Extract taken from Academic Quality Management and Enhancement Framework Handbook Section 2 Curriculum Design and Approval 2.2.3 Key Reference Points In designing the programme the Team will be expected to reference the principles of the University Strategy 2007-2012 summed up by INSPIRE: Innovation, Nurturing Talent, Student Experience, Participation, Internationalisation, Research and Exchange (table 1 below) and the University Academic Regulations and Procedures. A range of University Policies underpinning learning and teaching should also inform the design of the programme. UWE Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy UWE Work-Based Learning Policy UWE E-learning Policy UWE Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy UWE Employability Strategy UWE Equality Framework UWE Internationalisation Strategy UWE Widening Participation Strategy UWE Sustainability Strategy UWE Research Strategy UWE Knowledge Exchange Strategy UWE Guidelines on the use of the professional doctorates framework UWE Guidelines on the use of the Masters by Research framework The relevance of a particular policy or strategy will be dependent upon Faculty priorities and this should be clearly reflected in the documentation submitted, which should include evidence of how the award addresses policy priorities. In some cases toolkits have been designed to provide practical advice and guidance for Programme Design Teams. External reference points and requirements should be taken into account in the design of the programme: a. b. c. d. e. Recent developments in learning and teaching and research; The QAA Academic Infrastructure, including the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, the QAA Code of Practice and Qualification and Subject Benchmark Statements [ soon to be the UK Quality Code for Higher Education] link to QAA]; SEEC Credit Level Descriptors; National Occupation Standards; Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body standards and requirements (if appropriate). TABLE 1 INSPIRE QMEF Innovation - Our focus is to pioneer and advance in all we do. We will be connected, engaged and enterprising. Our priority is to establish greater connectivity between our research, learning and teaching, community, public and employer engagement, and our infrastructure and professional services, in order to drive innovation. This will be met in programme design and delivery, including via partnership with business, community organisations and professions, maximising opportunities for flexible and distributed learning and technology enhanced learning to meet increasingly competitive and challenging market needs. This will be addressed through upskilling and supporting professional staff to operate university processes will allow academic staff to focus on pedagogy and research and Knowledge Exchange to underpin practice and inform the University’s increasingly innovative curricula Good curriculum design, approval and review is fundamental to a high quality student learning experience and employability of the University’s graduates Nurturing talent - Our priority for 2007-2012 is to strengthen the ‘One University’ ethos across UWE, enabling staff to work effectively and efficiently across disciplines and departmental boundaries towards the realisation of our common vision Student experience - Our focus is to provide an excellent student experience. We will be the best for student representation; the best for preparing graduates for work and life after graduation; and the best for supporting student learning and well-being in a vibrant, healthy and sustainable learning environment. Participation - We believe that everyone with the potential to benefit from higher education should have the opportunity to do so, whatever their background. Taking on the challenge of widening access and participation is a crucial part of our mission Ensuring that our programmes are appropriate for a diverse range of learners will be a key feature of the QME Framework INSPIRE QMEF Internationalisation Building on our international successes and enhancing the ‘UWE Global’ brand are key features of our Strategic Plan. Our graduates are entering a global society, and we aim to make sure that through our strategic partnerships they are prepared for and can make the most of this environment. UWE itself is also part of this global society. Through our strategic partnerships we aim to extend our capacity to raise aspirations across the world; we aim to boost inter-cultural communication, awareness and understanding at home and abroad; and we aim to enhance our work in collaboration with our partners in emerging economies, to help support them as these develop. This will be addressed both in terms of globalisation (competition and marketability) of UWE and its academic offering. Internationalisation of curriculum and the student body will be achieved through early testing of proposals and at approval and through monitoring and review Research - Our priority for 2010-2012 is to enhance our reputation for excellent research that has a positive impact on the economy and society, advancing solutions to some of the most pressing concerns facing us regionally, nationally and internationally Curricula will be informed by staff research and scholarly activity Exchange - Our priority is to identify, recognise and raise the profile of our already impressive portfolio of public engagement activity, to the benefit of all our users. Partnership with business, public sector and communities is a key driver in innovation in curriculum design and delivery including innovating in the area of work based learning, providing alternative sources of income and enhancing student learning and employability Where programme design involves collaborative provision ie delivery of whole or part of a programme leading to a UWE award by an external education or training provider designated by Academic Board as an affiliated institution of UWE, Programme Design Teams should consult the Collaborative Provision team, Corporate and Academic Services (Sue Yilmaz: susan.yilmaz@uwe.ac.uk) and should also take account of the following: a. b. c. d. The UWE Collaborative Provision Handbook The UWE Federation Strategy UWE Federation collaborative provision: a code of practice for UWE staff and Education Training Providers UWE Guidance on the use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) on UWE courses delivered by Federation Colleges Programme Design Teams should also design their curriculum to align with the following requirements: a. b. c. d. e. The University no longer recognises placement learning through ‘P’ credit. All learning achieved during placement that is assessed under the University’s regulations must be awarded standard credit; In addition, Sandwich (SW) awards must incorporate at least 20 standard credits at level 2 or above which reflect and assess the learning and skills acquired during the placement period such as independent reflective and reflexive learning, enhanced levels of critical self-awareness etc. (UWE Work Based Learning policy refers) Common curriculum within awards at level 1: All undergraduate awards should offer a diet of compulsory modules (i.e. no optional modules) to first year students as a means of supporting a more programme focused approach to the curriculum and of providing a more coherent learning experience for students as they make the transition to HE level study (The UWE Academic Portfolio project, Academic Board paper AB/11/6/5 refers). guaranteed minimum contact hours. Programme Design Teams should consult the QAA’s Contact Hours a guide for students, and the current programme and module specification template and guidance The credit framework set out in UWE Academic Regulations and Procedures. The approved module sizes with effect from September 2012 will normally be 15, 30, 60 credits, with exceptions for CPD provision and Masters by Research. A Template for Programme Design has been developed to assist the programme design team to ensure that relevant policies, strategies and external reference points can be clearly mapped to the programme proposal. This template will also assist the Curriculum Approval Panels in their deliberations on approval by ensuring that they have all the information they require to make an informed decision.