB -30 -20 -11 -9 f carrier 9 11 20 30 Frequency (MHz) • Requires extremely linear power amplifier design. Adjacent Channel and Alternate Adjacent Channel Rejection D a te ra te 6 M bps M in im u m S e n s ib ility -8 2 d B m A d ja c e n t C h a n n e l R e je c tio n 16 dB A lte r n a te C h a n n e l re je c tio n 32 dB 12M bps -7 9 d B m 13 dB 29 dB 24M bps -7 4 d B m 8 dB 24 dB 36M bps -7 0 d B m 4 dB 20 dB 54M bps -6 5 d B m 0 dB 15 dB 32 dB 16 dB Signal Frequency • Requires joint design of the anti-aliasing filter and ADC.