Homework Policy – Primary and Secondary

4.1 Positive Learning Environment
This policy supports the view that homework can enhance a student's learning and is
beneficial for a number of reasons including the revision, consolidation and
extension of work taught at school. Homework can also provide a means for
reporting progress to parents and encourages involvement of parents in their child's
work. We believe that appropriate and relevant homework tasks are a means of
developing self discipline and independent work habits in all students.
Homework is provided by teachers in order to:
help assist and prepare all students for the transition to Middle School.
revise and consolidate skills learnt at school.
develop in all students a sense of responsibility and purpose for doing
communicate to the child that learning takes place outside of school as well as
promote organisational and study skills, positive work habits and good time
strengthen the link between school and family.
promote positive attitudes about school and learning.
Suggested Guidelines
The following times are daily guidelines only (Monday to Thursday) so there will be
times when your child may have homework that may vary slightly to the allocated
time schedule stated in the guidelines below. Typically, weekend homework is only
assigned in special circumstances for children in years 4, 5 and 6.
Year 6 up to 40 minutes (e.g. 20 minutes English, 20 minutes other)
Year 5 up to 35 minutes (e.g. 15 minutes English, 20 minutes other)
Year 4 up to 25 minutes (e.g. 15 minutes English, 10 minutes other)
Year 3 up to 20 minutes (e.g. 10 minutes English, 10 minutes other)
Year 2 up to 15 minutes (e.g. 10 minutes Reading, 5 minutes other)
Year 1 up to 10 minutes reading-based activities.
Pre-Primary No set time allocation. Reading activities may be assigned.
Kindergarten No set time allocation. Reading activities may be assigned.
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4.1 Positive Learning Environment
Recreational and Cultural Pursuits
It is understood that children need time for recreational and cultural pursuits.
However, homework has a number of advantages (as outlined above) and need not
necessarily significantly reduce the amount of time available for recreational and
cultural pursuits conducted out of school.
Parents' Responsibilities
Please check your child's diary each day for homework details.
Where possible, please ensure your child can do their homework without
If for any reason your child cannot complete their homework, please inform
the teacher by writing a note.
Support the School by encouraging your child to complete all homework on
time and to a good standard.
Teachers' Responsibilities
To set and mark the homework appropriate to the age and ability of the child.
To notify parents if the set work is not completed and no correspondence has
been received from the parent. In such cases the child will be required to
complete the work set during their own time (recess/lunch) at school or at
home the following night.
To ensure that all students know what to do when homework is set.
To regularly check diaries to see the homework has been written in.
Homework and Children with Special Learning Needs
Academic Support Programme
The positive effects of homework for children with special needs should be the same
as those for other children. However, the following needs to be considered:
Homework should be differentiated, where possible, to suit individual needs,
emphasising the reinforcement of skills and class lessons rather than the integration
and extension of class work. Teachers must ensure that children with special
learning needs understand homework tasks well before attempting them.
Academic Extension Programme
Students selected in the Academic Extension Programme in Years 3-6 are usually
required to complete homework and/or project work. This homework should replace
the homework set by the class teacher and should not be in addition to a full
classroom homework load. Exceptions may arise when class teachers require all
students to complete homework on a new, important aspect of class work.
Specialist Learning Areas
Specialist teachers (e.g. Physical Education, LOTE, Visual Arts) are not required to
set homework on a regular basis. Specialist teachers may assign homework tasks
after consultation with class teachers in order to ensure that a good balance of work
is presented for homework purposes.
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4.1 Positive Learning Environment
1.0 Rationale
Homework helps students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning,
fostering good habits of lifelong learning, self-discipline, concentration and study;
and by providing an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning.
Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It allows for the practising, extending and
consolidating of work done in class. It challenges gifted students to explore openended tasks. It provides training for students in planning and organising time and
develops a range of skills in identifying and using information sources. Students
need to revise each day's work as well as completing set homework. Pre-reading
homework prepares students for work that will be covered in future lessons.
Failure by students to complete homework on a regular basis should be followed up
with parents.
The regular setting of homework by teachers is school policy. The nature, frequency
and volume of homework set are left to the professional judgement of teachers in
consultation with Heads of School and Learning Areas and students. Homework
tasks should be coordinated across teachers in different faculties to avoid
unreasonable workloads being placed on students.
Staff are encouraged to use the School Diary to monitor homework completion.
Homework will generally range from 30 - 90 minutes a day in Years 7-9. In Years 10
to 12, homework will generally increase, and require from 1-3 hours per week night,
with up to 6 hours on weekends during peak assessment periods.
2.0 Types of homework:
2.1 Homework should be:
appropriate to the student's skill level and age
interesting, challenging and, where appropriate, open ended
purposeful, meaningful and relevant to the curriculum
assessed by teachers with feedback and support provided.
Types of homework that meet these requirements include:
Practice exercises - providing students with the opportunities to apply new
knowledge, or to review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills, such as:
o reading for pleasure
o writing essays and other creative tasks
o practising and playing musical instruments
o practising physical education skills or training
o writing up practical work or process diaries
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4.1 Positive Learning Environment
Preparatory homework - providing opportunities for students to gain
background information so they are better prepared for future lessons, such
o reading background material for History
o reading English texts for class discussion
o researching topics for class work
o revising information about a current topic.
Extension assignments - encouraging students to pursue knowledge
individually and imaginatively, such as:
o writing something eg. a book review
o making or designing something eg. an art work
o completing Science investigation exercises
o researching local news
o finding material on the Internet - information and retrieval skills
o monitoring advertising in a newspaper.
o multimedia projects
o interdisciplinary explorations based on an important social/
historical/moral theme
2.2 Parents and caregivers can help their children by:
At home
encouraging them to take increasing responsibility for their learning and
providing a place and a desk for homework and study;
observing and acknowledging their success and asking how their home and
class work is progressing;
encouraging them to set aside a regular daily session to read and complete
homework on time;
setting an example by reading themselves;
helping them to complete homework by discussing key questions or directing
them to resources.
helping them to balance the amount of time spent completing homework and
engaging in leisure sporting or recreational activities;
checking whether homework has been set and ensuring they keep a
homework diary;
reading texts set by teachers; discussing their child's response to the texts
and asking to see work they complete in relation to these texts; and
discussing homework in their first language, where English is not the main
language spoken at home, and linking it to their previous experiences.
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4.1 Positive Learning Environment
At school
attending school events, displays or productions in which their children are
contacting the relevant teacher to discuss any problems their children are
having with homework;
2.3 Teachers can help their students before homework is set by:
indicating clearly the purpose of the homework;
assessing resources in advance and submitting a copy of research
assignments to the Librarian;
specifying assessment and assignment expectations at the beginning of a unit
of work;
setting varied, challenging and meaningful tasks related to class work that are
appropriate to the students' learning needs and to the intended outcomes of
the unit of work being taught;
giving students enough time to complete homework, taking into account home
obligations and extracurricular activities;
coordinating the allocation of homework by different teachers through use of
the school calendar;
consulting with students before setting discretionary homework tasks;
helping students develop the organisational and time-management skills
needed for them to be responsible for their own learning;
teaching revision and study skills explicitly; and
ensuring that students have good information-gathering, analysing and
reporting skills.
2.4 Homework is due by:
keeping accurate records of homework set and submitted;
defining and enforcing penalties for late submission of assessable tasks and
not altering due dates;
assessing homework and providing timely and practical feedback and support
within two weeks;
making effective use of homework diaries;
monitoring progress on major assignments several times before the due date;
developing strategies to support parents to become active partners in
2.5 Students can help themselves by:
writing down all details of homework they are set in their school diaries;
being aware of the importance of homework and of the school's homework
recording due dates for tasks and major assignments in their diaries;
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4.1 Positive Learning Environment
planning their homework task completion appropriately - not leaving work to
the last minute;
seeking assistance from teachers, parents or caregivers when difficulties
ensuring their homework is completed to a high standard;
showing their homework commitments and teachers' expectations to their
parents or caregivers;
developing an effective individual study timetable; and
submitting assigned work punctually.
2.6 The school can help by:
ensuring that parents and caregivers are aware of the school's homework
limiting homework set for completion over holiday periods or weekends
(except for Stage 6);
setting no homework the week before assessment periods except for revision
integrating major assessment tasks within the school's calendar;
having Year Advisers monitor the homework load of their students;
notifying parents if homework is not submitted or is unsatisfactory or
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