Approved at Senate 16th March 2016 FACULTY BOARDS Purpose: Faculty Boards are responsible for the scholarly and operational affairs of the Faculty. Faculty Boards are a formal part of the University’s decision making processes and derive their authority from Senate. Terms of Reference 2015-16 1. To develop, monitor and evaluate the Faculty’s strategic plan, including teaching and learning, research and scholarly activity and other academic related activities; 2. To ensure the efficient and effective operation of the University’s policies and procedures within the Faculty, and to advise Academic Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee and Research Committee on the effectiveness of policies and procedures within the context of the work of the Faculty; 3. To consider the Faculty’s major risks and ensure that action is taken as necessary to mitigate/manage such risks; 4. To promote enhancement and innovation in scholarship, research and learning, teaching and assessment across the Faculty in line with University strategies and associated priorities; 5. To maintain oversight of academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities for all students within the Faculty, in accordance with internal and external reference points and with particular reference to: a) student recruitment, retention, progression and achievement b) the personal and professional development of students c) graduate employability d) feedback from students, including student survey outcomes e) external examiners f) oversight of professional accreditations (All Faculties) and, in this context, to receive regular update reports relating to Ofsted regulatory frameworks (Education) g) programme approval, re-approval and periodic review outcomes h) placement and work-based learning feedback and/or opportunities i) the quality and accuracy of information provided to students j) student complaints and appeals 6. To provide a forum for consideration of academic matters within the Faculty, including matters referred to it by Academic Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee and Research Committee for consultation; 7. To oversee the maintenance, planning and development of the Faculty’s academic portfolio, and on the advice of its sub-committees: o to undertake strategic consideration of new programme proposals for recommendation to Academic Committee,; o to recommend to Academic Committee the suspension or withdrawal of existing provision (majors / programmes); 1 Approved at Senate 16th March 2016 Approved at Senate 16th March 2016 o to approve changes to curricula in line with the University’s policy on Making Modifications to Approved Provision; o to scrutinise documentation relating to and approve CPD courses in line with the University’s CPD policy. 8. To consider nominations for External Examiner appointments and to make recommendations to Academic Committee accordingly; 9. To maintain oversight of the operation of the Annual Review and Enhancement (ARE) process within the Faculty which includes: consideration and approval of ARE reports including the Dean’s overview; analysis of trends in student admission, retention, withdrawal, experience, outcome and destination; monitoring of external examiner reports to assure academic standards; monitoring of progress in responding to issues raised in previous year’s reports. 10. To oversee the Faculty’s partnerships, including all collaborative provision both internationally and in the UK and contribute to the assurance of University-wide partnerships; 11. To receive and review annual reports from each of the Faculty’s Research Centres; 12. To receive and consider minutes of Departmental/School meetings and the Faculty’s sub-committees. 13. To consider other items of business that are relevant for co-ordinating, overseeing and assuring the activities of the Faculty; Membership: (dependent on Faculty structures) All Faculty Boards will include: the Dean (Chair) the Heads of Department (or equivalent) one of whom should serve as the Vice Chair of the Board Chair of the Faculty Research Committee Chair of Faculty Quality, Learning & Teaching Committee A least one Student representative The Faculty Executive Officer The Faculty Librarian Other officers of the University may be invited to attend as necessary. The Faculty will provide a Secretary 2 Approved at Senate 16th March 2016 Approved at Senate 16th March 2016 Frequency of Meetings: The Faculty Board will meet at least twice a term and the agenda and minutes will be circulated within the Faculty with the minutes being submitted to the University Secretary’s Office for matters to be taken forward to the appropriate University committees. Reporting: Faculty Board minutes will be received by Academic Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee and Research Committee. Faculty Forum: In addition to the Faculty Board there should be at least twice a year a Faculty Forum at which all members of staff within the Faculty are present. Information regarding Faculty Forums should be circulated to all Faculty staff and wider fora as appropriate. 3 Approved at Senate 16th March 2016