
Dear Editors,
The online article by Chet Ignatowski, “How World of Warcraft
Almost Ruined My Credit Rating,” makes a statement in the
title and the concluding paragraph
makes assertions that aren’t true,
based on the facts as presented in
the article. The article also has several serious technical errors.
These problems should be an
embarrassment to IEEE and should
have never made it past technical/
editorial review before posting.
The author’s World of Warcraft (WoW) account was hacked
due to use of insecure software
(Microsoft Windows I.E. 6) combined with his use of a malware
site, neither of which are connected to the game (WoW) or the
game vendor/operator (Blizzard/
Vivendi). Yet the title blames his
woes on the game itself, which is
completely incorrect.
The author uses a hypothetical
assumption as the basis of his assertion that WoW almost ruined
his credit (“I imagined what might
have happened if WoW had stored
my credit-card information in its
entirety...”) Imagination of an untrue condition isn’t justification for
a statement of fact such as appears
in the article title and in several
paragraphs throughout the article.
The statement “a very serious
real-life problem he experienced
when playing World of Warcraft”
is untrue, because the problem he
experienced (installation of malware on his computer) happened
completely outside the game, and
the postulated result “almost ruined my credit rating” is based on
an untrue assumption about storage
of credit-card information which
he acknowledges wasn’t done.
He also makes an amazing tech6
nically incorrect assertion about
protection against malware (“the
executable didn’t (and perhaps still
doesn’t) protect users afflicted with
a keystroke logger from having
their account credentials logged.”).
NO executable on his computer
protects against having information logged by a keystroke logger,
not even the antivirus (or security) software he used to discover
the keystroke logger. This statement should have never made it
past even a moderately computerknowledgeable editor, especially
one associated with IEEE!
The author also makes another
untrue assumption about the hackers’ profit (“The perpetrators in
my case spent their own money to
do this [$25 for a character transfer], so I guess my gold and items
were worth far more than $25 to
them.”) The hackers who are attacking WoW accounts are invariably using stolen credit cards for
character transfer fees, and this fact
is acknowledged by Blizzard.
I am extremely disappointed
that this article appears in the otherwise outstanding set of articles
on securing online games.
I feel this article is way below
the standards for accuracy and
technical correctness I expect from
a professional society such as IEEE.
I believe this article should immediately be edited and corrected, or
removed entirely.
David E. Price SRO, CHMM
Senior Consequence Analyst
for Special Projects, CBRNE
(Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, and
Explosives Accident/Safety Analyses)
Counterproliferation & Operational
Intelligence Support, Z Program
Global Security Directorate
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
COPublished by the IEEE Computer and Reliability Societies
Chet Ignatowski responds:
I encourage IEEE Security & Privacy to publish Mr. Price’s critique
of my article, as he points out
many good observations. I’m not
a regular reader of this publication
and I gather from the many gasps
and groans that lighthearted fare,
such as what I wrote, isn’t commonplace within the publication.
The title might be misleading
(I address this later), but the first
paragraph (“This is a cautionary
tale…”) sets the tone of what to
come. I would have taken no umbrage had S&P decided not to run
my article, as Mr. Price suggests,
in order to protect the integrity of
the publication. I enjoyed writing
the article as it gave me great introspection into the event, and working through the editorial process
was eye-opening as well.
I did not intend to blame any
woes on the game, as Mr. Price
suggests. The article’s title is meant
to be colloquial. “How Playing
World of Warcraft . . .” or “How
Researching World of Warcraft
Strategies in order to be a Better
World of Warcraft Player Almost
Ruined My Credit Rating” is
surely more accurate, but lacks the
attention-grabbing “zing” of my
actual title. The article’s first paragraph states clearly the very true
story I unfolded for the reader. If
readers weren’t interested, they
could choose to move on.
The article is an editorial. I
feel completely justified writing
about the assumptions of what
might have happened had the
transgressors been more aggressive in their pursuit of my virtual
wealth. Those fearful thoughts
are what drove me to relate this
tale, as embarrassing as it is. Had I
known immediately that the only
1540-7993/09/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
July/August 2009
real fallout from the event would
have been the loss of my WoW
gold, which Blizzard recovered, I
wouldn’t have bothered responding to the article solicitation.
As for other technical and nontechnical inaccuracies, I fully admit that at the time of writing the
article, I didn’t know the intricacies of keystroke loggers. Further,
the fact that Blizzard acknowledges
this is done with stolen credit cards
didn’t come up in my research, and
I should have worded the character transfer comment as “I did not
spend $25 to transfer the character.” I thank Mr. Price for pointing
out these flaws.
Upon reflection, I would expand the point I want the reader
to conclude when finishing the
article. Initially, the point was just
that there should be no assumption
of security, given that the major
components that allow playing
World of Warcraft come from
large and “trusted” organizations.
I did not take into account the ultimate component, the Internet
itself; there’s no way of completely
securing the Internet, besides perhaps never using it.
In retrospect, at the time of
my security breach, I never realized that someone’s pursuit of
my WoW riches would lead to
identity theft. I was familiar with
email-based security breaches—
who in corporate America didn’t
receive an email 12 years ago because some acquaintance clicking on the “AnnaKournikova.
vbs” attachment to an email then
flooded the poor sap’s address
book? If I was researching Drupal
administration best practices, as I
am doing now, and I came across
a sketchy URL, I would never
think of clicking it. The fact that
someone would want to access my
personally identifiable information through a Web site link purporting a WoW-related subject
never entered my mind. I place
this blame solely on myself.
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