1 of 27 Journal Name 4OR: Quarterly Journal of Operations Research ABACUS Academia Economic Papers Academy of Business and Economics. Journal: JABE Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal Academy of Management Executive Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Learning and Education Academy of Management Perspectives Academy of Management Review Academy of Marketing Science Review Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Accident Analysis and Prevention Accountancy Business and the Public Interest Accounting Accountability and Performance Accounting and Business Research Accounting and Finance Accounting and the Public Interest Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal Accounting Commerce and Finance: The Islamic Perspective Journal Accounting Education: An International Journal Accounting Educators' Journal Accounting Forum Accounting Historians Journal A Accounting History ti Hi t Accounting Horizons Accounting Research Journal Accounting Review (The) Accounting, Business and Financial History Accounting, Organizations and Society ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing ACM Transactions on Computer ‐ Human Interaction ACM Transactions on Information Systems ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation Acta Mathematicae Applicandae Sinica Acta Psychologica ACTA Turistica Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionales: vedecky casopis pro ekonomiku, rizeni a obchod Action Learning and Action Research Journal Action Research Active Learning in Higher Education Actuarial Research Clearinghouse Adam Smith Review Adelaide Law Review Administration and Society Administrative Science Quarterly Administrative Theory and Praxis Advances and Applications in Statistics Advances in Accounting Advances in Accounting Education Advances in Accounting Education Advances in Applied Probability Advances in Behavioral Accounting Research Advances in Consumer Research Advances in Developing Human Resources Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy Advances in Financial Education Advances in Futures and Options Research Advances in International Accounting Advances in International Marketing Advances in MacroEconomics Advances in Management Accounting Advances in Public Interest Accounting Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting Advances in Taxation Advances in Theoretical Economics Advances in Applied Mathematics Advancing Women in Leadership Afaq Iqtisadiyyah African Economic History African Finance Journal African Journal of Business and Economic Research African Population Studies/Etude de la Population Africaine Afrika Spectrum: Zeitschrift fuer gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung Afro‐Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting Agenda Agribusiness g Agricultural and Resource Economics Review Agricultural Economics Agricultural Finance Review Agriculture and Human Values Air and Space Law Akron Business and Economic Review Akron Tax Journal Alberta Law Review ALI ‐ ABA Business Law Course Materials Journal Aligarh Journal of Statistics Allemagne d'Aujourd'hui: politique, economie, societe, culture Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv Alliance Journal of Business Research Alternatives American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review American Bankruptcy Law Journal American Behavioral Scientist American Business Law Journal American Business Review ISSN 1619‐4500 0001‐3072 1018‐161X 1542‐8710 1087‐9595 1524‐7252 1079‐5545 0001‐4273 1537‐260X 1558‐9080 0363‐7425 1526‐1794 1095‐6298 0001‐4575 1754‐7718 1445‐954X 0001‐4788 0810‐5391 1530‐9320 0951‐3574 1328‐8261 0963‐9284 1041‐0392 0155‐9982 0148‐4184 1032 3732 1032‐3732 0888‐7993 1030‐9616 0001‐4826 0958‐5206 0361‐3682 1445‐8918 1530‐0226 1073‐0516 1046‐8188 1049‐3301 0168‐9673 0001‐6918 0353‐4316 1212‐3285 1326‐964X 1445‐6125 1469‐7874 0732‐5428 1743‐5285 0065‐1915 0095‐3997 0001‐8392 1084‐1806 0972‐3617 0882‐6110 1527‐893X 0001‐8678 1475‐1488 0098‐9258 1523‐4223 Not supplied 1553‐9784 1048‐1559 0897‐3660 1474‐7979 Not supplied 1474‐7871 1041‐7060 1061‐8910 1058‐7497 1534‐5963 0196‐8858 1093‐7099 1024‐266X 0145‐2258 1605‐9786 1750‐4554 0850 5780 0002‐0397 1751‐6447 1322‐1833 0742‐4477 1068‐2805 0169‐5150 0002‐1466 0889‐048X 0927‐3379 0044‐7048 1044‐4130 0002‐4821 1536‐4445 0971‐0388 0002‐5712 0002‐6018 0973‐0850 0304‐3754 1068‐0861 0027‐9048 0002‐7642 0002‐7766 0743‐2348 ISSN Online 1614‐2411 1467‐6281 1528‐2686 1532‐5806 1944‐9585 1943‐4529 1930‐3807 1528‐2678 1879‐2057 1467‐629X 1758‐4205 1468‐4489 1467‐6303 1749‐3374 1749 3374 1558‐7975 1558‐7967 1466‐4275 1873‐6289 1558‐3430 1557‐7325 1558‐2868 1558‐1195 1618‐3932 1873‐6297 1741‐2625 1552‐3039 1930‐3815 1949‐0461 1046‐5715 1475‐6064 1552‐3055 1538‐0637 1543‐6551 1534‐6013 1534‐5963 1090‐2074 1750‐4562 1751‐6455 1447‐4735 1520‐6297 1574‐0862 1572‐8366 1875‐8339 1614‐0176 1552‐3381 1744‐1714 Start year 2003 1965 1973 2003 1995 1998 1987 1958 2002 1987 1976 1997 1980 1969 2002 1995 1970 1960 2001 1987 1997 1992 1988 1978 1974 1996 1987 1988 1926 1990 1976 1954 Not available 1994 1983 1991 1984 1941 1989 1998 1996 1998 2000 2004 2004 1960 1969 1956 1993 2001 1984 1996 1969 1998 1974 2001 2001 2003 1986 1987 1986 2001 1992 1986 1991 1987 2001 1980 Not available 1980 1974 1999 2006 Not available 1966 2008 1994 1984 1972 1986 1938 1984 1974 1969 1983 1955 1976 1981 1966 1890 2005 1974 1993 1926 1957 1963 2004 www http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.wiley.com/ http://www.sinica.edu.tw/ http://www.alliedacademies.org/ http://www.proquest.com/ http://journals.aomonline.org/amp/ http://journals.aomonline.org/amj/ http://aom.pace.edu/amle/ http://journals.aomonline.org/amp/ http://journals.aomonline.org/amr/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://search.informit.com.au/ http://www.wiley.com/ http://www.aaapubs.org/api/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.elsevier.com/ http://www.uk.sagepub.com/ http // k sagep b com/ http://aaahq.org/pubs/horizons.htm http://info.emeraldinsight.com/ 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Journal of Economics and Sociology American Journal of Evaluation American Journal of Finance and Accounting American Journal of International Law American Journal of Political Science American Journal of Psychology American Journal of Public Health American Journal of Recreation Therapy American Journal of Sociology American Law and Economics Review American Mathematical Monthly American Political Science Review American Psychologist American Review of Public Administration American Sociological Review American Sociologist American Statistician Analisis: cuadernos de investigacion ANATOLIA Anglo American Law Review Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques Annals of Actuarial Science Annals of Applied Probability Annals of Applied Statistics Annals of Economics and Finance Annals of Finance Annals of Leisure Research Annals of Operations Research Annals of Probability Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Annals of Regional Science Annals of Statistics Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Annals of Tourism Research Annual Editions: Economics Annual Editions: Macroeconomics Annual Editions: Microeconomics Annual Review of Banking and Financial Law Annual Review of Psychology Annual Review of Sociology Antarctic: a news bulletin Anti Trust Law Bulletin Anti Trust Law Journal Aportes Applicationes Mathematicae Applicationes Mathematicae Applied Cognitive Psychology Applied Econometrics and International Development Applied Economics Applied Economics Letters Applied Economics Quarterly Applied Financial Economics Applied Financial Economics Letters Applied Health Economics and Health Policy Applied Mathematical Finance Applied Mathematics and Computation Applied Ontology Applied Psychological Measurement Applied Psychology: An International Review Applied Soft Computing Applied Statistics: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Appraisal Journal Aquaculture Economics & Management Arizona Law Review Arkansas Business and Economic Review Art Law & Accounting Reporter Artha‐Vikas: a journal of economic development ASCE Journal of Transport Engineering ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development Asean Economic Bulletin ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism Asia Europe Journal p Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability Journal Asia Pacific Development Journal Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business Asia Pacific Journal of Finance Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Asia Pacific Journal of Taxation Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Asia Pacific Law Review Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal Asia Pacific Viewpoint Asian and Pacific Migration Review Asian Business & Management Asian Development Review: Studies of Asian and Pacific Economic Issues Asian Economic Journal Asian Economic Papers Asian Journal of Marketing (Singapore) Asian Journal of Marketing (USA) 1945‐7782 1945‐7731 1945‐7707 1945‐7669 0002‐8282 0569‐4345 0002‐8762 0002‐9092 0002‐919X 0002‐9246 1098‐2140 1752‐7767 0002‐9300 0092‐5853 0002‐9556 0090‐0036 1539‐4131 0002‐9602 1465‐7252 0002‐9890 0003‐0554 0003‐066X 0275‐0740 0003‐1224 0003‐1232 0003‐1305 0252‐8851 1300 1300‐4220 4220 0308‐6569 0246‐0203 1748‐4995 1050‐5164 1932‐6157 1529‐7373 1614‐2446 1174‐5398 0254‐5330 0091‐1798 1370‐4788 0570‐1864 0090‐5364 0002‐7162 0020‐3157 0160‐7383 1092‐776X 1096‐424X 1096‐4258 1544‐4627 0066‐4308 0360‐0572 0003‐5327 0003‐603X 0003‐6056 1665‐1219 1233‐7234 0888‐4080 1578‐4487 0003‐6846 1350‐4851 1611‐6607 0960‐3107 1744‐6546 1175‐5652 1350‐486X 0096‐3003 1570‐5838 0146‐6216 0269‐994X 1568‐4946 0035‐9254 1524‐1904 0003‐7087 1365‐7305 0004‐153X 0004‐1742 0886‐1013 0004‐3567 0733‐947X 0733‐9488 0217‐4472 1412‐2073 1610‐2932 1448‐6679 1020‐1246 1326‐8481 0219‐1466 1226‐1165 1355‐5855 1027‐5592 1094‐1665 1019‐2557 1440‐4389 1360‐7456 0117‐1968 1472‐4782 0116‐1105 1351‐3958 1535‐3516 0218‐6101 1819‐1924 0065‐812X 1937‐5239 1467‐8276 1536‐7150 1557‐0878 1752‐7775 0272‐5037 1540‐5907 1939‐8298 1541‐0048 1537‐5390 1465‐7260 1930‐0972 1537‐5943 1935‐990X 1552‐3357 1939‐8271 1936‐4784 1537‐2731 1740‐5556 1748‐5002 1941‐7330 1614‐2454 1572‐9338 1467‐8292 1552‐3349 1572‐9052 1873‐7722 1545‐2085 1545‐2115 1930‐7969 1730‐6280 1099‐0720 1466‐4283 1466‐4291 1865‐5122 1466‐4305 1744‐6554 1179‐1896 1466‐4313 1873‐5649 1875‐8533 1552‐3497 1464‐0597 1467‐9876 1526‐4025 1551‐8663 0004‐1742 1943‐5436 1943‐5444 1793‐2831 1612‐1031 1758‐4248 1741‐6507 1875‐8444 1467‐8373 1476‐9328 0116‐1105 1467‐8381 1536‐0083 2009 2009 2009 2009 1911 1956 1895 1919 1952 1941 1980 2008 1907 1950 1887 1911 2002 1895 1999 1894 1906 1946 1967 1936 1969 1947 1977 1990 1972 1930 2006 1991 2007 2000 2005 1998 1984 1973 1908 1967 1973 1891 1949 1973 1971 1975 1991 1982 1950 1975 1956 1955 1952 1996 1954 1987 2001 1969 1994 1954 1991 2005 2002 1994 1975 2005 1976 1951 2001 1952 1985 1932 1997 1959 1933 1982 1965 Not available 1873 1984 2002 2003 1996 1956 1997 1998 1980 1989 1997 1996 1992 1999 1960 1992 2002 1983 1987 2002 1992 2006 http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AEA/journals.htm http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AEA/journals.htm http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AEA/journals.htm http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AEA/journals.htm http://www.aeaweb.org/aer/index.php http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://aje.sagepub.com/ http://www.ingentaconnect.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://ajph.aphapublications.org/ http://ejournal.recreationtherapy.org/ http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ http://aler.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ http://csaweb114v.csa.com/ http://arp.sagepub.com/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ 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Human Resources Asia‐Pacific Journal of Management Asia‐Pacific Journal of Operational Research Asia‐Pacific Management Accounting Journal Asia‐Pacific Management Review Asia‐Pacific Population Journal Asia‐Pacific Tax Bulletin Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law ASTIN Bulletin ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research Atlantic Economic Journal Auckland University Law Review Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Australasian Agribusiness Review Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal Australasian Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences A Australasian Journal of Economics Education l i J l fE i Ed i Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (renamed Australian Journal of Env and Mgmt) Australasian Journal of Information Systems Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy Australasian Journal of Regional Studies Australasian Journal on Ageing Australasian Marketing Journal Australia New Zealand Journal of Statistics Australian Accounting Review Australian Actuarial Journal Australian Agribusiness Review Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Australian Banking and Finance Law Bulletin (replaced Australian Banking Law Bulletin) Australian Bar Review Australian Bulletin of Labour Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Australian Commodities 0218‐5377 0303‐8246 1908‐8388 1744‐1730 1321‐7348 0004‐4687 0972‐3986 0818‐9935 1360‐2381 1387‐2834 1608‐1625 1038‐4111 0217‐4561 0217‐5959 1675‐3194 1029‐3132 0259‐238X 1385‐3082 1496‐9572 0515‐0361 1543‐866X 0197‐4254 0067‐0510 0278‐0380 1442‐6951 1441‐7847 1832‐0422 1448 448X 1448‐448X 1449‐3098 Australian Business Law Review Australian Economic History Review Australian Economic Papers Australian Economic Review Australian GST Journal Australian Intellectual Property Journal Australian Journal of Accounting Education Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australian Journal of Asian Law Australian Journal of Communication Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Australian Journal of Corporate Law Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society Australian Journal of Environmental Education Australian Journal of Hospitality Management Australian Journal of Human Rights Australian Journal of International Affairs Australian Journal of Labour Economics Australian Journal of Labour Law Australian Journal of Management Australian Journal of Political Science Australian Journal of Psychology Australian Journal of Public Administration Australian Journal of Regional Studies Australian Journal of Social Issues Australian Journal of Volunteering Australian Law Journal Australian Property Law Journal Australian Psychologist Australian Review of Public Affairs Australian Senior Mathematics Journal Australian Social Monitor Australian Social Policy Australian Tax Forum Australian Tax Review Australian Taxation Law Journal Automation in Construction Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering Bangladesh Development Studies Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin Bank of Israel Banking Review Bank of Japan Monetary and Economic Studies Bank of Valletta Review Banker's Journal Banking and Finance Law Review Banking Law Journal Banks and Bank Systems Basic Income Studies: an international journal of basic income research BE Journal in Theoretical Economics BE Journal of Macroeconomics Behavioral Research in Accounting Behaviour and Information Technology Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology 0310‐1053 0004‐8992 0004‐900X 0004‐9018 1445‐4068 1038‐1635 1449‐3772 1364 985X 1364‐985X 1443‐0738 0811‐6202 1835‐6354 1037‐4124 1449‐0706 0814‐0626 1320‐5161 1323‐238X 1035‐7718 1328‐1143 1030‐7222 0312‐8962 1036‐1146 0004‐9530 0313‐6647 1030‐7923 0157‐6321 1325‐8362 0004‐9611 1038‐5959 0005‐0067 1832‐1526 0819‐4564 1440‐4842 1442‐6331 0812‐695X 0311 094X 0311‐094X 1321‐7488 0926‐5805 1822‐427X 0304‐095X 0005‐5166 0792‐0385 0288‐8432 1017‐7841 0126‐9543 0832‐8722 0005‐5506 1816‐7403 1932‐0183 1935‐1704 1935‐1690 1050‐4753 0144‐929X 1351‐3036 1448‐6563 1449‐8618 1320‐5323 1324‐0935 1440‐6381 1441‐3582 1369‐1473 1035‐6908 1442‐3065 1442‐6951 0004‐8658 1750‐7812 1568‐5314 1744‐1749 1758‐8863 1533‐838X 1467‐8411 1743‐792X 1573‐6946 1744‐7941 1572‐9958 0217‐5959 1564‐4278 1783‐1350 1573‐9678 1558‐7991 1448‐4498 1448 4498 1449‐5554 1326‐2238 1741‐6612 1467‐842X 1835‐2561 1447‐137X 1035‐2155 0814‐8589 0311‐6336 1321‐7844 1993 1968 2007 2005 1992 1932 2001 1985 1994 1994 1993 1962 1983 1984 2006 1996 1986 1983 2001 1958 2003 1973 1967 1981 1993 1990 2005 2004 1976 1994 1993 1994 1987 1966 1993 1998 1991 1997 Not available 1968 1985 1986 1974 1948 1467‐8446 1467‐8454 1467‐8462 1467 8489 1467‐8489 1465‐332X 1327‐2020 1363‐030X 1742‐9536 1467‐8500 0004‐9557 1836‐0246 1742‐9544 1872‐7891 1822‐4288 1558‐8009 1362‐3001 1973 1956 1962 1968 Not available 1990 2004 1997 2000 1976 2001 1991 2003 1984 1994 1994 1947 1989 1988 1976 1956 1949 1937 1987 1961 1996 1927 1993 1966 2000 1987 1998 1973 1984 1971 1994 1992 2006 1973 1960 Not available 1983 1990 Not available 1986 1989 2006 2006 2001 2007 1989 1982 1994 http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.ingentaconnect.com/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ 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Management British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology British Journal of Political Science British Journal of Psychology British Journal of Social Psychology British Journal of Sociology British Journal of Sociology British Tax Review Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Brookings–Wharton Papers on Financial Services Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law Brussels Economic Review Building Research and Information Bulletin for International taxation Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations Bulletin of Economic Research Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Bulletin of the Copyright Society USA Business and Politics Business and Professional Ethics Business and Society Business and Society Review Business Communication Quarterly Business Economics Business Ethics Quarterly Business Ethics: A European Review Business History Business History Review Business Horizons Business Intelligence Journal Business Journal for Entrepreneurs (Quarterly) Business Law Review Business Law Today Business Lawyer (The) Business Lawyer (The) Business Perspectives Business Process Re‐engineering and Management Journal Business Review Cambridge Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy Review Cadernos de Pos‐Graduacao em Direito Politico e Economico California Management Review Cambridge Journal of Economics Cambridge Law Journal Campus ‐Wide Information Systems Canadian Bar Review Canadian Business Law Journal Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences‐Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics‐Revue Canadienne d Agroeconomie Canadian Journal of Development Studies Canadian Journal of Economics Canadian Journal of Marketing Research Canadian Journal of Statistics Canadian Journal of Transportation Canadian Public Policy Canadian Tax Journal Canberra Law Review Canterbury Law Review Capital and Class Capital Markets Law Journal Capitalism and Society p y Career Development for Exceptional Individuals Career Development International Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy Casualty Actuarial Society Forum Cayapa: revista venezolana de economia social Central Bank Review Central European Journal of Operations Research CESifo Economic Studies Chartered Accountants Journal Chicago Law Review China Accounting & Finance Review China and World Economy China Economic Review China Economics Quarterly China Information: A Journal on Contemporary China Studies China Quarterly China Tourism Research Chinese Economy 1463‐5771 1548‐7067 1086‐3818 1350‐7265 0340‐5370 1367‐4803 0323‐3847 0006‐341X 0006‐3444 1465‐4644 1033‐4505 0006‐8047 Not supplied 1676‐8000 Not supplied 0968‐7017 1473‐1894 0890‐8389 1357‐3217 0007‐1013 1358‐0574 0007‐1080 1045‐3172 0007‐1102 0007‐1234 0007‐1269 0144‐6665 0007 1315 0007‐1315 0007‐1870 0007‐2303 1098‐3651 1934‐2497 0008‐0195 0961‐3218 0007‐4624 0770‐3724 0307‐3378 0007‐4918 0010‐8642 1369‐5258 0277‐2027 0007‐6503 0045‐3609 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1758‐6003 1317‐5734 1305‐8800 1613‐9178 1612‐7501 1939‐859X 1749‐124X 1873‐7781 1741‐590X 1468‐2648 1938‐8179 1558‐0954 1994 2004 1986 1995 1949 1985 1959 1945 1901 2000 1989 1921 1997 2001 1981 1992 2001 1969 1998 1970 1995 1963 1990 1947 1971 1904 1962 1950 1956 1970 1998 2006 1958 1970 1946 1975 1948 1965 1953 1999 1981 1960 1972 1935 1966 1991 1992 1951 1926 1957 2008 1988 1995 1980 1946 1963 1995 2003 1992 1990 2001 1958 1977 1921 1984 1923 1976 1984 1952 1980 1968 1980 1973 2007 1975 1953 1994 1980 1970 2006 2006 006 1978 1996 1976 1924 2001 2001 1992 1955 1922 1933 1999 1993 1989 Not available 1967 1959 2005 1967 http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://projecteuclid.org/ http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://biomet.oxfordjournals.org/ http://biostatistics.oxfordjournals.org/ http://epublications.bond.edu.au/blr/ http://www.heinonline.org/ 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Simulation and Computation Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods Communications Law Bulletin C Communications of the ACM i ti f th ACM Communications of the Association for Information Systems Communications of the ICISA Community Development Journal Community Work and Family Company and Securities Law Journal Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review Company Lawyer Comparative Economic Studies Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal Comparative Political Studies Comparative Politics Competition and Change Competition and Consumer Law Journal Competition and Regulation in Network Industries Competition Law Journal Computational Economics Computational Management Science Computational Optimization and Applications Computational Statistics Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Computer and Telecommunications Law Review Computer Journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Computer Supported Cooperative Work: the journal of collaborative computing 1002‐8870 1285‐087X 0327‐4063 1330‐1136 1362‐1025 0261‐9261 1469‐3062 1863‐2505 0010‐0285 0898‐0721 1094‐8449 1544‐4848 0010‐1931 0010‐1958 0209‐9683 0963‐5483 1833‐9506 0819‐4262 1473‐7795 0165‐0750 1466‐2043 0363‐7751 0093‐6502 1050‐3293 0361‐0918 0361‐0926 0727‐1301 0001 0001‐0782 0782 1529‐3181 1533‐2454 0010‐3802 1366‐8803 0729‐2775 1368‐051X 0144‐1027 0888‐7233 1095‐6654 0010‐4140 0010‐4159 1024‐5294 1039‐5598 1783‐5917 1476‐9085 0927‐7099 1619‐697X 0926‐6003 0943‐4062 0167‐9473 1357‐3128 0010‐4620 0169‐2607 0925‐9724 Computers and Education Computers and Industrial Engineering Computers and Industrial Engineering Computers and Law Computers and Operations Research Computers and Security Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (CHEER) Computers in Human Behavior Conflict Management and Peace Science Consortium Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Constitutional Political Economy Construction Information Quarterly Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management Construction Law Journal Construction Management and Economics Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report Consumption, Markets and Culture Contemporary Accounting Research Contemporary Economic Policy Contemporary Pacific Contemporary Sociology Contemporary Southeast Asia Contemporary Wales: an annual review of economic and social research Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy (BE Press Journals) Contributions to Economics Contributions to Macroeconomics (BE Press Journals) Contributions to Political Economy Contributions to Theoretical Economics (BE Press Journals) Copyright Society of the USA Journal Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly Cornell International Law Journal Cornell Law Review Corporate Board Corporate Board: role, duties and composition Corporate Communications: An International Journal Corporate Finance Review Corporate Governance eJournal Corporate Governance International Corporate Governance Law Review Corporate Governance: An International Review Corporate Management Corporate Ownership and Control Corporate Reputation Review Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Corporate Taxation Creativity and Innovation Management Crime, Law and Social Change 0360‐1315 0360‐8352 0811‐7225 0305‐0548 0167‐4048 1358‐5363 0747‐5632 0738‐8942 1535‐0568 1043‐4062 1469‐4891 1471‐4175 0267‐2359 0144‐6193 0883‐4555 1025‐3866 0823‐9150 1074‐3529 1043‐898X 0094‐3061 0129‐797X 0951‐4937 Not supplied 1431‐1933 Not supplied 0277‐5921 Not supplied 0886‐3520 1938‐9663 1938 9663 0010‐8804 0010‐8812 0010‐8847 0746‐8652 1810‐8601 1356‐3289 1089‐327X Not supplied 1028‐9666 1449‐9029 0964‐8410 1321‐8743 1727‐9232 1363‐3589 1535‐3958 1534‐715X 0963‐1690 0925‐4994 1851‐3735 1469‐3593 1752‐7457 1863‐2513 1095‐5623 1930‐7934 1945‐2268 1439‐6912 1469‐2163 1740‐5556 1875‐8320 1743‐9094 1479‐5787 1552‐3810 1468‐2885 1532‐4141 1532‐415X 1557 7317 1557‐7317 1468‐2656 1469‐3615 1478‐3320 1552‐3829 2151‐6227 1477‐2221 1572‐9974 1619‐6988 1573‐2894 1613‐9658 1872‐7352 1460‐2067 1872‐7565 1573‐7551 1873‐782X 1879‐0550 1873‐765X 1872‐6208 1873‐7692 1549‐9219 1572‐9966 1477‐0857 1466‐433X 1477‐223X 1911‐3846 1465‐7287 1527‐9464 1939‐8638 1538‐0645 1534‐6005 1464‐3588 1534‐5971 1938 1938‐9655 9655 1552‐3853 1930‐7977 1758‐6046 1836‐1110 1472‐0701 1467‐8683 1810‐3057 1479‐1889 1535‐3966 1467‐8691 1573‐0751 1985 1989 1991 1993 1997 1982 2001 2007 1970 1986 1987 1974 1961 1901 1981 1992 2006 1968 1972 1962 1961 1934 1974 1991 1972 1970 1981 1958 Not available 2002 1949 1998 1982 1997 1980 1961 1967 1968 1968 1996 1993 2000 2002 1988 2003 1992 1982 1983 1995 1958 1970 1992 1977 1976 1983 1974 1982 1987 1985 1974 2005 1990 1976 1992 1984 1983 1946 1997 1984 1982 1989 1972 1979 1987 2002 1989 1999 1982 2001 1953 2008 Not available 1967 1915 1980 2003 1996 1997 2005 1998 2005 1992 1948 2003 1996 1994 1973 1992 1977 http://zgncjj.periodicals.net.cn/default.html http://www.proquest.com/ http://cit.zesoi.fer.hr/ 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Decision Support Systems Decisions in Economics and Finance Defence and Peace Economics (formerly Defence Economics) Defense Transportation Journal Delaware Journal of Corporate Law Demographic Research D Demography h DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal Derivatives Use, Trading and Regulation Desarrollo Economico: revista de ciencias sociales Design Studies Developing Economies Development and Change Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal Development in Practice Development Policy Review Development Southern Africa Disasters: Journal of Dist Stud, Policies and Management Discourse and Society Discourse Studies Division of Labour and Transaction Costs Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law Duke Law Journal Duquesne Business Law Journal Eastern Economic Journal Eastern European Economics EC Tax Review Ecological Economics Ecological Modelling Ecology Econ Journal Watch Econometric Reviews Econometric Theory Econometrica Econometrics Journal Economia e Sociologia Economia ed Ambiente: rivista dell' A N E A T Economia em Revista Economia Internazionale Economic & Labour Market Review Economic Affairs: the journal of the IEA Economic Analysis and Policy Economic and Business Review: for Central and South‐Eastern Europe Economic and Industrial Democracy Economic and Labour Relations Review Economic and Political Weekly Economic and Social Review Economic Change and Restructuring Economic Development and Cultural Change Economic Development Quarterly Economic Geography Economic History Review Economic Inquiry Economic Issues Economic Journal Economic Modelling Economic Notes Economic Outlook Economic Papers Economic Policy Economic Record Economic Sciences Economic Systems Economic Systems Research Economic Theory Economica Economicky Casopis Economics & Politics Economics and Finance in Indonesia Economics and Human Biology Economics and Mathematical Methods Economics and Philosophy Economics Bulletin Economics Letters Economics of Education Review Economics of Governance Economics of Innovation and New Technology Economics of Planning Economics of Transition 1467‐2715 1740‐5904 1045‐2354 1742‐2043 1529‐5036 1352‐7606 1131‐8635 1475‐9551 1368‐3500 0070‐1998 1057‐2309 0317‐1663 0169‐023X 0169‐023X 1384‐5810 1532‐0936 0011‐6963 0013‐063X 1321‐3660 1545‐8490 0011‐7315 0167‐9236 1593‐8883 1024‐2694 0011‐7625 0364‐9490 1435‐9871 0070 0070‐3370 3370 1542‐2763 1357‐0927 0046‐001X 0142‐694X 0012‐1533 0012‐155X 1477‐7282 0961‐4524 0950‐6764 0376‐835X 0361‐3666 0957‐9265 1461‐4456 0219‐8711 1053‐6736 0012‐7086 1548‐372X 0094‐5056 0012‐8775 0928‐2750 0921‐8009 0304‐3800 0012‐9658 Not supplied 0747‐4938 0266‐4666 0012‐9682 0012‐9682 1368‐4221 0870‐6026 1593‐9499 1413‐6090 0012‐981X 1751‐8326 0265‐0665 0313‐5926 1580‐0466 0143‐831X 1035‐3046 0012‐9976 0012‐9984 1573‐9414 0013‐0079 0891‐2424 0013‐0095 0013‐0117 0095‐2583 1363‐7029 0013‐0133 0264‐9993 0391‐5026 0140‐489X 0812‐0439 0266‐4658 0013‐0249 1505‐4683 Not supplied 0953‐5314 0938‐2259 0013‐0427 0013‐3035 0954‐1985 0126‐155X 1570‐677X 0424‐7388 0266‐2671 Not supplied 0165‐1765 0272‐7757 1435‐6104 1043‐8599 0013‐0451 0967‐0750 1472‐6033 1740‐5912 1095‐9955 1758‐6062 1479‐5809 1758‐6089 1477‐2760 1747‐7603 1872‐6933 1872‐6933 1573‐756X 1572‐9982 1545‐8504 1540‐5915 1873‐5797 1129‐6569 1476‐8267 1943‐7331 1533‐7790 1533 7790 1753‐965X 1872‐6909 1746‐1049 1758‐6097 1364‐9213 1467‐7679 1470‐3637 1467‐7717 1460‐3624 1461‐7080 1793‐7000 1939‐9111 1939‐4632 1557‐9298 1873‐6106 1872‐7026 1939‐9170 1933‐527X 1532‐4168 1469‐4360 1468‐0262 1368‐423X 1751‐8334 1468‐0270 1574‐0277 1539‐2988 1552‐3543 1468‐0289 1465‐7295 1468‐0297 1873‐6122 1468‐0300 1468‐0319 1759‐3441 1468‐0327 1475‐4932 1469‐5758 1432‐0479 1468‐0335 1468‐0343 1873‐6130 1474‐0028 1545‐2921 1873‐7374 1873‐7382 1435‐8131 1476‐8364 1573‐0808 1468‐0351 1968 2004 1990 2005 1984 1994 1992 1995 1998 1948 1990 1973 1985 1985 1997 1968 1959 1852 1993 2004 1970 1985 1978 1990 1946 1975 1999 1964 2002 1996 1961 1979 1962 1969 1989 1991 1966 1974 1977 1990 1999 2005 1986 1951 1999 1973 1962 1990 1989 1975 1897 2004 1982 1985 1933 1998 1965 1982 1993 1948 2007 1980 1970 1950 1980 1990 1966 1969 1960 1952 1987 1925 1927 1962 1996 1891 1984 1972 1977 1941 1985 1925 1985 1992 1989 1991 1930 1953 1988 1948 2003 1964 1985 2001 1978 1981 2000 1990 1960 1993 http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.elsevier.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://revistas.ucm.es/portal/modulos.php?name=principal&col=1 http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.swetswise.com/ https://www.novapublishers.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://portal.acm.org/ http://springerlink.metapress.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www3.informs.org/site/DA/ http://www.wiley.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ 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http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ 1503 1503 1501 1503 1503 1503 1499 1503 1506 180105 1402 180105 0804 0806 0806 0806 0806 1402 180105 1503 1503 0806 1402 1402 1507 180105 1499 1402 180105 1502 1402 1503 1402 1402 1503 1499 1402 1402 1499 1503 1503 1402 180105 180105 180105 1402 1402 180125 1402 1499 1499 1402 1403 1403 1403 1403 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1499 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1401 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 B B A C C C C C B A C A C A A A B C A C A* A* B B C A A A C C B A B B C C B C A A A C A B C B B B A B A* C A A* A* A C C C C C C C C B B B B B A B B A* A B A* A B C B A A C B C A* A B B C B C A C A A B B B A 7 of 27 Economics, Management, and Financial Markets Economics: The Journal of the Economics Association Economie Appliquee Economies et Societes Economists' Voice Economy and Society EDI Law Review Education Economics Educational and Psychological Measurement Educational Management and Administration Educational Technology & Society eHealth International eJournal of Tax Research Ekonomika Ukrainy Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift Ekonomska i Ekohistorija El Trimestre Economico Electronic Commerce Research Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Electronic Communication Law Review: legal aspects of paperless communication 1842‐3191 0300‐4287 0013‐0494 0013‐0567 Not supplied 0308‐5147 0929‐2233 0964‐5292 0013‐1644 0263‐211X 1176‐3647 1476‐3591 1448‐2398 0131‐7741 0013‐3183 1845‐5867 0041‐3011 1389‐5753 1567‐4223 1570‐2294 Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modeling and Economic Dynamics Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries Electronic Markets E Emergence: Complexity and Organization C l it dO i ti Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Emerging Markets Quarterly Emerging Markets Review Emergo Emirates Journal for Engineering Research Empirica Empirical Economics Empirical Economics Letters Employee Relations Law Journal Employee Relations: The International Journal Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal Employment Relations Record Energy & Environment Energy and Environment Energy Economics Energy Journal Energy Policy Energy Sources. Part B. Economics, Planning, and Policy Energy Studies Review Engineering Economics Engineering Economist Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica Enterprise & Society Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies (ceased 2002) Enterprise Development & Microfinance: an international journal Enterprise Information Systems Enterprise Information Systems Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures Entertainment Law Review Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Entrepreneurship Innovation and Change Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Entreprenurial Business Law Journal Environment and Development Economics Environment and Planning A Environment and Planning C Environment and Planning D: Society and Space Environmental and Ecological Statistics Environmental and Planning Law Journal Environmental and Resource Economics Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Environmental Education Research Environmental Modelling and Assessment Environmental Modelling and Software Environmental Values EnvironMetrics Equal Opportunities International Erasmus Law and Economics Review ESAIM: Probability and Statistics E‐Service Journal Essays in International Economics Estudios de Economia Estudos Economicos Ethics Ethics and Information Technology Eurasian Geography and Economics EuroChoices Europe ‐ Asia Studies European Accounting Review European Business Journal European Business Law Review European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) European Business Review European Company Law European Competition Journal European Competition Law Review European Economic Review European Finance Review European Financial Management European Intellectual Property Review European Journal of Communication European Journal of Comparative Economics Not supplied 1566‐6379 Not supplied 1479‐4411 1681‐4835 1019‐6781 1521‐3250 1521 3250 1540‐496X 1093‐2666 1566‐0141 1233‐3115 1022‐9892 0340‐8744 0377‐7332 1681‐ 8997 0098‐8898 0142‐5455 0892‐7545 1444‐7053 0958‐305X 0958‐305X 0140‐9883 0195‐6574 0301‐4215 1556‐7249 0843‐4379 1392‐2785 0013‐791X 0969‐9988 0120‐4483 1467‐2227 1463‐2446 1755‐1978 1751‐7575 1860‐6059 0959‐3799 0898‐5626 1059‐0137 1042‐2587 1932‐4480 1355‐770X 0308‐518X 0263‐774X 0263‐7758 1352‐8505 0813‐300X 0924‐6460 1432‐847X 1350‐4622 1420‐2026 0266‐9838 0963‐2719 1180‐4009 0261‐0159 1824‐3886 1292‐8100 1528‐8226 1936‐8313 0304‐2758 0101‐4161 0014‐1704 1388‐1957 1538‐7216 1478‐0917 0966‐8136 0963‐8180 0955‐808X 0959‐6941 1566‐7529 0955‐534X 1572‐4999 1744‐1056 0144‐3054 0014‐2921 1382‐6662 1354‐7798 0142‐0461 0267‐3231 Not supplied 1938‐212X 1553‐3832 1469‐5766 1469‐5782 1552‐3888 1741‐1440 1436‐4522 1572‐9362 1873‐7846 1298‐0137 1566‐6379 1422‐8890 1558‐0938 1873‐6173 1573‐6911 1435‐8921 1758‐7069 1573‐3378 0958‐305X 1873‐6181 1944‐9089 1873‐6777 1556‐7257 1392‐2785 1547‐2701 1365‐232X 1467‐2235 1755‐1986 1751‐7583 1866‐3621 1464‐5114 1540‐6520 1932‐4472 1469‐4395 1472‐3409 1472‐3433 1573‐3009 1573‐1502 1867‐383X 1469‐5871 1573‐2967 1873‐6726 1752‐7015 1099‐095X 1758‐7093 1262‐3318 1528‐8234 0718‐5286 0101‐4161 1539‐297X 1572‐8439 1938‐2863 1746‐692X 1465‐3427 1468‐4497 1875‐841X 1741‐6205 1758‐7107 1875‐6530 1873‐572X 1875‐824X 1468‐036X 1749‐5083 1460‐3705 1824‐2979 2006 1949 1948 1945 2004 1972 1994 1993 1941 1972 1998 2002 2003 1958 1913 2005 1934 2001 2002 1994 2000 1997 1997 2003 2000 1991 1999 1965 1997 2000 1994 1988 1974 1976 2002 1975 1979 1988 2001 1990 1990 1979 1980 1973 2006 1980 1990 1955 1994 1982 2000 2000 1990 2007 2005 1990 1989 1992 1976 2006 1996 1969 1983 1983 1994 1984 1991 1998 1995 1996 1986 1992 1991 1981 2004 1999 2001 1943 1973 1970 1888 1999 1960 2001 1949 1992 1989 1988 2000 1989 2002 2005 1980 1969 1997 1995 1978 1986 2004 http://www.denbridgepress.com/ http://www.ebea.org.uk/ http://www.ismea.org/ http://www.bepress.com/ev/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://epm.sagepub.com/ http://ema.sagepub.com/ 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of Transport and Infrastructure Research European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology European Law Journal European Law Review European Management Journal E European Management Review M tR i European Quality European Review of Agricultural Economics European Review of Economic History European Sport Management Quarterly European Taxation European Transport ‐ Trasporti Europei European Transport Law European Urban and Regional Studies Evaluation Event Management Experimental Economics Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research Expert Systems with Applications Explorations in Economic History Facilities Family Business Review Federal Law Review Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Review Feminist Economics Finance Finance a Uver: Czech journal of economics and finance Finance and Development Finance and Stochastics Finance and Trade Review Finance India Finance Letters Finance Research Letters Finance Research Letters Financial Accountability & Management Financial Accountability and Management Financial Analysts Journal Financial Counseling and Planning Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets Financial History Review Financial Management (UK) Financial Markets and Portfolio Management Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments Financial Practice and Education Financial Reporting, Regulation & Governance Financial Review (US) Financial Services Review Financijska Teorija i Praksa Finanzarchiv Fiscal Studies FIU Hospitality Review Florida Tax Review FM (Financial Management) Food Policy Foodservice Research International Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law Foreign Affairs Foreign Policy Forest Policy and Economics Forum for Social Economics Forum of International Development Studies Foundations and Trends in Econometrics Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship Foundations and Trends in Finance Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics Frontiers in Finance and Economics Frontiers of Economic Analysis and Policy Frontiers of Economics in China Frontiers of Macroeconomics Frontiers of Theoretical Economics Futures Fuzzy Economic Review Fuzzy Sets and Systems Gambling Research Games and Economic Behavior Gender and Education Gender in Management: an international journal Gender, Work and Organization Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance 0957‐8811 1450‐2275 1351‐847X 1618‐7598 1461‐6718 0959‐6801 0960‐085X 1460‐1060 0938‐5428 1751‐6757 1354‐0661 0929‐1261 0309‐0566 0377‐2217 0176‐2680 0304‐4130 0168‐6577 1015‐5759 1101‐1262 0046‐2772 0003‐9756 0967‐2567 1567‐7133 1359‐432X 1351‐5993 0307‐5400 0263‐2373 1740 4754 1740‐4754 0969‐059X 0165‐1587 1361‐4916 1618‐4742 0014‐3138 1825‐3997 0014‐3154 0969‐7764 1356‐3890 1525‐9951 1386‐4157 1473‐7167 0957‐4174 0014‐4983 0263‐2772 0894‐4865 0067‐205X 0014‐9187 1354‐5701 0752‐6180 0015‐1920 0145‐1707 0949‐2984 0015‐1955 0970‐3772 1740‐6242 1544‐6123 1468‐0408 0267‐4424 0015‐198X 1052‐3073 1380‐2011 0968‐5650 1471‐9185 1934‐4554 0963‐8008 1082‐0698 1449‐2318 0800‐3564 1057‐0810 1332‐3970 0015‐2218 0143‐5671 0739‐7011 1066‐3487 0046‐3892 0306‐9192 1524‐8275 1532‐303X 0015‐7120 0015‐7228 1389‐9341 0736‐0932 1341‐3732 1551‐3076 1551‐3114 1567‐2395 1547‐9846 1814‐2044 Not supplied 1673‐3444 Not supplied Not supplied 0016‐3287 1136‐0593 0165‐0114 1832‐4975 0899‐8256 0954‐0253 1754‐2413 0968‐6673 1018‐5895 1743‐9728 1466‐4364 1618‐7601 1473‐3269 1461‐7129 1476‐9344 1758‐7115 1464‐3596 1751‐6765 1460‐3713 1572‐9990 1758‐7123 1872‐6860 1873‐5703 1475‐6765 1572‐9885 2151‐2426 1464‐360X 1099‐0992 1474‐0583 1469‐5936 1567‐7141 1464‐0643 1468‐0386 1873‐5681 1740‐4762 1740 4762 1464‐3618 1474‐0044 1746‐031X 1461‐7145 1461‐7153 1943‐4308 1573‐6938 1744‐8379 1873‐6793 1090‐2457 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Organization Management Group Decision and Negotiation Journal Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice G Group Processes and Intergroup Relations P dI R l i Growth and Change Habitat International Harvard Business Review Harvard Environmental Law Review Harvard International Law Journal Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy Harvard Journal of Law and Technology Harvard Law Review Hastings Business Law Journal Health Care Management Review Health Care Management Science Health Communication Health Economics Health Economics, Policy and Law Health Informatics Journal Health Marketing Quarterly Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology Health Services Management Research Health Services Research Higher Education Higher Education Quarterly Higher Education Research and Development Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist theory Historical Studies in Industrial Relations History of Economic Ideas History of Economics Review History of Political Economy History of Political Economy Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Homo Oeconomicus Hong Kong Law Journal Housing Finance Review Housing Policy Debate Housing Studies Houston Business and Tax Law Journal HR Focus HR Magazine Huan Bohai Jingji Liaowang Human ‐ Computer Interaction (Mahwah): a journal of theoretical, empirical, and methodological issue Human Communication Research Human IT Human Performance Human Relations Human Resource Development International Human Resource Development Quarterly Human Resource Development Review Human Resource Management (US) Human Resource Management International Digest Human Resource Management International Digest: incorporating management development review Human Resource Management Journal (UK) Human Resource Management Review Human Systems Management y IBM Systems Journal ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics ICFAI Journal of Monetary Economics ICSID Review: foreign investment law journal IDS Bulletin IEEE Intelligent System (and their Applications), formerly IEEE Expert IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication IEEE Transactions on Reliability IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Il Pensiero Economico Moderno IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information IMF Staff Papers 0926‐4957 1554‐964X 0016‐6987 1465‐6485 1553‐1392 1097‐4954 1088‐6931 0972‐1509 1059‐5422 1226‐508X 1553‐5304 1524‐5861 1526‐3800 1044‐0283 1075‐2846 0972‐9496 1470‐2266 1543‐2955 0973‐127X 1468‐0181 0867‐0005 1010‐9994 0966‐9671 1038‐3441 1059‐6011 0926‐2644 1089‐2699 1368 4302 1368‐4302 0017‐4815 0197‐3975 0017‐8012 0147‐8257 0017‐8063 0193‐4872 0897‐3393 0017‐811X 1554‐849X 0361‐6274 1386‐9620 1041‐0236 1057‐9230 1744‐1331 1460‐4582 0735‐9683 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Economic and Social History Review Indian Economic Journal Indian Economic Review Indian Growth and Development Review Indian Journal of Economics Indian Journal of Economics and Business Indian Journal of Gender Studies Indian Journal of Industrial Relations Indian Journal of Labour Economics Indonesian Management & Accounting Research Industrial and Corporate Change Industrial and Labour Relations Review Industrial Law Journal Industrial Marketing Management Industrial Relations Journal Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society Industrielle Beziehungen: Zeitschrift fuer Arbeit, Organisation und Management 1461‐5517 1086‐1653 0972‐9437 0019‐4646 0019‐4662 0019‐4670 1753‐8254 0019‐5170 0972‐5784 0971‐5215 0019‐5286 0019‐5308 1411‐8858 0960‐6491 0019‐7939 0305‐9332 0019‐8501 0019‐8692 0019‐8676 0943‐2779 Industry and Higher Education Industry and Innovation InFinance Info : the Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications, Information and Media Infor I f Information ‐ Knowledge ‐ Systems Management ti K l d S t M t Information & Communications Technology Law Information & Management Information and Computation Information and Organisation (formerly Accounting, Management and IT) Information and Software Technology Information Economics and Policy Information Management and Computer Security Information Management Journal Information Processing & Management Information Processing Letters Information Resource Management Journal Information Retrieval Information Society: an international journal Information Systems Information Systems and e‐Business Management Information Systems Control Journal: a leader in IT governance and assurance 0950‐4222 1366‐2716 1834‐4232 1463‐6697 0315‐5986 1389 1995 1389‐1995 1360‐0834 0378‐7206 0890‐5401 1471‐7727 0950‐5849 0167‐6245 0968‐5227 1535‐2897 0306‐4573 0020‐0190 1040‐1628 1386‐4564 0197‐2243 0306‐4379 1617‐9846 1526‐7407 1465‐9840 1916‐0615 1875 1875‐8762 8762 1469‐8404 1872‐7530 1090‐2651 1873‐7919 1873‐6025 1873‐5975 1758‐5805 Information Systems Frontiers Information Systems Journal Information Systems Management Information Systems Research Information Technology & Management Information Technology and Libraries Information Technology and People Information Technology and Tourism Information Technology for Economics & Management Information Technology in Hospitality Information Technology in Hospitality Information Technology Journal Information Technology, Learning and Performance Journal Information Visualization Information, Communication and Society Informing Science: international journal of an emerging transdiscipline INFORMS Journal on Computing Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research Inquiry Insolvency Law Journal Institute of Economic Affairs. Research Monographs Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal Insurance and Reinsurance Law Briefing Insurance Law Journal Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Integrated Manufacturing Systems Intellectual Property Journal Intellectual Property Law Bulletin Intellectual Property Quarterly Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management Interacting with Computers Interdisciplinary Environmental Review Intereconomics: review of European economic policy Interface: The Computer Education Quarterly Interfaces Internal Auditing International Advances in Economic Research International Affairs International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal International and Comparative Law Quarterly International Business & Economics Research Journal International Business Lawyer International Business Review International Commercial Litigation International Company and Commercial Law Review International Development Planning Review International Economic Journal International Economic Review International Economics International Economics and Economic Policy International Employment Relations Review International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal International Finance International Financial Law Review 1387‐3326 1350‐1917 1058‐0530 1047‐7047 1385‐951X 0730‐9295 0959‐3845 1098 ‐3058 1643‐8949 1545‐9535 1812‐5638 1535‐1556 1473‐8716 1369‐118X 1521‐4672 1091‐9856 1447‐9338 1351‐1610 0020‐174X 1039‐3293 0073‐9103 0162‐8178 1743‐4009 1030‐2379 0167‐6687 0957‐6061 0824‐7064 1554‐9607 1364‐906X 1055‐615X 0953‐5438 1521‐0227 0020‐5346 0163‐6626 0092‐2102 0897‐0378 1083‐0898 0020‐5850 1388‐7084 0020‐5893 1535‐0754 0309‐7676 0969‐5931 1359‐2750 0958‐5214 1474‐6743 1016‐8737 0020‐6598 0022‐1996 1612‐4804 1324‐1125 1554‐7191 1554‐7191 1367‐0271 0262‐6969 1572‐9419 1365‐2575 1934‐8703 1526‐5536 1573‐7667 1939‐9804 1753‐8262 1940‐0306 1464‐3650 1464‐3669 1873‐2062 1468‐2338 1468‐232X 1469‐8390 1873‐5371 1872‐6119 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International Journal of Advertising International Journal of Agile Management Systems International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies International Journal of Applied Economics International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics International Journal of Applied HRM International Journal of Applied Management and Technology International Journal of Applied Public‐Private Partnerships International Journal of Applied Quality Management International Journal of Arts Management International Journal of Asian Management International Journal of Asian Studies I t International Journal of Auditing ti lJ l f A diti International Journal of Automation Technology International Journal of Automative Technology International Journal of Bank Marketing International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance International Journal of Business International Journal of Business & Finance Research International Journal of Business and Economics International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets International Journal of Business and Information International Journal of Business Environment International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics International Journal of Business Information Systems International Journal of Business Innovation and Research International Journal of Business Performance Management International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management International Journal of Business Research International Journal of Business Strategy International Journal of Business Studies (Aust) International Journal of Business Studies (USA) International Journal of Business, Economy and Industry Studies International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce International Journal of Central Banking International Journal of Climatology International Journal of Commerce and Management International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing International Journal of Conflict Management International Journal of Construction Information Technology International Journal of Consumer Studies International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems International Journal of Corporate Governance International Journal of Critical Accounting International Journal of Cross‐Cultural Management International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining International Journal of Development Issues International Journal of Digital Accounting Research International Journal of Disclosure and Governance International Journal of e‐Business Management International Journal of e‐Business Research International Journal of e‐Collaboration International Journal of Economic Development International Journal of Economic Perspectives International Journal of Economic Research International Journal of Economic Theory International Journal of Economics and Finance International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology International Journal of Educational Management International Journal of Electronic Business International Journal of Electronic Commerce International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management International Journal of Electronic Government Research International Journal of Emerging Markets International Journal of Employment Studies International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems International Journal of Enterprise Network Management International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research International Journal of Entrepreneurship International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education International Journal of Environment and Pollution International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment International Journal of Event Management Research International Journal of Finance International Journal of Finance & Economics International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 0265‐0487 1741‐9174 1462‐4605 0972‐7302 1698‐4153 1548‐0003 1530‐7247 1742‐2604 1360‐0796 1463‐371X 1742‐2647 1480‐8986 1618‐7504 1479‐5914 1090‐6738 1090 6738 1881‐7629 1229‐9138 0265‐2323 1755‐3830 1753‐1969 1083‐4346 1931‐0269 1607‐0704 1753‐6219 1728‐8673 1740‐0589 1477‐9048 1746‐0972 1751‐0252 1368‐4892 1741‐8763 1554‐5466 1553‐9563 1320‐7156 1555‐7715 1206‐7873 1548‐0623 1815‐4654 0899‐8418 1056‐9219 0952‐617X 0951‐192X 1044‐4068 1874‐4753 1470‐6423 0959‐6119 0218‐8430 1754‐3037 1757‐9848 1470‐5958 1750‐6182 1548‐3924 1446‐8956 1577‐8517 1741‐3591 1835‐5412 1548‐1131 1548‐3673 1523‐9748 1307‐1637 0972‐9380 1742‐7355 1916‐971X 1814‐0556 0951‐354X 1470‐6067 1086‐4415 1750‐0664 1548‐3886 1746‐8809 1039‐6993 1548‐1115 1748‐1252 1355‐2554 1099‐9264 1465‐7503 1368‐275X 1476‐1297 1649‐2269 0957‐4352 1474‐6778 1741‐8437 1833‐0681 1041‐2743 1076‐9307 0920‐6299 1479‐4276 1793‐6675 1099‐1107 1742‐4712 1094‐4060 1758‐9037 1940‐9532 1873‐4723 1740‐8016 1942‐5368 1741‐9182 1741‐5004 1988‐0081 1479‐5922 1099‐1123 1099 1123 1883‐8022 1976‐3832 1758‐5937 1755‐3849 1753‐1977 1753‐6227 1740‐0597 1741‐802X 1746‐0980 1751‐0260 1741‐5039 1741‐8771 1554‐5571 1548‐0615 1097‐0088 1758‐8529 1875‐838X 1362‐3052 1758‐8545 1470‐6431 1757‐1049 1793‐6365 1754‐3045 1757‐9856 1741‐2838 1750‐6190 1548‐3932 1746‐6539 1548‐114X 1548‐3681 1742‐7363 1916‐9728 1758‐6518 1741‐5063 1557‐9301 1750‐0672 1548‐3894 1746‐8817 1548‐1123 1748‐1260 1758‐6534 1939‐4675 1741‐5098 1741‐8054 1741‐5101 1478‐7466 1741‐8445 1099‐1158 1572‐9370 2001 1999 1992 1993 2005 1965 1965 1922 2008 2000 2004 2009 1982 2006 2000 2003 2004 2004 1991 2004 1973 1998 2004 1966 2001 2003 1997 2007 2000 1982 2008 2008 1992 2007 2002 2008 2006 2006 Not available 2005 2006 1998 2005 2004 2004 1993 2005 1997 2005 2005 1981 1991 1983 1988 1990 2005 1977 1988 1992 2008 2009 2001 2007 2005 2002 2001 2003 2007 2005 2005 1999 2007 2004 2005 2009 2005 1987 2002 1996 2007 2005 2006 1993 2005 2006 1995 1997 2000 2000 2004 Not available 1991 2002 2004 2005 1988 1996 1988 http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.worldscinet.com/igtr/igtr.shtml http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www.i-journal.org/ http://www.elsevier.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.intellectbase.org/journals.php#IJAISL http://www.elsevier.com/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://eventseer.net/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.inderscience.com/ 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Forecasting International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy International Journal of Game Theory International Journal of General Systems International Journal of Global Energy Issues International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business International Journal of Green Economics International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics International Journal of Health Care, Finance and Economics International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management International Journal of Heritage Studies International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration International Journal of Hospitality Management International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis International Journal of Human Resource Management International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management International Journal of Human‐Computer Interaction International Journal of Human‐Computer Studies International Journal of Industrial Economics International Journal of Industrial Organization 0169‐2070 1740‐2816 0020‐7276 0308‐1079 0954‐7118 1479‐3059 1744‐9928 1389‐6563 1389‐6563 1555‐3396 1368‐2156 1352‐7258 1525‐6480 0278‐4319 1753‐8270 0958‐5192 1465‐6612 1044‐7318 1071‐5819 Not Supplied 0167‐7187 1550‐1876 1872‐8200 1740‐2824 1432‐1270 1563‐5104 1741‐5128 1479‐3067 1744‐9936 1573‐6962 1573‐6962 1555‐340X 1741‐5144 1470‐3610 1525‐6499 1873‐4693 1753‐8289 1466‐4399 1741‐5160 1532‐7590 1095‐9300 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education International Journal of Information and Computer Security International Journal of Information Management International Journal of Information Quality International Journal of Information Security I t International Journal of Information Security and Privacy ti lJ l fI f ti S it dP i International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 1744‐1765 0268‐4012 1751‐0457 1615‐5262 1930 1650 1930‐1650 1479‐3121 1935‐5726 1744‐1773 1873‐4707 1751‐0465 1615‐5270 1930 1669 1930‐1669 1479‐313X 1935‐5734 International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making International Journal of Information Technology and Management International Journal of Information Technology and Management International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems Approach International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering International Journal of Innovation and Learning International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management International Journal of Innovation Management International Journal of Insurance Law International Journal of Integrated Supply Management International Journal of Intellectual Property Management International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies International Journal of Inter Cultural Relations International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research International Journal of Knowledge Management International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management International Journal of Law and Information Technology International Journal of Learning and Change International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation International Journal of Logistics Management International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications International Journal of Man Machine Studies International Journal of Management International Journal of Management and Decision Making International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development International Journal of Management and Systems International Journal of Management Education International Journal of Management Practice International Journal of Management Reviews International Journal of Managerial Finance International Journal of Managing Projects in Business International Journal of Manpower International Journal of Manufacturing System Design International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management International Journal of Maritime History International Journal of Market Research International Journal of Medical Informatics International Journal of Mobile Information Systems International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing International Journal of Operational Research International Journal of Operations & Quantitative Management International Journal of Operations and Production Management International Journal of Organisational Behaviour g y International Journal of Organizational Analysis International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management International Journal of Political Economy International Journal of Population Geography International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking International Journal of Production Economics International Journal of Production Research International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management International Journal of Project Management International Journal of Public Administration International Journal of Public Opinion Research International Journal of Public Policy International Journal of Public Sector Management International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management International Journal of Research in Marketing International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management International Journal of Selection and Assessment International Journal of Service Industry Management 0219‐6220 1461‐4111 1461‐4111 1935‐570X 1554‐1045 1471‐8197 0219‐8770 1363‐9196 1351‐8542 1477‐5360 1478‐9647 1548‐3657 0147‐1767 1476‐1300 1477‐5212 1862‐6378 1539‐3062 1548‐0666 1743‐8268 1447‐9524 0967‐0769 1740‐2875 1479‐4853 1741‐5373 0957‐4093 1367‐5567 0020‐7373 0813‐0183 1462‐4621 1468‐4330 0970‐7328 1472‐8117 1447‐9064 1460‐8545 1743‐9132 1753‐8378 0143‐7720 0218‐3382 1368‐2148 0843‐8714 1470‐7853 1386‐5056 1574‐017X 1752‐0479 1470‐9503 1465‐4520 1745‐7645 1082‐1910 0144‐3577 1440‐5377 1934‐8835 1093‐4537 0960‐0035 0891‐1916 1099‐1220 1460‐6739 0925‐5273 0020‐7543 1741‐0401 0263‐7863 0190‐0692 0954‐2892 1740‐0600 0951‐3558 0265‐671X 0167‐8116 0959‐0552 0965‐075X 0959‐4233 1793‐6845 1741‐5179 1741‐5179 1935‐5718 1554‐1053 1741‐8089 1793‐6950 1757‐5877 1985 2004 1971 1974 1989 2004 2006 2001 2001 2006 1999 1994 1997 1982 2008 1990 2001 1989 1969 http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://www.inderscience.com/ 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International Journal of Sustainable Development International Journal of Sustainable Transportation International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship International Journal of Technology and Globalization International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning International Journal of Technology Management 1744‐2370 1753‐1446 1460‐6720 1359‐7701 1740‐2123 1479‐2494 0306‐8293 1364‐5579 0144‐333X 1558‐6235 1546‐234X 0047‐0767 1475‐8962 1464‐6668 1756‐6444 1740‐2859 1648‐715X 0960‐1406 1556‐8318 1746‐5370 1476‐5667 1548‐3908 1740‐2832 0267‐5730 1744‐2389 1753‐1454 1741‐525X International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development International Journal of Technology Policy and Management International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation International Journal of the Economics of Business International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance International Journal of Tourism Policy International Journal of Tourism Research International Journal of Training and Development International Journal of Transport Economics 1474‐2748 1468‐4322 1470 6075 1470‐6075 1357‐1516 0219‐0249 1750‐4090 1099‐2340 1360‐3736 0303‐5247 2040‐0551 1741‐5292 1741 5284 1741‐5284 1466‐1829 1793‐6322 1750‐4104 1522‐1970 1468‐2419 1724‐2185 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge‐based Systems International Journal of Urban and Regional Research International Journal of Value Chain Management International Journal of Value‐Based Management International Journal of Vehicle Design International Journal of Volunteer Administration International Journal of Web Based Communities International Journal of Web Portals International Journal of Wine Business Research International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion International Labor and Working‐Class History International Labour Review International Maritime Law International Marketing Review International Migration International Migration Review International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice International Organization International Public Management Journal International Regional Science Review International Regional Science Review International Research Journal of Finance and Economics International Review for the Sociology of Sport International Review of Administrative Sciences International Review of Applied Economics International Review of Business Research Papers International Review of Economics and Finance International Review of Economics Education International Review of Finance International Review of Financial Analysis International Review of Industrial & Organisational Psychology International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law International Review of Information Ethics International Review of Law and Economics International Review of Law, Computers and Technology International Review of Public Administration 0218‐4885 0309‐1317 1741‐5365 0895‐8815 0143‐3369 1942‐728X 1477‐8394 1938‐0194 1751‐1062 1740‐8938 0147‐5479 0020‐7780 1478‐8586 0265‐1335 0020‐7985 0197‐9183 1382‐340X 0020‐8183 1096‐7494 0160‐0176 1450‐2887 1012‐6902 0020‐8523 0269‐2171 1832‐9543 1059‐0560 1477‐3880 1369‐412X 1057‐5219 0886‐1528 0018‐9855 1614‐1687 0144‐8188 1360‐0869 1229‐4659 1793‐6411 1468‐2427 1741‐5357 1572‐8528 1741‐5314 International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Retailing Research International Review of Women and Leadership International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing International Small Business Journal International Social Science Journal International Statistical Review International Studies in Economics and Econometrics International Studies of Management and Organization International Studies Quarterly International Tax and Public Finance International Tax Journal International Trade Journal International Transactions in Operational Research International VAT Monitor Internet Research Intertax: International Tax Review Intervention. Journal of Economics Investigacion de Historia Economica Investment Management and Financial Innovations Investment Policy Inzinerine Ekonomika Irish Accounting Review Irish Banking Review Irish Journal of Management Irish Marketing Review ISEAS Current Economic Affairs Series Issues & Studies Issues in Accounting Education Issues in Political Economy: undergraduate student research in Economics 0959‐3969 1323‐1685 1865‐1984 0266‐2426 0020‐8701 0306‐7734 0924‐5170 0020‐8825 0020‐8833 0927‐5940 0097‐7314 0885‐3908 0969‐6016 0925‐0832 1066‐2243 0165‐2826 1613‐0960 1698‐6989 1810‐4967 1096‐3375 1392‐2785 0791‐9638 0021‐1060 1649‐248X 0790‐7362 0218‐2114 1013‐2511 0739‐3172 Not supplied 1466‐4402 1740‐2131 1479‐2753 1758‐6712 1464‐5300 1758‐6720 1930‐076X 1740‐2808 1756‐6452 1740‐2867 1741‐5268 1556‐8334 1746‐5389 1741‐8194 1548‐3916 1740‐2840 1741‐5276 1741‐8216 1938‐0208 1751‐1070 1740‐8946 1471‐6445 1564‐913X 1758‐6763 1468‐2435 1747‐7379 1571‐8069 1531‐5088 1559‐3169 1552‐6925 1461‐7218 1461‐7226 1465‐3486 1873‐8036 1468‐2443 1873‐8079 1522‐2578 1873‐6394 1364‐6885 1865‐1992 1741‐2870 1468‐2451 1751‐5823 1558‐0911 1468‐2478 1573‐6970 1521‐0545 1475‐3995 1875‐8347 1812‐9358 1558‐7983 2004 2008 1998 1996 2005 2004 1974 1998 1976 2006 2000 1970 2005 1998 2009 2006 1994 1998 2007 2007 2004 2005 2004 1986 2002 2001 2001 1994 1998 2007 1999 1996 1974 1993 1976 2006 1988 1979 1967 2003 2009 1989 2005 1972 1921 1994 1983 1961 1964 1996 1947 1998 1975 2006 1966 1953 1987 2005 1991 2001 1999 1991 1986 1969 2004 1981 1984 1996 1990 1503 1503 1503 180105 1503 1503 1402 1503 1503 1502 1504 1504 1504 1504 1503 1503 1504 1499 1507 1503 1503 0806 1503 0806 C C C A C C B B C C B C B B C C B C C C C C C C http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/ http://www.inderscience.com/ijtpm/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://www inderscience com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.worldscinet.com/ijtaf/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www.wiley.com/ 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Jahrbuch fur Regionalwissenschaft/Review of Regional Research Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft/Review of Regional Research Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik: journal of economics and statistics Japan and the World Economy Japan Labor Review Japanese Economic Review Japanese Economy JASSA (previously Australian Security Analysts' Journal) JITTA: an information systems journal Journal for Global Business Advancement Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition Journal for Quality and Participation Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development Journal of Academy of Business and Economics Journal of Accountancy Journal of Accounting & Organisational Change Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of Accounting and Finance Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Journal of Accounting Case Research Journal of Accounting Education Journal of Accounting Literature J Journal of Accounting Research l fA ti R h Journal of Accounting, Business and Management Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy Journal of Actuarial Practice Journal of Advanced Transportation Journal of Advertising Journal of Advertising Research Journal of African Business Journal of African Economies Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics Journal of Air Law and Commerce Journal of Air Transport Management Journal of Alternative Investments Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge Journal of Applied Accounting Research Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Journal of Applied Business and Economics Journal of Applied Business Research Journal of Applied Communication Research Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Applied Economics Journal of Applied Finance Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis Journal of Applied Probability Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Applied Research in Accounting and Finance Journal of Applied Social Psychology Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Journal of Applied Statistical Science Journal of Applied Statistics Journal of Applied Systems Studies: methodologies and applications for systems approaches Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Journal of Asia Business Studies Journal of Asia Pacific Business Journal of Asian Business Journal of Asian Economics Journal of Asset Management Journal of Australian Political Economy Journal of Australian Taxation Journal of Bank Research Journal of Banking and Finance Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice Journal of Banking Regulation Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice Journal of Behavioral Finance Journal of Behavioural Decision Making Journal of Bioeconomics Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics Journal of Brand Management Journal of Business Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Journal of Business and Economic Studies Journal of Business and Economics Research Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Journal of Business and Management Journal of Business and Policy Research Journal of Business and Psychology Journal of Business and Public Affairs Journal of Business and Technical Communication Journal of Business Chemistry Journal of Business Communication Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis Journal of Business Economics and Management Journal of Business Ethics 0386‐1112 0948‐5139 0173‐7600 0173‐7600 0021‐4027 0922‐1425 1348‐9364 1352‐4739 1097‐203X 0313‐5934 1552‐6496 1746‐966X 1580‐4615 1040‐9602 0379‐6205 1481‐9112 1542‐8710 0021‐8448 1832‐5912 0165‐4101 1823‐4992 0278‐4254 0148‐558X 1192‐2621 0748‐5751 0737‐4607 0021 0021‐8456 8456 0216‐423X 1089‐652X 1064‐6647 0197‐6729 0091‐3367 0021‐8499 1522‐8916 0963‐8024 1074‐0708 1542‐0485 1068‐5502 0021‐857X 1085‐7117 0021‐8642 0969‐6997 1520‐3255 1540‐1200 0967‐5426 0021‐8863 1499‐691X 0892‐7626 0090‐9882 1078‐1196 0883‐7252 1514‐0326 1534‐6668 1443‐9905 1077‐1158 1048‐9533 0021‐9002 0021‐9010 1834‐2582 0021‐9029 1041‐3200 1067‐5817 0266‐4763 1466‐7738 1460‐7425 1558‐7894 1059‐9231 1068‐0055 1049‐0078 1470‐8272 0156‐5826 1440‐0405 0021‐9215 0378‐4266 1034‐3040 1745‐6452 1059‐048X 1542‐7560 0894‐3257 1387‐6996 1054‐3406 1350‐231X 0021‐9398 1528‐5014 0735‐0015 1063‐343X 1542‐4448 0885‐8624 1535‐668X 1449‐387X 0889‐3268 1522‐8398 1050‐6519 1613‐9615 0021‐9436 1729‐3618 1611‐1699 0167‐4544 1613‐9836 1613‐9836 1468‐5876 1944‐7256 1532‐4516 1746‐9678 1581‐1042 1931‐4019 1481‐9120 1945‐0729 1873‐2070 1873‐1996 1475 679X 1475‐679X 1557‐7805 1740‐1909 1522‐9076 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Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Journal of Contract Law Journal of Convention & Event Tourism Journal of Co‐operative Studies Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance Journal of Corporate Citizenship Journal of Corporate Finance Journal of Corporate Finance Journal of Corporate Law Studies Journal of Corporate Real Estate Journal of Corporate Treasury Management Journal of Corporation Law Journal of Cost Analysis & Management Journal of Cost Management Journal of Credit Risk Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology Journal of Culinary Science and Technology (print edition) Journal of Cultural Economics Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising Journal of Current Research in Global Business Journal of Customer Behaviour Journal of Database Management Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management Journal of Derivatives Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds Journal of Developing Areas Journal of Development Economics Journal of Development Studies Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Journal of Direct Marketing Journal of East European Management Studies Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Journal of East‐West Business y ( ) Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia (JESNA) Journal of Econometrics Journal of Economic and Social Measurement Journal of Economic and Social Policy Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Journal of Economic Development Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal of Economic Education Journal of Economic Geography Journal of Economic Growth Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Inequality Journal of Economic Integration Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination Journal of Economic Issues Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic Methodology Journal of Economic Perspectives Journal of Economic Policy Reform 0306‐686X 0021‐9460 0735‐3766 0973‐1598 0148‐2963 0275‐6668 1833‐4318 0883‐9026 1051‐712X 1069‐0727 1038‐4162 1548‐7717 1467‐7017 1044‐5463 1938‐8160 1476‐5284 0047‐2301 0021‐9886 0021‐9916 1363‐254X 0147‐5967 1481‐0468 1387‐6988 1744‐6414 0885‐064X 0377‐0427 1061‐8600 1460‐1559 1460 1559 0022‐0000 1064‐2307 0887‐4417 0022‐0027 1054‐3007 0733‐9364 1358‐9180 1609‐9451 1072‐0537 0022‐006X 0022‐0078 1472‐0817 0736‐3761 0168‐7034 1468‐5957 1057‐7408 0093‐5301 0899‐8620 1815‐5669 1448‐8507 1323‐6903 1030‐7230 1547‐0148 0961‐5784 1044‐8136 1470‐5001 0929‐1199 1473‐5970 1463‐001X 1753‐2574 0360‐795X 1541‐1656 1092‐8057 1744‐6619 0022‐0221 1542‐8052 0885‐2545 1064‐1734 1050‐6292 1475‐3928 1063‐8016 1741‐2439 1741 2439 1074‐1240 1753‐9641 0022‐037X 0304‐3878 0022‐0388 1084‐9467 0892‐0591 0949‐6181 1881‐1124 1066‐9868 1880‐6988 0304‐4076 0747‐9662 1325‐2224 0167‐2681 0254‐8372 0165‐1889 0022‐0485 1468‐2702 1381‐4338 0022‐0507 1569‐1721 1225‐651X 1860‐711X 0021‐3624 0022‐0515 1350‐178X 0895‐3309 1748‐7870 1532‐7663 1537‐5277 1873‐2003 1547‐0628 1552‐4590 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Journal of Environmental Law 0167‐4870 1226‐4261 0144‐3585 0950‐0804 0022‐0531 0931‐8658 0148‐6195 1055‐0925 1543‐0464 1058‐6407 1472‐4049 1363‐9080 0098‐9495 0883‐2323 1076‐9986 1539‐2937 Not supplied 0972‐6527 1083‐9798 1554‐1908 0927‐5398 1326‐4443 0022‐0787 1063‐2239 0361‐4476 1085‐7443 0923‐4748 1726 1726‐0531 0531 1741‐0398 1750‐6204 0218‐4958 1099‐2219 0971‐3557 1070‐4965 1464‐3332 0095‐0696 1726‐2135 0952‐8873 Journal of Environmental Management Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Journal of Euromarketing Journal of European Business Education Journal of European Economic History Journal of European Industrial Training Journal of European Public Policy Journal of Evolutionary Economics Journal of Experimental Psychology General Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Journal of Facilities Management Journal of Family and Economic Issues Journal of Family History Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Journal of Finance Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services Journal of Finance Case Research Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Financial Crime Journal of Financial Econometrics Journal of Financial Economics Journal of Financial Education Journal of Financial Intermediation Journal of Financial Management and Analysis Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction Journal of Financial Markets Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance Journal of Financial Research Journal of Financial Services Marketing Journal of Financial Services Research Journal of Financial Stability Journal of Financial Statement Analysis Journal of Fixed Income Journal of Food Products Marketing Journal of Food Service Business Research Journal of Foodservice Journal of Foodservice Systems Journal of Forecasting Journal of Forensic Accounting Journal of Forensic Economics Journal of Forest Economics Journal of Further and Higher Education Journal of Futures Markets Journal of Futures Studies Journal of Gambling Business and Economics Journal of Gambling Issues Journal of Gambling Studies Journal of General Management Journal of Geographical Systems Journal of Global Business Journal of Global Information Management Journal of Global Information Technology Management Journal of Global Marketing Journal of Happiness Studies Journal of Health Economics Journal of Health Organisation and Management Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Journal of Health Services Research and Policy Journal of Heritage Tourism 0301‐4797 0964‐0568 1049‐6483 0968‐0543 0391‐5115 0309‐0590 1350‐1763 0936‐9937 0096‐3445 0096‐1523 0278‐7393 0022‐1031 1472‐5967 1058‐0476 0363‐1990 1361‐2026 0022‐1082 1475‐1283 1527‐5426 0222‐1090 1359‐0790 1479‐8409 0304‐405X 0093‐3961 1042‐9573 0970‐4205 1366‐4387 1386‐4181 1358‐1988 0270‐2592 1363‐0539 0920‐8550 1572‐3089 1085‐3464 1059‐8596 1045‐4446 1537‐8020 1745‐4506 0196‐4283 0277‐6693 1524‐5586 0898‐5510 1104‐6899 0309‐877X 0207‐7314 1027‐6084 1751‐7990 1494‐5185 1050‐5350 0306‐3070 1435‐5930 1053‐7287 1062‐7375 1097‐198X 0891‐1762 1389‐4978 0167‐6296 1477‐7266 0361‐6878 1355‐8196 1747‐6331 1872‐7719 ? 1758‐7387 1467‐6419 1095‐7235 1617‐7134 1938‐9744 1530‐9134 1747‐7638 1469‐9435 1944‐6470 1940‐3356 1935‐1054 1539‐2929 1526‐6133 1558‐7940 1546‐5012 1873‐5932 1758‐7409 1750‐6212 1793‐6330 1099‐2219 1940‐0292 1552‐5465 1757‐5605 1096‐0449 1684‐8799 1464‐374X 1095‐8630 1360‐0559 1528‐6967 1758‐7425 1466‐4429 1432‐1386 1939‐2222 1939‐1285 1096‐0465 1741‐0983 1573‐3475 1552‐5473 1758‐7433 1540‐6261 1758‐7239 1479‐8417 1096‐0473 1740‐0279 1475‐6803 1479‐1846 1573‐0735 1540‐4102 1537‐8039 1748‐0140 1748‐0159 1099‐131X 1469‐9486 1751‐8008 1910‐7595 1573‐3602 1435‐5949 1533‐7995 1528‐6975 1573‐7780 1758‐7247 1527‐1927 1758‐1060 1743‐873X 1981 1966 1987 1969 1930 1949 1989 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of Higher Education Policy and Management Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Journal of Hospitality Application and Research Journal of Hospitality Financial Management Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & Tourism Education Journal of Housing Economics Journal of Human Development Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism Journal of Human Resources: education, manpower and welfare economics Journal of Income Distribution Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of Industrial History Journal of Industrial Relations Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade Journal of Informatics Education and Research Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Journal of Information Science and Technology Journal of Information Systems Journal of Information Systems and Small Business J Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management l fI f ti S t dT h l M t Journal of Information Systems Education Journal of Information Technology Journal of Information Technology Education Journal of Information Technology Management Journal of Information, Information Technology and Organizations Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Journal of Institutional Economics Journal of Institutional Research Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia) Journal of Intellectual Capital Journal of Intellectual Property Law Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal of Interactive Advertising Journal of Interactive Marketing Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics Journal of Interdisciplinary History Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics Journal of International Accounting Auditing & Taxation Journal of International Accounting Research Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development Journal of International and Comparative Economics Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation Journal of International Banking Regulation Journal of International Business and Economics Journal of International Business and Economy Journal of International Business and Economy Journal of International Business Strategy Journal of International Business Studies Journal of International Commercial Law Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology Journal of International Consumer Marketing Journal of International Development Journal of International Economic Law Journal of International Economic Studies Journal of International Economics Journal of International Finance and Economics Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money Journal of International Information Management Journal of International Management Journal of International Marketing Journal of International Marketing and Exporting Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research Journal of International Migration and Integration Journal of International Money and Finance Journal of International Relations and Development Journal of International Technology and Information Management Journal of International Trade and Economic Development Journal of Internet Business Journal of Investing Journal of Investment Compliance Journal of Investment Management Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance , g Journal of IT Cases and Applications (JITCA) Journal of Knowledge Management Journal of Knowledge Management Research and Practice Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Labour Research Journal of Language and Social Psychology Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Law and Financial Management Journal of Law and Information Science Journal of Law and Society Journal of Law and Technology Journal of Law, Economics & Policy Journal of Law, Economics and Organization Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport Journal of Legal Economics Journal of Legal Studies in Business (Athens) Journal of Legal Technology Risk Management Journal of Leisure Research 1047‐8310 0022‐1546 1360‐080X 1050‐7051 1096‐3758 1447‐6770 1096‐3480 0973‐4538 1091‐3211 1936‐8623 1473‐8376 1051‐1377 1464‐9888 1401‐338X 1533‐2845 0022‐166X 0926‐6437 0022‐1821 1463‐6174 0022‐1856 1566‐1679 1526‐4726 0219‐6492 0252‐2667 1545‐0287 0888‐7985 1834‐2949 1807 1775 1807‐1775 1055‐3096 0268‐3962 1539‐3585 1042‐1319 1557‐1319 0932‐4569 1744‐1374 Not supplied Not supplied 1469‐1930 Not supplied 0925‐9902 0956‐5515 1547‐2450 1525‐2019 1094‐9968 0260‐1079 0022‐1953 0972‐0502 1061‐9518 1542‐6297 1556‐8520 0940‐4821 1742‐6812 1465‐4830 1544‐8037 1527‐8603 1552‐2903 0047‐2506 1476‐7546 1901‐8401 0896‐1530 0954‐1748 1369‐3034 0911‐1247 0022‐1996 1555‐6336 0954‐1314 1042‐4431 1063‐519X 1075‐4253 1069‐031X 1324‐5864 1010‐7347 1488‐3473 0261‐5606 1408‐6980 1543‐5962 0963‐8199 Not supplied 1068‐0896 1528‐5812 1545‐9144 2070‐4658 1522‐8053 1367‐3270 1477‐8238 0734‐306X 0195‐3613 0261‐927X 0022‐2186 Not supplied 0729‐1485 0263‐323X 0887‐0610 1553‐4367 8756‐6222 1072‐0316 1054‐3023 1078‐3873 1932‐5584 0022‐2216 1879‐1638 1538‐4640 1469‐9508 1541‐0897 1557‐7554 1936‐8631 1096‐0791 1758‐745X 1533‐2853 1548‐8004 1467‐6451 1472‐9296 1573‐7012 1793‐6926 1558‐7959 1834‐2957 1466‐4437 1547‐9714 1557‐1327 1744‐1382 1443‐2110 1675‐6061 1758‐7468 1573‐7675 1572‐8145 1547‐2442 1520‐6653 1530‐9169 1879‐1603 1558‐8025 1750‐2071 1478‐6990 1528‐7068 1099‐1328 1464‐3758 1873‐0353 1467‐646X 1873‐0612 1941‐6679 1873‐0620 1547‐7215 1832‐2174 1874‐6365 1873‐0639 1581‐1980 1941‐6679 1469‐9559 1832‐1151 1758‐7476 1545‐9152 2070‐4666 1758‐7484 1477‐8246 1537‐5307 1936‐4768 1552‐6526 1537‐5285 1467‐6478 1465‐7341 1932‐5592 1990 1930 1979 1992 Not available 1994 1997 2006 1991 1992 2002 1991 2000 1996 2002 1966 1991 1952 Not 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1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1402 1402 1501 1506 1402 1402 1402 1503 1503 1402 0806 0806 1503 0899 0806 0806 0806 0806 0806 0806 0806 0806 1402 1402 1503 1503 1503 180105 0806 1503 1507 1505 1505 1402 1499 1403 1501 1501 1402 1402 1502 180105 1503 1402 1503 1503 180105 180105 1505 1402 180105 1402 1402 1402 1502 1502 0806 1503 1505 1505 1505 1603 1502 1402 0806 1402 1503 1502 1502 1502 1502 0806 0806 0806 1402 1503 1503 1402 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 1402 1504 1402 180105 180105 1506 C B B A A B A C B C C B B C B A* B B C A C C C B C A C C C A C C C A B C C B B B B C C B C C B B B C C C C C C C A* C C C B A C A* C B A C B A C C C A C C B C C C C C C B C A* B B A* C A B A B A C B C C A 18 of 27 Journal of Macroeconomics Journal of Macromarketing Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law Journal of Management Journal of Management Accounting Research Journal of Management and Governance Journal of Management and Organization Journal of Management Development Journal of Management Education Journal of Management History Journal of Management in Engineering Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Management Inquiry Journal of Management Studies Journal of Managerial Issues Journal of Managerial Psychology Journal of Manufacturing Systems Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce Journal of Market‐Focused Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Channels Journal of Marketing Communications Journal of Marketing Education Journal of Marketing for Higher Education Journal of Marketing Management Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science J Journal of Marketing Research l f M k ti R h Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice Journal of Markets and Morality Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Mathematical Psychology Journal of Media Economics Journal of Medical Economics Journal of Medical Marketing Journal of Medical Systems Journal of Modelling in Management Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods Journal of Monetary Economics Journal of Money Laundering Control Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis Journal of Multinational Financial Management Journal of Multivariate Analysis Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Journal of Occupational Health and Safety – Australia and New Zealand Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Journal of Operations Management Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change Journal of Organizational and End User Computing: the international journal of information user managers information user managers Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Organizational Behavior Management Journal of Organizational Change Management Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Journal of Pension Economics and Finance Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Personality Assessment Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics and Policy Journal of Place Management and Development Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (formerly Policy Analysis) Journal of Policy Modeling Journal of Policy Reform Journal of Political Economy Journal of Population Economics Journal of Population Research Journal of Portfolio Management Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Journal of Private Equity Journal of Product and Brand Management Journal of Product Innovation Management Journal of Productivity Analysis Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice Journal of Promotion Management: innovations in planning & applied research 0164‐0704 0276‐1467 0126‐6322 0149‐2063 1049‐2127 1385‐3457 1833‐3672 0262‐1711 1052‐5629 1355‐252X 0742‐597X 0742‐1222 1056‐4926 0022‐2380 1045‐3695 0268‐3946 0278‐6125 1741‐038X 0022‐2410 1382‐3019 0022‐2429 1046‐669X 1352‐7266 0273‐4753 0884‐1241 0267‐257X 1355‐2538 0022 0022‐2437 2437 1069‐6679 1098‐1217 0304‐4068 0022‐2496 0899‐7764 1369‐6998 1745‐7904 0148‐5598 1746‐5664 1538‐9472 0304‐3932 1368‐5201 0022‐2879 1057‐9214 1042‐444X 0047‐259X 1446‐8719 1048‐5252 1049‐5142 0963‐1798 0815‐6409 1076‐8998 0272‐6963 0022‐3239 1477‐9633 1546‐2234 0894‐3796 0160‐8061 0953‐4814 1091‐9392 0735‐1968 1474‐7472 0887‐3828 0885‐3134 0022‐3514 0022‐3891 1538‐5396 1753‐8335 0276‐8739 0161‐8938 1384‐1289 0022‐3808 0933‐1433 1443‐2447 0095‐4918 0160‐3477 1096‐5572 1061‐0421 0737‐6782 0895‐562X 1052‐3928 1540‐7594 1873‐152X 1552‐6534 1557‐1211 1558‐8033 1572‐963X 1758‐7492 1552‐6658 1943‐5479 1557‐928X 1552‐6542 1467‐6486 1758‐7778 1878‐6642 1758‐7786 1572‐8846 1547‐7185 1540‐7039 1466‐4445 1552‐6550 1540‐7144 1472‐1376 1547 7193 1547‐7193 1944‐7841 1873‐1538 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Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management Journal of Public Economic Theory Journal of Public Economics Journal of Public Finance & Public Choice Journal of Public Policy Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Journal of Public Relations Research Journal of Public Transportation Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism Journal of Quality Management Journal of Quality Technology Journal of Quantitative Economics 1982 1463‐578X 0959‐9916 1053‐1858 1472‐3891 1096‐3367 1097‐3923 0047‐2727 1120‐7019 0143‐814X 0743‐9156 1062‐726X 1077‐291X 1478‐4092 1528‐008X 1084‐8568 0022‐4065 0971‐1554 1470‐2002 1466‐4453 1477‐9803 1479‐1854 1945‐1814 1467‐9779 1469‐7815 1547‐7207 1532‐754X 1873‐6505 1528‐0098 0022‐4065 1984 1991 2001 1989 1999 1972 1983 1981 1982 1989 1997 1992 2000 1996 1969 1985 http://www.proquest.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://jpart.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ 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Uncertainty Journal of Risk Finance Journal of Risk Research Journal of Safety Research Journal of Scheduling Journal of Service Management Journal of Service Research Journal of Services Marketing Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development J Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship l f S ll B i dE hi Journal of Small Business Finance Journal of Small Business Management Journal of Small Business Strategy Journal of Social and Economic Development Journal of Social Policy Journal of Social Psychology Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies Journal of Socio‐Economics Not supplied 0218‐1304 Not supplied 0895‐5638 0927‐7544 1083‐5547 1930‐8914 0896‐5803 0022‐4146 0922‐680X 1533‐2667 1443‐458X 1444‐6359 1052‐214X 0022‐4359 0969‐6989 1465‐1211 0022‐4367 0895‐5646 1526‐5943 1366‐9877 0022‐4375 1094‐6136 1757‐5818 1094‐6705 0887‐6045 1462‐6004 0827 6331 0827‐6331 1057‐2287 0047‐2778 1081‐8510 0972‐5792 0047‐2794 0022‐4545 0278‐839X 1053‐5357 Journal of Sociology : The Journal of the Australian Sociological Association Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution Journal of South Asian Development Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Journal of Sport and Social Issues Journal of Sport Behaviour Journal of Sport Economics Journal of Sport History Journal of Sport Management Journal of Sport Tourism Journal of Sports Economics Journal of State Taxation Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Journal of Statistical Planning and Infererence Journal of Statistical Research Journal of Statistical Software Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications Journal of Statistics and Management Systems Journal of Statistics and Management Systems Journal of Statistics Education Journal of Strategic Information Systems Journal of Strategic Marketing Journal of Structured Finance 1440‐7833 1532‐060X 0973‐1741 0022‐4634 0193‐7235 0162 7341 1527‐0025 0094‐1700 0888‐4773 1477‐5085 1527‐0025 0744‐6713 0094‐9655 0378‐3758 0256‐422X 1548‐7660 1538‐7887 0972‐0510 1069‐1898 0963‐8687 0965‐254X 1551‐9783 Journal of Supply Chain Management: a global review of purchasing and supply Journal of Sustainable Tourism Journal of Systems and Information Technology Journal of Systems and Software Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing Journal of Taxation Journal of Teaching in International Business Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism Journal of Technology Management & Innovation Journal of Technology Transfer Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Journal of the American Association of Medical Informatics Journal of the American Statistical Association Journal of the American Taxation Association Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery Journal of the Association of Information Systems Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Journal of the European Economic Association Journal of the History of Economic Thought Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research Journal of the Japan Statistical Society Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Journal of the Korean Economy Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan Journal of the Royal Statistical Society : Series B Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, Series D Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland Journal of the Transportation Research Forum Journal of the UK Association of Christian Economists Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research Journal of Theoretical Probability Journal of Time Series Analysis Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change Journal of Tourism History 1523‐2409 0966‐9582 1328‐7265 0164‐1212 0967‐3237 0022‐4863 0897‐5930 1531‐3220 0718‐2724 0892‐9912 0092‐0703 1067‐5027 0162‐1459 0198‐9073 1354‐7860 0004‐5411 1536‐9323 1832‐911X 0022‐4995 1542‐4766 1053‐8372 0020‐2681 1052‐6099 0389‐5602 0889‐1583 1598‐2750 0160‐5682 0160‐5682 0453‐4514 1369‐7412 0039‐0526 0964‐1998 0081‐4776 1046‐1469 0956‐3067 0718‐1876 0894‐9840 0143‐9782 1476‐6825 1755‐182X 1990 1573‐045X 1573‐8809 1930‐8914 1467‐9787 1573‐0468 1533-2675 1537‐8039 1873‐3271 1873‐1384 1755‐2842 1539‐6975 1573‐0476 1466‐4461 1879‐1247 1099‐1425 1757‐5826 1552‐7379 1758‐7840 1540‐627X 1469‐7823 1940‐1183 1879‐1239 1741‐2978 1532‐0618 0973‐1733 1474‐0680 1552‐7638 1552‐7794 1543‐270X 1029‐5399 1552‐7794 1563‐5163 1873‐1171 1873‐1198 1466‐4488 1551‐9783 1745‐493X 1747‐7646 1758‐8847 1873‐1228 1528‐6991 1531‐3239 1573‐7047 1552‐7824 1527‐974X 1537‐274X 1558‐8017 1469‐9648 1557‐735X 1558‐3457 1568‐5209 1542‐4774 1469‐9656 1348‐6365 1095‐8681 1476‐9360 1476‐9360 1467‐9868 1467‐9884 1467‐985X 1572‐9230 1467‐9892 1747‐7654 1755‐1838 1988 1993 1995 1998 1986 1958 1989 1995 1967 2001 1993 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Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Journal of Transport Geography Journal of Transport History Journal of Transportation and Statistics Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy Journal of Transportation System Engineering and Information Technology Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing Journal of Travel and Tourism Research Journal of Travel Research Journal of Urban Economics Journal of Vacation Marketing Journal of Vocational Behavior Journal of Vocational Education and Training Journal of Wealth Management Journal of Wealth Management Journal of Workplace Learning: Employee Counselling Today Journal of World Business Journal of World Investment and Trade Journal of World Trade Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare Journalism and Mass Communication Educator Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly J idi l R i Juridical Review Just Labor Keeping Good Companies Keio Economic Studies Keizai Kagaku Kings College Law Journal Knowledge and Information Systems Knowledge and Process Management Knowledge‐Based Systems Kobe University Economic Review Kokusai Kaihatsu Kenkyu Journal of International Development Studies Kyklos Labor History Labor Studies Journal Labor: Studies in the Working Class History of the Americas Labour and Industry Labour and Society Labour Economics Labour History (Australia) Labour History Review Labour Law Journal Labour/Le Travail (Canada) Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Land Economics: a quarterly journal devoted to the study of economic and social institutions Land Use Policy Language and Communication Lavoro e Diritto Lavoro e Diritto Law and Financial Markets Review Law and Policy Law Quarterly Review Leadership Leadership and Organization Development Journal Leadership in Health Services Leadership Quarterly (The) Learning Organization (The) Legal Education Review Legal Issues in Business Legal Issues of Economic Integration Legal Studies Update (The) Leisure Sciences Leisure Studies Leisure/Loisir Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport Lifetime Data Analysis Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja Llafur Lloyds Bank Review Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly Local Economy Local Government Studies Long Range Planning Macquarie Journal of Business Law Macquarie Law Journal y Macroeconomic Dynamics Malayan Law Journal Malaysian Accounting Review Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Management Management & Organizational History Management & Organization Review Management Accounting ‐ London Management Accounting Quarterly Management Accounting Research Management Communication Quarterly Management Decision Management International Review Management Learning Management Quarterly Management Research News Management Review Management Science 1035‐4662 1559‐3967 1547‐5778 1068‐6061 1938‐7849 0022‐5258 0966‐6923 0022‐5266 1094‐8848 1078‐5906 1009‐6744 1054‐8408 1302‐8545 0047‐2875 0094‐1190 1356‐7667 0001‐8791 1363‐6820 1520‐4154 1534‐7524 1366‐5626 1090‐9516 1660‐7112 1011‐6702 1479‐649X 1077‐6958 1077‐6990 0022 0022‐6785 6785 1705‐1436 1444‐7614 0022‐9709 0022‐9725 0961‐5768 0219‐1377 1092‐4604 0950‐7051 0454‐1111 1342‐3045 0023‐5962 0023‐656X 0160‐449X 1547‐6715 1030‐1763 0378‐5408 0927‐5371 0023‐6942 0961‐5652 0023‐6977 0700‐3862 1121‐7081 0023‐7639 0264‐8377 0271‐5309 1120‐947X 1752‐1440 0265‐8240 0023‐933X 1742‐7150 0143‐7739 1751‐1879 1048‐9843 0969‐6474 1033‐2839 1442‐911X 1566‐6573 1833‐7058 0149‐0400 0261‐4367 1492‐7713 1150‐8809 1380‐7870 0024‐3469 0306‐0837 0024‐547X 0306‐2945 0269‐0942 0300‐3930 0024‐6301 1449‐0269 1445‐386X 1365‐1005 0025‐1283 1675‐4077 1511‐4554 1331‐0194 1744‐9359 1740‐8776 0025‐1682 1528‐5359 1044‐5005 0893‐3189 0025‐1747 0938‐8249 1350‐5076 0025‐1860 0140‐9174 0025‐1895 0025‐1909 1547‐5786 1528‐7009 1754‐5951 1873‐1236 1540‐7306 1552‐6763 1095‐9068 1479‐1870 1095‐9084 1747‐5090 1758‐7859 1878‐5573 1757‐8442 0219‐3116 1099‐1441 1872‐7409 1467‐6435 1469‐9702 1538‐9758 1558‐1454 1745‐8188 1467‐9914 1543‐8325 1873‐5754 1873‐3395 1752‐1459 1467‐9930 1742‐7169 1472‐5347 1751‐1887 1873‐3409 1758‐7905 0377‐0915 1521‐0588 1466‐4496 2151‐2221 1572‐9249 1470‐9325 1743‐9388 1873‐1872 1469‐8056 1744‐9367 1740‐8784 0025‐1690 1096‐1224 1552‐6798 1758‐6070 1861‐8901 1461‐7307 1930‐5494 1526‐5501 1990 2006 1994 1994 2008 1967 1993 1953 1998 1994 2001 1992 2006 1962 1974 1995 1989 1948 1998 1998 1989 1965 2000 1965 Not available 1944 1924 1889 2002 1948 1963 1951 1936 1999 1993 1987 1955 Not available 1947 1960 1976 2004 1987 1976 1993 1962 1960 1949 1976 1987 1925 1984 1981 1987 2007 1979 1885 2005 1980 1997 1990 1994 1989 1999 1972 Not available 1977 1982 1975 1984 1995 1952 1972 1946 1974 1986 1971 1968 2004 2001 1997 1932 2002 Not available 1996 2005 2004 1921 1999 1990 1987 1967 1961 1970 1960 1978 1923 1954 http://search.informit.com.au/ http://www.iijournals.com/JOT/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.informaworld.com/ https://www.jtlu.org/ http://www.swetswise.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ 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A A C C A C C C C C B C C A B C A A C C C A* 21 of 27 Managerial and Decision Economics: the international journal of research and progress in management Managerial Auditing Journal Managerial Finance Managing Leisure Managing Service Quality Manchester Journal of International Economic Law Manchester School Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Margin (New Delhi): the journal of applied economic research Marine Policy Marine Resource Economics Maritime Economics and Logistics Maritime Policy and Management Marketing Marketing and Research Today Marketing Bulletin Marketing Education Review Marketing Health Services (former Journal of Health Care Marketing) Marketing Intelligence and Planning Marketing Letters Marketing Review Marketing Science Marketing Theory Marketing Week Mathematical Biosciences Mathematical Finance: an international journal of mathematics, statistics and Mathematical Gazette Mathematical Gazette Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Mathematical Methods of Statistics Mathematical Population Studies Mathematical Programming Mathematical Scientist Mathematical Social Sciences Mathematics and Computers in Simulation Mathematics and Financial Economics Mathematics of Computation Mathematics of Operations Research Measuring Business Excellence Media and Arts Law Review Media Culture and Society Media Studies Journal Medical Law International Melbourne Journal of International Law Melbourne University Law Review Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Metrika Metroeconomica Metron Middle East Business and Economic Review Middle East Policy Milbank Quarterly (The) Millennium: Journal of International Studies Mind and Society Mind and Society Minnesota Journal of Business Law and Entrepreneurship MIS Quarterly MIS Quarterly Executive: a research journal dedicated to improving practice MISQ Discovery MIT Sloan Management Review Mita Gakkai Zasshi MOCT‐MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies Model Assisted Statistics and Applications Modern Law Review Monash Business Review Monash University Law Review Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Motivation and Emotion Mt Eliza Business Review Multinational Business Review Multinational Finance Journal Multiscale Modelling and Simulation Multivariate Behavioural Research Narrative Inquiry Nase Gospodarstvo National Economic Review National Institute Economic Review National Tax Journal National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift Natural Resources Forum Natural Resources Journal Naval Research Logistics NBER Macroeconomics Annual Negotiation Journal Netnomics Networks and Spatial Economics New Directions for Evaluation New England Economic Review New England Journal of Entrepreneurship New Law Journal New Left Review New Perspectives on Political Economy New Political Economy New Technology Work and Employment New York Economic Review New Zealand Business Law Quarterly New Zealand Economic Papers New Zealand Geographer 0143‐6570 1099‐1468 1980 0268‐6902 0307‐4358 1360‐6719 0960‐4529 1742‐3945 1463‐6786 1523‐4614 0973‐8010 0308‐597X 0738‐1360 1479‐2931 0308‐8839 0819‐1131 0923‐5957 0113‐6895 1052‐8008 1094‐1304 0263‐4503 0923‐0645 1469‐347X 0732‐2399 1470‐5931 0141‐9285 0025‐5564 0960‐1627 0025 5572 0025‐5572 1432‐2994 1066‐5307 0889‐8480 0025‐5610 0312‐3685 0165‐4896 0378‐4754 1862‐9679 0025‐5718 0364‐765X 1758‐7735 1758‐7743 1466‐450X 1758‐8030 1986 1975 1996 1990 2004 1930 1999 2007 1977 1983 1999 1973 1986 1989 1990 1992 1981 1990 1990 2000 1982 2001 1978 1967 1991 1894 1956 1992 1988 1971 1976 1981 1956 2007 1943 1368‐3047 1325‐1570 0163‐4437 1057‐7416 0968‐5332 1444‐8602 0025‐8938 1387‐5841 0026‐1335 0026‐1386 0026‐1424 1035‐3704 1061‐1924 0887‐378X 0305‐8298 1593‐7879 1593 7879 1540‐3270 0276‐7783 1540‐1960 Not supplied 1532‐9194 0026‐6760 1120‐7388 1574‐1699 0026‐7961 1832‐8490 0311‐3140 0929‐9629 0146‐7239 1444‐2558 1525‐383X 1096‐1879 1540‐3459 0027‐3171 1387‐6740 0547‐3101 0813‐9474 0027‐9501 0028‐0283 0028‐0399 0028‐0453 0165‐0203 0028‐0739 0894‐069X 0889‐3365 0748‐4526 1385‐9587 1566‐113X 1097‐6736 0028‐4726 1550‐333X 0306‐6479 0028‐6060 1801‐0938 1356‐3467 0268‐1072 1090‐5693 1173‐311X 0077‐9954 0028‐8144 1467‐9957 1526‐5498 0973‐8029 1872‐9460 1479‐294X 1464‐5254 1176‐645X 1758‐8049 1573‐059X 1472‐1384 1526‐548X 1741‐301X 1467‐9965 1432‐5217 1934‐8045 1547‐724X 1436‐4646 1475‐6080 1872‐7166 1862‐9660 1088‐6842 1526‐5471 1758‐8057 1460‐3675 1444‐8610 1573‐7713 1435‐926X 1467‐999X 1475‐4967 1468‐0009 1477‐9021 1860‐1839 1860 1839 1540‐1979 1532‐8937 1573‐7063 1875‐9068 1468‐2230 1569‐3961 1573‐6644 1540‐3467 1532‐7906 1569‐9935 1741‐3036 1944‐7477 1477‐8947 1520‐6750 1537‐2642 1571‐9979 1573‐7071 1572‐9427 0164‐7989 1552‐2822 1469‐9923 1468‐005X 1943‐4863 1745‐7939 1976 1997 1992 1979 1987 1993 2000 1957 1999 1958 1949 1920 1989 1981 1923 1971 2000 2001 1977 2002 1996 1960 1909 1990 2005 1937 2005 1974 1995 1977 1980 1993 1997 2003 1966 1991 1955 1984 1959 1916 1918 1873 1976 1961 1954 1986 1985 1999 2001 1979 1920 2002 1980 1960 2005 1996 1986 1971 1995 1966 1945 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.proquest.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www.msom.pubs.informs.org/ http://mar.sagepub.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.proquest.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://mtq.sagepub.com/ http://www.proquest.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://www jstor org/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.springer.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ 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Revue: observations et diagnostics economiques Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly OMEGA ‐ International Journal of Management Science OPEC Review Open Economies Review Operations Management Research Operations Research O Operations Research Letters ti R h L tt Opsearch: journal of the Operational Research Society of India Optimal Control Applications and Methods Optimization OR Insight OR Spectrum Oregon Law Review Organization Organization and Environment Organization Development Journal Organization Management Journal Organization Science Organization Studies Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Organizational Dynamics Organizational Research Methods ORiON Osaka Journal of Mathematics Osgoode Hall Law Journal Otago Law Review Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Oxford Development Studies Oxford Economic Papers Oxford Journal of Legal Studies Oxford Review of Economic Policy Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal Pacific Accounting Review Pacific Affairs Pacific Affairs Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Pacific Basin Finance Journal Pacific Economic Bulletin Pacific Economic Papers Pacific Economic Review Pacific Review Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal Pacific Rim Property Research Journal Pakistan Development Review Pakistan Economic and Social Review Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics Pakistan Journal of Statistics Papers in Regional Science Parliamentary Affairs Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy Pennsylvania Economic Review Pensions: An International Journal People and Place People Management Pepperdine Law Review Perceptual and Motor Skills Performance Measurement and Metrics Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Personality and Individual Differences Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Personnel Psychology: A Journal of Applied Research Personnel Review Perspectives on Work Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal Pharmacoeconomics Philippine Journal of Industrial Relations Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A Philosophy and Public Affairs Philosophy of Management Philosophy of the Social Sciences Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Pittsburgh Tax Review Policy Policy and Politics Policy Sciences Policy Studies Policy Studies Journal Political Communication Political Quarterly 1359‐9054 1175‐8007 Not supplied 0110‐0637 1322‐4417 0028‐8373 1173‐5864 0111‐199X 0549‐0618 0899‐7640 1048‐6682 1459‐9686 0805‐7508 1092‐0277 1062‐9408 0196‐3228 0103‐6351 0029‐599X 1558‐5778 1265‐9576 1096‐9195 0305‐0483 0277‐0180 0923‐7992 1936‐9735 0030‐364X 0167 6377 0167‐6377 0030‐3887 0143‐2087 0233‐1934 0953‐5543 0171‐6468 0196‐2043 1350‐5084 1086‐0266 0889‐6402 1541‐6518 1047‐7039 0170‐8406 0749‐5978 0090‐2616 1094‐4281 0259‐191X 0030‐6126 0030‐6185 0078‐6918 0305‐9049 1360‐0818 0030‐7653 0143‐6503 0266‐903X 1472‐9342 0114‐0582 0030‐851X 1943‐7536 0927‐538X 0817‐8038 0728‐8409 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1976 1976 1994 1925 1989 1980 1963 1972 1990 2003 1974 1997 1988 1978 1990 1959 2004 1982 1951 1973 1976 1990 2008 1952 1981 1964 1979 1970 1987 1979 1921 1994 1987 1983 2004 1990 1980 1966 1972 1998 1985 1964 1958 1965 1939 1928 1938 1981 1985 2001 1988 1927 2009 1993 1986 1973 1961 1988 1992 Not available 1961 1952 1982 1985 1955 1947 1993 1991 1995 1993 1995 1973 1949 2000 2001 1980 1975 1948 1971 1997 1971 1982 1992 1978 1887 1971 2001 1971 1934 2003 1984 1972 1970 1976 1972 1980 1930 http://www.nzjournal.org/ http://search.informit.com.au/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://nvs.sagepub.com/ http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-NML.html http://www.njcl.utu.fi/ http://www.samfunnsforskning.no/ http://www.soa.org/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.face.ufmg.br/novaeconomia/eng/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://heinonline.org/ http://www.bus.lsu.edu/ http://www.elsevier.com/ 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Environment Population Bulletin Population Research and Policy Review Population Studies Population Trends Portuguese Economic Journal Post‐Communist Economies Post‐Soviet Affairs Post‐Soviet Geography and Economics Prague Economic Papers: quarterly journal of economic theory and policy PRism Probability Theory and Related Fields Problemas del Desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economia Problems and Perspectives in Management Problems of Economic Transition: a journal of translations from Russian Production and Inventory Management Journal Production and Operations Management Production Planning and Control Progress in Development Studies Project Management Journal P Prometheus th Property Management Psychological Bulletin Psychological Methods Psychological Research Psychological Review Psychology and Marketing Psychometrika Public Administration and Development Public Administration Quarterly Public Administration Review Public Administration: An International Quarterly Public Budgeting and Finance Public Choice Public Finance and Management Public Finance Review Public Law Public Management Review Public Manager Public Money and Management Public Opinion Quarterly Public Performance and Management Review Public Personnel Management Public Policy and Administration Public Policy Research Public Productivity and Management Review Public Relations Review Publishing Research Quarterly Publishing Research Quarterly Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology Quality in Higher Education Quality Management Journal Quality of Life Research Quantitative Finance Quantitative Marketing and Economics Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics Quarterly Journal of Economics Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy Quarterly Journal of Political Science Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Queensland Review Queensland University of Technology Law Journal Quest Queueing Systems R & D Management RAIRO ‐ Operations Research Rand Journal of Economics Random Structures and Algorithms Rationality and Society g y Reading in Political Economy Real Estate Economics Real Estate Law Journal Real Estate Taxation Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal Recherche Transports Sécurité (Revue RTS) Recherches Economiques de Louvain Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique Regional Science and Urban Economics Regional Studies Regulation and Governance Relations Industrielles / Canada Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety Research and Practice in Human Resource Management Research Evaluation Research in Accounting Regulation Research in Consumer Behaviour Research in Economics Research in Finance 0032‐3195 0032‐3217 0032‐3233 0032‐3292 1470‐594X 0032‐4663 0098‐7921 0199‐0039 0032‐468X 0167‐5923 0032‐4728 0307‐4463 1617‐982X 1463‐1377 1060‐586X 1088‐9388 1210‐0455 1448‐4404 0178‐8051 0301‐7036 1727‐7051 1061‐1991 0897‐8336 1059‐1478 0953‐7287 1464‐9934 8756‐9728 0810 0810‐9028 9028 0263‐7472 0033‐2909 1082‐989X 0340‐0727 0033‐295X 0742‐6046 0033‐3123 0271‐2075 0734‐9149 0033‐3352 0033‐3298 0275‐1100 0048‐5829 1523‐9721 1091‐1421 0033‐3565 1471‐9037 1061‐7639 0954‐0962 0033‐362X 1530‐9576 0091‐0260 0952‐0767 1744‐5396 1044‐8039 0363‐8111 1053‐8801 1053‐8801 1352‐2752 1176‐6093 1746‐5648 0033‐5177 1353‐8322 1068‐6967 0962‐9343 1496‐7688 1570‐7156 1098‐3708 0747‐5535 0033‐5533 1528‐3526 0272‐4987 1598‐270X 1554‐0626 1062‐9769 1321‐8166 1032‐6693 0033‐6297 0257‐0130 0033‐6807 0399‐0559 0741‐6261 1042‐9832 1043‐4631 0305‐814X 1080‐8620 0048‐6868 1538‐3792 0034‐0855 0761‐8980 0770‐4518 0034‐2971 0166‐0462 0034‐3404 1748‐5983 0034‐379X 0951‐8320 0218‐5180 0958‐2029 1052‐0457 0885‐2111 1090‐9443 0196‐3821 1538‐165X 1467‐9248 1552‐7514 1741‐3060 1957‐7966 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Research in the Sociology of Organizations 0739‐8859 Research in Transportation Economics Research Policy 0048‐7333 Resource and Energy Economics 0928‐7655 Resources Policy 0301‐4207 Restitution Law Review 1351‐170X Rethinking Marxism 0893‐5696 Revenue Law Journal 1034‐7747 1475‐7702 Review of Accounting and Finance Review of Accounting Studies 1380‐6653 Review of African Political Economy 0305‐6244 Review of Agricultural Economics 1058‐7195 Review of Austrian Economics 0889‐3047 Review of Black Political Economy 0034‐6446 Review of Business Information Systems 1534‐665X Review of Business Research 1546‐2609 Review of Derivatives Research 1380‐6645 Review of Development Economics 1363‐6669 Review of Economic Design 1434‐4742 1094‐2025 Review of Economic Dynamics 0034‐6527 Review of Economic Studies R i Review of Economic Theory fE i Th N t Not supplied li d 0034‐6535 Review of Economics and Statistics Review of Economics of the Household 1569‐5239 1750‐6816 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Review of Finance 1572‐3097 Review of Financial Economics 1058‐3300 Review of Financial Studies 0893‐9454 Review of Futures Markets 0898‐011X Review of Income and Wealth 0034‐6586 Review of Industrial Organization 0889‐938X Review of International Economics 0965‐7576 Review of International Organizations 1559‐7431 Review of International Political Economy 0969‐2290 Review of International Studies 0260‐2105 Review of Islamic Economics 0962‐2055 1555‐5879 Review of Law and Economics Review of Marketing Science 1546‐5616 Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475‐3685 Review of Network Economics 1446‐9022 Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 0219‐0915 Review of Political Economy 0953‐8259 Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734‐371X 0924‐865X Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Review of Radical Political Economics 0486‐6134 Review of Regional Studies 0048‐749X Review of Social Economy 0034‐6764 Review of the Economic Research on Copyright Issues 1698‐1359 Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 0917‐0553 Review of World Economics 1610‐2878 Revista de Economia Aplicada 1133‐455X Revista de Economia del Rosario 0123‐5362 Revista de Economia Institucional: revista de la facultad de economia 0124‐5996 Revista de Economia Mackenzie 1678‐5002 Revista de Economia Politica 0101‐3157 Revista de Historia Industrial 1132‐7200 Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa 1886‐516X Revista Europea de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa 1019‐6838 Revista Galega de Economia 1132‐2799 Revista Venezolana de Analisis de Coyuntura 1315‐3617 Revue d'Economie Regionale et Urbaine 0180‐7307 Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est‐Ouest 0338‐0599 Revue d'Integration Europeenne 0703‐6337 Revue Economique 0255‐0830 1010‐8831 Revue Internationale de Droit Economique 0035‐3515 Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 1933‐7000 Rikkyo Economic Review 0035‐5356 Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil Fundacao de Economia e Estatistica Indicadores Economicos 0103‐3905 FEERio Grande do Risk Analysis: An International Journal 0272‐4332 Risk Decision and Policy 1357‐5309 Risk Magazine (Technical Pages) 0952‐8776 Risk Management: An International Journal 1460‐3799 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali 0035‐6751 0036‐0163 0036 0163 Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies Russian and East European Finance and Trade 1061‐2009 Rutgers Business Law Journal 1937‐0563 0735‐8938 Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 0735‐8938 SAM Advanced Management Journal 0749‐7075 Sankhya 0972‐7671 Savings and Development 0393‐4551 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0346‐1238 Scandinavian Economic History Review 0358‐5522 0347‐0520 Scandinavian Journal of Economics Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1502‐2250 Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 0905‐0167 Scandinavian Journal of IS Not supplied Scandinavian Journal of Management 0956‐5221 0303‐6898 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 0302‐3427 Science and Public Policy 0036‐8237 Science and Society Science Communication (formerly Knowledge) 1075‐5470 1930‐0166 1875‐7979 1475‐8059 1758‐7700 1573‐7136 1740‐1720 1467‐9353 1573‐7128 1936‐4814 1573‐7144 1467‐9361 1434‐4750 1096‐6099 1467‐937X 1530‐9142 1573‐7152 1750‐6824 1875‐824X 1873‐5924 1465‐7368 1475‐4991 1573‐7160 1467‐9396 1559‐744X 1466‐4526 1469‐9044 1475‐3693 1793‐6705 1465‐3982 1552‐759X 1573‐7179 1552‐8502 1553‐0892 1470‐1162 1698‐1367 1467‐940X 1610‐2886 1477‐2280 1782‐1525 1539‐6924 1743‐4637 1863‐4613 1913 1913‐8032 8032 1937‐0571 0567‐977X 1651‐2030 1467‐9442 1502‐2269 1873‐3387 1467‐9469 1471‐5430 1943‐2801 1552‐8545 1989 1985 1979 1979 1958 1983 1982 1983 1972 1978 1974 1993 1988 1990 2001 1996 1973 1979 1986 1970 1997 2003 1996 1997 1994 1998 1933 1917 2001 2007 1997 1965 1988 1982 1966 1984 1992 2006 1994 1975 1991 2005 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Applications SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing SIAM Review Singapore Academy of Law Journal Singapore Economic Review Singapore Journal of Legal Studies Singapore Management Review Singapore Yearbook of International Law Small Business Economics S ll E t Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ i R h Th J l f SEAANZ Small Group Research: An International Journal of Theory, Investigation and Application Small‐Scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy Social and Economic Studies Social Choice and Welfare Social Marketing Quarterly Social Policy and Administration Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Social Research Social Science Information Social Science Japan Journal Social Science Journal Social Science Quarterly Social Service Review Society and Business Review Society and Economy Society and Leisure / Loisir et Societe Socio‐Economic Review Sociological Inquiry Sociological Methodology Sociological Methods & Research Sociological Review Sociological Theory Sociologie du Travail Sociology Sociology of Sport Journal South African Actuarial Journal South African Journal of Business Management South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences South African Journal of Economic History South African Journal of Economics South African Statistical Journal South Asia Economic Journal South Asian Journal of Management South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business Southern Business & Economic Journal Southern Business Review Southern Economic Journal Spanish Economic Review Sport in Society Sport Management Review Sport Marketing Quarterly Sport Psychologist Sport, Education and Society Sporting Traditions Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics Stanford Journal of International Law Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance State and Local Tax Lawyer Statistica Neerlandica Statistica Sinica Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes Statistical Journal Statistical Methodology Statistical Methodology Statistical Methods and Applications Statistical Methods In Medical Research Statistical Modelling Statistical Papers Statistical Science Statistics and Computing Statistics and Decision Statistics and Probability Letters Statistics Education Research Journal Statistics in Medicine Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics Statute Law Review Stochastic Analysis and Applications Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Stochastic Models Stochastic Processes and their Applications Stochastics Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance 0162‐2439 0138‐9130 1720‐3929 0036‐9292 0967‐0106 0963‐6412 0963‐2638 1226‐9816 0264‐2069 1533‐2969 1547‐0695 1052‐6234 1552‐8251 1588‐2861 0363‐ 0129 0036‐1399 0097‐5397 0895‐4798 0036‐1429 1064‐8275 0036‐1445 0218‐2009 0217‐5908 0218‐2173 0129‐5977 1793‐0448 0921‐898X 1321 5906 1321‐5906 1095‐7138 1095‐712X 1095‐7111 1095‐7162 1095‐7170 1095‐7197 1095‐7200 1046‐4964 1447‐1825 0037‐7651 0176‐1714 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A A B C B B A A B A A C B B A B A B B B A C C 26 of 27 Strategic Direction Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Strategic Finance Strategic Management Journal Strategic Organization Strategy and Leadership Stress and Health Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Studi Economici e Sociali: rivista di vita economica Studies in Comparative International Development Studies in Economics and Finance Studies in Family Planning Studies in Higher Education Studies in NonLinear Dynamics and Econometrics Studies in Political Economy: a socialist review Suffolk Transnational Law Review Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Survival Swedish Economic Policy Review Sydney Law Review Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce System Dynamics Review Systemic Practice and Action Research Systems Research and Behavioral Science Tarsadalom es Gazdasag Tax Law Review Tax Lawyer (The) T S i li t Tax Specialist Taxation in Australia Teaching in Higher Education Team Performance Management Technological Forecasting and Social Change Technology Analysis and Strategic Management Technology in Society Technology Management – Strategies and Applications Technometrics Technovation Telecommunications Policy Telematics and Informatics Teoros International Test Texas International Law Journal Thammasat Economic Journal Theoretical Economics Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences Theory of Probability and its Applications Theory, Culture and Society Third Sector Review Third World Quarterly Thunderbird International Business Review Tijdschrift Voor Economie En Management Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie Time and Society T i i E Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy i A l i & P li Topics in Macroeconomics Topics in Theoretical Economics Topics in Theoretical Economics (BE Press Journals) Tort Law Review Torts Law Journal Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Tourism Analysis Tourism and Hospitality Research: the Surrey quarterly review Tourism and Hospitality: Planning and Development Tourism Economics Tourism Geographies Tourism in Marine Environments Tourism Management Tourism Recreation Research Tourism Research Journal Tourism Review Tourism Review International Tourism Today Tourism, Culture & Communication TOURISM: An International Interdisciplinary Journal Tourismus Journal Tourist Studies TQM Journal (The) Trade Practices Law Journal Training and Management Development Methods Transfer: European review of labour and research T Transition Studies Review iti St di R i Transnational Corporations Transport Engineering in Australia Transport Policy Transport Reviews Transportation Transportation Law Journal Transportation Planning and Technology Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Transportation Research Record Transportation Science Transportmetrica Travel and Tourism Analyst Tulane Maritime Law Journal 0258‐0543 1932‐4391 1525‐833X 0143‐2095 1476‐1270 1087‐8572 1532‐3005 0954‐349X 0391‐8750 0039‐3606 1086‐7376 0039‐3665 0307‐5079 1558‐3708 0707‐8552 0039‐4696 1359‐8546 0039‐6338 1400‐1829 0082‐0512 0093‐0709 0883‐7066 1094‐429X 1092‐7026 1588‐9734 0040‐0041 0040‐005X 1329‐1203 1329 1203 1039‐2572 1356‐2517 1352‐7592 0040‐1625 0953‐7325 0160‐791X 1073‐4457 0040‐1706 0166‐4972 0308‐5961 0736‐5853 0712‐8657 1133‐0686 0163‐7479 1685‐3008 1933‐6837 0040‐5833 1758‐8588 1932‐443X 0040‐585X 0263‐2764 1323‐9163 0413‐6597 1096‐4762 0772‐7674 0040‐747X 0961‐463X 1538 0653 1538‐0653 1534‐5998 1534‐598X Not supplied 1039‐3285 1038‐5967 1478‐3363 1083‐5423 1467‐3584 1479‐053X 1354‐8166 1461‐6688 1544‐273X 0261‐5177 0250‐8281 0972‐7191 1660‐5373 1544‐2721 1450‐0906 1098‐304X 1332‐7461 1433‐5948 1468‐7976 1754‐2731 1039‐3277 0951‐3507 1024‐2589 1614 1614‐4007 4007 1014‐9562 1324‐1591 0967‐070X 0144‐1647 0049‐4488 0049‐450X 0308‐1060 0965‐8564 0191‐2615 0968‐090X 1361‐9209 1366‐5545 0361‐1981 0041‐1655 1812‐8602 0269‐3755 1048‐3748 1095‐7219 1460‐3616 1097‐0266 1741‐315X 1758‐9568 1532‐2998 1873‐6017 1936‐6167 1755‐6791 1728‐4465 1470‐174X 1081‐1826 1758‐6852 1468‐2699 1099‐1727 1573‐9295 1099‐1743 1589‐021X 1470‐1294 1758‐6860 1873‐5509 1465‐3990 1879‐3274 1537‐2723 1879‐2383 1879‐3258 1879‐324X 1863‐8260 1555‐7561 1573‐7187 1360‐2241 1520‐6874 1467‐9663 1461‐7463 1555‐0486 1534‐598X 1478‐3371 1943‐3999 1742‐9692 1479‐0548 1470‐1340 1879‐3193 1759‐8451 1943‐4146 1741‐3206 1996‐7284 1614 1614‐4015 4015 1879‐310X 1464‐5327 1572‐9435 1029‐0354 1879‐2375 1879‐2367 1879‐2359 1879‐2340 1878‐5794 1526‐5447 1944‐0987 1984 2007 1919 1979 2003 1972 1985 1989 1966 1964 1977 1963 1976 1996 1979 1967 1996 1959 1989 1953 1972 1975 1988 1984 1994 1945 1947 1997 1963 1996 1995 1969 1989 1979 1994 1959 1981 1976 1984 1982 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University of New South Wales Law Journal University of North Carolina School of Law Banking Institute University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law University of Queensland Law Journal University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal University of Tasmania Law Review University of Toronto Law Journal University of Western Australia Law Review University of Western Sydney Law Review UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal Urban Affairs Quarterly Urban Affairs Review Urban Studies US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly Labor Review Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law Variance: advancing the science of risk Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance Victoria University of Wellington Law Review Villanova Journal of Law and Investment Management Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law & Arbitration Virginia Tax Review V l t Voluntary Action (UK) A ti (UK) Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non‐Profit Organisation Waikato Law Review ‐ Taumauri Washington Quarterly Water Resources Research West European Politics Western Journal of Communication Wirtschaftsinformatik Women in Management Review Work and Occupations Work and Stress Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation Work, Employment and Society Working USA World Bank Economic Review World Bank Research Observer World Competition: Law and Economics Review World Development World Economy (The) World Journal of Management and Economics World Leisure Journal World Policy Journal World Politics World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development World Trade Review World Transport Policy and Practice World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems Written Communication WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics Yale Journal on Regulation Yale Law Journal (The) Young Consumers Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business Zhongnan Caijing Daxue Xuebao 0884‐0768 1615‐5289 Not supplied 0068‐1849 1047‐2819 1449‐2199 0313‐0096 1096‐7249 1940‐8064 0083‐4041 1061‐3331 0082‐2108 0042‐0220 0042‐0328 1446‐9294 1535‐7589 0042‐0816 1078‐0874 0042‐0980 0098‐1818 0090‐2594 1940‐6444 1369‐1066 1171‐042X 1523‐5513 1439‐9741 0735‐9004 1465 1465‐4067 4067 0957‐8765 1172‐9597 0163‐660X 0043‐1397 0140‐2382 1057‐0314 0937‐6429 0964‐9425 0730‐8884 0267‐8373 1745‐641X 0950‐0170 1089‐7011 0258‐6770 0257‐3032 1011‐4548 0305‐750X 0378‐5920 1819‐8643 1607‐8055 0740‐2775 0043‐8871 1746‐0573 1741‐2242 1474‐7456 1352‐7614 1386 145X 1386‐145X 0741‐0883 1109‐9526 0741‐9457 0044‐0094 1747‐3616 1331‐5609 1003‐5230 1615‐5297 1710‐1174 1552‐8332 1360‐063X 1937‐4658 1940‐6452 1464‐5343 1573‐7888 1530‐9177 1944‐7973 1743‐9655 1745‐1027 1861‐8936 1552‐8464 1464‐5335 1745‐6428 1469‐8722 1743‐4580 1564‐698X 1564‐6971 1875‐8436 1873‐5991 1467‐9701 1998‐1392 1936‐0924 1086‐3338 1746‐0581 1741‐2234 1475‐3138 1573‐1413 1573 1413 1552‐8472 1939‐8611 1758‐7212 1982 2001 1998 1949 1990 2004 1975 1997 1998 1948 1989 1958 1935 1948 1997 1994 1965 1965 1964 1915 1967 2007 1999 1953 1999 1998 1981 1998 1990 1993 1978 1965 1978 1937 1959 1985 1974 1987 2006 1987 1997 1986 1986 1976 1931 1968 2006 1958 1983 1948 2005 2004 2002 1994 Not available Not available 1984 2004 1983 1891 1999 1998 1974 http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://heinonline.org/ http://tlc.une.edu.au/lawjournal/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://heinonline.org/ http://search.informit.com.au/ http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://uar.sagepub.com/ http://uar.sagepub.com/ http://usj.sagepub.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.variancejournal.org/ http://www.tandf.co.uk/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://au.westlaw.com/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http // http://www.volresource.org.uk/info/mags.htm olreso rce org k/info/mags htm http://www.springerlink.com/ http://search.informit.com.au/ http://www.twq.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ http://www.sagepub.com/ http://www.informaworld.com/ http://wes.sagepub.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://wber.oxfordjournals.org/ http://wbro.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/ http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ http://journals.wesro.org/wjmec.html http://www.ebscohost.com/ http://www.jstor.org/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://www.inderscience.com/ http://journals.cambridge.org/ http://www.eco-logica.co.uk/ http://www springerlink com/ http://www.springerlink.com/ http://wcx.sagepub.com/ http://www.worldses.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.heinonline.org/ http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ 180105 0806 1402 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 180105 1506 1499 1402 1499 1402 180105 1503 1502 180105 180105 180105 180125 1503 1503 180105 1499 1499 1499 1503 0806 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1402 1402 1402 180105 1402 1402 1402 1506 1499 1499 1503 1499 1402 1507 0806 1503 1503 180105 180105 1505 1402 1402 B C C B C C A C C B B B A B C C B B A B B C B B C C A B B C A A B C B C A A C A C A B C A A C B C A C C C C C B C B A* C C C