Smart Grid Conference and Pre-Conference Supplemental Training Sessions
Smart Grid Conference
Smart Solutions. Smarter Grid.
Eaton’s Cooper Power
Solutions for a Smarter Grid
Backed by 100+ years of field-proven experience,
Cooper Power Systems™ offers a comprehensive
portfolio of power distribution equipment,
controls, software, communications networks,
and engineering expertise.
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems is committed to
expanding the Smart Grid portfolio, designed to
seamlessly integrate with legacy products on a utility’s
network to optimize efficiency, productivity, and
reliability. Cooper Power Systems is also committed
to providing educational opportunities on how to
leverage these Smart Grid solutions to meet current
needs while planning for future changes in technology,
regulations, and customer requirements.
Smart Grid Conference
The annual Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems Smart Grid Conference
covers integration insights to
maximize existing products
while introducing industry trends,
new technologies, regulations,
and system requirements. Each
50-minute session is designed
to provide a solution overview
highlighting features, functions,
and operational benefits; a
troubleshooting knowledge
base or toolkit; and insight on
the solution’s future roadmap.
Pre-Conference Supplemental
Training Sessions
Additional, in-depth supplemental
training is offered in
Pre-Conference sessions.
Details found on pages 7-9.
Smart Solutions That Provide
a Positive Impact to Your
Bottom Line and Deliver on
Your Customers’ Expectations
Learn how Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems Smart Grid innovations
are helping utilities:
Optimize efficiency through
system planning tools,
integrated controls, data
access, and energy efficient
Improve productivity of assets
and people through remote
system monitoring and control
Provide greater reliability with
a system approach utilizing
intelligent apparatus and
self-healing grid solutions
Prepare for the future with
modular, integrated and
upgradable solution
Higher levels of service
through customer access,
system reliability expertise,
and smart integrated control
Improve energy management
creates savings to keep costs
constant and improve
productivity of your assets
Reduce environmental impact
through peak-shaping and
network optimization
Professional Development
Hours Offered
By attending this conference/
pre-conference, you may receive
a certificate recording the hours
you participated in professional
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Conference Setting
and Kick-Off
Conference Breakout Sessions
Overview of the New DR
Field Tool: Field Scout™
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems
2013 Smart Grid Conference,
September 24-26, will be held
in Bloomington, Minnesota, at
the DoubleTree by Hilton, a
premier conference center with
award-winning accommodations,
hospitality, and catering services.
Conference registration includes
all meals.
Here is a sample of the
educational/training opportunities
offered through the Breakout
Sessions at the annual Smart
Grid Conference.
An overview on how this Androidbased tool can help install,
troubleshoot, and collect
measurement and verification
(M&V) data.
The Smart Grid Conference
Welcome Reception is Monday,
September 23, 7:00-8:00PM.
The cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
reception in the DoubleTree
Garden Court will give you an
opportunity to reconnect with
past attendees, meet new
attendees, and have a one-to-one
with Cooper Power Systems
Smart Grid Solutions experts.
An overview of where we have
been and where we are going in
the exciting, fast-moving world
of Demand response. This
session will include a long-term
look at our DR roadmap.
The Smart Grid Conference
officially starts Tuesday morning,
September 24, with the Kick-Off
Session, featuring several
keynote speakers to provide
overviews on their Smart Grid
solution implementations and
benchmarked results. Following
a brief Cooper Power Systems
state-of-the-business overview,
the Kick-Off Session transitions
attendees to the Smart Grid
Conference Breakout Sessions.
Demand Response
DR Product Roadmap
Yukon™ DR Software: What’s
New and What’s Planned?
Leaders from our software team
will show recent and upcoming
Yukon DR developments.
Expanding DR with the Help
of Eaton Electrical
This session will include Eaton’s
switchable breakers, EV charging
stations, and C&I services and
other products that may be useful
in your DR efforts.
DR Innovations: A Focus Group
Participants will help direct our
development efforts by providing
feedback on several innovation
Targeted Demand Reduction
DR value can be extended by
adding location-specific control
to your DR capabilities. Explore
ways to set up Yukon to help
you target load reduction by
geographic area.
Load Forecasting in Yukon
Knowing when to use load
control is highly dependent on
the demand response expected.
Learn about new tools being
introduced into Yukon to help you
better forecast and manage load
Not Your Same Old LCR:
New Features in Load Control
The latest version of LCRs and
thermostats have enhanced
features to improve operation,
increase security and reliability,
and enhance measurement and
validation. Learn how to tap into
these new features.
Working with Public Paging
Monitoring scripts, check links,
and other tools: ways to monitor
public paging systems to assure
your DR system is available when
you need it.
Customer Presentations:
DR Customers
Customer-led presentations
discussing their DR system
Demand Response
Management System
(DRMS) and Web Services
Using a DRMS and/or Web
Services to manage your load
control system, including, but
not limited to; Starting/Stopping
Load Control Events, Managing
Your STARS accounts, and
Opting Out Switches.
Yukon DR Advanced Features
See new features incorporated
in Yukon to help you manage
your DR program more efficiently
and with enhanced security
and reliability.
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Substation Automation
What is New in Substation
The first objective of this presentation is to update the audience
on Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems Substation Automation’s
Marketing, Sales Support, and
Service groups and its respective
members. We also want to share
our recent successes and give a
high-level overview of our new
features and products.
Perform a Cost-Effective
Upgrade of your Legacy GE D20
RTU with the SMP™ Gateway
Replace your legacy GE D20 RTU
CPU Board with an SMP gateway.
You can keep your legacy I/O
boards in place and save capital!
A New SMP Web-Based SingleLine Diagram
Come see our new, integrated,
web-based graphical interface
feature, allowing visualization of
Single-Line Diagrams directly
from your tablet or computer!
Substation Automation
Developments in Australia
and New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand
Substation Automation equipment
is aging, does not meet current
standards, and is becoming more
difficult to maintain. This presentation describes three case
studies of approaches undertaken
in Australia and New Zealand.
Using standard designs, one of
the Utilities is targeting 25
upgrades per annum.
Customer Presentation: How
Yukon IED Management Suite
(IMS) helps American
Transmission Company comply
with NERC-CIP requirements.
Yukon IMS software has provided
security for IEDs and in turn
compliance with NERC-CIP
requirements. Using such
features as Password Manager
and the Enterprise Configuration
Manager, American Transmission
Company was able to streamline
resources and ensure their
compliance with NERC-CIP
Live Demonstration:
IMS Diagnostics and
Learn different diagnostics and
troubleshooting techniques when
using our Yukon IMS software
Implementation of Cyber
Security into the Development
of Cooper Power Systems
Learn how Cooper Power
Systems is implementing
advanced security features in its
products to ensure the reliable
operation of the electric network.
The presentation will discuss
Substation and Distribution
Automation solutions, also
controls and meters.
Cyber Security Update
The pressure for improved
security in the electrical sector
keeps growing. As of this writing,
FERC has recommended that the
industry skip NERC CIP V4 and
implement CIP V5 immediately.
In this presentation we will
discuss the current state of
Cyber Security and provide an
update on the changes that
NERC CIP V5 may bring.
SMP User Group Discussion:
A Must for Every SMP Gateway
In less than a decade, the Smart
Grid has brought tremendous
technology evolution to our
industry. The products in this
market place have to evolve
constantly to keep up with the
changing requirements of utilities.
During this session, we will
discuss the SMP roadmap and
the upcoming SG-4000. Share
with us your experiences and
new ideas to make our SMP even
Implementation of DNP Secure
Authentication V5 Using the
SMP Gateway
The large deployment of IP
enabled devices for a smarter grid
quickly raised cyber-security
concerns. Learn how DNP3
Secure Authentication works and
how it helps improve the security
of a SCADA system.
Implementation of SMP
Gateway at a Wind Farm
IEC 61400-25 has been
introduced to help standardize
nomenclature, monitoring, control,
data storage, and presentation of
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
wind power data. Despite these
advances, end users are having a
difficult time processing and
making decision due to the
immense amount of data that is
generated. This presentation
will discuss how the data deluge
was consolidated to create key
performance indicators and
counters using SMP Gateway
into a concise presentation for
end users.
Live Demonstration:
Gateway Diagnostics
and Troubleshooting
Come and see a live
demonstration of how powerful
the SMP diagnostic tools are.
The diagnostic tools of the SMP
Gateway can help you reduce
your commissioning and issue
resolution time.
Customer Presentation: Lesson
Learned from a NERC CIP Audit
American Transmission Company
will share their experience with
a NERC CIP audit. After providing
background of NERC CIP
compliance and how an audit
is structured, American
Transmission Company will
discuss what they did in
preparation for the audit, such
as gathering documentation,
performing mock audits and
resource planning, as well as
what was done for a post-audit
cool down.
Yukon Visual T&D™ Roadmap
and New Features
Cooper Power Systems Yukon
Visual T&D HMI/SCADA is a key
element of our substation
automation solution. It is field
proven and well recognized in the
industry. We have been working
very hard to bring Visual T&D to
the next level and we are proud
to present the new generation 4.
Distribution Automation
Integrated Volt/VAR Control
Optimizes Smart Grid
The concept of voltage/VAR
regulation or control is essential
to electrical utilities’ ability to
deliver power within appropriate
voltage limits so that consumers’
utilization equipment operates
properly, and to deliver power
at an optimal power factor to
minimize losses.
Introduction to Smart Sensors
Part one of this presentation is
a hands-on look at the feature
functionality of the GridAdvisor™
Smart Sensor Series II. The
demonstration will show the
typical setup and configuration
of product to communicate to
a SCADA head end system.
Part two will focus on the end-toend solution of a Smart Sensor
deployment and demonstrate the
improved efficiency of using back
office software specifically
designed to manage a large-scale
deployment of Smart Sensors.
The GridServer™ software demonstration will incorporate the live
data being reported from the
GridAdvisor Smart Sensor Series
II in a typical faulted circuit
indicator (FCI) application.
Customer Presentation:
Improving Fault Location—
Using Smart Sensors and
Yukon Visual T&D for Higher
Listen to a success story of
reducing outage duration within
the Edmonton (Alberta) Power
Distribution Network by using
cellular-communicating fault
current indicators. This
presentation will cover the
business case for EPCOR’s
project, the deployment strategy
and timeline, and the results of
the deployment.
Customer Presentation:
Quantifying the Reliability
Improvements of FLISR
A presentation on the reliability
forecasting model that Pacific
Gas & Electric uses to predict
the SAIFI and SAIDI l benefits
of deploying a Fault Location,
Isolation, and Service Restoration
(FLISR) system on their
distribution system. Further
case studies and actual system
event results will be presented
to validate the forecasting
model used.
Customer Presentation:
Implementing a Self-Healing
System on an Electric
Distribution System
Hendricks Power Cooperative
sought ways to improve service
reliability to their dense residential
areas. Options explored included
software, equipment, and
procedures to reduce outage
time as measured by the SAIDI
5-year average. After analyzing
type and frequency of outages,
an automatic reconfiguration
system using electronic reclosers,
software, and wireless
communications was selected
and implemented.
IVVC Use Case: Simple CVR
Does CVR mean sending a
lineman to the sub and manually
tapping down the LTC? Learn
how you can use Yukon
Integrated Volt/VAR Control to
automate this process and initiate
a CVR event with the click of a
CL-7 Voltage Regulator Control
Launch Presentation
Cooper Power Systems New CL-7
Voltage Regulator Control. Learn
about all the new capabilities and
features in the CL-7 including
independent multi-phase control
with a single device. This is
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems
latest addition to its family of
Smart Grid ready devices. Learn
about the CL-7 in a presentation
and then go interact with the
product in the demo room. It’s
released and ready to ship.
Customer Presentation:
Ameren Illinois Fault Locating
Application using Yukon
GridServer and
In 2012, Ameren Illinois began
a project to install the Yukon
GridServer and OutageAdivsors
on key locations on its distribution
system. Ameren’s Advanced
Distribution Management
System (ADMS) utilizes fault
information from the
OutageAdvisors to run its Fault
Locating Engine which provides
guidance to system operators
of possible fault locations on
the map.
Customer Presentation: Tampa
Electric Company’s Volt/VAR
Management Project
TECO has been busy installing
Yukon software, IT infrastructure,
WAN Communications and
Cooper Power Systems
CBC8000s as part of a new
capacitor bank control project.
Hear about the project, what
worked well, and what hasn’t
gone exactly as planned. If you
are curious about cap control,
thinking about starting a project,
or looking to compare notes to
your own project, this session
will be time well spent. Bring
some questions along with a
pen and paper to take notes.
Yukon Feeder Automation™
User Group
Meet and network with other
Yukon Feeder Automation users
to learn more about their systems,
how they are using Yukon Feeder
Automation, and their plans for
future expansion.
New Multi-Step Capacitor Bank
Protection and Control Relays
Introduction of integrated protection and control relays for substation and metal-enclosed capacitor
banks. Applications for capacitor
banks on multiple buses and on
a single bus will be discussed.
Maintaining your IVVC system
Assessing your IVVC system to
ensure it is operating at peak
ProView NXG™ Platform
Attend this training to become
a jack-of-all-trades, leveraging a
common interface software to
Cooper Power Systems devices.
ProView NXG is a single application install that supports all of
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems
latest Smart Grid controls: the
Form 4D, CBC-8000, CL-6, CL-7,
and Series II Smart Sensor. This
presentation will train the
attendee on how to navigate the
common look and feel features of
ProView NXG, and briefly cover
some control-specific dialogs.
Advanced Metering
Infrastructure Sessions
Yukon Training for Field
This discussion will highlight the
ways that Field personnel can use
Yukon to troubleshoot their AMI
system before rolling a truck.
PLC Repeater Use and
Installation Best Practices
An overview of which repeaters
to use for a given situation. This
will include what to consider
before a field visit.
may include Audience interaction
during demonstrations
Power Quality Expertise
Shared by our Eaton Energy
Services Partner
An overview of Eaton Energy
Services capabilities for helping
customers with their distribution
power quality challenges.
Harmonic filtering, PLC noise
mitigation, power quality study
capabilities will be explored.
Yukon Data Exports: What Can
I Do With All This Good Data?
This discussion will highlight the
file export options available for:
Billing, archived data, Multispeak,
EIM and others.
Polyphase Electric Meters:
Features and Use
customers to ask any questions
of our engineering, product
marketing and customer service
AMI ‘How-to’ Sessions
‘How to’ session to show the
steps to set up the Carrier Control
Unit (CCU) and discuss ways to
maintain their long-term operation.
‘How to” session to highlight the
Yukon Common Commands you
can use to efficiently manager
your Yukon AMI System.
‘How to’ session to show the
steps to set up Yukon notification
and alarming, and show examples
of how it is used.
RF Technologies Overview
An overview and comparison
of the various RF Technologies.
RF System Overview
An overview of the available
polyphase meter types and the
supported configurations for PLC
and RF.
An overview of the functionality
in the software and hardware
of your RF system.
Best Practices for H-Field
Two-Way Demand Response
over a RF-AMI Network
This discussion will cover the
steps to measure signal-to-noise
ratios within a substation, so
H-Fields can be placed optimally.
An overview of adding two-way
Demand Response functionality
to your existing AMI-RF network,
including equipment overview,
installation, software setup and
DR program considerations.
AMI-PLC Commissioning and
Troubleshooting: Experiences
and Tips by Customer Panel
A platform for field experts
to share examples of how
they effectively commission
and troubleshoot their AMI-PLC
Pre-Pay Metering and your
AMI system
A platform for customers to share
examples of how they are using
their AMI systems to manage
their Customer pre-pay programs.
Ask the Yukon Software
Session will encourage user
questions about Yukon and
Network Manager, showcasing
the expertise of our Software
AMI Technology Roadmap
Customer Live Yukon
System Demonstration
This session will highlight Cooper
Power Systems/Eaton’s AMI
technology roadmap, including
an overview of Yukon 6.0.
This will be a demonstration
of specific use cases using
live customer systems. Topics
This session will cover product
quality items, plus encourage
AMI Product Discussion
RF Project Presentation
A customer-led presentation
of their RF project deployment
with AMI and DR.
Advanced Metering
Infrastructure Sessions
Customer Panel Discussion:
PLC & RF “Two Technologies,
One AMI System”
A customer lead discussion of
AMI users that use a combination
of the Cooper Power Systems
PLC & RF solutions to read and
monitor their metering systems.
Fun with Maps: Optimizing
your AMI-RF Network
Showcasing AMI-RF network data
using Google-Maps. Examples
include: hop-count plots, route
segmentation, primary paths to
nodes, individual node read rates.
Using the New RF Field Tool
An overview of the new RF
field Tool, its functions and
how to use it.
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
RF Troubleshooting Best
In-depth discussion on the
use of Network Manager and
Yukon for troubleshooting your
RF System.
AMI Technology Roadmap
This session will highlight Cooper
Power Systems/Eaton’s AMI
technology roadmap, including
an overview of Yukon 6.0.
to play Texas Hold’em, Blackjack,
Roulette, War, and other Casinothemed entertainment.
Attendees are provided with
a complimentary stack of
Casino chips and throughout
the night the chips are traded
in for raffle tickets to increase
the attendees’ chance of bringing
home some big-ticket prizes at
the end of night.
status, or if you want to learn
more about our customer return
process, visit the the Customer
Service Table outside the Lab
where our Service Experts can
check the status on any account
event within your customer
account profile.
Smart Grid Solutions Lab
Smart Grid Conference Alliance
Partnership Plaza
AMI Product Discussion
This session will cover product
quality items, plus encourage
customers to ask any questions
of our engineering, product
marketing and customer service
RF Equipment Installations
This session will include best
practice to install gateways,
relays, and water nodes
in the field.
About the Smart Grid
Smart Grid Conference
Casino Night
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems
Smart Grid Conference will have a
themed event on Tuesday night—
called Casino Night. This popular
Casino-themed event will provide
all attendees the opportunity
As Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems continues to expand the
Smart Grid solutions portfolio—so
goes the expansion of Smart Grid
innovations showcased within
the Smart Grid Solutions Lab.
Located within Plaza 4, our
Smart Grid Solutions Lab will
be displaying/demonstrating
our Smart Grid offerings from
September 24-26, between
9:00AM until 4:00PM. We
encourage you to stop and talk
with any one of our Smart Grid
technology experts for one-to-one
solution solving or hands-on
equipment time.
Customer Service Table:
Ask About your Account Status
If you have questions on your
customer materials order, project
schedule, or help desk/support
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Cooper Power Systems continues
to expand the Smart Grid alliance
partnership portfolio. Our Smart
Grid alliance partners will display/
demonstrate their offerings from
September 24-26, between
9:00AM until 4:00PM. We
encourage you to stop and talk
with any one of our Smart Grid
technology partners.
“As a leader in the
Smart Grid arena,
Cooper Power
Systems is uniquely
suited to leverage
our development
and partnership
capabilities to provide
our customers with
end-to-end solutions.”
Mark Thurman
Eaton’s Cooper
Power Systems
The Smart Grid Pre-Conference
Supplemental Training Sessions Overview
Cooper Power Systems will offer six pre-conference special supplemental training
sessions that will each run between 6 and 8 hours long. These sessions will provide
utility attendees/users with solution training and integration insights to maximize
existing products and solutions. They will be offered on Monday, September 23.
The Smart Grid
pre-conference training
sessions attendees receive
professional development
hours for pre-conference
Session 1
SMP Gateway Quick-Start
• 8:00AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Mario Ferland
Participants are introduced to
the technical and functional
capabilities of the SMP Gateway
and will see how to install,
configure, commission, maintain
and troubleshoot an SMP
Gateway applications. Detailed
instructor-led examples, centered
on relevant application problems,
ensure that all participants
become familiar with the
complete suite of SMP Tools.
At the end of a full course,
participants will be able to:
Configure a gateway to poll
RTUs and IEDs, using serial
and Ethernet links, using
different protocols
Configure a gateway to
distribute data to one or more
control centers, using serial
and Ethernet links, using
different protocols
Set up and use pass-through
connections for remote
configuration, maintenance
and monitoring of IEDs
Configure and use selected
SMP Gateway advanced
functions: security, redundancy,
time synchronization, and
modem support
Install and update SMP
Gateway firmware and
The course is intended for
engineers and technicians
involved in the process of
specifying, selecting, installing,
configuring, maintaining or
operating substation automation
and control systems.
Participants will need to bring a
laptop to the training. Participants
should have a basic knowledge
of serial and Ethernet communications technologies as used in
automation systems. Moreover,
they should have a basic
understanding of control system
architecture and the communication protocols that are relevant
to their projects.
Session 2
Fundamentals of
Communications and
Integration to IEDs
• 8:00AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Tom Lewis and Demos Andreou
Class attendees will be given an
overview of the general aspects
of communications as used in
distribution systems and become
familiar with the terminology and
the tools used in this field.
Attendees will also participate
in extensive hands-on training
to maximize content retention.
Identify specific protocols
and message structures
Assist in remote
troubleshooting activities
Create polling routines
Identify Security concerns
and practices
The course is intended for
Engineers and Technicians
who need to implement
communication to distribution
equipment on a semi-regular
Participants should bring their
own laptop computer with
ProView™ installed. Participants
must have full administrator rights
to the laptop. The laptop must
have serial port or a USB-to-serial
adaptor. Acceptable adaptors are:
Edgeport/1, and Vantec
At the end of this course,
participants will be able to:
Identify communications
system architecture
Establish communications
with each device
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
The Smart Grid Pre-Conference
Supplemental Training Sessions Overview
Session 3
Introduction to Cyber Security
for the Energy Sector
• 9:00AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 4:00PM
At the end of this course
participants will have:
Jacques Benoit
Reliability and security of the
electricity infrastructure are key
objectives of the Smart Grid
initiative. In the first part of this
training, we will examine the
threat against the critical
infrastructure and how it has
been evolving. We will then
examine how the threat is being
handled. The basic concepts of
information security will be
discussed, as well as the policies
and standards applicable to the
power industry. In the second
part of the training, we will
examine the architecture of
Substation and Distribution
Automation systems, discuss
security requirements, and
provide detailed explanations
on the applicable technologies.
Understanding of the threats
to which the energy sector
is exposed
Understanding of the basic
concepts of information
security (Confidentiality,
Integrity and Availability)
Familiarity with the applicable
information security standards
Understanding of the best
practices and technologies
that are being used to make
systems more secure
Understanding of encryption,
its use in technologies such
as TLS and DNP3 Secure
Authentication, and why there
is more to security than
The training is intended for both
management and technical participants from the power industry.
CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Session 4
Over Current Protection
• 9:00AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Tony Talavera and John Heath
Participants will learn about
modern over current protection
line sectionalizing techniques.
This session starts with reviewing
of reliability statistics and gaining
an understanding of why over
current protection is necessary.
It then transitions to learning
about the characteristics of
protective devices and how
to apply the proper device,
including fuses, fuse cutouts,
sectionalizers, and reclosers
(single phase, three phase
ganged and triple/single).
The session will conclude
with coordinating the protective
devices on the distribution
At the end of this course
participants will have the
Understanding of over current
protection and how it relates
to reliability
Knowledge of the available
overcurrent devices for a
distribution system
Ability to select the correct
device for the application
Ability to properly coordinate
several devices to minimize
the outage area and prevent
Anyone involved in the setting
and specification of protection
Session 5
Form 6 Recloser Control
and ProView Workbench
Advanced Training
At the end of this course,
participants will have strengthen
their ability to:
• 8:30AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Tim Day and John Korn
Basic and advanced features of
ProView 4.0, 4.0.1 and 5.0 will be
described along with application
examples, followed with the
basics of the Workbench logic
(Basic/Advanced Tools) and file
management. Work groups will
collaborate on creating a custom
logic to solve example problems.
Solutions will be verified by
loading schemes into demonstrator Form 6 cubes and testing
with a control test device.
Presenters will describe situations
in which Workbench schemes
were used to resolve problems
and enhance performance.
Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems is determined
to exceed industry
standards and provide
electric utilities with
Smart Grid solutions.
Effectively design and structure
custom logic in the Workbench
graphical programming
Understand the interaction of
custom Workbench logic with
default protection and control
Develop and use Best
Practices for helpful selfdocumentation of custom logic
Avoid errors and quickly de-bug
custom logic in the Workbench
Efficiently manage the various
files associated with the
ProView environment including
the changes in version 5.0
The course is intended for
engineers or technicians familiar
with the Cooper Form 6 Recloser
Control and ProView Interface
Participant should bring their own
laptop computer with ProView
installed and their own DB9
RS-232 cable.
Session 6
AMI Polyphase Metering
• 8:30AM-12:00PM
• Lunch Break
• 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Ryan Behning and Shawn Roop
In this day long session
participants will have the
opportunity to learn about the
Cooper Power Systems PLC
and RF Polyphase metering
solutions from beginning to end.
The session will show how to
initiate a Polyphase meter order
and show the necessary steps
to ensure that the correct meter
arrives at your site. Then the
step-by-step process to commission your devices will be covered.
This will include the configuration
parameters required to gather
the many available meter data
metrics. Techniques for gathering
the data will be demonstrated
and troubleshooting techniques
for data collection challenges will
be discussed. Note the session
will include discussion of AMI
Polyphase devices within the
Landis + Gyr and Elster product
At the end of this course,
participants will:
Understand the process for
ordering polyphase meters
from Cooper Power Systems
Understand the meter
offerings available from Cooper
Power Systems
Understand the key
programming parameters
required for meter
communication and data
Learn the commissioning
steps to implement polyphase
Learn how to use Yukon to
gather data for the metrics
available in the meter
Learn techniques for analyzing
and troubleshooting data
collection challenges.
The course is intended for field
and office personnel who are
responsible for the installation,
administration, and on-going
support of AMI Polyphase
Basic knowledge of which
Polyphase meter types your
company uses.
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Conference Registration
Smart Grid Conference
Attendee Cost Guide
Smart Grid Pre-Conference
Attendee Cost Guide
The post-mark or electronic
transaction date will determine
your attendee Registration fee
for the September 24-26
conference. Use the following
cost guide to determine your
Attendee Registration Fee:
Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems
pre-conference supplemental
training sessions, Monday,
September 23, at this year’s
annual Smart Grid Conference
are offered at $199 per session.
This is in addition to the overall
conference fee.
Early Bird Registration:
June 3 – July 8: $499
Mid-Range Registration:
July 9 – Sept 10: $599
Late Registration
Sept 11 – Sept 23: $699
Standard Registration
for Guest Fee: $100
SMP Gateway Quick-Start
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Fundamentals of
Communications and
Integration to IEDs:
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Introduction to Cyber Security
for the Energy Sector:
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Overcurrent Protection:
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Advanced Form 6 Recloser
Control and ProView
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Frequently Asked
You can also link to the online
booking site by visiting
How do I book my hotel
Visit to learn more about
the DoubleTree by Hilton.
Cooper Power Systems has a
negotiated rate of $135 single/
double/night at the DoubleTree
by Hilton for conference
attendees. In-room WiFi is
provided at no extra charge.
To book a hotel room for the
conference at the DoubleTree
by Hilton Hotel Bloomington Minneapolis South and receive
the Cooper Power Systems
room rate, call the reservations
line at 1-800-222-8733 and
provide the group code “COO”.
AMI Polyphase Metering:
Monday, Sept 23: $199
Note: The Smart Grid
Conference registration fees
do not include hotel rooms.
When do I need to have my
hotel booked?
The block of rooms reserved by
Cooper Power Systems must be
booked by September 10, 2013.
If you book after September 10,
the rooms may not be available
at the discounted rate
mentioned above or the hotel
may be sold out.
EATON CORPORATION 2013 Smart Grid Conference
Smart Grid Conference and
Pre-Conference Attendee
Cooper Power Systems
estimates the Smart Grid 2013
Conference will host nearly
400 professional users at our
Smart Grid solutions from
September 24-26, at the
DoubleTree by Hilton, in
Bloomington, near Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Do one of the
following to register for the
Smart Grid Conference:
Manual Registration
Print this Attendee
Registration Form.
Complete all sections
Please type or print legibly
Make checks payable to:
Cooper Power Systems
Mail the completed form
with payment to:
Cooper Power Systems
Attn: Rochelle Filiowich
505 North Highway 169,
Suite 1200
Minneapolis, MN 55441-6449
Email the completed form to:
Fax the completed form to:
Rochelle Filiowich
Complete your Attendee
Registration Form on-line at:
Complete your Attendee
Registration Form below
manually and mail, email,
or fax the completed form
as indicated.
Note: Information provided
on this form will be kept
Information provided on
this form will be used to
generate conference materials
and for conference-related
How do I get to the hotel?
The hotel offers a complimentary shuttle to and from the
airport. To request a pick-up,
call 952-835-7800 and press 0
to reach Guest Services. Taxi
service is also available at the
What is included in my
registration fee?
Registration covers breakfast,
lunch, and dinner during the
conference; in addition to all
of the educational sessions
and Tuesday’s evening
Is there an activity Monday
An hors d’oeuvre reception
will be open from 7:00PM
to 8:00 PM for guests arriving
on Monday.
What time does the
conference end on Thursday?
The last session is scheduled
to end at 12:00 PM and box
lunches will be provided.
Smart Grid Conference and Pre-Conference
Attendee Registration Form
For those attending the pre-conference, please check your choice
of training session below:
SMP Gateway Quick-Start Training:
Monday, September 23: $199
Fundamentals of Commnications and Integration to IEDs:
Monday, September 23: $199
Introduction to Cyber Security for the Energy Sector:
Monday, September 23: $199
Overcurrent Protection:
Monday, September 23: $199
Advanced Form 6 Recloser Control and ProView Workbench:
Monday, September 23: $199
AMI Polyphase Metering:
Monday, September 23: $199
Early Bird Registration: June 3 – July 8: $499
Mid-Range Registration: July 9 – Sept 10: $599
Late Registration: Sept 11 – Sept 23: $699
Standard Registration for Guest Fee: $100
Address 1
Address 2
Guest Name
Payment Method
I have enclosed a check
Total Enclosed
Please charge my credit card
Name on Card:
Card Number
Expiration Date
Security Code
2013 Smart Grid Conference
Eaton Corporation
1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
United States
© 2013 Eaton
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Publication No. PA027009EN/YDP
June 2013
Eaton and Cooper Power Systems are registered
trademarks of Eaton Corporation.
All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.