Operant conditioning forms bases to modern learning theories. It is a type of learning in which the consequences of behaviour determine whether it will be repeated in the future. Positive consequences (or rewards) constitute reinforcement while negative consequences (punishment) leads to extinguishment or cessation of the behaviour. Important for brain training is the evidence that these processes work also to neurons. Excerpt from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant conditioning “The first scientific studies identifying neurons that responded in ways that suggested they encode for conditioned stimuli came from work by Mahlon deLong and by R.T. Richardson. They showed that nucleus basalis neurons, which release acetylcholine broadly throughout the cerebral cortex, are activated shortly after a conditioned stimulus or after a primary reward if no conditioned stimulus exists. These neurons are equally active for positive and negative reinforcers and have been demonstrated to cause plasticity in many cortical regions. Evidence also exists that dopamine is activated at similar times. There is considerable evidence that dopamine participates in both reinforcement and aversive learning. Dopamine pathways project much more densely onto frontal cortex regions. Cholinergic projections, in contrast, are dense even in the posterior cortical regions like the primary visual cortex. A study of patients with Parkinson's disease, a condition attributed to the insufficient action of dopamine, further illustrates the role of dopamine in positive reinforcement. It showed that while off their medication, patients learned more readily with aversive consequences than with positive reinforcement. Patients who were on their medication showed the opposite to be the case, positive reinforcement proving to be the more effective form of learning when the action of dopamine is high.” The nervous system is made up of nerve cells called neurons that are organized in complex networks joined at ‘synapses’. Neurons communicate by producing chemicals called neurotransmitters. The flow of neurotransmitters generates electric charges that help to transfer information (or impulses) within the neuronal axons (action potential) and across the synaptic gaps between the neurons (synaptic potential). The brainwaves are the EEG signals that we can detect with our instruments called electroencephalographs and the practice is called electroencephalography or EEG for short. The EEG signals are produced by massed firings of the neurons which can be measured in terms of Voltage or magnitude and frequency that is the number of revolutions per second (speed/time). Different shape (morphology) and frequency of the brainwaves correspond to the function of different processing systems in the brain and represent different states of mind. For simplicity of our communication, we sometimes classify the variety of brainwaves into different bands according to typical states associated with these frequencies. The EEG Frequencies Well functioning brain is able to self-regulate. In such a brain we expect to find good balance of brainwaves and ability to shift easily from one brain state to another as needed in changing situations. Healthy brains can shift easily between the frequencies as required by the environment and function or state and task performed. Brain deregulation can result in behavioural problems such as inattention, difficulty with memory or sustaining a task, poor ability to maintain attention, organization and planning, sleep disorders, depression and hopelessness or chronic pain and excessive aches exacerbated by mental states. Fortunately, regulation of the state within the neuronal system is a learned behaviour. Since we now know that brain development is continuous through the lifetime, we understand that regulatory networks can be trained and the skill becomes self reinforcing. Brain is plastic. Neurofeedback learning is not a conscious mental process. It is accomplished on subconscious level of brain processing. In everyday life, the brain easily integrates millions of bits of information into a unified body and mind actions. When we were babies learning to walk, we were not given conscious instructions. The brain had to learn to recognise when the balance was achieved by trial & error. Once the skill was acquired, it became effortless (a part of non-declarative memory). Normal, healthy adult does not have to think consciously about walking. It is an effortless, automatic, subconscious task and so the functions of the brain that are learned in the neurofeedback sessions also become effortless with sufficient training. (pictured – Neurofeedback system from Thought Technology) In basic neurofeedback procedure, brain wave activity is captured by an electrode on the scalp and analysed by a computer. The therapist sets up the placing and thresholds for desirable increase or decrease of an amplitude (voltage) for selected frequencies relevant to the treatment. When brain activity moves toward chosen patterns of improved self-regulation, it is rewarded by a graphic or sound signal such as a video game moving-on or playing a movie clip. The feedback will stop, slow or fog-over when the brain does not meet the programmed goals. (Thought Technology software) (Thought technology software) For several decades, the simple neurofeedback with one or two electrode placed on the head and referenced to the ears or other neutral location as pictured above was the norm. The practice involved choosing EEG amplitudes in a particular deregulated frequency bands which were then trained up or down as required to attain better regulation. Numerous protocols were developed for various disorders or brain deregulations mostly based on over-arousal or underarousal of the patient’s neural system. As quantitative EEG brain mapping became more common it led to better information about training requirements of the individual. The outcomes of these therapies are generally very good but the process may have taken up to 40 or 80 sessions. Moreover, even with the use of brain-mapping, the ‘fit’ of the protocol to the individual brain was left to the therapist and at times may have been less than ideal. Moreover, brain functional anatomy is complex. None of the brain functions is limited to one location. Hence, connectivity need to be appropriately synchronised over many specific regions of the brain. This could not be achieved by the traditional ‘amplitude’ neurofeedback. Since late 1990s some researchers began to contemplate the use of multi-channel neurofeedback (Thatcher 1998). In 2006 Dr Robert Thatcher introduced Z-Score EEG Biofeedback. Currently hundreds of clinicians world-wide are practicing the whole-brain training. The protocols were replaced by very individualized design with assistance of the Live Z-score Training and training deeper layers of cortex i.e. LORETA neurofeedback. LORETA stands for “Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography” it is a functional imaging method developed by Swiss researchers and capable of correct localization of sources of the EEG signals (sLORETA resolution is accurate to about 7 millimetres) in the deeper structures of the brain cortex (Pascual-Marqui et al. 1994, 1999, 2002). was the first psychological office in Australia offering Live Z-score and LORETA Training since 2011. In this new Neurofeedback#1 and #2 methods, the patient’s symptoms are re-evaluated by quantitative EEG analyses. The patient’s EEG is compared to a database containing EEGs of well functioning individuals who were tested and screened for healthy developmental history and were deemed free of neurological deregulations. The client’s differences are then linked to the functional networks of the brain identified by latest research and relevant to the client’s symptoms. Once the patient’s dysfunctional or deregulated brain areas or inefficient connectivity (timing of the signals in the cortex such as coherence, phase or amplitudes) are identified, the neurofeedback training can be programmed to re-train or re-regulate these dysfunctional brain functions according to the location of the relevant functional units in the individual’s brain at the real time of the training. Example of LORETA and Z-score training set-up: (Neuroguide software) In the LORETA Live Z-Score Neurofeedback, the operant conditioning methods are used as previously. The patients are still watching animations or movie clips, playing a game and listening to sounds. However, the feedback will only give reward (game, sounds or picture move-on) when the programmed dysfunctional parameters in the brain regions relevant to the identified disorder are changing closer to statistical mean of the healthy subjects. The difference in the LORETA or live Z-score training compared to the traditional amplitude neurofeedback training is that the client is connected to a full set of 10/20 system of electrodes, usually with use of the special EEG cap. The complete head of EEG is ‘read’ into the computer where the client’s unique EEG features are compared to the database of well functioning individuals relevant to the patient’s age group. In this way, the programme is setup to address the specific locations as well as the specific brain connectivity that is responsible for the deregulated function of the client and give instantaneous feedback so the brain can do it’s most important function: IT LEARNS. The use of electroencephalography (EEG) was for a long time limited mostly to finding focus of epileptic activity. Neurologists and electroencephalographers were traditionally looking for gross problems like tumours, epileptic focus, paroxysmal or sharp waves by visual inspection of the EEG records …. or ‘eyeballing’ the brain waves. The rest was considered to be just an irrelevant ‘background noise’. Since EEG began to be recorded by computers, it became possible (after careful visual inspection and artifacting) to mathematically analyse the brainwaves. Thus the modern Quantitative EEG (qEEG) is a revolutionary technique used for multi-channel qEEG analyses and provides a wide range of mathematical tools from single channel descriptors to the connectivity of the whole brain (Thankor 2009). qEEG is a powerful and sensitive tool for identifying dysfunctional brain patterns or ‘bad brain habits’. With the help of qEEG, Neurofeedback practitioners are able to assess the type of processing that is typical for the individual and analyse its differences from a normative sample in a data base of healthy functioning people of comparable age group. Hence we are entering the real PERSONALISED MEDICINE targeting the specific, brain functions of the INDIVIDUAL person. With computer analyses of the EEG, we are able to inspect wide range of statistical information, either tabulated in numerical form or as colour-coded topographic maps (similar to weather maps), making it easy to identify signs consistent with poor brain regulation which may correspond to a known pathology or interfere with the person’s flawless functioning. References: Kamiya J. Operant control of the EEG alpha rhythm and some of its reported effects on consciousness. In: Tart C, editor. Altered states of consciousness. New York: Wiley; 1969 Kamiya, J. (2011). The first communications about operant conditioning of the EEG. Journal of Neurotherapy, 15(1), 65–73. Pascual-Marqui RD, Michel CM, Lehmann D., (1994). Low resolution electromagnetic tomography: a new method for localizing electrical activity in the brain. International Journal of Psychophysiology 18:49-65. Pascual-Marqui, RD. (1999) Review of Methods for Solving the EEG Inverse Problem. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 1:75-86. Pascual-Marqui, R.D. 2002) Methods & Findings, Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, 24D:512 Sterman, M.B. PhD, LoPresti, R.W. PhD & Fairchild, M.D. (2010) Electroencephalographic and Behavioral studies of Monomethyl Hydrozine Toxicity in the Cat, Journal of Neurotherapy: Investigations in Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and applied Neuroscience, 14:4, 293-300 Skinner, B. F. (1938) The Behavior of Organisms, Century Psychology Series Thatcher, R. W. (1998). EEG normative databases and EEG biofeedback. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2(4), 8–39. Thatcher, R. W. (2009) Z-Score EEG Biofeedback: Conceptual Foundations, BMED Report http://www.bmedreport.com/archives/6938 Thatcher, R. W. (2013) Latest Developments in Live Z-Score Training: Symptom Check List, Phase Reset, and LORETA Z-Score Biofeedback http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Articles.htm Tong, S, & Thankor, N. V. (2009) Quantitative EEG Analysis Methods and Applications, Artech House Series: Engineering in Medicine & Biology Thought Technology http://www.thoughttechnology.com/ http://www.journals.elsevier.com/biological-psychology/ to be continued…