Tariff `MV` - PRS for Music

Public Performance Tariff ‘MV’.
Motor vehicles
Recognised by the Confederation of Passenger Transport UK
Effective 1st June 2016.
Applies to: Performances of copyright music* in or from motor vehicles.
This tariff does not cover the performance of live music in or from a motor vehicle, featured music
events such as discos, carnivals and parades, or any performances within the scope of other PRS for
Music* tariffs.
1. Royalty rates
The rates apply to all royalties falling due from the effective date of this tariff and are shown exclusive
of VAT.
The higher royalty rate (standard plus 50%) is payable for the first year of the licence where the
music user has not obtained PRS’s licence before musical performances commence.
Motor Vehicles
For each vehicle the standard annual royalty rate is determined by the type of device(s) used and
the seating capacity of the vehicle.
Seating capacity* (includes driver)
Up to 9
10 to 17
18 to 35
36 to 59
60 or more
One of the following: Radio, CD, MP3,
TV (inc satellite and video/DVD) or any
other single-function device*
One of the following:
combined radio-cassette/CD/MP3 or any
other multiple-function device*
Two or more of the following:
Radio, CD, MP3, TV (inc satellite and
video/DVD) or any other singlefunction device*
Any combination of two or more devices
including multiple-function devices*
This tariff is subject to PRS for Music’s General Conditions
Applicable to Tariffs and Licences, available on request.
Every Licensee under PRS for Music's tariffs will pay to PRS
for Music in addition to the royalty due, a sum in respect of
Value Added Tax calculated at the relevant rate on the
royalty payable.
Every year on 1st June, the monetary sums in this tariff will
be adjusted for inflation. The adjustment formula will apply
to the standard rates, using the mean (to the nearest whole
percentage point) of the percentages by which the Retail
Prices Index and Average Weekly Earnings index
(unadjusted) change in the year to the previous January.
January is the latest month prior to the anniversary date for
which figures are likely to be published for both indices.
After application of the inflation adjustment the standard
royalty rates will be rounded up to the nearest fifty pence.
 multiple-function device means a single device capable
of playing two or more types of media. A video/DVD player
will be considered in this category where it is used for the
dual purpose of playing video and audio media (e.g. DVDs
and CDs).
 performances of copyright music means performances
of copyright music within PRS for Music’s repertoire*
 PRS for Music is the trading name of the Performing Right
Society Limited.
 PRS for Music’s repertoire means all and any musical
works (including any associated words), the right of public
performance in which is controlled by PRS for Music or by
any of the societies in other countries with which PRS for
Music is affiliated.
 seating capacity means the full number of seats available
for all persons on board, whether passengers, driver,
attendants or other occupants.
 single-function device means a device capable of playing
only one type of media. A video/DVD player will be
considered in this category unless it is used for the dual
purpose of playing video and audio media (e.g. DVDs and
All royalties will be charged at the royalty rate in force at
the beginning of the licence-year.
Performing Right Society Limited 2 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG. www.prsformusic.com
Registered in England, No. 134396, VAT Reg. No. 440 6342 76.
*See Definitions (Section 5)