bac local no.4 - Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers

Vol. 8, No. 4 - Spring 2008
Spring Greetings
By: Dick Whitney
Dear Members:
The work at the start of 2008 other than for the refractory Bricklayers has been a little sluggish. You will read in
the field rep’s articles that things are picking up by now or will pretty soon. Most likely the rains are behind us
which is always good news.
This year’s negotiated contract increase of $2.00 per hour will go into effective on May 1, 2008. I have included the new wages and benefit allocations
for your convenience. San Diego and Imperial Counties negotiations have completed and are addressed in Rockys article. Due to the rising cost of
health insurance, the committee had to put $.50 to $.75 per hour into the Health & Welfare Funds and we increased the Orange County Defined
Contribution Pension contribution by $.25 per hour (per member’s request). Depending on the county, the wage increase will be approximately $1.15
to $1.40 per hour. If you have any questions, please contact my office at 626/573-0032.
Effective May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009
Los Angeles County
Riverside / San Bernardino County
Bakersfield Area
(Kern, Inyo, Mono & Tulare Counties)
Wage Rate (Taxable)
Health & Welfare
Local Pension (DB)
Local Pension (DC)
I.U. Pension
Industry Fund
Apprenticeship Fund
Contract Compliance
*Dues Check Off
Orange County
*Vacation & Dues Check Off deducted from taxable wages
Ventura County
Santa Barbara
San Luis Obispo Counties
Wage Rate (Taxable)
Health & Welfare
Local Pension (DC)
I.U. Pension
Industry Fund
Apprenticeship Fund
IMI Promotional Fund
Contract Compliance
*Dues Check Off
*Vacation & Dues Check Off deducted from taxable wages
continued on page 2
BAC Local No. 4 News
continued from page 1
On another important topic, the Labor and Management Trust Fund Trustees are excited to announce the completion of the newly established
“Southern California Bricklayer Pension Fund”. This is a Defined Contribution Pension Fund. This fund is the result of the merger of both the L.A.
& Orange Counties “Money Purchase Pension Plan” and the San Bernardino/Riverside “Brick & Tile Pension Plan”. This merger will have no effect
on the Brick Mason’s Pension Plan for L.A. & Orange Counties which is a Deferred Benefit Plan.
This formation of the new pension plan should benefit all of the participants from both defined contribution plans.
Both defined contribution monies will be in your name in one account.
Participant pays only one administration fee annually.
The former Money Purchase Pension Plan participant will now be able to reciprocity monies
in and out of the new plan.
Withdrawal rules are better for participants and more uniform.
There will be less paperwork to keep track of.
The trustees of the pension funds have worked hard to get to this point over the past few years to make this merger as seamless as possible. The
trustees with the help of the investment consultant have set up the investments from both defined contribution plans to be identical.
I would like to personally thank all of the Labor & Management Trustees for their patience and hard work and for acting in the best interest of
“you” the members. GOOD JOB!
The Administrator of the Trust Funds will be sending all participants notification of this change. You may have already received that notification.
Bitter/Sweet News – As the principal officer of Local #4 it is an honor to say a few words about a real “Special Guy” who as of May 1, 2008
will be retiring and collecting the fruits of his labor. Joe Solis has proudly represented the Orange County Bricklayers as a Field Representative for
the last 10 plus years. He has been an active member and officer of the former Local # 22 and Local #4 for 30 plus years. Joe has been a Local #4
Management Committee Vice-Chairperson and a Trustee on the Brick Masons Trust Fund for 5 plus years. At the I.U. level, he has been a member
of the I.U. Executive council and has been very active in many of the National Hispanic Leadership Alliances; i.e. “LCLAA” Labor Council Latin
American Advancement and “LULAC” League of Latin American Citizens and “USHLI” United States Hispanic Leadership Institute. With all that
being said, Joe always liked to remain humble and prefers to be identified or introduced as a local 4 bricklayer. Joe says, “instead of building brick or
block walls, as business agents, we build relationships”. The relationships Joe has built have always been for the betterment of the Local #4 membership.
Joe has done a great job representing the members of Orange County. He has been very active politically, attending various city council meetings,
political events and pickets organized by the L.A. & Orange County Building Trades Council. I can’t close without mentioning the fact that Joe has
always led the charge when it comes to organizing all the refreshments for union meetings and other events. I think those of you who attend meetings
would agree, he knows where to buy the best tamales. Oh by the way, Joe has agreed to continue that tradition as an active retiree.
Much more can be said about our friend Joe Solis. Local #4 will be losing a great guy from our staff, but we are all excited for him to start enjoying
his retirement and cash in on his pensions. After all, that is what the goal always was. Who knows he may start handing out business cards that read
“Joe Solis, Event Planner” in his retirement
On behalf of the Local 4 membership, the Office and Staff
would like to congratulate the following members who have
received recognition for their years of service as IUBAC
25 Year Members
Robert J. Haley
40 Year Members
Kenneth W. Schafer
George Burton
David Callan
Frank B. Cruz
Lois J Gentile
Vernon E. Hendrickson
Chester G. Jackson
George Lederer
50 Year Members
Rudolph J. Avila
James C. Bell
Chester Faber
Jimmie A. Mitchell
John Rarra
Dominic Scamaldo
Milton E. Stirm
Kenneth J. Van Hove
Porter M. Walker
You are the loser if there is no correct address and telephone numbers on file for you. We know the problempeople move frequently. But it only takes a phone call, a minute with the union rep or a letter to our office.
It could aviod a big problem with a Hospital or Medical Claim or a Pension Inquiry.
1-800-972-3338 or 626-573-0032
Spring 2008
Orange County
By: Joe Solis (714) 936-8843
As Local #4 members know, I’ve been a field rep in Orange County since February 1998 and a BAC member since
April 1977. I want to report that Lord willing, April 30, 2008 will be my last working day as a field rep for Local
#4 as I am retiring
It has been an honor for me to work for Frank Collins, Phil Morris and Richard Whitney. I feel positive about the
future of our Local with the leadership and staff that we have today. Our office staff,Yvonne McDaniel and Adriana
Hernandez are the best any member can ask for.
Thanks again for your support the past ten years; it has been an honor for me.
Two projects to start in April in the cities of Orange and Santa Ana; they are both block projects and both are PLA’s (Project Labor Agreements) and
that means union work.
Joe Solis
North LA County
By: Danny Garcia
Here we go again, another Apprenticeship Contest near and another softball
tournament with the Building Trades is coming up. I’m also working on a
Dodger game for Local #4. But the main thing is how’s the work looking in
the future for our guys? I’m hoping for some PLA’s to start kicking in some
more work for us like LAUSD, LA Live, and the Grand Project. The Building
Trades are still working on LA City Wide PLA Agreements to capture all LA
City work over the current cap amounts.
The Glendale Town Center is getting close to finishing and has had a lot of
our guys working for quite a while. R & R, Frank Smith,Virgil Vasquez, AGI and hopefully a new addition
H. B. Parkco did most of the work there. Carnevale & Lohr is working at the Arco Towers. Carrara Marble
is at LA Live along with Masonry Concepts. J. B. McGalliard is doing a small project at Rio Hondo College. L. Johnson is currently working on
the 60 Freeway between the 57 and 605. EMAE International also has work at Rio Hondo College and California High School. AGI should also
be starting in Century City. Compliance is an ongoing battle with the non-union Masonry Contractors. We are seeing more rats coming into the
Public Works jobs and we are trying to monitor them as much as we can. We pull certified and when they are caught cheating, we will try to get
them run off!
Work is steady and I hope the rain didn’t affect too much of the work. Foremen please call in your jobs and help us keep the Apprentices working;
for they are our future, so help them out!
Thanks and be safe. Danny Garcia
BAC Local No. 4 News
San Diego & Imperial Counties
By: Rocky Bragg
Rebuilding our economy is a process that is why presidential elections
are so vital to our Union industry. I am proud to be a member of the
International Union Of Bricklayers & Allied Craft workers at large
committee, the committee recently cast their endorsement for Senator
Hillary Clinton presidential candidacy for the Democratic party. The
participation of our entire B.A.C. union members vote is essential for
getting the results needed for our next president that will support our
union industry as a whole. I had the opportunity to attend various
campaigns and conferences for this important cause, along with union
member Fred McNamara at the most recent being held at the San Diego
State University, which proved to be an insightful experience for all.
This month we are featuring the I-125 freeway extension being built by the very skilled craftsmanship of
Reycon construction and crew. The material being used for this project includes: Split-face block along with
Adobe slump. Reycon and crew should be completing this job in April 2008. This kind of work displays the
exemplary work that is consistent throughout our B.A.C. union and membership.
There have been several jobs that have been delayed that have reduced work in some areas. We expect things to
pick up and move forward in the spring and a busy summer planned thereafter.
We have been successful with our San Diego County & Imperial County negotiations; increases total $5.00
over 3 years. May 1, 2008 - $.50 on the check. The following increases will be allocated prior to the effective
dates. November 1, 2008 - $1.00 - November 1, 2009 - $1.75 - November 1, 2010 - $1.75. Thanks to the
Local 4 negotiating committee members; Donald Solomich, Michael Cleveland and Pete Camarda.
Previews 2008
By: Apprenticeship Coordinator Gary Anthony
Time flies when you are having fun. In that case we must be having a blast the time just keeps moving faster. Our
Local Contest was held March 29, 2008, congratulations to the winners – Omar Flores finished first, Arthur Soto
finished second and Antonio Ordonez finished third. Good job by all. So, what does that mean? Western States
Brick & Tile Contest - May 31, 2008 San Diego, CA. Omar Flores and Arthur Soto will be representing BAC
Local No 4.
Brick Masons Apprenticeship receives a lot of support from our Signatory Contractors as well as Material providers.
Signatory Contractors like Frank Smith Masonry, Winegardner Masonry, R&R Masonry, Reyes Masonry,Vic
Ross Masonry, K&S Masonry, J Lynch, and others not only provide material for our class site but also provide
transportation of material as we needed. Appointed Local 4 contractors sit on the Management side of all committees and Trusts, they have a vested
interest in the future of the Masonry Industry counting on the Brick Masons Apprenticeship to help them turn out qualified Journeymen. So, if you
can read between the lines maybe you can see how the Contractors are well aware of the issues we continue to deal with such as class attendance. In
other words interested Contractors are aware of who is not taking the program seriously. Remember missing class for reason other than working for
a Signatory Contractor is a Citable violation of program rules. Since we started the Sub-Committee program we have accomplished two goals, one,
dropping those who simply are not willing to comply with program rules, two, creating a core group of apprentices that will help make program
goals attainable. We are heading in the right direction.
By now many Apprentices have received the new Apprenticeship Tee Shirts, I hope you like the change. Congratulations to recent program
completers, Luke Cooper, Russell Bardling, Bency Molina, Hector Leon, Michael Keaser.
Things to remember: Keep your mailing address updated with Local 4, the Trust Office and the Apprenticeship Office. Stay current on Class
attendance. Work hard, get on the line as much as you can, turn in the Blue Cards. Attend classes with a teachable attitude. Have a great Spring 2008.
Spring 2008
Los Angeles County
By: Doug Sles
Doug reporting on the out laying areas of downtown Los Angeles, San Fernando
Valley and North Los Angeles. As reported in our last newsletter there has been
various jobs throughout the area. Two come to mind with slow and problematic
starts. One is Harbor College in San Pedro. J.A. Lynch has 300 thousand brick
veneer over a steel stud structure. Unfortunately, it appears the framing is less than
adequate and the job may be completed with an average of six bricklayers. The
other is Pierce College between the rain and the rebar placement in the foots,
another bad start. As of this date the general has drilled and epoxyed over two
thousand bars. The word is that Hansen will need 19 bricklayers once they gear up.
J. T. Thorpe has now completed work at BP Petroleum in Wilmington which employed approximately 50 refractory
bricklayers in January and February. This is the first time we have had a refractory job of this size since I have been
an agent and it helped to acquaint me with the national refractory agreement. I’d like to give special thanks to Ray
Stemen and Ernest Stewart for stepping up and getting those steward cards filled out.
On compliance, I am currently compiling records on three non-union jobs. I wish time would allow me to
cover more jobs, but we have found more success doing a thorough job on a few, rather than a half-ass job
on many. Pick the fight, you can win. One of these jobs happens to be on the same lot where Industrial
Masonry Inc. (IMI) is building a probation office. The job is Athens Sheriff ’s Station and the general AKG
a non-union contractor is self-performing the masonry. We had spoken with AKG prior to the start of the
masonry in hopes of gaining another signatory, but after AKG reviewed our agreement they felt they could
not make a long term commitment and elected to do this non-union.
The record keeping starts. Manual Huerta is working for Industrial Masonry Inc. (IMI) next door and I ask
him to give me a heads up when the masonry started, which he did and I would like to thank him.
p.s. +10 (don’t worry it’s just my winter coat)
San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
By: Robert Collins
I’m very happy to report that work has been steady for the past few months. We have a few big jobs up and
running now; like Citrus High School in Redlands with IMI, Murrieta High School with Kretschmar & Smith
and Persall; office buildings in Moreno Valley with Winegardner; and Frank smith is doing the masonry on the new
Ontario Sports Arena. This will be a nice addition to the San Bernardino area for entertainment. I have been told
that a minor league hockey team will be playing there, and if this is true you can’t beat the fun for the sports fan.
One professional game was all it took to get me hooked. The speed, energy and atmosphere are incredible! With
professional games being so expensive to go to, this may hopefully be a more affordable way to enjoy the sport with
the whole family; not to mention all the other sports and forms of entertainment this will bring to the area.
When the arena is completed and we have our hockey team, I will have to set a date for us all to enjoy a game together. I look forward to that day.
For now, GOD BLESS! And thank you for letting me serve you. Call me with your questions or needs at 951/712-5929 (cell) or 760/241-0838
BAC Local No. 4 News
Ventura, Tri-Counties and Bakersfield
By: Marcelo Crespi
I would like to start out by taking some time to express my condolences for the loss of our brother Dominic
Scamaldo. The short time I knew him as a workmate and a friend I will cherish, by him making you laugh to
going out of his way to help you. He will be missed. Spring is here and summer is around the corner. Work seems
to be picking up, I know it’s been really tough out there for a lot of our brothers and sisters. It seems most every
job out there lately has some kind of problems, therefore delaying the projects. As we all know the economy is not
doing well and fuel has been increasing steadily, it has affected everybody in all the industries. On that same note
we should all take a moment and really think on the way we vote next time pro labor is what will help keep our
industry alive and the administration in office has not been in our favor. Your VOTE really counts. I am urging you
all to get out there and vote it will make a difference, thank you. Lately in my area I have been on the chase with
Frazer Masonry, Nibbelink Masonry and now this new contractor “The Masonry Group”; they are coming from the private markets to Prevailing
Works jobs. I am doing a lot of compliance in that field.Ventura county Apprenticeship program has a new home, we are now located on the
far west end of Camarillo airport #V20-Aviator Dr. Camarillo Ca. 93010. We acquired this site by donation projects to the County of Ventura
Department of Airports, we also have donation projects coming up for the sheriffs training and bomb squad .Our next Chapter meeting will be the
fourth Tuesday of every month at the V.F.W. hall on 3801 Market Street in Ventura at 7pm. Just reminding you that if come to our meeting you can
voice your opinions on every matter so the “Management Committee” can be better informed of your needs and opinions. Those working out of
your local trust area please remember to fill out a reciprocity form, so you can receive your health and welfare and pension hours.Your home trust
and the outside trust must have a good address to send your vacation check.
I would also like to thank all our members for allowing me to serve as your representative, if you have any questions on any issues please feel free to
call me at (805) 658-4883 or on my cell phone at (805) 320-6551
Spring 2008
LA/O Building Trades Council
Endorsed Candidates for
State and Local Offices
Don’t wait until you miss out on being hired
because you are not certified in “Scaffold User
Safety” to take advantage of the free training
offered by Local #4. Contact the Local #4
office at 626/573-0032 immediately to schedule
a time to be trained.
California State Assembly District
Jim Ledford (R)
Felipe Fuentes (D)
Julia Brownley (D)
Mike Feuer (D)
Paul Krekorian (D)
Anthony Portantino (D)
Kevin De Leon (D)
John Perez (D)
Karen Bass (D)
Mike Davis (D)
Mike Eng (D)
Hector de La Torre (D)
Curren D. Price (D)
Isadore Hall (D)
Ted W. Lieu (D)
Warren Furutani (D)
Tony Mendoza (D)
Edward Hernandez (D)
Charles Calderon (D)
Nell Soto (D)
Jose Solorio (D)
Officers & Staff of BAC Local No. 4
Richard Whitney.........................President/Secretary Treasurer
Gary H.Anthony...........Vice Chairman-Apprentice Coordinator
Joe Solis............................Vice Chairman-Field Representative
Danny Garcia....................Vice Chairman-Field Representative
Rocky Bragg.....................Vice Chairman-Field Representative
Marcelo Crespi.........................................Field Representative
Water Board - San Gabriel Valley
Charles M. Trevino
Doug Sles................................................Field Representative
Robert Collins..........................................Field Representative
Dave Tingle..............................................Compliance Officer
Culver City City Council
Loni Anderson
Yvonne McDaniel...........................................Office Manager
Adriana Hernandez...............................................Office Staff
Attention All Refractory Bricklayers
You have probably all heard about the new TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) Federal Government requirements.
T.W.I.C. is not covered under the Local’s collective bargaining agreement; so the Management Committee has authorized a 50%
reimbursement to all members who have to pay for their T.W.I.C. Credentials. Keep in mind that it takes 60 to 90 days to receive the
T.W.I.C. Credentials, so let’s be proactive, not reactive.
Bricklayers & Allied
Local Union No. 4
12921 Ramona Blvd., Ste. F
Irwindale, CA 91706
Local 4 Chapter
Meeting Schedule
L.A. / Orange / Riverside and
San Bernadino Counties
Third Thursday of the month 7:00 P.M.
(rotating schedule)
Even Months
Odd Months
Irwindale Office
1605 N. Susan St.
Santa Ana
San Diego & Imperial Counties
Second Tuesday 7:00 P.M.
7171 Alvarado St. Ste. 201 • La Mesa
Ventura & North Counties
Fourth Tuesday 7:00 P.M.
VFW Hall
7171 Alvarado St. Ste. 201 • La Mesa
Trust Information
Santa Barbara - Ventura Trust
San Diego Trust
Brick Masons Trust
Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local No. 4
12921 Ramona Blvd., Suite F
Irwindale, CA 91706
Telephone: (626) 573-0032 • Fax: (626) 573-5607