Engagement in Global Environment Preservation, etc.

6% 5%
Comparison of the Tokaido Shinkansen and Airplane (Tokyo~Osaka)
Source: Created based on data
from Transportation Related
Statistics (Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and
volume/energy consumption),
and the National Institute for
Environmental Studies
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Office of Japan(CO2 emissions).
the Tokaido Shinkansen
(Series N700 “Nozomi” )
Airplane (B777-200)
CO2 emissions
Transportation volume
CO2 emissions
Number of flights
18 18 18
23 23
62 61
55 55
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11
Promoting railway use based on its characteristics of little
burden on the global environment
volume due to an increase in flights, and consequent CO2 emissions have
virtually doubled.
If, for argument’s sake, a calculation was made based on FY2011
transportation statistics that assumed that all transportation by airplane
was handled by the Tokaido Shinkansen, it would show an actual overall
emission reduction of approximately 370,000tons. This corresponds to the
yearly CO2 emissions for 72,000 households.
Railways have the outstanding characteristic of being highly energy
efficient compared to other transport modes and having minimal adverse
impact on the global environment. Even though railway accounts for 29%
of the passenger transport volume in Japan, it is responsible for only 5% of
CO2 emissions. We therefore believe that it is JR Central’s top priority to
further improve the environmental superiority of railway in an effort to
conserve the global environment and to increase domestic travelers who
use railways by enhancing our level of service.
Environmentally Superior Mode of the Tokaido Shinkansen
Compared with an airplane (B777-200), the Tokaido Shinkansen(Series
N700/N700A“Nozomi” ) consumes approximately one-eighth of the amount
of energy per passenger seat of air when traveling between Tokyo and
Osaka, and discharges about one-twelfth of the CO2 emissions of air.The
data show that the Tokaido Shinkansen has overwhelming environmental
superiority. Looking at the transportation volume and CO2 emissions for
the Tokaido Shinkansen in the Tokyo-Osaka corridor in FY2011, we see
that, comparedwith FY1990, CO2 emissions have decreased as a result of
our efforts to improve energy efficiency though passenger volume much
increased. By contrast, airplanes have shown an increase in transportation
Even more energy-efficient rolling stock:
Series N700/N700A
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13
Source: Created based on the “Annual Aggregate Air Transportation Report (FY2011)” and the
“Transportation Related Statistics” (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Fundamental Policies for Engaging in Global Environmental
Energy-conserving rolling stock:
Series 300, Series 700
Regenerative Braking System
Source: Created based on the FY2011 Inter-Regional Passenger Mobility Survey
(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
JR Central believes that manifesting the superior qualities of railway,
particularly with the Tokaido Shinkansen, results in a contribution to global
environmental conservation. Our active approaches are the following two
points. First, we reduce direct burden on the environment by developing
energy-saving railway vehicles and increasing energy efficiency of railway
operations. Second, we encourage many travelers to use railway whose
burden on global environment is smaller than any other transportation
mode by striving to provide more comfortable transportation services. We
believe that such efforts enable us to suppress the environmental footprint
of the whole transportation sector and eventually lead to preservation of
the global environment.
Series 0, Series 100
Reduction in Running Resistance (Cover-all hoods)
Transportation volume
(million passenger-kms)
CO2 emissions
Transportation volume
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11
50 kg-CO2/seat (*2)
● Changes in CO2 Emissions and Transportation Volume (Tokyo~Osaka)〈Airplanes〉
(million passenger-kms)
About 1/12 of airplane
746 MJ/seat (*2)
over FY1990
4.2 kg-CO2/seat (*1)
About 1/8 of airplane
CO2 emissions
90 MJ/seat (*1)
Changes in the Ratio of the Tokaido Shinkansen Energy-Conserving
Model Rolling Stock and Unit Energy Consumption 32% improvement
● Comparison of CO2 Emission per Passenger Seat
● Comparison of Energy Consumption per Passenger Seat
● Changes in CO2 Emissions and Transportation Volume (Tokyo~Osaka)〈Shinkansen〉
Comparison of Electric Power Consumption by
the Tokaido Shinkansen Rolling Stock Type
*1.Calculation based on running performance (JR Central figures) Series N700 “Nozomi” (Tokyo~Shin-Osaka)
*2.Calculated by JR Central while referencing ANA’s Annual Report 2011 B777-200 (Haneda~Itami・Kansai Airport)
Transportation volume
Rolling Stock Ratio (%)
Distribution of Transportation Volume, Energy Consumption and CO 2 Emissions
Unit energy consumption (Ratio using a FY1990 basis)
Environmental Action Guidelines
1. Provide comfortable transportation services to promote further use
of railways which offer superior global environmental preservation
2. Promote technological development that contributes to global
environmental preservation
3. Efficiently utilize fuel and energy
4. Promote waste control and recycling
5. Appropriately manage chemical substances
6. Procure environmental friendly goods and materials
7. Contribute to society and raise awareness for preservation of the
global environment
Efforts on the Tokaido Shinkansen
(1) Introduce Energy Saving Rolling Stock
We are proactively developing and introducing energy-conserving
rolling stock in our effort to further reduce Shinkansen energy
Series 300 train, which started to operate in March 1992, improved its
energy consumption by approximately 30% compared with the first Series
0 train (in the case of 220km/h operation).
We have continued introducing energy-saving rolling stock since then.
By the time Shinagawa Station opened in October 2003, we had replaced
all rolling stock with high-speed and energy-conserving Series 300 and
Series 700 trains. We introduced 80 sets of Series N700 trains from 2007
to 2011 and 13 sets of N700A trains by FY2013, and will introduce another
18 sets of N700A trains from FY2014 to FY2016.
Data of current electric power consumption demonstrate a remarkable
improvement in energy efficiency. In terms of energy consumption needed
Series 300
Series 700
Series N700/ N700A
(2007) (2013)
*Simulated run from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka at the
maximum speed of 270km/h.
▲Series 300
(Not Equipped with
Cover-All Hood)
to operate between Tokyo Station and Shin-Osaka Station, our main
Shinkansen train of Series N700/N700A consumes approximately 25%
less than Series 300 train which ran 270km/h and terminated commercial
operation in March 2012. The result is that our energy consumption per
unit (*) at the end of FY2013 improved by approximately 32% compared
with that of FY1990 (in the case of 270km/h operation).
We are striving to further reduce energy consumption by replacing
Series 700 trains with N700A whose energy-conserving performance is the
same as that of Series N700 train.
*Energy Consumption per Unit: JR Central recognizes that total rolling stock kilometers is the value that
is most relevant with our business and defines Energy Consumption per Unit as the amount of energy
consumed when running 1 railway carriage for 1 kilometer.
(2) Energy-Saving Technology on Series N700 and N700A trains
Series N700 and N700A trains have been highly improved in energy
efficiency by the introduction of technologies mentioned as follows.
① Reduction in Running Resistance
Series N700 and N700A train has an aerodynamically superior nose
shape to reduce specific running resistance. Exterior uniformity was also
enhanced by introducing flush windowpanes, which have no unevenness
between the outside panel and windowpane, and cover-all hoods between
all railway cars.
② Reducing Rolling Stock Weight
Reducing the weight of rolling stock greatly contributes to improving its
energy efficiency. A simpler bolster-less bogie and a lighter aluminum alloy
for the body frame is adopted for Series 300 train and later developed
Series 700 and Series N700, N700A trains. Furthermore, all rolling stock
after Series 300 train employed a high performance and small traction
motor, made possible by improvements in semiconductor technology.
These efforts have made it possible to reduce the total weight of the
Shinkansen train.
③ Introduction of Body Inclining System
The body inclining system is introduced to increase the speed at curves
currently subject to speed restriction. This system makes it possible to
increase speed while maintaining comfort, shorten travel hours and realize
energy saving due to a decrease of the frequency of speed acceleration
and deceleration.
(Electric power consumption)
The motor is used as a
generator during braking to
produce electricity and return
it to the overhead wires.
The electricity that is
returned to the overhead
wires is recycled by other
trains during acceleration.
▲Series N700 / N700A
(Equipped with Cover-All Hood)
④ Expansion of Regenerative Braking System
Regenerative braking system convert kinetic energy into electric energy
by using electric motors as generators during braking and then channeling
the generated power to the overhead wire for use by other trains. JR
Central puts the regenerative braking system for practical use for the
Shinkansen with Series 300 for the first time and has continued to
incorporate it with Series700 and Series N700 and N700A.
While 12 of the 16 cars in one set of Series 700 are regenerative, 14 of
the 16 cars in one set of Series N700 and N700A are regenerative. The
generative brakes on 14 cars provide all of the full-time braking power for
the entire 16 cars in normal braking. This has further raised energy
efficiency and contributes to increase energy saving of the Shinkansen
⑤ Lighter, Smaller Blower-less Power Converter
JR Central has put the blower-less power converter, which uses the
wind from running for air cooling, into practical use for the first time on a
limited number of motor cars for Series N700. Power Converter is a main
power control unit by which electricity from the contact lines is converted
for the motors during acceleration, and electricity from the motor
conversely returns to the contact lines during deceleration. For N700A,
they were made 17% smaller and lighter, and installed on all motor cars.
⑥ Saving energy consumption of cabin lighting
In the cabins of regular cars on N700A, lighting has been optimized in
accordance with the bright seat colors. LED lights with dimmer switches
have been employed in the toilets and powder rooms. These measures
have resulted in achieving a reduction in energy consumption of lightning
by 20% compared with Series N700.
⑦ Eco-friendly Materials
Approximately 90% of the waste generated by scrapped Shinkansen
rolling stock is recyclable. With regard to N700A, 100% recyclable
polyester has been used for seat cushions, and conventional FRP (fiber
reinforced plastic) bogie skirts, which cover bogie to lower running noise
and air resistance, have been replaced with stainless steel ones.
Comparison of Electric Power Consumption and
Diesel Fuel Consumption of Conventional Line Car
(Electric Car and Diesel Car)
● Comparison of Electric Power Consumption by
Conventional Line Electric Car Type
rolling stock
Series 117
● Changes in the Number of Conventional Line
Electric Rolling Stock Introduced
● Changes in the Number of Conventional Line
Diesel Cars Introduced
New energyconserving
rolling stock
Series 313
Changes in Energy-Conserving Rolling Stock (Electric Car and Diesel Car)
*Based on simulated test runs between Toyohashi and Ogaki
(rapid operation)
▲SCMAGLEV and Railway Park (solar power generation system)
▲JR Gate Tower (Skystreet, 15th floor / image of courtyard)
● Diesel Fuel Consumption Comparison by Conventional
Line Diesel Car Model
Rolling stock
Rolling stock
new model
*Based on performance when running the Kiha 40 with the new and old
engines (Conventional engine: DMF15HS; New engine: C-DMF14HZ)
’13 (FY)
*Figures indicate the number of rolling stock as of the end of
each fiscal year (March) and may include retained trains.
including some event trains and retained trains.
Efforts on Conventional Lines
(1) Progress in Committing to Energy-saving Rolling Stock
JR Central has been striving to conserve energy of rolling stock on
conventional lines. Just as with the Shinkansen, we have made an effort
with conventional line electric cars to improve their energy efficiency by
introducing higher efficiency power control conversion methods and
regenerative braking system which convert kinetic energy into electric
energy by using electric motors as generators during braking, as well as
reducing car weight. For conventional line diesel vehicles, we have strived
to introduce vehicles having greater energy conserving capability by
reducing vehicle weight, as well as introducing lighter and higher energy
efficient diesel engines.
As a result of our continual introduction of new energy saving rolling
stock, 100% of rolling stock on conventional lines became
energy-conserving by the end of FY2013.
(2) Future Plans
JR Central has decided to electrify the Taketoyo Line (19.3km, between
Obu and Taketoyo), used by commuters and students in the Nagoya
metropolitan area, by the spring of 2015. This electrification will decrease
the burden on the environment with a reduction in CO2 emission by 2,900
tons annually (57% reduction from present).
Compliance of Related Laws
JR Central sets a system to adhere to the related environmental laws.
① Management of Chemical Substances
Based on the “PRTR Law (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
Law)”, we report the amount of emission and transfer of relevant
substances to local governments and manage those substances
appropriately. We also reduce the amount of chemical usage by promoting
the use of substitutes if possible.
② Measures against Soil Contamination
In 2012, specific hazardous substances were detected exceeding the
standard value from the results of soil surveys in which samples were
taken from the mound between Zenshoji Station and Hida-Hagiwara
Station on the Takayama Line. We reported to relevant administrative
▲“Eco Business Trips” Poster
Cars with new model
’13 (FY)
Cars with conventional
*Figures indicate the number of rolling stock as of the end of
each fiscal year (March) and include retained trains.
as well as inspection trains.
▲General Training Center (rooftop gardening)
agencies and removed the specific hazardous substances from the sites.
Introduction of Natural Energies and Energy-Saving Equipment
Effective Use of Resources
JR Central strives to leverage natural energies, such as solar power
generation systems, and introduce energy-saving equipment when
renovating facilities and building new ones.
As we conduct our business activities to promote ridership of railway, a
mode of transportation with minimal impact on the global environment, we
are proactively working to effectively utilize resources, such as engaging in
the 3R activity; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Specifically, we are
committed to using non-painted stainless steel for conventional line rolling
stock, reducing emissions of waste materials during construction, recycling
tickets, commuter passes and uniforms, reusing rolling stock,
implementing a system utilizing well water, reusing rainwater for irrigation,
as well as collecting and separating rubbish.
In addition, we establish the “JR Central Green Procurement
Guidelines”. In the procurement of materials for construction and
engineering work, we are advancing our commitment which gives even
greater consideration to global environmental conservation.
The Proposal of “Eco Business Trips”
JR Central proposes the idea of “Eco Business Trips” as part of our
endeavor to prevent global warming. “Eco Business Trips” refer to
“business trips that contribute to environmental conservation”, or the
mindset of “selecting transportation and business trip methods that will
emit small amount of greenhouse gas when traveling mid to long distances
(business trips)”. We believe that the idea of “Eco Business Trips” and
activities based on the idea will contribute to further preventing global
warming. We actively announce the idea of “Eco Business Trips” through
advertisement campaigns to spread it in the society.
(1) SCMAGLEV and Railway Park
At the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, which opened in March 2011, we
introduced a solar energy generation system on the expansive roof as one
facet of our commitment to global environmental conservation. The system
has a generation capacity of approximately 500kW, or roughly
620,000kWh annually, which can cover about 30 percent of the Railway
Park’s energy needs.
(2) General Training Center
JR Central combined our two training centers in Aichi Prefecture and
Shizuoka Prefecture in September 2011 and established the new “General
Training Center” taking into account environmental performance. We are
actively reducing energy consumption by introducing a ventilation system
which uses ice storage achieved from the utilization of nighttime electricity
service as its heat source, utilizing well water and reclaimed water,
adopting LED illumination and so on. Furthermore, we designed the
building to use natural energy effectively by improving insulation efficiency
externally by arranging a rooftop garden and sun louvers and taking
natural wind and light from the courtyard at the maximum. The result has
been demonstrated in our acquisition of the “rank S”, the highest
assessment level under “Comprehensive Assessment System for Built
Environment Efficiency (CASBEE)”, a widely used system for evaluating
the environmental performance of buildings.
High-efficiency transformer facilities, boilers and other equipment will be
introduced in an effort to increase energy savings by about 10 percent.
(4) Nagoya Workshop
JR Central started to conduct anti-earthquake measures and upgrade
equipment from February 2014 in the Nagoya Workshop where general
overhauls and important equipment inspections of conventional line
vehicles are conducted. We try to reduce 20% of electric power use
needed for operation in the workshop by introducing high ceiling LED
lightings and transforming equipment as energy saving measures.
(5) JR Gate Tower Project
One concept adopted in our plans for the JR Gate Tower is the
formation of a comfortable urban space that considers reducing the burden
on the environment through the use of natural energy. More specifically,
energy consumption for the entire building is reduced by installing regional
air-conditioning systems, adopting LED lighting, mounting solar power
generation panels, and creating green areas in the 15th floor courtyard and
on roofs of low-rise buildings as part of our commitment to reduce the load
on the environment. Our aim is to achieve “Rank S” environmental
performance, the highest rank on the “CASBEE” scale. We plan to reduce
the building’s CO2 emission by about 25 % compared to buildings modeled
on the CASBEE 2008 standard.
(3) Hamamatsu Workshop
In July 2010, we began on renovating the Hamamatsu Workshop where
general overhauls are conducted of Tokaido Shinkansen rolling stock. In
conjunction with this overhaul, we plan to install energy-saving equipment
and utilize renewable energy sources. Specifically, the roof of the
workshop will be used for installing solar power generation system with the
capacity to generate approximately 300kW or about 300,000kwh annually.
Table1 Environmental Accounting
Main Efforts
• Introduction of energy-conserving
rolling stock
• Improved energy-savings at stations
and office buildings
conservation • Installation of non-CFC type equipment
Principal Effects of
Environmental Conservation
・Energy-conserving rolling stock ratios:100%
(Shinkansen), 100% (conventional line electric
cars), 100% (conventional line diesel cars)
・Non-CFC rectifiers: 45 in operation
Electric power
2.79 billion kWh
(2.02 billion kWh)
34 millionℓ(16 millionℓ)
Development of energy-conserving rolling stock
Research and •• Development
related to environmental
conservation along railway
・Energy-conserving efficiency of Series N700:
−25% (compared to Series 300)
3,445 thousand m3
• Proper disposal and recycling of station and train refuse
• Proper disposal and recycling of items generated by
workshops and engineering work
・Recycling rate for refuse and waste: 70%
・Recycling rate for construction waste: 71%
*Figures in parentheses are
for operations (reprinted)
• Countermeasures for noise and vibration
conservation along • Proper management of environmental
load substances
railway lines
・Protection of surrounding environment by
noise-blocking wall, embankment rising, improvement
of roadbeds and shaving of rail surface, etc.
CO2 emissions 1,529
Refuse and waste 341
(Station, train & office refuse 18)
(Construction waste products 312)
(Rolling stock scrap 12)
Unit: thousand tons
Of this,
(Amount of converted crude oil)
• Environmental advertising
• Environmental management education
・Acquisition of ISO14001 certification in
Technology Research and Development
• Support and cooperation for organizations
and other groups undertaking
environmental conservation
・Participation in Environmental Partnership
Organizing Club (EPOC)
Total *2
Environmental preservation cost
(100 million yen)*1
Investment Expenditures
*1. Fractions of ¥10,000,000 are omitted
[Approach to Environmental Accounting Tabulation]
*2. Totals do not add up due to rounding
● Compilation is applicable only to JR Central.
● The applicable period is April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014.
● “Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005,” a publication of the Ministry of the Environment, was consulted with regard to aspects of style.
● Depreciation is not included in the calculations for expenditures.
● In the event of multiple-purpose expenditures, the full amount of the higher environmental conservation effect is included in the calculation.
Environmental Accounting
The investments, costs, and their principal effect involved in
environmental conservation activities during FY2013 are estimated on the
Environmental Impact of Operations
The main resources and energy utilized as well as waste generated
during JR Central’s business activities for FY2013 are indicated on the
Environment Achievement Level
JR Central strives to achieve “Implementation Plan of Low Carbon
Society” in which our energy consumption per unit at the end of FY2020
will be improved by 25% compared with that of FY1995.
So far we set the Voluntary Plan in which the energy consumption per unit
at the end of FY2010 would be improved by 15% compared with that of
FY1995 and the Plan has been achieved. JR Central has also continued to
develop and introduce energy saving Shinkansen trains. We will flexibly
set train services based on the 10 Nozomi Timetable to meet the demand
of passengers, enhance transportation service by Speed-up Project in
which Shinkansen’s maximum speed will be increased from 270km/h to
285km/h, and continue the introduction of energy saving rolling stock.
* The electricity and fuel CO2
emission coefficient is based
on a report of laws (Energy
Saving Act) concerning the
streamlining of energy use.
▲SCMAGLEV and Railway Park
▲Nagoya Central Hospital
■ Evaluation for our activities
JR Central was awarded in December 2013 the Environmental
Minister’ s commendation in the Technology Development and Commercialization Category of the Minister of the Environment’ s 2013
Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activity. This is
because our activities for environment load reduction were highly
evaluated; the environmental friendly system of N700A and the
development and introduction of energy saving rolling stock.
We were awarded the same commendation twice in 2003 and 2007.
We were also awarded the Gold Prize of the Aichi Environmental
Commendation in February 2014.
*Winning past awards of the Minister of the Environment’s
Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activity
■ FY2003
Category: Technology dissemination and Introduction
Name of Activity: Development and introducing energy saving
rolling stock for the Tokaido Shinkansen and others and
accomplishment of saving CO2 emission.
■ FY2007
Category: Technology Development and Commercialization
Name of Activity: Development of N700A trains achieving both
speed-up and energy saving.
Cooperation with JR Central and local communities
(1) Contribution to Community Development
Railway stations serve as a gateway to communities. Fulfilling the role
better, JR Central cooperates with the requests of local governments to
establish new stations, improve station buildings, develop plazas in front of
stations and facilitate railway elevation projects, thereby contributing to
community development.
Based on related laws, such as the Barrier-Free Law, JR Central as
well as central and local governments cooperate to renovate facilities for
all passengers, including disabled and elderly passengers, to use our
service safely and comfortably. In particular, in accordance with the
fundamental government policy, we will continue to renovate stations with
governments and municipalities by setting elevators and escalators at
stations used by more than 5,000 passengers a day, as well as stations
used by more than 3,000 and less than 5,000 passengers after March
2011 when the new policy was defined by government.
In addition, to prevent passengers from falling off the platform, we
install new moving platform fences at the Shinkansen stations, replace
normal blocks with braille blocks that indicate where platform edges are
located, which completed its replacement at all Shinkansen Stations, and
establish spaces dedicated for passengers getting off trains on the
(2) Setting General Hospitals for Local Communities
JR Central established the “Nagoya Central Hospital” in Nakamura
Ward, Nagoya, whose mission is to provide advanced and high quality
acute medical care. The hospital offers patient-centered care by
introducing cutting-edge medical equipment and so on. The institution also
positively provides preventive medicine and thorough medical examination
in association with other medical professions at the medical examination
The hospital continues to contribute to the local community as a core
hospital of the Nagoya area by offering high-quality, advanced and safe
medical services certified by Japan Council for Quality Health Care.
(3) Engaging programs for vitalizing local communities (SCMAGLEV
and Railway Park)
We opened the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park in March 2011 in
Nagoya in response to a request from the City of Nagoya to participate in
the “Monozukuri (manufacturing) Culture Exchange Area Project”.
At the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, we introduce the “progress of the
high-speed railway technology” through displays of rolling stock for the
Tokaido Shinkansen, conventional lines and Superconducting Maglev.
In July 2013, the number of visitors reached the 2.5 million mark. We
are making an effort to improve the general public’s understanding of
railway and contribute to the promotion of industrial tourism by planning
events, advertising the Park, and offering products linked with Nagoya
region tourism to attract even more visitors.
International Exchange
JR Central undertakes a wide range of international operations, such as
gathering up-to-date railway information from around the world via the
company’s network of overseas offices (Washington D.C., London and
Sydney), participating in international conferences to exchange
technological and management information with railway operators in the
world and issuing press releases to overseas as part of our PR activities.
We also participate in cooperation over railway technologies in
response to government requests, and contribute to human resource
development by accepting interns from overseas universities and
international organizations.
▲The Minister of the Environment’s 2013 Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activity.