which simplifies to g y = 0. L � � Therefore, the frequency is ω = g/L, and, therefore, the period is T = 2π/ g/L = 4.4 Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations 0 � 2π 302 L/g. CHAPTER 4. √ SECOND ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS 1. cos δ =y 3is and R sin δof=the 4CHAPTER implies R 4. = 25 = 5 and δ = LINEAR arctan(4/3) ≈ 0.9273. 15. Suppose a solution differential equation 302 R SECOND ORDER EQUATIONS Therefore, Let w = y − v. Then w satisfies the same differential equation, since the equation is linear, my �� + γy � + ky = 0 � and, w(tThen 0, satisfies w (t0 )EQUATIONS; =the yy1 .= Therefore, y = vequation, + w UNDETERMINED where v, w the specified 5 cos(2t − 0.9273). 4.5. wfurther, NONHOMOGENEOUS METHOD OF COEFFICIENTS311 0) = w Let = y − v. same differential since thesatisfy equation is linear, � � conditions. and y(t ) = y , y (t ) = y . Then suppose v is a solution of and, satisfies further, the w(t0initial ) = 0,conditions w (t0 ) = y . Therefore, y = v + w where v, w satisfy the specified 0 1 √ 1 0 √0 � 302 CHAPTER 4. SECOND ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS 2 2. coscharacteristic δ differential = −1 and equation, R sin δ = but implies R 4 problem = 2 and π 00+ arctan(−3) =00)2π/3. the same satisfies the=rinitial conditions v0θ−r andcos(ω v has (t =sin 0.θ. conditions. 5. R The equation for3we the homogeneous λ=v(t + 9)t)= 0, which 16. Using trigonometric identities, note that sin(ω = isrδ sin(ω cos t)roots 0 t−θ) Therefore, λ= ±3i.toTherefore, theidentities, solution ofwe the yh (t) c1 cos(3t)+c In order write A cos(ω t)homogeneous inthat the form rproblem sin(ω t −isθ), we = need A = −r sin θ and 2 sin(3t). 0 t) + B sin(ω 0note 16. Using trigonometric r sin(ω 0 t−θ)0 = r sin(ω0 t) cos θ−r cos(ω0 t) sin θ. 2 problem, 2 2 equation, Let w = y − v. Then w satisfies the same differential since the equation is linear, To find a solution of the inhomogeneous we look for a solution of the form y = B = r cos θ. Therefore, we must have A + B = r and tan θ = −A/B. From the text, we y 0= − 2π/3). In order to 3twrite A cos(ω t) 2incos(t the form r sin(ω0 t − θ), we need A = −r√sin pθ(t) and 0 t)� + B sin(ω 3t 2 3t 2 2 and, further, w(t =+ 0,D. w Substituting (t ) =have y01t) . Therefore, =and v cos(ω +tan w where v, w differential satisfy the specified 2 function 2 0 t) 2 Ae= + Bteθ.in+ Ct0 )eto this form into the equation, know order write A0cos(ω + = R δ), we need R= A +B 0θt − B rthat cos Therefore, we must AaB +sin(ω B√ =yrof = −A/B. From the text, we √ √ conditions. and equating like Therefore, terms, we have 18A +Rsin(ω 6B + = cos(ω 0,and +δ), 12C =we0,need = 1+and and and δδ = in order forR cos(ω t== −2R δ) r18B sin(ω −we θ),need 02C 0 tarctan(−1/2) 3. Rtan cos =inB/A. 4order and R sin δ= implies = 20 5= = know that to write A−2 cos(ω R18C =≈r −0.4636. A2R B2 0 t) + B 0 t) 0 tδ− 9D = 6. The solution of these equations is A = 1/162, B = −1/27, C = 1/18 and D = 2/3. tan θ = −1/ tan δ. 16. trigonometric identities, we note r sin(ω r sin(ω t) cos sin θ. andUsing tan δ = B/A. Therefore, in order for Rthat cos(ω = r= sin(ω weθ−r needcos(ω r = 0Rt) and Therefore, 0 t−θ) 0 t − δ) 0 t −0θ), √ Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem is 2 In tospring write A cos(ω0 t) the=form r sin(ωThe θ), weisneed = 1/4 −r sin θ and tanorder θThe = −1/ tan δ. 17. constant is+kB=sin(ω 64 lb/ft. 8/32A = lb-s /ft. 0 t − mass y8/(1.5/12) = 20 t) 5incos(3t + 0.46362). 2 2 2 B = r cos θ. Therefore, we must have A + B = r and tan θ = −A/B. From the text, we Therefore, the equation ofismotion is 1 The 1 2is3t8/322 = 1/4 √ lb-s2 /ft. 17. The spring constant k =+8/(1.5/12) = 164√ lb/ft. 3t 3t mass 2 y(t) = c cos(3t) c sin(3t) + e − te + t e + . 1 know thatδ in to write A δ),+we need + B2 02t) + B sin(ω 0 t) = R cos(ω 162 27 δ0 t=− 18 3 R = ≈A4.1244. Therefore, theorder equation 4. R cos = −2 and R of sinmotion δ cos(ω = −3is R 13 and π arctan(3/2) 1implies �� � = + 64y =δ)0.= r sin(ω0 t − θ), we need r = R and and tan δ = B/A. Therefore, in orderyfor+Rγycos(ω 0t − Therefore, 4 1 �� homogeneous tan = −1/ tan δ. 6. θThe characteristic equation √ for the is λ2 + 2λ + 1 = 0, which √ ycos(πt + γy+� + 64y = 0.problem y = 13 π + arctan(3/2)). 4.5. the NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS; METHOD UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS311 4damping when The motion will constant experience γ = 2OF km = 8 homogeneous lb-s/ft. has repeated root λ is=critical Therefore, of the problem is 17. The spring k−1. = 8/(1.5/12) =the 64 solution lb/ft. The mass is 8/32 = 1/4 lb-s2 /ft. √ −t −t −6 yh (t)The = cinductance e will + c2 te L .=ofTo find aisdamping solution of theγinhomogeneous problem, we look for The motion experience critical when =C 2 =km = 8 lb-s/ft. 1the 18. 0.2 henry. The capacitance 0.810 farads. Therefore, thea Therefore, equation motion 5. 2 for −t the homogeneous problem is λ2 + 9 = 0, which has roots 5. The characteristic equation solution of the form y (t) = At e . Substituting a function of this form into the differential equation for charge qLpis = 0.2 henry.1 The capacitance C = 0.810−6 farads. Therefore, the 18. λ =The ±3i.inductance Therefore, thelike solution of the homogeneous is yhA(t)==1 cand 1 cos(3t)+c 2 sin(3t). equation, and equating terms, we = 72.=problem Therefore, the solution of 10 y���� have + γy ��2A + 64y 0. 2 equation for charge q is 0.2q + Rq + q = 0. 4 (a) The spring constant is k = 2/(1/2) = 4 lb/ft. The mass m = 2/32 = 1/16 lb-s /ft. To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we look for a solution of the form y (t) = p the inhomogeneous problem is 87 10 √ 3t 3t the2 equation 3t ��is � � Therefore, of motion Ae + Bte will + Ct e + D. Substituting function this into the differential equation, 0.2q +a Rq + γof q= 0. form The damping when km = 8 7lb-s/ft. The motion motion will experience experience critical critical = 222 −t 0.2 · 10 /8 = 103 ohms. −t when 8−tR = y(t) damping = c1 e+ + c+ . 2 te2C +=t e and equating like terms, we have 18A 6B 0, 18B + 12C 1 and � −6 √ = 30, 18C = √ 7 /8 18. The inductance L = 0.2 henry. The capacitance C = 0.810 farads. Therefore, the 1 The motion will experience critical damping when R = 2 0.2 · 10 = 10 ohms. 310 CHAPTER 4. SECOND ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS 19. If 6. theThe system is critically damped oris yoverdamped, γ ≥ 2C = km. γ =D 2= 2/3. km 9D = solution of these equations A�� + = 4y 1/162, Bthen = −1/27, 1/18Ifand = 0 √ equation for charge qthen isequation 16 overdamped, 7. The characteristic for theis homogeneous problem 2λ22 √ +km. 3λ +If1 γ= =0, 2which (critically damped), given by Therefore, the solution ofthe thesolution inhomogeneous problem is then γis ≥ 7 19. If the system is critically damped or km 10 ��the solution � has roots λ = −1, −1/2. Therefore, of the homogeneous problem is y (t) = 4.5 Nonhomogeneous Equations; Method of Undeter0.2q + Rq + q = 0. h (critically damped), then the solution is given by y(t) = (A + Bt)e 1 8 −γt/2m 1. 3t 1 2 3t 2 which −t/2be simplified to 3t c1 e−t + c2 ecan . y(t) To =find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we will first look for c1 cos(3t) + c2 sin(3t) + e−γt/2m − �te + t e + . mined Coefficients 7 /8 = 1033 ohms. 162 2 The motion critical damping 227 0.2 1018 = (A +when Bt)e . is, yA�� Ct + 64y a solution Y1 (t) = Ay(t) + Bt + to==R account for√ the inhomogeneous t2 . In this case,ofwill ifthe y experience =form 0, then we must have + Bt 0,0.=that t·= −A/B (assuming term B �= 0). √ √ Substituting a function ofnever this damped form (unless intoorthe differential and equating terms, If 0,characteristic the isequation zero ABt == 0).0, Ifthat γ equation, >is,2 t γ= km (overdamped), the 2 km. 19. If= the system is then critically overdamped, then If1 γ=like =then In this case, if solution yconditions = 0, we must have A + −A/B (assuming B2ofwhich �=km 0). 2 λ2 6.B The forthe the homogeneous is≥ + 2λ +solution 0, The initial are y(0) = 1/4 ft, y � (0) = problem 0 problem ft/sec. The general the √ 1. The characteristic equation for homogeneous is λ − 2λ − 3 = 0, which has we have A + 3B + 4C = 0, B + 6C = 0 and C = 1. The solution of these equations is solution is given by (critically damped), then the solution is given by Ifroots Bdifferential = 0,=repeated the solution never zero (unless Aλ+1the = 0). If 2problem km homogeneous (overdamped), then the 3t −tis has the rootisλis =y(t) −1. Therefore, solution of the problem equation = A cos(8t) B sin(8t) ft. The initial condition implies 22 tγ > λ 3, −1. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous is y (t) = c e + c e t λ h a solution 1 A = 14, B =−t−6, C = Y1 ==Ae 14 − + 6tBe + t . Next, we look for of2 the. y(t) −t 1. Therefore, solution is given by 1 y (t) = c e + c te . To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we look for =a −γt/2m h 1 2 To A find solution inhomogeneous problem, we look for a solution the function form yp (t) y(t) (A . t. inhomogeneous the 2form Y2=(t) =+D + λE sin Substituting into = a1/4 andproblem Bof=the 0. of Therefore, the solution cos(8t) ft. ofthis λBt)e t is ty(t) 1cos 2 t= −t(19) where λ are given by equation in the text. Assume for the moment, that A, B = � 0. y(t) = Ae + Be 2t λ1 ,of solution the form y (t) = At e . Substituting a function of this form into the differential 2 4 andequation, p Ae ODE . Substituting a function of this form into the differential we have the and equating like terms, we find that D = −9/10 E = −3/10. Therefore, the λ1 t λ2 t (λ1 −λ2 )t In thisyλcase, yequating = 0, Ae then we must have A + 2A Bt is,for t== −A/B (assuming BB�=�=one 0). Then =λand 0 ifare implies =terms, −Be(19) implies ethat −B/A. There only equation, wewhich have = 0, 2. Therefore, A moment, = 1 and theissolution √ where given bylike equation in text. Assume the that A, 0.of 1 ,of 2the inhomogeneous solution problem is the 2t 2t 2t 2t If B = 0, the solution is never zero (unless A = 0). If γ > 2 km (overdamped), then the solution to this equation. If A = 0 or B = 0, then there are no solutions to the equation the inhomogeneous 4Aeλ2 t −which 4Ae implies − 3Ae e(λ =1 −λ 3e2 )t. = −B/A. There is only one Then y = 0 implies problem Aeλ1 t = is−Be solution is given by ysolution = 0 (unless they are both zero, in which case, the solution identically zero). 9 areis no 3 to this equation. If−tA+ = 0−t/2 or + B 14 =− 0, then solutions to the equation −t −tt2there 2 −t y(t) = c c 6t + t − sin t. λ1c t 2 te λ− 1e 2 e y(t) 2 tt e cos y(t) = c e + + . 1 = Ae + Be Therefore, we need −3A = 3, or A = −1. Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous 10 10 20. the system critically damped, thencase, the general solution is y = If 0 (unless theyisare both zero, in which the solution is identically zero). problem is where λ1 , λsystem by equation (19)then in the text. Assume for the moment, that A, B �= 0. 2 are given 2 −γt/2m 3t −t problem 2t 20. If the is critically damped, the general solution is2 2λ 7. The The characteristic equation for homogeneous + 3λ + 1 =has 0, which y(t) (A + Bt)e . .2 )t is is 8. characteristic equation for the homogeneous problem λ + 1 = 0, which c e + c e − λ1 t λ2the t = (λ1e−λ 1 2 Then y = 0 implies Ae = −Be which implies e = −B/A. There is onlyroots one has rootsTherefore, λ = −1, −1/2. Therefore, the solution−γt/2m ofproblem the homogeneous problem isc2ysin(t). λ = ±i. the solution of the homogeneous is y (t) = c cos(t) + h (t) = h 1 y(t) = (A + Bt)e . solution to conditions this equation. If A A= = y00 or BB==0,v0then there are If nov0solutions to the The initial imply + (γy 0,we2λ then = equation γy /2m. −t 0 /2m). c1 efind +accharacteristic e−t/2 . To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, will 2. The equation for and the homogeneous problem is λ=2 + +B 5first = 0,look To of the inhomogeneous problem, wesolution look foris aidentically solution ofzero). the form y0pwhich (t) for = 2solution yIn =this 0 (unless they are both zero, in which case, the case, the specific solution is 2 2 The initial imply A==Ay+ B = v0to +Substituting (γy vfunction 0, problem then B =is γy a cos(2t) solution of Bt +solution Ct account forIfathe inhomogeneous term t= . has roots+λconditions −1form ±+ 2i.Y Therefore, thesin(2t). of the homogeneous yh0 /2m. (t) 0+and 0 /2m). 0 = A B=the sin(2t) Ct cos(2t) Dt of this form into 1 (t) −t If the system is critically damped, then the general−γt/2m 20. solution is In this case, the solution is=a(y a+function ofand this form into differential equation, and like eSubstituting (cdifferential cspecific Toy(t) find solution of theweinhomogeneous problem, we− look for3,a the equation, equating terms, have 4D = equating 0, −3B 4Cterms, = 1 cos(2t) 2 sin(2t)). + the (γy . − 3A 0 like 0 /2m)t)e solution of the form y (t) = A cos(2t) + B sin(2t). Substituting a function of this form into we have A + 3B + 4C = 0, B + 6C = 0 and C = 1. The solution of these equations is −γt/2m −3C = 1, and −3D =p 0. The solution of these equations = 0, B = −5/9, C = −1/3 −γt/2m y(t) (Awould + 0Bt)e . is. A/2m)t y(t) =0,(y= (γy /2m)t)e 0+ 20 + (γy As t → ∞, y → 0. In order for y = we need y = 0, but there are no 0 the equation, equating wet .have B− 3 and A + 4Bof=the 0. A =differential −6, C = the 1. and Therefore, =inhomogeneous 14terms, − 6t + Next, we4A look a solution and D14, =B 0. = Therefore, solution of Ythe problem is = for 1 like positive times t satisfying this equation. If v = � 0, the specific solution is 0 The initial conditions imply A = y and B = v + (γy /2m). If v = 0, then B = γy /2m. The solution of these equations is A = −12/17 and B = 3/17. Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem of the form Y (t) = D cos t + E sin t. Substituting this function into As t → ∞, y → 0. In order for y =0 0, 2we would0 need y00 + (γy0 /2m)t = 0, but there are no 0 0 5 = −9/10 1 E = −3/10. Therefore, the −γt/2m inhomogeneous problem is In this case, the specific solution is the ODE and like terms, we find that D and positive times tequating satisfying this equation. If v = � 0, the specific solution is y(t) =y(t) c1 cos(t) −0 /2m))t)e sin(2t) − t cos(2t). = (y0+ +c(v . 2 sin(t) 0 +0(γy 9 3 solution of the inhomogeneous problem is −γt/2m =0 (y . . 3 12 −γt/2m = (y +0(v+0 (γy + (γy 0 /2m)t)e 0 /2m))t)e −ty(t)y(t) y(t) = e (c cos(2t) + c sin(2t)) − cos(2t) sin(2t). 2 1 2 9 9. The characteristic equation for the homogeneous problem is + λ2 +3ω = 0, which has roots −t/2 2 = c1 e−t + would 14 − 6tneed + t17 cos0 /2m)t t −17 0= sin0,t. but there are no As t → ∞, y → 0.y(t) In order for+yc= y−0 + (γy 2 e 0, we λ = ±ω0 i. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous10problem 10 is yh (t) = c1 cos(ω0 t) + positive times t satisfying this equation. If v0 �= 0, the specific solution is 2 y �� + y(t) = e (c1 cos( √15t/2) + c2 sin( √15t/2)) + 1e − 1e . 6 t 4 −t −t/2 y(t) = e The initial conditions imply(c1 cos( 15t/2) + c2 sin( 15t/2)) + e − e . 6 4 2 12. The characteristic equation for cthe+ homogeneous problem is λ − λ − 2 = 0, which has c2 + 2 = 1 1 2 −t 2t 12. The characteristic equation for the homogeneous problem is λ − λ 2 = c0,1 ewhich roots λ = −1, 2. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is yh−(t) + c2 ehas . −t 3c − c + 4 + 3 = 0. 1 2 roots λ= −1, 2. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous is yhof(t)the = form c1 e y+p (t) c2 e2t To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we look forproblem a solution =. 2t −2t To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we look for a solution of the and formequating yp (t) = Ate +Be . Substituting a function of this form into the differential equation, Therefore, c1 = −2 and c2 = 1 which implies the particular solution of the IVP is 2t −2t Ate +Be . Substituting a function of this form into the differential equation, and equating like terms, we have A = 1/6 and B = 1/8. Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous like terms, and=B−2e = 1/8. of the inhomogeneous 3t −t problem is we have A = 1/6 y(t) + eTherefore, + 2e2t + the 3te2tsolution . 1 1 problem is y(t) = c1 e−t + c2 e2t + 1te2t + 1e−2t . −t 8 e−2t . y(t) =for c1 ethe +homogeneous c2 e2t + 6 te2t + 17. The characteristic equation problem is λ2 + 4 = 0, which has 6 8 13. equation for the homogeneous problem is λ2 +isλ y−h (t) 2 ==0,c1which rootsThe λ =characteristic ±2i. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem cos(2t)has + 2 t −2t The characteristic equation for the homogeneous problem is λ + λ − 2 0, which has roots λ = 1, −2. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is y (t) = c e + c e . c13. sin(2t). To find a solution of the inhomogeneous problem, we look for a solution of the h 1 2 2 t −2t roots λ = 1, −2. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is y (t) = c e + c e h 1differential To find a solution of the+inhomogeneous problem,awe look forofathis solution of the yp2(t) =. form yp (t) = At cos(2t) Bt sin(2t). Substituting function form into theform To + find solution of the inhomogeneous problem, wedifferential look the equating form yp (t) = 3 for a solution At B. aSubstituting a function of this form into the equation,ofand like equation, and equating like terms, we have yinto p (t) = − t cos(2t). Therefore, the solution of At + B. Substituting a function of this form the differential equation, and equating like 4 of these equations is A = −1 and terms, we have −2A = 2 and A − 2B = 0. The solution the inhomogeneous problem is terms, we have −2A = 2 and A − 2B = 0. The solution of these equations is A = −1 and B = −1/2. Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem is B = −1/2. Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem is 31 y(t) = y(t) c1 cos(2t) − t+ c2 sin(2t) −2t = c1 e + c2 e − t −4 t1cos(2t). . 4.5. NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS; OF 2 .UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS313 y(t) = c1 et +METHOD c2 e−2t − t − 2 The initial conditions imply The initial conditions imply c1 = 2 1 3 =0 c1 + c2 − 2c2 − = 2 −1. 4 c1 − 2c2 − 1 = 1. Therefore, c1 = 2 and c2 = −1/8 which implies the particular solution of the IVP is Therefore, c1 = 1 and c2 = −1/2 which implies the particular solution of the IVP is 11 31 y(t) = 2y(t) cos(2t) = et − − 8 sin(2t) e−2t − t−−4 t .cos(2t). 2 2 18. The characteristic characteristicequation equationfor forthe thehomogeneous homogeneousproblem problem is2 λ 5 = has 0, which 14. The is λ +2 4+=2λ 0, + which roots has roots λ = −1 ± 2i. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is y (t) = λ = ±2i. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is yh (t) = c1 cos(2t)+c2 sin(2t). h −t eFirst, (c1NONHOMOGENEOUS cos(2t) find a solutionMETHOD ofproblem, the inhomogeneous a to find + a csolution of To the inhomogeneous weUNDETERMINED look for problem, a solutionwe oflook the for form 4.5. EQUATIONS; OF COEFFICIENTS315 2 sin(2t)). −t −t 2 2 solution (t)correspond = Ate cos(2t) + Bte Substituting a function of form this Y1 (t) = Aof+the Bt form + Ct ypto with the term sin(2t). t . Substituting a function of this −t into the equation, and equating like terms, we have A =yp−1/8, 0 and form intodifferential the differential equation, and equating like terms, we have (t) = B te =sin(2t). t C = 1/4. Next, considering the inhomogeneous term 3e , we look for a solution of the form Therefore, the solution of the inhomogeneous problem is t Y2 (t) = De . Substituting this function into the equation and equating like terms, we have D = 3/5. Therefore, the the inhomogeneous is y(t)solution = e−t (cof + c2 sin(2t)) +problem te−t sin(2t). 1 cos(2t) The initial conditions imply y(t) = c1 cos(2t) + c2 sin(2t) − 1 1 2 3 t + t + e. 8 4 5 c1 = 1 −19 c1 + 2c2 = 0. + c1 = 0 40 Therefore, c1 = 1 and c2 = 1/2 which implies the particular solution of the IVP is 3 + 2c 2 = 2. � � 5 1 −t −t cos(2t) + implies sin(2t) the + te sin(2t).solution of the IVP is Therefore, c1 = −19/40y(t) and=ce2 = 7/10 which particular 2 19 7 1 1 3 y(t) = − cos(2t) + sin(2t) − + t2 + et . 19. 40 10 8 4 5 The initial conditions imply 2 (a) has roots 15. The The characteristic characteristic equation equation for for the the homogeneous homogeneousproblem problemisisλλ2+3λ − 2λ=+0,1which = 0, which has −3t λ = 0, −3. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is y (t) = c + c e h 1 2 the repeated root λ = 1. Therefore, the solution of the homogeneous problem is yh (t) =. to find solution of theofinhomogeneous problem, we look a solution of the c1 et Therefore, + c2 tet . First, to afind a solution the inhomogeneous problem, wefor look for a solution 42 t 3 3 t 2 2 −3t form Y (t) t +A +A +B +D sin 3t+E cos 3t. 3 t+A4 )+t(B 1 t+B of the form Y1 = (t)t(A = 0At e +1 tBt e 2 tto+A correspond with0 tthe term te2t )e . Substituting a function 3 t 4.7 Variation of Parameters 4.7. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS 341 1. Let X(t) be the fundamental matrix, 4. � � −t 0 −e (a) X(t) = −t� � . � �� � e te−t x11 (t) x12 (t) u1 (t) x11 (t)u1 (t) + x12 (t)u2 (t) Xu = = . x21 (t) x22 (t) u2 (t) Then 21 (t)u1 (t) + x22 (t)u2 (t) � t xt � te e X−1 (t) = . t Therefore, −e 0 � � � � � � x u + x u + x u + x u � 1 11 2 12 11 1 12 2 Therefore, (Xu) = . x�21 u1 +�x21 u�1 + � x�22�u2 +�x22 u�2 t t te e −1 X−1 (t)g(t) = t Now −e t� � � � � 0 � � � x x u�1 � 11 120 X� = u = . x�21 =x�22 t . u�2 e Therefore, � Therefore, � � � 0 X (t)g(t) dt = dt et � � 0 = t . e −1 � xp (t) = X(t) X−1 (t)g(t) dt � �� � −t 0 −e 0 4.7. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS 343 = −t e te−t et � � −1 Therefore, c1 − c2 = −1 and c2 − 1 = this system of equations, we have c1 = 1 = 1. Solving . and c2 = 2. Therefore, the solution of the tIVP is � −t � Therefore, �−t + 2t e − 2e�t + te −1 x(t) = . xp (t) 2e = t − t − .1 t 8. Let The X(t) general solution of the equation 5. be the fundamental matrix, in problem 4 is � �� � −t �� � � cos t −esin t 0 = + c2 . −1 . x(t) = cX(t) 1 −t −t t + − sin t cos e te t � �t Then � � The initial condition x(0) = 1 0 −1 implies cos t − sin t X (t) = . � � �sin t� cos �t � � � 0 −1 −1 1 x(0) = c1 + c2 + = . Therefore, 1 � 0 0� �0� cos t − sin t cos t X−1c1(t)g(t) Therefore, −c2 − 1 = 1 and = 0. = Solving this system of equations, we have c1 = 0 and sin t cos t − sin t � is c2 = −2. Therefore, the solution of the � IVP 1 = � . −t � � � 0 −e −1 x(t) = −2 + . te−t t 9. The general solution of the equation in problem 5 is � � � � � � cos t sin t t cos t x(t) = c +c + . � −t te−t (3e 3 t t) t Therefore, the particular solution is Y (t) u1 (t) = − = 2e − e = dte=. − t2 W (t) 2 11. The solution of the homogeneous equation is yh (t) = c1 e2t + c2 e−t . The functions � −t −t y1 (t) = e2t and y2 (t) = e−t form a fundamental e (3e set ) of solutions. The Wronskian of these dt = 3t. t u2 (t) = functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = −3e . Using the method W (t) of variation of parameters, a particular solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1 (t) + u2 (t)y 2 (t) where Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t) = − 32 t2 e−t + 3t2 e−t = 32 t2 e−t . � −t −t 2 −3t e (2e )is yh (t) = 13. The solution of the homogeneous equation c1 et/2 + c2 tet/2 . The functions u (t) = − dt = − e 1 W (t) set of solutions. 9 y1 (t) = et/2 and y2 (t) = tet/2 form a fundamental The Wronskian of these � 2t −t t functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = e . Using the method of parameters, a particular e (2e ) of variation 2t (t) =(t) + u (t)y (t) dt where =− . solution is given by Y (t) = uu12(t)y 1 2 (t) 2 W 3 � 2 (4et/2 )2 −t tet/2 Therefore, a particular solution (t) = − e−t − dt te= .−2t As2 −2e−t /9 is a solution of the u1 (t)is =Y − 9 (t) 3 W 2 � t/2 t/2 homogeneous equation, we can omit it eand that yp (t) = − te−t is a particular (4econclude ) 3 u2 (t) = dt = 4t. solution of the inhomogeneous problem. W (t) 12. The solution of the homogeneous equation is yh (t) = c e−t + c te−t . The functions 2 t/2 Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t) = −2t2 et/2 + 4t e = 12t2 et/2 . 2 −t −t y1 (t) = e and y2 (t) = te form a fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian of these −2t 14. The solution homogeneous is yhof (t)variation = c1 cos(t) c2 sin(t). The functions functions is W (y1of , ythe . Using equation the method of +parameters, a particular 2) = e y1 (t) = cos(t) = usin(t) form a fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian of solution is givenand by yY2 (t) (t) = 1 (t)y1 (t) + u2 (t)y2 (t) where these functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = 1. Using�the method of variation of parameters, a particular −t −t 346 CHAPTER 4.(3e SECOND ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS ) 3 solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y (t)y 1 (t) + u2te 2 (t) where u1 (t) = − dt = − t2 W (t) 2 � sin(t) tan(t) Wronskian of theseu functions is W (y , y ) = 1/2. Writing the ODE+in standard form, we see 1 2 � dt = sin(t) − ln(sec(t) tan(t)) 1 (t) = − −t eof−t (3e ) (t) that g(t) = sec(t/2)/2. Using the W method variation of parameters, a particular solution u2 (t) = dt = 3t. 4.7. VARIATION PARAMETERS 345 is given by Y (t) = uOF W (t) 1 (t)y 1 (t) + u2 (t)y2 (t) where � Therefore, a particular solution is cos(t/2)(sec(t/2)) Y�(t) = − 32 t2 e−t + 3t2 e−t = 32 t2 e−t . cos(t) tan(t) dt = 2 ln[cos(t/2)] u1 (t) =u − t/2 dt = − cos(t).t/2 2 (t) = 2W 13. The solution of the homogeneous equation W(t) (t) is yh (t) = c1 e + c2 te . The functions t/2 t/2 y1 (t) = e and y2 (t) = te form a� fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian of these sin(t/2)(sec(t/2)) Therefore, is=Y (t)the = (sin(t) − ln(sec(t) cos(t) − cos(t) sin(t) = functions isa particular W (y1 , y2 ) solution = etu. 2 (t) Using method of variation a particular dt + = tan(t))) t. of parameters, 2W (t) − cos(t) ln(sec(t) + tan(t)). Therefore, the general solution is y(t) = c cos(t) + c sin(t) − 1 2 solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1 (t) + u2 (t)y2 (t) where cos(t) ln(sec(t) + tan(t)). Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t)�= 2 cos(t/2) ln[cos(t/2)] + t sin(t/2). Therefore, the t/2 tet/2 is (4ey+ general solution is y(t) = c1 cos(t/2) c2 sin(t/2) 2) cos(t/2) ln[cos(t/2)] + t sin(t/2). 2 15. The solution of the homogeneous equation == c1 −2t cos(3t)+c The functions h (t) 2 sin(3t). u1 (t) = + − dt W (t) t t y (t) = cos(3t) and y (t) = sin(3t) form a fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian 1 The solution of the 2 homogeneous equation is yh (t) = c1 e +c2 te . The functions 19. y1 (t) = eoft � t/2 t/2 thesey2functions W (ya1 ,fundamental y2 ) = 3. Using method variation of parameters, a particular ethe(4e ) of The and (t) = tet isform u2 (t) = set of solutions. dt = 4t. Wronskian of these functions is 2t solution by Y (t) u1 (t)y1 (t) u2W (t)y where 2 (t) (t) W (y1 , y2 )is=given e . Using the=method of + variation of parameters, a particular solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1 (t) + u2 (t)y�2 (t) where 2 2 t/2 2 t/2 sin(3t)(9 sec−2t (3t)) Therefore, a particular is�Y (t) = e dt+=4t− ecsc(3t) = 2t2 et/2 . u1 (t) solution =− 1 Wte (t)t (et ) 14. The solution of theuhomogeneous equation 2is dt yh (t) = cln(1 =− + t2+) c2 sin(t). The functions 1 cos(t) � =− 1 (t) 2 W (t)(1 + t ) 2 cos(3t)(9 sec (3t)) y1 (t) = cos(t) andu2y(t) set of solutions. 2 (t) � formt a t fundamental == sin(t) dt = ln(sec(3t) + tan(3t)).The Wronskian of e (e ) W (t) these functions is W (y1u, y(t) of variation of parameters, a particular 2) = = 1. Using the method dt = arctan(t). 2 t2 )2 (t) where solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1W (t)(t)(1 + u2+ (t)y Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t) = −1 + sin(3t) ln(sec(3t) + tan(3t)). Therefore, the � 1 t sin(3t) ln(sec(3t) general solution is y(t) =solution c1 cos(3t) c2 sin(3t) + tan(3t)) Therefore, − 1. sin(t) Therefore, a particular is + Ytan(t) (t) = dt−=+ esin(t) ln(1 − + ln(sec(t) t2 ) + tet + arctan(t). the u1 (t) = − tan(t)) 2 −2t −2t W (t) 1 t 16. Thesolution solutionis of the= homogeneous c1 e + c2 te . The functions general y(t) c1−2t et + c2 tet − equation e ln(1 +ist2 )yh+(t)tet=arctan(t). 2 −2t y1 (t) = e and y2 (t) = te form a fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian of these 20. The solution of the homogeneous equation isofyhvariation (t) = c1 eof3t parameters, + c2 e2t . The functions −4t functions is W (y , y ) = e . Using the method a particular 1 2 3t 2t ysolution (t) = e and y (t) = e form a fundamental set of solutions. The Wronskian of these 1 2 Y (t) = u (t)y (t) + u (t)y (t) where is given by 1 1 2 2 5t functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = −e . Using the method of variation of parameters, a particular � solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1 (t) + te u2−2t (t)y (t)e−2t where (t2−2 ) u1 (t) = −� �dt = − ln(t) W (t) e2s (g(s)) u1 (t) = − � ds = e−3s g(s)ds −2t −2 W e (s) (t e−2t ) 1 u2 (t) = dt = − . � 3s � t e (g(s))W (t) 1 1 Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t) = − (1 + t)e2t + te2t = (t − 1)e2t . 2 2 t 24. By direct substitution, it can be verified that y1 (t) = e and y2 (t) = t are solutions of the homogeneous equations. The Wronskian of these functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = (1 − t)et . Rewriting the equation in standard form, we have t � 1 y �� − y − y = 2(1 − t)e−t . 1 − t 1 − t CHAPTER 4. SECOND ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS 348 Therefore, g(t) = 2(1 − t)e−t . Using the method of variation of parameters, a particular solution is given by Y (t) = u1 (t)y1 (t) + u2 (t)y2 (t) where � t(2(1 − t)e−t ) 1 u1 (t) = − dt = te−2t + e−2t W (t) 2 � 2(1 − t) u2 (t) = dt = −2e−t . W (t) � � Therefore, a particular solution is Y (t) = te−t + 12 e−t − 2te−t = 12 − t e−t . 25. By direct substitution, it can be verified that y1 (x) = x−1/2 sin x and y2 (x) = x−1/2 cos x are solutions of the homogeneous equations. The Wronskian of these functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = −1/x. Rewriting the equation in standard form, we have 1 x2 − 0.25 sin x y �� + y � + y = 3 1/2 . 2 x x x Therefore, g(x) = 3 sin(x)x−1/2 . Using the method of variation of parameters, a particular solution is given by Y (x) = u1 (x)y1 (x) + u2 (x)y2 (x) where � x−1/2 cos(x)(3 sin(x)x−1/2 ) 3 u1 (x) = − dx = − cos2 (x) W (x) 2 � −1/2 −1/2 x sin(x)(3 sin(x)x ) 3 3x u2 (x) = dx = cos(x) sin(x) − . W (x) 2 2 Therefore, a particular solution is 3 Y (x) = − cos2 (x) sin(x)x−1/2 + 2 3 = − x1/2 cos(x). 2 � 3 3x cos(x) sin(x) − 2 2 � cos(x)x−1/2 26. By direct substitution, it can be verified that y1 (x) = ex and y2 (x) = x are solutions of the homogeneous equations. The Wronskian of these functions is W (y1 , y2 ) = (1 − x)ex . Rewriting the equation in standard form, we have y �� + x � 1 g(x) y − y= . 1−x 1−x 1−x Therefore, the inhomogeneous term is g(x)/(1 − x). Using the method of variation of parameters, a particular solution is given by Y (x) = u1 (x)y1 (x) + u2 (x)y2 (x) where � sg(s) u1 (x) = − ds (1 − s)W (s) � es g(s) u2 (x) = ds. (1 − s)W (s)