ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 Administrative Council Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino ASUH-KCC Advisor Crystal Cruz ASUH-KCC Student Life Assistant Senators Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Lang. Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math Randy Oshima-Kekahu Moani Jaramillo Business Education Nahoku Rabot Christine Agcaoili Health Ed. & Public Service Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology CORRECTED MINUTES #5 – September 24, 2010 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:17pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Jennifer Pasol, and H.R. Manager Kainoa Matias. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.4. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Randy Oshima-Kekahu, Robin Octavio, Nahoku Rabot, Ian Ross, Diane Sater, and Free Wortley 2.5. Unexcused Senators: 2.6. Excused Senators: Bethany Compton and Randy Oshima-Kekahu 2.7. Advisor: John Constantino 2.8. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.9. Guest/Visitors: Paul Matias Jr. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Vice President Stanton to approve meeting agenda #5. Seconded by Senator Octavio. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT 3.1. Check and approve minutes #4 MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve Minuets #4 as corrected . Seconded by Seretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. None to report. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5.1. Will be having a meeting with the ASUH-KCC Administrative Council. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6.1. VP Stanton is currently assisting the Environmental Club with their registration process. 6.2. Unable to locate the campus red bench that was once located at the Learning Center. 6.3. Couldn’t meet with the Hawaiian Club to help them with their registration process. VP Stanton will try again next week. 6.4. Deadline for RICO registration is Sept. 24, 2010. Only three registered clubs so far. 6.5. Vice President Stanton is also VP for the Open Mic Club. 6.6. Wants to meet up with clubs to set their goals. 6.7. Is hoping to meet with two clubs a week. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT Diane Sater Ian Ross Robin Octavio Senator At Large ASUH-KCC Minutes for 09/24/2010 - Page 1 7.1. No requisitions has been given for Club Day and the County Council Meet and Greet function on Monday, Oct. 4, 2010. 7.2. Advisor Constantino will be giving everyone a Student Activities manual for how to do an event. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT 8.1. None to report. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT 9.1. Handed out ASUH-KCC Personal Contact list. 9.2. Accreditation/Self Study will begin soon. Chancellor Helen Cox requested at least eleven ASUH-KCC Student Government members to serve on the campus-wide committee. Sub-groups will b created that is composed of faculty, staff and students. We need to maintain a level of excellence through participation. 9.3. Assumption of Risk and Release Form and the Statement of Responsibility forms were passed out to students attending the Hoopili Hou and Leadership Exploration event in Honolulu. Everyone is to fill them out and turn them in as soon as possible. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT 10.1. Crystal Cruz asked the group to volunteer in the “Toys for Tots” drive - Don’t forget to sign up. She is also thinking of asking campus clubs to participate. 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Caucus - Senator Compton is currently attending the UH Caucus weekend retreat in Honolulu. 12.2. College Council - Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 1, 2010. 12.3. Curriculum Committee- H.R. Manager Matias will send the latest Curriculum report to everyone to see recorded discussions on the possibility of offering more writing intensive classes and additional new Nursing courses. 12.4. Student Activity Committee - County Council “Meet and Greet” and Club Day 2010 will be held on Monday, Oct. 4th at the Campus Center. All students are expected to volunteer in both activities since this will involve numerous community groups. John, Crystal, Nelson, Bethany, Logan and Bryson held a meeting with Richard Oki of Richie’s Bar and Grill in Lihue (next to Aloha Furniture) to discuss the possibility of ASUH-KCC partnering with Richie’s in hosting College Night at least twice a month at his venue. A proposal was made to sponsor/purchase 60 slots ($5 admission fee) each month for students attending KCC. A valid Kauai CC Identification Card and a Hawaii Driver License is required to utilize this promotion. It was suggested that October will be used as the trial month. Crystal Cruz will ask Richie Oki if he has a full liability Policy. 12.5. ASUH-KCC Student Government members took a tour and introduced themselves to all departments at the One Stop Center: Office included VP of Administrative Services, Distance Education, Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, VP of Student Affairs, Financial Aid Office, Human Resources, Fiscal Office and Admissions and Records. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. None. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS ASUH-KCC Minutes for 09/24/2010 - Page 2 14.1. Next S.A.C. meeting is on Wednesday September 29, 2010 14.2. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting on October 1, 2010. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION EIGHT A motion was made by Senator Sater to adjourn meeting #5 at 2:01pm. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstention. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 09/24/2010 - Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater Robin Octavio At-Large Moani Jaramillo Randy Oshima-Kekahu Business Education Christine Agcaoili Nahoku Rabot Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology MEETING #6 – October 1, 2010 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Jennifer Pasol, and H.R. Manager Kainoa Matias. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.4. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Robin Octavio, Ian Ross, Diane Sater, and Free Wortley. 2.5. Unexcused Senators: Bethany Compton and Randy Oshima-Kekahu 2.6. Excused Senators: Nahoku Rabot 2.7. Advisor: John Constantino 2.8. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.9. Guest/Visitors: Helen Cox and Paul Matias Jr. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve meeting agenda #6. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT 3.1. Approval of ASUH-KCC Minutes #5 MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve corrected Minutes #5. Seconded by Treasurer Pasol. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Student Government representatives introduced themselves to Chancellor Cox. 4.2. Chancellor Cox reiterated the need for active student participation in college-wide and other miscellaneous committees on campus as well as involvement from students outside of student government. Chancellor also formed an Ad Hoc Art Commission Committee which will be responsible for KCC commissioned art pieces. The committee is composed of faculty, students, and other employees. 4.3. Chancellor Cox needs student involvement in reviewing and updating KCC’s Mission Statement. The Mission Statement must be redone every two years. She wants to solicit student input during the November ASUH-KCC Snack Night and Afternoon Recess during all campus hours. 4.4. Accreditation - SEE RECORDER 4.5. Chancellor Helen Cox wants to know how her administration and Student Government could work closely together during the 2010-2011 academic year. Aside from having regular monthly meetings, suggestions included having informal get together meetings such as breakfast or dinners. Helen also mentioned that she will attend Club Day 2010 and the KCC Candidate Meet and Greet on Monday, Oct. 4th at the Campus Center. 4.6. Student Financial Aid Committee – Helen is also requesting that students participate in ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/01/2010 - Page 1 the selection committee to assist with the selection of a new Financial Aid Director. 4.7. President Batalion inquired why the new campus sign at the tennis court does not illuminate at night. He requested that this be looked into for safety purposes. 4.8. Advisor Constantino also mentioned that the ceiling in the Executive Office has not been fixed and needs the maintenance office take care of this issue before additional furniture and equipment can move back into the spaces. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5.1. Aloha Festival began on October 1, 2010 at the Kauai Beach Resort. Starts at 4:30pm and is free admission to the public. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6.1. VP Stanton visited the Ku Pono I Hookahi Club - There were fifteen members present at the meeting. They completed their RICO registration form for the 2010-2011 academic year. 6.2. Radio Ad – Radio advertisements for the “Meet and Greet” were recorded with Kong Radio and is now playing on the air. Mahalo to VP Stanton and Senator Octavio for assisting with the recording. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT 7.1. The Kauai Count y Council “Meet and Greet” and Club Day 2010 requisitions are completed. 7.2. Ho’opili Hou State Leadership Conference requisitions are also completed. 7.3. Details of computers were submitted in the last SG meeting. Next step is to solicit price quotes via SuperQuote. Other large item purchases including furniture rejuvenation must need to go through SuperQuote. A SuperQuote committee was created to assist with providing purchase details to help with expediting the process. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT 8.1. None to report. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT 9.1. Advisor Constantino handed out an updated Student Government contact sheet – This will be publicly given to campus leaders. It was also mentioned that each member input with each contact into their phone and email accounts. See attachments. 9.2. Helpful Resource list was submitted to groups containing vital outreach information See attachment. 9.3. Ho’opili Hou Travel Reservation Confirmation for Oct. 8-9 was passed out to attendees. It was noted that each student will need to bring a valid state I.D. or driver’s license. A reminder was made to be at the Lihue airport by 5:15 am and to create a Hawaiian Miles mileage account to collect points for future travel. 9.4. Community Volunteers are needed for the Wilcox Health Foundation’s Vintage Vegas Gala to be held in November 13 at the Kauai Marriott from 5 pm to 10 pm. Nine student leaders and two advisors signed up for the event. - See Attachment. 9.5. A suggestion was made to participate in the 8th Annual Old Koloa Sugar Mill Run - See Attachment. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT 10.1. Crystal Cruz reported that someone will need to go to Ink Spot to pick-up the voter registration pledge card. 10.2. A reminder was mentioned to abide by the ASUH-KCC Student Government contract. Particular emphasis was made regarding language use and uniforms. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/01/2010 - Page 2 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. Senator Sater mentioned that a College Council meeting will be held today on Oct.1 at 3pm. 12.2. President Nelson reported on behalf of S.A.C. that the County Council Candidate “Meet and Greet” program is on Monday, October 4. Mayor Carvalho will also be addressing the attendees. After the Student Government meeting, Senator Ross and Octavio will have a microphone and script practice session. 12.3. Crystal Cruz mentioned that College Night will occur on a trial run at Richie’s Bar and Grill. A Proposal of a budget of $1,000 was suggested to cover thirty $5.00 entry fee as well other costs. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to approve a budget of $1,000 for the college night trial at Richie’s Bar and Grill. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 12.1. Halloween event entitled “Nightmare at KCC” is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27 at the Campus Center from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. The SAC committee proposed a budget of $2,000 for games, refreshments, prizes, costume contest and carved pumpkin activity. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to approve a budget if $2,500 to support games, purchase of refreshments, prizes for costume contest, carved pumpkin contest and other items for the Halloween Bash. Seconded by Senator Perreira. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. I.D. room renovations - Advisor Constantino and Student Activities Assistant Cruz plan to rejuvenate the Student I.D. room as part of their Carpentry 19B project assignment. 13.2. Computerized Signage System – Technical Support Patrick Watase will be visiting the University of Manoa to visit the College of Engineering at UHM. He will inspect their signage system around campus and see if KCC can install a similar one. Mr. Watase recommends working with the AMX company. The placement of AMX systems are tentatively set for the Student life Center, Cafeteria, LRC, and the One-Stop Center, Phase I and II. Benefits from having these systems include minimizing paper use, advertising important campus announcements and efficient and fast distribution of information. Mr. Watase is willing to do the research for student government as well as system set-up for free in exchange for airfare sponsorship to Oahu. A proposal of $350 for two round trip tickets to Oahu for Mr. Watase was suggested. MOTION FIVE A motion was made Senator Bergonia for a budget of $350 for 2 round trip airline tickets for Mr. Watase to investigate sinage systems on Oahu. Seconded by Senator Sater. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.3. The senate was invited by John Constantino and Crystal Cruz to see their rejuvenation plans for the Student I.D. Office and to approve a budget to support the purchase of ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/01/2010 - Page 3 construction material for the project. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve a budget if $2,100 to purchase construction material for the purpose of rejuvenating the Student I.D. Office space. Seconded by Senator Bergonia. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next S.A.C. meeting is planned for Wed., Oct. 6, 2010 at 12:15 pm 14.2. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting is Fri., Oct. 15 at 12:15 pm. 14.3. Club Day and Meet your Kauai Council Candidates is Mon., Oct. 4, at 11 am. 14.4. Vice President Stanton mentioned that the Open Mic Club is growing in numbers. He also said that he would be willing to make public service announcements regarding upcoming campus events. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SEVEN A motion was made by Senator Sater to adjourn meeting #5 at 2:01 pm. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/01/2010 - Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater Robin Octavio At-Large Moani Jaramillo (vacant) Business Education Christine Agcaoili Nahoku Rabot Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities MEETING #8 – CORRECTED MINUTES-OCT, 22, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Jennifer Pasol, and H.R. Manager Kainoa Matias. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.4. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Kiel Perreira, Diane Sater, and Free Wortley. 2.5. Unexcused Senators: 2.6. Excused Senators: Ian Ross and John Oliver Yadao 2.7. Advisor: John Constantino 2.8. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.9. Guest/Visitors: Michael Buenconsejo, Jonathan Chin, Logan Iwatate, and Paul Matias MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to approve meeting agenda #8. Seconded by Senator Agcaoili. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT 3.1. Accept to defer Minutes #7 until next week. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to defer Minutes #7 until next meeting. Seconded by Senator Jaramillo. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Michael Buenconsejo came to the meeting today regarding summer tuition fees. The high tuition is used to pay for the instructors, but if the tuition was lowered, then maybe more students would attend summer classes. The air conditioning are running, LRC and Library are open, and all the utilities are available but are hardly or not being used due to the low amount of students enrolled during the summer. Its also hard to pay tuition because of the economy. There is also not many opportunities for scholarships and no grants during the summer. The school should try to lower the tuition prices as a trial to see how many students enroll. It was suggested that Bethany Compton, UH Caucus Rep. for Kauai bring this topic to the System UH Caucus meeting for discussion. Michael also mentioned that it was important for student leaders to practice positive decorum and behavior on campus. Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5.1. Attendance - Make sure if you can’t make it or will be late to the meetings, that you contact President Batalion or Advisor Constantino. 5.2. Uniforms - Make sure to wear your uniforms during the meetings and as well as Student Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/22/2010 - Page 1 Government events. 5.3. Presentation - Student Government members are held at a higher standard, therefore all leaders must not forget how to carry oneself in both on and off campus. 5.4. Campus Events - One Stop-Phase Two Blessing on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 9:30am, as well as a meet and greet with John Morton, the Vice President of Community Colleges at the KCC Cafeteria at 3:00 pm. 5.5. Facebook - Reminder that facebook can be seen by everyone. So don’t post anything negative about Student Government or its members. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6.1. Vice President Stanton sent an email to all the clubs about donating to the annual Toys for Tots giving project. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT 7.1. Treasurer Pasol has plans to create a current standing of the ASUH-KCC budget from deducted expenditures and current balance. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT 8.1. HR. Manager Matias worked with Student Life Assistant Cruz on the work schedule for working in the Student Lounge. It has been decided that we will have an open scheduling. Whenever you have time, sign in, work for two hours, than sign out. Make sure there is only one to two workers at a time. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT 9.1. Mr. Constantino reported that two national subscriptions need to be reviewed and renewed for the 2011-2012 academic year.. 1) American Student Association of Community College. Membership dues are $250 2) Association of College Union International. Membership is $416. These two organizations provide literary information on issues and concerns affecting colleges and universities across the nation. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Compton approve ASACC membership dues of $250. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to approve ACUI membership dues of $416. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 9.2. The first campus-wide Self-Study and Accreditation meeting is scheduled today from 1:30pm to 3:00pm in the cafeteria. Student representatives are encouraged to attend the meeting to understand the process and directions for the self-study and network with faculty and staff. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT 10.1. Ms. Cruz reported that she is working on inputing quotes on the UH SuperQuote system- Thus far, the quotes for the computers and furniture are being processed. She still needs some advice on computer information from Senator Wortley. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/22/2010 - Page 2 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. Caucus - Meeting tomorrow on Oahu, Saturday, October 22, 2010 12.2. College Council - None to report 12.3. Curriculum - See attachment 12.4. SAC - College Night will be moved to Saturday, October 30, 2010, because Mr. Richie Oki would like to have a Halloween party in partnership with Student Government. Proposing to increase College Night budget by $500 for advertising. Resulting in a total budget of $1,500. MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Senator Jaramillo to approve an additional budget of $500 to the College Night budget for advertisement. Resulting with a total budget of $1,500. Seconded by Senator Agcaoili. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. SAC proposals - Planning on having Karaoke Thursdays. It was presented by President Batalion to purchase a Karaoke machine to provide more weekly activities in the Student Life Center. Preferably, a Magic Mic with one song chip for $500. A proposal was brought up to the board for a budget of $800 for a Magic Mic and additional song chips. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Rabot to approve a budget of $800 for a Magic Mic as well as additional song chips. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.2 The State/County Election Rally hosted by Student Government is set for Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7am and 4pm ; and Monday, November 1, 2010 at 4pm. The rally will take place fronting the KCC campus. 13.3. Student Government Vacant Spot - Paul Matias, Logan Iwatate, and Jonathan Chin are interested in the Business Education seat of Student Government. Each candidate introduced themselves and explained why they would be a good addition to the board. Voting will take place by the board by secret ballot on Friday, October 29 at the next ASUH-KCC weekly meeting. 13.4. Vending Machines - Advisor Constantino talked with Gary Nitta, Director of Administration regarding vending machines on campus. It was suggested that ASUh-KCC take the lead on this project and all funds collected would go directly to student government. Senator Perreira was appointed to gathering information on vending machine companies. The adhocVending Machine Committee includes Senators Perreira, Rabot, President Batalion, and Secretary Ricardo. A report is expected during the next meeting. 13.5. It was presented by Studen Life Assistant Cruz to create a Student Government Deadline Board that records and lists all upcoming events and activities created by ASUh-KCC and the S.A.C. Board. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/22/2010 - Page 3 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next S.A.C. meeting is planned for Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 12:15 pm 14.2. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting is Friday, October 29 at 12:15 pm. 14.3. One Stop Phase Two building blessing on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 9:30am. 14.4. John Morton, VP of Community College, KCC Café on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 2pm. 14.5. Nightmare at KCC in the KCC Student Lounge on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 12pm. 14.6. ASUH-KCC & SAC Election Rally. Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7am and 4pm; and Monday, November 1, 2010 at 4pm in front of KCC/HWY. 14.7. Wilcox Health Foundation Vintage Vegas gala at the Kauai Marriot Resort on Friday, November 13, 2010 at 5pm - 10pm. 14.8 Kauai College and Career Fair – Monday, November 15, 8:30am to 11am and 5pm to 7 pm at the Kauai Beach Resort. 14.9. Snack Night, Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 6pm and Afternoon Recess at the LRC lawn, Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 1pm. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION NINE A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to adjourn meeting #8 at 1:24 pm. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/22/2010 - Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater Robin Octavio At-Large Moani Jaramillo Jonathan Chin Business Education Christine Agcaoili Nahoku Rabot Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology MEETING #9 – October 29, 2010 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Jennifer Pasol, and H.R. Manager Kainoa Matias. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Unexcused Administration Council: Vice President Taylor Stanton 2.4. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Kiel Scott von Perreira, Diane Sater, Free Wortley, John Oliver Yadao 2.5. Unexcused Senators: 2.6. Excused Senators: Ian Ross 2.7. Advisor: John Constantino 2.8. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.9. Guest/Visitors: Jonathan Chin, Paul Matias, and Katherine McLaughlin. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Senator Rabot to approve meeting agenda #9 as written. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT 3.1. Approval of Minutes #7. 3.2. Approval of Minutes #8 MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Corrected Minutes #7. Seconded by Treasurer Pasol. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Corrected Minutes #8. Seconded by Treasurer Pasol. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. None 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5.1. See attached written report. 5.2. Kauai Beach Resort is having a hula show concert on October 29, 2010. Three of the four royal Hawaiian families will be attending the function. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 6.1. None to report. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/29/2010 - Page 1 7. TREASURER’S REPORT 7.1. Treasure Pasol inquired on the status of refurbishing the two pool tables. According to Senator von Perreira, an attempt was made to contact Richard but has not received a return call. Advisor Constantino mentioned that associate member Iwatate volunteered to re-felt the pool table if Richard is unable to do it. A consensus was made that if Richard cannot complete the task than Logan would do the job “pro bono”. 7.2. The Snack Night and Afternoon Recess proposals are due next meeting, Friday November 5, 2010. 7.3. The Club Social date is settled for November 20, 2010. Proposal is needed for requisitions. 7.4. Love the Journey Workshop and Dinner - Dates are still to be announced. The date is needed for requisitions. 7.5. Membership Renewals - Membership renewals for the American Student Association of Community College and Association of College Union International are all done. 7.6. Status on reimbursements - Due to Walmart running out of pumpkins, President Batalion took the initiative to buy pumpkins from elsewhere. Therefore, President Batalion will need to be reimbursed. This incident cannot happen again. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to reimburse President Batalion for the purchase of pumpkins for the Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest. Seconded by Senator Sater. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT 8.1. Be sure to check emails for upcoming information on Student Life duties and instructions. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT 9.1. Advisor Constantino received an email from faculty member Cammie Matsumoto regarding clarification on the KCC recycling program. Past ASUH-KCC minutes will need to be checked regarding the monetary commitment from student government and materials to support the campus-wide initiative. 9.2. Reminder regarding Internal Proposal – The Internal Proposal sheet must be accompanied with minutes that record the motion approvals, supporting documents such as flyers, sign-in sheets and vendor quotes. Also, Senators should take the initiative to make proposals instead of relying on administrative council to present and propose new business. 9.3. The Counseling and Advising Department at the One Stop Center is asking for student assistant for the upcoming Spring 2011 Walk-in registration beginning on December 1st. A sign-up sheet will be passed around for students interested in assisting new students with the registration process. 9.4. The Domestic Violence Against Women Committee has sponsored a series of events during the month of October to bring forth awareness regarding violence against women. Some events include the Clothesline project, poetry reading, and other events are scheduled around the campus. An upcoming project will focus on Healthy Relationships. The proposed activity will occur on February 14, 2010 at the Marriotte. It is a speed dating event for singles who are interested. Coordinator Frances Dinnan asked if student government can participate in the event. A sign-up sheet is passed around for interested volunteers. 9.2. Accreditation/Self-Study is today from 1:30 pm - 3 pm in the KCC Cafeteria. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/29/2010 - Page 2 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT 10.1. Orders for Super Quote - Computers and furniture are recorded on SuperQuote. Assistance from Senator Wortley is still needed with the computers. 10.2. The date for the leadership workshop called Love the Journey will be held on November 27, 2010 from 9:00am-2:00pm in the Student Center. 10.3. The Veterans Day Parade will not be needing student government’s assistant. But a request was made to help the Marine Corp League sell “raffle” tickets for lucky drawings. Selling of the drawing tickets will be done at the Kapaa Ball Park after the parade on Saturday, November 6, 2010 from 10 am to 2pm. A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers. 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Caucus – Senator Sater reported that their next meeting is Oct. 23, 2010. 12.2. College Council – Senator Sater submitted her report. See attachment. 12.3. Curriculum Committee- Senator Matias submitted his report. See attachment 12.4. SAC - On October 27, 2010, the Halloween event “Nightmare at KCC” a total of 61 people signed in, but there were more who attended that did not sign in. On October 29, 2010, the children from the Early Childcare center visited the Student Lounge and enjoyed the decorations and received goodie bags from senators. On October 28, 2010, a total of 10 SG members and other KCC students attended the 7:00am Election Rally to bring awareness to the Nov. 2nd election day. On the same day the afternoon rally was cancelled due to bad weather. The next rally is on November 1, 2010 form 7:15am to 8:30am and then again at 4:00pm to 5:00pm. The R.I.C.O. Club Social is scheduled for Saturday, November 20, 2010. Human Resource Manager Matias is head of activities. Function starts at 6:00pm, but be there at 5:00pm. Regarding the dates for the talent show event “Shoyu Talent”, dress rehearsal will be on January 21, 2010 and the actual show will be the next day, January 22, 2010. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. KCC Fund Board- President Batalion submitted his report. See attachment. 13.2. Business Education Position - Voting for the vacant position representing Business Education students included the following candidates: Jonathan Chin, Logan Iwatate, and Paul Matias. * President Batalion called the meeting to recess at 1:45 pm and shall reconvene in 10 minutes. * President Batalion called the meeting back to order at 2:00 pm. After the counting of the secret ballots by Advisor Constantino and Student Life Assistant Cruz and verified by President Batalion, it was announced that Jonathan Chin was selected to fill the Business Education seat for the remainder of the 2010-2011 academic term. 13.3. Associate Members - A proposal was made by President Batalion to create official Associate members to sit on the ASUH-KCC Student Government Board. Associate members are obligated to attend all meetings and activities like every student government member and carry all responsibilities except they do not have voting privileges. MOTION FIVE ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/29/2010 - Page 3 A motion was made by Senator Sater to create Associate Membership positions for students interested in ASUH-KCC Student Government but cannot because of any vacancies. It was suggested to invite Logan Iwatate and Paul Matias to serve as Associate members. Seconded by Senator Bergonia. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. College Night at Riche, Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 9pm. 14.2. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting is on Friday, November 5, 2010. 14.3. Next SAC Meeting, Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 12:15pm. 14.4. One Stop Phase Two building blessing, October 26, 2010 at 9:30am. 14.5. ASUH-KCC & SAC Election Rally November 1, 2010 at 4pm in front of KCC/HWY. 14.6. Wilcox Health Foundation Vintage Vegas Gala, Kauai Marriott Resort, Saturday, November 13, 2010, 3:30 pm to 11 pm. 14.7. Tentative R.I.C.O. Member Club Social is Saturday, October 20, 2010. 14.8. Snack Night, November 30, 2010 at 6 pm at the LRC lawn 14.9. Afternoon Recess, December 1, 2010 at 1pm, LRC lawn. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Jaramillo to adjourn meeting #9 at 2:10 pm. Seconded by Treasurer Pasol. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 10/29/2010 - Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater Robin Octavio At-Large Moani Jaramillo Jonathan Chin Business Education Christine Agcaoili Nahoku Rabot Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology MEETING #10 – NOVEMBER 5, 2010 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:18 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Jennifer Pasol, and H.R. Manager Kainoa Matias. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.4. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Jonathan Chin, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Kiel Scott von Perreira, Diane Sater, Free Wortley, and John Oliver Yadao 2.5. Unexcused Senators: 2.6. Excused Senators: Bethany Compton, Robin Octavio, and Ian Ross 2.7.Advisor: John Constantino 2.8.Excused Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz (Excused) 2.9.Associate Members: Logan Iwatate and Paul Matias 2.10.Guest/Visitors: None MOTION ONE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve meeting agenda #9 as written. Seconded by Senator Rabot. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT 3.1. Defer Minutes #9 MOTION TWO A motion was made by Senator Jaramillo to defer Minutes #9. Seconded by Senator Sater. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. None to report 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5.1. Fine Dining opportunity – Students are invited to attend a fine Dining Hawaiian Buffet experience on Wednesday, December 8, 2010. President Batalion wants to know who is available from 11:00 am to 1:30pm. If available, please sign up so that Presiden Batalion can submit the reservation count. 5.2. Veterans Day Parade - Given date was on Saturday, November 13, 2010. Actual date is Saturday, November 6, 2010. Everyone from Lihue to Hanapepe will meet at the Veteran Center at 8:00am to carpool. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/05/2010 - Page 1 6.1. All campus clubs are registered. 6.2. MTA Club meeting- The MTA club is planning a big event outdoors at the end of the semester focusing on speech interpretation, poetry slam or anything that students would like to recite. The event is still in the planning stage. The club still need permission and a set date for the event. 6.3. Recycle Bins- the $10,000 grant has been received by coordinator Cammie Matsumoto. The big blue bins will be donated from the county to place around the KCC campus, as well as smaller bins for inside the classrooms. Student Government can participate by managing clubs and making sure that they maintain the bins. To practice the resolutions approved by the senate, there was an idea brought up by Advisor Constantino to make all the clubs work a certain amount of hours in order to earn their $400 grant. They need to help out with any recycling or zero waste program. Student Government should also set an example and also participate. In order to discuss the recycling program, Vice President Stanton is planning on having a meeting with all club leaders at 5:30pm, before the club social on November 20, 2010. It was suggested by Jimmy Trujillo to post something on Facebook about awareness of the recycling program. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT 7.1. Received proposals for Snack night and Afternoon Recess. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT 8.1. A report was submitted. See attachment. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT 9.1. ASUH Organizational Chart – Information is updated so everyone is reminded of their responsibility for committees they join. See attachment for details. 9.2. College and Career Fair is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 15th. All volunteers were reminded to attend their scheduled times. Senator Rabot and Senator Ricardo are the designated co-chairs for organizing the volunteers. 9.3. Vintage Las Vegas will be held at the Kauai Marriott at 5pm on Saturday, November 13, 2010. The goal of the event is to raise funds to purchase a high tech heart machine for Wilcox Hospital. The gaming activity will begin at 5:00 pm and volunteers must be at the hotel at 3:30 pm. Appropriate formal attire is expected. Volunteers will be divided into different assignments such as seating, spotting, and distribution of prizes. 9.4. Lights on Rice Parade - The Nursing Club inquired if Student Government will participate in the annual Lights on Rice Parade again this year on December 3, 2010. If so, the Nursing Club is interested in walking in the parade. Student Government has agreed to join the parade as well as build a float. The float construction will be held sometime at the end of November through early December. Both Student Government and SAC will be helping in building the float and walking in the parade. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPOT 10.1. None to report. 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. Caucus - Next UH Caucus meeting is on November 13, 2010 12.2. College Council – Senator Sater submitted a report. See attachment ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/05/2010 - Page 2 12.3. Curriculum Committee- The last meeting was on Wednesday, November 3, 2010. See attachment for details. 12.4. Vending Machine - Senator Perreira is waiting to hear from a vending company that is doing business at the Lihue Airport. He found one on Kauai called the Hawaiian Isle Vending Machine company. He will meet with them since he can’t get a hold of them. 12.5. Student Lounge Renovations - Advisor Constantino talked with Calvin Shirai and got bid back for $18,000 for the floors. It was brought up that Student Government would need to support $9,000 for the flooring. Advisor Constantino mentioned that since the college paid for other reconstruction and maintenance projects around campus, that the Student Government should not carry this burden as funds should go towards supporting activities and not maintenance projects. 12.6. Newspaper/Journalism - A proposal was made to re-establish a Kauai Community College student newspaper and journalism courses. In order to establish a journalism class, it was brought up if Student Government would help out with a one time fee. Before any decisions are made, Student Government will need to look through previous minutes and determine levels of expectations. 12.7. SAC Report - College Night at Richie’s Grill and bar was a success.ASUH-KCC Student government and other KCC students attended the function. 12.7.1. RICO Club Social - Will be held on November 20, 2010. We are still waiting for a response from Mark’s Place. 12.7.2. Sho’yu Talent - Senator Bergonia showed an example of a possible flyer and ask for opinions. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. ASUH-KCC Web Site - None to Report. 13.2. Student Petition - There is a student petition regarding the library closure. Due to misunderstandings there are a few students who believe that the library will be “shutting down”. If members of Student Government run into any concerned students on the library closure, assure them that the library is only under renovations and will be reopening. For the time being, the library will be moving to the old book store. President Batalion and Advisor Constantino propose on having several outdoor study areas downstairs of the Campus Center. They are proposing for a budget of $1000 for three sets of tables with umbrellas as a trial run to see if students make use of them. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve a budget of $1,000 for tables with umbrellas. Seconded by Human Resource Manager Matias. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting is Friday, November 12, 2010. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting, Wednesday, November 10, 2010. 14.3. Veteran Parade, November 6, 2010. Meet at Veterans Center at 8 am. 14.4. Wilcox Health Foundation Vintage Vegas gala, Kauai Marriott Resort, Saturday, November 13, 2010, 5pm to 10pm. 14.5. Tentative R.I.C.O. Club Member Social is November 20, 2010. 14.6. Snack Night is November 30, 2010 at 6pm. 14.7. Afternoon Recess is December 1, 2010 at 1pm, LRC Lawn. 15. ADJOURNMENT ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/05/2010 - Page 3 MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Sater to adjourn meeting #10 at 2:02 pm. Seconded by Human Resources Manager Matias. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/05/2010 - Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Jennifer Pasol Treasurer Kainoa Matias H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater Robin Octavio At-Large Moani Jaramillo Jonathan Chin Business Education Christine Agcaoili Nahoku Rabot Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kiel Scott von Perreira Science & Math Bryson Bergonia Free Wortley Trades & Technology The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #13 – NOV. 24, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Human Resources Kainoa Matias, Vice President Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, & Treasurer Jennifer Pasol. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bryson Bergonia, Jonathan Chin, Bethany Compton, Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo, Robin Octavio, Free Wortley and John Yadao 2.6. Excused Senators: Nahoku Rabot and Diane Sater 2.7. Tardy Senators: Ian Ross 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Kiel von Perreira 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Tardy Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Kevin Dela Cruz, Logan Iwatate, and Royce Kawamura 2.12. Tardy Associate Members: Paul Matias 2.13. Guest/Visitors: William DeMotta MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Pasol to approve meeting agenda #13 as written. Seconded by Human Resource Manager Matias. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Defer Minutes #12. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to defer Minutes #12 until next meeting. Seconded by Senator Jaramillo. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. None to report 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Member Evaluation - Regarding attendance status of Senator Perreira. 5.2. Thanksgiving - Thankful for being able to be President of Student Government again. Also thankful for everyone’s hard work. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/24/2010 - Page 1 6.1. Accreditation - Vice President Stanton and Senator Compton went to their recent accreditation meeting. They checked the written policy in regards to the communication and participation of students in campus governance. 6.2. MTA Club - Meeting is Mon., Nov. 22, 2010. They will discuss a grand Open Mic day. 6.3. Radio Club - Vice President Stanton, Senator Ross, and Jimmy Trujillo are working together on the constitution. 6.4. Will have more information on the MTA, Radio club, as well as other upcoming events next Student Government meeting. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT - Jennifer Pasol 7.1. None to report. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT - Kainoa Matias 8.1. None to report. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Accreditation/Self Study - Will call Vinny Itoga, Private Secretary to the Chancellor regarding student participation in the four standards. 9.2. Vintage Vegas - Have received an email from Christian Nakea-Tressler, Volunteer Coordinator. In the letter it said, “Thank you and she wants to meet up with those who participated in the Vintage Vegas.” Christian wants to thank all who helped with the event. 9.3. ACUI information – Will be held in the beginning of March. See attachment for details. 9.4. National Student Advocacy Conference - The conference will be held in Washington D.C. The subject will be more targeted towards the Community Colleges. It will take place on March 19-22, 2011. 9.5. Sexual Violence - There will be a talk about sexual violence prevention at 2pm in the cafeteria. Everyone is invited to attend the function. 9.6. New Student Registration Assistant – Sign-up sheets were passed to all student volunteers from Dec.1st to Dec. 16th. Students were reminded of the confidentiality policy. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Toys for Tots - Have found the Toys for Tots calendar. It was passed around again for those who would like to participate in the charity program. 10.2. Toys for Teens purchase on Black Friday - For those who are participating will meet at Walmart Mcdonalds on November 25, 2010 at 11pm for instruction. 11. STANDING REPORTS 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. ASUH-KCC Web-Site - None to report. 12.2. Love the Journey Workshop - It is has been cancelled for November 27, 2010. Student Government has decided to re-schedule the workshop in January 2011. 12.3. End of the Semester Appreciation and Planning Dinner meeting – Discussion on a semester meeting was suggested by Advisor Constantino. Associate member Logan Iwatate will contact the owner of Sushi Bushido whether they can assist student government with a meeting space and a suggested menu to fit within the budget of $25-$30 per head. Upon further discussion, it was agreed that all ASUH-KCC leaders and Associate members ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/24/2010 - Page 2 would need to attend for a total of 24 participants. The best date for everyone is Thursday, December 16th, 2010 at Sushi Bushido at 6:00pm. The agenda will focus on an evaluation of Fall 2010 functions, planning and budget approval for the Spring 2011 semester. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve a budget of $1000 to host an ASUH-KCC Student Government End of the Semester Appreciation and Planning Dinner Meeting on Thursday, December 16th, 2010 at Sushi Bushido at 6:30pm. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 12.4. Fund Board of Trustee – none to report. 12.5. SAC Report – none to report. 12.6. Lights on Rice Parade – Advisor Constantino mentioned that the event will take place on Friday, December, 3, 2010. The parade route begins at Vidinha Stadium and ends at the County Building. Participants are asked to wear UH clothing attire to promote the University System and wear appropriate attire for the walk. Everyone was asked to bring a flashlight or wear some kind of lighted lei. It was also suggested that since KCC is not building a float and that other members of student government will participate with other groups, that ASUH-KCC should walk with another float. Advisor Constantino will inform all R.I.C.O. clubs and the campus community to participate in the event. A sign-up sheet was also passed around for a count of participants. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Women Violence Task Force Function – It was mentioned that student government will need to see a detailed budget request from the task force to see how ASUH-KCC can assist with functions suggested in spring 2011. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting is Wednesday, November 23, 2010 at 12:15pm. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting, Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 12:15pm. 14.3. R.I.C.O. Club Member Social is November 20, 2010. 14.4. Snack Night is Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 5pm. 14.5. Afternoon Recess is Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 1pm, LRC Lawn. 14.6. End of the semester appreciation and planning dinner is tentatively set for Thursday, December 16, 2010 at Sushi Bushido at 6:30pm. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION TWELVE A motion was made by Senator Sater to adjourn meeting #12 at 2:00pm. Seconded by Senator Wortley. 15 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: __________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/24/2010 - Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Nahoku Rabot Treasurer Bryson Bergonia H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Ian Ross Diane Sater At-Large Logan Iwatate Business Education Christine Agcaoili Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Chantel Domenden Kevin Dela Cruz Science & Math Free Wortley Royce Kawamura Trades & Technology Jonathan Kaipo Chin Moani Jaramillo Associate Members The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #21 – FEB. 18, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:16pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Nahoku Rabot, and HR Manager Bryson Bergonia. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bethany Compton, Kevin Dela Cruz, Chantel Domenden, Logan Iwatate, Royce Kawamura, Ian Ross, Diane Sater, Free Wortley, and John Oliver Yadao 2.6. Excused Senators: 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Jonathan Kaipo Chin and Moani Jaramillo 2.12. Tardy Associate Members: 2.13. Excused Associate Members: 2.14. Guest/Visitors: Healani Akau,William DeMotta, Cheyenne Shissler, Jimmy Trujillo and Lyle Ueunten. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Distributed Minutes # 18. 3.2. Approve Secretary Minutes #20 MOTION ONE A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve Minutes #20 as corrected. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Meeting Agenda #20. Seconded by Senator Sater. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Joining Student Government – Healani Akau wants to join Student Government as a senator. Cheyenne Shissler and Lyle Ueunten would like to be a part of Student ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/18/2011 - Page 1 Government as Associate Members. All potential members must leave the room while the board has a discussion followed by a vote. Votes will be counted by Advisor Constantino and Student Life Assistant Cruz. The results will be announced during the next Student Government meeting. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Love the Journey Leadership Workshop – In Fall 2010 semester. it was decided that ASUH-KCC SG would participate in the Love the Journey Leadership workshop lead by Arvin Montgomery. However Student Government got busy and had to postpone the workshop until a later date. A set date needs to be decided by the group. Possible date is in March during Spring Break. 5.2. Eat Dessert First – President Batalion wants to thank all members that participated in the community service project for the Kauai Zonta Club. The organization were happy to see KCC student leaders assist in the auction, serving desserts, drinks and taking the initiative of picking up trash. All proceeds will go towards scholarships to assist women in need. 5.3. Expectations of a Leader – Starting with President Batalion, student leaders went around the board room to hear why everyone decided to join Student Government. This exercise was done to refocus the group energy towards seeing if students are aligned with the mission of student government of service and group leadership. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. KIUC Forum – The KIUC Forum was a great success. There were more people than last year that attended. The Forum was also broadcasted live and can be seen on 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Current Balance – The current ASUH-KCC SG balance including both carryover and fees collected for Spring 2011 is $148,190.78. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Bryson Bergonia 8.1. Postponed until the next meeting. Full board attendance and participation is needed to discuss HR concerns. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Student Life Accomplishments – Advisor passed out a list of Student Life accomplishments from August 2010 to present (See Attachment). Everyone is encouraged to use the statistics to inform the student body of our many accomplishments. 9.2. Campus Safety and Operations Committee – Chancellor Cox combined two committees into one large group. This particular committee will involve all facets of the campus leadership and will decide on topics such as grounds, maintenance and campus safety etc. One student is needed to serve as a representative. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPOT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. None to report. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/18/2011 - Page 2 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Caucus Meeting – Next meeting will be on February 26, 2011 at Maui Community College. The UH Caucus meeting is scheduled to come to Kauai on April 16, 2011. 12.2. College Council – There is a meeting today, February 18, 2011 at the One Stop Center from 3 pm to 4:30pm. They will be going over the each division APRU. There will also be another meeting next week and the following week in the One Stop Center room 207. 12.3. ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference – The conference is scheduled for March 19 – 22, 2011 in Washington D.C. The essay questions will be sent out through email. Reminder: Only 6 student leaders will be able to go, 7 total including Advisor Constantino. Administrative Council members will be given first priority with all others receiving second priorities. 12.4. Student Activities Committee (S.A.C) – The KIUC Forum had a great turn out. There were many people that showed up. Instructor Jimmy Trujillo informed SG that there were a lot of good compliments about the forum. RICO Social is next week; on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 6pm.Student Government members must wear their SG shirts. Those without an SG shirt, just wear a black shirt. St. Patrick’s Day is coming up in March. There is a proposal for a budget of $1,500 for food, games, and decorations. The funds will be coming out of the Student Activities Funds. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Sater to approve a budget of $1,500 from Student Activities Funds for refreshments, games, decorations and prizes. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Senate Bill 120 and House Bill 79 – At the moment both bills have been deferred until further notice. In order to spread the word to students and the community, the group decided to create multiple posters and banners around campus and near the main road. Proposing a budget of $1,500. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Ross to approve a budget of $1,500 for public relations sinage regarding House and Senate Bills that affect or relate to Student Activities Funds or other UH issues of interest. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.2. Earth Day – Chairperson of the event is Vice President Stanton, and committee members are Treasurer Rabot, HR Manager Bergonia, Senators Agcaoili and Jaramillo, Associate member Kaipo Chin and members of the Sustainability Committee. The first Earth Day committee meeting will be on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 12:30 pm. Earth Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2011. 13.3. Executive Display Whiteboard – A proposal of $2,500 was presented for the purchase of a new high functioning executive closeable display board to be located in the student government conference room. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/18/2011 - Page 3 MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve a budget of $2,500 out of the Capitol Improvement Funds for the purchase of an Executive Display Whiteboard. Seconded by Senator Sater. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.4. Cubby Holes – Advisor Constantino brought up the idea of getting cubby holes for backpacks so students don’t leave their bags on the tables and floor. The chubby holes have 9 square open blocks. There is a proposal for a budget of $1,000. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Vice President Stanton to approve a budget of $1,000 out of the Capitol Improvement Funds for the purchase of cubby hole furniture. Seconded by Senator Ross. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. ASUH-KCC Student Government next meeting - Friday, February 25, 2011 at 12:15 pm. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 12:15pm. 14.3. RICO Social – Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 5pm in the Student Center. 14.4. Movie Night Under the Stars – Fri., March 11, 2011 at 6:30 pm at the KCC Lawn. 14.5. St. Patrick’s Day – Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 12pm in the Student Center. 14.6. Weekly Student Activities Events – See calendar. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SEVEN A motion was made by Vice President Stanton to adjourn meeting #21 at 2:10 pm. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/18/2011 - Page 4 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Bryson Bergonia H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Kainoa Matias Ian Ross Diane Sater At-Large Healani Akau Logan Iwatate Business Education Christine Agcaoili Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Kevin Dela Cruz Chantel Domenden Science & Math Royce Kawamura Free Wortley Trades & Technology Jonathan Kaipo Chin Moani Jaramillo Cheyenne Shissler Lyle Ueunten Associate Members ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #25 – April 1, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:20 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Secretary Eileen Ricardo and HR Manager Bryson Bergonia. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: Vice President Taylor Stanton and Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot. 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bethany Compton, Kevin Dela Cruz, Chantel Domenden, Logan Iwatate, Royce Kawamura, Kainoa Matias, Diane Sater and John Oliver Yadao. 2.6. Excused Senators: Healani Akau and Free Wortley 2.7. Tardy Senators: Ian Ross 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Jonathan Kaipo Chin, Moani Jaramillo, Cheyenne Shissler and Lyle Ueunten. 2.12. Tardy Associate Members: 2.13. Excused Associate Members: 2.14. Guest/Visitors: Suzy Johnson, Carlene Okamoto, Dawn Shigeta, and Aaron Williams. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approved Secretary Minutes #24. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Corrected Minutes #24. Seconded by HR Manager Bergonia. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – Accounting students of Business education discussed various issues regarding communication issues, protocols of bringing up concerns to student government and funding requests for R.I.C.O. groups. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference, March 18-22 in Washington DC – Student leaders Nelson Batalion, Taylor Stanton, Eileen Ricardo, Na Hoku Rabot, Healani Akau, Logan Iwatate and Advisor John Constantino had a positive experience visiting the nation’s capitol. A presentation of their conference and congressional visit on Capitol Hill will be shared in detail at a future date in April. 5.2. Student Government Polo Shirts – President Batalion reminded all senators regarding wearing their uniform polo shirts during all meetings and ASUH-KCC activities. Also, the ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 1 new polo shirts to be given to newly appointed student leaders. 5.3. Administrative Visit – President Batalion will arrange for the visitation of Vice Chancellor’s of Academic Affairs Jim Dire and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Earl Nishiguchi to attend a future Student Government meeting. 5.4. Student Life Center – The existing worn down ping pong table was replaced by a new industrial ping pong table. Student leaders spent the day constructing the new ping pong table in the Student Life Game Room. President Batalion reminded everyone to keep the Student Life Center clean by keeping after themselves so that others may enjoy the space. It was also mentioned that all gaming equipment must be signed out including the ping pong table. All students using their own paddle and balls should all sign in. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve the agenda for Meeting# 25. Seconded by Senator Kawamura. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. None to report. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. None to report. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Bryson Bergonia 8.1. Reminder – HR Manager Bergonia reminded all senators to make sure they are recording their time when they report to Student I.D. Room. He mentioned that there are some Senators who have worked but are not recording their hours and other senators not working at all. Working in the lounge is required for being a student leaders and mandatory for maintaining stipend allocations. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Potential Summer Concert – There is an individual that approached Advisor Constantino about holding a concert on campus. Advisor Constantino and Student Life Assistant Cruz will be meeting with the individual within the month to further discuss the concert proposed in June. The proposal may include the bands Matisyahu, Rebelution and other groups. The proposed location would more than likely be at the KCC lawn behind the Performing Arts Center. 9.2. Service Project – Students are encouraged to participate in the Services for Students program. The program emphasizes community service that comes with monetary funds. Students working on community projects such as Earth Day and other service to non-profit groups are acceptable. See attachment for details. 9.3. Kapa’a Middle School and Kaua’i High School – On Tuesday, April 5th From 12 noon to 1:00 pm, AVID 7th grade students from Kapa’a Middle School and 9th grade student from Kaua’i High School will be coming up to the Student life Center for a presentation from Student Government that will center around college life. 9.4. Student Government Office Rules – Due to confidentiality purposes, only Executive members, Senators, and Associate members are allowed to enter the Senate and Executive offices. This means no boyfriends, girlfriends, or friends. The only time a student may enter the senate office is through the attainment of a KCC Student I.D; appointments; or work related to student government. Also, the use of the computer in the Senate Office is only for Student Government related purposes. No Facebook or homework. The only time someone is allowed to utilize Facebook is posting an event. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 2 Priority for the Conference Room should focus on Student Government and student activity use. Homework, Facebook, and other activities should be done at the Student Lounge, the Learning Resource Center or various computer rooms. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Lounge Rejuvenation Project – Mahalo was extended to Senators Agcaoili, Bergonia, Dela Cruz, Domenden, Kawamura, and Associate members Chin, Jaramillo and Shissler, who took time out of their Spring Break to help clean and reorganize the Student Life Center. Also thank you to Senator Iwatate and Chi Alpha members Joseph Bacio, Julio Cruz-Flores, and Lyle Ueunten for helping unload the Home Depot order on Wednesday at 9 pm. Another thanks to Senators Dela Cruz, Iwatate, Associate member Chin and SAC member Edward Banacihan for helping out with unloading the Home Depot and Sears orders. Lastly, thank you to Secretary Ricardo, Treasurer Rabot, Senators Agcaoili, Iwatate and Kawamura, Associate member Chin and Bradley Peralta and Randall Jacinto for helping with the storage clean-up. 10.2. Facebook Reminder – This is a reminder to all senators to abstain from posting any inappropriate comments on Facebook as this is a reflection of Student Government. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Caucus Meeting – Senator Compton and Sater reported on a number of issues occurring system-wide. See attachment for details. 12.2. College Council – Senator Sater reported that the campus divisions APRU for the bi-annual budget are completed. The College Council will prioritize the submissions and will select three top proposal. 12.3. ASUH-KCC Website – None to report. 12.4. ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference Presentation – Regarding the D.C. Conference, the presentation will be held on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 during the all college hours (12:15 pm –1:30 pm) in the Student Life Center. Advisor Constantino needs approval from the board to submit a press release to the Garden Island Newspaper. The article will focus on the groups visit to Washington DC and the congressional visits on Capitol Hill which included concerns on federal Pell Grants and other supplemental grants that would be cut. Locally, Kauai Community College would endure a 16% cut in Pell Grant assistance. A total of 19,000 students in the UH System would be affected by the proposed federal government cuts. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve the press release to the Garden Island Newspaper regarding the proposed federal government cuts. Seconded by Senator Sater. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 12.5. KCC Commencement – The last meeting was held on March 14, 2011. The Next meeting will be on Monday, April 11, 2011. Senator Matias sent a mass email to student regarding any suggestions they may have for a theme and student speakers. No reply was given, therefore the proposed theme will be “Each Individual Can Change the World. Dedication and Cooperation are Key for Universal Success.” Written by Senator Matias. The Keynote Address will be addressed by Governor Neil Abercrombie. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 3 12.6. Student Activities Committee Update – President Nelson discussed current activities for April and May. 1) St. Patrick’s Eve Celebration – There was a total amount of 92 students that showed up. This year the food choice was different. It was decided that we would have a buffet line instead. If there is any suggestions on improvements that could be made, send an email to President Batalion. 2) Earth Day Sust “aina” bility Conference – Vice President Stanton, who is the Chair for Earth Day, received the registration forms from vendors that will be participating in Earth day. The committee has also agreed to add in a movie night. The featured film will is a documentary, “Bag It” and “80 South”. 3) Spring Festival – Radio advertisement will be on King and FM 97. 4) College Night – Scheduled for May 6, 2011 at Richie’s Bar and Grill. The theme for College Night is Hollywood Glam. The first 150 students with a student I.D will get in for free. During this event, no Student Government member is allowed to drink. Senator Iwatate submitted a proposal for College Night that is scheduled for Friday, May 6th at 9 pm at Richies Bar and Grill. Details included: Internal Proposal: Richie’s venue rental Blaze Entertainment Flyers (Inkspot) Radio Ad $1,000 $1,500 $1,000 $400 Total: $3,900 Tax: $162.47 Total Cost: $4,062.47 MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Compton to approve the budget of $4,062.47 for College Night. Funding will be supported from the Student Activities Fund. Seconded by Senator Dela Cruz. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Campus Advertising – Advertising was discussed on two upcoming events: 1) Hells Week (Finals week) – In the Student lounge, there will be a study area and refreshments for students during hells week. Student Government will be getting banners and posters regarding hells week and will be posting them around campus. 2) Sandwich Boards and Banners – There is a proposal on the table for a budget of $1,000 for 5 banners and 3 sandwich boards. The sandwich boards are $300 each. MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve a budget of $1,000 for the purchase of 5 banners and 3 sandwich boards to support campus advertising. The funds will be withdrawn from the Student Activities fund. Seconded by Senator Sater. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.2. Caucus Meeting – President Batalion reported that the next UH Caucus meeting will be held on Kauai on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at the Student Life Center. It is important for all senators to be present. The meeting is from 8 am to 3pm. Senators should be on campus by 6 am to assist as drivers for the delegates and help with room set-up and break-down. In addition to hosting the venue space, Student Government also agreed to pay for breakfast and lunch for all attendees. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 4 MOTION SIX A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve a budget of $800 to provide breakfast and lunch for the UH Caucus delegates. Funding will come out of the Special Activities Fund. Seconded by Senator Kawamura. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.3. ASUH-KCC Elections – Elections for Student Government 2011-2012 is scheduled for April 27 – 28, 2011. If any Student Government member wants to continue on being on the board, there is a paper that needs to be filled out. In order to be in Student Government, you need a grade point average of 2.1 or higher. For anyone that wants to join Student Government they need to send a letter of intent. 13.4. Guest Reports – Four visiting students asked questions on various topics. 1) Starting a Club Advisor Constantino stated that to start a new campus club, interested members should pick up a R.I.C.O application form from the Student Life Coordinator. An executive board is needed along with an advisor. In addition, a group will need to create a Constitution, open a checking account and gain approval from the KCC Chancellor. Once all of this is completed and approved, the new club can apply for grant funding from ASUH-KCC Student Government. 2) Attaining New Equipment – The best way to get new equipment is to talk to Student Government first, and they will infom the College administration regarding material request. 3) Air Conditioning – The issue about the air conditioning in the rooms has already been brought up by past students and is currently in the works. In the past, each building had their own AC control unit, but a decision was made to have a central control system which is easier to maintain and control but not effective in handling the climate control for some building. Some buildings like the Performing Arts Center has its own AC unit. 4)Advertising Student Government – President Batalion stated that Student Government understands that they need to make themselves well-known around campus and is working on several plans including posting more flyers, banners and purchasing a digital sign board.Currenlty, Student Government is planning on establishing campus Sign Boards located in various locations. 5) Student Newspaper – Advisor Constantino mentioned that Kauai Community College is the only college without a student newspaper publication. Student Government gave $11000 to support the $40,000 needed to implement a Journalism program. Funding will support computer equipment, printing and staff support. Senator Iwatate mentioned that he is going to talk with maintenance to add more suggestion boxes around campus. 5) Student Government Funding – Advisor Constantino also mentioned that every KCC student is required to pay a $30 student activity fee each semester that is managed by the ASUH-KCC Student Government. These funds are then placed into a budget that support numerous activities on campus, rejuvenation projects, registered independent clubs on campus and leadership and development. 6) Activity Ideas – Advisor Constantino mentioned that during functions such as Snack Night, Afternoon Recess, Club Day, etc. Student Government hands out surveys where students can write their suggestions and list the type of activities they would like on campus. Advertisement is given via flyer’s and informational white boards. Also, students are more than welcome to come a Student Activities Committee meeting every Wednesday from 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm to provide input. Student Government is also working on establishing their own e-mail account to mail directly to students rather than having to go through the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. The intended reason is to efficiently deliver information to the student body. 13.5. Alcohol Awareness – Student Life Assistant Cruz and President Batalion attended a meeting this morning with Mayor Carvalho. He made a proclamation for April to be Alcohol Awareness Month for the County of Kaua’i. Student Life Assistant Cruz wants to get the campus involved and has pledge cards students, faculty, and staff against underage alcohol drinking. 13.6. President MRC Greenwood – The CEO of the University of Hawaii President MRC ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 5 Greenwood will be visiting KCC on Friday, April 8, 2011. She will visit campus leaders, the faculty and will meet with students at 1pm at the Student Life Center to speak with student government leaders. 13.7. Pamantasan Club – The Pamantasan Club is hosting a conference on Friday, April 1st at the Office of Continuing Education. About 100 students from other community colleges and from local high schools will be in attendance. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC Student Government meeting - Friday, April 8 at 12:15 pm. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting – Wednesday, April 6 at 12:15 pm. 14.3. Earth Day Celebration – Wednesday, April 20 at the KCC Lawn. 14.4. Spring Festival – Saturday, April 23 at 1 pm in the Campus Center. 14.5. Student Government Election – Wednesday, April 27 and Thursday, April 28 14.6. Weekly Student Activities Events – See calendar. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SEVEN A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #25 at 2:39 pm. Seconded by Senator Domenden. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/1/2011 – Page 6 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2010-2011 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Bryson Bergonia H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Kainoa Matias Ian Ross Diane Sater At-Large Healani Akau Logan Iwatate Business Education Christine Agcaoili Lyle Ueunten Health Education & Public Service Bethany Compton John Oliver Yadao Language Arts & Humanities Kevin Dela Cruz Chantel Domenden Science & Math Royce Kawamura Free Wortley Trades & Technology Jonathan Kaipo Chin Moani Jaramillo Cheyenne Shissler Associate Members The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #30 – May 6, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Bryson Bergonia. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Christine Agcaoili, Bethany Compton, Kevin Dela Cruz, Chantel Domenden, Logan Iwatate, Royce Kawamura, Ian Ross, Diane Sater and Free Wortley 2.6. Excused Senators: John Oliver Yadao 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Healani Akau and Kainoa Matias. 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Jonathan Kaipo Chin, Moani Jaramillo, Cheyenne Shissler and Lyle Ueunten. 2.12. Tardy Associate Members: 2.13. Excused Associate Members: 2.14. Guest/Visitors: Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Earl Nishiguchi. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Meeting agenda #30 with the addition of the Graffiti board under new business. Seconded by Senator Kawamura. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes # 29. 3.2. Passed out Minutes #26 and #28. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Minutes #29 with corrections. Seconded by Senator Kawamura. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs came to the meeting to introduce himself to the board. He would like to attend the Student Government meetings at least once or twice a month to give updates and talk story. He also thanked Student Government for all the service they have done and their participation with accreditation. His office is located on the second floor in the One Stop Center. Student Government was thrilled to have Earl come to the meeting and want to attend more future meetings. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. There is an issue concerning Senator Akau and three other students, who complained to Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, about the Washington D.C. trip and Student Government in ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 1 general. There will be a meeting with Earl after today’s Student Government meeting. Any student leader may join the meeting. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Vice President Stanton, will be working with the RICO clubs regarding implementing the new funding for the clubs on the recycling program. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. During the summer, Treasurer Rabot and Advisor Constantino will be working together on the requisite History. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Bryson Bergonia 8.1. Today, after the meeting, there will be a folder check. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Student Orientation – Advisor Constantino got last year’s evaluations and Student Life got the highest marks. There will be three orientation days, June 14, July 13, and August 13 and encourages everyone on the board to help participated. The sign-up sheet for volunteering to help at the student orientation is being passes around. Each day of orientation, it is expected to have 50 or more students to go to orientation. Orientation will be at 8am to 12pm. Advisor Constantino suggested to have a survival kit for the new students. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Compton to approve a budget of $3,000 for the survival kits for student orientation. Seconded by Senator Ross out of the Student Activities Fund. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 9.2. Waialeale Project – The Waialeale Project needs three student leaders to help with the program. This project targets students who is most likely wouldn’t go to college. It takes place on August 9, 2011 at 10am. 9.3. Commencement – This year, there will be a new seating arrangement, so a lot of ushers is needed. 9.4. Distant Education Additional Fees – Anyone who is taking distant learning classes should not be paying that schools activities fees because that is not your home campus. 9.5. Library Café – The café is located in the library and there is also an outside window for take-out. They are also planning to put tables and create an outside café. For the café, the school is getting an outside vendor so that the school doesn’t have to worry about the issue of having the food be made in a certified kitchen. There is two possible vendors, “Le Petite” from Princeville and “Plantation Café” from Lihue. Just to do the landscaping, it is going to cost about $60,000. They were wondering if Student Government could sponsor the café. It was suggested by Student Life Assistant Cruz to have a sign or symbol somewhere in the outside café that proves to the students and community that Student Government sponsored the area. There has been some concerns regarding bring food into the library. Another concern is competition on campus with the bookstore and the cafeteria. Advisor Constantino mentioned that it could be good competition for the cafeteria to cut down their prices and stay open longer. Senator Iwatate suggested that it would be nice if the cafeteria could give a discount to students and have their current prices or original prices be for those who do not attend Kauai Community College. Advisor Constantino will be passing out a suggestion sheet to Student Government members so that everyone can give their suggestions. 9.6. Clubs – 1)Roderack Club – This club started with a budget of $900. Due to the inactiveness of the club, the bank, KIUC has been deducting money from the clubs account. If the club continues to be inactive, then the bank will continue to withdraw money until it has been zeroed out. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 2 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Discounts to Students – Student Life Assistant wants Student Government to look for businesses that are willing to give discounts to students with a UH ID. In return, Student Government will advertise for them etc. 10.2. Self-Evaluations – Self-evaluations for Student Government was passed out to all members. This evaluation is just a general over-view. Advisor Constantino will be creating a self-evaluation specifically for Student Government. Advisor Constantino and Student Life Assistant Cruz wants to meet with everyone individually. They will be creating a schedule. The self-evaluations is due on Friday, May 13, 2011. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. Commencement – It is on Friday, May 13, 2011. Advisor Constantino sent out the list of volunteers to the committee. Student Government is required to wear their SG uniforms. Everyone should be there by 5pm. Doors open at 5:30pm. 12.2. Awards and Installation Dinner – Naupaka Terrace room for May 21, 2011 has already been booked. Another suggested date is the 28th, however, there are members who will not be able to make it. Suggested dates are either June 3rd or 4th. There were some members that wanted to have the dinner on May 21, 2011. Other possible locations would be Hanamaulu Café, however, the buffet is only on Sundays. Senator Ueunten suggested that he would ask Hukilau Lani if they take purchase orders and if they are not booked for May 21, 2011. If Hukilau Lanai fails, then June 3rd at the Naupaka Terrace will be the set date and location. 12.3. Student Activities Committee Update – 1) Earth Day Sust “aina” bility Conference – Paper work is needed from Jimmy Trujillo in order for him to get paid. The business office will be closed on Monday and will open in July. So no monies will be given until July. 2) Spring Festival – The event went very well. Over 400 people attended. The only problem was communication and food variety. 3) College Night – College Night is tonight at Richie’s Grill and Bar. Student Government should stay there for a decent amount of time because it is a Student Government function. 4) Hells Week – The lounge will be open at 8:30am till 8pm. There will be coffee and light snacks. The conference room will be a quiet zone for students to study. At 4’oclock, the whole lounge will be a quiet zone for studying. 14. NEW BUSINESS 14.1. Art Board – Advisor Constantino wants an Art board for students to draw, graffiti, etc. on. He wants a solid art work on the board that relates to student life, and the rest of the space can be drawn on by the students. Senator Ueunten has the design and will show the board another time. 14.2. Rally for Advertising – Senator Iwatate mentioned that there is a “Freedom of Speech” area, and would like to hold a rally there to promote events, give out information and take surveys etc. 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC Student Gov. Mtg. – TBA, Student Life Center 14.2. Next SAC Meeting – TBA, Student Life Center 14.3. College Night – Friday, May 6, 2011, 9:30pm at Richie’s Grill and Bar. 14.4. KCC Commencement – Friday, May 13, 2011 at the KCC Performing Arts Center. 14.5. ASUH-KCC Installation and Awards Dinner – TBA, 6:30pm at Kauai Beach Resort. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 3 16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Iwatate to adjourn meeting #30 at 2:15 pm. Seconded by Senator Ross. 14ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 4 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer John Oliver Yadao H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores vacant At-Large Keola Aki Aaron Williams Business Education Cheyenne Shissler vacant Health Education & Public Service Logan Iwatate vacant Language Arts & Humanities Jonathan Kaipo Chin vacant Science & Math Royce Kawamura vacant Trades & Technology Moani Jaramillo Lyle Ueunten Chantel Domenden Associate Members ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 MINUTES-MEETING #01 – August 26, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager John Oliver Yadao. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Jonathan Kaipo Chin, Bethany Compton, Julio-cruz Flores, Logan Iwatate, and Royce Kawamura. 2.6. Excused Senators: Cheyenne Shissler and Aaron Williams 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz (Tardy) 2.11. Associate Members: Chantel Domenden, Moani Jaramillo and Lyle Ueunten. 2.12. Tardy Associate Members: 2.13. Excused Associate Members: 2.14. Guest/Visitors: The new Health Education Instructor Laura Dillman, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Earl Nishiguchi, Ian Ross, Herbert Semana and Daniel Sanchez. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Meeting agenda #01 with the addition of accepting new members under new business. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Nothing to Report 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Earl Nishiguchi – His office can be found in the One Stop Center on the second floor. He informed Student Government that there are currently 1437 registered students, including late registered students. He also announced that on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 there will be a public hearing on tuition increase. The location is still TBA, however, it will be held on the KauaiCC campus. For more information about the intuition increase, go to In fact, last week, there have actually been three proposals on tuition increase in the Garden Island newspaper. Regarding ASUH-KCC Student Government having their own personal direct email address to students, there is no other UH of Hawaii campus that has that privilege. However, Earl is still trying to ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 1 work things out with his counterpart. Another important topic that was brought up is Accreditation. It is important that all the members of Student Government get involved and attend all meetings. On a last note, Earl encouraged everyone in Student Government to brag a little about the accomplishments Student Government has done. 4.2. Health Education Teacher, Laura Dillman – Advisor John Constantino thought it is a good idea to invite Laura to the meeting so that Student Government could talk with her about assisting with the wellness program and creating other activities on campus. Senator Iwatate talked with Nouvalle Naumu about creating a proposal on purchasing updated equipment. Due to the lack of time, since it was near the ending of the year, the proposal was never created. Hopefully, this year the proposal can be made. There was also a discussion on a possibility of establishing a gym for self-study. A subcommittee will be formed to work with Laura for further discussion. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Introductions – Everyone on the board, as well as student guests, introduced themselves. Stating their name, position (for those who have a position), hobbies, and what changes/improvements they would like to see done. President Batalion would like everyone to submit their “changes/improvements they would like to see done” to him sometime during next week. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Focus – This semester, Vice President Stanton’s goal is to be more focused and make sure that all campus clubs are updated with current events. Also, that club day goes well. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Budget – The estimated budget for Fall Semester 2011 is $80,000. The budget has been raised by $2,000 under operations for supplies. See attachment for full budget layout. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Senator Compton to approve a budget of $82,000 for the Fall 2011 semester. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes will be distributed to all board members sometime during the weekend, and will be voted on Monday, August 29, 2011 through text message. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – John Oliver Yadao 8.1. Reminder – All Student Government members MUST wear their SG uniforms for every meeting and Student Government event. Also, make sure that students are signing in as they come into the lounge. 8.2. Student Center Contracts – Starting next week Monday, August 29, 2011, Student Government will be reinforcing the contracts for the use of the gaming equipment. If they want to play pool, ping pong, or any of the equipment, they will need their student ID and Driver’s license as collateral. Due to inconveniences regarding the IDs, some students may not have a UH IDs. Instead, collecting their license will suffice for the time being. 8.3. Binder Checks – Members are required to keep all agendas, minutes, and any handouts that has been passed out. Binder checks will be held at random, so be sure to have your binder with you during all meetings. Otherwise, risk having deductions made on your stipends. 8.4. Profile – Be sure that all senators fill out the profile sheet that was handed out before the meeting. This will allow HR Yadao to see what your schedule is like and see when you are available to help with any Student Government duties or work in the student lounge. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 2 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Vacancy positions – There are a few senator vacancies in Student Government. At Large – 1 vacancy Health Education – 1 vacancy, but there will soon be 2 vacancies. Language Arts & Humanities – 1 vacancy Science and Math – 1 vacancy Trade & Technology – 1 vacancy The requirement to be in Student Government is to have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. If anyone knows of anyone that would like to join or interested in joining, tell them to see Advisor John Constantino for the application. 9.2. Campus committees Student Leaders are required to participate in two campus committees each semester. A brief explanation was provided regarding the roles and responsibilities of each committee. Accreditation/Self Study – All Student Leaders BOR Excellence in Teaching Award – 2 representatives College Council – 2 representatives College and Career Fair – 4 representatives Election Committee – 3 representatives (student leaders not returning for 2012-2013) Commencement Committee – 3 representatives Curriculum – 1 representative Francis Davis – 2 representatives Blood Drive – 3 representatives Leadership and Development Ho’opili Hou – 3 leaders (all others are required to participate) Student Conduct – 3 representatives Sustainability Committee – 2 representatives UHCC Student Leader Seminar – 1 representative UH Caucus – 2 delegates Website Committee – 2 representatives (internal) Campus Safety and Operations – 2 representatives Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Service – 2 representatives 9.3. Proposal – Advisor Constantino proposed a $2000 budget for ID cards, ink, and cleaner. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve a budget of $2,000 for the purchasing of ID cards, ink and cleaner under the Operations and Supplies budget. Seconded by Human Resource Manager Yadao. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Toys for Tots – Toys for Tots will be on Saturday and Sunday, after Thanksgiving, at Wal-Mart. SLA Cruz asked Vice President Stanton to talk with RICO if they would like to participate. If they are interested, have them contact her through email or call. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. Due to time constraints, old and new business will be tabled until next meeting. 12. OLD BUSINESS – None to report 14. NEW BUSINESS – None to report ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 3 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS 15.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting. – Fri., Sept. 2, 2011, Student Life Center Conf. room. 15.2. Next SAC Meeting – Wed. Aug. 31, 2011, Student Life Center Conference room. 15.3. E Komo Mai Student Reception – Tues., Aug. 30, 2011, 12pm, LRC Open Yard. (Be sure that everyone wears their SG uniforms.) 16. ADJOURNMENT MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #01 at 1:52 pm. Seconded by Senator Chin. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer John Oliver Yadao H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Aaron Williams Business Education Cheyenne Shissler vacant Health Education & Public Service Logan Iwatate Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Jonathan Kaipo Chin Chantel Domenden Science & Math Royce Kawamura Lyle Ueunten Trades & Technology Moani Jaramillo Lyle Ueunten Associate Members MINUTES-MEETING #03 – Sept. 9, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:17 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager John Oliver Yadao. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Jonathan Kaipo Chin, Bethany Compton, Julio-cruz Flores, Logan Iwatae, Royce Kawamura. Ian Ross, Herbert Semana, Lyle Ueunten, and Aaron Williams. 2.6. Excused Senators: Chantel Domenden 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Moani Jaramillo 2.12. Guest/Visitors: Carol Bain, Eric Knudzen, Peggy Lake, and Bevin Parker-Evans. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Meeting agenda #03. Seconded by Senator Chin. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Minutes #2 was sent out through email to the board for corrections. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Corrected Minutes # 02. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Carol Bain – Carol was asked to teach Journalism 205 (news writing). This class will have a lecture class and a lab with the intent of resurrecting the Kauai CC newspaper entitled, “Ka Leo O’ KCC”. Carol explained that she was thinking of having a printed source and online source. Having an online source will make it easier to make updates. The paper will contain news about the campus, events, stories, articles, etc. The newspaper will be mainly generated by students and watched over by an advisor and a Board of Publications. All decisions will also be voted upon by the Board of Publications. The journalism team is leaning towards the purchase of Mac computers, since it has compatible features as well as excellent graphic programs. At the moment, Carol is redesigning the old syllabus for the class. Due to the hard work that is needed to put together a newspaper, the editor and reporters will be granted a small stipend. This program will be available in Spring 2012. 4.2. Peggy Lakes – Peggy calls herself the “United Way Queen”. She is in charge of the United ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 1 Way Fundraiser at Kauai CC. She would like to know if Student Government would like to create a partnership in doing fun things to fundraise for the United Way. For those who are unaware of what the United Way is, it is an organization that gathers funds in order to give out grants to smaller organizations, such as the boys/girl scouts, etc. Peggy wants to fundraise in a way that will get students, teachers, faculty, and staff to work together. Vice President Stanton and Senator Compton suggested that Peggy get involved with the Student Activities Committee. Senator Ueunten suggested that Peggy should get in contact with the Kauai High School Principal about collecting the cans and bottles from Kauai High. According to Senator Ueunten, while he was attending school there, there was no type of recycling program that took care of the cans and bottles. The United Way would like the money turned in during the first week of November. Peggy stated that she wants to fundraise year round and collect money until it is time to turn in the money, that way there would be more money to turn in. A flyer was passed around with information of previous fundraising statistics. She hopes to surpass the amount collected in 2008. 4.2. Eric Knutzen and Bevin Parker-Evans – Erik is the new chair for the Recycling Program in Kauai CC and is a part of the recycling program Ho’ouluwehi. Ho’ouluwehi deals with zero waste management, affordable housing, etc. He would like members of Student Government to get involved and help bring up ideas that will help Kauai CC be more sustainable, as well as the community. A sign-up sheet was passed around the board for those who are interested in being a part of the committee. Eric also works with Bevin who is involved with the VISTA HIPCCS Star Project. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Resignation Letter – Senator of Health Education and Public Service, Shissler has sent in a resignation letter. She has sent an email to Advisor Constantino and sent a text to associated member Jaramillo. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve the resignation of Cheyenne Shissler. Seconded by Senator Chin. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 5.2. Potential Member – Daniel Sanchez would like to join Student Government as an associated member to see what it’s like before becoming an actual senator. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Meeting with the Division Heads – Vice President Stanton is trying to establish a meeting with the division heads. He believes that it would be a good idea for the senators to meet with their divisions to introduce themselves, talk story, exchange questions and issues, etc. These are the division heads for each division: Bryan Yamamoto – Science and Math Glen Alquiza – Trade and Technology Candace Yim-Tabuchi – Business Education Rick Randolph – Language, Arts and Humanities Mazy Shirono – Health Education and Public Service All senators should set up a meeting with their divisions as soon as possible. Vice President Stanton has their emails and numbers. 6.2. Wellness Program – The committee are currently deciding on establishing new exercising programs for students. In their next meeting they will be discussing on getting new equipment. 6.3. Student Center – Spread the news to other students that the Student Lounge is open from 8:30 am to 4:00pm. 6.4. Leadership Seminar – Since Vice President Stanton is attending the seminar, he handed out pieces ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 2 of paper for any questions regarding leadership board members may have that he could bring up to the seminar. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Proposals – Before turning in any proposals, be sure all information is correct with all supporting documents. Incomplete paperwork will be returned to the proposer and will delay time sensitive funding. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – John Oliver Yadao 8.1. Schedule – The senators work schedules are posted for the student lounge. Senators are responsible for sign-in and sign-out. Since this was the first week, HR Manager will be more lenient about the schedule, however next week everyone should be working on their assigned times. If you don’t meet the 2 hours a week, you risk getting a deduction from your stipend. A reminder to senators that when you sign out someone to any of the equipment, there are numbers on them, so be sure to write the number next to the holders name. 8.2. Contract – Upon entering Student Government, everyone had to sign a contract. Next meeting we will discuss a few additional changes to that contract. 8.3. Authority – As Student Government members, if you see anyone horse playing or being reckless with the game equipment, you have the authority to tell them to stop. Tell them nicely and if they don’t want to listen, go and tell Advisor Constantino, Student Life Assistant Cruz, or President Nelson. 8.4. PDA – Regarding to students who perform “Public Displays of Affection” in the Student Center, it was suggested that Student Government implement some sort of rule. It’s uncomfortable and hard to approach someone to tell them to stop. Advisor Constantino will look more into ways of getting students to behave with maturity and respect. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Contact Roster – A roster of all Student Governments contact information has been passed out. If there are any corrections, please see Advisor Constantino after the meeting. The roster will be sent to the accreditation team leaders division chairs and the cabinet. 9.2. Committee Sign-ups – Today was the last day to sign up for participating in campus committees. For those who have not signed up for any committees, you will be appointed to one. That also goes for accreditation. If you have not signed up for a standard, you will automatically be placed in Standard 1. 9.3. Board of Regents (BOR) – The BOR is seeking nominations for 4 seats, one being for a student. The BOR would like ASUH-KCC to recommend or nominate a student representative. SLA Cruz would like to nominate Senator Ross for the position. 9.4. Guest on Campus – Louie, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs of the UH System will be on campus to discuss the proposed tuition increase. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Toys-For-Tots – Toys-For-Tots will starts on November 26 and 27, December 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18. There are three shifts, 8-11am, 11am-2pm, and 2-5pm and two entrances. Two to three people will be stationed at each entrance. The Marine Corp. League have a display train hoping they could display it in the One Stop Center where students, staff and faculty could donate toys. 10.2. Shop For Teens – A committee will be formed to further discuss expenses and items that will be bought. 10.3. Senate Office – Yesterday, SLA Cruz cleaned the senator’s office. She wants everyone to keep the place tidy. Only Student Government members and associated members are allowed into the senate and executive offices. There have been a few times when a few students have just walked into the senate office to get gaming equipment. It should not be happening unless they are taking pictures for their student ID. In the office there is personal information that cannot be disclosed to others. Therefore, be sure to keep the door closed. If senator have a meeting with a student or anyone, they can meet them out ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 3 in the conference room or next door for more privacy. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Tuition Hearing research – They are planning to raise the tuition 46% within a 5 year increment. The tuition hearing has changed to a public meeting where everyone may attend and give an oral or written testimony. Senator Flores read in an article that some of the tuition raise will be going to financial aid. After the last Student Government meeting, Vice President Stanton met with Vinny(Chancellor/Secretary) and got the contact number for the B.O.R. Vice President Stanton will call the B.O.R. for more information on the rise of tuition. 12.2. College Council – During the meeting they discussed campus priorities, such as getting more student internship on campus, taking in a closer look in professional development for teachers, turning Kauai CC into a 4-year college, promote sustainability, etc. (See Attachment). For professional development for teachers, it was discussed that there is a possibility that Student Government could also have the same guest speaker present in Ho’opili Hou. The expenses will be split. The college will pay for half and Student Government pays for the other. 12.3. UH System Caucus – Senator Compton will mention about ASUH-KCC’s blood drive, journalism class, and other information going on campus. The meeting is from September 23–25. 12.4. Accreditation – Accreditation was mentioned under Advisor’s report. 12.5. Club Day – Everything is all set. 12.6. Blood Drive – The KCC Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, October 3, 2011. The blood drive will be going on from 8am to 3:30pm at the Student Life Center. The sign-up sheets are in our possession. A few recruitment volunteers will man the sign-up tables around campus. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Ho’opili Hou – Advisor Constantino, SLA Cruz and President Batalion had a meeting with Mason Chock. He is involved with the Leadership of Kauai and the Waipa Foundation. They were looking for different venues in which we could do for the conference. There were requests for doing something similar to the last Ho’opili Hou conference ASUH-KCC hosted in 2008 going back to nature and culture of Hawai’i. Ho’opili Hou is a statewide leadership conference that includes all community colleges, UH colleges, and private colleges that fall under the UH system on the islands of Hawai’i. Since ASUH-KCC Student Government is hosting the event this year, the conference committee has agreed to reduce the cost to all planners by 50%. The tentative schedule is: Day 1 Arrival of student leaders in the evening and welcome Day 2 Keynote Speaker Leadership development activities at Waipa Community Service and cultural experience Free time in Hanalei Town Day 3 Keynote Speaker Workshop Sessions at KCC Closing Speaker Closing Dinner Day 4 (Optional) ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 4 Free day until their flight home A committee will be formed to help with logistics and preparations. Advisor Constantino was wondering if Student Government would like to have a separate internal leadership conference build up since we won’t be able to enjoy Ho’opili Hou like the other student leaders. 13.2. New Student Government Members – After discussion and voting, it was announced that the new appointed members to fill in vacancies for the 2011-2012 academic year are Ian Ross, Herbert Semana, and Lyle Ueunten. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Leadership Conference for R.I.C.O. – Vice President Stanton would like to have a small leadership based conference for R.I.C.O. about the basics on clubs. 14.2. ASUH-KCC Blog – Senators Aki and Williams will be having a meet and greet with the business students. 14.3. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting. – Fri., Sept. 16, 2011, Student Life Center Conf. room. 14.4. Next SAC Meeting – Wed. Sept. 14, 2011, Student Life Center Conference room. 14.5. Club Day – Wed. Sept. 21, 2011, Campus Center Courtyard. 14.6. ASUH-KCC Blood Drive – Mon. Oct. 3, 2011, Student Life Center. (Be sure that everyone wears their SG uniforms.) 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #03 at 2:14 pm. Seconded by Senator Ross. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT KAUAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE (ASUH-KCC) STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 5 Date: September 2, 2011 TO: Student Government FR: Nahoku Rabot, ASUH-KCC SG Treasurer RE: 2010-2011 Treasurer’s Report FALL 2010 EXPENDITURES RICO FUND Math Club: Japanese Club: Pamantasan Club: Chi Alpha Club: Host Club: Spanish Club: Phi Theta Kappa: Phi Theta Kappa: $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $1,600 Total: $4,400 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 10/4 County Council Meet & Greet Kong Radio (Advertisement): Kong Radio (Advertisement): Ink spot (Flyers): Sign Art (Banners): Wal-Mart (Refreshments & for Club day): 10/27 Nightmare at KCC KCC Bookstore (Prizes): Mark’s Place (Food): Kauai Bakery (Sweets): K-Mart (Decorations): Wal-Mart: $586.68 $322.91 $541.66 $90.62 $651.04 $211.42 $228.47 $885.41 $173.12 $264.35 10/30 College Night KCC Bookstore: $497.87 11/20 Club Social Mark’s Place (food): Wal-Mart: $1,006.39 $160.39 11/30 & 12/1 Snack Night & Afternoon Recess Wal-Mart: Kauai Bakery: $233 $624.68 12/16 End of Semester Dinner ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 6 Sushi Bushido: $750 Total: $6,641.33 LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Stipends: ASSN of Community Colleges Membership: ACUI Subscription Institutional Membership Due: Ho’opili Hou Mokihana Travel: HASLA Registration fee: $5,700 $250 $416.00 $1,497.70 $700 Total: $8,563.70 OPERATIONAL KCC Bookstore (Cartridge for Laser Jet): $542.86 Total: $542.86 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT KCC Bookstore (2 Dell laptops w/ Microsoft office pro.): KCC Bookstore (Dell Inspiron Desktop 570): Sears (Blue ray system and wall mount): Sears (Samsung 55” LED TV): Richard Apele’s (Reupholster & leveling 2 pool tables): $2,078.90 $1,497.70 $1,104.14 $2,290.61 $989.58 Total: $7,960.93 FALL 2010 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $28,108.82 SPRING 2011 EXPENDITURES RICO FUND Japanese Club: Math Club: Pamantasan Club: Nurse Club: Culinary Arts Club: Spanish Club: Pamantasan Club: Chi Alpha Club: Host Club: LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Stipends: BOR Presentation Mokihana Travel: $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $400 $400 Total: $3,800 $5,700 $683.28 ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 7 ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference Mokihana Travel: Liason Hotel: Registration fee: OPERATIONAL KCC Bookstore (S.G. Shirts): Home Depot (shelves and blue plastic containers): Home Depot (student lounge rejuvenation): Sears (“”): Sears (Cameras & Games systems): Boise Cascade (conference cabinets & recycling center): Home depot (Fridge, microwave, & vacuum): Home depot (Patio set): $7,785.68 $3,470.66 $2,660 Total: $20,299.62 $841.50 $2,063.17 $2,235.36 $2,107.08 $2,333.21 $1,769.73 $1,007.29 $945.90 Total: $13,303.24 REIMBURSEMENT Nelson Batalion [ASACC, Magic Mic, & Refreshments (Caucus & KIUC Forum]: $2,032.45 Total: $2,032.45 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT KCC Bookstore (Laser jet printer, b/w toner, adobe photoshop): KCC Bookstore (IMAC computer): Hopaco (Furniture; desks & chairs): Mueller Recreational Products (foosball table) JV-Direct TV (TV cable): Direct TV (1 year rate): Sears (two 46” LED TVs): STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1/26 Club day Cost-U-Less (Refreshments): Kauai Bakery (Cake): $507.90 $1,142.11 $17,262.39 $910.20 $236.40 $946.50 $1,169.99 Total: $22,175.49 $158.14 $62.50 Club day, coffee break, & karaoke Thursdays Wal-Mart (Refreshments & supplies): $254.49 2/17 KIUC Forum Diane E. Mcintosh (sign language translator): Sign Art (Banners): $104.17 $472.50 2/17 & 2/24 KIUC Forum & Club Social Mark’s place (Refreshments): $1,249.99 ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 8 3/11 Movie Night Ink spot (flyers): Swank Motion Pictures (Movie): Sunset Cinema (Screen & Sound): $286.47 $711.45 $520.83 3/16 St. Patrick’s Eve Mark’s Place (Refreshments): Wal-Mart (supplies): $770.83 $358.64 St. Patrick’s Eve, coffee break, & karaoke Thursdays Sign Art (Banners): $468 4/20 Earth day Maria M. Walker (Malama Pono): KKCR FM (Radio Advertisement): Kong FM (“”): Sign Art (banners): KCC Bookstore (Prizes): Frank A Cruz JR (Band Performance): $208.33 $400 $520.83 $203.84 $541.96 $575 4/23 Spring Festival K.N.K. Inflatable’s: Showtime Characters: Frank A Cruz JR (Band Performance): K-Mart (candy, supplies, & prizes): Wal-Mart (“”): $572.91 $676 $575 $862.96 $492.04 Earth day & Spring Festival Raymond K. Duarte (sound system): Ibann Table Rental: $1,041.66 $989.58 4/27-28 Snack Night & Afternoon Recess Wal-Mart (Supplies): Kauai Bakery (Refreshments): $314.66 $630.86 5/6 College Night Richie’s (rental fee): Ink spot (flyers): Blaze Entertainment (DJ service): H Hawaii Media (Radio Advertisement): $1,041.66 $587.50 $1,562.49 $416.66 KCC Bookstore (New Student Orientation supplies) : Sign Art (Banners & A-Frames): 06/3 Kauai Beach Resorts (Appreciation Dinner): Diversified Awards (Plaques): $552.70 $986.12 $842.47 $715 Total: $20,728.24 ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 9 SPRING 2011 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $82,339.04 F10-S11 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $110,447.86 ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 10 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer John Oliver Yadao H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Aaron Williams Business Education vacant vacant Health Education & Public Service Logan Iwatate Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Jonathan Kaipo Chin Chantel Domenden Science & Math Royce Kawamura Lyle Ueunten Trades & Technology Moani Jaramillo Associate Members MINUTES-MEETING #04 – Sept. 16, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager John Oliver Yadao. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Jonathan Kaipo Chin, Bethany Compton, Julio-cruz Flores, Royce Kawamura. Ian Ross, Herbert Semana, Lyle Ueunten, and AaronWilliams. 2.6. Excused Senators: Logan Iwatae 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Chantel Domenden 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Moani Jaramillo 2.12. Guest/Visitors: MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Meeting agenda #04 with additions under new business. Seconded by Senator Chin. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY REPORT - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Minutes #3 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. None to report. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Student Government Pictures – After the meeting, we will be taking pictures of all senators individually. 5.2. Chancellor Helen Cox – Chancellor Helen Cox will be attending the next Student Government meeting on Friday, September 23, 2011. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Meeting with the Division Heads – In order to strengthen ties between division heads, Vice President Stanton will be having a meeting with the division head for Nursing on October 3, 2011 at 2:30 pm and the division head for business on October 6, 2011 at 3 pm. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Current Fall 2011 Budget Report – It was suggested by Advisor Constantino to include line item expenditure report. Leadership & Development – $12,900 ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 1 Capital Improvement – $30,100 Operational – $11,858.83 Student Activities – $8,519.59 Campus Support/Sponsorship – $8,138.55 R.I.C.O. Funds – $4,000 Total: $75,516.97 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – John Oliver Yadao 8.1. Contract – The contract is almost completed. 8.2. Student I.D Room – No students are allowed in the senate office unless they are taking their picture or looking for their UH I.D number. When you are working be sure to wear the “Associate on Duty” tag. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Contact List – A final list with all Student Government contact information was distributed to all students. 9.2. ASUH-KCC Student Government Organizational Chart 2011-2012 – Updated for Fall Semester 2011 and Spring 2012. 9.3. Kauai CC Self Study/Accreditation – There is a tentative schedule for the standard groups. For more information, contact Ann McKenna. 9.4. UH System Organizational Chart – This chart has all the names of positions of all major leaders within the university system. 9.5. A Leader’s Guide book – The guide book contains parliamentary procedures primarily using Robert’s Rules of Order to effectively run meetings. For example, when a senator would like to be excused, he or she must ask a question of privilege. When said senator is recognized by the president, then he or she may ask the question. With the presidents consent, the senator is allowed to leave. Everyone is expected to read it and follow the rules. Students are also welcome to see the advisor for assistance regarding this commonly used method. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Complaints – SLA Cruz asked the board if there have been any complaints in the Student Life Center. A few complaints were brought up about the lounge being too noisy for studying. Student Government is contemplating if the conference room in the lounge should be kept as a study area. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to table the discussion on the usage of the conference room. Seconded by Senator Ross. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 10.2. Reminder – It is Student Government’s duty and responsibility to maintain the lounge. If a student makes a mess and doesn’t clean up after themselves, then student leaders are expected to just clean it up. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. OLD BUSINESS 12.1. UH Tuition Hearing research – See attachment. 12.2. College Council – Senator Compton will not be attending the next College Council Meeting as she will be attending another meeting. 12.3. UH System Caucus – None to report. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 2 12.4. Student Activities Committee 12.4.a. Club Day – Club Day is next week Wednesday, September 21, 2011. 12.4.b. Blood Drive – A flyer was passed around with all the times and location for the blood drive recruitment. The flyers have been posted around campus along with the Blood Drive posters. Set up for the blood drive will be on Friday, September 30th in the afternoon. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Web Site Committee– The tentative layout for the new Student Life website was handed out to all senators for discussion. The Student handbook should be added to the website and have its own button on the main page. It was suggested that the contact info have its own button. See attachment. The next step to take would be to solicit quotes. The next meeting is on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 12pm. 13.2. Business Meet and Greet – It was mostly faculty members that attended the meet and greet. A question was asked regarding the activity funds. They want to make separate funds for each division heads to host activities, such as inviting guest speakers to do a presentation, hold workshops, etc. Advisor Constantino stated that each division needs to raise their own money, however student government would only help pay if the function/event benefits all students. The faculty has no rights to control student funds. Senator Aki brought the idea up to ask some of the faculty that was at the meet and greet to attend a Student Government to further explain their proposal. 13.3. Game Room/ I.D room report/ proposal – The ping pong paddles are falling apart, so new paddles are required. More discussion is needed before actually putting in a proposal. 13.4. I.D’s – There are issues with the I.D machine. The printer ribbon keeps ripping and some senators do not know how to make an I.D. Folders in the office are not labeled and the refrigerator is for event use only. When there are no events nearing, then students may use the refrigerator. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting. – Fri., Sept. 23, 2011, Student Life Center Conference room. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting – Wed. Sept. 28, 2011, Student Life Center Conference room. 14.3. Club Day – Wed. Sept. 21, 2011, Campus Center Courtyard. 14.4. ASUH-KCC Blood Drive – Mon. Oct. 3, 2011, Student Life Center. 14.5. Kauai Mokihana Festival – September 18-24. For more information visit (Be sure that everyone wears their SG uniforms.) 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #04 at 2:13 pm. Seconded by Senator Ross. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 05/06/2011 – Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer John Oliver Yadao H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Aaron Williams Business Education Health Education & Public Service Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Science & Math Royce Kawamura Lyle Ueunten Trades & Technology Moani Jaramillo Associate Members CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #14 – Jan. 13, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, and Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: HR Manager John Oliver Yadao 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Bethany Compton, Julio-cruz Flores, Royce Kawamura, Ian Ross Herbert Semana, Lyle Ueunten. 2.6. Excused Senators: None 2.7. Tardy Senators: None 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Aaron Williams 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz (Excused) 2.11. Associate Members: Moani Jaramillo (Excused) 2.12. Guest/Visitors: Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Earl Nishiguchi, Lisa Murphy, Chazton Sasil, and Grace Kelly. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. Earl Nishiguchi (Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs) – Introduced himself to the board. Earl announced that the enrollment for Spring 2012 has gone up since last spring semester. Personal changes have been done on campus. Isaiah Ka’awai became the new Hawaiian Outreach Counselor. There will be new positions open on campus and the ads will be posted soon. Lastly, Earl reminded Student Government that the Board of Regents will be on campus Wednesday through Friday and that today, January 13, 2012, is the last day to add any course and/or drop any course with a full 100% refund. 4.2. Lisa Murphy – Lisa would like to know what kinds of workshops Student Government would like them to conduct and the exact count for students that will be participating in the Ho’opili Hou Conference so that they know how many bags to purchase. Lisa and the Credit Union were able to create a scholarship for Kauai CC students. This scholarship is for $1,000 and will be given to only “one” student. The student must be a member of the union or eligible, meaning they must have a family member that has membership or a student at Kauai CC. The deadline to sign up for the scholarship is on March 30, 2012. The scholarship papers can be located in the Student Life Center. To learn more about the scholarship, there are advertisements on the radio as well as the credit union website. A winner for the membership drive has been chosen. The owner of a new iPad is Abraham Franco, Congratulations! There will be more membership drives to get students to join. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. None to report. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Partnership with the Kauai Athletics Club – As talked about in previous meetings, a ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/4/2011 – Page 1 partnership with the Kauai Athletic Club has finally been put into motion. The new managers, Joshua Nations and Scott Mcfarland, of the Kauai Athletics Club have talked with Chancellor Helen Cox about having a partnership. Helen told them to talk with Student Government Vice President Stanton about the matter. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot – The current budget is $114,459.38. The budget for Ho’opili Hou has not been deducted from the current budget. Spring 2012 budget still needs to be planned out. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – John Oliver Yadao 8.1. None to report. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Expectations for Student Government Members – All Student Government members know that in order to participate in Student Government you must maintain a grade point average of 2.0. Two members will have to drop down from Student Government position, but may still be an associated member. Senator Williams will have to be removed from SG due to his lack of commitment and attendance. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to remove Senator Williams from Student Government due to the lack of his fulfillment of the Student Government duties and upholding the policies. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 9.2. Board of Regents – The Board of Regents will be on campus next week. On Wednesday they will be having lunch from 12:15pm – 1:30pm, followed by a meeting from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Secretary Ricardo and Senator Ross are the representatives that will be attending the meeting. On Friday the committee on Student Affairs is looking for students all over UH to discuss campus student affairs. Due to the presentation, the Game Room in the Student Life Center will be closed from 9am – 4pm. Student representatives will be Vice President Stanton and Treasurer Rabot. To be hospitable, Student Government will provide refreshments. A proposal is on the table for $150 to purchase refreshments. Due to time constraints, President Batalion and Advisor Constantino agreed to purchase food with reimbursement from ASUH-KCC for the purchase of refreshments. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. None to report. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. College Council – None to report. 12.2. Caucus – None to report. 12.3. Board of Regents Presentation – The presentation is on Friday, January 20, 2012. The two representatives are Vice President Stanton and Treasurer Rabot. 12.4. Commencement Committee – During the meeting a few alternative venues were being discussed in order to prevent what happened during the Spring Graduation. The two proposed sites are the Kilohana Luau area and the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall. 12.5. Ho’opili Hou – So far there has been 87 confirms. Before we can book anything for Waipa and the buses, the exact amount of people attending must be known. Confirmed attendees from both private and state colleges and universities are: ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/4/2011 – Page 2 UH Hilo – 10 Honolulu CC – 12, waiting for Hawaiian Studies & Jolene’s group UH West Oahu – 2 confirmed, possibly 6 Chaminade – 7 + 1 staff Leeward CC – 16 Kapiolani CC – 3 + Alfie (confirmed 01/12/11) Hawaii CC – 4 Kauai CC – 16 (not paying because they are subsidizing costs) Heald – Ulu & Roxanne (confirmed) BYUH – 20 + 2 Advisors (01/12/12) Windward CC – Has yet to reply Maui CC – Has yet to reply The next meeting for Ho’opili Hou will be on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 in the other conference room where Radio club hold their meetings. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Potential Members – Interested students presented a brief presentation on why they are interested in becoming members of ASUH-KCC Student Government. 13.1.a. Chazton Sasil (Chaz) – He is currently a Liberal Arts major, but wants to be a mediation counselor. Chaz wants to join SG because he wants to help other students and believes that he has suggestions that could be helpful. He has helped Student Government with a few events and assisted with cleaning the student lounge during closing times. Chaz admits that his weakness is comprehending complicated words, however he has room to grow as an individual and a leader. His strengths include: patience, a good listener, and outgoing. He also takes directions well. 31.1.b. Grace Kelly – Grace would like to join Student Government to be an advocate for the Hospitality and Tourism Department. Grace has many leadership experiences and can contribute to finding better ways to organize and plan out functions and events. She is reliable, honest, and a very outgoing individual. She also loves to write poetry and has had some of her work printed in books. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Fri. Jan. 27, 2012, 12:15pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. Next SAC Meeting – Wed. Jan. 25, 2012, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.3. Ho’opili Hou Meeting – Wed. Jan. 18, 2012, 12:15pm, 2nd Conference room. 14.4. Board of Regents Presentation – Fri, Jan. 20, 2012, 9am – 4pm, Student Life Center. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #14 at 1:41pm. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. Unanimous vote. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 11/4/2011 – Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Grace Knight-Kelly Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Science & Math Royce Kawamura Trades & Technology John Oliver Yadao Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #15 – Jan. 20, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, and Treasurer Na Hoku Rabo, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Dasha Dacosta, Moani Jaramillo, Grace Knight-Kelly, Ian Ross, Chazton Sasil, and Herbert Semana. 2.6. Excused Senators: None 2.7. Tardy Senators: None 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Bethany Compton, Julio-cruz Flores, and Royce Kawamura. 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz (Excused) 2.11. Associate Members: John Oliver Yadao 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy 2.13. Guest/Visitors: Bryson Bergonia MOTION ONE A motion was made by Senator Semana to approve Agenda #15. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstention. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes #14. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Minutes #14. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstention. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – None 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Potential Members – President Batalion had all the interested applicants for Student Government to reintroduce themselves. Grace Knight-Kelly: Grace is originally from Las Vegas, Nevada and is now a residence of Kauai. She is currently enrolled in her second semester in Kauai Community College and has so far maintained a 4.0 grade point average. She is interested in being a part of Student Government to develop better leadership skills, be an advocate for the Hospitality and Tourism Club, and to give back to her peers as well as the community. Contributions that she can provide is to act as a bridge between students and Student Government negotiate better ways to run functions, and bring support to her peers. She is also very organized, a good ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 1 problem-solver, honest, reliable, and takes pride in everything she does. Chazton Sasil: Chazton, Chaz for short, is an alumnus from Kapa’a High School and is currently a Liberal Arts student at Kauai Community College. He has had leadership experience from being a part of the Student Council for two years during high school as the junior and senior class representative. Not only was he involved in Student Council, he was the president of the peer mediation group at Kapa’a High School. In addition Chaz has two part time jobs as a lei greeter and dancer at Kilohana. Chaz believes that he could be a good asset to Student Government because he is a go-getter, he takes things seriously, responsible, and is willing to help with a lot of the physical work. Dasha D`Acosta: Dasha is a graduate of Kapa’a High School and has been a part of the Student Council. She is in her third semester at Kauai Community College majoring in Liberal Arts. Captivated by the hard work and dedication Student Government has for the students and school, she would like to be a part of that group to also be able to help the students. Dasha, along with other Student Government members, is part of Chi Alpha, a club built on the Christian faith. She believes that Student Government would benefit with her in the group because she is very outspoken and enjoys working in groups and as a team. As a leader, she understands that joining Student Government can be over-whelming and there are times that we may not achieve the duties and commitments that we take on. As a leader to herself, she knows when that moment happens to her, she will need to just stop, take a step back, and alleviate the problem in order to then move forward. In short, Dasha has her priorities straight. Moani Jaramillo: Moani is currently an Associate member of Student Government. Prior to her current position, she was elected as a Senator for Health Education and Public Service. Due to her inability to maintain a grade point average of 2.0, she stepped down from her senate role, but maintained an associate member role for two semesters. During this time, Moani was able to improve her GPA and continuously gave her commitment to the group and has even grown as a leader. Moani feels that she is ready to, once again, be a Senator for Health Education and Public Services. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Ross with unanimous consent to vote in all new members. Seconded by Senator Semana. 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. After discussion, we had all new members come back in and welcomed them into Student Government and appointed each of them to a specific vacant senate position. 1. Grace Kelly – Senator for Business Education 2. Chaz Sasil – Senator for Math and Science 3. Moani Jaramillo – Senator for Health Education and Public Service 4. Dasha D’Acosta – Senator for Language Arts and Humanities 5.2. Human Resource Manager Position – Student Government would like to thank John Oliver Yadao for doing such an amazing job as the Human Resource Manager. Unfortunately, due to his grade point average, he was asked to step down from the HR position until he improves his GPA. Oliver will continue to serve as an Associate Member. With the HR vacancy, President Batalion recommended Senator Lyle Ueunten to serve as HR for the remainder of the Spring 2011 semester primarily because of his dedication and work ethics. As Senator Ueunten takes on the tasks of the HR Manager, Associate Member Yadao is willing to guide him along the way. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Semana to appoint Senator Lyle Ueunten as the new Human Resources Manager for the Spring 2012 semester. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 2 MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to accept John Oliver Yadao as an Associate Member. Seconded by Senator Semana. 11ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 5.3. Associate Community Member – Since Lisa Murphy and the Credit Union has become such a big part with Student Government, President Batalion created an official seat for her in Student Government as the Associate Community member. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Semana to accept Lisa Murphy as the Associate Community member. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. None to report. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. None to report. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – John Oliver Yadao 8.1. None to report. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. None to report. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. None to report. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. College Council – None to report. 12.2. Caucus – None to report. 12.3. Ho’opili Hou – So far there has been 102 confirmations. The next meeting for Ho’opili Hou is on Wednesday in the Student Life conference from 12:15pm to 1:30om. 12.4. Board of Regents Presentation – The presentation is today, Friday, January 20, 2012 from 9am to 4pm. Student representatives will have to answer the three required general questions in their presentations to the BOR. President Batalion has called for a recess at 1:21pm and has reconvened the meeting at 1:34pm. 12.5. KIUC Forum – President Batalion asked the board of they would like to sponsor the KIUC forum this year. The board has decided to sponsor the forum by providing the space, moderator, MC, and refreshments. The date has been decided for Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. The time is still to be announced. MOTION SEVEN A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to agree and participate in the KIUC forum . Seconded by Senator Semana. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 3 MOTION EIGHT A motion was made by Senator Semana to approve a budget of $250 to buy refreshments for the KIUC Forum. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 13. NEW BUSINESS – None 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Fri. Jan. 27, 2012, 12:15pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. Next Ho’opili Hou Meeting – Wed. Jan. 25, 2012, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.3. Board of Regents Presentation – Fri, Jan. 20, 2012, 9am – 4pm, Student Life Center. 14.4. Ho’opili Hou Conference – Kauai, Thursday to Sunday, Feb. 2-5, 2012, Kauai BR, Kauai CC, Waipa Valley. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION NINE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #15 at 1:52pm. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. Unanimous vote. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Grace Knight-Kelly Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Science & Math Royce Kawamura Trades & Technology John Oliver Yadao Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #16 – Jan. 27, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:16 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, and Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Bethany Compton, Dasha D’Acosta, Moani Jaramillo, Ian Ross, Chazton Sasil, and Herbert Semana. 2.6. Excused Senators: Grace Knight-Kelly 2.7. Tardy Senators: None 2.8. Unexcused Senators: Julio-cruz Flores, and Royce Kawamura. 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz (Excused) 2.11. Associate Members: John Oliver Yadao 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy 2.13. Guest/Visitors: Jocelyn Luana Slade MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Agenda #16. Seconded by Senator Semana. 10ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes #15. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Minutes #15. Seconded by Senator Semana. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – None 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Ho’ouluwehi – See attachment. 5.1.a. Campus Housing – President Batalion passed around the layout for the future faculty and student housing. 5.1.b. Chevron Energy Solution Project – The arrangements has finally been passed and will be moving forwards with the plans. 5.2. Student Life I.D. Room – The renovations for the I.D. room has been completed, therefore all the equipment has been moved to the new I.D room. Human Resources Manager Ueunten will be making the schedules for all Student Government members soon. 5.3. Zonta Club “Eat Dessert First” Volunteering – Last year Student Government participated in the event. They would like to know if Student Government would like to help ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 1 out again. President Batalion told them that Student Government would like to volunteer. “Eat Dessert First” will be happening on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2012. The event starts at 5:30pm and ends at 7:30pm. Student Government will have to be there by 4pm. There is a dress code. For more information about the event, see attachment. 5.4. Domestic Violence KCC events – There will be a campaign on campus on February 14 – 16, 2012. The “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” will also be happening again. For more information see attachment. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Club Reimbursements – If a club would like to reimbursed for an activity or event, that club must file for reimbursements during the semester the activity/event took place. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Expenditure/Budget Fall 2011 – Treasurer Rabot handed out the Final Expenditure for Fall Semester 2011. The budget for Spring 2012 has yet to be made. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Lyle Ueunten 8.1. Schedules – HR Manager Ueunten passed out a paper for all Student Government members to write down their school schedules so that the schedule to work in the student lounge can be made. Deductions on the stipends will be according to Robert’s rules. 8.2. Binder Checks – The binder checks will be happening soon. Make sure all Minutes and forms are accounted for and organized. 8.3. WH1 Forms – All new members will have to fill out the WH1 forms in order to get their stipends at the end of the semester. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Ho’opili Hou – The passed Wednesday, during the Ho’opili Hou meeting, Advisor Constantino passed out the Ho’opili Hou packet to all members. This packet has all the rules and is to be in hand at all times. The count of attendees has risen to 152 or 153, therefore the food count had to be changed and there will be 3 buses to transport everyone into Waipā. On Wednesday, February 1, 2012, the bags, water bottles, and name tags will be coming in. The banners will also be done on Wednesday. Honolulu CC told Advisor Constantino that they may not be able to attend the conference, but Advisor Constantino told them that it is too late to back down because all the paper work has been processed. A list will be made to determine the amount of leis that will be made for the conference. Lisa Murphy mentioned that she is getting 25 more pens, 30-40 more logo items, and is still trying to get 75 more ponchos. Advisor Constantino insists on having one last meeting for Ho’opili Hou on Monday, January 30, 2012 during all campus hours. 9.2. KCC Zero-waste Policy – Kauai Community college has almost reached the zero-waste policy. The use of Styrofoam will be hard to get rid of since the cafeteria uses it. Advisor Constantino would like to know if anyone has any suggestions. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. None to report. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. Caucus – See attachment. 12.2. College Council – Senator Ross would like to defer the college council report until the nest Student Government meeting. Senator Ross will also be dropping out of the committee due to other priorities and will need a replacement. Advisor Constantino has talked with Senator Kelly about the position, and she is more than happy to take his place. 12.3. Student Activities Committee (S.A.C.) ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 2 12.3.a. KIUC Forum – The KIUC Forum will be held on Tuesday, February 23, 2012. KIUC has a fund for community functions that could be used for the recording and live streaming of the forum. Recommendations for a recording company are welcomed. Senator Ross suggested that Bamboo Productions, who recorded the past Keahou event, could be an option. Advisor Constantino instructed Senator Ross to make a list of Student Government’s role and responsibilities for the forum. Student Government is set to provide the venue, logistics, and refreshments. 13.3.b. Blood Drive – The Blood Drive is set for Wednesday, the 1st week of April. However, there has been no confirmation from the blood drive. 13.3.c. Ho’opili Hou – The Student Life Center will be closed on Friday, February 3, 2012 for Ho’opili Hou. On Saturday the student lounge will be open for the Ho’opili Hou Conference and the game room will also be open for the student representatives to relax and socialize. Saturday evening will be the official ending of the conference. For those who plan on staying back on Sunday, they are more than welcomed to join Student Government for a potluck at the student lounge to watch the Super Bowl. However, they will have to find their own transportation. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Tropic Care – In order for Military doctors to keep up with their skills they will be coming to Kauai to provide free medical care. All medical fees will be paid by the U.S. Military. They would also like to know if Student Government would like to help run the booth in the nursing building at Kauai Community College. A total of 6,000 people will need to show up in order to have them come back to Kauai sometime in the future. 13.2. Kauai Bus Pass – There will be a meeting with the county council to address the extension of the bus pass. Community associate member Murphy suggested that we should put up info by bus stops to rally more bus riders in support of the bus pass. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Fri. Feb. 10, 2012, 12:15pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. Next Ho’opili Hou Meeting – Mon. Feb. 1, 2012, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.3. Club Day – Wed., TBA, Campus Center Courtyard. 14.4. Zonta Club “Eat Dessert First” – Tues. Feb. 14, 2012, Courtyard Marriott. 14.5. ACF Breakfast – Sun. Feb. 19, 2012, Kauai CC Lawn. 14.6. Ho’opili Hou Conference – Kauai, Thurs – Sunday, Feb. 2-4, 2012, Kauai Beach Resort, Kauai CC, and Waipā Valley. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION NINE A motion was made by Senator Semana to adjourn meeting #16 at 1:47pm. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 10ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 01/20/2012 – Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Grace Knight-Kelly Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Science & Math Vacant Trades & Technology John Oliver Yadao Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #18 – Feb. 17, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:17 pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: Vice President Taylor Stanton 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Bethany Compton, Dasha D’Acosta, Julio-cruz Flores, Grace Knight-Kelly, Moani Jaramillo, Ian Ross, Chazton Sasil, and Herbert Semana. 2.6. Excused Senators: 2.7. Tardy Senators: 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy (excused) 2.13. Guest/Visitors: Bryson Bergonia, Ely Garcia, and Jocelyn Luana Slade. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Agenda #18 with additions. Seconded by HR Manager Ueunten. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes #17. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Senator Ross to approve Minutes #17. Seconded by Senator Semana. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – None to report. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Eat Dessert First – President Batalion thanked everyone that volunteered at the event. Next year, Student Government might not participate in the event due to rude Zonta Club members. 5.2. Membership Appointments – There are two individuals that are interested in joining Student Government as associate members. 1. Jocelyn Luana Slade – Luana is a Liberal Arts major as well as a Hawaiian Studies Minor. She loves helping out with Student Government and decided to join as an associated member. She helped out with the Ho’opili Hou conference that ASUH-Kauai CC student government hosted in February 2-4, 2012. Her main goal is to help the students in any way and as much as she can. 2. Ely Garcia – Ely is currently a Liberal Arts major. He believes that he would be an ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/17/2012 – Page 1 asset to Student Government because of his enthusiastic and friendly personality, which would attract and make students feel more comfortable. He also believes that being a part of Student Government will help him grow as an individual. From being involved in Student Government he feels that, because of his experiences in college, he can relate and help students to be more motivated to go to class and graduate. After thorough discussion Student Government has concluded a decision. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to appoint Jocelyn Luana Slade as an associated member of ASUH-Kauai CC. Seconded by Senator Sasil. 12ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Jaramillo to appoint Ely Garcia as an associated member of ASUH-Kauai CC. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 12ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. None to report. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Budget – After the formation of the Spring 2012 budget, Treasurer Rabot will move all the left over budget from Fall 2011 to Spring 2012. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Lyle Ueunten 8.1. Sign-in Sheets – HR Manager Ueunten realized a complication in the sign-in sheet for working in the student lounge. Since Advisor Constantino’s assistance have classes and is unable to sign the witness slot, the witness signature can also be signed by other student government members. Senator Aki suggested that Student Government find a technical way of signing in and out. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Civil Rights Review Interviews – This interview requires 4 students to participate, 1 male and 1 female in a non-traditional technology program, and 2 students with disabilities. Student Life Assistant and Senator Aki volunteered to be the 2 students in a non-traditional technology program. If anyone knows of any students that are interested in participating, confirm with Advisor Constantino. 9.2. Website – There will be a meeting with Chad Bertsch to discuss more on the website. 9.3. Overall Result For Ho’opili Hou – See attachment. 9.4. Board of Regents’ Excellence in Teaching Award – This award gives students the opportunity to nominate and recognize an instructor that goes above and beyond as a teacher. The selection committee is composed of both faculty and students: John Constantino, Convenor, Stephen Taylor, Gregory Shepherd, Taylor Stanton, John Oliver Yadao and Eileen Ricardo. The recipient of this prestigious award will be announced during Commencement. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Microsoft Programs – SLA Cruz mentioned that Student Government will need to purchase Microsoft Programs for each computer. A proposal is on the table for a budget of $792 to purchase the Microsoft programs for each of the Apple computers located in the student government offices. MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Senator Jaramillo to approve a budget of $792 to buy 8 Microsoft programs out of the operations budget. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/17/2012 – Page 2 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. Bus Pass – See attachment. 12.2. Caucus – See attachment. 12.3. Accreditation – All Student Government members needs to contact their standard about the meeting dates, etc. 12.4. Ho’opili Hou Keynote Speaker – The placement and timing of when to have the keynote speaker could have been planned better. Because some students had to leave early, Shanah Faith Trevenna had to rush and she didn’t have enough time to speak. Senator Ian Ross also asked the group if they were interested in purchasing her book as a reference resource entitled Surfing Tsunamis of Change: A Handbook for Change Agents. 12.5. Student Activities Committee (S.A.C.) 12.5.a. Club Day – Club Day is next week Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at the Student Life Center from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. So far, only the KCC Dance Club submitted their registration to participate in Club Day. Advisor Constantino stated that Student Government should host another Club Social so we can work more on providing services to existing clubs on liability issues, grant writing, planning activities etc. 12.5.b. KIUC Forum – The KIUC Forum is next week Thursday, February 23, 2012 in the Kauai Community College Cafeteria from 5:30pm to 8pm. Refreshments will be available at 5:30pm and the actual event will start at 6:10pm. Currently, the forum is without a moderator because Ron Wiley backed down due to other obligations. HR Manager Ueunten and Senator D’Acosta volunteered to act as moderators. Jimmy Trujillo has offered his time to be a general back up person just in case someone could not perforn his or her duty. KIUC has denied funding for Hawaii Stream to broadcast the forum. The dates and times on the banner needs to be changed and hung up. 12.5.c. Softball Event – Regarding the softball teams, they still need more faculty involvement. The equipment list has been updated (see attachment). Senator Jaramillo’s brother has offered to lend his softball equipment for the softball event. Senator Aki could not find the quotes on Muller Sports, therefore the equipment will be purchased from K-mart. It has been suggested that Student Government host a “Sports Day” to advertise to the students that all the equipment are available. A proposal is on the table for $1000 to purchase all the sports equipment. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Semana to approve a budget of $1000 to purchase all the sports(outdoor) equipment out of the Student Activities budget. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 10ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Business Division – Senator Aki spoke with three different classes about Student Government. There were not many comments. This past Wednesday there was an update from students that felt that they were ignored when they came to a meeting. Senator Aki is planning on meeting with them next week to talk about the matter. 13.2. Student Complaints – There have been some complaints from students and faculty about the roof renovations going on during class time at the Business Education Building. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Fri. Feb. 24, 2012, 12:15pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. Club Day – Wed. Feb. 22, 2012, Campus Center Courtyard. 14.3. KIUC Forum – Thurs. Feb. 23, 2012, 5:30pm to 8pm, Kauai CC Cafeteria. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/17/2012 – Page 3 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SEVEN A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #18 at 2:00pm. Seconded by HR Manager Ueunten. 10ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/17/2012 – Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Grace Knight-Kelly Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Science & Math Vacant Trades & Technology Ely Garcia Jocelyn Luana Slade John Oliver Yadao Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #20 – March 2, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:13pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Bethany Compton, Dasha D’Acosta, Moani Jaramillo, Grace Knight-Kelly, and Herbert Semana. 2.6. Excused Senators: 2.7. Tardy Senators: Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross, and Chazton Sasil. 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Associate Members: Ely Garcia, Jocelyn Luana Slade (excused), and John Oliver Yadao. 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy 2.13. Guest/Visitors: Jimmy Trujillo, Healani Waiwaiole, and Ty Yamashita. MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Agenda #20 with additions. Seconded by Vice President Stanton. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes #18 and #19. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Minutes #18. Seconded by HR Manager Ueunten. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Minutes #19. Seconded by Senator Semana. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – None to report. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Potential Members – Healani Waiwaiole and Ty Yamashita has been to previous meetings and is interested in being a part of Student Government. They both reintroduced themselves to the board. Healani Waiwaiole– Healani is a Hawaiian Studies major and has always been interested in joining Student Government from the first time she saw us during the New Student Orientation in Fall 2011. She saw there are vacant seats and would like to be a senator of Math and Science. She also believes that this would be a good opportunity to get ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/24/2012 – Page 1 involved with the college and be good to have on her resumes. Ty Yamashita – Ty has always been helping Student Government with their functions, events, as well as volunteer work. Since he has already been participating in Student Government, he thought he might as well become an associated member. MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Healani Waiwaiole as a Senator of Math and Science. Seconded by Senator Semana. 10ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. MOTION FIVE A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to approve Tyler David Yamashita as an Associated Member. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 10ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 5.2. Gratitude – President Batalion wanted to give thanks to everyone that came to the meeting today, since there is no school. He is glad to see everyone’s commitment to Student Government. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Club Workshops/Mixer – Vice President was not able to get in contact with any clubs regarding the club workshop/mixer. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Spring 2012 Budget – The Administrative Council had a meeting this past Monday, February 27, 2012 to discuss and approve the Spring 2012 semester budget. The total assets are $106,526.82. After budgeting the monies into different categories, Student Government is looking at a budget of $94,652.00 with an 11% cushion to hold as base funds. MOTION SIX A motion was made by Senator Semana to approve the ASUh-KCC Studet Government budget of $94,652 for the Spring 2012 semester. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 13 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Lyle Ueunten 8.1. Student Life Center – HR Manager Ueunten reminded everyone that the lounge closes at 4:30pm. Whether you are working the closing shift or not everyone is required, by contract, to clean and take care of the student life center. He would like to see other student government members cleaning, rather than the select few that always end up cleaning the student lounge. Cleaning is not limited to just cleaning at the end of the day, but throughout the day. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Library Lanai Café – See attachment. This lanai café will be located between the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the One Stop Center (OSC).The cost of the entire project is $141,446.49. It was agreed that Student Government would pay for the umbrellas and chairs and budgeted $6,000 to support the project. While the project committee would like to purchase heavy duty industrial umbrellas and seats that are durable and lasts longer. John Constantino suggested that Student Government would need to consider purchasing more affordable umbrellas and seats to stay within budget. 9.2. Renovation For the Old Student Services Area – Advisor Constantino talked with Gary Nitta and found out that existing faculty members that reside in in one or two offices prefer to stay within their existing spaces and do not want to relinquish the the space for general Student Life spaces as originally planned by Student Government. The space would provide additional classroom and meeting spaces for ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/24/2012 – Page 2 students, organizations and the community. Advisor Constantino encourages student testimonies and for Student Government to create a list of what they would like to see done to the space if we were to get it. Advisor Constantino was hoping renovate the spaces before the accreditation visit in October. Student Government will be holding an emergency meeting on Monday, March 5, 2012 at the Club Meeting room. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Sporting (outdoor) Equipment – Sports Authority stores on Oahu do not ship to other islands. SLA Cruz is still waiting for the online store to respond back so they could be a vendor of Kauai Community College and ship supplies to the campus. 10.2. Civil Rights Review – SLA Cruz said it was a good meeting. The meeting was to see if the college is in compliance with civil rights accessibility for all students. In conclusion to the meeting, the college has some areas that need to be worked on to be ADA compliant. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. Website MOTION THREE A motion was made by Senator Ross to approve a budget of $3,000 for the website out of the Capital Improvement budget. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions. Motion carried. 12.2. Bus Pass – See attachment. At a County Council meeting on Wednesday after 1:30 pm, the KCC Free Bus Pass approved for another extension until June 31, 2012. On Thursday, March 8, 2012, at 10:30am, Mayor Carvalho, along with a KCC cabinet, the Transportation Agency, students and council members will conduct photo op. The next step is to work on the next year/2 year agreement with KCC, the Transportation Department and the County Council. 12.3. Commencement – Advisor Constantino, President Batalion, and Secretary Ricardo went to the Commencement meeting on Monday, February 27, 2012. President Batalion and Secretary Ricardo were put in charge of finding a student speaker, someone to sing the National Anthem and Hawai’i Pono’i, and plant arrangements. Keola agreed to ask his contacts about singing the music selections. Secretary Ricardo was asked to find the color guard for the evening. Student Government will be participating in the Commencement as ushers. Commencement is on May 15, 2012 at the Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center. There will be two overflows, one in the OCET building and one in the cafeteria. Commencement will also be broadcasted on Hawaii Stream. Each graduating student will be given two tickets. 12.4. Student Activities Committee (S.A.C.) 12.4.a. St. Patrick’s Day – The date for St. Patrick’s Day Celebration was changed to Wednesday, March 14, 2012. It will be held in the Student Life Center, second floor during all campus hours (12:15 pm to 1:30 pm). There will be a hotdog eating contest and free refreshments 12.4.b. Softball Tournament – Senator Keola Aki will send out another sign-in sheet for those who have changed their minds and would like to participate. The tournament will start at 8 am until 6:30 pm. The food booth has all been taken care of. Associate Community Member Murphy asked what Student Government would like her organization to contribute, whether they want a trophy or not. Six more faculty members is still needed to participate. If no other faculty members want to join, a few students will have to play on the faculty team. Senator Jaramillo asked when and where practice will take place. Associate member Garcia suggested having practice in the open field by the weight room. 12.4.c. Club Workshop/Mixer – Vice President Stanton was unable to get in contact with the other clubs. 12.4.d. Earth Day – Student Government is willing to contribute $2,500 for the earth day event. Earth ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/24/2012 – Page 3 Day is on April 22, 2012 but will be held on campus on Thursday, April 19, 2012 from 11 am to 4 pm. Jimmy Trujillo mentioned that Jack Johnson will be doing a performance in the Performing Arts Center that night and Jimmy was thinking of having him perform during Kcc’s Earth Day. He might charge a fee, but this is all wishful thinking. SLA Cruz told the board that Student Government needs to think about their commitment. SLA Cruz does not want to commit to the event and have only the advisors and a few student government members help out while the majority is gone. Earth Day will be further discussed during the SAC meeting. The next sustainability meeting will be on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 2 pm in the carpentry building. 12.5. Student Concerns – Senator Aki met with the students who felt that they were ignored and didn’t get much information from Student Government. However, when he went to speak with them, they had nothing to say. Advisor Constantino stressed that if they do not tell Student Government their problems, then Student Government can’t do anything. Senator Aki met with another group of new business students. Because they were new students, Senator Aki informed them who Student Government is and what Student Government does. 3. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Tropic Care – Senator Aki mentioned if Student Government could sponsor some drinks to Tropic Care. A proposal of $100 is on the table. MOTION EIGHT A motion was made by Vice President Stanton to approve a budget of $100 to provide drinks for Tropic Care out of the student activities budget. Seconded by Senator Kelly. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Fri. March. 9, 2012, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. S.A.C. – Wed. March 7, 2012, Executive Board Room. 14.2. St. Patrick’s Day – Wed. March 16, 2012, 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm, Student Life Center. 14.3. Accounting Club Softball Tournament – Sat. March 24, 2012, 8 am to 6:30 pm, Hanama’ulu Park. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION NINE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #20 at 2:09 pm. Seconded by Senator Jaramillo. 14 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 02/24/2012 – Page 4 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Bethany Compton Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Grace Knight-Kelly Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Healani Waiwaiole Science & Math Vacant Trades & Technology Ely Garcia Jocelyn Luana Slade John Oliver Yadao Tyler David Yamashita Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #25 – April 13, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:18pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Dasha D’Acosta, Moani Jaramillo, Chazton Sasil, Herbert Semana, and Healani Waiwaiole. 2.6. Excused Senators: Keola Aki and Julio-cruz Flores 2.7. Tardy Senators: Ian Ross 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino(excused) 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Present Associate Members: None 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy 2.13. Guest/Visitors: William Joseph Balbin MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Agenda #25 with corrections. Seconded by Senator Semana. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Approve Minutes #24. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Senator Semana to approve Minutes #24. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 9 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT – None to report. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Pledge – Some Student Government members made a pledge to abstain from alcohol, refrain from drinking and driving, and to never give alcohol to minors. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Journalism and Publications – Vice President Stanton and Senator Ross are part of the Journalism and Publications class. When they both graduate he would like to have a few members from Student Government to join and write for the campus newspaper, that way there will be some sort of connection between Student Government and the campus newspaper. Currently, SLA Cruz is the acting liaison between the Board of Publications and Student Government. Not only is she the liaison, she is also the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Publications committee. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/13/2012 – Page 1 7. TREASURER’S REPORT – Na Hoku Rabot 7.1. Detailed Expenditures – The detailed expenditures has been distributed to the board. See attachment. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Lyle Ueunten 8.1. SG Minutes – HR Manager Ueunten received a notice from Francis Dinnan regarding the Student Government Minutes. Faculty would like to be able to view the minutes. SLA Cruz mentioned that if faculty would like to see the minutes they can ask any member from student government, or come up to the student center and ask to see the minutes. When the ASUH-KCC website starts up, the minutes will be posted for everyone to access. SLA Cruz suggested that Senator D’Acosta and Waiwaiole, during the next College Council meeting, to see if Student Government could have access to the H-Drive, therefore Student Government can put the Minutes up. 8.2. BOR Student Regent – They did not go into much detail about the position. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. None to report. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Student Government Elections – Everyone in Student Government should be promoting the elections and getting people to join Student Government. Secretary Ricardo would like to have a small student government information booth to advertise the elections and to encourage students to join Student Government. There has been no contact with Jonathan Kalk about the computers for the surveys. The computers will probably be given to Student Government after the application deadline. 10.2. Budgets/Proposals – When proposing/approving a budget, be sure to make a motion that is recorded onto the minutes, or else the monies cannot be processed. 10.3. Hospitality – The Hospitality club has not yet responded to the letter. 11. STANDING REPORT 11.1. None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. Caucus – See attachments. President Greenwood has approved for another building to be constructed for Health and Fitness classes. The issue regarding Molokai was going to be solved by caucus but was interrupted when Maui College wanted to see what they could do to help Molokai first. There will be an update on Molokai next caucus meeting. An issues regarding Gmail is being brought up to caucus once again because there is a student who refuses to convert their UH email to Google. He believes that it is not secure. Caucus is trying to find out what the security policies. In order to not deal with the issue again in the future, Caucus might not be in support of the Gmail and remain unbiased. 12.2. Commencement – None to report. 12.3. Appreciation/Installation Dinner – Kauai Beach Resort has the buffet open on May 5, 12, and 19, 2012. Due to conflicting schedule dates with a few members of Student Government, President Batalion will get the menu prices for the Naupaka Terrace at Kauai Beach Resort. Red Salt does not accept purchase orders and is too expensive. The cost for Kilohana is $50 a head but is still unknown if they accept purchase orders. 12.4. Student Activities Committee (S.A.C.) 12.4. a. Spring Festival – From all the people that attended the event, a total of 624 people signed in. There were many positive feedback, especially those from new comers. A few suggestions were made from SLA Cruz as well as Secretary Ricardo. SLA Cruz suggested that each age group should have their own colored wristband in order to differentiate which kid goes in which group. Secretary Ricardo suggested that it would be better to block off each division with the orange mesh, then within the mesh have caution tape to keep the kids from getting to the eggs until it is their turn. This way kids from other divisions will not be able to go into the other age divisions. SLA Cruz reminded the board that all ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/13/2012 – Page 2 event/function plans should be presented 6 months in advance and the proposal should be turned in 6 weeks in advance. 12.4.b. Earth Week – See attachment. Student Government’s name is now on the flyer under sponsors. The Earth day committee did not leave out Student Government. The flyer designer was unaware of what was actually going on the flyer. MOTION THREE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve a budget of $2,500 for Earth Week out of the Student Activities funds . Seconded by Senator Semana. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. NEW BUSINESS 3.1. Hells Week – Hells Week is from Thursday, May 3 to Wednesday, May 9, 2012. The last day of instruction is Wednesday, May 2, 2012. President Batalion suggested handing out ice cream to students on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 to start off the beginning of Hells Week. Hells Week officially starts on May 3, 2012 till May 9, 2012. MOTION FOUR RESENDED A motion was made by Senator Ross to approve a budget of $1,000 for refreshments and other stress relieving activities. Seconded by Senator D’Acosta. 7 ayes, 1 nays, 2 abstention. Motion carried. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Friday, April 20, 2012, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. S.A.C. – Wednesday, April 18, 2012, Executive Board Room. 14.3. Earth Week – April 16 to19, 2012, Location TBA. 14.4. Snack Night – Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 5pm, Location TBA. 14.5. Afternoon Recess – Thursday, April 26, 2012, 12pm, Lower campus. 14.6. Hells Week – May 3 to 9, 2012, 8:30am till closing, Student Center 2nd floor. 14.7. KCC Commencement – Friday, May 11, 2012, Kauai CC PAC. 14.8. Zombie Walk – See attachment. 14.9. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes – Friday, April 20, 2012, One Stop Center. 14.10. National Credit Union Youth Week – April 23-27, 2012, KGEFCU 14.11. Relay For Life – Register individually online. There is a $10 register fee. April 28, 2012, 6pm to 6am, Hanapepe. 14.12. Gourmet Gala – Friday, April 13, 2012, Kauai CC Cafeteria. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SIX A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to adjourn meeting #24 at 2:55pm. Seconded by Senator Semana. 12 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/13/2012 – Page 3 ASUH-KCC STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUH-KCC BOARD 2011-2012 ADMIN COUNCIL Nelson Batalion President Taylor Stanton Vice President Eileen Ricardo Rec. Secretary Na Hoku Rabot Treasurer Lyle Ueunten H.R. Manager John Constantino Advisor Crystal Cruz Student Life Assistant SENATORS Julio-cruz Flores Ian Ross At-Large Keola Aki Business Education Moani Jaramillo Health Education & Public Service Dasha D’Acosta Herbert Semana Language Arts & Humanities Chazton Sasil Healani Waiwaiole Science & Math Vacant Trades & Technology Ely Garcia Jocelyn Luana Slade John Oliver Yadao Tyler David Yamashita Associate Members Lisa Murphy Associate Community Member The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i - Kaua`i Community College 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Hwy. Lihue, HI 96766-9500 (808) 245-8338/8245 CORRECTED MINUTES-MEETING #27 – April 27, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. President Batalion called the meeting to order at 12:11pm. 2. ROLL CALL 2.1. Administrative Council: President Nelson Batalion, Vice President Taylor Stanton, Secretary Eileen Ricardo, Treasurer Na Hoku Rabot, and HR Manager Lyle Ueunten. 2.2. Excused Administration Council: 2.3. Tardy Administration Council: 2.4. Unexcused Administration Council: 2.5. Senators: Keola Aki, Dasha D’Acosta, Moani Jaramillo, Chazton Sasil, Ian Ross, Herbert Semana, and Healani Waiwaiole. 2.6. Excused Senators: 2.7. Tardy Senators: Julio-cruz Flores 2.8. Unexcused Senators: 2.9. Advisor: John Constantino 2.10. Student Life Assistant: Crystal Cruz 2.11. Present Associate Members: Ely Garcia (tardy), Jocelyn Luana Slade, and Ty Yamashita. 2.12. Associate Community Member: Lisa Murphy (excused absence) 2.13. Guest/Visitors: Tiger Kahaunaele and Sheena Wise MOTION ONE A motion was made by Treasurer Rabot to approve Agenda #27 with additions and corrections. Seconded by Senator Ross. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 3. SECRETARY - Eileen Ricardo 3.1. Defer Minutes #26 until the next Student Government meeting. MOTION TWO A motion was made by Secretary Ricardo to defer Minutes #26. Seconded by Treasurer Rabot. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. 4. GUEST REPORT 4.1. New Student Candidates – President Batalion would like to welcome candidates Tiger Kahaunaele and Sheena Wise to the Student Government meeting. Student Government went around and introduced themselves stating their name and position on the board. 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Nelson Batalion 5.1. Veteran Center Fundraising – Tonight at the Kauai Veteran Center there will be a fundraiser for the military museum. President Batalion is asking those who are not busy to volunteer and help out. Those who are able to go, please see President Batalion. 5.2. Thank You – President Batalion would like to thank all those who participated in the Snack Night, Afternoon Recess, and the ASUH-KCC Student Government Elections. 6. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Taylor Stanton 6.1. Kaleo ‘O KCC – The second edition of the campus newspaper will be out on Monday. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/27/2012 – Page 1 7. TREASURER’S REPORT 7.1. General Budget – Treasurer Rabot checked the Student Government account and found out that the current general balance so far is $9,330. This includes the enrollment for next semester, Fall 2013. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER REPORT – Lyle Ueunten 8.1. Binder Check – The next binder check will next week after the Student Government meeting. HR Manager will be checking for agenda and minutes from meeting #20 to #25. 8.2. Reminder – HR Manager Ueunten reminded everyone that the next Student Government meeting will be during Finals week. If any Student Government members have any finals during the meeting, please attend your classes, because academics come first. 9. ADVISOR’S REPORT - John Constantino 9.1. Business Office – Advisor Constantino warned Student Government that the business office will not be accepting proposals, reimbursements, and anything that has to do with money after the first week of May. If anyone, including clubs, does not turn in their forms before that, they will have to wait till the beginning of Fall semester 2013. Also there is no carry over monies. 10. STUDENT LIFE ASSISTANT (SLA) REPORT - Crystal Cruz 10.1. Office/Supplies and Sporting Equipment – SLA Cruz mentioned that if she cannot get all the orders in by next week, then it will be done during next semester. 11. STANDING REPORT – None to report. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12.1. Caucus – May 14, 2012 will be the last caucus meeting. The caucus meeting will be held on the Honolulu CC campus. HR Manager still needs a partner to go with him. He needs to know as soon as possible so that he can get all the travel papers done by tonight. SLA Cruz and Vice President Stanton explained that to the upcoming members what caucus is and what they do. The revised constitution for caucus has been sent to all caucus members, which HR Manager Ueunten will email to everyone in Student Government to look over for any changes. All Student Government members need to check the constitution. 12.2. Commencement – Due to personal problems, there was a possibility that Mason Chock could not be the keynote speaker for commencement, however everything was resolved and he will definitely be the keynote speaker. Student Government and the Nursing club will be helping with commencement. Some will be helping with handing out the name cards to the graduates, managing the overflow in the cafeteria or OCET building, meet with the dignitaries at the front door, and everyone will be helping with keeping family and friends inside the building until all graduates has left the building so that there is minimal confusion. The new Student Government members are more than welcome to help out as well. Thursday at 3pm there will be a rehearsal for staff, faculty, and anyone else that is involved, other than the graduates, in the commencement. Friday at 4pm there will be a rehearsal for all the graduates. President Batalion mentioned that Student Government is in charge of decoration. Thursday morning at 9am, May 10, 2012, the day before graduation, Student Government will be going up to the Sleeping Giant to pick lawae for the decoration. An estimation of six, big, trash bag full of lawae is needed. 12.3. Appreciation/Installation Dinner – President Batalion sent a mass text message to everyone in Student Government regarding the date for the appreciation/installation dinner to possibly changing the date from May 19, 2012 to May 26, 2012. The date change is no longer necessary, Vice President Batalion stated that the Naupaka Terrace will accommodate for Student Government. There will be a general meeting at 6pm for current members. Dinner will be at 7pm, then at 8 am we will have the installation and appreciation ceremony. The dress code is formal attire. President Batalion is calling a Recess at 12:36pm and reconvenes at 1:20pm. ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/27/2012 – Page 2 12.4. ASUH-KCC Election – The elections started on April 25, 2012 at 8am and ended the next day, April 26, 2012, at 5pm. There was a total 110 ballots. See attachment for voting results. There were a few technical errors regarding the online voting. A few students could not vote because the link would either lead them to the Surveymonkey website or take them back to the Google UH login page. Due to the technical difficulties, a few paper ballots were made so the students could vote. Student Government was unable to collect 15% of votes from students, however Advisor Constantino explained that it’s fine because this was a “transitional” time; we had attempted to refrain from paper ballots and have students vote electronically. Student Government would like to give thanks to Institutional Researcher Jonathan Kalk who helped with a big part of the elections. Although the voting went well, Secretary Ricardo was worried that not too many student would vote. She explained that students would say they will vote at home but is never a sure thing that they would. Sheena Wise suggested that Student Government could have used both electronic and paper ballots, which Student Government did. HR Manager mentioned that a big part of why not many students voted was because the campaigning wasn’t posted weeks prior to the elections. Advisor Constantino stated that the constitution said that application intention deadlines takes place seven days before the election. He also reminded that the letter of intent applications were posted around campus several months before the elections. Not only were the applications out, he mentioned that he had to continuously remind everyone to turn in their applications, but every decided to turn them in at the last minute. Individual campaigning could have started as soon as they turned in their application. There were a lot of questions about how to vote and most candidates did not know the answer to the question as well. A suggestion to inform the candidates of how the voting will be operated could be a thing for them to know. Because it was Student Governments first time voting electronically, this experience can only help Student Government grow with future elections, surveys, etc. 12.5. KCC Bus Pass Fee – Instead of the forum, regarding the bus pass fee, being on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, in the KCC cafeteria, it has been moved to Thursday, May 3, 2012, in the Student Life Center at 3:30pm. Eric Knudsen is the moderator. Senator Ross will send a mass email about information regarding the bus pass fee hearing. He will also try to create flyers, as well as mini flyers, to distribute around campus as soon as possible. Advisor Constantino wanted to be sure that the students that actually ride the bus know about the hearing because this will greatly affect them. Senator Ross assured Advisor Constantino that he will post flyers at bus stops. Senator Ross will be getting in contact with Jonathan Kalk for informational research. 12.6 S.A.C./S.G Events 12.6.a. Snack Night – There was a total of 75 sign-ins for snack night. The food actually ran out, although there were students who were taking more than one. Some classes were not visited because they seemed to be really focused and some of the professor did not want to have their class be disrupted. 12.6.b. Afternoon Recess – There was a total of 92 people that signed in, including faculty and maintenance. The food ran out from the students taking more than one. The booth was located at the student life center near the election booth in hope to get students to vote. 12.6.c. Cancer Relay for Life – Relay for Life is happening tomorrow at the Hanapepe stadium from 6pm to 6am. Senator Jaramillo and dance club member Brayden Santiago will reserve the space, and HR Manager Ueunten and associated member Yamashita will be setting up the area. There will be a few Student Government members that will be arriving late due to the Kauai CC Choir concert, in which they were a part of. 12.6.d. Hell’s Week (Final Exams)– Hells week starts next week Thursday, May 3, 2012. The Student Life Center will be transformed into a study area where quiet time will be from 8:30am to 5:00pm. There will be light refreshments, such as coffee and pastries. Refreshments will be served from 8:30am until it all runs out. Senator D’Acosta reminded student government that book buy backs starts the same day as Hell’s Week. 13. NEW BUSINESS 13.1. Transportation Coordinator – Senator Ross would like to create a permanent “Transportation Coordinator” position within Student Government. This position would make the individual acts as a ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/27/2012 – Page 3 bridge between the Transportation Advisory committee and Student Government. Secretary Ricardo asked if they were looking for a community member to in Student Government or if they want an actual student to have the position. If the position was taken by a community member then there would be that “permanent” factor because they would have knowledge of past records, unlike a student who will come and go. Senator Ross clarified that they are not looking for a “permanent” member, but more of a formalized position. HR Manager thinks that, instead of creating a position, making it into a responsibility. SLA Cruz agrees that the responsibility could fall under the senators for At Large. However, that may result in changes within the constitution or bylaws. Advisor Constantino stated that no changes need to be made within the constitution, but just be added as a duty. 13.2. Board of Publications Budget – See attachment. Kauai Community College was the only campus without a newspaper. It was Student Government that helped fund to get the paper started, however Student Government can only do so much. The BOP is contemplating on installing an additional $6 student fee, labeled as a “publication fee.” The publication fee will be a separate fee from the student activities fee. MOTION THREE HR Manager Ueunten moves to have a resolution to show Student Government support of the Board of Publications $6 student fee. Seconded by Secretary Ricardo. 3 ayes, 0 nays, 3 abstentions. Motion carried. 13.3. Youth Advisory Committee to the Mayor (YACM) – There has been an email that was sent to Chancellor Helen Cox regarding having four students to join YACM. To join, one must be 27 years old or younger. The committee is giving Chancellor Helen Cox the opportunity to pick two students, ASUH-KCC Student Government Advisor/Counselor to pick one student, and Student Government pick the fourth student member. Advisor Constantino has decided to pick Jocelyn Luana Slade to be a part of YACM. YACM will be having a big meeting with Kauai’s Mayor Carvalho on May 16, 2012 at the Mayor’s office at 3:30pm. On May 16, 2012 at 10:30am, they will be having a mini protest about safe roads for walking on Rice Street. Senator Ross mentioned that Dance club at KCC are willing to dress up as zombies for the Zombie Crosswalk. Senator Ross has been nominated for a leadership award and will be attending a rewards dinner. Senator Ross was nominated by Janice Bond and Sharon Milan. 14.1. Next ASUH-KCC SG Meeting – Friday, 12:15 pm, Executive Board Room. 14.2. S.A.C. – Wednesday, Executive Board Room. 14.3. Relay for Life – Hanapepe Stadium, 6pm to 6am. 14.4. Snack Night – Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 5pm, Location TBA. 14.5. Afternoon Recess – Thursday, April 26, 2012, 12pm, Lower campus. 14.6. ASUH-KCC Election – April 25-26, 2012. 14.7. Hells Week – May 3-9, 8:00am to closing, Student Life Center. 14.8. KCC Commencement – Friday, May 11, 2012, @ 5:30pm, Kauai CC PAC. 15. ADJOURNMENT MOTION FOUR A motion was made by Senator Semana to adjourn meeting #27 at 2:15pm. Seconded by Senator Flores. 11 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by: ____________________________________________________________ Eileen Ricardo, ASUH-KCC Student Government Recording Secretary ASUH-KCC Minutes for 04/27/2012 – Page 4