Low-Pressure Injection Molding of Ceramic Micro Devices Using Sub-Micron and Nano Scaled Powders M. Müller, W. Bauer, H.-J. Ritzhaupt-Kleissl Institut für Materialforschung 3, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, D . . Abstract The requirements for the manufacturing of ceramic micro parts are considered when applying the processing technology of low-pressure injection molding (LPIM). For the preparation of the feedstocks 3 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (3YSZ) powders with different particle size were employed, ranging from the sub-µ (0.2-0.4 µm) to the nano scale (10-100 nm). Resulting from the varying powder characteristics, significant changes in feedstock properties, debinding, and sintering behavior were observed. Due to an increasing specific surface area the achievable feedstock solid loading decreased from 52 vol.% for the sub-µ powder to 45 vol.% for the nano scaled material. Correspondingly higher sintering shrinkages occurred for the feedstocks with lower solid loading, and owing to a higher binder content, during debinding the tendency to shape deviation is enlarged. On the other hand smaller particle size allows reduced sintering temperatures and leads to a smaller grain size. With nano scaled 3YSZ powder (synthesized by laser evaporation) dense samples with an average grain size of 0,26 µm were obtained at a sintering temperature of just 1300°C. In spite of a promising microstructure, samples from the nano scaled powder do not exhibit the same level of mechanical strength, yet. Depending on surface roughness and edge geometry 3 point-micro-bending tests of the standard sub-µ powder show characteristic strength values σ0 of 2700 MPa and more. For specimen with the nano scaled powder not more than 1780 MPa were detected. In the present state of research inhomogeneities, especially agglomerates, which are closely connected to the synthesis of the nano scaled powders, are considered to be the limitation for improved mechanical properties. Keywords: low-pressure injection molding, 3YSZ, nano scaled ceramic powder, mechanical properties 1. Introduction Powder injection molding (PIM) is an advantageous method for the fabrication of microstructured devices. It allows near net shape and high-volume production of complex-shaped ceramic parts with small dimensions (µPIM). Low-pressure injection molding (LPIM) represents a less-common variant applied for ceramic injection molding. Due to markedly lower equipment and tooling costs, it allows fast manufacturing of functional models and therefore is an attractive alternative in the field of product development or smaller production numbers [1]. For the fabrication of micro parts it is of great interest to know, down to which component size LPIM can be applied. It has been shown that molding of micro parts with overall dimensions less than 100µm is possible [2]; micro details of such components measure in the range of few microns. State-of-the-art powders for high strength ceramics like 3YSZ lead to microstructures with a grain size of about 0.5 µm. As a result just a limited number of grains are forming the details and so the available surface quality is limited. For present demands this seems to be acceptable, but for further size reduction it is necessary to keep the grain size small in relation to the dimension of the smallest micro features. Consequently there must be a shift of the raw materials from the approved submicrometer range into the nano scale. Beside miniaturization, there are still more attractive features which justify the application of nano scaled powders for structural ceramics. Advantages may arise from improved mechanical properties, reduced surface roughness, and lower sintering temperatures. As opposed to these potential advantages there are the known disadvantages of highly dispersed powders. Their behavior is increasingly determined by high surface to volume ratios. Correspondingly ambitious are the attempts to prepare utilizable feedstocks. Particularly the achievable solid loadings are crucial, but also an increased tendency to agglomeration of nano powders has to be considered. To decide if the potential improvements of finer powders justify the higher efforts which have to be made, the processability as well as the resulting materials properties of one sub-µ zirconia powder and two nano scaled qualities of the same composition (3 mol% yttria stabilized ZrO2) are compared. 2. Low-pressure injection molding 2.1. Processing Fig. 1 shows a schematic flow sheet for the fabrication of ceramic components via injection molding technique with two alternative options available. As the name implies, the main difference between high pressure injection molding (HPIM) and LPIM lies in the pressure regime the process is carried out. For LPIM it is the range of 0.1-1 MPa, whereas HPIM requires 50 MPa and more. To withstand these severe conditions mold inserts for HPIM have to be manufactured out of wear resistant materials (typically steel), e.g. by micro milling, electro discharge machining (EDM) or laser beam machining (LBM) as a negative cavity of the micro part. In contrast, for LPIM even soft molds (for example from silicone rubber) can be applied. For the preparation of the also negatively shaped soft molds a master model is required. It is one of the most important advantages of LPIM that due to this copying process the master model can be made (nearly) of any available Multi-material Micro Manufacture W. Menz & S. Dimov (C) 200X. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1 material. Hence, from the several rapid prototyping techniques for micro parts those with the highest resolution can be chosen, which presently is microstereolithography [3,4]. But soft molds from silicone offer additionally interesting advantages as their manufacturing is simple, fast, and inexpensive. High mechanical elasticity and low adhesion forces facilitate demolding of complex shaped parts. Even undercuts can be realized to a certain degree in one single tool. The limit of soft tools is, that only moderate injection pressures can be applied, otherwise deformation of the mold inserts and of the molded part would occur. This is desirable as high solid loadings minimize sintering shrinkage, which always is a source of deformation, anisotropy, and generally an obstacle to meet narrow tolerances. As indicated in Fig. 2 the solid loading of the feedstock is in the range of 45 to 65 vol%; this strongly depends on the powder particle size, size distribution, morphology and chemical composition of the starting material. Fig. 2. Process flow feedstock preparation. For the homogeneity of the feedstocks it is essential to separate the more or less aggregated powder particles as far as possible. To ease their handling, especially fine-scaled powders generally are supplied as granules. These aggregates which result from the spray-drying process consist of weakly adhering particles and can be redispersed by moderate mechanical agitation like stirring or ultrasonication. But with decreasing powder grain size the efforts to achieve isolated primary particles are increasing significantly. In the low-viscous LPIM feedstocks high shear stresses can be obtained for example by a fast turning dissolver stirrer with a vane carrying disc. Homogenization and deagglomeration alternatively can be achieved by roller milling or ball milling. To avoid trapping of air bubbles during the stirring process, evacuation of the heated container is advisable. 3. Experimental Details Fig. 1. Process flow micro powder injection molding. 3.1. Starting materials To realize complete mold filling even with the lowest injection pressure, feedstock viscosity has to be reduced clearly, i.e. for several orders of magnitude compared to typical HPIM feedstocks. This cannot be achieved by means of decreasing feedstock’s solid content as this parameter should be kept as high as possible. Instead of that it is necessary to adapt the nature of the binder system. Long-chained thermoplastic polymers like low-density-polyethylene or polypropylene which are typical HPIM binder components, have to be replaced by compounds with lower melting temperatures, i.e. with shorter chain-length. 2.2. Preparation of the Feedstock Binder systems on paraffin wax basis became widely accepted in LPIM. They offer a beneficial melting range, are inexpensive and non toxic. The debinding behavior is uncomplicated as they decompose without boiling. Molten paraffin waxes exhibit low viscosities and thus relatively high solid loadings can be achieved. Three 3YSZ powders with different particle size were used for the investigations. The first one is the commercially available TZ-3YS-E zirconia powder, from Tosoh company, Japan, which is explicitly recommended for injection molding [5]. It is supplied in the form of spray dried granules containing primary particles between 0.2 and 0.4µm; in the following this quality is termed sub-µ powder. The second material is produced in the laboratory scale by a laser-evaporation process. As a raw material Tosoh’s TZ3Y was exposed to the focus of a CO2 laser, leading to evaporation and subsequent condensation of particles in a carrier gas stream [6,7]. By this process, which was developed and performed at Bergakademie Freiberg and FSU Jena, spherical particles of reduced diameter are obtained; this powder is termed in the following as nano1. Another nano scaled starting material, processed by flame pyrolysis of metal organic precursors was investigated additionally. As shown in Tab.1 this powder (termed nano2) reveals the highest 2 specific surface area and correspondingly the finest average primary particle size. Table 1: Properties of applied 3YSZ powders Powder BET surface primary particle size m²/g nm sub-µ 6.3 200-400 nano1 17.7 10-100 a nano2 64 12 a manufacturer information 3.2 Mechanical investigations In the macroscopic dimensions 3YSZ is appreciated as engineering ceramic because of its excellent mechanical strength. For the dimensioning of micro components, which have to withstand high mechanical load and wear, the knowledge of reliable mechanical characteristics is of great importance. This is especially true for ceramics as their strength is described by the Weibull theory. Due to the Weibull size effect, micro parts are expected to reveal superior strength values, as with reduced component size the probability for a critical defect is decreasing. The investigation of the micro mechanical properties and the microstructural characterizations were performed within the collaborative research center SFB 499 by the Institute of Materials Science (IWK 1) at the University of Karlsruhe [6]. For the 3Pt.-micro-bendingtests microbars with dimensions after sintering of about 3 200 x 200 x 1200 µm were produced by LPIM. To obtain enough samples under identical experimental conditions, arrays of 25 x 25 columns were manufactured (see Fig. 3). From a statistical analysis of the measured bending strength, the characteristic strength σ0 and the Weibull exponent m were obtained. For each value of σ0 and m at least 30 specimens were tested. Beside measuring the dimensions for every micro bending bar, following characterizations were made from selected samples: microstructure, porosity, edge geometry and surface roughness Rt. -1 20 Pa*s (at a shear rate of 100 s ). The resulting solid loadings and viscosities are summarized in Tab. 2. As expected a decrease of achievable solid loading is observed with decreasing particle size. For the nano2 powder a solid loading of only 30% was obtained. This is definitely too low to mold components which could be debindered and sintered without severe deformation. Instead of that, feedstocks were prepared by blending sub-µ and nano2 powder (ratio 5:1). The intention has been, to examine if the finer fraction fills the space between the sub-µ particles and thus would enable higher solid loadings and lower viscosities, respectively. Table 2: Properties of paraffin based feedstocks solid loading shear viscosity vol% Pa*s sub-µ 52 19 nano1 45 15 nano2 30 16 sub-µ + nano2 52 12 This effectively has been observed (see Tab. 2); with 12 Pa*s a significantly lower viscosity was detected for the sub-µ + nano2 blend compared to the pure sub-µ feedstock (19 Pa*s). A solid loading of 45% which was achieved with the nano1 powder also is quite high, taking into account the small particle size of that material. Two reasons might be responsible for this fact. As one can see in Fig. 4 the laser evaporation process results in perfect spherical particles and a broad size distribution. Owing to the spherical shape a minimized surface area and good flowability is provided. The broad size distribution has a similar effect on the feedstock’s rheology as the blending of different particle size discussed above. Fig.4. Morphology of laser evaporated 3YSZ. 4.2. Mechanical properties Fig. 3. Array of sintered 3YSZ bars for microbending specimen supply. 4. Results and Discussion 4.1 Feedstock properties To examine the maximum solid loading for the different starting materials, feedstocks were prepared utilizing a commercially available paraffin based binder / dispersant system (Siliplast LP65, Zschimmer & Schwarz, Lahnstein, Germany). For acceptable moldability it is necessary to keep the feedstock viscosity between 10- Together with the Weibull parameters σ0 and m in Tab. 3 microstructural and surface properties are summarized for 7 sets of micro bending samples, each obtained from one column array. Set A, B, and C were made of the sub-µ powder and sintered at 1500°C. Their characteristic strength values reach from 1417 MPa for set A, up to 2690 MPa for set C. Due to identical sintering conditions the grain size exhibits no significant variation and therefore should not be responsible for the observed discrepancy. However, bending strength is clearly increasing with decreasing porosity, decreasing surface roughness, and increasing edge radius. 3 Table 3: Properties of micro bending specimen from sub-µ and nano scaled 3YSZ Grain Size Porosity Edge Radius Rt Array Powder TSint. °C µm % µm µm A sub-µ 1500 0.47 1.58 3.7 2.7 σ0 MPa 1417 m 12.3 B 1500 0.46 0.84 6.3 1.2 1967 9.8 C 1500 0.45 0.14 14.0 1.1 2690 9.2 1500 0.54 1.14 2.9 1.7 1588 12.1 1500 0.54 0.43 4.7 1.5 1749 16.0 1400 0.32 0.11 5.3 2.4 1776 6.6 1300 0.26 0.05 9.7 2.1 1766 4.5 D sub-µ + nano2 E F nano1 G a a 3-point bending strength from Tosoh data sheet: 1200 MPa [5] It is difficult to decide which parameter is most critical, as they are assumed to be connected. An increase of edge radius during the debinding stage probably will cause simultaneously a reduction of surface roughness. At the same time also pores which are located near the surface, may vanish during those rearrangement processes. Due to the high fraction of sub-µ powder arrays D and E were also sintered at 1500°C. However, the average grain size was found to be slightly enlarged (0.54µm). This is assumed to result from the higher sintering activity of the nano powder fraction giving rise to expressed grain growth at temperatures of 1500°C. Porosity, edge radii, and surface roughness are always somewhat superior for set E compared to D, consequently higher σ0 is observed. Also the highest value of 16 for parameter m is noteworthy and indicates low scattering of the single values of bending strength. The sample sets F and G are manufactured with the pure nano1 powder and therefore sintering temperature could be reduced, resulting in a finer microstructure and smaller grain size of 0.26 and 0.32 µm. Residual porosity was nearly not detectable. The edge radii differ considerably, but this seems not to have an influence on the characteristic strength, which is virtually equal with 1776 and 1766 MPa. Parameter m however, is clearly poorer than for the other samples. Although the grain size is reduced, the surface roughness with Rt values of 2.1 –2.4 µm is relatively high and more comparable to the specimen set of array A (2.7µm), which stands for the lowest observed σ0 of merely 1417 MPa. 5. Conclusions Several items of the nano1 derived samples, namely small grain size, very low porosity, and rounded edges should give rise to outstanding micro mechanical properties [8,9]. Obviously this is not the case and other factors or the significance of the known features must be reconsidered. One influencing factor might be the presence of agglomerates, which were detected during the investigation of fracture surfaces. Their role in the failure behavior however, is not entirely understood yet, but they might also contribute to the relatively rough surfaces of F and G. The highest characteristic strength measured with set C is due to positive combination of several parameters concerning the surface quality of the micro bars. As there is no chance for a surface finishing of micro parts any efforts have to be made to improve the surface quality during processing, to guarantee highest mechanical strength and reliability. Acknowledgements We want to thank H.-D. Kurland, J. Grabow, and G. Staupendahl from the Friedrich–Schiller University in Jena, and C. Oestreich and E. Müller the from Technical University in Freiberg for processing and supplying the nano scaled powder. Also the extensive characterization of our samples by M. Auhorn, B. Kasanická and their students at the University of Karlsruhe, is highly appreciated. Financial support for this work by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the SFB 499 is gratefully acknowledged. References [1] Lenk R. Hot Moulding – an Interesting Forming Process. cfi/Ber. DKG 72 (1995) 636. 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