KL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMPUTER EN GIN EERING COURS E HANDOUT DOCUMENT Program Name Engineering) Semester : B.Tech (Electronics & Computer : Semester– IV Course No. : 11ES205 Course Title : ANALOG CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Course Detail : Theory & La b Course Structure : Credits: 4 Pre-requisite : 11-EC201 I. COURS E CONT ENT & OVERVI EW L – T – P: 3--0--2 This course belongs to ES and is offered in the fourth semester of a B.Tech pr ogramme in Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is pre-requisite to a range of courses in electronics like Analog Communications, Digital Communications, VLSI etc. It would require knowledge of Design of Electronic Systems II. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE Keeping in view the employment scenario and requirement of four domains of learning i.e pr ofessional development domain, continued learning domain, human relations domain and personal development domain, student in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering should get through this subject as: ability to select, test and use different electronic devices for manufacturing and testing consumer electronics products III.COMPET ENCI ES COMPET ENCY C 21 Understand the role of analog circuits and systems in present day electronics industry. C 22 Determine the behavior of ideal analog systems that perform signal conditioning and signal generating functions. C 23 Develop macro models of the input, output and transfer characteristics of analog circuits and systems using circuit elements including resistors, capacitors and inductors, diodes, BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, Op-Am ps an d amplifiers. C 24 Shape the performance of simple and ideal analog systems using negative feedback. C 25 Design analog signal conditioners, and develop correspon ding macro-models. C 26 Design signal generators, oscillators corresponding macro-models. IV. and function generators, and develop SYLLABU S High Frequency Amplifiers: High frequency response General considerations, CS & CE Amplifier with active Load, High frequency response of the CS & C E amplifiers, common gate & common Base Amplifier with active load, cascade amplifier, source and emitter followers. Differential and Multistage Amplifier: The MOS differential pair, small signal operation of the MOS differential pair differential amplifier with active load, frequency response of the difference amplifier, multistage amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers: OpAmp characteristics and parameters, ideal op-amps, inverting configuration, Non inverting configuration, difference amplifier, large signal operation of op-am ps, integration and differentiators,Active Filters, comparators, Schmitt trigger, analog multipliers Converters: Sample & Hold circuit, Digital to analog converters, Analog to digital converters(SAR, Flash) Signal Generation and waveform shaping Circuits: Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators, OP Am p RC oscillators circuits ,LC and crystal oscillators, Bi-stable multivibrators, Generation of square and triangular waveforms using Astablemultivibrators, monostablemultivibrators, integrated circuit timer, Nonlinear wave form shaping circuits. Blocking Oscillator, effect of negative feed back in oscillators V. BOOK TEXT 1.A.S. Sedra an d K.C.Smith, ”Micro Electronic Circuits” 5th Press, 200 4. Edition, OxfordUniversity 2.Richard C. Jaeger, Travis N. Blalock,” Microelectronic Circuit Design”, McGraw Hill VI. REFERENC E BOOKS T EXT 1.Donald A. Neamen,”Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill. 2.J Millman,” Microelectronics, McGraw Hill. 3.G S N Raju, ‘Electronic Devices and circuits”, IK International. 4.J J Cathey,” Electronic Devices and circuits’, Schaum’s Outline. 5. R Loxton,”Problems and Solutions in Electronics’, Chapman & Hall. 6.Nishalsky and Boylsta d, “Electronic Devices & Circuits”, PHI. VII. SIMULATIONTEXT BOOKS 1. David Baez-Lopez ,” Circuit Analysis with Multisim”, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2.Paul Tobin,’PS pice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices”,Morgan and Claypool Publishe rs 3. Steven T. Karris, "Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications"Orchrd Publications 4. John OkyereAttia , Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition, CRC Press ANALOG CIRCUITS & SYSTEMS LAB This lab com prises a minimum of six experiments and a Miniproject. All the experiments are Design, Simulation using Pspice/Multisim/MATLAB and Hardware development. Mini-project is design, simulation and implementation of a practically applicable circuit related to the lab