ICERE 2010 CHILE International Conference and Fair on Education, Research & Employment in the Renewable UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Brushless hl d bl f d induction doubly-fed i d i generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications A. Muñoz University of Santiago Chile A. Sureda University of Santiago Chile R. Cardenas University of Santiago Chile R. Peña University of Concepción Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Structure of the Presentation Elemental devices The proposed system Experimental system Results and conclusions Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Elemental devices: Three-Leg Matrix Converter 1 Delta-connected Delta connected Capacitors 2 IGBT’s 3 u v w V lt Voltage and d Current C t Transducers T d S33 S23 S13 S32 S22 S12 S31 S21 S11 c b a Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Elemental devices: Brushless System 1 Win profile machine 2 Control machine 3 Power P Machine Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Proposed Variable Speed Generation System Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Coordinate Axis d-q VB Vq Coordinate Axis Alpha-Beta Coordinate Axis A-B-C V V dq 120º Coordinate Axis d-q Vd e VA V VC Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO M d lli Modelling off the th Brushless B hl DFIG. DFIG S11 S12 S13 S21 S22 S23 S31 S32 Rsc Lscσ Ψsc Rrc Lrcσ Loe Ψrc Rsg Lsgσ Ψsg Lrgσ Log Rrg Ψrg S33 Matrix Converter Matrix Converter G id Grid Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Control System Ispq * Ispd * PI PI Iscq * Iscd * PI PI Vscq Iscq Ispq Iscd Ispd LsT Vscd LsT Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Objetives To present a grid connected generation system based on brushless doubly fed induction machines using a three-leg matrix converter. To control the matrix converter (MC) output current, which is feeding the stator of the control machine , to provide the required power to the g p grid. To verify experimentally the strategy considering a system running g at below and above synchronous speed by a wind profile. Experimental System 3x3 Matrix Converter 3ϕ Variac HPI + FPGA + DSP Host Pc Grid 3ϕ Current Transducers Voltage Transducers Bus Commercial Inverter Opto isolated Interface Encoder board Cage Machine Control DFIG Grid –Connected DFIG Experimental System Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Results The current are well regulated for the whole operating range with a slight increase in the qaxis current error produced when the machine is operating with s 30%. 15 15 Isgq Isgqref 10 Current [A] Current [A] 10 5 5 0 0 -5 0 Isgq Isgqref 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Step change in the torque current iqsg for s=30%. -5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time[s] Step change in the torque current iqsg for s=-30%. Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Results 5 15 0 10 Iscq Iscd Iscqref Iscdref -5 -10 10 -15 Current [A] Current [A] Performance of the proposed control system for a speed ramp variation. Isgq Isgd Isgqref Isgdref 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time [s] 7 8 d-q stator current components in the control DFIG. 9 10 -5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d-q stator current components in the gridconnected DFIG. 10 Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Results The instantaneous stator current for the control DFIG. Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Results This results shows the stator currents corresponding to the experimental test. The gridconnected DFIG is magnetised from the control DFIG and the magnetising current of the external loop is isg*=0. 25 Cuurrent [A] 20 15 10 5 0 -5 10 15 20 25 30 Time [s] 35 40 Isgq Isgd Isgqref Isgdref 45 50 Stator currents in the grid-connected machine. Stator currents in the control machine. Brushless doubly-fed induction generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Conclusions Experimental results have demonstrated that the performance obtained with a brushless DFIG is similar to that obtained with a conventional DFIG. No brushes are required for the connection of both rotors in a machine with two stators and one only rotor. Control system y strategies g for the operation p below and above synchronous speed, including the emulation of a wind turbine have been experimentally verified. The proposed topology is appropriate for variable speed wind energy applications. The design of the control loops is simplified considering that the power spectrum density of a typical wind profile has most of the available energy in the low frequency region. ICERE 2010 CHILE International Conference and Fair on Education, Research & Employment in the Renewable UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Brushless hl d bl f d induction doubly-fed i d i generator controlled by matrix converter for wind energy applications A. Muñoz University of Santiago Chile A. Sureda University of Santiago Chile R. Cardenas University of Santiago Chile R. Peña University of Concepción