Pilot Line Power Electronics

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Power 300
Alfred Hoffmann
November 12, 2014
Revenue Split by Segment
Q3 FY 2014 Revenue: € 1,110m
€ 510m
€ 123m
€ 200m
€ 271m
Chip Card
& Security
€ 6m
*Other Operating Segments; Corporate & Eliminations.
November 12, 2014
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Infineon at a Glance
The Company
 Infineon provides semiconductor and system solutions, focusing
on three central needs of our modern society:
Energy Efficiency, Mobility and Security
 Revenue in FY 2013: € 3.843 billion
 Around 29.000 employees worldwide (as of June 2014)
 Strong technology portfolio with more than 18,650 patents and
patent applications (as of September 2013)
 21 R&D locations; 12 manufacturing locations
 Germany's largest and Europe's second largest
semiconductor company
November 12, 2014
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Revenue Split by Regions
FY 2013 vs FY 2012
38% 40%
Asia / Pacific
Europe, Middle East,
Africa (EMEA)
FY 2012
November 12, 2014
FY 2013
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BMW and Infineon: Working together to
shape the future of electro mobility
Power module
 75 semiconductors ensure a highly efficient electric drive in the
BMW i3, e.g. Microcontroller AUDO Future, IGBT Power Module
HybridPACK™ 2, EiceDRIVER™ Products, CoolMOS™ High
voltage MOSFETs.
 Further components: airbag control, LED light modules,
steering locks, windshield wipers and seatbelt retractors.
November 12, 2014
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Industrial Power Control
Core Competencies/
Value Proposition
 High quality products and services
 Leading edge technology and IP portfolio
 System expertise with broad application
 Strong worldwide presence with local sales and
application support
Market Positions
 No.1 in Discrete IGBTs with 19.4%
market share
 No. 2 in IGBT modules with 20.3%
market share
 Dedicated account teams and distributors
Source: IHS Research, January 2014
July 30, 2014
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Power Components for Drive Control of
Train Systems
High-Speed Trains
Metro Trains
Infineon Parts
 Power: 5 to 10MW per train
 Power: 0.5 to 1MW per train
 80 to 120 IGBT modules
per train
 25 to 50 IGBT modules
per train
 Semiconductor content:
~ € 100,000 per train
 Semiconductor content:
~ € 10,000 per train
July 30, 2014
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Power Management & Multimarket
Product Range
 Digital Control ICs, Drivers and Power Discretes for
Voltage Regulators
 LED Drivers
 RF Diodes and Transistors, RF Power
 Chips for Silicon Microphones, TVS Diodes
 ASIC design solutions for authentication and battery
Core Competencies/
Value Proposition
 Technology Leadership in Power & RF:
 Energy Efficiency
 Power Density, system size and weight reduction
 Connectivity and reliable, clean Data
Transmission for 50bn devices in 2020
 Revolutionary Innovation made "easy to use"
 Application centric Innovation
 Integration competence: Power/RF, Digital
Power, Discretes, chip embedding
November 12, 2014
Market Positions
 No. 1 in Power Discretes with 9.3% market share
(IHS: The World Market for Power Semiconductor Discretes & Modules –
Nov 2013)
 No. 2 in Discrete MOSFETs with 12.7% market share
(IHS: The World Market for Power Semiconductor Discretes & Modules –
Nov 2013)
 No. 2 in Chips for Silicon Microphones with 30%
market share
(IHS: MEMS Microphones Report– April 2014)
 No. 3 in RF Power Devices with 15.7% market share
(ABI Research: RF Power Amplifiers – Dec 2012)
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Power Components for Servers and
RF Devices for Cellular Infrastructure
Energy Efficient Server
Cellular Infrastructure
Infineon Components
 Efficiency values of 95% and higher
 Technology leadership in silicium and
silicumcarbide products
 Highest power density enabling best
cost-performance ratios
 Unique system solutions with
MOSFETs, power ICs and driver
November 12, 2014
 Applicable for all standard frequencies
of 2G, 3G, 4G (450 MHz to 2.7 GHz)
 Industry leading power efficiency for
 Wide range of devices with power
levels from 4 – 700 W
 Best-in-class thermal performance
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39 years of continuous growth of the semiconductor
manufacturing site of Infineon in Villach
2013 Start of 12-inch
2012 New production hall
2000 Start of 8-inch
wafer production
1997 Start of 6-inch
wafer production
1984 Start 5-inch
wafer production
1979 Start 4-inch
wafer production
Founding - diode production facility in Villach - 1970
November 12, 2014
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Power Semiconductors Are Key Drivers for
the Challenges of Today‘s Society
Discrete IGBT
IGBT module
IGBT module
Power Semiconductor Devices are key enablers to solve global challenges
Energy Efficiency
November 12, 2014
Renewable Energy
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Functional Diversification is a main
Strength of the European Industry…
 Leading system competence in
major application areas like power
electronics for industry and
individual mobility located in Europe
 A leading MtM semiconductor
industry and fast access to
innovations in micro/nanoelectronic
is vital for leveraging further this
European strength
 Policy must support full value
chains enabled by pilot lines and
high volume semiconductor
production (MtM Semiconductors
Made in Europe)
November 12, 2014
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Important steps to strengthen European
Power Semiconductor Manufacturing
 Semiconductor manufacturing is
among the most capital intense
industry segments
 Infineon is a globally acting
enterprise and is facing regional
funding behaviours (Asia, US…)
which mostly lead to competitive
disadvantage of European
 We therefore heavily appreciate and support the Key Enabling Technologies Initiative of the
European Community. Bridging research results to pilot line along the supply chain, is a
major milestone to master this global challenge.
 BUT: This must be just a beginning. We look forward and actively support further initiatives
to strengthen manufacturing in Europe
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Manufacturing meets Development:
Competence Center for Power Semiconductors
 Highly qualified international team (3,038
employees) from 55 nations
 Market, development and manufacturing
expertise (1,050 R&D employees, 240 million EUR
for R&D expenditures in fiscal year 2012)
 Pioneer in thin-wafer technology up to 40
 Innovation fab: e.g. new materials like SiC, GaN or
MEMS technologies
 300mm pilot line for development of basic technologies (CoolMOS, OptiMOS, IGBT) and
future technology generations in the industrial and automotive areas
 Coordination of European research projects:
 "Enabling Power Technologies on 300mm" (22 partners; project volume € 43.7 mill.)
Parts of Power 300 were achieved in cooperation with the partners of this project and thus cofunded by grants from Austria, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and the ENIAC Joint
 "Enhanced Power Pilot Lines" (33 partners; project volume € 74 mill.)
 Manufacture of base volumes of qualified products in 300mm thin-wafer technology
November 12, 2014
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Context of pilot line activities in the area of
Power semiconductors based on 300mm wafers
Medical xRay
Industrial LED
Renewable Solar
Industrial drive
Embedded LED
Total eligible cost ~160’ Euro
81 partner contributing
November 12, 2014
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EPT300, Enable Power Technologies on
300mm wafer diameter
Collaborative European Project:
The project EPT300 researches
basic capabilities to produce power
Technologies based on 300mm
wafers along the full value
Colaborative Project
# of partners in the consortia
# of applications
# of technologies researched
Total person months
Total eligible cost
Total funding, all partners
November 12, 2014
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Leading manufacturing technology and products secure a
leading position in the world market
Customer acceptance
First 300mm thin-wafer technology
CoolMOS™ qualified in 2/2013
 CoolMOSTM C3 600V
 CoolMOSTM C6 600V
... and released by customers
Production start
 CoolMOSTM production in Villach and Dresden started
 Capacity increase according demand in progress
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EPPL Enhanced Power Pilot Line based on
300mm wafer diameter technologies
Collaborative European Project:
The project EPPL will establish a
realistic environment to develop and
manufacture world leading technologies
for advanced power devices based on
large 300mm silicon wafers
Colaborative Project
# of partners in the consortia
# of applications
# of technologies researched
Total person months
Total eligible cost
Total funding, all partners
November 12, 2014
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eRamp „Excellence in Speed and Reliability
for More Than Moore Technologies“
Collaborative European Project:
The project eRamp will research on
enhanced, next generation
methodologies for design, reliability
and productivity to leverage smart
power pilot lines and establish a
chip embedding pilot line
Colaborative Project
# of partners in the consortia
# of applications
# of technologies researched
Total person months
Total eligible cost
Total funding, all partners
November 12, 2014
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Infineon Dresden 300mm milestones
First 300 mm fab worldwide
for high volume production of power semiconductors
Infineon has been market leader for power semiconductors since 9 years.
 Jul 2011:
Decision to set up a high volume production for power
semiconductors on 300 mm wafers in Dresden
 Apr 2012:
Start of the first 300mm lot
 Jul 2013:
Successful customer qualification of CoolMOS C3/C6 600V,
further transfers ongoing
 Jan 2014:
Start of second power technology IGBT4
 Jul 2014:
First qualification lots with thin-wafer enabling
 Nov 2014:
Ready for equipment: new production building
for IGBT implanter
 Upcoming:
Further technologies for automotive
applications in preparation
Further ramp in progress according to market demand
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Summary: Power semiconductors on 300mm
According to IMS Research, Infineon has been market leader
for power semiconductors for 9 years.
We are committed to maintain and expand this leading position.
We have set the course in 300mm: First technology transfers have
been successfully completed and volume production started.
Additional technologies, especially for automotive
applications, are in qualification or preparation.
Capacities will be increased according to market demand.
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