6 | NEMA Urges Congress to Consider Efficiency 7 | Data Centers

www.NEMA.org | July 2016 | Vol. 21 No. 7
6 | NEMA Urges Congress to Consider Efficiency
7 | Data Centers Come of Age
21 | DICOM Stays Ahead of Health IT
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The International Code Council recognizes NEMA’s commitment to safety.
Publisher | Tracy Cullen
Editor in Chief | Pat Walsh
Contributing Editors | Ann Brandstadter,
Christine Coogle, William E. Green III
Art Director | Jennifer Tillmann
National Advertising Representative | Bill Mambert
electroindustry (ei) magazine (ISSN 1066-2464) is published
monthly by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209;
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NEMA urges Congress to consider efficiency.
16 Christine Shattuck solves database puzzles.
Data Centers Come of Age
John Caskey, Vice President of Operations, NEMA
Protect the Data That Protects Us
Pat Walsh, Editor in Chief, , NEMA
Size Matters: Making Big Smaller
Jim Montgomery, Senior Product Manager, GE Critical Power
Predicting the Future for Data Center Growth
Made Easy
Patrick Donovan, Senior Research Analyst for the Data Center Science Center, Schneider Electric
Protecting the Data Center Is Cool, Dude
Peter A. Panfil, Vice President of Global Power, Emerson Network Power
Ready, Touch, Go! with Transfer Switch–
Based Solutions
Matt Schneider, Director Global Product Management, ASCO Power Technologies (Emerson Electric)
Comments from the President
Electric News
Code & Standards
Business Analytics
www.nema.org • July 2016
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From the President
his month we’re introducing a new look to electroindustry magazine—a fresher,
more modern manifestation of NEMA’s future-focused initiatives. What better
timing than this issue on data centers, one of the most forward-leaning industries in
which our Members are engaged. Customers—from large corporations to individual
consumers—increasingly rely on data centers for everything from industrial
inventories to movie binges.
Data centers are, quite simply, the physical manifestation of the cloud. Just as
countless droplets of water make up a meteorological cloud, so too do hundreds
of thousands of components make up the physical structures that warehouse the
information we now expect to have at our fingertips. Bits and bytes may lack mass,
but the equipment that enlivens and sustains them physically exists in what we now
recognize as data centers.
Maryrose Sylvester
President & CEO
Current, Powered by GE
Vice Chairman
Michael Pessina
Co-CEO & President
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
David G. Nord
Chairman, President & CEO
Hubbell Incorporated
Immediate Past Chairman
Don Hendler
President & CEO
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.
President & CEO
Kevin J. Cosgriff
Clark R. Silcox
It may seem as though these centers became ubiquitous overnight, but they have
been in the works since the 1970s, when early computers relied on mainframes.
Studies suggest that more than 90 percent of global internet users are already on the
cloud, and many don’t even realize it. As further proof of its overwhelming presence,
we need only look at computer engineering. Once the hottest career path, it may
soon be overtaken by data science.
How does this relate to our industry? In addition to manufacturing the equipment
used in data centers, NEMA Members build the physical structures—everything
from high-efficiency transformers and advanced lighting and controls to switchgear
and energy storage. They are all increasingly integrated with the cloud either
directly or as part of a connected system.
Cloud solutions also rely on interconnectivity and shared resources, much like the
electric grid. Products and devices by different manufacturers must work together,
according to standardized protocols. These connected systems render cities smarter,
medical imaging more extensive, and electrical power distribution more reliable.
The resulting Internet of Things is materializing in real time, with the
electroindustry as both its indispensable foundation and an active participant at the
product and system levels. As you read this month’s issue, I suspect you will see the
future unfold with opportunities for companies of all sizes. ei
Kevin J. Cosgriff
President and CEO
Urban Water Systems Report Available
Increasing Energy Efficiency in Urban Water Systems: Full Report and related documents are available
for NEMA members at www.nema.org/urban-water-systems. This library reflects the results of a
2015–2016 study by NEMA of the potential for energy efficiency in urban water systems in the
United States.
NEMA EWS 1.5-2016 U.S. Water-Related Infrastructure Needs and Potential Funding Opportunities is
available for purchase by the public for $53 on the NEMA Standard Store.
www.nema.org • July 2016
Paul Molitor
President and CEO
Industry Data Exchange Association
A Good IDEA in the Cloud
he increasing reliance on cloud computing
implies an increasing reliance on data centers.
For this reason, we must strive to make them as
secure, reliable, and efficient as possible.
That is why we were excited to see the release of
NEMA’s CPSP 1-2015 Supply Chain Best Practices
last fall. This standard focuses on four key areas of
the product lifecycle:
In January 2015, RightScale, a consultancy
specializing in cloud computing services, surveyed
930 IT professionals from companies of various
sizes about their adoption of
cloud infrastructures. The
results (available at
rightscale.com) show that
88 percent of enterprises are
using public cloud services
and 68 percent are using a
private cloud. This is a huge
development, given that cloud
computing barely existed a
decade ago.
• Product inception: ensuring that the
components of the electrical infrastructure are
free of viruses and backdoor vulnerabilities
IDEA relies very heavily
on cloud infrastructures to
provide its industry data
warehouse service (IDW).
As users, we naturally have
concerns about both the
communication and electrical
aspects of the providers we
choose. The fundamentals
of network security, on the
communications side of our
concern, are well known. Routing, switching, and
server nodes on the internet have been the target
of hackers for a number of years. Security of the
electrical infrastructure—both in the electric
utility company and the data center provider—is
much less known.
• Tamper-proofing: ensuring that the integrity
of the device is maintained to the point of
• Operations: ensuring that the security features
of the product can be updated in the field
• Decommissioning: ensuring that the product
cannot be used to penetrate a secure network
after its useful life has been expended
We see the implementation and adoption of this
standard by data center operators as critical to
reliability in our business. And, as testing regimes
for the standard are implemented, IDEA looks
forward to the day when we can ask our data
center partners for their statements of compliance
with CPSP 1-2015.
The other thing we’re excited to see is NEMA’s
continued focus on energy efficiency for data
centers as part of the Energy Policy Modernization
Act. Given that electricity usage is one of the major
expenses for a data center, companies like IDEA
could use the energy-efficiency ratings proposed
by NEMA as a means to compare potential
providers. ei
ARPA-E Announces $25 Million for Energy Efficiency of Data Centers
The U.S. Department of Energy’s
Advanced Research Projects Agency—
Energy (ARPA-E) announced up
to $25 million in funding for a new
program focused on creating innovative
components to increase the energy
efficiency of data centers. ENergy-efficient
Light-wave Integrated Technology
Enabling Networks that Enhance
Datacenters (ENLITENED) seeks to
double data center energy efficiency by
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
using innovative data-communications
network designs and methods.
ENLITENED will focus on four main
areas: overcoming the challenges
associated with integration and
packaging of photonic interconnects;
high radix photonic switches (computer
network devices that connect and route
data to other devices); creating new data
center network architectures, which
use these innovative components; and
modeling and simulation of new data
centers to demonstrate a pathway to
commercialization. ARPA-E estimates
the deployment of these technologies
will double data center energy efficiency.
The deadline to submit a concept paper
for ENLITENED is July 25, 2016, 5 p.m.
ET. More information can be found at
Electric News
Nominate a Colleague for a Kite & Key Award
NEMA is soliciting
nominations for the 29th
annual Kite & Key Award,
which acknowledges individuals who have
advanced the electroindustry
through steadfast and
active involvement in the
development of codes and
standards related to electrical
and medical imaging
equipment manufacturing.
Winners will be recognized
during NEMA’s 90th Annual
Membership Meeting
at the Hilton Cleveland
Downtown Hotel on Thursday,
November 17, 2016.
Nominations should
include the individual’s
accomplishments in 500
words or less. Email nominations by
Friday, August 26, 2016, to
vi.lilly@nema.org. ei
Business Innovation Council Seeks Nominations for Award
NEMA seeks nominations for its second annual Business Innovation Council (BIC)
Illuminations Award that will be presented at NEMA’s 90th Annual Membership
Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, in November 2016.
The Illuminations Award showcases a small- to medium-sized (SME) NEMA company
that demonstrates outstanding leadership, service, entrepreneurship, and other criteria
established by the BIC Advisory Committee. Full criteria and the nomination form are
listed on the members-only BIC website. ei
Recognize Industry Leadership with the Bernard H. Falk Award
NEMA is accepting nominations for
the Bernard H. Falk Award, which
recognizes individuals for outstanding
contributions to the electroindustry.
The winner will be recognized during
NEMA’s 90th Annual Membership
Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, in
November 2016.
Nominees should be recognized
leaders with outstanding achievement
in technology, management,
marketing, international trade,
education, medicine, public affairs,
or any other field important to the
electroindustry. They should have a
history of interaction or connection to
the NEMA mission.
Email nominations by Friday, July 31,
2015, to vi.lilly@nema.org. ei
ICC Recognizes NEMA’s
Commitment to Safety
Kyle Pitsor (center) is flanked by Meghan Housewright,
NFPA Associate General Counsel, and ICC President
Alex “Cash” Olszowy in accepting a Certificate of
Appreciation for NEMA from the Coalition for Current
Safety Codes. Photo by Bryan Soukup
The International Code Council
(ICC), on behalf of Coalition for
Current Safety Codes (CCSC),
presented NEMA with a certificate
of appreciation for the association’s
commitment to public safety
through the development and
adoption of safety codes. NEMA is
the first recipient of any award given
by the CCSC.
The CCSC was founded by the ICC
and the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) to advance
safety by advocating for the
adoption of current building,
sustainability, electrical, and life
safety codes.
NEMA Vice President Kyle Pitsor
accepted the certificate and praised
the coalition, noting that timely
adoption by states of the national
model code schedule is vitally
important. “That is why NEMA
supports a three-year timeframe
to coincide with the model code
revision cycles for electrical, life
safety, and energy,”
he said. ei
www.nema.org • July 2016
Electric News
NEMA Urges Congress to Consider Efficiency
NEMA presented testimony on June
10, 2016, to the House Subcommittee
on Energy and Power regarding the
Energy Conservation Standards
program implemented by the
Department of Energy (DOE) under
the Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (EPCA). In oral testimony,
NEMA President and CEO Kevin J.
Cosgriff urged Congress to stop serial
rulemaking on mature products that
now experience diminishing returns
on energy savings.
He summarized the electrical
industry’s position in three
main points:
members. Moreover, another 30
covered products contain components
made by NEMA members,” he said.
• Multiple rulemakings on the same
product result in diminished
energy savings.
“The EPCA was written 40 years ago,
and many of the covered products
have since achieved then-unimagined
levels of efficiency. It is time to sunset
several of the mature products
from the burden of additional
rulemakings. These products have
been through multiple iterations of
energy conservation standards, and
they are now witnessing diminishing
returns in energy savings. These
marginal returns are costly for
citizens—consumers, employees, and
employers alike.”
• Future energy-efficiency
opportunities should include
looking at energy-use systems—
not solely individual products.
• Serial regulation limits
consumer choice.
According to
Mr. Cosgriff,
more than half
of the products
covered by this
program impact
Testifying on the Energy Conservation Standards program were (from left) Sofie E.
Miller, Senior Policy Analyst, The George Washington University Regulatory Studies
Center; Joseph M. McGuire, President and CEO, Association of Home Appliance
Manufacturers; Elizabeth Noll, Legislative Director, Energy and Transportation, Natural
Resources Defense Council; Kevin J. Cosgriff, President and CEO, NEMA; Thomas Eckman,
Director, Power Division, Northwest Power and Conservation Council; and Stephen
Yurek, President and CEO, Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute. Photo
courtesy of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
“We are in a
central position
in this dialogue,
given that 20 of
the 63 products
covered in the
DOE program are
made by NEMA
Mr. Cosgriff stressed that all
stakeholders need sufficient time to
understand the impact of regulation
before a new rulemaking cycle begins.
“As it stands, neither government nor
other stakeholders have the data to
analyze the impact of a regulation
before a new rule is in the works,”
he said.
Sponsor the 2016 NEMA Annual Membership Meeting
Demonstrate leadership and increase visibility in the electrical manufacturing and medical
imaging industries as a sponsor of NEMA’s 90th Annual Membership Meeting.
Sponsorship opportunities include special events, speakers, awards, and more.
For more information, contact
Kristin Ballance, NEMA Sponsorship Manager
kristin.ballance@nema.org | 703.909.8865.
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NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
6/16/2016 10:51:54 AM
FEATURE Data Centers
Come of Age
he three most important factors in selecting real estate
are location, location, and location—although size,
craftsmanship, and other features may also be important. When it
comes to data centers, the determining factor is reliability.
While data centers have been around for decades,
the bar has been raised on what constitutes a
state-of-the-art facility. Notable changes range from
property to products.
continued on page 8
www.nema.org • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
continues from page 7
Sizing Up Data Centers
While there are a several factors that determine a good
location for a data center, the one that most people
think of first is space; data centers need lots of space
to store all the equipment that makes data storage
possible, from the servers themselves to the cables,
batteries, and generators. Data centers are all about
redundancy, so cutting corners on the amount or size of
equipment is simply not an option.
Due to size requirements, most data centers are located
in less populous areas where real estate prices are lower
than in urban areas. There are exceptions. Although data
moves from the data center to the user at the speed of
light there is still a delay, albeit short, that could cause
a problem in high-paced industries, which tend to be
common in urban centers. Think of the finance industry,
where decisions need to be executed as quickly as
possible and vital, relevant information needs to be
readily available. Having a data center halfway across
the country might not make sense.
continued on page 9
Changes in data centers have led to the following:
• Leased space (rather than owned facility)
• Dynamic energy storage (rather than static battery
• Meticulously maintained diesel generators
• Higher-temperature server rooms
• Interconnected systems using a ring bus
Before the explosive growth of the internet, many
data centers were designed, built, and maintained by
the entity that used the data: a government agency,
insurance company, bank, university, or other
As the internet expanded, many businesses decided
to lease space in data centers owned and maintained
by other companies. The businesses that collected and
used the data relied on other companies to construct
the buildings and design the electrical infrastructure to
ensure high electrical reliability.
The leasing of many data centers has led to the
development of numerous real estate investment
trusts (REITs). This creates a win-win scenario: REIT
investors are happy because they get an almostguaranteed return on their investments; data users
are happy because they can lease state-of-the-art data
centers with 100-percent reliability without having to
make significant investments in the building structure.
Some data-center users, however, still build their own
centers or lease from non-REIT companies.
Doubling Down on Redundancy
The conventional data center uses electrical service
from the local utility, often provided through
underground cables. It then backs up that power
with additional cables, transformers, and switches
connected to uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs),
battery storage, and diesel generators. Many data
centers still use this relatively simple approach with
success. Other companies, however, enhance the design
by adding greater redundancy to ensure that the power
never goes down.
The ACC7 data center,
encompassing 446,000
square feet, is located in
Northern Virginia’s Data
Center Alley. Photo courtesy
of DuPont Fabros Technology
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
Several years ago, 100 percent of online energy storage
(i.e., the energy available to serve the load instantly)
was in flooded lead acid batteries. These batteries
were stored in isolated rooms with special systems to
ensure that the batteries were maintained properly. The
electric capacity stored in the batteries was normally
sized to supply back-up power for 15 to 20 minutes
under normal building load. That provides plenty of
FEATURE Data Centers
time to get backup generators running and ready to
take over the load of the building.
higher. The reliability of the servers is unaffected, but
the cost to cool the space is reduced.
An alternative to this approach is to use one or more
dynamic flywheels to instantaneously supply electricity
to the load. The monthly maintenance on flywheels is
significantly less than operating conventional batteries.
The flywheels may only cover the full load for roughly
15 seconds, but that is enough time to ride through
most outages and to get the diesel generators, if needed,
up to speed.
Another novel approach to data-center reliability is to
tie the various server loads within the building into
a common electrical bus, called a ring bus. Within a
data center building, there may be several independent
electrical delivery points. Each of these delivery points
is backed up by independent UPSs and generators.
This creates the first level of redundancy. However, if
the delivery points are connected to a common bus,
then the bus can essentially serve as an extra form of
redundancy. If the generator serving one delivery point
fails, then the excess generation available on the bus
can instantaneously fill in for the lost generator.
Since diesel generators are the cornerstones of data
centers, it is important to keep them in impeccable
condition. This not only includes providing scheduled
maintenance, inspections, and periodic testing under
load but also requires careful fuel treatment and fuel
heaters. A properly maintained generator using warm
diesel fuel can consistently start and be ready to receive
load within seven seconds.
Early computer centers and data centers were
maintained at 60° F. This not only made the general
space relatively cold for employees but also required a
huge amount of energy. A more novel approach is to
provide direct cooling to the server racks and let the
general space temperature reach 80 degrees or even
Sizing Up Data Centers, continued
Many people assume that data centers ought to be built in the
middle of nowhere, where real estate is affordable and the space
occupied by the center will not interfere with people.
Although cheap land is beneficial, awareness of the electrical grid is
crucial. Data centers are very energy intensive, which is not surprising
given that they are filled to the brim with equipment that requires
electricity to function. Redundancy must also be considered; ideally,
a second electrical grid is available in case the first fails. In some
instances, the front of a data center is on one power grid while the
back is on another. The redundancy of multiple grids and batteries
covers the switch between power sources and generators.
Although real estate is expensive in Washington, D.C., American
University keeps its data center close to its campus. Recently, I visited
the AU data center with a small group of about 15 people. As we
snaked through the data center in a single file, it was evident that
John Caskey,
Vice President
of Operations,
Mr. Caskey is
on the board
of directors of
the Smart Grid
Panel and a senior
member of IEEE.
Data center designers, engineers, and operators
maximize reliability. Many centers have implemented
the features described above and have been able to
maintain 100-percent reliability for many years. The
adoption of these features will continue to grow,
allowing for complete reliability at an affordable cost.
The goal is still reliability, reliability, reliability, but the
data centers that can provide 100-percent reliability
by using state-of-the-art designs in a cost-effective
manner will be more competitive and provide greater
returns for their investors. ei
the center is not meant to hold humans—there is no floor space
for people.
The center was built and designed for one or two people to do
repairs and maintenance. It is just one room with the same pattern
of caged servers. The spaces between the cages of servers were too
narrow to be called
Data centers may be
uncomfortable, not
simply because of
the physical structure
but also due to the
atmosphere; there’s no
need to paint the walls
or add appealing light
fixtures. Everything about the data center is built and designed with
equipment—not humans—in mind. ei
Madeleine Bugel, Program Manager,
Lighting Systems and International Business, NEMA
Diesel generators, the
cornerstone of backup
power for data centers,
require impeccable
maintenance. Photo
courtesy of DuPont
Fabros Technology
www.nema.org • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
that Protects Us
Protect the Data
ata centers scream security. Central to their operations is
redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
On a daily basis, recreational hackers and cyber
criminals alike wreak havoc on data that define our
identities, lifestyles, livelihoods, and even our lives.
Data breaches are commonplace today, and their
impacts have grown in size and effect.
Experts recommend that the physical security of the
perimeter, segregation of loading and storage areas,
and restricted employee access are foremost. Google,
for example, cites that less than one percent of its entire
data center workforce even step foot in a center.
Pat Walsh,
Editor in Chief,
Ms. Walsh is
the director of
at NEMA.
Inside, improving security starts with the data center’s
supply chain. By implementing the guidelines in
NEMA CPSP 1-2015 Supply Chain Best Practices
during product development, manufacturers can
minimize the possibility that bugs, malware, viruses, or
other exploits can negatively affect product operation.
CPSP 1 addresses U.S. supply-chain integrity
throughout the four phases of a product’s lifecycle:
• Manufacturing: An analysis during manufacturing
and assembly can detect and eliminate anomalies
in the embedded components of the product’s
supply chain.
• Delivery: Tamper-proofing ensures that the
configurations of the manufactured devices have not
been altered between the production line and the
operating environment.
• Operation: A device can be manufactured in a way
that enables asset owners to comply with security
requirements and necessities of the regulated
• End of life: Decommissioning and revocation
processes may prevent compromised or obsolete
devices from being used as a means to penetrate
active security networks
How does your data center fare? Check in with the
Cyber Risk Management Portal and its portfolio of
state-of-the-art enterprise assessment and networkmapping tools.
Sponsored by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology and developed by the University of
Maryland in consultation with industry leaders, this
highly secure community portal will enable your
organization to anonymously benchmark itself against
the very latest IT and supply-chain risk-management
standards and practices. ei
What’s Inside?
This may look like a typical commercial
building, but it is actually a state-of-the-art
data center that is loaded with numerous
NEMA products, including high-efficiency
transformers, advanced lighting and
controls, switchgear, energy storage,
high- efficiency motors, wire and cable,
conduits, and a host of other electrical
products. Photo courtesy of DuPont
Fabros Technology
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
Size Matters:
owering the cost while increasing the efficiency of power
conversion at data centers—that is, turning alternating
current (AC) power into usable, efficient, and reliable direct
current (DC) power for sensitive and power-hungry servers—is
a major and often contradictory power design challenge facing
the industry.
This challenge is contradictory because, while servers
are producing higher and higher levels of processing
capacity in the same blade-cabinet dimension, their
power demands and number of DC rectifiers have
to increase.
More power is demanded, yet the power supply
is not allowed to take up any more space.
For example, the interior of most server cabinets has up
to 42 vertical rack units, or 74 inches of usable space.
Typically, these racks are not completely filled with
servers because 10 to 15 percent of the space is occupied
by AC-to-DC rectifiers and a power-distribution unit
(PDU), which is needed to power the entire rack. Think
of the family car: while the engine is smaller, drivers
want the performance of a powerful sports car. In both
cases, more power is demanded, yet the power supply is
not allowed to take up any more space.
Designing in Negative Space
There are two common approaches to reducing
either the size or number of rectifiers required per
server cabinet.
The first starts with the concept of having to convert
and balance three-phase AC power coming from
a utility or external generator (i.e., the power used
by most data centers). A typical data center power
distribution system involves balancing three-phase
power through the use of three separate rectifiers fed
by a PDU. Newer three-phase AC-to-DC rectifiers can
replace the three single-phase conversion units for each
phase with a single unit that balances all three phases.
This unit delivers the same amount of power in half the
rack space of previous-generation three-phase power
solutions, and the PDU can simply be eliminated.
Jim Montgomery,
Senior Product
Manager, GE
Critical Power
The second approach, returning more cabinet space
for greater server capacity, involves relocating the
rectifiers away from the space taken by the server
blades. Applying the philosophy of designing in the
negative space, it is possible to put usable power in
“unusable” space.
For example, the interior of most server cabinets is
24 inches wide, but installed servers only take up 19
inches, leaving five inches of unused space along the
interior sides and back corners. By relocating the power
supplies vertically along the side rails of the cabinet,
data center designers can recapture interior rack space
for more server capacity. This
configuration allows for newer,
three-phase-balancing, compact
rectifiers to be plugged directly
into the PDU, completely removing
the power supplies from the space
assigned to servers.
Mr. Montgomery
works with data
center customers
to provide
advanced power
With this recovered server space,
additional revenue-generating
equipment can be installed,
ultimately reducing the capital
expenditure on each cabinet and
the number of cabinets required.
Reduced hardware, use of floor
space, and installation costs—
multiplied by hundreds of server
bays per data center—equates to
the potential for millions of dollars
in savings per facility.
With the combination of a PDU
and fewer, more compact rectifiers
placed in previously unusable
space, up to 10 percent more
information technology processing
capacity can be located in existing
server bay footprints. For data
center designers, adding capacity to
a server is like adding an 11th floor
inside a 10-story building. ei
Server cabinet, courtesy of GE
www.nema.org • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
Made Easy
Predicting the Future for Data Center Growth
uccessful navigation through the planning challenges of a
data center project requires the structure of a well-defined
process, the expertise of people to make decisions and evaluate
alternatives, and the assistance of tools to organize information or
perform calculations.
One such growth model that provides structure and
terminology for the discussion of future IT power
requirements is detailed in a white paper by Schneider
Electric, Data Center Projects: Growth Model. Having
a shared understanding and reasonably accurate
prediction of how IT and business needs will grow
and change over time is critical. Poor planning may
result in wasted investments or a dramatically reduced
site lifespan.
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
Predicting the future does not mean using mystics,
crystal balls, or wild guesses. A good growth model
provides project teams with a structured framework
that ensures that the right information is considered
in the right order by the right people to help make
this less art and more science. A growth plan is one of
three IT parameters in planning a data center project;
the others are the criticality of the IT load and the
maximum buildout capacity for the load.
The further into the future an IT load projection is
extended, the less confidence there is in it. Thus, adding
a value for an initial starting load, followed by the
ramp-up time to the minimum and maximum final
loads, completes the growth projection, as illustrated in
figure 1.
FEATURE Data Centers
The final element of the growth model is the system
capacity plan, which is the planned deployment of
the power and cooling infrastructure to support the
projected IT power load.
The system capacity plan is determined after the details
of the system architecture and the physical space
become known. Figure 2 shows the complete growth
model, composed of six parameters in total; the first
four are explained in figure 1. The final two parameters
make up the system capacity plan. Step size (the fifth
parameter) refers to the incremental step (or block)
size of the physical infrastructure systems (typically
expressed in kW or MW of capacity), assuming that a
full buildout is deferred.
Infrastructure systems today are much more optimized
for modularity, making it much easier to do buildouts
in a pay-as-you-go process, saving on both capital
Figure 1. Maximum load, minimum load, initial load, and ramp-up time make up the
first four parameters that comprise the overall growth model.
expenditure and operational expenditure. The final
parameter is the margin, which refers to the extra
capacity to cover unexpected addition to the IT load
or an unexpected peak draw on bulk capacity. ei
Patrick Donovan,
Senior Research
Analyst for the
Data Center Science
Center, Schneider
An author of
numerous white
papers, industry
articles, and
Mr. Donovan
has conducted
research on data
center operations
and physical
Figure 2. Complete simplified growth model
www.nema.org • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
Protecting the Data Center s Cool,
nce, availability was the singular concern of data center
operators. Today, data centers must deliver availability with
efficiency, improved productivity, and enhanced scalability. The
infrastructure that supports the complex network of servers,
storage, and networking equipment in the data center is key to
achieving this deliverable.
Best-in-class power systems typically contain
switchgear, transfer switches, transient voltage surge
suppression, short-term and long-term backup, and
electrical distribution systems. The heart of the power
system is the uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Application and business considerations will determine
Redundancy is typically
designed into the power
path to enable concurrent
maintenance and increase
fault tolerance.
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
the best location for the UPS system, with the
centralized, room-scale alternating current (AC) power
strategy still predominant. However, organizations
that need the flexibility to add capacity quickly are also
exploring distributed protection, in which the UPS is
deployed in the aisle or equipment rack.
The AC UPS used in data centers provides power
conditioning through a double-conversion process
that uses a rectifier to convert utility power to direct
current (DC) power and an inverter to create a clean
AC waveform suitable for electronics. UPS battery
systems provide short-term backup power in the event
of a utility outage, with longer-term backup power
provided by an onsite generator. Continuous battery
monitoring is recommended to ensure that batteries
work when needed. Redundancy is typically designed
into the power path to enable concurrent maintenance
and increase fault tolerance.
Downstream from the UPS, a one- or two-stage
distribution strategy may be used. In two-stage
distribution, power is distributed through power
distribution units (PDUs), which may step down the
FEATURE Data Centers
voltage using a transformer, to remote power panels
that feed the equipment racks. The most common
consumption voltage is 208/120 volts AC (VAC), with some systems going to 240 VAC, to improve the
utilization rate.
As an alternate to an AC UPS system, a DC UPS can be
employed. The DC UPS system rectifies the incoming
AC source to DC and uses batteries for short-term
backup power. The most common DC voltage today
is 48 volts (DC) VDC, with 380 VDC emerging, to
improve the utilization rate.
Cooling Off
To remove the heat generated by dense clusters of
electronics, best-in-class facilities employ a thermal
management strategy that optimizes protection of the
IT equipment and efficiency. Cooling systems with
economization are increasingly replacing traditional
mechanical cooling, with the use of outside air and
water evaporation systems providing the desired supply
temperature. These technologies can improve coolingsystem efficiency by up to 50 percent.
Peter A. Panfil,
Vice President,
Global Power,
Network Power
Real-time visibility into operating conditions—and
interdependencies between systems—is provided by
real-time data center infrastructure management
(DCIM). The DCIM system uses management
gateways and system controllers to collect and filter
real-time data and provide data center managers
with the centralized visibility required to plan for the
future and optimize equipment use, efficiency, and availability. DCIM, along with the emerging Redfish
specification (an open industry standard developed
by the Distributed Management Task Force) for
device communication, will enable the data center
to be managed as part of an enterprise-wide Internet
of Things.
Today’s data centers are critical to the businesses
and users they support. A reliable, efficient
infrastructure, including best-in-class power, thermal,
and infrastructure management, is essential to
their operation. ei
With more
than 30 years
of experience
in embedded
controls and
power, Mr. Panfil
leads global
power sales
for Emerson
Network Power’s
Liebert AC
Power business.
Perhaps the greatest changes in thermal management
are in the use of intelligent thermal controls, which
enable machine-to-machine communication so that thermal units across a facility can work as a team to
increase efficiency. They also automate cooling system
operational routines, such as temperature and airflow
management, valve auto-tuning, lead/lag, and others
that enhance overall system operation.
Today’s data centers require high-performance power, thermal,
and infrastructure management systems to meet demands for
reliability, efficiency, scalability, and productivity. Illustration
courtesy of Emerson Network Power
www.nema.org • July 2016
FEATURE Data Centers
Ready, Touch, Go!
with Transfer Switch–Based Solutions
s data centers continue to transition to co-location and
cloud-based designs, the need for rapidly deployable, modular
architectures continues to increase. Recent developments give
facility managers the option to consider pre-packaged, transfer
switch–based power systems for paralleling generators as an
alternative to circuit breakers.
These new transfer switch–based solutions
synchronize, parallel, and provide load sharing for a
wide range of distributed generator systems (known as
gensets) of different sizes and manufacturers, providing
flexibility to facility managers when they plan site
expansions and equipment replacement. Additionally,
floor space is reduced since it consolidates the
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
paralleling controls and contactors for two generators
into a single section. Built on closed-transition technology, packaged power
systems take an innovative approach that can be
quickly configured for easy commissioning and rapid
deployment. They eliminate job-specific engineering
requirements for either prime or emergency power
applications involving paralleling two, three, or
four genset installations. Such systems are capable
of paralleling two to four genset installations
and managing four to eight transfer-switch load
blocks at distributed data centers, commercial
and telecom operations, oil and gas processes, and
healthcare, government, agricultural, public, and
educational facilities.
FEATURE Data Centers
Transfer switch–based paralleling systems include
features such as load bus optimization, generator load
demand, and generator power metering to satisfy the
control and management requirements of distributed,
data center, and other mid-sized applications. Since
power continuity is of upmost importance, a system’s
automatic controls include managing generators by
runtime usage, assigned priority or load requirements,
and distributing power by load prioritization. This
kind of system also can manually add and shed loads,
manually start gen-sets, and connect to the load bus.
Finally, with new, intuitive touchscreen user interfaces,
access to performance data and graphics are the
operator’s fingertips to enabling monitor and control
with minimal navigation. Screens may include
metering, event and alarm logs, bus optimization and
load demand set up, and manual paralleling. Password
protection allows individual account management and
auditing, as well as privilege assignments, to enhance
system security.
Transfer switch–based systems bring high-power
capabilities into a single section to help facility
managers rapidly grow their installations. ei
Matt Schneider,
Global Product
Management, ASCO
Power Technologies
(Emerson Electric)
Mr. Schneider has
been with ASCO/
Emerson for more
than eight years,
including three
years in China
overseeing several
global technology
www.nema.org • July 2016
Kyle Pitsor
Vice President of Government
Relations, NEMA
Pro-consumer Solutions Needed in Light Bulb Rule
n written comments NEMA filed with the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. lighting
manufacturers reaffirmed their position that
consumers should have multiple options when
selecting the type of light bulbs to purchase.
NEMA’s comments took issue with requirements
in a DOE-proposed energy efficiency rule aimed
at forcing the exclusive adoption of LED bulbs,
thereby denying consumer choice and disrupting
the ongoing and rapid market transition to energyefficient lighting.
For the more than three billion lamp sockets
in American homes, consumer demand for
new, innovative, ever-more-efficient lighting
technologies, including LED bulbs, demonstrates
a market working the way it should. The NEMA
Lamp Index reveals that in the first three months
of 2016, LED shipments exceeded compact
fluorescent (CFL) ones for the first time and by a
comfortable margin. Now representing 26 percent
of general-service light bulb shipments, LED
sales have been accelerating consistently
quarter over quarter, while shares of
CFL and incandescent bulbs have
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
The proposed rule would implement an efficiency
standard for general-service light bulbs that would
effectively eliminate energy-efficient halogen
bulbs, CFL bulbs, and many specialty incandescent
bulbs starting January 1, 2020. Halogen bulbs,
have been widely available since 2012, and the
industry invested millions of dollars to produce
these incrementally more efficient bulbs in the
U.S., employing hundreds of people. The DOE also
seeks to regulate a variety of decorative light bulbs,
such as those used for chandeliers, requiring that
they be LED-only by 2020—regardless of whether
acceptable replacements are technically feasible.
In its comments, NEMA encouraged the DOE
to adopt new energy-conservation standards for
general-service LED lamps and some specialty
lamps where it was economically justified and
technologically feasible.
The DOE will publish the final ruling before
January 1, 2017. If the NEMA recommendations
are not adopted, consumer choices will be
dramatically more limited, while lighting
producers will be left with stranded U.S.
manufacturing investments and at-risk jobs.
In place of disrupting the industry and market
by eliminating whole classes of light bulbs, the
NEMA comments offer an alternative path. ei
Patrick Hughes
Senior Director, Government
Relations and Strategic Initiatives,
CoStar Group to Publicize Building Energy Use
new Better Buildings Initiative partnership
between the CoStar Group, the Department of
Energy (DOE), and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) will accelerate investments in
energy-efficient products and building operations
that support construction and manufacturing jobs.
The CoStar Group will now publicize building
energy performance information in its commercial
real estate listings. This information is already
being made public by state and local governments
through building energy benchmarking and
transparency laws. The announcement is part of a
broader partnership with the DOE and EPA as part
of President Obama’s Better Buildings Initiative. NEMA has long promoted increased energyperformance transparency as a means of
advancing energy efficiency in commercial,
government-owned, and multifamily buildings.
By prominently displaying energy performance
information such as ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager scores, energy use intensity, and other
energy-related metrics for tens of thousands of
buildings over the next few years, CoStar Group
will accelerate investments in energy-efficient
products and building operations that support
local construction and manufacturing jobs in
communities around the country.
Through its High-Performance Buildings Council,
NEMA works in cities, counties, and states around
the country to promote the adoption of building
energy benchmarking and transparency laws. In
many jurisdictions,
scores and energyrelated metrics are
made public through
a downloadable
spreadsheet or
Building owners and facility managers looking to improve
database; however,
their facilities’ energy performance may use NEMA’s Building
the information can
Owner’s Toolkit, a step-by-step roadmap for assessing
be difficult to access,
energy performance and identifying needed upgrades.
which reduces its
efficacy in driving
Learn more at www.BuildingToolkit.org.
energy efficiency
By including energy performance metrics as part
of a platform that real estate professionals already
visit for information about buildings, CoStar
Group is ensuring that buyers and renters have
access to the information that they need in order
to understand whether a specific building is a high
performer or a less efficient facility that could have
higher operating costs.
CoStar Group will begin publishing information
on buildings in Chicago, Illinois, and Washington,
D.C., this summer, followed by a broader rollout
of information this fall. For more information
on this partnership, visit the DOE website or
www.nema.org/costar-partnership. ei
The DOE quotes
NEMA President and
CEO Kevin J. Cosgriff
in its announcement
of the CoStar
partnership. Watch it
on YouTube
NEMA PAC—your industry’s voice
The NEMA Political Action Committee (NEMA PAC) is a key
component of our industry’s policy advocacy.
Through NEMA PAC, industry leaders pool resources to
support House and Senate candidates who
• champion issues for the electrical equipment and medical
imaging industries and
• demonstrate a record of support for public policy issues
impacting our industry.
Make a difference in how
public policy is shaped
NEMA PAC is nonpartisan. Formed in 1998, it is the only
entity that focuses exclusively on candidates that impact the
electrical equipment and medical imaging industries.
To learn more about NEMA PAC, visit
nemaPAC-7.5x3.145-2.indd 1
6/15/2016 1:59:05 PM
www.nema.org • July 2016
Jonathan Stewart
Government Relations
Manager, NEMA
Toxic Substances Control Act Awaits Presidential Action
he Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was
passed in 1976 to give the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) authority to regulate
the manufacture, distribution, and disposal of
chemicals in the United States. Since that time,
the only major amendments to the act have been
the additions of three titles dealing with asbestos,
radon, and lead. TSCA’s current Title I, Control
of Toxic Substances, contains largely the same
provisions and requirements as it did in 1976.
Shortly before this magazine went to press, the
U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed
HR 2576, The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical
Safety for the 21st Century Act, which contains a
major overhaul of Title I. Many of the changes aim
to facilitate federal action and, by extension, the
preemptive effects of those actions on state and
local laws. Some of the more salient provisions
address prioritization, risk evaluation, risk
mitigation, and preemption.
Risk Evaluations
In the new bill, there are three ways in which a
chemical will undergo a risk evaluation. First,
within 180 days of enactment, the EPA must pick
10 chemicals from the TSCA Work Plan and
begin a risk evaluation. Second, every chemical
designated as high priority will receive a risk
evaluation. Third, chemical manufacturers may
request that the EPA perform a risk evaluation
on a given chemical. It is up to the EPA to decide
which manufacturer requests to grant, but 25 to 50
percent of ongoing risk evaluations must emanate
from manufacturer requests.
Risk Mitigation
After a risk evaluation is complete, the EPA has
one year to propose a rule and up to two additional
years to finalize it (assuming the chemical was
deemed to present an unreasonable risk to health
or the environment). There is a mandatory
exemption for replacement parts of complex goods
produced prior to enactment, provided that the
replacement part does not significantly contribute
to the risk.
An EPA determination that a chemical substance
does not pose a risk and EPA action to mitigate
a chemical risk both have preemptive effects on
state and local laws. However, there are several
exceptions to this. For example, state and local
laws on the books prior to April 22, 2016, will
not be preempted. The same goes for future state
regulatory action promulgated under the authority
of a law passed prior to August 2003.
HR 2576 requires the EPA to effectively triage all
85,000 chemicals on the TSCA Inventory into two
categories: high priority and low priority. A highpriority chemical substance is one that EPA deems
“…may present an unreasonable risk of injury to
health or the environment under the conditions
of use, including susceptible subpopulations.” All
other chemicals are low-priority. The EPA is not
allowed to take cost or other non-risk factors into
consideration when prioritizing chemicals.
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
How TSCA reform affects NEMA MEMBERS
TSCA requirements in current law and
HR 2576 only apply to chemical manufacturers
and processors. NEMA members are largely not
chemical manufacturers or processors; however,
they should still closely follow the new policies
and procedures that the EPA is mandated to
develop under the new language because chemical
supply could be impacted. Some of these may be
chemicals used to make components and subcomponents of NEMA products. The EPA has
one year from the date of enactment to begin
implementing its new policies. Next summer could
be a key time for the U.S. chemicals industry. ei
Jeroen Medema
Robert Horn
Lawrence Tarbox
DICOM Standards
Committee Co-chair
Standard Working
Group Co-chair
University of Arkansas
for Medical Sciences
Security Working Group
s a mature standard with roots reaching back to
before its debut in early 1990s, Digital Imaging
and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is the
international standard for medical imaging.
How, then, does a mature standard stay current
in the modern world of IT, with cloud-based data,
hackers accessing medical systems, ransomware in
hospitals, and the like?
The short answer is that DICOM prevails as a
wholly modern standard in the areas of security
and privacy. Actual security and privacy depend
entirely on the standard’s implementation in
relevant products and in the deployment of these
products in the field.
Note that DICOM is not a software package;
rather, it provides specifications for information
exchange, analogous to the NEMA specifications
for electrical power plugs and sockets. Product
development teams use the DICOM specification
when creating a product. Some History
Starting in 1999, DICOM included options for
encrypting and protecting data moving over
network connections. This was in response to
the implementation of the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (commonly
known as HIPAA) and not in response to
cybersecurity concerns.
In 2001, DICOM extended the use of
cryptographic message syntax (CMS) for
encrypting data. It specified how sensitive portions
of a DICOM object (known as a PHI, which
stands for protected health information) could be
encrypted within the DICOM object (the digital
equivalent of a DICOM image) for safekeeping.
Thus, the standard provides for the protection
of a DICOM object throughout its life, not just
during information interchange. This encryption
of sensitive portions of a DICOM object is an
integral capability. While it is not within the scope
of DICOM to encrypt the entire DICOM object,
DICOM does facilitate such methods.
Security and Privacy Mechanisms
Most DICOM objects contain images and
associated demographic and medical information
about patients, which must be kept confidential.
DICOM Stays Ahead of Health IT
Encryption is one way to keep data confidential.
DICOM does not specify the encryption in detail
(it refers to other standards for that), but several
changes made to the standard over the last decade
facilitate encryption. These include the transfer of
encrypted DICOM objects and reading encrypted
DICOM objects on the receiver’s end. For example:
• For sending objects
in an email, DICOM
defines how to
encrypt the files using
CMS methods for
• For sending objects
using traditional
DICOM transfer
mechanism (known
as the DIMSE
protocol), DICOM
defines how to use an
encrypted transport
layer security (TLS)
• For sending objects using the new DICOM
transfer mechanism (DICOM web services),
DICOM defines how to use an encrypted https
DICOM facilitates the use of encryption but
does not mandate it; it defines how encryption
is to be used in a DICOM context. Whether to
employ encryption or not is a policy choice for
a hospital and an implementation choice for a
vendor. Regardless of a vendor’s choice, hospitals
may establish a VPN-encrypted network and
use unencrypted DICOM. This is quite common
between sites, but, from a cybersecurity point of
view, may not be advisable.
the secretariat
The security and privacy capabilities of DICOM
are only a small piece of total protection of
medical data. Chief information officers (CIOs)
of hospitals, healthcare systems, and other
healthcare providers are responsible for protecting
the medical data of their customers. Ultimately,
CIOs have the responsibility of implementing and
maintaining the protective mechanisms within
their own systems and interfaces.
DICOM stands ready to facilitate this.
www.nema.org • July 2016
Steve Griffith, PMP
Industry Director, NEMA
NEMA Section Takes Lead in Energy Storage
he application and use of energy storage
systems (ESSs) has grown dramatically in gridscale and building-based systems. Beyond storing
power when there is less demand and helping
smooth out supply and demand challenges, these
systems are capable of doing much more.
The effort continued through enhancements to the
protocol in June 2014 and April 2016, under the
leadership of the Energy Storage Systems Program
within the Department of Energy’s Office of
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.
NEMA was instrumental in providing leadership
overall in the development of the document and
on the metrics task force. Protocol for Uniformly
Measuring and Expressing the Performance of
Energy Storage Systems is available on the PNNL
website (www.pnnl.gov).
The April 2016 protocol addresses how ESSs
perform in the original (June 2012) two areas: peak
shaving and frequency regulation, as well as six
other applications: microgrids (added in June 2014)
and photovoltaic smoothing, power quality, volt/
VAR, frequency control, and renewables firming
(added in April 2016).
In addition to covering eight applications, the
April 2016 protocol is enhanced to provide for
additional performance metrics and specifications,
improved accuracy, and better organization for
easier application. Further enhancements are
planned based on experiences gained in applying
the protocol directly and input from U.S. and
international efforts associated with adapting the
protocol into more formalized standards.
As a case in point, entities that are considering
the application and use of ESSs have needed
and will continue to need accurate, reliable, and
comparable data on the performance of such
systems today and as storage technologies evolve
and their range of applications increases.
More than four years ago, the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL) and Sandia National
Laboratories initiated and developed a protocol to
measure and express ESS performance through
the Energy Storage Performance Protocol Working
Group. That initial effort filled a significant gap
in the ability to measure and express energy
storage system performance and culminated in the
publication of a protocol in late 2012.
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
NEMA, through its ESS Section, will lead an
effort to formalize the PNNL document into
an ANSI/NEMA standard. NEMA currently
holds the secretariat for the ANSI Accredited
Standards Committee on Energy Storage Systems,
which will form the consensus body for this
standards activity.
NEMA also will work with the U.S. Technical
Advisory Group to IEC Technical Committee120
Electrical Energy Storage Systems and have them
consider it a basis for future U.S. submissions
to the draft of the IEC standard covering ESS
performance measurement. ei
Julie Chavanne
Communications Director, ESFI
Summer Advisory: Beware of Electric Shock Drowning
Summer is the peak time for water-based leisure
activities, and despite the fact that swimming and
boating are recreational by nature, the age-old
caution that water and electricity don’t mix must
be strictly enforced. Each year, lives are lost due to
a serious hazard that is still not widely understood:
electric shock drowning (ESD). Known as the
invisible killer, ESD occurs in fresh water when
a typically low-level alternating current passes
through the body, causing muscular paralysis and
eventual drowning.
ESFI offers the following tips to prevent common
boat electrical hazards:
In April 2016, ESD claimed the life of 15-year-old
Carmen Johnson, who died at her family’s vacation
home in Alabama after jumping off a dock into
water that had been electrified due to a faulty light
switch. She was electrocuted when she touched a
metal ladder her father lowered into the water after
she had appeared to be in distress.
• Have your boat’s electrical system inspected and
upgraded by a certified marine electrician who is
familiar with NFPA 303 and NFPA 70.
While ESD deaths continue to occur, several states
are taking positive strides to combat the problem.
In 2014, Tennessee passed the Noah Dean and
Nate Act, named in memory of two boys who
died from electrical injuries they suffered on July
4, 2012, at a marina. An inspection following
the tragedy found that the marina did not have
ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), a critical
safeguard that prevents instances of electrocution.
Under the Noah Dean and Nate Act, Tennessee
marinas must install ground-fault protection, post
notices about the danger of electrical leakage into
waters surrounding a marina, and undergo safety
inspections by the state fire marshal. West Virginia
passed a similar law in 2013, and Arkansas enacted
legislation in 2012 after several electrocutions near
docks in and around that state.
• Don’t allow anyone to swim near docks. Avoid
entering the water when launching or loading
your boat.
• Always maintain a distance of at least 10 feet
between your boat and nearby power lines.
• If you feel a tingle while swimming, the water
may be electrified. Get out, avoiding the use of
metal objects such as ladders.
• Have GFCIs installed on your boat and test them
once a month.
• Consider having equipment-leakage circuit
interrupters installed on boats to protect
nearby swimmers.
• Only use shore or marine power cords, plugs,
receptacles, and extension cords that have been
tested by a national laboratory (e.g., UL, CSA,
or ETL).
• Never use cords that are frayed or damaged or
that have had the prongs removed or altered.
• Never stand or swim in water when turning off
electrical devices or switches.
In Missouri, the Alexandra and Brayden
Anderson Electric Shock Drowning Prevention
Act, named after siblings who were electrocuted
while swimming, is being considered in the
state legislature.
The 2011 National Electrical Code® requires GFCI
protection in marinas and boatyards. Inspections
are recommended annually but not enforced in
states that have not passed legislation to address
the ESD problem.
ESD may also occur in swimming pools, hot tubs,
and spas. Have an electrician inspect and upgrade
your these facilities in accordance with applicable
local codes and the NEC.
For ESFI’s complete collection of boating and
marina safety resources, visit www.esfi.org. 23
www.nema.org • July 2016
Codes & Standards
Khaled Masri
Cuong Nguyen
Program Manager, NEMA
Lead, Smart Grid Testing
and Certification, NIST
Smart Grid Manual Standardizes Interoperability
Download NIST
IPRM documents at
• NIST Framework and
Roadmap for Smart
Grid Interoperability
• Existing Conformity
Assessment Program
SG-IPRM 1-2016 in hard copy or
electronic format
for $108 at
NSI/NEMA SG-IPRM 1-2016 Smart Grid
Interoperability Process Reference Manual
(IPRM) was developed and refined over the
past six years by the Smart Grid Testing and
Certification Committee (SGTCC) of the Smart
Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP). NEMA’s
Distribution Automation Section sponsored its
development as a new standard.
The IPRM’s major goals are to
The Need for Interoperability
Under the Energy Independence and Security Act
of 2007 (EISA), the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) undertook responsibility
to coordinate the development of a framework of
protocols and model standards for information
management to achieve interoperability of smart
grid devices and systems. In order to fulfill the
EISA mandate, NIST developed a three-phase
plan. The third phase was to coordinate the
development of a framework for testing and
certification to support industry implementation
of devices, systems, and processes.
• reduce costs and shorten the implementation
cycle time of certified products.
In 2009, NIST launched the SGIP, a publicprivate partnership of stakeholders from across
the electrical industry. The SGIP established the
SGTCC to construct an operational framework for
testing and certification. When the SGTCC found
that there were few smart grid test programs, it
created an operational framework that is embodied
in the IPRM.
• increase buyers’ confidence that the
certified smart grid–related products will be
interoperable with existing systems;
• enhance the testing and certification processes,
through a set of best practices, across multiple
standards; and
The IPRM introduced the concept of an
interoperability testing and certification authority
(ITCA) to design and manage the end-to-end
processes associated with interoperability
testing and certification. The IPRM includes best
practices for interoperability test construction,
criteria for certification body processes, criteria
for test laboratory best practices, best practices
for cybersecurity test construction, and ITCA
implementation of the IPRM recommendations.
Adoption as a Standard
The IPRM has been revised twice since 2010. By
the time version three was published in 2015,
NIST and SGTCC recognized that it had already
been adopted for several new test programs,
such as the Green Button, OpenADR, and IEEE
Phasor Measurement Unit test programs. In 2015,
the SGIP and NEMA agreed to transition the
IPRM into an ANSI/NEMA standard under the
leadership of Cuong Nguyen of NIST as chair and
Bill Colavecchio of UL as vice-chair.
Developing an ANSI standard is based on
consensus among four interest categories: General
Interest, Producer, Testing Laboratory, and User.
ANSI/NEMA SG-IPRM 1 received unanimous
approval by the consensus body. According to
Steve Griffith, Industry Director, Connected
Systems Division, having this NEMA standard
approved as an ANSI document reinforces the
value of NEMA’s smart grid interoperability work.
Plans for 2016 include a user’s guide that will
provide guidance on establishing an ITCA and
answers to frequently asked questions. ei
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
Codes & Standards
Don Iverson
Midwest Field Representative, NEMA
Midwest Region Code Adoption Activity
s the 2017 National Electrical Code® (NEC)
approaches the final stages in its development,
several states have begun the adoption process.
NEC advocates in those states are optimistic about
being early-adoption leaders in 2017.
Illinois is a local-adoption state. This means that
municipalities with a building department may
adopt and amend building codes at their leisure.
Recently, Winnebago County, which encompasses
the cities of Rockford and Loves Park, as well
as unincorporated areas, adopted the 2015
International Code Council (ICC) building codes
and the 2014 NEC with several amendments.
Many districts had amended the NEC to exclude
critical fire and electrical safety provisions in
their communities. With this adoption, arc-fault
circuit interrupters and ground-fault protection
were added without amendments to the current
building codes adoption package. Adoption took
effect in April.
West Virginia
The state legislature voted in March to adopt the
2014 NEC without amendment, with an effective
date of July 1. This adoption process began in
2014, with the state fire marshal’s office and the
local electrical industry supporting fire and
electrical safety.
Other Code Adoption Activities
In March, Denver adopted new building
and fire codes, including the ICC’s 2015
editions of the International Building Code,
International Residential Code, International
Fire Code, International Existing Building Code,
International Mechanical Code, International
Plumbing Code, International Fuel Gas Code,
and International Energy Conservation Code
with amendments.
In Denver’s residential code, provisions were
added to section R326 that would require future
allowances for vehicle charging equipment:
R326.1 Electric vehicle charging. For new
one- or two-family dwellings, each with a
dedicated attached or detached garage, a
minimum continuous load of 4800VA shall
be included as part of the electrical service
load calculations. This additional load shall
be permitted to allow the inhabitant(s) the
installation of a charging station for electric
vehicles without the need of upgrading the
electrical service of the dwelling. In addition
to the spare power capacity, the premise’s
electrical panel shall have at least two spare
spaces for the installation of a two-pole
breaker for the charging station and conduit
shall be routed from the electrical panel to the
garage, unless wiring and receptacle for such
use are installed.
Exception: Additions to existing one- or twofamily dwellings and townhomes constructed
per the International Residential Code are
exempt from this requirement.
HUD Manufactured Housing Standards
In 2015, I was asked to sit on the Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) Manufactured
Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC)
Technical Subcommittee. The committee’s task is
to assist in updating the current HUD 3280.801
document, which provides required standards on
homebuilding for the makers of manufactured
housing. The electrical portion of this document
references the 2005 NEC with amendments.
In January, I attended the MHCC meeting in
Louisville, Kentucky, where I explained the extent
of the code changes from 2005 to 2014 to the
main committee. Currently, the subcommittee
is working on the electrical portion of HUD
3280.801, with several scheduled meetings to
finalize the proposal.
The goal is to submit the 2014 NEC proposal
package to the MHCC at its meeting in August.
www.nema.org • July 2016
Codes & Standards
Learn the 2017 NEC from Industry Leaders
EMA field and member-company representatives will provide expert information about revisions
to the National Electrical Code® (NEC) at the
following venues.
IAEI North Carolina Chapter Meeting
International Association of Electrical Inspectors
(IAEI) Georgia Chapter Meeting
• Jekyll Island, Georgia
• July 13–15
• NEC Code Panel Q&A
Session with Bryan Holland,
NEMA; Thomas Domitrovich,
Eaton; Vince Saporita, Eaton;
and Dave Mercier, Southwire
Vince Saporita, Eaton
IAEI Western Section Meeting
Dave Mercier, Southwire
IAEI Treasure Coast Division Meeting
• Port St. Lucie, Florida
• July 18
• NEMA Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
presentation by Bryan Holland, NEMA
• Atlantic Beach, North
• August 14–16
• NEC Code Panel Q&A session
with Bryan Holland, NEMA;
Chad Kennedy, Schneider
Electric; and Vince Saporita,
Don Iverson, NEMA
• Prairie Meadows Casino
Hotel, Altoona, Iowa
• September 18–21
• 2017 NEC IAEI Analysis
of Changes presentation by
Don Iverson, NEMA; David
Kendall, ABB; Alan Manche,
Schneider Electric; and Dan
Neeser, Eaton/Bussmann
IAEI Palm Beach County Division Meeting
• Palm Beach, Florida
• July 19
• NEMA Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
presentation by Bryan Holland, NEMA
IAEI Fort Lauderdale Division Meeting
• Fort Lauderdale, Florida
• July 20
• NEMA Electric Vehicle
Supply Equipment
presentation by Bryan
Holland, NEMA
Bryan Holland, NEMA
See also, “What
are the most
between the
2014 and
2017 National
Code®?” on
page 32.
Electrical Council of Florida Seminar
• Tampa, Florida
• July 29 and 30
• NEMA Surge Protection Device Basics presentation
by Bryan Holland, NEMA
• 2011 NEC Code Change presentation, Bryan
Holland, NEMA
NEMA electroindustry • July 2016
Alan Manche, Schneider Electric
Dave Kendall, ABB
IAEI Southern Section Meeting
• Birmingham, Alabama
• October 8–12
• 2017 NEC Code Change presentation by Tom
Domitrovich, Eaton; Bryan Holland, NEMA;
Chad Kennedy, Schneider Electric; Dave Mercier,
Southwire; Vince Saporita, Eaton; and Greg
Steinman, T&B, a member of ABB
IAEI Tennessee Chapter Meeting
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
• November 4 and 5
• NEC Code Panel Q&A session with Tom
Domitrovich, Eaton; Bryan Holland, NEMA;
Chad Kennedy, Schneider Electric; Dave Mercier,
Southwire; Vince Saporita, Eaton; and Greg
Steinman, T&B a member of ABB ei
Codes & Standards
Ann Brandstadter
Manager, Standards Publication
and Marketing, NEMA
Interoperability Standard Defines Smart Grid Testing
NSI/NEMA SG-IPRM 1-2016 Smart Grid
Interoperability Process Reference Manual
(IPRM), a new standard, was developed by the
NEMA Distribution Automation Technical
Committee and the Smart Grid Interoperability
Panel’s (SGIP) Smart Grid Testing and
Certification Committee. It defines requirements
and recommendations for general test policies, test
suite specifications, test profiles, interoperability
testing and certification authority technical
programs, governance, laboratory qualifications,
and process improvements. It also describes an
implementation approach. The IPRM is available
in hard copy or as an electronic download for
$108 on the NEMA website. See page 24 for more
NEMA XR 31-2016 Standard Attributes on X-ray
Equipment for Interventional Procedures was
developed by the Medical Imaging and Technology
Alliance (MITA), a division of NEMA, and refers
to MITA Smart Dose Interventional technology.
This standard offers healthcare providers a
reference to identify key features that contribute to
enhanced patient care and to help manage patient
radiation dose delivery, while still enabling the
system to provide sufficient image quality needed
by the physician. It may be downloaded at no cost
on the NEMA website. ei
Other Recently Published Standards
ANSI C78.42-2009 (R2016) High-Pressure
Sodium Lamps sets forth the physical and
electrical requirements for HPS lamps, to ensure
performance and interchangeability. The data
given also provides the basis for the electrical
requirements for ballasts and ignitors, as well as
the lamp-related requirements for luminaires.
It is available in hard copy or as an electronic
download for $480 on the NEMA website.
NEMA 410-2015 Performance Testing for
Lighting Controls and Switching Devices with
Electronic Drivers and Discharge Ballasts covers
the definition, measurement, and testing of
characteristics relevant to the use and application
of lighting controls and electronic drivers,
discharge ballasts, and self-ballasted lamps. It is
available in hard copy for $94 or as an electronic
download at no cost on the NEMA website.
NEMA WC 72-1999 (R2004, R2015) Continuity
of Coating Testing for Electrical Conductors reviews
problems that have occurred when polysulfide
testing has been improperly imposed on tin-,
silver-, and nickel-coated copper and copper-alloy
stranded conductors or on tin-, silver-, or nickelcoated copper and copper-alloy single or stranded
conductors after insulating. It is available in hard
copy or as an electronic download for $47 on the
NEMA website.
ANSI/NEMA SG-IPRM 1-2016 addresses smart grid interoperability processes.
www.nema.org • July 2016
Craig Updyke
Director, Trade and
Commercial Affairs , NEMA
Efforts in Mexico and Latin America Pay Off
lready, 2016 is proving to be a successful year
for NEMA’s activities in Mexico and Latin
America. From product standards to energy
efficiency and market development, NEMA
is engaged.
Gustavo Dominguez Poo and Ricardo Vazquez
conduct day-to-day operations at the NEMA
regional office in Mexico City. They coordinate
activities with NEMA staff and product sections
that support the office in their annual budgets.
NEMA participates directly
in Mexico’s standardization
committees on electrical safety
and energy efficiency. The goal is
to align Mexican standards with
mandatory standards already in
place in the U.S. For example, NEMA Mexico
participated as a provider of up-to-date technical
information in the effort to set a mandatory
standard for three-phase electric motors, which led
to harmonization of efficiency values in Mexico
with current U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
requirements. On energy efficiency, NEMA is
recognized by Mexico’s federal energy-efficiency
agency, known as CONUEE, as a key stakeholder
in its efforts.
NEMA has also participated in a CONUEE
technical working group devoted to a developing
a new mandatory standard for general service
LED lamps. These efforts have resulted in draft
specifications and test methods harmonized with
NEMA and U.S. requirements. NEMA members
will be able to review and comment on the final
draft before it becomes effective. In addition,
NEMA is participating in the CONUEE working
group on a mandatory standard for external power
supplies to maintain market access. Similarly, the
new edition of the mandatory standard for lamp
ballasts and drivers under development reflects
NEMA’s positions and would keep the market
open for U.S.-style products.
NEMA Mexico worked with the Arc Welding
Section to institute a two-year compliance period
for a new federal regulation for home use of
welding equipment. Now efforts are focused on
a new standard for arc-welding power sources to
maintain access for NEMA member companies
and reduce deviations with a view toward eventual
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
standards harmonization for North America via
CANENA (the Council for Harmonization of
Electrotechnical Standardization of the Nations of
the Americas).
Member companies in product sections that
support NEMA Mexico receive monthly status
reports and timely updates on key developments.
Mr. Dominguez and Mr. Vazquez also participate
with sections at their respective meetings. NEMA
Mexico also provided invaluable assistance to
the NEMA trade mission in June to Mexico City
and Monterrey.
Forging Links in Latin America
Mexico City is the operational base for
NEMA’s Latin America activities, which are
focused on countries with which there are U.S.
free-trade agreements.
Participation at the recent COPANT (Pan
American Standards Commission) annual
meeting in Ecuador was a perfect opportunity to
renew a memorandum of understanding (MOU)
between NEMA and the standards development
authority in Colombia, ICONTEC. The MOU
ensures that ICONTEC may access any NEMA
standard as a basis for developing a Colombian
national standard.
The agreement followed a visit by Mr. Dominguez
to ICONTEC in the capital, Bogotá. While
Colombia has been convinced to change labelling
requirements for lighting products, further steps
are needed to relax unnecessarily restrictive
product-certification processes.
This year, Mr. Dominguez will visit Honduras,
El Salvador, Guatemala, and Chile; NEMA has
proposed standards-sharing MOUs with standards
institutions in each of these countries.
In Nicaragua, NEMA’s regular contacts with the
national fire department have helped to drive the
department’s enforcement of the National Electrical
Code®. The government is expected to adopt
Mexico’s energy-efficiency standards for motors
and lighting, keeping the market open for NEMAtype products as the country implements plans to
build 800,000 houses in the coming years. ei
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business Analytics
Laurie Miller
Director, Statistical Operations ,
LED A-Lines Capture Quarter of Consumer Market
ED A-line lamps posted another strong
showing to start 2016, surging 375.9 percent
during the quarter on a year-over-year (y/y) basis.
Meanwhile, halogen A-line lamps posted a y/y
increase of 7.4 percent, while incandescent A-line
lamps decreased by 14.2 percent and compact
fluorescents lamps (CFL) dropped 49.0 percent.
Compared to Q4 2015, light-emitting diode (LED) shipments rose 38.5 percent, while halogen A-lines
decreased 13.3 percent. CFL shipments saw a
quarter-to-quarter decrease of 24.3 percent, and
incandescent A-line lamp shipments decreased
21.3 percent.
LED A-line lamps increased their sales share by
nearly nine percentage points between the end of
2015 and Q1 2016 and now comprise 26.1 percent
of the consumer lamp market. Halogen A-line
lamps accounted for almost half of all consumer
lamp shipments in Q1 2016, at 46.5 percent, but
saw their share decline in the latest quarter. CFLs
captured a 19.2-percent share and incandescent
A-lines, a 8.2 percent share. ei
Want more details?
To see the results of the NEMA Lamp
indexes in finer detail by product, visit
www.nema.org/lamp-indexes for
interactive consumer lamp market charts.
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
business Analytics
Tim Gill
Deputy Chief Economist, NEMA
NEMA EBCIs Creep Upward in May
EMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions
Index (EBCI) rose in May, edging up to
53.3 points from 50 in April. Twenty percent of
panelists reported conditions improved in May,
similar to April’s 19 percent, but only 13 percent
reported the business environment worsened in
May, down from 19 percent in April. Two-thirds
claimed conditions were unchanged in May,
similar to the 63 percent who held this view a
month ago.
The survey’s measure of the intensity of change in
electroindustry business conditions also increased
in May, rising to +0.2 from a neutral 0.0 in April.
Panelists are asked to report intensity of change on
a scale ranging from −5 (deteriorated significantly)
through 0 (unchanged) to +5 (improved
significantly). The EBCI for future North American conditions
also gained ground in May, climbing to 56.7
from 53.1 in April. Twenty-seven percent of the
panel reported positive expectations for the next
six months compared to 19 percent a month
ago. Meanwhile, 13 percent reported negative
expectations, identical to April’s result. The share
expecting to see no change in business conditions
over the next six months slipped to 60 percent in
May from 69 percent in April. Visit www.nema.org/ebci to see the complete
May 2016 report. ei
U.S. Manufacturers Fare Better at Home
According to The Wall Street Journal (May 22,
2016), global industrial giants are struggling under
the weight of a strong dollar, reeling commodity
markets, and weak demand in emerging and
advanced economies alike. But domestically
oriented U.S. manufacturers are faring better, with
steadier business buoyed by the relatively brighter
auto, housing, and job markets.
The split conditions, seen throughout the latest
corporate earnings reports and gauges of U.S.
factory activity, reflect broader tensions plaguing
the global economy. Economists credit steady job
growth and wage growth in addition to still-low
interest rates that make financing a new home or
vehicle cheaper. American consumers have become
more confident lately, sentiment that helped spur
last month the best rate of consumer spending in
over a year.
www.nema.org • July 2016
What are the most important differences between the
2014 and 2017 National Electrical Code®?
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 4,012 public inputs were
submitted to the NFPA recommending changes from the 2014 National Electrical Code
to the 2017 NEC. From those public inputs, the different code-making panels created
1,235 first revisions.
There are five new articles:
• Fixed Resistance and Electrode Industrial Process Heating Equipment (Article 425)
• Large-Scale Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Supply Stations (Article 691)
• Energy Storage Systems (Article 706)
• Stand-Alone Systems (Article 710)
• Direct Current Microgrids (Article 712)
More information on the 2017 NEC, including access to the second revision, can be
found on NFPA website.
A preview of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) Analysis of
Changes Part 1 can be found in the May–June 2015 IAEI News. Part 2 of the analysis
may be found in the March–April 2016 IAEI News.
Also see “Learn the 2017 NEC from Industry Leaders,” page 26. ei
October 7, 2016,
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Stockart Credit
NEMA • electroindustry • July 2016
Puzzling Over Data
When I started at NEMA some 15
years ago, my primary task was to
clean up the membership database.
Prior to my arrival, NEMA had
purchased a generic customer
relationship management (CRM)
system that was poorly designed
and had no report capabilities. This
resulted in a database that, at best,
could not be updated in a timely
fashion. At worst, it was not being
used at all.
By the time I came on board, the
data had not only become a source
of embarrassment for the staff but
also started to undermine members’
confidence in us. Our problems were
solved with a new CRM system. It
consolidated data from other silos,
standardized the data in the tables,
requested updates from members,
and provided members with the
ability to update their data online.
Tell us what
you are doing
Send stories
and photos to
Christine Shattuck, Manager, Member Relations, NEMA
12-13 ©iStockphoto.com/derrrek
14-15 ©iStockphoto.com/-strizh16-17 ©iStockphoto.com/Maxiphoto
20 ©iStockphoto.com/Ivan Bliznetsov
28 ©iStockphoto.com/jeff reisdorfer
It was a challenge, but that is one
reason why I like working with
databases: working with a database
is like working on a puzzle. Inside
the tables, puzzle piece–like data
have no meaning by themselves.
But when you start snapping those
unrelated pieces together, a picture
is revealed. Sometimes it can show
you something that you weren’t
expecting to see. ei
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