Activity Report January 2008 – Ju - IPhT

Institut de Physique Théorique
de Saclay
Evaluation by the AERES committee
Activity Report
January 2008 – June 2013
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique
et aux énergies alternatives
Direction des sciences de la matière
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Institut de physique
CNRS / INP / URA 2306
CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France - Tel: +33 (0)1 69 08 73 85
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
1 Presentation of the Institute
1.1 Activity overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Three main “themes” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 A few publication statistics . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Interaction with society at large . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 Scientific snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.6 Organization of the Institute . . . . . . . . . . .
1.7 Understanding the past, preparing for the future
1.8 External fundings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.9 Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.10 Teaching and its asides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.11 More on Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.12 Challenges for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.13 A resume of Strategy and Project . . . . . . . . .
2 Scientific production
Mathematical physics - structures and models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cosmology and particle physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Statistical and condensed matter physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
A Appendices
A.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 Functional organization of the Institute
A.3 Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4 External Fundings and grants . . . . . .
A.5 Organization of scientific events . . . . .
A.6 Publications, 1/1/2008–30/06/2013 . . .
A.7 PhDs at IPhT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.8 Teaching activities . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.9 Popularizing Science . . . . . . . . . . .
A.10 Scientific editing . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.11 Research administration . . . . . . . . .
A.12 List of IPhT members . . . . . . . . . .
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Presentation of the Institute
The Institut de physique théorique (IPhT) is an institute of the Direction des sciences de
la matière (DSM) of the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
(CEA), and a laboratory of Institut national de physique (INP) at the Centre national de
la recherche scientifique (CNRS, Unité de recherche associée URA2306). It is part of the
Centre de recherches de Saclay, on the Plateau de Saclay.
Over the years, the IPhT has gained a worldwide recognition for its many fundamental
contributions to theoretical physics. A long tradition of impartial scientific evaluations has
helped the Institute to adapt to the many evolutions of theoretical physics from a purely
scientific viewpoint, but also to many changes in the management of science, in France and
This report presents an overview of the organization and activities of the IPhT from
January 2008 to June 2013.
Activity overview
Our main activity is fundamental research in theoretical physics, resulting in the production
of articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as communications in international conferences
or workshops, or in various seminars. We also take part in the organization of such events.
Globally this activity may accounts for 80% of our time.
We also dedicate a consequent amount of time to the formation of students, mostly at
the graduate level (master students or PhD). Many permanent members regularly teach in
Master courses, at IPhT, in the Paris area but also farther in France or abroad. We also
organize or teach in numerous summer schools. The number of graduate students present
in the institute has grown rapidly in the last few years, it almost reaches 30, to which
should be added about 10 external PhDs spending a long period in our Institute. Roughly
15% of our work time can be associated with this formation activity.
Research administration and animation may account to about 5% of our work time.
It mainly consists in participation in various committees: hiring committees at universities, CNRS committee, steering committees of various research structures (Labex, RTRA,
academic senate of the new Paris-Saclay University).
Our actions towards society at large are relatively few, and account for a negligible part
of our work time.
The general focus of this detailed introduction is on qualitative trends rather than on
quantitative data, but precise statistics are collected in the appendices of the report. These
appendices cover also a number of facets of the IPhT: awards, teaching, external fundings,
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
scientific editing, research administration, organization. My deputies, Anne Capdepon and
Stéphane Nonnenmacher, dedicated a lot of time to those. The writing of the scientific
part involved a large fraction of the permanents. Special credits for hard work go to the
members of the internal scientific council.
Three main “themes”
Over the five and a half years period covered by the report, above one thousand articles,
proceedings or books have been published by IPhT members (permanent researchers, PhDs
and PostDocs, long term visitors). This large number makes it illusory to include, in a
readable and useful report, a complete list of even cursory descriptions. Instead, in Chap. 2
below we illustrate the salient features of our work via three topical surveys, and a selection
of about twenty highlights.
The surveys:
– Models and Structures: Mathematical Physics
– Cosmology and Particle Physics
– Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter and Biophysics
reflect the three main research directions, as well as a formal organization (more on this
later) of the Institute, but definitely not a clear-cut division of the people into “teams”
working separately from each other. The contributions of many researchers are split between at least two of the three surveys. These surveys, as well as the following highlights,
are meant to be gentle general introductions, and we hope that they will trigger the reader’s
curiosity to have a closer look at some of the publications.
A few publication statistics
Most of our production consists in publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals, the rest
consisting in advanced scientific softwares, some of them publicly available (see section 1.9).
A full list of our publications, with various statistics appear in App. A.6.
# publications
av. citation #
% art. in top 10%
% art. in top 1%
June 30, 2013
31 (av.)
4 (av.)
Table 1: A few data on our publications (after ISI Web of Science)
A significantly high proportion of the IPhT articles made its way to the top 10% or top
1% most cited in Physics over the period 2008-2012. Some papers have had the honor of
the front-cover of good journals or have been awarded prizes (see App. A.6).
The highlights we propose in Chap. 2 are not meant to reflect these successes. They
illustrate some significant projects or scientific trends over the period under review. Though
we have chosen those carefully, we are well aware that only the future will tell which ideas
and contributions will survive in the long term.
Interaction with society at large
Our interaction with society at large can be considered as relatively minor, the content of
our research activities being rather abstract, with no immediate application to everyday
life or to marketable innovations. Still, fundamental science continues to fascinate the
general public. Some of our members have given interviews in newspapers or popular
science journals, or have written articles in such journals. A few members present their
professional activity (as scientists) in high schools, or in general audience conferences.
Others have participated in radio programs; this has been the case in particular at the
occasion of widely advertised scientific events (e.g. the recent discovery of a Higgs-like
boson, or the cosmological data obtained from the Planck satellite mission). Some detailed
actions are listed in App. A.9.
Scientific snapshot
The basic goal of IPhT is to contribute to a better understanding of the laws of nature,
from the largest scales to the smallest ones. This goal can take a variety of incarnations,
depending on the field of research and the personality of the researcher. But IPhT can
claim to harbor at least one respected specialist in any major physics field of current interest, with a handful of exceptions though.
IPhT disposes of several task forces of leading experts.
One example is the field of precision perturbative quantum gauge field theory computations. This field is living a revolution which started about a decade ago. The LHC makes
this activity particularly timely because high precision computations of the “background
signal" are needed in order to detect any “new physics". The activity at IPhT goes from
abstract (yet deep) results relating gauge theory and gravity amplitudes to more concrete
(but highly tricky) computations of standard model cross sections. The intermediates are
numerous, each involving impressive mathematics, and the flow of ideas is by no means
one-way. The output is a mixture of publications and software. These activities also have
close connections with integrable systems —a tradition at IPhT— used to compute with
great success exact properties of supersymmetric gauge theories, and of course with string
String theory is a rather recent research direction at IPhT. After several failures to attract
seniors, the policy to build a junior group is by now a real success. The group cannot cover
all aspects of the subject, but its members have made fundamental contributions to black
holes, flux compactifications, AdS/CFT and many more.
Another example of a considerable task force at IPhT is the group studying nonperturbative aspects of QCD, extremely competitive in all aspects of this domain, with the notable
exception of lattice computations.
A large human quota is also devoted to physics beyond the standard model, astroparticles
and cosmology. At IPhT perhaps more than elsewhere these subjects are close cousins,
due to a large number of cross-collaborations. This activity has benefited from a number
of recruitments in the recent past, and its dynamics is an evidence.
Condensed matter physics is also a huge theme that IPhT integrated to its scientific policy
only recently. This resulted in the recruitment of three physicists, all juniors about ten
years ago. This small group was reinforced by a recent hiring. In the meantime, it had
been able to provide a “technology watch”, and in particular strongly interact with the
other rather large condensed matter physics groups nearby, and with other members of
IPhT. This has led to a number of notable contributions. This small group has already
attracted two Blaise Pascal chairs (one of which was mainly hosted at IPhT). The emergence of AdS/CFT in condensed matter was a good opportunity to create new contacts
within the Institute.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Several IPhT members also devote a lot of attention to another very important “recent”
subject, out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, either via works on paradigmatic models, or
via general exact out-of-equilibrium relations, or finally via concrete applications, e.g. to
biology. This activity is also close to the study of complex systems in general, disordered
systems and spin glasses. There, attention is now focusing on granular materials and structural glasses.
Among the obvious gaps in the IPhT spectrum, the Institute cannot claim to have a group
working on biophysics. However, several physicists have a deep interest in biology (actually this is a tradition), resulting in a number of important contributions, ranging from
biology inspired theoretical physics, to theoretical physics applied to biology and used by
Other activities can make significant progress by the efforts of a few.
Mathematical physics has seen some of its representatives get closer to pure mathematics,
with great success. One can note the works on dynamical systems and quantum chaos, but
also visible contributions to important combinatorial, probabilistic and algebraic geometry
problems come to mind: planar maps, Razumov-Stroganov type conjectures, cluster algebras, topological recursion equations coming from random matrix theory, quantum gravity.
As shown by work done at the Institute, random geometry can also be a fruitful path to
a better understanding of nonunitary quantum field theories, conformal or massive, via
logarithmic conformal field theories and super sigma models, with concrete applications in
condensed matter.
This list also illustrates the importance of the remarkable scientific environment provided
by the Saclay area. In particular, the integration of IPhT in the Direction des sciences
de la matière of CEA is a crucial asset for us. In high energy physics and astrophysics,
we have very close contacts with the Institut de recherches sur les lois fondamentales de
l’Univers (IRFU). The same is true for condensed matter and statistical physics, namely
with the Institut rayonnement matière de Saclay (IRAMIS), and to a lesser extent with
the Institut nanosciences et cryogénie (INAC, Grenoble).
Organization of the Institute
Compared with other entities devoted to theoretical physics worldwide, the size of IPhT
makes it one of the “giants". It hosts a bit more than one hundred and twenty persons (see
Table 2 below). The composition fluctuates rapidly due to the large number of temporary
researchers: the order of magnitude is thirty PhD students and forty Postdocs. There are
about fifty permanent researchers, either employed by CEA (about two thirds) or by CNRS
(about one third). The support team comprises less than ten persons (eight CEA and no
CNRS employee at the time of this writing), some of whom are shared with other Institutes
of the DSM (librarian, system administrators). Temporary work, payed on overheads of
external grants, is sometimes the only solution to keep the Institute running.
Functioning of the Institute
Even if the director of IPhT has the full responsibility for the decisions, the functioning
of the Institute is steeped in collegiality. This tradition has proved its usefulness over the
years and is reflected in a number of light structures which have a life of their own, but on
which the director heavily relies for advice.
CEA phys.
CNRS phys.
Grad. Stud.
CEA non-phys.
CNRS non-phys
Table 2: IPhT demography, 2008–2013
– The closest help for daily decisions is provided by the two deputy directors and the
Institute secretary. A scheduled weekly meeting allows to efficiently cover the points that
touch at the same time scientific and administrative aspects of the life at the Institute, and
to review the progress of long term actions. This meeting is completed by daily informal
– To deal with scientific issues, a scientific council meets regularly. The scientific council
is an internal structure with an advisory role, whose precise composition has fluctuated over
the years. The director and his deputies are ex-officio members. The other members are
renewed every two years via elections. Only permanent researchers are eligible. During the
first meeting after the elections, the scientific council may co-opt one or more members.
It also chooses a secretary responsible for preparing and scheduling meetings, and for
writing reports. The scientific council takes advice from members of the lab on specific
occasions. The main discussions concern recruitments, allocations, financial participation
to the organization of conferences, and in general anything that is relevant for the scientific
policy of the Institute. Permanent researchers are informed in advance of the agenda of
the next meeting, and can suggest further items.
– The Institute council is dedicated to daily life issues. The principles for its designation
and working are analogous to those governing the scientific council, with the important but
natural difference that not only permanent researchers are represented, but also the support
team, graduate students and postdocs. The role of the Institute council should become
more and more important in the forthcoming years, if only because of the spectacular rise
in the number of non-permanent members. Their adequate integration in the Institute is
one of the crucial challenges for the next years.
– For convenience the Institute has been subdivided into three thematic groups: “Structures and Models: Mathematical Physics”, “Particle Physics and Astrophysics”, and “Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter”. Groups are informal and very light structures.
While the frontiers are somewhat artificial, in that many researchers would naturally fit
into several groups (but had to choose one at some point), all the members of a group have
reasonably close centers of interest, which is the main "raison d’être" of groups. Another
one is their moderate size: a group comprises less than twenty permanent researchers. Put
together, these two features allow for collective debates which would be much harder to
organize and keep focused at the level of the Institute. Groups have no leaders, but each
group chooses a secretary, changed every couple of years or so, who is a natural interlocutor
for the direction of the Institute and the scientific council.
Groups elaborate motivated opinions on all the aspects of the scientific life of the Institute, in particular in the case of recruitments. They organize weekly topical seminars
at IPhT. Once upon a time, they were in charge of distributing a significant amount of
money for long term invitations (postdocs, long- and midterm visitors,...), which were de-
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
bated among the groups. These meetings sometimes lead to passionate discussions, which
brought as a side effect interesting scientific arguments to the fore.
During the last few years, more and more funding has come from individual grants, and
the number of postdocs directly funded by the Institute budget has drastically decreased.
The relevance and frequency of group meetings have diminished accordingly.
– On rarer occasions, a general assembly of the Institute is called by its director. Every
two years the Institute organized an 3-day internal workshop, which consisted in scientific
presentations, as well as general discussions on various matters.
A basic organigram in Appendix A.2 summarizes the administrative organization.
Understanding the past, preparing for the future
The last five years have witnessed some dramatic changes in the economic environment
in France, more generally in Europe. Though what happened at IPhT is doomed to be
anecdotal in this perspective, the Institute has changed at an accelerated pace, and some
of the world scale events have clearly impacted the French research system, and therefore
our Institute. The following remarks attempt to describe and (hopefully) understand the
situation of IPhT today and the stakes for tomorrow. They are meant as a detailed
counterpart and a useful flexible complement to the more formal SWOT analysis given
towards the end.
Explosion of short-term positions
One important trend is expansion. Though the number of permanent members has changed
only marginally, the number of students and postdocs has progressed extremely fast. It
has increased by a factor of 4 or 5 over the last ten years, and now represents significantly
more than half of the “crew”. The tendency for the next few years is stabilization. However,
the number of visitors (from one day visitors to sabbaticals, from trainees to permanent
members of neighboring institutions spending part of their time at IPhT) is also rapidly
expanding: having 130 people around is now a common situation. An increasing number
of foreign visitors come for an extended period with their own funding.
The attractiveness of IPhT for all categories of researchers, French and foreigners, from
beginners to highly visible seniors (including Blaise Pascal chairs), is clearly one of the
major assets of the Institute for the difficult time that we shall be facing.
Visitors <1 week
Visitors >1 week
Visitors > 1 month
Visitors > 3 months
2013 (-30 Jun)
Table 3: Visitors at IPhT
Evolution of long-term positions
Concerning the evolution for the next ten years, another important fact will superpose
to this expansion. In 2010, new rules for retirements have been adopted by the French
chambers. Up to 2009, special agreements “forced” CEA employees to retire at the age of
60. Most physicists of this age argue with reason that they are still able to produce high
quality research, and IPhT has always found means to allow them to pursue their work
in good material conditions. The new horizon is now the age of 70. Since the number of
permanents at IPhT is programmed to decrease, the perspectives of new hirings at CEA
are very low, and those at CNRS are only slightly better. This will lead to a dramatic
destabilization of the age pyramid of the Institute.
Short-term/long-term positions balance
The transition from a “long-term positions dominated era” to a “short-term positions dominated era” seems to be irreversible in the foreseeable future. We might argue that IPhT
is one of the counterexamples to the nowadays dominant but nevertheless pre-conceived
idea that this evolution is a required condition for competitive research. But whatever our
opinion about this trend, we have to face it. This is a delicate challenge by itself. Ideally,
it should be combined with a voluntarist policy of hirings of “young senior” permanents.
But this is exactly what we shall not be able to do. The situation is quite worrisome. On
top of the crude fact that our French competitors will face similar problems —a meager
consolation— there are still a few reasons for hope.
First, the situation would clearly be worse if we had not succeeded in attracting a large
number of nonpermanents (students and postdocs) already. Second, about ten years ago
IPhT had the great opportunity to hire a large number of juniors. High quality people from
different horizons have enriched the lab on the scientific side, but also on more down-toearth issues. These people are by now young seniors, and they have already played a major
role in the successful adaptation of the Institute to the huge changes that have shaken the
traditions of French science over the last years: the transition from a “recurrent distributed
funding dominated era” to a “competitive targeted funding dominated era”. This leads us
to our next topic.
External fundings
Another trend is the increasing importance of external fundings. Ten years ago, external
fundings were totally marginal. In 2013, more than 95% of our postdocs are paid on
external fundings, and this figure also concerns invitations and travels. External fundings
have become vital for the Institute. They come from a number of sources. Europe is by
far our main provider, via Marie Curie programs and European Research Council (ERC)
grants. Then comes the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR), whose recent
evolutions are really a worry for us. The “Région Ile de France” (the Paris area) and several
more targeted sources (fundings for scientific exchanges with specific countries) come as
complements (the detail of these fundings is given in Appendix A.4).
There was some hope that other sources of funding would take an important role in the
near future, via large structures that have come to life in France recently. One of their
goals is to make French research more visible from the outside world, allowing to attract
top foreign students to French Universities or Grandes Écoles. These structures encompass
hundreds to thousands of researchers on specific themes.
They started a few years ago with the so-called “Réseaux Thématiques de Recherche
Avancée”. The major step was the launch in 2010 of the “Grand emprunt de la France:
Investissements d’avenir” (a reaction to the 2008 financial crisis) which is deeply reshaping
the French research landscape. Under the flag of “excellence”, new structures called Idex,
Equipex, Labex (the generic name “*ex” is used in the sequel) are by now active bodies of
the research system.
From our viewpoint, the contributions of these structures to the funding of IPhT are
bound to be modest. However, it is hard to estimate the impact these new structures will
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
have on the more traditional entities devoted to science in France, CNRS and CEA to quote
only the ones most relevant for the IPhT. The name “external funding” is to be contrasted
with funding directly, and regularly, coming from CEA or CNRS. These two organizations
are still paying the salaries of permanents at IPhT, they also provide access to journals.
CEA is in charge of the buildings and working environment. This will probably soon be
their only role. CEA (mainly) and CNRS still significantly contribute to direct scientific
activities (through invitations, travel money, conferences) but this funding is steadily and
rapidly decreasing. Obviously, the new structures will sooner or later have a dominant
position to orient the scientific policy of French research. This situation is a source of
worry for both CEA and CNRS employees at IPhT. In the past years, the CNRS has been
reorganized several times, possibly to adapt to this new situation. In the same period, the
CEA has not experienced such “jolts”, but its implication in the new structures is a clear
sign that important changes are on their way. These changes may also impact the relation
between IPhT and University, though it is too early to know exactly in which way. Let me
just note that IPhT already harbors a few professors (or assistant professors) for part of
their research, and that several members have a notable investment in teaching.
IPhT is directly involved in three Labex. P2IO, “Physique des deux infinis et des origines” covers our activities in particle physics and astrophysics. PALM, “Physique : Atomes,
Lumière, Matière” covers our activities in statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics
and biophysics. Our activities in mathematical physics participate to the “Fondation mathématique Jacques Hadamard” and the associated “Labex Hadamard”.
ERC Starting Grants
Individual Marie Curie Fellowships
ANR Excellence chair
ANR "Blanc"
Other French “Networks”
Blaise Pascal Chair
ERC Advanced Grants
European Networks
ANR Young researcher
ANR Complex systems
Binational exchange programs
Table 4: External funding sources since 2008 (details in App. A.4)
Members and small groups at IPhT have in fact been remarkably successful in garnering
all kind of fundings. The most spectacular record concerns the highly competitive ERC
grants: nine of these have been hosted by IPhT. Some have started last year, but some
are already close to their end. The successes at ANR are also very noticeable. Let us just
quote, among the 32 ANR contracts involving our Institute, the three ANR excellentia
chairs attributed to recently recruited members. These successes are obviously the main
reason for the increasing size of the Institute, which should maintain itself for another three
or four years at least, and more generally for its visibility and attractiveness.
Though the evolutions of the French research landscape have been a great opportunity
for IPhT so far, it is clear that they also have had pervert side effects. A minimal amount
of recurrent funding is a sine qua non condition if the Institute is to keep some of the
features which made its worldwide reputation, and in particular the possibility to work on
long-term projects, without worrying too much about the fashion of the day.
Closer to experiment
A third important trend is to get closer to experiments. This is particularly striking in
Cosmology and Particle Physics. The role of the LHC is of course important, but many
other present or future instruments (RHIC, Planck, Euclid, Lisa,...) mobilize IPhT teams.
The tendency is also visible in Statistical Mechanics (structural glasses, granular materi-
als,...), Condensed Matter (new materials, heavy fermions, graphene,...) and Biophysics
(motors, structure prediction, sequence alignment,...). It is clear enough from this short
description that the situation is hardly comparable because experiments in high energy
physics and condensed matter have totally different scales (time, cost,...).
To get closer to experiments, the birth of the “*ex” structures should have a significant
favorable incidence in the future, because they incorporate theoretical physicists in structures involving a fair majority of instrumentalists, and because one of their goals is to allow
transverse research.
The importance of computer science related activities has dramatically raised since the previous report. This goes from web servers for biophysics, to advanced software for condensed
matter physics, precision gauge theory computations or cosmology and astroparticles (see
Table 5). There is of course a long history of numerical computation and simulation in
Physics, but there is a clear shift in the approach. The aim is not simply to have a running code for an individual, a team or a community anymore, but to produce/furnish a
real software compliant with software standards. Portability and durability imply a need
for clarity, simplicity, readability, generality and modularity of the code. This is getting
more an more important in physics, and is probably going to lead to some new specializations in the near future. There is still plenty of room for good physicists inventing
good algorithms, because history shows that progress in computing hard problems often
(if not always) comes from a better understanding of the physics. But these new creative
algorithms have to be implemented respecting professional coding standards and without
wasting time in reinventing the standard algorithms. This requires close contacts between
physicists and computer scientists. A short term tendency seems to rely for this part on
students or postdocs coming from computer science but with a background in physics. The
future is likely to lead to more drastic evolutions.
Precision calculations of Next-to-Leading-Order processes in QCD
computations of interacting condensed matter systems
Cookbook for Dark Matter indirect detection
jet reconstruction and manipulations in QCD collisions
multiple protein structure alignment algorithm
determine the secondary structure of RNA with pseudoknots
determine the secondary structure of RNA with pseudoknots
compute small-angle X ray scattering profiles
Table 5: Softward packages partly developed at IPhT. Several of them are publicly available.
Teaching and its asides
Our implication in teaching activities has also markedly evolved over the last years. We
have already alluded to the explosion of the number of PhD students at the Institute (see
Table 2 for figures, and App. A.7 for the list of theses defended at IPhT). To these “full
PhD students” one should add numerous master students, as well as a growing number
of external PhD students who decide to spend a long period (from 1 month to 1 year) at
IPhT. Many of these students are coming with their own funding.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
We try to follow the professional development of our former PhD students after they
have left the Institute. Among the students having graduated since 2008, all but one have
found (temporary or permanent) academic positions, or jobs outside academia.
PhD defenses
External grad. stud.
Master students
2013 (30 Jun)
Table 6: Students at IPhT
While the absence of teaching duties is envied by some of our colleagues at University,
and enjoyed by a number of permanents at the Institute, it is a fact that members of IPhT
are more and more willing to teach and more and more appealed to as well.
Officially a PhD advisor should have obtained a Habilitation thesis (HDR). For CNRS
members, the HDR is also required in order to be promoted “directeur de recherche”. This
is also the case at CEA (albeit with a few exceptions) and we strongly push our colleagues
to pass this diploma. During the period 2008–2013, six physicists (all CEA members) have
obtained their HDR (see App. A.7.1).
In the last 5 years, about half our permanent members have taught at the master or
postgraduate level, more rarely at the bachelor level, in nearby universities and Grandes
Ecoles, or in more distant places (see App. A.8). The involvement can be either punctual
(a few hours) or periodic (up to 60 hours per year).
The policy of CEA on these matters is still under elaboration and subject to contradictory influences. On one side, CEA is deeply involved in the construction of the new
Paris-Saclay University that should officially come to life by the end of the year. On the
other side, our teaching activities are watched over by the CEA human resources much
more than they used to be. This is a worry for us because they represent a crucial way
to spot promising students, make them aware of the existence and quality of the Institute,
and attract them for internships and PhDs.
One important action of the Institute, recognized as such and copied since then by
our “competitors" in the Paris area, is the organization of the “IPhT lectures”, offering
every year 5–6 topical courses targeting students and researchers (see the program of these
lectures in App. A.8). The lecturers are mostly IPhT permanents, but high-flying visitors
are also called upon on occasion. The quality of these lectures and their recognition by
the Universities of the Paris area play an important role in our visibility for a macroscopic
fringe of the scientific population.
Apart from these regular teaching activities, our members deliver lectures in many
summer schools all around the world. We have taken our share in the organization of such
schools (see App. A.8), most ofen in the “traditional” Les Houches or Cargèse centers. As an
example, we have resurrected the annual Statistical physics summer schools in Beg-Rohu.
More on Visibility
We have already mentioned the increasing number of graduate students, postdocs and
(long- and short-term) visitors. Many high-rise foreign academics are coming back every
year for several weeks, considering our Institute as a “haven” where they can devote all
their time and thought to research.
Another face of our visibility consists in the numerous conferences we participate in as
invited speakers, or that we (co)-organize. In App. A.5.3 we list all the events organized
at IPhT and outside; most of the events are located in France, but a large number of them
take place in Europe or overseas. Our involvement can vary from local, down-to-earth
organizer, to member of the advisory committee for large international conferences.
More locally, we also co-organize various periodic events in the Paris area. Beside our
own seminars at IPhT (see App. A.5.1), some of us co-organize joint seminars: the Séminaire Poincaré taking place twice a year at the Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris) and leading
to a book series, the Condensed Matter Seminar with LPS Orsay, the joint “Séminaire de
la Fédération de physique statistique de Paris-Sud”, the monthly seminar “Spectral problems in mathematical physics” at IHP, the joint IPhT-SPP bi-annual meeting (Service de
Physique des Particules of CEA/IRFU), the “Jounrnées de physique statistique” in Paris,
as well as several less formal “Groupes de travail”. Some of these joint seminars are funded
by collective structures or networks.
Other activites also participate in the visibility of our Institute. Many of us are members of editorial boards of journals (see App. A.10). Another, less “visible” but no less
important activity, consist in various form of external research administration. Many of
our members participate in steering, scientific, evaluation, hiring committees of external
bodies or institutions (see App. A.11). A recent example: one of our members was recently
elected in the academic senate of the new Université Paris-Saclay. The accumulation of
new “collective structures” in the French research system implies that these administrative
activities will be more demanding in the coming years.
As the reader will surely have noticed, “excellence” has been the buzzword over the
last few years, and it has become a label, hence possibly also a Grail, at all scales from
individuals to vast geographic areas. It is timely to try to explain the position and situation
of IPhT.
A simple mark of the “excellence” of an Institute consists in the prizes received by
its members. In the last 5 years we have obtained some high-level prizes, described in
App. A.3.
I do hope that the review of the evaluation committee will conclude that, averaged over
the Institute, the result is indeed excellent. What I know for sure is that people at IPhT
(and elsewhere in the other scientific institutions) do their very best to produce excellent
The question is more on how much energy we should put in the excellentia structures. These
labels have only a modest amount of money per researcher to distribute, but following their
development can be time consuming, so they seem better adapted to the possibilities and
needs of entities larger than IPhT.
The position of IPhT in this respect is contrasted. Some of us feel that we have no
choice but to participate in every competition/call, while some others would accept some
cuts (in money, invitations, travels) to protect their tranquility and comfort. There is a
spectrum of intermediate positions.
One can interpret some of the changes at IPhT (and possibly more generally in French
research) over the last decade or so, as a metaphor of economic globalization. Some people
argue that this passage was totally unavoidable. As the history of real economy shows, even
if this is true in average, it does not mean that all other strategies were doomed to failure:
in some places original niche strategies have been (even more) successful. In fact, IPhT
enjoyed some specificities which made it world famous, and could have made it a successful
candidate for alternative development models. One could even argue that some of the
evolutions have developed at the cost of part of our originality. It is nevertheless a fact
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
that in the 1990’s IPhT firmly engaged in a series of important changes, starting with the
implementation of regular reviews by international scientific committees and (soon after) of
a new, opened, hiring process. The situation today is clearly very influenced by this move.
Most of the members of our former international scientific committees and of the people
hired since 1995 had been exposed early to the American (or close to American) research
systems. They find it natural to apply for grants and to build a group of students and
postdocs around them. But the older (and equally successful as far are producing science
is concerned) IPhT “philosophy”, often based on close collaborations among permanents,
is still vivid.
Challenges for the future
It is a deeply human tendency to attribute our successes to ourselves, and our failures to
external circumstances. This bias is true at the level of individuals, but pervades all levels
of human activities. The IPhT is of course no exception.
We are also used to attribute to all these levels of activities some purely human attributes
like personality, will, etc. While this can be partly true (for example when a company has
a clear emblematic leader), this is often deeply misleading.
I would like to argue in the following remarks that these two general facts are crucial
to understand the future challenges facing IPhT (among others).
The first and clearest challenge for the future is the quality and originality of research,
either measured by the “excellentia” or by other traits. Though only the future can tell,
the reading of this report gives me strong reasons to be confident. I hope other readers
will share this view.
It is excessive to view the good work done at IPhT as a scientific success of IPhT. My
predecessors, with the help of internal and external scientific committees, deserve credit to
have hired and brought together good people. But from then on, whatever is done is done
by individuals, or very small groups. So the main challenge is for individuals.
For competitive research, one of the important tools today is funding1 . The situation
is, as already noted, excellent today. But the future is very uncertain. In particular, the
sources for the the most competitive and profitable grants are essentially European and
it can be feared that our remarkable successes of the past have exhausted our pool. This
is reinforced by the low recruitment perspectives. At the same time, the sources for more
accessible grants, ANR for instance, see a drastic fall of their means. The motives to be
confident despite the aforementioned obstacles are in the qualities of the IPhT crew, and
again the challenge of maintaining a high external funding level is mainly for individuals.
However, these two individual challenges lead to a cascade of challenges for the administration of IPhT (and of the levels higher up : the DSM, the CEA, the INP, the CNRS...).
Here is a non-exhaustive list.
The main managing tool for a scientific policy is recruitment, either permanent or longterm positions. In this matter, the situation is quite alarming. As already mentioned, the
question of permanent positions is relegated to the far future. This should incite us to be
even more careful in the choice of postdocs and long term visitors. But by now the money
to pay these visitors mostly comes from targeted individual grants. If the needs fit with a
grant goals, I’m confident that the grant holder will make clever choices. But a view at the
1 Let us note however that compared to most other scientific activities, theoretical physics can survive for some time with
a very small input of resources, of course with an impact on competitiveness if others, in France or abroad, keep important
level of the Institute is crucial as well. For instance, what was done about a decade ago
for string theory and condensed matter, namely the creation ex nihilo of a group, would
be totally impossible today.
The diversification of financial resources over the last years has mechanically led to
an explosion of administrative tasks. The recent hardenings of the implementation of the
French employment law have amplified this tendency. Both the number and the complexity
of tasks are at least one or two orders of magnitude higher than what they were ten years
ago. The situation is critical. The dedication and skill of our administrative group, plus
the affectation of more and more time and energy of the deputy directors of IPhT to these
tasks (at the cost of neglecting other important issues) are reaching their limits. The same
observations apply probably at higher levels in the CEA and CNRS.
As already mentioned, the number of people present daily at IPhT well exceeds hundredand-twenty, and a macroscopic raise, possibly temporary, of the number of offices would be
welcome. It is to be noted that, in the meantime, people not interested in getting funding
share the inconveniences with people having funding for a number of visitors. The quality
of life, at least if measured by the area per physicist, is deteriorating rapidly. But spatial
extension comes with another challenge: the population of IPhT is not only larger, but also
more and more heterogeneous, with people coming from diverse horizons and expecting to
spend a limited period in the Institute. A risk of “phase separation” is emerging, people
with the same interests demanding to occupy neighboring offices. At the same time, the
new “*ex” structures will sooner or later create an incentive for both permanent and nonpermanent people to be more delocalized. Good or bad, these tendencies are new at IPhT
and require some thinking.
The management of short term positions is one of the sources of worry for the Institute.
Our conviction is that the Institute, and in particular the supervisors, must feel responsible
for people who spend a couple of years (sometimes just a few months) among us. At a time
when finding permanent positions in research and in industry becomes harder and harder,
we feel that this is a human duty; but it is also our conviction that our care is necessary
if those people are to give their best during their stay, and then take away and spread a
positive image of the Institute. Keeping track of all those who spend from a few month to
a few years among us, and being able to follow their career development after they have
left, is a necessary (but nontrivial) task. Including them in the daily life of the Institute
is also a challenge, and we have recently started to tackle this issue, for instance via the
representation of nonpermanents in the Institute council, or the organization of monthly
get-together events. Yet much remains to be done, and the well-being of our temporary
members is one of our priorities.
A resume of Strategy and Project
A very short resume is that we intend to meet the challenges alluded to above.
But to be concrete, the rather long analysis made in the previous sections needs to be
summarized and turned into a usable tool. like a SWOT analysis. Though such a formal
tool necessarily overlooks some of the intricacies of the context and situation at IPhT, it
directly connects to the elements of strategy for the next five years period.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
• Old tradition of peer-recognized high-quality long-term research
• Quality and homogeneity of hirings over a long period of time
• Independence, freedom of themes and collaborations
• Large size and and its consequence (at least at IPhT), multidisciplinarity
• Presence of leading international experts or expert teams in most themes,
giving added value to multidisciplinarity
• Large number of grants covering most of our activities and secure for a few
more years
• The corresponding overheads that can be used to support the rest of the
• Involvement and dedication of the support team
• Dispersion, an obscure facet of multidisiplinarity
• Absence of prominent leading personalities at the level of the Institute, another obscure facet of multidisiplinarity
• We are vulnerable to the decrease of perennial funding, crucial for everyday
life, scientific policy and in particular to preserve out-of-fashion but important
• Unclear future of targeted funding : the ANR is on a slippery slope and the
Institute has already grabbed a large fraction of its potential ERC’s
• Sub-critical support
• Complexity of financial management with many different sources of funding
• Explosion of administrative tasks and duties
• The Paris-Saclay University will allow for a more transparent access to teaching for those who desire
• The Paris-Saclay University offers a springboard for the visibility of the Institute via the IPhT lectures
• The *ex projects will facilitate the mobility of researchers and their interactions with neighboring institutes
• The *ex projects will facilitate the invitation of leading personalities
• Indirectly, the explosion of the number of funding sources, because we have a
good experience of rapid responsiveness
• Philanthropy (though this raises delicate issues)
• We do not identify opportunities
• Incentives for many of our members to spend time in other places, a tendency
favored by the large scale *ex projects
• Dilution in structures poorly adapted to our size and way of functioning.
• Dying out of our specificities in a melting pot of large scale governance
• An already visible shift from fundamental research to application-targeted
• Complete vanishing of recurrent support, with only a partial transfer towards
targeted calls into
• Difficulties to pay even the salaries of permanent CEA members
• The new structures (*ex, University Paris Saclay, and so on) will significantly
contribute to the explosion of administrative tasks
Though strategy is of crucial importance especially in difficult periods like the one we face
today, the room for maneuver is minimal. The IPhT faces a number of problems. The
typical situation is that each of these problems taken individually calls for natural countermeasures, but those are unavailable as part of another problem. Realism thus demands
that we concentrate on a very few basic and modest, yet concrete actions:
Scientific policy at IPhT is a delicate issue. We
• Abandon any dream of changing the Institute’s scientific profile via recruitments. Note
that during the past, most of the time an opportunistic attitude, hiring of the best
candidate1 , has prevailed anyway2 .
• Identify, in the next years, PhD grants funded by CEA as one of our main lever arms
to either slightly bend the scientific orientations of the Institute, or keep alive certain
themes even if they are not in the fashion of the day. Of course, this can only be
efficient if the number of those grants remains comparable to the present figures.
• Intend to preserve freedom of research. We shall refrain to interfere high-handedly
with the research themes of our permanents (with the exception of the management
of severe personal problems if any of course).
• Shall enhance our communication towards our hierarchy and towards the scientific
community. This effort has already started thanks to the involvement of a small
informal “communication unit” inside the Institute. The strategy is to put to the
fore not only landmarks (i.e. spectacular single publications) but also highlights (i.e.
longer term series of investigation), and explain the importance of even the more
technical contributions.
1 Being
aware of the limits of the objectivity of this qualifier.
notable exceptions took place at the end of the last millennium, at a moment when a sustained flux of recruitments
made it possible to set up and pursue a coherent strategy for a long enough period to build a string theory group and a
condensed matter group, while keeping an eye on opportunities in non-targeted themes.
2 Two
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Recruitment is the main black spot for the next years. As far as the Institute’s scientific
strategy is concerned, we cannot rely on positions provided by external funding, if only
because they are given to individuals, not to the Institute, and are in general nonpermanent.
With no recruitment to expect on the CEA side, and little recurrent funding, we need to
concentrate on affordable but efficient actions. Our strategy is to capitalize on the dynamics
of our present attractiveness:
• To obtain the appointments of some new recruits of CNRS (however, although CNRS
has consulted its associated units to establish a recruitment strategy, this was done
at a collective level, and cannot fit our needs as well as previous CEA recruitments
directly managed by the Institute)
• To favor targeted mobility toward IPhT (by part-time hosting, CNRS transfers, University teaching backbuying,...)
• To convince our hierarchy at CEA and CNRS that providing a high quality support
team at IPhT is essential and represents a good investment
Funding is another capital issue for the next years. We plan to
• Encourage our members to search new fundings. We intend to do this by pedagogy,
and not by constraint. Freedom is one of the keywords of our Institute. This is not just
an abstract philosophy, but is based on the experience that what is done voluntarily
is done well. The next items are meant to promote this pedagogy,
• Develop a light-weight structure, capitalizing on our successful past experiences, to
help project holders prepare the scientific aspects of the reviews via critical overviews,
but also to identify high-potential scientists and encourage them to apply to calls for
• Keep and develop the skills of our support team to help project holders prepare
the ever more complicated administrative aspects of funding and keep their focus on
scientific issues,
• Pursue our “technology watch” effort to locate opportunities, and in particular target
the most profitable calls, especially in terms of overheads.
It is not a totally straightforward task to identify a project for IPhT for the next five
years, beyond the vague “dedication to high quality academic research”. The spectrum of
theoretical physics studied at the Institute is broad, and though each permanent member
has a personal scientific project, integrating them all into a coherent collective project is
irrealistic. However
• The theme “Cosmology and Particle Physics” is naturally structured by large-scale
experimental projects (LHC, Euclid, ...) and focused on fondamental issues (nature
of the neutrino masses, electroweak symmetry breaking, dark matter and energy,
gravitational waves, quark-gluon plasma properties,...). These unifying trends will
cement the individual projects of our permanents for the next few years.
• The theme “Models and Structures: Mathematical Physics” works on a rather different
model. The notable inflexions of the last decade towards closer relations between
mathematical physics and mathematics are most likely to be growing in importance
in the near future, and this will be a strong unifying force for the theme.
Presentation of the Institute
• The theme “Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter and Biophysics” is by nature more
diverse and eclectic, but is however marked by a trend towards more concrete applications1 , and again this should be of growing relevance in the near future, though this
time probably without a unifying effect.
It seems that IPhT is in a good position to participate at a high level to all these activities.
But their specificities indicate that in the future a good integration in the corresponding
larger communities will be crucial.
This is why the policy which started in the participation of the IPhT in three Labex
will be actively pursued to favor the integration of the Institut in three Departments —still
under discussion at the moment, and roughly covering the perimeters of the Labex— of
the upcoming Université Paris-Saclay.
This deeper rooting in three distinct communities is of course a double-edged gamble
and the direction of IPhT is also planning to actively work to preserve the clear theoretical
physics blend of the Institute, characterized by its synthetic approach to problems, and
by the mastery of unifying physical concepts and mathematical tools. The best guarantee
that this is possible is of course the large overlap between the three themes, more than
half of the permanents being involved in at least two of them. Put together, the preserved
coherence of the Institute and its deeper anchoring in the communities should allow for an
efficient flow of new ideas. But finding the right balance between the two is going to be
nontrivial, and requires specific actions.
In our view, one of the most promising lines of action is via a deeper involvment in
teaching, and again the Paris-Saclay University is a great opportunity. Integrating the
IPhT lectures in this larger structure, developing them and augmenting their visibility
(for instance by making “IPhT Lecture Notes” widely available), making IPhT a reference
place for students or more senior researchers looking for high-level concise introductions to
current topics, will crucially allow to reinforce the perception of IPhT as a coherent (and
useful) entity, both for its members and the outside world. The precise contours of these
actions are still vague2 , yet the direction is clear.
IPhT is ready and willing to enter the next challenges of science and research on the
one hand, and of a new, more open, era of the Saclay plateau on the other hand.
In conclusion, the economy of the future at IPhT will require delicate balances: obtain
fundings for projects but avoid to see our research targeted by fashion; take our share in
the giant structures that are emerging on the Saclay plateau without getting dissolved into
them; preserve creative thinking without losing sight of strategic management; leave a lot
of room for individual initiative, but keep a strong feeling for collective interests; offer to
all the members of the Institute —permanent or not— working conditions that allow them
to give their best.
The devotion of physicists for physics (at IPhT and elsewhere) is the best guarantee that
we shall be able to win the challenges of the future, and I’m already eager to see how the
main challenge for our Institute, the one for scientific inventiveness and originality, will be
met in the next years.
Michel Bauer
1 Though this is the fashion of the day in the French scientific policy, this trend has emerged at IPhT as a natural evolution
of the scientific community.
2 They could take the form of an individual effort of IPhT, or a component of the ongoing project to create an “Institut
de physique avancée” in the Saclay area, or a component of another light-weight structure gathering together a few nearby
institutes sharing the same goals, ...
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Scientific production
We now describe in some detail our research activities. For convenience we divide it into
three main themes. For each theme we start with a global (yet, not exhaustive) overview,
and then present 7-8 highlights in more detail. Each highlight focusses on a series of articles
devoted to a more precise topic, and generally encompass the activities of several members
of the Institute. The delicate task of selecting these highlights was done by our scientific
council, it necessarily bears some arbitrariness. Nevertheless, we hope this choice will give
the reader a faithful image of our activities.
Mathematical physics - structures and models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quantum dynamics, measurements and decoherence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Topological recursion, from random matrices to geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The nested loop approach to the O(n) loop model on random maps . . . . . . . . . . .
Liouville Quantum Gravity & KPZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cluster algebras: integrability, combinatorics and statistical physics . . . . . . . . . . .
Extreme conformal field theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Integrability and the N = 4 gauge theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A de Sitter landscape? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cosmology and particle physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Precision predictions for collider processes with multiple jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jet clustering at the LHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial state factorization in heavy ion collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wave turbulence and di-jet asymmetry at the LHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Observing the minibang through its fluctuation spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cosmological Perturbation Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dark Matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe . . . . . . . . . . .
Statistical and condensed matter physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Large deviations of the current in the ASEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spin models with asymmetric irreversible dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ideal Glass Transitions by Random Pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pseudo-gap state from quantum criticality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entanglement in low-dimensional magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web servers for biological applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evolution of spatial networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 24
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Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Mathematical physics - structures and models
This theme spans a wide range of topics, from low-dimensional classical or quantum
dynamical systems to string theory, via 2-dimensional quantum gravity, random matrix
models, statistical models, integrable systems, conformal or supersymmetric field theories.
In spite of this variety, many of these subjects are deeply interconnected and use a common
ensemble of theoretical tools, many of which having been developed over the years in our
Classical and quantum dynamical systems
Let us start with very simple systems, namely 1D classical oscillators. We have shown that
the presence of a multiplicative noise can drastically modify the long time behaviour of
the system, for instance can lead to a form of intermittency, very sensitive to the power
spectrum of the noise. Such noisy oscillators can describe as diverse physical phenomena
as the population dynamics in a random medium, or the interplay between disorder and
nonlinearity in the 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation. On the opposite, magnetohydrodynamics can be viewed as an infinite dimensional dynamical system. The kinematic dynamo
problem addresses the instability of the magnetic field in the induction equation driven by
a given velocity field, neglecting the feedback of the magnetic field on the flow. In view
of several experimental setups (one of which realized at CEA in Cadarache), the choice
of a realistic velocity profile is crucial to determine the instability threshold. As a first
approximation to the realistic situation of a turbulent flow, we have added a stochastic
component to a regular velocity flow, and analyzed its effect on the instability threshold.
Instead of adding noise to a classical dynamical system, one can quantize it, and study
the properties of the quantum system in the semiclassical régime. If the original dynamics
is chaotic one enters the realm of Quantum Chaos, which addresses the question: “How
does chaos manifest itself in the quantum system?” A quest for tractable toy models
can lead to number theory: the zeros of Riemann’s zeta function are often presented as
a mock spectrum for quantized chaotic systems. We have investigated this spectrum by
constructing and carefully analyzing a family of secondary zeta functions. Our attention
has also turned to nonhermitian aspects of Quantum Chaos: using common semiclassical
tools, we have analyzed the resonance spectra of quantum scattering systems admitting a
chaotic classical dynamics (like the scattering by 3 disks on the plane), the decay of damped
waves propagating in a chaotic domain, or the decay of correlations of a classical chaotic
flow (this decay is also governed by complex valued resonances), thereby using quantum
methods to understand classical dynamics!
Remaining in quantum mechanics, we have addressed fundamental (“foundational”)
questions, like the interplay between reversibility, locality and causality, with the pedagogical aim to clarify the importance and role of each concept. Ancient puzzles concerning
quantum measurement and decoherence, rejuvenated by recent cavity QED experiments,
have been studied with the help of novel theoretical tools. For instance, we have found
that a succession of nondemolition indirect measurements eventually leads to the textbooklike phenomenon of wavefunction collapse. To study the decoherence of a spin interacting
with a complex environment, a new random matrix model has been introduced and exactly solved, allowing to observe the transition between Markovian and non-Markovian
behaviours, as well as the emergence of classicality. This random matrix model is now
being generalized to study the dynamics of a cluster of N interacting spins.
Mathematical Physics
Random matrices, statistical models, quantum gravity
Our Institute has a long tradition of studying statistical models enjoying rich algebraic
structures, often referred to as “integrability”. These structures or symmetries can take
various forms; uncovering them and using them appropriately allows to compute physically relevant quantities in nonperturbative régimes. Below we give examples of methods
and applications to statistical physics and “quantum gravity”, trying to emphasize the
intertwining between different methods.
Random Matrix Theory (RMT) enjoys applications to many domains in physics, mathematics, statistics or econophysics. IPhT has contributed significantly to the developments
of these models since the 1960s. A few years ago we introduced a new method (called
topological recursion) to compute the large-N expansions for the partition or correlation
functions in such models: each term in the expansion can be computed through a universal recursion formula, which only uses the knowledge of the “spectral curve”, an analytic
function representing the asymptotic spectral density of the matrices. A far-reaching idea
consisted in extending this recursion method to arbitrary (but well-chosen) analytic curves,
such as to compute large-N expansions relevant to various problems (e.g. scattering amplitudes in topological string theory, various models in statistical physics, enumerative
geometry, or knot theory). With a view towards nonhermitian matrix models, we have
also developed a noncommutative version of the method, which should be connected with
refinements of the gauge/gravity dualities.
One application of RMT is to generate sums over random surfaces (each “Feynman
diagram” of the RMT being viewed as a discrete surface). Random surfaces are relevant
to several domains of physics: in “2D quantum gravity”, these surfaces are viewed as 2D
universes, and summing over makes up the “path integral” over all possible universes; when
attempting to write a quantum theory of strings (observe that space-time trajectories of
strings form surfaces); in statistical physics (fluctuating surfaces naturally occur in soft
matter physics, in growth phenomena). Beside RMT, random surfaces can be investigated
through various approaches.
A combinatorial alternative to RMT consists in a direct enumeration of discretized
surfaces (called “maps” due to their resemblance with geographic maps). We have obtained
recent important results on the exact enumeration of maps, including situations where each
map is dressed with a statistical model (“matter” degrees of freedom) like the Ising, Potts
or O(n) loop model. Beyond a bare enumeration of random maps, we have shed light on
the geometry of geodesics of the random surface, which emerges from the graph distance
on the map when considering the continuous limit of large maps.
Alternatively, one can investigate continuous random surfaces using the Liouville Quantum Gravity (LQG): the associated random measure is obtained by exponentiating the
massless Gaussian free field. The Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov (KPZ) equations,
discovered 25 years ago, relate the critical exponents (at a phase transition) of statistical
models living on the random surface, with the exponents of the same model living on Euclidean space. Recent works at IPhT provided, for the first time, a mathematical proof of
these relations, using modern probabilistic tools. A rigorous connection between the LQG
and the Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) was also established. With a view towards
relating the discrete geometry on random maps with LQG, we have been able to show that
the latter satisfies the same topological recursion as random maps, and then computed the
asymptotic expansions relevant to the Liouville theory.
The random surface of a crystal can also be described by using algebraic objects, like
Young diagrams, dimer models or lozenge tilings. We have understood the relation between the exact enumeration of lozenge tilings and the multidegrees of some algebraic
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
varieties, thus establishing a link with algebraic geometry. Some results concern the exact enumeration of Totally Symmetric Self-Complementary Plane Partitions, related with
the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and the generalized Razumov-Stroganov
conjecture. In another approach we have shown how to rewrite a lozenge tiling partition
function as a RMT; this identification justified the previous observation that universal
continuous limits are related with RMT, but it also allowed us to compute the subleading corrections to the continuous limit, using the topological recursion method. Cluster
algebras, a powerful machinery introduced about 10 years ago in mathematics, constitute
another promising tool to study integrable statistical models. A cluster algebra consists
in a structured dynamical system: the data (cluster variables), defined at the vertices of
an infinite regular tree, evolve via rational transformations along the edges. We have been
able to identify cluster variables with partition functions of certain integrable statistical
models; this observation allowed us to prove an elusive “cluster positivity conjecture”. We
have also extended this identification to a noncommutative setting, opening the way to a
new form of “noncommutative integrability”.
In addition to the minimal (unitary) Conformal Field Theories (CFT) appearing in
quantum gravity, applications to the physics of disordered condensed matter often involve
logarithmic CFTs (called so due to the appearance of logarithmic terms in correlation functions), which are nonunitary. These CFTs are also relevant in applications to the AdS/CFT
correspondence. They are much less understood than their unitary counterparts, due to a
more intricate representation theory of the conformal symmetry. Instead of an algebraic
representation theory approach, we have developed several new methods to investigate
these theories. Our main input was the introduction of lattice regularizations, which could
be thoroughly studied using integrability methods, guided by extensive numerical simulations. We thus managed to solve several supersymmetric sigma models, and construct a
general formalism allowing to tackle certain boundary logarithmic CFTs, with applications
to the spin quantum Hall effect.
Quantum Field Theory and String Theory
Integrability methods have also played a crucial role in the study of the AdS/CFT correspondence, namely the conjectured duality between a weakly coupled string theory on
Anti-de Sitter spacetime, and a strongly coupled supersymmetric gauge theory on the
Minkowski spacetime. We have made important progress in the study of the maximally
supersymmetric (N = 4) 4D gauge theory, which appears on the gauge side of this correspondence. The planar limit of this theory is expected to be integrable, a property
allowing to compute correlation functions beyond perturbation theory. One of the goals
of such computations is to test the AdS/CFT duality. Using integrability techniques like
the Bethe Ansatz, we have been able to compute the anomalous dimensions of Konishi
operators at 6-loop order, identify the superconformal symmetry in those theories, and
compute various gluon scattering amplitudes. All our results agree with the perturbative string theory predictions, which validates the AdS/CFT correspondence so far. By
generalizating the gauge/gravity correspondence, we hope to obtain nonperturbative informations for more general strongly coupled gauge theories, possibly relevant to real-world
systems (e.g. strongly coupled QCD describing the quark-gluon plasma). An important
task performed at IPhT is the construction of new gauge/gravity solutions: 4D theories
with less supersymmetry, theories describing the deconfinement phase transition in 3D,
nonconformal lower-dimensional theories similar to those appearing in condensed matter
Away from integrability methods, the structure of the ultraviolet divergences in string
Mathematical Physics
and supergravity amplitudes at higher loop order have been investigated using the explicit
construction of the automorphic forms representing the duality group of the theory. These
divergences have been independently confirmed by explicit amplitude computations. One
long term objective is, again, to understand the structure of the amplitudes in less symmetric theories, like QCD or pure quantum gravity. In the context of 4D scalar field theories,
the exact renormalization group equations have been carefully analyzed, in order to control
the possible singularities of their solutions through rigorous, near-optimal upper bounds.
We have already explained how string theory represents a powerful computational tool
for certain strongly coupled gauge theories, through the gauge/gravity duality. Another,
more fundamental goal of string theory is phenomenological: one wishes to recover the Standard Model of particles and the cosmological structure of our universe (presently thought
to be of de Sitter type, due to a positive cosmological constant), as effective low energy
limits of a well-chosen string theory. Since the latter lives in 10 dimensions, one needs to
wrap the 6 remaining dimensions onto compact spaces (manifolds), the choice of compactification being determinant to both the particle spectrum and the geometry of the universe.
In this view, a major activity at IPhT consists in classifying the compactifications on 6D
manifolds. One mathematical tool we have used is generalized complex geometry, which
allows to represent both matter and metric degrees of freedom into common “geometrical”
data. Another related task is the computation of quantum corrections to supergravity,
with the consequence to exhibit more realistic effective gauge theories. Finally, recovering
our de Sitter universe from a string theory “vacuum” is a difficult task. A scenario had been
proposed 10 years ago, starting from the huge “landscape” of Anti de Sitter (AdS) vacua,
and lifting these vacua into de Sitter vacua by adding various objects (anti-D-branes). Recent investigations at IPhT have discovered that this scenario leads to solutions exhibiting
singularities which do not appear to be physical, hence this scenario seems inapplicable.
This negative result could drastically modify our view of phenomenological string theory.
A third objective of string theory is to understand the structure of black holes, and
address longstanding problems attached to them, like the information paradox, the physics
of cosmological singularities, or the microscopic origin of the Beckenstein-Hawking black
hole entropy. In this aim, we have been intensely pursuing a research programme whose
aim is to establish and test the “fuzzball proposal”, according to which a black hole is
a statistical ensemble of horizonless, supergravity and string theory solutions that share
the same geometry as the black hole away from the horizon. Using various analytical
methods (including the AdS/CFT correspondence), we have been constructing more and
more classes of supersymmetric, nonsupersymmetric, or nonextremal microstates, with the
aim to fully account for the black hole entropy.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Quantum dynamics, measurements and decoherence
Over the last few years, the experimental and theoretical study of simple quantum systems has
progressed at an accelerated pace. The development of ultra-fast electronics and low temperature
devices has made it possible to test quantum mechanics to an unprecedented level of detail.
As is often the case, these experimental breakthroughs have revived questions of fundamental
theoretical impact, including the problems of quantum measurement, wave function collapse and
decoherence. Though many aspects of quantum mechanics still puzzle the theoretical physicist,
and questions that used to belong to the realm of philosophical interpretations little by little
enter the more familiar territory of explicit computations.
The dynamics of simple open quantum systems For the non-demolition case (the system-probe incan be studied exactly when its Hamiltonian (or part teractions preserve a basis of the system Hilbert
of it) is modeled by some random matrix ensem- space) a remarquable picture emerges, in which reble. A nice illustration is the contact of a quantum peated indirect measurements lead to a progressive
spin j with an environment, via the introduction of collapse which, at large times, amounts to a stannovel classes of random Hamiltonians. Indeed, ran- dard textbook measurement performed directly on
dom matrix techniques allow to completely solve the the system: the number of probes up to a cerquantum dynamics, and to write explicit expressions tain time plays the role (in a quantitative sense)
for the evolution super-operator acting on the spin of the size of a standard measurement apparatus
density matrix. This allows to study in detail, for [t11/136, t11/273, t12/210, t12/211, t13/100].
instance, decoherence effects and quantum diffusion,
going from the well known Markovian regime (given
by Lindblad’s master equation), to strongly nonMarkovian regimes (where all characteristic time
scales are of the same order, and memory effects
are important), and at the same time interpolating
between “strong quantumness” (j small) and “classicality” (j → ∞) [t10/134]. These methods are
presently extended to the more realistic situation of
Progressive wave function collapse
closed ensembles of quantum spins, looking for the
in a 3-level system
emergence of classicality from explicit dynamical situations. Here many advanced mathematical tools If the probes interact with the system but are not
(representations of symmetric groups, free probabil- measured afterwards, quantum stochastic calculus
ities) have to be combined to those developed for the emerges: the analogy between repeated interactions
with probes and contact with a bath can be made
simpler case of open quantum systems.
quantitative [t11/136].
In another approach, explicit quantum models
for an ideal measurement process are studied in detail, the apparatus being a macroscopic object requiring the use of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Explicit dynamical solutions show the decay of
the off-diagonal elements of the density matrix of the
system spin+pointer, and on longer time scales the
Evolution of a “3-state Schrödinger cat”
relaxation/registration process. The correlations beThe origin of the wave function collapse in a tween subsets of measures and the identification of
measurement can be studied from different view- the physical subensembles of states are studied in depoints, all of them involving some external random- tail, shedding new light on and restrengthening the
ness. One approach, closely related to recent exper- standard statistical interpretation of quantum meiments, consists in repeated indirect measurements: chanics and the frequency interpretation of Born’s
a system successively interacts with several “probes”, rule [t11/166, t13/074].
At a more “foundational” or rather pedagogiand standard quantum measurements are made on
level, a series of lectures on the various forthe probes entangled with the system, leading to
of quantum mechanics has been given
a stochastic evolution of the system density maat
on the importance of reversibiltrix. Using some cornerstones of classical probability,
some new or not so well known
ity theory, one “proves” the collapse of the system
the role of real C∗ -algebras)
density matrix, or its purification at large times.
[t11/035, t12/042].
Topological recursion, from random matrices to geometry
Solving a random matrix model leads to new geometric invariants [t08/189], or to a new understanding of some known ones (such as Gromov-Witten invariants, Jones polynomials of knots,
intersection numbers. . . ).
density of eigen-values
Riemann surface
W g,n
... g
z g−h
topological recursion
Figure 1: The topological recursion
The large N limit of the spectral density of a random matrix is an algebraic plane curve, i.e. a certain
Riemann surface embedded in C2 (e.g. Wigner’s
semi-circle). The knowledge of that curve is sufficient to reconstruct (by a universal “topological recursion") all subleading terms in the large N expansion of any correlation function. In other words, the
plane curve entirely characterizes the probability law
of the random matrix.
Reversing the point of view, one can use the
same recursion to associate a “pseudo"-random matrix law to any algebraic plane curve, i.e. associate
a sequence of correlation functions to a curve. This
defines “invariants" of the plane curve. These invariants depend on the embedding of the curve in C2 ,
modulo symplectomorphisms of C2 ; this powerful
symmetry is closely related to integrability [t11/201]
and symplectic geometry.
Since 2008 we have studied general mathematical properties of those invariants, as well as many
These invariants are often easy to compute, whereas
(very often) no other method is known to compute the expansions beyond leading order. Also, we
proved that for any curve, the invariants can be written as string theory-like amplitudes in a target space
constructed from the curve (a kind of mirror symmetric) [t11/045, t11/200]. This allows to represent
the topological recursion as a set of rules of cutting
surfaces into pieces (see fig. 1)
Applications of this formalism: choose one’s
favourite statistical physics or geometric enumeration problem, and look for (guess) the curve whose
invariants will provide the corresponding correlation
functions. Most often the curve is a very natural object in the problem. Vice versa, one may choose a
favourite plane curve and try to identify the nature
of its invariants.
Here are a few examples:
– Enumeration of 3D partitions: the curve is the
Legendre transform of the limit shape (the "arctic
circle"). Kenyon-Okounkov-Sheffield proved that for
plane partitions in a box, the arctic circle is the
smallest degree algebraic curve tangent to all boundaries [t08/056, t09/050].
Figure 2: Limit shape of a 3d partition
– For Gromov-Witten invariants of – take a toric
6D Calabi-Yau manifold, and take the curve to be
its mirror symmetric: you then compute the the
Gromov-Witten invariants of the manifold (appearing in topological string theory) [t10/029, t10/099,
t11/169]. This important conjecture was proved at
IPhT in 2012 [t12/030].
– A recent conjecture by Dijkgraaf-Fuji claims
that the invariants of a knot (Jones or Homfly polynomials) are the invariants of the “character variety" of the knot, a well-known curve in knot theory. This conjecture generalizes Kashaev’s famous
“volume conjecture". We have checked many cases
[t11/134, t12/037].
– If the curve is the classical energy-momentum
tensor of Liouville CFT, the invariants compute the
heavy limit expansion of correlators in the quantum
Liouville CFT [t12/075].
- Back to RMT: if the curve is the equilibrium
density of eigenvalues, the invariants yield correlation functions to arbitrary order; a simple curve
yields the Tracy-Widom distribution.
- Applications to statistical physics: if the curve
is the generating function of rooted planar maps,
possibly carrying an O(n) loop model, an Ising
model or a Potts model, then the invariants are the
generating series of the same model on random maps
of higher topologies [t09/160].
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
The nested loop approach to the O(n) loop model on
random maps
A longstanding open question concerns the geometry of random maps coupled to a critical matter
model. We make a first step in the exploration of this problem via a combinatorial approach.
Figure 1: A large random planar triangulation endowed with loops (left) and the corresponding typical configuration
inside a given loop (right), as seen after flattening.
The essence of two-dimensional quantum gravity
consists in defining a “sum over surfaces”. A natural
way to make such a sum meaningful is by discretization: the partition function is defined as a sum over
triangulations, or their generalizations called maps,
possibly carrying decorations modelling matter degrees of freedom. One may for instance consider
loops (self- and mutually avoiding curves) drawn
onto the maps: this yields the celebrated O(n) loop
model, where n is the weight assigned to each loop
(see Fig. 1 for a sample configuration).
Beyond the computation of the partition function and related critical exponents, interesting questions arise when studying the local geometry of large
random maps (such as their metric or fractal properties). In the absence of matter (the case of socalled pure gravity), the situation is by now well
understood: the universal scaling limit, the Brownian map, has been rigorously defined and many of
its properties studied (its Hausdorff dimension is 4,
the law of the distances between up to three random points is known exactly, etc). In contrast, almost nothing is known when matter is added to the
picture and, in particular, there are several contradictory predictions for the Hausdorff dimension at a
matter critical point.
Recently, Le Gall and Miermont introduced a
model of random maps with non generic scaling
limit, whose Hausdorff dimension may vary between
2 and 4. Their model does not however rely on
adding matter to the surfaces but requires instead
the fine-tuning of infinitely many parameters. In a
series of papers [t11/148, t12/013, t12/055], we show
that the same model emerges spontaneously at critical points of the O(n) loop model on random maps.
By a recursive decomposition of the configurations upon cutting the loops [t11/148] (see Fig. 2),
we obtain a set of self-consistent equations for the
partition function of the O(n) loop model. This allows to recover combinatorially equations previously
obtained via matrix models and to extend them to
a larger class of models. Several cases are exactly
solvable, allowing a full determination of the phase
diagram. These include loops with bending energy
[t12/013] and the Potts model [t12/055] (classically
reformulated in terms of loops) for which we demonstrate the existence of non self-dual critical points.
Figure 2: Recursive decomposition of the configuration
of Fig. 1 into a gasket (top), loop rings (middle) and
internal configurations (bottom).
Most interestingly, our approach shows that the
gasket of a critical loop configuration (the map obtained after erasing all loop interiors) falls into the
class studied by Le Gall and Miermont, with a non
generic scaling limit. A simple relation between the
loop weight n ∈ [−2, 2] and the gasket Hausdorff
dimension is deduced [t11/148].
Liouville Quantum Gravity & KPZ
In 1988, Knizhnik, Polyakov and Zamolodchikov discovered the celebrated KPZ relation between
critical exponents in a planar statistical system and their counterparts in Liouville quantum
gravity. Twenty years later, this relation has been proven rigorously, and in a broader context.
A canonical relation to the Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) is also established.
Liouville quantum gravity (LQG), intro- relation. The probabilistic proof rests in particuduced by Polyakov in 1981, is a canonical way to lar on a crucial Brownian property of the GFF: for
produce a random or “quantum” geometry from the fixed z, the circle average hε (z) is standard BrownGaussian (massless) free field (GFF). It is believed ian motion Bt in time t := − log ε, so that the KPZ
to be the universal, conformally invariant, scaling relation appears as a Brownian exponential martinlimit of random planar maps, possibly including crit- gale property. This proof places the KPZ formula
ical statistical models. One replaces the area mea- in a broader context than the original approach: it
sure dz on a planar domain D with the random mea- is valid for any fractal set sampled independently
sure µγ = eγh(z) dz, where γ ∈ [0, 2) is a universal of the GFF and for any γ < 2. For γ > 2, the
parameter and h is an instance of the zero or free measure develops atoms with localized area correboundary GFF on D. The GFF h has logarithmic sponding to Liouville quantum bubbles (“baby unispatial correlations, and is a distribution, not a func- verses”) of dual parameter γ 0 = 4/γ < 2; this Lition, that is almost surely infinite. One must resort ouville quantum duality is given a first mathematito regularization: the quantum measure µγ is the cal meaning in [t09/033, t09/290, t09/291], together
limit for ε → 0 of regularized quantities where h(z) with a probabilistic proof of a dual KPZ relation.
is replaced by hε (z), the mean value of h on the cir- The last critical γ = 2 case is rigorously solved in
cle of radius ε centered at z [t08/047]. A quantum [t12/145, t12/148].
boundary length measure νγ is similarly constructed.
ft (0)
w= ft ( z )
ft (x’)
h (z )
ft (x )
Figure 2
Figure 1
The KPZ relation.— This celebrated prediction
from 1988 that critical phenomena in the plane are
directly related to their counterparts in quantum
gravity. Twenty years later, with S. Sheffield, we
have rigorously proven this relation in LQG. Consider the quantum scenery in Fig. 1: the square D is
divided into a multitude of small Euclidean squares
Di , all of small similar quantum areas µγ (Di ) = δ,
but of wildly differing Euclidean areas ε2i . The
probability that an independent random fractal set
(a path in Fig.1), of fractal (Hausdorff) dimension
d ≤ 2, intersects any Di then scales as ε2−d
. In
[t08/047, t09/033] we prove that, on average, these
probabilities scale as δ ∆ in terms of the quantum
area δ, with a quantum
scaling exponent ∆ given
by 2 − d = 2 − γ 2 /2 ∆ + γ 2 ∆2 /2, i.e., the KPZ
Liouville quantum gravity and Schramm-Loewner
Evolution.— In a companion work with S. Sheffield
[t10/223], LQG and SLE, the conformally invariant
models for random paths and surfaces, are related in
a canonical way (Fig. 2). When two boundary segments of equal quantum lengths νγ [0, x] = νγ [x0 , 0]
are conformally welded (glued) to each other, the
resulting interface√is a conformally invariant path,
an SLEκ for γ = κ <√2. This establishes
√the sec√
ond KPZ relation γ = ( 25 − c− 1 − c)/ 6 < 2 in
terms of the central charge c = 14 (6−κ)(6−16/κ) < 1
of the SLEκ conformal field theory. We develop the
theory of quantum fractal measures (consistent with
the KPZ relation) and analyze their evolution under conformal welding via the introduction of explicit SLE related exponential martingales; the latter play the role (now made mathematically rigorous) of the so-called “gravitational dressing” of conformal operators in a CFT coupled to LQG. As an
application, one constructs the quantum length and
quantum boundary intersection measures on the SLE
curve itself. For instance, the average SLEκ quantum length contained
R in any domain D (Fig. 2) is
explicitly νγ (D) = D (sin arg z)8/κ−2 dz.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Cluster algebras: integrability, combinatorics and
statistical physics
The theory of cluster algebras is a powerful machinery that applies to many different fields such
as geometry, algebra, combinatorics and physics. We have investigated a large class of discrete
integrable systems that are part of cluster algebras, and found that an elusive positivity conjecture
becomes immediate once solutions are expressed as partition functions for statistical models of
non-intersecting paths or dimers on graphs.
2! −1
2! −1
2n+2 ! −2
Q-system solutions. Each initial condition (data), associated with a vertex of a cluster tree, determines a target
graph and its edge weights. The corresponding cluster variables are expressed as partition functions for nonintersecting paths on the corresponding target graph. Cluster algebra mutations modify the target graph and the
weights locally, resulting in different configurations. This is illustrated here with two particular vertices of the
Q-system cluster tree. For each vertex we have represented the target graph on the right (Γ0 , ΓM ), and a sample
non-intersecting path configuration on the left. Both partition functions evaluate to the same solution of the Qsystem, expressed in terms of two different sets of initial data. In both cases the paths are in bijection with the
domino tilings of plane domains, with possible defects (pink squares).
Cluster algebras are dynamical systems describing the evolution of data (cluster variables) defined
at the vertices of an infinite regular tree, via rational transformations (mutations) along the edges.
The axioms of cluster algebra guarantee that all variables in the tree are Laurent polynomials of initial
data at any given vertex, furthermore conjectured
in general to have only positive integer coefficients
(the cluster positivity conjecture). Many applications have been found since their discovery by Fomin
and Zelevinsky in 2000: in hyperbolic geometry, category theory, quiver representation theory, (quiver)
gauge theory, brane tilings, string theory, quantum
groups, discrete integrable systems, combinatorics,
We have shown that a class of discrete integrable
systems (Q- and T-systems), first introduced in the
study of integrable quantum spin chains, are parts
of cluster algebra structures [t08/255]; the Laurent polynomials are partition functions for weighted
combinatorial objects such as paths, tilings or plane
partitions [t08/256]. This is illustrated in the figure: the A-type Q-system solution is interpreted in
terms of non-intersecting paths, equivalently domino
tilings with possible defects. This identification allowed us to prove the cluster algebra positivity conjecture in a number of cases.
Cluster algebras have quantum counterparts
closely related to quantum groups, which describe
the evolution of q-commuting data. These allow to
define quantum versions of Q- and T-systems, still
displaying a form of integrability. We proved that
solutions of such systems can be used to compute
fusion products for quantum group representations
[t13/183] and elucidate the known fermionic formulae for fusion multiplicities.
We extended our analysis to a fully noncommutative setting, by using noncommutative weights and
quasi-determinants, objects arising in the solution of
noncommutative left linear systems. This allowed us
to prove a cluster positivity conjecture for the A1 type Q-system, due to Kontsevich [t09/236], and to
derive a noncommutative version of the discrete Hirota equation [t10/119]. These extensions should
lead to a formulation of statistical models with noncommutative Boltzmann weights, and to a form of
noncommutative integrability.
Extreme conformal field theories
Modern problems in condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics and the AdS/CFT duality
involve ‘extreme’ conformal field theories in 2D, which are typically nonunitary and noncompact. Important progress in their study has been obtained in the last few years using lattice
regularizations and quantum symmetries, combined with tools from representation theory and
integrability, as well as numerical simulations.
Despite the immense success of conformal field
theory (CFT), experimental applications have been
surprisingly few. Indeed, most of the results rely on
the assumption of unitarity, which is natural from a
quantum field theoretic point of view, but less so for
condensed matter physics or statistical mechanics.
In these cases – which include the description of the
transition between plateaux in the integer quantum
Hall effect (IQHE) and other (2+1)D topological insulators, or the properties of critical
approach to this problem based on lattice regularizations and intensive use of quantum symmetries, combined with tools from representation theory and integrability, as well as numerical simulations. This combination of the concrete and the abstract, dubbed associative algebraic approach
to LCFT has led to major progress.
Another crucial aspect for physical applications
is the noncompactness of the target space. This has
been also very hard to understand due to the technical difficulties of solving noncompact spin chains.
Recently however, we discovered a way to construct
compact spin chain regularizations of noncompact
CFTs. We were able to obtain a lattice model for the
SL(2, R)/U (1) black hole sigma model, and to ‘measure’ the density of states [t12/234], in full agreement with the string theory results. Extreme CFTs
are thus getting finally under control.
The Renormalization Group flow for the IQHE. Fixed
points can be described in terms of a noncompact supergroup sigma model at topological angle θ = π.
geometrical objects like polymers or percolation in
2D — nonunitarity is in fact the rule. While its
physical origin is clear — average over disorder, or
nonlocality of the geometrical constraints — its consequences are deeper and worse than initially realized. In most cases, nonunitarity indeed implies
indecomposability: the allpowerful, conformal symmetry now acts via representations which are not
fully reducible, giving rise in particular to logarithmic contributions to operator product expansions
and correlation functions, and thus to so-called Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories (LCFT).
Attempts at tackling LCFTs by general, constructive methods, have never quite succeeded, despite a lot of work. In the last five years (see
[t13/113] for a short review), we developed a new
The density of states as a function of the (continuous)
spin in the SL(2, R)/U (1) black hole sigma model, determined by the Bethe ansatz.
Early applications of the work have been plenty, including the discovery of logarithmic correlations in
the percolation problem, the determination of (irrational) critical exponents for edge states in topological insulators, or the determination of the spectrum
of superprojective sigma models. The methods and
results are also highly relevant to the study of sigma
models with internal supersymmetry arising on the
AdS side of the AdS/CFT duality.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Integrability and the N = 4 gauge theory
The N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theory became a laboratory to study strongly interacting
quantum field theories, in particular their relations with string theory through the AdS/CFT
correspondence. There is very strong evidence that in the planar limit the theory is integrable.
Integrability is a powerful nonperturbative tool, which could lead to a full solution of the theory
for any coupling constant. The spectrum of anomalous dimensions is encoded by thermodynamic
Bethe Ansatz-like equations, and the information about correlation functions, Wilson loops and
gluon amplitudes is also obtained from integrability.
The supersymmetric gauge theory with maximal
supersymmetry in 3 + 1 dimensions, or N = 4 SYM,
is a nontrivial theory, which captures some of the
main features of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
But unlike QCD the theory is conformally invariant
for all values of the coupling constant. According
to the Maldacena conjecture, this gauge theory is
equivalent to a string theory living in the curved
spacetime AdS5 × S 5 . In the planar limit, when the
number of colours tends to infinity, the theory is believed to be integrable.
Integrability allows to go beyond the perturbative regime, both on the string and the gauge theory side, and provides techniques to compute the
spectrum of anomalous dimensions (or string energies) for any coupling constant. The basic idea
is that the traces of products of fundamental fields
can be associated with the states of a quantum spin
chain. In the simplest case the spin chain is the
isotropic Heisenberg magnet. Methods used in integrable models, like the Bethe Ansatz, are being
developed to determine other basic objects of the
theory: correlation functions, gluon amplitudes and
Wilson loops. The goal is to obtain a complete description of the theory for any coupling constant,
and eventually use this knowledge for more realistic
theories like QCD.
the link with the O(6) nonlinear sigma model
[t08/220, t08/220], the discovery of the duality between gluon amplitudes and Wilson loops made of
segments on the light cone [t11/034], the relation between correlation functions and amplitudes/Wilson
loops [t10/091, t09/102, t10/092, t10/139, t11/036,
t11/037], or the discovery of the dual superconformal symmetry [t09/076, t10/013], which is closely
related with integrability. Concerning the correlation functions, let us point out the calculation of the
four-point function of the energy-momentum tensor [t11/176, t12/005] up to four loops. Furthermore, using the correspondence with spin chains (see
Fig. 1), explicit expressions were obtained for the
tree-level three-point functions of long operators in
the su(2) [t09/284] and su(3) [t13/034] sectors of the
gauge theory, and the one- and two-loop corrections
in the su(2) sector [t12/033, t13/110].
θ(1)+i /2
Figure 2: Weak and strong coupling results for the dimension of the Konishi operator.
An object of particular interest is the Konishi
operator, the simplest operator not protected by
supersymmetry. Computing the dimension of the
Konishi operator represents an important test of the
AdS/CFT conjecture and of the integrability of the
theory. We have calculated this dimension up to
five loops in the gauge theory [t12/014], and by usθ +i /2
ing integrability up to six loops in the weak coupling
θ +i /2
regime [t12/085], respectively one-loop in the strong
Figure 1: The three-point function in the su(2) sector in
coupling regime [t11/017]. The results are in perfect
terms of configurations of the six-vertex model.
agreement among themselves, with the string theory
Our institute has made important contributions predictions, and with the numerical computations
to the field. Let us mention the solution of the interpolating between weak and strong coupling (see
strong coupling Bethe equations [t08/094, t09/044], Fig. 2).
2 2
2 2
2 2 2 2
1 1
1 1
2 2 2 2
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
A de Sitter landscape?
Constructing de Sitter vacua remains one of the major open problems in String Theory. The
most generic proposal starts from an anti-de Sitter solution, and argues that one can transform
it into a long-lived metastable de Sitter solution by placing appropriate branes and fluxes. This
mechanism can in principle be used for any combination of fluxes, giving rise to a huge landscape
of string theory de Sitter vacua. The string theory group at IPhT has shown that taking into
account the backreaction of the branes always makes the solution singular, which, in the absence
of a string theory resolution, seems to invalidate the whole mechanism. This (unexpected) result
suggests that string theory does not admit a landscape of de Sitter vacua.
Unfortunately, all the possible universes thus obThe constants entering in the physical laws governing our Universe fit in a very small window, which tained have a negative cosmological constant (and
allows the possibility of intelligent life forms. Under- hence an Anti deSitter (AdS) geometry), as opposed
standing why this is so is one of the big questions to our own universe, which admits a small positive
that puzzles our conception of the world. One per- cosmological constant and is thus of de Sitter (dS)
spective on this question, often dubbed "anthropic geometry. To obtain a landscape of dS universes
principle," claims that our universe is but one of a one needs to uplift the cosmological constant of the
multitude of universes (a multiverse) which admit AdS compactifications; so far the only known mechall possible physical laws, but only some of these anism to do so is to add objects with (D-brane)
universes, e.g. the one we happen to live in, support charges of sign opposite to that of the background.
intelligent life. Many famous scientists, like Hawking The best studied model is the so-called Klebanovor Linde, have invoked String Theory as supporting Strassler (KS) warped deformed conifold; anti-D3
branes placed in this solution have been argued by
the existence of a multiverse.
String Theory is the most compelling candidate Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde to be metastable, and
for a theory that unifies all four interactions ob- became the key ingredient in the KKLT mechanism
served in nature, thus realizing Einstein’s dream for uplifting AdS vacua and producing a landscape
of a "theory for everything." However, String The- of dS universes.
Our team at IPhT has been pursuing a vigorous
ory lives in ten dimensions, so to obtain real-world
physics one needs to compactify it on certain 6D programme over the past four years, trying to check
compact spaces (Calabi-Yau manifolds), whose sizes the validity of this mechanism. First working at linare much smaller than any scale accessible to ob- ear order in the ratio betwen brane and background
servations. As shown by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde charges, we found that the solution correspondand Trivedi (KKLT) the overall size of the man- ing to anti-D3 branes in KS presents a singularity
ifold is fixed by an interplay between classical ef- [t09/237, t10/174, t11/019, t11/157]; this singularfects (fluxes) and quantum effects (membrane in- ity remains present at all orders in the charge ratio
stantons). Since there exist many Calabi-Yau mani- [t12/199]. We have also attempted to resolve this
folds, and a huge number of possibilities of equipping singularity through brane polarization [t13/080], or
them with fluxes, one obtains a plethora – of order to cloak it by a black hole horizon [t12/198]. Alas,
10500 – of string theory flux compactification to 4D; none of these "patches" could resolve the singularity,
they can be thought of as a string theory realiza- which strongly indicates that anti-D3 branes placed
tion of the multiverse. Each vacuum corresponds to in backgrounds do not lead to metastable states. We
at local minimum of a 4D flux-dependent potential, have analyzed other species of branes in String Theory, yet we always obtained similar singular soluwhose shape depicts the landscape of vacua.
tions [t12/036, t13/079, t10/069, t11/199, t13/039,
The stakes raised by our investigations are very
high. If anti-branes cannot coexist with backgrounds of opposite charge, this invalidates the
KKLT mechanism for uplifting AdS vacua to dS
ones, and implies that string theory does not admit a landscape (multiverse) of vacua with a small
positive cosmological constant. Most of the research
done over the past few years on viable cosmological scenarios in string theory would need to be seriously revisited, opening the door for new inventive
An illustration of the string theory landscape
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Cosmology and particle physics
Cosmology and particle physics
The activities in cosmology and particle physics at IPhT are shared between three
subgroups with overlapping interests. The first one comprises research in strong interaction physics, i.e. QCD in its perturbative and non-perturbative regimes, and more formal
aspects of gauge theories such as thermal properties or dualities involving extended supersymmetries. Cosmology is also represented with studies on both the early and the late time
Universe, i.e. from inflationary models and their features to the non-linear properties of
large scale structure. Dark energy, large scale magnetic fields and gravitational waves are
also of particular interest. Finally physics beyond the standard models covers both particle
physics aspects, such as the electroweak symmetry breaking and beyond, flavour physics
and supersymmetry breaking, as well as topics of cosmological origin such as leptogenesis,
dark matter and its detection, or modified gravity versus dark energy models.
QCD and Gauge Theories
The study of strong interactions is a very active and diverse activity at the IPhT. Our
activities cover a broad spectrum of research topics, ranging from the study of amplitudes
in perturbative QCD, through jet algorithms applicable both to particle-physics and heavyion collisions, to finite-temperature gauge theory, heavy-ion collisions, and the Color Glass
The study of amplitudes in gauge theories has developed into a rich and exciting subfield
of particle physics, in which our group plays a visible role. We have brought important
contributions to the development of new, so-called on-shell, techniques for computing amplitudes. These avoid the need for Feynman diagrams and allow for practical computations
at far higher multiplicity or loop order than the traditional techniques. The study of amplitudes in the N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theory forms an integral part of this line of
research. This theory has served as a laboratory for developing techniques and understanding new structures and symmetries, such as dual superconformal invariance. Our group’s
activity ranges from formal studies to practical applications to LHC physics. We have
worked to refine and extend this new class of techniques to massive one-loop amplitudes
and to higher loop orders. We have developed software libraries that apply these techniques
to the computation of one-loop amplitudes of interest for Standard-Model studies at the
LHC. We have participated in a theory collaboration (BlackHat) that has used such a
library to pursue next-to-leading order calculations with many jets for LHC studies.
Another related area of study is the development of new jet algorithms. These are
important tools in the experimental study of QCD at high energy colliders such as the LHC
in order to make the contact between perturbatively calculable cross-sections, in terms of
quarks and gluons, and the actual measurements that see only hadrons. Any suitable
jet algorithm must be infrared and collinear safe. In addition, the very large particle
multiplicity in final states at the LHC (both in particle-physics and heavy-ion collisions)
makes it crucial that these algorithms be computationally efficient. We have played a
central role in developing new jet algorithms, such as the kt and anti-kt algorithms, that
are now used by the major experimental collaborations at the LHC.
An important domain of research at the IPhT is the study of the Color Glass Condensate,
an effective theory for the study of hadronic and nuclear wave functions in the high energy
regime, where gluon saturation effects become important. These effects are crucial for
instance for a first principles study of particle production in nucleus-nucleus and protonnucleus collisions at high energy. Our group has pioneering works in this domain, with
several renowned contributions. Our recent activity covers both formal aspects that aim
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
at developing the formalism and justifying its applicability to high energy collisions (e.g.
via factorization theorems that relate various types of reactions, and analytic solutions
for the JIMWLK equation which governs the high-energy evolution of the cross-sections),
and phenomenological studies whose goal is to confront the predictions of the Color Glass
Condensate effective theory to experimental results at HERA, RHIC or the LHC.
In heavy ion collisions at high energy, the experimental results for bulk observables
suggest that the quark-gluon matter produced in these collisions can be described as an almost frictionless fluids in expansion and can be modelled using relativistic hydrodynamics.
An important observation is that the final anisotropy of the momentum of the observed
particles can be related via the hydrodynamical evolution to the initial shape anisotropies
of the system. Our group has played a major role in developing practical methods for measuring the parameters that quantify these anisotropies in the data. Another major result
has been the realization that event-by-event shape fluctuations are an essential ingredient
in interpreting these results. Our team has also worked on some more formal aspects of
relativistic hydrodynamics, by obtaining exact solutions in some special cases.
The last four years have seen the appearance of new domains of application of the
AdS/CFT correspondence (and more generally gauge-gravity dualities). While these ideas
were so far employed in order to study formal properties of gauge theory amplitudes, these
techniques have now made an incursion into the territory of the phenomenology of quarkgluon matter at high temperature, such as the matter produced in heavy ion collisions.
These studies deal with the conformal N=4 SUSY rather than QCD itself, but it is believed
that some of their properties at strong coupling are quite close to those of QCD, notably
at finite temperature. Thanks to such techniques, we have studied at strong coupling
important questions such as the rapid approach towards thermal equilibrium, the validity
of the parton picture, the energy loss of a heavy quark in a plasma, the properties of meson
bound states in hot matter, and the viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma.
Cosmology is a very active research topic at the IPhT with works in this field ranging from
the early Universe (e.g., inflationary scenarios) to the large-scale structures observed in the
present Universe.
A traditional area of expertise in Saclay is the study of the formation of large-scale
structures from which one can infer complementary constraints on the background cosmology and primordial fluctuations. This requires precise predictions, up to 1% on weakly
nonlinear scales, to reach the accuracy of future surveys (e.g. Euclid) and has led to a
recent surge of activity in perturbation theory and the development of new resummation
schemes providing more accurate predictions. These approaches can be applied to nonGaussian initial conditions and combined to phenomenological models to cover the highly
nonlinear regime of some modified gravity models.
Another major topic of modern cosmology is the generation of primordial fluctuations
during inflation. Alternative models to single-field inflation can give rise to significant nonGaussianities. Nonlinear contributions to higher-order correlations in single-field models
have been uncovered and non-Gaussianities generated in multi-field models, including both
gravity and non-gravity induced couplings, have been unraveled. We have also studied in
detail the signature of this primordial signal on the low-redshift large-scale structures,
using both analytical tools and numerical simulations, thus estimating the constraints on
scale-dependent non-Gaussianities.
A particularly important probe of the early Universe would be the detection of a stochastic background of gravitational waves (GW) of primordial origin. We have analysed the
Cosmology and particle physics
GW signal generated by a first order phase transition, showing that the proposed space interferometer eLISA could detect electroweak symmetry breaking effects in the energy range
0.1-100 TeV, thus probing energy scales beyond the reach of current particle accelerators.
We have also worked on the origin of primordial magnetic fields and found that the seeds
for the ubiquitous magnetic fields detected on cosmological scales could be formed in the
early Universe. We have also built a detailed model for the evolution of magnetic fields in
the primordial plasma, obtained new constraints on possible generation mechanisms and
evaluated its impact on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
Another rich subject of current cosmology is the study of the CMB anisotropies. We have
computed the main contributions at second order to the CMB fluctuations, as well as the
full second-order bispectrum, by a consistent implementation of the Boltzmann equation.
We have written a CMB code up to second order which will be valuable to the community.
We have also computed the cosmic shear to second order, including all relativistic effects
and without relying on small-angle approximations. We have also estimated the sensitivity
of weak lensing observables on primordial non-Gaussianities.
Finally, in an attempt to understand dark energy, we have studied quintessence models
with a vanishing sound speed for which dark energy clusters and affects the formation of
large-scale structures.
Beyond the standard model
The research activities in particle physics beyond the Standard Model take place in a
particularly rich experimental context: the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is currently exploring the terascale and has already shed some light on the electroweak symmetry
breaking sector; neutrino and flavour physics experiments are providing us with complementary information about the flavour structure of the physics relevant at high energies; a
variety of astroparticle physics experiments are constraining the properties of dark matter
and may help us, in conjunction with the LHC, to identify its nature; and finally, cosmological observations are delivering more and more accurate information about dark energy
or a modification of gravity.
An important part of our research activities concerns the dynamics of the electroweak
symmetry breaking and its signatures at the LHC. For generic models in which the Higgs
boson arises as a pseudo-Goldstone boson, the top quark has fermionic partners, whose
production at the LHC has been studied in detail. All the composite models for two Higgs
bosons have been studied and we have found the most promising as well as the simplest one.
Effective field theories have been used to interpret the anomalously large forward-backward
asymmetry in tt̄ production measured at the Tevatron, and to assess the sensivity of top
quark collider observables to new physics. Simulations of specific observables like four-top
production were also performed. Deviations from the standard Higgs mechanism such as
double Higgs production or spin-1 resonances of the electroweak gauge bosons have also
been studied. The dynamics of the electroweak phase transition are very sensitive to the
details of the electroweak symmetry breaking process. We have studied electroweak bubble
nucleation when the Higgs boson is a composite bound state from a strongly interacting
sector, and showed that the associated signal in gravity waves can be large. We have
also studied the hydrodynamics of bubble growth in a first-order phase transition, which
is relevant both for electroweak baryogenesis and for the size of the gravity wave signal
resulting from bubble collisions.
Flavour and neutrino physics is another active line of research. This includes attempts
to understand the observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles; the study of
new physics contributions to flavour-changing processes; and phenomenological analyses
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
of neutrino oscillations. Supersymmetry breaking and its mediation to the observable
sector have been investigated in the framework of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking.
Issues like the metastability of the supersymmetry breaking vacuum and the possibility of
simultaneous gauge and supersymmetry breakdown in Grand Unified theories were studied.
A much strengthened line of research in the last few years has been at the intersection
between particle physics and astrophysics and cosmology, in particular leptogenesis, dark
matter and dark energy. Baryogenesis via leptogenesis has been studied in the framework
of Grand Unified theories, focusing on the possibility of generating the observed matterantimatter asymmetry in SO(10) models and on the connection between leptogenesis and
measurable neutrino parameters. Our research activity on Dark Matter has both pursued
a model-building direction (e.g. with the construction and the exploration of the Minimal
DM model) and a model-independent analysis of recent puzzling cosmic ray observations.
In the latter, the results we obtained have greatly helped in shaping the understanding of
the properties that dark matter must have to be able to explain the observations, and their
associated constraints. Dark energy and screened modified gravity have been studied using
a formalism which unifies all models of the chameleon, dilaton or symmetron types. This
has led to N-Body simulations of these screened modified gravity models which have also
been compared to semi-analytic predictions. Local effects of modified gravity have also
been studied with experiments currently looking for these deviations from the standard
model (Casimir effect and bouncing neutrons).
Precision predictions for collider processes with
multiple jets
Next-to-leading order calculations in perturbative QCD are required to obtain quantitative predictions for Standard-Model processes relevant to the LHC. The BlackHat collaboration has
exploited the advent of new ‘on-shell’ techniques to drive an ‘NLO revolution’ for high-multiplicity
jet calculations for LHC physics.
The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large to compute the required one-loop amplitudes nuHadron Collider (LHC) at CERN discovered a merically, and applying them to high-multiplicity
Higgs-like boson last year, filling out our knowledge NLO computations of electroweak boson producof the Standard Model’s particles. They remain at tion accompanied by three [t09/078, t10/040],
the frontier of searches for new physics beyond the four [t10/111, t11/255], and five jets [t13/114].
Standard Model. Their program includes both di- These are important Standard Model backgrounds
rect searches for new physics, such as supersymmet- at the LHC.
ric extensions or compositeness, and precision stud%
ies of the Higgs-like boson, of the top quark, and of
$ s = 7 TeV
W + 5 jets + X
self-interactions of the electroweak vector bosons.
Because the LHC is a proton-proton collider, the
initial states in short-distance collisions are actually
the partons (quarks and gluons) inside the protons.
This means that all important processes at the LHC
— potential signals as well as Standard Model backLO / NLO
grounds — involve QCD interactions. These shortdistance processes induce large momentum transfers
compared with the QCD scale of 1 GeV. Accordingly,
they can be computed order-by-order in perturbation theory. In order to define the coupling one must
Second Jet p [ GeV ] Third Jet p [ GeV ]
Fourth Jet p [ GeV ]
First Jet p [ GeV ]
Fifth Jet p [ GeV ]
introduce a renormalization scale; and to define the
The figure (drawn from [t13/114]) shows a reparton distribution functions, giving the probability
of finding partons inside the proton, one must intro- cent example of W + + 5-jet production at the LHC.
duce a factorization scale as well. Physical predic- The upper panels show the transverse momentum
tions should of course be independent of these scales, (pT ) spectra of the leading five jets, ordered from
but a residual dependence remains at fixed order in left to right in decreasing pT . The LO predictions
perturbation theory. Because the QCD coupling αs are given by the dashed curves, while the NLO ones
is relatively large, and because it runs quickly, the are given by the solid curves. The spectra fall more
residual dependence is large at leading order (LO) steeply as one moves to lower-pT jets, because forcin perturbation theory, sufficiently so to make pre- ing up a given jet’s pT also forces up that of higherdictions quantitatively unreliable. This problem is pT jets, raising an event’s overall center-of-mass enexacerbated when considering processes with many ergy more quickly and correspondingly decreasing
jets in the final state, which carry a high power of its cross section.
The wide dynamical range probed by the calculaαs .
Next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbation tion forces us to choose renormalization and factortheory is the first order at which quantitatively re- ization scales independently for each event. This still
liable predictions are possible. At this order, vir- leaves room for varying the scales; the corresponding
tual corrections from one-loop matrix elements in- uncertainties are conventionally assessed by varying
troduce a compensating dependence on the renor- them up and down by a factor of two. The lower
malization scale, dramatically reducing the sensitiv- panels show the ratio of the predictions to the NLO
ity on unphysical parameters to a 10-15% residual predictions, when varying scales: the hatched band
level. The computation of the required one-loop am- shows the LO variation, and the shaded band, the
plitudes, particularly for processes with more than NLO variation, the dashed curve shows the LO preone or two final-state jets, had posed an obstacle for diction. The LO band is large, allowing a factor of
two up or down from the central value, while the
a long time.
A new generation of ‘on-shell’ techniques has NLO variation shrinks to 10–15% over most of the
broken through this bottleneck. The BlackHat range.
Both the ATLAS and CMS collaborations are
collaboration, which includes members of the IPhT,
has lead an ‘NLO revolution’, developing techniques using our calculations to compare with their data.
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
µR = µF = H T / 2
d! / dpT
[ pb / GeV ]
pT > 25 GeV, | " | < 3
ET > 20 GeV, | " | < 2.5
ET > 20 GeV, MT > 20 GeV
R = 0.5 [anti-kT]
NLO scale dependence
100 200 300 400 500
LO scale dependence
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Jet clustering at the LHC
Jets are fundamental objects in collider physics and in particular at the LHC. In a series of
recent works, we have laid the framework that is currently used by all the LHC experiments
to reconstruct jets: the anti-kt algorithm used to define jets, the FastJetpackage providing a
standard interface to jet clustering and the area-median subtraction method that corrects for
soft background (pileup) contamination.
A jet can be seen as a proxy for a parton, quark
or gluon, produced in the final state of a high-energy
collision. Since, in QCD, partons have a large probability to emit further partons at small angles, a hard
parton produced in the final state of a collision will
develop into a collimated shower of partons; the jet
is meant to capture that shower, giving an access to
the original hard parton.
In practice, jets are obtained by applying a jet
definition, which takes as an input the final-state
particles, and clusters them into jets. A jet definition contains both the recipe for clustering and
adjustable parameters. A typical parameter is the
angular opening of jets, often denoted by R, which
controls the maximal angle for which two particles
are considered collinear and part of the same jet.
Over the last 30 years of collider phenomenology, a dozen different jet definitions have been used.
In 2007-08, we have shown that the jet definitions
commonly used at the Tevatron, as well as the ones
proposed for the LHC, suffer from an infrared-andcollinear unsafety, i.e. lead to infinite cross-sections
when computed at a large enough order of the perturbation theory. The breakthrough was to provide
new algorithms, with behaviours similar to the algorithms they were going to replace, but free of
these unwanted divergences. This was done under
the form of the SISCone and anti-kt algorithms
[?, t08/319]. This is a major achievement since the
anti-kt algorithm has been adopted as a default by
all the LHC experiments1 . The main property of
the anti-kt algorithm is that the hard jets are circular and resilient to soft radiation.
In practice, except for situations with very few
particles, one needs to rely on numerical implementations of the jet definition. The FastJet package
[t11/294] has been initially designed to provide fast
implementations of recombination clustering algorithms (including anti-kt ) and has now grown into
the standard interface for jet manipulation. This
includes a plugin system for commonly used jet definitions, support for jet areas and background subtraction (see below), tools for advanced jet manipulation as well as an interface for developing thirdparty tools. FastJetbeing used in many places (e.g.
high-level triggers in ATLAS and CMS), a great effort is put towards keeping improving FastJet. Ver-
sion 3.0.3 was released in June 2012, and we recently
opened a “contrib space” providing a common location for third-party extensions of FastJet.
Example of anti-kt jets and their areas.
The last part of this framework is related to
pileup: with the LHC operating at high luminosity, many pp collisions happen during a single bunch
crossing — ≈30 on average at the end of Run I
— resulting in an important soft hadronic activity,
mostly uniform in the detector. This has two drastic
consequences on jet reconstruction: a shift in energy
due to the overall pileup activity, and a degradation
of the energy resolution due to nonuniformities in
the activity in a given event and to the overall pileup
activity fluctuations between different events. The
LHC subtracts the pileup contamination to jets using a method based on jet areas [t08/320] and a
median approach to provide an event-by-event estimation of the pileup activity. The main advantage of this method is that it corrects for the overall
shift in energy, but also gets rid of the fluctuations
between events. This method has been extensively
studied, and shown suited for both pileup subtraction in p-p collisions [t12/305] and Underlying Event
subtraction in P b-P b collisions [t10/298]. It has also
been extended in many important directions, including positional dependence [t12/305, t10/298], application to the fragmentation function [t13/118] (in
heavy-ion collisions) and jet shapes [t12/304] extensively used in quark-gluon discrimination or boosted
jet tagging.
In summary, our series of works sets the standard
for jet clustering, solving longstanding issues in the
field and allowing efficient jet clustering at the LHC.
1 Jets being used in about 60% of the LHC papers, anti-k has become a standard tool in particle phenomenology. With
more than 600 citations in 2012, [t08/319] is the seventh most cited paper in high-energy physics in 2012.
Initial state factorization in heavy ion collisions
High energy heavy ion collisions present new challenges to Quantum Chromodynamics, because
they involve a large number of quarks and gluons in their initial state. Some factorization results,
that were known to be valid in the low parton density regime, have been extended to the nonlinear dense regime that prevails in heavy ion collisions.
Heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic ener- the same transverse (relative to the collision direcgies, performed at the RHIC (Brookhaven) and at tion) position contribute coherently to this density.
the LHC (CERN), probe nuclear matter under exIn the dense regime, also known as the gluon
treme conditions of density and temperature. At saturation regime, a typical collision involves intersufficiently large collision energy, one may expect actions between many partons — mostly gluons —
that the theoretical study of these collisions would from each projectile, as illustrated in Fig. 1, right.
be amenable to controlled calculations in Quantum The dense regime differs from the dilute one by two
Chromodynamics, thanks to the asymptotic freedom important complications: (i) one needs to know the
property of the strong coupling constant.
probability of multi-parton configurations in the colIn collisions involving simpler projectiles, such liding projectiles, and (ii) one needs to sum an inas protons, the projectiles are described by single finite set of diagrams, at each order in the couquark and gluon distributions, that depend on the pling constant. It is possible to do this by using
fraction of the total proton momentum they carry the Color Glass Condensate effective description, in
and on the resolution scale at which the proton is which the fast partons are described as classical color
probed in the collision. The usefulness of this de- currents along the trajectories of the two projecscription stems from the universality of the parton tiles (see [t10/066, t10/150] for reviews). In this
distributions: they are an intrinsic property of a framework, the single parton distributions encoungiven projectile, and do not depend on the nature tered in the dilute regime are replaced by functionof the second projectile involved in the collision, nor als giving the probability of a given configuration of
on the nature of the observable being measured. The these color currents, that can be viewed as multipossibility to break down a cross-section into a con- parton distributions for a dense hadron/nucleus. In
volution of two universal parton distributions with [t08/068, t08/116, t08/232] we have also developed
matrix elements that describe the interaction at the powerful techniques to organize the calculations in
quark-gluon level is known as “factorization”. Uni- the dense regime; we have shown that these generversality and factorization are essential, since they alized distributions are also universal, and that the
allow to use the parton distributions gathered in a expectation value of inclusive observables can be facgiven reaction, to make predictions about another torized as in the dilute case, despite the contribution
of infinitely many diagrams.
In Refs. [t09/164, t10/067] we have applied these
results in order to study the correlations measured
in heavy ion collisions between pairs of particles separated by a large interval of rapidity.
freeze out
Figure 1: Hadronic/nuclear collisions in the dilute (left)
and dense (right) regimes.
latest correlation
So far, factorization results were limited to situations in which the local parton density is small,
so that in a given collision at most one parton from
each projectile interacts (Fig. 1, left). At high collision energy, this is not true anymore, because the
gluon density increases rapidly with the energy. Indeed, the emission probability of a new gluon by an
already existing gluon increases as the logarithm of
energy, and is eventually of order one. These successive gluon emissions lead to large occupation numbers for the gluons in the colliding projectiles. This
situation is reached earlier in heavy ion collisions,
because the gluons from all the nucleons sitting at
Figure 2: Long range rapidity correlations between pairs
of particles.
Using causality, (see Fig. 2), one can prove that
such correlations must have preexisted in the projectiles before the collision, or have been created very
shortly after the collision. Guided by this general
argument, and using our earlier results on the factorization of the initial multi-parton distributions,
we have developed a semi-quantitative explanation
of these correlations, that reproduces the main features of the data.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Wave turbulence and di-jet asymmetry at the LHC
The study of the propagation of an energetic jet through a dense QCD medium reveals an
interesting phenomenon of weak turbulence, which is new in the context of QCD, and may
provide a natural explanation for a remarkable set of data obtained in heavy ion collisions at the
A major objective of the experimental program
at the LHC is the study of the high-temperature,
deconfined, phase of QCD, known as Quark-Gluon
Plasma (QGP). Believed to have filled the Early
Universe just after the Big-Bang, this matter is reproduced at the LHC in the intermediate stages of
heavy ion collisions. When two P b nuclei, with
atomic number A = 208, are smashed against each
other with a center-of-mass energy of 5 TeV, the
respective wavefunctions (built with 3A ≈ 600 valence quarks and a few thousands of gluons generated via Bremsstrahlung) lose quantum coherence and liberate the partons in the final state.
This leads to a dense fireball of quarks and gluons, with a temperature T ∼ 1 GeV, which lives
for about 10 fm/c. Later on, this plasma cools
down and hadronizes, thus producing the myriad of
particles (more than 20,000) observed in the detectors. A main challenge is to identify and measure
the imprints of the ephemeral QGP phase on the
multi-particle distribution in the final state. One
of the observables used in that sense, the energy
correlations between pairs of jets, led to an interesting discovery, which motivated our studies in
Refs. [t13/088, t12/157, t13/038].
Specifically, the typical di-jet events observed in
P b-P b collisions are highly asymmetric, with one of
the two jets carrying much more energy than the
other. This asymmetry is commonly attributed to
the interactions between one of the jets and the fireball that it traverses, while the other jet leaves the
system unaffected. What is surprising though, is
the magnitude of this effect: a jet can lose as much
as 30 GeV, i.e. much more than the typical energy
scale, T ∼ 1 GeV, of the medium. Moreover, the
energy lost in this way is recovered as an excess in
the number of soft (E ≤ 1 GeV) quanta propagating
at large angles with respect to the jet axis.
This remarkable phenomenon led us to reconsider the problem of the evolution of a jet propagating through a dense QCD medium. The emission of
a single gluon which is triggered by the interactions
between an energetic parton and the surrounding
medium has been first studied in the mid nineties
by Baier, Dokshitzer, Mueller, Peigné, Schiff, and
independently by Zakharov. These early results predicted a large probability for the emission of soft
gluons at large angles. We have exploited and generalized these results in order to provide a complete
picture of multiple gluon emissions and thus globally
follow the evolution of the in-medium parton cas-
cade (see the figure). After a first study [t13/088] of
a simplified version of the ‘parton cascade’ made of
one quark-antiquark pair (a ‘colour antenna’), we
have obtained the first complete calculation of a
gluon branching (g → gg) in the presence of medium
effects [t12/157]. Our work shows that the ‘colour
coherence’ between the emitters is rapidly washed
out by the interactions with the medium and, as a
consequence, the interference effects can be ignored
in a leading order calculation: the in–medium cascade can be assimilated to a classical branching process (obtained by iterating independent emissions)
and be treated via a Monte-Carlo calculation. This
opens the way towards systematic phenomenological
A medium-induced jet in a typical event, as emerging
from our analysis.
A further step has been accomplished in [t13/038],
where we studied the energy distribution within the
in-medium gluon cascade. We found that, in successive branchings, the energy gets transmitted from
one parton generation to the next one at a rate which
is independent of the generation: the energy flows
through the cascade without accumulating at any
intermediate scale; it rather accumulates at the lowenergy end of the cascade, and is dumped into the
medium. This provides an efficient mechanism for
energy loss via soft gluon radiation at large angles,
which could naturally explain the di-jet asymmetry
observed at the LHC.
An energy flow with rate independent of the energy is a distinguished signature of weak wave turbulence. This phenomenon requires the wave interactions to be quasi-local in energy, an unusual features in the context of QCD. It occurs in the present
context because the medium-induced gluon branchings are quasi-democratic : the offspring gluons share
commensurable fractions of the energy of their parent gluon. We are currently investigating further
consequences of this physical picture for the phenomenology at the LHC.
Observing the minibang through its
fluctuation spectrum
Recent progress in our understanding of nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies has highlighted
the importance of quantum fluctuations, thus revealing an analogy with early cosmology.
Head-on nucleus-nucleus collisions at the highFluctuations also result in a dipole anisotropy
est energies (RHIC and LHC colliders) produce a v1 : high-momentum particles tend to flow in one ditiny lump of fluid, dubbed the quark-gluon plasma, rection, while low-momentum particles flow in the
which expands into the vacuum and eventually opposite direction, thus restoring global momentum
transforms into particles which are observed. The balance. We have obtained a first hint of this effect
azimuthal (φ) distribution of these particles1 has using public correlation data from RHIC [t10/185].
small anisotropies, which are characterized by their Later, using detailed correlation data released by
Fourier spectrum vn . In 2010, it was understood the ALICE collaboration, we were able to release
that they are analogous to anisotropies of the cos- the first measurement of v1 at LHC, including full
mological radiation, in the sense that they are pro- systematic errors [t12/015]. Our analysis was pubduced by initial quantum fluctuations, followed by lished a few days prior to a similar analysis by the
hydrodynamic expansion.
ATLAS collaboration. We have also carried out the
We have carried out the first quantitative pre- first viscous hydrodynamic calculation of the dipole
diction for the third harmonic v3 , which is solely asymmetry.
due to fluctuations [t10/095]. Hydrodynamics, once
These new observables open up new directions of
supplied with a reasonable model for initial fluctu- research. They provide tantalizing evidence that a
ations, naturally captures the physics of azimuthal strongly-coupled system containing a few thousand
anisotropies, as illustrated below in the Figure.
particles may behave collectively like a fluid.
0.24 00!10"
2 0
2 0
pT !GeV "c#
2 0
2 0
2 0
Fourier coefficients v2 to v5 (from top to bottom) as a function of particle momentum pT for central (left) to
peripheral (right) Au-Au collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon. Results from hydrodynamic calculations (labeled NeXSPheRIO) are compared with experimental data from the PHENIX collaboration at RHIC. vn generally decreases
with n and increases with pT . The strong increase of v2 from central to peripheral collisions is due to the collision
geometry, while the milder increase of higher harmonics (v3 through v5 ) is mostly due to the reduction in the
interaction region, which results in larger fluctuations.
1 The
φ distribution is measured near the equatorial plane θ =
called “midrapidity”.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Cosmological Perturbation Theory
Perturbation theory is a powerful tool that has been used in a variety of cosmological contexts.
With the advent of precision observations, it can be used to explore subdominant effects at linear
order and beyond, at various stages of the thermal history of the universe. This applies to the
large scale structure of the local Universe, the mapping of which is done with increasing accuracy,
or to the physics of recombination, magnificently probed by the Planck satellite mission.
The Planck satellite has recently measured the
anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) with an unprecedented precision, and put
tight constraints on primordial non-Gaussianities,
potentially carrying important information on the at
early times. For the sensitivity attained by Planck,
second-order effects connecting the initial conditions
to the observed CMB are potentially detactable,
and can contaminate the primordial signal. Thus,
the precision of the constraints on primordial nonGaussianity heavily relies on our ability to control
these nonlinear effects. Moreover, the detection of
these nonprimordial nonlinear features would represent per se a strong validation of minimal inflation,
more generally of the standard cosmological model.
At IPhT we have pioneered the analytical and
numerical study of these second-order effects, which
have been used as a reference by the Planck collaboration to interpret their constraints. In particular we
have expanded the Boltzmann equation to secondorder in the relativistic cosmological perturbations
[t08/162, t10/032] and the effects on the anisotropies
[t09/244, t09/353, t10/195]. More recently, we have
developed CosmoLib2nd , the first complete numerical Boltzmann code which computes the evolution
of second-order perturbations and the CMB 3-point
function from second-order sources, from recombination until today [t12/155].
2-loops (RegPT)
kHh-1 MpcL
l1 =6, varying l2 =l3
1-loop (std)
Planck params. without reion.
late-ISW removed in all bispectrums
1 2 3
PHkLêP no-wiggle HkL
2-loops (std)
bl l l (∆S )/[6(Cl Cl + Cl Cl + Cl Cl )]
Even in the context of standard gravity, developing methods that can be used to compute the growth
rate and resulting statistical properties of the local
cosmological density fields with the required accuracy is a challenging theoretical task. In a series of
papers we have developed new approaches, where we
reformulate the perturbation series involved in the
computation of the density power spectrum or the
bispectrum. These approaches are based on the introduction of the multi-point propagators that are
seen as the new building blocks of the perturbation
theory expansions [t08/161]. A key result is that
these objects enjoy resummation properties in the
high momentum limit. Later we showed that these
properties are intimately related with the infrared
behavior of the theory, by introducing the eikonal
approximation [t11/222, t12/083], in analogy with
the scheme in QED. This is a powerful framework to
perform such resummations, which can be employed
in a variety of cases, from non-Gaussian initial conditions [t10/090], to quantities defined in Lagrangian
rather than Eulerian space [t08/161].
In [t11/223] we further showed how to incorporate in a single expression both the high momentum behavior of the propagators, driven by
their resummed properties, and their low momentum behavior, determined by perturbative expansions. This formalism opened the way to consistent perturbation theory calculations, to any order.
It was exploited when developing publicly released
codes that provide fast computations of the matter
density field at 2-loop order[t12/081, t12/082].
squeezed-limit approx.
time shift
The code is involved since many effects need to be
taken into account. As shown in the figure above,
In the above figure we compare theoretical calcula- we could validate our numerical results from a set of
tions of the density power spectrum with N -body nontrivial configurations, in the so-called squeezed
results (red points with error bars). The dotted line limit, obtained when one of the three modes is much
is the linear theory, the dashed and solid lines are longer than the other two, and outside the Hubble
respectively the 1- and 2-loop predictions.
horizon at recombination [t11/258].
Dark Matter and the matter-antimatter
asymmetry of the Universe
What is the matter in the Universe made of? Where did it originate from? The latest cosmological
observations yield a precise answer to the first question: 15.9% of the matter in the Universe
consists of known particles (essentially protons, neutrons and electrons), while the remaining
84.1% is composed of an unknown species called Dark Matter. Its nature is one of the unexplained
mysteries of particle physics and cosmology, despite decades of investigations. The other major
mystery is the origin of ordinary matter: there is no understanding of why the Universe possesses
an asymmetry between particles and antiparticles and thus why matter survived a complete
primordial self-destruction at all.
Understanding the nature of Dark Matter (DM)
requires witnessing an explicit manifestation of it,
beside the indirect (gravitational) effects it has on
the shape of galaxies and larger structures. One
possibility is to detect, in the fluxes of cosmic rays,
an anomalous component which could originate from
DM annihilations and therefore betray its existence.
Indeed, from 2008 onwards, a number of very well
performing satellite and ground based experiments
(Pamela, Fermi, Hess and now Ams-02 on the
Iss) have reported intriguing excesses.
We have published a string of works which have
allowed to: 1) identify the properties that DM
must have to explain the data [t08/139]; 2) cross
check related constraints (such as from gamma rays
[t08/184, t09/030, t09/187, t12/034]; 3) predict associated signals in other channels [t10/025] (such as
in neutrino fluxes). These works have been influential in the field (they collected about 1000 citations
since early 2009). Together with other efforts, they
opened whole new directions in DM model building:
the focus in the community has steered drastically
from conventional DM candidates such as the supersymmetric neutralino to exotic, multi-TeV, leptophilic new particles.
Dark Matter annihilations in the Milky Way halo produce fluxes of cosmic rays that, collected on Earth after
a complex propagation history, carry important information. Precisely computing these fluxes, and comparing
the predictions with data, might shed light on the nature
of Dark Matter.
Another mystery is the origin of the matterantimatter asymmetry of the Universe. One of the
possibilities for generating it dynamically is leptogenesis, a mechanism involving the heavy fields that
are needed to generate the small neutrino masses
via the seesaw mechanism. Whether leptogenesis
can indeed explain the observed cosmological baryon
asymmetry in Grand Unified Theories based on the
SO(10) gauge group, in which the seesaw mechanism is automatically present, is a crucial question.
We showed that this is indeed the case, taking into
account effects that were neglected in previous studies, in particular the contribution of the flavourdependent decays of the second right-handed neutrino [t08/069]. Another long-standing question is
the possibility of testing leptogenesis experimentally.
While there is in general no correlation between the
generated baryon asymmetry and low-energy observables, we identified and analysed a predictive
scenario in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry
depends on parameters that can be measured in neutrino physics experiments [t08/070]. This scenario,
Collisions of clusters of galaxies make apparent the sepa- which requires a yet unobserved CP violation in the
ration between ordinary matter and Dark Matter (copy- lepton sector, can therefore be falsified by future exright NASA 2006).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Statistical and condensed matter physics
Statistical and condensed matter physics
Our activities in statistical and condensed matter physics can be divided into three
main themes: statistical physics, condensed matter physics, and applications to biophysics,
networks and complex systems.
Out-of-equilibrium systems have been our main research theme in classical statistical mechanics. The conceptual framework of the theory of equilibrium systems is wellestablished, owing to the notions of statistical ensembles and thermodynamic potentials.
This formalism has, however, received no equivalent so far in the realm of non-equilibrium
systems. As a result, even simple questions remain unanswered in general, such as the
characterization of driven stationary states far from equilibrium and far from the linear response regimes, or the study of the glass transition and of its slow dynamics. In recent years
several general results, referred to as fluctuation theorems, have shed some light on the first
of these issues, namely the nature of non-equilibrium stationary states. A complementary
direction of research consists in studying exactly solvable models of out-of-equilibrium phenomena, such as the asymmetric exclusion process in one dimension, where exact results
have been obtained, concerning especially the large deviation functions associated with various observables. Following another line of thought, a series of works has been devoted to
the effects of some novel types of dynamics on simple models, such as the one-dimensional
Ising chain or the spherical model. This class of dynamics includes asymmetric interactions
between spins as well as other kinds of biases which make the dynamics irreversible. A
novel type of non-equilibrium dynamical transition has been put forward, which demarcates two qualitatively different regimes of violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.
Various other features of stochastic processes and non-equilibrium phenomena have been
studied, including the statistics of excursions of several stochastic processes, the maximal
entropy random walk on an arbitrary graph, and new applications of Markov processes to
the sampling of complex energy landscapes in Monte-Carlo methods.
In glasses, spin glasses, granular systems and some other disordered systems, the relaxation time towards equilibrium becomes so large below some critical temperature that
the system never reaches equilibrium and exhibits genuinely non-equilibrium phenomena,
referred to as aging. In the field of glasses, a qualitative thermodynamic difference between
the high-temperature and deeply supercooled equilibrium glass-forming liquid regimes has
been explicitly shown, leading to a renewed discussion of the random first-order transition
theory and to new ways of studying the glass transition. Several new results have been
obtained in the area of spin glasses, concerning e.g. the nature of the spin-glass phase in
low dimensions, the distribution of relaxation time in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model,
large correlations in individual mean-field samples, and the existence of a static spin-glass
phase on soft scalar spin version of the random field Ising model. The non-equilibrium
dynamics of magnetic systems in the presence of quenched disorder have also been studied,
especially using renormalization techniques. Finally, various aspects of the Anderson localization problem have been revisited, including the relationship with directed polymers,
traveling waves and many-body localization.
In many-body quantum systems strong interactions give rise to remarkable and unexpected phenomena that deeply challenge our understanding of condensed matter physics.
The fractional quantum Hall effect and the high-temperature superconductivity are the two
most famous examples, but there are many others, including metal-insulator transitions,
the breakdown of the Fermi-liquid behavior in cuprates and in heavy fermions compounds,
and exotic orders (charge, spin, orbital) in transition metal oxides. Our research activity in
that area spans a very broad range of topics, from traditional ones, such as strongly corre-
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
lated electrons in bulk materials, to subjects emerged recently such as the effect of strong
interactions in mesoscopic physics, ultra-cold atoms, out-of-equilibrium quantum systems
and graphene. An intense research effort is also devoted to improving and developing
theoretical methods able to cope with the new challenges of condensed matter physics.
Our main contributions concern conformal field theory, renormalization group methods
and new numerical techniques. For example, an efficient algorithm for solving the multiple
quantum impurity models of (cluster) dynamical mean-field methods was developed and
is now routinely used in several groups world-wide.
High-temperature superconductivity, and in particular the nature of the pseudo-gap
state, are among the most studied and challenging problems of condensed matter physics.
Several theoretical ideas have been put forward to explain them, in particular the resonating valence bond (RVB) phase and the proximity to a quantum critical point (QCP). We
have actively investigated both of them. Concerning the former, a new picture of a selective
Mott transition in momentum space was proposed, based on approximate solutions of microscopic models using cluster dynamical mean-field methods. It was found, in agreement
with experiments, that the nodal regions remain metallic while the anti-nodal ones become
insulating, suggesting the existence of a dynamical RVB phase, and that superconductivity
and pseudo-gap state compete with one another. Moreover, several spin and dimer models,
related to RVB physics and also relevant for frustrated magnets, have been studied. It was
shown that they can exhibit non-standard states, like spin liquids and dimer phases. Concerning the latter, a new theory of the two-dimensional anti-ferromagnetic (AF) quantum
critical point has been developed in analogy with the field-theoretical analysis of Anderson
localization. It was shown that in the proximity of the AF-QCP a novel state of matter
emerges, which is characterized by quadrupolar density wave order and d-wave superconductivity. Its relevance for the pseudo-gap state was put forward and experimental checks
are currently performed.
Among many new subjects which emerged recently in condensed matter physics, we
have been particularly active in the following ones: mesoscopic and nanoscopic systems,
for which quantum impurity models, out-of-equilibrium transport and various aspects of
nanotubes have been studied; graphene physics, for which many important questions concerning the effects of disorder, of the substrate and of interactions have been addressed;
cold atomic systems, which allow one to study fundamental issues of strongly correlated
systems by creating artificial solids embedded in optical lattices; out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum open and closed systems, for which new methods, such as integrability for
out-of-equilibrium steady states, new phenomena, such as out-of-equilibrium phase transitions, and new theoretical aspects, such as quantum fluctuation theorems, have been
investigated. In particular, several works have been devoted to the study of entanglement
in one- and two-dimensional systems, which is relevant for the dynamics of isolated quantum many-body systems and for the development of numerical algorithms for strongly
interacting quantum systems.
Our activities in the area of the applications of statistical physics has vastly enlarged
their scope beyond biopolymers and electrostatics in biological systems, especially to include combinatorial optimization and complex networks. We have started to deal with
questions of direct interest to biological systems. Biopolymers such as DNA, RNA and
proteins have a chemical sequence which can be modeled, to a first approximation, as a
quenched random sequence. In addition to the melting transition, random RNA undergoes
a freezing transition, of the same type as those studied in disordered systems. On the
other hand, molecular motors, the dynamics of actin filaments, and the kinetics of protein
folding all involve the use of methods and concepts of non-equilibrium statistical physics.
Statistical and condensed matter physics
Four web servers have been set up in recent years. The first one, entitled Mistral, allows
multiple structure alignment of protein structures. By aligning protein structures, one can
look for structurally conserved motifs in proteins, and this in turn can be used to determine
the function of proteins or their evolution. A second server, TT2NE, predicts secondary
structures of RNA with pseudoknots, from their chemical sequence. This is an important
information, since loops and pseudoknots are known to embed the binding sites of RNA.
The third one, McGenus, allows one to predict RNA structures with pseudoknots for longer
sequences, by means of a Monte-Carlo algorithm. Finally, the AquaSAXS server, hosted by
Institut Pasteur in Paris, is devoted to the reconstruction of protein surfaces from SAXS
The tools and methods elaborated in statistical physics also have numerous applications
to other fields of the natural and social sciences. Pluridisciplinary applications might even
be viewed as one of the most promising facets of the whole discipline. In recent years our
activity has strongly expanded in two directions. The first one is concerned with hard
problems of combinatorial optimization. Within this framework, let us mention a new concept in signal acquisition referred to as compressed sensing. We wave proposed a scheme
based on a message-passing algorithm and on the theory of nucleation, for which compressed sensing is tractable for as few measurements as the size of the compressed signal.
The second direction is the study of complex networks, their structure, their evolution,
and their spatial properties. Networks are fundamental in theoretical epidemiology, where
transportation and mobility networks are the key ingredient in the spread of infectious
diseases. The problem is then to understand the coupling between the movement of individuals and the spread of the disease, both processes having their own spatial and temporal
scales. In geography and urbanism, networks are also a key ingredient in understanding
the structure and the evolution of cities.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Large deviations of the current in the ASEP
Systems out of equilibrium are often characterized by the transport of a physical quantity at the
macroscopic scale, such as a current of particles through a wire. The statistical properties of
this current are encoded in a Large Deviation Function. This function has been calculated for
the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, a paradigmatic system for nonequilibrium transport,
amenable to exact analytical solutions.
A system containing carriers of energy, mass, or
electrical charge, and subject to a driving field in
its bulk, or to a difference of potential between its
boundaries, will usually evolve to a nonequilibrium
steady state with a nonvanishing macroscopic current of heat, particles or charges. This current violates time reversal invariance and detailed balance:
the principles of equilibrium statistical mechanics
cannot be applied. Hence, for a system which is
bulk-driven, boundary-driven, or both, there exists
no fundamental principle that would predict the
value of the current and its fluctuations.
During the last two decades, substantial progress
has been made towards a statistical theory of
nonequilibrium systems; large deviation functions, which encode atypical excursions of a physical
observable, appear as the best candidates to generalize the traditional thermodynamic potentials.
The study of large deviations in a nonequilibrium
system therefore represents a theoretical, numerical
and experimental task of fundamental importance.
At IPhT we have tackled this question for the
case of the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
(ASEP), one of the very few models in nonequilibrium physics that can be studied analytically.
Open ASEP coupled to two reservoirs. The asymmetry
factor is q < 1. Boundary rates are arbitrary.
The ASEP is a 1D lattice-gas model in which
particles perform biased random walks and interact
through an exclusion constraint that mimics a hardcore repulsion: two particles cannot occupy the same
site at a given time. This minimal system appears as
a building block in a great variety of phenomena that
involve low-dimensional transport with constraints
(such as the motion of ribosomes along mRNA, surface growth, traffic flow, or combinatorics of Young
In the long time limit, the ASEP reaches a steady
state with a fluctuating macroscopic current. The
structure of the steady state, the average value of
the current and the corresponding phase diagram are
known, thanks to a seminal article of B. Derrida et
al. (1993). Nevertheless, the statistical properties of
the current had remained an outstanding challenge
for the last twenty years.
This major unsolved problem has stimulated
many works during the last 20 years; we finally obtained a complete solution recently.
Our computation proceeded in two steps. First,
we focussed on the periodic case with bulk drive,
and used the Bethe Ansatz to extract the exact expressions of all the cumulants of the current for a
system of arbitrary size. We derived the large deviation function in the continuous, hydrodynamic, limit
and found a breaking of analyticity of this function
[?, t08/236]. This corresponds to a phase transition
in the model, emphasizing again the fact that large
deviations play the role of nonequilibrium potentials.
This transition was expected from the macroscopic
fluctuation theory (MFT) of Jona-Lasinio et al.
In a second step we solved the case of the open
ASEP in contact with two reservoirs (see the figure) [t11/096, t12/118]. Here, because of the open
boundaries, the Bethe Ansatz cannot be applied
for generic values of the parameters. Instead we
used a technique we had developed in a series of
works on exclusion processes with multiple species
[t08/133, t08/213, t09/157, t11/238]. The key idea
was to encode the combinatorial properties of these
models by tensor products of quadratic algebras.
Applying this method to the open ASEP, we calculated the full current statistics in all the phases
of the model. Our results are exact and valid for
arbitrary system sizes and parameter values. In the
limit of large sizes, the asymptotic behavior of the
large deviation function is derived in all regions of
the phase diagram, and we show that this function is
nonanalytic along transition lines. We also find that
the cumulants of degree higher than 2 do not vanish: this is a signature of a non-Gaussian statistics
of the current, another footprint of nonequilibrium.
Our results coincide with the predictions of MFT in
the diffusive limit q → 1. For general values of the
asymmetry parameter q, no such macroscopic formalism is available yet, but our formulae can be used
as benchmarks for algorithms such as the Density
Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) method.
Spin models with asymmetric irreversible dynamics
A new dynamical transition is exhibited by simple spin models with asymmetric irreversible
dynamics. In the stationary state, the response to an external perturbation and the spontaneous
fluctuations are in a constant ratio, which depends continuously on the strength of the asymmetry,
and vanishes beyond a critical value.
Strong violation
Weak violation
Left: Fluctuation-dissipation ratio vs velocity. Right: Critical velocity as a function of temperature. (Ising chain.)
The best introduction to the series of works presented below is the following quotation of Glauber
in his celebrated 1963 article: "The principles
of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics remain in
largest measure unformulated. While this lack persists, it may be useful to have in hand whatever
precise statements can be made about the timedependent hehavior of statistical systems, however
simple they may be. We have attempted, therefore,
to devise a form of the Ising model whose behavior can be followed exactly, in statistical terms, as a
function of time. While certain of the assumptions
underlying the model are to a degree arbitrary, it is
surely one of the simplest ones involving N coupled
particles for which exact time-dependent solutions
can be found".
The model considered by Glauber, a 1D chain
of Ising spins relaxing towards equilibrium, was reversible. The current trend of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is oriented towards the investigation
of models with irreversible dynamics. The sentences
quoted above can be transposed without change to
the cases presented in this highlight.
What is the effect of imposing a spatial asymmetry in the rules of the dynamics of a spin chain,
such that the process becomes irreversible? At long
times, and at a given finite temperature, the system reaches a stationary state. The model is still
solvable; in particular its stationary measure is unchanged: the weight of any configuration is given by
the same Boltzmann-Gibbs factor as in the reversible
case. Furthermore, irreversibility implies the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT),
however the degree of violation depends continu-
ously on the strength of the asymmetry, quantified
by a velocity V . For values of V less than a critical velocity Vc , the FDT is weakly violated, while for
values larger than Vc it is strongly violated: the ratio
X of the response to the time derivative of the correlation decreases continuously from its equilibrium
value, at V = 0, until it vanishes at Vc [t11/098].
(See figure.)
The same questions can be addressed in higher
dimension for Ising spins, or for the spherical model
as defined by Berlin and Kac, where spins are real
variables submitted to a spherical constraint. While
the 2D asymmetric Ising model can only be investigated by numerical means, the dynamics of the
spherical model is solvable in any dimension even
when it is asymmetric. All the phenomenology described above holds for these models, namely the
Gibbsian nature of the stationary state and the dynamical transition from weak to strong violation of
the FDT when varying the magnitude of the asymmetry [t13/035].
Coming back to the Ising chain, we noticed that
any choice of flipping rate, depending on the central
spin and its nearest neighours and invariant under
spin reversal, yields the same stationary measure as
that of the reversible model. In higher dimension,
for Ising models on regular lattices, the situation
is different. In two dimensions, only specific rates
satisfy this condition. In contrast, it is remarkable
to observe that, for the three-dimensional cubic lattice, the only rate functions yielding a Gibbsian stationary measure correspond to reversible dynamics
[t09/309, t13/085].
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Ideal Glass Transitions by Random Pinning
The hallmarks of the glass transition, a very rapid increase of the relaxation time and the freezing
in a low temperature unpredictable amorphous phase, are also the main obstacles to study it.
We propose a way to short-circuit these problems. It allows one to cross the glass transition in
equilibrium and obtain a million years aged glass in a few seconds. This opens the way to an
entire new set of investigations and to crucial tests of the glass transition theories.
Systems generically called "glassy" are central
to several fields from statistical mechanics and soft
matter, to material science and biophysics. They
are characterized by an extremely rugged (free) energy landscape whose global minimum is not known
and whose local minima trap the system during its
dynamical evolution. Super-cooled molecular liquids
(and their glass transition) are a paradigmatic example: their typical time scales increase from picoseconds to hours in a restricted temperature window.
This feature, which is the hallmark of the glass transition, is also the main obstacle to study it because
liquids inevitably fall out of equilibrium before approaching closely the critical point. Moreover, contrary to usual phase transition, the low temperature
phase is unaccessible both in reality and in numerical studies: finding the ideal glass is a daunting
optimization problem. In [t11/282] we proposed a
way to short-circuit these obstacles, cross the phase
transition and sample the ideal glass in equilibrium.
Our starting assumption is that glassy behavior is
due to a competition between gaining configurational entropy, the part of the entropy counting the
(huge) number of amorphous states in which a liquid can freeze, and exploring low-energy and hence
less numerous states. Within this scenario the ideal
glass transition takes place at the temperature below which the system is forced to only explore the
lowest free energy states. Our main idea is that
by pinning particles at random from an equilibrium
configuration one favors some states over the others,
thus decreasing the number of states which are explored during the evolution, exactly as it happens
when lowering the temperature. Eventually, above
a critical pinning fraction fc only one state survives:
the one in which the initial configuration was settled in. Therefore, through pinning one can induce
an ideal glass transition even at rather high temperatures. The crucial difference with respect to standard cooling protocols is that now one can easily
sample the ideal glass in equilibrium: one just has
to pin a large enough fraction of particles (larger
than fc ). In [t11/277, t12/219] we worked out a
complete theory of the random pinning glass transition based on mean-field (static and dynamic) methods and a renormalization group treatment. Our
work provides a new and very promising research
direction in the glass transition field. First, demonstrating that pinning does induce a glass transition
will allow one to show that our main physical assumption about the nature of the glass transition
is basically correct. Second, since one can now approach the glass transition from the liquid but also
from the ideal glass side, thoroughly studying the
nature of the transition becomes feasible by using
the usual studying machinery of phase transitions,
in particular finite size scaling. A first numerical
analysis of random pinning glass transition by Kob
and Berthier confirmed our predictions. The figure
below vividly shows the effect of pinning particles.
Large spheres represent pinned particles, small dots
are the superposition of the position of fluid particles obtained from a large number of independent
equilibrium configurations. Above a certain fraction
of pinned particles, all the other particles just vibrate around amorphous positions, thus unveiling
the thermodynamic nature of the glass transition at
which the fluid freezes in the most favorable amorphous state.
Kob and Berthier’s simulations of a mixture of harmonic spheres, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Pseudo-gap state from quantum criticality
The nature of the pseudo-gap state in high temperature cuprate superconductors remains one
of the most enduring mysteries of condensed matter physics. Despite almost twenty five years
of intense research, no consensus has been reached upon questions as fundamental as the role
of strong coupling fluctuations or the influence of quantum criticality on the phase diagram of
those compounds.
The physics of high temperature superconductors has triggered a huge body of experimental and
theoretical work in the last twenty five years. It
could be said that, during all this time, these compounds have been at the forefront of research in
condensed matter physics, leading to strong experimental progresses in techniques like X-ray scattering, angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) or
scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Conceptually, the main issue has been to decide whether the
physics of these compounds is dominated by the
Coulomb interaction between the electrons (strong
coupling approach), or rather by the quantum fluctuations (weak coupling approach).
A pseudo-gap (PG) state is generated around the antiferromagnetic QCP. This new state of matter is characterized by a dual order parameter, made of a d-wave
superconductor and a checkerboard quadrupolar density
wave, related by SU (2) symmetry. At low temperature,
the curvature of the Fermi surface breaks the SU (2) symmetry and favors the SC state. When the temperature
is raised, thermal fluctuations restore the symmetry and
create the pseudo-gap state.
In [t13/129] we revisit the longstanding issue of a
zero temperature anti-ferromagnetic (AF) transition
in the phase diagram of the cuprates. The Quantum Critical Point (QCP) in 2D has been introduced
shortly after the discovery of the cuprates, in the
work of Pines and Chubukov. Recently it has been
noticed that quantum fluctuations in 2D induce a series of diagrams that were not accounted for in the
standard theory. These diagrams exhibit a planar
structure. In our study we found an analogy with
the theory of Anderson localization in 2D, which
states that bosonic modes (so-called “Cooperons”
and “Diffusons”) emerge out of quantum fluctuations
and can be resummed in series of ladder diagrams;
this situation is similar with the planar diagrams
emerging out of an AF QCP in 2D. Particle-particle
(analogous to “Cooperons”) and particle-hole (analogous to “Diffusons”) ladders can be identified and
resummed. When we linearize around the hot spots,
at the mean-field level, those two modes condense
into a composite order parameter, which has a component in the Cooper channel in the form of d-wave
superconducting (SC) gap, and a component in the
charge channel in the form of a quadrupolar density
wave order parameter (QDW) showing checkerboard
modulations. The two components of this composite
order parameter are connected by SU (2) symmetry.
When the curvature of the Fermi surface is taken
into account, the SU (2) symmetry is broken and
the SC component is favored. Alternatively, when a
magnetic field is is applied, the SC component is disfavored and the QDW order parameter is stabilized.
The mechanism is controlled by a small parameter,
proportional to the angle between the Fermi velocities at two anti-ferromagnetic hot spots. The elegance of our solution resides in the fact that complex
features emerge out of one of the simplest models of
correlated electrons, involving only one QCP.
The experimental progresses in STM and soft Xrays have recently revealed the presence of checkerboard structures, with modulation related with
the positions of the hot spots, in the underdoped
phases of YBCO and BSCCO compounds where the
pseudo-gap is large. Quantum oscillations measurements, as well as sound experiments, confirm the
stabilization of a checkerboard charge ordering under a magnetic field ∼17 T. We expect that our controlled solution will shed light on the longstanding
issue of the role of AF paramagnons in the physics of
cuprates. This work was performed during the visit
of K. Efetov, recipient of a “Chaire Blaise Pascal”.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Entanglement in low-dimensional magnets
Quantum entanglement and related quantum information concepts (fidelity, matrix product state,
tensor networks, entanglement spectrum,. . . ) have become a active field of research in condensed
matter. It aims at a deeper understanding of quantum correlations in strongly interacting systems, and it also lead to progress in the numerical algorithms to simulate quantum many-body
problems. Some of these ideas have lead to new efficient ways to detect and characterize numerically some exotic states of matter, called topological liquids, which cannot be distinguished or
detected using conventional order parameters (quantum Hall fluids, spin liquids,. . . ). The scaling
of entanglement in quantum critical states is also of great conceptual interest.
1 We
case [t10/117], but obtaining this result from conformal field theory remains a challenge. This method
has also been applied to some massive phases with
topological order (of Z2 -type) [t11/215] where the
subleading constant now contains some information
about the type of topological order (so called total
quantum dimension).
Very few exact results have been obtained so far
concerning entanglement in space dimension larger
than one. We have however found a way to efficiently
compute the entanglement entropies of some large
subsystems in a particular class of states in d = 2
[t09/189]. In this class of wave-functions (so-called
Rokhsar-Kivelson), the amplitudes are given by the
Boltzmann weights of an auxiliary two-dimensional
system with short-range interactions .1 Our starting point is the simple but new observation that, for
these wave-functions, the eigenvalues of the reduced
density matrix ρA of the subsystem A (obtained by
tracing over the degrees of freedom located in region
B) are the classical probabilities to observe certain
microscopic configurations at the boundary between
regions A and B. In turn, these probabilities can
be efficiently evaluated using transfer matrix techniques. This new connection between quantum entanglement in d = 2 + 1 dimensions and classical
probabilities along a line in d = 2+0 allows to shortcut two formidable tasks: i) computing ρA by tracing out the degrees of freedom in B, ii) diagonalizing
ρA .
This construction allowed to study the scaling of the entanglement entropy of several wavefunctions describing quantum (zero temperature)
critical points: The entropy has a leading term proportional to the length L of the boundary between
A and B (see Fig.), followed by some universal subleading constant s. This last term deserves some
attention since it contains some universal information about the long-distance physics. For instance,
for critical states with central charge c = 1, we
showed that s is a related to the boson compactification radius R (through s = log(R) − 12 ), and
hence to the correlation exponents. This study also
lead to a new connection between Rényi entropies
and boundary critical phenomena in conformal field
theory [t10/225, t11/215].2
As for other universality classes, we obtained
numerically s with high precision in the Ising
Quatum Ising Chain
Triangular lattice
Square lattice
Left: A two-dimensional system with cylinder geometry is divided into two regions A and B. For RokhsarKivelson wave-functions, the eigenvalues of the reduced
density matrix ρA are the classical probabilities of some
boundary configurations (here Ising spins, in green).
Right: Entanglement entropy of several Ising wavefunctions (square and triangular lattices and for the Ising
chain in transverse field) at the critical point, as a function of L (linear subtracted for clarity). These data show
different (non-universal) area laws coefficients but a common universal subleading constant (0.254392).
Finally, some of these results found some unexpected applications to quantum 1d systems and to
the Shannon entropy of the ground-state in particular [t10/225, t11/102]. We also made some
progress concerning the entanglement of two disjoint
intervals (called mutual information) in gapless spin
chains [t08/187], where we showed that it is scale
invariant and also gives access to the boson compactification radius (Luttinger parameter) in critical chains with central charge c = 1 (an information
which is absent from the conventional single-interval
considered situations where the classical configurations are those of Ising, dimers, or vertex lattice models.
We discovered that the entanglement entropy generically contains a singularity, as a function of the replica index usually
introduced to compute von Neumann entropies.
or the SOTCase is represented in Fig. 1a. The tree shows that the knotted entries
ntries that are highly similar in sequence;
in fact their sequence identity57(compute
Web servers
for biological
he two compared proteins)
is not smaller
than 90%.
The sequence identity across
The homology
of theand
We have
designed four
web servers
use by the biochemical
biological community.
Threeis further con
of these servers are hosted in Saclay, and one at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. They all use
ame CATH family.
theof robustness
of the
of the kno
algorithms On
physical hand,
the problems (in contrast
to more
bioinformatics approaches).
strap algorithm,
a confidence
larger than 99%.
Saclay add an energy penalty for pseudoknots, proportional is a multiple
protein structure alignment algorithm. It aims at
finding the largest common motifs or patterns in
three dimensional protein structures. The physical
idea is to introduce an attractive interaction between
the amino-acids of the various proteins and search
by Monte Carlo for their lowest energy bound state.
The algorithm provides a natural scoring function
which is the binding energy of the proteins. The
distribution of scores is shown to be very close to
a Gumbel law. The input to MISTRAL is a list
of protein structures from the PDB (Protein Data
Bank), and the output is the list of aligned residues,
as well as a display of the aligned proteins with
emphasized aligned segments.
to their genus and look for the minimum free energy
states. The algorithm TT2NE uses exact enumeration of structures, but is limited in size (230 nucleotides) while McGenus uses a Monte Carlo algorithm (simulated tempering) and allows exploration
of larger chains (1000 nucleotides). The input is the
sequence of the RNA structure and the output is
the list of base pairs and the nature of the pseudoknots. It is possible to impose the maximum genus
of the structures, the genus energy penalty and the
number of lowest free energy structures displayed.
Secondary structure of the HDV pseudoknot of genus 2
as predicted by TT2NE
Structural alignment of 6 representatives of the SOTCase homologous proteins
The server AQUASAXS, at the Pasteur Institute, provides tools for computing theoretical SAXS (small
angle X-ray scattering) profiles with atomic models
from e.g. PDB files, using generalizations of the
Poisson-Boltzmann equations to determine the density of ions and water around the studied molecule.
The input is the PDB file of the protein. The output
is the map of water molecules around the protein, as
well as the SAXS profiles. This server is a natural
continuation of our former web server PDB_Hydro
which provides tools for mutating and solvating
The two servers
TT2NE and phylogenetic
McGenus, both
e and homologous
tree and structural alignment core
hosted at are
c tree wasalgorithms
by applying
joining algorithm [38] to the CLUSTAL
to determine
the secondaryastructure
RNAs with pseudoknots. The idea is to properly
s. The branches'
sequence dissimilarity (5% gauge
parametrize length
the base-base
binding free
orithm, indicate the percent robustness of the separation of two bifurcating branc
ted in green. (b) Two orthogonal views of the MISTRAL alignment core of six rep
uA, 2g68A, 2at2A, 1pg5A and 1ortA. These proteins are 313 amino acids long on
RMSD of 1.9Å. The color scheme red white blue follows the N to C sequence
56] software.
Computation of a SAXS profile from a 3d protein structure
nd unknotted entries, the average level of sequence identity is about 20%, with a
tted pairs can have a level of mutual sequence identity even larger than knotted p
% respectively, against 1js1X (knotted) and 1pvvA (unknotted).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Evolution of spatial networks
Complex systems are very often organized under the form of ‘spatial networks’ where nodes and
edges are embedded in space. Transportation and mobility networks, Internet, mobile phone
networks, power grids, social and contact networks, neural networks, are all examples where
space is relevant and where topology alone does not contain all the information. Characterizing
and modeling the structure and the evolution of spatial networks is thus crucial for many different
fields such as engineering, urbanism, neurophysiology, or epidemiology.
An important consequence of space on networks exponent, and eventually saturates. These results
is that there is a cost associated to the length of —difficult to interpret in the framework of fractal
edges, which in turn has dramatic effects on the geometry— can be naturally explained through the
topological structure of these networks. In [t11/027], geometric picture of the core and its branches: the
we thoroughly present the current state of our un- first regime corresponds to a uniform core, while the
derstanding of how the spatial constraints affect the second regime is controlled by the growth of interstructure and properties of these networks. We re- station distances along the branches. The apparview the most recent empirical observations and the ent convergence towards a unique network shape in
most important models of spatial networks, and we the temporal limit suggests the existence of domialso discuss various processes taking place on these nant, universal mechanisms governing the evolution
spatial networks, such as phase transitions, random of these structures.
walks, synchronization, navigation, resilience, and
We also considered the evolution of street netdisease spread.
works, a key element towards the understanding of
If the static structure of these networks is now evolution of cities. We analyzed in Ref. [t12/100]
well understood, it is not the case for their forma- a unique data set regarding almost 200 years of
tion and evolution. In order to model these sys- evolution of the road network in a large area lotems, we need to identify important stylized facts, cated north of Milan (Italy). We find that urbaniand we analyzed empirical data of various systems sation is characterised by the homogenisation of cell
[t10/113, t11/246, t12/100].
shapes, and by the stability throughout time of highcentrality roads which constitute the backbone of
the urban structure, confirming the importance of
historical paths. We show quantitatively that the
growth of the network is governed by two elementary processes: (i) ‘densification’, corresponding to
an increase in the local density of roads around existing urban centres and (ii) ‘exploration’, whereby
Time evolution of the road network analyzed in new roads trigger the spatial evolution of the ur[t12/100].
banisation front. In addition, we recently analyzed
We first studied the temporal evolution of the quantitatively [t13/198] the effect of central planstructure of the world’s largest subway networks ning on the evolution of the street network of Paris
Ref. [t11/246]. Remarkably, all these networks con- in the period 1789-1999.
These various empirical studies suggest the exverge to a shape which shares similar generic feaistence
of general, simple properties of urbanisation
tures, despite their geographic and economic differand
new directions for its modelling and quanences. This limiting shape is made of a core with
In particular, the cost of a link
branches radiating from it. For most of these nethas
on the global structure of
works, the average degree of a node (subway station)
display a hierarchical
within the core has a value ∼ 2.5, and the proportion
between local conof nodes of degree 2 in the core is larger than 60%.
is however not eluAlso, the number of stations lying along branches
a generic
represents about half the total number of stations,
based on
and the average diameter of branches is about twice
It prothe average radial extension of the core. In agreevides
understandment with a simple scaling argument, the number
of branches scales roughly as the square root of the ing of the evolution of spatial networks and their
number of stations. A spatial measure, the num- properties. In particular, this model suggests that
ber of stations at distance ≤ r from the barycen- spatial hierarchy —which we show to be present in
ter, displays a first regime (where it grows ∼ r2 ), real-world networks [t13/184]— is a crucial feature
followed by another regime with a different growth for these systems, and probably possesses an important evolutionary advantage.
A.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.1.1 Human resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.1.2 Scientific production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.1.3 Scientific visibility and attractivity of IPhT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.1.4 Teaching and formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.1.5 Interaction with the socio-cultural environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 Functional organization of the Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.3 Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4 External Fundings and grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.1 European grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.2 Eurotalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.3 Grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.4 Funding structures in the region Ile-de-France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.5 National research networks (outside ANR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4.6 Binational Exchange programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.5 Organization of scientific events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.5.1 Weekly seminars at IPhT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.5.2 Claude Itzykson meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.5.3 Organization of summer schools, workshops and conferences (minus Conférences
Itzykson) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.6 Publications, 1/1/2008–30/06/2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.6.1 Some statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.6.2 Full publication list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.7 PhDs at IPhT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.7.1 Habilitation thesis - Habilitation à diriger des recherches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.7.2 PhD defenses since 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.7.3 Current PhD students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.8 Teaching activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.8.1 IPhT graduate lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.8.2 Teaching in university or “grandes écoles” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.9 Popularizing Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.10 Scientific editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.11 Research administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.12 List of IPhT members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Executive Summary
Laboratory: Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA/DSM/IPhT, CNRS URA 2306
Director: Michel Bauer
Human resources
CEA phys.
CEA oth.
CNRS phys.
CNRS oth.
grad. stud.
During the period 1/1/2008 - 30/6/2013, 8 permanent employees have left our Institute:
2 physicists left to other institutes, 3 physicists retired, 1 physicist left academia, 1 staff is
on parental leave, 1 staff has moved to another position within CEA
We have hired 3 CEA physicists, 1 CEA physicist through internal mutation, 1 CEA
librarian through internal mutation.
5 CNRS physicists arrived: 3 new recruits, 2 through mutations. We have obtained 1
CNRS administrative assistant, who left but has been temporarily replaced.
Scientific production
It is difficult to select 5 "most relevant" results across the last 5-year period, due to the
vast variety of themes covered by our research.
The 22 “highlights" presented below already represent a controversial choice.
Here are the total numbers of publications, according to the ISI Web of Science (these
data only account for published material).
# publications
Most of the publications are articles appearing in peer-reviewed journals.
Apart from our scientific publications, some of our members have contributed to the
elaboration of software packages dedicated to specific scientific computations. These softwards are freely accessible:
– BlackHat: precision computations in gauge theories (D.Kosower)
– TRIQS: computations of interacting quantum systems (O.Parcollet)
– PPPC4DMID: computing Dark Matter signals (M.Cirelli)
– FastJet: jet reconstruction in hard QCD collisions (e.g. at LHC)
– MISTRAL, TT2NE and McGenus: predict the spatial structure of proteins (H.Orland)
Scientific visibility and attractivity of IPhT
1. since 1996, the annual “Conférence Itzykson", dedicated to various themes in theoretical physics, has grown in popularity and visibility.
2. Prizes: J. Hans D. Jensen prize or Heidelberg University to J-P Blaizot (2009). Prix
Ernest Déchelle de l’académie des sciences to O. Parcollet (2009). Silver Medal of
CNRS to H.Saleur (2011). Grand Prix Mergier-Bourdeix de l’académie des sciences
to P.Vanhove (2013).
3. Every year we host about 200 short term visitors, coming from all around the world.
An increasing number of long term visitors come with their own funding.
4. Members of IPhT have received 7 junior grants and 2 senior grants from the European
Research Council.
5. Within the last 5 years we’ve been involved in 13 European training networks, 3 programs funded by the European Science Foundation, 5 "ANR Jeunes Chercheurs(ses)"
projects (3 coordinated at IPhT), 21 "ANR Blanc" projects (12 coordinated at IPhT).
Teaching and formation
1. Each year we propose 4-6 “IPhT graduate courses", taught by our members, long term
visitors or external professors. Each course lasts 6-12h, and the topics change every
year. They are validated by the Ecole Doctorale de Physique.
2. each year we welcome 6-9 new PhD students at IPhT, and 6-15 master students. We
also regularly welcome external PhD students for a few months.
3. 23 permanent members have taught in Bachelors, Masters, or postgraduate courses.
Almost all our permanent members have taught in summer schools. Many organize
summer schools.
Interaction with the socio-cultural environment
1. several articles in popular science journals, interviews to newspapers or science magazines
2. scientific radio programs
3. popular science conferences
4. talks in High schools
5. edition of Scholarpedia
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Functional organization of the Institute
Michel BAUER
Director of the Institut de Physique
Deputy director
(administration, budget, security)
Deputy director
(scientific matters, relations with graduate schools,
students, activity report)
« Mathematical Physics» group:
Bertrand Eynard
« Particules and Astrophysics » group :
Stéphane Lavignac
« Statistical Physics and Condensed
Matter » group:
Olivier Parcollet
Representative in the «conseil d’unité» : Mariana Graña
Chef d’exploitation : Anne Capdepon
Security of IT systems: Anne Capdepon
Communication : Marc Barthelemy
Formation : Sylvie Zaffanella
IPhT does not have a “Règlement intérieur” of its own. We apply the working rules of
the Saclay research center.
Jean-Paul Blaizot
J. Hans D. Jensen prize awarded by the Ruprecht-Karls University (Heidelberg). February
Claude Godrèche
Chevalier des palmes académiques. September 2009.
Olivier Parcollet
Prix Ernest Déchelle awarded by the Academy of Sciences. November 2009.
Matt Luzum
2011 Dissertation in Nuclear Physics Award for his PhD thesis, awarded by the American
Physical Society. November 2010.
Jean Zinn-Justin
Elected Member of Academy of Science. March 2011.
Hubert Saleur
Silver medal of CNRS. May 2011.
Pierre Vanhove
Grand Prix Mergier-Bourdeix awarded by the French Academy of Sciences. June 2013.
Roger Balian
Honorary Medal “De scientia et humanitate optime meritis” awarded by the Czech Academy
of Sciences. September 2013
David Kosower
J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics awarded by the American Physical
Society. September 2013
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
External Fundings and grants
Apart from direct funding from CEA, we have benefitted from numerous external funding, either from
French sources or European sources.
European grants
Individual grants from the European Research Council
G. Servant
ERC Starting Grant
D. Kosower
ERC Advanced Grant
I. Bena
ERC Starting Grant
M. Graña
ERC Starting Grant
J.-P. Blaizot
ERC Advanced Grant
G. Biroli
ERC Starting Grant
O. Parcollet
ERC Starting Grant
M. Cirelli
ERC Starting Grant
C. Bena
ERC Starting Grant
(managed by Paris 11)
Individual Marie-Curie Fellowships (FP6, FP7)
C. Bena
C. Marquet
I. Bena
M. Frigerio
J. Lopez
E. Sefusatti
Fellowship, FP6
Fellowship, FP6
International Reinte
-gration Grant, FP6
European Individual
Fellowships, FP7
Fellowship, FP7
Fellowship, FP7
Outgoing Fellowship,
Incoming Fellowship
TSINANO : Transport in Strongly
Interacting Nanosystems
Study of newly-discovered matter in
very energetic collisions of hadrons or
heavy ions
String Theory, QCD and Black Holes
neutrino mass phenomenology to the
particle physics theory beyond the
Standard Model and related signatures
in cosmology and colliders
HICLHC : Heavy Ion Collisions at the
LHC : Strong coupling techniques for
high density QCD
AGILE : Perturbative Approaches to
Gravitational Instability and Lensing
in Cosmology
European Networks
The Marie Curie exchange programmes include the Research Training Networks (RTN), the International Research Staff Exchange Schemes (IRSES) and the the Initial Training Networks (ITN). The ICT
Programme of the FP7 is dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies. We also include
programs of the European Science Foundation (ESF).
Local Contact
C. Savoy
P. Vanhove
F. David
H. Saleur
P. Brax
C. Caprini
M. Cirelli
C. Savoy
F. Vernizzi
J.-M. Normand
B. Duplantier
QUEST : The Quest
For Unification:
Theory Confronts
ForcesUniverse :
Fundamental Forces
and Symmetries of the
ENRAGE : European
Network on Random
Statistical and Field
Theory Approaches to
Nanophysics and Low
Dimensional Systems
UniverseNet : The
origin of our universe:
Seeking links between
fundamental physics
and cosmology
PRACE : Partnership
for Advanced
Computing in Europe
Trends and
Applications of the
Casimir Effect
Coord. : I. Antoniadis (Ecole
12 part.
Coord. : Dieter Luest (LMU Munich)
25 part.
Coord. : R. Loll, Utrecht University
12 part.
Coord. G. Mussard (SISSA, Trieste)
Coord. : Subir Sarkar (Oxford)
13 part.
20 countries
Coord. : A. Lambrecht, LKB
C. Savoy
UNILHC : Unification
in the LHC era
Coord. : I. Antoniadis (Ecole
12 part.
I. Bena
G. Korchemsky
D. Kosower
I. Kostov
R. Peschanski
D. Serban
Holographic methods
in strongly coupled
Coord. N.Evans (Southampton)
Coord. : German Rodrigo (Valencia)
Coord : M. S. Costa (Porto)
6 part.
Coord. B. Gavela (Madrid)
11 part.
R. Britto
D. Kosower
G. Soyez
I. Kostov
S. Lavignac
LHCPhenoNet :
Advanced Particle
Phenomenology in the
LHC era
UNIFY : Unification
of Fundamental Forces
and Applications
ITN Invisibles
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
M. Barthelemy
Coord. IFISC (Spain)
M. Barthelemy
ICT Plexmath
Coord. A.Arenas (Tarragona)
D. Serban
Theory as an Integral
Coord. V.Schomerus (Hamburg)
12 part.
Eurotalents, a program of the EU (FP7), partially funding Postdocs in certain domains of science.
We used this program to upgrade the salaries of 4 postdocs:
G. Zaharijas (2010-2011), J.-M. No (2010-2011), T.S. Ray (2011-2012), Z. Huang (2011-2013).
Grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The ANR mostly funds collaborative projects inside France. At IPhT we mostly benefitted from nonthematic grants ("ANR Blanc"), as well as "young researcher grants" (Jeunes Chercheurs-Jeunes chercheuses).
The "Chaire d’excellence" grants are individual grants welcoming exceptional young recruits.
ANR Chaire d’excellence
Acronym : Topic
R. Britto
HSPQCD : Hard Scattering in Precision QCD
F. Vernizzi
G. Soyez
CMBSecond : Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
at Second Order
Jets4LHC : Developing new jet algorithms Optimising their
parameters for LHC physics
ANR Jeune chercheurs-jeune chercheuse (Young researchers)
Local contact
S. Nonnenmacher
S. Lavignac
G. Servant
I. Bena
S. Nonnenmacher
J. Bouttier
L. Zdeborova
G. Misguich
Acronym : Topic
RESOCHAOQUAN : Résonances et
décohérence en chaos quantique
NEUPAC : Propriétés non standard
des neutrinos et leur impact en
astrophysique et en cosmologie
DARKPHYS : Matière noire et
énergie noire : un défi pour la
physique des particules
String-QCD-BH : String Theory,
QCD and Black Holes
METHCHAOS : Méthodes spectrales
en chaos classique et quantique
CARTAPLUS : Combinatoire des
cartes et applications
ASPICS : Application de la physique
statistique à l’Inférence en
Acquisition comprimée
LNAQM : Approche de grand-N pour
les systèmes antiferromagnétiques
S. Nonnenmacher
C. Volpe
(IPN, Orsay)
G. Servant
C. Guillarmou
(ENS, Paris)
G.Chapuy (Paris
F. Krzakala
G. Misguich
I. Bena
Nonthematic ANR grants (“ANR Blanc” ’)
Local contact
C. Savoy
T. Garel
C. Monthus
D. Kosower
H. Saleur
R. Minasian
C. Pépin
M. Bauer
E. Iancu
F. Bernardeau
G. Biroli
G. Biroli
J.-Y. Ollitrault
B. Eynard
S. Lavignac
H. Saleur
G. Korchemsky
F. Gélis
R. Minasian
F. Bernardeau
Acronym : Topic
Phys@col&cos : Physique au-delà du
modèle standard : implications pour les
collisionneurs et la cosmologie
POLINTBIO : Polymères, Interfaces et
Systèmes Désordonnés : entre
Mathématiques, Physique et Biologie
A. Djouadi
(Paris 11)
G. Giacomin
(Math Paris 7)
QCD@LHC : QCD, torseurs et le LHC
D. Kosower
H. Saleur
INT-AdS/CFT : Structures intégrables
et la conjecture AdS/CFT : chaînes de
spin et modèles sigma non-linéaires
BHTSV : Structure of vacuum,
topological strings and black holes
ECCE : Extreme conditions correlated
SLE : Outils probabilistes et invariance
conforme en théorie des champs : SLE
et autres processus de croissance
De RHIC à LHC : Interactions fortes
dans le régime de haute énergie : de
NLDyn : Dynamique gravitationnelle
non linéaire en cosmologie
DynHet : Quantative characterisation
of dynamic heterogeneities in glassy
materials : models, simulations and new
FAMOUS : Far from equilibrium
phenomena in quantum systems
hadron@LHC : Hadron phenomenology
in proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus
collisions at the LHC
GranMA : Large Random Matrices
TH-EXP@TEV : Confronting theory
with experiments at the Terascale
DIME : Disorder, interactions,
transport in low dimensions : exact
methods and results
StongInt : Dynamique à fort couplage
et intégrabilité en théories de jauge
CGC@LHC : Interactions multiples et
production de particules au LHC
FSCF : Fluctuations in Structured
Coulomb Fluids
QST : Propriétés quantiques
fondamentales des théories
COSMO@NLO : Les grandes structures
de l’univers au-delà le l’ordre linéaire
D. Braithwaite
(CEA Grenoble)
D. Bernard
(ENS Paris)
E. Iancu
F. Bernardeau
F. Ladieu
L. Cugliandolo
J.-Y. Ollitrault
R. Minasian
A. Guionnet
(ENS Lyon)
S. Lavignac
H. Saleur
E. Sokatchev
R. Blossey
R. Minasian
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
ANR “Systèmes complexes et modélisation mathématique"
Local contact
Acronym : Topic
Dyxi : Dynamiques Citadines
Collectives : Hétérogénéités Spatiales et
M. Barthélémy
J.-P. Nadal
Funding structures in the region Ile-de-France
Chaire Blaise Pascal
In 2012-2013 we hosted Konstantin Efetov, who was awarded a Chaire internationale de recherche Blaise
Pascal funded by the Région Ile-de-France.
RTRA - Triangle de la Physique
RTRA stands for "Réseau thématique de recherche avancée". The RTRA -Triangle de la Physique is a
collaborative structure on the Plateau de Saclay which started in 2007 and is now part of the IDEX (Initiative d’Excellence") Paris-Saclay. It provides grants for postdocs, summer schools or long term visitors.
G. Biroli
A. Lefèvre
H. Orland
V. Pasquier
D. Serban
D. Serban
V. Pasquier
D. Serban
C. Godrèche
L. Zdeborova
G. Biroli
L. Zdeborova
G. Biroli
Beg-Rohu summer school
Invitation D. Andelman
Les Houches summer school
15th Itzykson Meeting "New Trends In Quantum Integrability"
“Ecole de travail sur les méthodes exactes en physique", Les Houches
16th Itzkykson Meeting "Extremes and Records"
starting/installation grant, DySpaN "Dynamics on sparse networks"
Beg-Rohu summer school
Tasc: Postdoc F.Caltagirone
Beg-Rohu summer school
A LaBex ("Laboratoire d’Excellence") is a large collaborative structure, centered thematically and geographically. IPhT is affiliated to 3 Labex: PALM (Physique: Atomes, Lumère, Matière"), P2IO (Physique
des 2 Infinis et des Origines), Hadamard (mathematics).
L. Zdeborova
Tasc: Postdoc F.Caltagirone (2d year)
Gravitational Waves as a New Probe
of the Dark Side of the Universe
2-year postdoc
National research networks (outside ANR)
P2I stands for "Groupement d’intérêt scientifique Physique des 2 Infinis".
GDR stands for "Groupement de recherche" of CNRS.
PNCG stands for "Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies" of CNRS.
GRAM stands for "Gravitation, Références, Astronomie, Métrologie" of CNRS.
PEPS stands for "Projets Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaire" of CNRS.
Matière Noire et Nouvelle
Physique: une attaque sur
plusieurs fronts
Des micro interactions
élémentaires aux macro
structures cosmiques et retour
Calculs de précision pour grands
relevés cosmologiques
Progress on Old and New
Themes in Cosmology
(conference PONT Avignon
Progress on Old and New
Themes in Cosmology
(conference PONT Avignon
F. Bernardeau
M. Cirelli
F. Bernardeau
M. Cirelli
P. Brax
S.De Bièvre
(coord., Lille)
S. Nonnenmacher
Alain Joye
Alain Joye (coord.,
S. Nonnenmacher
F. Hérau (Nantes)
P. Serpico (coord.
M. Cirelli
F. Iocco
G. Servant
G. Zaharijas
Quantum Dynamics
Quantum Dynamics
Decaying Dark Matter, matière
noire asymétrique et effet de
l’annihilation de matière noire
sur la formation de galaxies
SLE & Quantum Gravity
B. Duplantier
ASPIT: Applying Statistical
Physics to Information Theory,
Signal Processing and Machine
L. Zdeborova
Binational Exchange programs
Binational programs funded by the CNRS
PICS stands for "Projet International de Coopération Scientifique".
GDRI stands for "Groupe de recherche international".
Fluctuations et longueur de
corrélation dynamiques dans les
systemes vitreux
C. Grojean
G. Biroli
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Aspects of String Theory with
Systemes intégrables discrets,
algébres d’amas et positivité
Symétries cachées des
amplitudes de diffusion dans les
théories de Yang-Mills
I. Bena
M. Graña
M. Petrini
P. Di Francesco
G. Korchemsky
French-Russian network in
Theoretical and Mathematical
Académie des
Fluctuations et hydrodynamique
dans les collisions d’ions lourds
I. Kostov
J.-M. Maillet
V. Terras
J-Y Ollitrault
Partenariats Hubert Curien
PHC stands for "Partenariats Hubert Curien", they are binational exchange programs co-funded by the
French Ministry of foreign affairs.
PHC Rila
Géométrie aléatoire, gravité
quantique et théories conformes
PHC Polonium
QGP and Strings
PHC Pessoa
The Early Universe and Dark
PHC Amadeus
Du RHIC au LHC sur une
PHC Proteus
PHC Sakura
Physics from the grand
unification scale to LHC
Precision calculations for
cosmological large-scale
structure observations
Institut de
nucléaire et
de l’énergie
Université de
University of
I. Kostov
R. Peschanski
P. Brax
E. Iancu
S. Lavignac
University of
F. Bernardeau
Other exchange programs
These binational exchange programs are (co-)sponsored by the French ministry of foreign affairs.
ECO-NET stands for "Programmes de collaboration avec l’Europe de l’est et l’ex-URSS".
COFECUB stands for "Comité Français d’Evaluation de la Coopération Universitaire et Scientifique avec
le Brésil".
CEFIPRA stands for Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research.
Intégrales de Feynman à deux
boucles et au-delà
Inst. Nucl.
Moscow State
Inst. Phys.,
Univ. Silesia,
D. Kosower
La frontière des hautes énergies:
exploration des nouveaux
modèles de la physique des
particules au collisionneur LHC
du CERN et aux expériences
avec des neutrinos
C. Savoy
Generalizing Geometry in String
Theory : its phenomenological
M. Graña
R. Minasian
M. Petrini
J.-Y. Ollitrault
E. Iancu
C. Pépin
Hidden structures of gauge and
quantum gravity amplitudes
Institut Niels
P. Vanhove
Echange France MIT
Perturbative amplitudes in
gauge theory and quantum
D. Kosower P. Vanhove
Echange France MIT
The Mathematics of Liouville
Quantum Gravity
Seed Fund
B. Duplantier
Extreme QCD in the LHC era
J.-Y. Ollitrault
scientifique et
Les premiers instants d’une
collision d’ions lourds
Théories effectives et techniques
non-perturbatives pour des
systèmes de quarks et de gluons
The mystery of the hidden order
in URu2Si2
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Organization of scientific events
Weekly seminars at IPhT
Mathematical Physics
Statistical Physics
Colloquium (every 2 weeks)
Particle Physics and Cosmology
PhD seminar
IPhT lectures
Matrices, Strings & Random Geometries
Usually, seminars take place in the IPhT seminar room (Claude Itzykson room), which can contain up
to 50 persons. For larger events, we can use in the same building an amphitheater for 140 persons (Amphi
Claude Bloch).
Claude Itzykson meetings
The Claude Itzykson meetings are the main scientific events at IPhT. Created to honour the memory of
Claude Itzykson, they have become a tradition. Every year in June, scientists from all over the world
(mainly but not only physicists) meet for a few days to cover the main recent advances on a targeted
theme. Two important features are the insistence on pedagogical seminars and the opportunity given to
young researchers as well as established experts to give a talk.
Puzzles of Growth
13th Claude Itzykson Meeting, June 9–11, 2008
Org: M. Bauer, D. Bernard (LPTENS), Z. Burda (Univ. Jagiellonski, Krakow), F. David, A. Lefèvre.
Recent Advances in String Theory
14th Claude Itzykson Meeting, June 17–19, 2009
Org: I. Bena, M. Graña, R. Minasian, P. Vanhove.
New Trends In Quantum Integrability
15th Claude Itzykson Meeting, June 21–23, 2010
Org: D. Lebedev (ITEP Moscow), V. Pasquier, R. Santachiara (LPTMS Orsay), D. Serban.
Extremes and Records
16th Claude Itzykson Meeting, June 14–17, 2011
Org: C. Godrèche, S. N. Majumdar (LPTMS) and G. Schehr (LPTMS).
Heart of Darkness: Dark energy and modified gravity
17th Claude Itzykson Meeting, June 18–20, 2012
Org: Philippe Brax, Chiara Caprini, Lam Hui (Columbia) and Filippo Vernizzi.
Frontiers of String Theory
18th Claude Itzykson Meeting, July 1–3, 2013
Org: Iosif Bena, Mariana Graña, Ruben Minasian, Pierre Vanhove.
Organization of summer schools, workshops and conferences (minus
Conférences Itzykson)
Recurrent Events
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Mathematical aspects of quantum chaos, Montreal;
Jun 2–7, 2008.
Lavignac Stéphane
École de Gif, (French summer school on particle Biroli Giulio, Lefèvre Alexandre
physics); since 2001.
Manifolds in random media, random matrices and
extreme value statistics, summer school, Beg Rohu;
Luck Jean-Marc
Rencontres de physique statistique, Paris; every Jun 16–28, 2008.
Vanhove Pierre
Theory and particle physics: the LHC perspective
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Spectral problems in mathematical physics, and beyond, summer school, Cargèse; Jun 16–28,
(monthly seminar at IHP), Paris; since 2006.
Duplantier Bertrand, Pasquier Vincent
Séminaire Poincaré, bi-annual, IHP, Paris; since
Kosower David, Vanhove Pierre
Wonders of gauge theory and supergravity, Paris
and Saclay; Jun 23–28, 2008.
Korchemsky Gregory
International School of Theoretical Physics, Parma;
Pasquier Vincent, Serban Didina
Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics
and quantum computing, Les Houches; Jun 30 – Aug
1, 2008.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Seminaire Itzykson de physique mathématique, Parcollet Olivier
IHES; 3 times/yr since Nov 2012.
Frontiers in strongly correlated systems, Aspen; Jul
27 – Sep 7, 2008.
2008 Events
Sauboy Laure
Forum de la théorie, Saclay; Feb 7–8, 2008.
Biroli Giulio
Robi, Dynamical heterogeneities in glasses, colloids and
granular media, Leiden; Aug 25 – Sep 5, 2008.
Lavignac Stéphane
NNN08 Next generation nucleon decay and neutrino
Monthus Cécile
Disorder and localization phenomena, from theory detectors, Paris; Sep 11–13, 2008.
to applications, Paris; Mar 17–19, 2008.
Billoire Alain, Bouttier Jérémie, ZafGélis François, Iancu Edmond, Olli- fanella Sylvie
Colloque IPhT, Batz-sur-mer; 15–17 Oct 2010.
trault Jean-Yves
Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high
Parcollet Olivier
density, school, Les Houches; Mar 25 – Apr 4, 2008.
Quantum coherence and many-body correlations:
Brax Philippe, Cirelli Marco, Servant from mesoscopic to macroscopic scales, Saclay; Oct
22–23, 2008.
Progress on old and new themes in cosmology
Cirelli Marco, Grojean Christophe
(PONT), Avignon; Apr 21-25, 2008.
Physics of electroweak symmetry breaking and the
Di Francesco Philippe, Duplantier LHC, workshop, Saclay; Oct 27–29, 2008; Mar 2–3,
Statistical-mechanics and quantum-field theory
methods in combinatorial enumeration, Cambridge,
2009 Events
UK; Apr 21–25, 2008.
Bena Iosif
Gravitational scattering, black holes and the information paradox, workshop, Paris; May 26–28, 2008.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Resonances in physics and mathematics, Marseille;
Jan 19–23, 2009.
Bauer Michel, David François, Lefèvre
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
On growth and shapes, Enrage topical school, Paris; Quantum chaos, winter school, Bordeaux; Jan 26–
Jun 2–6, 2008.
30, 2009.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Blaizot Jean-Paul
Vanhove Pierre
Phases of strongly interacting matter, school, Orsay; String theory: formal developments and applicaMar 9–13, 2009.
tions, summer school Cargèse; Jun 21 – Jul 3, 2010.
Gélis François, Iancu Edmond, Olli- Iancu Edmond, Peschanski Robi
trault Jean-Yves
Low X meeting, Kavala, Greece; Jun 23–27, 2010.
Quantum field theory in extreme environments,
Grana Mariana
Saclay; Apr 23–25, 2009.
String phenomenology, Paris; Jul 5–9, 2010.
Cirelli Marco
TANGO in PARIS: Testing astroparticle with the Bernardeau Francis, Vernizzi Filippo
new GeV/TeV observations: positrons and electrons, Xème école de cosmologie, Cargèse; Jul 5–10, 2010.
identifying the sources, Paris; May 4–6, 2009.
Cirelli Marco, Zaharijas Gabrijela
Biroli Giulio, Lefèvre Alexandre
TeV particle astrophysics, Paris; Jul 19–23, 2010.
Quantum physics out of equilibrium, summer school,
Orland Henri, Francesco Philippe Di
Beg-Rohu; Jun 15–27, 2009.
Statphys24, Cairns, Australia; Jul 19–23, 2010.
Pépin Catherine
Emergent quantum phenomena from the nano to the Grojean Christophe, Servant Géraldine
macro world, Cargèse; Jul 6–19, 2009.
Physics at TeV colliders - from Tevatron to LHC,
Cargèse; Jul 19–31, 2010.
Pépin Catherine
Correlated behavior and quantum criticality in Cirelli Marco
heavy fermion and related systems, Aspen; Aug 9 ICHEP – International conference on high energy
– Sep 13, 2009.
physics, Paris; Jul 22–28, 2010.
Bouttier Jérémie
Bena Iosif
Statistical physics, combinatorics and probability:
ICHEP Track 12 – Beyond quantum field theory apfrom discrete to continuous models, trimester at
proaches (including string theories), Paris; Jul 22–
IHP, Paris; Sep 7 – Dec 18, 2009.
28, 2010.
Kostov Ivan, Serban Didina
Facets of integrability, Saclay and Paris; Nov 5–7, Biroli Giulio, Lefèvre Alexandre
Concepts and methods of statistical mechanics, sum2009.
mer school, Beg Rohu; Aug 23 – Sep 4, 2010.
2010 Events
Misguich Grégoire
Novel physics on the kagome network, Orsay; Jan
18–20, 2010.
Minasian Ruben
Advances in string theory, wall crossing, and quaternion Kähler geometry, IHP, Paris; 30 Aug–3 Sept.
Cirelli Marco
Cosmic rays for particle and astroparticle physics
(ICATPP), Como, Italy; Oct 7–8, 2010.
Pasquier Vincent, Serban Didina
Physics in the plane: From condensed matter to
string theory, Les Houches; Feb 28 – Mar 5, 2010.
Gélis François, Misguich Grégoire, Zaffanella Sylvie
Orland Henri, Vanhove Pierre
Colloque IPhT, Batz-sur-mer; 13–15 Oct 2010.
Rencontres IHÉS-IPhT, IHÉS; Mar 18, 2010.
Stéphane, Cirelli Marco
ECFA study of physics and detectors for a linear
Sauboy Laure
collider, Geneva; Oct, 2010.
GDR Terascale, Saclay; Mar 29–31, 2010.
Goi Enrico, Orsi Francesco
Grojean Christophe, Servant Géraldine
Planck 2010: from the Planck scale to the elec- Strings, cosmology and gravity student conference
(SCGSC), Paris; Nov 3–5, 2010.
troweak scale, CERN; May 31 – Jun 4, 2010.
Bernardeau Francis, Sefusatti Emiliano, Cirelli Marco
Vernizzi Filippo
Dark matter all around, Paris; Dec 13-17, 2010.
The almost gaussian universe: a workshop on
the observable effects of primordial non-gaussianity,
Saclay; Jun 9–11, 2010.
2011 Events
Iancu Edmond
Excited QCD 2011, Les Houches; Feb 20–25, 2011.
Bernardeau Francis
Worskhop “PTChat", IPhT; 20–22 Sep 2011.
Graña Mariana
Gélis François
Winter Workshop on Recent QCD Advances at the Workshop “Hierarchies and Symmetries", Univ.
Paris 6; Sept 2011.
LHC, Les Houches; 13–18 Feb 2011.
Brax Philippe, Caprini Chiara, Cirelli
Marco, Servant Géraldine
Progress on old and new themes in cosmology
(PONT), Avignon; 18–22 Apr 2011.
Pépin Catherine
Quantum criticality, Natal, Brésil; May 2011.
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
Quark Matter 2011, Annecy; 22–28 May 2011.
Eynard Bertrand
Conference GranMa, IHP, Paris; 3–6 Oct 2011.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Work study “Quantum Ergodicity", Oberwolfach,
Allemagne; 10–14 Oct 2011.
Bena Iosif, Graña Mariana
Workshop “The supersymmetric, the extremal and
the ugly - solutions in string theory", IPhT; 15 Nov
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Spectral gap in dynamical systems, number theory Biroli Giulio, Lenka Zdeborova
and PDEs, Peyresq, France; 30 May – 3 Jun 2011. Unifying concepts in glass physics V, IHP, Paris; 12–
16 Dec 2011.
Soyez Gregory
Workshop “Physics at TeV colliders", Les Houches; Gélis François
"Workshop on Thermalization in heavy ion colli30 May – 17 Jun 2011.
sions", Heidelberg; Dec 2011.
Peschanski Robi
Low X meeting, Univ. Santiago de Compostela,
2012 Events
Spain; 3–7 Jun 2011.
Cirelli Marco
Workshop on the Interconnections between Particle
Physics and Cosmology, CERN, Geneva; Jun 2011.
Lenka Zdeborova
Workshop Bridging statistical physics and optimization, inference and Learning, Les Houches; 19–24
Feb 2012.
Serban Didina
Double affine Hecke algebras, the Langlands pro- Biroli Giulio
gram, super Yang-Mills theories and AdS-CFT cor- Rejuvenating concepts in glass physic, IHP, Paris;
respondence, Cargèse; 20 Jun – 16 Jul 2011.
March 2012.
Serban Didina
Di Francesco Philippe
Hecke algebras, the Langlands Program and connec- Workshop “Statistical Mechanics and Conformal Intions to physics, Cargèse; 4–15 July 2011.
variance", MSRI, Berkeley; March 2012.
David François
Gélis François
Congrès de la SFP 2011, Bordeaux; 4–8 July 2011. Quarks in Nuclear Physics 2012, Ecole Polytechnique; Apr 2012.
Cirelli Marco
Dark Matter Undeground and in the Heavens, Eynard Bertrand
CERN, Geneva; July 2011.
Integrable systems and random matrices, IHP Paris;
21-23 May 2012.
Gélis François
Workshop "Standard and novel QCD phenomena at Biroli Giulio
hadron colliders", ECT*, Trento; Jun 2011.
Glass and Jamming Transitions, Beg Rohu Summer
School; May 28 – Jun 8, 2012.
Biroli Giulio
Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Beg Rohu
Summer School; Jul 19–31, 2011.
Soyez Gregory
Workshop “Physics at TeV colliders", Les Houches;
3–21 Jun 2013.
Bena Iosif
Workshop "Holography and Singularities in String Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Theory and Quantum Gravity", Aspen Center for Work study "Chaotic waves", Peyresq; 11–15 Jun
Physics; 24 July – 21 August 2011.
Saleur Hubert
Semester ‘Advanced Conformal Field Theory’, IHP,
Paris; Fall 2011.
Di Francesco Philippe
Conf. “Conformal Invariance, Discrete Holomorphicity and Integrability", Helsinki; June 2012.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Vanhove Pierre
Gauge theory and String theory, Cargese; Jun 2012.
Bernardeau Francis, Valageas Patrick
Workshop “PTChat", Cargèse; 30 Apr–3 May 2013.
Soyez Gregory
Jet workshop, UPMC, Paris; 1–4 July 2013.
Serban Didina
Sakura in Saclay: Integrability in Gauge Theory,
IPhT; 29–31 May 2013.
Korchemsky Gregory
Workshop "Scattering Amplitudes: from QCD to Bauer Michel, Mallick Kirone
maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and Statistical Mechanics and its Applications to Biolback", ECT*, Trento; 16–20 July 2012.
ogy and Soft Matter, IPhT; May 22-23, 2013.
Lavignac Stéphane
Iancu Edmond
Conf. “Higgs hunting 2012", LAL, Orsay; 18–20 July
Standard and novel QCD phenomena, ECT*,
Trento; 30 May–2 Jun 2013.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Quantum Chaos Summer School, ESI Vienna; 30 Lenka Zdeborova
Czech Workshop on Complex Systems, Prague; June
July–3Aug 2012.
3–4, 2013.
Parcollet Olivier, Saleur Hubert
Summer school, “Strongly interacting quantum sys- Biroli Giulio
tems out of equilibrium", Les Houches; Aug 2012., Disordered Systems, Beg Rohu Summer School; 3–
15 Jun 2013.
syst quant fort correles hors eq.
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
Iancu Edmond
Quark Matter 2012, Washington, USA; 13–18 Aug High energy, high density and hot QCD June 17-21,
2013, ECT*, Trento; 17–21June 2013.
Lenka Zdeborova
Summer program "Disorder, Algorithms and Complexity", Aspen, USA; 19 Aug – 9 Sep 2012.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Conf "Quantum chaos, resonances and semi-classical
measures", Roscoff; 17–12 Jun 2013.
Korchemsky Gregory
Bouttier Jérémie
Conf. “Integrability in Gauge and String Theory", Journées “cartes", IPhT; 20–21 June 2013.
ETH Zurich; 20–24 Aug 2012.
Gélis François
Bena Iosif
Workshop "h3QCD (high energy, high density and
The 42’nd Paris Summer Institute, ENS Paris; 20–
hot QCD)", ECT*; Jun 2013.
31 Aug 2012.
Pépin Catherine, , François David Zaf- David François
Congrès de la SFP 2013, Marseille; 1–5 July 2013.
fanella Sylvie
Colloque IPhT, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue; 15–17 Oct Bernardeau Francis
Post-Planck cosmology, Les Houches; July 2013.
Bernardeau Francis
Lavignac Stéphane
Rencontres de Moriond de cosmologie, Moriond; Conf. “Higgs hunting 2013", Orsay; 25–27 July 2012.
Bernardeau Francis
Vanhove Pierre, Korchemsky Gregory
Trimestre “Gravasco", IHP, Paris; Fall 2013.
Conf. "Amplitudes and periods", IHES; Dec 2012.
Misguich Grégoire
Cirelli Marco
TeV Particle Astrophysics Conference, Mumbai, In- Summer School "Quantum spin liquids: from theory to numerical simulations", SISSA, Trieste; 9–20
dia; Dec 2012.
Sept 2013.
2013 Events
David François
Quantum gravity in Paris, LPT Orsay; 18–22 March
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
Ecole Joliot-Curie 2013, Fréjus; 29 Sep–4 Oct 2013.
Lenka Zdeborova
Autumn school, "Statistical physics, Optimization,
Inference and Message-Passing algorithms", Les
Houches; Sep 30 – Oct 11, 2013.
Barthelemy Marc,
Peschanski Robi
Forum de la théorie, IPhT; 3–4 Apr 2013.
Britto Ruth
Conf. "Amplitudes 2013", Tegernsee, Allemagne; 28
Apr –03 May 2013.
Kostov Ivan
4th conf. honor A.Zamolodchikov, “CFT and Integrability", Seoul; 16–20 Dec 2013.
Publications, 1/1/2008–30/06/2013
Some statistics
The data in the following table have been compiled by the CEA central library, using the ISI Web of
Science database. They include published material submitted to the peer-review process: articles, letters,
reviews, comments, proceedings published in peer-reviewed journals. They exclude books, proceedings
published in books or series.
“Expected IF" means that each article is weighted by the current impact factor of the journal.
The top n% corresponds to the best cited articles in physics, for the corresponding year.
We also give the percentage of our publications in collaboration with foreign, resp. European colleagues.
# publications
Expected IF
aver. citation #
% articles in top 10%
% articles in top 1%
% collaborations world
% collaborations EU
2013 (30 Jun)
1100 (total)
4.01 (av.)
31 (av.)
4 (av.)
Table 20: Quantitative data on our publications (after ISI Web of Science)
The above statistics does not differentiate between peer-reviewed articles and proceedings.
Below we present the statistics of our own database. The figures do not match the above table,
because we count our publications according to the year they are registered in our database, which mostly
happens several months (or years) before they are published. Our database allows to differentiates between
preprints, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, books, theses.
Year of registration
published articles
books, book chapters
lecture notes
2013 (30 Jun)
Table 21: Our publication database (on 30 June 2013)
In the following table we provide the list of journals where we have published most during the period
J. High Energy Physics
Phys. Rev. D
J. of Stat. Mech.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
J. Phys. A-Math. Gen.
Phys. Rev. B
J. Cosm. Astropart. Phys.
Nucl. Phys. B
Nucl. Phys. A
Phys.Lett. B
Phys.Rev. E
Phys. Rev. C
# art.
J. Phys.G-Nucl. Part. Phys.
Eur. Phys. J. C
Nucl. Phys. B-Proc. Suppl.
Acta Phys. Polon. B
J. Stat. Phys.
Astron. & Astrop.
Class. Quant. Grav.
Commun. Math.Phys.
J. Chem. Phys.
Lett. Math. Phys.
Eur. Phys.J. B
# art.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Some distinguished articles
Quantum Gravity and the KPZ formula [after Duplantier-Sheffield] by C. Garban appeared in Séminaire
Bourbaki in March 2012, describing the results of [t08/047].
[t11/096] by A.Lazarescu and K.Mallick was awarded the Best J. Phys. A Paper Prize 2012. [t12/118]
by the same authors was in the Editor’s choice, and deserved a Viewpoint in Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012
[t11/148] and [t12/013] by G.Borot, J.Bouttier and E.Guitter made it to the section IOP Select for
J.Phys A.
[t13/129] by K.Efetov, H.Meier and C.Pépin was on focus in Nature Phys. online, 2013.
[t11/054] by J.Dubail, J.Jacobsen and H.Saleur was awarded the Best J. Phys. A Paper Prize 2011
The article by J.M. Drummond, G.P. Korchemsky, E. Sokatchev, Nucl. Phys. B 795 385–408 (2008)
received the Nucl. Phys. B Most Cited Article 2006-2010.
[t12/193] by R.Vasseur and J.Jacobsen was selected in IOP Select and made the cover of the Issue 16,
Vol. 45 of J. Phys. A.
[t10/124] and [t11/092] by H.Orland et al. made the cover of, respectively, the vol. 134, no. 2 of
J. Chem. Phys. and the vol. 34, no. 6 of EPJ E.
[t12/159] by Z.Bern, L.J.Dixon and D.Kosower made the cover of the May 2012 volume of Scientific
Full publication list
Below we present our full publication list for the period. This list comes from our own publication database,
which slightly differs from the one of ISI Web of Science.
Our database is searchable on We have included
the preprints, published articles, proceedings (published in journals or books), books, lecture notes, PhD
and Habilitation theses. We excluded the seminars or reports.
Apart from printed material, our scientific production also consists in a software packages, which have
already been listed in Table 5.
[t08/001] M. Boonekamp, J. Cammin, R. Peschanski, and C. Royon. Threshold scans in diffractive W pair production via QED processes at the LHC. Phys. Lett. B, 654, 104–109, (2007), arXiv:0709.2742.
[t08/003] Y. Avishai and J.M. Luck. Tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with spherical topology. I. The
effect of a magnetic charge. J. Stat. Mech., P06007, (2008), arXiv:0801.1460.
[t08/004] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Non-equilibrium dynamics of polymers and interfaces in random media :
conjecture ψ = ds /2 for the barrier exponent. J. Phys. A, 41, 115002, (2008), arXiv:0712.3358.
[t08/007] I.K. Kostov, D. Serban, and D. Volin.
Functional BES equation.
JHEP, 0808, 101, (2008),
[t08/010] B.-Y. Park, M. Rho, and V. Vento. The Role of the Dilaton in Dense Skyrmion Matter. Nucl. Phys. A,
807, 28–37, (2008), arXiv:0801.1374.
[t08/013] P. Desrosiers. Duality in random matrix ensembles for all Beta. Nucl. Phys. B, 817, 224–251, (2009),
[t08/014] B.G. Giraud. Scalar Nature of the Nuclear Density Functional. Phys. Rev. C, 78, 014307, (2008),
[t08/015] M. Douspis, P.G. Castro, C. Caprini, and N. Aghanim. Optimising large galaxy surveys for ISW detection.
Astron. Astrophys., 485, 395–401, (2008), arXiv:0802.0983.
[t08/016] P. Valageas. Expansion schemes for gravitational clustering: computing two-point and three-point functions. Astron. Astrophys., 484, 79–101, (2008), arXiv:0711.3407.
[t08/017] N. Gromov, S. Schafer-Nameki, and P. Vieira. Quantum Wrapped Giant Magnon. Phys. Rev. D, 78,
026006, (2008), arXiv:0801.3671.
[t08/018] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr and P. Vanhove. Explicit Cancellation of Triangles in One-loop Gravity Amplitudes.
JHEP, 0804, 065, (2008), arXiv:0802.0868.
[t08/019] P.A. Grassi and P. Vanhove. Higher-loop amplitudes in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism. JHEP,
0905, 089, (2009), arXiv:0903.3903.
[t08/020] A. Bilandzic, N.v.d. Kolk, J.-Y. Ollitrault, and R. Snellings. Event-plane flow analysis without non-flow
effects. Phys. Rev. C, 83, 014909, (2011), arXiv:0801.3915.
[t08/021] F. Bernardeau. Cosmologie, des fondements théoriques aux observations. EDP Sciences, (2007).
[t08/022] J.-P. Uzan, F. Bernardeau, and Y. Mellier. Time drift of cosmological redshifts and its variance. Phys.
Rev. D, 77, 021301, (2008), arXiv:0711.1950.
[t08/024] Y. Avishai and J.M. Luck. Tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with spherical topology. II. The
effect of spin-orbit interaction. J. Stat. Mech., P06008, (2008), arXiv:0802.0795.
[t08/026] B. Eynard. Large N expansion of convergent matrix integrals, holomorphic anomalies, and background
independence. JHEP, 0903, 003, (2009), arXiv:0802.1788.
[t08/027] G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, and M. Potters. The Student ensemble of correlation matrices: eigenvalue
spectrum and Kullback-Leibler entropy. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 38, 4009–4026, (2007), arXiv:0710.0802.
[t08/028] G. Biroli and J.-P. Bouchaud. Scenarii for slow dynamics and cooperative lengthscales in glass-formers.
Eur. Phys. J. B, 64, 327, (2008).
[t08/029] J.-P. Bouchaud and G. Biroli. Quantum plasticity and dislocation-induced supersolidity. C.R. Physique,
9, 1067–1075, (2008), arXiv:0710.3087.
[t08/030] F. Lechenault, O. Dauchot, G. Biroli, and J.-P. Bouchaud. Lower bound on the four-point dynamical susceptibility: Direct experimental test on a granular packing. Europhys. Lett., 83, 46002, (2008),
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t08/031] L. Berthier and G. Biroli. Glasses and Aging: a statistical mechanics perspective. (2008).
[t08/032] C. Normand. Modal versus energy stability analysis of kinematic dynamos in cylindrical configurations.
Phys. Fluids, 20, 084105, (2008).
[t08/033] I. Bena, N. Bobev, and N.P. Warner. Spectral Flow, and the Spectrum of Multi-Center Solutions. Phys.
Rev. D, 77, 125025, (2008), arXiv:0803.1203.
[t08/034] M. Cirelli, R. Franceschini, and A. Strumia. Minimal Dark Matter predictions for galactic positrons,
anti-protons, photons. Nucl. Phys. B, 800, 204–220, (2008), arXiv:0802.3378.
[t08/035] A. Poteryaev, M. Ferrero, A. Georges, and O. Parcollet. Effect of Crystal-Field Splitting and Inter-Band
Hybridization on the Metal-Insulator Transitions of Strongly Correlated Systems. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 045115,
(2008), arXiv:0801.4356.
[t08/037] G.E. Brown, C.-H. Lee, and M. Rho. Kaon condensation, black holes and cosmological natural selection.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 091101, (2008), arXiv:0802.2997.
[t08/038] Vanhove P., editor. String Theory and the Real World: From particle physics to astrophysics. Elsevier,
[t08/042] L. Auvray, B. Duplantier, A. Echard, and C. Sykes. Physique des polymères et membranes biologiques,
partie 1. Ecole Polytechnique, Département de Physique, 262 pages, 2008-01-31, (2008).
[t08/043] B. Duplantier, A. Echard, and C. Sykes. Physique des polymères et membranes biologiques, partie
2. Approfondissements Physique, Biologie, Mécanique, Ecole Polytechnique, Département de Physique, 45
pages, 2008-02-14, (2008).
[t08/044] B. Duplantier and I.A. Binder. Harmonic measure and winding of random conformal paths: A Coulomb
gas perspective. Nucl. Phys. B, 802 [FS], 494–513, (2008), arXiv:0802.2280.
[t08/045] Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, D.A. Kosower, R. Roiban, M. Spradlin, C. Vergu, and A. Volovich. The Two-Loop
Six-Gluon MHV Amplitude in Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 045007,
(2008), arXiv:0803.1465.
[t08/047] B. Duplantier and S. Sheffield. Liouville Quantum Gravity and KPZ. Invent. math., 185, 333–393,
(2011), arXiv:0808.1560.
[t08/048] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Non equilibrium dynamics of disordered systems : understanding the broad
continuum of relevant time scales via a strong-disorder RG in configuration space. J. Phys. A, 41, 255002,
(2008), arXiv:0802.2502.
[t08/049] R. Einert T., P. Näger, H. Orland, and R.R. Netz. Impact of loop statistics on the thermodynamics of
RNA folding. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 048103, (2008), arXiv:0802.3272.
[t08/050] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr and P. Vanhove. On Cancellations of Ultraviolet Divergences in Supergravity
Amplitudes. volume 56 of Fortschr. Phys., 824–832, (2008), arXiv:0806.1726. 3rd RTN Workshop (Valencia,
Spain), Valencia.
[t08/051] T. Bargheer, N. Beisert, and N. Gromov. Quantum Stability for the Heisenberg Ferromagnet. New J.
Phys., 10, 103023, (2008), arXiv:0804.0324.
[t08/052] R.V. Gavai, S. Gupta, and R. Lacaze. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Staggered Dirac Operator at
Finite Temperature. Phys. Rev. D, 77, 114506, (2008), arXiv:0803.0182.
[t08/053] R.V. Gavai, S. Gupta, and R. Lacaze. Screening correlators with chiral Fermions. Phys. Rev. D, 78,
014502, (2008), arXiv:0803.1368.
[t08/054] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and D. Maitre.
Automated Implementation of On-Shell Methods for One-Loop Amplitudes. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 036003,
(2008), arXiv:0803.4180.
[t08/055] S. Nonnenmacher and E. Schenck. Resonance distribution in open quantum chaotic systems. Phys. Rev.
E, 78, 045202(R), (2008), arXiv:0803.1075.
[t08/056] B. Eynard. All order asymptotic expansion of large partitions.
J. Stat. Mech., P07023, (2008),
[t08/057] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr and P. Vanhove. Absence of Triangles in Maximal Supergravity Amplitudes. JHEP,
0810, 006, (2008), arXiv:0805.3682.
[t08/060] R. Peschanski. On the maximal noise for stochastic and QCD travelling waves. Nucl. Phys. B [FS], 805,
377–390, (2008), arXiv:0803.2626.
[t08/062] G. Beuf, R. Peschanski, C. Royon, and D. Salek. Systematic Analysis of Scaling Properties in Deep
Inelastic Scattering. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 074004, (2008), arXiv:0803.2186.
[t08/064] R. Balian. Pourquoi le Soleil n’explose pas, ou les bienfaits d’une chaleur spécifique négative. Reflets
phys., 10, 14–15, (2008).
[t08/066] F. Dominguez, C. Marquet, A.H. Mueller, B. Wu, and B.-W. Xiao. Comparing energy loss and p⊥ broadening in perturbative QCD with strong coupling N = 4 SYM theory. Nucl. Phys. A, 811, 197–222,
(2008), arXiv:0803.3234.
[t08/067] T. Lappi. The glasma initial state at the LHC. volume 35 of J. Phys. G, 104052, (2008), arXiv:0804.2338.
Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, Inde, 2008-04-02/2008-10-02.
[t08/068] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. High energy factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions. 1. Phys.
Rev. D, 78, 054019, (2008), arXiv:0804.2630.
[t08/069] A. Abada, P. Hosteins, F.-X. Josse-Michaux, and S. Lavignac. Successful Leptogenesis in SO(10) Unification with a Left-Right Symmetric Seesaw Mechanism. Nucl. Phys. B, 809, 183–217, (2009), arXiv:0808.2058.
[t08/070] M. Frigerio, P. Hosteins, S. Lavignac, and A. Romanino. A new, direct link between the baryon asymmetry and neutrino masses. Nucl. Phys. B, 806, 84–102, (2009), arXiv:0804.0801.
[t08/071] A. Bialas, A. Bzdak, and R. Peschanski. Limiting fragmentation from scale-invariant merging of fast
partons. Phys. Lett. B, 665, 35–38, (2008), arXiv:0804.2364.
[t08/072] B. Eynard and A. Prats-Ferrer. Topological expansion of the chain of matrices. JHEP, 0907, 096, (2009),
[t08/074] G.E. Brown, M. Harada, J.W. Holt, M. Rho, and C. Sasaki. A Hidden Local Field Theory Description of
Dileptons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. Prog. Theor. Phys., 121, 1209–1236, (2009), arXiv:0804.3196.
[t08/075] I. Bena, N. Bobev, C. Ruef, and P. Warner. Entropy Enhancement and Black Hole Microstates. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 105, 231301, (2010), arXiv:0804.4487.
[t08/076] R. Peschanski. Introduction to String Theory and Gauge/Gravity duality for students in QCD and QGP
phenomenology. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 39, 2479–2509, (2008), arXiv:0804.3210.
[t08/077] S. Nonnenmacher.
Some open questions in "wave chaos".
Nonlinearity, 21, T113–T121, (2008),
[t08/078] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. The three-point function of planar quadrangulations. J. Stat. Mech., P07020,
(2008), arXiv:0805.2355.
[t08/079] G. Misguich, V. Pasquier, and F. Alet. Correlations and order parameter at a Coulomb-crystal phase
transition in a three-dimensional dimer model. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 100402(R), (2008), arXiv:0803.2196.
[t08/081] M. Bergère and B. Eynard. Some properties of angular integrals. J. Phys. A, 42, 265201, (2009),
[t08/083] M. Rho. Baryons and Vector Dominance in Holographic Dual QCD. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 174,
326–333, (2008), arXiv:0805.3342.
[t08/084] E. Iancu, M.S. Kugeratski, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Geometric Scaling in Mueller-Navelet Jets. Nucl
Phys. A, 808, 95–116, (2008), arXiv:0802.0343.
[t08/085] Y. Hatta, E. Iancu, and A.H. Mueller. Jet evolution in the N=4 SYM plasma at strong coupling. JHEP,
0805, 037, (2008), arXiv:0803.2481.
[t08/086] E. Gull, P. Werner, O. Parcollet, and M. Troyer. Continuous-time auxiliary field Monte Carlo for quantum
impurity models. Europhys. Lett., 82, 57003, (2008), arXiv:0802.3222.
[t08/087] C. Marquet. Azimuthal correlations of forward dijets in d+Au collisions at RHIC. J. Phys. G, 35,
10–104049, (2008), arXiv:0804.4893.
[t08/088] C. Marquet, H. Kowalski, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. Nuclear diffractive structure functions at high
energies. (2008), arXiv:0805.4809.
[t08/089] H. Kowalski, T. Lappi, C. Marquet, and R. Venugopalan. Nuclear enhancement and suppression of
diffractive structure functions at high energies. Phys. Rev. C, 78, 045201, (2008), arXiv:0805.4071.
[t08/090] R. Balian. Recension du livre d’Alexandre Moatti : Einstein, un siècle contre lui. Reflets phys., 11, 31,
[t08/091] R. Balian. La mesure en mécanique quantique : une révolution conceptuelle. (2011).
[t08/092] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Non-equilibrium dynamics of disordered systems: renormalization flow towards
an ’infinite disorder’ fixed point at large times. J. Stat. Mech., P07002, (2008), arXiv:0804.1847.
[t08/093] Vanhove P., editor. String Theory and the Real World: From Particle Physics to Astrophysics. Elsevier,
[t08/094] N. Gromov. Generalized Scaling Function at Strong Coupling. JHEP, 0811, 085, (2008), arXiv:0805.4615.
[t08/095] R. Suzuki, T. Kruppa A., B.G. Giraud, and K. Kato. Continuum Level Density of a Coupled Channel
System in the Complex Scaling Method. Prog. Theor. Phys., 119, 949–963, (2008).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t08/100] M.B. Green, J.G. Russo, and P. Vanhove. Modular properties of two-loop maximal supergravity and
connections with string theory. JHEP, 0807, 126, (2008), arXiv:0807.0389.
[t08/101] M. Rho. Chiral nuclear dynamics II: From quarks to nuclei to compact stars. World Scientific, 2008,
[t08/104] S.Y. Alexandrov, B. Pioline, F. Saueressig, and S. Vandoren. Linear Perturbations of Hyperkähler
Metrics. Lett. Math. Phys., 87, 225–265, (2009), arXiv:0806.4620.
[t08/106] S.D. Badger. Direct Extraction Of One Loop Rational Terms. JHEP, 0901, 049, (2009), arXiv:0806.4600.
[t08/107] S.D. Badger. Generalised Unitarity At One-Loop With Massive Fermions. volume 183 of Nucl. Phys. B
(Proc. Suppl.), 220–225, (2008), arXiv:0807.1245. Loops And Legs In Quantum Field Theory, Sondershausen,
Germany, 2008-04-20/2008-04-25.
[t08/108] I. Affleck, L. Borda, and H. Saleur. Friedel oscillations and the Kondo screening cloud. Phys. Rev. B,
77, 180404(R), (2008), arXiv:0802.0280.
[t08/109] J.L. Jacobsen and H. Saleur. Exact valence bond entanglement entropy and probability distribution in
the XXX spin chain and the Potts model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 087205, (2008), arXiv:0711.3391.
[t08/110] E. Dudas, S. Lavignac, and J. Parmentier. A light neutralino in hybrid models of supersymmetry
breaking. Nucl. Phys. B, 808, 237–259, (2009), arXiv:0808.0562.
[t08/111] J.P. Keating, S. Nonnenmacher, M. Novaes, and M. Sieber. On the resonance eigenstates of an open
quantum baker map. Nonlinearity, 21, 2591–2624, (2008), arXiv:0806.1678.
[t08/112] S. Marmi, P. Moussa, and J.-C. Yoccoz. Affine interval exchange maps with a wandering interval. Proc.
London Math. Soc., 100, 639–669, (2010), arXiv:0805.4737.
[t08/113] A. Mehta, G.C. Barker, and J.M. Luck. Heterogeneities in granular dynamics. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
105, 8244–8249, (2008).
[t08/114] Y.Y. Suzuki, M. Tokita, and S. Mukai. Kinetics of water flow through polymer gel. Eur. Phys. J. E, 29,
415–422, (2009), arXiv:0807.1789.
[t08/115] S.Y. Alexandrov, B. Pioline, F. Saueressig, and S. Vandoren. Linear perturbations of quaternionic
metrics. Commun. Math. Phys., 296, 353–403, (2010), arXiv:0810.1675.
[t08/116] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. High energy factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions 2 Multigluon correlations. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 054020, (2008), arXiv:0807.1306.
[t08/117] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and D. Maitre.
One-Loop Calculations with BlackHat. volume 183 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 313–319, (2008),
[t08/118] M. Graña, R. Minasian, M. Petrini, and D. Waldram. T-duality, Generalized Geometry and NonGeometric Backgrounds. JHEP, 0904, 075, (2009), arXiv:0807.4527.
[t08/120] C. Vergu. Twistors, strings and supersymmetric gauge theories. PhD thesis, (2008), arXiv:0809.1807.
[t08/121] N. Gromov and P. Vieira.
The all loop AdS4/CFT3 Bethe ansatz.
JHEP, 0901, 016, (2009),
[t08/122] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Equilibrium of disordered systems : constructing the appropriate valleys in
each sample via strong disorder renormalization in configuration space. J. Phys. A, 41, 375005, (2008),
[t08/123] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and D. Maitre.
One-Loop Multi-Parton Amplitudes with a Vector Boson for the LHC. (2008), arXiv:0808.0941.
[t08/125] G.E. Brown, J.W. Holt, and M. Rho. Understanding Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions by
Vector Mesons of Different Varieties. (2008), arXiv:0808.2300.
[t08/126] F. Bazzocchi, M. Frigerio, and S. Morisi. Fermion masses and mixing in models with SO(10)xA4 symmetry. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 116018, (2008), arXiv:0809.3573.
[t08/128] N. Gromov and P. Vieira. The AdS4/CFT3 algebraic curve. JHEP, 0902, 040, (2009), arXiv:0807.0437.
[t08/129] N. Gromov and V. Mikhaylov. Comment on the Scaling Function in AdS4 x CP3. JHEP, 0904, 083,
(2009), arXiv:0807.4897.
[t08/130] N. Gromov, S. Schafer-Nameki, and P. Vieira. Efficient precision quantization in AdS/CFT. JHEP,
0812, 013, (2008), arXiv:0807.4752.
[t08/131] G. Beuf. An alternative scaling solution for high-energy QCD saturation with running coupling. (2008),
[t08/132] G. Beuf. Universality of QCD traveling-waves with running coupling beyond leading logarithmic accuracy.
Acta Phys. Pol. B, 39, 2557–2560, (2008), arXiv:0806.0764.
[t08/133] S. Fishman, A. Iomin, and K. Mallick. Asymptotic localization of stationary states in the nonlinear
Schroedinger equation. Phys. Rev. E, 78, 066605, (2008), arXiv:0807.5005.
[t08/134] M.R. Evans, P. Ferrari, and K. Mallick. Matrix representation of the stationary measure for the multispecies TASEP. J. Stat. Phys., 135, 217–239, (2009), arXiv:0807.0327.
[t08/135] F. David, M. Dukes, T. Jonsson, and S. Stefansson. Random tree growth by vertex splitting. J. Stat.
Mech., P04009, (2009), arXiv:0811.3183.
[t08/139] M. Cirelli, M. Kadastik, M. Raidal, and A. Strumia. Model-independent implications of the e+, e-, antiproton cosmic ray spectra on properties of Dark Matter. Nucl. Phys. B, 813, 1–21, (2009), arXiv:0809.2409.
[t08/140] B. Eynard and O. Marchal. Topological expansion of the Bethe ansatz, and non-commutative algebraic
geometry. JHEP, 0903, 094, (2009), arXiv:0809.3367.
[t08/141] A. Amariti, L. Girardello, and A. Mariotti. Stringy Instantons as Strong Dynamics. JHEP, 0811, 041,
(2008), arXiv:0809.3432.
[t08/142] C. Godrèche and J.M. Luck.
A record-driven growth process.
J. Stat. Mech., P11006, (2008),
[t08/144] G. Beuf, R. Peschanski, and E.N. Saridakis. Entropy flow of a perfect fluid in (1+1) hydrodynamics.
Phys. Rev. C, 78, 064909, (2008), arXiv:0808.1073.
[t08/145] M. Chemtob. Contact interactions in low scale string models with intersecting D6-branes. Phys. Rev. D,
78, 125020, (2008), arXiv:0808.1242.
[t08/147] M. Frigerio. A tight SO(10) connection between leptogenesis and neutrino masses. volume 1078 of AIP
Conf. Proc., 369–371, (2008). SUSY08, Seoul, South Korea.
[t08/148] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Driven interfaces in random media at finite temperature: Existence of an
anomalous zero-velocity phase at small external force. Phys. Rev. E, 78, 041133, (2008), arXiv:0803.4125.
[t08/149] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. The glasma initial state and JIMWLK factorization. volume 820
of Nucl. Phys. A, 111C–114C, (2009), arXiv:0810.1610. Strong and Electroweak Matter 2008 (SEWM08),
Amsterdam, 2008-08-26/2008-08-29.
[t08/150] M. Tarzia and G. Biroli.
The Valence Bond Glass phase.
Europhys. Lett., 82, 67008, (2008),
[t08/151] G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, A. Cavagna, T.S. Grigera, and P. Verrocchio. Thermodynamic signature of
growing amorphous order in glass-forming liquids. Nature Phys., 4, 771–775, (2008), arXiv:0805.4427.
[t08/152] M. Bauer, D. Bernard, and T. Kennedy. Conditioning Schramm-Loewner evolutions and loop erased
random walks. J. Math. Phys., 50, 043301, (2009), arXiv:0806.2246.
[t08/153] I. Safi, C. Bena, and A. Crépieux. ac conductance and nonsymmetrized noise at finite frequency in
quantum wires and carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 205422, (2008), arXiv:0805.3932.
[t08/154] Y. Abe, C. Shen, G. Kosenko, D. Boilley, and B.G. Giraud. Di-nucleus dynamics towards fusion of heavy
nuclei. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 17, 2214–2220, (2008).
[t08/155] E. Babichev, P. Brax, C. Caprini, J. Martin, and D. Steer. Dirac Born Infeld (DBI) Cosmic Strings.
JHEP, 0903, 091, (2009), arXiv:0809.2013.
[t08/156] S.D. Badger, N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr, and P. Vanhove. Simplicity in the Structure of QED and Gravity
Amplitudes. JHEP, 0902, 038, (2009), arXiv:0811.3405.
[t08/159] F. David and M. Bauer. Another derivation of the geometrical KPZ relations. J. Stat. Mech., P03004,
(2009), arXiv:0810.2858.
[t08/160] F. Bernardeau and P. Valageas. Propagators in Lagrangian space. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 083503, (2008),
[t08/161] F. Bernardeau, M. Crocce, and R. Scoccimarro. Multi-Point Propagators in Cosmological Gravitational
Instability. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 103521, (2008), arXiv:0806.2334.
[t08/162] C. Pitrou, J.-P. Uzan, and F. Bernardeau. Cosmic microwave background bispectrum on small angular
scales. Phys. Rev. D, 78, 063526, (2008), arXiv:0807.0341.
[t08/163] M. Cirelli and A. Strumia. Minimal Dark Matter predictions and the PAMELA positron excess. volume
idm2008 of PoS, 089, (2008), arXiv:0808.3867. Identification of dark matter 2008, Stockholm.
[t08/164] B. Eynard and M. Mariño. A holomorphic and background independent partition function for matrix
models and topological strings. J. Geom. Phys., 61, 1181–1202, (2011), arXiv:0810.4273.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t08/165] Z. Burda, J. Duda, J.M. Luck, and B. Waclaw. Localization of the maximal entropy random walk. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 102, 160602, (2009), arXiv:0810.4113.
[t08/178] K.-S. Kim, A. Benlagra, and C. Pépin. Grüneisen ratio at the Kondo breakdown quantum critical point.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 246403, (2008), arXiv:0808.3908.
[t08/179] A. Benlagra and C. Pépin. Model of Quantum Criticality in He3 bilayers Adsorbed on graphite. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 100, 176401, (2008), arXiv:0709.0354.
[t08/180] A. Benlagra and C. Pépin. He3 bi-layers as a simple example of de-confinement. Phys. Rev. B, 79,
045112, (2009), arXiv:0810.2280.
[t08/181] P. Valentin and R. Balian. A second order equation for deriving the pV T equation of state from the
sound velocity...with a method to derive the equation itself. 18th European Conference on Thermophysical
Properties, Pau, France 31 Aug-4 Sep 2008, (2008).
[t08/182] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. Confluence of geodesic paths and separating loops in large planar quadrangulations. J. Stat. Mech., P03001, (2009), arXiv:0811.0509.
[t08/183] Y.Y. Suzuki and M. Williams D. R. Ribbon polymers in poor solvents: layering transitions in annular
and tubular condensates. Europhys. Lett., 85, 63001, (2009), arXiv:0811.0536.
[t08/184] G. Bertone, M. Cirelli, A. Strumia, and M. Taoso. Gamma-ray and radio tests of the e+e- excess from
DM annihilations. JCAP, 0903, 009, (2009), arXiv:0811.3744.
[t08/185] J. Evslin and R. Minasian. Topology Change from (Heterotic) Narain T-Duality. Nucl. Phys. B, 820,
213–236, (2009), arXiv:0811.3866.
[t08/186] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Anderson transition on the Cayley tree as a traveling wave critical point for
various probability distributions. J. Phys. A, 42, 075002, (2009), arXiv:0811.1422.
[t08/187] S. Furukawa, V. Pasquier, and J. Shiraishi. Mutual Information and Boson Radius in a c=1 Critical
System in One Dimension. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 170602, (2009), arXiv:0809.5113.
[t08/188] V. Gorini, U. Moschella, A.Y. Kamenshchik, V. Pasquier, and A. Starobinsky. Tolman-OppenheimerVolkoff equations in presence of the Chaplygin gas: stars and wormhole-like solutions. Phys. Rev. D, 78,
064064, (2008), arXiv:0807.2740.
[t08/189] B. Eynard and N. Orantin. Topological recursion in enumerative geometry and random matrices. J.
Phys. A, 42, 293001, (2009), arXiv:0811.3531.
[t08/190] T.L. Dao, M. Ferrero, A. Georges, M. Capone, and O. Parcollet. Polarized superfluidity in the attractive
Hubbard model with population imbalance. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 236405, (2008), arXiv:0807.2923.
[t08/191] L De Leo, C. Kollath, A. Georges, M. Ferrero, and O. Parcollet. Trapping and cooling fermionic atoms
into the Mott and Néel states. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 210403, (2008), arXiv:0807.0790.
[t08/192] M. Ferrero, P Cornaglia, L De Leo, O. Parcollet, G. Kotliar, and A. Georges. Valence-Bond Dynamical
Mean-Field Theory of Doped Mott Insulators with Nodal/Antinodal Differentiation. Europhys. Lett., 85,
57009, (2009), arXiv:0806.4383.
[t08/193] J.-E. Bourgine and K. Hosomichi. Boundary operators in the O(n) and RSOS matrix models. JHEP,
0901, 009, (2009), arXiv:0811.3252.
[t08/194] N. Anantharaman and S. Nonnenmacher. Vibrations chaotiques et grosses balafres. Gazette des Mathématiciens, 119, 16–32, (2009).
[t08/196] M. Bertola and O. Marchal. The partition function of the two-matrix model as an isomonodromic
tau-function. J. Math. Phys., 50, 013529, (2009), arXiv:0809.1598.
[t08/198] S. Prolhac. Fluctuations and skewness of the current in the partially asymmetric exclusion process. J.
Phys. A, 41, 365003, (2008), arXiv:0805.4118.
[t08/199] P. Valageas. Statistical properties of the Burgers equation with Brownian initial velocity. J. Stat. Phys.,
134, 589–640, (2009), arXiv:0810.4332.
[t08/200] M. Cirelli. Non-standard neutrinos and Cosmology. volume 188 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 339–341,
(2009). Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italie, 2008-09-06/2008-09-13.
[t08/201] P. Valageas. Ballistic aggregation for one-sided Brownian initial velocity. Physica A, 388, 1031–1045,
(2009), arXiv:0812.2308.
[t08/202] Y. Avishai and J.M. Luck.
Magnetization of two coupled rings.
J. Phys. A, 42, 175301, (2009),
[t08/203] S. Alexandrov, B. Pioline, F. Saueressig, and S. Vandoren. D-instantons and twistors. JHEP, 0903, 044,
(2009), arXiv:0812.4219.
[t08/204] F. Alet, D. Braun, and G. Misguich. Comment on "Regional Versus Global Entanglement in ResonatingValence-Bond States". Phys. Rev. Lett. (Comment), 101, 248901, (2008), arXiv:0812.1932.
[t08/206] L. Messio, J.C. Domenge, C. Lhuillier, L. Pierre, P. Viot, and G. Misguich. Thermal destruction of chiral
order in a two-dimensional model of coupled trihedra. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 054435, (2008), arXiv:0806.2259.
[t08/207] P. Ranjith, D. Lacoste, K. Mallick, and J.F. Joanny. Non-equilibrium self-assembly of a filament coupled
to ATP/GTP hydrolysis. Biophys. J., 96, 2146–2159, (2009), arXiv:0809.2228.
[t08/209] S.N. Majumdar, K. Mallick, and S. Sabhapandit. Statistical Properties of the Final State in Onedimensional Ballistic Aggregation. Phys. Rev. E, 79, 021109, (2009), arXiv:0811.0908.
[t08/210] D. Lacoste and K. Mallick. Fluctuation Theorem for the flashing ratchet model of molecular motors.
Phys. Rev. E, 80, 021923, (2009), arXiv:0907.1570.
[t08/211] I. Bena, N. Bobev, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. Supertubes in Bubbling Backgrounds: Born-Infeld Meets
Supergravity. JHEP, 0907, 106, (2009), arXiv:0812.2942.
[t08/213] S. Prolhac, M.R. Evans, and K. Mallick. Matrix product solution of the multispecies partially asymmetric
exclusion process. J. Phys. A, 42, 165004, (2009), arXiv:0812.3293.
[t08/214] P. Bialas, L. Daniel, A. Morel, and B. Petersson. Thermodynamics of SU(3) Gauge Theory in 2 + 1
Dimensions. Nucl. Phys. B, 807, 547–565, (2009), arXiv:0807.0855.
[t08/220] B. Basso and G. Korchemsky. Nonperturbative scales in AdS/CFT. J. Phys. A, 42, 254005, (2009),
[t08/221] R.P.G. Andrade, A.L.V.R. dos Reis, F. Grassi, Y. Hama, W.L. Qian, T. Kodama, and J.-Y. Ollitrault.
Fluctuations and initial state granularity in heavy ion collisions and their effects on observables from hydrodynamics. volume 40 of Acta Phys. Pol. B, 993–998, (2009), arXiv:0812.4143. Fourth Workshop on Particle
Correlations and Femtoscopy (WPCF2008), Krakow, 2008-09-11/2008-09-14.
[t08/222] C. Marquet. Heavy-quark energy loss in pQCD and SYM plasmas. volume 62 of Eur. Phys. J. C, 15–20,
(2009), arXiv:0810.2572. papier de conference Hot Quarks 08.
[t08/223] G. Beuf, C. Marquet, and B.W. Xiao. Heavy-quark energy loss and thermalization in a strongly coupled
SYM plasma. Phys. Rev. D, 80, 085001, (2009), arXiv:0812.1051.
[t08/224] C. Marquet. Particle production and saturation at RHIC and LHC. papier de conference ISMD 08,
(2008), arXiv:0812.1610v1.
[t08/226] F. Dominguez, C. Marquet, and B. Wu. On multiple scatterings of mesons in hot and cold QCD matter.
Nucl. Phys. A, 823, 99–119, (2009), arXiv:0812.3878.
[t08/227] A.C. Davis, P. Brax, and C. van de Bruck. Brane Inflation and Defect Formation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.
A, Phys. Sci. Eng. (UK), A366, 2833–2842, (2008), arXiv:0803.0424.
[t08/228] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, S.C. Davis, R. Jeannerot, and M. Postma. Racetrack inflation
with matter fields and cosmic strings. JCAP, 0807, 018, (2008), arXiv:0805.1171.
[t08/229] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and D. Shaw. f(R) Gravity and Chameleon Theories. Phys. Rev.
D, 78, 104021, (2008), arXiv:0806.3415.
[t08/230] P. Brax, C.A. Savoy, and A. Sil. Intermediate Scale Inflation and Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking.
Phys. Lett. B, 671, 374–377, (2009), arXiv:0807.1569.
[t08/232] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. High energy factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions. 3. Long
range rapidity correlations. Phys. Rev. D, 79, 094017, (2009), arXiv:0810.4829v2.
[t08/233] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, and A.C. Davis. Fermionic Zero Modes of Cosmic Strings. In Geometry,
Topology QFT and Cosmology. Editions Hermann, Paris, (2009). Geometry, Topology, QFT and Cosmology,
Paris, 2008-05-28/2008-05-30.
[t08/234] P. Brax and C. van de Bruck. String Cosmology Scenarios and the Quest for the Big Bang. In Beyond
the big bang. Springer Verlag, (2009).
[t08/235] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, L.M.H. Hall, and J.M. Weller. Slow-Roll Inflation in the Presence of a Dark
Energy Coupling. Phys. Rev. D, 79, 103508, (2009), arXiv:0812.2843.
[t08/236] S. Prolhac and K. Mallick. Cumulants of the current in the weakly asymmetric exclusion process. J.
Phys. A, 42, 175001, (2009), arXiv:0902.0570.
[t08/237] C. Candu. Discrétisation des modèles sigma invariants conformes sur des supersphères et superespaces
projectifs. PhD thesis, (2008). 2008-10-31.
[t08/238] C. Delaunay. Brisure de symétrie électrofaible : origine et conséquences. PhD thesis, (2008). Université
Paris-Sud XI, 2008-10-02.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t08/239] Duplantier B., Raimond J.-M., and Rivasseau V., editors. Poincaré Seminar 2007: The Spin, volume 55
of Prog. Math. Phys. Birkaeuser Verlag, Basel, (2009).
[t08/241] R. Balian. Emergences en physique statistique. Emergences, Académie Européenne Internationale des
Sciences, Paris, 2008-12-15/2008-12-16, (2009).
[t08/242] R. Balian. Emergences in Statistical Physics. In Emergences. Springer Verlag (2011), (2009). Emergences,
Académie Européenne Internationale des Sciences, Paris, 2008-12-15/2008-12-15.
[t08/244] E. Boulat, H. Saleur, and P. Schmitteckert. Twofold advance in the theoretical understanding of far-fromequilibrium properties of interacting nanostructures. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 140601, (2008), arXiv:0806.3731.
[t08/246] Venuti L. Campos, H. Saleur, and P. Zanardi. Universal sub-leading terms in ground state fidelity. Phys.
Rev. B, 79, 092405, (2009), arXiv:0807.0104.
[t08/247] A. Ayyer and D. Zeilberger.
A bijectional attack on the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture.
[t08/248] A.E. Allahverdyan, R. Balian, and T.M. Nieuwenhuizen. Simultaneous measurement of non-commuting
observables. Physica E, 42, 339–342, (2010).
[t08/249] G. Beuf, C. Royon, and D. Salek. Geometric Scaling of F2 and F2c in data and QCD Parametrisations.
(2008), arXiv:0810.5082.
[t08/250] G. Misguich. Quantum spin liquids. In Jacobsen J.L., Ouvry S., Pasquier V., Serban D., and Cugliandolo
L.F., editors, Les Houches summer school on "Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and
quantum computing, August 2008, (2009), arXiv:0809.2257.
[t08/251] D. Seery, S. Sloth, and F. Vernizzi. Inflationary trispectrum from graviton exchange. JCAP, 0903, 018,
(2009), arXiv:0811.3934.
[t08/252] J. Evslin and R. Minasian. Topological strings live on attractive manifolds. (2008), arXiv:0804.0750.
[t08/253] A. Butti, D. Forcella, L. Martucci, R. Minasian, M. Petrini, and A. Zaffaroni. On the geometry and the
moduli space of beta-deformed quiver gauge theories. JHEP, 0807, 53, (2008), arXiv:0712.1215.
[t08/254] J. Zinn-Justin and R. Guida. Gauge invariance. Scholarpedia, 3, 8287, (2008).
[t08/255] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Q-systems as cluster algebras II: Cartan matrix of finite type and the
polynomial property. Lett. Math. Phys., 89, 183–216, (2008), arXiv:0803.0362.
[t08/256] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Q-systems, Heaps, Paths and Cluster Positivity. Commun. Math. Phys.,
293, 727–802, (2008), arXiv:0811.3027.
[t08/257] M. Ebbinghaus, H. Grandclaude, and M. Henkel. Absence of logarithmic scaling in the ageing behaviour
of the 4D spherical model. Eur. Phys. J. B, 63, 85–91, (2008), arXiv:0709.3220.
[t08/258] G. Ripka. The classical pion field in a nucleus. Nucl. Phys. A, 814, 33–47, (2008), arXiv:0711.1280.
[t08/259] J.-P. Blaizot. Non Perturbative Renormalization Group and Bose-Einstein Condensation. 2006 ECT*
School "Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory Approaches to Many-Body Systems", Trento,
Italy, (2008), arXiv:0801.0009.
[t08/260] J.-P. Blaizot and M.A. Nowak. Large Nc confinement and turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 102001,
(2008), arXiv:0801.1859.
[t08/261] J.-P. Blaizot and Y. Mehtar-Tani. The classical field created in early stages of high energy nucleus-nucleus
collisions. Nucl. Phys. A, 818, 97–119, (2009), arXiv:0806.1422.
[t08/262] A. Beraudo, J.-P. Blaizot, and C. Ratti. Real and imaginary-time quarkonium correlators in a hot plasma.
8-th Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, 1-6 September 2008, Mainz, Germany,
(2008), arXiv:0812.1130.
[t08/263] E. Iancu. Partons and jets in a strongly-coupled plasma from AdS/CFT. volume 39 of Acta Phys.
Pol. B, 3213, (2008), arXiv:0812.0500. XLVIII Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, ‘Aspects of duality’,
Zakopane, Poland, June 13-22, 2008.
[t08/264] N.v.d. Kolk and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Flow analysis methods in ALICE: Event plane from Lee-Yang zeroes. 8th
Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Mainz, Allemagne, 2008-09-01/2008-09-06,
[t08/265] P. Calabrese and A. Lefèvre. Entanglement spectrum in one-dimensional systems. Phys. Rev. A, 78,
032329, (2008), arXiv:0806.3059.
[t08/267] C. Pépin. Selective Mott transition and heavy fermions.
Phys. Rev. B, 77, 245129, (2008),
[t08/268] I. Paul, C. Pépin, and M.R. Norman. Multi-scale fluctuations near a Kondo Breakdown Quantum Critical
Point. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 035109, (2008), arXiv:0804.1808.
[t08/269] K.-S. Kim and C. Pépin. Violation of Wiedemann-Franz law at the Kondo breakdown quantum critical
point. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 156404, (2009), arXiv:0811.0638.
[t08/270] C. Royon, G. Beuf, R. Peschanski, and D. Salek. Scaling properties in deep inelastic scattering. DIS
2008 workshop, London, England, 2008-04-07/2008-04-11, (2008), arXiv:0811.2257.
[t08/271] C. Csaki, C. Delaunay, C. Grojean, and Y. Grossman. A Model of Lepton Masses from a Warped Extra
Dimension. JHEP, 0810, 055, (2008), arXiv:0806.0356.
[t08/272] J. Bros, H. Epstein, and U. Moschella. Particle decays and stability on the de Sitter universe. Ann.
Henri Poincaré, 11, 611–658, (2010), arXiv:0812.3513.
[t08/273] M.S. Kugeratski, V.P. Gon¸calves, M.V.T. Machado, and F.S. Navarra. An Unified Description of HERA
and RHIC Data. volume 39 of Acta Phys. Pol. B, 2583, (2008).
[t08/274] E. Avsar and Y. Hatta. Quantitative study of the transverse correlation of soft gluons in high energy
QCD. JHEP, 0809, 102, (2008), arXiv:0805.0710.
[t08/275] E. Avsar. On the High Energy Behaviour of The Total Cross Section in the QCD Dipole Model. JHEP,
0804, 033, (2008), arXiv:0803.0446.
[t08/276] G. Brooijmans, A. Delgado, B.A. Dobrescu, C. Grojean, J. Alwall, K. Black, E. Boos, T. Bose,
V. Bunichev, R. Contino, A. Djouadi, L. Dudko, Y. Gershtein, M. Gigg, M. Herquet, J. Hirn, G. Landsberg,
K. Lane, E. Maina, A. Martin, G. Moreau, M.M. Nojiri, A. Pukhov, P. Ribeiro, E. Ros, V. Sanz, H.J.
Schreiber, G. Servant, E.H. Simmons, R.K. Singh, P. Skands, S. Su, T.M.P. Tait, M. Takeuchi, and M. Vos.
New Physics at the LHC: A Les Houches Report. Physics at Tev Colliders 2007 – New Physics Working
Group. (2010), arXiv:0802.3715.
[t08/277] U. Moschella and R. Schaeffer. A note on canonical quantization of fields on a manifold. JCAP, 0902,
33, (2009), arXiv:0802.2447.
[t08/278] R. Peschanski, M. Rangel, and C. Royon. Hybrid Pomeron Model of exclusive central diffractive production. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40, 2323–2344, (2009), arXiv:0808.1691.
[t08/279] P. Heller, R.A. Janik, and R. Peschanski. Hydrodynamic Flow of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and
Gauge/Gravity Correspondence. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 39, 3183–3204, (2008), arXiv:0811.3113.
[t08/281] R. Peschanski. Gauge/Gravity Duality for an Expanding Plasma. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 174, 153–
159, (2008).
[t08/282] M. Sega, P. Faccioli, F. Pederiva, and H. Orland. Kramers Theory for Conformational Transitions of
Macromolecules. (2010), arXiv:0809.0027.
[t08/283] E. Autieri, P. Faccioli, M. Sega, F. Pederiva, and H. Orland. Dominant Reaction Pathways in High
Dimensional Systems. J. Chem. Phys., 130, 064106, (2009), arXiv:0806.0236.
[t08/284] J.-L. Sikorav, H. Orland, and A. Braslau. Mechanism of thermal renaturation and hybridization of nucleic
acids: Kramers process and universality in Watson-Crick base pairing. J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 3715–3725,
(2009), arXiv:0808.1233.
[t08/285] H. Orland. Accelerated Sampling of Boltzmann distributions. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 78, 103002, (2009),
[t08/286] C. Azuara, H. Orland, M. Bon, P. Koehl, and M. Delarue. Incorporating Dipolar Solvents with Variable
Density in Poisson-Boltzmann Electrostatics. Biophys. J., 95, 5587–5605, (2008).
[t08/287] P. Faccioli, M. Sega, F. Pederiva, and H. Orland. Stochastic dynamics and dominant protein folding
pathways. Philos. Mag., 88, 4093–4099, (2008).
[t08/288] T. Lari, G. Servant, and al.+ et. Collider aspects of flavour physics at high Q. Eur. Phys. J. C, 57,
183–307, (2008), arXiv:0801.1800.
[t08/289] Exact Methods in Low-Dimensional Statistical Physics and Quantum Computing. In Jacobsen J.L., Ouvry S., Pasquier V., Serban D., and Cugliandolo L.F., editors, Exact Methods In Low-Dimensional Statistical
Physics And Quantum Computing: Lecture Notes Of The Les Houches Summer School: Volu synopsis. Oxford, (2010).
[t08/290] F. Gelis. High Energy Factorization in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 174,
190–197, (2008).
[t08/291] F. Gelis. Gluon Saturation from DIS to Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 39, 2419–2453,
[t08/292] F. Gelis. Initial two-gluon correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions. J. Phys. G, 35, 104050, (2008).
[t08/293] G. Biroli. Glass transition and out-of-equilibrium systems. Giulio Biroli, IPhT, Saclay - cours de physique
théorique, 2008-03-21/2008-04-25, (2008).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t08/294] doucot . Cohérence quantique de systèmes macroscopiques. Cours de Physique Théorique, 2008-0516/2008-06-27, (2008).
[t08/295] L. Boubekeur, P. Creminelli, J. Norena, and F. Vernizzi. Action approach to cosmological perturbations:
the 2nd order metric in matter dominance. JCAP, 0808, 028, (2008), arXiv:0806.1016.
[t08/297] J. Camps, R. Emparan, P. Figueras, S. Giusto, and A. Saxena. Black Rings in Taub-NUT and D0-D6
interactions. JHEP, 0902, 021, (2009), arXiv:0811.2088.
[t08/298] L. Simon, C. Bena, F. Vonau, D. Aubel, H. Nasrallah, M. Habar, and C. Peruchetti J. Symmetry
of standing waves generated by a point defect in epitaxial graphene. Eur. Phys. J. B, 69, 351, (2009),
[t08/300] C. Bena. Greens functions and impurity scattering in graphene. Phys. Rev. B, 79, 125427, (2009),
[t08/303] A. Barrat and M. Barthélémy. Dynamical processes on complex networks. (2008).
[t08/304] C. Douarche, J.-L. Sikorav, and A. Goldar. Aggregation and Adsorption at the Air-Water Interface of
Bacteriophage PhiX174 Single-Stranded DNA. Biophys. J., 94, 134–146, (2008).
[t08/305] C. Douarche, R. Cortès, S.J. Roser, J.-L. Sikorav, and A. Braslau. DNA Adsorption at Liquid/Solid
Interfaces. J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 13676–13679, (2008), arXiv:0809.4639.
[t08/306] J.L. Jacobsen. Unbiased sampling of globular lattice proteins in three dimensions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100,
118102, (2008).
[t08/307] P. Fendley and J.L. Jacobsen. Critical points in coupled Potts models and critical phases in coupled loop
models. J. Phys. A, 41, 215001, (2008).
[t08/308] D. Das, S. Dey, J.L. Jacobsen, and D. Dhar. Critical behavior of loops and biconnected clusters on
fractals of dimension d < 2. J. Phys. A, 41, 485001, (2008).
[t08/309] J.L. Jacobsen, P. Le Doussal, M. Picco, R. Santachiara, and K.J. Wiese. Critical interfaces in the
random-bond Potts model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 070601, (2009).
[t08/312] I.K. Kostov. Boundary Loop Models and and 2D Quantum Gravity. Summer school on Exact methods
in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing, Les Houches, (2008).
[t08/313] E. Iancu. Parton picture for the strongly coupled SYM plasma. (2011), arXiv:0805.4110 [hep-th].
[t08/314] E. Iancu. Partons and jets at strong coupling from AdS/CFT. (2008), arXiv:0807.0489 [hep-ph].
[t08/315] C. Pépin. Points critiques quantiques dans les composés à fortes corrélations électroniques. 2008-11-06,
[t08/316] M. Shuntaro, K. Kayuna, F. Vernizzi, and D. Wands. Primordial non-Gaussianities in new ekpyrotic
cosmology. AIP Conf. Proc., (2008).
[t08/319] M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam, and G. Soyez. The anti-kt jet clustering algorithm. JHEP, 0804, 063, (2008),
[t08/320] M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam, and G. Soyez. The Catchment Area of Jets. JHEP, 0804, 005, (2013),
[t09/010] M. Cirelli and A. Strumia. Minimal Dark Matter: model and results. New J. Phys., 11, 105005, (2009),
[t09/011] C. Caprini, R. Durrer, T. Konstandin, and G. Servant. General Properties of the Gravitational Wave
Spectrum from Phase Transitions. Phys. Rev. D, 79, 083519, (2009), arXiv:0901.1661.
[t09/012] D. Benedetti, P.F. Machado, and F. Saueressig. Asymptotic safety in higher-derivative gravity. Mod.
Phys. Lett. A, 24, 2233–2241, (2009), arXiv:0901.2984.
[t09/013] E. Schenck. Weyl laws for partially open quantum maps. Ann. Henri Poincaré, 10, 711–747, (2009),
[t09/015] M. Bergère and B. Eynard. Determinantal formulae and loop equations. (2009), arXiv:0901.3273.
[t09/017] T. Lappi. Initial conditions of heavy ion collisions and small x. volume 827 of Nucl. Phys. A, 365c–
370c, (2009), arXiv:0901.1949. International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08), Eilat, Israelt,
[t09/018] C. Gombeaud, T. Lappi, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Does interferometry probe thermalization? Phys. Rev. C,
79, 054914, (2009), arXiv:0901.4908.
[t09/019] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Precise Predictions for W + 3 Jet Production at Hadron Colliders. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 222001,
(2009), arXiv:0902.2760.
[t09/020] I. Bena, Gianguido Dall’Agata, S. Giusto, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. Non-BPS Black Rings and Black
Holes in Taub-NUT. JHEP, 0906, 015, (2009), arXiv:0902.4526.
[t09/021] G. Heinrich, T. Huber, D.A. Kosower, and V.A. Smirnov. Nine-Propagator Master Integrals for Massless
Three-Loop Form Factors. Phys. Lett. B, 678, 359–366, (2009), arXiv:0902.3512.
[t09/022] R. Minasian, D. Andriot, and M. Petrini. Flux backgrounds from Twists. JHEP, 0912, 028, (2009),
[t09/023] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Dilatons in Hidden Local Symmetry for Hadrons in Dense Matter. Nucl. Phys.
A, 829, 76–99, (2009), arXiv:0902.3361.
[t09/024] D. Benedetti, P.F. Machado, and F. Saueressig. Taming perturbative divergences in asymptotically safe
gravity. Nucl. Phys. B, 824, 168–191, (2010), arXiv:0902.4630.
[t09/025] A. Ayyer. Towards a human proof of Gessel’s conjecture. J. Integer Sequences, 12, 09.4.2, (2009),
[t09/026] A. Benlagra, K.-S. Kim, and C. Pépin. The Luttinger-Ward functional approach in the Eliashberg
framework : A systematic derivation of scaling for thermodynamics near a quantum critical point. J. Phys.
C, 23, 145601, (2011), arXiv:0902.3630.
[t09/027] C. Bräuninger and M. Cirelli. Anti-deuterons from heavy Dark Matter. Phys. Lett. B, 678, 20–31, (2009),
[t09/028] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random wetting transition on the Cayley tree : a disordered first-order
transition with two correlation length exponents. J. Phys. A, 42, 165003, (2009), arXiv:0901.2797.
[t09/029] R. Balian. La physique quantique en conflit avec notre intuition, 57–71. (2009).
[t09/030] M. Cirelli and P. Panci. Inverse Compton constraints on the Dark Matter e+e- excesses. Nucl. Phys. B,
821, 399–416, (2009), arXiv:0904.3830.
[t09/031] C. Caprini, F. Finelli, D. Paoletti, and A. Riotto. The cosmic microwave background temperature
bispectrum from scalar perturbations induced by primordial magnetic fields. JCAP, 0906, 021, (2009),
[t09/032] P. Vanhove and N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr. Surprising simplicity of N=8 supergravity. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D,
18, 2295–2301, (2009).
[t09/033] B. Duplantier and S. Sheffield. Duality and KPZ in Liouville Quantum Gravity. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102,
150603, (2009), arXiv:0901.0277.
[t09/036] O. Bernardi, B. Duplantier, and P. Nadeau. A Bijection between well-labelled positive paths and matchings. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B63e, 1–13, (2010), arXiv:0903.5379.
[t09/037] K. Mallick. Some Recent Developments in Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics. International Conference
on Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Bombay (inde), 2009-01-12/2009-01-18, (2009).
[t09/038] R. Balian. Recension du livre de Sébastien Balibar : The Atom and the Apple: Twelve Tales from
Contemporary Physics. Amer. J. Phys., 77, 575–576, (2009).
[t09/039] M. Graña, J. Louis, A. Sim, and D. Waldram. E7(7) formulation of N=2 backgrounds. JHEP, 0907, 104,
(2009), arXiv:0904.2333.
[t09/040] T. Lappi. RHIC data and small x physics. volume 196 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 44–49, (2009),
arXiv:0902.0455. 15th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI
2008), Paris.
[t09/041] J.-E. Bourgine. Boundary changing operators in the O(n) matrix model. JHEP, 0909, 020, (2009),
[t09/044] D. Volin. The 2-loop generalized scaling function from the BES/FRS equation. (2009), arXiv:0812.4407.
[t09/045] M. Cirelli. PAMELA, ATIC and Dark Matter, or: Seeing Dark Matter in Cosmic Rays?
Telescopes, Venise, Italie, 2009-03-07/2009-03-14, (2009).
[t09/046] S. Galli, F. Iocco, G. Bertone, and A. Melchiorri. CMB constraints on dark matter models with large
annihilation cross section. Phys. Rev. D, 80, 023505, (2009), arXiv:0905.0003.
[t09/047] J.-Y. Ollitrault, A.M. Poskanzer, and S.A. Voloshin. Effect of flow fluctuations and nonflow on elliptic
flow methods. Phys. Rev. C, 80, 014904, (2009), arXiv:0904.2315.
[t09/048] S. Prolhac. A combinatorial solution for the current fluctuations in the exclusion process. (2009),
[t09/049] K. Mallick. Influence of the noise spectrum on the anomalous diffusion in a stochastic system. Phys.
Rev. E, 80, 011124, (2009).
[t09/050] B. Eynard. A Matrix model for plane partitions. J. Stat. Mech., P10011, (2009), arXiv:0905.0535.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t09/051] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Statistics of the two-point transmission at Anderson localization transitions.
Phys. Rev. B, 79, 205120, (2009), arXiv:0903.1988.
[t09/052] S. Nonnenmacher and M. Zworski. Semiclassical resolvent estimates in chaotic scattering. Appl. Math.
Res. Express, 2009, abp003, (2009), arXiv:0904.2986.
[t09/054] E. Sefusatti. One-loop Perturbative Corrections to the Matter and Galaxy Bispectrum with non-Gaussian
Initial Conditions. Phys. Rev. D, 80, 123002, (2009), arXiv:0905.0717 [astro-ph.CO].
[t09/055] G. Borot, B. Eynard, M. Mulase, and B. Safnuk. A matrix model for simple Hurwitz numbers, and
topological recursion. J. Geom. Phys., 61, 522–540, (2011), arXiv:0906.1206.
[t09/056] G. Giecold, E. Iancu, and A.H. Mueller. Stochastic trailing string and Langevin dynamics from AdS/CFT.
JHEP, 0907, 033, (2009), arXiv:0903.1840.
[t09/057] G. Giecold.
Heavy quark in an expanding plasma in AdS/CFT.
[t09/058] G. Giecold. Fermionic Schwinger-Keldysh Propagators from AdS/CFT.
JHEP, 0906, 002, (2009),
JHEP, 0910, 057, (2009),
[t09/059] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Multi-jet cross sections at NLO with BlackHat and Sherpa. XLIIIth Rencontres de Moriond
(QCD and High Energy Interactions), La Thuile, Italy, 2008-03-08/2008-03-15, (2009), arXiv:0905.2735.
[t09/060] M. Cirelli. Dark Matter and the PAMELA/ATIC data. Rencontres de Moriond Electroweak 2009, La
Thuile, Italie, 2009-03-07/2009-03-14, (2009).
[t09/061] R. Balian. Recension du livre d’Hans Christian von Baeyer : Petites leçons de physique dans les jardins
de Paris. Reflets phys., 17, 34, (2009).
[t09/062] T. Lappi. Initial conditions of heavy ion collisions and high energy factorization. volume 40 of Acta
Phys. Pol. B, 1997–2012, (2009), arXiv:0904.1670. XV Cracow Epiphany Conference, Cracovie, Pologne.
[t09/063] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and L. McLerran.
Glittering Glasmas.
Nucl. Phys. A, 828, 149–160, (2009),
[t09/064] A. Mehta, G.C. Barker, and J.M. Luck. Heterogeneities in granular materials. Phys. Today, 62, 40–45,
[t09/065] M. Cirelli, F. Iocco, and P. Panci. Constraints on Dark Matter annihilations from reionization and
heating of the intergalactic gas. JCAP, 0910, 009, (2009), arXiv:0907.0719.
[t09/066] S. Alexandrov and F. Saueressig. Quantum mirror symmetry and twistors. JHEP, 0909, 108, (2009),
[t09/067] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Half-Skyrmion Hadronic Matter at High Density, 147–163. World Scientific,
(2010), arXiv:0905.0235.
[t09/068] J.L. Jacobsen and H. Saleur. Boundary chromatic polynomial. J. Stat. Phys., 132, 707–719, (2008),
[t09/070] A. Ayyer, Carlen E. A., Lebowitz J. L., Mohanty P. K., D. Mukamel, and E.R. Speer. Phase diagram of
the ABC model on an interval. J. Stat. Phys., 137, 1166–1204, (2009), arXiv:0905.4849.
[t09/071] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Conformal two-boundary loop model on the annulus. Nucl.
Phys. B [FS], 813, 430–459, (2009), arXiv:0812.2746.
[t09/072] Y. Ikhlef, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. A Temperley-Lieb quantum chain with two- and three-site
interactions. J. Phys. A, 42, 292002, (2009), arXiv:0901.4685.
[t09/073] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Conformal boundary conditions in the critical O(n) model and
dilute loop models. Nucl. Phys. B, 827, 457–502, (2010), arXiv:0905.1382.
[t09/074] F. David and K.J. Wiese. Field Theory of the RNA Freezing Transition. J. Stat. Mech., P10019, (2009),
[t09/075] E. Sefusatti, M. Liguori, A. Yadav, P. S., G. Jackson, M., and E. Pajer. Constraining Running NonGaussianity. JCAP, 0912, 022, (2009), arXiv:0906.0232.
[t09/076] G. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev. Symmetries and analytic properties of scattering amplitudes in N=4
SYM theory. Nucl. Phys. B, 882, 1–51, (2010), arXiv:0906.1737.
[t09/077] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr and P. Vanhove. Simplicity of Amplitudes in Gravity and Yang-Mills Theories.
volume CLAQG08 of PoS, 004, (2011). International Workshop on Continuum and Lattice Approaches to
Quantum Gravity (CLAQG08), Brighton, UK, 2008-09-17/2008-09-19.
[t09/078] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Next-to-Leading Order QCD Predictions for W+3-Jet Distributions at Hadron Colliders. Phys.
Rev. D, 80, 074036, (2009), arXiv:0907.1984.
[t09/079] D. Volin. Minimal solution of the AdS/CFT crossing equation.
J. Phys. A, 42, 372001, (2009),
[t09/081] D. Volin. From the mass gap at large (N) to the non-Borel-summability in O(3) and O(4) sigma-models.
Phys. Rev. D, 81, 105008, (2010), arXiv:0904.2744.
[t09/082] F. Iocco. An idea for detecting capture dominated Dark Stars. volume 194 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.
Suppl.), 82–85, (2009), arXiv:0906.4106. GGI 2009 conference on Dark Matter.
[t09/084] J.-Y. Ollitrault, A.M. Poskanzer, and S.A. Voloshin. Effect of nonflow and flow fluctuations on elliptic flow
methods. volume 830 of Nucl. Phys. A, 279c–282c, (2009), arXiv:0906.3463. 21st International Conference
on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (Quark Matter 2009), Knoxville, Tennessee, 2009-03-30/200904-04.
[t09/085] A. Voros. Zeta functions over zeros of zeta functions. Springer, (2010).
[t09/086] N. Berkovits, M.B. Green, J.G. Russo, and P. Vanhove. Non-renormalization conditions for four-gluon
scattering in supersymmetric string and field theory. JHEP, 0911, 063, (2009), arXiv:0908.1923.
[t09/087] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Anderson transitions : multifractal or non-multifractal statistics of the
transmission as a function of the scattering geometry. J. Stat. Mech., P07033, (2009), arXiv:0904.4547.
[t09/088] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Statistics of renormalized on-site energies and renormalized hoppings for Anderson localization models in dimensions d=2 and d=3. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 024203, (2009), arXiv:0905.4127.
[t09/089] J.M. Stéphan, S. Furukawa, G. Misguich, and V. Pasquier. Shannon and entanglement entropies of oneand two-dimensional critical wave functions. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 184421, (2009), arXiv:0906.1153.
[t09/090] Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, and B.G. Giraud. From Di-Nucleus to Mono-Nucleus - Neck Evolution in
Fusion of Massive Systems. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 18, 2169–2174, (2009), arXiv:0901.0470.
[t09/091] B.G. Giraud and P. Moussa. Schroedinger equations for the square root density of an eigenmixture and
the square root of an eigendensity spin matrix. Phys. Rev. C, 82, 024301, (2010), arXiv:0906.2668.
[t09/092] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr, P.H. Damgaard, and P. Vanhove. Minimal Basis for Gauge Theory Amplitudes.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 161602, (2009), arXiv:0907.1425.
[t09/093] C. Caprini. L’espace et le temps en cosmologie. ScintillationS, Journal du DAPNIA, 79, 12–13, (2009).
[t09/094] T. Sarlat, A. Billoire, G. Biroli, and J.-P. Bouchaud. Predictive power of MCT: Numerics and Finite
size scaling for a mean field spin glass. J. Stat. Mech., P08014, (2009), arXiv:0905.3333.
[t09/095] F. Chevallier, O. Kepka, C. Marquet, and C. Royon. Gaps between jets at hadron colliders in the
next-to-leading BFKL framework. Phys. Rev. D, 79, 094019, (2009), arXiv:0903.4598.
[t09/096] C. Marquet. Multiple partonic interactions in heavy-ion collisions. 1st International Workshop on
Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, Perugia, Italy, 2008-10-27/2008-10-31, (2009), arXiv:0905.1878.
[t09/097] C. Marquet, B.-W. Xiao, and F. Yuan. Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at small x. Phys. Lett.
B, 682, 207–211, (2009), arXiv:0906.1454.
[t09/098] C. Marquet. Large parton densities and high-pT physics in heavy-ion collisions. volume High-pT
physics09 of PoS, 039, (2009), arXiv:0906.3184. 4th International Workshop on High-pT physics at LHC,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2009-02-04/2009-02-07.
[t09/099] C. Gombeaud, T. Lappi, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Effects of partial thermalization on HBT interferometry.
volume 830 of Nucl. Phys. A, 817c–820c, (2009), arXiv:0907.1392. The 21st International Conference on
Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2009), Knoxville, TN, 2009-03-30/2009-04-04.
[t09/100] C. Godrèche, H. Grandclaude, and J.M. Luck. Finite-time fluctuations in the degree statistics of growing
networks. J. Stat. Phys., 137, 1117–1146, (2009), arXiv:0907.1470.
[t09/101] B. Eynard, M. Mulase, and B. Safnuk. The Laplace transform of the cut-and-join equation and the
Bouchard-Mariño conjecture on Hurwitz numbers. Publ. RIMS, 47, 629–670, (2011), arXiv:0907.5224.
[t09/102] G. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev. Twistor transform of all tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM theory. Nucl.
Phys. B, 829, 478–522, (2010), arXiv:0907.4107.
[t09/103] G.E. Brown, M. Harada, J.W. Holt, M. Rho, and C. Sasaki. Hidden Local Field Theory and Dileptons
in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. Prog. Theor. Phys., 121, 1209–1236, (2009), arXiv:0901.1513.
[t09/104] K. Fukushima, F. Gelis, and T. Lappi. Multiparticle correlations in the Schwinger mechanism. Nucl.
Phys. A, 831, 184–214, (2009), arXiv:0907.4793.
[t09/105] P. Werner, E. Gull, O. Parcollet, and A.J. Millis. Momentum-selective metal-insulator transition in
the two-dimensional Hubbard model: An 8-site dynamical cluster approximation study. Phys. Rev. B, 80,
045120, (2009), arXiv:0903.3012.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t09/106] C. Gombeaud and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Effects of flow fluctuations and partial thermalization on v4 . Phys.
Rev. C, 81, 014901, (2010), arXiv:0907.4664.
[t09/107] T. Lappi. Understanding saturation and AA collisions with an eA collider. volume 830 of Nucl. Phys.
A, 403c–410c, (2009), arXiv:0907.4588. Quark Matter 2009, Knoxville, TN, USA.
[t09/108] T. Lappi, H. Kowalski, C. Marquet, and R. Venugopalan. Diffractive structure functions in nuclei.
volume 3 of Progress in High Energy Physics, 36, (2009), arXiv:0906.3637. DIS 2009, Madrid, Espagne,
[t09/109] R. Minasian, M. Petrini, and A. Zaffaroni. New families of interpolating type IIB backgrounds. JHEP,
1004, 080, (2010), arXiv:0907.5147.
[t09/111] C. Marquet, G. Beuf, and B.-W. Xiao. Energy loss and thermalization of heavy quarks in a stronglycoupled plasma. volume 830 of Nucl. Phys. A, 307c–310c, (2009), arXiv:0907.5292. Quark Matter 2009,
Knoxville, TN, USA.
[t09/112] H. Masui, J.-Y. Ollitrault, R. Snellings, and A. Tang. The centrality dependence of v2/epsilon: the
ideal hydro limit and eta/s. volume 830 of Nucl. Phys. A, 463c–466c, (2009), arXiv:0908.0403. The 21st
International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2009), Knoxville,
TN, 2009-03-30/2009-04-04.
[t09/113] I. Bena, S. Giusto, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. Multi-Center non-BPS Black Holes - the Solution. JHEP,
0911, 032, (2009), arXiv:arXiv:0908.2121.
[t09/114] M. Ferrero, P Cornaglia, L De Leo, O. Parcollet, G. Kotliar, and A. Georges. Pseudogap opening and
formation of Fermi arcs as an orbital-selective Mott transition in momentum space. Phys. Rev. B, 80,
064501, (2009), arXiv:0903.2480.
[t09/115] M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet, T. Miyake, A. Georges, and S. Biermann. Dynamical Mean-Field Theory within an Augmented Plane-Wave Framework: Assessing Electronic
Correlations in the Iron Pnictide LaFeAsO. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 085101, (2009), arXiv:0906.3735.
[t09/116] M. Bergère and B. Eynard. Universal scaling limits of matrix models, and (p,q) Liouville gravity. (2009),
[t09/121] C. Caprini, R. Durrer, and G. Servant. The stochastic gravitational wave background from turbulence
and magnetic fields generated by a first-order phase transition. JCAP, 0912, 024, (2009), arXiv:0909.0622.
[t09/122] C. Marquet and T. Renk. Jet quenching in the strongly-interacting quark-gluon plasma. Phys. Lett. B,
685, 270–276, (2010), arXiv:0908.0880.
[t09/123] C. Marquet and B. Wu. Exclusive vs. diffractive vector meson production in DIS at small x or off nuclei.
volume 3 of Progress in High Energy Physics, 176, (2009), arXiv:0908.4180. XVIIth International Workshop
on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS09), Madrid, Spain, 2009-04-26/2006-04-30.
[t09/124] T. Lappi and L. McLerran. Long range rapidity correlations as seen in the STAR experiment. Nucl.
Phys. A, 832, 330–345, (2009), arXiv:0909.0428.
[t09/125] G. Beuf. Gravity dual of N=4 SYM theory with fast moving sources. Phys. Lett. B, 686, 55–58, (2010),
[t09/126] G. Beuf, M.P. Heller, R.A. Janik, and R. Peschanski.
AdS/CFT. JHEP, 0910, 043, (2009), arXiv:0906.4423.
Boost-invariant early time dynamics from
[t09/127] S. Nonnenmacher. Quelques aspects de chaos quantique. 2009-06-05, (2009).
[t09/129] E. Gull, O. Parcollet, P. Werner, and A.J. Millis. On the momentum-sector-selective transition in the 8
site dynamical mean field approximation to the two dimensional Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 245102,
(2009), arXiv:0909.1795.
[t09/130] I. Bena, S. Giusto, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. A (Running) Bolt for New Reasons. JHEP, 0911, 089,
(2009), arXiv:arXiv:0909.2559.
[t09/131] E. Schenck. Energy decay for the damped wave equation under a pressure condition. Commun. Math.
Phys., 300, 375–410, (2010), arXiv:0909.2093v1.
[t09/132] M. Bauer, D. Bernard, and L. Cantini. Off-Critical SLE(2) and SLE(4): a Field Theory Approach. J.
Stat. Mech., P07037, (2009), arXiv:0903.1023.
[t09/133] P. Di Francesco. Integrable Combinatorics. Integrable Combinatorics, Institut Henri Poincaré, 2009-0909/2009-09-30, (2009).
[t09/136] D. Maitre, C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, F. Febres Cordero, H. Ita, L.J. Dixon, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, and D.A.
Kosower. NLO QCD Predictions for W+3 jets. volume EPS-HEP 2009 of PoS, 367, (2009), arXiv:0909.4949.
EPS-HEP 2009, Krakow, Poland, 2009-07-16/2009-07-22.
[t09/137] I. Bena, S. Giusto, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. Supergravity Solutions from Floating Branes. JHEP,
1003, 047, (2010), arXiv:arXiv:0910.1860 [hep-th].
[t09/138] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. Distance statistics in quadrangulations with a boundary, or with a selfavoiding loop. J. Phys. A, 42, 465208, (2009), arXiv:0906.4892.
[t09/143] B. Vicedo. Hamiltonian dynamics and the hidden symmetries of the AdS5 xS 5 superstring. JHEP, 1001,
102, (2010), arXiv:0910.0221.
[t09/152] C. Gombeaud and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Why is v4 /(v2 )2 larger than predicted by hydrodynamics? volume
834 of Nucl. Phys. A, 295c–297c, (2010), arXiv:0910.0392. The 10th International Conference on NucleusNucleus collisions, Beijing, China, 2009-08-16/2009-08-21.
[t09/153] R. Balian. Une crise en physique ? Entre déterminisme et imprévisibilité. Nouvelles Archimède, 53,
21–24, (2010).
[t09/154] M. Chemtob and P. Hosteins. Searching singlet extensions of the supersymmetric standard model in
Z6−II orbifold compactification of heterotic string. Eur. Phys. J. C, 68, 539–559, (2010), arXiv:0909.4497.
[t09/155] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Statistical properties of two-particle transmission at Anderson transition. J.
Phys. A, 42, 475007, (2009), arXiv:0909.1894v1.
[t09/156] A. Ayyer. A Natural Bijection between Permutations and a Family of Descending Plane Partitions. Eur.
J. Comb., 31, 1785–1791, (2010), arXiv:0909.4732.
[t09/157] A. Ayyer and K. Mallick. Exact results for an asymmetric annihilation process with open boundaries. J.
Phys. A, 43, 045003, (2010), arXiv:0910.0693.
[t09/158] L. Calibbi, M. Frigerio, S. Lavignac, and A. Romanino. Flavour violation in supersymmetric SO(10)
unification with a type II seesaw mechanism. JHEP, 0912, 057, (2009), arXiv:0910.0377.
[t09/159] P. Vanhove. La cosmologie : un laboratoire pour la théorie des cordes. FORME ET ORIGINE DE
L’UNIVERS, Lyon 3, 2009-10-12/2009-10-14, (2009).
[t09/160] G. Borot and B. Eynard. Enumeration of maps with self avoiding loops and the O(n) model on random
lattices of all topologies. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P01010, (2011), arXiv:0910.5896.
[t09/161] S. Prolhac. Méthodes exactes pour le modèle d’exclusion asymétrique. PhD thesis, (2009). Université
Pierre et Marie Curie, 2009-09-23.
[t09/162] M. Cirelli. Pamela, ATIC, Fermi, HESS and Dark Matter, or: Seeing signals of Dark Matter in cosmic
rays? CCAPP Symposium, Columbus, OH, (2009).
[t09/163] P. Desrosiers and B. Eynard. Supermatrix models, loop equations, and duality. J. Math. Phys., 51,
123304, (2010), arXiv:0911.1762.
[t09/164] A. Dumitru, F. Gelis, L. McLerran, and R. Venugopalan. Glasma flux tubes and the near side ridge
phenomenon at RHIC. Nucl. Phys. A, 810, 91, (2008), arXiv:0804.3858.
[t09/165] F. Gelis, S. Jeon, and R. Venugopalan. How particles emerge from decaying classical fields in heavy ion
collisions: towards a kinetic description of the Glasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 817, 61, (2009), arXiv:0706.3775.
[t09/166] A.J. Baltz, F. Gelis, and al.+ et. The Physics of Ultraperipheral Collisions at the LHC. Phys. Rep., 458,
1–171, (2008), arXiv:0706.3356.
[t09/167] A. Bessa, C.A. de Carvalho, E.S. Fraga, and F. Gelis. Semiclassical thermodynamics of scalar fields.
JHEP, 0708, 007, (2007), arXiv:0705.1531.
[t09/168] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. High energy scattering in Quantum Chromodynamics. volume 16
of Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 2595–2637, (2007), arXiv:0708.0047. 10th International Workshop on Hadron Physics
(X Hadron Physics), Florianopolis, Bresil.
[t09/169] C. Caprini, R. Durrer, and E. Fenu. Can the observed large scale magnetic fields be seeded by helical
primordial fields? JCAP, 0911, 001, (2009), arXiv:0906.4976.
[t09/170] B. Eynard, A. Kashani-Poor, and O. Marchal. A matrix model for the topological string I: Deriving the
matrix model. (2009), arXiv:1003.1737.
[t09/171] E. Avsar, E. Iancu, L. McLerran, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Shockwaves and deep inelastic scattering
within the gauge/gravity duality. JHEP, 0911, 105, (2009), arXiv:0907.4604.
[t09/172] E. Iancu and A.H. Mueller. A lattice test of strong coupling behaviour in QCD at finite temperature.
Phys. Lett. B, 681, 247–252, (2009), arXiv:0906.3175.
[t09/173] E. Avsar and E. Iancu. CCFM Evolution with Unitarity Corrections. Nucl. Phys. A, 829, 31–75, (2009),
[t09/174] E. Avsar and E. Iancu. BFKL and CCFM evolutions with saturation boundary. Phys. Lett. B, 673,
24–29, (2009), arXiv:0901.2873.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t09/175] L. Chekhov, B. Eynard, and O. Marchal. Topological expansion of the Bethe ansatz, and quantum
algebraic geometry. (2009), arXiv:0911.1664.
[t09/176] M. Rho, S.-J. Sin, and I. Zahed. Dense QCD: a Holographic Dyonic Salt. Phys. Lett. B, 01, 077, (2010),
[t09/177] C. Monthus, B. Berche, and C. Chatelain. Symmetry relation for multifractal spectra at random critical
points. J. Stat. Mech., P12002, (2009), arXiv:0909.0584.
[t09/178] P. Brun, G. Bertone, M. Cirelli, E. Moulin, J.-F. Glicenstein, F. Iocco, and L. Pieri. The cosmic ray lepton
puzzle. Annual meeting of the French Astronomical & Astrophysical Society (sf2a), (2009), arXiv:1001.5408.
[t09/179] P. Valageas. Some statistical properties of the Burgers equation with white-noise initial velocity. J. Stat.
Phys., 137, 729–764, (2009), arXiv:0903.0956.
[t09/180] P. Valageas. Quasi-linear regime and rare-event tails of decaying Burgers turbulence. Phys. Rev. E, 80,
016305, (2009), arXiv:0905.1910.
[t09/181] P. Valageas. Mass functions and bias of dark matter halos. Astron. Astrophys., 508, 93–106, (2009),
[t09/182] P. Valageas. Mass function and bias of dark matter halos for non-Gaussian initial conditions. Astron.
Astrophys., 514, A46, (2010), arXiv:0906.1042.
[t09/183] D. Munshi, P. Valageas, A. Cooray, and A. Heavens. Secondary non-Gaussianity and Cross-Correlation
Analysis. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 414, 3173–3197, (2011), arXiv:0907.3229.
[t09/184] C. Godrèche, H. Grandclaude, and J.M. Luck. Statistics of leaders and lead changes in growing networks.
J. Stat. Mech., P02001, (2010), arXiv:0911.3057.
[t09/185] C. Normand. Finite gap effects on the instability of stratified circular Couette Flow. Eur. J. Mech. B,
Fluids, 29, 192–200, (2010).
[t09/186] J.-E. Bourgine, K. Hosomichi, and I.K. Kostov. Boundary transitions of the O(n) model on a dynamical
lattice. Nucl. Phys. B, 882, 462–499, (2010), arXiv:0910.1581.
[t09/187] M. Cirelli, P. Panci, and D. Serpico P. Diffuse gamma ray constraints on annihilating or decaying Dark
Matter after Fermi. Nucl. Phys. B, 840, 284–303, (2010), arXiv:0912.0663.
[t09/189] Brown G.-E. and Rho M., editors. The Multifaceted Skyrmion. World Scientific, (2010).
[t09/190] P. Vanhove. On the ultraviolet behaviour of N=8 supergravity amplitudes. In Marcel Grossmann Meeting
on General Relativity, 2351–2355. World Scientific, (2012). 12th Marcel Grosmann Meeting, Paris, 2009-0712/2009-07-18.
[t09/193] C. Candu, Mitev V., Quella T., H. Saleur, and V. Schomerus. The Sigma Model on Complex Projective
Superspaces. JHEP, 1002, 015, (2010), arXiv:0908.0878.
[t09/194] C. Candu, J.L. Jacobsen, N. Read, and H. Saleur. Universality classes of polymer melts and conformal
sigma models. J. Phys. A, 43, 142001, (2010), arXiv:0908.1081.
[t09/195] H. Saleur and B. Pozsgay. Scattering and duality in the 2 dimensional OSP(2|2) Gross Neveu and sigma
models. J. Phys. C, 6, 41, (2009), arXiv:0910.0637.
[t09/196] B. Eynard and N. Orantin. Geometrical interpretation of the topological recursion, and integrable string
theories. (2009), arXiv:0911.5096.
[t09/199] P. Creminelli, G. D’Amico, J. Norena, L. Senatore, and F. Vernizzi. Spherical collapse in quintessence
models with zero speed of sound. JCAP, 1004, 027, (2010), arXiv:0911.2701.
[t09/200] F. Bernardeau, C. Bonvin, and F. Vernizzi. Full-sky lensing shear at second order. Phys. Rev. D, 81,
083002, (2010), arXiv:0911.2244.
[t09/201] L. Boubekeur, P. Creminelli, G. D’Amico, J. Norena, and F. Vernizzi. Sachs-Wolfe at second order: the
CMB bispectrum on large angular scales. JCAP, 0908, 029, (2009), arXiv:0906.0980.
[t09/202] P. Creminelli, G. D’Amico, J. Norena, and F. Vernizzi. The Effective Theory of Quintessence: the w<-1
Side Unveiled. JCAP, 0902, 018, (2009), arXiv:0811.0827.
[t09/203] D. Langlois, F. Vernizzi, and D. Wands. Non-linear isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities.
JCAP, 0812, 004, (2008), arXiv:0809.4646.
[t09/206] B.G. Giraud and S. Karataglidis. Algebraic Density Functionals. Phys. Lett. B, 703 (1)„ 88, (2011),
[t09/207] B.G. Giraud. Open Problems in Nuclear Density Functional Theory. J. Phys. G, 37, 064002, (2010),
[t09/208] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Eigenvalue method to compute the largest relaxation time of disordered
systems. J. Stat. Mech., P12017, (2009), arXiv:0910.4833.
[t09/209] P. Brax, C. Burrage, A.C. Davis, D. Seery, and A. Weltman. Higgs production as a probe of dark energy
interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 81, 103524, (2010), arXiv:0911.1267.
[t09/210] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and D. Shaw. Laboratory Tests of Chameleon Models. 5th Patras
Workshop, PATRAS 2009, Durham, UK, 2009-07-13/2009-07-17, (2009), arXiv:0911.1086.
[t09/211] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, J. Martin, and A.C. Davis. Decoupling Dark Energy from Matter. JCAP,
0909, 032, (2009), arXiv:0904.3471.
[t09/212] P. Brax, C. Burrage, A.C. Davis, D. Seery, and A. Weltman. Collider constraints on interactions of dark
energy with the Standard Model. JHEP, 0909, 128, (2009), arXiv:0904.3002.
[t09/213] P. Brax, C.A. Savoy, and A. Sil.
SQCD Inflation & SUSY Breaking.
JHEP, 0904, 092, (2009),
[t09/214] P. Brax. La cosmologie: un laboratoire de l’infiniment petit. Forme et Origine de l’univers : philosophie
et cosmologie, Lyon, (2010).
[t09/216] F. Bernardeau and P. Valageas. Eulerian and Lagrangian propagators for the adhesion model (Burgers
dynamics). Phys. Rev. D, 81, 043516, (2010), arXiv:0912.0356.
[t09/217] D.A. Kosower. New Technologies in the Hunt for New Physics. In XVIth International Congress on
Mathematical Physics. World Scientific, (2010). ICMP 2009, Prague, 2009-08-03/2009-08-08.
[t09/219] S. Nonnenmacher. Entropy of chaotic eigenstates. In D. Jakobson, Nonnenmacher S., and I. Polterovich,
editors, Spectrum and Dynamics, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes vol.52, 1–42. American Mathematical
Society, (2010), arXiv:1004.4964. Spectre et Dynamique, Montréal, Canada, 2008-04-07/2008-04-11.
[t09/220] S. Nonnenmacher. Quantum transfer operators and chaotic scattering. Spectrum of transfer operators:
recent developments and applications, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2009-11-08/200911-14, (2009), arXiv:1001.3459.
[t09/221] G. Giecold. Finite-Temperature Fractional D2-Branes and the Deconfinement Transition in 2+1 Dimensions. JHEP, 1003, 109, (2010), arXiv:0912.1558.
[t09/222] M. Cirelli. Indirect search of Dark Matter in space: theoretical and phenomenological aspects. In Marcel
Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 905–907. World Scientific, (2012). 12th Marcel Grossmann
Meeting on General Relativity, UNESCO, Paris, 2009-07-12/2009-07-18.
[t09/223] R. Candelier, O. Dauchot, and G. Biroli. Dynamical facilitation decreases when approaching the granular
glass transition. Europhys. Lett., 92, 24003, (2010), arXiv:0912.0472v1.
[t09/224] R. Candelier, A. Widmer-Cooper, J.K. Kummerfeld, O. Dauchot, G. Biroli, P. Harrowell, and D.R.
Reichman. Spatiotemporal Hierarchy of Relaxation Events, Dynamical Heterogeneities, and Structural
Reorganization in a Supercooled Liquid. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 135702, (2010), arXiv:0912.0193v1.
[t09/225] Darst Richard K., D.R. Reichman, and G. Biroli. Dynamical Heterogeneity in Lattice Glass Models. J.
Chem. Phys., 132, 044510, (2010), arXiv:0911.0479.
[t09/226] G. Biroli, C. Kollath, and A. Läuchli. Effect of Rare Fluctuations on the Thermalization of Isolated
Quantum Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 250401, (2010), arXiv:0907.3731v2.
[t09/227] F. Sausset, C. Toninelli, G. Biroli, and G. Tarjus. Bootstrap Percolation and Kinetically Constrained
Models on Hyperbolic Lattices. J. Stat. Phys., 138, 411–430, (2010), arXiv:0907.0938v2.
[t09/228] A. Andreanov, G. Biroli, and J.-P. Bouchaud. Mode-Coupling as a Landau Theory of the Glass Transition.
Europhys. Lett., 88, 16001, (2009), arXiv:0903.4619.
[t09/229] M. Tarzia, G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, and A. Lefèvre. Anomalous non-linear response of glassy liquids:
general arguments and a Mode-Coupling approach. J. Chem. Phys., 132, 054501, (2010), arXiv:0812.3514.
[t09/230] R. Candelier, O. Dauchot, and G. Biroli. The building blocks of dynamical heterogeneities in dense
granular media. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 088001, (2009), arXiv:0811.0201.
[t09/231] C. Aron, G. Biroli, and L.F. Cugliandolo. Driven quantum coarsening. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 050404,
(2009), arXiv:0809.0590.
[t09/232] G. Biroli, C. Chamon, and F. Zamponi. Theory of the superglass phase. Phys. Rev. B, 78, 224306,
(2009), arXiv:0807.2458.
[t09/233] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Q-system Cluster Algebras, Paths and Total Positivity. SIGMA, 6, 014,
(2010), arXiv:0906.3421.
[t09/234] P. Di Francesco and N.Y. Reshetikhin. Asymptotic shapes with free boundaries. Commun. Math. Phys.,
309, 87–121, (2012), arXiv:0908.1630.
[t09/235] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Positivity of the T-system cluster algebra. Electr. J. Combin., 16(1),
R140, (2009), arXiv:0908.3122.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t09/236] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Discrete non-commutative integrability: the proof of a conjecture by M.
Kontsevich. Int. Math. Res. Not., 2 March 2010, 024, (2010), arXiv:0909.0615.
[t09/237] I. Bena, M. Graña, and N. Halmagyi. On the Existence of Meta-stable Vacua in Klebanov-Strassler.
JHEP, 1009, 087, (2011), arXiv:0912.3519.
[t09/238] F. Bernardeau. The growth of cosmological density perturbations. volume 1132 of AIP Conf. Proc.,
42–85, (2009). COSMOLOGY AND GRAVITATION: XIII Brazilian School on Cosmology and Gravitation
(XIII BSCG), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008-07-20/2008-08-02.
[t09/239] G. Biroli and J.-P. Bouchaud. The Random First-Order Transition Theory of Glasses: a critical assessment, 31–113. (2012), arXiv:0912.2542v1.
[t09/241] M. Rho. Dileptons Get Nearly Blind to Mass-Scaling Effects In Hot and/or Dense Matter. (2009),
[t09/242] B.Y. Park, J.I. Kim, and M. Rho. Kaons in Dense Half-Skyrmion Matter. Phys. Rev. C, 81, 035203,
(2009), arXiv:0912.3213.
[t09/244] C. Pitrou, F. Bernardeau, and J.-P. Uzan. The y-sky: diffuse spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave
background. JCAP, 1007, 019, (2010), arXiv:0912.3655.
[t09/245] C. Gombeaud and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Are eccentricity fluctuations able to explain the centrality dependence
of v4 ? volume 37 of J. Phys. G, 094024, (2010), arXiv:0912.3623. International Conference on Strangeness
in Quark Matter (SQM09), Buzios, Brasil, 2009-09-27/2009-10-02.
[t09/246] D. Lacoste and K. Mallick.
Fluctuation relations for molecular motors, 61–88.
Spinger, (2011),
[t09/247] P. Ranjith, K. Mallick, J.F. Joanny, and D. Lacoste. Role of ATP-hydrolysis in the treadmilling of a
single Role of ATP-hydrolysis in the treadmilling of a single actin filament. Biophys. J., 98, 1418–1427,
(2010), arXiv:0908.0657.
[t09/249] K. Mallick. Developpements Recents en Physique Statistique Loin de l’Equilibre. (2009).
[t09/250] F. Bernardeau and P. Valageas. Merging and fragmentation in the Burgers dynamics. Phys. Rev. E, 82,
016311, (2010), arXiv:0912.3603.
[t09/251] M. Barthélémy, J.P. Nadal, and H. Berestycki. Disentangling collective trends from local dynamics. Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci., 107, 7629–7634, (2010), arXiv:0909.1490.
[t09/252] M. Woelki and K. Mallick. Transfer matrices for the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. J.
Phys. A, 43, 185003, (2010), arXiv:1001.1064.
[t09/253] R. Balian and al.+ et. Quand la science rencontre ses limites. Science & Vie, 1103, 56–61, (2009).
[t09/254] G. Ripka. Density functionals derived from Feynman diagrams. (2010), arXiv:0910.1935.
[t09/255] R Chetrite and K. Mallick. Fluctuation Relations for Quantum Markovian Dynamical Systems. J. Stat.
Phys., 148, 480–501, (2010), arXiv:1002.0950.
[t09/256] M. Bon. Prédiction de structures secondaires d’ARN avec pseudo-noeuds. PhD thesis, (2009). Ecole
Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2009-09-21.
[t09/257] F. Benitez, J.-P. Blaizot, H. Chaté, B. Delamotte, R. Mendez-Galain, and N. Wschebor. Solutions of
renormalization group flow equations with full momentum dependence. Phys. Rev. E, 80, 030103(R), (2009),
[t09/258] J.-P. Blaizot and M.A. Nowak. Confinement, Turbulence and Diffraction Catastrophes. Nucl. Phys. A,
827, 383c–385c, (2009), arXiv:0901.2284.
[t09/259] J.-P. Blaizot and M.A. Nowak. Universal shocks in random matrix theory. Phys. Rev. E, 82, 051115 [6
pp.], (2010), arXiv:0902.2223v1.
[t09/260] A. Beraudo, J.-P. Blaizot, P. Faccioli, and G. Garberoglio. Heavy-quarks in the QGP: study of medium
effects through euclidean propagators and spectral functions. Nucl. Phys. A, 830, 319c–322c, (2009),
[t09/261] J.-P. Blaizot and M.A. Nowak. Large Nc Confinement, Universal Shocks and Random Matrices. Acta
Phys. Pol. B, 40, 3321–3354, (2009), arXiv:0911.3683.
[t09/262] J.-P. Blaizot. Phases of hot and dense QCD matter. volume 834 of Nucl. Phys. A, 515c–520c, (2010),
arXiv:0911.5059. 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Aug 16-21, 2009, Beijing,
[t09/263] J.-P. Blaizot. Exact renormalization group at finite temperature. volume QCD-TNT09 of PoS, 053
[11 pp.], (2009), arXiv:0912.3896v1. International Workshop on QCD Green’s Functions, Confinement and
Phenomenology (QCD-TNT09), ECT Trento, Italy, 2009-09-07/2009-09-11.
[t09/265] P. Brax and E. Cluzel. Brane Bremsstrahlung in DBI Inflation. JCAP, 1003, 016, (2010), arXiv:0912.0806.
[t09/266] E. Schenck. Systèmes quantiques ouverts et méthodes semi-classiques. PhD thesis, (2009). Université
Pierre et Marie Curie, 2009-11-17.
[t09/267] A. Lefèvre. Aging is - almost - like equilibrium. (2009), arXiv:0910.0397.
[t09/268] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Next-to-Leading Order Jet Physics with BlackHat. PoS RADCOR, 065, (2010), arXiv:0912.4927.
[t09/269] J. Bros, H. Epstein, M. Gaudin, U. Moschella, and V. Pasquier. Triangular invariants, three-point
functions and particle stability on the de Sitter universe. Commun. Math. Phys., 295, 261–288, (2010),
[t09/270] C. Ruef. Bubbling solutions, entropy enhancement and the fuzzball proposal. Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.
Suppl.), 192-193, 174–175, (2009), arXiv:0901.3237.
[t09/271] N. Bobev and C. Ruef. The Nuts and Bolts of Einstein-Maxwell Solutions. JHEP, 1001, 124, (2010),
[t09/272] A. Crisanti, C. De Dominicis, and T. Sarlat. Low temperature spin glass fluctuations: expanding around
a spherical approximation. Eur. Phys. J. B, 74, 139–149, (2010), arXiv:0909.2556.
[t09/274] A. Benlagra. Criticalité quantique dans les bi-couches d’ He3 et les composés à fermions lourds. PhD
thesis, (2009). Université Paris-Sud 11, 2009-11-09.
[t09/275] K.-S. Kim and C. Pépin. Quantum Boltzman equation study for the Kondo breakdown quantum critical
point. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22, 025601, (2010), arXiv:0904.1041.
[t09/276] B. Efetov K., C. Pépin, and H. Meier. Exact bosonization for an interacting Fermi gas in arbitrary
dimensions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 186403, (2009), arXiv:0907.3243.
[t09/277] B. Basso. Dynamique fortement couplée et intégrabilité dans l’extension supersymétrique maximale de la
théorie de Yang-Mills. PhD thesis, (2009). Université Paris-Sud 11, 2009-09-28.
[t09/278] J. Bros, E. De Micheli, and G.A. Viano. Nonlocal potentials and complex angular momentum theory.
Ann. Henri Poincaré, 11, 659–764, (2010), arXiv:0912.2902.
[t09/279] A. Crisanti and C. De Dominicis. Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model near T = Tc : expanding around the
Replica Symmetric Solution. J. Phys. A, 43, 055002, (2010), arXiv:0910.4091.
[t09/280] P. Bialas, L. Daniel, A. Morel, and B. Petersson. Three dimensional finite temperature SU(3) gauge
theory in the confined region and the string picture. Nucl. Phys. B, 836, 91–99, (2010), arXiv:0912.0206.
[t09/281] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Exact solution of the anisotropic special transition in the O(n)
model in 2D. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 145701, (2009), arXiv:0909.2949.
[t09/282] Y. Ikhlef, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. The Z2 staggered vertex model and its applications. J. Phys.
A, 43, 225201, (2010), arXiv:0911.3003.
[t09/283] D. Volin. Quantum integrability and functional equations. PhD thesis, (2009), arXiv:1003.4725. Université
Paris-Sud 11, 2009-09-25.
[t09/284] G. Korchemsky. Surprising symmetry of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories. Mod. Phys. Lett. A,
24, 2868–2881, (2009).
[t09/285] M. Frigerio and T. Hambye. Dark matter stability and unification without supersymmetry. Phys. Rev.
D, 81, 075002, (2010), arXiv:0912.1545.
[t09/286] N. Gromov. Integrability in AdS/CFT correspondence: quasi-classical analysis. J. Phys. A, 42, 254004,
[t09/287] E. Avsar, Y. Hatta, and T. Matsuo. Soft gluons away from jets: distribution and correlation. JHEP,
0906, 011, (2009), arXiv:0903.4285.
[t09/289] Duplantier B. and Rivasseau V., editors. Séminaire Poincaré XII, Bio-Physique. Centre Poly-Média de
l’Ecole Polytechnique, (2009). Séminaire Poincaré, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2009-01-31.
[t09/290] B. Duplantier. A Rigorous Perspective on Liouville Quantum Gravity and the KPZ Relation, 529–561.
Oxford University Press, (2009).
[t09/291] B. Duplantier. Liouville Quantum Gravity & the KPZ Relation: A Rigorous Perspective. In XVIth
International Congress on Mathematical Physics, 56–85. World Scientific Publishing Co., (2010). ICMP09,
Prague, 2009-08-03/2009-08-08.
[t09/292] Duplantier B., Halsey T.C., and Rivasseau V., editors. Séminaire Poincaré XIII, Verres et Grains. Centre
Poly-Média de l’Ecole polytechnique, (2009). Séminaire Poincaré, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2009-11-21.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t09/293] M. Antonelli, D.M. Asner, D. Bauer, T. Becher, M. Beneke, A.J. Bevan, M. Blanke, C. Bloise, M. Bona,
A. Bondar, C. Bozzi, J. Brod, A.J. Buras, N. Cabibbo, A. Carbone, G. Cavoto, M. Ciuchini, D.P. Cronin,
C.H. Davies, J. Dingfelder, S. Donati, W. Dungel, U. Egede, G. Eigen, R. Faccini, T. Feldmann, P. Gambino,
E. Gardi, T.J. Gershon, S. Giagu, T. Goto, C. Greub, C. Grojean, and al.+ et. Flavor Physics in the Quark
Sector. Phys. Rep., 494, 197–414, (2010), arXiv:0907.5386.
[t09/294] A. De Roeck, J. Ellis, C. Grojean, and al.+ et. From the LHC to Future Colliders. Eur. Phys. J. C, 66,
525–583, (2010), arXiv:0909.3240.
[t09/295] C. Grojean. New theories for the Fermi scale. volume EPS-HEP of PoS, 008, (2009), arXiv:0910.4976.
EPS-HEPP’09 and Lepton-Photon 2009 conferences.
[t09/296] T. Sarlat. Un modèle de dimension finie pour la transition vitreuse. PhD thesis, (2009). Université Pierre
et Marie Curie, 2009-11-13.
[t09/297] U. Moschella and R. Schaeffer. Quantum fields on curved spacetimes and a new look at the Unruh effect.
volume 1132 of AIP Conf. Proc., 303–332, (2009), arXiv:0904.3751.
[t09/298] R. Peschanski. Traveling wave solution of the Reggeon Field Theory. Phys. Rev. D, 79, 105014, (2009),
[t09/299] R. Peschanski and E.N. Saridakis. Exact hydrodynamic solution for the elliptic flow. Phys. Rev. C, 80,
024907, (2009), arXiv:0906.0941.
[t09/300] R. Peschanski. Traveling wave solution of the Reggeon Field Theory (EPS proceedings). volume EPSHEP2009 of PoS, 338, (2009), arXiv:0909.5612. EPS-HEP 2009, Krakow.
[t09/301] R.A. Janik and R. Peschanski. Bjorken Flow of the quark-gluon plasma and Gauge/Gravity Correspondence. volume EPS-HEP2009 of PoS, 040, (2009), arXiv:0909.5614. EPS-HEP 2009, Krakow, Poland.
[t09/302] R. Peschanski. Extended Geometric Scaling from Generalized Traveling Waves. Phys. Rev. D, 81, 054014,
(2010), arXiv:0912.1762.
[t09/303] R. Peschanski. Gauge-gravity duality and high energy collisions. volume 191 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.
Suppl.), 320–330, (2009).
[t09/304] C. Royon, G. Beuf, R. Peschanski, and D. Salek. Geometric Scaling in Deep Inelastic Scattering. volume
1105 of AIP Conf. Proc., 274–277, (2009).
[t09/305] P. Faccioli, A. Lonardi, and H. Orland. Dominant reaction pathways in protein folding: A direct validation against molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys., 133, 045104, (2010), arXiv:0912.0037.
[t09/306] O. Corradini, P. Faccioli, and H. Orland. Simulating Stochastic Dynamics Using Large Time Steps.
Phys. Rev. E, 80, 061112, (2009), arXiv:0907.2948.
[t09/307] U.D. Jentschura, A. Surzhykov, and J. Zinn-Justin. Generalized Nonanalytic Expansions, PT-Symmetry
and Large-Order Formulas for Odd Anharmonic Oscillators. SIGMA, 5, 005, (2009), arXiv:0901.1858.
[t09/308] U.D. Jentschura, A. Surzhykov, and J. Zinn-Justin. Unified Treatment of Even and Odd Anharmonic
Oscillators of Arbitrary Degree. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 011601, (2009), arXiv:0901.4964.
[t09/309] C. Godrèche and A.J. Bray. Nonequilibrium stationary states and phase transitions in directed Ising. J.
Stat. Mech., 2009, P12016, (2009).
[t09/310] C. Godrèche, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr. The longest excursion of stochastic processes in nonequilibrium systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 240602, (2009).
[t09/311] P. Koehl, H. Orland, and M. Delarue. Beyond the Poisson-Boltzmann Model: Modeling BiomoleculeWater and Water-Water Interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 087801, (2009).
[t09/312] P. Koehl, H. Orland, and M. Delarue. Computing Ion Solvation Free Energies Using the Dipolar Poisson
Model. J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 5694–5697, (2009).
[t09/313] C. Micheletti and H. Orland. MISTRAL: a tool for energy-based multiple structural alignment of proteins.
Bioinformatics, 25, 2663–2669, (2009).
[t09/314] G. Beuf. Contributions à l’étude des interactions fortes à haute énergie et haute densité. PhD thesis,
(2009). Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2009-06-26.
[t09/315] C.B. Jackson, G. Servant, G. Shaughnessy, T.M.P. Tait, and M. Taoso. Higgs in Space! JCAP, 1004,
004, (2010), arXiv:0912.0004.
[t09/316] F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. Long range rapidity correlations and the ridge in A+A collisions.
Nucl. Phys. A, 830, 591c–594c, (2009), arXiv:0907.4381.
[t09/317] G. Beuf, F. Gelis, and al.+ et. Parton Distributions. (2009), arXiv:0901.2504.
[t09/318] G. Beuf, F. Gelis, and al.+ et. Proceedings of the workshop: HERA and the LHC workshop series on
the implications of HERA for LHC physics. Verlag DESY, (2009), arXiv:0903.3861.
[t09/320] Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, B.G. Giraud, and G. Kosenko. Heavy-Ion Fusion Mechanism and Predictions
of Super-Heavy Elements Production. volume 1165 of AIP Conf. Proc., 128–131, (2009).
[t09/321] E. Sefusatti, M. Liguori, A. Yadav, P. S., G. Jackson, M., and E. Pajer. Constraining Running NonGaussianity. JCAP, 0912, 022–067, (2009), arXiv:0906.0232.
[t09/322] K. Mallick. Some recent developments in non-equilibrium statistical physics. volume 73 of Pramana J.
Phys., 417–451, (2009).
[t09/323] A. Gautreau, A. Barrat, and M. Barthélémy. Microdynamics in stationary complex networks. Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci., 106, 8847, (2009), arXiv:0811.1051.
[t09/324] M. Bauer. Probabilité et processus stochastiques, pour les physiciens (et les curieux). Cours de Physique
Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2009-03-06/2009-04-10, (2009).
[t09/325] K. Mallick. Développements récents en Physique Statistique loin de l’équilibre. Cours de Physique
Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2009-05-15/2009-06-05, (2009).
[t09/326] N. Bobev, N. Halmagyi, K. Pilch, and P. Warner. Holographic, N=1 Supersymmetric RG Flows on M2
Branes. JHEP, 0909, 043, (2009), arXiv:0901.2736.
[t09/327] N. Halmagyi.
Non-geometric Backgrounds and the First Order String Sigma Model.
[t09/329] C. Bena. Effects of decoherence on the shot noise in carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 033404, (2010),
[t09/330] C. Bena. The local density of states in the presence of impurity scattering in graphene at high magnetic
field. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 045409, (2010), arXiv:0906.2282.
[t09/331] C. Bena. The tunneling conductance between a superconducting STM tip and an out-of-equilibrium
carbon nanotube. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 035312, (2010), arXiv:0909.0867.
[t09/332] R. Britto and B. Feng. Solving for tadpole coefficients in one-loop amplitudes. Phys. Lett. B, 681,
376–381, (2009), arXiv:0904.2766.
[t09/333] P. Koehl, H. Orland, and M. Delarue. Solvation of Ion Pairs: The Poisson-Langevin Model. International
Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2009), Singapore, SINGAPORE, (2009).
[t09/334] C. Azuara, H. Orland, M. Bon, P. Koehl, and M. Delarue. Incorporating dipolar solvents with variable
density in Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics. Biophys. J., 95, 5587–5605, (2009).
[t09/336] J.L. Jacobsen and F. Alet. The semiflexible fully-packed loop model and interacting rhombus tilings.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 145702, (2009).
[t09/337] J. Zinn-Justin. Zinn-Justin equation. Scholarpedia, 4, 7120, (2009).
[t09/338] J. Zinn-Justin. Path integral. Scholarpedia, 4, 8674, (2009).
[t09/339] E. Iancu and A.H. Mueller. Light-like mesons and deep inelastic scattering in finite-temperature
AdS/CFT with flavor. JHEP, 1002, 023, (2010), arXiv:0912.2238 [hep-th].
[t09/341] E. Iancu. Color Glass Condensate and its relation to HERA physics. volume 191 of Nucl. Phys. B
(Proc. Suppl.), 281–294, (2009), arXiv:0901.0986. Rindberg Workshop - New Trends in HERA Physics
2008, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, 2008-10-05/2008-10-10.
[t09/342] C. Grojean. New physics: Theoretical developments. 24th International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy (LP09), Hambourg (Allemagne), 2009-08-17/2009-08-22, (2009).
[t09/343] J. Houdayer. Ondelettes et analyse numérique. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2009-0609/2009-07-10, (2009).
[t09/344] S. Nonnenmacher. Chaotic dynamical systems. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2009-0918/2009-10-23, (2009).
[t09/347] I. Bena. Black Holes, Black Rings and their Microstates. 2009-06-16, (2009).
[t09/348] M. Cirelli and C. Bonvin. Théorie de la Matière Noire. Clefs CEA, 58, 77–79, (2012).
[t09/352] F. Bernardeau, C. Bonvin, and F. Vernizzi. Full-sky lensing shear at second order. Phys. Rev. D, 81,
083002, (2010), arXiv:0911.2244.
[t09/353] L. Boubekeur, P. Creminelli, G. D’Amico, J. Norena, and F. Vernizzi. Sachs-Wolfe at second order:
the CMB bispectrum on large angular scales. JACP, 0908, 029, (2009), arXiv:95.30.Sf, 98.65.Dx, 98.80.Es,
[t09/354] P. Creminelli, D’Amico Guido, J. Norena, and F. Vernizzi. The effective theory of quintessence: the
w < −1 side unveiled. JCAP, 0902, 018, (2009), arXiv:0811.0827.
[t10/001] M.B. Green, J.G. Russo, and P. Vanhove. Automorphic properties of low energy string amplitudes in
various dimensions. Phys. Rev. D, 81, 086008, (2010), arXiv:1001.2535.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/002] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random walk in two-dimensional self-affine random potentials : strong
disorder renormalization approach. Phys. Rev. E, 81, 011138, (2010), arXiv:0910.0111.
[t10/004] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Statistics of first-passage times in disordered systems using backward master
equations and their exact renormalization rules. J. Phys. A, 43, 095001, (2010), arXiv:0911.5649.
[t10/005] C. Marquet, C. Roiesnel, and S. Wallon. Virtual Compton Scattering off a Spinless Target in AdS/QCD.
JHEP, 1004, 051, (2010), arXiv:1002.0566.
[t10/006] S. Giusto, J Morales, and R. Russo. D1D5 microstate geometries from string amplitudes. JHEP, 1003,
130, (2010), arXiv:0912.2270.
[t10/007] J. Germer, W. Hollik, E. Mirabella, and K. Trenkel M. Hadronic production of squark-squark pairs: the
electroweak contributions. JHEP, 1008, 023, (2010), arXiv:1004.2621.
[t10/009] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Matching between typical fluctuations and large deviations in disordered
systems : application to the statistics of the ground state energy in the SK spin-glass model. J. Stat. Mech.,
2010, P02023, (2010), arXiv:0912.2875.
[t10/010] L. Albacete J. and C. Marquet. Single Inclusive Hadron Production at RHIC and the LHC from the
Color Glass Condensate. Phys. Lett. B, 687, 174–179, (2010), arXiv:1001.1378.
[t10/012] M.B. Green, J.G. Russo, and P. Vanhove. String theory dualities and supergravity divergences. JHEP,
1006, 075, (2010), arXiv:1002.3805.
[t10/013] G. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev. Superconformal invariants for scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM
theory. Nucl. Phys. B, 839, 377–419, (2010), arXiv:1002.4625.
[t10/014] M. Rho. Cold Compressed Baryonic Matter with Hidden Local Symmetry and Holography. Int. J. Mod.
Phys. A, 25, 5040–5054, (2010), arXiv:1002.2503.
[t10/015] B. Efetov K., C. Pépin, and H. Meier. Describing systems of interacting fermions by boson models: exact
mapping in arbitrary dimension and applications. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 235120, (2010), arXiv:1001.1552.
[t10/017] W.G. Paeng and M. Rho. Toward an effective field theory for cold compressed baryonic matter. Mod.
Phys. Lett. A, 25, 399–422, (2010), arXiv:1002.3022.
[t10/018] B. Efetov K., C. Pépin, and H. Meier. Reply to the Comment by Galanakis et al on the paper "Exact
bosonization for an interacting Fermi gas in arbitrary dimensions". Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 159702, (2010),
[t10/019] K.-S. Kim and C. Pépin. The thermopower as a signature of quantum criticality in heavy fermions. Phys.
Rev. B, 81, 205108, (2010), arXiv:1002.2612.
[t10/020] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. Distance statistics in quadrangulations with no multiple edges and the
geometry of minbus. J. Phys. A, 43, 205207, (2010), arXiv:1002.2552.
[t10/021] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Conformal field theory at central charge c=0: a measure of the
indecomposability (b) parameters. Nucl. Phys. B, 834, 399–422, (2010), arXiv:1001.1151.
[t10/022] D. Andriot, E. Goi, R. Minasian, and M. Petrini. Supersymmetry breaking branes on solvmanifolds and
de Sitter vacua in string theory. JHEP, 1105, 028, (2011), arXiv:1003.3774.
[t10/023] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr and P. Vanhove. Monodromy and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations for Gravity Amplitudes. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 2332–2337. World
Scientific, (2011), arXiv:1003.2396. 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Paris.
[t10/024] E. Guitter. Distance statistics in large toroidal maps.
J. Stat. Mech., 2010, P04018, (2010),
[t10/025] M. Cirelli, G. Corcella, A. Hektor, G. Hütsi, M. Kadastik, P. Panci, M. Raidal, F. Sala, and A. Strumia.
PPPC4DMID: the Poor Particle Physicist Cookbook for Dark Matter indirect detection. JCAP, 1103, 051,
(2010), arXiv:1012.4515.
[t10/026] B. Vicedo. The classical R-matrix of Z4 -graded supercoset sigma-models. Lett. Math. Phys., 95, 249–274,
[t10/028] C. Marquet and H. Weigert. New observables to test the Color Glass Condensate beyond the large-Nc
limit. Nucl. Phys. A, 843, 68–97, (2010), arXiv:1003.0813.
[t10/029] B. Eynard, A. Kashani-Poor, and O. Marchal. A matrix model for the topological string I: Deriving the
matrix model. (2010), arXiv:1003.1737.
[t10/030] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr, P.H. Damgaard, T. Sondergaard, and P. Vanhove. Monodromy and Jacobi-like
Relations for Color-Ordered Amplitudes. JHEP, 1006, 003, (2010), arXiv:1003.2403.
[t10/031] R. Contino, C. Grojean, M. Moretti, F. Piccinini, and R. Rattazzi. Strong Double Higgs Production at
the LHC. JHEP, 1010, 5, (2010), arXiv:1002.1011.
[t10/032] C. Pitrou, J.-P. Uzan, and F. Bernardeau. The cosmic microwave background bispectrum from the
non-linear evolution of the cosmological perturbations. JCAP, 1007, 003, (2010), arXiv:1003.0481.
[t10/033] M. Giordano and R. Peschanski. High Energy Bounds on Soft N=4 SYM Amplitudes from AdS/CFT.
JHEP, 1005, 037, (2010), arXiv:1003.2309.
[t10/034] J. Zinn-Justin. Summation of divergent series: Order-dependent mapping. Appl. Numer. Math, 60,
1454–1464, (2010), arXiv:1001.0675.
[t10/035] U.D. Jentschura, A. Surzhykov, and J. Zinn-Justin. Multi-Instantons and Exact Results III: Unified
Description of the Resonances of Even and Odd Anharmonic Oscillators. Ann. Phys., 325, 1135–1172,
(2010), arXiv:1001.3910.
[t10/036] U.D. Jentschura and J. Zinn-Justin. Calculation of the Characteristic Functions of Anharmonic Oscillators. Appl. Numer. Math, 60, 1332–1341, (2010), arXiv:1001.4313.
[t10/038] F. Bernardeau. Gravity and non-gravity mediated couplings in multiple-field inflation. Class. Quantum
Grav., 27, 124004, (2010), arXiv:1003.2869.
[t10/039] M.B. Green, S.D. Miller, J.G. Russo, and P. Vanhove. Eisenstein series for higher-rank groups and string
theory amplitudes. Commun. Numb. Theor. Phys., 4, 551–596, (2010), arXiv:1004.0163.
[t10/040] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Next-to-Leading Order QCD Predictions for Z, gamma∗ + 3-Jet Distributions at the Tevatron.
Phys. Rev. D, 82, 074002, (2010), arXiv:1004.1659.
[t10/041] R. Balian. Mon itinéraire quantique. Belin, (2010).
[t10/042] D. Serban. Integrability and the AdS/CFT correspondence.
J. Phys. A, 44, 124001, (2010),
[t10/043] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Many-body localization transition in a lattice model of interacting fermions:
statistics of renormalized hoppings in configuration space. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 134202, (2010), arXiv:1001.2984.
[t10/044] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, and H. Johansson. Perturbative Quantum Gravity as a Double Copy of Gauge
Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 061602, (2010), arXiv:1004.0476.
[t10/045] P. Vanhove. The critical ultraviolet behaviour of N=8 supergravity amplitudes. (2010), arXiv:1004.1392.
[t10/046] J.-H. Zhang. On the two-loop hexagon Wilson loop remainder function in N=4 SYM. Phys. Lett. B,
697, 370–377, (2011), arXiv:1004.1606.
[t10/048] S. Nonnenmacher. Quantum transfer operators and quantum scattering. Séminaire X-EDP, Exposé no
7, CMAT, Ecole Polytechnique, 2009-12-15/2009-12-15, (2010), arXiv:1001.4073.
[t10/049] M. Barthélémy, C. Godrèche, and J.M. Luck. Fluctuation effects in metapopulation models: percolation
and pandemic threshold. J. Theor. Biol., 267, 554–564, (2010), arXiv:1004.1553.
[t10/051] Z. Burda, J. Duda, J.M. Luck, and B. Waclaw. The various facets of random walk entropy. Acta Phys.
Pol. B, 41, 949–987, (2010), arXiv:1004.3667.
[t10/052] M. Cirelli. Recent Developments in Theory and Phenomenology of Dark Matter. volume C033 of Nuovo
Cimento, 35–42, (2010). Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d’Aoste, La Thuile, Italie, 2010-02-28/201003-06.
[t10/055] S. Nonnenmacher, J. Sjöstrand, and M. Zworski. From open quantum systems to open quantum maps.
Commun. Math. Phys., 304, 1–48, (2010), arXiv:1004.3361.
[t10/056] C. Hagendorf, D. Bernard, and M. Bauer. The Gaussian free field and SLE(4) on doubly connected
domains. J. Stat. Phys., 140, 1–26, (2010), arXiv:1001.4501.
[t10/057] B.R. Barret and B.G. Giraud. Spin density matrices for nuclear density functionals with parity violations.
(2010), arXiv:1004.4542.
[t10/058] K. Kong, K. Matchev, and G. Servant. Extra Dimensions at the LHC. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge
University Press, (2010), arXiv:1001.4801.
[t10/059] M. Luzum and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Constraining the viscous freeze out distribution function with RHIC
data. Phys. Rev. C, 82, 014906, (2010), arXiv:1004.2023.
[t10/060] M. Luzum, C. Gombeaud, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. v4 in ideal and viscous hydrodynamics for RHIC and
LHC. Phys. Rev. C, 81, 054910, (2010), arXiv:1004.2024.
[t10/062] M. Cirelli and J.M. Cline. Can multistate dark matter annihilation explain the high-energy cosmic ray
lepton anomalies? Phys. Rev. D, 82, 023503, (2010), arXiv:1005.1779.
[t10/063] L. Krapivsky P. and K. Mallick. Fluctuations in polymer translocation. J. Stat. Mech., 2010, P07007,
[t10/064] K. Mallick. COURS ALEA 2010: Processus d’Exclusion Asymetrique. ALEA, CIRM (Luminy), (2010).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/065] C.F. Berger, D.A. Kosower, and al.+ et. Vector Boson + Jets with BlackHat and Sherpa. volume 205-206
of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 92–97, (2010), arXiv:1005.3728.
[t10/066] F. Gelis, E. Iancu, J. Jalilian Marian, and R. Venugopalan. The Color Glass Condensate. Annu. Rev.
Nucl. Part. Sci., 60, 463–489, (2010), arXiv:1002.0333.
[t10/067] K. Dusling, F. Gelis, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. Long range two-particle rapidity correlations in
A+A collisions from high energy QCD evolution. Nucl. Phys. A, 836, 159–182, (2010), arXiv:0911.2720.
[t10/068] H.K. Lee, B.Y. Park, and M. Rho. Half-Skyrmions, Tensor Forces and Symmetry Energy in Cold Dense
Matter. Phys. Rev. C, 83, 025206, (2010), arXiv:1005.0255.
[t10/069] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random cascade models of multifractality : real-space renormalization and
travelling-waves. J. Stat. Mech., P06014, (2010), arXiv:1004.1537.
[t10/070] R. Balian. Naissance de la Mécanique Quantique. (2010).
[t10/071] C. Bonvin and C. Caprini. CMB temperature anisotropy at large scales induced by a causal primordial
magnetic field. JCAP, 1005, 022, (2010), arXiv:1004.1405.
[t10/072] C. Caprini. Gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions. 45th Moriond cosmology conference
2010, La Thuile (Italie), (2010), arXiv:1005.5291.
[t10/073] L. Albacete J. and C. Marquet. Azimuthal correlations of forward di-hadrons in d+Au collisions at RHIC
in the Color Glass Condensate. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 162301, (2010), arXiv:1005.4065.
[t10/074] A. Alexandrov.
Matrix Models for Random Partitions.
Nucl. Phys. B, 851, 620–650, (2011),
[t10/075] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, L.J. Dixon, H. Johansson, and R. Roiban. Complete Four-Loop Four-Point
Amplitude in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 125040, (2010), arXiv:1008.3327.
[t10/078] C. Godrèche and J.M. Luck. On leaders and condensates in a growing network. J. Stat. Mech., P07031,
(2010), arXiv:1006.0587.
[t10/079] C. Normand. Influence of a multiplicative noise on the threshold of helical dynamo. Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dyn., 105, 90–108, (2011).
[t10/080] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Anderson localization of phonons in dimension d=1,2,3 : finite-size properties
of the Inverse Participation Ratios of eigenstates. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 224208, (2010), arXiv:1003.5988.
[t10/081] I. Bena, N. Bobev, S. Giusto, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. An Infinite-Dimensional Family of Black-Hole
Microstate Geometries. JHEP, 1103, 022, (2011), arXiv:1006.3497.
[t10/082] J.M. Luck and A. Mehta. The effects of grain shape and frustration in a granular column near jamming.
Eur. Phys. J. B, 77, 505–521, (2010), arXiv:1006.3397.
[t10/083] C. Ruef. Black holes in string theory: towards an understanding of quantum gravity. PhD thesis, (2010).
Université Paris-Sud 11, 2010-06-18.
[t10/084] Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, G. Kosenko, and B.G. Giraud. Mechanism of Fusion Hindrance and
Predictions of SHE Production. volume 834 of Nucl. Phys. A, 349c–352c, (2010). The 10th International
Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2009).
[t10/085] A. Voros. Zeta-regularization and exact WKB method for a general 1D Schrödinger equation. Cosmology,
the Quantum Vacuum and Zeta Functions, UAB, Bellaterra, Espagne, 2010-03-08/2010-03-10, (2010).
[t10/086] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, and H. Johansson. The Structure of Multiloop Amplitudes in Gauge and
Gravity Theories. volume 205-206 of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 54–60, (2010), arXiv:1007.4297. Loops &
Legs in Quantum Field Theory – Proceedings of the 10th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory,
Woerlitz (RFA).
[t10/088] Y. Abe, C. Shen, D. Boilley, and B.G. Giraud. Compound Nucleus Reaction Theory for Synthesis of
Super-Heavy Elements. volume 2 of EPJ Web of Conferences, 10002, (2010). CNR*09 - Second International
Workshop on Compound Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics.
[t10/089] J. Gluza, K. Kajda, and D.A. Kosower. Towards a Basis for Planar Two-Loop Integrals. Phys. Rev. D,
83, 045012, (2011), arXiv:1009.0472.
[t10/090] F. Bernardeau, M. Crocce, and E. Sefusatti. Multi-Point Propagators for Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 083507, (2010), arXiv:1006.4656.
[t10/091] F. Alday, B. Eden, G. Korchemsky, E. Sokatchev, and J Maldacena. From correlation functions to Wilson
loops. JHEP, 1109, 123, (2011), arXiv:1007.3243.
[t10/092] B. Eden, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. From correlation functions to scattering amplitudes. JHEP,
1112, 002, (2011), arXiv:1007.3246.
[t10/093] G. Aldazabal, E. Andres, P. Camara, and M. Graña. U-dual fluxes and Generalized Geometry. JHEP,
1011, 083, (2010), arXiv:1007.5509.
[t10/094] A. Kaminska and S. Lavignac. Higgs as a pseudo-Goldstone boson, the mu problem and gauge-mediated
supersymmetry breaking. Eur. Phys. J. C, 71, 1811–1824, (2011), arXiv:1007.2649.
[t10/095] B.H Alver, C. Gombeaud, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Triangular flow in hydrodynamics and
transport theory. Phys. Rev. C, 82, 034913, (2010), arXiv:1007.5469.
[t10/096] D.A. Kosower, R. Roiban, and C. Vergu. The Six-Point NMHV Amplitude in Maximally Supersymmetric
Yang-Mills Theory. Phys. Rev. D, D83, 065018, (2011), arXiv:1009.1376.
[t10/097] E. Dudas, S. Lavignac, and J. Parmentier. Non-standard Susy spectra in gauge mediation. in: Proceedings of the XLVth Rencontres de Moriond on ElectroWeak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile,
Aosta Valley, Italy, 2010-03-06/2010-03-13, (2010).
[t10/098] M. Cirelli. Hoping to indirectly detect Dark Matter with cosmic rays. volume 1304 of AIP Conf. Proc.,
152, (2010). Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2010, Sinaia, Romania, 2010-06-20/2010-07-03.
[t10/099] B. Eynard, A. Kashani-Poor, and O. Marchal. A matrix model for the topological string II: The spectral
curve and mirror geometry. Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14, 119–158, (2010), arXiv:1007.2194.
[t10/100] A. Ayyer and V. Strehl. The spectrum of an asymmetric annihilation process. DMTCS Proceedings,
(2010), arXiv:1008.2134. 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010).
[t10/101] J.-Y. Ollitrault. Phenomenology of the little bang. volume 312 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 012002, (2011),
arXiv:1008.3323. International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2010), Vancouver, Canada, 2010-0704/2010-07-09.
[t10/102] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random walk in a two-dimensional self-affine random potential : properties
of the anomalous diffusion phase at small external force. Phys. Rev. E, 82, 021125, (2010), arXiv:1003.1627.
[t10/105] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and D. Shaw. Modifying Gravity at Low Redshift. JCAP, 1004,
032, (2010), arXiv:0912.0462.
[t10/106] S. Prolhac. Tree structures for the current fluctuations in the exclusion process. J. Phys. A, 43, 105002,
(2010), arXiv:0911.3618.
[t10/109] G. Biroli, L.F. Gugliandolo, and A. Sicilia. Kibble-Zurek mechanism and infinitely slow annealing through
critical points. Phys. Rev. E, 81, 050101, (2010), arXiv:1001.0693.
[t10/110] F. Sausset, G. Biroli, and J. Kurchan.
Do solids flow?
J. Stat. Phys., 140, 718–721, (2010),
[t10/111] C.F. Berger, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and
D. Maitre. Precise Predictions for W + 4 Jet Production at the Large Hadron Collider. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
106, 092001, (2011), arXiv:1009.2338.
[t10/112] N. Anantharaman and S. Nonnenmacher. Chaotic vibrations and strong scars. EMS Newsletter, 74,
19–24, (2010), arXiv:1001.3458.
[t10/113] C. Roth, S.M. Kang, M. Batty, and M. Barthélémy. Structure of urban movements: polycentric activity
and entangled hierarchical flows. PLoS One, 6, e15923, (2011), arXiv:1001.4915.
[t10/114] F. Bernardeau. Mode coupling evolution in arbitrary inflationary backgrounds. JCAP, 1102, 017, (2010),
[t10/115] C. Kollath, G. Roux, G. Biroli, and A. Läuchli. Statistical properties of the spectrum the extended
Bose-Hubbard model. J. Stat. Mech., P08011, (2010), arXiv:1004.2203.
[t10/116] A. Branschadel, E. Boulat, H. Saleur, and P. Schmitteckert. Shot noise in the self-dual Interacting
Resonant Level Model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 146805, (2010), arXiv:1004.4811.
[t10/117] J.M. Stéphan, G. Misguich, and V. Pasquier. Rényi entropy of a line in two-dimensional Ising models.
Phys. Rev. B, 82, 125455, (2010), arXiv:1006.1605.
[t10/119] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. Noncommutative integrability, paths and quasi-determinants. Adv.
Math., 228, 97–152, (2011), arXiv:1006.4774.
[t10/120] C. Caprini, R. Durrer, and X. Siemens. Detection of gravitational waves from the QCD phase transition
with pulsar timing arrays. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 063511, (2010), arXiv:1007.1218.
[t10/121] C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, and G. Tarjus. Renormalization Group Analysis of the Random
First-Order Transition. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 115705, (2011), arXiv:1007.2509v1.
[t10/122] E. Gull, M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet, A. Georges, and A.J. Millis. Momentum space anisotropy and pseudogaps: a comparative cluster dynamical mean field analysis of the doping-driven metal-insulator transition
in the two dimensional Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 155101, (2010), arXiv:1007.2592.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/123] B. Sciolla and G. Biroli. Quantum Quenches and Off-Equilibrium Dynamical Transition in the InfiniteDimensional Bose-Hubbard Model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 220401, (2010), arXiv:1007.5238v2.
[t10/124] S. a Beccara, P. Faccioli, G. Garberoglio, M. Sega, F. Pederiva, and H. Orland. Dominant folding
pathways of a peptide chain, from ab-initio quantum-mechanical simulations. J. Chem. Phys., 134, 024501,
(2011), arXiv:1007.5235.
[t10/125] I.K. Kostov and N. Orantin. CFT and topological recursion. JHEP, 1011, 056, (2010), arXiv:1006.2028.
[t10/126] S. Nonnenmacher. Anatomy of quantum chaotic eigenstates. Séminaire Poincaré "Le Chaos", Institut
Henri Poincaré, 2010-06-05/2010-06-05, (2013), arXiv:1005.5598.
[t10/127] J.D. Pillet, C. Quay, P. Morfin, C. Bena, A. Levy Yeyati, and P. Joyez. Revealing the electronic structure
of a carbon nanotube carrying a supercurrent. Nature Phys., 6, 965, (2010), arXiv:1005.0443.
[t10/130] J. Manschot. Wall-crossing of D4-branes using flow trees. Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., 15, 1–42, (2011),
[t10/132] I. Bena, G. Giecold, M. Graña, N. Halmagyi, and F. Orsi. Supersymmetric Consistent Truncations of
IIB on T(1,1). JHEP, 1011, 083, (2010), arXiv:1008.0983.
[t10/133] A. Ayyer, J.L. Lebowitz, and E.R. Speer. On Some Classes of Open Two-Species Exclusion Processes.
Markov Proces. Relat. Fields, 18, 157–176, (2012), arXiv:1008.4721.
[t10/134] F. David. A general and solvable random matrix model for spin decoherence. J. Stat. Mech., 2011,
P01001, (2011), arXiv:1009.1282.
[t10/135] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. Planar maps and continued fractions. Commun. Math. Phys., 309, 623–662,
(2012), arXiv:1007.0419.
[t10/136] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Anderson localization transition with long-ranged hoppings : analysis of
the strong multifractality regime in terms of weighted Levy sums. J. Stat. Mech., 2010, P09015, (2010),
[t10/137] G. Borot, B. Eynard, S.N. Majumdar, and C. Nadal. Large deviations of the maximal eigenvalue of
random matrices. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P11024, (2011), arXiv:1009.1945.
[t10/138] K. Bringmann and J. Manschot. From sheaves on P2 to a generalization of the Rademacher expansion.
(2010), arXiv:1006.0915.
[t10/139] B. Eden, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. More on the duality correlators/amplitudes. Phys. Lett. B,
709, 247–253, (2010), arXiv:1009.2488.
[t10/140] M. Liguori, E. Sefusatti, R. Fergusson, J., and E.P.S. Shellard. Primordial non-Gaussianity and Bispectrum Measurements in the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-Scale Structure. Advances in
Astronomy, 2010, 980523, (2010), arXiv:1001.4707.
[t10/141] E. Sefusatti, M. Crocce, and V. Desjacques. The Matter Bispectrum in N-body Simulations with nonGaussian Initial Conditions. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 406, 1014–1028, (2010), arXiv:1003.0007.
[t10/142] J. Bros, E. De Micheli, and G.A. Viano. Nonlocal potentials and complex angular momentum theory.
Ann. Henri Poincaré, 11, 659–764, (2010), arXiv:0912.2902.
[t10/144] L. Messio. Etats fondamentaux et excitations de systèmes magnétiques frustrés, du classique au quantique.
PhD thesis, (2010). LPTMC, Université P. et M. Curie, Paris, 2010-09-14.
[t10/145] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr, P.H. Damgaard, T. Sondergaard, and P. Vanhove. The Momentum Kernel of
Gauge and Gravity Theories. JHEP, 1101, 001, (2010), arXiv:1010.3933.
[t10/146] A. Alexandrov. Cut-and-Join operator representation for Kontsewich-Witten tau-function. Mod. Phys.
Lett. A, 29, 2193–2199, (2011), arXiv:1009.4887.
[t10/148] K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. Role of quantum fluctuations in a system with
strong fields: Onset of hydrodynamical flow. Nucl. Phys. A, 850, 69–109, (2010), arXiv:1009.4363.
[t10/149] A. Dumitru, K. Dusling, F. Gelis, J. Jalilian Marian, T. Lappi, and R. Venugopalan. The ridge in
proton-proton collisions at the LHC. Phys. Lett. B, 697, 21–25, (2010), arXiv:1009.5295.
[t10/150] F. Gelis. Color Glass Condensate and Glasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 854, 10–17, (2011), arXiv:1009.0093.
[t10/151] E. Avsar, C. Flensburg, Y. Hatta, J.-Y. Ollitrault, and T. Ueda. Eccentricity and elliptic flow in protonproton collisions from parton evolution. Phys. Lett. B, 702, 394–397, (2011), arXiv:1009.5643.
[t10/152] E. Meggiolaro and M. Giordano. High-energy hadron-hadron (dipole-dipole) scattering on the lattice.
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., 187, 200–209, (2011), arXiv:1010.0914.
[t10/153] M. Giordano. High-energy bounds on total cross sections in N=4 SYM from AdS/CFT. "Low x 2010"
workshop, Kavala (Greece), June 23-27 2010, (2010), arXiv:1009.2971.
[t10/154] L. Chekhov, B. Eynard, and O. Marchal. Topological expansion of beta-ensemble model and quantum
algebraic geometry in the sectorwise approach. Theor. Math. Phys., 166, 141–185, (2011), arXiv:1009.6007.
[t10/157] A. Billoire. Distribution of time scales in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. J. Stat. Mech., 2010,
P11034, (2010), arXiv:arXiv:1003.6086v3.
[t10/158] A. Billoire, I. Kondor, J Lukic, and E. Marinari. Large random correlations in individual mean field spin
glass sample. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P02009, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1010.3237v2.
[t10/159] M. Beccaria, M. Kreuzer, and A. Puhm. Counting charged massless states in the (0, 2) heterotic
CFT/geometry connection. JHEP, 1101, 077, (2011), arXiv:1010.4564.
[t10/160] I Melnikov and R. Minasian. Heterotic sigma-models with N=2 space-time supersymmetry. JHEP, 1109,
065, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1010.5365.
[t10/161] J.T. Liu and R. Minasian. Computing 1/N 2 corrections in AdS/CFT. (2010), arXiv:arXiv:1010.6074.
[t10/164] M. Harada and M. Rho. Holographic Vector Dominance for the Nucleon. (2010), arXiv:1010.1971.
[t10/165] M. Rho. Subtle is the manifestation of chiral symmetry in nuclei and dense nuclear matter. In From
Nuclei to Stars: Festschrift in Honor of Gerald E Brown, 379–410. World Scientific, (2011), arXiv:1011.0135.
Gerry Brown Festschrift.
[t10/166] G. Borot and B. Eynard. Tracy-Widom GUE law and symplectic invariants. (2010), arXiv:1011.1418.
[t10/167] M. Cirelli. Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos: status circa 2010. volume 217 of Nucl. Phys. B
(Proc. Suppl.), 237, (2010). Neutrino Oscillation Workshop NOW 2010, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italie,
[t10/168] J.-E. Bourgine. Modèles de matrices et problèmes de bord dans la gravité de Liouville. PhD thesis, (2010).
Bourgine Jean-Emile, Université d’Orsay - Paris Sud XI - IPhT, 2010-06-18.
[t10/169] I. Bena, G. Giecold, and N. Halmagyi. The Backreaction of Anti-M2 Branes on a Warped Stenzel Space.
JHEP, 1104, 120, (2011), arXiv:1011.2195.
[t10/170] P. Valageas. Impact of shell crossing and scope of perturbative approaches in real and redshift space.
Astron. Astrophys., 526, A67, (2011), arXiv:1009.0106.
[t10/171] P. Valageas and Takahiro Nishimichi. Combining perturbation theories with halo models. Astron.
Astrophys., 527, A87, (2011), arXiv:1009.0597.
[t10/172] P. Valageas. Large-scale bias of dark matter halos. Astron. Astrophys., 525, A98, (2011), arXiv:1009.1131.
[t10/173] P. Valageas and F. Bernardeau. Density fields and halo mass functions in the Geometrical Adhesion toy
Model. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 043508, (2011), arXiv:1009.1974.
[t10/174] I. Bena, G. Giecold, M. Graña, and N. Halmagyi. On The Inflaton Potential From Antibranes in Warped
Throats. JHEP, 1207, 140, (2012), arXiv:1011.2626.
[t10/175] E. Dudas, S. Lavignac, and J. Parmentier. On messengers and metastability in gauge mediation. Phys.
Lett. B, 698, 162–170, (2011), arXiv:1011.4001.
[t10/176] T. Konstandin and M. No J. Hydrodynamic Obstructions in Bubble Expansions. JCAP, 1102, 008,
(2011), arXiv:1011.3735.
[t10/177] W. Staessens and B. Vercnocke. Lectures on Scattering Amplitudes in String Theory. 5th Modave School
on Mathematical Physics, (2010), arXiv:1011.0456.
[t10/179] A. Billoire. What makes slow samples slow in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. J. Phys. A, 44, 075001,
(2011), arXiv:1011.3420.
[t10/180] K. Kubodera and M. Rho. Effective Field Theory and High-Precision Calculations of Nuclear Electroweak
Processes. In From Nuclei to Stars: Festschrift in Honor of Gerald E Brown, 223–252. World Scientific,
(2011), arXiv:1011.4919. Gerry Brown Festschrift.
[t10/182] M. Luzum. Elliptic flow at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider: Comparing heavy-ion
data to viscous hydrodynamic predictions. Phys. Rev. C, 83, 044911, (2011), arXiv:1011.5173.
[t10/183] M. Luzum. v4 for identified particles at RHIC from viscous hydrodynamics. volume 270 of J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser., 012044, (2010), arXiv:1009.6056. Hot Quarks 2010, La Londe Les Maures, 2010-06-21/2010-06-26.
[t10/184] M. Luzum. Collective flow and long-range correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Phys. Lett. B,
696, 499–504, (2011), arXiv:1011.5773.
[t10/185] M. Luzum and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Directed flow at midrapidity in heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
106, 102301, (2011), arXiv:1011.6361.
[t10/186] D. Jakobson, Nonnenmacher S., and I. Polterovich, editors. Spectrum and Dynamics. AMS, (2010).
[t10/187] G. Borot and B. Eynard. The asymptotic expansion of Tracy-Widom GUE law and symplectic invariants.
(2010), arXiv:1012.2752.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/188] P. Moussa. Localisation of algebraic integers and polynomial iteration. In Kolyada S., Manin Y., Möller
M., Moree P., and Ward T., editors, Dynamical Numbers, 83–96. AMS, (2010). Dynamical Numbers, MPI
for Mathematics, Bonn.
[t10/190] R. Balian. Préface du livre "Question sur... le nucléaire". (2010).
[t10/191] L. Krapivsky P. and K. Mallick. Diffusion and Multiplication in Random Media. J. Stat. Mech., 2011,
P01015, (2011), arXiv:1011.6276.
[t10/192] J. Olejarz, L. Krapivsky P., and S. Redner. Zero-Temperature Freezing in Three-Dimensional Kinetic
Ising Model. Phys. Rev. E, 83, 030104(R), (2011), arXiv:1011.2903.
[t10/193] L. D’Alessio and L. Krapivsky P. A Light impurity in an Equilibrium Gas. Phys. Rev. E, 83, 011107,
(2011), arXiv:1009.3814.
[t10/194] L. Krapivsky P. and S. Redner. First Passage in Infinite Paraboloidal Domains. J. Stat. Mech., P11028,
(2010), arXiv:1009.2530.
[t10/195] F. Bernardeau, C. Pitrou, and J.-P. Uzan. CMB spectra and bispectra calculations: making the flat-sky
approximation rigorous. JCAP, 1102, 015, (2011), arXiv:1012.2652.
[t10/196] W.T. Giele, D.A. Kosower, and Z. Skands P. Higher-Order Corrections to Timelike Jets. Phys. Rev. D,
849, 054003, (2011), arXiv:1102.2126.
[t10/197] L. Albacete J., N. Armesto, J.G. Milhano, P. Quiroga Arias, and A. Salgado C. AAMQS: A non-linear
QCD analysis of new HERA data at small-x including heavy quarks. Eur. Phys. J. C, 71, 1705, (2011),
arXiv:1012.4408 [hep-ph].
[t10/198] J. Dubail. Conditions aux bords dans des théories conformes non unitaires. PhD thesis, (2010). Jérôme
Dubail, Université Paris 11-Orsay, 2010-07-09.
[t10/199] C. Gombeaud. Thermalisation dans les collisions d’ions lourds ultrarelativistes. PhD thesis, (2010).
Gombeaud Clément, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 6 - PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - IPhT, 2010-07-02.
[t10/200] O. Marchal. Aspects géométriques et intégrables des modèles de matrices aléatoires. PhD thesis, (2010).
Marchal Olivier, Université de Montréal Faculté des études supérieures - Université Paris Diderot - IPhT,
[t10/202] R. Balian. Le paradoxe de l’irréversibilité. Pour la Science, 397, 56–62, (2010).
[t10/203] P. Valageas. Formation des structures de grande échelle en Cosmologie: dynamique gravitationnelle.
Formation des structures de grande échelle en Cosmologie: dynamique gravitationnelle, IPhT, Saclay, (2010).
[t10/205] P. Brax, J.F. Dufaux, and S. Mariadassou. Preheating after Small-Field Inflation. Phys. Rev. D, 83,
103510, (2011), arXiv:1012.4656.
[t10/206] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Atomic Precision Tests and Light Scalar Couplings. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 035020,
(2011), arXiv:1010.5108.
[t10/207] P. Brax, C. Burrage, A.C. Davis, D. Seery, and A. Weltman. Anomalous coupling of scalars to gauge
fields. Phys. Lett. B, 699, 5–9, (2011), arXiv:1010.4536.
[t10/209] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Chameleon Induced Atomic Afterglow. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 095014, (2010),
[t10/210] P. Brax and R. Peschanski. Gauge/Cosmology Brane-to-Brane Duality. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 41, 2645–2667,
(2010), arXiv:1006.3054.
[t10/211] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, D.F. Mota, J. Nunes N., and A. Winther. Chameleons with Field Dependent
Couplings. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 083503, (2010), arXiv:1006.2796.
[t10/212] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and D. Shaw. The Dilaton and Modified Gravity. Phys. Rev. D,
82, 063519, (2010), arXiv:1005.3735.
[t10/213] P. Brax, R. Rosenfeld, and D.A. Steer. Spherical Collapse in Chameleon Models. JCAP, 1008, 033,
(2010), arXiv:1005.2051.
[t10/214] P. Brax and K. Zioutas. Solar Chameleons. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 043007, (2010), arXiv:1004.1846.
[t10/215] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, D. Shaw, and D. Iannuzzi. Tuning the Mass of Chameleon Fields
in Casimir Force Experiments. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 241101, (2010), arXiv:1003.1605.
[t10/216] P. Brax. Producing Chameleons in the Sun. 6th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
PATRAS 2010, Zurich, July 2010, (2010).
[t10/217] K. Mallick, M. Moshe, and H. Orland. A field-theoretic approach to nonequilibrium work identities. J.
Phys. A, 44, 095002, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1009.4800.
[t10/218] K. Tsekouras, D. Lacoste, K. Mallick, and J.F. Joanny. Force generation by a parallel array of actin
filaments. New J. Phys., 13, 103032, (2011), arXiv:1101.1180.
[t10/219] K. Mallick. Some exact results for the exclusion process. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P01024, (2011).
[t10/220] Duplantier B. and Rivasseau V., editors. Séminaire Poincaré XIV, Le Chaos. Centre Poly-Média de
l’Ecole polytechnique, (2010). Séminaire Poincaré, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2010-06-05.
[t10/221] Duplantier B., editor. Séminaire Poincaré XV, Le Temps. Centre Poly-Média de l’Ecole polytechnique,
(2010). Séminaire Poincaré, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2010-12-04/2010-12-18.
[t10/222] Duplantier B. and Rivasseau V., editors. Poincaré Seminar 2009: Biological Physics, volume 60 of Prog.
Math. Phys., (2011).
[t10/223] B. Duplantier and S. Sheffield. Schramm-Loewner Evolution and Liouville Quantum Gravity. Phys. Rev.
Lett., 107, 131305–1–131305–4, (2011), arXiv:1012.4800.
[t10/224] Duplantier B., Halsey T.C., and Rivasseau V., editors. Poincaré Seminar 2009: Glasses and Grains,
volume 61 of Prog. Math. Phys., (2011).
[t10/225] J.M. Stéphan, G. Misguich, and F. Alet. Geometric entanglement and Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropies
in critical XXZ and Ising chains. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 180406(R), (2011), arXiv:1007.4161.
[t10/229] G. Zaharijas and A Abdo. Constraints on Cosmological Dark Matter Annihilation from the Fermi-LAT
Isotropic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Measurement. JCAP, 1004, 014, (2010), arXiv:1002.4415.
[t10/230] G. Zaharijas and M. Ackerman. Searches for Cosmic-Ray Electron Anisotropies with the Fermi Large
Area Telescope. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 092003, (2010), arXiv:1008.5119.
[t10/231] P. Di Francesco. The solution of the Ar T-system for arbitrary boundary. Electr. J. Combin., 17, R89,
(2010), arXiv:1002.4427.
[t10/232] P. Di Francesco. Discrete integrable systems, positivity, and continued fraction rearrangements. Lett.
Math. Phys., 96, 299–324, (2011), arXiv:1009.1911.
[t10/234] S. Marmi, P. Moussa, and J.-C. Yoccoz. Linearization of Generalized Interval Exchange Maps. (2010),
arXiv:1003.1191v2 [math.DS] 7 Mar 2010.
[t10/236] J. Zinn-Justin and U.D. Jentschura. Order-dependent mappings: strong coupling behaviour from weak
coupling expansions in non-Hermitian theories. J. Math. Phys., 51, 072106, (2010), arXiv:1006.4748.
[t10/237] J. Bros, H. Epstein, and U. Moschella. Scalar tachyons in the de Sitter universe. Lett. Math. Phys., 93,
203–211, (2011), arXiv:1003.1396.
[t10/238] J. Zinn-Justin and U.D. Jentschura. Imaginary cubic perturbation: numerical and analytic study. J.
Phys. A, 43, 425301, (2010), arXiv:1006.5303.
[t10/239] R. Peschanski and E.N. Saridakis. Exact (1+1)-dimensional flows of a perfect fluid. Nucl. Phys. A, 849,
147–164, (2011), arXiv:1006.1603.
[t10/241] C. Royon and R. Peschanski. Studies of scaling properties in deep inelastic scattering. volume 2010
of PoS, 19–23, (2010), arXiv:1008.0261. XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and
Related Subjects, DIS 2010, Firenze, Italy.
[t10/242] A. Bialas and R. Peschanski. Asymmetric 1+1-dimensional hydrodynamics in collision. Phys. Rev. C,
83, 054905, (2010), arXiv:1012.4687.
[t10/243] E. Dudas, v. Gersdorff G., J. Parmentier, and S. Pokorski. Flavour in supersymmetry: horizontal
symmetries or wave function renormalisation. JHEP, 1012, 015, (2010), arXiv:1007.5208.
[t10/244] D. Langlois and F. Vernizzi. A geometrical approach to nonlinear perturbations in relativistic cosmology.
Class. Quantum Grav., 27, 124007, (2010), arXiv:1003.3270.
[t10/245] N. Halmagyi. Missing Mirrors: Type IIA Supergravity on the Resolved Conifold. (2011), arXiv:1003.2121.
[t10/246] N. Bobev, N. Halmagyi, K. Pilch, and P. Warner. Supergravity Instabilities of Non-Supersymmetric
Quantum Critical Points. Class. Quantum Grav., 27, 5013, (2011), arXiv:1006.2546.
[t10/247] M. Guica and A. Strominger. Microscopic Realization of the Kerr/CFT Correspondence. JHEP, 1102,
010, (2011), arXiv:1009.5039.
[t10/248] J. Raeymaekers, D.V.d. Bleeken, and B. Vercnocke. Chronology protection and the stringy exclusion
principle. JHEP, 1104, 037, (2011), arXiv:1011.5693.
[t10/249] F. Vonau, P.B. Pillai, D. Aubel, M.M. De Souza, C. Bena, and L. Simon. Superlattice of resonators
on monolayer graphene created by intercalated gold nanoclusters. Europhys. Lett., 91, 66004, (2011),
[t10/251] C. Bena and L. Simon. Dirac point metamorphosis from third-neighbor couplings in graphene and related
materials. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 115404, (2011), arXiv:1007.3907.
[t10/254] R. Britto and E. Mirabella. Single Cut Integration. JHEP, 1101, 135, (2011), arXiv:1011.2344.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/256] S.D. Badger and R. Britto. The SM and NLO multileg working group: Summary report. 6th Les Houches
Workshop: Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, (2010), arXiv:1003.1241.
[t10/257] R. Britto. Loop amplitudes in gauge theories: modern analytic approaches. J. Phys. A, 44, 454006,
(2011), arXiv:1012.4493.
[t10/258] J. Bouttier. Enumeration of maps. Oxford University Press, (2011), arXiv:1104.3003.
[t10/259] M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet, A. Georges, G. Kotliar, and Basov D. Interplane charge dynamics in a
valence-bond dynamical mean-field theory of cuprate superconductors. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 054502, (2010),
[t10/260] Z. Bertalan, H. Nishimori, and H. Orland. Accelerated stochastic sampling of discrete statistical systems.
Phys. Rev. E, 82, 056704, (2010).
[t10/261] M. Bon and H. Orland. Prediction of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots. Physica A, 389,
2987–2992, (2010).
[t10/262] X. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland. Block Copolymer at Nano-Patterned Surfaces. Macromolecules,
43, 7261–7268, (2010), arXiv:1011.2578.
[t10/263] R. Potestio, C. Micheletti, and H. Orland. Knotted vs. Unknotted Proteins: Evidence of Knot-Promoting
Loops. PLoS Comput Biol, 6, e1000864, (2010).
[t10/264] G. Mazzola, S. a Beccara, P. Faccioli, and H. Orland. Fluctuations in the Ensemble of Reaction Pathways.
J. Chem. Phys., 134, 164109, (2011), arXiv:1012.3424.
[t10/265] J. Dubail and J.M. Stéphan. Universal behavior of a bipartite fidelity at quantum criticality. J. Stat.
Mech., 2011, L03002, (2011), arXiv:1010.3716.
[t10/268] L. Berthier, G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, and R.L. Jack. Overview of different characterisations of dynamic
heterogeneity. Oxford University Press, (2011), arXiv:1009.4765v2.
[t10/269] C. Aron, G. Biroli, and L.F. Cugliandolo. Symmetries of generating functionals of Langevin processes
with colored multiplicative noise. J. Stat. Mech., 2010, P11018, (2010), arXiv:1007.5059v2.
[t10/270] C. Aron, G. Biroli, and L.F. Cugliandolo. Coarsening of disordered quantum rotors under a bias voltage.
Phys. Rev. B, 82, 174203, (2010), arXiv:1005.2414v2.
[t10/271] G. Biroli, G. Semerjian, and M. Tarzia. Anderson Model on Bethe Lattices: Density of States, Localization Properties and Isolated Eigenvalue. volume 184 of Prog. Theor. Phys. (Suppl. ), 187–199, (2010),
arXiv:1005.0342v2. 17th Yukawa International Seminar 2009 (YKIS2009) “Frontiers in Nonequilibrium
Physics – Fundamental Theory, Glassy & Granular Materials, and Computational Physics”, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2009-07-21/2009-08-21.
[t10/272] G. Biroli, B. Clark, L. Foini, and F. Zamponi. Leggett’s bound for amorphous solids. Phys. Rev. B, 83,
094530, (2011), arXiv:1011.2863.
[t10/273] L. Berthier and G. Biroli. A theoretical perspective on the glass transition and nonequilibrium phenomena
in disordered materials. Rev. Mod. Phys., 83, 587, (2011), arXiv:1011.2578v1.
[t10/274] A. Crisanti and C. De Dominicis. Low-temperature mass spectrum in the Ising spin glass. Europhys.
Lett., 92, 17003, (2010), arXiv:1010.0637v1.
[t10/275] C. Brito, O. Dauchot, G. Biroli, and J.-P. Bouchaud. Elementary excitation modes in a granular glass
above jamming. Soft Matter, 6, 3013–3022, (2010), arXiv:1003.1529v1.
[t10/276] A. Bedini and J.L. Jacobsen. A tree-decomposed transfer matrix for computing exact Potts model
partition functions for arbitrary graphs. J. Phys. A, 43, 385001, (2010).
[t10/277] J.L. Jacobsen. Demixing of compact polymers chains in three dimensions. Phys. Rev. E, 82, 051802,
[t10/278] J.L. Jacobsen. Bulk, surface and corner free energy series for the chromatic polynomial on the square
and triangular lattices. J. Phys. A, 43, 315002, (2010).
[t10/280] C. Crauste-Thibierge, C. Brun, F. Ladieu, D. L’Hote, G. Biroli, and J.-P. Bouchaud. Evidence of Growing
Spatial Correlations at the Glass Transition from Nonlinear Response Experiments. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104,
165703, (2010), arXiv:1002.0498v2.
[t10/281] J. Zinn-Justin. Critical Phenomena: field theoretical approach. Scholarpedia, 5, 8346, (2010).
[t10/282] F. Lechenault, R. Candelier, O. Dauchot, J.-P. Bouchaud, and G. Biroli. Super-diffusion around the
rigidity transition: Lévy and the Lilliputians. Soft Matter, 6, 3059–3064, (2010), arXiv:1001.1765v1.
[t10/283] I.K. Kostov. Matrix models as conformal field theories: genus expansion. Nucl. Phys. B, 837, 221–238,
(2010), arXiv:arXiv:0912.2137 [hep-th].
[t10/284] M. Beccaria, Dovier , G. Macorini, E. Mirabella, L. Panizzi, F.M. Renard, and C. Verzegnassi. Semiinclusive bottom-Higgs production at LHC: The complete one-loop electroweak effect in the MSSM. Phys.
Rev. D, 82, 093018, (2010), arXiv:1005.0759.
[t10/285] J. Zinn-Justin. Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University Press, USA, (2010).
[t10/286] A. Rancon-Schweiger, A. Benlagra, and C. Pépin. Activation gap in the specific heat measurements for
3He bilayers. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 073102, (2011), arXiv:1005.1905.
[t10/287] K.-S. Kim and C. Pépin. The thermopower as a fingerprint of the Kondo breakdown quantum critical
point. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 073104, (2011), arXiv:1005.3354.
[t10/288] C. Pépin, M.R. Norman, S. Burdin, and A. Ferraz. Modulated Spin Liquid: A New Paradigm for
URu2Si2. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 106601, (2011), arXiv:1010.1237.
[t10/289] Y. Hatta, E. Iancu, A.H. Mueller, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Aspects of the UV/IR correspondence :
energy broadening and string fluctuations. JHEP, 1102, 065, (2011), arXiv:1011.3763.
[t10/290] E. Iancu. Parton saturation at strong coupling from AdS/CFT. volume 854 of Nucl. Phys. A, 18–31,
(2010), arXiv:1009.1278 [hep-ph].
[t10/291] E. Iancu. Parton branching and medium-induced radiation in a strongly coupled plasma. volume 854 of
Nucl. Phys. A, 18–31, (2011), arXiv:1012.3527 [hep-ph].
[t10/292] J.-P. Blaizot, J.M. Pawlowski, and U. Reinosa. Exact renormalization group and Φ-derivable approximations. Phys. Lett. B, 696, 523–528, (2011), arXiv:1009.6048.
[t10/293] J.-P. Blaizot. Heavy ion collisions: puzzles and hopes. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Physics
at the LHC PLHC2010, 373–378. Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, (2010), arXiv:1009.1566v2.
Physics At The LHC 2010 (PLHC2010), Hamburg, Germany, 7-12 Jun 2010, 2010-06-07/2010-06-12.
[t10/294] J.-P. Blaizot, A. Ipp, and N. Wschebor. Calculation of the pressure of a hot scalar theory within the
Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group. Nucl. Phys. A, 849, 165–181, (2011), arXiv:1007.0991v1.
[t10/295] A. Beraudo, J.-P. Blaizot, P. Faccioli, and G. Garberoglio. A path integral for heavy quarks in a hot
plasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 846, 104–142, (2010), arXiv:1005.1245v1.
[t10/296] J.-P. Blaizot, T. Lappi, and Y. Mehtar-Tani. On the gluon spectrum in the glasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 846,
63–82, (2010), arXiv:1005.0955v1.
[t10/297] G. Soyez. Optimal jet radius in kinematic dijet reconstruction. JHEP, 1007, 075, (2010), arXiv:1006.3634.
[t10/298] M. Cacciari, J. Rojo, G.P. Salam, and G. Soyez. Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Collisions. Eur. J.
Phys., C 71, 1539, (2011), arXiv:1010.1759.
[t10/299] J.R. Espinosa, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, and M. No J. Energy Budget of Cosmological First-order
Phase Transitions. JCAP, 1006, 028, (2010), arXiv:1004.4187.
[t10/300] M. Battaglia and G. Servant. Four-top production and t tbar + missing energy events at multi TeV e+ecolliders. volume C033 of Nuovo Cimento, 203–208, (2010), arXiv:1005.4632. Linear Collider Workshop
2009 (LC09), Perugia (Italie).
[t10/301] G. Servant. Four-top events at the LHC. Physics at the LHC 2010, DESY, Hambourg (Allemagne),
2010-06-07/2010-06-12, (2010).
[t10/302] C. Degrande, J.M. Gérard, C. Grojean, F. Maltoni, and G. Servant. Non-resonant New Physics in Top
Pair Production at Hadron Colliders. JHEP, 1103, 125, (2011), arXiv:1010.6304.
[t10/303] G. Servant. Dark matter at the electroweak scale: non-supersymmetric candidates, 164–189. Cambridge
University Press, (2010).
[t10/304] J.R. Espinosa, C. Grojean, and M. Muhlleitner. Composite Higgs Search at the LHC. JHEP, 1005, 065,
(2010), arXiv:1003.3251.
[t10/305] G. Brooijmans, C. Grojean, G.D. Kribs, and C. Shepherd-Themistocleous, editors. New Physics at the
LHC. A Les Houches Report: Physics at TeV Colliders 2009, (2010), arXiv:1005.1229. Les Houches 2009,
Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 2009-06-08/2009-06-26.
[t10/306] C. Grojean and M. Spiropulu, editors. Proceedings of the 2009 CERN-Latin-American School of HighEnergy Physics, (2010), arXiv:1010.5976. 5th CERN-Latin American School of High-Energy Physics, Recinto
Quirama, Colombia, 2009-03-15/2009-03-28.
[t10/307] C. Grojean and M. Spiropulu, editors. Proceedings of the 2009 European School of High-Energy Physics,
(2010), arXiv:1012.4643. 2009 European School of High-energy Physics, Bautzen (Allemagne), 2009-0614/2009-06-27.
[t10/308] J.R. Espinosa, C. Grojean, and M. Muhlleitner. Higgs and electroweak symmetry breaking. Physics at
the LHC 2010, DESY, Hambourg (Allemagne), 2010-06-07/2010-06-12, (2010).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t10/309] M. Barthélémy. Dynamical processes on complex networks. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT, Saclay,
2010-01-08/2010-02-05, (2010).
[t10/311] M. Shifman. Dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories. Cours de Physique Théorique, 2010-0528/2010-07-02, (2010).
[t10/312] M. Petrini. The AdS/CFT correspondence. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2010-0319/2010-04-16, (2010).
[t10/313] L. Albacete J. and A. Dumitru. A model for gluon production in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC with
rcBK unintegrated gluon densities. (2010), arXiv:1011.5161 [hep-ph].
[t10/314] R.P.G. Andrade, A. Vezzoni Ramos Dos Reis, F. Grassi, Y. Hama, W.L. Qian, T. Kodama, and J.-Y.
Ollitrault. NeXSPheRIO results on elliptic flow and directed flow for Au plus Au and Cu plus Cu collisions
at RHIC. volume 84 of Pramana J. Phys., 1657–1661, (2010). Quark Matter 2008: 20th International
Conference On Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (QM 2008), Jaipur, India, 2008-02-04/200802-10.
[t10/315] D. Van Den Bleeken, J. Raeymaekers, and B. Vercnocke. Chronology protection and the stringy exclusion
principle. JHEP, 1104, 037, (2011), arXiv:1011.5693.
[t10/318] P. Brax. Producing Chameleons in the sun. 6th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs adn WISPs, Zurich,
[t10/319] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Chameleon Induced Atomic Afterglow. Phys Rev Letters D, 82, 095014, (2010),
[t10/320] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, F. Mota David, J.Nunes Nelson, and A. Winther. Chameleons with Field
Dependent Couplings. Phys Rev Letters D, 82, 083503, (2013), arXiv:1006.2796.
[t10/321] P. Brax and R. Peschanski. Gauge/Cosmology Brane-to-Brane Duality. Acta Phys. Pol., B41, 2645–2667,
(2010), arXiv:1006.3054.
[t10/322] P. Brax, R. Rosenfeld, and D.A. Steer. Spherical Collapse in Chameleon Models. JCAP, 1008, 033,
(2010), arXiv:1005.2051.
[t10/323] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and J. Shaw. The Dilaton and Modified Gravity. Phys Rev Letters
D, 82, (2010), arXiv:1005.3735.
[t10/324] P. Brax and K. Zioutas. Solar Chameleons. Phys Rev Letters D, 82, (2010), arXiv:1004.1846.
[t10/325] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, D.J. Shaw, and D. Iannuzzi. Tuning the Mass of Chameleon
Fields in Casimir Force Experiments. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, (2010), arXiv:1003.1605.
[t10/326] P. Brax. Gif Lectures on Cosmic Acceleration. (2010), arXiv:0912.3610.
[t10/327] P. Brax and E. Cluzel. Brane Bremsstrahlung in DBI Inflation. JACP, 1003, 016, (2010), arXiv:0912.0806.
[t10/329] R. Vasseur and T. Lookman. Effects of disorder in ferroelastics: A spin model for strain glass. Phys.
Rev. B, 81, 094107, (2010).
[t10/330] N. Champagne, R. Vasseur, A. Montourcy, and D. Bartolo. Traffic jams and intermittent flows in
microfluidic networks. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 044502, (2010), arXiv:1005.5003.
[t10/332] G. Korchemsky. Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter IV.4: Integrability in QCD and N < 4 SYM.
Lett. Math. Phys., 99, 3–32, (2010), arXiv:1012.4000.
[t10/334] I.K. Kostov and N. Orantin. CFT and topological recursion. JHEP, 1011, 056, (2010), arXiv:1006.2028.
[t10/335] M. Rybczynski and W. Broniowski. Two-body nucleon-nucleon correlations in Glauber-like models. VI
Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, BITP, Kiev, (2010), arXiv:1012.5607.
[t10/336] E.R. Arriola and W. Broniowski. Scalar-isoscalar states, gravitational form factors, and dimension-2 condensates in a large-Nc Regge approach. volume 1343 of AIP Conf. Proc., 361–363, (2011), arXiv:1011.5176.
[t10/339] H. Triendl. Generalized Geometry and Partial Supersymmetry Breaking. Fortschr. Phys., 59, 76–164,
(2010), arXiv:1010.1159.
[t10/340] L. Albacete J. CGC and initial state effects in Heavy Ion Collisions. volume 270 of J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser., 012052, (2011), arXiv:1010.6027. Hot Quarks 2010: Workshop for young scientists on the physics of
ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, La Londe-les-Maures.
[t10/342] J.G. Milhano, L. Albacete J., N. Armesto, P. Quiroga Arias, and A. Salgado C. A predictive phenomenological tool at small Bjorken-x. volume 270 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 012056, (2013), arXiv:1009.6136. Hot
Quarks 2010: Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, La
[t10/345] F. Zamponi, A. Lubke, T. kampfer, I. uschmann, E. Forster, A.P.L. Robinson, A. Giulietti, P. Koster,
L. Labate, and T. Levato. Directional Bremsstrahlung from a Ti Laser-Produced X-Ray Source at Relativistic Intensities in the 3 − 12 keV Range. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 085001, (2010).
[t11/005] D. Gredat, I. Dornic, and J.M. Luck. On an imaginary exponential functional of Brownian motion. J.
Phys. A, 44, 175003, (2011), arXiv:1101.1173.
[t11/007] E. Sefusatti and F. Vernizzi. Cosmological structure formation with clustering quintessence. JCAP, 1103,
047, (2011), arXiv:1101.1026.
[t11/009] L. Krapivsky P. and J.M. Luck. Dynamics of a quantum particle in low-dimensional disordered systems
with extended states. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P02031, (2011), arXiv:1101.2101.
[t11/010] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Elastic random networks : strong disorder renormalization approach. J. Phys.
A, 44, 085001, (2011), arXiv:1010.1627.
[t11/011] S. Nonnenmacher. Quantized open chaotic systems. In P. Exner, editor, Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, 221–226. World Scientific, (2011), arXiv:1011.2557. QMath11, Hradec Kralove, rep. tchèque,
[t11/012] G. Verley, K. Mallick, and D. Lacoste.
Modified Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for nonequilibrium steady-states and applications to molecular motors. Europhys. Lett., 93, 10002, (2011),
[t11/013] P. Vanhove. Monodromies and the structure of gauge and gravity amplitudes. 35th ICHEP, Paris, (2011).
[t11/014] Gerardo Aldazabal, D. Marques, A. Nunez, Carmen, and Alejandro Rosabal. On Type IIB moduli
stabilization and N = 4, 8 supergravities. Nucl. Phys. B, 849, 80–111, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1101.5954.
[t11/015] P. Vanhove. Perturbative Quantum Gravity. (2011).
[t11/017] N. Gromov, D. Serban, I. Shenderovich, and D. Volin. Quantum folded string and integrability: from
finite size effects to Konishi dimension. JHEP, 1108, 046, (2011), arXiv:1102.1040.
[t11/018] C. Lhuillier and G. Misguich. Introduction to Quantum Spin Liquids, 23–41. Springer, (2011).
[t11/019] I. Bena, G. Giecold, M. Graña, N. Halmagyi, and S Massai. On Metastable Vacua and the Warped
Deformed Conifold: Analytic Results. Class. Quantum Grav., 2013, 015003, (2011), arXiv:1102.2403.
[t11/020] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Anderson localization on the Cayley tree : multifractal statistics of the
transmission at criticality and off criticality. J. Phys. A, 44, 145001, (2011), arXiv:1101.0982.
[t11/021] J. Germer, W. Hollik, and E. Mirabella. Hadronic production of bottom-squark pairs with electroweak
contributions. JHEP, 2011, 068, (2011), arXiv:1103.1258.
[t11/022] M. Cirelli, G. Zaharijas, G. Servant, and P. Panci. Consequences of DM/antiDM Oscillations for Asymmetric WIMP Dark Matter. JCAP, 1203, 015, (2011), arXiv:1110.3809.
[t11/024] K. Kim, H.K. Lee, and M. Rho. Dense Stellar Matter with Strange Quark Matter Driven by Kaon
Condensation. Phys. Rev. C, 84, 035810, (2011), arXiv:1102.5167.
[t11/025] M. Harada and M. Rho. Integrating Holographic Vector Dominance to Hidden Local Symmetry for the
Nucleon Form Factor. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 114040, (2011), arXiv:1102.5489.
[t11/026] C. Sasaki, H.K. Lee, W.G. Paeng, and M. Rho. Conformal anomaly and the vector coupling in dense
matter. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 034011, (2011), arXiv:1103.0184.
[t11/027] M. Barthélémy. Spatial Networks. Phys. Rep., 499, 1–101, (2011), arXiv:1010.0302.
[t11/029] J.J.M. Carrasco and H. Johansson. Generic Multiloop Methods and Application to N = 4 Super-YangMills. J. Phys. A, 44, 454004, (2011), arXiv:1103.3298.
[t11/030] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, L.J. Dixon, H. Johansson, and R. Roiban. Amplitudes and Ultraviolet Behavior
of N=8 Supergravity. Fortschr. Phys., 59, 561–578, (2011), arXiv:1103.1848.
[t11/031] P. Ciafaloni, M. Cirelli, D. Comelli, A. De Simone, A. Riotto, and A. Urbano. On the Importance
of Electroweak Corrections for Majorana Dark Matter Indirect Detection. JCAP, 1106, 018, (2011),
[t11/032] M. No J. Large Gravitational Wave Background Signals in Electroweak Baryogenesis Scenarios. Phys.
Rev. D, 84, 124025, (2011), arXiv:1103.2159.
[t11/034] A.V. Belitsky, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. Are scattering amplitudes dual to super Wilson loops?
Nucl. Phys. B, 855, 333–360, (2012), arXiv:1103.3008.
[t11/035] F. David. Importance of Reversibility in the Quantum Formalism. Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 180401, (2011),
[t11/036] B. Eden, P. Heslop, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. The super-correlator/super-amplitude duality:
Part I. Nucl. Phys. B, 869, 329–377, (2013), arXiv:arXiv:1103.3714.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t11/037] B. Eden, P. Heslop, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. The super-correlator/super-amplitude duality:
Part II. Nucl. Phys. B, 869, 378–416, (2013), arXiv:arXiv:1103.4353.
[t11/039] F.G. Gardim, F. Grassi, Y. Hama, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Directed flow at mid-rapidity in
event-by-event hydrodynamics. Phys. Rev. C, 83, 064901, (2011), arXiv:1103.4605.
[t11/040] Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, g. diana, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A.
Kosower, D. Maitre, and K. Ozeren. Left-Handed W Bosons at the LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 034008, (2011),
[t11/041] N.E.J. Bjerrum-Bohr, P.H. Damgaard, H. Johansson, and T. Sondergaard. Monodromy-like relations for
finite loop amplitudes. JHEP, 1105, 039, (2011), arXiv:1103.6190.
[t11/042] M. Colangeli, C. Maes, and B. Wynants. A meaningful expansion around detailed balance. J. Phys. A,
44, 095001, (2011), arXiv:1101.3487.
[t11/043] M. Baiesi, C. Maes, and B. Wynants. The modified Sutherland–Einstein relation for diffusive nonequilibria. Proc. R. Soc. A, 467, 2792–2134, (2011), arXiv:1101.3227.
[t11/044] R. Guida and C. Kopper. All-order uniform momentum bounds for the massless φ4 theory in four
dimensional Euclidean space. In Oberwolfach Reports Volume 8, Issue 1, 2011. European Mathematical
Society, (2011), arXiv:1103.5692.
[t11/045] B. Eynard. Intersection numbers of spectral curves. (2011), arXiv:1104.0176.
[t11/046] Arita C., A. Ayyer, K. Mallick, and S. Prolhac. Recursive structures in the multispecies TASEP. J.
Phys. A, 44, (2011), arXiv:1104.3752.
[t11/047] P. Di Francesco and R. Kedem. The solution of the quantum A1 T-system for arbitrary boundary.
Commun. Math. Phys., 313, 329–350, (2012), arXiv:1102.5552.
[t11/048] R.E. Behrend, P. Di Francesco, and P. Zinn-Justin. On the weighted enumeration of Alternating Sign
Matrices and Descending Plane Partitions. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 119, 331–363, (2012), arXiv:1103.1176.
[t11/049] C. Monthus and T. Garel. A critical Dyson hierarchical model for the Anderson localization transition.
J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P05005, (2011), arXiv:1102.4701.
[t11/050] C. Monthus. Non-equilibrium steady states : maximization of the Shannon entropy associated to the
distribution of dynamical trajectories in the presence of constraints. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P03008, (2011),
[t11/051] D. Jeong, F. Schmidt, and E. Sefusatti. Primordial Non-Gaussianity and the Statistics of Weak Lensing
and other Projected Density Fields. Phys. Rev. D, 82, 123005, (2011), arXiv:1104.0926.
[t11/052] C. Normand. Threshold shift of helical dynamo induced by stochastic flow fluctuations. Geophys.
Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 106, 277–304, (2012).
[t11/053] A. Branschaedel, E. Boulat, H. Saleur, and P. Schmitteckert. Numerical Evaluation of Shot Noise using
Real Time Simulations. Phys. Rev. B, 82, 205414, (2010), arXiv:1004.4784.
[t11/054] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Critical exponents of domain walls in the two-dimensional Potts
model. J. Phys. A, 43, 482002, (2010), arXiv:1008.1216.
[t11/055] J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Bulk and boundary critical behaviour of thin and thick domain
walls in the two-dimensional Potts model. J. Stat. Mech., 2010, P12026, (2010), arXiv:1010.1700.
[t11/056] R. Bondesan, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Edge states and conformal boundary conditions in super
spin chains and super sigma models. Nucl. Phys. B, 849, 461–502, (2011), arXiv:1101.4361.
[t11/057] R. Vasseur, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Indecomposability parameters in chiral Logarithmic Conformal
Field Theory. Nucl. Phys. B, 851, 341–345, (2011), arXiv:1103.3134.
[t11/058] G. Marozzi, M. Rinaldi, and R. Durrer. On infrared and ultraviolet divergences of cosmological perturbations. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 105017, (2011), arXiv:1102.2206.
[t11/061] R. Durrer. What do we really know about Dark Energy? Cosmological Tests of General Relativity, Kavli
Royal Society Center for the Advancement of Science, (2011), arXiv:1103.5331.
[t11/062] A. Bernamonti and R. Peschanski. Time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence and the Quark-Gluon
plasma. Nucl. Phys. B, 216, 94–120, (2011), arXiv:1102.0725.
[t11/063] E. Dudas, v. Gersdorff G., D. Ghilencea, S. Lavignac, and J. Parmentier. On non-universal Goldstino
couplings to matter. Nucl. Phys. B, 855, 570–591, (2012), arXiv:1106.5792.
[t11/064] C. Caprini. Limits for primordial magnetic fields.
25th Texas Symposium, Heidelberg, (2011),
[t11/065] I. Bena, S. Giusto, and C. Ruef. A Black Ring with two Angular Momenta in Taub-NUT. JHEP, 1106,
140, (2011), arXiv:1104.0016.
[t11/066] N. Halmagyi, M. Petrini, and A. Zaffaroni. Non-Relativistic Solutions of N=2 Gauged Supergravity.
JHEP, 1108, 41, (2011), arXiv:1102.5740.
[t11/067] M. Castellana and L. Zdeborova. Adversarial Satisfiability Problem. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P03023,
(2011), arXiv:1011.1273v1.
[t11/068] S. El-Showk, Y. Nakayama, and S. Rychkov. What Maxwell Theory in D<>4 teaches us about scale
and conformal invariance. Nucl. Phys. B, 848, 578–593, (2011), arXiv:1101.5385.
[t11/069] S. El-Showk and K. Papadodimas. Emergent Spacetime and Holographic CFTs. JHEP, 1210, 106, (2012),
[t11/070] F. Krzakala, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, D. Sherrington, and L. Zdeborova. No spin glass phase in ferromagnetic random-field random-temperature scalar Ginzburg-Landau model. J. Phys. A, 44, 042003, (2011),
[t11/071] F. Krzakala and L. Zdeborova. Glassy aspects of melting dynamics (On melting dynamics and the glass
transition, Part I). J. Chem. Phys., 134, 034512, (2011), arXiv:1006.2480.
[t11/072] F. Krzakala and L. Zdeborova. Glassy dynamics as a melting process (On melting dynamics and the
glass transition, Part II). J. Chem. Phys., 134, 034513, (2011), arXiv:1006.2479.
[t11/073] Y. Matsuda, H. Nishimori, L. Zdeborova, and F. Krzakala. Random-field p-spin glass model on regular
random graphs. J. Phys. A, 44, 185002, (2011), arXiv:1101.5863.
[t11/074] A. Decelle, F. Krzakala, C. Moore, and L. Zdeborova. Phase transition in the detection of modules in
sparse networks. Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 065701, (2011), arXiv:1102.1182.
[t11/075] Z. Huang. The Art of Lattice and Gravity Waves from Preheating. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 123509, (2011),
[t11/077] I. Brihuega, P. Mallet, S. Bose, C. Bena, C. Michaelis, L. Vitali, F. Varchon, L. Magaud, K. Kern, and
J. Veuillen Y. Quasiparticle Chirality in Epitaxial Graphene Probed at the Nanometer Scale. Phys. Rev.
Lett., 101, 206802, (2008), arXiv:arXiv:0806.2616.
[t11/078] J. Manschot. The Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable sheaves of rank 3 on P2. Lett. Math.
Phys., 98, 65–78, (2011), arXiv:1009.1775.
[t11/079] C. Bena and Montambaux . Remarks on the tight-binding model of graphene. New J. Phys., 11, 095003,
(2009), arXiv:arXiv:0712.0765.
[t11/080] J. Manschot, B. Pioline, and A. Sen. Wall-Crossing from Boltzmann Black Hole Halos. JHEP, 1107,
059, (2011), arXiv:1011.1258.
[t11/081] J. Manschot. BPS invariants of N=4 gauge theory on a surface. Commun. Numb. Theor. Phys., 6,
497–516, (2012), arXiv:1103.0012.
[t11/082] J. Manschot, B. Pioline, and A. Sen. A fixed point formula for the index of multi-centered N=2 black
holes. JHEP, 1105, 057, (2011), arXiv:1103.1887.
[t11/084] B. Bauer, Carr L.D., H.G. Evertz, A. Feiguin, J. Freire, S. Fuchs, L. Gamper, J. Gukelberger, E. Gull,
S. Guertler, A. Hehn, R. Igarashi, S.V. Isakov, D. Koop, P.N. Ma, P. Mates, H. Matsuo, O. Parcollet,
G. Pawlowski, J.D. Picon, L. Pollet, E. Santos, V.W. Scarola, U. Schollwoeck, C. Silva, B. Surer, S. Trebst,
M. Troyer, M.L. Wall, P. Werner, and S. Wessel. The ALPS project release 2.0: Open source software for
strongly correlated systems. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P05001, (2011), arXiv:1101.2646.
[t11/085] T. Danckaert, J. Louis, D. Martinez-Pedrera, B. Spanjaard, and H. Triendl. The N=4 effective action of
type IIA supergravity compactified on SU(2)-structure manifolds. JHEP, 1108, 024, (2011), arXiv:1104.5174.
[t11/086] P.V. Bushlanov, A.M. Gainutdinov, and I.Yu. Tipunin. Kazhdan-Lusztig equivalence and fusion of Kac
modules in Virasoro logarithmic models. Nucl. Phys. B, 862, 232–269, (2011), arXiv:1102.0271.
[t11/088] G. Vernizzi and H. Orland. Random matrix theory and RNA folding. Oxford University Press, (2011).
[t11/089] M. Bon and H. Orland. TT2NE: A novel algorithm to predict RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots. Nucl. Acids Res., 39, e93, (2011), arXiv:1010.4490.
[t11/090] X. Man, D. Andelman, H. Orland, P. Thebault, P.H. Liu, P. Guenoun, J. Daillant, and S. Landis. Organization of Block Copolymers using NanoImprint Lithography: Comparison of Theory and Experiments.
Macromolecules, 44, 2206–2211, (2011), arXiv:1007.4733.
[t11/091] H. Orland. Generating Transition Paths by Langevin Bridges. J. Chem. Phys., 134, 174114, (2011),
[t11/092] R. Einert T., H. Orland, and R.R. Netz. Secondary structure formation of homopolymeric single-stranded
nucleic acids including force and loop entropy: implications for DNA hybridization. Eur. Phys. J. E, 34,
55, (2011).
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t11/096] A Lazarescu and K. Mallick. An Exact Formula for the Statistics of the Current in the TASEP with
Open Boundaries. J. Phys. A, 44, 315001, (2011).
[t11/098] C. Godrèche. Dynamics of the directed Ising chain. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P04005, (2011), arXiv:1102.0141.
[t11/099] F. Bernardeau and P. Brax. Cosmological Large-scale Structures beyond Linear Theory in Modified
Gravity. JCAP, 1106, 019, (2011), arXiv:1102.1907.
[t11/100] A. Alexandrov, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, and S. Natanzon. Integrability of Hurwitz Partition Functions.
I. Summary. J. Phys. A, 45, 045209, (2011), arXiv:1103.4100.
[t11/101] A. Crisanti and C. De Dominicis. Stability of the Parisi solution for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
near T = 0. J. Phys. A, 44, 15006, (2011), arXiv:1101.5233v1.
[t11/102] J.M. Stéphan, G. Misguich, and V. Pasquier. Phase transition in the Rényi-Shannon entropy of Luttinger
liquids. Phys. Rev. B, 84, 195128, (2011), arXiv:1104.2544.
[t11/103] L. Messio, C. Lhuillier, and G. Misguich. Lattice symmetries and regular states in classical frustrated
antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B, 83, 184401, (2011), arXiv:1101.1212.
[t11/105] A. Ayyer, R. Cori, and D. Gouyou-Beauchamps. Monotone triangles and 312 Pattern Avoidance. Electr.
J. Combin., 18, P26, (2011), arXiv:1101.1666.
[t11/106] Berthier L., Biroli G., Bouchaud J.-P., Cipelletti L., and van Saarloos W., editors. Dynamical Heterogeneities in Glasses, Colloids, and Granular Media. Oxford University Press, USA, (2011).
[t11/108] A. Ayyer. Algebraic Properties of a Disordered Asymmetric Glauber Model. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P02034,
(2011), arXiv:1012.0875.
[t11/109] I.K. Kostov. Two-dimensional quantum gravity. (2011).
[t11/110] R.S. Bhalerao, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Determining initial-state fluctuations from flow measurements in heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. C, 84, 034910, (2011), arXiv:1104.4740.
[t11/111] J.-P. Blaizot. The status of parton saturation and the CGC. volume 854 of Nucl. Phys. A, 237–256,
(2011), arXiv:1101.0260v1. Saturation, the Color Glass Condensate and Glasma: What Have we Learned
from RHIC?, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2010-05-10/2010-05-12.
[t11/112] P. Brax and E. Cluzel. Perturbation Theory in k-Inflation Coupled to Matter. JCAP, 1104, 014, (2011),
[t11/113] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, B. Li, and D. Shaw. Nonlinear Structure Formation with the
Environmentally Dependent Dilaton. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 104026, (2011), arXiv:1102.3692.
[t11/115] J. Zinn-Justin. From Slavnov-Taylor Identities to the ZJ Equation. In Proceedings of the Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, 272, 288–292, (2011). Gauge fields yesterday, today, tomorrow, moscou.
[t11/118] Y. Hatta, E. Iancu, A.H. Mueller, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Radiation by a heavy quark in N=4
SYM at strong coupling. Nucl. Phys. B, 850, 31–52, (2011), arXiv:1102.0232 [hep-th].
[t11/122] C.A. Savoy and M. Thormeier. Exotic particles below the TeV from low scale flavour theories. JHEP,
1103, 128, (2011), arXiv:1003.2090.
[t11/124] G. bossard, P. Vanhove, P.S. Howe, and K.S. Stelle. The vanishing volume of D=4 superspace. Class.
Quantum Grav., 28, 215005, (2011), arXiv:1105.6087.
[t11/125] G. Soyez. A simple description of jet cross-section ratios.
Phys. Lett. B, 698, 59–62, (2011),
[t11/126] M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam, and G. Soyez. Fluctuations and asymmetric jet events in PbPb collisions at
the LHC. Eur. Phys. J. C, 71, 1692, (2011), arXiv:1101.2878.
[t11/127] M. Graña and F. Orsi. N=1 vacua in Exceptional Generalized Geometry. JHEP, 1108, 109, (2011),
[t11/128] C. Degrande, J.M. Gérard, C. Grojean, F. Maltoni, and G. Servant. An effective approach to same sign
top pair production at the LHC and the forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron. Phys. Lett. B, 703,
306–309, (2011), arXiv:1104.1798.
[t11/129] T. Konstandin and G. Servant. Cosmological Consequences of Nearly Conformal Dynamics at the TeV
scale. JCAP, 1112, 009, (2011), arXiv:1104.4791.
[t11/130] T. Konstandin and G. Servant. Natural Cold Baryogenesis from Strongly Interacting Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. JCAP, 1107, 024, (2011), arXiv:1104.4793.
[t11/131] C. Grojean, E. Salvioni, and R. Torre. A weakly constrained W’ at the early LHC. JHEP, 1107, 002,
(2011), arXiv:1103.2761.
[t11/132] E. Iancu. Multiparticle Dynamics in the LHC Era. International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics
2010, Anvers, (2011), arXiv:1105.0751.
[t11/134] A. Brini, B. Eynard, and M. Mariño. Torus knots and mirror symmetry. Ann. Henri Poincaré, 13,
1873–1910, (2011), arXiv:1105.2012.
[t11/135] J. Kempe. Quantum Algorithms and Information. Cours de physique théorique de Saclay, IPhT Saclay,
2011-05-03/2011-06-10, (2011).
[t11/136] M. Bauer and D. Bernard. Quantum Stochastic Processes: A Case Study. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P04016,
(2011), arXiv:1101.3472.
[t11/137] A. Bessa, C.A. de Carvalho, E.S. Fraga, and F. Gelis. Effective potential in the BET formalism. Phys.
Rev. D, 83, (2011), arXiv:1104.1084.
[t11/138] R. Britto. Introduction to Scattering amplitudes. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2011-0121/2011-02-11, (2011).
[t11/139] R. Durrer. Cosmology and the Cosmic Microwave Background. Cours de Physique Théorique, IPhT,
Saclay, 2011-03-04/2011-04-08, (2011).
[t11/141] K. Jo, M. Rho, S.-J. Sin, and Y. Seo. The dropping of in-medium hadron mass in holographic QCD.
JHEP, 2011, 008, (2011), arXiv:1104.2362.
[t11/142] R.K.P. Zia. Exploring Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics with Driven Diffusive Systems. Cours de
Physique Théorique de l’IPhT, IPhT Saclay, 2011-05-20/2011-05-27, (2011).
[t11/143] S. Nonnenmacher, J. Sjöstrand, and M. Zworski. Fractal Weyl law for open quantum chaotic maps. Ann.
Math. (to appear), (2013), arXiv:1105.3128.
[t11/144] S. Nonnenmacher. Spectral problems in open quantum chaos. Nonlinearity, 24, R123–R167, (2011),
[t11/145] M. Bergère, B. Eynard, and O. Marchal. Loop equations and topological recursion for the arbitrary-β
two-matrix model. JHEP, 2012, 98, (2012), arXiv:1106.0332.
[t11/146] Z. Bern, g. diana, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre, and K. Ozeren. Driving Missing Data at Next-to-Leading Order. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 114002, (2011), arXiv:1106.1423.
[t11/147] I. Bena, C. Ruef, and N.P. Warner. Imaginary Soaring Branes: A Hidden Feature of Non-Extremal
Solutions. JHEP, 1205, 143, (2012), arXiv:1105.6255.
[t11/148] G. Borot, J. Bouttier, and E. Guitter. A recursive approach to the O(n) model on random maps via
nested loops. J. Phys. A, 45, 045002, (2012), arXiv:1106.0153.
[t11/149] A. Billoire and I.A. Campbell. Dynamics in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Ising spin glass at and above
Tg. Phys. Rev. B, 84, 054442, (2011), arXiv:1105.1902v1.
[t11/150] K. Fukushima and F. Gelis. The evolving Glasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 874, 108–129, (2011), arXiv:1106.1396.
[t11/151] I. Bena, Jan deBoer, M Shigemori, and N.P. Warner. Double, Double Supertube Bubble. JHEP, 1110,
116, (2011).
[t11/152] J.J.M. Carrasco and H. Johansson. Five-Point Amplitudes in N = 4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory and N =
8 Supergravity. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 025006, (2011).
[t11/153] Z. Bern, C. Boucher-Veronneau, H. Johansson, and H. Ita. N ≥ 4 Supergravity Amplitudes from Gauge
Theory at One Loop. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 105035, (2011), arXiv:1107.1935.
[t11/154] C. Maes, K. Netocny, and B. Wynants. Monotone return to steady nonequilibrium. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
107, 010601, (2011), arXiv:1102.3028.
[t11/155] E. Avsar, Y. Hatta, C. Flensburg, J.-Y. Ollitrault, and T. Ueda. Eccentricity and elliptic flow in pp
collisions at the LHC. volume 38 of J. Phys. G, 124053, (2011), arXiv:1106.4356. XXII International
Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (Quark Matter 2011), Annecy, 2011-05-22/201105-28.
[t11/156] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random field Ising model : statistical properties of low-energy excitations
and of equilibrium avalanches. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P07010, (2011), arXiv:1106.1742.
[t11/157] I. Bena, G. Giecold, M. Graña, N. Halmagyi, and S Massai. The backreaction of anti-D3 branes on the
Klebanov-Strassler geometry. JHEP, 2013, 060, (2013), arXiv:1106.6165.
[t11/158] K. Dusling, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. Ekpyrosis and inflationary dynamics in heavy ion collisions: the
role of quantum fluctuations. volume 38 of J. Phys. G, 124120, (2011), arXiv:1107.0247. 22nd International
Conference On Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2011), Annecy, France.
[t11/159] S. Nonnenmacher. Lectures on the spectral theory of damped quantum chaotic systems. Analyse spectrale
des opérateurs non auto-adjoints et applications, Rennes, 2011-06-13/2011-06-17, (2011).
[t11/160] T. Epelbaum and F. Gelis. Role of quantum fluctuations in a system with strong fields: Spectral
properties and Thermalization. Nucl. Phys. A, 872, 1210–244, (2011), arXiv:1107.0668.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t11/161] R.S. Bhalerao, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. New flow observables. volume 38 of J. Phys. G, 124055,
(2011), arXiv:1106.4940. XXII International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus collisions
(Quark Matter 2011), Annecy, 2011-05-23/2011-05-28.
[t11/162] A. Mehta and J.M. Luck. Power-law forgetting in synapses with metaplasticity. J. Stat. Mech., P09025,
(2011), arXiv:1107.1160.
[t11/163] M. Luzum. Flow fluctuations and long-range correlations: elliptic flow and beyond. volume 38 of J. Phys.
G, 124026, (2011), arXiv:1107.0592. 22nd International Conference On Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus
Collisions (Quark Matter 2011), Annecy, France.
[t11/164] I. Bena, D. Borun, B.D. Chowdhuri, J. de Boer, S. El-Showk, and M Shigemori. Moulting Black Holes.
JHEP, 1203, 094, (2012), arXiv:1108.0411.
[t11/165] I. Bena, A. Puhm, and B. Vercnocke. Metastable Supertubes and non-extremal Black Hole Microstates.
JHEP, 1203, 100, (2012), arXiv:1109.5180.
[t11/166] A.E. Allahverdyan, R. Balian, and T.M. Nieuwenhuizen. Understanding quantum measurement from the
solution of dynamical models. Phys. Rep., 525, 1–166, (2012), arXiv:1107.2138v2.
[t11/167] P. Ciafaloni, M. Cirelli, D. Comelli, A. De Simone, A. Riotto, and A. Urbano. Initial State Radiation in
Majorana Dark Matter Annihilations. JCAP, 1110, 034, (2011), arXiv:1107.4453.
[t11/168] J.-P. Blaizot, F. Gelis, J. Liao, L. McLerran, and R. Venugopalan. Bose–Einstein Condensation and
Thermalization of the Quark Gluon Plasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 873, 68–80, (2012), arXiv:1107.5296.
[t11/169] B. Eynard and C. Kozcaz. Mirror of the refined topological vertex from a matrix model. (2011),
[t11/170] R.S. Bhalerao, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Understanding anisotropy generated by fluctuations in
heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. C, 84, 054901, (2011), arXiv:1107.5485.
[t11/172] G. Giecold, E. Goi, and F. Orsi. Assessing a candidate IIA dual to metastable supersymmetry-breaking.
JHEP, 1202, 019, (2012).
[t11/173] L. Krapivsky P., J.M. Luck, and K. Mallick. On stochastic differential equations with random delay. J.
Stat. Mech., 2011, P10008, (2011), arXiv:1108.1298.
[t11/174] A. Billoire, L.A. Fernandez, A. Maiorano, E. Marinari, V Martin-Mayor, and D. Yllanes. Finite-size
scaling analysis of the distributions of pseudo-critical temperatures in spin glasses. J. Stat. Mech., (2011),
[t11/175] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, H. Johansson, L.J. Dixon, and R. Roiban. Simplifying Multiloop Integrands
of Gauge Theory and Gravity Amplitudes. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 105014, (2012).
[t11/176] B. Eden, P. Heslop, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. Hidden symmetry of four-point correlation
functions and amplitudes in N=4 SYM. Nucl. Phys. B, 862, 193–231, (2011), arXiv:1108.3557.
[t11/177] S. Nonnenmacher. Spectral theory of damped quantum chaotic systems. Journées EDP 2011, Biarritz,
2011-06-06/2011-06-10, (2013), arXiv:1109.0930.
[t11/178] P. Valageas and Takahiro Nishimichi. Combining perturbation theories with halo models for the matter
bispectrum. Astron. Astrophys., 532, A4, (2011), arXiv:1102.0641.
[t11/179] M. Pierre, F. Pacaud, J.B. Juin, J.B. Melin, P. Valageas, N. Clerc, and S. Corasaniti P. Precision
cosmology with a wide area XMM cluster survey. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 414, 1732–1746, (2011),
[t11/180] P. Valageas, N. Clerc, F. Pacaud, and M. Pierre. Covariance matrices for halo number counts and
correlation functions. Astron. Astrophys., 536, A95, (2011), arXiv:1104.4015.
[t11/181] P. Brax and G. Pignol. Strongly Coupled Chameleons and the Neutronic Quantum Bouncer. Phys. Rev.
Lett., 107, 111301, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1105.3420.
[t11/182] P. Brax, C. Burrage, and A.C. Davis. Laboratory Tests of the Galileon. JCAP, 1109, 020, (2011),
[t11/183] P. Brax, Bruck c. van de, A.C. Davis, B. Li, Schmauch B., and Shaw D. Linear Growth of Structure in
the Symmetron Model. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 123524, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1108.3082.
[t11/184] P. Brax and A.C. Davis. Supersymmetron. Phys. Lett. B, 707, 1–7, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1109.0468.
[t11/185] R. Britto and E. Mirabella. External leg corrections in the unitarity method. JHEP, 1201, 045, (2012).
[t11/186] J. Baglio, M. Beccaria, A. Djouadi, G. Macorini, E. Mirabella, N. Orlando, F.M. Renard, and C. Verzegnassi. The Left-Right asymmetry of top quarks in associated top-charged Higgs bosons at the LHC as a
probe of the tan β parameter. Phys. Lett. B, 705, 212–216, (2011).
[t11/187] N.v.d. Kolk and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Reaction plane from Lee-Yang Zeroes for elliptic flow analysis in
ALICE. volume 85 of Indian Journal of Physics, 1069–1073, (2011). Quark Matter 2008: 20th International
Conference On Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (QM 2008), Jaipur, India, 2008-02-04/200802-10.
[t11/188] M.B. Green, S.D. Miller, and P. Vanhove. Small representations, string instantons, and Fourier modes
of Eisenstein series (with an appendix by D. Ciubotaru and P. Trapa). (2011), arXiv:1111.2983.
[t11/189] piotr tourkine and P. Vanhove. An R4 non-renormalisation theorem in N = 4 supergravity. Classicum
and Quantum Gravity, 29, 115006, (2012), arXiv:1202.3692.
[t11/190] A.A. Bhat, G. Mahajan, and A. Mehta. Learning with a Network of Competing Synapses. PLoS One,
6, e25048, (2011).
[t11/191] W.G. Paeng, H.K. Lee, M. Rho, and C. Sasaki. Dilaton-Limit Fixed Point in Hidden Local Symmetric
Parity Doublet Model. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 054022, (2011), arXiv:1109.5431.
[t11/192] H.K. Lee, M. Rho, and S.-J. Sin. Cold dense baryonic matter and compact stars. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A,
26, 4311–4334, (2011), arXiv:1109.5915.
[t11/193] G. D’Amico and E. Sefusatti. The nonlinear power spectrum in clustering quintessence cosmologies.
JCAP, 1111, 013, (2011), arXiv:1106.0314.
[t11/194] D. Serpico P., E. Sefusatti, M. Gustafsson, and G. Zaharijas. Extragalactic gamma-ray signal from Dark
Matter annihilation: a power spectrum based computation. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 421, 87–91, (2011),
[t11/196] V. Cortés, J. Louis, P. Smyth, and H. Triendl. On certain Kähler quotients of quaternionic Kähler
manifolds. Commun. Math. Phys., 317, 787–816, (2011), arXiv:1111.0679.
[t11/197] Estienne , V. Pasquier, R. Santachiara, and D. Serban. Conformal blocks in Virasoro and W theories:
duality and the Calogero-Sutherland model. Nucl. Phys. B, 860, 337–420, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1110.1101.
[t11/198] IPhT . Rapport d’activité juin 2007 - mai 2011. Technical report, (2011).
[t11/199] S Massai. Metastable Vacua and the Backreacted Stenzel Geometry. JHEP, 1206, 059, (2011).
[t11/200] B. Eynard. Invariants of spectral curves and intersection theory of moduli spaces of complex curves.
(2011), arXiv:1110.2949.
[t11/201] G. Borot and B. Eynard. Geometry of spectral curves and all order dispersive integrable system. SIGMA,
8, 100, (2011).
[t11/202] L. Boehnke, H. Hafermann, M. Ferrero, F. Lechermann, and O. Parcollet. Orthogonal Polynomial
Representation of Imaginary-Time Green’s Functions. Phys. Rev. B, 84, 075145, (2011), arXiv:1104.3215.
[t11/203] B.D. Chowdhuri and B. Vercnocke. New instability of non-extremal black holes: spitting out supertubes.
JHEP, 1202, 116, (2011), arXiv:1110.5641.
[t11/204] Pire B., Cirelli M., Colas P., Djouadi A., Lounis A., Machefert F., and Wormser G., editors. High
energy physics. Proceedings, 35th International Conference, ICHEP 2010, Paris, France, July 22-28, 2010.
Proceedings of Physics, (2011).
[t11/205] M. Cirelli. Dark Matter Indirect Detection Phenomenology: status circa 08.2010. 15th Lomonosov
Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, 2011-08-18/2011-08-24, (2011).
[t11/206] M. Cirelli. Indirect Searches for Dark Matter: a status review. volume 79 of Pramana J. Phys., 1021–
1043, (2012), arXiv:1202.1454. The XXV International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High
Energies (Lepton Photon 11), Mumbai (India), 2011-08-22/2011-08-27.
[t11/208] D.A. Kosower and J. Larsen K. Maximal Unitarity at Two Loops. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 045017, (2012),
[t11/210] B. Vercnocke, H. Triendl, and I. Bena. Camouflaged supersymmetry in solutions of extended supergravities. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 061701, (2012), arXiv:1111.2601.
[t11/211] J. Zinn-Justin. Semiclassical methods: From quantum mechanics to quantum field theory. Cours de
Physique Théorique de l’IPhT, (2011).
[t11/212] F.G. Gardim, F. Grassi, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Mapping the hydrodynamic response to the
initial geometry in heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. C, 85, 024908, (2012), arXiv:1111.6538.
[t11/214] D. Poilblanc and G. Misguich. Competing valence bond crystals in the kagome quantum dimer model.
Phys. Rev. B, 84, 214401, (2011), arXiv:arXiv:1109.5616.
[t11/215] J.M. Stéphan, G. Misguich, and V. Pasquier. Rényi entanglement entropies in quantum dimer models :
from criticality to topological order. J. Stat. Mech., 2012, P02003, (2012), arXiv:arXiv:1108.1699v1.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t11/216] L.S. Schulman, J.M. Luck, and A. Mehta. Spectral properties of zero temperature dynamics in a model
of a compacting granular column. J. Stat. Phys., 146, 924–954, (2012).
[t11/217] J.M. Stéphan and J. Dubail. Local quantum quenches in critical one-dimensional systems: entanglement,
the Loschmidt echo, and light-cone effects. J. Stat. Mech., 2011, P08019, (2011), arXiv:1105.4846.
[t11/218] R. Balian. Recension du livre "Le nucléaire : un choix raisonnable ?" (Hervé Nifenecker (X 55). EDP
Sciences, 2011). La Jaune et la Rouge, (2011).
[t11/219] F. Bernardeau and P. Valageas. Exact Results for Propagators in the Geometrical Adhesion Model.
Phys. Rev. D, 85, 023516, (2012), arXiv:1109.4223.
[t11/220] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random Transverse Field Ising Model in dimension d = 2, 3 : Infinite Disorder
scaling via a non-linear transfer approach. J. Stat. Mech., 2012, P01008, (2012), arXiv:1111.3468.
[t11/221] E. Sefusatti, M. Crocce, and V. Desjacques. The Halo Bispectrum in N-body Simulations with nonGaussian Initial Conditions. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 425, 2903–2930–2930, (2011), arXiv:1111.6966.
[t11/222] F. Bernardeau, N. van de Rijt, and F. Vernizzi. Resummed propagators in multi-component cosmic fluids
with the eikonal approximation. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 063509, (2011), arXiv:1109.3400.
[t11/223] F. Bernardeau, M. Crocce, and R. Scoccimarro. Constructing Regularized Cosmic Propagators. Phys.
Rev. D, 85, 123519, (2011), arXiv:1112.3895.
[t11/224] G. Giecold. Gauge/gravity duality and field theories at strong coupling. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-06-17.
[t11/225] G. Borot. Quelques problèmes de géométrie énumérative, de matrices aléatoires, d’intégrabilité, étudiés
via la géométrie des surfaces de Riemann. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-06-23.
[t11/226] J. Parmentier. Aspects phénoménologiques de la brisure de supersymétrie. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-07-11.
[t11/227] E. Goi. Aspects of supersymmetry breaking in type IIA string theory: vacua and deformations. PhD
thesis, (2011). 2011-09-21.
[t11/228] E. Cluzel. Inflation in string theory. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-09-22.
[t11/229] F. Bernardeau, C. Bonvin, N. van de Rijt, and F. Vernizzi. Cosmic shear bispectrum from second-order
perturbations in General Relativity. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 023001, (2011), arXiv:1112.4430.
[t11/230] H. Grandclaude. Effets de taille finie, extrêmes et propagation de défaillances dans des réseaux hors
d’équilibre. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-11-10.
[t11/231] J.M. Stéphan. Intrication dans des systèmes quantiques à basse dimension. PhD thesis, (2011). 201112-12.
[t11/232] F. Gelis. The initial stages of high energy heavy ion collisions. PhD thesis, (2011). 2011-12-07.
[t11/233] M. Albenque and J. Bouttier. Constellations and multicontinued fractions: application to Eulerian
triangulations. volume AR of DMTCS Proceedings, 805–816, (2012), arXiv:1112.6379. 24th International
Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2012), Nagoya, Japan, 2012-0730/2012-08-03.
[t11/234] R. Balian. Emergences in Quantum Measurement Processes. KronoScope, 13, 85–95, (2013).
[t11/235] J. Olejarz, L. Krapivsky P., S. Redner, and K. Mallick. Growth Inside a Corner: The Limiting Interface
Shape. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 016102, (2012), arXiv:1109.1253.
[t11/236] Chou T., K. Mallick, and KP Zia, Royce. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics: From a paradigmatic
model to biological transport. Rep. Prog. Phys., 74, 116601, (2011), arXiv:1110.1783.
[t11/237] R Chetrite and K. Mallick. Quantum Fluctuation Relations for the Lindblad Master Equation. J. Stat.
Phys., 148, 480–501, (2012), arXiv:1112.1303.
[t11/238] Arita C., A. Ayyer, K. Mallick, and S. Prolhac. Generalized matrix Ansatz in the multispecies exclusion
process - partially asymmetric case. J. Phys. A, 45, 195001, (2012), arXiv:1201.0388.
[t11/242] R. Peschanski. Two-body Regge amplitudes as holograms. Acta Phys. Pol. B, B42, 2751–2790, (2012).
[t11/243] M. Giordano, R. Peschanski, and S. Seki. N=4 SYM Regge Amplitudes and Minimal Surfaces in
AdS/CFT Correspondence. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 43, 1289–1332, (2012), arXiv:1110.3680.
[t11/244] M. Giordano and R. Peschanski. Reggeon exchange from gauge/gravity duality. JHEP, 1110, 108, (2011),
[t11/245] F. Gelis and al.+ et. Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: Distributions, polarization, tomography.
Technical report, (2011), arXiv:1108.1713.
[t11/246] C. Roth, S.M. Kang, M. Batty, and M. Barthélémy. A long-time limit of world subway networks. J. R.
Soc. Interface, 9, 2540–2550, (2012), arXiv:1105.5294.
[t11/247] F. Cerina, V. De Leo, M. Barthélémy, and A. Chessa. Spatial correlations in attribute communities.
PLoS One, 7, e37507, (2012), arXiv:1112.3308.
[t11/248] F. Krzakala, C. Moore, and L. Zdeborova. Asymptotic analysis of the stochastic block model for modular
networks and its algorithmic applications. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 066106, (2011), arXiv:1109.3041.
[t11/253] A. Decelle, F. Krzakala, C. Moore, and L. Zdeborova. Asymptotic analysis of the stochastic block model
for modular networks and its algorithmic applications. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 066106, (2011), arXiv:1109.3041.
[t11/254] B. Duplantier. The Hausdorff Dimension of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. (2011), arXiv:1108.3327.
[t11/255] H. Ita, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D.A. Kosower, and D. Maitre. Precise Predictions for Z
+ 4 Jets at Hadron Colliders. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 031501, (2012), arXiv:1108.2229.
[t11/256] Z. Bern, g. diana, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre, and K. Ozeren.
Four-Jet Production at the Large Hadron Collider at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109,
042001, (2013), arXiv:1112.3940.
[t11/258] P. Creminelli, C. Pitrou, and F. Vernizzi. The CMB bispectrum in the squeezed limit. JCAP, 2011, 025,
[t11/259] P. Brax and G. Pignol. Strongly Coupled Chameleons and the Neutronic Quantum Bouncer. Phys. Rev.
Lett. (Comment), 107, (2011), arXiv:1105.3420.
[t11/260] P. Brax, C. van de Bruck, A.C. Davis, and B. Li. Nonlinear Structure Formation with the Environmentally
Dependent Dilaton. Phys Rev Letters D, 83, (2011), arXiv:1102.3692.
[t11/261] F. Bernardeau and P. Brax. Cosmological Large-scale Structures beyond Linear Theory in Modified
Gravity. JACP, 1106, 019, (2011), arXiv:1102.1907.
[t11/262] P. Brax, J.F. Dufaux, and S. Mariadassou. Preheating after Small-Field Inflation. Phys. Rev. D, 23,
(2011), arXiv:1012.4656.
[t11/264] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Atomic Precision Tests and Light Scalar Couplings. Phys Rev Letters D, 83,
(2013), arXiv:1010.5108.
[t11/265] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Atomic precision tests and light scalar couplings. Phys. Rev. D, 83, 035020,
(2011), arXiv:1010.5108.
[t11/266] P. Brax, C. Burrage, A.C. Davis, D. Seery, and A. Weltman. Anomalous coupling of scalars to gauge
fields. Phys. Lett. B, 699, 5–9, (2011), arXiv:1010.4536.
[t11/267] H. Ueberschaer. Quantum Chaos for point scattered on hyberbolic surfaces. PhD thesis, (2011). Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, 2011-01-01/2011-01-01.
[t11/268] R. Vasseur and T. Dauxois. Resurrecting Dead-water Phenomenon. Processes Geophys, 18, 193–208,
(2011), arXiv:1103.0903.
[t11/269] R. Vasseur and T. Lookman. Spin Models for Ferroelastics : towards a Spin Glass Description of Strain
Glass,. volume 172-174 of Solid State Phenomena, 1078, (2011).
[t11/270] B. Braraunecker, C. Bena, and P. Simon. Spectral properties of Luttinger liquids: A comparative analysis
of regular, helical, and spiral Luttinger liquids. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 035136, (2013), arXiv:1110.5171.
[t11/271] Doru Sticlet, P. Simon, and C. Bena. Spin and Majorana polarization in topological superconducting
wires. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 096802, (2011), arXiv:1109.5697.
[t11/272] L. Simon, C. Bena, and F. Vonau. Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy: the possibility
to obtain constant energy maps and the band dispersion using a local measurement. J. Phys. D, 44, 464010,
(2011), arXiv:1107.3648.
[t11/273] M. Bauer and D. Bernard. Convergence of repeated quantum non-demolition measurements and wave
function collapse. Phys. Rev. A, 84, 1–4, (2011), arXiv:1106.4953.
[t11/275] D. Bernard and B. Doyon. Full Counting Statistics in the Resonant-Level Model. J. Math. Phys., 53,
122302, (2012), arXiv:1105.1695.
[t11/277] C. Cammarota and G. Biroli. Aging and relaxation near Random Pinning Glass Transitions. Europhys.
Lett., 98, 16011, (2011), arXiv:1112.4068.
[t11/279] G. Biroli and F. Zamponi. A tentative replica theory of glassy Helium 4. Journal of Low Temperature
Physics, 168, 101–116, (2011), arXiv:1107.2758.
[t11/281] G. Biroli and F. Zamponi. A tentative replica theory of glassy Helium 4. Journal of Low Temperature
Physics, 168, 101, (2011), arXiv:1107.2758.
[t11/282] C. Cammarota and G. Biroli. Ideal Glass Transitions by Random Pinning. volume 109 of Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci., 8850–8855, (2011), arXiv:1106.5513.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t11/284] R. Bondesan, J. Dubail, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Conformal boundary state for the rectangular
geometry. Nucl. Phys. B, 862, 553–676, (2012), arXiv:1110.6861.
[t11/286] A.M. Gainutdinov, N. Read, and H. Saleur. Continuum limit and symmetries of the periodic gl(1|1) spin
chain. Nucl. Phys. B, 871, 245–288, (2013), arXiv:1112.3403.
[t11/287] A.M. Gainutdinov, N. Read, and H. Saleur. Bimodule structure in the periodic gl(1|1) spin chain. Nucl.
Phys. B, 871, 289–329, (2013), arXiv:1112.3407.
[t11/288] A. Komnik and H. Saleur. Quantum fluctuation theorem in an interacting setup: point contacts in
fractional quantum Hall edge state devices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 100601, (2013), arXiv:1109.3874.
[t11/289] J.-P. Blaizot.
Renormalization group flow equations
Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A, 369, 2735–2758, (2011), arXiv:1110.3413.
[t11/290] J.-P. Blaizot. Quantum Fields at Finite TemperaturQuantum Fields at Finite Temperature "from tera
to nano Kelvin". (2011), arXiv:1108.3482.
[t11/291] J.-P. Blaizot. Weakly and strongly coupled degrees of freedom in the quark-gluon plasma. volume 4 of
Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Supp., 641, (2011), arXiv:1108.3049. International Meeting Excited QCD.
[t11/293] K. Dusling, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. The initial spectrum of fluctuations in the little bang. Nucl.
Phys. A, 842, 161–195, (2011), arXiv:1106.3927.
[t11/294] M. Cacciari, P.G. Salam, and G. Soyez. FastJet user manual. Eur. Phys. J. C, 72, 1896, (2012),
[t11/296] P. Koehl, H. Orland, and M. Delarue. Adapting Poisson-Boltzmann to the self-consistent mean field
theory: Application to protein side-chain modeling. J. Chem. Phys., 135, 055104, (2011).
[t11/297] F. Poitevin, H. Orland, S. Doniach, P. Koehl, and M. Delarue. AquaSAXS: a web server for computation
and fitting of SAXS profiles with non-uniformally hydrated atomic models. Nucl. Acids Res., 39, 184–189,
[t11/298] H. Meier, C. Pépin, and B. Efetov K. Low energy excitations and singular contributions in the thermodynamics of clean Fermi liquids. Phys. Rev. B, 84, 205131, (2011), arXiv:1109.3642.
[t11/299] J. Bros, H. Epstein, M. Gaudin, U. Moschella, and V. Pasquier. Anti de Sitter quantum field theory and
a new class of hypergeometric identities. Commun. Math. Phys., 309, 255–291, (2012), arXiv:1107.5161.
[t11/300] J.-E. Bourgine and I.K. Kostov. On the Yang-Lee and Langer singularities in the O(n) loop model. J.
Stat. Mech., 1201, 01024, (2012), arXiv:1110.1108.
[t11/301] J. Casalderrey-Solana and E. Iancu. Interference Phenomena in Medium Induced Radiation. J. Phys.
B, 38, 124062, (2011), arXiv:1106.3864.
[t11/303] E. Bertuzzo and M. Farina. Detecting the Higgs boson(s) in LambdaSUSY. Eur. Phys. J. C, 72, 2054,
(2012), arXiv:1112.2190.
[t11/304] E. Bertuzzo. On the MSSM with hierarchical squark masses and a heavier Higgs boson. Nuovo Cimento
C, 034-s01, 15–21, (2011), arXiv:1106.3253.
[t11/305] J. Moreira, P. Bozec, and W. Broniowski. Forward-backward rapidity correlations in relativistic heavy
ion collisions : torqued fireball. volume 5 of Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Supp., 433, (2012), arXiv:1112.0884.
Strangeness in Quark Matter 2011.
[t11/306] W. Broniowski, E.R. Arriola, and E. Dorokhov. Transversity structure of the pion in chiral quark models.
Understanding Hadronic Spectra, Bled, Solvenia, (2011), arXiv:1110.2972.
[t11/307] E.R. Arriola and W. Broniowski. 0++ states in a large-Nc Regge approach. Understanding Hadronic
Spectra, Bled, Solvenia, (2011), arXiv:1110.2863.
[t11/308] W. Broniowski. Wounded nucleon model with realistic nucleon-nucleon collision profile and observables
in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Phys. Rev. C, 84, 064913, (2011), arXiv:1110.2609.
[t11/309] P. Bozec, W. Broniowski, and J. Moreira. Torqued fireballs in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Phys.
Rev. C, 83, 034911, (2013), arXiv:1011.3354.
[t11/311] C. Caprini and J.M. No. Supersonic Electroweak Baryogenesis: Achieving Baryogenesis for Fast Bubble
Walls. JCAP, 1201, 031, (2012), arXiv:1111.1726.
[t11/312] M. Giordano, R. Peschanski, and S. Seki. Eikonal Approach to N=4 SYM Regge Amplitudes in the
AdS/CFT Correspondence. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 43, (2012), arXiv:1110.3680.
[t11/313] A. Chikashi, A. Ayyer, K. Mallick, and S. Prolhac. Recursive structures in the multispecies TASEP. J.
Phys. A, 44, 335004, (2011), arXiv:1104.3752.
[t11/314] C.v.d. Bruck, A.C. Davis, B. Li, B. Schmauch, and J. Shaw. Linear Growth of Structure in the Symmetron
Model. Phys. Rev. D, 84, 123524, (2011), arXiv:1108.3082.
[t11/315] E. Vernier and J.L. Jacobsen. Corner free energies and boundary effects for Ising, Potts and fully-packed
loop models on the square and triangular lattices. J. Phys. A, 45, 045003, (2011), arXiv:1110.2158.
[t11/316] E. Vernier, D. Pekker, M.W. , Zwierlein, and E. Demler. Bound states of a localized magnetic impurity
in a superfluid of paired ultracold fermions. Phys. Rev. A, 83, 033619, (2011), arXiv:1010.6085.
[t11/317] A. Mukhopadhyay. The unconditional RG flow of the relativistic holographic fluid. JHEP, 1111, 130,
(2011), arXiv:1105.4530.
[t11/318] Y. Mehtar-Tani, . Salgado A., and K. Tywoniuk. The radiation pattern of a QCD antenna in a dilute
medium. JHEP, 1204, 64, (2012), arXiv:1112.5031.
[t11/320] L.G Almeida, O. Erdo, Juknevich José, J. Lee, G. Sterman, and G. Perez. Three-particle templates for
boosted Higgs. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 14046, (2013), arXiv:1112.1957.
[t11/322] L. Albacete J., N. Armesto, J.G. Milhano, and A. Salgado. AAMQS: a non-linear QCD description of
new HERA data at small-x. J. Phys. G, 38, 124124, (2011), arXiv:1107.0625.
[t11/324] L. Albacete J., A. Dumitru, and Y. Nara. CGC initial conditions at RHIC and LHC. volume 316 of J.
Phys.: Conf. Ser., 012011, (2011), arXiv:1106.0978. 27th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (WWND
[t11/325] A.J. Buras, C. Grojean, S. Pokorski, and R. Ziegler. FCNC Effects in a Minimal Theory of Fermion
Masses. JHEP, 2011-08, 028, (2011), arXiv:1105.3725.
[t11/326] A. Falkowski, C. Grojean, A. Kaminska, S. Pokorski, and A. Weiler. If no Higgs then what? JHEP,
2011-11, 028, (2011), arXiv:1108.1183.
[t11/327] C. Grojean and S. Gupta. Theory and LHC Phenomenology of Classicalon Decays. JHEP, 2012-05, 114,
(2013), arXiv:1110.5317.
[t11/328] D.S. Hiroshi and R. Rosenfeld. Radion-Higgs mixing effects on bounds from LHC Higgs Searches. Phys.
Rev. D, 85, 053003, (2011), arXiv:1111.2006.
[t11/329] T.S. Ray. On the possibility of generating leading order gaugino masses in direct gauge mediation
scenario. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 035003, (2011), arXiv:1111.4266.
[t11/330] O.J.P. Eboli, C.A. Savoy, and R Zukanovich-Funchal. A Rationale for Long-lived Quarks and Leptons
at the LHC: Low Energy Flavour Theory. JHEP, 2012-02, 123, (2012), arXiv:1112.5108.
[t11/331] D. Boilley, Lu Hongliang, Shen Caiwan, Y. Abe, and B.G. Giraud. Fusion hindrance of heavy ions: Role
of the neck. Phys. Rev. C, 84, 054608–1–054608–8, (2011).
[t12/002] M. Graña and D. Marques. Gauged Double Field Theory. JHEP, 1204, 20, (2012).
[t12/003] I. Bena, S. El-Showk, and B. Vercnocke. Black holes in string theory. Cours de Physique Théorique de
l’IPhT, 2012-01-13/2012-02-17, (2012).
[t12/004] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random Transverse Field Ising Model in dimension d > 1 : scaling analysis
in the disordered phase from the Directed Polymer model. J. Phys. A, 45, 095002, (2012), arXiv:1110.3145.
[t12/005] B. Eden, P. Heslop, G. Korchemsky, and E. Sokatchev. Constructing the correlation function of four
stress-tensor multiplets and the four-particle amplitude in N=4 SYM. Nucl. Phys. B, 862, 503, (2012),
[t12/006] A. Voros. Zeta-regularisation for exact-WKB resolution of a general 1D Schrödinger equation. J. Phys.
A, 45, 374007, (2012), arXiv:1202.3100 [math-ph].
[t12/007] M. Cirelli. Tools for Dark Matter Indirect Detection. Linear Collider 2011: Understanding QCD at
Linear Colliders in searching for old and new physics, Trento, Italy, 2011-09-12/2011-09-16, (2012).
[t12/008] S Massai. A comment on anti-brane singularities in warped throats. (2012), arXiv:1202.3789.
[t12/009] B. Bajc, S. Lavignac, and T. Mede. Supersymmetry breaking induced by radiative corrections. JHEP,
1207, 185, (2012), arXiv:1202.2845.
[t12/010] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Flavor Symmetry and Nuclear Symmetry Energy for Compact Stars. Int. J. Mod.
Phys. E, 22, 1330005, (2012), arXiv:1201.6486.
[t12/012] K. Kim, H.K. Lee, and M. Rho. Triple layered compact star with strange quark matter. volume 10 of
Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser., 123–130, (2012), arXiv:1202.2645. Symposium on Cosmology and Particle
Astrophysics (CosPA2011), Beijing, China.
[t12/013] G. Borot, J. Bouttier, and E. Guitter. More on the O(n) model on random maps via nested loops: loops
with bending energy. J. Phys. A, 45, 275206, (2012), arXiv:1202.5521.
[t12/014] B. Eden, P. Heslop, G. Korchemsky, V.A. Smirnov, and E. Sokatchev. Five-loop Konishi in N=4 SYM.
Nucl. Phys. B, 862, 136, (2012), arXiv:1202.5733.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t12/015] E. Retinskaya, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Directed flow at midrapidity in
Pb+Pb collisions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 252302, (2012), arXiv:1203.0931.
[t12/016] P.M. Petropoulos and P. Vanhove.
(sN N ) = 2.76 T eV
Gravity, strings, modular and quasimodular forms.
[t12/018] F.G. Gardim, F. Grassi,p
M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Anisotropic flow in event-by-event ideal hydrodynamic simulations of (sN N ) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 202302, (2012),
[t12/019] M. Trigiante, Riet Van, and B. Vercnocke. Fake supersymmetry versus Hamilton-Jacobi. JHEP, 1205,
078, (2012), arXiv:1203.3194.
[t12/020] B. Efetov K. Supersymmetry in Condensed Matter and Statistical physics. Cours de Physique Théorique
de l’IPhT, 2012-03-09/2012-04-13, (2012).
[t12/021] M. Cirelli. Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report. Les
Houches, 2011-05-30/2011-06-17, (2012), arXiv:1203.1488.
[t12/024] G. Rivière and S. Nonnenmacher. Eigenmodes of the damped wave equation and small hyperbolic subsets.
Ann. Inst. Fourier (to appear), (2013), arXiv:1202.5123.
[t12/025] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Strong Disorder RG principles within a fixed cell-size real space renormalization
: application to the Random Transverse Field Ising model on various fractal lattices. J. Stat. Mech., P05002,
(2012), arXiv:1201.6136.
[t12/026] M. Cirelli. Dark Matter Searches: a Theoretical Perspective. Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée
d’Aoste, La Thuile, Italie, 2012-02-26/2012-03-03, (2012).
[t12/027] J. Larsen K. Global poles of the two-loop six-point N=4 SYM integrand. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 085032,
(2012), arXiv:1205.0297.
[t12/028] S. Caron-Huot and J. Larsen K. Uniqueness of two-loop master contours. JHEP, 1210, 26, (2012),
[t12/030] B. Eynard and N. Orantin. Computation of open Gromov-Witten invariants for toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds
by topological recursion, a proof of the BKMP conjecture. (2012), arXiv:1205.1103.
[t12/031] J. Louis, P. Smyth, and H. Triendl. Supersymmetric Vacua in N=2 Supergravity. JHEP, 039, (2012),
[t12/033] D. Serban. A note on the eigenvectors of long-range spin chains and their scalar products. JHEP, 1301,
012, (2013), arXiv:1203.5842.
[t12/034] M. Cirelli, E. Moulin, P. Panci, D. Serpico P., and A. Viana. Gamma ray constraints on Decaying Dark
Matter. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 083506, (2012), arXiv:1205.5283.
[t12/036] I. Bena, D Junghans, S Kuperstein, T. Van Riet, T Wrase, and M. Zagermann. Persistent anti-brane
singularities. JHEP, 1210, 078, (2012), arXiv:1205.1978.
[t12/037] G. Borot and B. Eynard. All-order asymptotics of hyperbolic knot invariants from non-perturbative
topological recursion of A-polynomials. (2012), arXiv:1205.2261.
[t12/039] P. Valageas, M. Sato, and Takahiro Nishimichi. Modeling of weak lensing statistics. I. Power spectrum
and bispectrum. Astron. Astrophys., 541, A161, (2012), arXiv:1111.7156.
[t12/040] P. Valageas, M. Sato, and Takahiro Nishimichi. Modeling of weak lensing statistics. II. Configurationspace statistics. Astron. Astrophys., 541, A162, (2012), arXiv:1112.1495.
[t12/042] F. David. A short introduction to the quantum formalism[s]. Cours de Physique Théorique de Saclay,
IPhT, Saclay, 2012-05-04/2012-06-01, (2012), arXiv:1211.5627.
[t12/043] J. Conrad, A. Cuoco, Z. Yang, and G. Zaharijas. Constraints on the Galactic Halo Dark Matter from
Fermi-LAT Diffuse Measurements. Astrophys. J., 761, 91, (2012), arXiv:1205.6474.
[t12/044] Y. Mambrini, M.H.G. Tytgat, G. Zaharijas, and B. Zaldivar. Complementarity of Galactic radio and
collider data in constraining WIMP dark matter models. JCAP, 1211, 038, (2012), arXiv:1206.2352.
[t12/045] I Melnikov, R. Minasian, and S. Theisen. Heterotic flux backgrounds and their IIA duals. (2012),
[t12/047] I. Bena, H. Triendl, and B. Vercnocke.
Black Holes and Fourfolds.
JHEP, 1208, 124, (2012),
[t12/048] M. Cirelli, D. Serpico P., and G. Zaharijas. Bremsstrahlung gamma rays from light Dark Matter. (2013),
[t12/050] B. Vercnocke, Riet Van, J Blaback, and B. Janssen. Fractional branes, warped compactifications and
backreacted orientifold planes. JHEP, 1210, 139, (2012), arXiv:1207.0814.
[t12/051] M. Graña and F. Orsi.
N=2 vacua in Generalized Geometry.
JHEP, 1211, 052, (2012),
[t12/053] Maxime Gabella, J. Sparks, D. Martelli, and A. Passias. N=2 supersymmetric AdS4 solutions of Mtheory. (2012), arXiv:1207.3082.
[t12/054] G. Bélanger, C. Boehm, M. Cirelli, and J. Da Silva. PAMELA and FERMI limits on the neutralinochargino mass degeneracy. JCAP, 1211, 028, (2012), arXiv:1208.5009.
[t12/055] G. Borot, J. Bouttier, and E. Guitter. Loop models on random maps via nested loops: case of domain
symmetry breaking and application to the Potts model. J. Phys. A, 45, 494017, (2012), arXiv:1207.4878.
[t12/056] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, H. Johansson, and R. Roiban. The Five-Loop Four-Point Amplitude of N =
4 super-Yang-Mills Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 241602, (2012), arXiv:1207.6666.
[t12/057] piotr tourkine and P. Vanhove. One-loop four-graviton amplitudes in N=4 supergravity models. Phys.
Rev. D, 87, 045001, (2012), arXiv:1208.1255.
[t12/061] A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, T. Gehrmann, and M. Ritzmann. Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic
initial states: double real initial-initial configurations. JHEP, 1210, 47, (2012), arXiv:1207.5779.
[t12/062] I. Bena, A. Puhm, and B. Vercnocke. Non-extremal Black Hole Microstates: Fuzzballs of Fire or Fuzzballs
of Fuzz ? JHEP, 1212, 014, (2012), arXiv:1208.3468.
[t12/065] Y.L. Ma, Y. Oh, G.S. Yang, M. Harada, H.K. Lee, B.Y. Park, and M. Rho. Hidden Local Symmetry
and Infinite Tower of Vector Mesons for Baryons. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 074025, (2012), arXiv:1206.5460.
[t12/068] H. Dong, H.K. Lee, R. Machleidt, and M. Rho. Half-Skyrmions and the Equation of State for CompactStar Matter. Phys. Rev. C, 87, 054332, (2012), arXiv:1207.0429.
[t12/069] Y. Kim, M. Rho, T. Tsukioka, and Yi Deokhyun. Towards Dense Nuclear Matter in A Modified SakaiSugimoto Model. volume 20 of EPJ Web of Conferences, 03004, (2012). Hadron Nuclear Physics 2011
(HNP2011) “Quarks in Hadrons, Nuclei, and Hadronic Matter”, Pohang, Corée.
[t12/070] A. Comtet, J.M. Luck, C. Texier, and Y. Tourigny. The Lyapunov exponent of products of random 2 × 2
matrices close to the identity. J. Stat. Phys., 150, 13–65, (2013), arXiv:1208.6430.
[t12/073] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random Transverse Field Ising model in d = 2 : analysis via Boundary Strong
Disorder Renormalization. J. Stat. Mech., P09016, (2012), arXiv:1206.6997.
[t12/074] M. Luzum and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Eliminating experimental bias in anisotropic-flow measurements of highenergy nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. C, 87, 044907, (2013), arXiv:1209.2323.
[t12/075] L. Chekhov, B. Eynard, and S. Ribault. Seiberg-Witten equations and non-commutative spectral curves
in Liouville theory. J. Math. Phys., 54, 022306–022306–21, (2013).
[t12/076] Y-t. Huang and H. Johansson. Equivalent D=3 Supergravity Amplitudes from Double Copies of ThreeAlgebra and Two-Algebra Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 171601, (2012).
[t12/077] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Random Transverse Field Ising model on the Cayley Tree : analysis via
Boundary Strong Disorder Renormalization. J. Stat. Mech., P10010, (2012), arXiv:1205.4512.
[t12/078] C. Godrèche and J.M. Luck. Condensation in the inhomogeneous zero-range process: an interplay
between interaction and diffusion disorder. J. Stat. Mech., P12013, (2012), arXiv:1209.4749.
[t12/079] R. Britto and A. Ochirov. On-shell recursion for massive fermion currents. JHEP, 1301, 2, (2012),
[t12/080] N. van de Rijt. Signatures of the primordial universe in large-scale structure surveys. PhD thesis, (2012).
[t12/081] M. Crocce, R. Scoccimarro, and F. Bernardeau. MPTbreeze: A fast renormalized perturbative scheme.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 427, 2537–2551, (2012), arXiv:1207.1465.
[t12/082] A. Taruya, F. Bernardeau, T. Nishimichi, and S. Codis. RegPT: Direct and fast calculation of regularized
cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 103528, (2012), arXiv:1208.1191.
[t12/083] F. Bernardeau, N. van de Rijt, and F. Vernizzi. Power spectra in the eikonal approximation with adiabatic
and non-adiabatic modes. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 043530, (2012), arXiv:1209.3662.
[t12/084] G. Misguich. Schwinger boson mean field theory: numerics for the energy landscape and gauge excitations
in two-dimensional antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B, 86, 245132, (2012), arXiv:1207.4058.
[t12/085] S. Leurent, D. Serban, and D. Volin. Six-loop Konishi anomalous dimension from the Y-system. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 109, 241601–241605, (2012), arXiv:1209.0749.
[t12/089] M. Luzum and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Extracting the shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma from flow
in ultra-central heavy-ion collisions. volume 904-905 of Nucl. Phys. A, 377–380, (2013), arXiv:1210.6010.
Quark Matter 2012, Washington DC, USA, 2012-08-12/2012-08-18.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t12/090] N. Anantharaman, M. Leautaud, and S. Nonnenmacher. Decay rates for the damped wave equation on
the torus. A&PDE (to appear), (2013), arXiv:1210.6879.
[t12/091] P. Valageas and N. Clerc. Redshift-space correlation functions in large galaxy cluster surveys. Astron.
Astrophys., 547, A100, (2012), arXiv:1205.4847.
[t12/092] P. Brax and P. Valageas. Structure Formation in Modified Gravity Scenarios. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 063512,
(2012), arXiv:1205.6583.
[t12/093] F. Gelis. The early stages of a high energy heavy ion collision. volume 381 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.,
012021, (2012), arXiv:1110.1544. Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics, Manchester, UK,
[t12/094] J. Berges, J.-P. Blaizot, and F. Gelis. EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force on ‘Thermalization in Nonabelian Plasmas’. volume 39 of J. Phys. G, 08511, (2012), arXiv:1203.2042.
[t12/095] K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. Instability induced pressure isotropization in
a longitudinally expanding system. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 085040, (2012), arXiv:1206.3336.
[t12/096] K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. Initial state and thermalization. Hard Probes
2012, Cagliari, Italie, 2012-05-28/2012-06-01, (2012), arXiv:1207.5401.
[t12/098] J.-P. Blaizot, F. Gelis, J. Liao, L. McLerran, and R. Venugopalan. Thermalization and Bose-Einstein
Condensation in Overpopulated Glasma. volume 904 of Nucl. Phys. A, 829–832, (2012), arXiv:1210.6838.
[t12/099] M. Graña and H. Triendl. Generalized N=1 and N=2 structures in M-theory and type II orientifolds.
JHEP, 1303, 145, (2013), arXiv:1211.3867.
[t12/100] E. Strano, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, S. Porta, and M. Barthélémy. Elementary processes governing the
evolution of road networks. Scientific Report, 2, 296, (2012), arXiv:1203.0300.
[t12/101] B. Eynard and N. Orantin. Erratum to "Topological expansion of mixed correlations in the her- mitian
2 Matrix Model and x-y symmetry of the Fg invariants". (2012).
[t12/102] R.G. Morris and M. Barthélémy. Transport on coupled spatial networks. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 128703,
(2012), arXiv:1205.2776.
[t12/103] M. Ritzmann, D.A. Kosower, and Z. Skands P. Antenna Showers with Hadronic Initial States. Phys.
Lett. B, 718, 1345–1350, (2012), arXiv:1210.6345.
[t12/104] J.-Y. Ollitrault and F.G. Gardim. Hydro overview. volume 904-905 of Nucl. Phys. A, 75–82, (2013),
arXiv:1210.8345. Quark Matter 2012, Washington DC, USA, 2012-08-13/2012-08-18.
[t12/105] A. Coja Oghlan and L. Zdeborova. The condensation transition in random hypergraph 2-coloring. ACM
Digital Library, (2012), arXiv:1107.2341.
[t12/107] F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, F. Sausset, Y. Sun, and L. Zdeborova. Statistical physics-based reconstruction
in compressed sensing. Phys Rev X, 2, 021005, (2012), arXiv:1109.4424.
[t12/108] P. Zhang, A. Ramezanpour, L. Zdeborova, and R. Zecchina. Message passing for quantified Boolean
formulas. J. Stat. Mech., P05025, (2012), arXiv:1202.2536.
[t12/109] F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, and L. Zdeborova. Reweighted belief propagation and quiet planting for random
K-SAT. (2012), arXiv:1203.5521.
[t12/110] Y. Sun, A. Crisanti, F. Krzakala, L. Leuzzi, and L. Zdeborova. Following states in temperature in the
spherical s+p-spin glass model. J. Stat. Mech., P07002, (2012), arXiv:1204.3734.
[t12/111] F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, F. Sausset, Y. Sun, and L. Zdeborova. Probabilistic Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing: Algorithms, Phase Diagrams, and Threshold Achieving Matrices. J. Stat. Mech., P08009,
(2012), arXiv:1206.3953.
[t12/112] A. Billoire, A. Maiorano, and E. Marinari. Correlated Domains in Spin Glasses. J. Stat. Mech., 2012,
P12008, (2012), arXiv:1205.2759.
[t12/113] A. Billoire, L.A. Fernandez, A. Maiorano, E. Marinari, V Martin-Mayor, G. Parisi, F. Ricci-Tersenghi,
J Ruiz-Lorenzo, and D. Yllanes. Comment on "Evidence of Non-Mean-Field-Like Low-Temperature Behavior
in the Edwards-Anderson Spin-Glass Model". Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 219701, (2013), arXiv:1211.0843.
[t12/114] V bouchard. and B. Eynard. Think globally, compute locally. JHEP, 1302, 143, (2012), arXiv:1211.2302.
[t12/115] J. barbier, F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, and L. Zdeborova. Compressed Sensing of Approximately-Sparse
Signals: Phase Transitions and Optimal Reconstruction. In 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton 2012), 800–807. IEEE, (2012), arXiv:1207.2079. 50th
Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2012, Allerton retreat center,
Monticello, Illinois, USA.
[t12/116] P. Zhang, F. Krzakala, J. Reichardt, and L. Zdeborova. Comparative Study for Inference of Hidden
Classes in Stochastic Block Models. J. Stat. Mech., 2012, P12021, (2012), arXiv:1207.2328.
[t12/117] X. Yan, E. Jensen, F. Krzakala, C. Moore, C.R. Shalizi, L. Zdeborova, P. Zhang, and Y. Zhu. Model
Selection for Degree-corrected Block Models. (2012), arXiv:1207.3994.
[t12/118] M. Gorissen, A Lazarescu, K. Mallick, and Vanderzande . Exact Current Statistics of the ASEP with
Open Boundaries. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 170601, (2012), arXiv:1207.6879.
[t12/119] F.G. Gardim, F. Grassi, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Characterizing the hydrodynamic response to
the initial conditions. volume 904-905 of Nucl. Phys. A, 503–506, (2013), arXiv:1210.8422. Quark Matter
2012, Washington DC, USA, 2012-08-13/2012-08-18.
[t12/120] F.G. Gardim, F. Grassi, M. Luzum, and J.-Y. Ollitrault. Breaking of factorization of two-particle
correlations in hydrodynamics. Phys. Rev. C, 87, 031901, (2013), arXiv:1211.0989.
[t12/121] F. Gelis. Color Glass Condensate and Glasma. Nucl. Phys. A, 854, 10–17, (2011).
[t12/122] P. Valageas. Impact of a Warm Dark Matter late-time velocity dispersion on large-scale structures. Phys.
Rev. D, 86, 123501, (2012), arXiv:1206.0554.
[t12/129] F. Orsi. Vacuum configurations of string theory in the presence of fluxes. PhD thesis, (2012). 2012-02-02.
[t12/130] B. Sciolla. Dynamique quantique hors-équilibre et systèmes désordonnés pour des atomes ultrafroids
bosoniques. PhD thesis, (2012). 2012-09-13.
[t12/131] R. Bondesan. Edge states and supersymmetric sigma models. PhD thesis, (2012). 2012-09-14.
[t12/132] I. Shenderovich. Integrable structures in the gauge theories and in the supersymmetric string theories.
PhD thesis, (2012). 2012-10-03.
[t12/133] Z. Peng. Topics in super-Yang-Mills N=4 theory. PhD thesis, (2012). 2012-10-19.
[t12/134] J. Olejarz, L. Krapivsky P., S. Redner, and K. Mallick. Olejarz, Krapivsky, Redner, and Mallick Reply.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 259602, (2012), arXiv:1212.0946.
[t12/135] Arita C. and K. Mallick. Matrix product solution of an inhomogeneous multi-species TASEP. J. Phys.
A, 46, 085002, (2013), arXiv:1209.1913.
[t12/138] P. Ronceray and P. Harrowell. Influence of liquid structure on the thermodynamics of freezing. Phys.
Rev. E, 87, 052313, (2013), arXiv:1212.4223.
[t12/140] F. Bernardeau, A. Taruya, and T. Nishimichi.
Cosmic propagators at two-loop order.
[t12/141] M.R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, and K. Mallick. Optimal diffusive search: nonequilibrium resetting versus
equilibrium dynamics. J. Phys. A, 46, 185001, (2013), arXiv:1212.4096.
[t12/142] K. Mallick. Recent Developments in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics. (2012).
[t12/143] R. Balian. Interprétation statistique de la mécanique quantique et théorie de la mesure. Conférences du
Collège de Physique et de Philosophie, Collège de Physique et de Philosophie, 2012-05-14, (2012).
[t12/145] B. Duplantier, R. Rhodes, S. Sheffield, and V. Vargas. Critical Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos: Convergence of the Derivative Martingale. (2012), arXiv:1206.1671.
[t12/146] B. Duplantier, C Nguyen Thi Phuong, N. Nguyen Thi Thuy, and M. Zinsmeister. The Coefficient Problem
and Multifractality of Whole-Plane SLE and LLE. (2012), arXiv:1211.2451.
[t12/147] Duplantier B. and Rivasseau V., editors. Séminaire Poincaré XVI, Poincaré 1912-2012. Centre PolyMédia de l’Ecole polytechnique, (2012). Séminaire Poincaré, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 2012-11-24/201211-24.
[t12/148] B. Duplantier, R. Rhodes, S. Sheffield, and V. Vargas. Renormalization of Critical Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos and KPZ formula. (2012), arXiv:1212.0529.
[t12/149] B. Duplantier. Benoit B. Mandelbrot et le mouvement brownien. Gazette des Mathématiciens, 61–113,
[t12/152] L. Messio and F. Mila. Entropy dependence of correlations in one-dimensional SU(N) antiferromagnets.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 205306, (2012), arXiv:1207.1320.
[t12/153] L. Hollenstein, R.K. Jain, and F.R. Urban. Cosmological Ohm’s law and dynamics of non-minimal
electromagnetism. JACP, 1301, 013, (2013), arXiv:1208.6547.
[t12/154] Poincaré Seminar 2010: Time. volume 63 of Prog. Math. Phys., 1–220, (2013).
[t12/155] Z. Huang and F. Vernizzi. The CMB bispectrum from recombination. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 101303,
(2013), arXiv:1212.3573.
[t12/156] G. Gubitosi, F. Piazza, and F. Vernizzi. The Effective Field Theory of Dark Energy. JCAP, 1302, 032,
(2013), arXiv:1210.0201.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t12/157] J.-P. Blaizot, F. Dominguez, E. Iancu, and Y. Mehtar-Tani. Medium-induced gluon branching. JHEP,
1301, 143, (2013), arXiv:1209.4585.
[t12/158] Z. Bern, g. diana, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, D. Forde, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre,
K. Ozeren, and S. Hoeche. NLO Vector Boson Production with Light Jets. volume 35(3) of Nuovo Cimento
C, 25–28, (2012), arXiv:1201.5288. TOP2011 - 4th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, Sant
Feliu de Guixols, Spain.
[t12/159] Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, and D.A. Kosower. Loops, trees and the search for new physics. Scientific American,
306, 34–41, (2012).
[t12/160] Z. Bern, g. diana, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre, and
K. Ozeren. Missing Energy and Jets for Supersymmetry Searches. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 03402, (2012),
[t12/161] H. Johansson, D.A. Kosower, and J. Larsen K. Two-Loop Maximal Unitarity with External Masses.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 025030, (2013), arXiv:1208.1754.
[t12/162] M. Ritzmann, D.A. Kosower, and Z. Skands P. Antenna Showers with Hadronic Initial States. Phys.
Lett. B, 718, 1345–1350, (2013), arXiv:1210.6345.
[t12/163] Z. Bern, K. Ozeren, L.J. Dixon, S. Hoeche, F. Febres Cordero, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and D. Maitre.
High multiplicity processes at NLO with BlackHat and Sherpa. volume LL2012 of PoS, 018, (2012),
arXiv:1210.6684. Loops & Legs in QFT 2012, Wernigerode, Germany.
[t12/164] M. Field, G. Gur-Ari, D.A. Kosower, L. Mannelli, and G. Perez. Three-Prong Distribution of Massive
Narrow QCD Jets. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 094013, (2012), arXiv:1212.2106.
[t12/165] H. Johansson, D.A. Kosower, and J. Larsen K. An Overview of Maximal Unitarity at Two Loops. volume
LL2012 of PoS, 066, (2012), arXiv:1212.2132. Loops & Legs in QFT 2012, Wernigerode, Germany.
[t12/166] L. Amendola, L. Hollenstein, and F. Vernizzi. Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid
satellite. Living Rev. Relativity, 16, 6, (2013), arXiv:1206.1225.
[t12/167] D.G. Figueiroa, E. Sefusatti, A. Riotto, and F. Vernizzi. The Effect of Local non-Gaussianity on the
Matter Bispectrum at Small Scales. JCAP, 1208, 036, (2012), arXiv:1205.2015.
[t12/168] Z. Huang, L. Verde, and F. Vernizzi. Constraining inflation with future galaxy redshift surveys. JCAP,
1204, 005, (2012), arXiv:1201.5955.
[t12/169] F. Bernardeau, C. Bonvin, N. van de Rijt, and F. Vernizzi. Cosmic shear bispectrum from second-order
perturbations in General Relativity. Phys Rev Letters D, 86, (2012), arXiv:1112.4430.
[t12/171] P. Brax, A.C. Davis, and Jeremy Sakstein. SUPER-Screening. Phys. Lett. B, 719, 210–217, (2013),
[t12/172] P. Brax. Lectures on Screened Modified Gravity. volume 43 of Acta Phys. Pol. B, 2307, (2012),
arXiv:1211.5237. 52d Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, "Astroparticle Physics in the LHC Era",
Zakopane, Poland.
[t12/173] P. Brax, C. Burrage, and A.C. Davis. Screening fifth forces in k-essence and DBI models. JCAP, 1301,
020, (2013), arXiv:1209.1293.
[t12/174] P. Brax, A.C. Davis, B. Li, A. Winther, and Zhao Gong-Bo. Systematic simulations of modified gravity:
symmetron and dilaton models. JACP, 1210, 002, (2012), arXiv:arXiv:1206.3568.
[t12/175] P. Brax, C. Burrage, and A.C. Davis. Shining Light on Modifications of Gravity. JCAP, 1210, 016,
(2012), arXiv:1206.1809.
[t12/176] P. Brax and P. Valageas. Structure Formation in Modified Gravity Scenarios. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 063512,
(2012), arXiv:1205.6583.
[t12/177] P. Brax, P Mimoso José, and J.Nunes Nelson. Brane Isotropisation in Extra-Dimensional Tolman-Bondi
Universe. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 123516, (2012), arXiv:1203.5687.
[t12/178] P. Brax, A.C. Davis, B. Li, and H.A. Winther. A Unified Description of Screened Modified Gravity.
Phys. Rev. D, 86, 044015, (2012), arXiv:1203.4812.
[t12/179] P. Brax. Lorentz Invariance Violation in Modified Gravity.
Phys. Lett. B, 712, 155–160, (2012),
[t12/180] P. Brax, A.C. Davis, and A. Winther. The Cosmological Supersymmetron. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 083512,
(2012), arXiv:1112.3676.
[t12/181] P. Brax, A.C. Davis, and B. Li. Modified Gravity Tomography. Phys. Lett. B, 715, 38–43, (2013),
[t12/182] P. Brax, A. Lindner, and K. Zioutas. Detection prospects for solar and terrestrial chameleons. Phys.
Rev. D, 85, 043014, (2012), arXiv:1110.2583.
[t12/183] P. Brax and A.C. Davis.
Modified Gravity and the CMB.
Phys. Rev. D, 85, 023513, (2012),
[t12/184] P. Brax and A.C. Davis. Supersymmetron. Phys. Lett. B, 707, 1–7, (2012), arXiv:1109.0468.
[t12/187] Z. Rudnick and H. Ueberschaer. On the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat
torus. Ann. Henri Poincaré, (2013), arXiv:1208.5920v1.
[t12/189] Z. Rudnick and H. Ueberschaer. Statistics of wave functions for a point scatterer on the torus. Commun.
Math. Phys., 316, 763–782, (2012), arXiv:1109.4582.
[t12/190] H. Ueberschaer. The trace formula for a point scatterer on a compact hyperbolic surface. J.Math.Phys,
53, 012108, (2012), arXiv:1109.4329v2.
[t12/192] R. Vasseur, A.M. Gainutdinov, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. The puzzle of bulk conformal field theories
at central charge c=0. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 161602, (2012), arXiv:1110.1327.
[t12/193] R. Vasseur and J.L. Jacobsen. Critical properties of joint spin and Fortuin-Kasteleyn observables in the
two-dimensional Potts model. J. Phys. A, 45, 165001, (2013), arXiv:1111.4033.
[t12/194] R. Vasseur, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Logarithmic observables in critical percolation. J. Stat. Mech.,
2012, L07001, (2012), arXiv:1206.2312.
[t12/195] R. Vasseur, D. Xue, Y.-K. Zhou, W. Ettoumi, X. Ding, X. Ren, and T. Lookman. Phase Diagram of
Ferroelastic Systems in the Presence of Disorder: Analytical Model and Experimental Verification. Phys.
Rev. B, 86, 184103, (2012), arXiv:1210.5919.
[t12/197] B. Bauer, P. Corboz, A.M. Lauchli, L. Messio, K. Penc, M. Troyer, and F. Mila. Three-sublattice order
in the SU(3) Heisenberg model on the square and triangular lattice. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 125116, (2012),
[t12/198] I. Bena and A Buchel.
Horizons cannot save the Landscape.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 063012, (2012),
[t12/199] I. Bena, M. Graña, S Kuperstein, and S Massai. Anti-D3’s - Singular to the Bitter End. Phys. Rev. D,
87, 106010, (2013), arXiv:1206.6369.
[t12/200] I. Bena, M. Berkooz, J. Boer (de), S. El-Showk, and D.V.d. Bleeken. Scaling BPS Solutions and pureHiggs States. JHEP, 1211, 171, (2012), arXiv:1205.5023.
[t12/201] P. Di Francesco. Truncated determinants and the refined enumeration of Alternating Sign Matrices and
Descending Plane Partitions. Algebraic Combinatorics related to Young diagram and statistical physics,
I.I.A.S., Nara, Japan, (2012), arXiv:1212.3006.
[t12/202] P. Di Francesco. Integrable Combinatorics. 2012-08-11/2012-08-11, (2012), arXiv:1210.4514.
[t12/203] I. Bena, M. Guica, and W. Song. Un-twisting the NHEK with spectral flows. JHEP, 1303, 028, (2013),
[t12/204] I. Bena, S. Giusto, M Shigemori, and P.N. Warner. Supersymmetric Solutions in Six Dimensions: A
Linear Structure. JHEP, 1203, 084, (2012), arXiv:1110.2781.
[t12/205] C. Dutreix, Liviu Bilteanu, A. Jagnannathan, and C. Bena. Friedel oscillations at the Dirac-cone-merging
point in anisotropic graphene. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 245413, (2012), arXiv:1210.5104.
[t12/206] L. Bilteanu, C. Dutreix, A. Jagnannathan, and C. Bena. Interplay between edge states and simple bulk
defects in graphene nanoribbons. Eur. Phys. J. B, 86, 240, (2012), arXiv:1205.5146.
[t12/207] D. Bernard and A. Le Clair. Scrutinizing the Cosmological Constant Problem and a possible resolution.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 063010, (2012), arXiv:1211.4848.
[t12/210] M. Bauer, T. Benoist, and D. Bernard. Iterated Stochastic Measurements. J. Phys. A, 45, 494020,
(2012), arXiv:1210.0425.
[t12/211] M. Bauer, T. Benoist, and D. Bernard. Repeated quantum non-demolition measurements: convergence
and continuous-time limit. Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14, 639–679, (2013), arXiv:1206.6045.
[t12/214] D. Bernard, E.A. Kim, and A. Le Clair. Edge states for topological insulators in two dimensions and
their Luttinger-like liquids. Phys. Rev. B, 86, 205116, (2012), arXiv:1202.5040.
[t12/215] D. Bernard and B. Doyon. Energy flow in non-equilibrium conformal field theory. J. Phys. A, 45, 362011,
(2012), arXiv:1202.0239.
[t12/216] M. Bauer, R Chetrite, K. Ebrahimi-Fard, and F. Patras. Time-ordering and a generalized Magnus
expansion. Lett. Math. Phys., 103, 331–350, (2013), arXiv:1206.3990.
[t12/217] A. Taruya, F. Bernardeau, T. Nishimichi, and S. Codis. RegPT: Direct and fast calculation of regularized
cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 103528, (2012), arXiv:1208.1191.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t12/218] B. Sciolla and G. Biroli. Quantum quenches, dynamical transitions and off-equilibrium quantum criticality. (2012), arXiv:1211.2572.
[t12/219] C. Cammarota and G. Biroli. Random Pinning Glass Transition: Hallmarks, Mean-Field Theory and
Renormalization Group Analysis. J. Chem. Phys., 138, 12A547–12A547–22, (2013), arXiv:1210.8399.
[t12/220] S. Brade and G. Biroli.
The Generalized Arrhenius Law in Out of Equilibrium Systems.
[t12/221] L. Berthier, G. Biroli, D. Caslovitch, W. Kob, and C. Toninelli. Finite size effects in the dynamics of
glass-forming liquids. Phys. Rev. E, 86, 031502, (2012), arXiv:1203.3392.
[t12/222] V. Bucci, S. Bradde, G. Biroli, and J.B. Xavier. Social interaction, noise and antibiotic-mediated switches
in the intestinal microbiota. PLoS Comput Biol, 8(4), e1002497, (2012), arXiv:1203.2883.
[t12/223] C. Cammarota and G. Biroli. Patch-repetition correlation length in glassy systems. Europhys. Lett., 98,
36005, (2012), arXiv:1201.2164.
[t12/224] B. Sciolla and G. Biroli. Dynamical transitions and quantum quenches in mean-field models. J. Stat.
Mech., 2011, 11003, (2011), arXiv:1108.5068.
[t12/225] R. Bondesan, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. Rectangular amplitudes, conformal blocks, and applications
to loop models. Nucl. Phys. B, 867, 913–949, (2012), arXiv:1207.7005.
[t12/226] R. Bondesan, A. Gruzberg, J.L. Jacobsen, H. Obuse, and H. Saleur. Exact exponents for the spin
quantum Hall transition in the presence of multiple edge channels. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 126801, (2012),
[t12/228] J.-P. Blaizot, E.S. Fraga, and L.F. Palhares. Effect of quark masses on the QCD presssure in a strong
magnetic background. Phys. Lett. B, 772, 167–171, (2013), arXiv:1211.6412.
[t12/229] A.M. Gainutdinov, N. Read, and H. Saleur. Associative algebraic approach to logarithmic CFT in the
bulk: the continuum limit of the gl(1|1) periodic spin chain, Howe duality and the interchiral algebra. (2013),
[t12/231] A.M. Gainutdinov, H. Saleur, and I.Yu. Tipunin. Lattice W-algebras and logarithmic CFTs. (2013),
[t12/232] J.-P. Blaizot, A.M. Nowak, and P. Warchol. Universal shocks in the Wishart random matrix ensemble 1. Phys. Rev. E, 87, 052134, (2013), arXiv:1211.0029.
[t12/234] Y. Iklef, J.L. Jacobsen, and H. Saleur. An integrable spin chain for the SL(2,R)/U(1) black hole sigma
model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 081601, (2012), arXiv:1109.1119.
[t12/235] K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, and R. Venugopalan. Quantum chaos in the perfect fluid: spectrum
of initial fluctuations in the little bang. Quark Matter 2012, (2012), arXiv:1210.6053.
[t12/236] F. Gelis and J. Laidet. Next-to-Leading Order correction to inclusive particle spectra in the Color Glass
Condensate framework. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 045019, (2012), arXiv:1211.1191.
[t12/237] F. Gelis. Color Glass Condensate and Glasma.
[t12/238] A. dymarsky and S Kuperstein.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 28, 1330001, (2013),
Non-supersymmetric Conifold.
JHEP, 1208, 033, (2012),
[t12/239] P. Thebault, S. Niedermayer, S. Landis, N. Chaix, P. Guenoun, J. Daillant, X. Man, D. Andelman,
and H. Orland. Tailoring Nanostructures Using Copolymer Nanoimprint Lithography. Adv. Mater., 24,
1952–1955, (2012), arXiv:1203.5318.
[t12/240] A. Levy Yeyati, D. Andelman, and H. Orland. The Dielectric Constant of Ionic Solutions: A Field-Theory
Approach. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 227801, (2012), arXiv:1201.6081.
[t12/241] X. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland. Block Copolymer Films with Free Interfaces: Ordering by
Nano-Patterned Substrates. Phys. Rev. E, 86, 010801, (2012), arXiv:1109.0833.
[t12/242] Tran Minh-Tien, A. Benlagra, C. Pépin, and Kim Ki-Seok. Preformed heavy electrons: A possible origin
of characteristic energy scale in YbRh2Si2. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 165118, (2013), arXiv:1105.6161.
[t12/243] I.K. Kostov and Y. Matsuo. Inner products of Bethe states as partial domain wall partition functions.
JHEP, 1210, 168, (2012), arXiv:1207.2562.
[t12/244] I.K. Kostov. Three-point function of semiclassical states at weak coupling. J. Phys. A, 45, 494018,
(2012), arXiv:1205.4412.
[t12/245] I.K. Kostov. Classical Limit of the Three-Point Function from Integrability. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108,
261604, (2012), arXiv:1203.6180.
[t12/246] L.G Almeida, E. Bertuzzo, P.A.N Machado, and R Zukanovich-Funchal. Does H → γγ taste like vanilla
new physics? JHEP, 1211, 85, (2012), arXiv:1207.5254.
[t12/247] E. Bertuzzo, T.S. Ray, de.H. Sandes, and C.A. Savoy. On Composite Two Higgs Doublet Models. JHEP,
1305, 153, (2013), arXiv:1206.2623.
[t12/248] E. Bertuzzo and C. Frugiuele. Fitting Neutrino Physics with a U (1)R Lepton Number. JHEP, 1205, 100,
(2013), arXiv:1203.5340.
[t12/252] P. Masjuan, E.R. Ariola, and W. Broniowski. Radial and angular-momentum Regge trajectories: a
systematic approach. volume 37 of EPJ Web of Conferences, 09024, (2013), arXiv:1208.4477.
[t12/256] R. Britto and E. Mirabella. Massive particles and unitarity cuts. International Workshop on Future
Linear Colliders LCWS 2011, Granada, Espagne, (2012), arXiv:1202.2426.
[t12/257] P. Masjuan, E.R. Arriola, and W. Broniowski. Systematics of radial and angular-momentum Regge
trajectories of light non-strange q q̄-states. Phys Rev Letters D, 85, 094006, (2012), arXiv:1203.4782.
[t12/258] P. Bozec and W. Broniowski. Transverse-momentum fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions from
event-by-event viscous hydrodynamics. Phys. Rev. C, 85, 044910, (2013), arXiv:1203.1810.
[t12/259] M. Rybczycski, W. Florkowski, and W. Broniowski. Single-freeze-out model for ultra relativistic heavyion collisions at sqrtsrmN N = 2.76 TeV and the LHC proton puzzle. Phys. Rev. C, 85, 054907, (2012),
[t12/262] A. Kisiel, W. Florkowski, and W. Broniowski. THERMINATOR 2: THERMal heavy IoN generATOR
2. Comput. Phys. Commun., 183, 746–773, (2012), arXiv:1102.0273.
[t12/263] J. Bros and J. Mund. Braid group statistics implies scattering in three-dimensional local quantum
physics. Commun. Math. Phys., 315, 465–488, (2012), arXiv:1112.5785.
[t12/264] S. Aoudia, S. Babak, P. Binétruy, E. Berti, C. Caprini, M. Colpi, N.J. cornish, K. Danzmann, o. Dufaux,
J. Gair, O. Jennrich, P. Jetzer, A. Klein, N. Lang, T. Littenberg, A. Lobo, G. Nelemans, A. Petiteau,
K. Porter, F. Schutz, A. Sesana, R. Stebbins, T. Sumner, M. Vallisneri, S. Vitale, T. McWilliams, M. Volonteri, and H. Ward. Low-frequency gravitational-wave science with eLISA/NGO. Class. Quantum Grav., 29,
124016, (2012), arXiv:1202.0839.
[t12/265] S. Aoudia, P.A. Seoane, and C. Caprini. eLISA: Astrophysics and cosmology in the millihertz regime.
GW Notes, 6, 4–110, (2013), arXiv:1201.3621.
[t12/266] P. Binétruy, A. Bohé, C. Caprini, and Jean-Fran¸cois Dufaux. Cosmological Backgrounds of Gravitational
Waves and eLISA/NGO: Phase Transitions, Cosmic Strings and Other Sources. JACP, 1206, 027, (2012),
[t12/268] C. Bonvin, C. Caprini, and R. Durrer. Magnetic fields from inflation: the transition to the radiation era.
Phys. Rev. D, 86, 02351, (2012), arXiv:1112.3901.
[t12/270] T.S. Ray, de.H. Sandes, and C.A. Savoy. Gluino, wino and Higgsino-like particles without supersymmetry.
Phys. Lett. B, 712, 401–406, (2012), arXiv:1112.6180.
[t12/272] E. Gouillart, F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, and L. Zdeborova. Belief Propagation Reconstruction for Discrete
Tomography. Inverse Problems, 29, 035003, (2013), arXiv:1211.2379.
[t12/273] G. Giesen, J. Lesgourgues, B. Audren, and Y. Ali Aïmoud. CMB photons shedding light on dark matter.
JACP, 1212, 008, (2012), arXiv:1209.0247.
[t12/275] I. Bena, A. Buchel, and O. Dias. Horizons cannot save the Landscape. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 063012, (2012),
[t12/276] O. Dias, G.T. Horowitz, D. Marolf, and E. Santos. On the Nonlinear Stability of Asymptotically Anti-de
Sitter Solutions. Class. Quantum Grav., 29, 235019, (2012), arXiv:1208.5772.
[t12/277] O. Dias, P. Figueras, S. Minwalla, R. Monteiro, E. Santos J., and P. Mitra. Hairy black holes and solitons
in global AdS 5. JHEP, 1208, 117, (2012), arXiv:1112.4447.
[t12/278] O. Dias, E. Santos, and M. Stein. Kerr-AdS and its Near-horizon Geometry: Perturbations and the
Kerr/CFT Correspondence. JHEP, 1210, 182, (2012), arXiv:1208.3322.
[t12/279] F. Dominguez, B.W. Xiao, J.W. Qiu, and F. Yuan. On the linearly polarized gluon distributions in the
color dipole model. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 045003, (2013), arXiv:1109.6293.
[t12/280] G. Gradenigo, A. Sarracino, D. Villamaina, and A. Vulpiani. Einstein relation in superdiffusive systems.
J. Stat. Mech., 2012, L06001, (2012), arXiv:1205.6621.
[t12/281] G. Gradenigo, A. Puglisi, and A. Sarracino. Entropy production in non-equilibrium fluctuating hydrodynamics. J. Chem. Phys., 137, 014509, (2013), arXiv:1205.3639.
[t12/282] G. Gradenigo, A. Puglisi, A. Sarracino, D. Villamaina, and A. Vulpiani. Out-of-equilibrium generalized
fluctuation-dissipation relations, 285–318. Wiley, (2013), arXiv:1203.4941.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t12/283] Y. Mehtar-Tani, . Salgado A., and K. Tywoniuk. New picture of jet quenching dictated by color coherence.
Phys. Lett. B, 725, 357–360, (2013), arXiv:1210.7765.
[t12/284] N. Armesto, H. Ma, M. Martinez, Y. Mehtar-Tani, and A. Salgado C. Coherence and broadening effects
in medium induced gluon radiation. Hard Probes 2012, Sardaigne (Italie), (2012), arXiv:1209.2288.
[t12/285] N. Armesto, H. Ma, M. Martinez, Y. Mehtar-Tani, and A. Salgado C. In-medium antenna radiation
in t-channel. volume QNP2012 of PoS, 151, (2012), arXiv:1207.1584. Sixth International Conference on
Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
[t12/286] N. Armesto, H. Ma, M. Martinez, Y. Mehtar-Tani, and . Salgado A. Interference between initial and
final state radiation in a QCD medium. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 717, 280–286, (2012), arXiv:1207.0984.
[t12/288] Y. Mehtar-Tani, A. Salgado C., and K. Tywoniuk. The radiation pattern of a QCD antenna in a dense
medium. JHEP, 1210, 197, (2012), arXiv:1205.5739.
[t12/289] S. Ehlert, S.W. Allen, Y. Xue Q., W. Brandt. N, B. Luo, A. Von Der Linden, A. Mantz, and R.G. Morris.
X-ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxy Clusters I: Number Counts and Spatial Distribution.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 428, 3509–3525, (2013), arXiv:1209.2132.
[t12/290] D.R. gerhrmann, T. Gehrmann, and M. Ritzmann. Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic initial
states: double real initial-initial configurations. JHEP, 1210, 47, (2013), arXiv:1207.5779.
[t12/292] S. El-Showk. Bootstrapping Conformal Field Theories with the Extremal Functional Method. (2012),
[t12/293] I. Bena, M. Berkooz, J.d. Boer, S. El-Showk, and D.V.d. Bleeken. Scaling BPS Solutions and pure-Higgs
States. JHEP, 1211, 171, (2012), arXiv:1205.5023.
[t12/294] S. El-Showk, F. Paulos, D. Poland, S. Rychkov, D. Simmons Duffy, and A. Vichi. Solving the 3D Ising
Model with the Conformal Bootstrap. Phys. Rev. D, 86, 025022, (2012), arXiv:1203.6064.
[t12/296] S. El-Showk and M. Guica. Kerr/CFT, dipole theories and nonrelativistic CFTs. JHEP, 1212, (2012),
[t12/297] I. Bena, D. Borun, J.d. Boer, S. El-Showk, and M. Shigemori. Moulting Black Holes. JHEP, 1203, 094,
(2012), arXiv:1108.0411.
[t12/298] Z. Bern, J.J.M. Carrasco, L.J. Dixon, M.R. Douglas, M. Von Hippel, and H. Johansson. D = 5 maximally
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory diverges at six loops. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 025018, (2013), arXiv:1210.7709.
[t12/299] G. Gubitosi and F. Paci. Constraints on cosmological birefringence energy dependence from CMB polarization data. JCAP, 1302, (2013), arXiv:1211.3321.
[t12/300] E. Ozan, J. Juknevich, S.J. Lee, G. Perez, and G. Sterman. Three-particle templates for boosted Higgs.
Phys. Rev. D, 85, 114046, (2013), arXiv:1112.1957.
[t12/301] G. Bhattacharyya and T.S. Ray. Pushing the SUSY Higgs mass towards 125 GeV with a color adjoint.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 015017, (2013), arXiv:1210.0594.
[t12/302] E. Bertuzzo, T.S. Ray, D.S. Hiroshi, and A. Savoy. On Composite Two Higgs Doublet Models. JHEP,
1305, 153, (2013), arXiv:1206.2623.
[t12/304] G. Soyez, J. Kim, G.P. Salam, S. Dutta, and M. Cacciari. Pileup subtraction for jet shapes. Phys. Rev.
Lett., 110, 162001, (2013), arXiv:1211.2811.
[t12/305] al. Alcaraz Maestre, J. et and G. Soyez. The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups:
Summary Report. Physics at TeV colliders, Les Houches, 2011-05-31/2011-06-08, (2013), arXiv:1203.6803.
[t12/306] P.A.N Machado, H. Nunokawa, A. Pereira dos Santos F., and R Zukanovich-Funchal. Bulk neutrinos as
an alternative cause of the gallium and reactor anti-neutrino anomalies. Phys. Rev. D, 85, 073012, (2012),
[t13/003] A. Adare, M. Luzum, and H. Petersen. Initial state fluctuations and final state correlations: Status and
open questions. Phys. Scripta, 87, 048001, (2013), arXiv:1212.5388.
[t13/004] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Dynamical Barriers in the Dyson Hierarchical model via Real Space Renormalization. J. Stat. Mech., P02023, (2013), arXiv:1212.4361.
[t13/005] A. Kashani-Poor, R. Minasian, and H. Triendl. Enhanced supersymmetry from vanishing Euler number.
JHEP, 1304, 058, (2013), arXiv:1301.5031.
[t13/006] M. Cirelli and G. Giesen. Antiprotons from Dark Matter: Current constraints and future sensitivities.
JCAP, 1304, 015, (2013), arXiv:1301.7079.
[t13/008] R Zukanovich-Funchal. The Physics of Neutrinos. Cours de Physique Théorique de l’IPhT, (2013).
[t13/010] F. David. Pascal Elleaume (1956-2011). LÁrchicube (to appear), (2013).
[t13/011] L. Messio, C. Lhuillier, and G. Misguich. Time-reversal-symmetry-breaking chiral spin liquids: a
projective symmetry group approach of bosonic mean-field theories. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 125127, (2013),
[t13/013] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Dynamics of Ising models near zero temperature : Real Space Renormalization
Approach. J. Stat. Mech., P02037, (2013), arXiv:1212.0643.
[t13/018] Alexander Kahle and R. Minasian.
D-brane couplings and Generalised Geometry.
[t13/021] M. Cirelli. Dark Matter Indirect searches: phenomenological and theoretical aspects. DISCRETE 2012,
Lisbon, 2012-12-03/2012-12-07, (2013).
[t13/024] D.G. Figueroa, E. Sefusatti, A. Riotto, and F. Vernizzi. The Effect of Local non-Gaussianity on the
Matter Bispectrum at Small Scales. JCAP, 08, 036, (2012), arXiv:1205.2015.
[t13/027] V. Pasquier. Some remarks on the Quantum Hall Effect. In Symmetries, Integrable Systems and Representations, 497–513. Springer, (2013).
[t13/034] Y. Jiang, I.K. Kostov, D. Serban, and O. Foda. A tree-level 3-point function in the su(3)-sector of planar
N=4 SYM. (2013), arXiv:1302.3539.
[t13/035] C. Godrèche and J.M. Luck. Asymmetric Langevin dynamics for the ferromagnetic spherical model. J.
Stat. Mech., P05006, (2013), arXiv:1302.4658.
[t13/037] P. Fleury, H. Dupuy, and J.-P. Uzan. Interpretation of the Hubble diagram in a non-homogeneous
universe. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 123526, (2013), arXiv:1302.5308.
[t13/038] J.-P. Blaizot, E. Iancu, and Y. Mehtar-Tani. Medium-induced QCD cascade: democratic branching and
wave turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 052001, (2013), arXiv:1301.6102.
[t13/039] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. On irreducible maps and slices. (2013), arXiv:1303.3728.
[t13/040] P. baratella, M. Cirelli, J. Pata, and A. Strumia. PPPC 4 DMnu: A Poor Particle Physicist Cookbook
for Neutrinos from DM annihilations in the Sun. (2013).
[t13/041] C.B. Jackson, G. Servant, G. Shaughnessy, T.M.P. Tait, and M. Taoso. Gamma Rays from Top-Mediated
Dark Matter Annihilations. JCAP, 1307, 006, (2013), arXiv:1303.4717.
[t13/042] M. Graña and H. Triendl. Lectures on String Theory Compactifications. Cours de Physique Theorique,
IPhT, Saclay, 2013-03-22/2013-04-26, (2013).
[t13/043] J.T. Liu and R. Minasian. Higher-derivative couplings in string theory: dualities and the B-field. (2013),
[t13/044] P. Brax and A.C. Davis. SUPER-Screening. Phys. Lett. B, 719, 210–217, (2013), arXiv:1212.4392.
[t13/045] P. Brax, b. Clesse, and A.C. Davis. Signatures of modified gravity on the 21 cm power spectrum at
reionisation. JCAP, 1301, 003, (2013), arXiv:arXiv:1207.1273.
[t13/048] T. Ayral, S. Biermann, and P. Werner. Screening and Non-local Correlations in the Extended Hubbard
Model from Self-Consistent Combined GW and Dynamical Mean Field Theory. Phys. Rev. B, 2013, 125149,
(2013), arXiv:1210.2712.
[t13/049] T. Ayral, P. Werner, and S. Biermann. Spectral Properties of Correlated Materials: Local Vertex and
Nonlocal Two-Particle Correlations from Combined GW and Dynamical Mean Field Theory. Phys. Rev.
Lett., 109, 226401, (2013), arXiv:1205.5553.
[t13/050] H. Berestycki, R.G. Morris, and T. Sadhu. Reaction-diffusion and propagation in non-homogeneous
media. IPhT, 2013-02-08/2013-03-08, (2013).
[t13/053] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Dynamical barriers for the random ferromagnetic Ising model on the Cayley tree : traveling-wave solution of the real space renormalization flow. J. Stat. Mech., P05012, (2013),
[t13/055] M. Graña, D. Marques, Alejandro Rosabal, and Gerardo Aldazabal. Extended geometry and gauged
maximal supergravity. JHEP, 1306, 046, (2013), arXiv:1302.5419.
[t13/056] P. Brax and C. Burrage. Atomic Precision Tests and Light Scalar Couplings. Nucl. Phys. B, 873, 614–681,
(2013), arXiv:1010.5108.
[t13/057] G. bossard and S. katmadas. Duality covariant multi-centre black hole systemslack holes. JHEP, 1308,
007, (2013), arXiv:1304.6582.
[t13/060] H. Ueberschaer. Quantum Chaos for point scatterers on flat tori. Phil.Trans.R.Soc.A (to appear), (2013),
[t13/062] A.M. Gainutdinov and R. Vasseur. Lattice fusion rules and logarithmic operator product expansions.
Nucl. Phys. B, 868, 223–270, (2013), arXiv:1203.6289.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t13/063] A.M. Gainutdinov, J.L. Jacobsen, H. Saleur, and R. Vasseur. A physical approach to the classification
of indecomposable Virasoro representations from the blob algebra. Nucl. Phys. B, 873, 614–681, (2013),
[t13/064] M. Graña, R. Minasian, H. Triendl, and Riet Van. The quantization problem in Scherk-Schwarz compactifications. Phys. Rev. D (to appear), (2013), arXiv:1305.0785.
[t13/067] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Hyperons and Condensed Kaons in Compact Stars. (2013), arXiv:1301.0067.
[t13/068] H.K. Lee, W.G. Paeng, M. Rho, and C. Sasaki. Omega-nucleon interaction and nucleon mass in dense
baryonic matter. (2013), arXiv:1303.2898.
[t13/069] Y.L. Ma, M. Harada, H.K. Lee, Y. Oh, B.Y. Park, and M. Rho. Dense Baryonic Matter in Hidden Local
Symmetry Approach: Half-Skyrmions and Nucleon Mass. Phys. Rev. D, 88, 014016, (2013), arXiv:1304.5638.
[t13/070] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Dilatons in Dense Baryonic Matter. (2013), arXiv:1304.6447.
[t13/071] P. Fleury, H. Dupuy, and J.-P. Uzan. Can all cosmological observations be accurately interpreted with
a unique geometry? Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 091302, (2013), arXiv:1304.7791.
[t13/073] Bah.I . Quarter-BPS AdS5 solutions in M-theory with a T2 bundle over a Riemann surface. JHEP,
1308, 137, (2013), arXiv:1304.4954.
[t13/074] A.E. Allahverdyan, R. Balian, and Nieuwenhuizen Theo M. Statistical theory of ideal quantum measurement processes. (2013), arXiv:1303.7257.
[t13/075] C. Monthus and T. Garel. Dynamical barriers of pure and random ferromagnetic Ising models on fractal
lattices. J. Stat. Mech., P06007, (2013), arXiv:1304.2134.
[t13/076] J. Bouttier and E. Guitter. A note on irreducible maps with several boundaries. (2013), arXiv:1305.4816.
[t13/077] C. Godrèche. Processus stochastiques et dynamique des systèmes hors d’équilibre. Cours de Physique
Théorique, IPhT, Saclay, 2013-05-17/2013-06-28, (2013).
[t13/078] I. Bena, A. Puhm, O. Vasilakis, and P.N. Warner. Almost BPS but still not renormalized. JHEP, 1309,
062, (2013), arXiv:1303.0841.
[t13/079] I. Bena, J. Blaback, U.H. Danielsson, and T. Van Riet. Antibranes don’t go black. Phys. Rev. D
(submitted), (2013), arXiv:1301.7071.
[t13/080] I. Bena, M. Graña, S Kuperstein, and S Massai. Polchinski-Strassler does not uplift Klebanov-Strassler.
JHEP, 1309, 142, (2013), arXiv:1212.4828v2.
[t13/082] I. Bena, M. Guica, and W. Song. Un-twisting the NHEK with spectral flows. JHEP, 1303, 028, (2013),
[t13/083] Doru Sticlet, C. Bena, and P. Simon. Josephson effect in superconducting wires supporting multiple
Majorana edge states. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 104509, (2013), arXiv:1211.3070.
[t13/085] C. Godrèche. Rates for irreversible Gibbsian Ising models. J. Stat. Mech., 2013, P05011, (2013).
[t13/086] Y. Hatta, E. Iancu, A.H. Mueller, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Jet evolution from weak to strong
coupling. JHEP, 1212, 114, (2012), arXiv:1210.1534.
[t13/087] C. Godrèche. Dynamics of the directed Ising chain. J. Stat. Phys., 2011, P04005, (2011).
[t13/088] J. Casalderrey-Solana and E. Iancu. Interference effects in medium-induced gluon radiation. JHEP,
1108, 015, (2011), arXiv:1105.1760.
[t13/089] E. Iancu and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Higher-point correlations from the JIMWLK evolution. JHEP,
1111, 105, (2011), arXiv:1109.0302.
[t13/090] E. Iancu and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. JIMWLK evolution in the Gaussian approximation. JHEP, 1204,
025, (2012), arXiv:1112.1104.
[t13/096] E. Iancu and J. Laidet.
Gluon splitting in a shockwave.
Nucl. Phys. A, 916, 48–78, (2013),
[t13/098] E. Iancu. QCD in heavy ion collisions. 2011 European School of High-Energy Physics, Cheile Gradistei,
Romania, (2013), arXiv:1205.0579.
[t13/100] M. Bauer, D. Bernard, and A. Tilloy. Open quantum random walks: bi-stability on pure states and
ballistically induced diffusion. (2013), arXiv:1303.6658.
[t13/102] S. Codis, D. Pogosyan, F. Bernardeau, and T. Matsubara. Non-Gaussian Minkowski functionals and
extrema counts in redshift space. (2013), arXiv:1305.7402.
[t13/103] A. Taruya, T. Nishimichi, and F. Bernardeau. Precision modeling of redshift-space distortions from
multi-point propagator expansion. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 083509, (2013), arXiv:1301.3624.
[t13/104] G. Biroli and J.P. Garrahan. Perspective: The Glass Transition. AIP Conf. Proc., 138, 12A301, (2013),
[t13/105] G. Borot, B. Eynard, and N. Orantin. Abstract loop equations, topological recursion, and applications.
(2013), arXiv:1303.5808.
[t13/106] H. Saleur, P. Schmitteckert, and R. Vasseur. Entanglement in quantum impurity problems is non perturbative. Phys. Rev. B, 085413, (2013), arXiv:1305.1482.
[t13/107] R. Vasseur, K. Trinh, S. Haas, and H. Saleur. Crossover physics in the non-equilibrium dynamics of
quenched quantum impurity systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 240601, (2013), arXiv:1303.6655.
[t13/108] L. Freton, E. Boulat, and H. Saleur. Infra-red expansion of entanglement entropy in the Interacting
Resonant Level Model. Nucl. Phys. B, 874, 279–311, (2013), arXiv:1301.6535.
[t13/109] R. Bondesan. Rectangular amplitudes, conformal blocks, and applications to loop models. Nucl. Phys.
B, 847, 913–949, (2013), arXiv:1207.7005.
[t13/110] D. Serban. Eigenvectors and scalar products for long range interacting spin chains II: the finite size
effects. JHEP, 1308, 128, (2013), arXiv:1302.3350.
[t13/111] J.-P. Blaizot, J. Liao, and L. McLerran. Gluon Transport Equation in the Small Angle Approximation
and the Onset of Bose-Einstein Condensation. (2013), arXiv:1305.2119.
[t13/112] J.-P. Blaizot, A.M. Nowak, and P. Warchol. Burgers-like equation for spontaneous breakdown of the
chiral symmetry in QCD. Phys. Lett. B, 724, 170–175, (2013), arXiv:1303.2357.
[t13/113] A.M. Gainutdinov, J.L. Jacobsen, N. Read, H. Saleur, and R. Vasseur. Logarithmic Conformal Field
Theory: a Lattice Approach. (2013), arXiv:1303.2082.
[t13/114] Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre, and J. Ozeren K. Next-to-Leading Order W + 5-Jet Production at the LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 88, 014025, (2013),
[t13/115] F. Gelis. Factorization in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. Acta Phys. Pol. B, 6, 561–566, (2013),
[t13/117] G. Soyez, P. Salam, J. Kim, and S. Dutta. Pileup subtraction for jet shapes. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110,
162001, (2013), arXiv:1211.2811.
[t13/118] M. Cacciari, P. Quiroga Arias, P.G. Salam, and G. Soyez. Jet Fragmentation Function Moments in Heavy
Ion Collisions. Eur. Phys. J. C, 73, 2319, (2013), arXiv:1209.6086.
[t13/119] Y. Hatta, C. Marquet, C. Royon, and G. Soyez. A QCD description of the ATLAS jet veto measurement.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 054016, (2013).
[t13/120] M. alvioli, G. Soyez, and D.N. Triantafyllopoulos. Testing the Gaussian approximation to the JIMWLK
equation. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 014016, (2013), arXiv:1212.1656.
[t13/122] Alfimov.M , A. Belavin, and G.M. Tarnopolsky. Coset conformal field theory and instanton counting
on C2=Zp. JHEP, 1308, 134, (2013), arXiv:1306.3938.
[t13/124] X. Man, K.T. Delaney, C. Michael, H. Orland, G.H. Fredrickson, and C. Villet. Coherent States Formulation of Polymer Field Theory. (2013), arXiv:1301.1357.
[t13/125] M. Bon, C. Micheletti, and H. Orland. McGenus: a Monte Carlo algorithm to predict RNA secondary
structures with pseudoknots. Nucl. Acids Res., 41, 1895–1900, (2013).
[t13/126] H. Meier, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pépin, and D. Jerome. Resistor model for the electrical transport in
quasi-one-dimensional organic (TMTSF)(2)PF6 superconductors under pressure. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 125128,
(2013), arXiv:1209.6058.
[t13/127] I. Paul, C. Pépin, and M.R. Norman. Equivalence of Single-Particle and Transport Lifetimes from
Hybridization Fluctuations. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 066402, (2013).
[t13/128] C. Thomas, S. Burdin, and C. Pépin. Three-dimensional modulated spin liquid model applied to URu2Si2.
Phys. Rev. B, 87, 014422, (2013), arXiv:1206.5778.
[t13/129] B. Efetov K., H. Meier, and C. Pépin. Pseudogap state from quantum criticality. Nature Phys., 9,
442–446, (2013), arXiv:1210.3276.
[t13/131] H. Meier, M. Einenkel, C. Pépin, and K.B. Efetov. Effect of the magnetic field on the competition
between superconductivity and charge order below the pseudogap state. Phys. Rev. B, 88, 020506, (2013),
[t13/132] E. Iancu. From jet quenching to wave turbulence. 48th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and Hadronic
Interactions, La Thuile (Italie), (2013), arXiv:1305.7023.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
[t13/133] E. Bertuzzo, P.A.N Machado, and R Zukanovich-Funchal. Neutrino Mass Matrix Textures: A Datadriven Approach. JHEP, 1306, 097, (2013), arXiv:1302.0653.
[t13/134] E. Bertuzzo, P.A.N Machado, and R Zukanovich-Funchal. Can New Colored Particles Illuminate the
Higgs? JHEP, 1302, 86, (2013), arXiv:1209.6359.
[t13/135] P. Valageas, T. Nishimichi, and A. Taruya. Matter power spectrum from a Lagrangian-space regularization of perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 083522, (2013), arXiv:1302.4533.
[t13/136] P. Brax and P. Valageas. Impact on the power spectrum of Screening in Modified Gravity Scenarios.
Phys. Rev. D, 88, 023527, (2013), arXiv:1305.5647.
[t13/138] E.R. Ariola and W. Broniowski. Scalar-isoscalar states, gravitational form factors, and dimension-2 condensates in a large-Nc Regge approach. volume 1343 of AIP Conf. Proc., 361–363, (2011), arXiv:1011.5176.
[t13/139] P. Bozec and W. Broniowski. Collective dynamics of the high-energy proton-nucleus collisions. Phys.
Rev. C, 88, 014903, (2013), arXiv:1304.3044.
[t13/140] A. Olszewski and W. Broniowski. Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions in a superposition approach. (2013), arXiv:1303.5280.
[t13/141] P. Bozec and W. Broniowski. Size of the emission source and collectivity in ultra-relativistic p-Pb
collisions. Phys. Lett. B, 720, 250–253, (2013), arXiv:1301.3314.
[t13/142] P. Bozec and W. Broniowski. Charge balancing and the fall off of the ridge. Nucl. Phys. A, 904, 482,
(2013), arXiv:1210.4315.
[t13/143] P. Masjuan, E.R. Arriola, and W. Broniowski. Meson dominance of hadron form factors and large-Nc
phenomenology. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 014005, (2013), arXiv:1210.0760.
[t13/145] S.E. Derkachov, G. Korchemsky, and A. Manashov. Dual conformal symmetry on the light-cone. (2013),
[t13/148] S. Nonnenmacher and M. Zworski. Decay of correlations for normally hyperbolic trapping. (2013),
[t13/149] E. Gull, O. Parcollet, and J. Millis. Superconductivity and the Pseudogap in the two-dimensional
Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 216405, (2013), arXiv:1207.2490.
[t13/150] R. Peschanski.
Dynamical entropy of dense QCD states.
Phys. Rev. D, 87, 034042, (2013),
[t13/152] F. Krzakala, C. Moore, E. Mossel, J. Neeman, A. Sly, L. Zdeborova, and P. Zhang. Spectral redemption:
clustering sparse networks. (2013), arXiv:1306.5550.
[t13/153] C. Schülke, F. Castalgirone, F. Krzakala, and L. Zdeborova. Blind Calibration in Compressed Sensing
using Message Passing Algorithms. (2013), arXiv:1306.4355.
[t13/154] J. barbier, F. Krzakala, L. Zdeborova, and P. Zhang. The hard-core model on random graphs revisited.
International Meeting on "Inference, Computation, and Spin Glasses" (ICSG2013), Sapporo, Japon, (2013),
[t13/155] J Barbier, F. Krzakala, L. Zdeborova, and Z. Pan. Robust error correction for real-valued signals via
message-passing decoding and spatial coupling. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Sevilla, Espagne,
(2013), arXiv:1304.6599.
[t13/156] Y. Lokhov, M. Mézard, H. Ohta, and L. Zdeborova. Inferring the origin of an epidemy with dynamic
message-passing algorithm. (2013), arXiv:1303.5315.
[t13/157] P. Zhang, F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, and L. Zdeborova. Non-adaptive pooling strategies for detection of
rare faulty items. (2013), arXiv:1302.0189.
[t13/158] F. Krzakala, M. Mézard, and L. Zdeborova. Phase Diagram and Approximate Message Passing for Blind
Calibration and Dictionary Learning. (2013), arXiv:1301.5898.
[t13/159] G. Giecold, F. Orsi, and A. Puhm. Insane Anti-Membranes? (2013), arXiv:1303.1809.
[t13/160] M.R. smaoui, F. Poitevin, M. Delarue, P. Koehl, H. Orland, and J. Waldispuhl. Computational Assembly
of Polymorphic Amyloid Fibrils Reveals Stable Aggregates. Biophys. J., 104, 683–693, (2013).
[t13/161] A Lazarescu. Matrix Ansatz for the Fluctuations of the Current in the ASEP with Open Boundaries. J.
Phys. A, 46, 145003, (2013), arXiv:1212.3366.
[t13/163] O. Dias and E. Santos. Boundary Conditions for Kerr-AdS Perturbations. (2013), arXiv:1302.1580.
[t13/164] O. Dias and H.S. Reall. Algebraically special perturbations of the Schwarzschild solution in higher
dimensions. Class. Quantum Grav., 30, 095003, (2013), arXiv:1301.7068.
[t13/165] F. Dominguez, A.M. Stasto, C. Marquet, and B.W. Xiao. Universality of multi-particle production in
QCD at high energies. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 034007, (2013), arXiv:1210.1141.
[t13/166] T. Difmote, M. Gabella, and A.B. Goncharov. K-Decompositions and 3d Gauge Theories. (2013),
[t13/167] G. Gradenigo, A. Sarracino, A. Puglisi, and H. Touchette. Fluctuation relations without uniform large
deviations. J. Phys. A, 46, 335002, (2013), arXiv:1303.2851.
[t13/168] Hafermann.H , P. Werner, and E. Gull. Efficient implementation of the continuous-time hybridization
expansion quantum impurity solver. Comput. Phys. Commun., 184, 1280–1286, (2013), arXiv:1302.4083.
[t13/170] A.L. Erickcek, N. Barnaby, C. Burrage, and Z. Huang. Catastrophic Consequences of Kicking the
Chameleon. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 171101, (2013), arXiv:1304.0009.
[t13/172] B. Efetov K. Quantum criticality and high-temperature superconductivity. 2013-09-13/2013-10-11,
[t13/174] K. Hristov, S. katmadas, and V. Pozzoli. Ungauging black holes and hidden supercharges. JHEP, 1301,
(2013), arXiv:1211.0035.
[t13/176] J Kim. A Thermal Infrared Imaging Study of Very Low-Mass, Wide Separation Brown Dwarf Companions to Upper Scorpius Stars: Constraining Circumstellar Environments. Astrophys. J., 767, 31, (2013),
[t13/177] R.S. Bhalerao, J.-Y. Ollitrault, and S. Pal. Event-plane correlators. Phys. Rev. C, 88, 024909, (2013),
[t13/179] Y. Mehtar-Tani, J.G. Mihano, and K. Tywoniuk. Jet physics in heavy-ion collisions. Int. J. Mod. Phys.
A, 28, 1340013, (2013), arXiv:1302.2579.
[t13/181] S. Chakdar, T. Li, S. Nandi, and S.K. Rai. Top SU(5) Models: Baryon and Lepton Number Violating
Resonances at the LHC. Phys. Rev. D, 87, 096002, (2013), arXiv:1302.6942.
[t13/182] W.T. Giele, L. Hartgring, D.A. Kosower, E. Laenen, J. Larkoski, J. Lopez-Villarejo, M. Ritzmann, and
Z. Skands P. The Vincia Parton Shower. XXI. International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and
Related Subjects (DIS2013), Marseille, France, (2013), arXiv:1307.1060.
[t13/183] R. Kedem and P. Di Francesco. Quantum cluster algebras and fusion products. Int. Math. Res. Not.,
2013, rnt004, (2013), arXiv:1109.6261.
[t13/184] R. Louf, P. Jensen, and M. Barthélémy. Emergence of hierarchy in cost-driven growth of spatial networks.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 110, 8824–8829, (2013), arXiv:1305.3282.
[t13/185] F. Gelis and N. Tanji. Formulation of the Schwinger mechanism in classical statistical field theory. Phys.
Rev. D, 87, 125035, (2013), arXiv:1303.4633.
[t13/186] C.B. Jackson, G. Servant, G. Shaughnessy, T.M.P. Tait, and M. Taoso. Gamma-ray lines and One-Loop
Continuum from s-channel Dark Matter Annihilations. JCAP, 1307, 021, (2013), arXiv:1302.1802.
[t13/187] B. Wu. On holographic thermalization and gravitational collapse of tachyonic scalar fields. JHEP, 1304,
44, (2013), arXiv:1301.3796.
[t13/188] T. Liou, A.H. Mueller, and B. Wu. Radiative pT-broadening of high energy quarks and gluons in QCD
matter. Nucl. Phys. A, 916, 102–125, (2013), arXiv:1304.7677.
[t13/193] P. Brax, C. Burrage, A.C. Davis, and G. Gubitosi. Cosmological Tests of the Disformal Coupling to
Radiation. (2013), arXiv:1306.4168.
[t13/198] M. Barthélémy, P. Bordin, H. Berestycki, and M. Gribaudi. Self-organization versus top-down planning
in the evolution of a city. Scientific Report, 3, 2153, (2013), arXiv:1307.2203.
[t13/205] D. Maitre, Z. Bern, L.J. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, and J. Ozeren K.
High multiplicity W+jets predictions at NLO. XXI. International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering
and Related Subjects (DIS2013), Marseille, France, (2013), arXiv:1308.3986.
[t13/216] C. Caprini. Magnetic fields from inflation: the transition to the radiation era. Moriond 2012 Cosmology
session, (2013).
[t13/220] E. Moulin, M. Cirelli, P. Panci, D. Serpico P., and A. Viana. High energy gamma-ray constraints on
decaying Dark Matter. 33ND INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, Rio de Janeiro, (2013),
[t13/223] S. Ribault. Conformal field theory in two dimensions. (2013).
[t13/224] H.K. Lee and M. Rho. Topology Change and Tensor Forces for the EoS of Dense Baryonic Matter.
(2013), arXiv:1306.4584.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
PhDs at IPhT
Graduate schools - Écoles doctorales
Presently IPhT is affiliated to 2 “écoles doctorales”:
ED 107 École doctorale de physique de la région parisienne.
ED 447 (alias EDX) École doctorale de l’École polytechnique.
Habilitation thesis - Habilitation à diriger des recherches
Since 2008, 6 permanent members of IPhT have defended their Habilitation thesis, which brings to 16 the
total number of HDR in our Institute (14 CEA + 2 CNRS).
Pépin Catherine
Quantum critical points in strongly correlated electron compounds (Points critiques quantiques dans
les composés à fortes corrélations électroniques) [t08/315],
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, Spécialité : Physique Théorique, 06/11/2008.
Serban Didina
Integrability and the AdS/CFT correspondence (Intégrabilité et correspondance AdS/CFT) [t10/042],
Université Paris-Sud 11, Spécialité : Physique Théorique, 29/05/2009.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
A few aspects of quantum chaos (Quelques aspects de chaos quantique) [t09/127],
Université Paris-Sud 11, Spécialité : Mathématiques (option Physique Mathématique), 05/06/2009.
Bena Iosif
Black Holes, Black Rings and their Microstates (Trous noirs, anneaux noirs et leur microétats)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, Spécialité : Physique, 16/06/2009.
Valageas Patrick
Formation of large-scale structures in cosmology: gravitational dynamics (Formation des structures
de grande échelle en cosmologie: dynamique gravitationnelle) [t10/203],
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Spécialité : Astrophysique, 03/12/2010.
Gélis François
The initial stages of high energy heavy ion collisions (Les premières étapes des collisions d’ions lourds
à haute énergie) [t11/232],
Université Paris-Sud 11, Spécialité : Physique Théorique, 07/12/2011.
PhD defenses since 2008
Between January 2008 and June 2013, 30 PhD theses prepared at IPhT have been defended:
Vergu Cristian
Twistors, strings and supersymmetric gauge theories (Twisteurs, cordes et théories de jauge supersymétriques) [t08/120],
supervised by D. Kosower, 15/07/2008.
Delaunay Cédric
Electroweak symmetry breaking: origin and consequences (Brisure de symétrie électrofaible : origine
et conséquences) [t08/238],
supervised by C. Grojean, 02/10/2008.
Candu Constantin
Discretisation of conformal sigma models on superspheres and projective superspaces (Discrétisation
des modèles sigma invariants conformes sur des supersphères et superespaces projectifs) [t08/237],
supervised by H. Saleur, 31/10/2008.
Michel Yann
Properties of extremal black holes in supergravity and string theory (Aspect des trous noirs extrémaux
en supergravité et en théorie des cordes),
supervised by P. Vanhove and B. Pioline, 01/12/2008.
Beuf Guillaume
Contributions to the study of strong interactions at high energy and high density (Contributions à
l’étude des interactions fortes à haute énergie et haute densité) [t09/314],
supervised by R. Peschanski, 26/06/2009.
Bon Michaël
Prediction of secondary structures of RNA with pseudoknots (Prédiction de structures secondaires
d’ARN avec pseudo-noeuds) [t09/256],
supervised by H. Orland, 21/09/2009.
Prolhac Sylvain
Exact results for the asymmetric simple exclusion process (Méthodes exactes pour le modèle d’exclusion
asymétrique) [t09/161],
supervised by K. Mallick, 23/09/2009.
Volin Dmytro
Quantum integrability and functional equations (Intégrabilité quantique et équations fonctionnelles)
supervised by I. Kostov and D. Serban, 25/09/2009.
Benlagra Adel
Quantum criticality in 3He bi layers and heavy fermion compounds (Criticalité quantique dans les
bi-couches d’ 3He et les composés à fermions lourds) [t09/274],
supervised by C. Pépin, 09/11/2009.
Sarlat Thomas
A finite dimensional model for the glass transition (Un modèle de dimension finie pour la transition
vitreuse) [t09/296],
supervised by A. Billoire, 13/11/2009.
Schenck Emmanuel
Open quantum systems and semiclassical methods (Systèmes quantiques ouverts et méthodes semiclassiques) [t09/266],
supervised by S. Nonnenmacher, 17/11/2009.
Ruef Clément
Black holes in string theory: towards an understanding of quantum gravity (Trous noirs en théorie
des cordes : vers une compréhension de la gravité quantique) [t10/083],
supervised by I. Bena, 18/06/2010.
Bourgine Jean-Émile
Matrix models and boundary problems in Liouville gravity (Modèles de matrices et problèmes de bord
dans la gravité de Liouville) [t10/168],
supervised by I. Kostov, 18/06/2010.
Gombeaud Clément
Thermalization in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions (Thermalisation dans les collisions d’ions
lourds ultrarelativistes) [t10/199],
supervised by J.-Y. Ollitrault, 02/07/2010.
Dubail Jérôme
Boundary conditions in some non-unitary conformal field theories (Conditions aux bords dans des
théories conformes non unitaires) [t10/198],
supervised by H. Saleur and J. Jacobsen, 07/09/2010.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Messio Laura
Ground states and excitations of frustrated magnetic systems, from the classical limit to the quantum
case (Etats fondamentaux et excitations de systèmes magnétiques frustrés, du classique au quantique)
supervised by G. Misguich and C. Lhuillier (LPTMC-UPMC), 14/09/2010.
Marchal Olivier
Geometrical and integrable aspects of random matrix models (Aspects géométriques et intégrables des
modèles de matrices aléatoires) [t10/200],
supervised by B. Eynard and J. Harnad (Montreal), 20/12/2010.
Parmentier Jeanne
Phenomenological aspects of supersymmetry breaking (Aspects phénoménologiques de la brisure de
supersymétrie) [t11/226],
supervised by S. Lavignac and E. Dudas (X-CPhT), 11/07/2011.
Borot Gaëtan
Some problems in enumerative geometry, random matrices, integrability, studied via geometry on Riemann surfaces (Quelques problèmes de géométrie énumérative, de matrices aléatoires, d’intégrabilité,
étudiés via la géométrie des surfaces de Riemann) [t11/225],
supervised by B. Eynard, 23/06/2011.
Cluzel Émeline
Inflation in string cosmology (Inflation en cosmologie des cordes) [t11/228],
supervised by P. Brax and J. Martin (IAP), 22/09/2011.
Giecold Grégory
Gauge/String duality and field theories at strong coupling (Correspondance AdS/CFT, ses extensions
et applications aux théories de champs à fort couplage) [t11/224],
supervised by I. Bena and E. Iancu, 2008–17/06/2011.
Goi Enrico
Aspects of supersymmetry breaking in type IIA superstring theory: vacua and deformations (Quelques
aspects de la brisure de supersymétrie en théorie des cordes de type IIA: vides et déformations)
supervised by R. Minasian, 21/09/2011.
Grandclaude Hélène
Dynamics of out-of-equilibrium networks (Dynamique des réseaux hors-équilibre) [t11/230],
supervised by C. Godrèche, 10/11/2011.
Stephan Jean-Marie
Entanglement in low-dimensional quantum systems (Intrication dans des systèmes quantiques à basse
dimension) [t11/231],
supervised by V. Pasquier, 12/12/2011.
Orsi Francesco
Flux Compactifications in String Theory (Compactifications avec flux en théorie des cordes) [t12/129],
supervised by M. Grana, 02/02/2012.
Bondesan Roberto
Supersymmetric field theory and statistical mechanics models (Théorie de champs supersymétrique
et mécanique statistique) [t12/131],
supervised by H. Saleur and J. Jacobsen, 14/09/2012.
Peng Zongren
Topics in N=4 Yang-Mills theory (Sujets dans la théorie de Yang-Mills N=4) [t12/133],
supervised by D. Kosower, 19/10/2012.
Sciolla Bruno
Out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics for cold atoms (Dynamique quantique hors-équilibre pour atomes
froids) [t12/130],
supervised by G. Biroli, 13/09/2012.
Shenderovich Igor
Integrable structures in gauge theories and supersymmetric string theories (Structures intégrables
dans les théories de jauge et dans les théories des cordes supersymétriques) [t12/132],
supervised by I. Kostov and D. Serban, 03/10/2012.
Van de Rijt Nicolas
Signatures of the primordial universe in large scale surveys (Signatures de l’univers primordial dans
les grands relevés cosmologiques) [t12/080],
supervised by F. Bernardeau and F. Vernizzi, 31/06/2012.
Current PhD students
In June 2013, IPhT encompasses 21 “local" PhD students (listed below), plus 5 external graduate students
visiting our lab for several months.
Laidet Julien
Frontiers for QCD at the LHC (Frontières de la chromodynamique quantique au LHC),
supervised by F. Gelis and E. Iancu, 2010–2013.
Lazarescu Alexandre
Finite size results for the open asymmetric exclusion process (Le processus d’exclusion asymétrique
ouvert: quelques résultats en taille finie),
supervised by K. Mallick, 2010–2013.
Massai Stefano
Non-supersymmetric compactifications of string theory (Compactifications non supersymétriques de
la théorie des cordes),
supervised by M. Grana, 2010–2013.
Puhm Andrea
Black holes in string theory (Trous noirs en théorie de cordes),
supervised by I. Bena, 2010–2013.
Tourkine Piotr
UV completeness of quantum gravity theories (Complétude ultraviolette des théories de gravité quantique),
supervised by P. Vanhove, 2010–2014.
Vasseur Romain
Field Theory and non-interacting fermionic systems with quenched disorder (Théorie des champs et
systèmes d’électrons libres désordonnés),
supervised by H. Saleur and J. Jacobsen, 2010–2013.
Epelbaum Thomas
Approach to equilibrium in high energy hadron collisions (Approche de l’équilibre dans les collisions
hadroniques à haute énergie),
supervised by F. Gélis, 2011–2014.
Ochirov Alexander
Symmetry and precision for hard processes in QCD (Symétries et calculs de précision des processus
fortement inélastiques en QCD),
supervised by R. Britto, 2011–2014.
Penteado-Sabetta Thiago
Quantum antiferromagnets and spin liquids (Systèmes antiferromagnétiques quantiques et liquides de
supervised by G. Misguich, 2011–2014.
Retinskaya Ekaterina
Phenomenology of nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC (Phénoménologie des collisions noyau-noyau
au LHC),
supervised by J.-Y. Ollitrault, 2011–2014.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Vernier Eric
Geometrical models for the quantum Hall transitions and disordered electronic systems (Modèles
géométriques pour la transition de Hall et les systèmes électroniques désordonnés),
supervised by H. Saleur, 2011–2014.
Dutreix Clément
Electronic Properties of Graphene (Propriétés électroniques du graphène),
supervised by C. Bena, 2011–2014.
Ayral Thomas
New approaches to the strong correlation problem and applications (Nouvelles approches des problèmes
de corrélations fortes, et applications),
supervised by O. Parcollet, 2012–2015.
Dupuy Hélène
Precision cosmology with large cosmological structures (Cosmologie de précision avec les grandes
structures de l’univers),
supervised by F. Bernardeau, 2012–2015.
Duval Antoine
Integrable models and geometry (Modèles intégrables et géométrie),
supervised by V. Pasquier, 2012–2015.
Giesen Gaëlle
Dark matter phenomenology (Phénoménologie de la matière noire),
supervised by M. Cirelli, 2012–2015.
Gleyzes Jérôme
Dark energy and the formation of large cosmological structures (L’énergie noire et la formation des
grandes structures de l’univers),
supervised by F. Vernizzi, 2012–2015.
Grönqvist Hanna
Singularities of scattering amplitudes in gauge theory (Singularités des amplitudes de diffusion dans
les théories de jauge),
supervised by R. Britto, 2012–2015.
Jiang Yunfeng
Correlation functions in supersymmetric gauge and string theories (Fonctions de corrélation en
théorie des champs supersymétriques et en théorie des cordes),
supervised by I. Kostov & D. Serban, 2012–2015.
Louf Rémy
Formation and temporal evolution of spatial networks (Formation et évolution temporelle des réseaux
supervised by M. Barthelemy, 2012–2015.
Schmauch Benoît
New physics in the leptonic sector (Nouvelle physique dans le secteur des leptons),
supervised by S. Lavignac, 2012–2015.
Teaching activities
IPhT graduate lectures
Each year we organize 5-6 graduate lectures, each one taking place at IPhT, 2 hours/week during 4-6
weeks. Most of these lectures are part of the PhD program of the ED 107 “École doctorale de physique de
la région parisienne”. They are mainly intended for PhD students, but they are open for everybody. More
details are given on the IPhT web site.
Fayet Pierre (LPT, ENS Paris)
Le modèle standard supersymétrique; 12 h; Jan 2008.
Biroli Giulio (IPhT)
Transition vitreuse et systèmes hors d’équilibre; 12 h; Mar 2008.
Douçot Benoît (LPTHE, Paris 6-7)
Cohérence quantique de systèmes macroscopiques; 12 h; May 2008.
Wiegmann Paul (Chicago Univ.)
Hydrodynamic instabilities in quantum liquids; 6 h; Sep 2008.
Saleur Hubert (IPhT)
Théorie des champs à basse dimension : introduction et applications; 16 h; Oct 2008.
Deruelle Nathalie (APC, Paris 7)
Les trous noirs en relativité générale; 12 h; Jan 2009.
Bauer Michel (IPhT and LPT-ENS Paris)
Probabilités et processus stochastiques, pour les physiciens (et les curieux); 12 h; Mar 2009.
Mallick Kirone (IPhT)
Développements récents en mécanique statistique loin de l’équilibre; 8 h; May 2009.
Houdayer Jérôme (IPhT)
Ondelettes et analyse numérique; 10 h; Jun 2009.
Nonnenmacher Stéphane (IPhT)
Chaotic dynamical systems; 12 h; Sep 2009.
Parcollet Olivier (IPhT)
Quantum many body problem: selected topics; 10 h; Nov 2009.
Barthelemy Marc (IPhT)
Dynamical processes on complex networks; 8 h; Jan 2010.
Petrini Michela (LPTHE, Paris 6)
The AdS/CFT correspondence; 10 h; Mar 2010.
Shifman Mikhail (Minnesota Univ. and Chaire Blaise Pascal) and
Yung Alexei V. (PNPI, S. Petersburg)
Dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories; 12 h; May 2010.
Peschanski Robi (IPhT) and
Janik Romuald (Jagellonian Univ., Krakow)
The dynamics of quark-gluon plasma and AdS/CFT correspondence; 8 h; Nov 2010.
Britto Ruth (IPhT)
Introduction to scattering amplitudes; 8 h; Jan 2011.
Durrer Ruth (Geneva Univ.)
Cosmology and the cosmic microwave background; 12 h; Mar 2011.
Kempe Julia (LRI, Paris 11)
Quantum algorithms and information; 6 h; Apr 2011.
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Zia Royce (Virginia Tech.)
Exploring nonequilibrium statistical mechanics with driven diffusive systems; 6 h; May 2011.
Zinn-Justin Jean (IRFU& IPhT)
Semiclassical methods: From quantum mechanics to quantum field theory; 10 h; Nov-Dec 2011.
Bena Iosif (IPhT) and
El-Showk Sheer (IPhT)
Black holes in string theory; 12 h; Jan-Fev 2012.
Efetov Konstantin (Bochum & IPhT)
Supersymmetry in condensed matter and statistical physics; 10 h; Mar-Apr 2012.
David François (IPhT)
A quick introduction to the quantum formalism; 8 h; May 2012.
Zukanovich-Funchal Renata (San Paolo & IPhT)
The physics of neutrinos; 4 h; Jan 2013.
Graña Mariana (IPhT) and
Triendl Hagen (IPhT)
String theory compactifications; 12 h; Mar-Apr 2013.
Godrèche Claude (IPhT)
Processus stochastiques et dynamique des systèmes hors d’équilibre; 10 h; May-Jun 2013.
Teaching in university or “grandes écoles”
In french universities, the undergraduate studies last three years, L1, L2 and L3; the master lasts two
years, M1 and M2; finally, the PhD lasts generally three years.
Barthelemy Marc
Master Science des systèmes complexes ISC-PIF, Paris Dec 2011
Master complex systems,U. Cergy-Pontoise, Nov 2011
Graduate lectures, U. Lyon, Ethics and publicationApr 2011
Postdoctoral lectures U. Cagliari Feb 2011
Bauer Michel
M1 ENS, Introduction to quantum field theory, 30 h/year, 2007–2011
M2 ENS, Probability and stochastic processes for physicists, 45 h/year 2011-2012
Bernardeau Francis
Prof temps incomplet, École polytechnique, ,General physics, special relativity and quantum physics,
64 h/year, 2008–
Biroli Giulio
Prof temps incomplet École polytechnique, Quantum mechanics and statistical physics, 72 h, 2011–
Blaizot Jean-Paul
Graduate course University of Tokyo, Quantum fields at finite temperature: from tera to nano Kelvin,
15 h, 2009
Graduate course, University of Nanjing (China) Quantum fields at finite temperature: from tera to
nano Kelvin, 15 h, 2011
Bouttier Jérémie
L3 ESPCI, Mathematical methods for physicists, 24 h/year, 2009–2012
PAST ENS Ulm, Math-Physique, 2012–
Britto Ruth
M1/M2 EPFL Lausanne, Constructing scattering amplitudes, 14 h, 2010
Caprini Chiara
L3 ESPCI, Exercises in Mathematics
David François
M2 ENS, Introduction to statistical field theory, 40 h/year, 2007 – 2011
Master Perimeter Scholar International, Perimeter Institute, Quantum field theory II, 20 h/year,
Di Francesco Philippe
Graduate courses Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Apr 2012
Graduate courses Univ. Helsinki, Random Geometry, Apr 2012
Chern-Simons Research Lectures Univ. Berkeley, 45 h, 2009
Duplantier Bertrand
M1 École polytechnique Physics of polymers and biological membranes 36 h 2008
M2 EPFL, Lausanne, The polymer physics of DNA, 16 h, 2009
Graduate course, KTH Stockholm, 29 mai - 4 juin 2012
Gelis François
M2 NPAC, Paris 11, Introduction to the physics of heavy ion collisions, 6 h/year, 2008 – 2013
Graña Mariana
Graduate course Univ. Buenos Aires, Topics in compactifications, dualities and phenomenology in
String Theory, 2011
Graduate course Univ. Buenos Aires, Generalized Geometries and String Compactifications, 2012
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Grojean Christophe
M2 EPFL Lausanne, Introduction to SM, 39 h, 2011
Kosower David
Graduate course Weizmann Institute, On-shell methods in gauge field theory, 12 h, 2010
Lavignac Stéphane
M2 ENS, Exercises in gauge theory of electroweak interactions, 12 h/year, 2008 – 2013
M2 NPAC, Paris 11, Cours physique des neutrinos, 2012–
Mallick Kirone
M2 ENS, TD physique statistique, 20 h, 2012
Graduate course, Weizmann Institute, 2012
Minasian Ruben
M2 ENS, Geometrical methods of theoretical physics, 39 h/year, 2008 – 2013
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
L3, M1 École polytechnique, Quantum physics, statistical mechanics, particle physics, 64 h/year,
2008 – 2013
Soyez Grégory
M2 ENS, Exercises in quantum chromodynamics, 8 h, 2011–2013
Vanhove Pierre
Graduate course IHES, Perturbative quantum gravity, 20 h, 2011
M1, Ecole Polytechnique, TD relativity, quantum mechanics, 2012–2013
Vernizzi Filippo
Graduate course Astronomy Astrophysics IdF, Primordial cosmology, 2011,2013
Graduate course, Scuola Normale di Pisa, 2011–1013
Zdeborova Lenka
M1, M2, PhD Tokyo Institute of Technology, Statistical physics on random graphs, 9 h, 2010
M1, ESPCI, Paris. Tutorials in statistical physics, 16 h/year, 2008, 2012,2013
M2 Complex Systems, ENS Lyon, 2012
L3, “Ateliers Energies”, ENS Ulm, 2011
Teaching in summer schools
Barthelemy Marc
Complex Systems summer school, Paris, July 2011
Complex Systems summer school, Paris, July 2012
Visitor program, Center for discrete mathematics, Queen Mary Univ., London, Nov 2012
Complex Systems summer school, Le Havre, July 2013
Bauer Michel
School on stochastic geometry, the stochastic Loewner evolution, and non-equilibrium growth processes, Trieste, A short introduction to critical interfaces in 2d, 4 h, July 2008
Modern applications of conformal invariance, topical school in statistical physics, Nancy, A short
introduction to critical interfaces in 2d, 4 h, March 2011
Bernardeau Francis
Trimestre “Gravasco”, IHP, Paris, fall 2013
“Post-Planck cosmology”, Les Houches , July 2013
Biroli Giulio
Beg Rohu summer school 2010, Statistical dynamics, 13.5 h Aug 2010
Brax Philippe
Cracow school of theoretical physics, Zakopane, Poland, Astroparticle Physics in the LHC Era, May
Britto Ruth
Dutch research school of theoretical physics, Driebergen, NL, Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories,
14 h, Feb 2010
Spring course of the international graduate school Bielefeld-Paris-Helsinki, Orsay, Multi-leg amplitudes, 3 h, Mar 2010
Summer school on the structure of local quantum fields, Les Houches, Recursive construction of
amplitudes, 6 h, Jun 2010
Cirelli Marco
Universenet summer school and meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Dark matter, 2 h, Sep 2009
Carpathian summer school of physics, Sinaia, Romania, Hoping to indirectly detect dark matter with
cosmic rays, 3 h, Jun 2010
Universenet summer school and meeting, Lecce, Italy, Dark matter indirect detection, 1 h, Sep 2010
International School on Astro-Particle Physics, Heidelberg, Introduction to the dark components of
the universe, 3 h, Jul 2011
ICTP School on Cosmology, Trieste, 4h, July 2012
Graduate School “Symmetry Breaking” Mainz, Bad Kreuznach, 2h, Sep 2012
6th TRR33 Winter School, Passo del Tonale, Italy, 5h, Dec 2012
David François
Summer school of mathematical physics, Shanghai institute of advanced studies, Quantum field
theory and renormalisation group, 20 h, Aug 2009
Di Francesco Philippe
Combinatorics and statistical mechanics , ESI Vienna, Integrable models of statistical physics and
enumerative combinatorics, 13 h,Jul 2008
Semester “Statistical physics, combinatorics and probability: from discrete to continuous models”
IHP Paris, Integrable combinatorics, 16 h, fall 2009
Center for quantum geometry of moduli spaces Aarhus Univ., Denmark
Master class: cluster algebras, 4 h, Jun 2010
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Clay mathematics institute 2010 summer school “Probability and statistical physics in two and more
dimensions”, Buzios, Brazil
Integrable combinatorics, 6 h, Jul 2010
Workshop/school “Representation Theory in Mathematics and Physics”, ETH Zurich, June 4-8 2012
NCGOA 2012 conference, “Conformal Field Theory and von Neumann algebras”, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, U.S.A., May 4-10, 2012
International Summer School in Math Physics III, “Probabilistic aspects of contemporary physics”,
Feza Gürsey Institute, Istanbul, June-July 2012
Duplantier Bertrand
Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing, Les Houches, A rigorous perspective on Liouville quantum gravity and the KPZ relation, 1.5 h, Jul 2008
Winter School UK-Japan "String Theory, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics", Jan 2012, Oxford
Eynard Bertrand
From integrable structures to topological strings and back, Sissa, Trieste, Symplectic invariants of
spectral curves and their applications to enumerative geometry, 6 h, Sep 2008
A new recursion from random matrices and topological string theory, IPMU Tokyo
Symplectic invariants of spectral curves and their applications to enumerative geometry, 5 h, Dec
Statcomb school on embedded random graphs, IHP, Paris
Enumeration of maps, 5 h, Autumn 2009
Trimester matrix models and geometry CAMGSD thematic period, IST Lisbon
Matrix models for topological strings, 5 h, Autumn 2009
From matrix models to algebraic geometry, Northeastern, Boston
From matrix models to algebraic geometry, 4 h, Oct 2010
Gelis François
Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density, Les Houches, France, Gluon saturation
from DIS to AA collisions, 6 h, Apr 2008
Nuclear astrophysics and heavy ion collisions, Dubna, Russia
Color glass condensate and initial stages of heavy-ion collisions, 3 h, Jul 2008
Initial conditions in heavy ion collisions collisions, Goa, India
Initial conditions in AA collisions, 3 h, Sep 2008
Aspects of perturbative QCD, Orsay, France
Introduction to perturbative QCD, 3 h, Mar 2010
Grojean Christophe
Third graduate school in physics at colliders: from twistors to Monte Carlos, Turin, Italy, Beyond
the Higgs: new ideas on electroweak symmetry breaking, 6 h, Jan 2008
IPM international school and workshop on electroweak physics, Teheran, Iran
Beyond the Higgs: new ideas on electroweak symmetry breaking, 3 h, May 2008
Ecole de Gif 2008, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Beyond the Higgs: new ideas on electroweak symmetry breaking, 4h30, Sep 2008
VII latin american symposium on high energy physics (SILAFAE) + IX Argentine symposium of
particles and fields (SAPyC), Bariloche, Argentina
Beyond the standard model at the LHC: new ideas on electroweak symmetry breaking, 2 h, Jan 2009
CERN academic training, CERN
Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs , 3 h, Feb 2009
Ecole de physique des particules et cosmologie, Oran, Algeria
Beyond the Higgs, 4 h, May 2009
The XIV LNF spring school "Bruno Touschek" in nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticle physics,
Frascati, Italy
Beyond the standard model: the LHC reach, 4h30, May 2009
Fourth graduate school in physics at colliders: on the eve of the LHC, Turin, Italy
Beyond the standard model, 5 h, Jul 2009
Parma international school of theoretical physics, Parma, Italy
Extra dimensions for TeV physics, 4h30, Sep 2009
Particle, astrophysics and cosmology winter school, Sesimbra, Portugal
New physics at the LHC, 2 h, Dec 2009
PSI summerschool on particle physics: Gearing up for LHC physics, Zuoz, Switzerland
Electroweak symmetry breaking, 1h30, Aug 2010
German particle physics school, Maria Laach, Germany
Beyond the standard model, 4 h, Sep 2010
Second school on the LHC physics, Islamabad, Pakistan
Electroweak symmetry breaking, 2 h, May 2010
Iancu Edmond
Winter school on hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density, Les Houches, Gluon
saturation and the color glass condensate, 6 h, Mar 2008
48th Cracow school of theoretical physics: aspects of duality, Zakopane, Poland
Partons and jets in a strongly-coupled plasma from AdS/CFT, 4.5 h, Jun 2008
First high energy physics school, Magurele, Roumanie
High energy scattering : from weak to strong coupling, 3 h, Oct 2008
European School of High??Energy Physics, Cheile Gradistei, Romania, Sep 2011
Korchemsky Gregory
International School On Strings And Fundamental Physics, Hamburg, July 2012
Mathematica School in Theoretical Physics: Integrability and Super Yang-Mills, Sao Paulo, Nov
Mathematica School in Theoretical Physics: Advanced Topics in Conformal Field Theory, ICTP
Trieste, March 2013
Kosower David
String theory - from theory to experiment, Weizmann Institute, Israel, On-shell methods in gauge
field theory, 4.5 h, Apr 2008
Taiwan Summer Institute, Chi-Tou, Taiwan
On-shell methods in gauge theory, 4.5 h, Aug 2008
Computer Algebra and Particle Physics School, Zeuthen, Germany, March 21-25, 2011
Les Houches Summer School, "Theoretical Physics Confronts the Challenges of the LHC", August
Arnold Sommerfeld Center Summer School, "New Methods for Field Theory Amplitudes", Munich,
Germany, Sept 2012
Kostov Ivan
Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing, Les Houches, Boundary loop models and 2D quantum gravity, 3 h, Jul 2008
Lavignac Stéphane
France-Asia particle physics school, Les Houches, Physics beyond the standard model, 3 h, Sep 2008
Univ. Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Supersymmetry 6 h Dec 2008
Mallick Kirone
ALEA (School of combinatorics and probabilities) CIRM Marseille Exact results for the exclusion
process 6 h Apr 2010
Summer School, Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XIII, Leuven, June 2013
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Misguich Grégoire
Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing, Les Houches, Quantum spin liquids, 2 h, Jul 2008
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Spectrum and dynamics, CRM, Montreal, Canada , Entropy of chaotic eigenstates, 2 h, Apr 2008
Summer school “Nonselfadjoint operators”, Rennes, Jun 2011 (4h)
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density, Les Houches, Relativistic hydrodynamics,
3 h, Mar 2008
Saleur Hubert
Summer School ‘Strongly interacting quantum systems out of equilibrium’, Les Houches , summer
Servant Géraldine
French physics teachers programme, CERN, Introduction to cosmology, 2 h, Apr 2008
International physics teachers programme, CERN
Introduction to cosmology, 2 h, Jul 2010
Annual particle physics retreat, Mainz University
Cosmological and astroparticle aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model, 3 h, Sep 2010
Soyez Grégory
BND school 2010 (Belgian-Dutch-German graduate school in particle physics), Ostend (Belgium),
Phenomenology of hadronic colliders, 9 h, Sep 2010
Vanhove Pierre
Fundamental aspects of superstring theory, KITP, Santa Barbara, California, Introductory lectures
on pure spinor formalism, 3 h, Jan 2009
International School "Gravity and string theory", Natal, may 2012
Zdeborova Lenka
Statistical physics of complexity, optimization and biological information, Les Houches, Probing the
energy landscape of random optimization problem, 2 h, Mar 2010
Popularizing Science
Here we list our actions to popularize science among the general public, during the last 3 years. They
consist in articles in popular science journals, interviews, talks in secondary schools.
Barthelemy Marc
PRL article featured in NewScientist: “City road networks grow like biological systems” (2008)
Interview in Le Figaro, La Tribune, 2008.
Radio Interview for Deutschlandfunk, 2008
Article "Entretiens" for Le Monde, May 2009.
Radio interview, Les matins de France-culture, May 2009.
Technology reviews on “Commuting in a polycentric city”
Emerging Health Threats forum: article “Where local policy matters” in the PNAS, April 2010
Article in Science & Vie, July 2011
Interviews for Wired, Spiegel Online, Scientific American (2012)
Article in La Recherche, Dec 2012
Interview for: Le Monde (Sciences et Technologie), Science & Vie, 2013
Popular Science conference Le marathon des sciences, Fleurance, Aug 2013
Bauer Michel & Di Francesco Philippe
Article in Maths Enigmes Express (journal of the Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques),
Bernardeau Francis
Public lecture at the Bar des sciences, Meudon, March 2009: “Cosmologie, en route vers le Big-Bang”.
Article in ScintillationS (IRFU journal), June 2012: “Des étoiles aux grandes structures de l’univers”
Radio program “Peut-on croire à la matière noire ?”, France Culture, 3 Feb 2012
Public conference at CEA: “Planck et les mystères du Big bang”, Apr. 2013
Blaizot Jean-Paul
Public lecture at the Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institut, Heidelberg, May 2009: "Matter a few microsecond after the big bang"
Article in La Recherche, June 2013: "Retrouver le plasma de l’univers primordial"
Brax Philippe
Interview to popular science Web site Futura Sciences, Sept. 2010
Caprini Chiara
Article in Scintillations, “L’espace et le temps en cosmologie”, June 2009
Cirelli Marco
General public seminars: CERN (2009-2012)
CERN official guide, including CMS and AD (since 2010)
Article in ScintillationS (IRFU journal), June 2012, “Shedding light on the dark sides of the Universe”
Article in Clefs du CEA, 2009, “Théorie de la matière noire”.
Interviews for Science&Vie, Science& Avenir (France), CERN Bulletin (CH), Nature, Physics Today,
The Times Online (UK), Scientific American, ScienceNews (USA), Cosmos Magazine, The Australian
(Australia), Mumbai News (India), Emme- CiQuadro, (Italy)
Duplantier Bertrand
Article in La Gazette des Mathématiciens, Apr 2013
Guida Riccardo & Zinn-Justin Jean
Article Gauge invariance in Scholarpedia (2008)
Kosower David
Article in Scientific American, 2012
Lavignac Stéphane
Article in ScintillationS (IRFU journal)
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Mallick Kirone
“Les Emerveillements d’un Théoricien”, Conf. Cyclope, Saclay, 2011
RencontreS3: “Qu’est-ce qu’un matheux?”, Gif-sur-Yvette, May 2011
“Les Sciences en Inde, hier et aujourd’hui”, Centre Andre Malraux, Paris, Nov 2011
“La Physique Théorique”, Institut Ruchpaul, Mar 2013)
Presentation at the Lycée Franco-Allemand de Bucq and the Collège la Guyonnerie, Orsay
Nonnenmacher Stéphane
Article in La gazette des mathématiciens, 2009, transl. in EMS Newsletter, 2010
Ollitrault Jean-Yves
2 articles, new edition of collective book Panorama de la physique, Oct 2012, Belin
Vanhove Pierre
France Culture, Les chemins de la connaissance, september 2013.
Talk, Cité des géométries, Jeumont (59) 22 march 2013
Bar des Sciences, MJC Savigny-sur-Orge, 14 dec 2012
Talk, Lycée Benjamin Franklin, Orléans
Talk, Lycée Les Iscles, Manosque, 26 march 2012
Talk, Lycée d’excellence de Douai
Interview, “Théorie des cordes: elle sert enfin à quelque chose!”, Science & Vie, nov. 2009
Scientific editing
Below we list our activities in the edition of scientific journals or proceeding series.
I. Bena
F. Bernardeau
Advisory panel
Editorial Board
G. Biroli
Editorial Board
J.-P. Blaizot
P. Di Francesco
B. Eynard
C. Godrèche
B. Duplantier
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
B. Eynard
R. Guida
G. Korchemsky
J.-M. Luck
K. Mallick
S. Nonnenmacher
H. Orland
H. Saleur
D. Serban
P. Vanhove
Editorial Board
Advisory Panel
Senior Editor
Journal of Physics A (2009–2012)
Report on Progress in Physics (2009–)
JSTAT (Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and
experiment) (2011–)
Physics Letters B
JSTAT (2004–)
Nuclear Physics B (1991–)
Annales Henri Poincaré
Poincaré Seminar Series in Progress in Mathematical
Physics, Birkhäuser Science
Random Matrix Theory and Applications (2012–)
Journal of Physics A (2010–)
Journal of Statistical Physics (–2012)
Journal of Physics A
Journal of Statistical Physics (2013–)
Nonlinearity (2004—)
European Physical Journal B (2007–2010)
Physics Reports
Nuclear Physics B
Topological Order
European Journal of Physics C (2012–)
Journal of High Energy Physics (2013–)
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
Research administration
In this Appendix we list our activities in research administration outside IPhT.
F. Bernardeau
A. Billoire
G. Biroli
J.-P. Blaizot
Chairman of the AERES
evaluation committee (2009)
Scientific committee (CSTS)
Scientific committee (since
Hiring committee (2012)
Board (2013–)
Jury member (2013)
Coordinator, CRIBLE projects
Steering committee (2010-)
Board “Axe 2”
Hiring committee
Chairman of AERES evaluation
committee (2012)
Dean advisory committee
Evaluation committee
C. Caprini
F. David
Scientific committee
Scientific advisory committee
Evaluation panel, Starting
grants (2007–)
AERES evaluation committee
AERES evaluation committee
AERES evaluation committee
B. Duplantier
In charge of the “Intergroupe
des théoriciens”
Scientific committee
Hiring committee
F. Gélis
O. Golinelli
C. Grojean
E. Iancu
S. Lavignac
Board of directors (2012–)
Evaluation committee
Scientific committee
International Detector Advisory
Group (2008–2012)
Commission consultative de
spécialistes (2010–2014)
AERES evaluation committee
Selection committee
(2007–2008, 2011)
Steering committee (2012–)
Cargèse School
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Astrophysics division of the SFP
Prix du jeune chercheur de la SFP
Région Rhône-Alpes
Labex PALM
Labex PALM
Univ. Cergy-Pontoise
MIT LNS laboratory
Spanish excellence centers
Ecole des Houches
GRAM action (CNRS)
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
European Research Council (ERC)
Institut Jean Lamour and the laboratories UMR 7040, 7555, 7556, 7570 &
7584 (Nancy)
Fédération Dynamique des Systèmes
Complexes (UPMC, Paris)
Institut Non-Linéaire de Nice (INLN)
and the Federation Wolfgang Döblin
(CNRS - Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis)
French Physical Society
Univ. Diderot-Paris 7, Univ. VersaillesSaint Quentin
ECT*, Trento
GENCI – Grand équipement national
de calcul intensif
Service de Physique des Particules,
International Linear Collider
Univ. Paris XI
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris
Labex P2IO
J.-M. Luck
Board of “Axe B” & Comité de
la vie scientifique
Elected member (up to 2008)
S. Nonnenmacher
J.-M. Normand
J.-Y. Ollitrault
H. Orland
Standing committee
Hiring committee (2009)
Hiring committee (2013)
Steering committee
Work package “Future
Petaflop/s computer
technologies beyond 2010”
(co-leader), Work package
“Petaflop/s systems for
2009/2010” (2008–2010)
Work package “Future
technologies” (2010–2011)
Board of directors (2009–2011)
Steering committee (–2012)
O. Parcollet
C. Pépin
Thematic committee 5
Board of “Axe 2”
Scientific committee (2011)
Elected member (2013–)
Panel SIMI5 (2013–)
G. Servant
Scientific committee (2008–)
G. Soyez
Elected member (2012–2016)
P. Vanhove
Founding member (2009)
LHC safety commitee for the
Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire
Elected member (2008–2012)
RTRA Triangle de la physique
Section 02 of the national committee of
Sections 29 & 34, Univ. Paris XI (Orsay)
ENS Paris
Univ. Nantes
GDR Quantum Dynamics
Partnership for advanced computing in
Europe (PRACE), Preparatory phase
PRACE, 1st implementation phase
ECT* Trento
Labex P2IO
IUPAP (International Union of Pure
and Applied Physics)
Statistical physics Commission (C3) of
GENCI – Grand équipement national
de calcul intensif
Labex PALM
RTRA Triangle de la physique
Adademic senate, Univ. Paris-Saclay
Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de
CNRS national committee, section 02
Institute for Physics and Mathematics
of the Universe
CNRS national committee, section 02
Activity Report CEA/DSM/IPhT 2008 — 2013
List of IPhT members
Below we give the list of people who are working at IPhT on 30/06/2013, and will still be here on 1/1/2015.
This list comprises 48 physicists, 6 non-physicists, 4 postdocs and 2 emerita.
Juan Manuel