Stability Analysis of a Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine under Closed Loop Scalar Current Control Izaskun Sarasola1 1 Javier Poza1 Estanis Oyarbide2 Miguel Ángel Rodríguez1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Mondragon, Loramendi 4, Aptdo. 23, 20500 Arrasate, Spain,, 2 Aragón Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), University of Zaragoza, María de Luna 1, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain Abstract – This paper presents a stability analysis of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) under Closed Loop Scalar Current Control (CLSCC). The recently developed unified reference-frame dq model leads to an invariant small signal model reflecting the dynamic of the BDFM under CLSCC. Theoretical stability analysis shows a stable behavior along all the operation range. This result is confirmed by an experimental BDFM set-up. It is concluded that CLSCC becomes the simplest control alternative of any real BDFM application. I. NOMENCLATURE Nr p ω v i V I R L Lh ρ TL Tem J D θr Kp Ki ψ A B x u ϕ τ ωd number of rotors bars number of poles pair of the stator winding angular speed instantaneous voltage instantaneous current rms voltage value rms current value resistance self inductance coupling inductance derivative symbol load torque electromagnetic torque inertia coefficient of the mechanical system friction coefficient of the mechanical system rotor shaft displacement regulator proportional coefficient integration proportional coefficient flux state equation A matrix state equation B matrix state variables state equation input vector angular displacement of CW current time constant damping natural frequency Subscripts p, c, r power winding, control winding, rotor dq PW voltage orientation reference frame αβ CW reference frame 0 steady state operation point Superscripts * conjugate ⋅ for time derivatives 1-4244-0136-4/06/$20.00 '2006 IEEE II. INTRODUCTION Recent developments have revitalized research activity in the area of doubly-fed machines [1]. The expression doublyfed applies generally to machines where electrical power can be fed or extracted from two accessible three-phase windings. The wound rotor induction machine is a good example of that. Generally the stator winding (through which most of the power flows) is connected directly to the grid and the rotor winding is connected to a bi-directional power converter. The power rating of the rotor winding, i.e. the converter size, depends on the required speed range and the reactive power requirements. This fact can be of especial interest in systems where small speed variation range is needed. This is the case of variable speed wind turbines and adjustable speed drives, like pumps and fans. The main problem is that the slip rings and wound rotor arrangement render the rotor of a slip-ring doubly-fed machine more vulnerable to faults than a cage induction machine. Among other solutions, the use of the so-called Brushless DoublyFed Machine (BDFM) could overcome this problem. The BDFM (which is also known as self-cascaded machine) is composed of two three-phase windings in the stator. One of them, the Power Winding (PW), is usually branched to the power line, and the other one, the Control Winding, (CW), is connected to a voltage source inverter (VSI). A special rotor configuration leads to a cross-coupling effect between the two stator windings, in such a way that the VSI can control, through the CW, the instantaneous energyexchange of the PW [2;3]. The electromagnetic behavior of the BDFM was exhaustively analyzed by Williamson et al in [3]. This paper developed a generalized harmonic analysis of the BDFM, obtaining an accurate mathematical model in the synchronous steady-state operation mode. This work is a powerful tool for the study of the BDFM, and it is especially useful for static performance analysis as well as for machine design tasks. Contrary to most of standard electromagnetic machines, the BDFM shows large unstable domains under Open Loop Voltage Control (OLVC) strategy. This phenomenon has been experimentally observed and theoretically explained. The first theoretical stability analysis of the BDFM was based on two wound-rotor induction machines with a common shaft and cascaded rotors [4;5]. It is concluded that an appropriate machine design may reduce but never remove such unstable domains. Because of that, the BDFM must be 1527 preferably used under closed-loop control configuration [6]. Wallace et al developed a dynamic vector model of the BDFM referred to the rotor’s shaft position [7]. This model was first experimentally validated [8] and later on exploited in the stability analysis of the BDFM [9]. The reference frame in which this model was written was aligned with the rotor, implying a non-linear time-variant set of dynamic equations. As these variations are periodic in time, Wallace et al exploited the generalized theory of Floquet, leading, after linearization, to a linear time-invariant set of equations. This way small-signal stability analysis could be performed. Trying to simplify the analysis procedure, a simplest vector model under a new generic dq reference frame was presented [10], leading, in a straightforward way, to a timeinvariant small signal model. The resulting model is, somehow, equivalent to those of classical AC machines, but it is restricted to the nested-loop rotor type BDFM family. Overcoming this restriction, a generalized “synchronous reference frame” model was proposed by Roberts [11] for a wide class of BDFM. This model has been derived in a different way but, in the particular case of the nested-loop rotor type BDFM, it becomes to be identical to the unified reference frame model [10]. By means of the generic dq reference frame it becomes easy to design and to analyze any control strategy, e.g. the open loop voltage control ([11-13]), the scalar current control [12], or the PW-flux oriented vector control [12]. This paper deals with the CLSCC. Though this control does not offer the same dynamic behavior as the vector control, it is robust and simple to implement, requiring only some few sensors. Traditionally, the stability margin of the CLSCC has been obtained only by simulation or by experimental verification [6]. Few years ago a theoretical stability study of the closedloop scalar current control has been carried out [12], but unfortunately results are not experimentally validated. The purpose of the work presented in this paper is to check the validity of the theoretical stability analysis of the CLSCC by an experimental BDFM set-up. ωr = ω p + ωc (3) p p + pc But synchronous operation requires a minimum level of CW current, as shown in Fig. 1. This figure draws the possible steady state PW current values (or domains) in a idpiqp plane, (idp-active current and iqp-reactive current) [12]. This current must match two operation constraints: the electromagnetic torque (right-hand domains) and the CW current level (elliptic domain). Fig. 1. shows four possible operation points obtained from the intersection of four different torque requirement domains with the elliptic-kind CW steady current domain. As it can be observed, in this particular case the CW current must be above 2.5Arms, otherwise synchronism will be lost. IV. CLOSED LOOP SCALAR CURRENT CONTROL Once the synchronization procedure is achieved and provided that the minimum required CW current is maintained [6], the operation of the BDFM is governed by equation (3). This way, rotor speed can be easily controlled by an adequate frequency variation of the CW feeding current. Based on this idea, a simple control scheme can be implemented, see Fig. 2. As it can be observed, the maximum required torque is used to set the CW current Tem=1Nm iqp Tem=3 Nm Tem=6 Nm fc=-50 Hz Tem=7.2 Nm idp |Ic|=2.5 A Fig. 1.Theoretical steady-state operating domains of the PW current under constant |Ic| and Tem III. OPERATING PRINCIPLE 50 Hz 400 V ωr TL This work considers the simplest BDFM with a ‘nestedloop’ type rotor. The simplest configuration is obtained selecting the number of symmetrical rotor loops (Nr) as: N r = p p + pc V=0÷400 V f=-50÷50 Hz (2) In order to get the desired cross coupling effect, the currents that both the PW and the CW induce at the rotor bars must evolve with the same frequency. This operating restriction leads to the so-called synchronous rotor speed, which is equal to: RECT INV (1) Direct coupling phenomena between the two stator windings must be prevented, so next supplementary restriction must be adopted, p p ≠ pc BDFM Qf Vbus_ref Converter Control vabc_c_ref Machine Control Γmax_ ref ωr _ ref f (Γmax_ref ) idC c _ ref I c max ref ωr _ ref ( p p + pc ) − ω p fc _ ref 2π Current references idC c PI iqC c _ ref iqC c PI vdC c _ ref 2→3 vqC c _ ref θc Fig. 2. Closed Loop Current Control 1528 Qf_ref ρLhp − ω p Lhp 0 0 v dp R p + ρL p ω p L p v ω L + R L ρ ω ρLhp 0 0 p p p p p Lhp qp v dc − ϑc Lhc Rc + ρLc ϑc Lc ρLhc 0 0 = ϑc Lc Rc + ρLc ϑc Lhc ρLhc 0 0 v qc v dr ρLhp − γ c Lhp − γ c Lhc Rr + ρLr − γ c Lr ρLhc ρLhp γ c Lhc ρLhc γ c Lr Rr + ρLr v qr γ c Lhp amplitude reference, and the desired rotor speed defines the CW current frequency reference. Using these values the “current reference” block generates instantaneous dq current references as well as the angular position θc of the dcqc reference-frame. It has to be noted that for control purposes we use a dcqc reference frame aligned with the CW current instead of the above mentioned unified generic dq reference frame. This way fast and precise regulation behavior is obtained by conventional PI controllers. V. DYNAMIC NON-LINEAR MODEL Next we are going to deal with the particular case of the nested-loop rotor type BDFM with a single spire per nest. In the case of multiple spires per nest an equivalent single-nest system can be obtained by model reduction techniques, so the next development can be easily extended to the family of nested-loop rotor type BDFM. In order to get the simplest possible model, the unified dq reference frame is aligned with the PW voltage. Resulting BDFM voltage model is shown in (4), [10], with ϑc=ωp-(pp+pc)ωr, γc=(ωp-pp ωr) and ρ=d/dt. The electromagnetic torque can be expressed as: Tem = ( ) ( 3 3 p p Lhp − i dp i qr + i qp i dr + p c Lhc i dc i qr − i qc i dr 2 2 ) (5) And the mechanical system dynamics is computed as follows: TL = Tem dω r −J − Dω r dt (6) The CW current controllers can be modeled as: ( ) ( ) (7) ( ) ( ) (8) v dc c = K p id c c _ ref − id c c + K i ∫ i d c c _ ref − i d c c dt v qc c = K p i qc c _ ref − i qc c + K i ∫ i qc c _ ref − i qc c dt With dcqc the controller reference frame, aligned with the CW current reference and located at θc from the static reference. In order to get a unified description of the system, R + ρL p ∆vdp p ∆v ω p Lp qp 0 ∆vdc 0 ∆vqc = ρLhp ∆vdr γ c 0 Lhp ∆vqr ∆T − 3 p p Lhpiqr 0 L 2 − ω p Lp 0 0 R p + ρL p 0 0 − γ c 0 Lhp ρLhp 3 p p Lhpidr 0 2 0 Rc + ρLc − ϑc 0 Lc ρLhc γ c 0 Lhc 3 pc Lhciqr 0 2 0 − ϑc 0 Lc Rc + ρLc − γ c 0 Lhc ρLhc 3 − pc Lhcidr 0 2 idp i qp idc iqc idr iqr (4) (7) and (8) must be transformed from the local dcqc reference frame to the unified dq reference frame. First, using conventional Park’s transformation, equations are transformed to the static αcβc reference frame: xα c β c = e − jθ c x d c qc (10) Transformation from the static αcβc reference frame to the synchronous dq PW reference frame is performed by [10]: xdq = e [ ( ) ] − j ω pt − p p + pc θ r xα* c β c (11) Without loss of generality we can consider that the initial position of the rotor and the angle between the PW and CW reference axis are nulls. Using (11) it is straightforward to get the new controller’s equations under the unified dq reference frame: ρv dc = ω T [v qc − K p e qc ] + K p ρedc + K i e dc (12) ρv qc = −ω T [v dc + K p edc ] + K p ρeqc + K i e qc (13) where, ωT=ωc+ωp-(pp+pc)ωr, edc=idc_ref-idc and eqc=iqc_ref-iqc. The dq components of the PW line-voltage are vdp= 2 Vp and vqp=0, whereas the CW current set-point remains as follows: [ ( ) i dc _ ref = 2 I c _ ref sin ω c t + ω p t − p p + p c θ r + ϕ [ ( ) ] i qc _ ref = 2 I c _ ref cos ω c t + ω p t − p p + p c θ r + ϕ (14) ] (15) In steady-state synchronous operation [ωct+ωpt-(pp+pc)θr] is zero, leading to constant dq CW current components. This fact is the main advantage of the unified dq reference frame, as it has been explained in the introduction. VI. SMALL SIGNAL MODEL A lineal model is required for stability analysis purposes. As the dynamic model described in the previous section is non-linear, a small signal model around a given equilibrium point is computed. This is performed replacing all large signal variables by their constant equilibrium component, x0, and the new small signal ∆x variable (17). ρLhp ω p Lhp ρLhc ϑc 0 Lhc Rr + ρLr γ c 0 Lr − ω p Lhp ρLhp − ϑc 0 Lhc ρLhc γ c 0 Lr Rr + ρLr 3 ( p p Lhpiqp 0 − pc Lhciqc0 ) 3 (− p p Lhpidp 0 + pc Lhcidc 0 ) 2 2 1529 ∆i dp 0 ∆i (Lciqc0 + Lhciqr 0 )( p p + pc ) ∆iqpdc − (Lcidc 0 + Lhcidr 0 )( p p + pc ) ⋅ ∆i (Lr iqr 0 + Lhpiqp 0 + Lhciqc 0 )p p ∆iqcdr − (Lr idr 0 + Lhpidp 0 + Lhcidc 0 ) p p ∆i qr − ρJ − D ∆ωr 0 (9) ρ∆v dc ρK p + K i = ρ∆v qc ω T 0 K p − ωT 0 K p − ρK p − K i ρK p + K i − ωT 0 K p ωT 0 K p ρK p + K i x = x 0 + ∆x 0 ωT 0 K p − ωT 0 K p 0 (17) The resulting small signal model of the machine is presented in equation (9), with ϑc0=ωp-(pp+pc)ωr0 and γc0=(ωp ppωr0). The non linear behavior of the cos/sin trigonometric operators of controller’s reference equations (14)-(15) has to be also linealized. They can be approximated by: ( ) ∆i dc _ ref ≈ −i qc 0 _ ref p p + p c ∆θ r ( (18) ) ∆i qc _ ref ≈ i dc 0 _ ref p p + p c ∆θ r (19) And computing their derivatives we get: ρ∆idc _ ref ≈ − iqc 0 _ ref ( p p + p c )ρ∆θ r (20) ρ∆i qc _ ref ≈ i dc 0 _ ref ( p p + p c )ρ∆θ r (21) Linealizing the controller’s model (12)-(13) and replacing the small signal current reference values by (18) to (21), the small signal model of the control is obtained (16), with ωT0=[ωc+ωp-(pp+pc)ωr0]. Combining both machine’s and controller’s small signal models, (9) and (16), into one equation we get the overall system’s linear model: x = Ax + Bu (22) where [ x = ∆idp [ ∆iqp u = ∆TL ∆u dp ∆idc ∆iqc ∆idr ∆iqr ∆vdc ∆vqc ∆ωr ∆θ r ] T ] T ( (p )[ )[ ( )] )] * − p p + p c v qc 0 − K p i qc 0 − i qc 0 p ( + p c v dc 0 − K p i dc* 0 − i dc0 ρ∆i dc ρ∆i qc ∆i dc ∆i qc ∆v dc ∆v qc ∆ω r system is then easily evaluated by inspection of the eigenvalues of matrix A, i.e., the system’s poles. VII. STABILITY ANALYSIS Fig. 3 schematizes the stability analysis procedure. The equilibrium point depends on the current reference, the rotor speed, the load torque and the PW voltage. These variables and steady state equations define equilibrium state variables ip0, ic0, ir0 and vc0, required by the small signal model. The small signal model has 10 conjugated complex poles, each of which corresponds to a particular system: the power winding, the control winding, the rotor, the mechanical system or the controller. The parameters of the BDFM involved in this analysis are those of the prototype described in the next section. The machine stability has been analyzed along all the speed range (–50Hz to 50Hz) with TL=25Nm, |Vp(rms)|=220V (50Hz), |Ic(rms)|=9.9A and D=0.1Kgm2/s. Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the dominant poles, related to the mechanical system (p1,2) and the controller (p3,4). The dominant pole is the mechanical one, and it can be concluded that the overall system is stable under closed loop scalar current control. As the overall dynamic is mainly determined by the mechanical system, it could be of interest the study of the influence of different mechanical parameters. Fig. 5 shows that the Closed Loop Scalar Current Control is stable for any coherent inertia value, J. VIII. BDFM PROTOTYPE (23) (24) The small signal model requires the knowledge of the equilibrium values, which can be obtained through the steady-state model of the BDFM [10]. The stability of the The goal of the prototype is to collect the maximum experimental data needed in the validation of the theoretical models and the control strategies, regardless of the optimization of machine performance. The power ratings of STABILITY ANALYSIS TOOL |Vp| |Ic| ωr0 ΓL Steady state model p1,2 idqp0 Small signal model idqc0 idqr0 vdqc0 D p3,4 p5,6 p7,8 p9,10 (16) poles analysis J 2 Fig. 3. Stability analysis tool for the BDFM under CLSCC Fig. 4. Dominant poles (J=0.4 Kgm ) 1530 Fig. 6. Test bench at the Power Electronics Laboratory of the Univeristy of Mondragón Fig. 5. Dominant pole evolution with J variations the two stators windings are the same (220V/50Hz, 10A), in such a way that the same machine can test two different PW and CW configurations. One of the windings (the PW in our tests) has two poles and the other (the CW for us) is composed of six poles. There are four nests in the rotor, with a single loop per nest (slots for additional two loops per nest are available). Copper wire type coils have been employed in the rotor loops. The BDFM prototype is built around the core of an IEC180 frame four-pole wound rotor induction machine. The core is 200mm long and the stator is composed of 36 slots. The two stator windings have 23 turns per coil with a 2.75mm2 wire and each rotor coil is made up of 65 turns of a 1.77mm2 wire (rated for 10 A(rms)). The air gap is 0.6mm width. Further constructional details can be found in [12]. The BDFM can operate from 0rpm to 2ωsyn. Saturation problems are avoided by a conservative design of the magnetic circuit [11]. Table I collects the most relevant parameters of the prototype. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The experimental test bench is located at the Power Electronics Laboratory of the University of Mondragón, see Fig. 6. The BDFM is coupled to a controlled reversible DC motor, which emulates the mechanical behavior of the load. The CW voltage is fed by a bi-directional IGBT-based power converter. The PW is directly branched to the standard European 400V-50Hz grid. The mechanical parameters are J=0.4Kgm2 and D=0.1Kgm2/s. All control algorithms have been implemented in a DSP-based Dspace DS1103 platform with a sample time of 250µs. Fig. 7 shows an example of the machine operation along a wide speed reference variation. As we are dealing with an open-loop control scheme a reference ramp limiter is employed, minimizing this way the stable but fairly damped oscillations. In order to validate the stability analysis a pulse type load- torque perturbation is applied to the machine’s shaft, which leads to current, torque and speed oscillations. The first test is carried out at N=450rpm, TL=4.2Nm and |Vp(rms)|=230V. As speed is constant, CW voltage is kept at |Ic(rms)|=4.9A. The load-torque perturbation is 7Nm depth and 0.5s long. Resulting current transients show damped oscillations, see Fig. 8. These current oscillations are transmitted to the electromagnetic torque, which produces oscillations in the rotor speed. Dynamic behavior of Fig. 8 can be characterized by a time constant (τ) and a damped frequency (ωd). These parameters are related to the dominant poles of the small signal model (p1,2=-(1/τ)±jωd). Fig. 9 shows the real part of this dominant pole for both experimental and theoretical cases along all the operation range. Test parameters are: TL=4.1Nm, |Vp(rms)|=220V (50Hz) and |Ic(rms)|=4.2 A. As it can be observed the system is always stable. Experimental and theoretical values match around |fc|≈25Hz. When the feeding frequency is under this value (|fc|<25Hz) theoretical system is more damped than the experimental one. In the other hand, for high feeding frequencies (|fc|>25Hz), the experimental damping is higher. This bias could be originated by any frequency-dependent phenomena, as iron losses: damping ratio depends on losses, but the model assumes constant losses (identified around 25Hz), which leads to the observed symmetrical deviation. TABLE I BDFM ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS Resistance (Ω) Self Inductance (mH) Mutual Inductance (mH) PW Rp=1.732 Lp=714.8 Lhp=242.1 CW Rc=1.079 Lc=121.7 Lhc=59.8 Rotor Rr=0.473 Lr=132.6 Fig. 7. Speed reference variation and tracking 1531 XII. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Fig. 8. Amplitude of the stator currents (RMS) and rotor speed (filtered values with flow pass=10Hz) [6] [7] [8] [9] Fig. 9. Real part of dominant pole [10] X. CONCLUSIONS A small signal model of the BDFM under scalar current control has been proposed. This model can be useful in stability margin analysis of BDFM drives. Experimental damping data shows frequency-dependent deviations from theoretical case. Improvements in the modeling of iron-losses could probably minimize these deviations. Closed Loop Scalar Current Control renders the BDFM behavior stable along all the operation range, which means that it is the simplest control strategy for any practical BDFM installation (contrary to the Open Loop Voltage Control). This type of control is very simple, requires only a couple of current sensors and it can be used on Adjustable Speed Drives where high dynamic is not required, like pumps and fans. XI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT [11] [12] [13] This work has been partially supported by the programs: Investigación Básica y Aplicada (PI 2003-11), Formación de Investigadores del Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación from the Basque Government and by ENE2005-09218-C02-00 from MCYT DGI/FEDER. 1532 B. Hopfensperger and D. J. 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