MONROE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS Williamstown, New Jersey TO: Board of Education Members FROM: Charles M. Earling, Superintendent of Schools RE: COMMITTEE-WORKSHOP MEETING DATE: October 8, 2009 RESOLUTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: 7:00 p.m. The Board will meet in Executive Session, from which the general public is excluded, to discuss personnel, financial matters, student matters, litigation, negotiations, and contracts. The results of this session will be made public immediately after or as soon thereafter as a decision is reached. 1. 2. 3. 4. Personnel Legal Student Matter CS-1 Other OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION The Committee-Workshop Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 8, 2009, at 7:30 p.m., in the Williamstown High School Lecture Hall. Following consideration of requested action items, Board members and administration will enter into committee sessions at designated meeting locations for a time period to be determined by each committee. Adequate notice pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Open Public Meetings Act, has been given of this meeting by publishing notice thereof in the Courier Post, giving notice to the Gloucester County Times, by posting notice in the Monroe Township Municipal Building and all district school buildings and by filing notice with the Township Clerk, all having been done after the last reorganization meeting of the Board. CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC PARTICIPATION At this time, members of the public are invited to speak to the Board of Education. Please state your name, address and telephone number. The Board is interested in hearing your ideas or concerns, but may or may not be able to respond this evening. You will be notified either at this meeting, or subsequently by letter, or telephone, regarding any action the Board may take. In accordance with Board policy and procedures, speakers are not permitted to publicly speak of personal issues involving school personnel, or against any person connected with the school system. Any such concern should be presented to school or district-level administration so that a proper response may be given. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GOD AND COUNTRY ROLL CALL 2 THE SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING ACTION ITEMS: 1. Recommend approval of a Maternity/Child Care Leave of Absence, without pay, for Lori E. DeVore, Language Arts teacher at Williamstown High School, effective January 4, 2010 through the remainder of the 2009-2010 school year. A certified substitute is to be assigned by Source 4 Teachers, effective November 30, 2009. S-1 2. Recommend approval to amend the Maternity/Child Care Leave of Absence, without pay, for Danielle M. Ciccozzi, Grade 3 teacher at Oak Knoll Elementary School, to effective November 13, 2009 through January 31, 2010. A certified substitute is to be assigned by Source 4 Teachers, effective September 29, 2009. S-2 3. Recommend approval of a Leave of Absence without pay for Roberta R. Banks, Grade 1 teacher at Radix Elementary School, effective October 13, 2009 through October 23, 2009. A certified substitute is to be assigned by Source 4 Teachers, effective October 13, 2009. S-3 4. Recommend approval of a Leave of Absence without pay for Tara M. Shaw, Grade 3 teacher at Radix Elementary School, effective November 2, 2009 through December 6, 2009. A certified substitute is to be assigned by Source 4 Teachers, effective October 13, 2009. S-4 5. Recommend approval to accept the retirement notice of Vincent R. Guglielmo, Industrial Technology-Construction teacher at Williamstown High School, effective November 1, 2009. S-5 6. Recommend approval to accept the resignation notice of Mary A. Gordon, 12-month Secretary to the Supervisor of Special Services, effective upon replacement but no later than November 1, 2009. S-5A 7. Recommend approval to appoint Jennifer L. Shockley, Sicklerville, NJ 08081, as Grade 6 teacher Williamstown Middle School, effective October 9, 2009 for the 2009-2010 school year at a salary based on Year 3 of the BA salary guide, salary to be determined pending final MTEA/BOE negotiation. (Existing position – D. Cavagnaro) S-6 8. Recommend approval to appoint Tina M. Heffner, Williamstown, NJ 08094, as part-time paraprofessional at Maple Grove Administration Building, in the Curriculum office, effective October 9, 2009 at a prorated salary based on Year 1, Level I of the salary guide, $12.00/Hour, $10,860. (Existing position – T. Parkhill) S-7 9. Recommend approval to accept the resignation notice of Elizabeth A. Sine, Williamstown Middle School teacher, as Williamstown Middle School Multi-Cultural Club Advisor as previously approved at the July 23, 2009 meeting, effective immediately. S-8 3 10. Recommend approval of the following Degree/Lane changes for the 2009-2010 school year, effective retroactively to September 1, 2009 at salaries to be determined pending final MTEA/BOE negotiation: Name Therese J. Bonmati Michele T. Canonica Julie E. Harrison Kari L. Siderio 11. School WHS WH WH WH From BA BA BA +92 credits To BA+15 BA+15 BA+15 +120 credits 2008-2009 $54,391.00 $50,673.00 $50,473.00 $ 875.00 Recommend approval of the following extracurricular assignments for the 2009-2010 school year at hourly rates and stipends to be determined pending final MTEA/BOE negotiation Williamstown High School: Non-Paid Athletic Paraprofessional After School Detention: Additional Three to Seven School: Additional Boys’ Basketball: Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Girls’ Basketball: Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Non-Paid Athletic Paraprofessional Wrestling: Head Coach Swimming: Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Winter Track: Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Winter Cheerleading: Head Coach Assistant Coach Williamstown Middle School: Multi-Cultural Club Advisor: Three to Seven School: Additional *Adjunct Staff Matthew N. O’Toole Volunteer Jared M. Toscano, Frank A. Futetola, Jennifer A. Arcolesse, David G. Geyer, Damon T. Redden, Gary T. Weikel Frank A. Fucetola, Jennifer A. Arcolesse, David G. Geyer, Damon T. Redden, Gary T. Weikel William H. Hunt Daniel P. Torcasio James P. Ambrosius Top Step Top Step Top Step Karen E. Dilmore John C. Coulton Darrin L. Stalling* James E. Reed* Top Step Top Step Top Step Volunteer Jonathan L. Jernegan* Top Step Ronessa A. Selfridge Laura E. Nolan Daniel M. Szymanski* Step 1 Step 1 Top Step Mark C. Suk Edward J. Douglas* Michael J. Maduzia Top Step Top Step Top Step Allison L. Borucki Ashley M. Matheussen Top Step Top Step Rosa M. Torres (Replacement) Gerard M. Bittner, Jr. 4 12. Recommend approval of the following substitutes to be added to the Master List for the 2009-2010 school year on an emergent basis pending fingerprint approval: Paraprofessionals: Shelly Settelen, LeAnne Barone, Joseph Condoli Teaching Certificate: Amy Logan Curriculum & Instruction: 1. Recommend approval of a 504 Plan, as recommended by the physician, for J.M. whenever school must be missed. CI-1 2. Recommend approval of the placements of 16 homeless students as outlined in the supplementary report. CI-2 3. Other Business & Fiscal: Earl J. Vassallo, Interim Board Secretary/Business Administrator 1. Recommend Approval of Travel Title of Event “Association of Mathematics Teachers of NJ Conference” Somerset, NJ “Depression Treatment Tools” Cherry Hill, NJ Creating 21st Century New Jersey Schools” Cape May Court House, NJ “NJAHPERD Annual Convention” Long Branch, NJ “Problem Solving with Children” Riverton, NJ “The Well Being of Gifted Children Conference” Pennsauken, NJ “Train the Trainer” Ocean Township BOE “SMART Board Applications Workshop” Rowan University “NJ School Boards Association 2009 Annual Workshop” Atlantic City, NJ Date of Event October 15 & 16, 2009 Attendees Anne-Marie Reber October 23, 2009 Stefania Trovarelli Jonathan Henninger “Adapt It All – Adapted PE Conference” Lawrenceville, NJ October 29,2009 October 14 & 20, 2009 January 25 & 26, 2010 October 16, 2009 January 9, 2010 School WMS CST/OK B/F 1 Cost $0 $184.99 MG $0 Mark Sauter WH $90.00 Therese M. McGee Kimberley Morris OK $0 WMS $50.00 December 4, 2009 Marcia Pietroski WH $20.00 October 16, 2009 Julie Harrison WH $133.00 October 28-30, 2009 Lesley McGiboney, Carol Mizrahi, Dave Sullivan, James Henderson, John Bersh Rebecca Hill MG $220.00 p.p. OK $50.00 5 “Gloucester County Academy of Teaching and Learning” EIRC, Sewell, NJ “Jostens Free Fall Workshop” Gloucester City, NJ February 2, 2010 & May 25, 2010 Kim Hackney OK $0 October 15, 2009 HG $0 “What’s New in Young Adult Literature” Voorhees, NJ January 11, 2009 “Current Best Strategies for Challenging and Navigating Your Gifted Students” Cherry Hill, NJ “The Key to Restructuring High Schools and Middle Schools” Somerset, NJ “Gloucester County Principal’s Association” Washington Twp., NJ “One Size Does Not Fit All” Mays Landing, NJ “The Ten Most Difficult Ethical Issues Faced by Psychologists” Exton, PA “Understanding & Differentiating Autism Spectrum” Reading, PA. “Google Applications – New Applications for Instruction” Sewell, NJ “21st century Teaching and Learning” Vineland, NJ “17th Annual History Conference” Princeton, NJ “Training for Building-Based I&RS” Stockton College “Engaging the Disaffected Student” Stockton College “Developing Professional Learning Communities for Student Learning” Glassboro, NJ November 17, 2009 Michele Morris, Melodey KlevaForchic Jennifer Bockman, Susan Heidemark Mary K. Vitale WMS $199.00 p.p. OK $199.00 October 13, 2009 James M. Henderson MG $175.00 10/20 & 12/10/09, 1/7, 2/10, 3/10, & 4/21/10 November 12, 2009 November 5, 2009 Marcia Pietroski WH $0 Lisa Guenther WH $0 John Bersh S.S./CST $245.00 October 20, 2009 John Bersh S.S./CST $179.00 MG $30.00 p.p. October 22, 2009 Carol Mizrahi, Lesley McGiboney October 20, 2009 Mary Beth Hobbs December 4, 2009 George Heidemark March 8 & 9, 2010 Barbara Donisi December 14, 2009 October 23, 2009 WHS $0 WMS $60.00 WH $0 Barbara Donisi WH $0 Lesley McGiboney, Carol Mizrahi MG $0 6 “Deca Regional Competition” Cherry Hill, NJ January 8, 2010 October 19, 2009 Chaperones – Liz Salerno, John Carullo, Kim Carfolite, Pam Pontano,Jenn Orzechowski Stephen M. Combs Elizabeth Lathrop-Reitz, Jessica Fensch Lynn Jordan, Joyce Valentine Birgit Ickenroth “Observation at The College of New Jersey” “Keeping Students Engaged While Teaching Small Groups” Voorhees, NJ “NJ School Counselor Fall Conference” Long Branch, NJ “ATSNJ Secondary School Workshop” Lawrenceville High School, NJ “Focusing on Technology Applications & WL Pilot Program” Egg Harbor Township, NJ October 19 & 22, 2009 November 30, 2009 January 14, 2010 & May 7, 2010 Norma Vogelsong October 19, 2009 2. Approval of Secretary’s Report – August 2009 3. Board of Education’s Monthly Certification Budgetary Major Account/Fund Status WHS $0 WMS $0 OK $199.00 p.p. WHS WHS $140.00 p.p. $0 WHS $0 B/F 2 “Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c) 4, we certify that as of August 31, 2009 after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:232.2(c) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.” ROLL CALL VOTE Board Secretary’s Monthly Certification Budgetary Line Item Status “Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3, I certify that as of August 31, 2009 no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:232-2(c).” _________________________ Board Secretary 4. _________________ Date Approval of Treasurer’s Report – August 2009 B/F 4 7 5. Recommend approval to draw up specifications, bid and advertise for snow removal at Williamstown High School for the 2009-2010 school year. 6. Recommend approval of the following Change Order for credit for balance of unused contract allowance: (WHS) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 6 Change Order No. PC-2 CJ Schmidt & Sons, Inc. 2535 Haddonfield Road Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Amount: ($1,660.65) 7. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to provide labor and materials to relocate twelve (12) existing sprinkler heads in the connecting corridor to K Block: (WMS) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 7 Change Order No. PC-3 CJ Schmidt & Sons, Inc. 2535 Haddonfield Road Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Amount: $2,167.03 8. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to deduct overbilled contract allowance amount: (HG) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 8 Change Order No. PC-1 Homestead Plumbing and Heating 4570 Bernard Road Newfield, NJ 08344 Amount: ($975.00) 9. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to remove and replace existing carpet and cove base in the special services area: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 9 Change Order No. GC-18 D’Astuto Construction, Inc. 713 Creek Road Bellmawr, NJ 08031 Amount: $7,665.00 8 10. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to remove and replace carpet in Special Services Rooms B103 and B105: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 10 Change Order No. GC-19 D’Astuto Construction, Inc. 713 Creek Road Bellmawr, NJ 08031 Amount: $2,156.70 11. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to patch and paint walls in Child Study and Special Services: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 11 Change Order No. GC-20 D’Astuto Construction, Inc. 713 Creek Road Bellmawr, NJ 08031 Amount: $1,965.60 12. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to provide balancing, adjusting and testing services: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 12 Change Order No. MC-1 LBG Mechanical, Inc. 555 Route 73 North West Berlin, NJ 08091 Amount: $18,225.00 13. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to delete the boiler demolition that was included in the abatement contractors scope of work: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 13 Change Order No. MC-2 LBG Mechanical, Inc. 555 Route 73 North West Berlin, NJ 08091 Amount: ($3,120.00) 9 14. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to infill the existing boiler pit in its entirety: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 14 Change Order No. MC-3 LBG Mechanical, Inc. 555 Route 73 North West Berlin, NJ 08091 Amount: $2,786.24 15. Recommend approval of the following Change Order to furnish and install (2) distribution nozzles for gym air handlers: (OK) (Pending the approval of the Building Committee on October 5, 2009.) B/F 15 Change Order No. MC-4 LBG Mechanical, Inc. 555 Route 73 North West Berlin, NJ 08091 Amount: $1,475.00 16. Approval of Bills B/F 16 Regulatory Services: Paul Craig, Chairperson 1. Recommend sustained action be approved to quote bus route S61A, a wheelchair vehicle with a bus aide, to transport a special needs student to LARC School in Bellmawr for the 2009-2010 school year. R-1 2. Recommend sustained action be approved to award the quote for bus route S61A to Holcomb Bus Service for $250.00 per diem. R-2 3. Recommend sustained action be approved to award the quote for bus route FH-1-09 to Starr Tours for $2,130. R-3 4. Recommend sustained action be approved to enter into a joint agreement with Washington Township Board of Education to transport one Washington Township student on Monroe Township bus route S29 to Archway in Washington Township at a cost to Washington Township Board of Education $56.62 per diem. R-4 5. Recommend sustained action be approved of the 2009-2010 Bus Routes as listed in the supplementary report. R-5 6. Recommend approval to draw up specifications, bid and advertise bus route S61B, a wheelchair vehicle with a bus aide to provide transportation for a special needs student to LARC School in Bellmawr. The route is needed to replace quoted bus route S61A which will exceed the bid threshold. R-6 10 7. Recommend approval to draw up specifications, bid and advertise bus route L17A to provide transportation to Williamstown Middle School for one Monroe Township student who is displaced and residing in Mt. Ephraim. The route is needed to replace bus route L17 which will exceed the bid threshold. R-7 8. Recommend approval to draw up specifications, bid and advertise bus route L18A to provide transportation to Holly Glen Elementary School for one Monroe Township student who is displaced and residing in Malaga. The route is needed to replace quoted bus route L18 which will exceed the bid threshold. R-8 9. Other School Programs: Robert Graham, Chairperson 1. Recommend approval of the Monroe Township Public Schools “School Nursing Services Plan for 2009-2010.” 2. SP-1 Other Operations and Finance: Valerie Mercurio, Chairperson 1. Recommend approval to accept L.J. as a tuition student from Clayton Public Schools beginning retroactively on September 25, 2009 or September 29, 2009 The student attended the Williamstown High School OTP Program depending on how quickly Clayton secures transportation. O/F 17 2. Recommend approval of Home Instruction for an Emotionally Disturbed student placed in a Residential facility, but currently hospitalized. The Union County Educational Services Commission is currently responsible for educating her and will continue through Home Instruction at the rate of $53.00 per hour. O/F 18 3. Other Building Committee: Anthony Ayres, Chairperson OLD BUSINESS: 1. Other NEW BUSINESS: 1. Other Adjourn to Committees 11 COMMITTEE MEETINGS Regulatory Services: Paul Craig, Chairperson 1. Transportation a. Other 2. Food Services a. Other 3. Director of Plant Operations a. Meet with Monroe Township Organizations to Discuss Security R-9 Deposits for Building Use b. Proposal from Edvocate for the custodial, Maintenance and Grounds Invitation to Bid, Bid Specifications and Bid Process R-10 c. Donation of a Storage Container by Cooney Electric R-11 d. School Lunch Program; Charging of Lunches e. Vendor Recognition; Astro Sign Company f. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Designated Person Re-appointment R-12 g. Other 4. Maintenance and Custodial a. Other 5. Other Discuss in Absence of the District Attendance Officer, Eli Garcia, a Voucher be Approved for Dan Driscoll, District Attendance Officer Who Was Cut Due to Budget Constraints. School Programs: Robert Graham, Chairperson 1. New Jersey DECA Regional and State Competitions 2. Volunteer Art Club at Williamstown High School 3. Nursing Coverage at Williamstown High School and Williamstown Middle School 4. Williamstown Middle School Intramural Proposal for 2009-2010 5. Informational: Revised SRA Testing Administration (Alternative High School Assessment) 6. Other SP-2 SP-3 SP-4 SP-5 SP-6 Operations & Finance: Valerie Mercurio, Chairperson 1. Review and prepare for the Second Reading of High School Graduation Policy No. 5460. (M) O/F 1 2. Review and prepare for the Second Reading of Early Graduation Policy No. 5465. (M) O/F 2 3. Review and prepare for the Second Reading of Employment of Chief School Administrator Policy No. 1220. (M) O/F 3 4. Review and prepare for the Second Reading of Teaching Staff Member/School District Reporting Responsibilities Policy No. 3159. (NEW) O/F 4 12 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Review and prepare for the Second Reading of Student Accident Insurance Policy No. 8760. O/F 5 Review Student Board Membership Applications (3) O/F 6 Kyle Kahlbom, Kelsey Shannon, Portia Dixon Review request from Sue McCormick, Township Clerk to centralize voting location O/F 7 Review Maintenance Services Agreement with CM3 Building Solutions (Press Release? O/F 8 Review Xerox Agreement for Stitcher Folder at a rate of $110 monthly O/F 9 Approval of Resolution for Participation in the Educational Cooperative Pricing System and contract in the amount of $1650 per year O/F 10 Review Promedia Services Contract through NJS Cooperative Pricing #26-EDCP O/F 11 Review Treasurer of School Monies, Lorraine Boyer’s request O/F 12 Request to open two petty cash OTP accounts O/F 13 Review request for Homebound Instruction for an out-of-district student. O/F 14 Review request for Homebound Instruction for an out-of-district student. O/F 15 Nursing Coverage at Williamstown High School and Williamstown Middle School O/F 16 Received $8293 Safety Grant to be used for upgrading security cameras at Williamstown Middle School and Williamstown High School. Other 1. 2. 3. SUPERINTENDENT’S INFORMATIONAL PACKET Postings I-1 Observations & Walkthroughs – September 2009 I-2 Notification: Letter from parent stating their intention to home school their child for the 2009-2010 school year. I-3 1. 2. Personnel Other POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEMS