CORE PAPER - I - EDUCATION IN EMERGING INDIAN SOCIETY TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. State any four features of traditional Indian Society. ghu«gÇa ïªâa rKjha¤â‹ áw¥ãašòfËš eh‹»id TWf. 2. Define the concept of privatization. jÅah® kakh¡Fjš v‹w fU¤âid tiuaW¡f. 3. What is consumerism? Ef®nth®ka« v‹whš v‹d? 4. Write a short note on Article - 45 of Indian Constitution. ïªâa muáaš rhrd« 45-M« ãÇî¥ g‰¿ RU¡fkhf vGJf. 5. Write a brief note on minimum levels of education. Fiwªjg£r f‰wš milî¥ g‰¿ áW F¿¥bgGJf. 6. Give expansion : MHRD, CBSC. v«.v¢.M®.o., á.ã.vÞ.á - ï‹ ÉÇth¡f« jUf. 7. List any four functions of DTERT. DTERT - ï‹ brašfËš eh‹»id g£oaÈLf. 8. Suggest any four Solutions to abolish child labour. FHªij bjhÊyhË Kiwia xÊ¡f eh‹F Ô®îfis m¿îW¤Jf. 9. What is underemployment? jFâ¡F Fiwªj ntiy thŒ¥ò v‹whš v‹d? 10. What is non - violence? mw¥nghuh£l« v‹whš v‹d? 11. Mention any four traditional Indian values. ïªâa¥ ghu«gÇa kâ¥òz®îfËš eh‹»id¡ TWf. 12. State any four causes for poverty in India. ïªâahÉš tWik¡fhd fhuz§fËš eh‹»id F¿¥ãLf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Compare the modern and post-modern society. eåd fhy, eåd ãªija fhy rKjha¤âid x¥ãLf. 14. What type of adaptive behaviour need to be developed in individual in the global Village? cyf »uhk¤âš, jÅ egÇl« ts®¡f¥gl nt©oa <LbfhL¡F« el¤ijÆ‹ tiffŸ ahit? 15. Explain the need for uniform pattern of education in our country. e«eh£oš xnu Éjkhd fšÉaik¥ig V‰gL¤j nt©oaâ‹ njitÆid ÉtÇ¡f. 16. Do you recommend for sex education in India? Give reasons. ïªâahÉš ghÈÆaš fšÉia mˤâl Ú§fŸ gǪJiu¡»Ö®fsh? fhuz§fŸ jUf. 17. State the merits and demerits of autonomous colleges. j‹dh£á fšÿÇfË‹ Ãiw, Fiwfis F¿¥ãLf. 18. Specify the major functions of NCERT. NCERT - ï‹ K¡»a¥ gÂfis TWf. 19. Explain the kinds of values. ÉGk§fË‹ tiffis ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Enumerate the need for privatization of education in India. ïªâahÉš fšÉia jÅah® kakh¡FjY¡fhd mtáa¤ij btË¥gL¤Jf. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a). Describe the vision for the Indian education in the 21st century. 21M« ü‰wh©o‹ ïªâahɉfhd fšÉ bjhiy neh¡»id¡ F¿¥ãLf. (Or) (b) Briefly explain the implications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the educational systems. fšÉÆaš, jftš bjhÊš E£g¤â‹ jh¡f¤âid RU¡fkhf ÉtÇ¡f. 22.(a) Summarise the salient features of NPEC (1986) òâa fšÉ¡ bfhŸifÆ‹ (1986) áw¥ò¡ TWfis RU¡fkhf TWf. (Or) (b) What is terrorism? Examine the role of educationa to combat against terroism? ÔÉuthj« v‹whš v‹d? ÔÉuthj¤âid xÊ¥gâš fšÉÆ‹ g§»id MŒf. ********** CORE PAPER - II - PSYCHOLOGY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Define Emotional Intelligence. kdvG¢á E©z¿Éid tiuaW. 2. What is developmental task? ts®¢árh® braš v‹whš v‹d? 3. llustrate sublimation. ‘kilkh‰w«’ - vL¤J¡fh£L 4. What is reinforcement? tYñ£l« v‹whš v‹d? 5. Explain ‘Law of readiness.’ Ma¤jÉâia És¡F. 6. Distinguish between perception and illusion. òy‹fh£áiaí«, âÇòfh£áiaí« ntWgL¤Jf. 7. Give any four principles of growth and development. ts®¢á k‰W« K‹nd‰w« g‰¿ VnjD« eh‹F bfhŸiffis¡ TW. 8. What is group behaviour? FG el¤ij v‹whš v‹d? 9. List the characteristics of creative people? M¡f¤ âwikíŸst®fË‹ Fzey‹fis tÇir¥gL¤J. 10. Define classroom climate. tF¥giw NHiy tiuaW. 11. Distinguish between mental health and mental hygiene. kdey¤ijí« kdRfhjhu¤ijí« ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 12. Give the causes of maladjustmets. bghU¤j¥gho‹ikÆ‹ fhuz§fis¡ TW. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Explain the significance of personal guidance. jÅeg® tÊfh£LjÈ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij És¡Ff. 14. Who are problem children? How can you mould them? el¤ijÆš ãu¢rid cŸs FHªijfŸ ah®? mt®fis v§‡d« tÊ¡ bfhz®thŒ? 15. How can you improve memory? Ãidth‰wiy v§‡d« ts®¡f Koí«? 16. Draw Guilford’s model of intellect. »šngh®o‹ E©z¿î khâÇia tiuªJ fh£Lf. 17. Describe Gagne’s learning. fh¡ndÆ‹ f‰wiy ÉtÇ. 18. Distinguish between reasoning and problem solving. fhuz« MuhŒjiyí«, ãu¢rid¡F¤ Ô®î fh©jiyí« ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 19. llustrate any two defence mechanism. VnjD« ïu©L j‰fh¥ò el¤ijfis vL¤J¡fh£L. 20. Explain the role of praise and blame in motivation. C¡FɤjÈš ghuh£Ljš k‰W« F‰w¥gL¤Jjš M»at‰¿‹ g§»id És¡Ff. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe the factors relating to attention. ftd¤Jl‹ bjhl®òila fhuÂfis ÉtÇ? (Or) (b) How will you assess personality? MSikia v§‡d« msÉLthŒ? 22. (a) Explain in detail Pavlovian conditioning. gh›nyhÉa‹M¡fÃiyíW¤jiy Étukhf És¡Ff. (Or) (b)Describe the importance of educational psychology for th teacher. MáÇaU¡F nt©oa fšÉÆš csÉaš m¿É‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij ÉtÇ.? *********** CORE PAPER - III - EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Define educational innovation. fšÉ¥ òJik v‹gjid tiuaW¡f. 2. What is school complex? gŸË¢NHš v‹gJ ahJ? 3. What are the social aims of education? fšÉÆš r_f neh¡f§fŸ ahit? 4. What is basic education? Mjhu¡fšÉ v‹whš v‹d? 5. Mention the contributions of Swami Vivekananda to Indian Education. ïªâa¡ fšÉÆš RthÄ Éntfhdªj® M‰¿íŸs bjh©oid F¿¥ãLf. 6. Write the views of Rousseau on Negative Education. %nrhÉ‹ vâ®kiw¡ fšÉÆš cŸs fU¤J¡fis vGJf. 7. What is democratic leadership style? FoauR jiyik Ãiy v‹whš v‹d? 8. Write a short note on floating university? Äj¡F« gšfiy¡fHf« g‰¿ áWF¿¥ò tiuf. 9. What is team teaching? FG¥ nghjid v‹gJ ahJ? 10. What are neighbourhood schools? m©ik¥ gŸËfŸ v‹whš v‹d? 11. Explain the concept of open learning? âwªj Ãiy¡ f‰wš v‹whš v‹d? 12. What are the steps involved in discovery learning? f©l¿ KiwÆš cŸs f‰wš goÃiyfŸ ahit? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. What are the principles involved in educational innovations.? fšÉ¥ òJikfËš mikªJŸs bfhŸiffŸ ahit? 14. Describe any one self learning technique. Ra¡f‰wš KiwÆš VnjD« x‹¿id ÉtÇ¡f. 15. What are the special features of Montessori apparatus? kh©onrhÇ fUÉÆ‹ áw¥ò g©òfŸ ahit? 16. Describe the use of mass media for educational purposes. fšÉ neh¡f§fS¡F V‰w KiwÆš k¡fŸ bjhl®ò rhjd§fŸ ga‹gL¤J« Éj§fis ÉtÇ¡f 17. Discuss the innovative educational system of Gandhi. fhªâÆ‹ òJik¡ fšÉ Kiw g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. 18. State the role of teacher in the use of instructional media. f‰ã¤jš Clf§fis ga‹gL¤Jtâš MáÇaÇ‹ g§»id¡ TWf. 19. Explain Krishnamoorthy’s views on freedom in learning situations. f‰wš NHÈš Rjªâu« g‰¿ »UZz_®¤âÆ‹ fU¤J¡fis És¡Ff. 20. What is Dalton Plan? Write the salient features of Dalton Plan? lhšl‹ â£l« v‹whš v‹d? lhšl‹ â£l¤â‹ K¡»a m«r§fis vGJf. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.(a) Enumerate self paced learning instructional system and its advantages? mtut® ntf¤â‰F V‰g f‰ã¡F« Kiwia bjhF¤J mˤJ mj‹ ga‹ghLfis TWf. (Or) (b) Discuss Dewey’s project method of instruction. ^ÆÆ‹ braš â£l KiwÆš f‰ã¤jiy És¡Ff. 22. (a) Describe the impact of technology on educational innovations. bjhÊš E£g« fšÉ¥ òJikfËš V‰gL¤âíŸs jh¡f§fis ÉtÇ¡f. (Or) (b) Mention the need for distance education in India. How can it be carried our effictively? ïªâahÉ‹ bjhiyöu¡ fšÉÆ‹ njitfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. ïjid áwªj KiwÆš v›thW brašgL¤jKoí«? *************** ELECTIVE - HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions. 1. What is the need for human rights? kÅj cÇikÆ‹ njit ahJ? 2. What are the mechanisms for implemention of rights of minorities? áWgh‹ikÆdÇ‹ cÇikfis¢ brašgL¤Jtj‰fhd tÊKiwfŸ ahit? 3. What are the fundamental rights of human beings? kÅj mo¥gil cÇikfŸ ahit? 4. What are the rights of minorities? áWgh‹ikÆdÇ‹ cÇikfŸ ahit? 5. How can we teach human rights in education? fšÉÆš kÅj cÇikfis v›thW f‰ã¡fyh«? 6. Write any Two functions of United Nations. rigÆ‹ gÂfŸ VnjD« ïu©oid vGJf. 7. What is the role of international covenant in civil and political rights? r_f« k‰W« muáaš cÇikÆš g‹dh£L x¥gªj¤â‹ g§F ahJ? 8. What are the salient features of Character of United Nation 1945? 1945 - M« x¥gªj¤â‹ Fzey‹fŸ ahit? 9. What is child labour? FHªijbjhÊyhs® v‹whš v‹d? 10. Write short notes on case study method of teaching Human rights. jÅahŸ tuyhW _ykhf kÅj cÇikfis f‰ã¤jš-áWF¿¥ò vGJf. 11. What is meant by international understanding? g‹dh£L ešÈz¡f« v‹whš v‹d? 12. Discuss the importance of peace in today’s world. ï‹iwa cy»š mikâÆ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij Éthâ¡f. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Explain the universal declaration of human rights. kÅj cÇikfŸ cyf msÉš ãufld gL¤j¥g£lJ F¿¤J És¡Ff. g‹dh£L x¥gªj¤â‹ g§F ahJ? 14. How can we tackle the problems like ragging and eve teasing? j‰nghija ãu¢ridfis nfÈ brŒjš gÇfhr« brŒjš M»at‰iw eh« v›thW ifahŸtJ? 15. Explain the rights of women. bg©fS¡fhd cÇikfis És¡Ff. 16. Describe rights given to the scheduled caste and schelded tribe. gH§FoÆd® k‰W« kiythœ k¡fS¡F bfhL¡f¥g£LŸs cÇikfis ÉtÇ¡f. 17. Write a note on National Human Rights Commission. njáa kÅj cÇik fHf¤ij¥ g‰¿ F¿¥ò vGJf. 18. Write a note on constitutional provisions and safeguards. r£ló®tkhd cl‹go¡if k‰W« ghJfh¥ò¡ F¿¤J tiuf. 19. Explain about universal understanding cyf òǪJ bfhŸSjiy¥ g‰¿ És¡Ff. 20. Explain the functions of State Human Rights Commission. khÃy kÅj cÇik¡ fHf¤â‹ brašghLfis És¡Ff. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) Write an essay on methods of teaching Human rights. kÅj cÇikia¡ f‰ã¡F« KiwfŸ F¿¤J f£Liu vGJf. (Or) b) Explain the concept of human rights on the basis of economic, social and cultural aspects. kÅj cÇikfŸ v‹w fU¤âid bghUshjhu«, r_f« k‰W« g©gh£L mo¥gilÆš És¡Ff. 22.a) State the roles and functions of the National and State Human Rights Commission. njáa k‰W« khÃy kÅj cÇik¡ FGÉ‹ g§F k‰W« brašghLfis F¿¥ãLf. (Or) b) Write about Extrinsic needs of teaching Human Rights. kÅj cÇikia¡ f‰ã¥gâ‹ òw« rh®ªj njitia¥ g‰¿ vGJf. *********** ELECTIVE - PEACE EDUCATION TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is peace education? rkhjhd¡ fšÉ v‹whš v‹d? 2. Mention any four types of prejudices rh®bg©z§fËš VnjD« eh‹F tiffis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 3. What are the basic reasons for students unrest? khzt®fË‹ nghuh£l¤â‰fhd mo¥gil fhuz§fŸ ahit? 4. Explain the role of non-violence in the promotion of world peace. cyf rkhjhd¤ij ts®¡f mÏ«irÆ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. 5. What are the historical aspects of peace education? rkhjhd¡ fšÉÆ‹ tuyh‰W m«r§fŸ ahit? 6. Discuss the nature of terrorism in the developed countries. ts®ªJ tU« ehLfËš ïU¡F« ÔÉuthj j‹ikia Éthâ¡f. 7. Explain the role of education in the eradication of racial prejudice. ïdbt¿ia jL¥gâš fšÉÆ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. 8. Write the need for peace education to be imparted in schools. gŸËfËš rkhjhd¡ fšÉÆ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. 9. Explain the role of mass education in world peace. cyf rkhjhd¤ij ts®¥gâš Clf¡ fšÉÆ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. 10. What could be the content of peace education at the secondary stage? ïilÃiy¥ gŸËfËš rkhjhd¡ fšÉÆ‹ bghUsl¡fkhf ahJ f‰W juKoí«. 11. What are the sociological aspects of peace education? rkhjhd¡ fšÉÆ‹ r_f ïašj‹ikfŸ ahit? 12. Explin the role of UNO in the promotion of world peace. cy»‹ mikâia gu¥òtâš rigÆ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. What are the factors that contribute violence in schools? gŸËfËš V‰gL« t‹Kiw¡F¡ fhuzkhŒ És§F« fhuÂfŸ ahit? 14. Write the different types of conflicts with suitable examples. kd¥nghuh£l¤â‹ gšntW tiffis jFªj cjhuz§fnshL vGJf. 15. Explain the Gandhian philosophy of peace fhªâaofË‹ rkhjhd j¤Jt¤âid És¡Ff. 16. How did Emperor Ashoka popogate peace after the Kaling a war? fȧf¥ nghU¡F¥ ã‹ò nguur® mnrhf® v›thW rkhjhd¤ij¥ gu¥ãdh®? 17. Explain the policy of Panch Sheel and non-alingnment gŠrÓy bfhŸif k‰W« mÂnruh ehLfis¥ g‰¿ És¡Ff. 18. Write the different exposure to violence through media. bjhl®ò¢ rhjd§fË‹ _y« btË¥gL« gšntW Ãfœîfis vGJf. 19. Mention the present status of peace education in higher education. ca®fšÉ V‰gh£oš rkhjhd¡ fšÉÆ‹ j‰nghija Ãiyia F¿¥ãL. 20. What is ecological thinking for life with respect to culture of peace thœ¡if¡F NœÃiy áªjid v‹gJ g©gh£L rkhjhd¤ij rh®ªjJ v‹whš v‹d? PART C (2x15=30 marks.) (Essay questions) 21.(a) Describe the various aspects of peace education. What are the methods that can be used to develop peace among the developed and developing countries. rkhjhd fšÉÆ‹ gšntW m«r§fis ÉtÇ¡f, ts®ªj tU« k‰W« tsU« ehLfËš v›thW rkhjhd¤ij ts®¥Õ®. Or (b) Suggest curricular and Co-curricular programmes that would help to promote international understanding among the adolestence. Fku¥gUt¤âdÇilna gšeh£L cz®Éid ts®¡f, fšÉ V‰ghL k‰W« ïiz fšÉ V‰gh£o‹ V‰gL¤j Mnyhridfis¡ TWf. 22.(a) Discuss a model curriculum in peace education for Higher Secondary classes. nkšÃiy¥ gŸË tF¥ã‰nf‰w rkhjhd¡ fšÉ khâÇ fšÉ V‰gh£oid cUth¡fiy¥ g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. Or (b) What are the various prejudices and discrimination prevalent in contemporary India? Describe a scheme for reorienting the curricula at avarious levels for combating the differences. ïªâahÉš guÉ ïU¡F« rh®bg©z§fŸ k‰W« ghug£r§fis¥ g‰¿ TWf.? ït‰¿id xÊ¡f tif brŒí« gy ju¥g£l fšÉ â£l kh‰w§fis ÉtÇ¡f. ****************** ELECTIVE - ENVIORNMENTAL EDUCATION. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Give examples for renewable resources. òJ¥ã¡f¥gl¡ Toa _yf§fS¡F cjhuz§fŸ jUf? 2. What does the ecosystem consist of? R‰W¥òw¢ NHÈ‹ cW¥òfŸ ahit? 3. What are the functions of CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai? CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai - ‹ gÂfŸ ahit? 4. Mention three sources of Radio active pollution. fâ®å¢R khRgh£o‹ _yf§fŸ _‹¿id¡ F¿¥ãLf. 5. Define sustainable development. Kiw¥gL¤j¥g£l ts®¢á - tiuaW. 6. What is the ‘Chipko’ movement about? ‘á¥nfh’ nghuh£l« vij¥ g‰¿ tÈíW¤J»wJ? 7. Mention two channels of T.V. supporting propagation of Environmental education. R‰W¥òw¢ NHš fšÉia gu¥òtj‰fhd bjhiy¡fh£á ‘nrdšfŸ’ ïu©oid¡ F¿¥ãLf. 8. State the limitations of value scales in measuring awareness of enviornment. R‰W¢NHš ÉÊ¥òz®it msÉLjÈš ÉGk ÃušfË‹ FiwghLfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 9. Do you think that environmental education should be started at the pre-school level? Why? gŸË¥ go¥ò K‹ ÃiyÆny R‰W¢NHš fšÉ Jt¡f¥gl nt©L« vd Ú nahá¡»whah? V‹? 10. State the merits of bio fuel. cÆuhjhu vÇr¡âÆ‹ e‹ikfŸ F¿¥ãLf. 11. How will you observe the ‘World Environment Day’ in your College? ckJ fšÿÇÆš cyf R‰W¥òw¢ NHš âd« v›thW bfh©lhLå®? 12. What was the focus of Stockholm conference 1972? Stockholm conference, 1972 -‹ F¿¡nfhŸ ahJ? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. State the scope of Environmental education. R‰W¢NHš fšÉÆ‹ všiyia tiuaW. 14. What are the effects of deforestation? fhLfis mÊ¥gjhš V‰gL« ghâ¥òfŸ ahit? 15. Explain the dimensional of sustainable development. Kiw¥gL¤j¥g£l ts®¢áÆ‹ gÇkhz§fis És¡Ff. 16. Discuss the problem of resettlement or rehabilitation of people due to Tsunami? RdhÄahš ghâ¡f¥g£l k¡fË‹ kWthœî V‰gh£o‹ ãu¢ridia¥ g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. 17. Name and give salient features of any two Acts in India to deal with environment pollution. ïªâahÉš R‰W¢NHš khR r«gªjkhd vitnaD« ïu©L r£l§fis F¿¥ã£L mt‰¿‹ K¡»a m«r§fSl‹ ÉtÇ¡f. 18. Define Global Warming. What are its effects? cyf« bt¥gkiljš tiuaW. mj‹ ÉisîfŸ ahit? 19. Write the significance of value education. ÉGk¡ fšÉÆ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Describe the grassland ecosystem. òšbtË FHš bjhFâ g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) Population explosion is the ultimate cause of all environmental problems. Discuss. mgÇÄjkhd k¡fŸ bjhif bgU¡f« jh‹ mid¤J NHš nfLfS¡F« mo¥gil¡ fhuz« Éthâ¡f. Or (b)Discuss the ways of protecting, preserving and restoring the environment. R‰W¥òw¢ NHiy ghJfh¡f, ÃiyíW¤j k‰W« âU«g¥ bgw cjî« tÊ Kiwfis¥ g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. 22.(a) Explain the merits and limitations of the following methods in environmental education. (i) Problem - solving (ii) Project (iii) Exhibitions. R‰W¥òw¡ fšÉ mË¥gâš Ñœf©l KiwfË‹ ÃiwFiwfis És¡Ff. (i) ãu¢rid Ô®¡F« Kiw (ii) brašKiw MuhŒ¢á (iii) f©fh£á Or (b) What are the socio-economic impacts of degradation of environment? How far have environment protection policies in India have addressed the purpose? Explain. R‰W¥òw« nrjkiltjhš V‰gL« r_f - bghUshjhu ÉisîfŸ ahit? ïªâahÉš R‰W¥òw« ghJfh¡f nk‰bfhŸs¥g£l â£l§fŸ mj‹ neh¡f¤ij v›tsî¡F mila KoahJ? És¡Ff. ************** ELECTIVE - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Mention the goals of guidance. tÊfh£LjÈ‹ neh¡f§fŸ ahit? 2. Define self-concept. j‰fU¤JU (Self - concept) tiuaiw brŒf. 3. Differentiate checklist from rating scale. jumsînfhÈÈUªJ rÇgh®¡F« g£oaiy ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 4. Define eclectic counselling. bghJÃiy m¿îiu¥ gf®jš tiuaiw brŒf. 5. Mention different types of interview. ne®Kf¤ nj®É‹ gšntW tiffis F¿¥ãLf. 6. What are the agencies of career guidance? bjhÊÈš tÊfh£lY¡fhd ÃWtd§fŸ ahit? 7. What do you mean by integrated personality? bjhF¥ò MSikÆ‹ bghUŸ v‹d? 8. Who are juvenile delinquents? ïs« F‰wthËfŸ aht®? 9. Explain briefly the concept of mental health. kdey¤â‹ fU¤ij És¡Ff. 10. What are the advantages of cumulative record? âuŸ gânt£o‹ e‹ikfŸ ahit? 11. What is Mental Hygiene? kdey« (Mental Hygiene) v‹whš v‹d? 12. Briefly discuss the role of a teacher as a guide? MáÇa® xU tÊfh£o v‹gij RU¡fkhf ÉtÇ. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Explain the scope of counselling centres in educational institutions. m¿îiu¥ gf®jš ika§fË‹ neh¡f§fis És¡Ff. 14. Discuss the relevance of multifactor theory of Thurstone to counselling. m¿îiu¥gf®jY¡F j®ÞnlhÅ‹ gštif¡ fhu¡ nfh£ghL v›thW bghUªJ»wJ v‹gij ÉtÇ¡f. 15. Examine the sigificance of guidance for creativity. gil¥gh‰wÈš tÊfh£lÈ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤âid MŒf. 16. Explain the causes maladjustment. ïz¡fk‰w el¤ij¡fhd fhuz§fis És¡Ff 17. Explain the principles of guidance. tÊfh£LjÈ‹ bfhŸiffis És¡Ff. 18. What are the qualities of a good counsellor? m¿îiu gf®gtÇ‹ Fzey‹fŸ ahit? 19. Discuss the concept of integrated personality xU§»izªj MSik¥ g©ãid ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Compare the utility of cumulative record and observation report for guidance. tÊfh£LjÈš âuŸ gântL k‰W« c‰W neh¡fš m¿¡ifÆ‹ ga‹ghLfis x¥ãLf. PART III - (2X15=30 Marks.) Essay quesions 21.(a) Discuss the recent trends in counselling. m¿îiu¥ gf®jÈš eåd¥ ngh¡Ffis ÉtÇ¡f. Or (b) Explain the various methods to assess the personality of an individual. xUtÇ‹ MSikia kâ¥ãl cjî« gšntW Kiwfis És¡Ff. 22.(a) Distinguish directive couselling from non-directive counselling. When is non-directive counselling specially useful? be¿¥gL¤J« m¿îiu¥ gf®jš k‰W« j‹bd¿¥gL« m¿îiu¥ gf®jš ït‰¿‹ ntWghLfis vGJf. j‹bd¿¥gL« m¿îiu¥ gf®jš v›Él§fËš áw¥ghf ga‹gL¤j ïaY«? Or (b) Discuss the various steps involved in an action research with suitable illustrations. brayhŒÉ‹ gšntW tÊKiwfis vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ ÉtÇ¡f. ************* ELECTIVE - CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Define Curriculum. ‘fšÉ¤â£l«’? - tiuaW 2. Define Syllabus ‘ghl¤â£l«’ - tiuaW 3. Name the types of Curriculum fšÉ¤â£l¤â‹ tiffŸ ahit? 4. Give two values required of a curriculum developer. fšÉ¤â£l¤ij nk«gL¤JnthU¡F¤ njitahd ïU kâ¥òz®îfis¡ TWf. 5. What are the curriculum approaches? fšÉ¤â£l mQFKiwfŸ ahit? 6. Give two techniques of curriculum evaluation fšÉ¤â£l¤ij kâ¥ãLtj‰F ïu©L c¤âfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 7. What are the basic principles of curriculum development? fšÉ¤â£l nk«gh£o‹ mo¥gil nfh£ghLfŸ ahit? 8. Name some Models of Curriculum Evaluation. fšÉ¤â£l kâ¥Õ£o‰fhd khâÇfŸ áyt‰iw TWf. 9. Name some Models of Curriculum development. fšÉ¤â£l nk«gh£o‰fhd khâÇfŸ áyt‰iw TWf. 10. List some strategies of Curriculum Transaction. fšÉ¤â£l« eilKiw¥gL¤jÈ‹ c¤âfŸ áyt‰iw TWf. 11. What is the need for Curriculum Development? fšÉ¤â£l V‰gh£il nk«gL¤Jjš V‹ njit¥gL»wJ? 12. What is the main purposes of Curriculum evaluation? fšÉ¤â£l V‰gh£il kâ¥ãLjÈ‹ K¡»a neh¡f« v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Give the relationships and differences between Curriculum and Syllabus. fšÉ¤â£l«, ghl¤â£l« - ïit ïu©o‰F« cŸs bjhl®igí«, nt‰Wikfisí« F¿¥ãLf. 14. How would you justify the need for a periodic change in curriculum? fšÉ¤â£l¤ij m›t¥nghJ kh‰¿aik¡f nt©oaj‹ mtáa¤ij TWf. 15. Briefly explain what is student centured curriculum? khztiu ikakhf it¤J mik¡f¥gL« fšÉ¤â£l¤ij g‰¿ ÉtÇ. 16. Briefly describe what activities could be included in the curriculum to bring about an integrated growth among high school children? ca®Ãiy¥ gŸË khzt®fËl¤J xU§»izªj ts®¢á V‰gl fšÉ¤â£l¤âš nr®¡f¥gl nt©oa brašfŸ ahit? 17. How do the Computer and Internet serve in Curriculum Transaction? fÂÅ, ïizajs« M»ait fšÉ¤â£l¤ij eilKiw¥ gL¤Jtj‰F v›thW cjwd.? 18. Explain about the outcome of Curriculum Evaluation. fšÉ¤â£l¤ij kâ¥ãLtjhš »il¥gJ v‹d? 19. What are the weaknesses of subject centred curriculum? ghl¤ij ikakhf it¤J jahÇ¡f¥gL« fšÉ¤â£l¤â‹ FiwfŸ ahit? 20. Explain the concept of curriculum and its classification. fšÉ¤â£l« v‹gj‹ fU¤ijí« mj‹ tif¥gL¤Jjš Kiwfis¥ g‰¿í« TWf. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) Explain in detail about organization of curriculum fšÉ¤â£l« xU§»iz¤jš v‹gij És¡Ff. Or b) Explain curriculum designing with any one model. xU khâÇÆ‹ cjÉíl‹ fšÉ¤â£l« totik¤jš g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. 22. a) Explain any one model of curriculum evaluation among Students. fšÉ¤â£l kâ¥ãLjš khâÇ x‹iw És¡Ff. Or b) Write in detail about the important determinants of curriculum development. fšÉ¤â£l nk«gh£o‰fhd K¡»a fhuÂfis¥ g‰¿ ÉÇthf vGjî«. ************* ENGLISH PAPER I. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. List out the correction symbols of composition exercises. 2. What is Grammatical skill? 3. Illustrate content words and structural words. 4. Give examples for active and passive vocabulary. 5. List out the methods of teaching reading to beginners. 6. Draw a black board sketch for teaching Present perfect tense. 7. Draw a substitution table for SVO. 8. Illustrate a language game. 9. List out the types of oral drills. 10. Define reliability of a test. 11. What is OHP? 12. What is the use of a flash card? 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions Write a note on Microteaching and its principles. Explain Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives. “Spelling is caught and not taught” - Comment. List out the cultural aims of teaching English. Illustrate Programmed Learning Explain intonation. What is role play? Give an example Write a note on composition exercises. PART III - (2X15=30 Marks.) (Essay questions) 21.(a) Explain the importance of English in the Indian schools. Or (b) Explain the mother tongue interference in the use of English. 22.(a) Write a Lesson plan to teach the following: One common mistake that many people have made is this, they have thought that it would be a very good thing if everybody had exactly the same amount of money, no matter whether they worked hard or lived quite idly Or (b) What are the merits and demerits of the structural approach? ******** ENGLISH PAPER II. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. 2. 3. What is cloze procedure? What is annotated Bibiliography? Frame sentences using the phrasal verbs a) call offb) call on 4. What is blending? 5. Illustrate grammatical cohesion 6. State the different types of sentences. 7. List out the primary auxiliaries. 8. Define phoneme. 9. List out the vowels. 10. Place English vowels on a cardinal vowel diagram. 11. What is a blue print? 12. What are Adverbials? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Draw speech organs and mark the parts. Explain allophone. Illustrate sentence stress. State the uses of conventional formulae. Illustrate noun phrase. Explain the different types of sentences. Explain verb phrase. Illustrate affixation and conversion in word formation. PART III - (2X15=30 Marks.) Essay questions 21. (a) Explain the devices of cohesion and coherence. Or (b) Explain the different ways in which the various concepts are expressed. 22. (a) llustrate the use of library and reference work. Or (b) Write a review of a book that you have read recently. ******** TAMIL PAPER I TIME : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks. F¿¥ò : (1) gFâ ‘m’ ÉÈUªJ g¤J Äf¢ áW Édh¡fS¡F Éil junt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« miu¥g¡f¤â‰F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 2 kâ¥bg©fŸ. (2) gFâ ‘M’ ÉÈUªJ IªJ áW Édh¡fS¡F Éil junt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« xU g¡f¤â‰F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 5 kâ¥bg©fŸ. (3) gFâ ‘ï’ ÆÈUªJ ïu©L f£Liu Édh¡fS¡F Éil ju nt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« _‹W g¡f§fS¡F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 15 kâ¥bg©fŸ. gFâ m. (10x2=20) Äf¢ áW Édh¡fŸ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. bkhÊaháÇa® bg‰¿U¡f nt©oa g©ò ey‹fŸ eh‹»id¡ TWf. f©l¿ KiwÆdhš khzt MáÇa® bgW« e‹ikfŸ ahit? âU¤jÄšyh¥ ng¢áš fhz¥gL« FiwfŸ ahit? mwbe¿¡ fšÉahš khzt® bgW« ga‹fŸ ahit? ghl¡F¿¥ò vGJtjhš Éisí« e‹ikfŸ ahit? thŒÉ£L¥ go¤jÈ‹ neh¡f§fËš ïu©L TWf? ãiHfis¤ âU¤Jjš KiwfËš eh‹»id¡ TWf? kh©obrhÇ gŸË¢ braš Kiwfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. ïiz¤J¡ f‰ã¤jš v‹gjid És¡Ff. FHªijfis¡ fij brhšy¢ brŒí« KiwfŸ ïu©oid¤ jUf. lhšl‹ â£l¤â‹ áw¥ãašò ahJ? ešy ifbaG¤â‹ ešÈašòfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. gFâ - M. (5x5=25 kâ¥bg©fŸ) áW Édh¡fŸ 13. khzt®fËilna xUik¥gh£L cz®Éid ts®¡F« tÊ KiwfŸ ahit? 14. brhš Kiw¥go¥ã‹ Ãiw, Fiwfis ÉtÇ¡f. 15. brh‰fsŠáa¥ bgU¡f« V‰gl MáÇa® ifahS« KiwfŸ ahit? 16. brŒí£ghl« gƉwÈ‹ bghJ neh¡f§fŸ ahit? 17. bkhÊ¥ bga®¥ã‹ tiffŸ ahit? 18. midtU¡F« mo¥gil¡ fšÉ vD« ïy¡if mila njáa fšÉ¤ bfhŸif v›tifÆš tÊnfhY»wJ? 19. f‰ã¤jš F¿¥ã‹ ï‹¿aikahik ahJ? 20. jÄœtÊ¡ fšÉahš V‰gL« ga‹fŸ ahit? 21. gFâ - ï (2x15=30 kâ¥bg©fŸ) f£Liu Édh¡fŸ (m) gŸËfËš bkhÊ¥ghl« f‰ã¡f¥gLtj‹ neh¡f§fis¡ TWf. (mšyJ) (M) nf£lš âwid És¡», nf£lš gH¡f¤âid ts®¡f¡ ifahS« Kiwfis¡ TWf. 22. (m) g©ilnah® f©l gƉW KiwfËš fhzyhF« Ãiw, Fiwfis MŒf. (mšyJ) (M) x‹gjh« tF¥ò ciueil mšyJ brŒíŸ ghl« x‹¿‰F Édh¤jhŸ â£l tiuÉid¤ jUf. ********* TAMIL PAPER II TIME : Three Hours F¿¥ò : Maximum : 75 Marks. (1) gFâ ‘m’ ÉÈUªJ g¤J Äf¢ áW Édh¡fS¡F Éil junt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« miu¥g¡f¤â‰F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 2 kâ¥bg©fŸ. (2) gFâ ‘M’ ÉÈUªJ IªJ áW Édh¡fS¡F Éil junt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« xU g¡f¤â‰F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 5 kâ¥bg©fŸ. (3) gFâ ‘ï’ ÆÈUªJ ïu©L f£Liu Édh¡fS¡F Éil ju nt©L«. x›bthU Éilí« _‹W g¡f§fS¡F Äfhkš mikjš nt©L«. Éil x‹¿‰F 15 kâ¥bg©fŸ. gFâ m. (10x2=20) Äf¢ áW Édh¡fŸ 1. âuhÉl bkhÊfËš Äf¤ bjh‹ikahd ïy¡fz üÈ‹ áw¥ãid¡ TWf. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12. fšÉÆ‹ neh¡f«, njáa fšÉÆ‹ neh¡f« ïu©o‰FKŸs bjhl®ãid¡ F¿¥ãLf. xÈ Muha¥gL« _‹W j‹ikfŸ ahit? Fuš mG¤j« v‹whš v‹d? »šngh®£ E©z¿î¢ brašfËš TW« IªJ kdÉa¡f§fŸ ahit? _isÆ‹ mik¥ò«, ntiyí« v‹d? njthu¤âš fhz¥gL« ïir g‰¿ áW F¿¥ò jUf. rh®bgG¤J¡fË‹ ïy¡fz« ahJ? MáÇa¥ghÉ‹ ïy¡fz« ahJ? kiythœ k¡fS¡F¡ fšÉÆš bfhL¡f¥gL« rYiffŸ ahit? bkhÊÆ‹ bjh‹ik¡F vL¤J¡fh£L jUf. bkhÊí«, r_fK« v›thW ã‹Å¥ ãizªJŸsJ? gFâ - M. (5x5=25 kâ¥bg©fŸ) áW Édh¡fŸ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. xÈa‹fis¡ f©l¿tj‰fhd nfh£ghLfis ÉtÇ¡f. bkhÊ bjhl®ghd f‰wš bfhŸiffis ÉtÇ¡f. âU.É. fšahz RªjudhÇ‹ jÄœ¥g‰iw¡ F¿¥ãLf. fiy¢ brh‰fis cUth¡F« nghJ kd≠bfhŸs¤j¡fd ahit? FHªij ïy¡»a§fis¥ go¥gjhš khzt® bgW« ga‹fŸ ahit? òJik¥ ã¤jÅ‹ áW fijfË‹ jŤj‹ik¡F¡ fhuz« ahJ? clš CdK‰nwh® fšÉ¡fhf muR vL¤J¡ bfhŸS« Ka‰áfŸ ahit? j‰F¿¥ng‰w m mšyJ tŠr¥ òfœ¢á m¡F vL¤J¡fh£L jªJ És¡Ff? gFâ - ï (2x15=30 kâ¥bg©fŸ) f£Liu Édh¡fŸ 21. (m) ng¢R¤ bjhl®ghd cW¥òfis¥ g‰¿ MŒf. (mšyJ) (M) ehlf¤â‹ njh‰w«, ts®¢á, ï‹iwa Ãiy F¿¤J f£Liu tiuf. 22. (m) k¡fŸ bjhl®ò rhjd§fË‹ ts®¢áí«, bgU¡fK« ï‹iwa fšÉ ts®¢á¡F v§‡d« cWJizah»‹wd? (mšyJ) (M) eh£L¥òw ïy¡»a§fŸ F¿¤J f£Liu tiuf. ********* MATHEMATICS PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Explain briefly the social values of teaching mathematics. fÂj¤â‹ r_f ga‹ghLfis¢ RU¡fkhf És¡Ff. 2. ‘Mathematics is a tool’ - Comment on the statement. ‘fÂjkhdJ xU fUÉ’ ï¡T‰iw Éthâ¡f. 3. List the objectives under cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives ¥SÄ‹ fšÉ neh¡f§fSŸ m¿it rh®ªj F¿¡nfhŸfis¥ g£oaÈLf. 4. Mention any four uses of the knowledge of the history of mathematics to a mathematics teacher. xU fÂj MáÇaU¡F fÂj tuyh‰iw¥ g‰¿a m¿É‹ ga‹fŸ VnjD« eh‹»id¡ F¿¥ãLf. 5. What are the steps involved in a micro teaching cycle? E©Ãiy¡ f‰ã¤jš RH‰áÆ‹ goÃiyfŸ ahit? 6. What are the limitations in the use of average deviation as a measure of variability? ‘ruhrÇ Éy¡f«’ v‹gij ájwš msîfËš x‹whf ga‹gL¤JtâYŸs FiwfŸ ahit? 7. What are the special uses of overhead projector? jiynkš gl« 圤âÆ‹ áw¥ò ga‹ghLfŸ ahit? 8. Mention the modes of CAI in mathematics. fÂj¤âš fÂ¥bgh¿ Jiz¡bfh©L f‰ã¤jÈ‹ (CAI) Kiwfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 9. What is meant by difficulty level of a test item? xU nrhjid cU¥goÆ‹ fod¤ j‹ik v‹whš v‹d? 10. Suggest four enrichment programmes for mathematically gifted children. fÂj¤âš Û¤âw¡ FHªijfS¡F mË¡f¡Toa eh‹F br¿ñ£l¥g£l â£l§fis gǪJiu¡f. 11. What is a prognostic test? K‹d¿ nrhjid v‹whš v‹d? 12. What is ‘individualised Instruction’? ‘jÅahŸ f‰ã¤jš’ v‹gJ ahJ? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Write down any five specific objectives for teaching the lesson ‘construction of incentre of triangle’. xU K¡nfhz¤â‹ cŸt£lika« tiujš v‹w ghl« f‰ã¥gj‰fhd IªJ áw¥ò Éisîfis vGJf. 14. What are the specific uses of mathematics text book and work book? fÂj¥ ghl üš, gƉá üš ïitfË‹ F¿¥ãl¤j¡f ga‹fŸ ahit? 15. Calculate rank correlation coefficient for the following data : Ñœ¡fhQ« kâbg©fS¡F ju ïiz¥ò¡bfGit¡ fz¡»Lf. X : 65 63 65 45 74 82 74 69 74 82 Y: 38 44 24 38 78 48 84 59 84 78 16. Explain the need for preparing lesson plans for classroom teaching of mathematics. tF¥giwÆš fÂj« f‰ã¥gj‰F ghl¤â£l« jahÇ¥gj‹ mtáa¤ij És¡Ff. 17. Discuss on the inclusion of mathematics in the school curriculum as an optional subject or compulsory subject. gŸË¥ghl mik¥ãš fÂj« ÉU¥g¥ ghlkhf mšyJ f£lha¥ ghlkhf ïl« bgWjiy¥ g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. 18. If f(x) = 2x+3, g (x) = 5x + m and f og = g of, find the value of ‘m’ f (x) = 2x + 3, g(x) = 5 + m k‰W« f og = g of vÅš ‘m’ ‹ kâ¥ig¡ fh©f. 19. Mention the teaching aids that you will use while deriving the formula for the area of a circular ring. How will you make effective use of these teaching aids.? xU t£l tya¤â‹ gu¥ã‰fhd N¤âu« tUÉ¡f ÚÉ® ga‹gL¤j¡ Toa f‰ã¤jš Jiz¡ fUÉfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. mt‰iw v›thW Äfî« gaDŸs KiwÆš ga‹gL¤Jå®? 20. Choose a topic from high school mathematics and show how three different branches of mathematics can be correlated. ca® Ãiy gŸË fÂj¤âÈUªJ VnjD« xU jiy¥ig¤ bjÇî brŒJ fÂj¤â‹ _‹W ãÇîfis v›thW bjhl®ògL¤jyh« vd fh©ã¡f. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) How is analytic method different from synthetic method? Explain how you would teach the proof of the theorem. “If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, the alternate angles are equal” using analytic method. gF¥ò Kiw v›thW bjhF¥ò KiwÆÈUªJ ntWg£LŸsJ? “ïu©L ïiz nfhLfis xU FW¡F bt£o bt£Ltjhš V‰gL« x‹WÉ£l nfhz§fŸ rk«” ï¤nj‰w¤â‹ Ã%gz« gF¥ò Kiwia ga‹gL¤â v›thW f‰ã¡fyh« v‹gij És¡Ff. Or (b) What is meant by objective based testing? Prepare a blue print for an achievement test in mathematics. neh¡f§fË‹ mo¥gilÆyhd nj®î v‹whš v‹d? fÂj milî¤ nj®î x‹W¡fhd nrhjid¤jhŸ totik¥ig¤ jahÇ¡f. 22.(a) Explain the important characteristics of a good lesson plan. Write a lesson plan on any topic of your choice from IX or XI standard mathematics. xU ešy ghl¤â£l¤â‹ K¡»a g©òfis És¡Ff. 9-tJ mšyJ 11-tJ tF¥ò fÂj¤âÈUªJ VnjD« xU jiy¥ã‰F ghl¤â£l« x‹iw vGjî«. Or (b) Explain the need for a mathematics club in a secondary school. How do you organise such a club? Describe the activities that could be introduced in such clubs? ca®Ãiy gŸËÆš fÂj¡ fHf¤â‹ mtáa¤ij És¡Ff. ïªj¡ fHf¤ij v›thW mik¥ghŒ? ï¤jifa fHf§fËš nk‰bfhŸs¡ Toa brašfis ÉthÇ¡f. *********** MATHEMATICS PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions Give any two contributions of Euler to the development of mathematics. fÂj ts®¢áÆš MŒy® v‹ghÇ‹ gil¥òfŸ ïu©oid¤ jUf. Mention the components of a Model of Teaching. f‰ã¤jš khâÇÆ‹ c£TWfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. What is Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI)? eh£l« el¤J« ïilÉid (ATI) v‹whš v‹d? What is the role of computers in mathematics education at the higher secondary level? nkšÃiy¡ fÂj¡ fšÉÆš fÂÅÆ‹ g§F v‹d? Mention the important classroom behaviours a mathematics teacher should develop. xU fÂj MáÇa® ts®¤J¡ bfhŸs nt©oa K¡»akhd tF¥ò el¤ijfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. What is skewness of a normal curve? ïa‰Ãiy gutš tistiuÆ‹ nfh£l« v‹whš v‹d? What is an experimental research? nrhjid MŒîKiw v‹whš v‹d? Evaluate : xdx (x2+1) (x2+3) kâ¥ãLf : xdx 2 (x +1) (x2+3) If f (X) = x2 - 5x+7 and A= 3 1 -1 2 show that f(A) = 0 f (X)=x2 - 5x + 7 k‰W« A = [ [ [ [ 3 1 -1 2 vÅš f(A) = 0 vd¡fh©f. 10. Solve : tanxsec2ydy + tanysec2xdx = 0 Ô®¡f : tanxsec2ydy+tanysec2xdx=0 11. Three persons A,B,C can do a piece of work in 15 days, 6 days and 10 days respectively. In how many days will all the three finish three times the similar work? A,B,C v‹ngh® xU ntiyia Kiwna 15 eh£fŸ, 6 eh£fŸ k‰W« 10 eh£fËš Ko¥g®. všnyhU« nr®ªJ ïnj ngh‹W _‹W kl§F cŸs ntiyia v¤jid eh£fËš Ko¥g®? 12. Give the geometrical meaning of a x b a x b -Æ‹ tot fÂj És¡f¤ij jUf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. How can the teacher develop in the students divergent thinking in mathematics? fÂj¤âš ÉÇáªjiidia khzt®fS¡»ilna MáÇa® v›thW ts®¡fyh«? 14. What points should the teacher bear in mind for effective classroom behaviour? tF¥giw el¤ij gaDŸs Éisîfis¤ ju fÂj MáÇa® kdâš bfhŸs nt©oa fU¤J¡fŸ ahit? 15. Analyse the present teacher education programme in mathematics giving atleast four merits and four limitations. ï‹iwa fÂj MáÇa¥ gƉá Kiwfis¡ FiwªjJ eh‹F Ãiw, eh‹F Fiwfis¢ R£o¡fh£o¥ gF¤jhŒf. 16. What are the principles of programmed learning? â£lÄ£l¡ f‰wÈ‹ bfhŸiffŸ ahit? 17. Mention the categories in Flander’s classroom interaction system relating to “Teacher Indirect influence” ãsh©lÇ‹ tF¥giw brhšyhlš mik¥ãš MáÇaÇ‹ kiwKf¤ ö©lÈ‹ gFâfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 18. Describe the concept attainment model of teaching. fU¤jilî khâÇ nghjid Kiwia ÉtÇ¡f. 19. Describe the contributions of Pythagoras towards mathematics. ã¤jnfhuÌ‹ fÂj¥ gil¥òfis ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Solve : dy cosx2 = + y = tanx dx Ô®¡f : cosx2 dy + y = tanx dx PART III - (2x15= 30 marks) Essay questions 21.(a) How do the factors, maturation, motivation and perception influence the learning of mathematics.? K⮢á, C¡f«, òyDz®jš M»a fhuÂfŸ v›thW fÂj« f‰wÈš ghâ¥ig V‰gL¤J»‹wd? Or (b) Describe the current trends in curriculum changes in mathematics education in India and the developed countries. fÂj¡ fšÉ V‰gh£o‹ kh‰w§fËš ï‹iwa ngh¡FfŸ, ïªâah k‰W« K‹nd‰wkilªJŸs ehLfËš v›thW cŸsd vd ÉtÇ¡f. 22.(a) Describe the ideas of Piaget and Burner about the formation of mathematical concepts. Illustrate. fÂj¡ fU¤J¡fŸ cUthjiy¡ F¿¤J ãahn#, ò%d® ït®fË‹ v©z§fis ÉtÇ¡f. vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ jUf. Or (b) How can the ‘Inquiry Training Models of Teaching’ be profitably used in problem solving in Higher Secondary Mathematics? Illustrate. nkšÃiy¥ gŸË fÂj¤âš ãu¢rid¤ Ô®¥gj‰F MŒî¥ gƉá f‰ã¤jš khâÇfis v›thW áwªj KiwÆš ga‹gL¤jyh«? **************** PHYSICAL SCIENCE PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. How is the nature of science used as product and process? m¿ÉaÈ‹ j‹ik v§‡d« Éisthfî« brašghlhfî« ga‹gL»wJ? 2. Give any four objectives of PSSC. ã.vÞ.vÞ áÆ‹ VnjD« eh‹F neh¡f§fis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 3. Distinguish between seminar and symposium fU¤ju§ifí« fUªnjhÉa¤ijí« ntWgL¤â¡fh£Lf. 4. Draw a normal probability curve. ïašÃiy gutš tisnfh£il tiuªJ fh£Lf. 5. Give the uses of Diagnostic tests. Fiwa¿ nrhjidfË‹ ga‹fis¡ TWf. 6. Draw any four improvised apparatus. Fiwªj bryÉš jahÇ¡f¥gl¡Toa cgfuz§fŸ vitnaD« eh‹»id tiuªJ fh£Lf.? 7. Illustrate a power point presentation in a slide for a topic in physics or chemistry. ïa‰ãaš mšyJ ntâÆaÈ‹ Vnjh xU jiy¥ã‰F gt® ghÆ©L g¤bjhF¥ò m¿Kf¤âid vL¤J¡fh£L. 8. Calculate the median for the following data. 15, 17, 25, 35, 39, 44, 47 Ñœ¡f©l jftšfS¡fhd ïilÃiyia¡ fz¡»Lf. 15, 17, 25, 35, 39, 44, 47 9. How is blue print useful? â£l¥gl« v§‡d« gaDŸsJ? 10. List down the criteria of selection of content matter. ghl¥bghUis bjǪbjL¥gj‹ Ãgªjidfis tÇir¥gL¤Jf. 11. Give the uses of internet in teaching physical science. bghUs¿Éaiy f‰ã¥gâš ïizajs¤â‹ ga‹fis¡ TWf. 12. What is kurtosis? j£ilasî v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Give the objectives of teaching physical science at the higher seconday level. nkšÃiy¥gUt¤âš bghUs¿Éaiy f‰ã¥gj‹ neh¡f§fis¡ TWf. 14. Illustrate Hemstic method. f©l¿ Kiwia vL¤J¡fh£Lf. 15. Wrtie an episode for the skill of reinforcement. tYñ£Ljš âwid vL¤J¡fh£l xU Ãfœ¢áia vL¤J¡fh£Lf. 16. What do you understand by team teaching? FG f‰ã¤jš Kiw g‰¿ Ú òǪJ bfh©lJ v‹d? 17. What is a Histogram? br›tf¥gl« v‹whš v‹d? 18. Explain the term ‘skewness’ ‘nfh£l«’ v‹w gj¤ij És¡Ff. 19. Distinguish between Historical and Biographical method. tuyh‰W Kiwiaí« thœ¡ifrÇij Kiwiaí« ntWgL¤Jf. 20. Describe individual practical work as a method. jÅahŸ MŒtf Kiwia ÉtÇ. PART III (2x15=30 marks.) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe the modern methods of teaching physical science. eåd KiwfËš bghUs¿Éaiy f‰ã¥gij ÉtÇ. Or (b) How will you construct and standardise an achievement test? xU milî nrhjidia v§‡d« mik¤J¤ ju¥gL¤JthŒ. 22.(a) How can you graphically represent test results? nrhjid Koîfis v§‡d« tiugl« _y« btË¥gL¤jyh«.? Or (b) Write a lesson plan on a topic in physics or chemistry at the secondary level. ca®Ãiy¥gŸËÆš f‰F« ïa‰ãaš mšyJ ntâÆaš ghl¤â‰F ghl¤â£l¤âid vGJf. ****************** PHYSICAL SCIENCE PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is scientific temper? m¿Éaš kdÃiy v‹whš v‹d? 2. Write a note on global warming. óÄ bt¥gkhjiy g‰¿ F¿¥bgGJf.. 3. What is Norm-referenced testing? ju mo¥gil nrhâ¤jš v‹whš v‹d? 4. Give the causes of overpopulation. k¡fŸ bjhif¥ bgU¡f¤â‹ fhuz§fis jUf. 5. Who are scientifically talented pupils? m¿ÉaÈš âwikÄ¡f khzt® ah®? 6. What are the causes of malnutrition? r¤J¥ g‰wh¡Fiw vªbjªj¡ fhuz§fshš V‰gL»wJ? 7. Illusrate objective-based testing. neh¡f¤ij mo¥gilahf¡ bfh©l nrhjidia És¡»¡ fh£Lf. 8. Give the principles of piaget in developing lesson plans. ghl â£l§fis jahÇ¥gâš cŸs ãahn#Æ‹ bfhŸiffis¡ TW. 9. Give reasons for pollution. khR¥gLjÈ‹ fhuz§fis¤ jUf. 10. Give the significance of CBSE text books. CBSE ghl¥ ò¤jf§fË‹ K¡»a¤Jt« ahJ? 11. List any 4 discoveries in science. m¿Éaš f©Lão¥òfSŸ vitnaD« eh‹F f©Lão¥òfis tÇir¥gL¤Jf. 12. Define educational technology. fšÉÆaš E£g« tiuaW PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Illustrate different taxonomics. gšntW tif¥ghLfis vL¤J¡fh£Lf. 14. Write a note on Globalisation and science. cyfkakh¡fY« m¿ÉaY« g‰¿ F¿¥bgGJf. 15. How will you develop a lesson plan using the principle of Bruner? òUdÇ‹ bfhŸif¥go v§‡d« ghl â£l¤ij ts®¥ghŒ / cUth¡FthŒ? 16. Illustrate computer assisted instruction. fÂ¥bgh¿ cjÉíl‹ f‰ã¤jiy És¡»¡fh£Lf. 17. Draw a physics or Chemistry Higher Secondary laboratory. ïa‰ãaš mšyJ ntâÆaš nkš Ãiy gŸË MŒtf¤ij tiuªJ fh£Lf. 18. Justify the inclusion of physics and chemistry separately at the higher secondary level. nkšÃiy gŸË gUt¤âš ïa‰ãaiyí« ntâaiyí«, jŤjÅna nr®¤J¡ bfhŸtâ‹ Ãaha¤ij tH§Ff. 19. Construct an aptitude test. eh£l¢ nrhjid x‹iw cUth¡Ff. 20. How will you cater to individual difference? jÅahŸ ntWghLfS¡F v§‡d« <L brŒthŒ. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe the modern trends in teaching science. m¿Éaš f‰ã¥gâš eåd mQFÃiyfis g‰¿ ÉtÇ. Or (b) Describe any one model of teaching physical science bghUs¿Éaiy f‰ã¡f f‰ã¤jš khâÇ x‹iw ÉtÇ. 22.(a) How will you evaluate text books? ghl¥ò¤jf§fis v§‡d« kâ¥ãLthŒ. Or (b) Describe the techniques of conducting research in science education. m¿Éaš fšÉÆaš MŒîfŸ Ãfœ¤Jtj‹ E£g§fis g‰¿ ÉtÇ. ******************* BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is meant by knowledge? m¿î v‹whš v‹d? 2. Who stressed the need of field trip in the teaching of Biology? cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš fs¥gaz« njit v‹gjid tÈíW¤âat® ah®? 3. Write any four important features of bioscience? cÆÇaÈ‹ K¡»a g©òfËš VnjD« eh‹»id vGJf. 4. Point out the name of scientist, who discovered that plants have life and energy. jhtu§fËš cÆ® k‰W« r¡â ïU¥gij¡ f©l¿ªj ÉŠPhÅÆ‹ bgaiu¡ F¿¥ãLf. 5. Bring the importance of recapitulation in preparation of lesson plan in the teaching of biology. cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš ghl¤â£lÄLjÈš Û£L¡ bfhz®jš goÆ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤âid vGJf. 6. Define the term skill of Questioning in Microteaching. E©Âiy¡ f‰ã¤jÈš Édh¡ nf£lš âw‹ v‹gjid tiuaiw brŒf. 7. Name any four teacher centred instruction in the teaching of biology cÆÇÆš f‰ã¤jÈš MáÇa® ika f‰ã¤jÈš VnjD« eh‹»id F¿¥ãLf. 8. What should be done if a student is affected by electricity in your bio-laboratory during practiced? ckJ cÆÇaš MŒtf brŒKiwÆ‹ nghJ xU khzt‹ Ä‹rhu¤âdhš ghâ¡f¥gL« nghJ v¤jifa KjYjÉ brŒjš nt©L«? 9. Mention any four educational values of aquarium in the teaching of biology. cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš Û‹ bjh£oÆ‹ fšÉ kâ¥òfËš VnjD« eh‹»id¡ F¿¥ãLf. 10. List any four bio-reference books to be needed to your school library. ckJ gŸË üyf¤â‰F njitahd cÆÇaš F¿¥òiu ò¤jf§fËš VnjD« eh‹»id tÇir¥gL¤Jf. 11. What is meant by reliability? e«g¤jF j‹ik v‹whš v‹d? 12. Which university intorduced B.S.C.S. in 1959? vªj gšfiy¡ fHf« 1959 - š B.S.C.S. ghl mik¥òfis c£òF¤âaJ? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Describe the contributions of Bio-chemistry in the field of biology? cÆÇaš JiwÆš cÆ® - ntâÆaÈ‹ bfhilfis ÉtÇ. 14. How will you as a teacher guide your students to design an aquarium in your bio-laboratory? ckJ cÆÇaš MŒtf¤âš Û‹ bjh£o mik¡f MáÇauh»a Ú® ckJ khzt®fis v›Éj« tÊ el¤Jå®? 15. Narrate the different types of evaluation in the teaching of biology. cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš ntWtif¥g£l kâ¥ÕLfis bjhF¤J vGJf. 16. Write the needs of in service education for biology teachers. cÆÇaš MáÇa®fS¡F gÅÆil¥ gƉáÆ‹ njitÆid vGJf. 17. List any ten first aid material to be placed in the first aid box. KjYjÉ¥ bg£oÆš it¡f¥gl nt©oa KjYjÉ¥ bghUŸfËš VnjD« g¤âid tÇir¥gL¤Jf. 18. Bring any five advantages of CAI in the teaching of biology? cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš CAI ‹ (fÂÅ _y« f‰ã¤jš) e‹ikfËš VnjD« Iªâid vGJf. 19. Point out the important functions of biology text books in the teaching of biology. cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš cÆÇa¥ ghl¥ ò¤jf¤â‹ K¡»a brašghLfis F¿¥ãLf. 20. “A biology teacher must possess a pleasing personality” - Why? “xU cÆÇaš MáÇa® ešy MSik¤ âw‹ cilatuhf ïU¤jš nt©L«.” - V‹? PART III - (2x15=30 marks) Essay questions 21.(a) What is meant by project? Describe the various steps are involved in a good project? â£l braš v‹whš v‹d? xU ešy â£l braÈš fhz¥gL« gšntW gofis ÉtÇ? Or (b) How will you as a teacher motivate your students to organise a museum at your school? ckJ gŸËÆš mU§fh£áa« x‹¿id mik¡f MáÇauhf ÚÉ® v›Éj« ckJ khzt®fis tÊ el¤Jå®,? 22.(a) “The teachers are mobile text books” - Justify the above statements. “MáÇa®fŸ elkhL« ghl¥ò¤jf§fŸ Mt®” - nk‰f©l brh‰bwhliu Ãaha¥gL¤Jf. Or (b) Describe the importance of Audio-Visual materials in the teaching of biology. cÆÇaš f‰ã¤jÈš xË-xÈ¡ fUÉfË‹ K¡»a¤Jt§fis ÉtÇ. ************** BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is the need for remedial science programmes in Biology teaching? cÆÇaš fšÉÆš Fiwm¿ f‰ã¤jš KiwÆ‹ mtáa« v‹d? 2. How is Discovery difference from an Invention? Cite examples. f©Lão¥òfËš ïUtiffËš x‹whd “oÞftÇ” ia ‘ï‹bt‹õÅ” ÈUªJ v›thW ntWgL»wJ? cjhuz§fŸ jUf. 3. Differentiate between Biophysics and Biochemistry. cÆ® ïa‰ãaiy cÆ® ntâÆaÈUªJ ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 4. What is Nature Album? At what level could it be effectively used? ïa‰if¤ bjhF¥ò v‹whš v‹d? gŸË¡ fšÉÆ‹ vªj ÃiyÆš ïjid¢ áw¥ghf¥ ga‹gL¤j Koí«? 5. Listout the topics in Microbiology prescribed at the Higher Sec. level. nkšÃiy¥ gŸË ghl¤â£l¤âš cŸs E© cÆÇaš rh®ªj jiy¥òfis g£oaÈLf. 6. What do you mean by a microscopic slide? E©neh¡»¡FÇa bkšÈiH¥ g£o v‹whš v‹d? 7. List out four real classroom projects that could be introduced at the secondary school level. ca®Ãiy¥ gŸËfS¡F cfªj ïa‰if¢NHÈš mika¤j¡f tF¥giw braš â£l§fŸ eh‹»id¥ g£oaÈLf. 8. Differentiate between projective and Non projective aids. ã«g« 圤J« f‰ã¤jš Jiz¡ fUÉfis, ã«g« 圤jh f‰ã¤jš Jiz¡ fUÉfËÈUªJ ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 9. What is the significant contribution of Gregar John Mendel? »unfh® #h‹ bk©lÈ‹ K¡»a gil¥òfŸ ahit? 10. How could library be an effective instructional Resource centre? üyf« v›thW xU áwªj f‰wš _yf ikakhF«? 11. What are the advantages of organising a field trip for students? khzt®fS¡F fs¥gaz« V‰ghL brŒtj‹ gy‹fŸ ahit? 12. How is a temporary slide prepared in the laboratory? MŒtf¤âš j‰fhÈf bkšÈiH¥ g£o x‹iw v›thW jahÇ¡fyh«? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. What are the ten categories under Flanders Interaction Analysis? ã~sh©l®á‹ ïilÉid gF¥ghŒÉ‹ g¤J ãÇîfŸ ahit? 14. How could community resources be used in strengthening class room teaching? tF¥giwÆš f‰ã¤jiy tYñ£L Kfkhf rKjha _yf§fis v›thW ga‹gL¤jyh«? 15. Write a short notes on Science Talent Search Programme. m¿Éaš âw‹ njLjš Kiw g‰¿ áWF¿¥ò tiuf. 16. What enrichment programmes would you advocate for the gifted in your class? ckJ tF¥ãš cŸs Û¤âw‹ thŒªj khzt®fS¡F v›tifahd br¿ñ£L« gƉáfis mË¡fyh«? 17. Explain the practical use of Camera Lucida. nfkuh ÿálhÉ‹ brašKiw¥ gy‹fis És¡Ff. 18. Bring out the importances of reflective practice for improvement in teaching? f‰ã¡F« KiwÆš K‹nd‰w« miltj‰fhd Ra¥gh®it¥ gƉáÆ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij btË¡bfhz®f. 19. State the role of ETV in Teaching? Explain with an example. f‰ã¤jÈš ETV Æ‹ g§»id ÉtÇ. mt‰iw vL¤J¡fh£LfSl‹ És¡Ff. 20. Bring out the present position of Biology in school curriculum today. ï‹iwa gŸË¡ fiy¤â£l NHÈš cÆÇaš ghl¤â‹ Ãiy v‹d v‹gij btË¡bfhz®f. PART III (2x15 = 30 Marks.) Essay questions 21.(a) Discuss the present trend in Genetic Engineering in the field of Medicine and Agriculture. Étrha k‰W« kU¤Jt¤JiwfËš kuãaš bjhÊš E£g¤â‹ ï‹iwa Ãiy F¿¤J ÉtÇ¡f. (Or) (b) What is developmental biology? What topics could be taught at the secondary level? ts®¢á cÆÇaš v‹whš v‹d? ca®Ãiy¥ gŸËÆš mj‹ v¤jifa jiy¥òfis f‰ã¡fyh« v‹gij És¡Ff. 22.(a) What do you understand by term Ecological crisis? Explain how conservation could reduce this. R‰W¢NHš beU¡fo v‹whš v‹d? R‰W¢NHš ghJfh¥ò _y« ï¤jifa beU¡fofis v›thW Fiw¡fyh« v‹gij ÉtÇ. (Or) (b) What are radio isotopes? How could they be effectively taught to pupils? nuonah Inrhnlh¥òfŸ v‹whš v‹d? ïjid v›thW khzt®fS¡F áwªj KiwÆš f‰ã¡fyh«? ************** HISTORY PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very Short answer questions 1. “There can be no history without dates” - Comment. “fhy« ïšyhkš tuyhW ïšiy” fU¤Jiu¡f. 2. What is meant by History of History? tuyh‰¿‹ tuyhW v‹gâ‹ bghUŸ ahJ? 3. What are the general aims of teaching History? tuyhW f‰ã¤jÈ‹ bghJ neh¡f§fŸ ahit? 4. What are the skills to be developed while teaching History? tuyhW f‰ã¤jyhš tsU« âw‹fŸ ahJ? 5. What are advantages of discussion method? fyªjhŒî KiwÆ‹ e‹ikfŸ ahit? 6. What is Daltan Plan? Explain its merits and demerits. lhšl‹ â£l« v‹whš v‹d? mj‹ e‹ik Ôikfis És¡Ff.? 7. What is deductive method? How it is used in history teaching? gF¤j¿ Kiw v‹whš v‹d? ïij v›thW tuyhW f‰ã¤jÈš ga‹gL¤Jå®? 8. What is mock parliament? khâÇ ghuhSk‹w« v‹whš v‹d? 9. What is problem - solving method? òâ® Ô®î Kiw v‹whš v‹d? 10. From what class would you like to begin to teach history? Give reason for your decisions. vªj tF¥ãÈUªJ tuyh‰iw f‰ã¡f nt©Lbkd ÉU«ò»whŒ? c‹Dila Koɉfhd fhuz§fŸ ahit? 11. How can you form a museum in your school? c‹ gŸËÆš mU§fh£áaf« x‹iw v›thW mik¥ghŒ? 12. What is norm-referenced test? ju mo¥gilÆyhd nrhjid v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answers questions 13. What are the values of teaching History? tuyhW f‰ã¥gjhš V‰gL« ga‹fŸ ahit? 14. How would you effectively use dramatization in the senior classes? Explain. KJÃiy tF¥òfËš ga‹jU« tifÆš ehlf Kiwia v›Éj« ga‹gL¤JthŒ? És¡Ff. 15. How will you organize excursion to get maximum benefit for the students? khzt®fS¡F mâfg£r msÉš ga‹ »il¡F« tifÆš cšyhr gaz¤ij v›Éj« mik¥ghŒ? 16. What are the purposes of preparing lesson plan for history classes? Explain. tuyh‰W tF¥òfS¡F ghl¤â£l« jah® brŒtj‰fhd fhuz§fŸ ahit? És¡Ff. 17. What are the points the teacher should adhere for the successful delivery of lessons in the class? tF¥òfËš bt‰¿fukhf ghl§fis el¤Jtj‰F MáÇa®fŸ v‹d tÊKiwfis filão¤jš nt©L«? 18. What are the draw backs in the history syllbus in our country? How it can be overcome? ïªâahÉš tuyh‰W ghl¤ â£l§fËš cŸs FiwfŸ ahit? mt‰iw v›thW rÇbrŒthŒ? 19. What are the special features of good history text book? ešy tuyh‰W ghlüÈ‹ áw¥ò m«r§fŸ ahit? 20. What is Mean, Median? ïilÃiy, T£L ruhrÇ v‹whš v‹d? PART III (2x15=30 marks) Essay questions 21.(a) Write an essay on different types of tests on evaluation in history teaching and learning. tuyh‰iw f‰ã¤jš - f‰wÈš kâ¥ÕL brŒa filão¡f¥gL« gšntW tifahd nj®îfŸ ahit? És¡Ff. Or (b) Write the principles to be adopted for the proper use of Non-projected Audio - Visual Aids? Narrate different kinds of models to be used in the classroom. âiuÆlh fh£á nfŸÉ fUÉfis ešy KiwÆš ga‹gL¤j v‹d ÉâKiwfis filão¡f nt©Lbk‹gij vGâ, tF¥òfËš ga‹gL¤j¥gL« f‰ã¤jš khâÇfË‹ tiffis F¿¥ãLf. 22.(a) What is micro teaching technique? Explain the microteaching skills and write any two skills with its components. E©Âiy¡ f‰ã¤jš v‹whš v‹d? mj‹ gšntW âw‹fis T¿ mt‰WŸ VnjD« ïu©L âw‹fS¡F c£TWfis vGJf. Or (b) Discuss the principles to be followed in selecting material for good curriculum content in history. áwªj tuyh‰W fiy¤â£l« mik¤jY¡F ifahsnt©oa mo¥gilahd bfhŸiffis MŒf. **************** HISTORY PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What are the different types of programmed instruction.? â£lÄ£L f‰wÈ‹ gšntW tiffŸ ahit? 2. Write a short note on Herodotus. bAnuhnlh£lÞ g‰¿ F¿¥ò vGJf 3. How the study of history will develop the disciplinary value in the minds of students? tuyhW go¥gâ‹ _y« khzt®fŸ v›thW f£L¥gh£L gaid ts®¤J¡ bfhŸsKoí«? 4. Write a short note on Kalhana. fšfz® g‰¿ áW F¿¥bgGJf. 5. Write any two advantages of branching programme. »is tʤ â£l¤â‹ e‹ikfËš VnjD« ïu©oid F¿¥ãLf. 6. What is class room interaction? tF¥giw Clh£l« v‹whš v‹d? 7. Why the local history should be taught in the light of world history? cyf tuyh‰¿‹ Cnl cŸq® tuyhW V‹ f‰ã¡f¥glnt©L«? 8. What is the need for the study of models of teaching? f‰ã¤jš khâÇfis¥ g‰¿ f‰f nt©oaâ‹ mtáa« ahJ? 9. What activities would you prefer for fostering national integration? njáa xUik¥gh£il ts®¥gj‰F v¤jifa brašgh£oid nj®ªbjL¥ghŒ? 10. What are the individual differences in learning? f‰wÈš jÅahŸ ntWghLfŸ ahit? 11. What is Culture Epoch Theory? g©gh£L íf¡ bfhŸif v‹whš v‹d? 12. What is linear programmed instruction? ne®tÊ â£lÄ£L¡f‰wš v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Write a note on the contributions of Roman historians to historiography. tuyh‰WÆaY¡F nuhkhÅa tuyh‰whs®fË‹ g§fË¥ãid g‰¿ F¿¥ò vGJf. 14. Describe the contributions of J.N. Sarkar to historical writing. n#.v‹. r®fh® tuyh‰¿‰F mˤJŸs g§fË¥ãid És¡Ff. 15. ‘History makes man wise and perfect’. - Discuss. ‘tuyh‰W go¥ò xU kÅjid m¿thËahfî« KGikahdtdhfî« kh‰W»wJ.’. MuhŒf. 16. What are the values of teaching history? tuyh‰iw f‰ã¥gjhš Éisí« ga‹fŸ ahit? 17. Discuss the doctrine of natural tastes and interests. eh£lK« ft®¢áí« g‰¿a nfh£ghLfis Éthâ¡f. 18. Explain the influence of the theory ‘proceeding from near to the remote’ in the selection of history materials. tuyh‰W ghl¥ bghUŸ nj®ªbjL¥gâš ‘m©ikÆÈUªJ nrŒik¡F bršY«’ nfh£gh£o‹ jh¡f¤âid És¡Ff. 19. What are the items to be included in the history syllabus? tuyh‰W ghl¤â£l¤âš vªbjªj¥ ghl¥ãÇîfŸ nr®¡f¥glnt©L«? 20. Suggest some ways of creating interest in current affairs among students. khzt®fËilna j‰fhy ÃfœîfËš M®t« V‰gL¤j áy tÊKiwfŸ TWf. PART III (2x15=30 marks) Essay questions. 21.(a) Write an essay on the contributions of Greek historians to historigraphy. tuyh‰¿aY¡F »nu¡f tuyh‰W m¿P®fË‹ g§fË¥ãid g‰¿ xU f£Liu tiuf. Or (b) “The knowledge of Flander’s Interacton analysis is very essential for any teacher” - Discuss. “MáÇa®fS¡F ¥sh©lÇ‹ ïilÉid gF¥ghŒÉid¥ g‰¿a m¿î ïU¤jš mtáa«”ï¡T‰¿id MŒf. 22.(a) Why the history curriculum should be changed according to current trends? Explain. j‰fhy ÃfœîfË‹ mo¥gilÆš tuyh‰W ghl¤â£l« V‹ kh‰w¥glnt©L«? És¡Ff. Or (b) What is concept attainment model of teaching and explain its application in history teaching. f‰ã¤jÈš bghJik fU¤ij cUth¡F« khâÇ v‹whš v‹d? mjid v›thW tuyhW f‰ã¤jÈš ga‹gL¤jyh« v‹gij ÉtÇ¡fî«. ****************** GEOGRAPHY PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Describe any two definitions of Geography. òÉÆaš g‰¿ VnjD« ïu©L tiuaiwfis TWf. 2. What is correlation co-efficient? cl‹bfG bjhl®ò v‹whš v‹d? 3. What do you mean by educational technology? fšÉÆš E£gÉaš v‹gj‹ bghUŸ v‹d? 4. Enlist the essential steps of a unit plan. myF â£l¤â‹ njitahd gofis g£oaÈLf. 5. Mention the types of maps. Ãy¥gl§fË‹ tiffis F¿¥ãLf. 6. Give an example for congnitive domain objective. m¿î rh® gFâÆ‹ neh¡f§fËš xU cjhuz« jUf. 7. What is the use of recapitulation? ghl âU¥òjÈ‹ ga‹ ahJ? 8. Mention the components of introducing. m¿Kf¥gL¤J« âwÅ‹ c£TWfis F¿¥ãLf. 9. What are the main limitations of CAI? á.V.I. Æ‹ K¡»a FiwfŸ ahit? 10. What do you mean by norm referenced test? ju x¥Õ£L nrhjid v‹whš v‹d? 11. What type of books do you have in keep Geography library? c‹ òÉÆaš üyf¤âš v›tif ò¤jf§fis nrfǤJ it¥ghŒ? 12. What aids would you use to teach formation of a delta? blšlh cUthF« Éj¤âid f‰ã¡f ÚÉ® v‹d cgfuz§fis cgnah»¥Õ®? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Discuss the importance of excursion as an activity for teaching Georgraphy. òÉÆaš f‰ã¥gâš fs¥gaz« xU brayhf miktâ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij MuhŒf. 14. What is frequency distribution? What are its uses in satistical analysis and presentation of data? miybt© gutš v‹whš v‹d? òŸËÆaš Étu§fŸ Étuz brŒtâY«, Étu§fis mË¥gâY« ït‰¿‹ ga‹fŸ v‹d?. 15. What factors add professional growth of a Geography teacher? òÉÆaš MáÇaÇ‹ bjhʉ g©òfis ts®¡F« fhuÂfŸ ahit? 16. What is national integration? State its need and importance njáa xUik¥ghL v‹whš v‹d? mt‰¿‹ njit k‰W« K¡»a¤Jt¤ij TWf. 17. How will you correlate History and Geography? òÉÆaiy tuyh‰Wl‹ v›thW ïiz¤J f‰ã¥ghŒ? 18. Give two reasons to develop questioning technique as an important teacher activity. MáÇa® braÈš nfŸÉ nf£F« EQ¡fKiw xU K¡»akhf fUj¥gLtj‰fhd ïu©L fhuz§fis jUf. 19. How would you organise a project in Geography? òÉÆaÈš brašâ£l¤âid v›thW brašgL¤Jå®? 20. Discuss the effectiveness of fieldtrip. R‰WyhÉ‹ áw¥ãid MuhŒf. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) “Method however apt is meaningless without the mastery of the content” Discuss this statement. “ghl¥bghUis¥ g‰¿jhd m¿Éšyhkš f‰ã¡F« Kiw v›thW bghU¤jkhdjhf ïUªjhY« m®¤jk‰wjhf mikí«” - ï¡fU¤ij MuhŒf. (Or) (b) Discuss the importance of school journey as an aid for teaching. f‰ã¤jY¡F gŸË fšÉ gaz§fŸ xU Jiz fUÉahf miktâ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij MuhŒf. 22.(a) How far you accept education for national integration as an aim of teaching Geography? What techniques do you suggest to promote national integration? òÉÆaš f‰ã¤jÈš njáa x‰Wik fšÉ xU neh¡fkhf ïU¡»wJ v‹gij ÚÉ® v›thW x¤J¡ bfhŸ»Ö®? njáa x‰Wikia ts®¥gâš v‹d c¤âfis Mnyhridahf TWthŒ? (Or) (b) Explain the role of measures of central tendency in evaluation. kâ¥ãLjÈš ika msitfË‹ g§»id És¡Ff. ********** GEOGRAPHY PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short questions 1. What are educational games? fšÉ Éisah£LfŸ ahit? 2. Define the term individual difference jÅahŸ nt‰Wik v‹w¢ brhšÈ‹ bghUis tiuaW. 3. Differentiate aptitude and attitude. eh£l« k‰W« kd¥gh‹ik - ntWgL¤Jf. 4. What are learning resources? f‰wš ts§fŸ vit? 5. Name some current problems facing India. ïªâah j‰nghJ vâ®neh¡F« ãu¢ridfŸ áyt‰iw F¿¥ãLf. 6. Give any four factors that influence the learning of Geography. òÉÆaš f‰wiy¡ f£L¥gL¤J« VjhtJ eh‹F fhuÂfis¤ jUf. 7. What is remedial teaching? FiwÔ® f‰ã¤jš v‹whš v‹d? 8. Suggest some ways to conserve natural resources. ïa‰if ts§fis¥ ghJfh¡F« tÊKiwfËš áyt‰iw Mnyhridahf TWf. 9. What do you understand by self learning devices? Ra f‰wš KiwfŸ v‹whš v‹d? 10. Name any four Geographical Journals. òÉÆaš ïjÊašfËš vitnaD« eh‹F TWf. 11. What is an achievement test? milî nrhjid v‹whš v‹d? 12. Mention the software display items. bk‹ bghU£fËš jftš TWfis F¿¥ãLf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. What are the values of improvised aids? vËikahd bghU£fis¡ bfh©L jah® brŒí« fUÉfË‹ f‰wš kâ¥òfŸ ahit? 14. How will you identify the interests and aptitude of your students? c‹ khzt®fSila ÉU¥g§fisí«, eh£l¤âidí« v›thW bjǪJ bfhŸthŒ? 15. How would you organise Geography Club? òÉÆaš fHf¤âid v›thW mik¥Õ®.? 16. Explain the steps to be taken in organising Geography exhibition. òÉÆaš bghU£fh£áia brašgL¤J«nghJ fil¥ão¡f nt©oa gofis És¡Ff. 17. Can a computer replace the teacher? Illustrate. fÂ¥bgh¿ MáÇaÇ‹ g§»id kh‰w Koíkh? cjhuz« jUf. 18. Design a proforma for self evaluation. Ra kâ¥Õ£o‰F xU got¤âid jah® brŒ. 19. Why do we use different methods in teaching? f‰ã¤jÈš gyju¥g£l Kiwfis eh« V‹ ga‹gL¤j nt©L«.? 20. How has the modern conception of Geography changed? òÉÆaš g‰¿a òâa fU¤J j‰nghJ v›thW kh‰w¥g£LŸsJ.? PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) Explain the problems faced by the teachers of Geography in rural areas. »uhk¥òw¥ gFâfËš òÉÆaiy f‰ã¡F« MáÇa®fŸ vâ®neh¡F« ãu¢ridfis És¡Ff. (Or) (b) How would you cater to the educational needs of an individual? jÅahË‹ fšÉ njitfis v›thW ó®¤â brŒå®? 22.(a) Explain the duties and responsibilities of a Geography teacher towards the school and community. gŸË¡F«, rKjha¤â‰F« xU òÉÆaš MáÇa® M‰w nt©oa flikfŸ k‰W« bghW¥òfis És¡Ff. (Or) (b) Discuss the role of computers in the teaching and learning of Geography. òÉÆaš f‰ã¤jš k‰W« f‰wÈš fÂ¥bgh¿Æ‹ g§»id Éthâ¡f. *********** HOME SCIENCE PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. State any four objectives of teaching Home Science in vocational stream. bjhʉfšÉ JiwÆš kidÆaš f‰ã¤jÈ‹ neh¡f§fŸ VnjD« eh‹»id F¿¥ãLf. 2. Write a short motivation on the topic ‘Nutrition.’ ‘C£l¢¤J’ v‹w gFâ¡F xU á¿a C¡Fɤjiy vGjî«. 3. What is supervised study? f©fh¤jš go¥ò v‹whš v‹d? 4. Define Computer Assisted Instruction. fÂ¥bgh¿ Jiz f‰ã¤jiy tiuaW¡f. 5. Discuss the use of films and filmstrips in Home Science teaching. kidÆaš f‰ã¤jÈš gl« k‰W« gl¢RUË‹ cgnahf¤ij Éthâ¡f. 6. Give examples of any two improvised aids for teaching Home Science. kidÆaš f‰ã¤jÈš MáÇanu cUth¡f¡ Toa Jiz¡ fUÉfËš VnjD« ïu©L cjhuz§fŸ jUf. 7. Prepare two multiple choice test items on the topic ‘protein’ ‘òuj«’ ghl¥gFâÆš ïu©L gšÉil Édh¡fis jahÇ¡fî«. 8. Mention any four magazines you would select for the Home Science Library. kidÆaš üyf¤â‰F ÚÉ® nj®ªbjL¡F« gUt ïjœ Rto vitnaD« eh‹»id F¿¥ãlî«. 9. What are the advantages of a multipurposes room in Home Science? kddÆaš gšÉid miwÆ‹ ga‹fŸ ahit? 10. Define curriculum. ghl mik¥ò tiuaW? 11. What is a Symposium? ‘á«ngháa«’ v‹whš v‹d? 12. What are the two types of problem solving? Give example. ãu¢rid Ô®¤jÈ‹ ïU tiffŸ ahit? cjhuz§fŸ jUf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Explain the classification of objectives in cognitive domain with examples in Home Science. m¿îrh® fs¤â‹ neh¡f§fis tif¥gL¤j¥gLjÈš kidÆaÈš cjhuz§fSl‹ És¡fî« 14. Explain the different types of assignment with example. x¥gil¥òfË‹ tiffis cjhuz¤Jl‹ És¡fî«. 15. Bring out the components of stimulus variation. ö©lš kh‰w¤â‹ TWfis btË¡ bfhz®f. 16. Differentiate fieldtrips, excursions and educational tours. fs¥gaz«, R‰Wyh k‰W« fšÉ gaz« M»at‰iw ntWgL¤â¡ fh£Lf. 17. Bring out the defects of existing Home Science syllabus. j‰nghJ ga‹gL¤j¥gL« kidÆaš ghl¤â£l¤âš cŸs FiwghLfis btË¡bfhz®f. 18. Discuss the use of records and registers in Home Science department. kddÆaš JiwÆš gâî¡F¿¥òfŸ k‰W« gântLfË‹ cgnahf¤ij Éthâ¡f. 19. Bringout the uses of Over Head Projector in Home Science. kidÆaÈš jiynkš ã«kg« 圤â fUÉÆ‹ ga‹fis btË¡bfhz®f. 20. What are the principles of programmed instruction? â£lÄ£l¡ f‰ã¤jÈ‹ bfhŸiffŸ ahit? PART-III (2x15=30 marks.) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe the scope of Home Science in world setting, family setting and educational setting. cyf mik¥ò, FL«g mik¥ò k‰W« fšÉ mik¥ãš kddÆaÈ‹ tu«òfis ÉtÇ¡fî«. Or (b) Explain the need for lesson plan in teaching. Prepare a lesson plan on the topic ‘Flower Arrangement’ for Standard XI f‰ã¤jÈš ghl¤â£l¤â‹ mtáa¤ij És¡Ff. gâbdh‹wh« tF¥ãš ‘ky® mik¥ò’ v‹w jiy¥ãš xU ghl¤â£l¤âid jahÇ¡fî«. 22.(a) Explain how you will use lecture demonstraction in teaching Home Science effectively, bringing out its merits. kidÆaiy áw¥ghf f‰ã¤jÈš ÉÇîiu brŒJ fh£liy v›thW ga‹gL¤jyh« v‹W, mj‹ nk‹ikfisí« T¿ És¡fî«. Or (b) What is the importance of a textbook? Bring out the criteria for selection of textbook in Home Science. ghl¥ò¤jf¤â‹ K¡»a¤Jt« ahJ? kidÆaš ghl¥ò¤jf¤ij nj®ªbjL¡f fUj¥gL« F¿¥òfis btË¡bfhz®f. ****************** ELECTIVE - HOME SCIENCE - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Write short note on ICDS. ICDS - áW F¿¥ò tiuf. 2. What are the purposes of the Adult educational programme? Kânah® fšÉ¤ â£l¤â‹ ga‹ghLfŸ ahit? 3. Why is in service education required for Home Science teachers? kidÆaš MáÇa®fS¡F gÂÆil¥ gƉáÆ‹ njit ahJ? 4. What are the duties and responsibilities of Home science teachers? gŸË k‰W« r_f¤â‰F kidÆaš MáÇa® M‰w nt©oa flikfS« bghW¥òfS« ahit? 5. State the need for inculcation of values in education. fšÉÆaš kâ¥ò¡fis òf£Ltâ‹ njitia F¿¥ãLf. 6. What are the significant features of Democratically planned pattern of class room climate? Rjªâu KiwÆš â£lÄ£l¥g£l tF¥giw¢ NHÈ‹ áw¥g«r§fŸ ahit? 7. Mention any two major dimensions to be considered while evaluating a Home science teacher. kidÆaš MáÇaiu kâ¥ãL« nghJ fU¤âš bfhŸs nt©oa VnjD« ïU K¡»a m«r§fis F¿¥ãLf. 8. What is the role of home in understanding adolescents? Fku¥ gUt¤âid òǪJ¡ bfhŸStâš ïšy¤â‹ g§F v‹d? 9. How teacher attitude will affect students performance? MáÇaÇ‹ kd¥gh‹ik v§‡d« khzt®fË‹ brašgh£il ghâ¡»wJ? 10. What is the role of teacher in securing discipline among students? khzt®fS¡»ilna xG¡f¤ij fil¥ão¥gâš MáÇaÇ‹ g§F ahJ? 11. What are the uses of group work in practical activity? brašKiw gƉáÆš FG ntiyÆ‹ ga‹ghLfŸ ahit? 12. Write Short note on World food day. cyf czî ehŸ - áW F¿¥ò tiuf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Write a short note on “Laissez Faire Pattern” of class room climate. “byŒá ng®”. KiwÆ‹ tF¥ò¢ NœÃiy g‰¿ áWF¿¥ò tiuf. 14. A study of Home science is very important at present situation. Give any five reasons for it. j‰fhy¤âš kidÆaš fšÉ Äfî« mtáakhdJ. ï¡T‰W¡F VnjD« IªJ fhuz§fis¡ TWf. 15. What criteria will you use to design a self-evaluation proforma? Ra kâ¥Õ£L Étu¤ij jahÇ¡f Ú v‹d í¡âfis ga‹gL¤JthŒ? 16. State the emotional problems of adolescents and explain how as a teacher you would deal with them. Fku¥ gUt¤âdÇ‹ kdbtG¢á¤ bjhl®ghd ãu¢ridfis F¿¥ã£L X® MáÇa® v‹w KiwÆš ÚÉ® v›thW mitfis v⮡ bfhŸå® vd És¡Ff. 17. In this present educational scenario, What are the problems faced by the Home Science teacher? ï‹iwa fšÉ¢ NœÃiyÆš kidÆaš MáÇa® v⮡bfhŸS« ãu¢ridfŸ ahit? 18. Briefly explain the characteristics and causes of any two infections diseases. VnjD« ïu©L ÉiuÉš guî« bjh‰W nehŒfS¡fhd fhuz§fisí« mj‹ j‹ikfisí« RU¡fkhf És¡Ff. 19. Distinguish between kwashiokar and Marasmus diseases? FthÎnahf® k‰W« bkuhÞkÞ ïit ïu©o‰F« cŸs ntWghLfŸ ahit? 20. Explain the need for developing leadership qualities for Home science teacher. kidÆaš MáÇa® jiyik¥ g©òfis ts®¥gj‰FÇa mtáa¤ij És¡Ff. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) What is class room climate? How would you explain the class room interaction using Flander’s international analysis system? tF¥giw¢ NHš v‹whš v‹d? ãsh©l®Ì‹ tF¥giw ïilÉid¥ gF¥ghŒit v›thW És¡FthŒ? (Or) b) Explain the factors that govern the growth of population. k¡fŸ bjhif bgU¡f¤âid cUth¡F« fhuÂfis És¡Ff. 22. a) How can a Home science teacher improve herself in teacher methods and behaviour? xU kidÆaš MáÇa® j‹Dila f‰ã¤jš KiwÆY« el¤ijÆY« v›thW K‹ndw Koí«? (Or) b) Explain the role of international agencies in the Nutritional programmes. r¤Jzî¤ â£l§fËš r®tnjr mik¥òfË‹ g§»id És¡Ff.? *************** COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCY PAPER I. TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is Micro teaching? E©Ãiy f‰ã¤jš v‹whš v‹d? 2. What are the importance of Accountancy? fz¡F¥ gâÉaÈ‹ K¡»a¤Jt§fŸ ahit? 3. Describe the objectives of evaluation. kâ¥ãLjÈ‹ neh¡f§fis ÉtÇ.? 4. How are Unit plans useful to a teacher? myF â£l« xU MáÇaU¡F v›thW cjî«? 5. What is Commerce education? tÂfÉaš fšÉ v‹whš v‹d? 6. What is meant by organisation? mik¥ò v‹whš v‹d? 7. What are bills of exchange? kh‰W¢ Ó£L v‹whš v‹d? 8. What are different forms of objective type questions? òwÉa Édh¡fË‹ bt›ntW tiffŸ ahit? 9. Write a short note on the importance of Reveiw. âU¥òjÈ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij¥ g‰¿ xU áW F¿¥ò tiuf. 10. What is meant by Globalisation? cyfkakh¡fš v‹whš v‹d? 11. What is standard deviation? juÉy¡f« v‹whš v‹d? 12. List the objectives of affective domain. cz®¢á rh® gFâÆ‹ neh¡f§fis tÇir¥gL¤Jf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. What is the Social value of teaching Commerce? Explain. tÂfÉaiy¡ f‰ã¤jÈš cŸs r_f kâ¥ò ahJ? 14. What are the recent trends in Commerce and Accountancy Education? tÂfÉaš k‰W« fz¡»aš fšÉÆš j‰fhy¥ ngh¡F ahit? 15. Distinguish between a Private Company and Public company. xU jÅah® ÃWtd¤â‰F«, bghJ ÃWtd¤â‰F« cŸs ntWghLfŸ ahit? 16. What are the special features of teaching vocational course students? bjhʉfšÉ khzt®f£F f‰ã¤jÈš áw¥ò¤ j‹ikfŸ ahit? 17. What is the need for content analysis? Analyse the Unit Journal and State the names of various small aspects included in it. ghl¥ ghF¥gh£o‹ njit v‹d? Kj‰ F¿¥ng£il ghF¥gL¤â mjDŸ ml§»íŸs áW gFâfis F¿¥ãLf. 18. As a Commerce teacher, how will you plan for teaching Commerce through problem solving approach? xU tÂfÉaš MáÇauhf ÚÉ® v›thW tÂfÉaš f‰ã¤jiy òâ® Ô®î KiwÆ‹ _y« f‰ã¥Õ®? 19. What is the need for analysing the achievement of students with the help of statistical techniques? khzt®fË‹ milÉid òŸËÆaš KiwfË‹ _ykhf MŒî brŒtj‹ njit ahJ? 20. What are the objectives of World Trade Organisation? cyf t®¤jf mik¥ã‹ neh¡f§fŸ ahit? PART - III (2X5=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) Prepare a detailed lesson plan for a Unit in Accountancy for Std., XI. gândhwh« tF¥ò fÂjÉaš gFâÆš VnjD« xU my»‰F ÉÇthd ghl¤â£l« x‹iw jah® brŒf. (Or) (b) Differentiate ‘formative evaluation’ from’summative evaluation’ bjhl® kâ¥ãLjY¡F« ïWâÃiy kâ¥ãLjY¡F« ïilnaíŸs ntWghLfis btË¡bfhz®f. 22.(a) Discuss the aims and objectives of teaching commerce and accountancy subjects in higher secondary schools. nkšÃiy¥ gŸËfËš tÂfÉaš k‰W« fz¡F¥ gâÉaš f‰ã¤jÈ‹ neh¡f§fŸ k‰W« F¿¡nfhŸfis Éthâ¡f. (Or) (b) Describe Bloom’s Taxonomy of Instructional objectives with suitable illustrations. ~¥SÄ‹ f‰ã¤jš neh¡f§fŸ tif¥gh£il¤ jFªj vL¤J¡fh£LfSl‹ És¡Ff. *************** COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCY - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Mention any two applications of the knowledge of commerce in day - to - day life. m‹whl thœ¡ifÆš tÂfÉaš m¿É‹ ga‹ghLfŸ ïu©oid F¿¥ãLf. 2. Define curriculam and write its components. fiy¤â£l¤ij tiuaW¤J mj‹ gF⥠bghU£fis vGJf. 3. How “Story Telling” as method is used in teaching of commerce? tÂfÉaš f‰ã¤jÈš fij brhšYjš v›thW ga‹gL»wJ.? 4. Differentiate inductive method from deductive method. ÉâtUKiwia ÉâÉy¡F KiwÆÈUªJ ntWgL¤â¡fh£L. 5. What are the merits of CAI? CAI - ï‹ ÃiwfŸ ahit? 6. What are the special features of OHP as a teaching aid? jiynkš ã«g 圤â v‹w f‰ã¤jš cgfuz¤â‹ áw¥ãašòfŸ ahit? 7. What are the merits of team teaching? m¡ f‰ã¤jÈ‹ ÃiwfŸ ahit? 8. What are the softwares that you can prepare and use for classroom teaching (any four)? tF¥giw¡ f‰ã¤jY¡F ga‹gl¡Toa tifÆš Úå® jahÇ¡f Toa bk‹bghU£fŸ eh‹»id¡ F¿¥ãLf. 9. Differentiate between a seminar and workshop. ‘fU¤ju§F’ k‰W« ‘brŒKiw¥ gƉᒠM»aitfis ntWgL¤Jf. 10. Outline the activities of a commerce club. tÂfÉaš k‹w¤â‹ brašghLfŸ ahit? 11. What are accounting conventions? fz¡»aš kuòfŸ v‹git ahit? 12. What are the advantages of Field Trips? fs¥gaz¤â‹ ga‹fŸ ahit? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. What are the qualities of a good commerce book? xU ešy tÂfÉaš ò¤jf¤â‹ Fzey‹fŸ ahit? 14. What are the applications of computers in teaching commerce? Explain. tÂfÉaš f‰ã¤jÈš fÂ¥bgh¿ v›thW ga‹gL»‹wJ? És¡Ff. 15. What are the visual aids? What are its merits? fh£á fšÉ cgfuz§fŸ ahit? mt‰¿‹ e‹ikfŸ ahit? 16. What do you mean by enriched curriculum? Explain the qualities of enriched curriculum. ts« br¿ªj ghl¤â£l« v‹gj‹ bghUŸ ahJ? ts« br¿ªj ghl¤â£l¤â‹ g©òfis És¡Ff. 17. What are the uses of in-service training to a commerce teacher? gÂÆil gƉá xU tÂfÉaš MáÇaU¡F v›thW ga‹gL»‹wJ? 18. What are the uses of library? xU üyf¤â‹ ga‹fŸ ahit? 19. What are the various resources available for teaching of commerce? tÂfÉaš f‰ã¤jY¡F¡ »il¡f¡ Toa ts§fŸ ahit? 20. Explain the functions of retailer. ášyiw ÉahghÇfË‹ brašghLfis ÉtÇ. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions 21.(a) What are the need and importance of Audio - Visual Aids in the teaching of commerce? Give examples. tÂfÉaš f‰ã¤jÈš, fh£á - nfŸÉ Jiz¡ fUÉfË‹ njit k‰W« K¡»a¤Jt« ahit? vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ jUf? Or (b) What are the various types of organising the curriculum in the teaching of commerce and accountancy? Explain with the help of suitable illustration. tÂfÉaš k‰W« fz¡F¥gâÉaš ghl¤â£l¤âid mik¥gj‹ gšntW tiffŸ ahit? jFªj vL¤J¡fh£LfË‹ cjÉíl‹ És¡Ff. 22.(a) What are the limitations of lecture method? What other methods could be adopted in teaching commerce? llustrate. ÉÇîiu KiwÆ‹ FiwfŸ ahit? ntW vªj Kiwfis tÂfÉaš f‰ã¡f ga‹gL¤jyh«? vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ jUf. Or (b) Explain the registers, documents and reports essential for the teaching of commerce. tÂfÉaš f‰ã¡f¤ njitahd gântLfŸ, Mtz§fŸ k‰W« m¿¡iffis ÉtÇ¡fî«. ************* ELEMENTS OF ECONOMICS PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Define Economics bghUËaš tiuaW¡f. 2. What do you mean by Social Sciences? r_f m¿Éaš v‹gj‹ bghUŸ v‹d? 3. Give the relation between Economics and Civics. bghUËaY¡F« FoikÆaY¡F« cŸs bjhl®ig vGJf. 4. List out the merits of Teaching Economics through Discussion method. fyªJiuahlš KiwÆ‹ tÊahf bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈ‹ e‹ikfis vGJf. 5. Write the special benefits of Audio Aids. nfŸÉ cgfuz§fË‹ áw¥ò¥ ga‹fis vGJ. 6. Define Computer Assisted Instruction. fÂÅ tÊahf f‰ã¥gij tiuaW¡f. 7. Give a note on “Instructional Objectives of Economics” ‘bghUËaš f‰ã¥ò neh¡f§fŸ’. F¿¥ò tiuf. 8. Describe ‘Unit Plan’. ‘myF â£l«’ v‹gij És¡Ff 9. Write the features of ‘Enquiry method of Teaching’ ‘Édîjš Kiw f‰ã¤jÈ‹’ j‹ikfis vGJf. 10. What do you understand about ‘Standard Deviation?’ ‘juÉyfš’ g‰¿ Úå® òǪJ¡ bfh©lJ v‹d? 11. State the use of Library in Teaching Economics. bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš üyf¤â‹ ga‹fis TWf. 12. Write the Skill of questioning in Micro Teaching. E©fiy f‰ã¤jÈš cŸs ‘Édh nf£F«’ âw‹ g‰¿ vGJf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. List out the merits and demerits of problem solving approach in Teaching Economics bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš ‘á¡fiy Ô®¡F« mQFKiwÆ‹ e‹ik Ôikfis g£oaÈLf.’ 14. How do the case studies help in Teaching Economics? ‘jÅahŸ nrhjidfŸ’ bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš v›thW cjwJ? 15. Explain the role of ‘graphics aids’ in the Teaching of Economics. bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš tiugl Jiz¡fUÉfË‹ g§F g‰¿ És¡Ff. 16. As a Economics Teacher, How will you enhance your professional status? bghUËaš MáÇa® v‹w KiwÆš Úå® c« bjhÊš jFâia v›thW ca®¤â¡ bfhŸå®? 17. Write the special features of ‘Measures of Central Tendencies.’ ika msitfË‹ áw¥ò j‹ikfis vGJf. 18. Explain the principles of curriculum construction in Economics. bghUËaÈš fiy¤â£l« cUth¡fÈ‹ bfhŸiffis És¡Ff. 19. Highlight the characteristics of a good Economics Teacher. xU ešy bghUËaš MáÇaÇ‹ Fz ey‹fis btË¥gL¤Jf. 20. Explain the purpose of ‘Blue Print’ for a Economic Question Paper. bghUËaš Édh¤jhˉF ‘Édh â£l tiuÉ‹’ neh¡f§fis g‰¿ És¡Ff. PART - III (2X15=30 marks.) Essay questions 21.(a) Write the General and specific aims of Teacher Economics at the Higher Secondary Schools. nkš Ãiy¥ gŸËfËš bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš cŸs bghJ k‰W« F¿¥ã£l neh¡f§fis vGJf. Or (b) Write a lesson plan for a lesson from the Higher Secondary, Economics syllabus. nkšÃiy bghUËaš ghl¤âÈUªJ xU jiy¥ã‰F ghlf‰ã¥ò¤ â£l« vGJf. 22.(a) Discuss the components of any two Micro Teaching Skills in Teaching Economics. bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš VjhtJ ïu©L E©fiy f‰ã¤jš âw‹fË‹ TWfis Éthâ. Or (b) What do you mean by a ‘Standardised Test’? How will you prepare a standardised test in Economics? ‘ju¥gL¤j¥g£l Édh¤jhŸ’ v‹gj‹ bghUŸ v‹d? bghUËaÈš ju¥gL¤j¥g£l Édh¤jhis Úå® v›thW jahÇ¥Õ®?’ ************* ELEMENTS OF ECONOMICS PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What are the aims of teaching Economics? bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈ‹ neh¡f§fŸ v‹d? 2. Describe the value of Economics bghUËaÈ‹ kâ¥ig ÉtÇ¡f. 3. Explain the meaning of Tutorial System of Teaching. áw¥ò gƉá KiwÆš f‰ã¤jÈ‹ bghUis És¡Ff. 4. State the characteristics of a Talented learner. âwikahf f‰gt®fË‹ Fzey‹fis TWf. 5. What do you mean by Individual difference? jÅahŸ ntWghL v‹gj‹ bghUŸ v‹d? 6. How will you conduct field trips in teaching Economics.? bghUËaš f‰ã¤jY¡F fs¥gaz« v›thW mik¥Õ®? 7. Write a note an Achievement Test in Economics. bghUËaÈš milî¢nrhjidia¥ g‰¿ vGJf. 8. Write the components of Lesson Plan. ghl¤â£l¤â‹ TWfis vGJf. 9. Explain the Democratic patterns of classroom. #dehaf Kiw tF¥giw¥ g‰¿ És¡Ff. 10. Define the term Liberalisation. ‘jhuhskakh¡fš’ - tiuaW¡f 11. Describe the nature of e-commerce fÂÅ t®¤jf¤â‹ j‹ikia ÉtÇ¡f. 12. Write the difference between pre-service and In-service. g K‹ gƉá¡F«, gÂÆil gƉá¡F« ïilna cŸs ɤâahr¤ij vGJf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. How will you teach Economics through Seminar? bghUËaš ghl¤ij fU¤ju§F _y« v›thW f‰ã¥ghŒ? 14. Discuss the advantages of self - learning material. jhndf‰wš ghl¥ bghUË‹ e‹ikfis Éthâ¡f. 15. How will you teach Economics for slow learners? f‰wÈš ã‹j§»a khzt®fS¡F bghUËaš v›thW f‰ã¥ghŒ? 16. Discuss the way of using Audio and Video Aids in teaching Economics. nfŸÉ k‰W« fh£á cgfuz§fŸ ga‹gL¤â bghUËaš f‰ã¡F« Kiwfis Éthâ¡f. 17. Explain the ways of evaluating the teachers. MáÇa®fis kâ¥ÕL brŒí« tÊKiwfis És¡Ff.. 18. Mention the purposes of developing blue print in the test construction. Édh¤jhŸ jahǤjÈš Édh â£l tiuî cUth¡FjÈ‹ neh¡f« g‰¿ TWf 19. Write the impact of Globalisation in Indian Economics. ïªâa bghUshjhu¤âš cyfkakh¡fÈ‹ Éisî¥ g‰¿ vGJf. 20. Discuss the relationship between political and Economics problems. muáaš á¡fY¡F« bghUËaš á¡fY¡F« cŸs bjhl®ig Éthâ¡f. PART C (2x15=30 marks.) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe the aims of teaching economics at Higher Secondary Schools. nkšÃiy¥ gŸËfËš bghUËaš ghl« f‰ã¥gâ‹ neh¡f§fis¥ g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. Or (b) What do you mean by programmed learning technique? Explain Linear and Branched methods. ‘â£lÄ£L f‰wš’ Kiw v‹whš v‹d? ne® k‰W« »is khâÇfis¥ g‰¿ És¡Ff. 22.(a) Discuss the nature of Economic Problems in India. Give your solutions for the same. ïªâa bghUshjhu á¡fšfis¥ g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. mitfS¡fhd Ô®îfis jUf. Or (b) Describe the special problems of Teaching Economics in Rural Schools. »uhk¥òw¥ gŸËfËš bghUËaš f‰ã¤jÈš cŸs áw¥ò á¡fšfis ÉtÇ¡f. ************* COMPUTER EDUCATION PAPER - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. List down any two characteristics of a good achievement test. X® ešy milî¢ nrhjidÆ‹ K¡»a g©òfSŸ VnjD« ïu©oid¥ g£oaÈLf. 2. Mention any two uses of lesson plan. ghl¤â£l¤â‹ ga‹fËš VnjD« ïu©oid¡ F¿¥ãLf. 3. Give any two principles of programmed instruction. â£lÄ£l¤ij¡ f‰ã¤jÈ‹ j¤Jt§fSŸ VnjD« ïu©oid¤ jUf. 4. State any two differences between micro teaching and traditional teaching. E©Âiy¡ f‰ã¤jY¡F«, kuòtÊ¡ f‰ã¤jY¡F« ïilnaíŸs ntWghLfSŸ VnjD« ïu©oid¡ TWf. 5. What is cognitive domain according to Bloom? ¥SÄ‹ m¿îrh® ãÇî v‹whš v‹d? 6. Mention any Two assumptions of CAI. CAI - Æ‹ VnjD« ïu©L c£fU¤J¡fis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 7. State any two educational uses of MS - Excel. v«.vÞ. v¡[È‹ VnjD« ïu©L fšÉÆaš ga‹fis¡ TWf. 8. Give any two advantages of lecture method. ÉÇîiu KiwÆ‹ VnjD« ïu©L ga‹fis¤ jUf. 9. Write down any two uses of a note pad. neh£ ngo‹ VnjD« ïu©L ga‹fis vGJf. 10. Give any two uses of the command “Hyperlink” in MS word. v« vÞ nt®ošYŸs iA¥g®È§¡ f£lisÆ‹ VnjD« ïu©L ga‹fis¤ jUf. 11. Mention any two uses of the command “Save As” in MS Word. v«. vÞ nt®oYŸs “n[› MÞ” f£lisÆ‹ VnjD« ïu©L ga‹fis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 12. State any two important uses of MS Excel. v«. vÞ v¡[È‹ VnjD« ïu©L K¡»a ga‹fis¡ TWf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Describe how you will calculate average deviation with the help of MS Excel. v«.vÞ. v¡[iy¥ ga‹gL¤â ruhrÇ Éy¡f¤ij v›thW fz¡»LthŒ v‹gij ÉtÇ¡f. 14. Explain origin of CAI. CAI - Æ‹ njh‰w¤âid És¡Ff. 15. Explain a micro-teaching cycle. E©Âiy¡ f‰ã¤jš f‰¿id És¡Ff? 16. Explain the different kinds of tests. nrhjidfË‹ gy tiffis És¡Ff. 17. List down the uses of control panel. “f‹£nuhš ghdÈ‹” ga‹fis¥ g£oaÈLf. 18. Explain how you will draw table with the help of MS word. ` v«.vÞ nt®oid¥ ga‹gL¤â X® m£ltizÆid v›thW tiuthŒ v‹gij És¡Ff. 19. Describe the components of the teaching skill “Use of Black Board”. fU«gyifÆid¥ ga‹gL¤J« f‰ã¤jš âwÅš cŸs c£TWfis ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Discuss the principles of curriculum construction. fiy¤â£l« mik¥gâYŸs j¤Jt§fis Éthâ¡f. PART - III (2X15=30 marks) Essay questions 21.(a) Describe Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives. ¥SÄ‹ neh¡f§fS¡fhd tif¥gh£oid ÉtÇ¡f. Or (b) Explain how you will teach a lession through domonstration method. brašKiw¡ f‰ã¤jÈš xU ghl¤âid v›thW f‰ã¥ghŒ v‹gij És¡Ff. 22.(a) State and explain the steps involved in the construction of an achievement test. X® milî¢ nrhjid jahÇ¥gâš cŸs goÃiyfis¡ T¿ És¡Ff. Or (b) Describe the important Educational applications of MS Word with suitable examples. v«.vÞ nt®o‹ K¡»a fšÉÆaš ga‹ghLfis¤ jFªj vL¤J¡fh£LfSl‹ ÉtÇ¡f. ************** COMPUTER EDUCATION PAPER - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Mention any four essential infrastructure required for computer labouratory. fÂ¥bgh¿ MŒtf¤â‰F njitahd K¡»a mik¥òfŸ eh‹»id¡ F¿¥ãLf. 2. Give an account of variable in C Language C ca®Ãiy bkhÊÆYŸs kh¿È¥ g‰¿ vGJf. 3. What are the advantages of Radio broadcasts? thbdhÈ¡ fšÉ xÈ¥gu¥ã‹ ga‹fŸ ahit? 4. Mention the advantages of Projectors? âiuÆš 圤J« fUÉfË‹ ga‹fis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 5. What is a ‘Web - Page’? ‘tiy¥g¡f«’ v‹whš v‹d? 6. Explain the term multimadia. gš Clf« v‹gJ És¡Ff. 7. Mention the necessities of evaluation of teachers. MáÇa®fŸ kâ¥ãl¥gl nt©oa fhuz§fis F¿¥ãLf. 8. What is the difference between e-mail address and e-mail ID? e-mail KftÇ¡f« e-mail milahs¤â‰F« ïilnaíŸs ntWghL ahJ? 9. What is the meant by “Class room interaction analysis?”. “tF¥giw ïilÉid gF¥ghŒî” v‹whš v‹d? 10. Explain the term ‘Hard Were’ ‘t‹bghUŸ ïilÉid gF¥ghŒî’ v‹whš v‹d? 11. State different ‘Operators’ in C- language C - bkhÊÆYŸs M¥nu£l®fis¡ TWf. 12. What is the purpose of graphic frame? tiufiy¢ r£l¤â‹ ga‹ ahJ? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions 13. Explain in detail about the ethical and practical issueds involved in software pirarcy. bk‹bghUŸ âU£oš ml§»íŸs e‹bd¿ rh®ªj k‰W« brašKiw rh®ªj ãu¢ridfis És¡Ff. 14. Describe any two loop structures in C - Language C - bkhÊÆYŸs VnjD« ïu©L kl¡FfË‹ (loop structures) mik¥ò g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. 15. What is meant by CAI? Explain its preparation with an example. ‘fÂÅ cjÉíl‹ f‰ã¤jš’ v‹whš v‹d? mjid jahÇ¥gJ g‰¿ cjhuz¤Jl‹ És¡Ff. 16. Write a note on ‘Symposium’ ‘Symposium’ (‘fU¤J¡ nfhit’¥ ) g‰¿ F¿¥ò tiuf. 17. What are the types of function available in C - Languages? Discuss their need and advantages. C bkhÊÆYŸs rh®òfË‹ tiffŸ ahit? mt‰¿‹ njit k‰W« ga‹fis Éthâ¡f. 18. Distinguish between Panel Discussion and Group Discussion with suitable illustration. mu§f fyªJiuahlÈÈUªJ FG fyªJiuahliy bghU¤jkhd vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ ntWgL¤Jf. 19. Explain the need of Inservice Training for Teacher’s growth with proper illustration. MáÇa®fË‹ ts®¢á¡F gÂÆil¥ gƉá njit v‹gjid jFªj vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ És¡Ff. 20. Discuss the importance and need of reviewing computer science lession. fÂ¥bgh¿ ghl¤ij Û£gh®it brŒtj‹ K¡»a¤Jt« k‰W« njit g‰¿ Éthâ¡f. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Essay questions 21.a). Explain the need and importance of using the different types of audio-visual aids in teaching computer science. fÂ¥bgh¿ m¿Éaš f‰ã¤jÈš gšntW tifahd fh£á¡ nfŸÉ¤ Jiz¡ fUÉif ga‹gL¤Jtj‹ njit k‰W« K¡»a¤Jt¤ij És¡Ff. (Or) b). Analyse the growing capability of computer technology. fÂ¥bgh¿ bjhÊš E£g¤â‹ j‰fhy ts®âwid gF¤jhŒf. 22.a). Explain in detail about the construction of a computer science laboratory for 20 students to do practical work with the blue print. 20 khzt®fŸ brŒKiw brŒtj‰fhd fÂ¥bgh¿ MŒtf« mik¤jY¡fhd brašKiwÆid â£l¥gl¤Jl‹ És¡Ff. (Or) b) Write a note on : i) Desk Top Publishing (DTP) ii) Software iii) Array. F¿¥ò tiuf. m) m¢R¡nfh¥gf m¿î (DTP) M) bk‹bghUŸ ï) m®nu. ************* ELECTIVE - POLITICAL SCIENCE - I TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. List any two fundamental rights of Indian constitution. ïªâa mik¥ã‹ mo¥gil cÇikfŸ VnjD« ïu©oid g£oaÈLf. 2. What are the main functions of the ‘Lok Sabha’? ‘k¡fsit’ K¡»a flikfŸ ahJ? 3. What is meant by Indian Federal System? ïªâa T£L muR Kiw v‹whš v‹d? 4. List out the main rules to appoint supreme court judges. c¢rÚâ k‹w Úâgâfis Ãakd« brŒa ga‹gL¤J« K¡»a Éâfis g£oaÈLf. 5. Mention any two differences between ideologies and utopias. fU¤âaš bfhŸif¡F« ca® fdî Ãiy¡F« cŸs ntWghLfŸ VnjD« ïu©oid F¿¥ãLf. 6. What is meant by globalisation? cyfkakhjš v‹whš v‹d? 7. Briefly explain an episode of terrorism in the past year. flªj M©oš eil¥bg‰w ÔÉuthj r«gt§fis ÉtÇ¡f. 8. List any two types of relationship between state and evil society. khÃy¤â‰F« Foik r_f¤â‰F« cŸs VnjD« ïu©L bjhl®ãid g£oaÈLf. 9. List any two enviornmental topics in the high school level. ca®Ãiy gŸËÆš VnjD« ïU R‰WNHš jiy¥òfis g£oaÈLf. 10. How can a school inculcate political attitudes in children? gŸË FHªijfS¡F muáaš kd¥gh‹ikia v›thW òf£lyh«? 11. Give any two differences between political socialization and citizenship education. muáaš r_fkakh¡FjY¡F« Fo cÇik fšÉ¡F« cŸs ntWghLfŸ ïu©oid F¿¥ãLf. 12. What is democracy? FoauR v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Mention the rights and duties of the Indian constitution. ïªâa muáayik¥ã‹ cÇikiaí«, flikiaí« F¿¥ãLf. 14. Brief out the importance of ‘Equalisation of Educational opportunity’. fšÉÆš rkthŒ¥gˤjÈ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. 15. Critically examine the term “Liberalisation and globalization”. jhuskakh¡fš k‰W« cyfkakh¡fš ï¥gj§fis¤ âwdhŒî brŒf. 16. Explain the concept of competition and conflict with an illustration from the civilized society. ehfßf rKjha¤âš ngh£o k‰W« nghuh£l§fis vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ És¡Ff. 17. What is meant by cognition? Mention the different levels of cognition. m¿âw‹ v‹gj‹ bghUŸ ahJ? m¿âwÅ‹ gštifahd Ãiyfis¡ F¿¥gLf. 18. Explain the role of teacher in the formation of political attitudes. muáaš kd¥gh‹ikia cUth¡Ftâš MáÇaÇ‹ g§»id És¡Ff. 19. Write a note on citizenship education. FoíÇik¡ fšÉia¥ g‰¿ F¿¥ò vGJf. 20. Explain the procedure of amendment of directive principles of State policy. khÃy bra‰ â£l mo¥gil bfhŸifÆš r£lâU¤j¤ij bfh©L tUtj‰fhd brašKiwfis ÉtÇ¡f. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) Discuss about the nature, scope, importance and limitation of Political Science. muáaš m¿ÉaÈ‹ j‹ik, neh¡f«, ï‹¿ahikahik k‰W« Fiwfis Éthâ¡f. Or b) Explain about typical ideologies with reference to Indian Context. ïªâa NHÈš jŤj‹ik thŒªj fU¤âaš bfhŸif v‹gij g‰¿ ÉtÇ¡f. 22.a) (i) Explain about the functions of parliament. (ii) List out the rules to appoint President and Prime Minister under Indian constitution. (m) r£lrigÆ‹ K¡»a brašfis ÉtÇ¡f (M) ïªâa muáaš r£l mik¥ã‹ Ñœ ãujk kªâÇ k‰W« FoauR jiytiu ÃaÄ¡F« Éâfis F¿¥ãLf. Or b) Explain the curricula of citizenship education pattern in India and Compare it with that of the U.S.A. and the U.K. ïªâa FoikÆš fšÉ mik¥ã‹ fiy¤â£l¤ij És¡Ff. mij mbkÇ¡f I¡»a ehLfŸ k‰W« I¡»a muRfnshL x¥ãLf. *********** ELECTIVE - POLITICAL SCIENCE - II TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. Write the components of skill of explanation. ÉtǤjš âwD¡FÇa c£TWfis¡ TWf. 2. What are the different uses of black board? fU«gyifÆ‹ bt›ntW ga‹fŸ ahJ? 3. Write the steps in organising a seminar. fU¤ju§F xU§»iz¥gj‰fhd gofis vGJf. 4. What is symposium? fU¤J¡ nfhit v‹whš v‹d? 5. How the choice of field is important in field visits? fs¥gaz¤âš fs¤nj®É‹ K¡»a¤Jt« ahJ? 6. What is case-study? jÅahŸ tuyhW v‹whš v‹d? 7. Explain the importance of television in political educaton. muáaš fšÉÆš bjhiy¡fh£áÆ‹ K¡»a¤Jt¤ij ÉtÇ. 8. Define content analysis. ghl¥bghUŸ gF¥ghŒî tiuaW. 9. What is standardized test? ju¥gL¤j¥g£l nrhjid v‹whš v‹d? 10. Define attitude. Give examples for attitude scale. kd¥gh‹ik tiuaiw. kd¥gh‹ik msî nfhY¡F vL¤J¡fh£LfŸ jUf. 11. Give any two advantages of group assignments and individual assignment. FG x¥gil¥ò k‰W« jÅahŸ x¥gil¥ã‹ VnjD« ïu©L ga‹fŸ ahit? 12. Write the steps in assembling a test. nrhjid mik¥gâš cŸs gofis vGJf. PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Differentiate tutoring, mentoring lecture and - discussion. tÊfh£Ljš, gƉWɤjš, ÉÇîiu - Éthj« ït‰iw ntWgL¤Jf. 14. Comment on “Debate as a bipolar adversarial discussion.” “ng¢R¥ngh£o v‹gJ xU ïUju¥g£l fyªJiuahlš” fU¤J jUf. 15. Explain in detail the purposes of assignment in political education. muáaš fšÉÆš x¥gil¥ã‹ gaid ÉÇthf ÉtÇ. 16. How is observation method useful in case - study? Explain. jÅahŸ tuyh‰¿š c‰W neh¡fš v›thW cjî»wJ? ÉtÇ. 17. Explain the role of teacher in helping each student to identify and select a theme of intrinsic interest. cŸsh®ªj c©ik ÃiyÆ‹ fU¤ij nj®ªbjL¥gâš MáÇa® khzt®f£F v›thW cjt Koí« v‹gij ÉtÇ¡fî«. 18. Discuss in detail the role of media in preparing assignments. x¥gilî jahÇ¥gâš jftš mik¥ã‹ g§»id ÉÇthf Éthâ. 19. Different between evaluation, measurement and testing with example. nrhâ¤jš, kâ¥ÕL brŒjš k‰W« msÉLjš ït‰¿id vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ ntWgL¤Jf. 20. What are the different stages of development of a test? xU nrhjidÆ‹ bt›ntW ts®¢á ÃiyfŸ ahit? PART - III (5X5=25 MARKS) Essay questions. 21. a) Explain in detail the steps in organizing a workshop. gÂkid xU§»iz¥gâš cŸs gofis ÉÇthf vGJf. Or b) How does symposium differ from a seminar? Enumerate the role of teacher in identifying the theme for role play fU¤J¡ nfhitÆÈUªJ fU¤ju§F v›thW ntWgL»wJ. ehlf fjhgh¤âu¤ij nj®ªbjL¥gâš MáÇa® g§»id ÉtÇ. 22. a) Explain the role of media in content analysis. How it is useful for the teacher in analyzing the same. ghl¥bghUŸ gF¥ghŒÉš jftš mik¥ã‹ g§»id ÉtÇ. mJ MáÇaU¡F gF¥ghŒî brŒtâš v›thW cjî»wJ. Or b) Discuss in detail the scoring and interpretation of attitude scale with an example. kd¥gh‹ik msînfhÈš kâ¥bg© tH§Fjš k‰W« mjid fU¤jh¡f« brŒtJ g‰¿ vL¤J¡fh£Ll‹ ÉtÇ. ********** ELECTIVE - COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is the difference between the commands “cut” and “copy”? “f£” k‰W« “fhã” f£lisfS¡»ilna cŸs ntWghL ahJ? 2. State the use of “Theasurus” in MS word application. v«.vÞ nt®oš “â[huÞ” v‹gâ‹ gaid¤ jUf. 3. Mention the important components of a computer. fÂÅÆš ïl«bg‰WŸs K¡»a ghf§fis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 4. What is the use of help menu in windows? É©nlhÌš, ‘cjÉ’ bkDÉ‹ ga‹ v‹d? 5. Mention the important types of computers. fÂÅ m¢R ïaªâu§fË‹ K¡»a tiffis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 6. Write down the uses of operating system software. “Mgnuo§ áÞl«” bk‹bghUË‹ga‹fis vGJf.? 7. Mention the different types of printers. fÂÅ m¢R ïaªâu§fË‹ K¡»a tiffis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 8. What are the uses of a master slide in power point software? gt®ghÆ©£ bk‹bghUË‹ “khÞl® Þiyo‹” ga‹fis vGJf.? 9. Give the educational uses of a webcam. “bt¥nf«” fUÉÆ‹ fšÉÆaš ga‹fis¤ jUf. 10. What is meant by multimedia? “kšoÛoah” v‹whš v‹d? 11. Mention the differences between a virus and a worm in computers. fÂÅÆš “ituÞ” k‰W« “nt«” M»at‰¿‰»ilnaíŸs ntWghLfis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 12. What is an URL? “ô.M®.vš.” v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Explain the important components of a computer. fÂÅÆš ïl«bg‰WŸs K¡»a ghf§fis És¡Ff. 14. Write a short note on “introduction to computers.” “fÂÅ g‰¿a X® m¿Kf«” - X® áW F¿¥ò tiuf. 15. Describe how you will introduce animations in power point slides. gt® ghÆ©£ eGt§fËš “mÅnkõ‹fis” v›thW òF¤JthŒ v‹gij ÉtÇ¡f. 16. Write a brief note on operating system. “Mgnuo§ áÞl«” g‰¿ X® áW F¿¥ò tiuf. 17. State and explain the differences between internet and web. ïiza¤â‰F« ïiza tiy¡F« ïilnaíŸs ntWghLfis¡ T¿ És¡Ff. 18. Explain advantages of a scanner in computers. fÂÅÆš “ÞnfdÇ‹” ga‹fis És¡Ff. 19. Describe any one of the browser software commonly used in Computers. fÂÅfËš bghJthf¥ ga‹gL¤j¥gL»‹w “ãuîr®” bk‹bghU£fSŸ VnjD« x‹¿id ÉtÇ¡f. 20. Describe how you will protect your word document. X® “nt®L” Mtz¤ij v›thW ghJfh¥ghf it¡fyh« v‹gij ÉtÇ¡f. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) Explain the different types of input and output devices commonly used in computers. fÂÅfËš bghJthf¥ ga‹gL»‹w cŸçL k‰W« btËpL fUÉfË‹ gšntW tiffis És¡Ff. Or b) Write an essay on power point software and its educational applications. gt®ghÆ©£ bk‹bghUŸ k‰W« mj‹ fšÉÆaš ga‹ghLfŸ g‰¿ X® f£Liu tiuf. 22.a) Write an essay on the different types of computers. fÂÅfË‹ gšntW tiffis¥ g‰¿ X® f£Liu tiuf. Or b) State and explain the very important educational applications of internet. ïiza¤â‹ Äf K¡»a fšÉÆaš ga‹ghLfis¡ T¿ És¡Ff. ************** ELECTIVE - PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION TIME : Three Hours Note : (a) (b) (c) Maximum : 75 Marks. Answer TEN very short answer questions from Part I, and FIVE short answer questions from Part II and TWO essay questions from Part III. Each of the answer to the questions in Part I, Part II and Part III need not exceed half - a - page, one page and three pages respectively. Each question in Part I carries 2 marks, in Part II carries 5 marks and in Part III carries 15 marks. PART - I (10X2=20 MARKS) Very short answer questions 1. What is meant by tournament? Mention the two types of tournament. gªja§fŸ v‹whš v‹d? ïu©L tif¥ gªja§fË‹ bgaiu F¿¥ãLf. 2. What is the importance of lesson plan ghl¤â£l¤â‹ mtáa« g‰¿ vGJf. 3. What is meant by communiable disease bjh‰WnehŒ v‹whš v‹d? 4. Who is the father of Modern Olympics. How many rings in Olympic Flag eåd xÈ«ã¡ Éisah£o‹ jªij ah®? xÈ«ã¡ bfhoÆš v¤jid tisa§fŸ ïU¡F«. 5. What is the meaning of the term “Physical Education” cl‰fšÉ v‹w gj¤â‹ bghUŸ ahJ? 6. Mention the basic skills in volleyball ifíªJ gªâ‹ mo¥gil¤ âw‹fis F¿¥ãLf. 7. What is safety Education. ghJfh¥ò fšÉ v‹gJ ahJ? 8. What are the diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamin ‘C’? it£lÄ‹ ‘á’ FiwÉdhš V‰gL« nehŒfŸ ahit? 9. What is Recreation? Mention the types of Recreation. kdk»œî v‹whš v‹d? kdk»œÉ‹tiffis¡ F¿¥ãLf. 10. What is meant by fracture vY«ò K¿î v‹whš v‹d? 11. Write the points to be followed by a first aider Kjš cjÉahs® ftd¤âš bfhŸsnt©oa F¿¥òfŸ ahit? 12. What is balanced diet? rkÉ»j czî v‹whš v‹d? PART - II (5X5=25 MARKS) Short answer questions. 13. Briefly explain the modern olympics eåd xÈ«ã¡ g‰¿ RU¡fkhf ÉtÇ. 14. Define Intramurals? How will organise and conduct the Intramural tournament. cŸ Éisah£lu§f M£l§fŸ v‹whš v‹d? mt‰iw v›thW cUth¡» el¤JthŒ? 15. Define Yoga? Explain the eight limbs of yoga. nahfh v‹whš v‹d? nahfhÉ‹ v£LÃiy¡ TWfis ÉtÇ. 16. How does Malaria & Tuberclousis spread and how it can be prevented. knyÇah k‰W« fhrnehŒ guî« Éj«, jL¡F« Éj« ahJ 17. Write about health service and Health Instruction of a teacher to the pupils gŸË MáÇa®fshš khzt®fS¡F mË¡f¥ bgW« clš ey¥ gÂfŸ k‰W« clšey nghjidfis g‰¿ vGJf. 18. Write the Safety Measures are to be followed in playfield and Road Éisah£L ikjhd¤âY«, rhiyÆY« fil¥ão¡fnt©oa ghJfh¥òfis vGJf. 19. Write any five methods of teaching physical activities cl‰fšÉ f‰ã¡F« KiwfËš VnjD« Iªâid ÉtÇ. 20. Explain the personal hygiene jÅeg® Rfhjhu« g‰¿ ÉtÇ. PART - III (2X15=30 MARKS) Essay questions. 21.a) Define physical and Health Education and briefly explain its aims and objectives? cl‰fšÉ, clšey¡ fšÉ tiuaW¤J mj‹ F¿¡nfhŸ k‰W« neh¡f§fis ÉtÇ? Or b) Draw a Single knock out fixtures for 13 teams and write the difference between single knock and single leaque tournament. xUthŒ¥ò Kiw ga‹gL¤â gâ‹_‹W FG¡fS¡F m£ltiz tiuf. xU thŒ¥ò Kiw k‰W« xU bjhl®thŒ¥ò Kiw¡F« ïilnaíŸs ntWghLfis vGJf. 3. a) Prepare General lesson plan for the standard students. x‹gjh« tF¥ò khzt®fS¡F bghJ¥ghlâ£l« jahÇ¡f. Or b) What is nutrition Food? Explain the types and benefits of nutrition food. r¤Jzî v‹whš v‹d? r¤JzÉ‹ tiffŸ, ga‹ g‰¿ ÉtÇ? jÄœehL MáÇa® fšÉÆaš gšfiy¡fHf« br‹id - 600 005. TAMILNADU TEACHERS EDUCATION UNIVERSITY Chennai - 600 005. B.Ed. khâÇ Édh¤jhŸ Model Question Paper for the academic year 2008-2009