Working Paper R 3.2.1 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study Public MASTER Contract No RO-96-SC.202 Project Coordinator: Partners: Associate partners: VTT Communities & Infrastructure (VTT, Finland) FACTUM Chaloupka, Praschl & Risser OHG (FACTUM, Austria) University of Leeds - Institute for Transport Studies (ITS, U.K.) KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Ltd (KTI, Hungary) University of Lund - Department of Planning and Engineering (LU, Sweden) TNO Human Factors Research Institute (TNO, the Netherlands) Transport Research Laboratory (TRL, U.K.) University College London - Centre for Transport Studies (UCL, U.K.) INTRA S.L. (Spain) TRANS-POR (Portugal) SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (the Netherlands) Swedish Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI, Sweden) Author: Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Date: May 1998 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION UNDER THE TRANSPORT RTD PROGRAMME OF THE 4th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Summary The European MASTER project (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) aims to provide recommendations for speed management strategies and policies and develop guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. This document describes a driving simulator experiment carried out within Workpackage 3.2 (Evaluation of in-car speed limiters). The University of Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator was used to test two speed control systems against an advisory system and a baseline control (no system). The speed control systems were both designed to prohibit exceeding the external speed limit; one of the systems additionally applied further speed reduction in hazardous situations, such as sharp horizontal curvature and poor weather conditions. The advisory system provided information to the driver regarding appropriate speeds via an in-car display. A road environment incorporating urban, rural and motorway scenarios allowed the comparison of the systems across road types. Driver behaviour under the two control systems was compared to that in the advisory and baseline conditions. Behavioural parameters measured include speed and its derivatives, time headway, overtaking manoeuvres, traffic light violations and collision measures. Subjective measures of workload were taken to monitor any possible underload or overload effects, and an acceptability questionnaire was administered to ascertain driver opinion about the systems. Results indicate that there are safety benefits of control systems including a reduction of maximum speed, speed variance and inappropriate speed at hazardous locations. In addition it was found that the advisory system performed well, especially where the driver could perceive the relevance of that information. However, there were observed secondary effects of the speed control system which may compromise any safety benefits. Such effects included a higher incidence of short time headways, delayed braking and a higher incidence of collisions. Subjective mental workload scores did not differ between the conditions, but it was shown that drivers found the advisory system more acceptable than the control systems. 2 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Previous research ........................................................................................................ 4 1.2 System selection.......................................................................................................... 8 2. METHOD ......................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Experimental design .................................................................................................... 9 Participants ................................................................................................................. 9 Procedure.................................................................................................................... 9 Leeds driving simulator ............................................................................................... 9 Simulated road network ............................................................................................ 10 System operation....................................................................................................... 10 Dependent measures.................................................................................................. 11 Data analysis ............................................................................................................. 11 3. RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Driver speed profiles ................................................................................................. 12 Inappropriate speed................................................................................................... 18 Traffic light violation................................................................................................. 19 Following behaviour.................................................................................................. 20 Collision measures..................................................................................................... 21 Travel time................................................................................................................ 22 Subjective measures .................................................................................................. 22 3.7.1 Mental Workload ............................................................................................ 22 3.7.2 Acceptability ................................................................................................... 22 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS............................................................................ 25 5. REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 27 3 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 1. INTRODUCTION The aim of MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) is to provide recommendations for speed management strategies and policies and develop guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. The project consists of three research areas: • Acceptable ranges of speed • Influences on speed behaviour • Speed management tools and strategies Workpackage 3.2 forms part of the third research area and aims to identify which Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) systems for speed management have been developed or are being contemplated, examine their market potential and test the most promising systems in terms of likely safety benefits. This report details a simulator experiment carried out to evaluate the effects of in-car speed limiters on driver behaviour. A field trial with an instrumented car also took place in parallel and is reported in Deliverable 11. 1.1 PREVIOUS RESEARCH The first field trial with a speed limiter in passenger cars was carried out in France (Saad and Malaterre, 1982). The driver could set a speed limit, which could not be exceeded unless the driver disengaged the equipment by a separate operation. It was found that the test drivers adapted their speed in relation to the traffic situation around them, giving rise to small changes in speed around the speed limit. In order to “float with” the other cars, drivers had to disengage the speed-limiter quite frequently which was reported to be physically tiring. They also found keeping to the speed limit on 60 km/h and 80 km/h roads difficult. On 90 km/h roads the use of limiter depended on the traffic volume, such that a higher traffic volume resulted in frequent changes in speed and thus less use of the limiter. On roads with a speed limit of 110 km/h and 130 km/h where monotonous driving was more common, the limiter was used more frequently. Most drivers set the top speed on the limiter significantly above the speed limit and it was found that as the speed limit on a road decreased, the difference between the speed set on the limiter and the road speed limit increased. On shorter stretches of road with a lower speed limit, e.g. through villages or curves, the drivers did not adjust the speed set on the limiter. In addition, the knowledge that the speed limited vehicle had less available acceleration, meant that drivers in some circumstances chose not to perform an overtaking manoeuvre. A field study in Sweden (Persson, Towliat, Almqvist, Risser and Magdeburg, 1993) showed that mean speed decreased on links by between 2% and 8% with the speed limiter but there was a slight tendency to compensate for the low speeds on links by driving faster (by 2-3 km/h) through the junctions. Data from behavioural observations showed a clear increase of the proportion of correctly kept distance to the car ahead (even on sites with speeds lower than the actual speed limit). On the other hand, there was a slight increase of incorrect behaviour 4 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. towards other road-users at junctions. Most of the drivers generally displayed positive attitudes towards the speed limiter but did sometimes experience feelings of impatience. Eighty-five % of all drivers reported positive attitudes with regards to safety. The most often mentioned advantage for drivers was smoother rhythm in traffic and better preparedness for unprotected road-users. The most commonly mentioned disadvantage for drivers was that it would be impossible to accelerate and sometimes exceed speed limits where necessary. Behavioural adaptation with speed limiters at junctions was also demonstrated in a simulator study (Comte, 1996). A previous experiment carried out on the University of Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator evaluated the effects of speed limiters on driver behaviour. Safety was measured in terms of following behaviour, gap acceptance, traffic violations, and subjective mental workload was recorded using the NASA-RTLX. It was found that although safety benefits were observed in terms of lower speeds, longer headways and fewer traffic light violations, drivers compensated for loss of time by exhibiting riskier gap acceptance behaviour and delayed braking behaviour. When speed was limited, drivers’ self-reports indicated that their driving performance improved and less physical effort was required, but that they also experienced increases in feelings of frustration and time pressure. A Finnish traffic simulation study on the effects of compulsory speed limiters on heavy vehicles showed that traffic safety improved due to a decrease in accidents (Kulmala and Beilinson, 1993). The decreases in travel speeds were larger for heavy vehicles (at the highest between 2.2 and 2.9 km/h at free flow) than for cars. The effects on the standard deviation of speeds were quite small. Davidsson (1995) simulated a fully implemented dynamic speed adaptation system in a central built-up area in Sweden. The maximum allowed speed through junctions was limited to 25 km/h. The speed variation decreased from 8.4 km/h to 4.2 km/h, while the mean speeds, in spite of lower maximal speeds, increased slightly. This is due to the fact that the vehicles drove in platoons in a larger extent and passed the junctions more smoothly. It was concluded that the system would give travel time savings up to 25%. In an ongoing project in the Swedish town of Eslöv a number of company cars are being equipped with speed limiters. On all entry roads transponders (radio transmitters) are mounted on the 50 km/h speed signs. When the equipped cars pass the transponders the speed limiter is automatically set on the 50 km/h speed limit and when the cars leave the town the speed limiter is deactivated. Results showed there to be speed reductions and decreased speed distributions, and driver acceptability increased after the trials (Almqvist and Nygård, 1997). In July 1996, the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management in The Netherlands, presented a new multilayer programme for road safety including a pilot study to assess the feasibility of using intelligent speed adaptors (ISA). The project will be carried out on a new housing estate in Tilburg to be built in 1998, the main aim of which will be to increase public acceptance and support for such a device. The study hopes to deal with aspects such as technical feasibility, integration, legal framework and organisational consequences. Three technological variants have been chosen for detailed examination : 5 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. • direct adjustments to the engine to make it impossible to drive faster than the local speed limit. • increased counterpressure on the accelerator pedal when the speed limit is exceeded • an auditory signal when the speed limit is exceeded. Researchers have attempted to calculate the likely savings in terms of accident reduction that speed limiting systems might have. For example Várhelyi (1996) analysed the occurrence of accidents under differing road and lighting conditions and concluded that a speed limiting system would lower the number of police reported injury-accidents by between 19% and 34%. The author also states that this is a conservative estimation, because it does not include accidents that occur under impaired visibility such as those in fog or on sharp curves. It is suggested that a more optimistic estimate is a reduction in accidents between 24% and 42%. U.K. researchers, Perrett and Stevens (1996) suggest the key costs and benefits from automatic speed control in the U.K. would be as described in Table 1. They go on to suggest likely accident savings if such an implementation were to be introduced by using a test scenario based on mandatory automatic speed control implemented on all roads in Great Britain. The envisaged system would consist of a transceiver linked to an in-vehicle display and speed governor, which is operated by the engine management system. They postulate that speed related accidents would have to be reduced by 50% in order for the benefits to match the costs. However, some of their assumptions, e.g. on the number of relevant accidents and on infrastructure costs, are questionable. In addition, they did not conduct sensitivity analyses. Table 1. Key costs and benefits from automatic speed control (Perrett and Stevens 1996) Key costs and benefits Justification Public investment costs for transponders: £145.8m Hypothesis that speed limits change every 5 km Public investment cost: £250/new car Operating cost: 1% of investment cost/year Hypothesis based on cost of existing systems Accidents reduced by 16500/year Hypothesis based on PROMETHEUS research which suggested that 16% of accidents would be avoided, and that half of the potential would be realised by this application, due to the lack of facility to vary speed limits dynamically Estimate based on data on fuel consumption at different speeds, vehicle speed survey, and distance travelled on motorways Fuel use on motorway journeys reduced by 89.5m litres/year Enforcement costs reduced by £50m/year Infrastructure investment cost reduced by £25m/year Hypothesis that a nominal saving is made when implementation reaches 90% of vehicles Hypothesis that a nominal saving is made when implementation reaches 90% of vehicles 6 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. When introducing any new system to the market it is of importance to understand current public acceptability to the system, as this could have a large impact on its effectiveness. Several studies with different systems for speed adaptation, based on new technology, show that the acceptance of such systems is fairly good. The SARTRE study (Dahlstedt, 1994) showed that devices to control the speed of cars “when the driver is free to turn it on or off” were favoured by about 46% of the respondents, while about 42% were against. According to Nilsson (1996) it is reasonable to assume that systems which increase safety and efficiency, which are reliable and user-friendly and which are not used for control of the driver will be gradually accepted by the drivers. Comte, Wardman and Whelan (1997) conducted acceptability exercises regarding vehicle speed limiters. A Stated Preference exercise compared traditional methods of enforcement and traffic calming to vehicle speed control. In terms of the acceptability of speed reduction methods, measures relating to stricter enforcement were regarded to be more acceptable than methods which might reduce speeds below current legal levels. The ordering of acceptability was speed cameras, speed limiters and traffic calming. With regard to the effectiveness of different measures in reducing speeds, speed limiters were, as might be expected, regarded to be the most effective followed by speed cameras and traffic calming. Focus groups were also carried out with road safety experts and members of the general public. Speed control of some sort was welcomed, but the idea of control being external to the driver was not well received, and it was commented that public acceptability was likely to be low at first. However, it was thought that if speed control was implemented it should be a mandatory system, whose launch should be combined with a positive marketing and lowered costs in terms of, for example, insurance premiums. It was also suggested that if the technology was such that speed control could be introduced then drivers should also receive for example route guidance information in order to increase acceptability of speed control. Although systems such a speed limiters have the potential to improve driver safety and comfort, they have the disadvantage that they change the nature of the driver task. Ultimately, speed limiters automate some components of the driving task, i.e they decrease the need for the driver to monitor their speedometer in order to keep to the speed limit and/or to avoid citations. So although speed limiters offer the benefits of reduced maximum speeds and possibly decreased speed variance, any evaluation of such a system should include the measurement of any secondary effects which may degrade the value of the safety benefits. For example automating parts of the driving task could affect driver workload. If additional information is provided via an in-car display, required cognitive functioning may increase. Such increases may lead to driver overload which could be potentially hazardous in terms of the ability to optimally carry out the driving task. Alternatively, automation of part of the driving task may remove drivers out-of-the-loop and lead to driver underload and hence loss of situation awareness (SA). Situational awareness refers to an awareness of environmental information relevant to successful task performance, the meaning and context of that information and the predictive future state of the environmental conditions. A loss of SA may mean that drivers are less responsive to critical incidents. An example of such loss of SA was demonstrated in a field trial evaluating an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system in terms of performance measures (Ward, Fairclough and Humphreys, 1995). Adaptive Cruise Control 7 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. (ACC) automates the task of maintaining vehicle speed conditional to a minimum following distance. The system instigates braking or acceleration dependent on whether the detected headway is recognised to be smaller than a set criterion. They found that although ACC resulted in the lower incidence of short following distances, there were more errors observed in terms of proper lane keeping and yielding to other traffic. A similar result was found in a simulator based study examining the effect of automation on the driving task in terms of reduced arousal (Richardson, Ward, Fairclough and Graham, 1996). Drivers encountered a queue of stationary traffic at the end of a one hour driving session. It was reported that the minimum time-to-collision in responding to this event was significantly shorter with ACC than for unassisted driving. The authors of these two studies suggest that drivers either may have become complacent and reliant on the system, or that the additional demands of the ACC interface distracted drivers from the primary driving task. 1.2 SYSTEM SELECTION The study reported here evaluated three systems designed to reduce driver speed. The first of these systems, is termed the Advisory system. It has been suggested (e.g. De Waard, Jessurun, Steyvers, Raggatt and Brookhuis, 1995) that speeding may be due to general unawareness of the speed limit. The advisory system provided drivers with a continuous reminder of the external speed limit, via a visual display, without exerting any control over the car. Thus the driver remained in-the-loop, but could be considered as more informed of the external conditions. The second system, the Fixed system, limited the maximum speed of the car to the speed limit of the road along which the car was travelling. Thus the driver was not able to exceed the speed limit. The final system, the Dynamic system, operated in the same way as the fixed system and additionally lowered speed further in poor road and weather conditions. These three systems represent a hierarchy of increasing costs and control over the driver. Driver behaviour under these three systems was compared to that in a baseline condition where drivers were unassisted. Behavioural parameters measured include speed and its derivatives, time headway, overtaking manoeuvres, traffic light violations and collision occurrence. Subjective measures of workload were taken to monitor any possible underload or overload effects, and an acceptability questionnaire was administered to ascertain driver opinion about the systems. It was hypothesised that safety benefits would occur using the systems including reductions in excessive speeds and speed variability. It was additionally hypothesised that these safety benefits may be counteracted by secondary effects of loss of awareness, complacency and behavioural adaptation. 8 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 2. METHOD 2.1 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Three speed management systems were evaluated against a baseline condition. A between subjects design was employed to provide the opportunity of presenting drivers with a critical incident at the end of the road network. A within subjects design would have meant the drivers encountering critical incidents on more than one occasion and thus learning may have occurred. Participants were matched for average annual mileage between the four conditions. Participants were allocated to one of four groups corresponding to the three systems and one control condition and each participant drove the road network of 25km once. 2.2 PARTICIPANTS A total of 60 participants took part in the experiment. All participants possessed a full, clean driver’s licence. Participants who suffered simulator sickness during the trial were excluded from the analyses. 2.3 PROCEDURE Participants were requested to complete a practice drive on the simulator in order that they familiarise themselves with the controls of the car. Following this, they completed the experimental route and were then asked to fill out the NASA RTLX, a standard measure of mental workload. This requires subjects to rate the task they have just completed in terms of mental demand, physical demand, time pressure, performance, effort and frustration level. Each of these items were represented by a bipolar scale; subjects placed a line on the scale between the two extremes of the item to indicate the strength of the attribute. The individual scales are then averaged to give a total workload score (see Appendix A). In addition, where appropriate, participants’ opinions towards the systems were obtained. An acceptability scale and a questionnaire were administered for this purpose (see Appendix A). The total time to complete the experiment was approximately one hour. 2.4 LEEDS DRIVING SIMULATOR The experiments were carried out on the University of Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator. This is a fixed base simulator presenting a 120º forward view and 50º rear view. The system features a fully interactive Silicon Graphics (Onyx RE²) driving simulator with a six degree of freedom vehicle model. A servo motor linked to the steering mechanism provides control over handling torque and speed and digitised samples of engine, wind, road and other vehicles are provided. Photo-realistic scene texturing allows presentation of various road types and features. 9 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. A recent study (Carsten, Groeger, Blana and Jamson (1997) evaluated the behavioural validity of the Leeds Driving Simulator. The results show that overall there was a broad correspondence between driving in the simulator and the behaviour of real-world traffic. With regard to speed, the effects of road width, curvature, direction of curve and sequence between road sections were reproduced on the simulator, and there were very high correlations between speed along the real road and speeds in the simulator. With regard to lateral position, the correlations were less satisfactory, but this is hardly surprising in view of the absence of a motion base in the simulator. It should therefore be possible to draw conclusions based on speed behaviour in the simulator. 2.5 SIMULATED ROAD NETWORK The simulated road network incorporated urban, rural and motorway environments to allow testing of the systems in a variety of external speed limits and scenarios. Urban environments (48km/h speed limit) were created primarily to allow participants to interact with other traffic; rural environments (96km/h speed limit) allowed the investigation of sub-standard curve negotiation; the motorway scenario (112 km/h speed limit) presented the opportunity to study possible driver underload effects in terms of reduced vigilance. Traffic violations and unsafe driver behaviour were recorded. This was achieved by providing car following scenarios, critical decisions at traffic lights and overtaking opportunities. There was other traffic present in the database, however, apart from the following tasks, participants encountered free-flowing conditions. In addition a critical incident was placed at the end of the network, whereby participants encountered a stationary row of cars on the motorway. The stationary cars were partially obscured by dense fog, requiring rapid and harsh braking to avoid colliding with them. 2.6 SYSTEM OPERATION Three systems were tested under identical traffic and road environment conditions. • Advisory system This system provided drivers with a continual reminder of the external speed limit. In addition advisory speeds for any hazardous conditions ahead were also displayed. In this experiment drivers were warned they were approaching a sub-standard horizontal curve and the appropriate advisory speed was displayed by the system. In addition, a message warning of fog was displayed and again the appropriate advisory speed was displayed by the system. • Fixed system This system automatically limited the car to the external speed limit. If the driver travels from a higher speed limit to a lower one, the system automatically reduces the speed of the simulator in readiness for the lower speed limit. Thus the driver will be travelling at the speed limit as they pass the speed limit sign (as is required under traffic law). When the driver is travelling from a low speed limit to a higher one, then the system 10 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. allows acceleration only after the new speed limit is in operation. See Appendix B for more details of the system operation. • Dynamic system In addition to automatically limiting the speed of the car to the external speed limit, this system also further reduces speed in hazardous situations. In this experiment drivers were warned they were approaching a sub-standard horizontal curve and the appropriate advisory speed was displayed by the system. The system was activated and drivers could be decelerated if necessary to this advisory speed. In addition, a message warning of fog was displayed and subsequent deceleration to the advisory speed then occurred. The advice was provided via an in-car display situated on the dash board (See Appendix B). 2.7 DEPENDENT MEASURES Speed measurements were taken every 10 metres throughout the whole journey. In addition, indices of safety critical behaviour such as minimum time to collision in following tasks and the incidence of overtaking manoeuvres were recorded. Traffic light violations, speed violations and curve negotiation behaviour were also noted. Data were also collected relating to driver reaction to the critical event situated at the end of the road network. Firstly, the occurrence of collisions with the lead vehicle were recorded. A collision was defined as the simulator car coming into the contact with the rear of the lead vehicle. If drivers did collide with the lead vehicle, the speed on impact was also recorded as an indication of collision severity. Headway to the lead vehicle was measured both at the time of initial braking and at the instant the brake pedal was fully depressed. 2.8 DATA ANALYSIS One-way ANOVAs were used where assumptions of analyses of variance were not violated and post-hoc multiple comparison tests (Tukey’s HSD) were performed in order to determine whether the speed management had differential effects on driver behaviour. Where the data violated the assumptions of normal distribution and equal sample variances, nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis H tests were used. This tests the hypothesis that the treatment medians do not differ significantly. Details of the statistical analysis can be found in Appendix C. 11 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 3. RESULTS 3.1 DRIVER SPEED PROFILES Six sections of the road network were extracted for the analysis of driver speed profiles. The sections covered all road types and speed was recorded every 10m where the driver was under free flowing traffic conditions. Mean speed for these sections under each of the systems were calculated as shown in Table 2. Table 2: Mean speed through road sections Mean speed [SD] Section (speed limit, km/h) Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic Village 1 (48) Village 2 (48) Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) 55.86 [7.62] 46.66 [5.37] 56.66 [5.34] 72.60 [10.63] 52.32 [5.32] 44.15 [3.52] 53.61 [4.67] 71.46 [7.67] 46.75 [1.69] 43.50 [2.69] 47.60 [0.68] 77.25 [10.93] 45.72 [2.84] 42.63 [3.48] 46.71 [1.36] 72.45 [10.45] Dual carriageway(112) Motorway (112) 104.31 [9.08] 88.50 [13.17] 107.64 [9.92] 79.66 [10.07] 107.18 [5.82] 96.03 [8.57] 106.57 [8.02] 76.78 [4.54] A comparison of sample variances showed that some sections demonstrated unequal variances. Thus one-way analysis of variances or Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out appropriately on the separate sections. They revealed significant differences between the conditions for the village sections (F[3,56]; p < 0.05) and the motorway section (F[3,56]; p < 0.01). Post-hoc analyses showed that mean speeds in the villages were higher in both the baseline and advisory conditions compared to the fixed and dynamic conditions. However in the motorway section, mean speed was higher in the fixed condition than in either the advisory and dynamic conditions (F[3,56]; p< 0.01). Driver speed profiles in urban areas are shown in Figures 1-3. In Figure 1, the deceleration profiles on approach to the village are shown for each of the conditions. At the change in speed limit (denoted by the 48 km/h speed limit sign), drivers who were not speed-controlled had only reduced their speed by approximately 15 km/h (as opposed to the appropriate reduction of approximately 35 km/h). Those in the advisory condition appear to have reduced their speed only slightly more than those in the baseline condition, but this was probably due to the fact that changes in the advisory speed were displayed at the point where drivers passed the speed limit sign on the road. 12 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 100 Speed (km/h) Baseline 90 Advisory Fixed 80 Dynamic Speed Limit Speed limiter activated 70 60 50 40 48 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 30 Distance along section (m) Figure 1: Speed profile through Village 1 Figure 1 also shows there is a difference in speed passing the traffic lights. These traffic lights were included to evaluate driver behaviour on their approach to them. It was hypothesised that drivers using a speed control system would maintain their maximum speed at locations where drivers not under control would naturally decelerate. Traffic lights are an example of a situation where some deceleration might occur in anticipation of them turning to red. Indeed it can be seen from Figure 1 that some deceleration does occur in the advisory and baseline conditions before the traffic lights. However, it also appears that drivers in the speed controlled conditions also engage in a slight amount of deceleration. A spot speed was taken at the traffic lights to discover any differences in speeds between the conditions. The data revealed to have unequal sample variances (Levene p<0.001), and were thus analysed with a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. There was found to be a difference between the conditions (χ²= 11.16, p< 0.01). Multiple comparison post-hoc LSD (least significant difference) tests at 0.05 significance level revealed the speed passing traffic lights was higher in the baseline condition than in any of the other conditions. Figure 2 shows the driver speed profiles through the second village in the road network. This was a relatively long village and only two sections of interest are shown. The first is a straight section of urban road which was located directly after subjects had been forced to follow a slow moving vehicle. The profile shows that drivers in the baseline condition attained speeds of approximately 55km/h, with those in the advisory condition achieving slightly less. 13 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 65 60 Straight section Area with pedestrians Speed (km/h) 55 50 45 Baseline 40 Advisory 35 Fixed 30 Dynamic Speed Limit 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 25 Distance along section (m) Figure 2 : Speed profile through Village 2 The second section of the profile in Figure 2 depicts a location where pedestrians were situated and parked cars effectively narrowed the available road width. It can be seen that drivers in all the experimental conditions travelled at or slightly under the speed limit. Those in the baseline condition travelled above the speed limit. Thus it seems that the systems were effective in that they reduce ‘normal’ driving speeds through built-up areas, and it appears the advisory system is sometimes effective in its role of reminding the driver of the appropriate speed at which to travel. 14 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 100 Baseline Speed limiter activated 90 Advisory Fixed Speed (km/h) 80 Dynamic Speed Limit 70 Derestriction sign in sight 60 50 40 48 1300 1200 1100 1000 Distance along section (m) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 30 Figure 3: Speed profile through Village 3 The speed profile in Figure 3 is for a village situated in the road network after a rural section (96 km/h). It demonstrates the real-life speeding phenomena of ‘speed adaptation’ which can occur in rural villages. Drivers who have been driving at a high speed for an extended period may become habituated to the speed and overestimate the degree to which they are lowering their speed. At the speed limit sign, drivers in the baseline condition are still travelling approximately 15 km/h above the speed limit. Interestingly again, the advisory system seems to having an effect on speed even though the change in speed limit is not displayed until they pass the speed limit sign. Driving speeds through the village in the baseline condition never descend to the same level as in the other three conditions. Drivers in the baseline and advisory conditions also begin anticipatory acceleration before the speed limit increases. Figure 4 shows the profile of speed on the motorway section in foggy conditions. This motorway section was placed at the end of the road network and the speed profiles show quite clearly that drivers with the fixed speed limiter exceed speeds of even those with no speed control at all. 15 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 120 110 Speed (km/h) 100 90 80 Baseline 70 Advisory Fixed Fog warning 60 Dynamic Speed Limit 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 50 Distance along section (m) Figure 4: Speed profile on motorway section Only drivers in the advisory condition appear to decrease their speeds after receiving the fog warningbe on the screen, soon after entering the section. There are two possible explanations for such behaviour. Firstly drivers with the fixed speed limiter may have become reliant on the system to maintain them at a safe speed. Drivers appear to be increasing speed towards the speed limit because the system allows them to. Secondly, the difference in speed may be due to behavioural adaptational effects: drivers have been travelling at the speed limit for the last 25 minutes and see this location as an opportunity to make up for lost time or increase their sense of thrill. As well as recording mean speed through the road sections, standard deviation of speed was calculated as a measure of speed stability. From Table 3 it can be seen that there are differences in speed variation between conditions where drivers are speed controlled and those where they are not controlled. 16 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Table 3: Mean standard deviation of speed through road sections Standard deviation speed [SD] Section (speed limit, km/h) Village 1 (48) Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 7.50 [3.12] 6.43 [2.94] 1.10 [1.10] 1.57 [1.23] Village 2 (48) 8.20 [2.83] 7.74 [2.39] 5.26 [1.94] 5.53 [2.23] Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) 6.62 [2.52] 10.68 [3.15] 6.95 [2.66] 13.12 [2.64] 0.89 [1.03] 11.40 [3.29] 2.32 [2.33] 11.50 [3.8] Dual carriageway(112) Motorway (112) 7.46 [3.14] 9.69 [4.49] 7.34 [2.00] 5.85 [2.66] 3.97 [4.09] 9.29 [3.25] 3.82 [3.90] 3.13 [1.34] As in the case for mean speeds, a comparison of sample variances showed that some sections demonstrated unequal variances. Thus one-way analysis of variances or Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out appropriately on the separate sections. There were found to be significant difference for all road types, (F[3,56]; p<0.01), apart from the rural single carriageway, where speed was expected to be variable in all conditions due to the curvature of the road. Speed variation is reduced in villages under speed control. In the motorway section however, although speed variance is low in the Dynamic condition (due to the restriction to 80 km/h), it can be seen that speed variance is virtually identical in the fixed and baseline condition. The fixed speed limiter performs significantly even more poorly in terms of speed variation than the advisory system (F[3,56]; p<0.01). Table 4 : Maximum speed through road sections Baseline Maximum speed [SD] Advisory Fixed Section (speed limit, km/h) Village 1 (48) Dynamic 72.91 [11.70] 66.89 [8.59] 48.14 [0.11] 47.52 [1.84] Village 2 (48) 60.55 [7.68] 58.78 [8.21] 48.23 [0.14] 48.26 [0.11] Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) Dual carriageway(112) 71.86 [9.87] 90.08 [12.76] 118.21 [8.47] 71.76 [5.95] 92.94 [9.36] 122.66 [8.42] 50.53 [3.71] 92.31 [7.57] 111.59 [1.76] 51.33 [5.73] 88.94 [9.01] 111.53 [2.13] Motorway (112) 105.81 [16.9] 90.87 [11.31] 107.31 [7.76] 85.18 [96.95] Driver maximum speed was also recorded through each of the sections as shown in Table 4. Analyses of variance and Kruskal-Wallis tests revealed significant difference between the conditions on all of the sections apart from the rural single carriageway (p<0.001). Post-hoc analysis indicate drivers without speed control reach significantly higher maximum speeds than if they are speed controlled, in urban areas. 17 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 3.2 INAPPROPRIATE SPEED Spot speeds were taken at potentially hazardous locations on the road network. These locations were those where the dynamic system was imposing a speed that was below the external speed limit, or advisory speed systems was displaying a reduced advisory speed. Of major interest was whether the advisory system would be as effective as the dynamic system. For example, entry speed to a sub-standard rural curve was recorded; here the dynamic speed control automatically reduced driver speed to the recommended curve negotiation speed of 40 km/h. For drivers with the advisory system, a message saying “Sharp bends, slow down to 40 km/h” was shown on the in-car display. The mean curve entry speeds are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Curve entry speeds (km/h) Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 39.88 34.98 38.09 32.77 A significant difference was found between the conditions (F[3,56]; p<0.01). However this difference existed only between the baseline and dynamic systems. Although the advisory system appears to have reduced speeds to some extent, this difference did not reach statistical significance. Figure 5 shows the speed profiles of drivers as they approach this rural curve. Drivers appear overall to be taking note of the advisory speed, although their deceleration profile is less steep than in the dynamic condition. This seems to matter little however, as curve entry speed is similar in these two conditions. Drivers in the fixed and baseline conditions begin their deceleration towards the curve much later. 18 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 100 90 80 Speed (km/h) 70 60 Dynamic speed limiter and advisory system activated 50 Baseline 40 Advisory 30 Fixed 20 Dynamic 10 Speed Limit Bend entry Advisory Speed 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 Distance along section (m) Figure 5: Speed profile on approach to rural curve Mean speed along the stretch of motorway where conditions were foggy were measured. The values are shown in Table 6. Table 6: Mean speeds in fog (km/h) Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 91.65 79.74 97.74 76.34 It is expected that the dynamic condition produces lower speeds, as the system is activated. An analysis of variance revealed there to be significant difference of mean driving speed between the conditions (F[3,56]; p<0.01), and post-hoc tests showed the advisory system was as effective as the dynamic condition in reducing speeds as compared to the fixed and baseline conditions. 3.3 TRAFFIC LIGHT VIOLATION A situation was created whereby drivers were forced to make a rapid stop/go decision at oneset of traffic lights which turned from green to amber as they approached. The percentage of violations in each condition is shown in Table 7. 19 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Table 7 : Percentage of red light violations Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 33 % 46 % 53 % 40 % There was no statistically significant difference between the conditions. 3.4 FOLLOWING BEHAVIOUR Percentage of trial duration at <1 sec headway The road network allowed the inclusion of four car following tasks. In two of these tasks (on each of three road types) the driver was unable to overtake the car in front due to oncoming traffic. This created a “boxed-in” situation which allowed the measurement of the time headway distribution. The lead cars in these scenarios were travelling at a speed that was constant and below the speed limit. Thus in the urban situation the lead car was travelling at 40 km/h, in the rural area at 65 km/h. Therefore, even if speed limited, it was possible for drivers to adopt short headways if they wished to. The safety critical value of <1 second headway was calculated for the car following task. There was found to be an increase in the amount of time drivers adopted this headway in the speed limited conditions, particularly in the urban scenario, see Figure 6. 12 10 urban rural 8 6 4 2 0 Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic Figure 6: Percentage of trial duration spent at <1 second headway The remaining two following events allowed drivers to overtake the lead car (which were travelling at the same speed as in the “boxed-in” events. The number of attempted and successful overtaking manoeuvres was recorded. No differences between the conditions were found. 20 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 3.5 COLLISION MEASURES In order to evaluate whether speed control might affect the occurrence of accidents, a potential collision scenario was created at the end of the road network. A line of stationary traffic, concealed in thick fog was placed across all three lanes of the motorway. This scenario was placed at the end of the road network firstly for practical reasons but more importantly to discover if driver vigilance, after approximately 25 minutes of driving under speed control was reduced. A collision was defined as the subject’s car making contact with the rear of the stationary cars. The distribution of collisions is shown in Table 8. Table 8: Number of collisions Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 1 0 3 0 It can be seen that the incidence of collisions was generally low. This was probably due to the fact that, on detection of the thick fog, subjects naturally reduced their speed, thus permitting them to brake timely and avoid the collision. However it can be seen from Table 8 that when they did occur, it was generally in the Fixed condition. It could be suggested that because driver speed impacts on the probability of a collision occurring, then the reason for the increased incidence of collisions in the Fixed condition was due to the high mean speeds in this condition on the motorway section (this can be seen quite clearly in Figure 4). Thus differences in driver speed in each condition may have led to the different number of collisions between the conditions. To examine this possibility, subject driver spot speeds at 150 m before the stationary cars was compared between the conditions. Only a significant difference in driving speed was found between the Baseline and Dynamic (where drivers were limited to the advisory speed anyway). There were no differences between the Fixed, Advisory and baseline conditions. Thus, even though velocity is an important factor in the likelihood of collisions, the increase in number of crashes in the fixed condition was due to a confounding factor. Collisions may have been more likely to arise in the fixed condition due to the nature of the braking pattern drivers adopted. Time headway at maximum brake pressure was calculated and are shown in Table 9. Table 9: Time headway at maximum brake pressure (seconds) Baseline 2.93 Advisory 2.82 Fixed 1.83 Dynamic 3.29 It appears that drivers in the fixed condition, applied their maximum braking later than in other conditions. This might account for the increased number of collisions with this system, and could be as a result of automation-induced complacency. 21 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 3.6 TRAVEL TIME Travel time was recorded as the time taken to complete the simulator trial, shown in Table 10. Table 10: Travel time in seconds Baseline Advisory Fixed Dynamic 1450.67 1466.39 1418.27 1500.32 There were found to be no significant impacts of any of the systems on travel time. 3.7 SUBJECTIVE MEASURES 3.7.1 Mental Workload Driver mental workload was assessed subjectively using the NASA-RTLX. Subjective workload scores were obtained for each condition in terms of mental demand, physical demand, time pressure, performance, effort and frustration level. Each of these items were represented by a bipolar scale; participants placed a line on the scale between the two extremes of the item to indicate the strength of the attribute. The individual scales are then averaged to give a total workload score. No significant differences were found between the conditions, indicating no differences in workload between the four conditions. 3.7.2 Acceptability Acceptability scores were taken both before and after participants encountered the system (the system was described to them in written instructions beforehand). See Appendix A for a copy of the acceptability questionnaire). This served to indicate any preconceptions drivers might have about the systems under investigation and demonstrate whether use of the system improved driver acceptability. An end-score for each subject on the two dimensions of “usefulness” and “satisfying” was calculated for each system. An overall system score was then obtained across participants. The results are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. 22 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. dynamic pre post fixed advisor y 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Acceptability rating Figure 7 : Acceptability ratings on the dimension of “useful” It appears that the experience of driving with the fixed and dynamic system has little effect on whether respondents believed the system would be useful or not. However, acceptability scores decreased after use of the advisory system. post dynamic pre fixed advisory -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Acceptability rating 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 8: Acceptability ratings on the dimension of “satisfying” It seems that respondents had pre-expectations about the speed control systems in terms of how satisfying they would be. They rated the advisory system as being much more acceptable both before and after the drive. As part of the acceptability exercise, several questions were also posed to respondents. The results are shown in Tables 11-13. 23 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Table 11: Response to question 1 Question 1: In your opinion, would this system make people drive more safely? System yes, definitely yes, probably no, probably not no, definitely not Total Advisory 0 11 4 0 15 Fixed Dynamic 3 2 6 8 6 3 0 2 15 15 Table 12: Response to question 2 Question 2: In your opinion, would this system make people commit less offences? System yes, probably no, probably not Advisory yes, definitely 0 Total 5 no, definitely not 0 10 Fixed Dynamic 4 6 8 6 3 1 0 2 15 15 15 Table 13: Response to question 3 Question 3: Would you have this system installed in your own car on a voluntary basis if it cost in the region of £50? System yes, probably no, probably not Advisory Fixed yes, definitely 2 0 Total 5 8 no, definitely not 4 4 4 3 Dynamic 0 1 7 7 15 15 15 These questions reveal that drivers generally believe that speed control systems would encourage drivers to drive more safely and commit less offences, however they are adverse to actually owning one personally. Additional driver comments can be found in Appendix D. 24 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS This simulator study evaluated automatic speed control in terms of driver behaviour parameters, workload and acceptability. Two types of speed limiter were tested (fixed and dynamic) against an advisory system and baseline condition. As hypothesised, speed limiter systems were successful in reducing excessive speed, particularly in urban areas. The various speed profiles showed that without speed control, drivers are susceptible to poor speed adaptation. Drivers in both the baseline and advisory conditions do not decelerate to the speed limit of the villages (48 km/h) as they pass the new speed limit, although the advisory system does encourage drivers to reduce their speed further than in the baseline. This is known to be a particular problem in real-life situations where drivers are reluctant to reduce their speed in rural villages. In recent years this problem has been tackled using a variety of ‘village gateway schemes’. Although these can be successful in the short run, the long-terms effects are less convincing. The advisory system appears to have some success in reducing speed, although this could be enhanced by providing the information about changes in speed limit before they actually occur. This would provide drivers with the opportunity to decelerate before reaching the lower speed limit. Speed control also demonstrates other benefits in urban areas such as maintaining lower speeds on curve negotiation and in areas where there are vulnerable road users. Speed variance was also reduced under speed control, suggesting that widespread implementation could have the effect of smoothing traffic flow by reducing extreme speed values. It was particularly encouraging to find that the advisory system worked almost as well as the dynamic speed limiter in potentially hazardous situations such as sub-standard curvature and poor visibility conditions. Such benefits may be important considering the proportion of accidents that occur in such conditions. However, there were also some negative effects of the speed control systems. Firstly, in the case of car following, it was found that those driving with a control system spent more time at shorter headways. This may have been due to impatience, or due to drivers keeping their foot on the accelerator to maintain maximum speed. Such driving behaviour may result in a higher incidence of rear-end collisions, especially if drivers experience a degree of complacency. The incidence of collisions at the end of the trials was found to be higher in the fixed condition, independent of speed. This may reflect some degree of loss of situational awareness, such that drivers experiencing the fixed speed limiter were taken out-of-loop, and faced with a critical situation found it consequently more difficult to react in time. This is supported by the relatively late braking that was observed in the fixed condition. There were no effects of systems on reported mental workload. However it should be noted that any reduction in workload may have been offset by the LCD display, which could have caused additional processing. Future studies should involve the monitoring of eye movements in order to ensure that distraction by the in-car display is not detrimental to the primary task of driving. 25 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. The acceptability exercise demonstrated driver’s dislike for a system that potentially controls their speed. However it was found that after experiencing such a system, drivers were less negative towards it. As predicted, drivers are more inclined to find systems that do not exert control as more acceptable, as they did the advisory system in this experiment. In conclusion, speed control appears to offer benefits of mean speed and speed variance reductions. In addition speed adaptation behaviour in rural villages could greatly benefit from such a system from decreases in village entry speeds. However these benefits should be considered in the light of potential safety costs such as reduced following distances and possible complacency and loss of vigilance. 26 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. 5. REFERENCES Almqvist, S. and Nygård, M. (1997). Dynamisk hastighetsampassning - Demonstrationsförsök med automatisk hastighetsreglering i tätort., Bulletin 154. Lund University. Carsten, O.M.J., Groeger, J.A., Blana, E. and Jamson, A.H (1997). Driver performance in the EPSRC Driving Simulator: A validation study. Final report to EPSRC Contract No. GR/K56162. Comte, S.L. (1996). Response to automatic speed control in urban areas: a simulator study. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. ITS Working Paper, no. 477. Comte, S.L. Wardman, M. and Whelan, G. (1997). Acceptability of External Vehicle Speed Control. DETR project: External Vehicle Speed Control. Deliverable 5. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. Dahlstedt, S. (1994). The SARTRE-tables. Opinions about traffic and traffic safety of some European drivers. VTI report 403. Linköping, Sweden. Davidsson, F. (1995). Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning - scenario 2020. TFK. PM. De Waard, D., Jessurun, M., Steyvers, R., Raggatt, P. and Brookhuis, K. (1995). Effect of road layout and road environment on driving performance, drivers’ physiology and road appreciation. Ergonomics 38(7) pp1395-1407. Kulmala, R., and Beilinson, L., (1993). The effects of speed limiters of heavy vehicles - A traffic simulation study. VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Directorate Road Safety. (1997). Intelligent Speed Adaptation. The structural control of driving speeds by means of technological support for the drivers of motor vehicles. Nilsson, L., (1996). Effekter av adaptiva farthållare, Sektion A. In: Gustafsson, P., (Ed.) ARENA, Test site West Sweden. Learning and demonstrating new technology and design principles for road transport, Göteborg, Sweden. Perrett, K.E. and Stevens, A. (1996). Review of the potential benefits of Road Transport Telematics). TRL Report 220. Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK. Persson, H., Towliat, M., Almqvist, S., Risser, R., and Magdeburg, M., (1993). Hastighetsbegränsare i bil. Fältstudie av hastigheter, beteenden, konflikter och förarkommentarer vid körning i tätort. Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, Lund, Sweden. Richardson, J.H., Ward, N.J., Fairclough, S.H., & Graham, R. (1996). PROMETHEUS/ DRIVE AICC Safety Assessment: Basic Simulator). DoT Vehicle Standards and Engineering Division Contract DPU 9/81/1 , HUSAT Research Institute, UK. 27 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Saad, F. and Malaterre, G. (1982). La regulation de la vitesse: Analyse des aides au controle de la vitesse. ONSER. Várhelyi, A. (1996). Dynamic speed adaptation based on information technology: a theoretical bacground. Bulletin 142. Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden. Ward, N.J., Fairclough, S. and Humphreys, M. (1995). The effect of task automatisation in the automotive context: A field study of an Adaptive Intelligent Cruise Control System. International Conference on Experimental Analysis and measurement of Situation Awareness, Daytona Beach, Florida (Nov 1-3). 28 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. APPENDIX A - Experimental materials (1)THE NASA-RTLX QUESTIONNAIRE The initials TLX stand for Task Load indeX and this questionnaire is designed to assess your own feelings and perceptions about the difficulty and mental workload associated with the experimental task. The questionnaire divides workload into a number of contributing factors and all these factors add up to the total difficulty of the task. Please read the definitions of each factor carefully before completing the questionnaire. DEFINITION OF 6 FACTORS WHICH DESCRIBE THE LOADS PLACED ON AN INDIVIDUAL DURING THE DRIVING TASK MENTAL DEMAND This refers to the ‘thinking’ component of the driving task. For example, consciously making decisions about the traffic environment or deciding how to respond to the scenarios. How much of this type of thinking, deciding, calculating, remembering, looking, searching, etc. did you need to do? Was the task easy or demanding, simple or complex in this respect? PHYSICAL DEMAND How much physical activity was required (e.g. operating brake, clutch and accelerator, steering the vehicle, using the indicator, etc.)? Was the task easy or demanding, slow or brisk, slack or strenuous in this respect? TIME PRESSURE Did you feel you had enough time to adequately perform the experimental task? PERFORMANCE How satisfied were you with your performance in achieving the goals of the experimental task i.e. safe driving? EFFORT How hard did you have to work (mentally and physically) to achieve your level of performance? Did you feel stretched or comfortable during the task? FRUSTRATION LEVEL How insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed and annoyed versus secure, gratified, content, relaxed and complacent did you feel during the driving task? A-1 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Project : MASTER 3.2 Date: ....................... Subject ID ................ Condition :....……… RTLX MENTAL WORKLOAD Please place a vertical line through each scale to indicate your level of workload on each of the six factors. Mental Demand LOW HIGH Physical Demand LOW HIGH Time Pressure LOW HIGH Performance POOR GOOD Effort LOW HIGH Frustration Level LOW HIGH A-2 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. (2)ACCEPTABILITY QUESTIONNAIRE Project : MASTER 3.2 Date: ....................... Subject ID ................ Condition : Pre-test Imagine driving your car if it was fitted with a speed advisory system. This system would display messages advising you of the appropriate speed for the particular area through which you are driving. Please indicate how acceptable you would find such a system by ticking a box on every line on the scale below. useful pleasant bad nice effective irritating assisting undesirable raising alertness useless unpleasant good annoying superfluous likeable worthless desirable sleep-inducing A-3 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Project : MASTER 3.2 Date: ....................... Subject ID ................ Condition : Post-test We would like to know your opinion about the speed advisory system you have just used in the simulator. Please indicate how acceptable you found the advisory system by ticking a box on every line. useful pleasant bad nice effective irritating assisting undesirable raising alertness useless unpleasant good annoying superfluous likeable worthless desirable sleep-inducing Was the information provided on the display: very legible very clear in meaning very influential on your behaviour completely illegible completely unclear in meaning had no effect on your behaviour In your opinion, would this system make people drive more safely? o yes, definitely o yes, probably o no, probably not o no, definitely not In your opinion, would this system make people commit less offences? o yes, definitely o yes, probably o no, probably not o no, definitely not A-4 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. Would you have this system installed in your own car on a voluntary basis if it cost in the region of £50? o yes, definitely o yes, probably o no, probably not o no, definitely not Can you foresee any other possible advantages of such a system? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Can you foresee any possible drawbacks of such a system? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Thank-you for completing this questionnaire. A-5 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. APPENDIX B - System operation Using the logical road network, each individual section of road can be given a speed limit which the simulator car will, if required, adhere to. • If a change in maximum speed is required (for example travelling from a rural to an urban zone) and the speed of the simulator car is in excess of the speed limit, it is decelerated by the formula: a= vl − v Tc where a is the drone’s acceleration (m/s/s) vl and v Tc is the speed limit of a particular road section (m/s) is the present speed of the drone (m/s) is time constant of this first order system (1.5s) until the new maximum speed is attained. • If the simulator car is travelling at less than the speed limit then the speed limiter is inactive. If the subject attempts to accelerate to above 30 mph the vehicle dynamics model automatically prevents any further increase in speed by closing the throttle and applying a small brake pressure to the hydraulic system of 10 bar. Thus even if the driver depresses the accelerator to its full extent, there results in no increase in speed. The in-car display, is shown below. SPEED CONTROL ACTIVE B-1 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. APPENDIX C - Statistical analyses Mean speed Village 1 (48) Village 2 (48) Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) Dual carriageway(112) Motorway (112) S.D speed Village 1 (48) Village 2 (48) Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) Dual carriageway(112) Motorway (112) Max. speed Village 1 (48) Village 2 (48) Village 3 (48) Single carriageway (96) Dual carriageway(112) Motorway (112) Levene test F-test F value Sig. of F 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.55 0.912 0.44 0.59 0.455 0.72 2.88 0.04 0.04 Levene test 0.01 0.92 0.12 0.59 F-test F value Sig. of F 5.72 25.77 1.50 Kruskal-Wallis test Chi-square Sig. of χ² 26.81 0.00 39.09 0.00 23.45 0.00 Kruskal-Wallis test Chi-square Sig. of χ² 37.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.01 10.96 0.17 0.00 31.31 0.00 Levene test 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 F-test F value Sig. of F 0.524 Kruskal-Wallis test Chi-square Sig. of χ² 42.87 0.00 21.58 0.00 40.97 0.00 0.67 0.00 18.23 0.00 0.01 25.09 0.00 C-1 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. APPENDIX D- Driver comments Advisory system An audible signal (a beep) would be good to alert of speed limit changes. The system may distract from the road. Its a good reminder if you miss the speed signs. You could end up loosing your own judgement skills. Gives you early warning of dangers which is good for planning. The system serves as a ‘conscience’, to remind you of the speed limit, but might take your attention from the road. Once a driver becomes familiar with the road the system would be ignored. This sort of system would be ignored by the same type of people who ignore speed limits. It would be also useful if the driver could have feedback on whether they are violating the speed limit. It made me feel more obliged to drive at the speed limit than I normally do. Fixed system If all cars were fitted with the system it would alleviate pressure from other motorists to drive faster. The system would have to tell you about all possible hazards on the road as drivers would become reliant on it. Drivers may take fewer risks when overtaking once they learn that they cannot suddenly accelerate. Might be fuel savings and environmental benefit. Once people are used to driving more slowly, they would do so in general. Some objections will occur when it is first introduced. Those used to driving over the speed limit would tend to see maximum limits as minimum ones and therefore possibly driver dangerously in some circumstances. Drivers might become complacent. May prevent some accidents, especially in built up areas. Could free up police time to concentrate on other crime. Means you don’t have to worry about breaking the speed limit. Can cause frustration. D-1 Evaluation of in-car speed limiters: Simulator study May 1998 Samantha Comte, University of Leeds, U.K. System is good for persistent offenders, but dangerous when overtaking. There should be less congestion with such a system, and cars would be cheaper. But people will try and by-pass it. Could be driver error through expecting the system to take complete control, i.e. changing gear, steering etc. Dynamic system This sort of system might be good for newly qualified drivers. You can driver closer to the car in front with this system, but you need to be able to accelerate out of bends. It was really frustrating to use and made me really aggressive towards other road users. I was really mad when there were slow cars in front of me because I had wasted enough time already. I think it made me feel safer than I actually was, especially in built up areas. Technology is a wonderful thing, however, it costs and can go wrong. In some cases it is useful to have full control of the car, i.e. more power to get out of an accident situation. Could curb speeding, but need a greater margin of speed potential, i.e. need to be able to squeeze a few more mph out of the car in difficult situations. Extremely frustrating and might push user to committing other offences, like jumping traffic lights. Could reduce accidents in built up areas and seriousness of accidents. Might make people drive up to the limit indicated when they might naturally driver slower. Helpful to keep to the speed limit, but you need to be able to over-ride the system in case of emergency situations, i.e. you have to accelerate out of a difficult situation in a limited speed zone. Could decrease the chances of joy-riders and other criminals from escaping from the police, and act as a deterrent. Could decrease the chance of drink induced accidents. People will compensate by becoming less alert and too dependent on the system, and irritated by not being in control. People may take other risks to compensate for safe driving. D-2