The Undergraduate Laboratories

Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
On this booklet
Schedule ....................................................................................................................4
Posters .......................................................................................................................9
Lectures ...................................................................................................................14
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Our sponsors
The Safed Foundation
Bar-Ilan University
Israel Chemical Society
Shulman Scientific Equipment
Science Demo
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Members of the organizing committee:
Dr. Mordechai Livneh, Chair, (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan)
Dr. Iris Barzilai (Technion, Haifa)
Dr. Beny Cohen (Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva)
Prof. Menachem Steinberg (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Dr. Ron Blonder (Science Teaching Department, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot)
Dr. Alex Shechter (The Ariel University Center of Samaria)
Dr. Weiser-Biton Rivka (Karmiel, Ort Braude college)
Ilanit Dvash, Safed Scientific Workshop coordinator
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Monday, 8 September 2008
Registration, check in, refreshments
16.30 – 17.00
Pre opening exercise - Ron Blonder 10 min
Opening - Mordechai Livneh 20 min
Session 1 - Chairman: Alex Schechter, The Ariel University
Center of Samaria, Ariel, ISRAEL
Kenneth Doxsee - U. Oregon, USA; "Enhancing Access to
Experimental Science Through Green Chemistry".
Metodija Najdoski – Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia; "Disposable "EDULABPRO" Chemistry
kits – A step forward to the future 'hands on "experimentation".
18.30 – 20.00
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
7.00 – 9.00
Session 2 – Chairman; Beny Cohen, Ben-Gurion University
Beer-Sheba, ISRAEL
9:00 - 9:30
Shimon Shatzmiller - The Ariel University Center of Samaria,
Ariel, ISRAEL; "Undergraduate laboratory course in drug
Taly Port - Technion, Haifa, ISRAEL – "Using Digital Lab
Tutorials (DLT) as a chemistry pre-lab activity for
Iris Barzilai - Technion, Haifa, ISRAEL; "Workshop for New Lab
Teaching Assistants".
Kazuko Ogino - Tohoku University, Japan; "Some microscale
experiments on Basic topics ".
Coffee break
Miklos Riedel – Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary,
"Analytical chemistry in Hungarian schools (a review with
international outlook)".
Panel 1: Labs around the world
Hiroshi Ogino (Japan), Miklos Riedel (Hungary), Marie Du Toit
(south Africa), Kenneth Doxsee (US)
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Lunch break
Session 3 – Chairman; Rivka Weiser-Biton, Ort Braude College,
Karmiel, ISRAEL
Ron Blonder - The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
ISRAEL; "Open-ended Laboratory experiments based on
advanced Instrumentation: Analyzing High School Students
inquiry questions".
Hannah Margel - The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
ISRAEL; "Advanced Practical Lab Activities (NECHMAD): A
program that interweaves teachers' professional development with
students' enrichment".
Miri Kesner and Ruthie Stanger - The Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, ISRAEL ; "From industrial chemistry studies to
laboratory research projects".
Marie Du Toit - North-West University, Potchefstroom, SouthAfrica; "The use of smallscale chemistry laboratory in teachers
training break"
A Special Demo-lecture: Viktor Obendrauf - Karl Franzens
University, Graz, Austria; "Microscale experiments dealing with
the history of fire".
Presenter: Ron Blonder - The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, ISRAEL
Poster session
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
7.00 – 9.00
Session 4 – Chairman; Iris Barzilai, Technion, Haifa, ISRAEL
9:00 - 9:30
Alex Schechter - The Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel,
ISRAEL; "The use of creative approach in experimental cells
design in undergraduate research projects".
Rivka Weiser-Biton - Ort Braude College, Karmiel; "Buffers
preparation, action and capacity determination- A case study in
analytical laboratory".
Gabriele Halevi - Technion, Haifa, ISRAEL – "Laboratory as an
effective environment for effective learning".
Hiroshi Ogino - The Open University of Japan; "Microscale
Chemistry Laboratory in the Open University of Japan".
Coffee Break
Peter Schwarz - Alexander-von-Humboldt HS, Lauterbach,
Germany; "Microscale chemistry experimentation with disposable
Omer Shulman - Shulman Scientific, ISRAEL; "Computerized
labs and other instruments for the practical laboratories".
Panel 2 – "The Undergraduate Labs in Israeli Institutions –
Situation, Goals and Prospectives".
Steinberg Menachem (HU Jerusalem), Beny Cohen (BGU),
Reuveny Saada (TAU) Alex schechter (Ariel). Iris Barzilai
(Technion), Itzhak Mastai (BIU)
Lunch break
Tour in Safed (Guided by Zeev Perl former Mayor of Safed), and
free time self-touring in Safed (galleries etc)
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Thursday 11 September 2008
7.00 – 9.00
Session 5 –Chairman: Menachem Steinberg, Hebrew University
Jerusalem, ISRAEL
9:00 - 9:30
Yitzak Mastai - Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, ISRAEL–
"Undergraduate physical chemistry laboratory in Israel; Current
status, future prospects".
Mordechai Livneh and Moshe Ben-Tzion – Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan, ISRAEL; "Beyond the written lab manuals".
Closing lecture:
George Lisensky - Beloit College, USA; "An Online Video lab
manual for nanoscale science and technology".
Summary of the conference and closing words
Hotel checkout and Galilee tour
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Visualizing bioorganic molecules using the program CHEM3D
Haya Kornweitz
Ariel University Center of Samaria
Replacement of forbidden reagents in two classical students' lab experiments.
High resolution rotation vibration spectra of HCl, DCl, CO2, C2H 2, C2D2 and
C2HD in the gas phase
Beny Cohen
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Degrees of freedom, Rigid and non rigid rotors, rotation of a linear molecule,
Quantized rigid rotor, J rotational quantum number and energy levels
E(J)=hcBJ(J+1),B=h/8π2 cI and I=Σ mi ri . Harmonic and unharmonic oscillator
molecules, Hook and Morse potentials, the Quantized energy level E(v)=hυ(v+1/2) of
harmonic oscillator. Second-order effects in vibration-rotation spectra 1.The effect of
vibrational level v on B, the rotational constant. 2. The effect of high J (centrifugal
distortion) on vibration frequency. Absorption in infra-red: Selection rules 1.A net
change in the dipole moment, only asymmetric mode are active! 2.For Σ vibrations
which are parallel to the molecular axis (linear molecule) and therefore perpendicular
to the rational angular momentum ∆J=-1 or +1; 3.For Π vibrations which are
perpendicular to the molecular axis and therefore parallel to the rotational angular
momentum ∆J=-1,0,+1 called P, Q, R branch lines. Isotope effect: 1.vibration
frequency (υi. / υ) = (µ/µi )1/2 , 2. rotational constant (Bi /B ) = (µ/µi ) : µ is the
reduced mass. Spin effect: Nuclei obey certain symmetry rules with respect to
exchange (rotation). Half-integral spin nuclei (proton) obey Fermi-Dirac statistics
(anti-symmetric) and integral spin nuclei such as deuterium obey Bose-Einstein
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Who Killed Dana Cohen? Forensic Science Lab at the Belmonte Science
Laboratories Center
Noa Seri and M. Mendelovici
Belmonte Science Laboratories,
The Hebrew University
"Who Killed Dana Cohen?" is a lab protocol designed to enable high school students
to experience the use of updated scientific methods to process and analyze "evidence"
collected from a "crime scene", as used in forensic science. Finally, the students will
identify the "killer" and the "poison" used to commit the crime.
The lab work starts with a short background story about a women's body found in a
hotel room. Playing detectives, the students are being acquainted with the theoretical
as well as the practical aspects of various updated analysis methods that are
commonly used in modern chemistry & biology laboratories.
In the forensic biology section of the lab, the students perform the following
1. Serological (ABO) analyses of physiological fluids that are typically and
frequently generated during the commission of violent crimes. This procedure
involves the use of antibodies as a diagnostic tool;
2. DNA analysis that mimics DNA STR (Short Tandem Repeat) analysis.
The students are presented with the theoretical background of this technique as well
as with its practical use, and they run and compare restriction DNA profiles on
agarose gels.
In the forensic chemistry section of the lab the students perform the following
1. the identification of fingerprints from a glass left in the "crime" scene;
2. the identification of "suspected" powders using acid-base reactions, indicators
and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC);
3. the identification of "suspected" liquids by using a Gas Chromatograph
4. Finally, the students are running Atomic Absorption analysis of sand found in
the crime scene, using calibration graphs.
Combining the theoretical background with the practice of advanced "science-inaction" stimulates the young student to further learning and strongly help him to better
assimilate knowledge to novel insights.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Emission of Toxic and Flammable Compounds From Bituminous Coal Piles
Uri Green and Haim Cohen
Ariel University Center at Samaria
It is well known that toxic and flammable compounds are emitted during long term
storage of bituminous coals. The storage period involves the low temperature aerial
oxidation of the coals, mainly via exothermic chemisorption of molecular oxygen. If
the heat dissipation from the pile is not efficient enough the result is autocatalytic
heating of the pile which in extreme cases self ignition of the pile might occur. The
following gaseous compounds are reported: carbon dioxide- CO2 is the main product
but also methane- CH4, carbon monoxide - CO, ethane C2H2 and dihydrogen - H2
are evolved. The project has investigated the effect of several parameters on the
emission processes. The effect of coal quantity and type, particle size, temperature,
heating periods and O2 concentration will be reported. Simulation experiments using
small glass reactors were heated isothermically in an oven at a temperature range of
55-95C using 5 different coals have been performed, These coals are used as fuel in
the coal combustion power stations in Israel. The results indicate that indeed the coal's
surface serves as a catalyst in the formation of flammable and toxic compounds and
that emission of molecular hydrogen H2, might be a possible cause of unexplained
explosions in underground coal mines.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
ProBase, a pilot project for practical education and training in chemistry
Miklos Riedel and Luca Szalay
Institute of Chemistry,
Eötvös University,
Budapest, Hungary
Practicing technicians working in chemical fields (e.g. laboratories of factories,
government or municipality sponsored institutes, universities or other research
centers) need many professional skills and competencies related to them. Often,
however, little attention is given to their systematic development in vocational courses
of schools. Our team is developing a range of activities to show and train chemistry
students which are the essential skills used by practicing scientists:
use knowledge and understanding to tackle scientific problems
observe, measure, analyze and evaluate scientific data
work in teams, manage their time, workload and resources
communicate with one another and non-scientists.
The ProBase project ( is going to be finished by our team at
the end of 2008. By that time 32 complex problem-based activities are collected by
consulting with scientific researchers working in the industry, at universities or
research institutes, and a website will be built containing these activities. When
applying this set of complex activities the necessary skills of students are developed
step by step since the activities are arranged in 8 groups of increasing complexity of
Selected list of activities:
− Measurement of the active ingredient of Aspirin with different analytical methods
− Water pollution at camping site Green Oasis
− Taking food colours to a court of law
− Quality assurance in chemical laboratories
− Phosphate and phosphoric acid content of colas
− River pollution inquiry
− How to validate a new analytical method
− Complex investigation of Heineken beer
− Parallel synthesis of paracetamol analogues
− Identification and determination of parabens in Sanex cream
− A forensic approach of environmental pollution
− Beautiful people? A study of cosmetics
− Investigation of nanosilver samples
Most of the analytical methods are based on the StandardBase database developed
also by our team. In the StandardBase database ( 72
standard analytical procedures used in industry have been adapted to make them
accessible via the internet to students in schools and their teachers. Samples to be
analyzed are commercially available products, e.g. toothpaste, aspirin and other
pharmaceutical products, cola, petrol, bubble gum or environmental samples.
Procedures cover a wide range of analytical techniques used in most of the chemical
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
vocational schools (acid-base titration, flame photometry, UV/VIS
spectrophotometry, GC, potentiometry, thin layer chromatography, electromotive
force and light intensity measurements, etc.)
The team working in development of the ProBase and StandardBase projects: Petrik
Chemical Vocational School (Hungary), Eötvös University (Hungary), Drenthe
College Unit Techniek (The Netherlands), VaPro (The Netherlands), Institute Jozef
Stefan (Slovenia), 4science (United Kingdom).
The project is financed by the EU Leonardo da Vinci program.
Computers in the Laboratory; Calibrating a Thermistor
Moshe Ben-Tzion
Department of Chemistry
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900 ISRAEL
"Computers in the Laboratory" is a unique course designed to familiarize
chemistry students with the theory and practice of automated data collection, data
processing and computer control of experiments. The experiment that is presented
here, "Calibrating a Thermistor", is the first in a series of exercises that combine a
hands-on laboratory technique with programming skills and data sampling methods
which are an integral part of courseware. A significant portion of the course is
dedicated to teaching the students graphical programming using LabVIEW 8.2 (a
National Instruments language).
The students are instructed to assume a linear response for their thermistor over
the 0-100°C temperature range and calibrate it accordingly by measuring the
voltage at the temperature extremes. This provides them with a ∆T/∆V value
which can be inserted into the linear equation in their data collection program:
Temperature = (∆
×Voltage + TV=0°°C
It quickly becomes clear that the "linear response" assumption is not accurate
and the students then collect voltage data for the thermistor at 5 degree
intervals from 0-90°C. This data is then fit to 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials
to find the most appropriate response equation for the thermistor. Finally the
students rewrite their data collection program to handle the polynomial
response and verify experimentally that it is indeed accurate.
Documentation for several other computer experiments will be available for perusal.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Enhancing Access to Experimental Science through Green Chemistry
Kenneth Doxsee
University of Oregon
By virtue of its focus on the reduction of intrinsic chemical risk rather than solely on
minimization of exposure, Green Chemistry allows for laboratory investigations in
settings that would be inappropriate for “conventional” chemical experimentation.
Through facilitation of the (re)introduction of experimental chemistry at the full range
of educational institutions, a Green curriculum promises enhancement of both the
numbers and the diversity of students gaining knowledge of the practice of modern
Disposable “Edulabpro” Chemistry Kits:
A Step Forward to the Future Hands on Experimentation
Metodija Najdoski
Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University,
Arhimedova 5, PO Box 162, 1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia
Experiments in chemistry and lab courses are frequently proved to be a powerful tool
for teaching a subject and are complementary to oral courses. Therefore a lot of
attention should be given to each experiment, to its goals and to the time allocated to
lab sessions.
Chemistry teachers have a variety of choices how to make experiments. They can
demonstrate experiments, they can show video clips of experiments and they can let
students do the experiments themselves individualy or in small groups ('hands on'
experimentation). In our opinion all these options should be used, but with the right
proportions. But experience and reality show the opposite. Experiments are not used
enough in chemistry lectures neither in many curricula. A survey performed in
Macedonian schools points to the following reasons for this situation: 1. There is not
enough equipment or chemicals; 2. There is a shortage in well equipped laboratories
(if any); 3. There is not enough time; 4. Practical work is sometimes hazardous; 5.
safety regulations inhibit practical work; 6. Many teachers are not experienced or they
are are inadequately prepared; 7. The need (and sometimes shortage) of lab assistants.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
To give an answer to these problems we came up with an idea of using disposable
chemistry kits. More than 50 chemistry kits for 'hands on' experimentation are
designed. The main idea is to have a plastic zipper bag with instructions and materials
for experimentation. We suggest performing of experiments on a paper sheet in
groups of two students. Usually, the chemistry kits are consisting of some plastic
ampoules with chemicals (solids, liquids or aqueous solutions) and a plastic test tube.
Depending on the content, chemical formulas are printed on the ampoules. After the
work is done the waste is put into different trash bins and reminds the students of
recycling principles. In this way of performing experiments, teachers do not need to
prepare solutions, time is saved and so energy and space. The chemistry kits are
adequately designed also to be very safe, and they are very cheap. The kits are
patented in Macedonia and they are in use in many schools in Macedonia and some
neighbouring countries.
Undergraduate Laboratory Course In Drug Synthesis: 4-(2-Butylamino-1Hydroxy-Ethyl) Phenol (Bametane) As An Example
Shimon Shatzmiller, Gary Gellerman, Ludmila Buzhansky, Marina kublev,
Inbal Lapidot and Galina Zats
Department of Biological Chemistry,
The Ariel University Center of Samaria,
Ariel, 40700 Israel
The program in biological chemistry contains 16 ( times 14 weeks of the course)
hours of theoretical courses in drug design, synthesis, development and computational
aspects of drug design. In addition to those, the unique laboratory course which
embraces 6 weekly hours in the 6th term (14 meetings), concludes in a practical way
the topics studied in theory which were:
1) Vitamins and Hormones.
2) Natural products.
3) Advance organic chemistry, DNA chemistry and intercalation.
4) Use of computer modeling for receptor (on basis of ligand) and ligand (on
basis of receptor data) ending in the design of a proposed target.
5) Advanced synthesis of modern drugs.
6) Drug development including regulatory demands.
7) Analytical methods used in drug research and manufacturing.
8) Seminar in drug discovery.
An intensive literature survey, pharmacological understanding of the goal drug
molecule and presenting a preliminary report by the students work commences. All
the above mentioned topics are exercised in the laboratory by giving every group of 23 student a drug molecule that could be prepare, verified and validated during the time
of the laboratory.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
The work on 4-(2-butylamino-1-hydroxy-ethyl)phenol (Bametane) which was done
successfully in the frame of this Lab will be presented.
Using Digital Lab Tutorials (DLT) as a chemistry pre-lab activity for
Taly Port, Aharon Blank, Iris Barzilai (1) Abigail Barzilai, Ayelet Weizman (2)
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion; 2 Center for Promotion of Teaching,
Modernization and increasing load at the chemistry labs led to development of a new
preparation model for undergraduate students at the Technion. Digital Lab Tutorials
(DLT) were prepared for twelve experiments which are carried out in parallel at the
analytical chemistry lab. The purpose of this model is to make instruction more
efficient, and at the same time improve students’ preparedness for labs.
An evaluative study of this model was conducted, where students were encouraged to
watch the DLTs before labs. Research instruments include attitude questionnaires
given to students and TAs, lab-observations and students’ lab tests and reports.
The findings of this study show that 60%-80% of the students (N=120) watched the
DLTs. 84% of the students who watched a DLT believe that it contributed to their
preparation and success and increased their motivation to participate in the labs.
TAs indicated there were differences between students who watched the DLT and
those that did not watch it, but analysis of students’ lab-test scores did not reveal any
significant differences in achievements.
We conclude that watching DLT improves the readiness of students and their
technical ability in the lab, but it is not enough for improving effectiveness of
Workshop for New Lab Teaching Assistants - An Excellent Lab Assistant or
How to Get 5 In the TA Questionnaire?
Iris Barzilai1, Masha Tsaushu2, Yosef Livneh2, Gabriele Halevy1, Abigail
Schulich faculty of Chemistry, Technion; 2Center for Advancement of Teaching,
Laboratory work is an established part of courses in chemistry in higher education. At
the Technion, laboratories in undergraduate courses in general, and at the Schulich
faculty of Chemistry in particular, serve a large number of students from diverse
disciplines. Thus, the role of the lab TAs is very important. There is certainly no
substitute for a TA circulating among the students, answering and asking questions,
pointing out subtle details or possible applications, and generally guiding student’s
learning. Therefore, improving undergraduate laboratory instruction has become a
priority in many institutions, including the Technion.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
For the last few years, new Lab TAs and frontal class TAs participate in the same
training program for new TAs. The experience gained over the years, and findings
from the literature, strengthen the feeling that there should be a different training
program for frontal class TAs and for Lab TAs. The center for promotion of teaching,
with a collaboration of the Schulich faculty of Chemistry, decided to develop a special
workshop for new lab TAs.
The goals of the laboratory TAs workshop are:
• To raise the participants’ awareness to the importance of the laboratory as an
efficient and effective educational environment.
• To change the perception of the instructor’s role in the laboratory from a source of
knowledge to a motivator of self learning.
• To raise the awareness of the participants to the unique difficulties of students in
the laboratory.
• To elucidate what is expected from a TA in the laboratory, and what are the
criteria for his evaluation.
A pilot workshop for 12 future laboratory TAs took place in the Schulich Faculty of
Chemistry. The workshop format was a two days program: the first day included
lectures and discussions. In the second day the students were divided into groups, and
got experience in laboratory teaching, including theoretical and practical explanations,
exam writing (including solving and grading), and lab reports guidelines. Each TA
was randomly assigned a particular part of the lab, and was responsible to guide the
rest of the participants.
The preliminary results and conclusions will be presented and discussed.
1. Norman Reid, Iqbal Shah, "The role of laboratory work in university
chemistry", Chem. Educ. Research and Practice, 2007, 8 (2), 172-185.
2. Aldrin E. Sweeney, Jeffrey A. Paradis, "Developing a Laboratory Model for
the Professional Preparation of Future Science Teachers: A Situated Cognition
Perspective", Research in Science Education, 2004, 34, 195–219.
3. Avi Hofstein, Rachel Mamlok-Naaman, "The laboratory in science education:
the state of the art", Chem. Educ. Research and Practice, 2007, 8 (2), 105-107.
4. "Science Teaching Reconsidered", A Handbook By Committee on
Undergraduate Science Education (U.S.), 1997, National Research Council,
National Academies Press.
Some Microscale Experiments on Basic Topics
Kazuko Ogino
Tohoku University
Microscale laboratory is environmentally benign as the amount of reagents, waste,
energy and cost can be reduced dramatically, and exposure to potentially toxic
chemicals is diminished. Some aspects of Green chemistry can be taught through
microscale laboratory. We have developed microscale experiments on various basic
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
topics: 1) Acids and bases, 2) Properties of metal ions, 3) Chemical equilibriums, 4)
Galvanic cells, 5) Electrolysis, 6) Ion exchangers, 7) Reaction rate, 8) Titrations, 9)
Properties of amino acids, 10) Ion exchangers, etc. Low price glass and plastic wares
such as 12- and 24-well plates, vials, syringes, droppers are used. These are available
in any countries at low price. An example of microscale experiments is the
electrolysis using a microscale Hoffman apparatus. It is constructed with 1 mL
syringes, disposable stopcocks and a 12-well microplate. It can be handled very
easily. We can let every student carry out electrolysis. Only 3 mL of solution is
needed. After an experiment under a manual, students can explore some problems
which they found by themselves during the experiment. Students are especially happy
when they carry out their own original experiments. Visual observations and actual
experiences are very important aspects in introductory chemistry. Microscale
chemistry experiments can increase such opportunities and can contribute in nurturing
students interest toward chemistry.
Analytical chemistry in Hungarian schools (a review with international outlook)
Miklos Riedel,
Eötvös University,
Budapest, Hungary
In the core curriculum for secondary schools in Hungary simple students’ experiments
are allocated in rather limited hours. On the other hand in the final examinations introduced 3 years ago - there is a compulsory experimental part, as well. Within this
also identification of inorganic and organic compounds may take place, such as
“Identification of AgNO3, Na2CO3 and NaOH by HCl” or “Identification of glucose,
sachharose and starch using Fehling reaction and Lugol-solution”, etc. Since it needs
experimental skills in most cases students have to participate extra training courses for
final examination in chemistry.
There is a well organized system of chemical competitions in Hungary. Separate
competitions are for secondary schools’ students (OKTV) and students in vocational
education (OSzTV). Laboratory tasks are included in both types of competitions. In
OKTV the typical tasks are simple volumetric analyses (e.g. “Simultaneous
determination of iron(II) sulphate and vitamin C”) and identification of inorganic and
organic compounds (by standard solutions, special reagents, TLC, etc.). In OSzTV
more sophisticated laboratory tasks have to be solved (“Determination of phosphorous
content of cooking oil using standard control method of the producing factory”).
The 40th International Chemical Olympiad (IChO) was held in Budapest, in July
2008. As a general rule in the IChO the theoretical problems are of great importance,
while analytical chemical tasks are manually simple but need logical thinking,
intuition at drawing conclusions from experimental observations. At the 40th IChO
one of the analytical chemical tasks was the determination of chemical formula of the
reaction product between zinc ions and potassium hexacyanoferrate(II). In the other
one the competitors received eight unknown ionic compounds in aqueous solutions.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
They had to identify them using only the same unknown solutions, pH paper and the
solubility table.
The Grand Prix Chimique (GPCh) is a competition organized every two years for
students of chemical vocational education. Students of 15 European countries were
participants so far. In contrary to IChO the GPCh has solely laboratory - synthetic and
analytical chemical - tasks; e.g. “Spectrophotometric determination of iron in
medicine tablets” or “Measurement of lead azide in waste water from explosives
manufacture”, etc. The skill of competitors at their laboratory work is judged by
referees according to precise and unambiguous criteria.
In the StandardBase project partners of 4 European countries (GB, H, NL and SI)
adapted 72 standard industrial analytical procedures for vocational schools’
conditions. Procedures cover a wide range of analytical techniques e.g. acid-base
titration, spectrophotometry, GC, HPLC, gravimerty, electrochemical techniques, etc.
Samples to be analyzed are commercially available products, e.g. toothpaste,
pharmaceutical products, cola, gasoline, bubble gum, environmental samples. In the
ProBase project the same partners develop 32 complex problem-based activities based
on consultations with scientific researchers working in the industry. The goal is to
train chemistry students the essential skills used by practicing scientists e.g.
understanding scientific problems, working in teams, manage time, workload and
resources, etc. Most of the analytical methods are based on the StandardBase
A new approach in chemistry teaching in schools is the application of rapid tests
(hardness, nitrate, ascorbic acid, etc) and microchip based pocket instruments (pH
meter, UV tester, etc.). Using these tools even young children can obtain quantitative
chemical data on different fields, such as environmental investigations, quality check
of foods, etc. By so doing students become accustomed to base their opinions on exact
data that helps - among other - to fight against the influence of pseudo sciences.
Open-Ended Laboratory Experiments Based On Advanced Instrumentation:
Analyzing High-School Students' Inquiry Questions
Ron Blonder
The Chemistry Group,
The Department of Science Teaching
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
This paper describes the implementation of two open-ended inquiry experiments for
high-school students, based on advanced laboratory instrumentation: gas
chromatography (GC) and potentiometer (pH-meter). The research focuses on
identifying the level of questions that students ask during the open inquiry
laboratories, and it examines whether implementing the advanced inquiry laboratory
opens up new directions for students' questions. We found correlations between
students' achievements and the level of their inquiry questions, and showed that the
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
open-ended inquiry laboratories based on the use of advanced instruments attracted
students with different abilities and helped them deepen their individual
understanding capabilities, according their different levels.
Advanced Inquiry Lab Activities (NECHMAD)1: A Program That Interweaves
Teachers' Professional Development With Students' Enrichment
Hannah Margel
Davidson Institute of Science Education
Weizmann Institute of Science
The new high-school science curriculum in Israel includes topics from the frontiers of
science such as the interaction between radiation and matter and nanotechnology. The
curriculum also emphasizes the development of inquiry skills. Teaching science in
high-school requires the use of advanced laboratories with sophisticated and
expensive equipments and materials. Most high-school laboratories can not afford this
laboratory level. Therefore, high-school teachers and students are usually not exposed
to advanced scientific experiments. The Advanced Inquiry Labs Program
(NECHMAD) in Davidson Institute of Science Education at the Weizmann Institute
of Science in Israel, has been established in order to enable high-school teachers and
students to conduct modern and advanced inquiry experiments in science.
NECHMAD program includes activities in chemistry, physics, biology and
biotechnology, environmental science, and "Investigation into Science and
Technology". Our unique program which interweaves teachers' professional
development with students' enrichment will be described. The main goals, the detailed
description of the program, the activities (particularly in chemistry) and preliminary
results of a research on the effect of this program on teachers professional
development and students' enrichment will be presented. NECHMAD is an acronym
(in Hebrew) for Advanced Inquiry Labs at the Davidson Institute. NECHMAD also
means 'lovely' in Hebrew.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
From Industrial Chemistry Case Studies To Laboratory Research Projects For
High School Students
Miri Kesner
The Chemistry group,
Department of Science Teaching,
Director of Regional Teachers Center for Science, Technology and Mathematics
Davidson Institute of Science Education,
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, 76100 Israel
Ruthie Stanger
Davidson Institute of Science Education,
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, 76100 Israel
Avi Hofstein
It was found in several studies (Hofstein, Kesner & Ben-Zvi, 2000; Kesner et al.,
1997b) that were conducted with 12th-grade students that learning industrial
chemistry case studies affected students' perceptions of their chemistry classroom
learning environment and their interest in chemistry studies. It was found that
studying industrial case studies helped in providing the students with a relevant and
applied picture of chemistry in general, and their chemistry studies in particular.
Students that their teachers used laboratory investigations and classroom activities
based on industrials topics and everyday life applications developed better awareness
of the social and relevant implications of their chemistry studies.
We have developed laboratory investigations and mini-projects based on real
problems originating from industrial case studies and everyday life topics (Kesner &
Arad, 2000; Kesner & De-Vos, 2001) accompanies by activities that simulate real
industrial situations, discussion on controversial issues, and the need to allocate
information from the written media and the Web that provides relevant up-to-date
information on industries, products and other background information to help students
in performing small-scale research projects (Hofstein & Kesner, 2006).
For data and information we use the Internet site that we have developed for studying
chemistry: “General Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry for the Use of Mankind”
( (Kesner, Frailich & Hofstein,
2003). This Internet site provides a useful resource to complement and enrich the
teaching materials regarding the applied aspects of chemistry in industry and relevant
daily life implications. We also send the students to look for information in other free
Internet sites including chemistry data, industrial applications and other relevant
In the presentation we shall give examples of varied laboratory investigations and also
refer to strategies that we have developed to help students coping with the different
steps of the research process.
Evaluation led us to conclude that such laboratory investigations increase the students'
awareness regarding the relevant aspects of chemistry to daily life and their
enthusiasm to study chemistry.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
1. Hofstein, A., Kesner, M. & Ben-Zvi, R. . Student perceptions of industrial
chemistry classroom learning environment. Learning Environment Research, 2, 290306, 2000.
2. Hofstein, A. & Kesner, M. (2006). Industrial Chemistry and school chemistry:
Making chemistry studies more relevant. International Journal of Science Education
28. 9,pp 1017-1039.
3. Kesner, M., Hofstein, A. & Ben-Zvi, R. (1997). Student and teacher perceptions of
industrial chemistry case studies. International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 19,
No. 6, 725-738.
4. Kesner, M., & Arad, N. Is the reaction between a base and an acid likely to be
dangerous?. Education in Chemistry, March 2000.
5. Kesner, M. & De-Vos, W. . Teaching about flame retardants-A joint Israeli-Dutch
project. Journal of Chemical Education, vol 78, 1, 2001, 41-45.
6. Kesner, M., Hofstein, A &M. Frailich (2003). Implementing the Internet Llearning
Environment into the Chemistry Curriculum in High Schools in Israel. A chapter in the
book: Technology-Rich Learning Environments, A future Perspective, M. S. Khine
and Darrell Fisher (Eds), World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong
Kong, (pp. 209-234).
The Use of the Small Scale Chemistry Laboratory in Teachers’ Training.
Marié du Toit
North-West University,
Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, 2522.
South Africa.
Tel. +27 (0) 18 299 2339. Cell. +27 (0)82 392 0883)
Teaching science in schools, particularly in the developing countries of Africa, calls
for inventiveness, resourcefulness and the ability to cope with unusual situations.
Most of the schools, especially the schools in the rural areas of South Africa, have illequipped laboratories, if any. Some of the teachers have great difficulty in being
creative in the science laboratory. African cultures often favour maintaining the status
quo, rather than striving for change and innovation. According to most of the
TIMMS-reports (1994 until 2003) much needs to be done to improve the quality of
Science Education in South Africa. Problem-based-learning engages learners in
learning through practical activities where they use both head and hand to solve
authentic tasks. One of the aims of the MYLAB Small Scale Chemistry project is to
improve learners’ abilities to carry out inquiry projects similar to those being
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
conducted by scientists. This project is the challenge of designing and executing an
own research experiment after completing a practical science apprenticeship.
Research suggests that students learn by constructing their own concepts of the
experiences they have. In MYLAB (the Small Scale Chemistry Laboratory) we give
learners the experience to do their own hands-on and minds-on investigation in
experimental work in chemistry.
To achieve the goal of activity-based learning via MYLAB we pay special
attention to:
Converting large scale experiments to small scale experiments.
Using a wide range of experiments to train teachers.
Using experiments to teach teachers problem solving and trouble shooting.
Using existing experiments to determine variables and researching the scope
and influence of the variables.
Using existing experiments as starting points to generate new research projects.
Using similar and common experiments in different school text books as a
design starting point.
Thinking out of the box even if it is only the outside of a small box.
Recent experiments that have been used are:
The reduction of copper oxide and the reaction of copper with steam (the
oxidation of copper). Reversibility of the reaction.
The dyeing of unbleached cotton with Khakibos and five salts (and all possible
Paperchromatography and its research possibilities.
Electrochemistry cells and the effects of variables.
Results were limited by the inability of teachers and prospective teachers to be
creative. Self-belief is a powerful determinant of a person’s creative potential. As
indicated by TIMMS reports, teachers lack subject knowledge and that reflects
negatively on self-belief and creativity. Only from a good foundation in content
knowledge can teachers be really creative in inquiry-based learning. The SEDIBA
project aims to improve the foundation and the MYLAB project aims to encourage
creativity in practical experience.
Microscale Experiments dealing with the History of Fire Making
Viktor Obendrauf
Karl Franzens University Graz
This year we celebrate the 150 anniversary of the birth of the Austrian chemist Carl
Auer von Welsbach (1858-1929). From the year 1902 onwards the Austrian
discoverer and inventor worked with sparkgiving metals. A mixture of 70% Ce
(mixed with La, Nd, Pr, Sm) and 30% Iron proved to be an optimal alloy (FerroCerium = Auermetal). Nowadays the Auermetal is better known as Flints that still is
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
used in cheap pocket lighters which work with lighter fluid (since 1913) or with
lighter gas (since 1947). The history of making fire and the chemistry behind can be a
motivating topic for chemical education and conceptual learning. The methods of
making fire used by early man are dealing with ignition temperature, sparks,
combustible matter and oxidizer. Today comfortable safety matches and modern jet
flame lighters work with the same chemical concept. Many microscale experiments
dealing with sparks from pyrite, chlorate matches, historical friction matches, safety
matches, lighter fluid and lighter butane can be designed for understanding this
The Use of Creative Approach in Experimental Cells Design in Undergraduate
Research Projects
Alex Schechter
Ariel University Center of Samaria
Undergraduate chemistry and chemical engineering students at AUC are required to
take an advance laboratory course as a research project in their last year of their first
degree study. Few of these projects take place at the fuel cells and electrochemistry
research laboratory, where the students may be given defined measurements
assignment never before tested in our lab. To succeed, the student is required to
design, order parts, fabricate and most of all use creative approach and well ordered
testing sequence to validate the results obtained. The following example will be
converged during the presentation. The electro oxidation of TEMPO [2,2',6,6'-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl) using a student design spectro- electrochemical cell is
reported. The students have designed a complete three electrodes electrochemical cell
in a Uv-Vis cuvette to monitor changes in TEMPO concentrations, after cathodic and
anodic polarization steps, in acidic, neutral and basic solutions. The evolution of the
cell design proceeded according to their understandings of the experimental demands,
which included low solution volume, sensitivity to air, counter electrode products and
higher currents to shorten the experiment time. The validation experiments as well as
their results using the spectro-electrochemical cell will be presented.
Buffers Preparation, Action and Capacity determination An Experiment for
Quantitative Analytical Laboratory
Rivka Weiser-Biton1, Dafna Knani, Idit Golani
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Ort Braude College
,‫ מרצה במכללה האקדמית להנדסה אורט בראודה‬- ‫ביטון רבקה‬-‫דר' וייזר‬1
.‫ מפקחת ארצית לכימיה וביוטכנולוגיה במכללות להנדסאים‬.‫כרמיאל‬
‫‪Safed Workshop on‬‬
‫ "‪"The Undergraduate Laboratories‬‬‫‪Traditional and Modern Approaches‬‬
‫‪September 8-11, 2008‬‬
‫‪Safed, Israel‬‬
‫הבופר משמש בתחומים רבים וחשיבותו רבה בתחומי הביוכימיה ומערכות‬
‫ביולוגיות בכלל‪ ,‬בכימיה אנליטית‪ ,‬כימיה תעשיתית ועוד‪ .‬עם זאת‪ ,‬לאורך שנים‪,‬‬
‫אנו מזהים קושי של הסטודנטים להבין באופן אינטואיטיבי ומעמיק את מערכת‬
‫הבופר ולשלוט בתכנים של הקורס הנוגעים לנושא זה‪ .‬בבחינת החומרים בספרות‪,‬‬
‫לא מצאנו פרוצדורה מעבדתית הנותנת מענה לקשיים הללו‪ .‬מתוך צורך זה‪,‬‬
‫פיתחנו סביבה מעבדתית בנושא הבופרים‪ ,‬הכוללת פרוצדורה המאפשרת‬
‫לסטודנטים להיות אקטיביים‪ .‬ההתנסות המעבדתית משלבת פיתוח יכולת‬
‫חשיבה‪ ,‬הבנה וניתוח של תהליכים ותוצאות‪ .‬ניסוי זה מורכב ומשלב את כל‬
‫הצדדים הניסיוניים ללימוד והבנת מערכות בופר‪.‬‬
‫בניסוי זה הסטודנט מטמיע בדרך אקטיבית ידע וע"י כך בונה את עולם המושגים‬
‫שלו )פיאזה‪.(Driver et al. 1994 ,‬‬
‫הניסוי תוקף את הבעיות ממספר כיוונים ובשלבים שונים של העמקה‪:‬‬
‫הכרת מערכות של בופר‪ -‬לשם כך הסטודנטים מכינים תמיסות בופר‬
‫שונות ב‪ pH -‬שונים )בופר אצטט‪ ,‬בופר פוספט‪ ,‬בופר ‪.(Tris‬‬
‫בדיקת פעולת הבופרים השונים שהוכנו כאשר מוסיפים להם חומצה‬
‫ובסיס בהשוואה להוספה זהה לתמיסת מי מלח‪.‬‬
‫הכנת בופר בשיטות שונות ‪ .1 :‬חומצה חלשה ומלח של חומצה חלשה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬חומצה חלשה שמוסיפים לה בסיס חזק במחצית הכמות האקווימולרית‪.‬‬
‫בדיקת יעילות הבופר‪ -‬לתמיסות בופר שהרכבן שונה )יחס חומצה למלח(‪,‬‬
‫הסטודנטים מוסיפים חומצה או בסיס‪ ,‬מודדים את ה‪ pH -‬ומסיקים מה היחס‬
‫הטוב ביותר לבופר להוספת חומצה או להוספת בסיס או לשני הכיוונים‪.‬‬
‫קביעת קיבולת )‪ (capacity‬של בופר‪ -‬לתמיסה היעילה ביותר‪ ,‬שהסטודנט‬
‫קבע בסעיף קודם‪ ,‬הוא מוסיף חומצה או בסיס בכמויות שונות‪ .‬המטרה‪ :‬קביעת‬
‫תחום הקיבול האפקטיבי של הבופר‪.‬‬
‫לימוד השימושים השונים והחשיבות של מערכות בופר ‪ ,‬סוגי בופר וכו'‪.‬‬
‫כמו כן‪ ,‬הסטודנטים נדרשים לחישובים תוך שימוש במשוואת הנדלסון הסלבך ‪.‬‬
‫ראינו כי לאחר ההתנסות המורכבת והאינטנסיבית בנושא‪ ,‬הסטודנטים מבינים‬
‫את מושג הבופר טוב יותר וברמת הבנה עמוקה‪ ,‬המאפשרת שימוש ותיכנון של‬
‫ניסויים הן בקורסים מתקדמים והן בעבודות מחקר‪.‬‬
‫התפיסה המובילה את פיתוח המעבדה נשענת על מחקר שיטתי שבוצע במוסדות‬
‫להשכלה גבוהה בעולם‪ ,‬בנושא יעילות ההוראה הפרונטלית בהשוואה להוראה‬
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
,‫ ממצאי המחקר‬.‫החווייתית בהוראת המדעים בכלל ובהוראת הכימיה בפרט‬
‫ מראים כי הרצאות הן דרך הוראה בלתי מספקת‬,‫המנחים אותנו בפיתוח הקורס‬
-‫ תוך דגש על עבודת‬,‫ הפעלה נכונה של הסטודנטים‬.‫לגבי מרבית הסטודנטים‬
‫ תורמת מאד למעורבות בקורס והבנה של‬,‫צוות ופתיחות לשמיעת רעיונות חדשים‬
.(Hake 1998, Hestenes 1992, Novak 2000, Redish 2003) ‫החומר הנלמד‬
Russo, S. O.; Hanania, G. I. H. , Buffer Capacity, An Undergraduate Laboratory
Experiment., J. Chem. Educ. 1987, 64(9), 817
Buckley P. T, Preparation of Buffers, An Experiment for Quantitative
Analysis Laboratory, J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78(10), 1384
Hestenes, D. (1992). Modeling Games in the Newtonian World, Am. J. Phys.
60: 732-748.
Hake, R. (1998). Interactive engagement vs. traditional methods: A sixthousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics
courses. American Journal of Physics, 66(1), 64-74.
Novak, G. M., Patterson, E .T., Gavrin, A. D. (2000). Just in time teaching:
blending active learning with web technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Redish, E. F., Steinberg R. N., and Saul. J. M. (1998). Student expectations in
introductory physics. American Journal of Physics. 66, 212-224.
Redish, E. F., (2003). Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
‫ חינוך‬."‫ "סביבות למידה קונסטרקטיביסטיות חדשניות‬,1997
.‫ג‬, ‫סולומון‬
Laboratory as significant environment for effective learning
Gabriele Halevi
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Technion- Israel Institute of Technology
The lecture room is a static environment. Students pay attention to the lecture, ask
questions and get answers based on the scientific subject. The time for interaction is
short. Some of the students view science as a group of facts that are best memorized.
Many of the students are not used to the scientific language and it takes time and
exercise to use the appropriate language. The knowledge of the content is understood
as technical jargon – not rooted in any experience accessible to the student himself
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
and presented too rapidly for assimilation of any significant understanding of ideas,
concept, or theories. Coming to understand science involves gaining insights into a
number of facets of science. The laboratory is a much more dynamic environment
which enables the student to use scientific expressions in the right context and with an
instructor for six to seven students, the interaction becomes significant. In this
environment it is easier to understand scientific ideas, how they are related, and to
achieve a more integrated understanding. The laboratory experiments are based on
knowledge gained from lectures and exercises. The goal was to use important
expressions, remind the students of concepts, science history and to encourage them
to ask questions and give them an opportunity to integrate related subjects. An
important issue was the writing of a lab manual so that it will not turn into a recipe but
one that is interesting, challenging and enables the student to combine various
expressions. We constructed experiments which can guide the students and achieve
additional effective learning of the subject. We will discuss one of the experiments in
Michael P. Freedman (1997) . Relationship among Laboratory Instruction, Attitude
toward Science, and Achievement in Science Knowledge. Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, 34(4), 343-357
Jim Ryder, John Leach, Rosalind Driver (1999) . Undergraduate Science Students'
Images of Science . Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(2), 201-219
Avi Hofstein , Vincent N. Lunetta (2004) . The Laboratory in Science Education:
Foundations for the Twenty-First Century. Laboratory in Science Education, 88, 2854
Christine Chin, Jonathan Osborne (2008) . Students' Questions: a potential Resource
for teaching and learning Science. Studies in Science Education, 44(1) , 1-39
Bryan A. Brown , Kihyun Ryoo (2008) . Teaching Science as a Language: A
"Content-First" Approach to Science Teaching. Journal of Research in Science
Microscale Chemistry Laboratory at the Open University of Japan
Hiroshi Ogino
The Open University of Japan
Wakaba 2-11, Mihamaku, Chiba 261-8586 JAPAN
The Open University of Japan was founded 25 years ago as a new type of University,
in which lectures are presented through radio and television broadcasting. Fifty Study
Centers have been established in all prefectures.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
All programs are not only broadcasted through communications satellite (CS), but
also recorded in DVD and video cassettes which are distributed to all study centers.
Therefore, it is possible for students to learn the programs using these recorded media
prior to the CS broadcasting. Each Study Center offers schooling which is another
important function of the Study Center.
Every year I have been giving lectures entitled “Chemistry Today” including
chemical experiments at several Study Centers. There are several Study Centers
which have no practice rooms for chemical experiments. Microscale chemistry is
especially useful for such Study Centers. Experiments have been carried out on
several topics, for example:
1) Reactions of metal ions (Al3+, Zn2+ and Cu2+) with NaOH and NH3 using a 24
well microplates.
2) Chromatography with a SP-Sephadex ion exchanger using a 2 mL syringe as a
3) Preparation of H2, O2 and CO2 gases and the observation of their behavior.
4) Acid-base titration using a 1 mL microburet.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
Microscale Chemistry Experimentation with disposable materials
Peter Schwarz
Alexander-von-Humboldt Highschool Lauterbach
The homepage will be presented focussing on
Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory in Israel; Current Status, Future
Yitzhak Mastai
Department of Chemistry,
Institute of Nanotechnology,
Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.
In this session we will describe various aspects of undergraduate physical chemistry
laboratory across Israel, looking at what is currently being done at universities in
Israel. We will then proceed to discuss problems and possible solutions.
Beyond the Written Lab Manuals
Mordechai Livneh and Moshe Ben-Tzion
Department of Chemistry
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Laboratory courses for students are usually based on the three following parts:
1. Preparation of the students for the laboratory by reading the lab manual.
2. Performing the experiment according to a written procedure
3. Post lab reports and answering questions.
Parallel to that, the lecturers and TA's have to:
a. Verify that the students have read and understood the theory behind an
experiment as well as its goals. This should be verified by means of quizzes
(oral or written).
b. Verify that the students are familiar with the experimental procedure and
instruct them in proper and safe techniques.
Safed Workshop on
"The Undergraduate Laboratories" Traditional and Modern Approaches
September 8-11, 2008
Safed, Israel
c. Check and grade reports and evaluate the students' performance and
We had found that it is very rewarding and useful to add to this standard recipe some
additional activities such as; relevant demos and bonus questions along with special
presentations and tasks for students. These extra activities emphasize the relevance of
the subject of a specific experiment, and have a highly positive effect on the attitude
of the students towards the labs.
Examples of such extra activities are given in the table below and will be discussed in
the presentation.
Laboratory Subject
Special Activity
Acids and bases
Redox reactions
Temperature sensor
Dichromate oxidation
Gas laws
Phase diagrams
The 500 + 500 demo
Alcohol vapor detection (drunken drivers)
Various thermometers
The movie: Erin Brockovich"
How to insert an inflated balloon into an Erlenmeyer
Ice skating
George Lisensky
Beloit College WI
An online Video Lab Manual ( has been
developed to illustrate almost thirty new laboratory experiments involving nanoscale
science and technology. While the original goal was to make these experiments
accessible to students and teachers who were not familiar with the field, selecting the
internet as a distribution medium made a non-traditional lab manual possible. Having
a high quality Quicktime movie available that shows each step of the experiment
means that the accompanying text can be considerably shortened and that these
directions look more like a published procedure than a student manual. Since the
Video Lab Manual only includes the procedure, the online portion of the experiments
are useful at a variety of levels when instructors provide the context. Examples
include preparation of self-assembled monolayers, liquid crystals, colloidal gold,
ferrofluid nanoparticles, nickel nanowires, solar cells, electrochromic thin films,
organic light emitting diodes, and quantum dots. These experiments have been
developed, refined and class tested at several institutions working with the Materials
Research Science and Engineering Center on Nanostructured Interfaces at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison.