to presentation - The Multi Key Enabling Technologies

Multiple partner consortia and joint innovation in a technology eco-system

Johann Massoner

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 2

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 3

Infineon Technologies - Innovative Semiconductor

Solutions for Energy Efficiency, Mobility, Security

 Revenue FY 2013: app. €4 Billion

 app. 26.000 Employees ww

 Strong Technology Portfolio

 > 20 R&D Locations

 Germany‘s largest, Europe‘s 2nd largest semiconductor company

Focus Areas Core Competencies Our Target Markets

 Energy Efficiency (#1)

Mobility (#2)

Security (#1)


 Analog/Mixed Signal

 Automotive

 Power

 Industrial Electronics

 Embedded Control

 Manufacturing


 Information and



Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved.


Page 4

Infineon Technologies Austria (FY2012/13)

The competence center Power Semiconductors

 20.000m

2 Clean room

 Wafer diameter in production concurrently: 4" 6" 8" 12"

 ~ 2’4 Million wafers produced

 ~ 12”4 Billon chips delivered

 Invest 2011 & 2012 & 2013 total

~500’€ (>10% of spending from

European semiconductor companies)

 3111 Employee

 1100 in R&D

 1.18 Billion € revenue

 ~300 Patent applications

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 6

Industrial mastering and deployment of

Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)

Six strategic Technologies

• Driving competitiveness and growth opportunities

• Contributions to solving societal challenges

• Knowledge- and Capital intensive

• Crosscutting many sectors


Research Innovation

Source: High level group on key enabling technologies; Final Report

Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 7

Europe in the electronics value chain

A European Industrial Strategic Roadmap for Micro- and Nano-Electronic Components and Systems;

A report to Vice President Kroes by the Electronic Leaders Group

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 9

Pilot line in semiconductor manufacturing environment controlled by MES System

Target equipment

Proven process capability

No requalification effort @ capacity ramp

Yield learning starts with the first wafers produced

Data/Logistics integration and APC/SPC





Process/Tool new exis ting

4 8




First 300mm thin-wafer technology CoolMOS ™ qualified in 2/2013

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 11

mKETs Semiconductor Demonstrator Projects


The project EPT300 researches basic capabilities to

produce power Technologies based on

300mm wafers along the full value chain

Researching enhanced next generation semiconductor technologies dedicated to energy efficient power applications will be enforced combining 300mm wafer power semiconductor technology with advanced assembly technologies and applications.

EPT300 & EPPL Consortia & value chains across Europe

 EPPL Consortium  EPT300 Consortium

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 13

EPT300 & EPPL Consortia & value chains across Europe

 EPPL Consortium  EPT300 Consortium

 Raw material supplier

 Equipment and automation solution supplier

 Semiconductor manufacturer

 Semiconductor packaging and transport

 Industrial Applications

 RTO’s and Universities

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 14

The Value chain and collaboration

Manufacturing science

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 16

Infineon motivation to support mKETs policy projects with semiconductor pilot production demonstrator

• Build an awareness of the benefits and challenges of

European pilot line projects in the area of power semiconductors and the associated eco system

• Providing first hand experiences for policy makers and interested third parties from research and industry

• Introducing the mKPL project and its objectives towards shaping and strengthening future EC support

• Feeding best practices back to the European community

• Deliver best practice examples from setting up large pilot line activities

• Building and managing large consortia

• Financing – National / EU funding, etc.

• R&D activities with academia and research centers

Managing activities with small industry partners

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 18

R&D Cost development in semiconductor business an the urgent need to improve R&D&I efficiency

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 19

Essential Benefits from Pilot Production line


• It supports and eases the decision making by keeping cost and risk in certain boundaries, but does not trigger or determine it. The overall project is a part of the corporate strategy pursued in either case with or without funding.

• It allows Infineon to easier build a supporting eco-system around its internal project, which makes the undertaking feasible in the first place.

• It allows more parallel development paths to be followed leading to optimized results and to minimized risk

• It allows a higher grade of innovation to be taken by exploring alternative paths together with academic and research partners.

• It creates incentives to maintain production in Europe and have a more level playing field.

• Altogether it speeds up time to market by faster and more comprehensive innovation and learning process

• Academia and RTOs play an important role in cutting edge multi-KET

 Infineon and the pilot production context

 Semiconductors supporting all Grand Societal Challenges

 Pilot production activity EPT300 and EPPL

 The reason to participate an the challenges

 Supporting pilot production activities in Europe

 Acknowledgments

2015-01-22 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2015. All rights reserved. Page 21


The projects EPT300 and EPPL are co-funded by grants from Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Portugal and the

ENIAC Joint Undertaking and are coordinated by INFINEON Technologies Austria AG

The Infineon semiconductor pilot production demonstrator project is funded by EC via the mKETs pilot lines project led by TNO. mKETs-Pilot lines project

The goal of the mKETs-PL project is to prepare and foster a common understanding and consensus for future actions in Europe focusing on multi-KETs pilot lines

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