rd The 33 Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) Alma Mater University of Sibiu Sibiu, Romania June 02 - 07, 2009 PROCEEDINGS VOLUME IV Scientific editors: Prof.Dr.Eng.Ec. Nicolaie Georgescu Prof.Dr. Mircea Cosma Polytechnic International Press Montréal, Québec, 2009 rd The 33 Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) Alma Mater University of Sibiu, Romania June 02 - 07, 2009 PROCEEDINGS VOLUME IV Scientific editors: Prof.Dr.Eng.Ec. Nicolaie Georgescu Prof.Dr. Mircea Cosma Polytechnic International Press Montréal, Québec, 2009 American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences Alma Mater University of Sibiu, Romania The 33rd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) Sibiu, Romania, June 02 - 07, 2009 Scientific editors: Nicolaie Georgescu Mircea Cosma Editors: Bogdan Alexandru Brumar Maria Cristiana Munthiu For information on distribution and points of sale, see our Web site: www.polymtl.ca/pub E-mail of Polytechnic International Press pipp@polymtl.ca All rights reserved © École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2009 ARA PRESIDENT MESSAGE Dear Participants, I am very pleased to extend my greetings to all those who have gathered here in Sibiu at Sibiu Alma Mater University for the Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) in 2009. The theme of this year’s is, Modernism and Progress in Arts and Sciences. We invite you to contribute by your work, by your ingenious and creative contribution towards a greater future for us and for our children. We are living now in a very competitive world of globalization which we should be prepared for. Also, in spite of the fast industrial development, we should focus our orientation on the renewable energy sources and no-gas emission technologies for keeping clean air environment. You should take this opportunity to strengthen the common bonds between all delegates and to share the results of your research in various disciplines. ARA-AS has become a very dynamic organization thanks to a growing community of its members that share a common goal. We have improved communications with our members by creating, six years ago, ARA Web-Site which is well designed and well structured. We keep in touch with our members about their professional achievements and allow them to share their achievements with other ARA members through the photos page of the ARA website. ARA must strive to become stronger and stronger to keep the status of a very respectable professional organization by its academic activities, as well as the Annual Congress, the ARA publications: ARA Journal, Congress Proceedings, ARA website, books and the joint projects between the people of Romanian origin (and friends) and to have collaborative links with other Academic institutions, Universities and Research Institutes within Romania, Moldova and Diaspora. To accomplish these objectives, the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences needs your help, your continuous effort, your professional talent, your imagination. I know also that you are among the best professional people in your jobs, and as ARA President, I am very proud to work with you. This year we elected the excellent candidates as well as:10 new ARA Full members from Canada, France, Netherlands and USA and 18 new Corresponding members from Moldova and i Romania. When I accepted this responsibility in 1998, I proposed several ambitious projects to improve the ARA activities, and I am very happy to say now that most of them are already accomplished. One of the major goals was to publish ARA Congress Proceedings. I am very proud to report you today that we have consistently provided the volumes with papers presented at the ARA Congress plenary and technical sessions. Such continuity has not been seen before in the history of ARA. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all authors for their valuable contributions and I am very grateful to Scientific Editors of ARA Congress Proceedings for their professional work. The ARA Congress at Alma Mater University in Sibiu, has a broad spectrum of Technical Sessions and a very interesting social program, and represents an excellent forum for exchange of a wealth of ideas and experiences on a range of diversified topics from the arts to history, the economy and the environment, the physics and chemistry to applied mathematics and engineering. The social activities include: Welcome receptions at His Eminence Laurenţiu STREZA, Metropolitan of Transylvania, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Sibiu Medieval Castle in Bran, welcome reception by local authorities (Sibiu City Town Hall), Romanian folklore music and dance show, visits to the Brukenthal National Museum and its various exhibits, Păltiniş mountain resort, and to the town of Sighişoara. On behalf of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) I would like to address my acknowledgments and special thanks to Prof. Dr. Nicolaie Georgescu, the Rector and the Senate of the Sibiu Alma Mater University for hosting the 33rd ARA Congress in 2009. I would also like to express my great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Mircea Cosma, the Chairman of Local Organizing Committee, and its team members who assumed this very hard task to organize the ARA Congress in Sibiu. My best wishes to all participants for a most productive and enjoyable ARA Congress! Ion PARASCHIVOIU, ARA President Professor, École Polytechnique de Montréal Montréal (Québec), Canada ii TABLE OF CONTENTS SESSION I. PLENARY ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Incertitudinea: o provocare permanentă pentru cultura şi ştiinţa modernităţii Emil CONSTANTINESCU ........................................................................................................ 5 2. Elemente de conţinut specifice în managementul activităţilor de învăţământ superior Nicolaie GEORGESCU, Cristina (Antilla) GEORGESCU...................................................... 10 3. Mind over matter Ray TAHERI............................................................................................................................. 17 II. ECONOMY ................................................................................................................................ 21 4. Elemente de simulare a proceselor economice în societatea informaţională Bogdan Alexandru BRUMAR .................................................................................................. 23 5. Management financiar pe piaţa de capital Vasile CIOLPAN ...................................................................................................................... 28 6. Teams role in the managerial process of romanian organizations Andreea FERARU, Nicoleta CIUCESCU ................................................................................ 32 7. Creative accounting – component of managerial accounting Cezar GOTCU .......................................................................................................................... 35 8. Planul naţional de dezvoltare - instrument de prioritizare a investiţiilor publice Ion MARIN, Enache MIŢĂ ...................................................................................................... 41 9. Rolul administraţiei publice locale în dezvoltarea comunităţilor rurale, Enache MIŢĂ, Ion MARIN ...................................................................................................... 43 10. Falsul de monedă – generator de dezechilibru monetar Iacob Vlăduţ SEVERIAN ........................................................................................................ 45 11. Abordări teoretice privind deciziile financiare şi rolul lor în asigurarea finanţării firmelor Leontin STANCIU, Liliana-Mioara STANCIU ...................................................................... 51 12. Consideraţii teoretico-pragmatice privind structura de finanţare a firmei Liliana-Mioara STANCIU, Leontin STANCIU ....................................................................... 57 iii III. ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................................... 63 13. CSR- cultural industries, relationships at NUTS 1, NUTS 2 level Vasilica CIUCĂ, Cristina LINCARU, Draga ATANASIU ..................................................... 65 14. CSR in creative ecosystem of the region. Draft for Romania Cristina LINCARU, Draga ATANASIU, Vasilica CIUCĂ ..................................................... 70 15. Analize statistice ale managementului şi conformării de mediu la organizaţiile miniere Anişor PÂRVU, Dana PÂRVU ............................................................................................... 74 IV. MEDICINE ............................................................................................................................... 77 16. Pulsoxymetric measurement utility in the assessment and rehabilitation of COPD patients Maura-Gabriela FELEA, Florin MITU, George Ioan PANDELE, Liliana CHELARIU ......... 79 17. Fingerprints evaluation in systemic sclerosis Gheorghe POPA, Romeo POTORAC, Mihai CARINA, Mihai BOJINCA, Victor STOICA, Răzvan C. IONIŢESCU ................................................................................ 84 18. Hemiplegia – patologie – recuperare motorie şi integrare socială Mircea SLĂVILĂ, Andrei MARIAN....................................................................................... 89 19. Life style - risk factors in time of pregnancy in a women group from Mures area Monica TARCEA, Geanina MOLDOVAN, Septimiu VOIDĂZAN Valentin NĂDĂŞAN, Simona PĂTRAŞCU ........................................................................... 93 V. LAW ............................................................................................................................................ 99 20. Prevenirea şi combaterea criminalităţii juvenile Dumitru GOŞA ...................................................................................................................... 101 21. Asigurarea dovezilor în procesul civil Lucian SMARANDA ............................................................................................................. 103 22. A general approach on contravention law Ionela NEICUŢESCU............................................................................................................. 106 23. Martorul asistent – garant al obiectivităţii organelor judiciare ? Ovidiu NEICUŢESCU............................................................................................................ 108 24. Obiectivitate şi subiectivism în expertiza criminalistică Ovidiu NEICUŢESCU............................................................................................................ 110 25. Scurte consideraţii cu privire la evoluţia contractului în dreptul german Corina PETICĂ-ROMAN ...................................................................................................... 113 iv 26. Consideraţii privitoare la conflictele de muncă, litigiile de muncă şi corelaţia dintre acestea. Scurt istoric asupra jurisdicţiei muncii în România ca jurisdicţie specifică Carmen POPA......................................................................................................................... 117 27. The communitary public service Ioan SANTAI.......................................................................................................................... 121 VI. EDUCATION .......................................................................................................................... 125 28. Particularizarea leadership-ului în contextul organizaţiei militare Radu Adrian MANDACHE .................................................................................................... 127 VII. POLITICS .............................................................................................................................. 131 29. Dimensiunea militară a politicii externe şi de securitate comună a Uniunii Europene Constantin AFRIM, Mircea COSMA .................................................................................... 133 30. Gestionarea spaţiului aerian naţional, cerinţă a consolidării integrării euro-atlantice Ion MOGOŞ............................................................................................................................ 137 VIII. PHILOSOPHY .................................................................................................................... 141 31. Identitatea culturală în contextul globalizării Paul TUDORACHE, Brânduşa-Oana COSMA...................................................................... 143 32. Deindividualization – From a phenomenological interpretation to a cognitive-behavioral approach Mihai PUIU............................................................................................................................. 147 33. Communication - the essence of life Mircea VLADU ...................................................................................................................... 152 IX. HISTORY ................................................................................................................................ 155 34. Alexandru Florescu şi liga culturală Radu FLORESCU................................................................................................................... 157 35. Relevante activităţi recente ale filialei din sud-estul Transilvaniei, a Comitetului pentru istoria şi filozofia ştiinţei şi tehnicii al Academiei Române Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA................................................................................................... 159 36. 100 de ani de la naşterea lui Constantin Noica Anca SÎRGHIE ...................................................................................................................... 162 v X. LINGUISTICS ......................................................................................................................... 171 37. Developing writing skills Ana-Maria IUGA ................................................................................................................... 173 XI. COMPUTER SCIENCE ........................................................................................................ 177 38. Web contents’ management contents...................................................................................... 179 Mariana LUŢĂ 39. Studiu comparative între metode de agregare pentru lanţuri Markov în algoritmi genetici Ioana Gabriela MĂRCUŢ....................................................................................................... 182 40. Utilizarea macrocomenzilor pentru automatizarea unei aplicaţii bază de date Access Ilie ŞUFANĂ .......................................................................................................................... 186 XII. APPLIED MATHEMATICS ............................................................................................... 191 41. Timelike surfaces in 3-space Lorentz with mean curvature and Gauss map Ştefan POPESCU ................................................................................................................... 193 vi