A Genetic algorithm based optimization of DG/capacitors units considering power system indices Hossein Afrakhte1, Elahe Hassanzadeh2 1 Assistant Prof. of Guilan Faculty of Engineering, ho_afrakhte@guilan.ac.ir 2 Elahehassanzadeh@yahoo.com Abstract: In this paper, both Distributed Generators (DG) units and shunt capacitors are allocated and sized optimally and simultaneously for line loss reduction, voltage profile improvement and the reliability rising of the power system. The objective function which includes power losses (active and reactive), voltage profile and reliability indices is maximized using genetic algorithm. Power system operation limits are considered as constraints. The problem of optimal distributed generation and capacitor sizing and placement is solved for a 9-buses test system and the results of applying the proposed method illustrate the best answer is found by optimizing both DGs and capacitors in distribution networks. determine the optimal sitting and sizing of DG with multi-system constraints. In [3] a simulated annealing is proposed to determine the locations, the types and sizes of capacitors and the control settings of them. A PSO based multi objective formulation was proposed in [4] for optimal capacitor placement incorporating the cost of reliability, coasts of losses and investments as objective function and in [5] to optimize the cost of power losses and energy not supplied in presence of DG. Ref [6] represented a Fuzzy model for optimal DG sitting and sizing and determines its operation mode (PV or PQ). In [7], the distributed generation impacts on total losses, voltage profile and short circuit currents were used as objective function based on a steady-state analysis to search the best points for connecting distributed generators. In [8,] the problem of the optimal allocation and sizing of capacitors in unbalanced distribution systems is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem by using a micro genetic algorithm. Ref [9] proposed a approach for capacitor placement through sensitivity factors and self adaptive hybrid differential evolution (SaHDE) technique. In this paper, the genetic algorithm is applied to determine the optimal location and size of a DG unit along with four shunt capacitors for power losses reduction, voltage profile and reliability improvements. Keywords: Capacitors, Distribution Generation (DG), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Power Loss, Reliability, Voltage Profile. 1. Introduction The primary and main function of electric utilities is providing a reliable and secure energy supply for customers with specific voltage and stable frequency. So, they try to obtain this goal by means of different solutions such as the application of Distributed Generation (DG) units and shunt capacitors. Technological progress, economical analyses, environmental considerations, and power system deregulation are known as efficient reasons of DG employment. DG could contain any small power generators near to utilization points that complement central power stations regardless of energy source. The impact of DG in system operating characteristics needs to be evaluated properly because the performance of power system can be improved or destroyed via proper location and sizing of DG and system operating conditions [1]-[2]. Shunt capacitors can also be considered in parallel with DG units due to their applications in voltage stabilization, power/energy loss minimization, system capacity release, and reliability enhancement [3]-[4]. A wide variety of research work has been done to address the placement and sizing of DG and capacitor via different methods and for different reasons. In [1] a linear programming and Genetic algorithm were used to 2. Problem Formulation Determining the optimum location and sizing of DG and capacitor units and studies their impact on loss, voltage profile and reliability is the overall goal of this paper. The objective function is composed of active and reactive power losses, voltage profile and reliability indices that are explained below: 2.1 Power Loss Studies have indicated that as much as 13% of total power generated is wasted in the form of losses at the distribution level [10]. One of the main advantages offered by DG is the line loss reduction because of its proximity to the load canters. ٦٤١ In the heavy load conditions, the cost of losses will be added to customers' costs. Therefore, in feeders with high losses, using small-scale distributed generation (10-20% of the feeder load) could cause a significant reduction of losses [11]. DG and capacitor operations in minimizing the loss are similar. The difference is that the DG units cause impact on both the active and reactive power, while the capacitor banks only have impact on the reactive power flow. The line losses index is given as: N F1 r = Maintenance time U = λ × r = average annual off time In this paper, the ENS index (the amount of energy that has not been supplied) has been used as a reliability improvement index illustrated as: N F3 N Pl N PlwDGor C PlN m 1 λ = Failure rate m 1 N N m 1 m 1 (1) ENSi LiU i (KWh/year) OF Max w1 F1 w2 F 2 w3 F3 (6) Vmin Vi Vmax Pl Pl max min max Subject to : PDG PDG PDG min max QDG QDG QDG PF min PF PF max (2) 2.2 Voltage Profile Proper location and sizing of DG and capacitors lead to boost the voltage profile of the grid Voltage profile at the customer site is improved depending on the amount of reactive power injected by the shunt capacitor. In addition, DG relieves the load demand that will cause an improvement in the voltage magnitude. The proposed index of voltage profile improvement has been determined as: VPN (5) Where, Li is the average load connected to load point i in kW. ENS N , ENSDG or C are the total average energy not supplied when the fault happened in all sections of system in the case of without and with DG and capacitor respectively. 2.4 Objective Function Where, Pl N and Ql N are the total active and reactive line losses of th total active and reactive line losses with DG and capacitors. High value of index F1 indicates low power losses meaning better system performance. Active and reactive load models are presumed constant and the grid total MVA is expressed as [12]: F2 VPDG or C VPN (4) i 1 QlN QlwDGor C QlN 1/ 2 2 S PN PDG Q Q 2 DG QC N Q DG 0 asynchrono us generators ENSN ENSDG or C ENSN 3 wi 1 wi 0 1 (7) 1 ٢ ٣ ٤ Table I shows wi values (weight coefficients) for indices. Those values may vary according to the network operator’s concerns. (3) 1 N Vi Vmin Vmax Vi N m1 1 Vmin Vmax 1 TABLE I: Weight Coefficients w1 0.35 Where, VPN and VPDG or C are the voltage profile of system in the case of without and with DG and capacitor respectively. Vi is the voltage magnitude of the ith bus, Vmin and Vmax are the minimum and maximum allowed operation voltages. A High index F2 value indicates high quality voltage profile. 3. w2 0.3 w3 0.35 GA Setup and Coding of the Solution Genetic algorithms work by optimizing the fitness function (formed by adding the objective function and penalty terms for constraints violations). When applying Genetic Algorithms to optimize the DG/shunt capacitors allocation and sizing problems, an important aspect is the coding of the potential solutions. The initial population (coded variables) is the candidate locations and sizes of DG/capacitor units. Each chromosome is represented by a vector. The chromosome coding in this study as seen in Fig. 1 is defined as a two- 2.3 Reliability Main Power system ability in securing the supply of electricity and delivering an acceptable quality of power to the customers is mentioned as a reliability concept which is one of the most important criteria and must be considered during power system planning and operation. The main indices (load point) used to assess the reliability of distribution networks are [13]: ٦٤٢ vector chromosome in which the first section is a string of bus numbers that DG/capacitor are installed, the secondary section explains the DG/capacitors capacities. 4. Simulation Results The test system for the proposed methodology is a 9bus, single feeder, radial distribution network [14] shown in Fig.3. The substation line voltage is 23kV and details of the feeder and the load characteristics are given in Table II. In this work, the failure rate for all branches is assumed to be 0.1 f /km-year that "f" represents the failure frequency. Therefore, the failure rates of the test system are in the range [0.1, 0.5] (f/year) which the longer line with highest impedance has the biggest failure rate. The repair time is 4 h and the switching time is 0.5h. By running the power flow without DG and capacitors, calculated values of active and reactive power losses are 0.784 MW and 0.64 MVAR and the average of bus voltage is 0.937. Fig. 1: Chromosome coding BUS i is a discrete number between 1 and the total number of buses. PDG i and QCAi are continuous numbers ranging from zero to the maximum value of DG capacity (MW) and capacitor capacity (MVAR) respectively. Genetic Algorithm searches for the best answer in a continuous way between boundary limits; consequently the optimal case is GA output. Genetic Algorithm parameters used for all system were: Population size: 50, Number of generation: 300, Crossover function: Arithmetic, Mutation function: Gaussian, Mutation Rate: 0.7, Selection type: Roulette Wheel. The elitism mechanism is adopted for ensuring the survival of the best performing combination. For each location of DG/capacitor units in GA, an optimal power flow is used to define their available sizes. The utilization of this structure is various extensions implementing to the standard OPF problem and easily adding the new variables, constraints and costs to it. Calculating of optimal power flow is used to evaluate the branch current, bus voltage, real and reactive power flows for the generation and load conditions at each bus. The flow chart for the proposed method based on the GA is given in the Fig. 2. Fig. 3: Case study Then, the proposed algorithm is carried out for one DG unit and four capacitor banks individually and simultaneously. Capacitor and DG sizes are randomly selected from [150, 300, 450, 600, 750, and 900] KVAR and [0.1, 0.4] MW respectively. The total ENS value of grid before DG/capacitor placements is about 55051 KWh/year, after 4 capacitors allocated in their proper locations (3, 4, 5 and 9) is 45354 KWh/year, after one DG optimum locating (bus 9) and sizing (379 KW) reduce to 42505 KWh/year and after DG/capacitors simultaneously installing (DG at bus 8, capacitors at buses 3, 4, 6, and 7) reduce to 40350 KWh/year. Reliability calculations of the test system are given in Table III. The values of “r” and “U” at each branch and for each case are not included because of the lack of sufficient space. Tables IV shows a comparison between the results related to a system of different DG/Capacitor configurations that illustrates a big difference among the system results without a DG/capacitor and other cases. As mentioned, choosing both DGs and capacitors are necessary for minimizing the active and reactive power losses and boosting the voltage profile of network. However, DG has more efficiency at improving system reliability. Changing optimum location and size of DG and capacitors when they installed simultaneity, is an important issue. Fig. 2: Flowchart of genetic algorithm ٦٤٣ TABLE II: Load and line data of 9-bus system Branch PL (KW) QL (KWAR) R + j X (Ω) λ (f/year) 0-1 1840 460 0.123 + j0.413 0.107 1-2 980 340 0.014 + j0.605 0.1 2-3 1790 446 0.746 + j1.205 0.151 3-4 1598 1840 0.698 + j0.608 0.15 4-5 1610 600 1.983 + j1.728 0.249 5-6 780 110 0.905 + j0.798 0.162 6-7 1150 60 2.055 + j1.164 0.248 7-8 980 130 4.795 + j2.716 0.46 8-9 1640 200 5.343 + j3.026 0.5 TABLE III: Reliability calculations of test system for 4 cases (1- without DG/Capacitor, 2-with Capacitor, 3-with DG and 4- with DG/Capacitor) Feeder section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 total λ1 0.107 0.1 0.151 0.15 0.249 0.162 0.248 0.46 0.5 Failure rate (f/year) λ2 λ3 0.092 0.087 0.085 0.0795 0.13 0.123 0.143 0.137 0.218 0.202 0.149 0.14 0.215 0.201 0.415 0.4 0.43 0.42 λ4 0.08 0.072 0.112 0.13 0.192 0.128 0.19 0.383 0.412 ENS1 2536.885 2879.885 3925.9 4753.664 6106.064 6548.324 7554.574 9142.664 11602.664 55050.624 ENS (KWh/year) ENS2 ENS3 1864.288 1723.118 2159.268 1996.048 2979.983 2766.64 3774.189 3532.920 5002.619 4671.19 5409.389 5053.39 6282.814 5858.234 7706.264 7230.014 10174.464 9673.795 45353.278 42505.358 ENS4 1667.46 1914.42 2616.1 3343.16 4425.08 4774.52 5539.27 6852.96 9217.84 40350.81 Active and reactive power losses of system are shown in Figs 4 and 5 before and after the installation of DG and capacitors respectively. 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