Principles of Interferometry Hans-Rainer Klöckner IMPRS Black Board Lectures 2014 acknowledgement § Rick Perly NRAO Summer School lectures 2014 § Mike Garrett lectures § Frederic Gueth IRAM school § Uli Klein lecture Lecture 4 § 2- element interferometer § visibilities § correlator § uv-coverage § synthesis imaging Why Interferometry because there are limits The old 300-foot transit telescope in Green Bank. The basic two element interferometer assume the following system • monochromatic • stationary reference frame • RF throughout (it should be baseband) Geometric delay τg τg b geometric delay some details !"#$%&"'()*((+,$&'$"%-,) 42#,335+%6/%*#%&*#6*+72)+*8#*97/):#%&*#:2%#762:51%#,)#2)*#:,.*)+,2);### # # <*6*8#+).)/0O)",)$12)/',2("-2)(2-3$1)"-)4'52(2-3$1,8#/):#T#,+#%&*# /)03*#=>6>%>#%&*#73/)*#7*67*):,153/6#%2#%&*#?/+*3,)*>### cos D sin T l##############################,+#%&*#:,6*1%,2)#12+,)*# # s # # T D # # b @2)+,:*6#%&*#6*+72)+*#A18#/+#/#B5)1%,2)#2B#/)03*8#B26#%=2#:,BB*6*)%# ?/+*3,)*+#=,%&#5#C#!D8#/):#5#C#EF#=/G*3*)0%&+;# RC cos( 20 S l ) !$%&#'()%&*+,+#-./0,)0#'1&223# !"# all sky fringe function !"#$%&'()*+%,-#.,%* !"#$%%%%&%'%()% R C cos( 20 S l ) B()% BD% B?% BC% )% .% ?% @% A% ()% %%!*+,+%-,+%.)%/*"0+% 1,234+5%"6+,%7*+% *+825#*+,+9%%% :+-;%5+#-,-72"3%(<()% ,-=2-35% >"77"8$%%%%&%'%.?% R C cos( 50 S l ) %%!*+,+%-,+%?)%/*"0+% 1,234+5%"6+,%7*+% *+825#*+,+9%%% :+-;%5+#-,-72"3%(<.?% ,-=2-359%%% B.?% .?% all sky fringe function [angular perspective] !"#$%&'%(')*+&"%,-"./-0123-% T 4% Top Panel: 5% The absolute value of the response for u = 10, as a function of angle. 7KHµOREHV¶RIWKHUHVSRQVH pattern alternate in sign. 9% !" #" !" The same, but for u = 25. Angular separation between lobes (of the same sign) is GT ~ 1/u = O/b radians. 8% #" !" Bottom Panel: 7% 64% sky fringe function [different perspective] + + - + + + - - - - sky fringe function [different perspective] !"#$%&'&()*'+,-$./'0(12)*)3"+)4'&(3$$ 5'6()17+#8/#*3,$9*&#+:#+)4#&#+$ the measured fringe (COS correlator [even]) s Geometric Time Delay s b The path lengths from sensors to multiplier are assumed equal! X multiply average Unchanging !"#$%&'(#$)*+*%,-./+(/%&0$112% Rapidly varying, with zero mean !3% the schematic overview !"#$%&'()*$"+,,-.)/()*01"*1"234" 7KHFRUUHODWRUFDQEHWKRXJKWRI¶FDVWLQJ·D!"#$%&#"$'()*!"+,-,%!,*.(//,-%0*"1* (%2&)(-*#!(), ~O34*-('$(%#0*"%/"*/+,*#567** * 8+,*!"--,)(/"-*9&)/$.)$,#*/+,*#"&-!,*4-$2+/%,##*46*/+$#*!"+,-,%!,*.(//,-%0* (%'*$%/,2-(/,#*:#&9#;*/+,*-,#&)/*"<,-*/+,*#567*** O/b * Orientation set by baseline geometry. Fringe separation set by (projected) baseline length and wavelength. O/b rad. Long baseline gives close-packed fringes Short baseline gives widelyseparated fringes Physical location of baseline unimportant, provided source is in the far field. Source brightness + + + Fringe Sign van Cittert-Zernike theorem #!(), ~O34*-('$(%#0*"%/"*/+,*#567** -,)(/"-*9&)/$.)$,#*/+,*#"&-!,*4-$2+/%,##*46*/+$#*!"+,-,%!,*.(//,-%0* 2-(/,#*:#&9#;*/+,*-,#&)/*"<,-*/+,*#567*** van Cittert-Zernike theorem O/b on set by baseline . paration set by d) baseline length and th. O/b rad. baseline gives close-packed Source brightness baseline gives widelyed fringes location of baseline ant, provided source is in ld. + + + Fringe Sign Integration over the entire sky and averaging in time !"#$%#&'()&#$*+(,$-)$./0#)1#1$2(3+4#$ 5'+#6+,73*,+#863/#0*#+9&+*:+:#,3;62+#-,#3<&0-*+:#<)#,;//-*1#&'+# 6+,73*,+,#0&#+02'#0*&+**0#&3#044#&'+#+/-,,-3*#3=+6#&'+#,>)?#/;4&-74)-*1# &'+#&@3?#0*:#0=+601-*1A# # # # 5'+#0=+601-*1#0*:#-*&+1604,#20*#<+#-*&+62'0*1+:#0*:?#'+(5616)7$0"#$ #,6&&6()$6&$&'-06-889$6)4("#+#)0?#@+#1+&# # # # 5'-,#+976+,,-3*#4-*>,#@'0&#@+#@0*&#²#&'+#,3;62+#<6-1'&*+,,#3*#&'+# ,>)?#IQB&C?##²#&3#,3/+&'-*1#@+#20*#/+0,;6+#D#EF?#&'+#-*&+68+63/+&+6# 6+,73*,+G# F0*#@+#6+23=+6#I QB&C#863/#3<,+6=0&-3*,#38#EFH# !"#$%&'"()'$*+)',-."/,0&*..,%1"²"" detour233")13"45*1"671-',%1." even and odd functions 5*)#6+04#78*2&-3*9#I(x,y),#20*#:+#+;<6+,,+=#0,#&'+#,8/#37#&>3#6+04# 78*2&-3*,#>'-2'#'0?+#,<+2-7-2#,)//+&6-+,@# # # # # 5*#+?+*#<06&@# # 5*#3==#<06&@##### # IE.A# .# I = .IB# O + The cosine fringe pattern is even, the response Rc of our interferometer to an odd brightness$%&'#()*&'+,-,#./01-*1#(2'334# -Io(-x,-y) distribution is 0 !!! !"# making a SIN correlator [odd] !"#$%&'"'()*'+,--./"0,-' :HJHQHUDWHWKH¶VLQH·SDWWHUQE\LQVHUWLQJDGHJUHHSKDVHVKLIW !"#$"%#$&#'(%#)!*"+,#-+'().# s s b X multiply average A Sensor 90o Complex Visibilities The correlator is called complex if it produces Cosine and Sine fringes. !"#$%"&'("&)*+,-".&/$0$1$-$'2& !"#$%&#'()*+(#,#-%./0"1#23$-45%$6##47"#-%./0"1#8595:5054;6##<6#2=%.#47"# 4&%#5$>"/"$>"$4#?=",0@#-%=="0,4%=#%34/349#AB#,$>#ACD# # phase errors are # odd features in the images &7"="## # amplitude errors are # even features in the images # # E759#F58"9#39#,#:",345230#,$>#39"230#="0,45%$975/#:"4&""$#47"#9%3=-"# :=5F74$"996#,$>#47"#="9/%$9"#%2#,$#5$4"=2"=%."4"=D# # # # !547#47"#=5F74#F"%."4=;6#4759#59#,#GH'#)%3=5"=#4=,$92%=.6#F585$F#39#,#&"00# "94,:0597">#&,;#4%#="-%8"=#I(s)#2=%.#V(b). move from monochromatic assumption !"#$%&&#'($)&$*+,-./-("0$ !"#$%&'(")*")+,"(")-%,.-(%#//"0(%#%)#'1"%+*%*)"2."'/&"-3%%4+% 5"%'+5%/+'-&6")%(7"%)"-0+'-"%+*%+.)%&'(")*")+,"(")%+8")% *)"2."'/93%% :"*&'"%(7"%*)"2."'/9%)"-0+'-"%*.'/(&+'-;%<=Q>;%#-%(7"% #,0$&(.6"%#'6%07#-"%8#)&#(&+'%+*%(7"%-&1'#$%+8")%*)"2."'/93% % % % % % % % 'Q G Q0 Q ?7"%*.'/(&+'%<=Q>%&-%0)&,#)&$9%6."%(+%(7"%1#&'%#'6%07#-"% /7#)#/(")&-(&/-%+*%(7"%"$"/()+'&/-;%@.(%/#'%#$-+%/+'(#&'% 0)+0#1#(&+'%0#(7%"**"/(-3%%% A'%0)&'/&0$";%<=Q>%&-%#%/+,0$"B%*.'/(&+'3%% % !"#$%&&#'($)&$*+,-./-("0$ the" effect of bandwidth 1$"2.)3"'*("2.).'(456)37.3'*"&(-8$)-(9"7(".)'(:&6'("$%&"2%)36;()'60" &(-8$)-("$<(&"6"2&(=%()/,"7.3'*"'Q9"/()'(&(3"6'"Q>?" " " " " @2"'*("-$%&/(".)'()-.',"3$(-")$'"<6&,"$<(&"'*("56)37.3'*9"6)3"'*(" .)-'&%;()'60":6.)"86&6;('(&-"AB"6)3"AC"6&("-=%6&("6)3".3()'./609"'*()" " " " 7*(&("'*("&1/,2#$+((#,3+(/),$&3,'(/),9"-.)/DEF9".-"3(2.)(3"6-?" #$%&'(()'*"+,)'*(-.-"+/*$$0" !" the!"#$%&$'()*++,-')*."/01,) effect of bandwidth #$&"1"-2%1&("31)451--6"'*("31)47.4'*"1''()%1'.$)"&(1/*(-"1")%00"7*()""""" Wg'Q"8"96"$&" c O /B sin T ' X /X ! B'Q &ŽƌƚŚĞŽůĚs>͕ĂŶĚŝƚƐϱϬD,njďĂŶĚǁŝĚƚŚ͕ĂŶĚĨŽƌƚŚĞ͚͛ĐŽŶĨŝŐƵƌĂƚŝŽŶ͕ "#$!%&''!()*!+,-.!/$01$$*!)()2-! #$&"'*(":;<=6"'Q"8">"?@A6"1)4"B"8"CD"EF6"'*()"'*(")%00"$//%&-"1'"13$%'">G" 4(H&((-"$II"'*("F(&.4.1)J""" 0 Fringe Attenuation function: sin T c B'Q #$%&'(()'*"+,)'*(-.-"+/*$$0" Note: The fringeattenuation function depends only on bandwidth and baseline length ± not on frequency. !" move to the IF signal !"#$%&'()&%*"+$,-'."*/'01'2+.$3+$4)5,"+$' relation LO down conversion (see also last lecture) !"#$%&$'()*+,'$+-#$./,0(1,(#2$34$+$1/-#$'(*/'5(26$+0$7-#8/#*94$Q:;$ <#$9+*$+22$+-3(0-+-4$1"+'#$I Wg :;$5*$5*#$'(2#=$ X ILO ZLO Local Oscillator Phase Shifter (ZRF=ZLO+ZIF) Complex Correlator E cos(ZIFtZRFWg) X E cos(ZRFt) X Multiplier E cos(ZIFt-ILO) W E cos(ZIFtZIFW-ILO) Not the same phase as the RF interferometer! IF signal: recover the correct visibility phase !"#$%"&'()*+,"*-$&&"#+*.'/'0'1'+2*3,4/"* 2+)#0%'')0(#3+4.)#56$#/*()'7)'%8)()'9#/.:###### Z RF W g W 0 # 2+)#%;.)'<)=#3+4.)#5>/(+#7')?&)*0-#=%>*0%*<)'./%*9#/.:## ######################################################### Z R F W g Z IF W 0 I LO # 2+).)#>/11#;)#(+)#.48)#>+)*#(+)#@A#3+4.)#/.#.)(#(%:# # # 2+/.#/.#*)0)..4'-#;)04&.)#(+)#=)14-B WCB#+4.#;))*#4==)=#/*#(+)#D$#3%'(/%*# %7#(+)#./E*41#34(+B#'4(+)'#(+4*#4(#(+)#7')?&)*0-#4(#>+/0+#(+)#=)14-#40(&411-# %00&'.F## # 2+)#3+4.)#4=G&.(8)*(#%7#(+)#@A#0%83)*.4().#7%'#(+)#=)14-#+4</*E#;))*# /*.)'()=#4(#(+)#D$#B#'4(+)'#(+4*#4(#(+)#6$F### an interferometer is not stationary !""#$%&'#()&*)+,-& adding a time delay needs to be done continuously s0 s s0 s W0 Wg b X '.)&)$/#0)&10#$%)& 2,//)0$&.,3&4))$& 3.#1/)"&56)0&4-& ,$%+)&& 3#$&T7&8W9:4& S0 = reference (delay) direction S = general direction A sensor W the7KH7KUHH¶&HQWHUV·LQ,QWHUIHURPHWU\! three centres of interferometer <RXDUHIRUJLYHQLI\RX·UHFRQIXVHGE\DOOWKHVH¶FHQWHUV·! 6ROHW·VUHYLHZ! "# $%&'!()&*+,-.!/01,-2,-.3!4%-2%)"!!!#$%&%!'$%!()'%))(*! (&%!+,-)'-).!',/!!01&2!3,&!+$(*%4!(&&(5*2!'$%!+$(*%4!(&&(5! 6%)'%&!+,*-'-,)7/!! 5# 6%7&8!()&*+,-.!4%-2%)9!!8$%!9,6('-,)!3,&!:$-6$!'$%! 4%9(5*!(&%!;%-).!*%'!3,&!<(=-<><!:-4%?;()4!6,$%&%)6%/!!! :# 0;&<%!()&*+,-.!4%-2%)9!!8$%!9,6('-,)!3,&!:$-6$!'$%!@1! +$(*%!-*!*9-++-).!-)!,&4%&!',!'&(6A!'$%!6,$%&%)6%!+(''%&)/!!! B,'%"!!C%)%&(9952!:%!<(A%!(99!'$&%%!'$%!*(<%/!!DE!()4!DF!(&%! WKHVDPHIRUDQ¶5)·LQWHUIHURPHWHU7KH\DUHVHSDUDEOHLQD @1!4,:)6,)G%&*-,)!!*5*'%</!!! H,>&'%%)'$!I5)'$%*-*!I6$,,9! JK! the general coordinate system !"#"$%&'())$*+#%,"'-./,"0' Interferometer ONLY does not cover the position of the individual telescopes !"#$%#$%&"'%())*+#,-&'%$.$&'/%#,%/)$&%0','*-1%2$'%3)*%$.,&"'$#$%#/-0#,04'' 1%5)#,&$%&)6%-,+%3)11)7$%&"'%$)2*('6%2%&)7-*+$%&"'%'-$&6%-,+%3%&)7-*+$% &"'%,)*&"%('1'$&#-1%5)1'4%%!"'%+#*'(&#),%()$#,'$% l%-,+%/%&"',%#,(*'-$'%&)% &"'%'-$&%-,+%,)*&"6%*'$5'(&#8'1.4% %¶3URMHFWHG% %%%DVHOLQH·% w v s0 b u v 2 2 s0 298%51-,'%²%-17-.$%5'*5',+#(21-*% &)%+#*'(&#),%&)%&"'%$)2*('4% the direction cosines source only describing the vector S in the (l,m,n) system !"#$%&"'()*'+"($+)²),$+%#"-"(.)&/$)+'0#%$)) w !"#$%&'($)'*#+(',&$-#+(,*$+)'.$ )#/'&#)$01$'(.$2*,3#+(',&.$45676&8$ ,&$("#$4%6-698$:;#.<$$!"#.#$ +,72,&#&(.$:*#$+:55#)$("#$ !"#$%&"'()*'+"($+<$ s n $ T l D E m b u !"#$:&=5#.6$DE6$:&)$T$:*#$0#(9##&$("#$)'*#+(',&$-#+(,*$ :&)$("#$("*##$:;#.<$ v !"#$%&'()*()+,('()-$$ 3d visibility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¶VWRSSHG·IRUWKH -&*(0$&+)%2F,FG;%%D"&.%,(#).%9(%#-H/.$%$"(%1"#.(.%4:%%e D"()3%*(,(,4(*&)5%$"#$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9(%5($>%% n 1 l m 2 iSw 2 2 2 antenna position coordinate system XYZ – coordinate system for position on the earth - based on a model for the earth - essentially your correlator knows all about it - careful if the position of the telescope is wrong set the system fixed to the terrestrial system: X hour angle 0h and declination 0o Y hour angle -6h and declination 0o Z declination 90o The baseline separation (Lx, Ly, Lz) to a reference antenna. Horizontal coordinate system geographic latitude ϕ, elevation E, azimuth A baselines in uvw coordinates eliminate h UV coverage visibility shopping list § measure a visibility at a specific time towards a source at declination δ and right ascension α with respect to the phase centre § get the UV coordinates for each measurement (need the antenna position for this) observational parameters declination right ascension � δ = arcsin(m · cosδ0 + sinδ0 · α = α0 + arctan( cosδ0 · √ l = cosδ · sin(α − α0 ) 1 − l 2 − m2 ) l ) 2 2 1 − l − m − m · sinδ0 m = sinδ · cosδ0 − cosδ0 · sinδ0 · cos(α − α0 ) get the real Fourier transformation transform 3d to 2d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lets get more antennas Fourier Transformation 12 hours UV coverage δ = 90o only use uv points and not the measured values of the visibility synthesized beam UV coverage and synthesised beams Synthesis Imaging UV coverage brightness distribution