Thank you for choosing to share your students with sweetFrog. We are pleased to offer our Leap Forward Field Trips to teachers and their students as a fun way to practice fundamental lessons being taught in school. Each lesson plan has been carefully designed by teachers to match skill levels for each grade. Every sweetFrog field trip ends in a sweet reward (a delicious cup of frozen yogurt + one topping of your choice) — making this excursion something both students and teachers can get excited about. Setup: KINDERGARTEN–THIRDGRADE(teacherplan) 1. Putacupwithcrayonsateachtablewithcoloringsheets 2. Eachgroupgetsthreecups,labeledA,B,C.Choosethreetypesofcandythatvaryinsize(ie:skittles, tootsierolls,starbursts)toputineachcup.Havedifferentamountsofcandyineachcup(ie:20skittles,10 tootsierolls,15starbursts).Iwouldwaittosettheseoutuntilyouarereadytostarttheirlessons. 3. Haveacartsetupwithascale,thermometer,extraclipboards(maybe10–putaSFstickeronitsoyoucan IDasyoursattheend),andsharpenedpencilsandsampleofnon-frozenyogurt. Welcomestudents 1. Whatdowedohere?(makefrozenyogurt!) 2. Whohasbeenherebefore? 3. HowdoessweetFrogrelatetomath?(makingyogurt,creatingcombinationsofyogurtandtoppings, weighingyogurt,purchasingyogurt) 4. WhatdoyounoticeaboutthenumberofyogurtflavorsandtoppingswehavehereatsweetFrog?(many possibilities) 5. WhydoyouthinksweetFrogofferssomanychoicesforyogurtflavorsandtoppings?(lotsofcombinations) 6. MakeanannouncementabouthowandwheneveryonewillgettheirFROYOtoday.Whentheirlessons aredoneandtheirgroupischosen,theywill: a. GetaPINKcup b. AddtheirfavoriteFROYO–canbemorethanoneflavorintheircup c. SelectTWOtoppings. d. Weightheircupandwritedownthenumberontheirworksheet(youmaywantaparentinchargeof thisandsendingkidsbacktothetablewithasmallpost-itwiththenumberonit.) e. WritedowntheirchoiceofFROYOandthetwotoppingstheypicked. 7. “Soundgood?Thenlet’sallgetstartedonLessonOne!” LessonOne–Guessing(question1) 1. LookatcupslabeledA,B,andC.Insideeachcuptherearedifferenttoppings. 2. Whichcupdoyouthinkhasthemosttoppingsinit–withoutcounting.” 3. Circleyourguessonquestion1. LessonTwo–Weigh(questions2,3,4,5,6) 1. 2. 3. 4. Whichcupdoyouthinkweighsthemost?(question2)Whydoyouthinkthat? Weigheachcupandrecordtheweightofeach.(questions3,4,5) Whichcupactuallyweighsmore?(question6) Isthisthesameansweraswhatyouguessedbeforeweighingthecups? 1 LessonThree–Count(questions7-10) 1. Askthestudentstopouroutthetoppingsfromeachcup,oneatatime,countthemandwritedownthe answer.(questions7,8,9) 2. Whatdidyoufind?”“Whichcuphadthemosttoppingsinit?”(question10) LessonFour–Temperature(question11) Next,youwillhaveasampleoffrozenyogurt,meltedyogurtandathermometer.(Haveastudenthelptake temperatures.) 1. Measurethetemperatureofthefrozenyogurtandthemeltedyogurt.Havestudentsrecordthedataon theirworksheet.(Question11) 2. Discusswhyit’simportantforthemeltedyogurttobeatahighertemperatureandwhyweneedittobe atalowertemperature(tofreeze) LessonFive–Shapes(questions12-13) 1. It’stimetofollowthestepbystepinstructionsonhowtodrawScoopandCookie.Noticetheshapesused here.Answerquestions12and13. FROYOTime! Chooseafewstudentsatatimetogettheiryogurt. Explaintheprocessagain: 1. PickoutaPINKcup. 2. Fillwithyourfavoritefrozenyogurt. 3. AddTWOtoppings. 4. Weigh. 5. Answerquestions14-16.(Teachers:usetheseanswersforhandsongraphinglater) 2 Leap Into K – Third Grade Math At sweetFrog! Name: ______________________________ LESSON ONE 1. Look inside the cups. Just by looking at, which cup do you think has the most toppings? Circle one: LESSON TWO 2. Which cup do you THINK weighs the most? ———————— 3. Weigh the objects in Cup A. What is the weight? ____________________ 4. Weigh the objects in Cup B. What is the weight? _____________________ 5. Weigh the objects in Cup C. What is the weight? _____________________ 6. Which cup ACTUALLY weighs the most? —————————— LESSON THREE 7. Count the objects in Cup A. How many are there? ___________________ 8. Count the objects in Cup B. How many are there? ___________________ 9. Count the objects in Cup C. How many are there? ___________________ 10. Which cup had the most toppings in it? (Circle the answer.) A B C LESSON FOUR 11. What is the temperature of the (a) melted yogurt mix and (b) frozen yogurt mix? (a) ______________ (b) ____________ LESSON FIVE When instructed, turn your sheet over to draw Scoop and Cookie. Then answer these questions: 12. What shape are Scoop’s eyes? Circle Square Rectangle Triangle 13. Are Scoop’s eyes (above, below, or next to) his mouth? _______________________ FROYO TIME! Wait until your table is called to get frozen yogurt. 14. What is the weight of your frozen yogurt? ———————————— 15. What flavor(s) of yogurt did you get? _____________________________________ 16. What two toppings did you get? __________________________________ Leap Into K – Third Grade Math At sweetFrog! HOW TO DRAW SCOOP & COOKIE Look for the shapes on the right. Practice at the bottom of the page! 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. 6. 1. 3. 5. 7. 2. 4. 6. 8.