December 13, 2015 - St. Clare of Assisi

Third Sunday of Advent
December 13, 2015
Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Bishop of Belleville
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
BAPTISM—Preparation classes for parents are offered
every other month for infant baptism. Call the Parish
Office to sign up. Adults wishing to be baptized should
also call the Office.
RECONCILIATION—Saturdays 3:30 until 4:30 p.m.
or by appointment. Community celebrations are also
offered every Advent and Lent.
MATRIMONY—Contact Pastor a year prior.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations
twice a year, or by appointment.
Saint Clare of Assisi,
Pray For Us!
St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church
1411 Cross Street
O’Fallon, IL 62269
618/ 632-3562
618/ 632-9036 (fax)
Fr. Jim Deiters
Dennis Vander Ven
Marcia Fix
Jamae Shubirg
Shirley Seipp
Patrick Jurgensmeyer
Stephen Eros
Jane Dotson
Matt Flynn
Parish Secretary
Administrative Assistant
Business Manager
Facilities Manager
Music and Liturgy Director
Family Faith Formation
Adult Faith and Mission
We, the people of St. Clare Catholic Parish,
In the Diocese of Belleville, are called by God
in baptism to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
Centered in the Eucharist, and strengthened
by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we strive to live
the Gospel and further the reign of God.
We do this by creating a vibrant faith
community, by actively promoting justice
and evangelization, and by using our gifts
in the service of God’s people, to give God
glory and reverence all of Creation.
214 West Third Street, O’Fallon, IL
Milissa Faust
Gloria Schmidt
Eileen Yahl
Jim Deschesne, Sexton
Michael Crupe
John Dempsey
Emergency Assistance
From Our Pastor...
We had a great response for our first weekend of campaign pledge
commitments for which I am so grateful! I send out a special encouragement to all parishioners who have joined our parish since
2008 to turn in your card to help us meet our goal of “100 new
households” since we moved into this new church. See the update on
the next page for details.
On another note…it’s Confession Time.
I want to give you plenty notice for our Communal Reconciliation
Service on Thursday, December 17. Seven other priests will be here
for individual confessions. Perhaps it has been too many years and
you don’t know ‘where to start’ with a confession. We provide a
simple worship aid with the “Act of Contrition” prayer for the service in which you do not need to worry about the ‘how to.’
What is most important is to take the time to make a good examination of conscience. Some options for your examination:
1. The Ten Commandments
2. Great Commandments of Jesus: Love of God, self, and neighbor.
The U.S. Bishops website ( has an examination based
on Catholic Social Teaching
Making a good confession can be the best thing we can do not only
for our relationship with God but it is just as helpful for our relationships with family and friends. We may have past hurts, resentments,
built up anger, feelings of distance, or a sense of failure in our relationships. A good examination before confession requires us to ask
our self, “What do I need to change in myself to be a better parent,
spouse, friend, son or daughter?”
Especially as we begin this Year of Mercy, we all need this sacrament of healing so we can be more merciful, patient and loving toward others. It would be a great Christmas gift to your family,
friends, and yourself, to enter Christmas day with a ‘clean slate’ and
a pure heart.
Please mark Thursday, December 17, 7:00 PM, on your calendar
for this sacrament of healing. Parents, be sure to bring your children
with you. If you cannot make Thursday night, there are other nights
available as listed in the bulletin. Come celebrate God’s unconditional love and mercy!
God’s Peace,
Fr. Jim Deiters
We extend our loving sympathy to the family of
Helen Murphy. May she rest in the peace and love
of Christ. Please pray for all who have died and all
who are mourning the death of a loved one as we are
preparing for this Season of Christmas.
December 12
Mike O’Donnell
Stephanie Chambers
Amber Hardy
Dani McDaniel
Jacob Knaust
Hannah Cullen
Audrey Brown
December 13
Daryl Spencer
Odile AccileinSorger
Lucia Barragan
Robert Eberhart
Halle Hites
Brock Dintelman
December 16
Shirley Carroll
Lilia Levrault
Chuck Currier
James Hempsted
Doug Mennerick
Drew Wise
Alissa Wieman
Katelyn Sternberg
December 17
Russ Thoman
Ellen Gravlin
DJ Palagi
Matthew Blacharczyk
Amber Borges
Joshua Bevers
Vincent Garcia
Alexis Schillinger
Connor Guttmann
December 18
Ken Gass
Henry Beykirch
Brad Joseph
December 14
Christine Barttelbort
Sandy Walter
Suneal Menzies
Robert Kirchgessner Corey Drewes
Kevin Karrigan
Tylor Fergus
Amelia Abalos
Jack Stewart
Patricia Cavins
Lee Milo
December 19
Travis Wheeler
Jeff Fessler
Ashley Borawski
Billy Findley
Jessica Vargas
Josh Gansauer
Courtney Wisnasky
Fred Vrieswyk
Jimmy Haughey
Travis Tanner
Brigitte Wiegert
Tom Gravlin
Molly Allen
Lindsey Berry
Indy Johaningmeyer Jaquelyn Whyte
December 15
Emma Shanks
Carol Burk
Renee Ignatz
Mike Hollenkamp
Kathy Newcomb
Tom Fergus
Gerald Spencer
Arnelle Davis
Eli Garcia
Ben Cullen
Bennett Odom
Brayden Odom
Brentley Odom
December 20
John Vassen
Janet Libell
Darcy Benway
Terry Jordan
Bridget Dolbeare
Benjamin Dalman
Kyle Sternberg
Next Weekend December 19/20
Saturday, December 12
Third Sunday of Advent
5:00 p.m. Paul Vogelbacher
Sunday, December 13
Third Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m. Ed Kloustermeyer
10:30 a.m. Bernard and Johanna Spracklen
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
10:30 am
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Saturday 5:00 pm
Michael DeCarpentry, Sella Roman, Ellen Gravlin
Lee & Anne Crowe, Scott Brown, Brigid Sternberg
Tom Grimmig, Barb Kovach, Carl Lurk*, Lucy Mixen*
Shirley Suski*
Mark & Amie O’Connor, Jessica Kalmer, Kristy Turner
Sharon Ripplinger, Ken & Jeanne Smith, Gary Borges
Judy Lemansky, Jim, Pennie & Sarah Pavlisin*
Jeanette Giebels*
Monday, December 14
Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church
12:00 Noon No Mass due to 1:00 p.m. funeral of
Helen Murphy
Tuesday, December 15
8:30 am
Advent Weekday
Sunday 10:30 am
Wednesday, December 16— No Mass
Lector 7:30 a.m. Arthur Maher
8:30 a.m. School Mass
Advent Weekday
Thursday, December 17
Late Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. Mass in School Chapel
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
Sunday 10:30 am
Saturday 5:00 pm
Friday, December 18
8:30 am
10:30 am
Late Advent Weekday
7:30 a.m. Amy Keck and Adeline Keck
Saturday, December 19
Saturday 5:00 pm
Fourth Sunday of Advent
5:00 p.m. Bill Munie, Jr.
Sunday, December 20
Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m. Dorothy Wielgus
Lalo and Frances Alvarado
10:30 a.m. For Our Parish
Weekday Readings December 14-20
Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9;
Mt 21:23-27
Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23;
Mt 21:28-32
Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9-14;
Lk 7:18b-23
Thursday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17;
Mt 1:1-17
Friday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19;
Mt 1:18-25
Saturday:Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a;
Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25
Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19;
Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45
Katie Szwedo
Jamie Eros
Rachel Sill
Michele Taylor, Richard Smith, Mark Arbogast
Kitty Luehrs, Laura Pacatte, Dan & Tara Ashbaker
Dominic & Rena Sabatino*, Karen Holzum*
Tanja Ramsby*
Barbara & Jim Calandro
Judy Menzies & Brian Kloustermeyer
Amelia Abalos & Kathy Sjoquist
Elizabeth & Madeleine Henken
Thomas Jackson, Isabelle Wohlgemuth
Ben & Olivia Harris, Matthew Turner, Liam Kenney
Drew & Ava Taylor, Connor Chapple, Alyssa Faigal
Josh Gansauer, Richard Ransom, Bruce Rackers
John Winkelmann, Eric Sheesley, Ken Kenney
8:30 am
Walt Leninsky, John Bechtoldt, Dennis Collins
Jim Hendricks, Mike Lafferty, Don Proffer
10:30 am
John Meise, Matt Chambers, Darrell Raynor
James Taylor, Mark Stevens, Stephen Smith
Gift Bearers
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am
10:30 am
Saturday 5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:30 am
Sound Board
Saturday 5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:30 am
Milton Saltmarsh, Scott & April Leo
Winnie, Heather & Anya Kenney
Patrick, Dannette, Joseph, William & Lydia Kinsella
Bo, Cyndi, Eli & Olivia Butters
Babe Papproth, George & Mona Peach
Brian, Mandi, Abby Huelsmann & Drew Ferguson
Jacob Nguyen
Jim Colombo
Bread Bakers
Joe & Lona Moore, Sherry D’Amico, Shawn Sebora
Children’s Word
Saturday 5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:30 am
Lucy Ueda & Sophia Cherry
Alicia Luechtefeld & Sophie Wilkerson
Heather Ertel
Nursery 10:30 am
Brandy Koory & Shelby Koory
Please pray for the sick, their loved ones and caregivers; may they never lose sight of the love of God…
Jennifer R. Barajas, Wray Barr, Shirley Carroll, Yasuko Estabrooks, Rita Ferreri, Mildred Gerardi, Mike and Linda Gilkerson,
Hannah Grubofski, Rita Haukapp, Margaret Heinke, Dennis Holdener, Jessica Holmes, Elnora Hostetler, Boston Johnson,
Pauline Keller, Dan Kimutis, Keith Klein, Liz Klingler, Dawn Papproth Kuhn, Thelma LaSalvia, Abelina Leon, Vincent Lepes,
Mary Lugge, John Molnar, Mary Molnar, Nona Morgan, Jenifer Morris, Margaret Nettles, Katie Paulochk, Doris Prosser,
Dale Reeser, Megan Saldana, Madelean Sanford, Michael Schmitz, Clete Schwaegel, Craig Seipp, Betty & John Stogner,
Betty Tomasovich, Jake Van Hook, Deacon Dennis Vander Ven, Steve Wells, Virginia Woods
Please pray for all our military families, especially those separated by deployment.
Youth Group Schedule Parish School of Religion
Sunday Mornings 10:30—11:40
St. Clare School, 214 W. 3rd St.
Dec. 13 Youth Group Study, Snacks, Fun & Christmas Reflection from 2—4 p.m. in Youth Room Pick up your study bags after Mass Dec. 20 & 27 No Youth Group...Christmas Break ***New Youth Room*** is on lower level of St. Clare School. Dec 13
PSR Class
Dec 20 & 27 No Class...Christmas Break
Jan 3
No Class...Christmas Break
Attention High School Students! Confirmation Students—Class of 2016
Saint names are due by December 15.
Email your name to
First Communion Parents Meeting
Tuesday, January 12 from 6:30—8 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Free babysitting is available; contact Jane at to RSVP
We would like to get a nursery going
for 8:30 a.m. Mass. Please sign up to
help once a month (or less if we get
enough volunteers). Parents who
want to use this nursery also should
sign up to help. Contact Jane at the parish office or
Pick up your finals “bag of goodies” from St. Clare Parish after Mass December 12/13 in the Gathering Space. “Study and Snacks” 2-4 p.m. Sunday, December 13 in the Youth Room. All high school youth are welcome. We will have a little fun and a Christmas reflection, too! Parents: Please note: “Love or Lust” CDs from the
Chastity Project will be given out to students in their
high school study bags next weekend. If you have
any questions, please contact Jane at 632-3562 or or 632-3562.
Thanks to our Crazy 8’s for making
blankets for elderly people who live at
Cambridge House Assisted Living!
Men For Christ
Discernment Retreat
Young Men: High School Juniors through age 35
Are you wondering what to do with your life?
Do you want to find out what God has planned for you?
Consider the Men For Christ Discernment Retreat!
You don’t need to want to be a priest—this retreat will help you
discern your vocation, whatever God is calling you to do.
December 19-21 at Our Lady of the Snows.
More information and registration at
Save the Date!
January 29
A new Catholic
children’s book
is available to
order now through
St. Clare Parish.
$12.50 per book
“A Light for the World:
A Catholic Kid’s Guide
to Advent and Christmas”
Deadline to order is Dec. 15
Evening Prayer Service
Wednesdays of Advent
6—6:30 p.m. in Church
Christmas Eve
4:30 and 11:00 p.m.
Penance Services
Let the year of mercy begin with a return to
the Great Sacrament of Mercy by all…
In preparation for Christmas!
Sunday, December 13 at Noon—5 pm
Saint Peter Cathedral, Belleville
Christmas Day
10:00 a.m.
Prelude music will begin
one half hour before each Mass.
Monday, December 14 at 7 pm
Corpus Christi, Shiloh
Tuesday, December 15 at 7 pm
Holy Childhood, Mascoutah
Wednesday, December 16 at 7 pm
St. Nicholas, O’Fallon
Thursday, December 17 at 7 pm
St. Clare, O’Fallon
Sunday, December 20 at 7pm
St. Mary, Valmeyer
"Mercy is a Bridge"
Men's Quiet Retreat
King's House Retreat Center
in Belleville
January 8-10, 2016
Registra on deadline is
January 5.
Please contact Len Ratajczyk
at (618) 363-8776 or
with ques ons or to register.
Suggested DonaƟon for the retreat is $175.00.
33 Days to Morning Glory
God Bless our many parishioners who consecrated
themselves to Jesus through Mary this past week.
Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary...draw me in, with and
through Mary to the Fountain of love and mercy.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
We have all new CD and book titles on our kiosk...great
for gift giving to yourself or family members this Christmas! Check out our selection of Advent, Youth and
Young Adult and Our Catholic Faith titles!
Please join The Cornerstone
Catholic Scripture Study as
we begin the 2nd half of our
study on the Gospel of Luke,
which is some mes referred to as the Gospel of prayer
due to the many beau ful prayers included within it.
New members must a end the informa on session on
Wednesday, January 13th from 9:30-11:30 am. at St.
Clare Church in O'Fallon, IL. For more informa on please
call Kristy Turner at 402-0885.
Share God’s Gifts You have been given wonderful giŌs from God…Will you share them?
“Every good giŌ is from the Father.”
James 1:17
Our capital campaign con nues with another
opportunity to turn in pledge cards this weekend—
just place your card in the regular collec on basket.
Cards can also be dropped off or mailed to the parish office; addi onally, you can make your pledge
and set up electronic payments using the We Share
op on on our parish website, Campaign informa on packets
and pledge cards can be found in the Gathering
We're pleased to report that nearly one-third of
the pledges made so far have come from new
households! But, we s ll need many more to help
us meet our goal of 100 new families par cipa ng
in this campaign. Whether you make a 3-year
pledge commitment, a one- me gi or something
in between, returning your card lets us know you'll
be joining many fellow parishioners who support St.
Clare's efforts to "dent the debt." You may enjoy
end-of-year tax benefits as well for any campaign
contribu ons you make before 2015 comes to a
close. Many sincere thanks to all who've already
made a pledge!
Liturgical Ministry Training and Refresher Courses
Eucharistic Ministers:
New Ministers are asked to attend
one of the following sessions in church:
Sunday, Dec. 13 at 2:00 pm
All ministers are asked to attend this session in church:
Tuesday, Dec. 15 at 7:00 pm
Volunteers Needed for Ministry
at Memorial Hospital East
Memorial Hospital East in O’Fallon will open April, 2016 and
will require volunteer Eucharistic Ministers from our parish to
provide prayer and Eucharistic Ministry to patients.
The Diocese of Belleville / Ministry to the Aged and Sick (MSA)
oversees this vital ministry and will hold identical informational
meetings at the Pastoral Center in Belleville on February 3rd at
1:00 pm and 7:00 pm to be followed by identical training sessions
on February 16th and 23rd at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm (need to attend
ONLY one session). Individuals who may be interested in this
ministry are asked to contact the parish office should they have
any questions.
Looking for AlternaƟve Ways to Give
or to Honor Someone with a DonaƟon?
Our Sister Parish in Guatemala Support their infrastructure, faith
formaƟon programs and outreach to those in need. Use the pink
envelope in your monthly packet.
Christmas and End of Year Giving
Made simple with WeShare!
Thinking about making a gi to St. Clare Parish as Christmas draws near and the year comes to a close? Use the
fast and easy on line giving op on: WeShare. A simple
click on our parish home page will lead you step-by-step
through giving via credit card, debit, checking or savings.
With WeShare you can donate to any collec on, take
advantage of end-of-year tax savings with a one me
gi , or set up recurring draws such as a weekly or
monthly the or church mortgage payments. The
WeShare site allows you to direct your dona ons to specific causes so you know your gi will go exactly where
you wish. God has blessed us all abundantly, and it’s
never been easier to share! Go to our website:
Our Guatemala Scholarship Fund Help children in our sister parish get an educaƟon beyond 6th grade. Help with tuiƟon, food,
transportaƟon, school supplies and more. It costs approximately
$1,000 to fund one student per year.
Sunday , December 6, 2015
New Church..…...$5,800.00
Month of November:
For the Poor………………………………... 2,924.36
Annual SVDP CollecƟon……………….10,241.00
Guatemala (including scholarship fund)...4,024.00
Catholic Camp for Human Dev…...…….910.00
Children’s Envelopes…………………………..22.81
Capital Dev. On Line Giving…………….8,415.00
T `táàxÜãÉÜ~á V{Ü|áàÅtá
Sunday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Clare Church
Masterworks Chorale, Children’s Choruses, and Orchestra
present their annual holiday classics. A candlelight procession,
favorite Yuletide carols and an audience sing along!
ALTAR ANGELS December 12: Marie Berry, Jackie Burke, Jeane e
Giebels, Eleanor Henken, Judy Lemansky
the 8th in a series of collectors’ ornaments featuring a stained glass
window from the Blessed Sacrament chapel of our church. The ornaments will be sold for $10 each a er Masses December 5—20th. A
limited number of ornaments from previous years will be available.
Proceeds benefit the parish’s capital development fund.
have experienced the death of a child, extended family & friends are
welcome. Sunday, December 13 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Hospital Chapel, Belleville. A recepton in the Centennial Room will follow
the service. You are welcome to bring your child’s favorite dessert to
share! Love dona ons in memory of the children are welcome and
parking will be available in the hospital garage. No reserva ons
needed. For informa on, please call parishioners, Ralph and Carolyn
Wo owa at 304-0963.
ST. CLARE SENIORS MEETING Monday, December 14 at 6:30 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall. Pot luck dinner and bring a $5 gi for gi exchange.
ST. CLARE SCHOOL The Christmas Band Concert featuring band
members in 4th—8th grades will take place Monday, December 14 at
6:30 p.m. in the gym. In addi on, the Kindergarten and 1st grade will
perform the Na vity play and carols will be sung by our 2nd—4th
grade students. On Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the
gym, the school choir will showcase their talents and present a play
as an old me Christmas Special. All are welcome to a end.
LIVING WITH CANCER? Are you living with cancer in your day to day
life? Join Kathy Harvey, Social Worker, to learn ways to live each day
as normally as you can. Discuss how to enjoy the simple things and
take pleasure in the special things in life. December 17 at 1:00 pm at
The Cancer Treatment Center, 4000 N. Illinois Street, Swansea. Walk
ins welcome. (618)236-1000.
ALTAR SODALITY CHRISTMAS PARTY is December 21 at 6:00 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall. Please bring an appe zer and a $2 wrapped bingo prize. All women of the parish are invited to a end!
Luke 18
Bringing fun and faith
together for an awesome
weekend retreat.
Jan. 15-17, 2016 — St. Clare School
8th grade registration is open through
Dec. 15. visit to register on
line. Required planning meeting for Leaders - All high
school leaders will meet at St. Nicholas Dec 20 at 10:30
and St. Clare Jan 3 at 10:30 for Mass and meetings.
Everyone is invited to pray for and send notes of encouragement to the seminarians from three of our parish
Joel Seipp and Nick Fleming, both of whom grew up in
St. Clare Parish and graduated from St. Clare School,
are discerning the priesthood in the Belleville diocese
and are in their second year of studies after each served
a summer internship in our diocese.
Joel is studying at Sacred Heart School of Theology and
Seminary in Wisconsin. He is the son of Larry and
Shirley Seipp and has three sisters. Shirley is our parish
business manager. Nick is studying at Kenrick-Glennon
College Seminary in St. Louis. He is the son of Dr.
Tom and Mary Fleming and has five siblings. Brother
Rinju Chenet is studying in a seminary of the Institute
of the Incarnate Word in Maryland. His parents, Franz
and JoMary Chenet, moved to our parish last year; they
have five children.
Joel Seipp (bday Oct. 27)
Sacred Heart School of
Theology and Seminary
PO Box 429
Hales Corners, WI 53130
(that is the #1 after joel)
Nicholas Fleming
(birthday Sept. 8)
College Seminary
5200 Glennon Drive
St. Louis, MO 63119
Brother Rinju Chenet (birthday June 8)
Institute of the Incarnate Word
5706 Sargent Road, Chillum, MD 20782