Time-Domain Derived Frequency-Domain Voltage Source Converter Model for Harmonic Analysis P. A. Gray, Student Member, IEEE, and P. W. Lehn, Senior Member, IEEE Setup network with VSCs modelled as multi-frequency current sources­ amplitudes initialized to zero Abstract-It is well recognized that for voltage source con­ verters (VSCs) there exists strong coupling between AC-side and DC-side harmonics; this harmonic coupling can be rep­ resented through a Frequency Coupling Matrix (FCM). This paper develops a frequency-domain steady-state harmonic model for loads/generators interfaced to the grid through VSCs. The purpose of developing this model is to allow for improved harmonic analysis of distribution grids and to derive an intuitive FCM in which the relationships between the various state­ variables are readily available to the user. A space-vector time­ domain derived approach is used to derive the FCM. The FCM is validated through PSCAD simulations. The derived FCM converges faster than previous time-domain derived models and results from interfacing the model with the OpenDSS harmonic analysis software are shown. In dex Terms-VSC, harmonics, converter, FCM, harmonic coupling, non-linear loads, modelling. M mp X I. Imp INTRODUCTION RID Harmonics tend to increase system losses, can excite resonant frequencies, and cause equipment mal­ function and ageing; therefore, as the proportion of non-linear loads and generation on the grid continues to increase, the ability to predict the harmonics generated by these elements becomes increasingly important. Loads and generation inter­ faced to the grid through VSCs make up an important subset of the non-linear elements typically seen on a distribution grid. VSCs mostly appear in the front end of three-phase drives, as well as solar photovoltaic and wind generation. A harmonic model of a VSC can be derived in either in the time or frequency domain. The frequency domain is the method used in this paper since the time-requirement of time-domain studies is infeasible for any reasonably sized distribution system. There are many methods that have been developed for modelling harmonic sources in the frequency­ domain, some of the most notable include transfer function and frequency coupling matrices [1]-[16]. The latter is the approach taken in this paper. This work derives the VSC model similarly to [17] and [18] and approaches the calculation of the FCM similar to [16], but uses a space-vector derived approach along with all real valued components. This has the effect of greatly reducing the number of states being solved for, leading to a much faster convergence. The approach to solving the FCM proposed in this paper, requires the positive and negative sequence components to be decoupled, which leads to a more intuitive >-____ NO for all VSCs < tolerance G Fig. l. Model Integration into OpenDSS FCM matrix. The model incorporates dc-link voltage and reactive power control to ensure the VSC operating point and its corresponding harmonic spectrum are accurately identified. An algorithm is also developed to incorporate the model into an available harmonic analysis software. In this paper, the algorithm used to interface the derived model to a harmonic analysis software is first discussed. The derivation of the model is then explored - this includes the iterative outer control loop and the derivation of the FCM. Finally, the accuracy of the model is assessed and the results of interfacing the model with the OpenDSS harmonic analysis software are shown. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi­ neering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G4 Canada (emails: p.gray@mail.utoronto.ca, lehn@ecf.utoronto.ca). 978-1-4673-1943-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 100% 512 II. INTERFACING MODEL WITH OPENDSS A goal of this paper is to develop an accurate and compu­ tationally efficient frequency-domain model of VSCs for har­ monic analysis studies. The model is interfaced with OpenDSS to perform these harmonic analysis studies. The algorithm is outlined in Fig. 1. From Fig. 1, it is shown that the bus voltages of the system are first initialized by solving the zero load power flow (power 2 Fig. 4. Fig. 2. Calculation of Switching Times Assumed V SC Topology Vdc, Qac, v'aP, I d, I ,- the modulation index (used in the PWM switching scheme) and the phase angle offset between the positive sequence line­ frequency component of the VSC terminal voltages and the PCC voltages The converter has 8 possible configurations depending on the states of the switches. For one period of steady-state operation, if the times of all switching transitions are known, the converter can be fully specified through conventional time­ domain circuit analysis. This is the approach used in the FCM derivation. Input: I L - Initialize o,ma - 1, ----'--- Calculate Switching Times J l �i<-------' , �I L� I­ --, -- I Vtabe Vsabe. Calculate FCM update 0 and nta Calculate ��alc , (fa�lc IV. C ALCULATING Ll.Vd" Ll.Qa, It is assumed that the switches employ an exact sinusoidal PWM switching scheme. The switching scheme is synchro­ nized with the positive-sequence line-frequency component of the PCC voltages - this is conceptually illustrated in Fig. 4. In this visualization, for each half-period of the carrier waveform, three switching times are calculated - one for each of the phases. No < tolerance Yes Output: Fig. 3. lsafJ,� ------" Solution Algorithm V. FCM flow with all loads and generators disconnected). The loads and generators are then re-connected - with the VSCs current injections initialized to 0 - and the system voltages for frequency multiples 1 through to h of the fundamental line frequency are solved for, The injected current harmonics for all VSCs are then updated, using the solved system voltages as input The system voltages are re-solved, This iterative procedure continues until the injected current harmonics be­ tween successive iterations remains within a pre-determined tolerance value for each vse The model is developed in MATLAB, and a COM interface is used to interface the model to OpenDSS, III. MODEL DERIVATION The derivation assumes the VSC topology of Fig, 2 for all VSCs, The algorithm used to derive the VSC model is outlined in Fig. 3. The model assumes the following as inputs: PCC bus volt­ ages dc-link reference voltage reactive power and the dc-side injection currents The PCC bus voltages are directly obtained from the previous OpenDSS solution and the reactive power is the reactive power drawn by the VSC at the pce The and 15 referred to in Fig. 3 are Vsabe, V2e' Ide. Qae, SWITCHING TIMES Qae, ma 513 DERIVATION The FCM is used to map the input vector contmmng the PCC voltage and the dc-side current harmonics, into an output vector containing the ac-side current and dc-link voltage harmonics; this relationship is shown in (1) �= FCM'1!: (1) where, 1!:= Vs--a h Vsf] h I-sah rsf]h V+sa h Vs+h f] Re{Ide} Im{I�J Is+ha I+sf]h Re{VdOJ Im{VdOe} , and �= Re{I,tm} Im{I,tm} Re{Vd�m} Im{Vd�m} The vector 1!: contains the PCC positive and negative se­ quence harmonic voltages. For example, the negatively rotat­ ing space vector at frequency multiple h is expressed in (2), V-saf]h = ( v-sa h J-Vs-f] h) e -h)wt + j( (2) k [-h,+h] 1 j' (Zsa . + ].Zs(3 . ) e-jkwtdt Isak + ]'Is(3k (7) -T t- T An expression for : (I:a + j1:(3 ) can be solved - indirectly - by looking at (8), as is done in [16] dz(t ) (8) ----;It = m z(t) + hq(t) where, z(t) and q(t) are time-varying complex variables, and m and h are constants The solution of (8) for an arbitrary time t is t z(t)=emtz(t-T)+ J em(t-T)hqdt (9) t- T where, Vs�� represents the negative sequence voltage at har­ monic h. Vector Jl also contains the dc-side injection current harmon­ ics; these are represented in the conventional phasor domain. vector current harmonic at frequency k, where Itm = I Itm l LeI+=; therefore, Re{Itm} = I Itm l coseI+= and Im{Itm} = I Itm l sineI+=. For example, __ de In order tcfCierive the FCM, the input Jl and 'the output J!.. are represented as state variables of an extended dynamic system. It is convenient to combine the states into a single vector this yields the autonomous system shown in (3), (3) where, isa is(3 Ji. = [Vde] , and M(t) is a linear time-variant matrix. Since, we are solving for steady-state quantities, matrix E [0, ] , where is the period. Due to the properties of the state-variables, has the following structure M(t) must be specified for all t T T Comparing (9) and (7), the following substitutions can be made to equate the two equations = -j k = �TejwkT q = isa + jis(3 m M(t) [A(t) M(t) = � Using the assumed VSC topology, the differential equations for the variables of vector x can be derived in (5a) - (5c). (lOa) w n (4) Setting (11) z(t - T) = 0, (lOb) (lOc) and substituting (10) into (9), results in d (Ik + 'Ik ) -'k (Ik + 'Ik)+ 1 jkwT(t'sa+ .ts(3 . ] ) dt sa ] s(3 -] sa ] s(3 T e W Converting (11) into vector format, 0 T0 [ -kW] [I:ka] + � [1 ] Is(3 1 o where, Te is the Clarke transform, and [] o c= 0 'Vr E (6) +mw o �_((TT))] = y(T) i=l 2:= !:::.ti = T i=l n [Ji.(0)] II exp (M(i)!:::.ti) Jl(O) Jl J!..(O) The Fourier series decomposition is used to derive the dif­ ferential equations for the variables of vector J!... The following analysis derives the differential equations for the ac-side space514 (14) n (which is assigned to variable <1» 0 (13) The periodicity property of steady-state solutions can be exploited in conjunction with (3) to give an expression of the state-variables in terms of the initial conditions <1> n n (M(i)!:::.ti) i =l has the following structure Due to the structure of matrix M(t), -mw 0 'Vk [O,+m]. where, o (12) The sub-matrix entries D and E can be solved by extrapo­ lating the results from (12) and (13) for E [-h,+h] and 0 +hw 0 _ 1 or 0 when the corresponding switch is on or off, respectively. The sub-matrix entries A(t) and B can be extrapolated from (5a) - (5c). Since, the variables of vector Jl are sinusoidally time­ varying inputs, the sub-matrix C can be simply derived as shown in (6) for the ac-side voltage harmonics ranging from to +h and dc-side current harmonics ranging from to -hw ] r d [Re{VIJ] - [ -rw] [Re{VIJ] + 1 [1] Vde T Im{Vle} dt Im{Vle} rw Sa, Sb, and Se are binary variables - each having t e value of +m: isa zs(3 (11) The derivation of the dc-link voltage time-derivatives is sim­ ilar. The results for dc-link voltage harmonic r are shown in (13), where E [0,+m] Sa Sabe(t) = Sb Se -h E t [ = �T �; � ] DT FT ET exp (15) 4 If the periodicity constraints are invoked (namely, J:( O ) = J:(T)), the combination of (14) and (15) can be rearranged to yield the following expression for y( T ) in terms of -y(O) and TABLE I INPUT PARAMETERS - WHERE �(O) 1 U(T) = (DT [I - ATr BT + FT) �(O) + ETU(O) Input R L (16) where, I is a 3 by 3 Identity matrix Rdc Cdc Q Vdoc �c Alternatively, if U(O) is initialized to 0, (16) equates to the expression in (1) - giving the expression for the FCM in (17) FCM= 1 (DT [Ir - ATr BT + FT) (17) I V+1 sa +3 Vsa +3 Vs(3 V-5 sa V-5 sa +7 Vsa +7 Vs(3 v.l-l base 31> Pbase This FCM when multiplied with the input vector �(O) yields the fundamental and harmonic currents injected by the VSC as well as the dc-link voltages. The Newton-Raphson iterative technique is used to solve for the unique combination of the PWM phase angle offset 0 and modulation index that yields a dc-link average voltage and reactive power that matches the values specified and by the user. The Jacobian expression used is shown in (18) ma where, J E [- OVdoc (18) to Q��lc, Vi Ii s(3 a _ sa (3 (20) Qac P"c P",c I�c I�c . . . . 2) Only the power contnbuted by the posItIve-sequence lIne frequency component is considered 3) The voltage at the terminals of the VSC is approximated with the following expression � � +1 ta v: � � + 1 jV+ t(3 = ma VdOc __ cosO 2 + �c (I ma Vdc .lll (5:)) ----wLs I ma VdOc sino J. -_ 2 (21) (22) Expanding (22), subbing in (21), and extracting the real and and imaginary components yields expressions relating Vdoc Qac 515 ma Vdc U (23) �2 I Vs�11 2 (wLI V+sa(31I - R (wL) ma Vd ---c wLcos(0)) _ + ma Vdc . --Rs lll (0) 2 (24) 2 Taking the derivatives of (23) and (24) yields the Jacobian entries in (19). + Once the tolerance requirement: < E, has been met, the ac-side space-vector currents and dc-link voltages in vector U(T) are solved. The ac-side space-vector currents are transformed back into the abc reference frame, and the current spectrum of the corresponding VSC in OpenDSS is updated. J� Vlc VII. Using these assumptions, the complex power drawn at the PCC is I ) Qaccalc = 1m (scalc 31> + Vi Ii To solve for the Jacobian entries in (19), a number of approxi­ mations are made since an analytical expression relating 0 and to is not available: and ma Vic 1) VOdc 100 kW 0.001 1 "2 R V+ sa(3 - -2-Rcos(0) R2 + (wL)2 2 To obtain the imaginary component of the complex power drawn by the VSC at the PCC is calculated i=-h 480 V ma and 0 shown in (23) and (24) vltalc = Re (S�¢lc ) / �c = (19) oQac '"' � . 2 2 -0.4 1.0 0. 0 2 0. 0 2 0. 0 2 0. 0 2 0.01 0. 0 2 I Using the FCM in conjunction with the input vector y(O), . · d. can Immed·lateIy be obtame Qaccalc = m = 18 Value (p.u.) 0. 0 2 0. 2 108 0.45 0.3 31Vs�11 00 +h AND Qac Vdoc 00 Vodd calc m f = 15, h = 18, �Q�c RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The derived model is implemented in MATLAB. A simula­ tion of the model is performed using the parameters listed in Table I as input. An equivalent model is implemented in the time-domain simulation software PSCAD to evaluate the accuracy of the derived model. The most significant outputs of the model TABLE II SIMULATION RESULTS Output ma 0 11a{3-17 1-5a{3 r1a{3 1a{3+1 1a{3+3 1a{3+7 1a{3+11 1a{3+13 Vd+ e2 TABLE III COMPARING DERIVED MODEL AND [16] - TIME REQUIRED TO SOLVE FCM Model (p.u.) 0.8666 -6.944° PSCAD (p.u.) 0.8668 -6.952° Error (%) 0.02 0.12 0.08140 0.08144 0.05 0.02728 0.02729 0.04 0.3939 0.3996 1.43 0.6279 0.6277 0.03 0.1207 0.1208 0.08 0.01647 0.01646 0.06 0.01043 0.01058 1.42 0.1082 0.1082 0.00 0.3648 0.3691 1.16 h 7 18 27 45 27 : ' ' 40 FCM for Test Case are listed in Table II, for both the MATLAB and PSCAD simulations. The PSCAD simulation uses a time-step of 0.2 /LS. The error column in Table II contains the percent discrep­ ancy between the two simulation results. As can be observed, the data is well correlated between the two simulation methods with a maximum error of less than 1.5%. The FCM derived as a by-product of generating the results in Table II is shown in Fig. 5. The FCM can be seen as having the four distinct regions outlined in (25). FCM = 81a{3 8Va{3 8Vde 8Va{3 (25) The cross-coupling between the harmonic orders is directly observable from the FCM. The majority of large magnitude terms in the FCM are along the main diagonal going into 1 ' ,4_ ------'- -6-7-1 _�.;2 i 652 50 r Derived Model 0.35s 2.1s 6.5s 29.2s 2.6s Model in [16] 2.2s 31.4s 79.6s 300s 25.0s 646 Fig. 6. Fig. 5. m 7 18 27 45 0 6-.Z5 ___ 680 IEEE 13-Bus Benchmark System the page. Harmonic cross-coupling is significant for the low­ order harmonics, as is evidenced by the off-diagonal peaks surrounding the fundamental frequency largest-diagonal peak. The FCM for the derived model converges faster than that derived in [16]. This results from a reduction in the order of states, as enabled by the space vector formulation. The proposed formulation employs only 4h + 2m + 4 states in its derivation as compared to 12h + 2m + 6 states as employed in [16]. When computing the matrix exponentials, the reduced number of states yields an order of magnitude reduction in FCM computation time. A comparison of the time required to solve for the FCM, for the two models, is shown in Table III. In both cases MATLAB scripting language was employed. Since the number of harmonic states being solved greatly impacts computation time, h and m were varied in the comparison. For ac system studies it is worth noting that computation of dc link harmonics may be excluded, unlike in [15] for example, as these harmonic equations are only employed for output purposes; their exclusion has no impact the on the underlying steady-state solution. The last row of data in Table III shows the FCM computation time when 27 ac harmonics are computed, while the amplitude of the DC harmonics are not. The practicality of using the derived model for harmonic analysis studies is evaluated by interfacing the model with the OpenDSS harmonic power flow software. The network used to conduct the harmonic analysis study is the IEEE 13-bus benchmark system, shown in Fig. 6. One VSC is added to the network at bus 634. The input parameters for the VSC are specified in Table IV. The injection currents are solved using the algorithm out­ lined in Fig. 3. The most significant injected current harmonics are shown in Fig. 7. The IEEE 13-bus test system is by definition an unbalanced 516 6 TABLE IV INPUT PARAMETERS - WHERE Input R L Rdc Cdc Q Vdoc I�c V;l-l base 31> Pbase E m f = 15, h = 18, AND injections. Accuracy in the order of 1.5% was achieved when compared to detailed time domain simulations. VSC space vector harmonics are conveniently computed and visualized for both negative and positive frequencies, which correspond to negative and positive sequence quantities. This allows for rapid identification of uncharacteristic harmonics without the need for any post-processing of data. Results from the 13-bus study system show the existence of many significant uncharacteristic harmonic current injections from the VSC that would not be predicted by commercially available harmonic analysis software. These harmonics include low frequency in­ jections such as the positive sequence third and fifth harmonic. m = 18 Value (p.u.) 0.02 0.2 108 0.45 -0.1 2.2 -0.4 480 V 100 kW 0.001 REFERENCES [1] T F on Harmonics Modeling and Simulation, " Modeling and simulation of the propagation of harmonics in electric power networks. i. concepts, models, and simulation techniques," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 452-465, Jan. 1996. [2] --, "Characteristics and modeling of harmonic sources-power elec­ tronic devices," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 791-800, Oct. 2001. [3] J. Arrillaga, Power System Harmonic Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 1997. [4] E. 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This could lead to measurable inaccuracies in harmonic analysis studies; particularly if the system is weak, contains a lot of harmonics, or a high proportion of the power is provided by VSCs. VIII. CONCLUSION This paper presents a time-domain derived model of a VSC for harmonic analysis studies. The formulation employs a space vector representation of ac variables, allowing acceler­ ated computation of the frequency coupling matrix of the VSe. Computation is accelerated by over an order of magnitude compared to previous time-domain derived models. An iterative algorithm for interfacing the model to the OpenDSS software is provided and a modified IEEE 13-bus benchmark system is examined as a test case. The algorithm is shown to enforce a pre-specified de voltage (thus de power) constraint, as well as a pre-specified reactive power flow constraint at the PCe. Enforcing these constraints ensures accuracy of the operating point and the resulting harmonic Philippe A. Gray (S'11) received the B.A.Sc. (Hons.) degree in engineering science at the University of Toronto, ON, Canada in 2010. He is currently pursuing his M.A.Sc. degree in electrical engineering at the University of Toronto. Peter W. Lehn (SM'05) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, in 1990 and 1992, respectively, and the P h.D. degree from the University of Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1999. From 1992 to 1994, he was with the Network P lanning Group of Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany. Currently, he is a full P rofessor at the University of Toronto. 517