Solar Power Purchase Agreement - Solid Waste Agency

Request for Proposal
Solar Power Purchase Agreement
Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency
1954 County Home Road
Marion, Iowa 52302
Issued: September 18, 2015
Proposals Due: 4 pm, October 28, 2015
1. Project Summary……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
2. Agency Background………………………………………………………………………………... 3
3. Agency Goals………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
4. Project Objective……………………………………………………………………………………. 4
5. RFP Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
6. Manner of Submitting Proposals……………………………………………………………... 4
7. Statement of Work/Project Scope…………………………………………………………… 5
8. Negotiations and Clarifications……………………………………………………………….. 8
9. Proposal Content and Organization………………………………………………………… 9
10. Additional Requirements…………………………………………………………………........ 10
11. Selection Criteria………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
12. Limitation of Liability…………………………………………………………………………… 12
13. Agreement Terms and Conditions…………………………………………………………. 12
Attachment I: Agency property located at 1954 County Home Road, Marion, IA
Attachment II: Agency electrical consumption at 1954 County Home Road, Marion,
CRLCSWA Solar PPA RFP September 2015
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1. Project Summary
The Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency (Agency) is soliciting proposals
from qualified vendors—sometimes referenced as “solar services providers”—to
design, install, own, operate and maintain a ground mounted, utility-interactive
photovoltaic electric generating system using a Solar Power Purchase Agreement.
The solar array will be located on Agency property at 1954 County Home Road
north of Marion, Iowa, in Linn County (Attachment I). The property is served by
two utility companies—Alliant Energy/Interstate Power and Light Company and
Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative.
The Agency may or may not choose to purchase the system, depending on the terms
offered by/negotiated with the selected vendor. The target date for project
completion is spring 2016.
2. Agency Background
The Agency is an independent, intergovernmental entity governed by a ninemember board of directors. Established in 1994, the Agency provides sustainable
waste, recycling and composting programs to the citizens of Linn County and its 17
communities. As a certified Environmental Management System, the Agency
continually seeks to reduce its carbon footprint through alternative energy
production; the proposed solar array will complement the Agency’s landfill gas–toenergy plant installed in 2013.
3. Agency Goals
The Agency board of directors has established the following reasons for hosting a
PV system under a Purchase Power Agreement:
-to reduce the cost of electricity without the responsibility of PV design,
construction, operation & management
-to provide predictable/stable electric charges during the next 20 years (FY17FY37)
-to provide as much of the Agency’s electrical demand as possible
-to generally reduce carbon emissions & dependence on fossil fuels via alternative
energy production
-to enhance the Agency’s Environmental Management System which represents the
organization’s commitment to sustainability
-to provide an example of and information about solar technology to Linn County
residents and businesses
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4. Project Objective
The selected vendor shall provide the design, equipment, materials, manufacturing
and any other miscellaneous and professional services necessary to the installation
of a ground mounted utility-interactive photovoltaic system. The vendor will own,
operate and maintain the PV system for the duration of the contract while selling
the solar generated power to the Agency. The Agency may or may not opt to
purchase the system, depending on the negotiated terms of the contract.
Given the space available for the array and other contributing factors, the system
should be capable of producing as much of the Agency’s electrical demand as
In addition, the array should be sized to take advantage of net metering, taking into
consideration current rules and regulations of the Iowa Utilities Board as well as
policies of utility companies serving the Agency.
5. RFP Schedule
At the discretion of the Agency, the following dates may be subject to change.
RFP issue date
Deadline for questions
Deadline for proposal submittal
Proposal review & evaluation
Follow-up interviews if needed
Vendor selection; contract negotiation
September 18, 2015
Noon, Wed., October 21, 2015
4 pm, Wed., October 28, 2015
November 2015
November 2015
December 2015
Sealed proposals will not be opened prior to 4 pm Central Time, October 28, 2015,
and will be opened by an authorized Agency representative and not in the presence
of vendors or individuals not employed by the Agency.
6. Manner of Submitting Proposals
One (1) original and four (4) copies of the proposal must be submitted by 4
pm, Wednesday, October 28, 2015. Electronic proposals will not be accepted
unless accompanied by paper copies. Submit to the following:
Karmin McShane, Executive Director
Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency
1954 County Home Road
Marion, IA 52302
Vendors may only withdraw proposals prior to the submission deadline via written
notice, including e-mail notice.
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The Agency reserves the right to withdraw or amend this RFP at any time. The
Agency further reserves the right to wave irregularities and informalities in a
submitted proposal or in the bidding process, to accept other than the lowest cost
proposal and to reject any or all proposals.
7. Statement of Work/Project Scope
The selected vendor shall design a new ground mounted photovoltaic system at
1954 County Home Road, Marion, Iowa, including identifying the location and
assessing its topography and geotechnical attributes.
Attachment I depicts Agency-owned property at 1954 County Home Road, Marion,
Iowa. Areas considered most likely for solar array location are north of the
Resource Recovery Building; the highpoint of the closed landfill cell west of the Main
Office building; and farmland west of the landfill cells. However, it will be up to
vendors to assess and recommend the best location.
Tours of the property may be scheduled with Communications Director Joe
Horaney,, 319-377-5290, ext. 113.
The selected vendor shall perform all professional services necessary to install the
project such that it is operational and compliant with all applicable standards;
building codes; utility interconnection requirements—including net energy
metering—and local/state codes, laws and regulations.
The vendor shall identify and be responsible for application and management of any
available rebates, incentives or benefits available to the project, except that it shall
select from among any mutually exclusive incentives for which the project might
qualify in a way reasonably expected to maximize net present value to the Agency.
The vendor shall design/engineer the PV system to maximize solar energy
resources, taking into consideration the Agency’s electrical demand and load
patterns, available solar resources, existing site conditions, proposed future site
improvements, and other relevant factors.
Attachment II depicts Agency electrical use for FY15 (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015)
Upon request, the Agency will give its electric utilities permission to discuss
relevant accounts and rates to prospective vendors. Email requests to
Executive Director Karmin McShane at
The vendor shall identify an appropriate location for the solar PV inverter
equipment and related components—unless micro inverters are used—and
environmental control systems, if any, which will meet the following criteria:
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Ease of maintenance and monitoring
Efficient operation
Low operating losses
Secured location and hardware
Compatibility with existing facilities
Design documents shall include the following minimum information:
 Timeline/Project Schedule
 System description
 Equipment details and description
 Selection of key equipment
 Layout of equipment and installation including perimeter fencing
 Specifications for equipment procurement and installation
 Engineering associated with structural and mounting details taking wind
speed and soil conditions into consideration
 Performance of equipment components, and subsystems (Estimated energy
delivery for each month of the year and annual total at the delivered voltage)
 Equipment warranties and guarantees
 Integration of solar PV system with other power sources
 Electrical grid interconnection requirements
 Controls, monitors, and instrumentation
 Efficiency loss over time
 System performance monitoring
 Metering requirements
The vendor shall be responsible for securing, at vendor’s cost, all permits and
approvals from relevant agencies and organizations.
The Vendor will secure from governing agencies and the utility company all
required rights, permits, approvals, and interconnection agreements at no
additional cost to the Agency. The Agency will become the signatory on applications,
permits, and utility agreements only where necessary. The selected vendor will
complete and submit in a timely manner all documentation required to qualify for
available rebates and incentives.
The vendor shall supply all equipment, materials, and labor necessary to install the
PV and integration systems.
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The vendor shall:
 Supply and install all equipment required to interconnect the solar PV system to
the distribution system of Alliant Energy, REC, or any another utility as
 Fulfill all application, studies, and testing procedures to complete the
interconnection process.
 Pay all costs associated with utility interconnection.
During the start-up, the Agency, and/or its independent engineer/consultant, shall
observe and verify each system performance. Required commissioning and
acceptance test services include:
 Definition of performance requirements
 Starting up the solar PV systems until it achieves performance requirements
 Conducting performance testing over a consecutive twenty-four (24) hour
period or other defined period of time
 Method of demonstrating that the system meets performance requirements
 Conducting the successful delivery of power within thirty (30) days following
completion of the system and meeting specified benchmark(s)
The vendor shall:
 Provide two (2) sets of operation, maintenance, and parts manuals for the solar
PV system. The manual shall cover all components, options, and accessories
supplied. It shall include maintenance, trouble-shooting, and safety precautions
specific to the supplied equipment. It shall also delineate responsibilities of both
parties, both during the term of any agreement and after any potential buyout
that may be agreed to.
 Provide two (2) sets of as-built drawings including one (1) on CAD.
These requirements shall be delivered prior to acceptance of the solar PV system.
The vendor shall provide for the following:
 Monitoring of system performance
 Equipment and services that will tie the PV system into the Agency’s
computer network, allowing the Agency to monitor, analyze, and display
historical and live solar electricity generation data. The regularly collected
data should reflect, but not be limited to, the following:
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o System performance
o System availability
o Average and accumulated output
o Capacity factor
o Degradation
o Cost avoidance
The vendor shall also provide an application for Apple & Samsung handheld devices
to conduct all of the above.
The data acquisition system shall be designed for turnkey, remote operation. Data
shall be internet-based and not require a dedicated, 24-7 personal computer.
Should the Agency opt to purchase the PV system, identify warranties and
guarantees that would be transferred to the Agency.
The vendor shall perform all required maintenance, including cleaning and snow
removal as well as warranty repair work and equipment replacement including, but
not limited to, inverter replacement (if necessary) in order to keep the system
operational and performing to production guarantees.
The vendor shall bear the sole responsibility of removing the PV system at the end
of the twenty (20) year service term should the Agency—at its sole discretion—opt
not to purchase the PV system or extend the agreement.
As owner of the PV system, the vendor shall have a complete onsite operation and
maintenance service program that includes comprehensive safety components.
Should the Agency opt to purchase the system and contract for operation &
maintenance services, the vendor shall provide O & M services under a separate
8. Negotiations and Clarifications
It is the vendor’s responsibility to seek clarification of any ambiguities or other
issues regarding this RFP that are not fully understood. Questions regarding this
RFP must be submitted in writing to Karmin McShane
at No phone calls, please. The deadline for
questions is noon, Wednesday, October 21, 2015.
All questions and Agency responses – as well as any addendums to this RFP – will be
posted on the Agency website
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The Agency reserves the right to award a contract based on initial proposal(s)
received without engaging in discussions or negotiations with vendor(s).
Accordingly, vendor(s) should submit their initial offer(s) on the most favorable
terms possible to the Agency. The Agency may, but is not obligated to, seek
clarification of a proposal. The Agency may, but is not obligated to, conduct
negotiations with one or more vendors whose proposal(s) are competitive or may
best meet the needs of the Agency.
9. Proposal Content & Organization
To facilitate review and evaluation by the Agency, vendors must submit
information in the order (A-S) listed below. Additional information deemed
pertinent may be included as appendices that are referenced in the vendor proposal.
A. Official company name and business address
B. Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the vendor’s point of
C. Number of years vendor has been in business under the present business
D. A description of vendor’s business experience, qualifications and capabilities
including a summary of the vendor’s commercial-grid connected PV
E. Number of employees
F. Target customers (residential, commercial, industrial, government, etc.)
G. Name, titles, roles and resumes of staff that will be directly involved in the
H. Identification of each entity, sub-contractor, person or firm involved in the
proposal and their role/responsibility, e.g. design, installation, permitting,
equipment supply by component, operations and maintenance,
I. List of known conflicts of interest, if any
J. List of three clients for whom vendor has provided similar services including
name, e-mail address and phone number of a contact person for each client
K. List of ground mounted commercial PV systems installed by vendor
L. Average commercial grid-connected PV system size installed by vendor
during the past five years
M. Total commercial MW of grid-connected PV systems installed under a Power
Purchase Agreement
N. Experience with local government projects, if any
O. Description of safety program & safety record for past three years
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P. Proposed system equipment including module type, inverters, monitoring
and data acquisition systems
Q. Schedule: Provide timeline/Gantt chart that includes all project components
such as permitting, installation, commissioning, start-up, etc.
R. Preliminary drawings: 1) Site layout designating access, parking, temporary
facilities, etc. 2) One-line diagram consistent with proposed design.
S. Pricing for the following (use table format as shown below):
1) Cost per kWh under a 20-year PPA with an annual (percentage) escalator
2) Cost per kWh under a 20-year PPA without an annual (percentage)
3) Annual cost for operation and maintenance (O & M) of the system should
Agency opt to purchase system
Assumptions used to calculate pricing and benefits should acknowledge nonresidential rates/tariffs charged the Agency; projected energy price
increases; system energy production; effect of solar renewable energy
certificates; state/federal renewable energy tax credits and any other
incentives available to the vendor such as accelerated depreciation.
20-Year PPA Pricing (FY17-FY37)
1)Cost per kWh
(with _____% annual escalator)
2)Cost per kWh
(with no annual escalator)
3)Annual O & M cost
(should the Agency choose
to purchase solar array)
1) Assumptions:
2) Assumptions:
10. Additional Requirements
If awarded the contract, vendor must provide a signed Hold Harmless Agreement
and a Certificate of Insurance showing minimum liability coverage of $1,000,000 for
any one person; $1,000,000 for any one accident, $1,000,000 for property damage
and $1,000,000 of general liability insurance. The vendor will be required to name
the Cedar Rapids Linn County Solid Waste Agency and its officers and employees as
an additional insured.
The successful vendor will be required to carry and maintain, during the term of the
agreement, worker’s compensation and employer’s liability insurance that meet the
requirements of the State of Iowa for all employees performing the services
described in the Agreement.
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Subcontractors must be pre-approved, in writing, by the Agency prior to any work.
Vendor shall require subcontractor(s) to carry and maintain the same worker’s
compensation and employer’s liability insurance required of the vendor.
The Agency reserves the right to cancel the awarded contract if vendor is unable to
provide required services as described in this RFP within the time frame stipulated
in the agreement.
11. Selection Criteria
A responsible vendor is one who in the opinion of the Agency possesses the skill,
ability, integrity, financial and other resources necessary for the completion of the
services described in this RFP. Proposals from responsible vendors will be
evaluated on the criteria listed below which appear in no particular order of
Ability to meet mandatory requirements
The competence to perform the services as reflected by past experience in
providing the services outlined in this RFP
Understanding of the needs and requirements of the Agency
Total cost to the Agency for required service
Overall package and financial benefit to the Agency
Experience, reputation, organization, skills and overall qualifications of the
vendor, vendor’s staff, partners and sub-contractors assigned to the project
Content, quality and completeness of the proposal
Demonstrated knowledge of public entities
Electricity offset/saved
A defensible savings analysis
Monitoring system
PPA options
Interviews (if conducted)
These criteria will be weighed in any manner deemed appropriate by the Agency
and the contract will be awarded to the vendor whose proposal is in the best
interest of the Agency.
The Agency may interview any or all of the vendors to determine each vendor’s
commitment to the proposed relationship and the quality of services offered.
However, the Agency reserves the right to enter into a contract without further
evaluation. Therefore, it is important that proposals be as complete as possible.
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The Agency reserves the right to accept a proposal other than the lowest priced
proposal or to reject, in whole or in part, any or all proposals for any reason.
12. Limitation of Liability
Issuance of this RFP and any actions taken hereunder shall not create a duty on the
part of the Agency to pay any costs incurred by vendor in connection with, or
resulting from, this RFP. This includes, but is not limited to, the preparation or
submission of proposal, or responses to inquiries from the Agency related to this
RFP or vendor’s proposal; or anticipation of a contract or otherwise with respect to
this RFP or vendor’s proposal.
13. Agreement Terms and Conditions
The terms of the final written agreement executed between the Agency and the
successful vendor will be drawn principally from this RFP, the terms and conditions
set forth in the vendor’s proposal and accepted by the Agency, and other conditions,
responsibilities and specifications provided by the Agency.
The acceptance of any proposal is conditioned upon the negotiation of a mutually
acceptable agreement. The agreement shall contain the PPA as well as
lease/easement for Agency property access (both for construction and
maintenance), buy-out options, REC sales (if not included in the PPA), process for
determining monetary damages for failure to perform, etc.
If an acceptable agreement is not reached within sixty (60) days of vendor selection,
the Agency reserves the right to disqualify the vendor and re-evaluate the remaining
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Agency property at 1954 County Home Road, Marion, IA
[black dashes indicate property boundary]
FY15 Electrical Consumption at 1954 County Home Road, Marion, IA