Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006

Apparent power sources
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006
1. Purpose
1.1. The programmable three-phase apparent power source MK 7006 (hereinafter – APS) is designed
for reproducing measurable physical quantities in adjustment, verification and investigation of
metrological characteristics of the facilities for measurement (FM) of active and reactive power and
energy, ac current and voltage.
In particular, APS can be used as part of the measuring sets for adjustment, verification and tests of the
meters of active and reactive energy, measuring converters of active and reactive power, ac strength and
voltage, accuracy class of 0.05 and of less accuracy, and measuring converters of frequency, accuracy
class of 0.02 and of less accuracy.
1.2. Depending upon the maximum output current, APSs are manufactured:
with Imax= 60A (hereinafter “MK7006 60A”);
with Imax= 100A (hereinafter “MK7006 100A”).
1.3. APS ensures:
programming and control from control board of its own or from a personal computer (PC);
reproducing an input signal of the facilities for measurement of (voltage, current or apparent
power) with the parameters specified in programming;
indicating the introduced, in programming, values of input signal parameters of the meters
(voltage, current strength, frequency and angle  of the phase shift);
indication of switching on the signals of voltage and current.
2. Specifications
2.1. APS has two main modes of operation:
generation of a three-phase symmetrical system of voltages shifted in phase by (120 ±1)and,
synchronized with it, a three-phase system of currents that are also shifted in phase by (120
±1) – mode “ ”;
generation of a system of two voltages shifted in phase by (60 ±1), and synchronized with it,
a three-phase system of currents shifted in phase by (120 ±1) – mode “ ”.
APS makes it possible to switch on/off the output signals of voltage and current in any of
phases, and the signals of current – without switching off the signals of voltage.
2.2 The ranges of specifying the values of voltage are listed in Table 1. The discreteness of specifying
the value of voltage amounts to:
0.01V – in the range from 20.00 to 99.99V;
0.1V – in the range from 100.0 to 456V.
The departure of set voltages from the specified values, when using a power factor of constant load
(cos) from 0.5 to 1.0, does not exceed ± 1%.
Apparent power sources
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006
Table1 Ranges of specifying voltage values.
In the mode “ ”
Ur, V
Range, V
from 20.00 to 69.28
from 69.29 to 153.9
from 154.0 to 264.0
Table 2
MK7006 60A
Ir, A
In the mode “ ”
Ur, V
Range, V
from 69.29 to 120.0
from 120.1 to 264.0
from 264.1 to 456.0
Ranges of specifying current strength values.
Range, A
from 0.001 to 0.12
from 0.1201 to 1.2
from 1.2001 to 6
from 6.0001 to 12
from 12.001 to 60
MK7006 100A
Ir, A
Range, A
from 0.001 to 0.12
from 0.1201 to 1.2
from 1.2001 to 6
from 6.0001 to 12
from 12.001 to 60
from 60.001 to 100
The ranges of specifying the value of current strength are listed in Table 2. The discreteness of
specifying the value of current strength amounts to:
 0.0001A – in the range from 0.005 to 9.9999A;
 0.001A– in the range from 10A to Imax.
The departure of set currents from the specified values in the range from 0.01A to Imax does not
exceed ±2%, and in the range from 1mA to 9.9 mA – ±10%. The departure of set currents from the
average value in the range from 0.01A to Imax at a symmetrical load does not exceed ±1%.
A relative instability of set currents in the range from 0.01A to Imax, and of voltages at the constant
load during 5 minutes does not exceed 0.03%.
To adjust the parameters of output signals of APS one makes use of correction factors and corrections
which are saved in nonvolatile reprogrammable memory (flash-memory).
The correction factors (maximum value is equal to 1.05000) are determined in the adjustment of APS
and used in the generation of output signal parameters.
The corrections (maximum value is 6.5) and a correction sign are determined in the adjustment of
APS and used in the generation of output signals for angle of phase shift.
2.3. The discreteness of specifying the value of output signal frequency of APS is equal to 0.01Hz. The
departure of output signal frequency from the specified value does not exceed ± 0.3%, when specifying
any frequency in the range from 45 to 65 Hz. A relative instability of frequency does not exceed 210-5 for
any 3 hours of APS operation.
2.4. The discreteness of specifying the angle of phase shift between current and the corresponding
voltage is equal to 0.1 in the range from 0 to 359.9. The departure of set angle from the specified value
does not exceed ± 1.
2.5. The distortion factor of sinusoidality for the curve of output signals does not exceed 1% with the
power factor of linear load (cos ) from 0.5 to 1.0.
2.6. The maximum output power for each phase of current at the maximum output current and rated
supply voltage is determined by APS purpose and can be from 60 to 200 VA.
The MK7006 100A is provided with two outputs for a current signal of each phase – “from 0 to 12A”
and “from 12 to 100A”. The current signal is automatically switched from one output to the other and
there is a possibility to tie these outputs together.
The maximum output power for each phase of voltage at the rated supply voltage is determined by
APS purpose and can be from 50 to 150VA when the value of output voltage is equal to 69.28, 153.9 and
264V in the mode “ ”, and is equal to 120, 264 and 456V in the mode “ ”.
Apparent power sources
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006
APS is protected against short circuits and overloads in the voltage circuit as well as against breaks
and overloads in the current circuit with indication of its protection circuit operation.
APS is provided with a circuit generating an alarm sound signal in case of closure of a line or a phase
voltage to the current circuit.
2.7. APS is powered from the three-phase ac mains, 380/220V, 50Hz. The power, consumed from the
mains, does not exceed 2000 VA
2.8. PC-APS communication is carried out over the serial interface (RS232 or RS485 – on order).
The communication protocol for PC and APS (instructions and sequence of transferring the control
instructions of WC from PC) is listed in the maintenance documentation.
2.9. APS consists of three units connected with some marked standard cables. The sizes of APS units
with the maximum output power are presented in Table 3. The mass of APS does not exceed 100kg.
Table 3
Unit name
Size, mm
Current unit
Voltage unit
Power supply unit 480×510×185
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006 60A
Apparent power sources
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006
Programmable three-phase apparent power source MK7006 100A