Class of 2015 Finals Program - Office of Major Events

One Hundred and Eighty-Sixth
The Lawn
The University of Virginia is grateful to the 392nd Army Band from Fort Lee, under the direction
of Warrant Officer One Kevin L. Pick, for its participation in Final Exercises.
A History of Final Exercises, 2
The Academic Procession, 3
Saturday, May 16
Finals Speaker, 4
Finals Program, 5
Sunday, May 17
Finals Speaker, 6
Finals Program, 7
Board of Visitors and Administration, 8
Faculty Marshals, 9
Graduation Planning Committee, 10
Graduates and Degree Candidates*
Saturday, May 16
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 11
College of Arts & Sciences, 16
Sunday, May 17
School of Medicine, 27
School of Law, 27
School of Engineering & Applied Science, 29
Curry School of Education, 34
Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, 37
School of Architecture, 38
School of Nursing, 39
McIntire School of Commerce, 40
School of Continuing & Professional Studies, 42
Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, 43
Data Science Institute, 43
Student and Faculty Awards, 45
Honorary Societies, 46
Locations of 2015 School and Department Ceremonies, 50
Maps, 52 and inside back cover
The Good Old Song, outside back cover
*The degree candidates in this program were applicants for degrees as of May 1, 2015. Distinction and honor
notations in this program are based on coursework completed as of the end of the Fall 2014 semester and
may be adjusted based on coursework from Spring 2015.
The August 2014 and December 2014 degree recipients precede the list of May 2015 degree candidates in
each section.
© 2015 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
Printing by University of Virginia Printing and Copying Services
A History of Final Exercises
at the University of Virginia
So astute was Mr. Jefferson in determining the basic educational policy for the University of Virginia
that the policy has seen very little change in the University’s 196-year history. The colorful ceremony
you will see today, however, would not have been held under Thomas Jefferson’s original plan, which
did not provide for degrees and diplomas. Although the early students of the University were highly
respected for their knowledge, some of them petitioned the Board of Visitors for diplomas to improve
their opportunities for employment.
Out of deference to the founder, the Board took no action on these requests during Jefferson’s
lifetime, but fifteen months after his death, it changed the policy and directed that plans be laid for
the first “Public Day” (commencement). In July 1829, the first Public Day was held in the Dome
Room of the Rotunda. The program was very long, and it included orations by students. By 1848, the
program began with a procession led by students and involved a single address by a prominent person.
Public Day was held in the Dome Room until the Rotunda annex was completed in 1853. It was
then held in the public hall of the annex until the Rotunda and the annex burned in 1895. When
Cabell Hall was completed in 1898, the Public Day programs were held in its auditorium. President
Alderman’s inauguration in 1905 brought about the more formal procession as seen today. It is now
led by a faculty grand marshal.
When the McIntire Amphitheatre was completed in 1921, it became the site for the final exercises.
A sudden drenching rainstorm disrupted the 1949 ceremony, sending the soaked graduates and
guests into any shelter they could find. The threat of sudden storms and the increased number
of graduates caused President Colgate Darden to declare that the 1952 ceremony would be the last
to be held in the amphitheatre. Since then, Finals have been held on the Lawn except in bad weather.
Even when the ceremonies were held in the amphitheatre, the participants marched from the Rotunda,
down the Lawn to the site of the ceremony. Students have long considered it a high privilege to
have the opportunity to walk down the Lawn at Finals, and today’s students place an even greater
importance on this privilege. So important to many of them is the ceremonial walk down the Lawn,
that a number of students, cheated out of a ceremony on the Lawn by bad weather, “confirm” their
graduation by processing down the Lawn after Finals.
Through 1961, the president conferred the degrees and handed each recipient a diploma. By this time,
graduates numbered in the thousands. The ceremony had become much too lengthy and the logistics
too complex. Beginning in 1962 and continuing today, degrees are conferred in a main ceremony
by the president. Degree recipients and their guests then reassemble later in school and department
The Academic Procession
The Procession
The academic procession is led by the grand marshal of the University bearing the official silver and ebony
mace. Most of the processioners wear the academic costume accepted by a majority of the principal
institutions of higher learning in the United States, though certain academic officials, such as the rector of
the University, wear particular costumes indicative of current office. The processional order is listed below.
The Gown
The processional gown is usually black; the design of the sleeves denotes the type of degree being
conferred. The bachelor’s sleeve is long and pointed. The master’s sleeve has squared ends, with the arc of a
circle near the bottom and a slit for the arm near the elbow. The doctoral sleeve is bell-shaped with three
velvet bars. The doctoral robe has full-length velvet panels in front, either black or a color that symbolizes
the wearer’s field of learning.
The Hood
A separate ornamental fold hangs down the back of the gown, and its lining carries the colors of the college
or university granting the degree (for the University of Virginia, orange and blue). An outside band of
velvet varies in width according to the degree: two inches for bachelor’s degree, three for the master’s, and
five for the doctorate. The color of the band and other velvet on the doctoral hood symbolizes the field of
learning (such as dark blue for philosophy). The length of the hood also varies with the level of the degree:
bachelor’s, three feet; master’s, three and one-half feet; and doctorate, four feet. Bachelor’s and master’s degree
candidates often do not wear their hoods.
The Cap
The cap is usually the black mortarboard, decorated with a tassel. Gold tassels may be worn by holders
of doctoral degrees, and some master’s tassels are white. Generally, the colors of the tassels represent the
principal fields of learning and are described below.
Processional Order of Degree Candidates
Saturday, May 16
Color of Mortarboard Tassel & Banner
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences ....................................................................Black
College of Arts & Sciences...................................................................................Black
Sunday, May 17
Color of Mortarboard Tassel & Banner
Darden Graduate School of Business Administration ................................................Tan
School of Medicine...............................................................................................Green
School of Law...................................................................................................... Purple
Curry School of Education ............................................................................ Light Blue
McIntire School of Commerce ..................................................................................Tan
Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy ................................Peacock Blue
School of Architecture .................................................................................. Blue Violet
School of Nursing......................................................................................Light Orange
School of Continuing & Professional Studies........................................................White
Data Science Institute ................................................................................ Science Gold
School of Engineering & Applied Science..................................................Deep Orange
Finals Speaker
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The Honorable Terry McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe is the 72nd Governor of Virginia. Since being sworn into office, Governor McAuliffe has
aggressively focused on building a new Virginia economy. He has conducted a series of trade missions,
including two to China. As a result, he has brought thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investment to communities across the Commonwealth.
To ensure that Virginia remains competitive, the Governor has implemented major economic development initiatives designed to strengthen the Commonwealth’s pro-business climate, ensure efficient
investment in world-class infrastructure, and develop a 21st-century workforce capable of meeting the
needs of emerging businesses and industries.
Governor McAuliffe is committed to making sure that in a new Virginia economy, every person will
have an equal right to succeed, regardless of his or her race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. In
his first executive order, he banned discrimination against LGBT state employees, and he has worked
to make sure Virginia is in compliance with a federal court ruling that overturned the state’s previous
ban on same-sex marriage.
The Governor is committed to fighting for the nearly 800,000 Virginia veterans who have served their
country. He expanded the Virginia Values Veterans initiative, which encourages employers to recruit, hire,
train, and retrain veterans. He has also worked to facilitate partnerships that increase Virginia veterans’
access to health care, and he is committed to ending veteran homelessness in Virginia.
Governor McAuliffe developed a 10-step plan, A Healthy Virginia, to improve and expand access to
health care for more than 200,000 Virginians, including veterans, individuals with serious mental illness,
low-income pregnant women, and working families.
He has made unprecedented progress on the restoration of civil rights to rehabilitated felons who have
completed their sentences and paid their debt to society.
The Governor has worked with a bipartisan coalition of state leaders and educators to reform the Standards of Learning, eliminating five tests and creating an independent commission to make the tests work
better for all Virginians.
Governor McAuliffe has fulfilled his promise to block any legislation that would erode women’s access to
quality health care. He directed the Virginia Board of Health to revisit onerous regulations that threatened
to shut down women’s health clinics, ensuring that these facilities remain available to provide essential
services like cancer screenings and regular checkups.
Governor McAuliffe attended Catholic University and Georgetown Law School. He is a lifelong entrepreneur who started his first business at age 14 and went on to create more than two dozen companies.
At age 30, he became the nation’s youngest bank chairman.
Governor McAuliffe previously served as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2001
to 2005, was co-chairman of President Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, and was chairman of
Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. He wrote a New York Times bestselling biography about
his life in politics and business entitled What a Party! My Life Among Democrats: Presidents, Candidates,
Donors, Activists, Alligators, and Other Wild Animals.
He and his wife Dorothy were married in 1988 and have five children.
Finals Program
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Academic Procession
Gweneth L. West, Grand Marshal
Degree Candidates
President’s Party
The Pledge of Allegiance
The National Anthem, performed by the 392nd Army Band from Fort Lee
Teresa A. Sullivan, President of the University of Virginia
Introduction of Finals Speaker
George Keith Martin, Rector of the University of Virginia
Finals Address
The Honorable Terry McAuliffe, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Greetings from the Alumni Association
Stephen P. Smiley, Chair of the University of Virginia Alumni Association Board of Managers
Conferring of Degrees, Ms. Sullivan
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Dean Ian B. Baucom
Final Words to the Class, Ms. Sullivan
Academic Recession, The Good Old Song
We request that the audience remain in place until the academic recession has passed.
Finals Speaker
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Robert F. Bruner
Bob Bruner is the eighth Dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Mr. Bruner
has authored and co-authored 22 books and over 300 case studies, and has served as the founding
Executive Director of Darden’s Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. As an awardwinning faculty member and international lecturer and researcher, Mr. Bruner has revitalized business
educational curricula and literature, advanced the mission and success of the Darden School, and set a
new precedent for business management teaching quality.
During his time as Dean of the Darden School, Mr. Bruner and his team led two curriculum design efforts to focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, globalization, and diversity. His research and teaching
foci include mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, and financial panics. Author and co-author
of Case Studies in Finance, The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market’s Perfect Storm, Deals from
Hell: M&A Lessons that Rise Above the Ashes, and The Portable MBA, Mr. Bruner has established himself in
business management literature for years to come. He and his team raised $150 million for the Darden
School through a capital campaign and launched Darden’s MBA for Executives and the Global MBA for
Born in Chicago, Mr. Bruner received a B.A. from Yale University in 1971, followed by M.B.A. and
D.B.A. degrees from Harvard University, respectively, in 1974 and 1982. Between degrees, he worked
as a loan officer and investment analyst at the First Chicago Corporation. After returning to Harvard to
work on his D.B.A., Mr. Bruner began teaching a finance class to part-time undergraduate students at
Northeastern University, inspiring him to pursue academia as a permanent career. In 1982, he moved
to Charlottesville and joined Darden as an assistant professor.
Mr. Bruner is the Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration and Distinguished Professor
of Business Administration at the Darden School, and had served as a faculty member for 23 years before assuming his role as Dean in 2005. As Founding Executive Director of Darden’s Batten Institute,
he helped establish a fellows program and encouraged the creation of new courses – more recently,
expanding Darden’s Business Incubator, which supports early business ventures with access to funding
and an entrepreneurial community of faculty and students.
Outside of the Darden School, Mr. Bruner served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the GMAT. He also served as Chair of the Board
of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, an alliance of 15 leading business schools and
top corporations that aims to enhance diversity in business education and leadership.
A social media pioneer, Mr. Bruner (@Bob_Bruner) is a prolific tweeter and blogger, who shares his
passion for business, his students, and his James River kayaking adventures, among other things. Mr.
Bruner transformed the accessibility of the Dean’s office, hosting nights of “Monopoly with the Dean”
at his home, celebrating Thanksgiving with international students, and attending Darden’s First Coffee with students. He and his wife Bobbie live in Charlottesville and have two sons. In July 2015,
Mr. Bruner will step down from his position as Dean and embark on a one-year research leave before
returning to the classroom. Dean Bruner’s efforts in global engagement, commitment to students, and
technological innovation have advanced U.Va.’s leadership in the teaching of business administration.
Finals Program
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Academic Procession
Gweneth L. West, Grand Marshal
Degree Candidates
President’s Party
The Pledge of Allegiance
The National Anthem, performed by the 392nd Army Band from Fort Lee
Teresa A. Sullivan, President of the University of Virginia
Introduction of Finals Speaker
George Keith Martin, Rector of the University of Virginia
Finals Address
Robert F. Bruner, Dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Greetings from the Alumni Association
Stephen P. Smiley, Chair of the University of Virginia Alumni Association Board of Managers
Conferring of Degrees, Ms. Sullivan
School of Medicine, Interim Dean Randolph J. Canterbury, M.D.
School of Law, Dean Paul G. Mahoney
School of Engineering & Applied Science, Dean James H. Aylor
Curry School of Education, Dean Robert C. Pianta
Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, Dean Robert F. Bruner
School of Architecture, Dean Elizabeth K. Meyer
School of Nursing, Dean Dorrie K. Fontaine
McIntire School of Commerce, Dean Carl P. Zeithaml
School of Continuing & Professional Studies, Dean Billy K. Cannaday, Jr.
Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, Dean Allan C. Stam
Data Science Institute, Director Donald E. Brown
Final Words to the Class, Ms. Sullivan
Academic Recession, The Good Old Song
We request that the audience remain in place until the academic recession has passed.
University of Virginia
Board of Visitors and Administration
Board of Visitors
George Keith Martin, Rector (Richmond, VA)
William H. Goodwin, Jr., Vice Rector (Richmond, VA)
Frank B. Atkinson (Richmond, VA)
L.D. Britt, M.D., MPH (Suffolk, VA)
Frank M. Conner III (Alexandria, VA)
Allison Cryor DiNardo (Alexandria, VA)
Helen E. Dragas (Virginia Beach, VA)
Kevin J. Fay (McLean, VA)
Barbara J. Fried (Crozet, VA)
Frank E. Genovese (Midlothian, VA)
John A. Griffin (New York, NY)
Victoria D. Harker (McLean, VA)
Bobbie G. Kilberg (Herndon, VA)
Stephen P. Long, M.D. (Richmond, VA)
John G. Macfarlane III (Darien, CT)
Edward D. Miller, M.D. (Baltimore, MD)
John L. Nau III (Houston, TX)
Margaret N. Gould, Student Member (Memphis, TN)
Susan G. Harris, Secretary to the Board of Visitors
Teresa A. Sullivan, President
John D. Simon, Executive Vice President and Provost
Patrick D. Hogan, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Richard P. Shannon, M.D., Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Robert D. Sweeney, Senior Vice President for University Advancement
Susan A. Carkeek, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Patricia M. Lampkin, Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer
Craig K. Littlepage, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Programs
Marcus L. Martin, M.D., Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity
Phillip Parrish, Interim Vice President for Research
Roscoe Roberts, Legal Counsel
Colette Sheehy, Vice President for Management and Budget
Maurice Apprey, Dean, African-American Affairs
James H. Aylor, Dean, School of Engineering & Applied Science
Ian B. Baucom, Dean, College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Donald E. Brown, Director, Data Science Institute
Robert F. Bruner, Dean, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Billy K. Cannaday, Jr., Dean, School of Continuing & Professional Studies
Randolph J. Canterbury, M.D., Interim Dean, School of Medicine
Dorrie K. Fontaine, Dean, School of Nursing
Allen W. Groves, Associate Vice President and University Dean of Students
Paul G. Mahoney, Dean, School of Law
Elizabeth K. Meyer, Dean, School of Architecture
Robert C. Pianta, Dean, Curry School of Education
Gregory W. Roberts, Dean, Undergraduate Admission
Martha Sites, Interim University Librarian
Allan C. Stam, Dean, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
Carl P. Zeithaml, Dean, McIntire School of Commerce
Donna Price Henry, Chancellor, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Faculty Marshals
Assembly Group
Robert E. Davis, Chair
James P. Ascher
William L. Ashby
Ayn Theresa Balija
Kathryn L. Buzzoni
Robert M. Conroy
Sara Dexter
Jason R. Dugas
S. Max Edelson
David S. Edmunds
Dana M. Elzey
Bonnie S. Gordon
Richard Handler
Patrice M. Hayden
Donna L. Hearn
Aaron S. Hill
Karen Kafadar
Kathryn S. Laughon
Molly Lipscomb
Felicia C. Marston
Selina Noramly
George A. Rutherglen
Lynn M. Sanders
Dorothy F. Tullmann
Kirt von Daacke
Banner Carriers
Class of 2015
Blake D. Griggs
William W. Laverack
Phoebe Crisman
College of Arts & Sciences
Bonnie S. Gordon
Richard G. Netemeyer
Continuing & Professional
Stephen L. Levine
Data Science
Jeffrey J. Holt
James H. Wyckoff
Engineering & Applied
Donald A. Jordan, Jr.
Joe Garofalo
Graduate Arts & Sciences
Dinko Poc̆anić
Graduate Business
Alan R. Beckenstein
George M. Cohen
Leadership and Public Policy
Amanda J. Crombie
Mitchell H. Rosner, M.D.
Continuing & Professional
Richard D. Floyd
Theresa J. Carroll
Raven Society
Patrick D. Melmer
Vivien M. Chabalengula
Amanda G. Flora
Julie J. Gray
Faculty Marshals
Iñaki Alday
Timothy Beatley
Anselmo G. Canfora
Murielle de Wekker
Teresa E. Galí-Izard
Richard Guy Wilson
Engineering & Applied
William H. Guilford
James H. Lambert
Eric Loth
Worthy N. Martin
Byungkyu Brian Park
Harry C. Powell, Jr.
Petra Reinke
Ross T. Thomas
College of Arts & Sciences
Louis A. Bloomfield
Rae L. Blumberg
John R. B. Campbell
Frederick H. Damon
Hans Christian Gromoll
David M. B. L. Herman
Lavahn G. Hoh
Jeffrey J. Holt
Ku-Lung Hsu
Kate Pamela Kostelnik
Robert H. Kretsinger
Charles Laughlin
Manuel T. Lerdau
Alison J. M. Levine
Stephen A. Macko
Katharine E. Maus
Charles W. McCurdy
William C. McDonald
John F. Miller
Mahshad Mohit
Edward M. Murphy
K. Sara Myers
Amanda H. Phillips
Ashok K. Rajput
Cécile H. C. Rey
Peter G. Troyan, Jr.
Richard J. Will
Nicholas J. G. Winter
Graduate Arts & Sciences
Janet R. Horne
Nilanga K. Liyanage
Graduate Business
Peter L. Rodriguez
Sankaran Venkataraman
Julia D. Mahoney
Paul G. Mitchell
Leadership and Public
Barbara A. Hampton
Jill S. Rockwell
Kellie R. Sauls
Rasheed A. Balogun, M.D.
David R. Burt, M.D.
John M. Dent, M.D.
Christine M. Peterson, M.D.
Brian Wispelwey, M.D.
Camille J. Burnett
Beth Ann D. Quatrara
Michael D. Atchison
Gary A. Ballinger
Lucien L. Bass III
Brendan J. Boler
James E. Burroughs
Zhaohui Chen
Amanda P. Cowen
Michael F. Gallmeyer
Stefano Grazioli
William J. Kehoe
Jennifer M. Knippen
Roger D. Martin
Nicole V. Montgomery
Eric M. Negangard
Kieran S. O’Connor
Marcia L. Pentz-Harris
Andrea A. Roberts
Patrik V. Sandas
David C. Smith
David C. Touve
Adam R. Trusner
Mark A. White
Susan Perry Williams
Grand Marshal
Gweneth L. West
Procession Marshals
Ellen M. Bassett
Suzanne W. Moomaw
College of Arts & Sciences
Beverly C. Adams
Ahmed H. al-Rahim
Shilpa S. Davé
Shawn T. Lyons
Richard R. McGuire
Rachel Most
Michael P. Timko
Christine M. Zunz
Peter A. Maillet
Sherri P. Moore
Continuing & Professional
Steven E. Laymon
Julia S. May
Data Science
Nada Basit
Abigail A. Flower
Filip T. Loncke
Susan A. Saliba
Engineering & Applied
W. Bernard Carlson
Archie L. Holmes, Jr.
Carolyn A. Vallas
Graduate Arts & Sciences
Edward T. Barnaby
Federico Ciliberto
Graduate Business
Mary Margaret Frank
Andrea L. Larson (Honorary)
Bidhan L. Parmar
William W. Sihler (Honorary)
Joshua Bowers
Michael G. Collins
Leadership and Public Policy
Eric M. Patashnik
William M. Shobe
John J. Densmore, M.D.
Meg G. Keeley, M.D.
Elizabeth G. Epstein
Kathryn H. Haugh
Seating Group
Karen A. Farber, Chair
James P. Ascher
Wendy L. Golden
Jennifer R. Greeson
Mark A. Hadley
John C. Harrison
Kenneth C. Lichtendahl, Jr.
Marc L. Lipson
John W. Lloyd
Karlin R. Luedtke
Paul S. Martin
Carol Lynn Maxwell-Thompson
J. Patrick Meyer III
Edith L. Morris
Andrew S. Obus
Brian M. Osborn
Robert E. Patterson
Deborah L. Rexrode
Leonard J. Schoppa
J. Patrick Seder
Sandra S. Seidel
William M. Shobe
Theodore L. Slowik
William Wylie
Graduation Planning Committee
Pamela W. Higgins, Chair
Mary Elizabeth Luzar, Alumni Association
E. Cecil Banks, Jr., Vice Chair
Jesse N. Lynn, John Paul Jones Arena
Danielle C. Ager, Class of 2015 Graduation Committee Chair
Melvin Mallory, Services for Persons with Disabilities
Kostas J. Alibertis, Emergency Medical Services
Andrew O. Mansfield, Parking &Transportation
David W. Anderson, Printing and Copying Services
C. McGregor McCance, University Communications
Justin T. Armistead, Athletics Department
Donald H. McGee, University Police Department
Jason D. Bauman, Athletics Department
Michael B. Merriam, Facilities Management
Brent Beringer, Dining Services
Dana E. Miller, Parking & Transportation
Anthony P. de Bruyn, University Communications
Kristen L. Mlynczak, Major Events
Jasmine Chiu, Class of 2016 Graduation Committee Chair
Jonathan C. Monceaux, Parking & Transportation
Charlie E. Coulter, Navy ROTC
Melissa Oliver, Services for Persons with Disabilities
David E. Craig, Conference Services
Peter S. Oprandy, Environmental Health & Safety
Nargis J. Cross, President’s Office
Ronald H. Pack, Institutional Assessment & Studies
Anthony B. Dela Rosa, Army ROTC
Jason Pedone, John Paul Jones Arena
Carolyn M. Dillard, Information Booths
Tammy D. Prailey, Major Events
Gerald D. Drumheller, Environmental Health & Safety
Scott A. Reed, Intramural-Recreational Sports
Justina Duncan, President's Office
Paul Schertz, Dining Services
Christopher G. Easton, University Police Department
Laurie R. Shaffer, Student Disability Access Center
Cynthia P. Ferguson, President’s Office
Debra C. Shiflett, University’s Registrar’s Office
Kimberly D. Ferguson, Conference Services
Marjorie L. Sidebottom, Emergency Preparedness
Melissa A. Fielding, University Police Department
Matthew H. Smith, Ushers
John J. Flood, Emergency Preparedness
Robert D. Smith, University Communications
A. Michael Gibson, Facilities Management
Stacy M. Smith, President’s Office
Michael A. Gibson, University Police Department
Paul D. Snell, Jr., John Paul Jones Arena
Vicki L. Gist, Residence Life
Jeramy K. Spitzer, Intramural-Recreational Sports
Mary Greeson, Parking & Transportation
Carol Stanley, University Registrar
Blake D. Griggs, Major Events
Michael R. Stumbaugh, Parking & Transportation
Maryann Gritmon, University Police Department
Ryan D. Taylor, Facilities Management
Allen W. Groves, Dean of Students
Charles Walcott, Newcomb Hall
Teresa M. Hammond, University Bookstore
Caroline A. Welch, Parking and Transportation
Shawn Jacobson, Ushers
Melanie R. Welcher, Emergency Medical Services
Michael C. Kozuch, Newcomb Hall
Rebecca White, Parking & Transportation
Jill Krantz, Intramural-Recreational Sports
Sheri B. Winston, University Communications
F. Aaron Laushway, Office of the Dean of Students
Warren L. Wood, Jr., Facilities Management
Graduates and Degree Candidates
Graduate School of
Arts & Sciences
Conferred August 12, 2014
Doctors of Philosophy
Lissa Caitlin Anderson
Dissertation: Analyses of Intact
Proteins Using Novel Mass Spectrometric Techniques
Laura Elizabeth Blessing
Dissertation: The New Politics of
Taxation: The Republican Party and
Anti-Tax Positions
Katie Richarts Bray
Dissertation: Haunted Hemisphere:
American Gothic Literature in the
Long Nineteenth Century
Sarah Rebecca Breevoort
Dissertation: The Role of Liver X
Receptors in Reverse Cholesterol
Transport and Atherosclerosis
Marissa J. Brown
Dissertation: Transnational Approaches, Themes, and Identities in
20th and 21st Century French and
Francophone Novels
Paul Augustus Broyles III
Dissertation: Remapping Insularity:
Geographic Imagination in Medieval English Romance
Samantha Anne Burgess
Dissertation: The Study of Rhodium
and Ruthenium Complexes for the
Activation and Functionalization
of Non-Polar Bonds
Michael T. Caires
Dissertation: The Greenback Union:
The Politics and Law of American
Money in the Civil War Era
Aline Charles
aux Discours Colonial et Patriarcal
Dans Les Romans
Kendall Walser Cox
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Prodigal Christ: The
Parable of the Prodigal Son in the
Theologies of Julian of Norwich
and Karl Barth
Anthony James Cella
Dissertation: Un Análisis SocioCrítico de Algunas Narconarrativas
High Distinction
Shari Alaina Steinman Haxel
Dissertation: Reaching New
Heights: Comparing Interpretation
Bias Modification to Exposure
Therapy for Extreme Height Fear
James Maitland Eaton
Dissertation: Mechanistic Insight
into Phosphoregulation of the Lipin
Emily Josephine Hopkins
Dissertation: Pretend Play as a
Context for Learning New Information
Christina Chika Emeh
Dissertation: Examining SelfPerceptions of Competence in
Children with Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
Michael James Ferracane
Dissertation: Design, Synthesis,
and Biological Evaluation of
Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor
(S1PR) Agonists
Rachel Carrie Geer
Dissertation: Intimate Politics: The
Poetics of Social Engagement during
the Hundred Years War
High Honors
Manuel Antonio Lopez Zafra
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Bringing Light into the
Darkness: An Intellectual History
of Tibet’s Dark Age (842-978 CE)
Zachary Rockwell Ludington
Dissertation: Neo-Tipo-Grafía:
Material Poetics in the Spanish
Historical Avant-Garde
Ignacio Martinez
Dissertation: MOOCs as a Massive
Research Laboratory
Alison Joyce Melnick
Religious Studies
Dissertation: The Life and Times
of Mingyur Peldrön: Female Leadership in 18th Century Tibetan
Emily Katherine Moser
Dissertation: Immune Mechanisms
of Control of Lung Inflammation
following Influenza A Virus
Sarah Elizabeth Ingle
Dissertation: Conjured Memories:
Race, Place, and Cultural Memory
in the American Conjure Tale,
Reed Clayton Nessler
Dissertation: Simple Connectivity
in Polar Spaces with GroupTheoretic Applications
Katya Jordan
Slavic Languages and Literature
Dissertation: Ekphrasis, Russian
Style: Visualizing Literary Icons,
Katherine Elizabeth Lakin-Schultz
Dissertation: Africa for Africans:
Métissage, Assimilation, and French
West Africa’s Cultural Evolution
Alexander Wade Lohman
Dissertation: Function and Regulation of Pannexin 1 Channels in the
Vascular Endothelium
Raju Huidrom
Dissertation: Essays on MacroFinancial Linkages and Monetary
Benjamin Beardsley Jasnow
Dissertation: What the Shepherds
Sing: Local Identity in the Bucolic
Idylls of Theocritus
Kristin Elizabeth Gilger
Dissertation: Scrap Modernism:
Appropriation, Assemblage, and
the Politics of Representation in
Depression-Era America
Highest Distinction
Hao Liu
Dissertation: Measurement of the
s-channel Single Top Quark Cross
Section at the CDF Experiment and
Contributions to the Evidence of
H➝bb at the Tevatron
Daniel Bernard Harmon
Biochemistry and Molecular
Dissertation: A Role for B-1 B Cells
and IgM Antibodies in ObesityInduced Glucose Intolerance and
Insulin Resistance
Yuliya Dudaronak
Dissertation: “Man - the Finest of
Machines”: Transforming Human
Nature Through Mental Hygiene in
the United States and Soviet Russia,
Randall Brentson Cebul
Dissertation: Developmental State:
The Politics of Business, Poverty, and
Economic Empowerment from the
New Deal to the New Democrats
Audrey Josephine Golden
Dissertation: Restorative Justice
and the Global Imagination
Morten Kaergaard Hansen
Dissertation: Toward a Global
American Genealogy: Circumscribing Totality in a Globalized World
William Joseph Dirienzo
Dissertation: A Census of Diverse
Environments in Star Forming
Regions: Where Do Massive Stars
Jonathan F. Forney
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Managing Militias:
Recruitment, Discipline, and Governance Among Counterinsurgent
Militias in Sierra Leone
Haiyan Liu
Dissertation: A Structural Model
of Advertising Signaling and Social
Learning: The Case of the Motion
Picture Industry
Madigan Keegan Haley
Dissertation: Global Mimesis: The
Ethics of World Literature after
Sarah Jane White Craig
Dissertation: From New York City
Industrial First Aid Rooms to
Southern Cotton Mill Villages:
Lillian Wald and the Development
of the Industrial Nursing Specialty,
Christopher Louis Caterine
Dissertation: A Crisis of Interpretation: Contradiction, Ambiguity, and
the Reader of Lucan’s Bellum Civile
Katarzyna Maria Glanowska
Dissertation: Studies of the GnRH
Pulse Generator; Developmental
and Location-Specific Regulation
of GnRH Secretion
Highest Honors
Viet Tuan Nguyen
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: US - Vietnam Relations 1975-2006: A Theoretical
Benjamin James Nourse
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Canons in Context:
A History of the Tibetan Buddhist
Canon in the Eighteenth Century
Joshua Phillip Owings
Dissertation: Moonlighting and
Mimicry: Identification and Functional Characterization of a SAMdependent Methyltransferase
Distinguished Majors Program
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Responsible for Methylation of
EF-Tu in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Aesthetic-Affective Dimensions of
Democratic Deliberation
Justin Craig Peck
Dissertation: Recapturing the
“Aggressive Spirit”: Legislative
Reassertion Efforts, 1947-2002
Reihaneh Shahrokhshahi
Dissertation: A Cavity-enhanced
Narrow-band Multiphoton Source
for Applications in Quantum
Jared Andrew Pienkos
Dissertation: The Reactivity of
eta-2-Aminoarenes Coordinated to
Tungsten via Acid Trapping
Rachel Laura Wehren Pierce
Dissertation: Capitol Feminism:
Work, Politics, and Gender in
Congress, 1960-1980
Gillian Barbara Price
Dissertation: The New Queens of
Crime: Images of Women Detectives
in Contemporary Argentinean and
Mexican Literature
George Collins Privon
Dissertation: The Dynamics and
Cold Gas Content of Luminous
Infrared Galaxy Mergers in the
Local Universe
Matthew Witham Puffer
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Augustine on the
Image of God: An Ethical Analysis
Daniel Stephen ReMine
Dissertation: Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics for
the Stabilization and Control of
3-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Fluid
Channel Flows by a Wall-Normal
Boundary Controller
Catherine Shea Sanger
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: On the Origin of
Commons: Understanding Divergent State Preferences Over Property
Rights in New Frontiers
Megan Massey Schad
Dissertation: The Role of Physical
Attractiveness in Adolescent Social
Erica Christine Schauer
Dissertation: Meaning in Motion:
Curtsies, Cotillions and CounterRitual in the Belle Époque
Kathleen Elizabeth Schmidt
Dissertation: Propositional Processes of Attribution (Sometimes)
Influence Implicit Attitudes
Mary Frances Scudder
Dissertation: Against Empathy:
High Distinction
Meaghan Powers
Matthew Witham Puffer
Caroline Susan Schmidt
Jon Vernon Seager
Derek James Valenti
Daniel Edward Watling
Xuedan Wu
Master of Public Health
Hyunjoo Shim
Dissertation: Family Functioning
and Child Outcomes in South
Korean Adolescents in (Non)
Divorced Families from a Longitudinal Framework
Charles Matthew Sweat, Jr.
Masters of Science
Lauren Biwer
Salome Boroda
Monica Weaver Buckley
Kristopher Hardy Chain
Stephanie Cruz Maysonet
Melissa Sue Duvall
Ana Nora Evans
Aaron M. Fond
Sarah Marie Gray
Claudia Zhuyun Han
Allison Mary Leach
Deborah Hausmann Luzader
Kelley Elizabeth McQueeney
Kathryn Ruth Michels
Lyndsey Marie Muehling
Aldo Nascimento
Kristen Kelley Penberthy
Xuan Qin
Abagail Marissa Rosen
Sherin Juliet Rouhani
Vlad Serbulea
Laura Marie Sipe
Benjamin Joseph Vander
Gayle M Vranic
Rebecca June Wilson
Ewelina Zasadzinska
Julia Catherine Spencer
Dissertation: Min-Max Game
Theory for the Linearized NavierStokes Equations with Internal
Localized Control and Distributed
Rebecca Sharon Strauss
Dissertation: Global Fabrications:
Fashioning Modernity in Text and
Tiffany Lee Stull
Dissertation: The Eternal Joust
of Parents and Adult Children
in Thirteenth-Century French
Saints Lives
Zhang Wang
Dissertation: Pinpointing the
Origin of Mitochondria
Lee Brady Wilson
Dissertation: Masters of Law:
English Legal Culture and the
Law of Slavery in Colonial South
Carolina and the British Atlantic
World, 1669-1783
Conferred December 30, 2014
Doctors of Philosophy
Emma Melissa Ashford
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Crude Power: The
Foreign Policy of Oil-Producing
Jennifer Grace Winslow
Dissertation: Intimate Belongings:
Tracing Love Tokens and Gifts in
English Renaissance Literature
Rachael Lynn Beaton
Dissertation: Life in the Outer
Limits: Insights on Hierarchical
Assembly from Stellar Halos in the
Local Universe
Ning Xiao
Dissertation: Measurements of
Optically and Chemically Stimulated Neurotransmitter Release in
Caixia Bu
Dissertation: Effects of Microstructure on the Electrical Properties of
Amorphous Solid Water
Bo Zhao
Dissertation: Magnetized Binary
Star Formation
Monica Weaver Buckley
Dissertation: ShcA and Shcbp1 in
T Cell Development and Function
Masters of Arts
Christine Morel Coquery
Dissertation: BAFF Regulates
T Follicular Helper Cells in
David Mason Barr
David A Cosby
Grace Rebecca Erdmann
Chelsea Olivia German
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Casey Marie Eggleston
Dissertation: More Than a Feeling: How Affective Forecasts and
Threat Breadth Contribute to SelfAffirmation Effects
Kirstin Ek
Dissertation: “A Precipice Between
Deadly Perils”: American FolkMusic
and the Mass Media, 1933-1959
Randall Nelson Flaherty
Dissertation: To ‘The Most Distant
Parts of the Globe’: Trade, Politics,
and the Maritime Frontier in the
Early Republic, 1763-1819
Laura Alice Gonyar
Dissertation: Ethanolamine-Regulated Fimbriae in Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli O157:H7
Man Gu
Dissertation: Transport Phenomena
in Perovskite Vanadate Thin Films
Robert Edward Hamilton
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Understanding Violent Separatism: Institutions, Identities and International Intervention
Barbara Elizabeth Heritage
Dissertation: Bronte and the Bookmakers: Jane Eyre in the NineteenthCentury Marketplace
Barin Kayaoglu
Dissertation: Loving and Hating
America in Turkey and Iran: A
Cold War Story of Alliance Politics
and Authoritarian Modernization,
Brandon Merrill Kenwood
Dissertation: Identification and
Design of a Novel Family of
Mitochondrial Protonophores for
Bioenergetics Analysis and the
Treatment of Ischemia-Reperfusion
Arsalan Khalid Khan
Dissertation: Islam, Ritual and the
Ethical Life: Dawat in the Tablighi
Jamaat in Pakistan
Anna Marazuela Kim
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Real Presence, Iconic
Images, and Iconoclasm from
Byzantium to the Reformation
Salinporn Kittiwatanakul
Dissertation: Study of Metal-
Distinguished Majors Program
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Insulator Transition in Strongly
Correlated Vanadium Dioxide
Thin Films
Shoko Kohama
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Peace and Violence
after Conflict
Michael Reed Lindberg
Biochemistry and Molecular
Dissertation: Multi-Sample Structural Variation Detection and Single
Cell Analysis of Human Neurons
Bernadethe Marheni Luan
Dissertation: An Analysis of Indonesian Rural Nurses’ Competencies
Across the Continuum of Care
Stacy Alyse Malakar
Dissertation: Enrichment and
Characterization of Post-Translationally Modified Peptides for
the Development of Novel Cancer
Loren Stack Moulds
Dissertation: The Domestic Standard: American Homeownership
and the State, 1917-1950
Edith Gwendolyn Nally
Dissertation: Good Beliefs, Bad
Arguments: Pragmatic Reasons in
Plato’s Dialogues
Jason Keith Navin
Dissertation: Light Alkane Reactivity on Pt(111) Investigated Using
Effusive Molecular Beam Methods
Erin Kate Nourse
Religious Studies
Dissertation: ‘Birth is Our Spear
Battle’: Pregnancy, Childbirth and
Religion in a Northern Malagasy
Port City
Natalie Marie Pérez
Dissertation: Francisella Tularensis
Ferric-siderophore and Ferrous Iron
Transport Systems are Necessary
for Iron Acquisition and Viability
Adriana Beatriz Rojas
Dissertation: From Manchay
Tiempo to ‘Truth’: Cultural Trauma
and Resilience in Contemporary
Peruvian Narrative
hood and Play in 20th-Century
Spanish Literature and Film
matism: An Investigation into the
Lutheran Logic of Law and Gospel
Chringma Sherpa
Dissertation: Analysis of the Relationship Between the Structure and
Function of the HIV-1 Rev Response
Element (RRE)
Yuan Zheng
Dissertation: Low Field MRI and
the Development of Polarized
Nuclear Imaging (PNI)-A New
Imaging Modality
Amanda Lee Steber
Dissertation: Millimeter Wave
and Microwave Instrumental
Development for Analytical and
Astrochemical Applications
John McLean Stoetzel
Dissertation: Towards a Swahili
Historical Ecology: Phytolith-based
Analysis in Coastal Eastern Africa
since AD 600
Dong Suo
Dissertation: The Role of Coronin-1
in Neurotrophin Signaling During Sympathetic Nervous System
Christopher Michael Tait
Dissertation: Early-phase Dosefinding Designs for Bivariate
Jacqueline Susan Taylor
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Designing Progress:
Race, Gender and Modernism in
Early 20th-Century America
John Thomas Rich Terry
Dissertation: Imagining Nature
and Creating Sacred Landscapes
in Early Medieval England and
Francia, c. 400-850
Anusa Thapa
Dissertation: Quantitating the
Energetics and Binding of Syt1 C2
Domain to Lipid Bilayers
Jonathan Anthony Walter
Environmental Sciences
Dissertation: Spatiotemporal Variability in the Invasion Dynamics of
the Gypsy Moth
Makenzie Marie Seiple
Dissertation: Playing at Life: Child-
Scott Edward Yakimow
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Proclamatory Prag-
High Distinction
Masters of Public Health
James Travis Walsh
Dissertation: The Role of the
Immune System and in ImmuneDerived Signaling Molecules in
Recovery from CNS Injury
Sherin Juliet Rouhani
Dissertation: The Role of Lymphatic
Endothelial Cells in T Cell Tolerance
Masters of Arts
Derek Thomas Anderson
Jun Ki Baek
Thomas Andrew Berenato
Stephanie Rachel Bernhard
Chad Michael Bernier
J. Scott Blalack
Jarrod Ian Boitet
Jesse Elias Bordwin
Leia Ruth Boudet
Brandon Alan Burnette
Wenqiang Cai
Aaron Gabriel Colton
Diana Dinescu
Harrison Prather Frye
Jeffrey Jonathan Glenn
Evan Geddes Graber
Benjamin Noel Hamilton
Pingyu He
Sam Alan Heath
Luke William Hunt
Andrew Louis Katzenstein
Daniel Joseph Klim
Anna Sergeyevna Kromin
Thang Xuan Nguyen
Dannan Rafferty O’Connell
Allison Lee Oldham
Aaron Robert Phipps
Travis Ryan Pickell
Samuel Portnow
Danielle Marie Racke
Daniel Stuart Savelle
Steven Keith Scheid
Yixuan Shi
Joseph Rulon Stuart
Patrick Gerald Timmis
Lauren Elizabeth Tisdale
Ella Maria van der Haar
Lauren Marie Wallace
Yu Wang
Rebecca Anne Weast
Di Zhang
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Sarah Elizabeth Abbott
Emma Catherine Chafetz
Alexandra Grae de Olazarra
Eleanor Claire Gonzales
Gwyneth Rhiannon Milbrath
Michael Antonio Parente
Chanel Faith Rutland
David Anthony Vaamonde Darby
Masters of Science
Napoleon Bernstein Butler II
Catrina Alicia Campbell
Tongru Du
Cheng Fan
Krystal Marie Haley
Highest Honors
John Saul Hife
Hongyi Hou
Nan Jiang
Suo Liu
Stephanie Paige Phelps
Cheng Qian
Charles Robert Schmidt
Megan Elizabeth Sebasky
Jing Shang
Carlos Alberto Tache Leon
Ross Timmerman
Jason True
Yangyang Angela Wang
Amber Nicole Woods
Yuning Wu
Chi Xin
Yi Yang
Huidan Zeng
Conferred May 17, 2015
Doctors of Philosophy
Catherine Elizabeth Alford
Dissertation: High Today vs. Lows
Tomorrow: Substance Use, Education, and Employment Choices of
Young Men
Nattawut Anuniwat
Dissertation: Radiation Effects
on Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and
Novel Magnetic Thin Films
Alexandr Arakelyan
Dissertation: Production of Extremely High-Lying States in Strong
Microwave Fields
Leleña Ann Avila
Dissertation: Feeding Ecology
and Tetrodotoxin Resistance in
Thamnophis sirtalis
Debalina Bagchi
Cell Biology
Dissertation: Regulation pf LHBeta Transcription by WT1 and
DAX1 Proteins in the Pituitary
Arindam Banerjee
Regularity and Edge Ideals
Huanchen Bao
Dissertation: Canonical Bases
Arising from Quantum Symmetric
Pairs and Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory
Jennifer E. Barlow
Dissertation: Iberian Daughters of
Sappho: Female Friendship in Early
Modern Spain
Karen Beth Barnard-Kubow
Dissertation: Cytonuclear Incom-
Distinguished Majors Program
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
patibility Contributes to Incipient
Andrew Christopher Barr
Dissertation: Fighting for Education: Financial Aid and Nontraditional Students
Galen Patrick Barry
Dissertation: An Account of Power
and Possibility in Spinoza
Elizabeth Anne Bartlett
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: The Iconography of
the Athenian Hero in Late Archaic
Ryan Matthew Bibler
Dissertation: Legal Settlements:
Jurisdiction in the English Atlantic,
Katherine Elizabeth Brown
Dissertation: Alexander Hamilton
and the Development of American Law
Mandovi Chatterjee
Cell Biology
Dissertation: Regulation of the Ran
GTPase System and Nucleocytoplasmic Transport
Moran Chen
Dissertation: Large-Scale ClusterState Entanglement in the Quantum
Optical Frequency Comb
Ryon Hurley Clarke
Dissertation: Sustained Radiosensitization of Hypoxic Glioma Cells
After Pretreatment With Normobaric
Shannon Renee Connolly
Dissertation: Equity and AmerIndian Languages and Cultures in
the Essais of Michel de Montaigne
Mary Beth Byington Crandall
Dissertation: Challenges Home
Health Nurses Experience Transitioning Chronically Ill Heart
Failure Patients from a Curative to
a Palliative Level of Care
John Curtis Cunningham
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Jonathan Edwards
and the Trinitarian Shape of Beauty
Michele Leigh Darling
Dissertation: We Are All Foodies:
Using Cultural Logics to Construct
a Self-Reflexive Eating Identity in
the 21st Century
High Distinction
Michael Robert DiGruccio
Dissertation: Hyperexcitability
of Rat Thalamic and Hippocampal Neurons after Exposure to
General Anesthesia during Brain
Sachith Erandaka Dissanayake
Dissertation: Magnetic States and
Excitations of Complex Spin Systems
Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century
Everyday Practice in Contemporary America
Rebecca Sue Frazier
Dissertation: The Effects of Ideology and Group Ties on Loyalty,
Decision-Making, and Evaluation
Steven Edward Kalman
Dissertation: The Study of Iron
Complexes and Iodine Oxides
for C-H Bond Activation and
Diana Francisca Galarreta Aima
Dissertation: Volviendo a España de
tierras musulmanas: experiencia y
transformación del cautiverio en la
literatura de los retornados
Bingbing Dong
Dissertation: Asset Pricing, Monetary Policies, and the Zero Lower
Laura Emily Goldblatt
Dissertation: After Destiny: Conquest Narratives and the Closed
Han Dong
Experimental Pathology
Dissertation: The Function of CD27
Costimulation in the Activation and
Fate Decisions of CD8+ T Cells
Victoria M. Goode
Dissertation: A Patient Safety
Dilemma: Obesity in the Surgical
Rebecca Ansley Dore
Dissertation: Two Sides of the Coin:
Examining the Role of CharacterSimilarity and Identification in the
Effects of a Narrative on Children’s
Learning and Bias
Tonie Marie Gordon
Dissertation: To ‘Fill the Comfortable Cradles and Empty the
Gutters’: Maternalist Eugenics and
Reproductive Inequalities in the
United States
Stephen Matthew Duncan
Dissertation: Thinkers
Everett L. Grant IV
Dissertation: Exposure to International Crises: Trade vs Financial
Gregory Gerard Faust
Biochemistry and Molecular
Dissertation: Improved Structural
Variation Detection Facilitates the
Discovery of Somatic Mutations in
Single Post-Mitotic Neurons
Mari Yoko Hara
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Places of Performance: Baldassarre Peruzzi (14811536) - A Renaissance PainterArchitect
Thomas David Finger
Dissertation: Harvesting Power:
Transatlantic Merchants and the
Anglo-American Grain Trade,
Mary G Haviland
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Documenting Douglas Huebler: His Early Conceptual
Works, 1968-1975
Tamara Glee Fischer-White
Dissertation: Restorative Yoga
for Symptom Management in
John Hawley
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: The Drawings of
Cornelis Visscher (1628/9-1658)
Sherry Lauren Forbes
Dissertation: Essays in Economics
Laura Frances Hawthorne
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Toward a Feminist
Conception of Personal Sin
Jennifer Anne Foy
Dissertation: Mapping Sympathy:
Sensibility, Stigma, and Space in
the Long Eighteenth Century
Nicolas Paul Frank
Dissertation: A Limited Political
Mary Ellen Hicks
Dissertation: The Sea and the
Shackle: African and Creole Mariners and the Making of a LusoAfrican Atlantic Commercial
Culture, 1721-1835
Jean Louise Franzino
Dissertation: Freak Show Aesthetics: Exceptional Bodies and Racial
Megan Elizabeth Juelfs-Swanson
Dissertation: Parenting is Political: Partisan Parenting Advice and
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Ajinkya Shrish Kamat
Dissertation: Phenomenology of
the Non-sterile Electroweak-scale
Right-handed Neutrino Model
Christina Anne Kilby
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Epistolary Buddhism:
Letter Writing and the Growth
of Géluk Buddhism in Early
Modern Asia
Derek Randall King
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Learning from Rebellion: How Workers Made the
Developmental State
Heather Elizabeth Bowlby Kiser
Dissertation: Visions of Light:
Gender and the Photographic
Imagination in Victorian Poetry
Peter David Krueger
Dissertation: Regulation of Antiviral CD8+ T Cells in the Liver
Aravinda Kuntimaddi
Dissertation: Structure-Function
Studies of the Recruitment of
DOT1L, an H3K79 Histone Methyltransferase, to MLL-AF9 and Its
Role in Leukemogenesis
Amanda Geary Kurzendoerfer
Dissertation: Essays in International Trade
Jessie Renee Labadie
Dissertation: Material Afterlives
of Early Modern Women Authors:
Pernette du Guillet, Louise Labé
and María de Zayas y Sotomayor
Calvin K. Lai
Dissertation: Truth or Truthiness?
How Desires Influence Truth
Temple Rosenberger Lee
Environmental Sciences
Dissertation: The Impact of Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics on
Mountaintop Trace Gas Variability
Philip Anderson Lorish
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Christian Ethics and
the New Eugenics
Distinguished Majors Program
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Juan Martínez Millán
Dissertation: Aproximación a las
auto poéticas de cuatro poetas
latinoamericanos: Diana Bellessi,
Antonio Cisneros, Eduardo Espina,
and José Emilio Pacheco
Jill Mackenzie Martiniuk
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Dissertation: Paved With Good
Intentions: Venichkas Journey of
Redemption in “Moskva-Petushki”
and its Relationship with Radishchev’s “Journey from St. Petersburg
to Moscow,” Milton’s “Paradise
Lost,” and Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
Kristen Grace McCabe Lashua
Dissertation: Children at the Birth
of Empire, c. 1600-1760
Monica Lynn McEntee
Dissertation: Reactivity and Properties of Au/TiO2 Nanocatalysts
Brice Sharshon McKeever
Dissertation: Technology and War:A
Study of Violence in the Modern Era
E. Luanne McKinnon
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Picasso’s Guernica in
the Shadow of Incandescence
Jiajun Mei
Dissertation: C-O Bond Formation
using Transition Metal Alkyl or Aryl
Erich Merkel
Dissertation: The Role of Eloquence
in Tacitus
Elizabeth Mays Merrill
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Francesco di Giorgio
and the Formation of the Renaissance Architect
Aidyn Lorraine Mills
Dissertation: The Politics of Possibility: Migrant Feminist Ethics
in Madrid Spain
Brian Thomas Moriarty
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Dante`s Theory of
Signs and the Warping of Language
Garrett Riley Mullins
Biochemistry and Molecular
Dissertation: CatecholamineInduced Lipolysis Inhibits Glucose
Uptake and Causes mTOR Complex
Dissociation in Adipocytes
Daniel Koichi Nagashima
Foreign Affairs
Dissertation: Overcoming Electoral
High Distinction
Erik Nathaniel Stanley
Dissertation: The Protestant Ethic
and Development Ethos: Cacao and
Changing Cultural Values among
the Mopan Maya of Belize
Uncertainty: Strategic Incentives
for Pre-Electoral Coalition Entry
Caitlin Gayle Cooper Naylor
Dissertation: Malnutrition and the
Immune Response: Understanding
the Biology of Nutrition-Related
Immune Dysfunction
Adriana Ciarallo Streifer
Dissertation: Blood and Manners:
Rethinking Jewish Difference on the
English Renaissance Stage
Michael Duc Nguyen
Dissertation: The Characterization
of Rapid Spontaneous Adenosine
with Fast-scan Cyclic Voltammetry
Dominic D. Z. Sur
Religious Studies
Dissertation: A Study of Rongzom’s
‘Disclosing the Great Vehicle
Approach’ in the History of Tibet’s
Great Perfection Tradition
Eunhee Park
Dissertation: Pilot Study for Youth
Participatory Video Production
Program for Smoking Prevention
Emily Elizabeth Sydnor
Dissertation: Fighting Words and
Fiery Tone: The Interaction of Political Incivility and Psychological
Conflict Orientation
Christopher Peck
Dissertation: Composition in an
Expanded Field of Performance:
Experimental Music in Collaboration with Contemporary Dance
Victor Louis Franco Szabo
Dissertation: Ambient Music as
Popular Genre: Historiography,
Interpretation, Critique
Cody S. Perkins
Dissertation: Coloured Men, Moffies, and Meanings of Masculinity
in South Africa, 1910-1960
Thomas A Talhelm
Dissertation: The Rice Theory of
Radu Constantin Puslenghea
Dissertation: Essays in Macroeconomics
William Gregory Thompson
Religious Studies
Dissertation: An Experiment in
Love: Martin Luther King Jr. and
the Re-imagining of American
William McLeod Rhodes, Jr.
Dissertation:The Ecology of Reform:
Land and Labor from ‘Piers Plowman’ to Edmund Spenser
Claire Victoria Timperley
Dissertation: Indigeneity: The Politics and Ethics of a Concept
Tamika Yolanda Richeson
Dissertation: Crimes of Discontent:
The Contours of Black Women’s
Law Breaking in Civil War Era
Washington, D.C., 1830-1865
Siny Tsang
Dissertation: Modeling the Changes
in Delinquent Behavior of Adolescents Transitioning into Adulthood: Methods Comparison with
Simulated Data and Pathways to
Desistance Data
Heidi Rose Schramm
Dissertation: Essays on Taxation,
Formal Sector Work, and Social
Insurance in Mexico
Nathan Andrew Seifert
Dissertation: Broadband Rotational
Spectroscopy with Applications to
Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Interactions
Ilya Smirnov
Dissertation: Uniform Convergence
Methods in Hilbert-Kunz Theory
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Elizabeth Erickson Voss
Dissertation: Displaced Subjects:
Narrative Structures and Material
Contexts of Late Medieval Travel
Beatrice Waegner
Dissertation: Dinge des Exils - Ein
Panoptikum der Krise
Todd C. Warner
Dissertation: Police Interrogation
Training and Practices with Adult
and Juvenile Suspects: A National
Survey of Police Officers and
Casey Lynn Warwood
Dissertation: Romans Américains:
Representations of the United States
in Post-9/11 French Fiction
Grace Marie Wilkinson
Environmental Sciences
Dissertation: Patterns of Allochthonous Resource Availability and
Use by Aquatic Consumers in Lakes
Anne Louise Williams
History of Art and Architecture
Dissertation: Satirizing the Sacred:
St. Joseph and Humor in Northern
European Art, ca. 1300-1530
Ashley Lauren Wilson
Dissertation: The Role of Breast
Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance
3 (BCAR3) in Breast Tumor Cell
Adhesion and Motility
Jennifer Noel Wingard
Dissertation: Adenosine Receptor
Oligomerization and G-protein
Complex Stoichiometry Revealed
by Electron Microscopy
Katarina Sylvia Turpeinen
Religious Studies
Dissertation: Vision of Samantabhadra - The Dzokchen Anthology
of Rindzin Gödem
Corlett Wolfe Wood
Dissertation: The Consequences of
Environmental Heterogeneity for
Fitness, Selection and Inheritance
Christine Marie Van Hover
Dissertation: Phenotypic Characterization of Urocortin 3 in the
Paraventricular Nucleus of the
John G Wood
Dissertation: The Search for Higgs
Boson Production in Association
with a Top-Quark Pair in pp Collisions at sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the Lepton
Plus Jets Final State
Patrick Britten Ventura
Dissertation: A Tumor-derived
Niche Cell Promotes Tumor Growth
in Medulloblastoma
Alexander Apt Smith
Dissertation: Three Essays on the
Economics of Education
Jane Rita von Gaudecker
Dissertation: Lives of Women with
Seizures in Malabar, South India
Highest Honors
Amanda Sue Wriston
Dissertation: Characterization of
the MHC Peptidome and Identifica-
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
tion of O-GlcNAcylation Sites by
Mass Spectrometry
Jieran Wu
Dissertation: Dispersed Information, Excess Volatility, and Business
Jingwei Wu
Dissertation: High-dimensional
Ordinary Differential Equation
Models for Connectivity Studies
Abigail Marter Yablonsky
Dissertation: The Impact of Deployment on Navy Families: Mitigators,
Mediators, and Moderators of
Parenting Stress
Shaoyue Yang
Dissertation: Methane Isotope
Studies with Cavity Ring-Down
Xin Zhao
Dissertation: Into the Unknown: A
MicroRNA-centered Gene Regulatory Network in - Arapaidopsis
Masters of Arts
Emelia Abbe
Crystal S. Alawi
Ramesh Basnet
Jon Paul Bellona
Nathaniel Bilhartz
Irtefa Anwara Binte-farid
Jessica Marie Boynton
Sarah Bumpus
Matthew James Burgess
Yu Cao
Brett Irene Chancellor
Swati Chawla
Jenna Leigh Cheney
Jonathan Daniel Cohen
Lindsay Nicole Dibbell Collins
Basora Rosana Colon
Craig Alexander Comen
Patrick Murphy Conlon
Rebecca Danielle Draughon
Marissa Britten Drell
Kyle William Edwards
Anna Ruth Eisenstein
Alexandra Tejblum Evans
Grace Morris Franklin
Anup Gampa
Cara Lin Miale Goman
Libby Mae Grammer
Adam Daniel Gross
Carol Elizabeth Guarnieri
Francis Andrew Hall
Lauren Nicole Dibbell Haumesser
Austin Hetrick
Xiaofan Jia
Andrew Nathan Kaplan
Julia Adams Katz
Reid Mcauliffe Kelley
Ethan Edward King
High Distinction
Onyinye Stella Ihezukwu
Amanda Frances Korman
Matthew MacFarland
William Austin Manning
Mark Steven Molchany
Rebecca Andree Perea-Kane
Rafael Richardson-Carillo
Ryan Edward White
Lauren Marie Knizner
Seongryong Lee
Natalie Amber Lewis
Steven William Lewis
Nicholas Wilson Lindberg
Ningyu Liu
Christina Lynn Long
Ryan Patrick Maguire
Jessica Frances Marroquin
Jacob Ross Marthaller
Stella Mattioli
Rebekah Lynn McCallum
Benjamin Albert McClintic
Jason Jain Miller
Scott Christopher Miller
Ross Anthony Mittiga III
Peter Strasen Moench
Michelle Justine Morgenstern
Alison Gilson Nagel
Esther Rachel Namubiru
Rachel Kathleen Narr
Min-Gyu Paik
Samantha Claire Parks
Rachel Eliot Perry
Matthew Benjamin Pincus
Xiaoyan Qiu
Nicholas A Rego
Tara Virginia Rose Rountree
Shaina Frieling Rowell
Anne Elizabeth Rowlenson
Patricia Isabel Sanchez Bao
Casey Neill Shannon
Anna Francesca Shingledecker
Jacob J Shirley
Andrew Howard Sorber
Homa Soroosh
Yury Spitsyn
Robert Lowell Stone
Wesley S. Sudduth
Joseph S Tan
Yue Tang
Ana Lucia Tello
Joseph Melvin Thompson IV
Philip Bradford Timmerman
Matthew James Tirrigan
Ani Kohar Tramblian
Ashley Marie Trissell
Veronica Vos
Richard Joshua Wayt
Alexander Thomas Welch
Michael Robert Wenzel
Peter Winzeler
Mengyu Xu
Jingcai Ying
Esther Yu
Joseph Baker Zehner, Jr.
Tongtong Zhang
Siling Zhao
Jining Zhong
Masters of Public Health
Stefanie Patricia Maxine Albert
Emily Anne Auerbach
John Andrew Burns
Paige Elise Calodney
David Chen
Melissa Dean-McKinney
Linda R Duska
Nina Susan Freed
Kyle Moody Hawk
Emily Lauren Moore Knudsen
Emily Marie Masterson
Hannah Kaitlyn Menefee
Arjun Muthusubramanian
Amanda Marie Nguyen
Casey Peyton Nicol
Apule Olivia Osika
Laura Elizabeth Parente
Carlyn Parker Poindexter
Sarah Elizabeth Marie Williams
Masters of Science
Lauren Elizabeth Bittle
Andrew Michael Burkhardt
Talia Nicole Dibbell Burns
Alexander Michael Colvard
Brandy Lorraine Edwards
Kyle Aaron Emery
Yiwei Gu
Maja Dorota Holy
Patrick Krauss King
Lindsey Joyce Myers
Puja M. Shah
Vincent Kan Shuali
Jonathan Gibson Stine
Zachary Terner
Jake Turner
Anran Wang
Trey Vaughn Wenger
Karen Marie Wheeler
Virginia Katherine Workman
Kerui Xu
Qiannan Yin
Pengqing Zhang
College of Arts &
Master of Arts in
Physics Education
Conferred August 12, 2014
Bachelors of Arts
Erminio Maganzini
Arnel Tamondong Agas
Eren Aksu
Ian Myles Alexander1
Esteban Emilio Amas
Thomas Antony
Jalil Ahmad Aswadi
Masters of Fine Arts
Julia Katrina Aguilar Carino
Emma Copley Eisenberg
Shea Christopher Handa
Lindsay Stuart Hill
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Thomas James Barrett
Cody Cameron Beaton
Oliver Beavers
Naguib Mahfouz Bebawi
Priya Bhardwaj1
Dagnenet Mekonnen Bitew
Orianah Clover Blodgett
Lynasia Clintel Braxton-Doggett
Catherine Greenway Breimann2,7
Evan Goldsmith Brush
Colleen Marie-Anne Burke
Elisabeth Anne Rebecca Lloyd
Frances Bennett Carey
Haajar Qaadira Carter
Yu-Tao Chen
Daniel Alexander Chu
Colby Matthew Cohenour1,7
Kevin Michael Dendtler
Alex Anthony Domijan
Evan Michael Dunks
Angeli Marie Espeleta Mendoza
Lidia Eyob
Curtis Dean Falkenstein
Pei-Chen Fan
Marshall Earl Hanbury, Jr.
Katharine Chapman Hardin
Ryan Arthur Healy
Khalid Asim Hoffman
Natalie Marie Holmes
Christina Ann Horner
Brandan Hummell
Michael Emerson English Kennedy
Alain Sejune Kim
Irene Victoria Kissinger
Chelsea Marie Ley
Cong Li
Jennifer Lynn Lithgow1
Shannon Lorraine Long1
Alexander Son Luong
Anthony L. Martinez
Stamatia Mayes
Liam Griffin McCabe1,7
Conner Edward McCarthy
Edward Stevens McChesney
Michael Carter McDevitt
Samuel A. Miller
Michael Alexander Misbach1
Hariz Bin Mohamad Bahari
Kirsty Aria Mohammed
Whitley Ann Morton
Isaac Eugene Mounguen-Ndom1
Harrison Brinkley Nelms
Dena Justine O’Brien
Casey Rae Pease
Samantha Katherine Pedersen
Christopher William Peters
Andrew Joseph Portal
Mary Pothen
Michael Albert Pratt
Veronique Raquel Pretlow
Frank William Price II
Vijethillek Ajay Ramesh
Jennifer Rocha
Alexandra Taylor Rodriquez
Carly Laraine Rugani1
Carly Dawn Salas1
Justin Salim Shane
Akanksha Singh
Carl Joseph Stukenborg
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Samantha Jo Thrasher1
Anastasia Turenkov1
Latasha Dionne Wade
Amber Victoria Walker
Kiara Chantia Whack
Suzanne Willemse
Cassandra Loren Williams
Eric Stone Williams IV
John Philip Zambrotta
Laura Ann Zemanian1
Wen Zhang
Jiayao Zhou
Bachelors of Science
Alejandro Jose Garcia-Chinchilla
Patrick Edward Garziglia
Conferred December 30, 2014
Bachelors of Arts
Derrick Adam Agee
Rabita Amy Alamgir
Nasser Khalifa Mohammed A
Alexandra Elizabeth Diaz Aldridge1
William Lawrence Andrade
Gloria Arellano
Lauren Marguerite Armentrout1
Lauren Nicole Armstrong
Ryan Joseph Ashooh
Patricia Michelle Baker
Tal R. Benatar1
Eric Lea Bird
Kristen Nicole Bouchard
Evan James Boyle
Calle Connell Brown
Samantha Alyce Brown
Sara Mae Bruhns
Joseph Burke
Katharine Regina Campos
Denise Katherine Catbay
Laura Chandler Charity
Changmin Choi1
Samuel Huntley Chrisinger
Ye Jin Chung
David Joseph Clement, Jr.
Anne Rose Cohen
Danielle Jessica Colaprico
John David Curlis, Jr.
Kelsey Marisa Davis
Sarah Davis
Clara Anne de Lima
Emily Hampton Dennison1
Phillip Scott DiGiacomo1
Dylan Wesley Doggett
Jacqueline Leigh Duvall1
Alisya Edwards
Gabriela Emilia Ehrman Blasser
Laura Elizabeth Elliott
Isabelle Katherine Everington
Cristina Louise Fernandez
Ashley Firth Ferraro1
Shasta Marie Fisher
Melissa Anne FitzGerald
Vanessa Brooke Fleming1
Noel Christian Flemmer
High Distinction
Caelan Tori Fortes
Julien Albert Fraiha
Samantha Lea Gaither1
Kevin Michael Goehring
Zlata Gogoleva
Bartholemew George Gonzalez
Leah Ariana Grande3,7
Laura Louise Green1
Blake David Griggs
Craig Jonathan Harlow
Anthony R Harris
Thomas Heath Harris
Yingzhe Helen He
David Tyrone Hill, Jr.
Miranda Larson Hogan
DreQuan Denzel Hoskey
Lauren Elizabeth Houck1
Nicholas Robert Howald2,7
Emily Ann Huesgen
Suna Elizabeth Kranzler Izgi
Anne Delaney Jennings
Darius L Jennings
Lacy Elisabeth Jennings
Alexis Carrie Johnson
Catherine Jones
Kristina Leigh Jones1
Hunter Robert Jumper
Kelly Darling Kaler
Mark Anthony Kassab
Suzanne Elizabeth Kenney1
Joshua Braden Kerley
Alina Khurgel
Christine Bomin Kim
Gloria Eun-Young Kim
Sean Sanho Kim
Christine Ann Kirsch
Samuel James Knox
Elena Gueorguieva Kordeva
Spencer Keaton LaCivita
Jordan Victor Lafoon
Charles Benjamin Lanning
Katarina Yoshino Lauritano1
Kendrick Junerto Lay
Darius Thomas Lee
Faith Florence Lee1
Kellsey Romelle Leopold
Bevan Mark Lewellen
Robert Evan Liebowitz1
Christopher Kenneth Lim
Bryan Lima
Melissa Brooke Lin
Victoria Marie Linder
Meghan Jenna Linsley
Jocelyn Denise Little
Taelor A’Lexus Logan
Jeffrey Hairston Lorick
Samuel Richard Luo
Kelsey Elizabeth MacPherson1
Megan Alexandra Maddox
Chelsea Iris Mangino
Jillian Jordan Mangum
William David Marrs
MaryClaire Cathey Martin
Allison Katherine Marx
Chelsea Dana Masterson
Madlyn Leigh McAuliffe
Connor Patrick McNichol
Lauren Brooke McNutt
Anthony Joseph Mehalic II
Michael Talbott Meholick
Highest Distinction
Angela Christine Menna
Jason Jain Miller
Anna Marie Milligan
Nurzhan Minavarov
Ana Purvez Mir
Nilufar Mirshahi
Julia Agostina Molfino1
Shanique Shante’ Morrison
Margaret O’Neil Neterval1
Demetrious T Nicholson
Aderonke Olufunmilayo Obayomi
Michael Ryan Panton
Jihong Park
Kevin Anthony Parks, Jr.
Bhavesh Piyush Patel
Michael John Pelletier
Lucia Nicole Perkins1
Nicole Kristin Perrier1
Quan Anh Phan
Jake Rowan Phipps
Amanda Stephanie Pollack
Sundas Naeem Raja
Morgan Miller Richey7
David Nicolas Ridderhof
Daquan Angel Romero
Megan Kendra Rose1
Annaliesa Rand Routh1
Hannah Elizabeth Sater1
Melissa Ann Saunders
Lelia Kathleen Schutzenhofer
Emily Lovett Scott
Emily Marie Seman
Isabel Teresa Sierra Maldonado
Rachel Angela Slotter
Mark Harlan Soechting
Laura Kathryn Steensma1
Bethany Nicole Straub
Emily Rose Sullivan1
Emma Grace Taylor1
Zoey Alexandra Thompson
Katherine Louise Thorsey
Todd Samuel Thurston
Olivia Ruth Tran1
Kathleen McDuffie Traylor1
Anika Marie Turkiewicz1
Steffen Vater
Zachary Joshua Vogt1
Fabian von Feilitzsch1
Halima Giwa-Osagie Walker
David Jerille Watford
Victoria Louise Sigrid Wesolowski
Sally Adams Whitaker
Sydney Morrow Wicks1
Kristen Ann Wilder
Jordan Alexander Winkler
Amy Christina Wolfe
Dakota Blake Wood1
Natalie Snow Wyman
Yue Xiang2,7
Goldy Yang
Sarah Yang
Kyung Il Yim
William Austin Young
Yuan Zhou
Ryan Edward Zinkhan
Bachelors of Science
Natalie Melissa Orentlicher1
High Honors
Highest Honors
Justin Edward Cimring1
Jennie Ann Swain
Laura Nicole Edelman
Jaime Leah Jones
Nathan Tyler Rose
Edom Takele Seifu
Bridget Francine Shayka1
Conferred May 17, 2015
Bachelors of Arts
Amanda Nicole Abbott
Dagmawi Yoseph Abebe
Ashley Nicole Addington
Brittany Marie Addison
Kaaleb Taddesse Adera
Alison Kelly Adkins
Erin Sheridan Adonnino1
Pranay Naresh Advani
Niki Mazarei Afsar7
Dion Stephen Ucheonye Agada
Christopher Kwame Agorsor
Sophia Ximena Ahl
Aamna Nadia Ahmad
Sumra Ahmad
Amir Ali Ahmadzadeh
Hawa Akouna Ahmed
Labiba Ahmed
Nader Mohammed Ahmed7
Jai Hyun Ahn
Jennifer Grace Ahn1
Jennifer Yukgyung Ahn1
Olubunmi Keji Ajao
Nour Sami Alamiri
Anne-Marie Gisèle Albracht1
Jeffrey Alan Alderette
Benjamin Stephen Aleixo
Mary Collins Alexander
Bilal Ibrar Ali
Kalyn Olivia Allen
Michael Thomas Allen
Stephanie Marie Allen
Griffin Robert Allison
Daniel Alvarado
Mary Katherine Amato7
Corey Thomas Ames
Stephen Robert Amorino7
Megan Elizabeth Amos1
Lindsay Catherine Andersen
Danielle Elizabeth Anderson
Lisa Joy Anderson
Molly Dawn Anderson1
Sarah Margaret Anderson1
Taylor Elizabeth Anderson1
Yasmine Aida Anderson
William Thomas Andrewes1
Kiah Danielle Andrews
Amber Rose Anglada
Kimberly Maria Anthes
Thomas Gray Antonelli
Meghan Brooke Apostoles
Matthew Alexander Arakaky1
Maria Lorena Arango Arias
Kevin Michael Arico
Amy Christine Armentrout
Matthew Rain Gerber Armstrong7
Thomas Luke Arnell7
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Meredith Susan Arnold1
Julia Graham Arthur
Stephanie Asante
Anastasia Christiane Asher
Christopher Lenwood Askew
Darion Ray Atkins
Daniel David Atkinson
Donia Hesham Attia
Matthew Kirollos Attwa
Jun Yin Au Yeung
Hunter John August
Alisha Simone Ault
Charles Wyatt Avery
Clarisse Awamengwi1
Chantal Marie Aybar
Juliet Ayer
Jessica Emily Ayliffe
Ada Nassirou Ba
Jon Michael Babineau, Jr.
I-Dahlia Ramona Babrow
Lyris Arianne Bach
Grant Alexander Backlund1
Jean Sup Bae1
Christine Baek
Ideen Bagha
Allan Carlo Bagsic
Adam Lee Bailey
Katherine Mary Bailey1
Sarah Everett Bailey1
Alexis Jane Baker
Charles Joseph Baker IV
Charles Thomas Baker1
Elizabeth Ellison Baker
William Racz Baker7
Gina Elena Baldi
Lauren Ashley Baldonado
Walter Preston Baldwin IV
Grace Vandegrift Ball
William Flinn Ball, Jr.
Caroline Anne Balshaw
Olaitan Aina Bamgbade
Hayley Randolph Bance
Natasha Banerjee Bandopadhay
Martha Banner Banks1
Athena Marissa Bannister
Kieva Alynn Barker
Eric Steven Barkett
Summer Lee Barmore
Attison Leonard Barnes IV
Luke Donovan Barney
Samantha Lynne Barock
Jessica Ann Barr
Morgan Barrett1
Olivia Anne Barrow
Krista Leanne Barry
William Brewster Barteau
Madeline Elizabeth Bartel
Grant McPherson Barton
Katherine O’Neal Barton
Nicholas Terence Rowen Barton
Michael Ian Baruch1
Sunna Bashir
Thilina Bandara Basnayake
Axelle Basso-Bondini
Lauren Elizabeth Bator
Kathryn Elizabeth Baxley
Corydon Wells Baylor
Lissetty Gloria Beaghler
Lucas Harold Beane
Olivia Lewis Carter Beavers
High Distinction
Amani Boudriga
Sarah Katherine Bowden
Marcy Anne Bowdren
Jordan Al Bower
Christian Ann Bowlin
Margaret Grace Bowman-Jones
Yvonne Juliette Bowser-Caballero
Christie DeWitt Boyden1
Kindyl Shaye Boyer
James Griffin Boyle
Anna Bassett Boynton
Brianna Rochelle Bozeman1
Alexander Joseph Bozicevich7
Katherine Frances Bracaglia
Alexis Isabel Brana
Melissa Anne Brashear7
Christopher Jordan Brathwaite
Michael Daniel Breger
Alexandra Sadie Brenin
Ryan Hartwell Brennan
Andrew Macfarlane Brewer
Benjamin Jared Brewer
Devin Alexander Brewer
Mawusi Bridges
Rebekah Anne Briggs
Elizabeth Anne Brogan
Cierra Grace Brooks7
Samuel Henry Brott7
Cameron Colmery Brown
Faith Frances Brown
Forrest Gordon Brown7
Jacob Lawrence Brown7
Keeling Warburton Brown
Kristina Marie Brown
Michelle Chloe Brown
Nathaniel Thomas Brown
Olivia Mireille Brown1
Sara Shallenberger Brown
Sherry Nicole Brown
Thompson Willcox Brown
Tyler Jerome Brownell
Alex Cameron Bryant
Jeffrey Howard Bryant II
Darren Rene Buck
Emory Shannon Buck1
Isaac Kevin Buckley
Jenna Nicole Bugge
Chelsea Leigh Bunce
Ross Lloyd Burbank
Clare Arledge Burchenal1
Charlotte Elizabeth Burchett
Gloria Irene Burgoa1
Anna Coventry Burke1
Caroline Claire Burke
Elizabeth Fletcher Burke
Justin Hale Burkett
Jessica Lucie Burnam7
Lyle Everette Burns
Robert Coleman Burns
Caroline Elizabeth Burr
John Faulconer Burton
Shannon Michelle Bush7
Anna Grace Butler1
Blaise Gerald Butler
John Elie Butrus
Andrew Morgan Buzzell
Simona Myrrl Byler1
Jeffrey Brett Byrd
Amanda Danielle Byrne
Ana Puente Cackley
Stefan Adairius Becton
Vianca Cristina Bedoya
Zev Gershon Beeber7
Connor Joseph Belanger
Jonathan Michael Belka
Tolliver Anne Bell
Virginia deGraaf Bell
Vasco Belo Ferreira Pinto
Rebecca Inez Belt
Badra Toshiko Benkreira
Ejana Arnetia Elizabeth Bennett
Aaron Arnold Bentley
Hemingway O’Hyrn Benton
Britney Michele Berg7
Mary Catherine Dunbar Berg7
Sarah Elizabeth Bergdahl
Christopher Michael Bergin
Christian Ramsey Bergstrom
Deniz Berk
Michael William Bernardino
Kaya Lee Berne
Sarah Wynelle Bernhards
Jenna Barrett Bernstein
Jill Ehrich Bernstein
Lamar Aaron Berry
Colin Robert Best
Vikram Bhasin
Trisha Bhattacharyya
Nikita Salman Bhojani
Marissa Claire Bialek7
James Edward Bickel
Anna Lauren Bickers7
Liesle Marie Biggs1
Grace Elizabeth Bigham
Amelia Bilbao
David John Billerth
Nicholas George Bilyeu
Shantell Norissa Mari Bingham
Camden David Bisson
Laura Marie Biver
Gabrielle Lizette Black1
Katherine Marie Black1
Morgan Chandler Blair
Brady Aaron Blouin
Jessica Nicole Blusiewicz7
Casey Songer Bocklet
Katherine Margaret Bocskor
Portia Boggs1
Allison Marie Bohan1
Melissa Lynn Boice1
Miae Bok
Julia Marie Bolger7
John Wesley Bolyard
Olivia Rose Bona7
Lindsey Jean Audree Bond
Marissa Lucia Bondi
Fritz N. Bondoa7
Hannah Catharine Bondurant
Stephen Alden Bonitatibus
Michelle Afriyie Bonsu
Michael Cody Booker1
Brittany Allison Booth
Molly Elizabeth Booth7
Sarah Elizabeth Booth
Adam Barrett Boothe
Elizabeth Gladys Borkowski1
Alexandra Klara Botlo
Madeline Leigh Botticello
Cara Kathryn Bottorff
Carlyle Martha Bouchard
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
William Joseph Cadigan1
Ada Marcella Cahill
Catharine Mary Cain
Blakeley Irene Calhoun
Carlos Jose Calix Woc
Benjamin Read Campbell
Ian Campbell
Mackenzie Rebecca Campbell
Enrico Lorenzo Sunga Campos
Ruoxi Cao1
Jonathan Anthony Carolla
Grace Judith Carpenter1
James Tuttle Carragher
Jillian Elise Carrigan1
Mariana Carrizosa
Chloe Elaine Carry
Kato Lee Carter
Steven Michael Carter
Thomas James Casalaspi7
Shaun May Casey1
Jennifer Lynn Cashwell
Stephanie Marina Castillo
Kimberly Diane Castleman
David Henry Caswell
Hollis Lanier Cate III
Emily Laura Caudill1
William Morgan Cauthen
Pablo Cavelier Piedrahita
Catherine Michelle Celis
Eni Cerma
Josiah Sung-Kwon Cha
Sanskriti Chamaria
Margaret Frances Chambers1
Emily Virginia Champagne
Katerina Jee Chan
Katherine Yok Chan
Christine Frances Chandler
Jordan Elizabeth Chandler
Jendayi Palesa Chandler-Adesegun
Siyao Chang1
Jessica Nicole Chargois
Patrick O’Keefe Charlton
Alexander Allen Charters
Lea Brooke Chastine1
Alycia K Chau1
Luqman Rafiq Chaudhry7
Mohammad Tayyab Chaudhry
Varda Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry
Christine San Chen
Haomiao Chen
Jia Chen
Mengyuan Chen
Po An Brian Chen
Shabai Chen1
Susan Chen
Ke Cheng
Lindsey Christine Cherpes
Karen Elizabeth Chin
Marvin Chinchilla Valladares
Alyssa Choon Hwee Chng
Clarissa Uynyoung Cho
Michelle Hye-Sun Cho1
Timothy Hyun Cho
Yujin Danielle Cho
Erika Wei Yin Choe7
In-Young Choi
Kiyong Choi
Ryan Kyu Choi
Sungmin Choi
Alexandra Christina Chopivsky1
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Vishesh Imran Choudhry
Oscar Jungaitt Chow
Javar David Christian
Nisha Jacob Christian
Brandon Hong Tai Christopher
Daniel Yongik Chung
Rachel Sung-Ai Chung
Emily Matteson Churchill7
Gabriella Nicole Cifu
Meghan Catherine Cioci1
Ian Charles Clark
Philipp Arthur Robert Clarke
Stephanie Michelle Clarke
Henry McCulloch Cline
Zachary Reed Coburn
Corey Thomas Cochran
Therese Marie Codd1
Alexander Charles Coffin1
Monica Nadia Cogo
Emma Melanie Cohen7
Adam Justin Cohn7
Gregory Patrick Coholan
Ben Joseph Colalillo7
Caitlin Elyse Coleman
Natalie Anne Coleman
William Skelton Coleman III
Gerald Avon Coles, Jr.
Christopher James Collins
Melissa Collins
Julia Claire Colopy
Amelia Ruth Colton
Zakery Williams Comer
Matthew Lyman Comey7
Chelsey Samantha Comfort
Sean Patrick Conaghan
Corinne April Iolanda Conn1
Jeremy James Conover1
Aidan Lawrence Conroy
Myles Blake Cook7
Courtney Nicole Cooper
Danielle Marie Cooper
Joshua William Cooper
Andrea Michelle Coppola
Anna Elizabeth Cordle
Sarah Patrice Corkett
Stephanie Marie Corral
Fredy Eduardo Corrales Gonzalez
Cale James Coryell
Jamie Jakia Cosby
Elizabeth Anne Cosgro
Michael Allen Coss II1
Sarah Pace Cottrell
Sarah Elizabeth Cottrell-Cumber7
Lauren Elizabeth Coughlin
Angelique Coulouris
Alexandra Catherine Ann Coutavas7
Maureen Nabila Cowan
Bradford Robert Coyle, Jr.
Hayley Bennett Coyle1
Katelyn Nicole Coyner
Sarah Katherine Crain1
Bethany Lee Crawford1
Jack Avery Crawford-Brown
Brandon Robert Croarkin
Paola Maria Croce Malave
Moira Aileen Cronin
Sean Morgan Cronley
Katerina Rae Cronmiller
Oliver Kenneth Cross
Jewel Osborn Crosswell1
High Distinction
Katherine Paulette Elizabeth Crouch
Emily Nichols Crump
Charlotte MacNeal Cruze
Molly Kate Cudahy1
Jelisaveta Cuic
Daillen Nordell Culver7
DeVanté Jordan Cunningham
Joanna Beth Currey1
Sarah Lauren Cutler
Timothy Jon Cwalina
Lucas Alexander Czarnecki
Louis Michael D’Agostino
Caroline Dahmen
Nishchal Mukesh Dalal
Edward Halstead Dalglish
Andrew Nicholas D’Amato
Alyssa Florence D’Angelo1
Carrie Anne Daniel
Darren James Daniels
Christine Anne Danzi1
Quincy Lauren Darbyshire7
Joseph Morris Dardick7
Camille Yvonne Darling
Brenna Darroch1
Eleanor Lee Daugherty
Thomas Leon Davies
Connor Moran Davis
Jeffrey Daniel Davis1
Mary Claire Davis
Sarah Elizabeth Davis1
Taylor Christine Davis
Yekaterina Allanovna Davydova7
Mary Evelyn Orne Dawson1
Carlos Eduardo Guedes de
Albuquerque Pereira7
José Antonio De La Peña
Carolina Leigh De Olazarra
David R Dean
Rachel Laura Deitch1
Nathanael Alemneh Dejene
Kristin Michelle Del Rosso
Michelle Alexandra Delgado7
Madeline Claire D’Elia
Emily Elizabeth Dell
Lingzhi Deng1
Zhi Bo Deng1
Lauren Nicole Denham
Christine Michelle Dennis
Maya Helene Dennis
Kaitlin Mae Dent
Alexandra Blake Derdall
Neil Desai
Elizabeth Achley Desio
Mary Elizabeth Desrosiers
Sarah Margaret DeVita
Robert L. Dewberry
Amber Nichole Dewey
Kieran Dhaliwal
Ishaan Paresh Dharia1
Haley Marie Diamond
Assa Diaw
Sophie Milholland Dick
Ariana Nicole Dickens
John Kent Dickinson V
Tyler Wallan Diduch
Matthew Bradford Diem7
Zachary Michael Diener1
Amberly Jessica Leann Diets
Alison Virginia Dietze
Camille Elisabeth Difolco1
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Andrew Casper Dilworth
Nicholas Cosmo Dima1
Jack Timothy Dingilian
Emily Ann Ditsch
Jose Emmanuel Divina
Xuan Thanh Do
Candice Marie Doane
Abbigail Mahriah Dobbertin
William Rhys Dodd
Jennilee Francis Dodds
Natnatee Dokmai
Joseph Edward Donahue
Alice Clark Donaldson
Michael Qiao Dong7
Allison Marie Donini1
Nithin Athresh Donnipad
Brian Michael Nebergall Donovan
Patrick Joseph Donovan
Adrian Samuel Doria Medina Monje
Brandon Harris Dorman
Taylor Alexandra Dorr
Catherine Nicole Dorset
Peter Nicholls Dorsey
Raine Johnson Dougherty
Taylor Leigh Dowd1
Mary Katherine Dowell
Anne Talbot Downey
Julia Maya Downs
Sean Martín Doyle
Haiguang Du
Madeline Jane DuCharme7
Megan Stefania Duckworth1
Sarah Celeste Dudley1
Kyle Anthony Dudzinski
Helen Aleyda Dueñas
Athena Marie Dufour
Shaun Philip Duggan
James Thomas Duke II7
Elizabeth Christine Dunkel
Caroline Elizabeth Graham Dunn
Ashley Rae Dustin
Shane Subir Dutta1
Victoria Elizabeth Dwyer
Alexis Nicole Eaton
Jack Henry Edwards
James Eugene Edwards, Jr.
Shannon Elizabeth Egan
Amaka Ayanna Egbarin
Lisa Elizabeth Eichhorn
Esther Allyn Eiger7
Joshua Elder
Anne Madison Eldred1
Louise Windsor Ellen7
Andrew Charles Elliott7
Anna Marie Elliott
Lyndzey Rena-Elizabeth Elliott
Scott Brockner Ellwood7
Catherine Cramer Emblidge
William Richard Emmanuel1
Dila Encür
Robert Ling Enders
Taylor Amanda Enders
Erin McKay Ennis
Daniela Cecilia Eppler
Francesca Anastacia Epps
Kaan Eren
Sofia Escallon
Neguiba Maria Eslaquit Navarro
Teresa Madoka Esman1
Joseph Michael Esteva
Highest Honors
Thomas Connor Etchison-Flynn
Megan Elizabeth Euerle
Dylan Graham Evans1
John Charles Evans
Franklin Roosevelt Jim Ewing IV
Monisade Abeni Fabunmi
David Richardson Fall IV7
Xiaowei Brittany Fan1
Yifan Fan
Kaitlin Mary Fanikos
Saron Fantahun
Jack Anthony Farina
Kimberly Paige Farmer
Samantha Jade Farmer
Shahryar Mian Farooq
William Hearne Farrar II
Joseph Daniel Farris1
Sara Vienna Faye
Jeffrey Thomas Fehmel
Stephen Joshua Feldman
Zuhal Feraidon
Katherine Louise Ferguson1
Kaye Marie Ferguson
Tatsiana Vasilievna Ferro
Jason Matthew Fetzer
Joseph William Fichthorn7
Jomar Figueroa
Claire Valentina Finkel1
Eliza Thompson Finn
Megan Elizabeth Finn
Sara Elisabeth Firestone
Catherine Rogers Firth
Hana Leila Miriam Fisher
Jackson Wyatt Fisher1
Sara Christen Fitzgerald1
Brian Carter Fitzsimmons1
Katherine Gayle Flannery
Parker Bates Fleming7
Michele Elizabeth Flom
Kaija Madeleine Flood1
Mary Kathleen Flood
Dylan Louis Fogarty
Joseph Brown Folds IV1
Shelby Rose Folmsbee
David Alejandro Fontenot
Benjamin William Ford
Simone Iman Ford
Thomas Leslie Forman II7
Annie Moore Forrest
Mary Elizabeth Fortin1
Cassidy Diane Foster
Hannah Blake Foster1
Saam Fouladgar
Taylor Nicole Fox1
Jean-Paul Francois
Mitchell Harrison Frank
Elisa Victoria Joan Franzinetti
Maleek Erik Frazier
Trayc Delores-Dannette Freeman
Ashley Nicole Frey1
Margaret Katherine Friedman
Ian Edward Frye
Nicole Rose-Aaron Furst1
Stephanie Claire Fuschetti
Mark Daniel Gabele
Katharyn Leigh Gadient1
Sidney Ray Gafford1
Kelsey Leigh Gahan
Anna Rose Gai7
Zoe Greer Gallop
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Lan Anh Sumner Galloway1
Rebecca Marie Galt
Thomas Joseph Gampper II
Matthew J Gandolfo
Kamala Kalpana Ganesh1
Sara Kathleen Garber1
Caroline Elizabeth Gardiner7
Mia Christina Garino1
Sabrey Garling
Delphine Theroux Garneau VI
Megan Ashley Garrett
Virginia Day Gazewood1
Lulu Ge
Tairuo Ge
Kelsey Leigh Gehr
Natalie Regan Geleta
Nicolette Lillian Gendron
Alexandra Coleman Georges
Alyssa Mackenzie Gerbus
Kathleen Ann Gergely
Tyler Garrett German
Mariah Justene Gerrity
Jacob Oscar Gerson
Sean Reza Gharai
Michael Henri Giaon
Jennifer Ann Gibbons1
Kezia Nicole Gibbs
Callyn Marianna Gibson
Caroline Hanrahan Gibson7
Joseph Fitch Gibson1
Rachel Jean Gilbert
Christina Kathleen Gilligan
Ashley Jane Gilroy
Steven Joseph Girardi
Perrin Noelle Givan
Margaret Louise Given
Julia Kristen Glatz
Tristan Henry Alaric Godbold7
Lucy Ambler Goddin1
Caroline Elisabeth Godine
Jordan Elizabeth Gold
Jessica Ann Goldsby7
Andrea Suzanne Goldstein
Jordan Alexander Goldwag1
Quinn Patrick Gomola Mullin
Estella Tian-Ran Gong1
Laura Peterson Good
Margaret Anne Goodman7
Oliver Raymond Goodridge
Michael Carter Goolsby1
Anna Catherine Gordon1
Carly Leanna Gordon
Patrick Robert Gordon
Emilia Alexandra Gore7
Emily Ruth Gorham
Garrett Stanley Gottesman
Margaret Nickle Gould1
Allyson Kelly Grace
Kierra Chante Graham
William Francis Graham
Alexandra Margaret Grant7
Charles Thomas Graul
John Lee Graves, Jr.7
Katherine Moriah Graves
Michaela Elizabeth Graves
Taneisha Shanté Graves
Terrence LeMarr Graves, Jr.
Allison Lynn Gray7
Michelle Kieu Gray1
Andrew Marcus Green
High Distinction
Christopher John Green1
Kelsey Leigh Green
Meagan Diane Green
Alexis Nicole Greenberg
Emma Walls Greever1
Alexander Thomas Gregorio1
Ryan William Gregory
Mark Francis Grenga
Katharyn Tessa Grewelle
Alexander Lafayette Griffith
Laura Elizabeth Griffith
Frances Satterlee Lucas Grimball1
Evan Austin Grinde
Lauren Elizabeth Grizzard
Earl Martin Grossman, Jr.
Locher Montgomery Grove1
Helena Isabella Groves1
Sara Maria Remus Gruenburg
Flor de María Guerra
Alexander David Guinn7
Jacob Tustin Gumble
Kristen Victoria Gunn1
Sydney Caroline Gunn
William Chase Gunter
Yingjia Lemon Guo7
Stacy Rebecca Gurbarg
Irakli Gviniashvili
Mirenda Nicole Gwin7
Julius Ha1
Shannon Leigh Hagginbothom
Ashley Kay Haight
Justin Michael Haigler
Sarah Elise Hainbach7
Olivia Diane Hairfield
Rebecca McTague Hairfield
Charlotte Marie Paxton Halbert1
Jessica Lauren Hall
Matthew Braxton Hall
Rashad Lejuan Hall
Clark William Halladay, Jr.
Osama Hesham Hallouda
Patrick Springer Hall-Wurst
Christopher Edward Halverson1
Caroline Clare Hamby
Hanan Khalid Hameed
Wake Myers Hamilton
Gordon Richard Hamilton Fairley
Juliet Amanda Hammer1
Zavia Simone Hammond
Seong Jin Han
Lucie Thompson Hanes
Joseph Nicholas Hankins
Alexa Kathleen Hansinger
Alexander Vincent Harasty
Amber Marie Hardin7
Marissa Carey Hardison
Meghan Elizabeth Hardman
Shanice Latrice Hardy
William Levi Hare
Siddharth Hariharan7
Zachary Paul Harker
Robert Lawrence Aidan Harland
Caroline Cochran Harman7
Emily Lauren Harper1
Ashleigh Briana Harris
Caroline Leigh Harris
Neil Tucker Harrison
Mitchell Ford Harry
Sarah Rosina Hart1
Sorcha Leigh Hartman-Birge
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Catherine Rogers Hartshorn
Valerie Cassandra Hartwick1
Adel Hasan
James Daniel Hassett
David William Hassler, Jr.
Ambre Rosalie Hasson
Alison Marie Haulsee1
Walker Kays Hawkins
Andrew Jeffrey Hayden
Ethan Wayne Hayes
Ryan Christopher Haynes
Payton Dereck Hazzard
Mary Zack H’Doubler
Katelyn Rose Hebel7
Eric Wesley Hedges
Brynna Hope Heflin7
Sofia Heinemann Bauer
Kareem Hekal
Rhody Patrick Orion Heller
Hanna Marie Helm
Elizabeth Alexander Henderson
Rachel Crawford Henderson
Taylor Kennedy Henkel1
Annan Garman Hepner
Caitlin Elizabeth Hepner1
Erik Hernandez
Caroline Kinloch Herre
Peyton Elizabeth Herring
Dylan Eavenson Herrmann
Eda Faye Herzog-Vitto7
Ever Marie Hess1
Audria Jude Hezbor7
Kristen Denise Hickman
James Jarred Higgs
Sarah Linette Higgs
Charles Butler Hill7
Ryan Christopher Hill1
Tyler James Hill
Timothy Frank Hilliard1
Rebecca Claire Hinch7
Story Albertina Hinckley
Nicholas Tift Hine7
Katherine Adair Hinerman
Nathan Andrew Hirshman1
Katherine Clair Hirtle
Thomas Raymond Hische
Antonia Edith Hite
Sarah Margaret Hjort
Robert Ryan Hoak1
Julie Lan Anh Hoang
Steven Son Hoang1
Blaire Marie Hodges
Hayley Louise Hoefer1
Morgan Elizabeth Hoenig
Thomas Aaron Hoffman1
Marian Rose Hohenwarter
William Claiborne Holden
John Edward Holleran, Jr.
Retsy Jones Holliday
Jeffery Brunson Holste
Dong Yon Hong
Sujin Hong
Sarah Katherine Hooper
Thomas Henley Hopkinson7
Nicole Dominique Hopper1
Russell Levine Horowitz1
Kristina Khanh-Thy Hosi
Daniel George Hothem
Tianyuan Hou1
Lauren R Howard
Highest Honors
Olivia Marie Howard7
Martin Damon Howell, Jr.
Ryan Michael Hsu7
Joyce Sing-Hui Huang1
Katherine Alyssa Huang
Wei Huang
Emily Louise Huddleston
Melissa Anne Hudson
Kerry Elizabeth Hughes7
McKenna Lauren Hughes
Clarissa Santos Hull
Jeremy Wayne Hurley
Matthew Joseph Hurley
Allison Lynelle Hurst7
Narmin Ramiz q1z1 Huseynova
Christopher Raymond Hutson
Katherine Tod Hutto7
Faye Huynh
Louis Donghyeon Hwang
Simon Tzshian Hwang
Dylan Michael Hyatt1
April Narae Hyon7
Ryan Charles Iaquinto
Alexander Arthur Iferenta
Christine Jihyae Im
Sarah Itohan Imovbioh
Duygu Ineci
Sarah Constance Ingles
Kenneth Burton Inman
Brandi Lucille Iorio
Allison Marie Irby
Jacob Ryan Irby
Emilia Nasser Isa
Colby B. Isenberg
Juliene Sarah Iwatsubo
Apoorva Smitha Iyer
Mayura Shankari Iyer1
Venkat Arunkumar Iyer
Erin Elizabeth Jackson
Jordan Keven Jackson
Yanna Elizabeth Jackson
Katherine Caldwell Jacobs
Melody Natasha Jacobs
Robert David Jacobs, Jr.
Cecily Melissa Jacobson
Anam Fatima Jafri7
Ainslie Hudson Jamerson1
Alyssa Marie James
Kimberly Patricia Janda
John Philip Janousek
Victoria Helena Janowski
Michelle Wilhelmina Maria Janssen
Eliza Marie Janus
Munkh-Ireedui Jargalsaikhan
Lhousia Ann Pamintuan Jaring
Claire Elise Jarrell7
Anaïse Jean-Philippe
Madeline Austin Jecklin
Lauren Michelle Jenkins
Latasha Monique Jennings1
Sally Jentis
Leah Yeonji Jeong
Sungyeob Jeong
Catherine Emory Jessee
Pengyu Jiang
Garrett Peter John
Khara Michelle John
Andrew Alan Johnson
Brannon Deane Johnson
Chanel Monee Johnson
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Christopher Courtland Johnson
Daniel Morris Johnson
Erin Kylie Johnson
Kaitlin Rayna Johnson
Karen Rebecca Johnson
Lindsey Rae Johnson1
Samantha Dayle Johnson
Samuel Anthony Johnson7
Sydney Claire Johnson
Taylor Ellis Johnson7
Alika Lian Johnston
Jennifer Catherine Maxwell Johnstone
Cassandra Morgan Jones
Clair Morgan Jones
Danielle Leanne Jones1
Lauren Olivia Jones
Marco Towand Jones II
Rachael Mason Jones
Rebecca Anne Jones1
Anne Campbell Jordan1
Winthrop Stephenson Jordan7
Antonio Matthew Jorge
Gabrielle Jorgensen1
Tracy Dee Joyce
Jee Hyun Jun
Hailati Jupaer
Ann-Sophie Charlotte Kaemmerle
Grigorios Kalai
Kamni Sriram Kalpathi7
Zena Kouoche Foluke Kamgaing
Diane Michelle Kamien
Rachel Bora Kang
Seung Woo Kang
Kadija Almar Kanu
Justin Allan Kaplan7
Manav Kapoor
Eliza Dora Karp1
Rebecca Eleanor Karp
Samantha Morgan Karp1
Meghan Mary Kasel1
Nima Kassiri
Nikita Katta
Joshua Aaron Katz1
Ian Matthew Kaufman
Neelankshi Kaul
John Walter Keady
Claire Felice Kealey1
Madelaina Elizabeth Keating
Jennifer Marie Keck
Theodore Augustos Kefalas
Katherine Grace Kegley1
Ann Marie Keller
Sarah Louise Kelley
Victoria Denise Kelley
Ann Marie Kelly1
James Joseph Kelly
Rachel Miles Kennedy1
Chelsea Renee Kenney
Thomas Etheridge Kent II
Barry Fitzgerald Kern, Jr.
Elizabeth Winslow Kerns
Jessica Marie Kerns
Hope Elisabeth Kerpelman1
Philip Joseph Kerry
Myanna Asmon Khalfani7
Natalie Caroline Khalil
Areeb Been Khan
Gulmeena Khan
Rafae Khan1
Chae Woon Kim
High Distinction
Dong Hyuk Kim1
Hannah Kim
Helen Hye Ryun Kim
James H Kim
Ji Hae Kim
Jiyeon Kim
Jiyeon Kim
John Jong Hyun Kim
Joshua Giwon Kim
Kimi Gayun Kim
Maeve Kim
Rachel Hyun Jin Kim
Rachel Me Young Kim1
Se Eun Kim
Sean Hoon Kim
Steve Jihoon Kim
Sumin Kim7
Yu Rim Kim7
Timothy Clifton Kimble7
Matthew James Kincaid7
Kyle Neil King
Kathryn Anne Kingsbury7
Lauren Leslie Kinneberg1
Elizabeth Ward Kirby7
Virginia Dawson Kirkland1
Catherine Emily Kitrinos
Ana Klein Viteri
George Anthony Knaysi III7
Sean Matthew Knightly
Elizabeth Grace Knipp
Joseph Albert Knoble
Wesley Daniel Knopp1
Rachel Alexis Knowles
Eunice Yoon Ko7
Victoria Soo-hyun Ko
Matthew Ernest Kochard
Natasha Bhavana Koduri
Gabriela Araujo Kolman
Jakob Burton Kolod
Fanjia Kong
Ashley Susan Koos
Emilie Josette Korban7
Panagiotis Constantine
Lauren Elizabeth Kozuchowsky
Nicholas James Kraynack1
Andrew J Kromkowski
Kimberly Marie Kronau
Alison Leigh Kuhn
Art Tan Kulatti1
Carly Nicole Kulik
Kristin Paige Kunze1
Amber Peiwen Kuo
Thomas Ryan Kurpit
Julie Ann Kusnerik1
Minnie Kwag
Ji Min Kwon
Philip Thomas Labella
Catherine Anne Labgold
Aimee Maryann Lacasse
Hayley Bennett Lafleche
Kaitlin Rylie LaGrasta7
William Lai
Kathryn Michelle Lake1
Chandler Michele Lally
Charlton Lam
Vincent Lam Ting Luk
Elizabeth Ann LaMarsh
Helen Brodde Lamb
Andrew Robert Lambert
Highest Distinction
Alexandra Marie Landis
Christopher B Landon
Allison Elizabeth Lank1
Katherine Lara
Portia Hélène Alexandrina Larentis1
Joseph John Larounis7
Trevor Christian Larry
Jay Hodsdon Larue
Peyton Corinne Larus
Kelly Louise Laughlin
Jordan Elise Lavender
William Woodward Laverack7
Tyler John Lawrence
Aaron Blane Lawson
Ryan Alexander Laychak
Jonathan Stewart Lazenby
Alexander Duc-Duy Le
Ivy Ann Le
Linh Le
Tuan Steven Le
Christina Danielle Leas1
Kathryn Ann Lebert
Kelsey Elizabeth LeBlanc
Emily Katherine Ledford-McAninch
Catie S Lee
David Hoyoung Lee
Diane Lee
Dongheon Lee
James Joosung Lee
Jessica M Lee
Justin Williams Lee
Madison Holdeman Lee1
Mingi Lee1
Richard Hancock Lee, Jr.1
Soo Min Lee
Sul-Ki Lee
Tyler Marcus Lee
Yea Jin Lee1
Joshua Daniel Leehan
Elizabeth Ann Leeper
Lauren Marie Lehman
Marcus Adam Leibowitz
Valerian Patrice LeMelle
Yeshi Kidan Lemma
Anna Catherine Leonard
Joseph Cobb Leonard
Elisabeth Frances Lerner
Tyler Newshaw Lescure1
Sarah Elizabeth Leser
Philip Taylor Letsou
Caitlin Elizabeth Rose Levine1
Emily Anne Levis
William Wrenn Lewandowski
Gregory Alan Lewis7
Paula Gibson Lewis
Brian Austin Li
Haina Li
Pinqing Phyllis Li1
Qi Li1
Yimi Li
Yutong Li1
Shiuh Liang7
Ruishi Liao
Philip Nicholas Liberato, Jr.
Lydia Michelle Lichlyter7
Alexandra Rose Lichtenstein7
Grace Yen-Tiung Lim
Olivia S Lim
Rebecca Suejin Lim7
Stephanie Mijeong Lim
High Honors
Highest Honors
Annie Lin1
Jordan Price Lindbeck
Tiffany Nicole Lindsey
Yuning Ling1
Alice Jia Liu
Kevin Liu7
Kevin Zhu Liu
Manqiao Liu
Monica Fei Liu
Tina Liu
Thomas Buchanan Livingston
Rachel Phoebe Llaneras
Samantha Blaye More Lockhart
Stephanie Morgen Lockhart
Conor J. Lockier
Kah Mun Loh1
Peter Livingston Lom1
Ava Sinclair Lonergan7
Kathryn Leigh Longest
Eduardo Lopez Egan Wyer
Annemarie Lord7
Jacob Thompson Lott
Alexa Jordan Lowman1
Alexander Duy-Nam Lu
Kailin Lu
Kristin Gaomei Lu
Zhuoyan Lu
Megan Ann Lubash7
Elizabeth Anne Luebbert
Nakawala Lyapa Lufumpa
Alexander Keith Lumain
Christopher Eric Lumain
Frances Ann Lummis1
Cecilia Maria Luna
George Morgan Lupton IV
Chanhong Luu
Lynne Michelle Lynch
Sean Patrick Lyons
Yunteng Ma
Alessandra Maria Lopa Macasaet
Kelly Ruth MacDonald1
Brian Dudley Macfarlane
Christopher Thomson Macfarlane
Maggie Marilyn Mack
Colby Brooke Madison1
John Robert Maggi
Nicole Elizabeth Magnusson
Adela Mahmutovic
Samuel Paul Mahone7
Gina Phuong Mai
Jacob Stephen Mainwaring7
Brittany Elaine Major1
Priya Malhotra
Kristen Midori Malinowski
James Ronald Malnati
Louise Denise Manahl
Erin Galbraith Mancini
Christina Megan Mandel
Mark Brinson Mann
Andrew James Manning
William Simpson Mannon
Briana Clarisse Mao
Chelsea Marcelin
Daniel Thomas Marchini
Ryan David Marcum
Eve Andrea Marenghi1
Katrina Gray Margolis
Lauren Kathryn Marrero7
John Lawrence Marshall1
William Marshall, Jr.
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Chantel Olivia Martin
Patrick Newton Martin
Alaina Ann Martinez
Joseph Anthony Martinez
Jean-Paul Martinod Sánchez7
Christopher Jay Martsolf
Terry Terrell Mason, Jr.
Noel George Mathew
Jasmine Kindra Mathis
Katelyn Anne Mattey
Nicholas Richardson Matthews
Cecile Genevieve Maurelli
Nilaja Arianna Bradley McBeth
Lindsay Addis McBride
Riley Shea McCall
Jacob James McCann
Kathryn Victoria McCann-Slaughter
Charles Richard McCarthy
Dennis Francis McCarthy
Michael Edward McCarthy
Alexander Mark McClanahan
Kristina Morgan McCloskey
Kyle Michael McCord
Morgan Anne McCoy
Morris Edward McCrary IV
Andrew John McCullen
Katherine Annemarie Ahern
Charles Shackleton McDaniel
Zachary Ryan McElgunn
Mollie Magnolia McGonagill
Scott Christopher McGrath
Claire Kathleen McHugh
Mallory Elise McKenzie1
Kathryn Anne McKew
David Andrew McKillop
Abigail Margaret McKinney
Emily Carter McLean
Amy Lynn McMahon
Lauren Dehan McMahon1
Caragh Elizabeth McMaster
Calvin McPhail-Snyder1
Anna Christine McQuitty7
Charles Francis McRoberts
Jack Woodworth McSwain
Allison Marie Meadows7
Julia Lee Meadows7
Colin Thomas Mearns
Brooks Edward Mears
Emily Elizabeth Edmunds Meissel7
Zachary John Melton7
Harris B Mendell1
Jessica Adriana Mendez
Sandra Julianne Menendez
Augustina Mensa-Kwao7
Katlyn Janelle Mercke
Laura Marshall Merriman1
Meranda Lynn Merritt
Alyssa Michelle Merski
Alexandrea Francis Mertes
Rachel Anne Miaw
Natalie Marie Michael
Gabrielle Thea Michnoff
Ronald Orlando Middleton
Justin Dyches Midkiff1
Rebecca Ann Midkiff
Natalia Ivanovna Mikutina
Jack Davis Miles III
Campbell Lynn Millar
Amy Lynne Miller
High Distinction
Zoe Singleton Newberg
Emily Rebecca Newman
Mackenzie Grey Newman
William Bridger Newman
Daniel Kevin Ng7
Antony Zhilang Ngai
An Hong Nguyen
Daniel Ngocminh Nguyen1
Helen Huynh Nguyen7
Jason Duc Anh Quan Nguyen
Kathy Anne Nguyen
Kevin Quang Nguyen
Phuong Duyen Hai Nguyen
Thu Shelly Ai Nguyen
Tien Thuy Nguyen1
Vina Phuong Nguyen7
Vy Thuy Nguyen
Whitney L’ Nicole Nichols
Claire Marlene Nichting
Gregory Stephen Nielsen
Vincent Chan Ning
Sally Dare Nobinger
John Kenneth Nolan1
Gabriel Luke Noronha7
Diane Avivah Noth
Anna Lanier Nott
Zachary Thomas Nye
Anna Maxine Oak
William Maxwell O’Beirne1
Hayes Linnell Shea O’Connor
Maureen Sarah O’Connor
Shannon Mills O’Donnell1
John Cooley O’Halloran
Shannon Lynn O’Neil1
Catherine Louise O’Neill
Casey Ann O’Reilly
Maureen Emerald O’Reilly
James Riley O’Shea
Chimmuanya Chudi Obi
David Hunter Odlen
Sylvia Oe
Christine Louise Oetjen
Mauricio Rogelio Ogando
Audrey Kerubo Ogendi
Jane Jaeun Oh
Aaron Jacobo Ojalvo7
Chinelo Krystal Okonkwo
Justin Taylor Olderman
Nicole Carolyn Oliphant
Jonathan William Olson
Nikole Marie Olson
Najahla Olumiji
Angele Francine Omadjela
Chukwudumebi Joy Omenyi
Paula-Anne Bonoselulu Omiyi7
Annette Mai Ong1
Nickzad Oraee
Xavier Alain Orcutt1
Oluwaseun Oluwatosin Orikogbo1
Kristina Kaye Ormsby
Emily Jane Orr
Jessica Rose Woolven Orrett
Chelsea Rose Ortiz1
Lauren Hope Ortiz
Colleen Marie Osborne
Kwesi Magid Osei
Katharine Anne Ostrow
Adam Eric Ott
Tanner Michael Ottenbreit
Alyxandrea Nicole Ouellette
Andrew Neal Miller
Joseph Henry Miller V
Robert Louis Miller
Schuyler McKenzie Miller7
Tess Rosalind Miller1
Russell Quinn Minetti
Corey Allen Minnick
Devon Maura Miro
Paulina Mirovski1
Jacob Mirpanah
Carly Nicole Misenheimer7
Destiny Keyonna Mitchell
John Brandon Mitchell
Mary Margaret Mitchell
Mike D Mitchell
Rachel Virginia Moffitt
Talal Mohammad
Fatima Saleh Mohammed1
Monica Mohapatra7
Katherine Anne Moles1
Thomas Anthony Mondello
Alexa Marie Monfort
Rahul Monga1
Caitlin Maureen Moniz
Elisa Montealegre
Carolina Isabel Montealegre
Katharine Lear Mooney
Michael Andrew Moore
Emily Sears Mordecai7
Keith Fitzgerald Morgan
Patrick James Morgan1
Kyle Graham Morris
Maggie Jean Morris
Wendy Annmargaret Morrison7
Daria Kathleen Mosman1
Mari Jan Motsenbocker
Bridget Gael Mudd
Claire Seabury Mueller1
Heather Mui
Kevin Michael Muir
Megan Shea Mullaney
Nicole Paige Muller1
Erin Paige Mullins
Jorge Rumaldo Munoz
Bhargavi Lakshmi Munukutla
Charles McMorrow Murray
Shannon Elizabeth Murrell
Guzelnur Musabay
Eleanor Mercedes Muse
Jessica Gail Muse
Kristen Elisabeth Musselman
Lisa Marie Myers
David Michael Nadolski1
Elias King Naegele
Leah Adrienne Naidorf
Tara Nair
Peter Scott Nance
Elizabeth Allesandra Napps1
Melodie Aimee Nasr
Jean-Philippe Nau
Nikoe Anselmo Navarro
William Ivan Nayda, Jr.
Joshua Hester Neergaard
Amy Elizabeth Nelson
Mara Terese Nelson
John Michael Nesemann7
Johnsie Jamison Nesmith
Alexander Frederick Neuling
Nora Katharine Neus1
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Lesha Ouyang7
Mingtian Ouyang
Daniel Lewis Owen
Christopher Matthew OwusuSampah
Joseph Farrar Pace III7
Margaret Ruffner White Page
Tequila Nate Page
Ayla Rae Palermo
Christopher William Palermo-Re
Gregory Edward Kenneth Palmer
Lindsay Elizabeth Palmer
Austin Randolph Palmore
Karen Deanna Huang Pan
Hales Elizabeth Parcells
Jessica Cristina Paredes
Radhika N. Parekh1
Andrew Dongihn Park
Choungwon Park
Earl Augustine Park
Ji Soo Park
Justin Kiyoung Park
Sung-Min Park
Thomas Yoon Park
Caitlin Parker1
Caroline Louise Parker7
Colin McKinon Parker1
Jarrett Paul Parker
Kristen Nicole Parker
Whitney Nicole Parker
Jackson William Partin
Sarah Jeanette Pate
Jay Atul Patel
Kunal Patel
Nirav Nitin Patel7
Shrina Arvind Patel1
Siddharth Shailesh Patel
Erin Kelley Patrick1
Erin Lee Patterson
James Wyatt Patterson7
Sarah Ashley Patterson
Aaron Scott Paul
Stephen Elliott Paul7
Abigail Katharine Payne
Matthew James Paysour1
Theresa Frances Pazanowski
Nicholas James Jackson Peacemaker
Robert Thomas Peaden
Jacob Michael Pearce
Julia Catherine Pedrick
Cole Michael Peery
Mark Robert Penaranda
Adria Kathryn Penatzer7
Erin Grace Penley
Nicole Marie Penn7
Jean Christophe Benoit Pepin
Emily Claire Perego
Anna Isabel Perina
James Robert Perla1
Campbell Thomson Peters
Elizabeth Grace Peters
Lindsey McClellan Peters
Ruthanne Burns Petitto
Robert David Petri
Lan Ngoc Pham
Nicole Suchong Pham
Brandon M Phelps
Forrest Blake William Phelps
Nicolette Ann Philippi
Eva Alexandra Phillips
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Denisha Marlene Phipps
Hunter Morrow Pie
Monica Frouzan Piechottka
Emily Elizabeth McClements Pierce7
Brennan Connor Pieroni
John Mason Pilcher7
Cassidy Lynn Pillow7
Mina Anahid Pirasteh7
Lisa Marie Pisani
Danielle Shenequa Pitts
Gabriel Enrique Planas
Branden James Pleines
Julia Elizabeth Poe
John Ashton Pond
Daniel Carlos Alberto Pontón7
Mason James Popham
Brian Cross Porter
Ikenna Timothy Porter
Sarah Anne Porter
Megan Ashley Porzio
Kevin Andre Postigo
Zachary Paul Pottanat7
Danielle Melissa Potter
Emily Katherine Powell
Jasmine Tyler Powell
Jennifer Powell de Sandria1
Nicholas James Powers
Karen Lizette Pozo1
Keishan Prakash
Evelina Raquel Preciado Arango
Julie Ann Price
Paul Walker Prillaman1
Ian Andrew Prum1
Danielle Elizabeth Psimas7
Colin James Puckett1
Michael David Pugliese1
Domenic Vincent Puzio1
Siyuan Qian
Richard B Qin
Xian Qing
Jia Hao Qiu
Eugenie Yu Quan
Catherine Elizabeth Quinn1
Woojin Ra
Tahseen Wahed Rabbani7
Roberto Arturo Rada Zamora
Kevin Andrew Radford
Nicholas Anton Radulescu7
Alexander Thomas Rafala
Yasmin Annissa Rafiq
Bibi Halima Rahim
Wasiur Rahman
Partha Vikrama Rajendra
Shruti Ramesh7
Cristina Isabel Ramírez Besançon
Ray Thomas Ramirez, Jr.
Parker Southwood Ramsay
Jennifer Elizabeth Ramsland
Bharat Rao
Samantha Rose Rasnic1
James Leonard Raven
Kaitlyn Amber Ray
Kyle Jacob Rayo1
Brooke Erin Ream1
Clare Elizabeth Reardon
Timothy Francis Rebholz
Caroline Margaret Reed
Ayanna Maya Reese
Robert Paul Reese1
Thomas Jennings Reid7
High Distinction
Anna Elisabeth Reimold
John Bobchek Reiter
Stephanie Austin Renn
Jessica Nicole Rennert1
Shannon Elizabeth Reres
Richard Martin Ressler7
Joel Thomas Reynolds
Laura Christine Reynolds
Virginia Randolph Reynolds
Helena Sang Ah Rhim
Jane Independence Richards
Maddalena Elizabeth Richards1
Alexis Nicole Richardson
Wendy Pak Richardson
Anastasia Zephira Richter
Logan Philip Richter
Caitlin Brooks Rider1
Lauren Renee Riggleman
Brendan Lange Rijke1
Emarchez Dijon Aireal Riley
Katherine Jean Ripley1
Brent Thomas Risney
Kimberly Lissette Rivera
César Eduardo Rivera Díaz
Maria Juliana Roa Arrazola
John Norman Roach, Jr.7
Milika Omeia Robbins
James Patrick Roberts
O’tillia Sapphire Roberts
Samuel Eason Roberts
Erica Sachiko Robertson
James Scott Robertson II
Mary Ann Robertson
Melinda Grace Robey
Carly Brennar Robinson7
Damitri Meshae Robinson
Larnce Lavale Robinson, Jr.
Amy Leanne Rocco1
Victoria Grace Rodgers7
Kalene Nicole Rodriguez
Pablo David Rodriguez7
Christopher Reed Rogan
Julia Celeste Roithmayr7
Eleanor Jane Roller7
Anna Elizabeth Rollosson1
Charles Thomas Rommel
Hayley Marie Rose1
Margaret Garland Rose
Sarah Harrison Rose
Emma Jensen Rosecan
Gracie Lynn Rosenbach
Jacob Alan Rosenberg
Rebecca Pauline Rosenblatt7
Daniel Berman Rosenfeld7
Hannah Elizabeth Rosenfeld
Whitney Nicole Rosser
Benjamin James Rost1
Robert Scott Rotzin
Stephen William Rowe1
Anne Nicole Rowell
Brian Arthur Roy1
Kathryn Marie Rozelsky
Peyton Spencer Ruble
Jeffrey Robert Ruland1
Caitlin Nicole Russell
Erica Jane Ruth7
Catherine Stuart Ryan
Natalie Kathleen Ryan7
James Andrew Saba1
David Gianni Sacco
Highest Distinction
Lindsay Elizabeth Sackellares1
Madeline Combes Sacripanti
Sydney Caroline Sadler1
Katharine Claire Sadowski7
C. Dalton Saeli
Matthew McQueen Saer
Christian Sahle-Selassie
Harjapjit Singh Sahni
Christian Salcedo
Samir Salifou
Emily Grace Salle
David Ryce Salomonsky
Nikolas Alexander Samaras
Elizabeth Rose Samardge
Sydney Brown Sampson7
Mathew Cherian Samuel1
Andrew Paul Sanders1
John Geiser Sandusky
Melissa Lane Sanford
Max Eibon Sarmento
Ryan O’Neal Satchell, Jr.
Kevin Salvador Saucedo Broach
Tyler William Saunders
Katherine Elizabeth Savage
Nicole Marie Savage1
Shannon Marie Savell7
Carlson Mary Sawyer
Rishi Mukesh Saxena
Carolyn Kelly Schaefer
Lauren Nicole Schauer1
Caroline Elizabeth Schieber
Madison Leigh Schiefer
Matthew Lee Schilling
Ann Harlin Schimmels
Kristin Haley Schmidt
Alexander Joseph Schmitt1
William Watson Schneider
Margaret Frances Schnuck
Ashley Mariah Schoen1
Catherine Grace Schroeder
Michael McKinley Schuler
Page Easton Soulé Schult
Madeline Coderre Schuster
Kathryn Graham Schwarting
Matthew Jordan Schwartz
Rachel Marti Schwartz
Jason Louis Schwarz1
Corey David Schweiger
William Arthur Schwieder
Gregory Mark Scialabba
Desmond O’Neal Scott
Natasha Renae Scott
Susannah Perin Scott
Whitney Elaine Scott
Kathryn Carlisle Scully1
Sarah Emma Seale
John Charles Searight
Mary Caroline Seats
Jenna Nicole Seckinger1
Alexandra Leone Seferovich
Lauren Rachael Seibert
Zachary William Seid1
Rebecca Alyse Seidel
Gemma Seidita1
Emily Anne Marlowe Self
Emilee Diana Sendaj
Donald Ray Sensabaugh
Erica Faye Seymour
Stephen William Shade7
Yalda Shakeri
High Honors
Highest Honors
Ashley Cole Shamblin7
Nabil B. Shamsher
Benjamin Zachary Shapero
Alia Imani Sharif
Krishi Sharma
Anuja Shashipadme
Joshua Ryan Sheehan1
Laura Trusilo Shelton
Sydney Renee Shelton
Siyang Shen7
Mathilda Eliza Shepard7
Jaclyn Marie Shepherd
Kyle Benensohn Sheppard7
Elizabeth Erin Sherman
Sarah Nicole Sherman
Jing Shi1
Megan Downing Shields
Struan Theodore Roebuck Shields
Stephanie Elizabeth Shifflett1
Campbell Peyton Shiflett1
Andrew Hyunjoon Shim
Haejung Shin
Jeff Dong Shin
Alexa Rae Shockley
Alexandra Ward Shofe
Frederick Clay Shorey
Alexander Blake Shortridge
Jacqueline Paige Shrader
Emma Elizabeth Shreve7
Jian Xiang Shuy
Alexandra Janet Sibilla
George Kyrellos Sidarous
Grant William Silvester
Meredith Grace Simmons
Sithara Madushan Siriwardena
Cailin Elyse Sisk1
Nadine Meriam Skaff
Scott Casey Skokowski
Annie Lyall Slaughter1
Zoe Amadeus P. Slepian7
William Kirk Sloan
Benjamin Andrew Reese Small
Sarah Marie Smaltz
Alicia Chaniece Smith
Caitlin Ayn Smith
Cameron Wesley Smith
Christopher Thomas Smith1
Hunter Nathanael Smith
Jessica Norine Smith
Lindley Kathleen Smith
Madeline Page Smith7
Maggie Ellen Smith
Marin Saylor Smith1
Meghan Leslie Smith
Raven Davida Smith
Linsey Nicole Snead
Cody Dominique Snyder
Alexander Chamroeun So
Bradley Joseph Solomon
Katharine Megan Somers1
Helen Ye ji Song
Jin Sung Song
Shivon Sood
Alexandra Katherine Soroka7
Bryanna Marie Southan
Joshua Stephen Southward
Tonya Lea Spangler
Carly Anne Spraggins
Nazzareno Henry Spurio III
Aksheetha Sridhar
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Julia Stansbury Sroba
Kevin Collins Stahl7
Makela Cordero Stankey1
Hanna-Nicole Stanley
Elizabeth Carter Stapleton
Leah Carroll Starns1
Michael Richard Starsia
Peter Allen Stebbins1
Logan Rae Steele1
Thomas Lalla Steen
Morgan Steinfeld
Emily Katherine Field Stephen7
Morgan Alexandra Stephens
Courtney Rae Steuber
Ahmad Rashaad Stewart
Caitlin Dean Stewart
Cameron Spencer Stewart
Patricia Elizabeth Stewart7
Ashley Rae Stiles
Emanuil Alexandrov Stoichev1
Chelsea Alíce Stokes
Edward Lane Stokes
Jordan Alexandra Stokes
Madeline Yvonne Stokes
Kyle Thomas Stolcenberg
Joshua Nicholas Stone7
Hailey Meredith Stoudt1
Philip Deming Stout
Paul Robinson Strader
Britni Alexandra Strates
Georgia Sanford Straton
Meghan Carmichael Strosnyder
Hannah Grace Strub
Courtney Melissa Strykiewicz
Jordyn Noelle Stuger
Jennifer Suh
Haley Elizabeth Suit1
Kyle Alexander Sullivan7
Kyler Dayle Sullivan
Thomas Bradlee Sullivan
Jaime Elizabeth Summers1
Shuo Sun
Mary Catherine Swadba7
Gregory Kent Swanson
Scott Michael Swanson
Haley Joyce Swartz1
Timothy Alexander Swartz
Madison Douglas Swartzwelder
Corrie Hamlin Swenson
Alexander James Swope
Chloe Allegra Sykes
Nathan Wayne Sykes7
Tor Erik Syvrud
Olivia Gabrielle Szymanski
Nadeem Imadeddine Tabbara1
Mohammed Faisal Taher
Kanishka Fardin Taheri
Chongfan Tai
Lindsey Anne Taitano
Andrew Edward Talbot1
Arrianne Jenny Talma
Tuomas Peter Talvitie
Stephannie Tamayo
Zher-Hui Tan7
Mina Tavakoli7
Gavin Wells Taylor
James Travis Taylor
Monica Hammonds Taylor
Sid Anthony Taylor, Jr.
Samuel Wesley Teague IV
High Distinction
Anthony Alonzo Teate, Jr.
Samuel Hayden Teixeira1
Mita Tembe7
Pablo Andres Teran Chicaiza1
Dominique Levon Terrell
Edlawit Tessema
Susan Yohannes Tewolde
Jordan Leigh Thayer
Alexandra Isabella Thomas
Claudia Aileen Thomas
Colin James Steuart Thomas IV
Destinie Danyelle Thomas
Garrett Michael Thomas
Lauren Imani Thomas
Sarah Annina Thomas7
Blake Mitchel Thompson
Elena Renee Thompson1
Kathryn Drew Thompson
Rebecca Marie Thompson
Angela Schindler Thorp7
Ethan James Thrasher
Scott Lyden Tilton7
Courtney Patricia Timms
Cameron Abernathy Todd
Hannah Romaine Vaughan Todd
Philip Craig Todd
Norashiqin Toh7
Michael Tom
Vy Nu Thuy Ton
Wenting Tong1
Aileen Maria Toomey
Kaili Nicol Torres
Daniele Bentley Tower
Kenneth James Towns
Megan Leigh Tracy1
Benjamin Alfred Tran7
Christine Anh-Thu Tran7
Thuan Tran
Truc Ngan Thi Tran
Victoria Allison Tran
Nicholas Arlen Tremps
Caroline Kerry Trezza7
David Trinh
Justin Robert Trinidad
Tara Miwa Tritt1
Tu-An Hoang Truong
Angela Tu
Ryan Jon Tucker
Alyssa Renee Tulabut
Amaro Tuninetti1
Sarah Jessica Turkaly
Corey Sue Turner
Jonathan William Turner
Patricia Jane Turner
Trevor Allen Turner
Jessica Taylor Turpin1
Kelly Michelle Tyroler
Nina Kirit Udeshi
Ellen Canfield Upton
Gabriella Marie Urcia
Rodrigo Telles Urioste
Nickolas Xavier Urpí
Millicent Okon Usoro
Maggie Elizabeth Utecht
Alice Catherine Vaden1
Andrea Esther Valdez
Alexandra Jean Valentine
Catherine Claire Valentine
William Izard Valentine
Luke Peter Van Bergen
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Jessica Faye Van Besien
Hannah McEwen Varden7
Obeida Isabel Vargas
Kiersten Alicia Vaughan
Anirudh Venkatachalam
Marina Falk Vere Nicoll
Dirk Wayne Verheul
Sarah Elizabeth Vernon
Nicholas Angelo Veschi
Tierney Elizabeth Vial7
Mary Irene Vieth1
Gianfranco Villar
Kristine Nicole Viray
Michael Anthony Viray1
Prima Vithoontien
Garet Joseph Voit
Pia von Barby1
Chloé Marie von Lignau
Benita Charlotte Christine Johanna
von Lilienfeld-Berry
William Robert Vozenilek
Kristen Marissa Vretakis
Nicholas George Vretakis
Gina Vuu
Brandon David Waddell
Anna Caitlenn Wade
Elizabeth Ann Wagner7
Michelle Arian Wahab
Natalie Lauren Wahl
Erin Victoria Paige Wainwright
Addison Elizabeth Walker
Ashlyn Elysse Walker
Carrington Janine Walker
Sarah Louise Walker
David Blair Wall
Kelcey Elizabeth Wall
Morgan Kathleen Wall
Charles Dixon Wallace III
Carl Douglas Walrath
Emily Anne Walsh
Peter Michael Walsh
Benjamin Eli Walzer
Claire Xiaozhi Wang7
James Kainan Wang
Jingye Wang
Kane Wang
Li-Chang Wang1
Xiaoqing Wang
Yexiao Wang7
Yuexi Wang
Kayla Marie Ward
Sasha Marie Ward7
Sloan Stokes Warren
Kelia Lynn Washington
Rosa Mae Waters7
Madeline Murray Watkins
Mary Margaret Watkins
Elizabeth Warner Watson
Mary Frances Watson
Nicholas M Watson
Patrick Allen Watson
Kaitlyn Mae Weaver
Rachel Glynn Weaver
Wesley Jay Webster
Benjamin William Weidinger
Justin Benjamin Weinstock1
Sara Elizabeth Weintraub7
Gregory David Weiss7
David Seth Weitzel
Abigail Christine Welborn
Highest Honors
Gage Shackleford Blauvelt Wells7
Todd Garrett Wells
Daniel Hamberger Weltz1
Nicholas Alexander Werner1
Sariah Elizabeth Werner
Zachary Joseph Werner1
David Jeffrey Wert
Antonina Wessels
Christian James Wheeler
Thomas L Wheet
Kayla Brooke White
Sarah Rozell White
Luke Edward Whitehead
Jeremy Trevor Whitehurst
Luke Wilson Whitesides1
Jeremiah M Whitmire
Caroline Dorn Whittinghill
Catherine Baylor Wickes
Ted Harrison Wieland
Moriah Jasmine Wilkins
Tyler Andrew Wilkinson
Baylee Lauren Williams1
Brittney Antoinette Williams7
Claire Lindsay Williams
Colin Edward Williams
Kiana Nicole Williams
Lauren Ruth Willis
Jane Spencer Willner
Lauren Grace Wilmot
Brandon Christopher Wilson
John Scott Wilson
Nia Henre Wilson
Rachel Grace Wiltshire
Taylor Katherine Wimberly1
Thet Htar Win
James Andrew Winchester
Nicole Amira Mckenzie Winfree
Kelvin Sarfo Wiredu
Alexandria Marie Wishy
Sommer Amanda Wiss
Marta Tesfay Woldu
Allison Marie Wolf7
Jackson Scott Wolford1
Allen Gi-Wing Wong
Allison Megan Wong1
Robert Connor Wood1
O’Shea Devonne Woodhouse
Kendall Garrett Turner Woods
Tiffany Lynn Woods
Jeffrey Wooten
Amanda Katelyn Wright7
Maya Alysa Wright
Peter James Wright7
Rachel Anne Wrobel
Christopher Tyler Wrocklage
Wentao Wu
Yanzi Wu
Mallory Blair Wygal
Jiahe Xiao
Sophia Liting Xiao7
Wei Xiong
Krystal Xiaoxiao Xu1
Mengran Xu7
Shuo Xu7
Yiting Xu1
Ziyan Xu
Carol Sherif Yacoub
Mariam Mohamed Yaktieen1
Jinghao Yan
David Sewei Yang
Distinguished Majors Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Patricia Ann Coughenour7
Ainee Chu De Guzman
Arun Brendan Dutta
Yucheng Gao
Mark Francis Hanak1
Kelsie Elizabeth Hunnicutt7
Allen Min Jo
Adam Michael Joyce
Elizabeth Ashley Kelly
Julia Biyul Kim1
Lauren Elizabeth Lenertz
Kevin Joseph Lopez7
Chih-Huan Lu1
Neal Coleman MacDonald
Whitney Elise Mangas
Marlo Kirsten Mellon
Emily Rebekah Moore1
Sapir Nachum1
Ashley Catherine O’Keefe7
Dan Park
Janice Haesun Park7
Jingyao Qiu1
Ellen Caryl Russell
Juan Enrique Salazar, Jr.
Christian Baylosis Sanchez
Michael Anthony Schacher1
Edward Charles Schrom II7
Stuart Barton Sloat1
Samuel Wei-Hua Song
Caroline Elizabeth Stewart7
Emily C Sun
Elizabeth Ann Thacker
Tuan Gia Tieu
Amanda Valentine Toulme1
Davis Anh Ngoc Tran1
Satawart Upadhyay7
Vanessa Michelle Vanderdys
Jillian Wen Wen
Xin Yang
Gaisu Yari1
Matthew Robert Yates1
Hanan N Yazid
Megan Alexandra Yetman
Hongdou Yin
Shengzhong Yin
Hajung Ann Yoo
Kelly Jihae Yoo
Jason Joseph Yost
Eugine Youn1
Elizabeth Gray Youngling
Seth Petersen Youngner
Maria Malinova Yoveva
Annie Tsai-Yi Yueh
Andrea Cecilia Yuly7
Christopher Kunyong Yun
Jonathan Jongsu Yun
Nikki Yuetyee Yung
Ayla Kristina Olesen Yurtaslan
Andrew David Zabala
M. Arslan Zahid7
Holly Anne Zajur7
Cecily Nelson Zander7
Eden Zekarias
Rebecca Zeledon
Mary-Rolfe Zeller
Shun Zenda
Selin Zenginkinet
Meredith Ann Zettlemoyer7
Jenny Zhan
Alice Y Zhang
Chi Zhang7
Emily Danica Zhang
Julina You Zhang
Xinci Cindy Zhang
Shuochen Zheng
Bei Zhou1
Margaret Zhou
Yunzhe Zhou
Weizhen Zhu
Xiuxi Zhu
Michael Allen Ziegler7
Natan Girma Zike
Katherine McLean Zimmerman
Catherine Simon Zucker1
Lauren Elizabeth Abbott
Hassan Mark Adabi
Hina Afaq1
Badr Ghailan Alsayab
Michael Brandon Altamura
Yee Thwe Aung
Jannah Trisha Capilitan Babasa
Adriana Elizabeth Bailey
Chantel Anastasia Bailey
Laura Elizabeth Baker1
Maxwell Jared Baran
Arsalan Khalid Bhatti1
Nana Awah Bosomtwe
Mary Katherine Bradley
Devon Marie Brown
Irina Olegavna Bushmanova
Bachelors of Science
Amna Adrees1
Donna Ashley Anselmo
Shanice Gene’t Artis1
Louisa Chapoton Boyd
Alexander Hoy Brumas
Samuel Whitaker Bubernak
High Distinction
Jinman Cai
Parker Douglas Campanella
Duncan Francis Cannon1
Jawad Rasool Chaudhry1
Alexis Kaitlyn Chernish
Sunray Catherine Cho
Soonhong Choi
Samantha Elisabeth Clark
Joshua Robert Corbin7
Sabrina Isabel Coronel
Katherine Mary Cunningham
Kylene Patricia Daily
Morgan Thomas Dodson
Ziyi Fan1
Shelby Sutton Fields
Kurt Thomas Geffken1
Amanda Nicole Gingras
Sarah Elise Heuer
Helen Elizabeth Hill
Michael Anthony Huber1
John Lucien Johnson
Samy Adel Kebaish
Vikrant Khare1
Connell Joseph Hu Kling1
Rebecca Lynn Kolkmeyer1
Andrew William Lankenau7
Nicholas Chien-Juei Lee7
Michael John Lingelbach1
Winnie Liu1
Steven McIlwaine Mills II
Eric Mitchell Moseley
Katrina Nemri
Sebastien Claude Ortiz
Thomas Michael Pender
Kevin Christopher Quach
Farhan Mohammad Qureshi
Evan Ajit Rajadhyaksha
Alexander Bramwell Reed1
Tomas Rey1
Ellen Claire Schleckman1
Emily Margaret Schutzenhofer7
Palak Dwarkesh Shah
Mehreen Shahid
Arianna Elizabeth Sherman7
Jagraj Singh
So Hee Son
Ankita Sridhar1
Robert Hunter Stein7
Patrick Joseph Steiner
Christine Elizabeth Steinwedel
Daniel Craig Tate
Ross Harris Taylor
Emily Jane Tonks1
Eric Philip Vetter
Olivia Frances Wheeler-Williams7
Charles Edward Wolfe IV
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Elaine Wu1
Annie Du Yang1
Wesley Zhang Yang1
Rui Zou7
Matthew Aaron Bedenbaugh
Nicholas Steffen Berry
Jennifer Suzanne Black
Emily McFaden Blanton
Sidney Anne Bush
Cassandra Lynn Cosans7
Kristen Blair Cox
Sarah Ellen Davidson
Gloria Kate Desanker
Erin Mary Dougherty7
Colleen Marie Duda
Kelsey Ann Everard7
Isabel Foster Greenberg1
Charles Scott Hanley
Shannon Vanheu Hees1
Emma East Hollowell7
Benjamin Thomas Jarrett
Dyanna Michelle Jaye1
Emily Victoria Scott Long
Tyler Andrew Lystash
Colin Stephen McCool
Sarah Catherine McIntosh
Brittany Ann Moretz
Amanda Lauren Morgenthal
Benjamin Aaron Pickus7
Jennifer Eena Ren7
Kristian Edward Robinson
Shaina Leigh Schaffer
Eliza Lee Schlein
Mackenzie Joy Schroeder
Griffin Dell Shapiro
Thomas James Sherman1
Katherine Judy Travis7
Janet Kathleen Walker7
Rebecca Holloman Walker7
Omar Akram
Eric Michael Fries7
Mark William Gordon7
Kyun Woo Hong
Viswanatha Chaitanya Karlapati7
Adrian Travis Mead7
Janet Frances Rafner7
Nicholas Patterson Roane7
Melinda Ida Klemens Root7
Thomas Patrick Scheevel7
Guolong Wang7
Dane Simpson Warner7
Anna Katherine Yanchenko
Distinguished Majors Program
Graduates and Degree Candidates
School of Medicine
Conferred August 12, 2014
Doctors of Medicine
Matthew Morrow Engelhard
Opal Alicia Prevatt
Conferred May 17, 2015
Doctors of Medicine
Elizabeth Grace Ames
Emily Claire Arena
Betelehem Mulu Asnake
Benjamin Zachary Ball
Justin Nathaniel Baros Barr
Joshua Ames Berlat
Lipika Bhat
Michael Louis Billet
Alexander Rainer Manuel Bitzer
Kaitlin Rhiannon Blackard
John Bradford Boone
Anthony Michael Bradshaw
Kendall Douglas Brooks
Allison Elizabeth Bruff
Carlos Andres Bustamante
Stacy Marie Cain
Lauren Elizabeth Caldwell
John Joseph Carroll
Katharine Shelby Catlett
Jonathan Chahin
David Chen
Kevin C. Chen
Matthew Colin Christie
Kathleen Curley Clement
Jonathan David Coker
Jennifer Lynn Cooper
Amy Ruth Copeland
Anastasia Martha Crihfield
Sara Kaitlyn Daniel
Frank Thomas Dicker
Rebecca Rigel Donald
Katherine Davila Willson Donowitz
Austin Keith Drake
Yasser Jamal El-Abd
Walid Galal El-Nahal
Stephen Michael Crowe Ernst
Amy Weiyi Fan
Ryan Matthew Franasiak
Julia Leigh Freling
Kristine Elizabeth Gade
David Jeremiah Garrison
Aneesh Paul Goel
Jeffrey Larson Goodsell
Vidya Vellore Gopinath
Alisha Denise Gordy
Bernadette Joann Goudreau
Matthew Aaron Guess
Ankur Gupta
Sumeet Kumar Gupta
Michael Mitry Hadeed III
Taylor Nicole Haight
Alexander Youssef Halim
Daniel Mark Harris
Ali Hemyari
Christopher Jennings Hill
Michael Charles Holland
Ann Honor
Ryan Brandon Hunter
Saher Iftikhar
High Distinction
Mark Anjalan Jayanathan
Drew LuDon Jensen
Stephanie Anne Johnson
Leah Jones
Michelle Elizabeth Kew
Justin Jung Shik Kim
Bryan Paul Kline
Emily Lauren Moore Knudsen
Tracy Kim Kovach
Patrick Michael Kozak
Matthew Richard Kucia
Gregory Matthew Kurkis
Michael Laguarda
Rasha Henshaw Laguarda
Sudesna Lakshman
Kyrstin Lynnice Lane
Kemarut Christina Laothamatas
Justin Charles Laracy
Michelle Janine Larzelere
Spencer Benjamin Liebman
Julia Vivian Loewenthal
Christine Lu
Samuel Franklin Luebbert
Brian Minh Luu
Chinedu Madu
Lauren Elizabeth Mahoney
Daniel Rusch Matson
Christine Standahl McClain
Christina Josephine McClure
Janice Elizabeth McMillan
Brian Daniel McNichols
Tyler Smith McQueen
Courtney Melissa McVey
Neil Kaushal Mehta
Joshua Keith Meisner
Thomas Allan Mendel
Lingjin Meng
Jaime Lynn Miller
Maanasi Sunil Mistry
Joseph Daniel Mock
Aisha Rahim Mondal
Alexander Harry Monroe
Shayan Moosa
Olivia Megan Moskowitz
Adam Christopher Mueller
Rachel Elizabeth Mullins
Lauren Theresa Murphy
Arjun Muthusubramanian
Tara Ghatge Nagaraja
Aaron Gebreselassie Naji
Diana Patricia Nakad Rodriguez
Dana Ariel Nezon
Vu Huy Nguyen
Casey Peyton Nicol
Berhanemeskel Alemu Nida
Gradon Christian Nielsen
Brandon Bruce Nunnally
Matthew Maximillian Padrick
Rita DiGrazia Page
Laura Elizabeth Parente
Mehul Shailesh Patel
Pratik Atul Patel
Shetal Rameshchandra Patel
Daniel Alejandro Perez
Grace Lauren Prince
Colin John Przybylowski
Shareena Akhi Rahman
Arjun Krishna Ramesh
Katherine Ann Ramsey
Jennifer Elizabeth Reid
Highest Distinction
David Luigi Richards
David Michael Schlientz
Yamil Selman
Brett Kevin Shaffer
Adit Vikram Shah
Neema Mukesh Shah
Marlena Constance Simpson
Meagan McGinley Simpson
Pinar Jaclyn Smith
Jennifer Dana Sokolowski
John Andrew Starr
Veronica LaBarge Sudekum
Matthew Ross Thames
Alexandra Carleton Tilt
Cullen McReynolds Timmons
Marko Slobodan Todorovic
Emily Rose Trauernicht
Sophia Angelina Traven
Elise Evelyn Turner
Rafael Villarreal-Calderon
Joseph Brock Walker
Jennifer Jiamei Wang
Devin Lance Weinberg
Sarah Elizabeth Marie Williams
Myung Chul Woo
Kevin Yizhe Zhan
School of Law
Conferred August 12, 2014
Juris Doctor
M. Grant McArthur
Conferred December 30, 2014
Master of Law
Maria Jose Alvarez Contreras
Juris Doctores
James Robert Duncan III
Rachel Katelyn Wester
Conferred May 17, 2015
Doctor of
Juridical Science
Sawsan Wael Gharaibeh
Dissertation: Women’s Rights After
the Arab Spring
Juris Doctores
Hadeel Mohamed Abouhasira
George Frederick Akers
Olayiwola Ali-Ajibode
Sarah Broderick Allen
Jonathan Elliot Amgott
Christopher M. Arakaky
Tumentugs D. Armstrong
Derrick W. Aud
Emily Anne Auerbach
Ryan Baasch
Scott Michael Baird
Erika Denise Baldwin
Andrew Alexander Bank
Kathryn Margaret Barber
High Honors
Highest Honors
Emily Elizabeth Batt
Gregory James Bekiaris
Kevin M. Benedicto
Edward Guerrant Read Bennett, Jr.
Peter Joseph Benson
Nathaniel Bilhartz
Sarah J. Bily
John Matthew Bilyeu, Jr.
Tym D. Blanchard
David J. Blassberger
Kevin R. Blyskal
Alda Enieyenna Boateng
Sharon D. Bocher
Martin J. Bock
Jeffery Allen Bowling, Jr.
John Reese Brammell
Zachary Whiteaker Branson
Samuel S. Brickfield
Malinda R. Bridges
Sarah Diane Brigham
Matthew Spencer Brooker
Kimberly N. Brooks
Thomas Michael Brower
Emmanuel Logan Brown
Sarah C. Brown
Michael B. Bruns
Kelsey S. Bryan
Kayle Kevin Buchanan
Lauren Marks Burke
Catherine Marie Burnett
Khaliah M. Burnley
James B. Bylund
Steven A. Candido
Chelsea Elizabeth Carbone
TaraLynn Alencia Casperson
John W. Castle
Kevin M. Cegan
Pradip Tissa Chandrasoma
Ellie F. Chapman
Andrew Y. Chen
Emily Jean Clary
Kathryn A. Clifford
Delaiah R. Cobler
Alexander Isaac Cohen
Megan Elizabeth Colville
Ryan J Comer
Brittany R. Constance
Katherine S.E. Cook
Charles H. Cope
Max Isaac Corey
Michael Cotton
Adam G. Crews
Christopher D’Agostino
Sarah R. Daley
Joseph T. Daniel
Elizabeth J. D’Aunno
Elizabeth Claire Davidson
James M. Deal
Ariel L. Dean
Meryem Y. Dede
Eleanor S. Diamond
Joshua Robert Diggs
Kristina Marie DiPano
Ryan Dollar
Pamela E. Dorian
Emma Jane Dowell
Colin McGovern Downes
Matthew Scott Drouin
Loretta Dianne Vitt Dubova
Katherine E. Dumeer
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Law
Megan Margaret Durkee
Mark L. Earley
Stephen L. Earnest, Jr.
Caitlin A. Eberhardt
Nina Eisenberg
Omar El-Khattabi
Shannon Marie Ellis
Matthew T. Endres
Rory F. Erickson-Kulas
Jennifer M. Evans
Cecile L. Farmer
Inez Feltscher
April Marie Ferraro
Juliana Ferro
Ryan Steven Fisher
Susan Elizabeth Coomes Foster
Rebecca J Foxwell
Nicole Christine Frazer
Calvin Dennis Funk
Alexandra M. Gabriel
Bryan R. Gales
Kellen Jay Galloway
Andrew F. Gann, Jr.
Yan Gao
John Todd Garcia, Jr.
Beall D. Gary III
Aryana M. Gharagozloo
Drew Wortham Gilbert
Eric Robert Glickman
James Parker Gochenour
Steven William Goff
Scott I. Golden
Anna Serra Goldenhersh
Javier Ignacio Gomez Jacome
Charles Matthew Greene
Evan Whitall Guimond
Tawnie Raccine Gulizia
Sarah Y. Guo
Lucas Dehaan Hakkenberg
Aisha Mahmood Haley
Benjamin J. Halle
Stephen L. Ham IV
Emily L. Hansen
Juliet Bryan Hatchett
Jasmine Nancy Hay
Shannon Anne Hayes
Thomas L. Heffernan
Sidney H. Helfer
Aurora C. Heller
Michael Harris Helweil
Amy L. Herrera
Genevieve P. Hoffman
Emily R. Horn
Lily S. Huang
Kevin C. Hulick
Eui S. Hwang
Paul David Jay
James Robert Jennings
Sejal Parimal Jhaveri
Chase Rasheal Johnson
Hilary E. Johnson
Joel S. Johnson
Patrick O. Johnson
Sara L. Johnson
Thomas Armistead Johnson
Alexander Taylor Jones
Jerrauld Charles Corey Jones
William Benjamin Jones
Joshua Timothy Kadel
John P. Kane
High Distinction
Margaret M Kelly
Joshua Alden Killinger
Monica Stella Kim
Phillip W. Kim
Rachel Jean Kincaid
Christopher A. Knight
Jackson K. Knight
Jared J. Krejci
Alexander Matthew Krischik
Kelsey J. Kummer
Drew LaFountaine
Szeman Florence Lam
Michael Charles Landman
William Andrew Lanius
Hayden Elizabeth Lawson
Hyowon Lee
Xiaojing Liang
Jessica Marie Liddle
Theophe B. Love
Trevor Lovell
William A. Magioncalda
Alaura Rose Maglio
Davis C. Mahon
Cole Daniel Malmberg
Jennifer M. Maloney
Brian Thomas Marsh Mammarella
Catherine Michelle Martin
David Thomas Martin
Terry James Martin
Jeffrey Martin Mash
Julia Massa
Alexander Ellis Matthews
Evan D. Mayo
Brendan Naylor McCommas
Katherine Virginia Aab McCurdy
Anna Eliabeth McDanal
Lauren Elizabeth McFadden
John E. McGlothlin II
Amy Beth McKinlay
Lyndsay Elaine Medlin
Brett L. Mellor
Robert C. Merritt III
Andrew J. Merson
Stephanie Ann Michael
Sarah Jillian Miller
Heather C. Milligan
David Matthew Mitchell
Sarah F. Mitchell
Katrina Lauren Moberg
William Mann Montague
Zachary Joseph Montgomery
Robert Lee Moore III
Matthew Solomon Morgan
Sean P. Mulligan
William Bailey Murdock
Melissa R. Neadle
Meredith C. Neely
Stephanie Vu Maiphuong Nguyen
Stephen Soo Young Noh
Sarah G. Nolan
James Kevin O’Connor
Chelsea E. O’Sullivan
Christina D. Olivos
Thereza V. Osias
Peter J. Ott
Katie R. Packer
Woo Sin Park
Komal Kaushik Patel
Lide Evans Paterno
Mohammad B. Pathan
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Daniel Thomas Patterson
Collin Sullivan Peck
Mario Joseph Peia
William C Pelak
Michael Pfeifer
Nathan Wesley Phalen
Samuel K. Phifer
Melissa Marie Pick
George Stephen Pisano
Ashleigh Mitchell Pivonka
Ryan Jacob Plater
Dominic Joseph Pody
Bryan R. Podzius
Michael Policastro
Ethan E. Post
Eric Chalmers Poston
Kevin Ross Powell II
Robert Lawton Pratt
Catherine L. Pringle
Nathan D. Quist
Sheridan Charles Randolph
Nicholas R. Reaves
Harrison F. Reback
Brett W. Rector
Natasha D. Reed
Elizabeth A. Reese
Sarah Elizabeth Reilly
Peter Haram Rho
Rhett Douglas Ricard
Karen D. Ritter
Nicholas Armand Roberge
Amber N. Roberts
Ashley E. Roberts
Eryn Elizabeth Roberts
Kathleen Elizabeth Robeson
Alexandra Danielle Robinson
Angela G. Romano
Reuven Roslyn
Wesley D. Russ, Jr.
Winthrop Pearce Rutherfurd
Jacquelyn Evelyn Ryberg
John D. Saathoff
John Franklin Sacha, Jr.
Patrick Allan Sanford
Christine N. Sanquist
Andrew Robert Santimays
Aaron T. Savella
Benjamin Cameron Schladenhauffen
Arielle Anderson Schneider
Hillary Michelle Scrivani
Nicole Scro
Benjamin M. Seel
Samantha K. Seikkula
Laura Lee Sennewald
Christopher Brian Sevedge
Katherine A. Shaia
Stephen N. Shashy
Samantha Michele Sheft
Jacob D. Sherman
Sahar A. Shirazi
Sam Shirazi
Jack Randall Shirley
Adam Bradford Shorr
David A. Short
Heidi E. Siegmund
Meredith L. Silliman
Ashley Elaine Singletary-Claffee
Matthew R. Skanchy
Kathryn M. Skilton
Allison Barnhardt Smith
Highest Honors
Chelsie Lauren Smith
Jennison Crocker Smith
Robert Michael William Smith
Sarah Alexandra Smith
David J. Soltes
Jeremy M. Sperlazza
Madeline J. Starbranch
Nicole Anderson Stauffer
Taylor Marie Steffan
Louis Anthony Steiner
Caroline Courtney Stewart
Samuel Matthew Strongin
Zubin Su
Wesley S. Sudduth
Steve J. Sul
Paul In Sung
Audi K. Syarief
Melanie E. Szwajkowski
Raymond Stanley Szwabowski III
Danit Y. Tal
Declan Thomas Tansey
Vanessa A. Tarpos
James Harrison Taylor
Paige Webber Taylor
Joshua Gerald Teahen
Benhur Tesfay
Hannah M. Thibideau
Erin Louise Thimmesch
Mark James Thom
Evan Thomas
Samuel Richard Thomas
Feng Tian
Patrick Robert Tomlinson
Richard Matthew Humphries Tranter
Zoe Eve Tremayne
Erika Danielle Trujillo
Jonathan S. Tse
Matthew D. Turner
John Meade Van Deventer
Kaitlin Beverley Venables
Alison S. Vicks
Rachel Yvonne Wade
Jessica Leigh Wagner
Abigail H. Wald
Daniel Thomas Wallmuth
Brian James Walsh
Charlene S. Wang
Xiaoyan Wang
James Warczak
Cory A. Ward
Courtney B. Warren
Robert Clayton Downing Warshaw
Henry M. Watsky
Lauren A. Watt
Sara Page Hobson Waugh
Porter Hardy Wells
Sean Michael Welsh
Christopher A. Wetzel
Christopher J. White
Jamie L. Whittenburg
Ashley D. Williams
Kiara Imani Williams
William A. Williams
Cara Grace Wilson
Julie Marissa Wolf
Chun T. Wong
Hart Wood
Faye Zhao
Yevgeniy Zilberman
Jack Matthew Zugay
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Engineering & Applied Science
the Electrode Catalysts for Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
Jason Joseph Zummo
Ryan Jeffrey Zumwalt
Qiaohua Tan
Dissertation: Theoretical Insights
into the Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of
Biomass Derived Cyclic Ethers and
Polyols over Metal and Alloy Promoted Particles in Aqueous Systems
Masters of Laws
Joonkyu An
Guido Biancardi
Giorgi Chanturia
Xiao Chen
Xin Chen
Tom Jean M Cobbaert
Bruna Collaco Lopez de Oliveira
Daniel Jose Dziouba
Raphael Pierre Fauchart
Caroline Gonzalez Queiroz
Thomas Paul Hoppe
Noriya Ishikawa
Konstantina Maria Karampatsou
Alexis Nicolas Kazacos
Kei Koide
Wataru Kurihara
Christian Nils Kutschmann
Bo Li
Zhifeng Long
Yolanda Mc Gough
Andres Ignacio Parker Parada
Peter B. Rottkamp
Rodrigo Sadi
Luise Schuling
Christophe Hubert Sion
Lijie Song
Anri Suzuki
Junya Suzuki
Ben Raymond Teeger
Tina Tokiyo Odette Theallet
Hou Chieh Tsai
Atsushi Tsujii
Qi Wang
Kanako Watanabe
Garrison Alan Wood
Yufeng Wu
Hiroki Yamada
Jing Yan
Gerardo Zimbron Santamaria
Masters of
Computer Science
Tanima Dey
Dissertation: ReSense: A Unified
Framework for Improving Performance and Reliability in Multicore
Jeremy Sung Shik Kim
Ruslan Pavlovich Ryzhkov
Masters of Engineering
S. M. Shahriar Nirjon
Dissertation: A General-Purpose,
Energy-Efficient, and ContextAware Acoustic Event Detection
Platform for Mobile Devices
Robert Moses Kluger
James Hart Luckett
Victoria Angela Tsamis
Matthew Foss Bauwens
Dissertation: Micromachined OnWater Probes for Characterization
of Terahertz Devices and Circuits
Zhe Song
Tommy James Tracy II
Runjie Zhang
Jonathan Frederick Bolus
Dissertation: Design of mm-Sized
Wirelessly Powered Sensors
Ali Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry
James Lyons Burke
Jie Xing
Dissertation: Energy Efficiency
of Neural Information Processing
Li Zhao
Dissertation: Accuracy of Arterial
Spin Labeling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Li Fei
Dissertation: Alternatives to Pt as
Masters of Science
Kristin M. Busa
Dissertation: Development of
Tunable Diode Laser Absorption
Tomography and Application to
Scramjet Engines
Dan Lin
Dissertation: Anatomical, Functional, and Molecular Imaging of
Left Ventricular Myocardial Infarction in Mice Using High Frequency
High Distinction
Yue Zhang
Dissertation: Stochastic Simulation Optimization for Districting
Problems with Application to Police
Patrol District Design
Peng Patrick Su
Dissertation: Highway Reservation System: Models, Simulations,
and Implementation Discussions
Doctors of Philosophy
Justin Michael DeVoge
Dissertation: Preparation, Exchange, and Utilization: A ThreePhase Approach Toward Improving
Resident Physician Handoffs
Jia Hu
Dissertation: TransitSignalPriority
with Connected Vehicle Technology
Conferred August 12, 2014
Richard Nelson Salaway
Dissertation: The Effects of Local
Structure on Thermal Transport in
Carbon Nanotube Networks
Amir Gheitasi
Dissertation: Performance Evaluation of Damage-Integrated Composite Steel Girder Highway Bridges
School of
Engineering &
Applied Science
Brian E. Rice
Dissertation: Characterization of
a Dual-Mode Scramjet via Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry
Yu-Han Judith Hsiang
Drew William Bundschuh
Alicia Lynn Nobles
Sae Woong Kil
Dissertation: Numerical Analysis
of Fluid-Structure Interactions
in an Air or Helium-Filled Hard
Disk Drive
Ben Boudaoud
Jie Lian
Angad Singh Sachdeva
Adam J Malcom
Dissertation: The Mechanical
Response of a Hybrid Foam GlassEpoxy Composite Corrugated
Cellular Structure Sandwich Panel
Travis Taylor Simpson
William John Golden
Callie Rae Kwiatkowski
Joseph Vincent Valdez Pulido
Yu Sheng
Chao Qin
Dissertation: Simulation of SprayEnhanced Compressed Air Energy
Storage for Wind Turbines
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Bachelors of Science
Thomas Darius Williams V
Ryan P Ross
Sami Fekadu
Jonathan Hunter Goss
Tazzman Philip Stieglitz
Jonathan Michael Thompson
Peyman Pejman
Mia Camille Warlick
Ashley Nicole Clarke
Andrew Breon Adderley
Maryam Ghariban
Conferred December 30, 2014
Doctors of Philosophy
Ali Haider Dhanaliwala
Dissertation: In Situ Microbubble
Production via Flow-Focusing
Microfluidic Devices as a Means
to Achieve Large Transiently-Stable
Microbubbles to Improve Image
Contrast and Drug Delivery
Geoffrey Gale Handsfield
Dissertation: MRI and Computational Modeling of In Vivo MuscleTendon Architecture and Function
Nivedita Kikkeri Naresh
Dissertation: Myocardial Ischemia
Without Obstructive Coronary
Artery Disease: Perfusion MRI in
Mouse Models
Sunil Unnikrishnan
Dissertation: Red Blood Cells
and Disturbed Hemodynamics in
Microbubble Targeting
Jacob A. Irwin
Dissertation: In Vitro and In Vivo
Characterization of Novel SmallMolecule Alzheimer’s Disease
Amyloid-Beta Therapies
Juan A. Lopez-Ruiz
Dissertation: Decarbonylation of
Carboxylic Acids over Supported
Metal Catalysts
Tarl Albert Vetter
Dissertation: Step-Induced pH Gradients Generated with Mixed Resin
Beds for Protein Chromatography
Yige Wu
Dissertation: Protein and VLP
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Adsorption on Perfusion Chromatography Media and Monoliths
Sampson Kwasi Asare
Dissertation: Exploring the Benefits
of Integrated Corridor Management: The Role of Pricing
Jiaqi Ma
Dissertation: En-route Traveler
Information Connecting Vehicles
and Infrastructure: Prototype,
Human Factors, and Information
Strategies for Dynamic Traffic
Brian Keith Weaver
Dissertation: Gas-Expanded LubricantsforIncreasedEnergyEfficiency
and Control in Rotating Machinery
Huanghui Zeng
Dissertation: Improving Pavement
Management and Assessment
through Connected Vehicle Technology and Highway Safety Analysis
Sirajum Munir
Dissertation: Integration of CyberPhysical Systems for Smart Homes
Alla Aksel
Dissertation: Automated Tracking
and Analysis of Aerial Surveillance Data
Naser Alijabbari
Dissertation: Submillimeter-Wave
Quasi-Vertical GaAs Schottky
Diodes Integrated on Silicon
Robert Richard Benoit
Dissertation: RF MEMS for Cryogenic Applications
Lijun Li
Dissertation: Characterization of
Novel Optoelectronic Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Jinrong Yuan
Dissertation: Design, Fabrication,
and Characterization of Novel
Multi-Channel Photodetectors
Using Post-Growth Approaches in
the Near Infrared and Short-Wave
Infrared Regimes
High Distinction
Joseph Thomas Marranca
Jacquelyn Bray Clark
Christopher Ryan Copeland
Alexandra Lee Todd
Samuel B. Madden
Dissertation: The Effects of Permanganate and Other Selected
Chemical Inhibitors on Surface and
Crack Tip Corrosion
Hang Zhang
Andrew Preston Frye
Devika Pisharoty
Ritambhara Singh
Matthew Linton Bauer
Dissertation: Nanostructure Dictating Thermal Transport in Heterogeneous Material Systems
Peter Louiz Rezk Beshay
Saeid Dousti
Dissertation: An Extended Reynolds
Equation Development with Applications to Fixed Geometry Bearings
and Squeeze Film Dampers
Leanna Lauren Foster
Matthew Michael Schneider
Ryan Frederick Johnson
Dissertation: Multidimensional
Reacting Flow Simulation with
Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Models
Zackary William Whitlow
Armen Garo Melikian
Huiying Zhang
Swapnil Pravin
Dissertation: Fluid Mechanics
of Chemical and Flow Sensing in
Aquatic Animals
Masters of
Computer Science
Masters of Science
Adam Kyle Woodson
Dissertation: Ion Composition in
Titan’s Exosphere via the Cassini
Plasma Spectrometer
Wenlu Sun
Dissertation: Theoretical Study and
Monte Carlo Simulation of III-V
Compound Photodiodes
Bachelors of Science
Aaron Ford Botwick
Marcelle Vivien Huizenga
Mikel Dermer
Jacob Stryder Steele
Yong Sun
John Pierson Wadden
Micah Christopher Consylman2
Christopher Ernst McFarland2
Masters of Engineering
Patrick Doyle Cooksey
Han Du
Changju Lee
Abdelali Elbasri
Christopher Daniel Mata3
Abigail Alison Coffman
David Linville Edwards
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Hanifah Kera Louisa Hendricks
Ana Gabriela Ng
Jafar Al Ameen
Daniel Lowis Banks III
Stephanie Brooke Himelfarb
Kevin Charles Chung
Serge Abdul Gould
Chenhao Deng
Muyan Li
Imanuel Portalatin
Eun Suk Oh
Dissertation: Asymmetric Splitting
of Bose-Einstein Condensate
Mehdi Saadat
Dissertation: Some Physical Mechanisms for Efficient Swimming
Xu Wang
Dissertation: Resource Assignment
for Fiber Optic Networks
Sarah Honaker Caruthers
Maxwell Reeves Erwin
Chunhu Zhang
Dissertation: Development of
Single-Ended and Balun Integrated
Probes for THz Applications
Redwan Noor Sajjad
Dissertation: Unconventional Carrier Transport and Switching with
Graphene PN Junction
Marshall Enow Tabetah
Dissertation: Computational Study
of Molecular Transfer and Nanoparticle Generation in Matrix-Assisted
Pulsed Laser Evaporation: the
Roles of Solvent and Photochemical
Chenqian Gan
Muhammad Durab Mansoor
John C Peng
Preston Charles Young
Highest Honors
Conferred May 17, 2015
Doctors of Philosophy
Jennifer Anne Gardner Bartell
Dissertation: Comparative Systems
Analysis of Opportunistic GramNegative Pathogens
Jaymes Ryan Beech
Dissertation: Precision Medicine in
Pancreatic Cancer
Xiao Chen
Dissertation: Accelerated Dynamic
Cardiac MRI Using Motion-Guided
Compressed Sensing with Regional
Eric Chris Greenwald
Dissertation: Dynamics of Scaffold
Protein Tethered Signal Transduction
Bhairav Bipin Mehta
Dissertation: High Resolution CMR
T1 Mapping for Imaging Right
Ventricular Myocardial Fibrosis
Joseph Brian Walpole
Dissertation: Multicellular AgentBased Models of Angiogenesis
Evaluate Endothelial Cell Signaling
and the Role of Pericytes in Vascular
Network Patterning
Caroline Whitaker Wang
Dissertation: Measuring Platelet
Contributions to Blood Clot Viscoelasticity Using Acoustic Radiation
Joseph Edward Basconi
Dissertation: Multiscale Modeling
of Protein Adsorption in PolymerGrafted Ion Exchangers
Sung In Lim
Dissertation: Expanding Protein
Functions by Non-Natural Amino
Acid Incorporation and Site-Specific
Beeta Ehdaie
Dissertation: Development of a
Porous Ceramic Tablet Embedded with Silver Nanopatches for
Low-Cost Point-of-Use Water
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Philip Kwame Danso Asare
Dissertation: A Framework for
Reasoning about Patient Safety of
Emerging Computer-Based Medical
Lukasz Gracjan Szafaryn
Dissertation: Understanding and
Optimizing Heterogeneous SoftError Protection
Runjie Zhang
Dissertation: Pre-RTL On-Chip
Power Delivery Modeling and
Yuchen Zhou
Dissertation: Improving Security
and Privacy of Integrated Web
Benjamin David Rodes
Dissertation: Speculative Software
Parinya Anantachaisilp
Dissertation: Fractional Order
Control of Active Magnetic Bearing
James Michael Boley
Dissertation: Circuit and CAD
Techniques for Expanding the SRAM
Design Space
Duncan Alexander McGillivray
Dissertation: Metamaterials Based
High Resolution 2-D Microwave
Dennis Lester Waldron III
Dissertation: Lead Selenide Quantum Dot Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Priya Ghatwai
Dissertation: Structure-Property Relationships in Ordered
Co-Pt Alloys of Near-Eutectoid
Joseph M. Hagan
Dissertation: High Temperature
Salt Deposit-Assisted Corrosion
of Silicon Carbide-Based Ceramic
Matrix Composites: Effects of Composite Chemistry and Architecture
Bradley Thomas Richards
Dissertation: Ytterbium Silicate
Environmental Barrier Coatings
Yijing Shi
Dissertation: Experimental Evaluation and Modeling of GalvanicallyInduced Localized Corrosion of
Christopher Hale Baker
Dissertation: Structure and Therm1
High Distinction
al Transport in Disordered Materials: Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Analysis with the Wavelet
Nannearl LeKesia Brown
Adam Lee Campbell
Howard Ernest Castle II
Joseph Anthony Cirenza
Enrique Alejandro Disla
James Mason Doggett
Daniel Tuan Duong
Erich Feige
Robert Joseph Ferrari
Jeffrey Stephen Garrett
Vincent John Gongola
April Dianne Grippo
Sarah J Harper
Richard Andrew Herrmann
Tiffany Hoang
Eli Klein
Stephen Michael Koivu
Gregory Collins MacDonald
Brian Shin Maeng
Ashley Joann McGee
Andrea Karen Merritt
Christina Jean Moore-Gotcher
Sam Chandler Nicholson II
Steven Wade Overstreet
Donald Brent Rodgers
Barry James Shuemaker
Seyed Abolfazl Tabaian
Renee Marie Parilak Teate
Kyle Reinhardt Temple
James Vance
Alexander Shepard Ware
Matthew Haldi White
John Whittlesey Wilson
Congyu Wu
Wenbo Xia
Ali Gerami
Dissertation: Nonlinear Modeling and Control of the Magnetic
Nam Quang Le
Dissertation: The Temperature
Dependence of Thermal Conductance at Solid-Solid Interfaces
Justin L. Smoyer
Dissertation: Local Modification
to Phononic Properties at SolidSolid Interfaces: Effects on Thermal
Najib Ben Brahim
Dissertation: Enabling Physical
Activity for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
by Real Time Risk Assessment and
Insulin Dose Adjustment Advice
Boyi Jiang
Dissertation: Characterizing Parameter Uncertainty in Biomedical
Systems for Improved Estimation,
Prediction and Control
Paul Vereshchetin
Dissertation: Model-Based Advisory Systems for Treatment of Type
1 Diabetes: On-Demand Treatment
Recommendations as a Precursor to
Fully Closed-Loop Drug Delivery
Masters of Materials
Science and Engineering
Masters of
Computer Science
Leslie Gail Bland
Lauren Anne Costella
Robert Alexander Sean Golden
Justin L. Hormel
Bohuslava McFarland
Erica Hartsell Moore
Cheng Yu Shih
Joseph John Sopcisak
Joseph Charles Tatusko
Xiaoyu Wang
Shanshan He
Samyukta Jadhwani
Nicholas Charles Christopher Janus
Bo Man
Abbas Naderi Afooshteh
Sarah Masud Preum
Lingjie Zhang
Masters of Engineering
Shiying Wang
Masters of Science
Matthew John Eckler
Matthew Joseph Perez
Christine Sargent Holley
Mohamad Shawki Amine
Shelby Ferguson-Hines
Benjamin Joseph Meguira
Kathryn Gwenyth Nunnelley
Sarah Kathryn Bauer
Lauren Michelle Bolton
Mark Saliba
Jonathon D. Tanks
David Bartlett Hosie III
Racheida Lewis
Elena Kathleen Weinberg
Benjamin David Gonzalez
Zackary Alexander Knoll
Ge Song
Mustafa Hafid Sungkar
Ryan Philippe Biraben
Colleen Theresa Harris
David Cheng Chung Yeung
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Andrew Ross Whetzel
Chi Zhang
Justin Don Dolph
Joseph Ryan Donahue
Jennifer Lynn Jones
Aaron Leet Lam
Jeremy Hansen Seppi
David Frank Dunham
Osama Eshera
Sean Lawrence Gallahan
Carl Mikel Kruger
Bryan Richard Lewis
Michael Jonathan Lukas
Bachelors of Science
Yousaf Nadir Bajwa2
Ayodeji Toluwanimi Bode-Oke3
Theresa Bolan
Stephen Heathman Bost
Polette Jazmin Centellas2
James Peterson Cooney II
Michael Perry Cox
Caitlin Michelle Crawford
Khanh Dang2
Peter Christopher Delaney2
Clayton Matthias Geipel2
Cameron Stephen Gude1
Emerson Lake Hadden Wyper
Steven William Harris1
Ethan Robert Haviland
Robert Jonathon Holdren
John Carter King
Yujie Lin1
Kevin Patrick Mahony2
Raven O’Neil Moreland
Glenn Patrick Murphy1
John Sherman Newell
Jacob Taylor Newton
Steven John Puffenbarger
Xavier Anthony Quinn
Steven Joseph Seidman
Fofo Edem Tetteh
Michael Peyton Vaughan
Samuel Ray Wallingford3
Caleb Allen Wilson
Lena Mona Badr
Lauren Marie Baetsen2
Timothy James Barry
Kathryn Valentine Blaylock1
Meghan Jean Bloom
James Andrew Bonaffini1
Benjamin Ray Campbell3
Yiqi Cao3
Jessica Jouliette Chaoul1
Daniel Yujung Cheng2
Kamal Kenny Chikalard1
Min Hyub Choi2
Kathryn Sayre Cook1
Anish Prateek Dalal2
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Daniel Demasi1
Michele Lynne Derieux2
Darian Anthony Edwards2
Hala Galal El-Nahal
Michelle Shiao-Bin Eng2
Kevin Anthony Foley3
Michael James Foley2
Rachel Christine Fry2
Richard Pearson Gean2
Alisha Mae Geldert3
Adam Ezra Goode3
Shakyra Denise Greene
Ilya Gurin1
Benjamin Joseph Hack
Zachary Allan Hagen
Renee Sanga Han1
Sarah Kate Hansen3
Erich James Henry1
Elizabeth Bronwyn Herbst1
Adriana Lee Irvine2
Joubin Izadi
Paul Jang3
Angela Leslie-Anne Jividen
Christopher Daniel Kegelman3
Brooke Kennedy2
Jin Kyung Kim2
Kevin G. Kim
Colton John Ladbury3
Vaishnavi Lanka2
Shani Lea Levit
Yingxiang Lu1
Lydia An Luu3
Catherine Elizabeth Markert3
John Christian McMichael2
John Rappa McNulty2
Andrea Michelle McPartland1
Vamsi Mohan Reddy Meka2
Stefan Moscalu
Jennifer Lyn Naylor1
Emily Elisabeth Nemec2
Michael Van-Trung Nguyen2
Hollis Anne Owens2
Hale Nur Ozbek
Alexander Mark Paap3
Ashley Suzanne Parkhurst2
Nickhil Atal Patel2
William Cain Pilcher, Jr.3
Stephen Gregory Ramon2
Caitlin Scarlett Reilly
Matthew Thomas Rhoads2
William Burton Robinson V
Tania Alejandra Rodriguez Carpio
Christopher Robert Roth
Audra M Sawyer2
Kevin Paul Seitter2
Ruba Nada Shalhoub
Ziran Sheng1
Brian Dong-Phil Shin1
Hyun Seung Shin2
Andrew Murphy Simmons
Amir Jalal Tabaian1
Trung Nguyen-Quoc Tran
Hoa Truong2
Eva Rose Tuszka
Nicholas Wayne Vann1
Christopher Daniel Waters
Madeline Grace Wilson1
Zi Ye1
Sibo Zhang3
Wade Zhang3
High Distinction
Erin Lawson Aubrey3
Jennifer Marie Bridge
Michael Patrick Brown2
Anthony Alexander Diplas
Jacob Samuel Ehlenberger
Roman Enson
Christopher Dennis Fu2
Zachary Traver Furcolo1
Richard William Garrett
Katie Lynn Gigante
Kelly Anne Glitzos
Rishi Raj Gupta3
Chelsea Marie Harris
Raul Eugenio Jasso Marino
Kyongguk Kang
Taehun Kim
Rachel Rae Kuykendall
Chelsea Louise Larson
Katherine Lawless2
Anthony Lim
Anthony James Lopez
Kathleen Marie Lutton
Daniel Lee Marlowe
Kathryn Ann McAtamney
Michael James McGrath3
Patrick James McQuade2
Ana Maria Meneses Ballesteros
Priscilla Magliari Mundy
Khanh Xuan Nguyen1
Nam Khang Pham2
Abhishek Ramanan
Arvind Ravi1
Andrew Douglas Rice
Maya Lakshmi Sankaran1
Mohammed Khalid M Shafi3
Meaghan Grace Shea
Mitchell Ross Slovin3
Subeer Kumar Talapatra
Aram Moushegh Tramblian1
Andy Cheng-Han Tsai
Matthew Wyatt Tucker
Prudhvi Goutham Tunuguntla
Nicole Christiansen Williams
Alexander Ryan Wilson1
James Daniel Wu
Catherine Rose Hyland
Brigitte Jahncke
Teresa Marie Jarriel1
Emma Elizabeth Jewell
Neil Michael Kelliher
Kyutae Gavin Kim
Rachel Caroline Lambrecht
Stacy Sujin Learn
Sara Dale Link
Adam Stephen Maguire3
Christopher Michael Marshall
Zachary Alexander McColgan1
Anne Holland Menefee3
Jessica Leigh Murray
Hannah Aleece Nelson
Gina Lisette O’Neil
Ramiro Augusto Ossio Reque
Shailaja Mayank Parekh
Daniel James Pietropaoli
Bryan David Rieckmann1
Samuel Edward Rosser
Samuel William Rossiello1
Keane Austin Rucker
Carli Sarah Sapir1
Thomas Lowell Schofield
Emily O’Connor Seay1
Nicholas James Shaffer
Jack William St. Marie1
Rebecca Rae Gropen Stoner1
Adam Daniel Thomas
Katherine Louise Thompson1
Clark Fitzgerald Thornhill
Mohamed Traore
Sydney Simone Turner
Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong
Stephen John Ungerleider
Elizabeth Jane Wallace3
Lark Ariel Washington
Evan Randall Weihs
Thomas Rocco Williams3
Headley Elizabeth Wilson
John Ryan Wood
Grace Olsen Zammitti3
Cory Tyler Zimmerman
Samuel Joseph Abbate
Ranjana Lakshmi Addanki1
Muntaser Rafe Ahmed
James Gore Ashe
Jacob Thomas Baldwin3
Andrew David Becker2
Matthew Samuel Bloom
Aditi Chaudhry
Stephanie Lynn Colen2
Alexandra Anne Colevas2
Thomas Joseph Curley, Jr.
Thuyan Ngoc Duong1
Olga Dmitrievna Fedorova
Austin Yates Gore2
Sanchay Gupta
Syed Imran Hossain
Boyang Huang
Rahim Jihad Islam
Dania Jazouli
Venkata-Gautam Raju Kanumuru3
Megan Michelle Kelly
Herbert Yiu-Man Kwok
Ziding Liu1
Austin W Lucas
Jennifer Marie Anderegg
Austin Valentine Angulo
Andrew Reed Barnocky1
Caroline Page Blair2
Lily Ross Cartwright
Brian Anthony Castor
Christopher Joseph Collins
Marcus Tyler Conrad
Zachary Alexander Crandell
Juliana Lee Cuomo
Olivia Mariel Daniszewski
Alicia Alexis DeGraffenried
Nicholas Blaine Doolittle
Ryan Ancheta Fiesta
Rachel Allison Ford-Fink1
James Albert Garner
Daniel Eli Goldman
Richard Augustus Gorog
Ian Bradley Gottheim2
Marc Eugene Hansen2
Charlotte Ruth Hays2
Joseph Corman Hoff3
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Marshall Frederick Main3
Jonathan William Maki
Jireh Hezekiah Miaw2
Ashley Lynn Morse
Minh Quang Nguyen3
Matthew Jay Pearson-Beck3
Matthew James Ridder3
Archit Rupakhetee
Michael Anthony Salinas
Manan Bhavin Shah1
Xin Song2
Scott Parkpoom Tepsuporn3
Sukriti Thapa
Dan Minh Truong2
Mark Donovan Valeiras
Brian Todd Whitlow
Michael H. Wong
Shin-Wei Yu
Ishan Uz Zaman2
Alex Mac Aberman
Tracy Bennett Alers
Austin Chase Anderson
Joshua David Angeley
Tanyathorn Arthornsombat
Andrew Louis Barron
Megan Glenna Bishop
Stephen John Boris
Rachel Anne Brown1
Christopher Herbert Burkhalter2
Justin Hernandez Cajayon
Taimoor Chatha
Kevin Yiguang Chen
Grace Tsiao-Lin Cheng
Garbo Cheng-Ye1
Connor Song Cheong
Audrey Grace Choi
Sarah Kathleen Clifton2
Bethany Alice Connor1
Duevyn Teicuon Cooke
Bryant Thai-Yee Dang
Thai-Hoang Justin Dao2
Hari Devanathan
John Henry Doerner II
Catherine Frances Dworak2
Christopher Charles Eby
Benjamin David Edgar2
Robert Oliver Emerson2
Saba Eskandarian3
James Christopher Falter
Kristen Leigh Felsing1
David Wilbur Geyer, Jr.
Michael Gene Gilbertson
Anat Gilboa
Nicholas Geworg Grigorian
Christopher Steven Grochmal
Ankit Gupta2
Julia Christine Hoffer3
Kevin Edward Hoffman
Parker Elliott Hopkins2
Casey Y Huang2
Craig Shockley Hunter1
Justin Charles Ingram2
Ami Mohanlal Jagodara
Justin Jansen
Megan Lorraine Joyner
Marlena Annemarie Kauer
Jonathan Young Kim
Minwoo Kim
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Jeremy Ryan King2
Richard Benjamin Knoll3
Alexander Stewart Kuck
David Richard Laden, Jr.3
Alexander Michael Lamana2
Austin Cafferty Lamon2
Elvin Zhaoran Lee
Samuel Alexis Leonard
Seongsu Lim
Zeming Lin2
Xiaoxi Liu
Nathan Alexander Looney
Hector Humberto Lovo
Jennifer Lu
Courtney Elise Maimon2
Frank Randa Manns
Kyle Logan McCaughan
Patrick James McGee
John Patrick McNamara2
Laurence Benjamin Meyers
Piam Moradi
Derek Edward Morris
Venkateswaran Muruganandam1
Praneeth Nadipalli
Sumit Krishna Narain
Nattaworn Ngampairojpibul2
Katherine Lynn Ngov
Daniel Patrick O’Connor, Jr.
Margaret Miller Orr
Xavier Vinson Palathingal
Michael Lanier Paris3
Joohee Park
Neal A Patel
Sai Suman Peddy1
Devon Scheff Peroutky
Babak Pourkazemi1
Rohan Prasad
Jeffrey William Principe3
Rainier Vince Rabena3
Eric Alexander Rhodes
Jonathan Jusung Richardson
Ryan Anthony Rieger
Mark Robert Schierling1
Emily Marie Seibert1
Arjun Shankar3
Peter Douglas Shao2
Peter Thomas Simonsen
Nicholas Joseph Skelsey
Mitchell Andrew Smith
Margaret Catherine Southall
James Chengen Sun2
Axel Erik Tarnvik
William Benjamin Thomason2
Kyle Adam Ross Thornburgh1
William Pierce Heywood Tickle
Daniel Jin Tominaga
Dhananjay Tripathi1
Sravan Kumar Tumuluri
Brian Uosseph
Zachary Dillon Verham3
James Qin Wang, Jr.
Tyler Edward Wayne1
Kevin Michael Whelan3
Lars Otto Wiersholm
Samantha Duong Woloszynski1
Andi Yang3
Andrew Qu Yang
Seokyoul Michael Yoon
Huiqing Zhang
Nicole Paola Zurita
High Distinction
Phillip Douglas Aaron II1
Sara Jocelyn Abruzzo2
Jennifer Lyn Alt
Mitchell Scott Balesi
Jessica Nicole Barnes
Michael Andrew Benson
Andrew Lee Blasek
Lauren Elizabeth Brown
Taylor Hamilton Brownrigg
Cody Michio Brunette
Daniel John Brygider
Scott Adam Butler2
Andrew Fook-Hing Chen
Jennifer Mino Chuday
Gregory Sloane Coffin
James Michael Copeland
Matthew Bryan Corish
Austin Daniel Corritore
Brian Thomas Costelloe1
Marcus Curaca Malito
David Charles Dibara
David Joseph Dicarlo
Matthew Francis Farnon2
Robert Garfield Fleming, Jr.
Luke Elliott Fox
Paul Richard Fridley1
Jay Gilbert Fuhrman2
Michelle Elizabeth Gahagan
Robert Charles Graefe, Jr.
Steven Bentley Greco
Tyler James Grigg2
Tyler William Grosmick
James Tyler Hambric1
Keegan Lee Hammerton1
Steven Roy Harrington
Charles Robert Harris
Sarah Dhafer Hashem
Sarah Jane Huber
Lara Anne Janse van Vuuren
Devin Gardner Jones
Kurtis Mark Jungersen
August Kahsar
Robert Keeton Kelly
Colin Andrew Kent1
Albert Dongjin Khim
Charles Krauss King
Esther Elizabeth Klinger1
Catherine Lam1
Jonathon Bryan Languasco1
Zachary Joseph Larrabee1
Gregory Thomas Lewis2
Di Lu
Matthew Herbert Magnusson
Nam-Tran Le Mai
Aaron Christopher Mair1
Edwin Morgan-Nguyen Manson
Maya Raymond Mardini
Calen James Marinaro
Michael Seth Marx
Justin David McAuliff
Shannan McNamee2
Benjamin Neil McSweeney
Maximo Mejia
Samuel Alexander Meredith
Maria Edward Michael1
Edward Pham Nguyen1
Phuc Mai Hoang Nguyen
Ross Marshall Oliveira2
Joshua Andrew Barnes
Chad William Becker3
Navjot Brar
Jacob Scott Breiholz
Leiqing Cai3
Usman Munir Chaudhry3
Caroline Elizabeth Crockett3
Brandon Michael DeCoursey3
Garrett Joseph Durig2
Isaiah Afam Ekejiuba
Emilio Jose Apolo Esteban1
Douglas Edward Etts, Jr.1
Shi Feng
Charles Asbury Banks Griffin2
Ryan Andrew Heacock1
Matthew Michael Karas1
Tri Xuan Le
Amy Eun-Young Agnes Lee
Eunsun Lee1
Tiffany Thanh Ly
Bridget Elizabeth Mason2
Austin Pedersen McPhillips
Samantha Lynn Mendis
D. Brian Miller3
Steven Andrew Moore3
Roland Aymar Nzaou Loundou
Elizabeth Mae Orrico2
Hwan Su Park
Eduardo Pérez-De La Rosa
Richard Cobb Peterson
Thaddeus John Potter
Qing Qin2
Gabriel Alexander Ritter
Elise Gooding Catherine Rossi
Desire Rusengo
Marquis J. Scott
Jacob Stephen Vogel3
Emily Webb Zimmerman
Zachary Michael Zydron
Kirt Gerard Brown, Jr.
Dustin Hartwell Crayton
Brian Vance Driskill
Matthew David Dushaw
Kevin Simon Eisenfrats1
Yuval Friedman
Anna Katherine Greene2
Philip Raymond Grudier
Austin Cory Henderson
Tiaranesha Kynyte Jackson
Briana Nicole James
Abigail Brooke Killough
Brianna Jea-Young Kim
Christina Nicole Lehman
James Patrick O’Brien
Samrath Singh Oberoi2
Miranda Claire Osterheld
Duy-Bao Phan
Elise Kristin Poerschke
Eliza Marie Reyes
Katrina Ashley Shah
Huai En Constance Tan
Selase Torkornoo
Darya Tyshlek1
Kevin Ricardo Uruena
Benjamin Scott Hummer Wolf
Xuemeng Xia
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Andrea Parra Salazar1
Quang Nhat Pham
Meredyth Anne Plack
Joseph Emory Purvis2
Tyler John Redshaw
Charles William Regan
Kevin Justin Rhoades
David Charles Roache
Erin Jo Rodenberger3
Amanda Katherine Rumsey
Christopher Nash-Gilbert Russell
Adam James Sawyers
Michael Dietrich Schad2
William Land Schlegel
Daniel Elliot Scholz
Varna Lakshmi Sharma
Ashutosh Sharma Rijal3
Nathaniel Lawrence Simpson
Keanan Read Smith
Shelby Nicole Smith
Cody Grey Sparks3
Monica Jenel Taylor
Carly Rose Vanness
Christopher Philip Voltz
Laura Christine Watkins
Ventress Colin Williams
Nora Anderson Willkomm
William Ellis Wilson
Thomas Lloyd Woodruff2
Jonah Gil Zaleznick
Ruijie Zhu1
John Christopher Abelt3
Danielle Catherine Ager
Katherine Pauline Armstrong
Meghan Monroe Beattie2
Helena H Belay
William Clayton Betts2
Andrew Sean Bloom
Nicholas Sterling Brayer
Daniel Frederick Browning1
Tyler Dean Brusie1
Amani Sreya Cheedalla
Xinyi Chen1
Michael Yong-In Chong
Ahsan Abul Chowdhury
Victoria Michelle Clatterbuck
Maxwell Alexander Craft
Ryan Gregory Crawford2
Alexander Michael Czenczek1
Carolyn Elizabeth Davis3
Stefano Di Savino
Beverly Grace Dobrenz1
Erik Francis Dornbush
Celia Cristina Dyer1
Jonathan Farag
Katherine Ann Fetscher3
Thomas Joseph Fijal
Dawson Harris Friedland2
Nicole Chantal Geist
Daniel Giannetto1
Chester Stuart Gray3
Michael Robert Brenan Gurlitz3
Jonathan Ingyoo Hahn1
Michael Coleman Haines1
James Francis Hardardt1
Daniel Jeffrey Harelson3
Arvind Harinder
Allison MacKenzie Harris1
Distinguished Majors Program
Curry School of Education
Joel Esteban Hernandez
Sarah Lee Hill
Shelby Floyd Holden1
Molly Elizabeth Hunter3
Thomas Alexander Hutson IV1
Julian Sands Jordan1
Andreas Le Minh Theodor Keller2
Ryan James King3
Vincent Henry Lam
Holly Blair Latimer1
Christopher Michael Lauff
Christina Le
Nicolette Corinne Lerch
Patrick Dane Litten2
Julie Victoria Logan3
Apoorva Arun Lonkar
Charles Michael Loulakis
Yi Lu2
Nicholas Garrett Maupin
Katherine Jill Mayo
Jonathan Luis Mazo
Andrew Paul McInnis
Christopher Hunter Merrill1
Kristofer Lowell Monson
Michael Thomas Monte, Jr.2
Jordan Reid Morris1
Kevin Adrian Mosquera
James Goodall Nettles1
Alexander Cahu Ngo
Kevin Hoang-Tuan Ngo1
Talia Michelle O’Brien1
Meghan Murphy O’Hern
Ik Su Oh
Michael Andrew Ownes
Serena Mukesh Patel1
Nicholas Jonathan Peck
Patrick Michael Piper1
Scott David Popplewell1
Charles Maxwell Putnam
Maura Patricia Riley
Jordan Jerome Robarge1
Jalen Joseph Bass Ross3
Mark Anthony Rossi III1
Anne Elizabeth Scharmann1
Trevor Scott Shank2
Patrick Richard Still
Nikhil Tuteja
Paul Anton Van Pernis II
Maxwell James Van Vleet
Steven Michael Wergeles
Edward Dowling Whelan
Preston Anderson Williams3
Ellen Paige Williamson1
Luke Daniel Yesbeck2
Alexandra Claire Ziehm2
Curry School of
Conferred August 12, 2014
Doctors of Philosophy
William Robert Alexander
Dissertation: Simulating Science:
Using a Computer to Facilitate Conceptual Change for Moon Phases
High Distinction
Validation of the Physical Educator
Efficacy Scale for Teaching Lifetime
Physical Activities
Neill Adams Broderick
Dissertation: Parents of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Parental Perspectives and
Victoria Ilonka Phillips
Dissertation: The Relation of
Juvenile Delinquency and Adult
Incarceration: Does Parental Incarceration Really Matter?
Luke Thomas Donovan
Dissertation: Rehabilitation Incorporating Gait Training Devices for
Chronic Ankle Instability
Doctor of Education
Brendan Owen Downey
Dissertation: The Effects of the
Variable Spatial Contiguity of
Digital Vocabulary Annotations on
Reading Comprehension by English
Language Learners at American
Justin Adam Malone
Dissertation: The Relationship
Between Collective Efficacy and
Suspension Rates in Select Virginia
Middle Schools
Education Specialists
Amir Germain François
Dissertation: Diversity, Difference,
and Contact in Educational Settings: Understanding the Ecological
Factors Contributing to Positive
Intergroup Relations
Khudija Sana Amjad
Lindsay Nicole Bowers
Kearah Westerman Donato
Lauren Elizabeth Hauser
Deanna Rakes Isley
Kevin George Kendall
Joan Megan Lamain
Robin Nicole LeRosen
Sarah Stables McIntosh
Howard Paul
Christina Jenkins Storslee
Kenneth Wayne Trotman
Ingrid Iksa Hakala
Dissertation: Ethnic Identity and
Education in the “New Nepal:” An
Ethnographically-oriented Study of
Limbu “Mother Tongue” Schooling
Karyn Hartz-Mandell
Dissertation: Adult-Child Relationships in Preschool: Perceptions,
Contributors to Change, and Associated Child Outcomes
Masters of Education
Amelia Jeanne Abd
Paula Andrea Aduen
Millicent Paige Alspaugh
Kathleen Elizabeth Bauserman
Allison Bell
Sarah Megan Boeren
Allison Peel Bragan
Amanda Pieper Brown
Jordan Meredith Buckrop
Kristen Leigh Clingenpeel
Lindsey Erin Comfort
Julie Elizabeth Connolly
Michael Scott Converse
William Frank Creighton
Kelsey Lynn Croak
Pooja Datta
Molly Scott Deacon
Monique Adele d’Entremont
Allison Leigh Doby
Lindsy Jo Donnelly
Kelly Elizabeth Flynn
Victoria Sarah Fouhy
Matthew Gavin
Erika Lillie Giorgis
Sophie Elizabeth Glover
Timothy C Gribbin
John Riese Gubser
Bonnie Lynette Harvell
Jennifer Sara Hausfeld
Lora Jelise Henderson
Audrey Lyn Hite
David Wayne Hodges
Ruth Allison Horne
Karl William Humble
Stephanie Marie Huntsman
Ann Gregory Ince
Maura Elizabeth Johnson
Dallas Hambrick Hitt
Dissertation: Examining Effective
Leader Practices
Manuela Jiménez Herrera
Dissertation: A Closer Look at
Coaching: What do Coaches and
Teachers do in the My TeachingPartner Coaching Model?
Jenna Hallie Marshall
Dissertation: Measurement of
Mentors’ Perceived Support and Its
Relationship to Mentor and Mentee
Tamar Miriam Mintz
Dissertation: Self Regulation and
Children’s Relationships with Teachers and Peers in the Classroom:
Developmental Pathways and
Emily Bever Nichols
Dissertation: Incarceration in the
Household: New Perspectives on
Risk and Prevention
Tanya Maricima Nichols
Dissertation: The Association
Between Perceived Discrimination
and Mental Health Outcomes of
African-American College Students:
Understanding the Role of PsychoCultural Coping Resources in
Inhibiting Stress
Kason Michael O’Neil
Dissertation: The Creation and
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Nicole Denise Johnson
Zachary David Johnson
Ashley Elizabeth Kardos
Emily Suzanne Kasiske
Morgan Elizabeth Keplinger
Sara M. Koppenhaver
Daniel Lucas Lanchantin
Catherine Maria LeBlanc
Judith Lee
Margaret Anne Macedonia
Sabrina Majumder
Lauren Colby Mangum
Colleen Dougherty Marcotte
Jacob Dean Meyer
Whitney Bassett Nexsen
Rae Elin Owen
Alyssa Kay Parr
Margaret Patrick Parsley
Mai Lam Pham
Krishtine E. Phillips
Nicholas James Philpot
Erin Ashley Proctor
Robert Francis Qua
Lauren Brittani Rao
Tabitha Taylor Ray
Paul Jerome Regan IV
Malachi Amon Richardson
Caitlyn Hobbs Richbourg
Bethany Rose Rohl
Jessica Lynn Schwartz
Alicia Ann Smith
Shannon Marie Snell
Michelle Anne Snyder
Kelly Lynn Sokol
Erika Kristen Spudie
Ildiko Strehli
Sheila Elizabeth Tatten
Julie Elizabeth Thomas
Katherine Leigh Van Ess
Adriana G. Vela-Del Toral
James Patrick Walsh
Yidan Wang
Kaylah Raquel Williams
Deborah Kay Wood
Andrea Dale Xisto
Francesca Ruby Yackso
Masters of Teaching
Laura Jean Gass
Stefanie Anne Lapp
Jennifer Lynn Lithgow
Kerri Teresa Murphy
Bachelor of Science
in Education
Carrie Lynn Willis
Conferred December 30, 2014
Doctors of Philosophy
Andrew Arthur Bruce
Dissertation: Cognitive Factors’
Influence on Fraction Development
in Students of Varying Ability Levels
Jeanette Madeline Garcia
Dissertation: The Influence of
Friends on Physical Activity and
Sedentary Behavior in Adolescents:
A Mixed-Methods Analysis
Distinguished Majors Program
Curry School of Education
Lauren Burrow Gartland
Dissertation: Reimagining a Place
for Grammar in Language Arts
George Joseph Kroupa III
Dissertation: Retooling the School:
Vocational Education and the Origins of Federal Funding for Public
Eun Hye Kwon
Dissertation: Implementing The
Adapted Physical Education
E-learning Supplement into Physical Education Teacher Education
Julie Anne Ragsdale
Dissertation: Relational Aggression
Among Female African-American
Undergraduates: An Intersectional
Doctor of Education
Casey Josphine Robinson
Dissertation: Improving TeacherStudent Relationships: An Interpretive Approach to Policy Implementation
Education Specialists
Nicole Catherine Fregelette
Alice Louise Gore
Alison Lisbeth Mitchell
Christopher Stewart Powell
Lauren Price Badini
Sarah Wood Surratt
Masters of Education
Edward Michael Bracken
Courtney Leigh Burke
Kacie Lynn Burke
Catherine Simmons Byrne
Sarah Reeves Campanelli
Teresa Balazs Cardiff
Christopher Jason Carrico
Amanda James Chilcote
Katherine Lorraine Ciszek
LilyWren Karen Collins
Anne Robbins Counoupas
Ashley Ireland Dann
Avery Carolin Donald
Jeremy James Falk
Frances Branch Harper Feagans
Lauren Alexis Fleharty
David Alexander Griffith
Patricia Fidiam Harmon
Valerie Semmer Harnisch
Jackie Prophit Holland
Kristen Marie Holmes
Dawn Renee Hopke
Mydashia J. Hough
Dawn Scattolini Hunter
Karin Louise Kaerwer
Andrew John Kane
Naa-Adei Kotey
Amanda Michelle Kurtz
Kiara Shanay Lee
Holly Conner Lind
High Distinction
Conferred May 17, 2015
Emily Nicole Lynn
Theresa Noelle Melton
Meghan Meyer
Lucian Alexander Mirra
Kimberly Monge Baldwin
Carri Lynne Naumann-Monti
Ranisha Michelle Nelson
Rachel Marie Plauche
Tanya Metcalf Salewski
Brian Edward Siegel
Erin Mackey Siraguse
Miles May Sisson
Amy Slagle
Jacob Lee Snyder
Matthew Duchesne Stewart
Amy Katherine Thomas
Leigh Elizabeth Van Swall
Doctors of Philosophy
Erin Anderson
Dissertation: Leadership Practices
and Essential Supports: A Comparative Case Study of a School
Improvement Effort Before and
After the Implementation of a School
Improvement Grant (SIG)
Todd Michael Brown
Dissertation: The Efficacy of Virtual Learning: Student Achievement
in Virtual, Hybrid, and Face-to-face
Courses at a Medium-sized Community College in Virginia
Xin Chen
Dissertation: Leadership Education of Chinese MBA Students in
the United States: A Case Study of
Chinese MBA Students’ Leadership
Education at One American Graduate Business School
Masters of Teaching
Alexandra Elizabeth Diaz Aldridge
Lauren Marguerite Armentrout
Bradley DiMillo Burzumato
Bethany Glen Chasteen
Bethany Branson Crawley
Marie Catherine Decker
Sarah Frances Delserone
Lynn Goddard Dodge
Gregory Dallas Dorsey
Jacqueline Leigh Duvall
Ashley Firth Ferraro
Vanessa Brooke Fleming
Michelle Gabro
Samantha Lea Gaither
Kayla Michelle German
Hilary Browne Harveycutter
Miranda Larson Hogan
Lauren Elizabeth Houck
Anne Delaney Jennings
Kristina Leigh Jones
Justina Jihye Lee
Melissa Brooke Lin
Meghan Jenna Linsley
Kelsey Elizabeth MacPherson
Chelsea Iris Mangino
Amelia June Nystrom
Lucia Nicole Perkins
Emily Marie Seman
Malinda Campbell Smith
Bethany Nicole Straub
Emily Rose Sullivan
Emma Grace Taylor
Olivia Ruth Tran
Kathleen McDuffie Traylor
Sydney Morrow Wicks
Kristen Ann Wilder
Hilary Gail Dack
Dissertation: Novice Teachers’
Conceptions of Differentiated
Instruction and Related Practice
Crystal Jean DeJaegher
Dissertation: Tapping into Augmented Virtuality Laboratories:
Investigating the Impact of User
Interface on Student Learning in
Secondary Science
Melissa Kypraios Driver
Dissertation: Word-problem Instruction for English Learners:
A Culturally and Linguistically
Responsive Approach
Eva Teresa Galdo
Dissertation: Examining the Preschool Experience: Issues of Access,
Process, and Accountability
Amanda Lynette Gonczi
Dissertation: Professional Development and Teachers’ Pedagogical
Content Knowledge: Factors Influencing Science Education Computer
Simulation Use
Sean Healy
Dissertation: The Impact of Online
Professional Development on
Physical Educators’ Knowledge and
Implementation of Peer Tutoring
Christopher Collin Herb
Dissertation: Lower Extremity
Biomechanics and Chronic Ankle
Bachelors of Science
in Education
Robert Adrian Andrews
Carrie Anne Baker
Margaret Ellett Brown
Savanah Quinn Cary
Vincent Nicola Croce
Gina Sujin Hone
Emily Purcell Kinkead5
Jessica Lynn Mason
Un Min Nam
Caroline Elizabeth Ward5
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Inquiry and Discourse for Linguistically Diverse Elementary Students
Christine Elizabeth Monaghan
Dissertation: Education for Durable Solutions? Histories of Schooling
in Kenya’s Dadaab and Kakuma
Refugee Camps
Matthew D. Reames
Dissertation: Interpreting and
Enacting the Danish Mathematics
Communications Competency:
The Relationship between Policy,
Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Understanding
Carrie Rosaminna Lee Simkin
Dissertation: Similar but Different: Profiles of Language-minority
Early Adolescent Struggling Readers
Ashley Elizabeth Simpson Baird
Dissertation: “The Children Want
to Learn; the Parents Want to Participate”: Expanding Understandings of the Parental Involvement of
English Learners
Mark Alan Sutherlin
Dissertation: Changes in Muscle
Thickness and Joint Stiffness in
Individuals with a History of Low
Back Pain
Susan Frances Thacker-Gwaltney
Dissertation: A Research Synthesis
of Ability Grouping for Elementary
Reading Instruction
Laura Suzanne Tortorelli
Dissertation: Text Matters: Reader
and Text Factors Associated with
Reading Rate
Lindsay Buford Wheeler
Dissertation: Professional Development for General Chemistry
Laboratory Teaching Assistants:
Impact on Teaching Assistant
Beliefs, Practices, and Student
Doctors of Education
Elizabeth Muller Beaty
Dissertation: The Role of Teacher
Efficacy Sources for General
Education Teachers with Special
Education Inclusion Classrooms
Angelica Diane Blanchette
Dissertation: Progress Monitoring
with Kindergarten and First-grade
Students in a Response to Intervention Context
Jason S Jones
Dissertation: Lanterns in the Bright
Morning Hours: Liberal Arts Education & Liberal Arts Colleges in the
21st Century
Karen A. Connors
Dissertation: The Supervisor’s Role
in Optimizing the Resident Assistant
Work Experience
Jenay Ashley Sharp Leach
Dissertation: A Case Study of a
Teacher’s Implementation of Science
Lynne Alison Crotts
Dissertation: Virginia Elementary
Principals’ Perspectives on Inter-
Highest Honors
Distinguished Majors Program
Curry School of Education
agency Collaboration for Children
with Emotional and Behavioral
Emily Anne Liebtag
Dissertation: International Student
Teaching: A Multi-case Study about
the Intercultural Competence of
Pre-service Teachers
Clarence Guy Odom IV
Dissertation: Mindsets and Motivation: Modeling Psychological
Determinants of Achievement in the
Post-secondary Classroom
Erika Danielle Powell
Dissertation: A Performance
Approach to Designing and Measuring Community-building Interventions for Online Engineering
Beth Sundelin Williams
Dissertation: Teachers’ Decisionmaking Regarding Low-performing
Emergent Readers in Three Kindergarten Classrooms
Education Specialists
Julie Elizabeth Anderson
Susan Hunter Benante
Erika Renee Carson
Sherry Burke Doane
Christine Altizer Joy
Lesley Doris Lanphear
Abrianna Ruth Nelson
Antoinette Bishop Rennie
Caitlin Riley Stravino
Masters of Education
Margaret Wood Ball
Andrew Corbett Battaile
Alexander Joseph Bedard III
Shila Said Behsudi
Christopher Thomas Bernitt
Amanda K Blevins
Dana Ashley Boyle
Maria Lewis Brinza
Mary Ellen Brooks
Arlyn Elise Burgess
Christina Koch Burkhardt
Amanda Nicole Burns
John Eberhart Byrne
Cheryl E Carroll
Helen Eve Chandler
Jessica Chen
Jessica Laine Christian
Jacqueline I Clee
William Michael Coggins
Benjamin Nathan Cohen
Marybeth Donahue Connelly
Leslie Kathleen Cook
Katelyn Lee Corridon
Laura Carrington Coutts
Nora Kathleen Covert
Martha Louisa Crockett
Conner Whitfield Davis
Andrew Vincent Dorr
Allison Marie Dreon
Yoon Gak Dunham
High Distinction
Casey Michele Dyckman
Daniel Phillip Eckstein
Ryan Patrick Feeney
Virginia Elizabeth Ferry
Jazlynn René Finney
Cameron Moses Fitch
Tricia Forgit
Josefa Galan
Kelsey Alexandra Galka
Gregory Lavern Gallop II
Robert Stephen Garrity
Frances Elizabeth Garwood
Brett James Gazard
Carly Ann-Byers Geddes
Sabrina Kaur Ghumman
Matthew Clifton Gill
Laura Grace Gillingham
Natalie Kay Green
Neetika Kaur Gujral
Meghan Leigh Gural
Elizabeth Valentine Heilbronner
Andrea Michele Heininge
Alessandra Joan Hemminger
Jennifer Lynn Hogg
Amanda Dawn Foster-Baril
Michael David Inge
Cheryl Kienel Jackson
Gaines Bernard Johnson
Marcie Scott Johnson
Brandy Michelle Jones
Jenna Rose Keeney
Kristin Leigh King
Kerri Elizabeth Kirk
John Michael Kronstain
Shawn Danielle Lathrop
Taylor Sloane Levine
Bridget Marie Linzmeyer
Johanna Petersen Lou
Brian Lee Luckett
Martin Maric
Allison Matchinga
Allison Debra Maupin
Sarah Anne McDonald
Megan Sunderland McNeely
Lillian Morgan McVey
Debra Lynn Minahan
Kelly Erin Mooney
Danielle Moore
Rachel Denison Moore
Michael Edward Munroe
Erica Lohr Newberry
Charlene Theresa O’Brien
Katherine Delaney O’Donnell
Katherine McEntee O’Donnell
Katherine Anne O’Neil
Nicolas Gregoire Ouimet
Andrew Stewart Paisley
Angelica Marie Palting
Derek Peter Papagianopoulos
Casey Christine Paul
Kelley Elizabeth Perconti
Hilary Elizabeth Ramp
Veronica Fawn Rasnick
Bryce Alan Robbins
Kristi Jaclyn Roblin
Daisy Stevens Rojas
Sara Roop
Julia Hannah Sadoff
Robert Nelson Sawyer
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Elizabeth Hampton Scott
Khalek Edrice Shepherd
Lucas Ryan Shortt
Lindsay Skeens
Sarah Chambers Skinner
James Michael Slane
Erin Elizabeth Smith
Justin Thomas Smith
Eric Floyd Spencer
Joseph Christopher Spisak
Emily Kathryn Spoden
Susan Lindsay Stallard
Penny Sue Stapleton
Rafe Steinhauer
Kathleen Hale Stevens
Heather Ashley Stuck
Nicholas Brian Sulzer
Jieun Sung
Evan Charles Teague
Lindsay Nicole Tuck
Owen William Van Arsdale
Jennifer Ann VanDyke
Sara Rose Verhalen
Noah Martin Vogelsang
James Alexander Vozenilek
Meredith Grace Wallace
Ashlee Reid Warner
Kathryn Ruth Wason
Margaret Ann Webster
James Verne Whipp IV
Nicholas Alexander Williams
Kirsten Wittkowski
Mengfan Ying
Amy Renae Yosick
Masters of Teaching
Annie Elizabeth Aasen
Lisa Joy Anderson
Shannon Porter Case Armstrong
Sarah Everett Bailey
Jessica Ann Barr
Yarden Batson
Ejana Arnetia Elizabeth Bennett
Jill Ehrich Bernstein
Elizabeth Denison Blue
Marcy Anne Bowdren
Sonya Wei Brooks
Kristina Marie Brown
Adam Jacob Carpenter
Sunray Catherine Cho
Elizabeth Anne Cosgro
Angelique Coulouris
Taylor Benet Coyner
Bethany Lee Crawford
Sarah Lauren Cutler
Sarah Elizabeth Davis
Heather Rose Denardo
Victoria Elizabeth Dickens
Andrew Casper Dilworth
Catherine Nicole Dorset
Mary Catherine Duff
James Eugene Edwards, Jr.
Shannon Elizabeth Egan
Kara Morgan Elder
Alycen Colleen English
Ana Laura Escalante Bañuelos
Xiaowei Brittany Fan
Lucas Jackson Farr
Mary Kathleen Flood
Katherine Paige Freeman
Highest Honors
Elaine Kathryn Galbraith
Conor Paul Gannon
Megan Ashley Garrett
Virginia Day Gazewood
Kelsey Leigh Green
Timothy Frank Hilliard
Hayley Elizabeth Jackson
April Tiara Johnson
Lindsey Rae Johnson
Charlotte Caroline Jump
Katherine Grace Kegley
Katherine Lynne Keifer
Jennifer Busbee Lee
Rebecca Elizabeth Lee
Lori Michelle Lippman
Chelsea Marcelin
Katelyn Anne Mattey
Anna Christine McQuitty
Meranda Lynn Merritt
Fatima Saleh Mohammed
Johnsie Jamison Nesmith
Brittany Anne Oman
Kristina Kaye Ormsby
Lauren Hope Ortiz
Erin Grace Penley
Gabriel Enrique Planas
Jasmine Tyler Powell
Evelina Raquel Preciado Arango
Jessica Lynn Pritchard
Brooke Erin Ream
O’tillia Sapphire Roberts
Iesha Simone Samuels
Matthew Lee Schilling
Linsey Nicole Snead
Christina Hyunjean Sohn
Leah Carroll Starns
Anna Margaret Suhring
Mary Catherine Swanton
Destinie Danyelle Thomas
Davis Anh Ngoc Tran
Obeida Isabel Vargas
Philip Alan Vargas
Nicholas Angelo Veschi
Victoria Lynn Wagoner
Kelcey Elizabeth Wall
Nathan Greer Weiss
Sarah Glenis Weisz
Anna Caroline Wilhelm
Tyler Douglas Woodward
Tsung-Han Yeu
Eugine Youn
Bachelors of Science
in Education
Marlena Danielle Allen5
Erin Rae Arrington4
Akwasi Asante
Elizabeth Rose Attiliis
Kathryn Diana Baker
Bryan Michael Beaubrun
Lauren Elizabeth Benoit
Elizabeth Denison Blue
Tia Marie Booker
Amber Michelle Breeden
Carley Marie Bright
Natalie Cramer Brown
Elaine Ellis Burden4
Teshara Shaquilla Clemons
Allison Lee Dastugue
Distinguished Majors Program
Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Conferred May 17, 2015
Susannah Ogden Derr
Emily Grace Dicus
Natalie Zoe Marie Eichner
Lucas Jackson Farr
Hailey Barton Flores
Laura Glee Gartrell
Lauren Michelle Goldberg
Anne Castleton Hamner
Olivia Leigh Hart
Elizabeth Sheldon Hasseltine5
Shannon Carlie Heard
Alexandra Elaine Howell
Alexis Corbett Howerton4
Rebekah Kendra Jarosinski
William Lewis Johns, Jr.5
Jeffrey Fuqua Kerbel
Holly Kaitlyn Kirks5
Morgan Taylor Legg
Katherine Anne McCole
Ashley Christina McDowell5
Katherine Elise Meredith
Christopher Rives Millikan
Jessica Michelle Montoya
Taylore Renee Moore
Ana Valtelhas Morais
Jennifer Elizabeth Morgan5
LeighAnna Virginia Morris
Spencer Reid Moseley
Megan Riley Murphy
Rachel Elizabeth Nicholson
Thomas Aloysius O’Neil III
Shannon Elizabeth O’Toole
Kelly Elizabeth Offutt
Pathik Ghanshyam Patel
Barbara Lucille Peterson
Ashley Renee Peyton
Kathryn Blake Potts4
Reginald Ryland Richardson
Sarah Tate Roderick
Meredith Elaine Roper4
Sarah Elizabeth Russell
Sarah Elizabeth Sanders5
Caitlin Hope Secrist5
Molloy Bridget Sheehan4
Kelli Anne Marie Sill6
Lauren Elizabeth Simard
Hollis Mackenzie Smith
Rachel Lynne Spenia4
Courtney Caroline Swan5
Julia Melissa Teague
Philip Alan Vargas4
Lindsay Nicole Victor4
Tess Marie Warner
Ana Leigh Wasserman
Haley Reneé White5
Taurionah Michae Wilkins
Catherine Elizabeth Woznak
Doctor of Philosophy
Kachelit Raz
Dissertation: Status as an End: The
Impact of Status Goal Orientations
on Individuals’ Organizational
Masters of Business
Darden Graduate
School of Business
Conferred August 12, 2014
Masters of Business
Laura C Dalton
Nicolas Soichet
High Distinction
Sean Carrigan
Brian Curtis Carruth
Edward John Casey III
Edison Alberto Castaneda
Soumya Challa
Ying Chen
Kelly Grace Chewning
Antonella Chiappori Castro
Michael S. Child, Jr.
Brandon Tyler Chinn
Sojeong Choi
Irving Linn Chou
Daniel K Choudhury
Peter Daniel Corkum
Peter Thomas Courtney
Patrick Fleming Cunningham
Ranjit Damodaran
Heidi Leeb Davies
Fernando Daniel Davila Roselli
James Russell Davis
Danielle Irene Davison
Ardavan Dehghan
Danielle Faye DeJong
Erik Del Rio Gonzalez
Tyler Stephen Denoncourt
Brian Michael DiBella
Zachary Cannon Dietch
Adam Ross D’Luzansky
Christopher Caldwell Donahue
Na Dong
Alison Agüero Dooley
Andrew James Doonan
Andrew Reed Douglass
Brian P. Dunne
Martha Sophia Dzwonkowski
Kathryn Michelle Elder
Eronmonsele Elens-Eigbokhan
Kimberly Ellenson
Kevin Michael Ertmer
Martin Joel Erzinger, Jr.
John Moody Eshelman
Marie Nichole Evers
Jessica Anne Fay
Yichen Feng
Aaron David Fernstrom
Michal Filipowski
Shay West Finley
Philip Jerome Fischer
Ian Scott Fisher
Aleksandr Fomin
Kenneth Matthew Forbess
William Stanley Forston
Robert Daniel Foster, Jr.
Andrew Holt Fowler
Peter Joseph Fox
Joshua Edward Francis
Alexander Dunsmore Fraser
Sasha Meredith Friedman
John Michael Fryback
Robert William Gardiner
Michael William Gessner
Kenneth Lakin Gillette
Ryan Taft Gin
Amol Goyal
Alex Raphael Graber
Matthew Ware Graham
Eric Christopher Grodahl
Grant Michael Groher
Vrinda Grover
Margaret Sears Grundy
Pavan Kumar Abbaraju
Kathryn Gene Adams
Jose Aguirre
Aman Deep Singh Ahuja
Ayodeji Olawale Aina
George Frederick Akers
Firas Jamal Al-Barzinji
Brian Thomas Alessi
Olayiwola Ibrahim Ali-Ajibode
Michael Duane Allen
Mark Mason Allenbach
Pablo Andres Alvarez Barrague
Rafael Arana Palazuelos
Joyce Lillian Arcangeli
Sarah Paschal Armstrong
Matthew L Arny
Vida Kenechukwu Asiegbu
Vasishta Atmuri
Gal Avrahamy
Jarod Baker
Divya Balu Pazhayannur
Soumit Banerjee
Avery Constance Baranzano
Ofer Baratz
Anthony Michael Barresi
Sargunjit Singh Bawa
Alexander Igorevich Bazhinov
William Becker
Luke Peter Bellocchi
Andrew S Benjamin II
Daniel Joseph Benn
Edward Guerrant Read Bennett, Jr.
Sharif Bennett
Stephen Christopher Chiles Benz
Brian Robert Benzel
Kevin Joseph Berger
Ana Maria Beskin
Sangeeta Bhakat
Rohan Bhargava
Alexander James Oleisky Black
David Russell Bobbitt
Douglas Steven Bobrow
Jonathan Robert Ernest Boeve
William Michael Bond, Jr.
Aaron Thomas Bower
Erica Rachel Breese
William Joseph Brennan
Brandon Chandler Brenneman
Bradley Towner Brewer
Joseph Quinn Bright
Anne Marie Brown
Christine Victoria Brown
Emmanuel Logan Brown
Simon Brugo de las Carreras
Alex Thomas Cameron
Andrew James Campbell
Robert Ryne Cardon
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Navaneetha Gunti Penta
Nathan Yi Guo
Ankur Gupta
Rohan Gupta
Herbert Haas
Zeeshan Javed Hafeez
Mark Nicholas Hagemann
Henri Taurome Hammond
Arthur J. Han
Mingbing Han
Samuel Hale Handler
Daniel Henry Hanley
Richard Terry Hanna, Jr.
Amiel Ben Helale Harper
Carter Keleher Harris
Jason Gregg Harris
Jennifer Frye Harris
Elizabeth Rawson Hart
John Samuel Hartman II
Masato Hattori
Ryan Thomas Havermann
Anthony James Hayes
Robert Wayne Haynes
Adam Hazzout
Christopher Jie He
Lorenzo Raymond Heholt
Alyssa Dorothy Heilman
Heather Leah Hellwinkel
Alex Lauren Hergenroeder
Alexander Robert Higbee
Helliner Sforsin Hill
Ryan Duane Hill
Linh Manh Hoang
Donald G. Hornbeck
Grant David Hou
Linhowe Charles Hsieh
Jerome Patrick Hughes
Brian Todd Hult
Samuel D. Hutchings
Maxime Iguergaoua
Gen Andrew Izutsu
Eric Douglas Jacob
Akansha Jain
Monica Jasty
Sidharth Jayaraman
Zhiwei Ji
Gaines Bernard Johnson
Deborah J. Jones
Kabeer Joshi
James Joseph Judge IV
Niti Kalra
Benny Joshua Kandhiraj
Radhika Kanuga
Duygu Karaboncuk
Daniel Aaron Katz
Adam William Kearns
Rafael Kellermann Barbosa
Christopher Powell Kelley
Elizabeth Amory Kidder
Helena Juhye Kim
Kyung Min Lydia Kim
Sun Hoo Kim
Stefanie Katherine Kivelin
Anil Kumar Kochhar
William Eric Kohlbrenner
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Prashant Prakash Kumar
Vaibhav Laddha
Robert Morgan Lane
Robert Eugene Langdon III
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Architecture
Hilary Holland Langer
R. Kyle Larsen
Boram Lee
Sara Lee
Vishnu Leelakrishnan
Charles Prechtl Legg
Ping Li
Paul Edward Lindberg
Ned Buck Lipes, Jr.
Lu Liu
Robert Sturges Lochridge III
Jeffrey Hammond Long
Ryan John Lowe
John Dwyer Lowrey
MengRan Molly Lu
Xiaoyi Marina Lu
Lindsay Allen Luke
Aleksander Matias Lyng
Aaron Mack
Stoyanka Ivanova Maglova
Katherine Diane Majeski
Xiayun Mao
John Frederick Mara
Denis Markov
Zachary Stokes Mayo
Joseph Edward McCarthy
Patrick Turner McCurdy
Terence Foster McGuirk III
Corey Williams McLellan
Matthew Thomas McMillion
Elizabeth Ann McStravick
Scott Frederick Meadows
Annie Hannah Medaglia
Rohan Paresh Mehta
Brian Scott Mello
Julien Jean Charles Philippe
Robert John Mendenhall
Georgios Mexis
Yiqing Miao
Stephanie Ann Miller
Eric Ballantyne Minnick
Purvang Mirani
Olga Miroshnichenko
Sumat Mittal
Taneesha Mohandas
Jason Lawrence Mollengarden
Laureano Juan Mones-Cazon
Alexander Harry Monroe
Cain David Montgomery
Mary Pearson Moore
Robert Lee Moore III
Thomas William Morris
Linwood Blanton Muire III
Sean Aloysius Mulligan
Mwika Harmonie Marie Louise
Aaron Troy Myers
Yohei Nakamiya
Kanokrat Namasondhi
Ram Narayanan
Edward Joseph Naughton
Lauren Summers Nelson
Philip Samuel Newmuis
Dennis Keo Ngin
Nam Hoang Nguyen
Joakim Brevigh Nilsen
Kazuki Nishiyama
Jeremy Lynn Noel
Kate Alexandra Noel
High Distinction
Nicolas Andres Novoa Cruz
Philip K O’Bannon
John Kielty Oleson
Katherine Anne O’Neil
Kathryn Ann O’Neill
Susan Claire O’Neill
Lynn Davis Ozier, Jr.
Siddhartha Pailla
Josefa Alicia Palma
Chetan Sundar Raj Srikant Peddada
Sonja Elizabeth Pedersen-Green
Bryan Phillips Pellatt
Rachel Fleming Penny
Michael Martin Pereira
Nathan Wesley Phalen
Emma Katrina Plaut
Chad David Poulter
Timothy Robert Powers
William Charles Preston
John Thomas Pruitt
Lan Qu
Kyle Walter Quearry
Daniel Quintino Rocha
Saad Bashir Qureshi
Bradley Thomas Raber
Nicholas Benjamin Rader
Archana Rao
Laura E Redden
Tara Ashley Reddy
Ann Channing Redpath
Christopher Todd Rehberger
Stephen Reiff
Ralph Derek Rey
John Andrew Reyes II
Daniel C Rhodes
George Adam Richardson III
Lee Jeutter Robertson
Dara Rohani
Jesse Rosenbaum
Abigail Naomi Rossetti
Brittany Donner Roy
Amit Rozeman
Michael Rumbaugh
Sarah Fortunata Rumbaugh
Teodora Sabeva
Maksim Saitgazin
Margarita Saitgazina
Roberson Santos de Oliveira
Chandan Saurabh
William Clinton Saxton
Jennifer Lauren Scheurich
Hunter Samuel Schloss
Jennifer Ann Schretter
Jessica Lynn Schroeder
Matthew Casey Sculnick
Jeremy Deschapelles Seeley
Jeong Won Seo
Trishala Raj Shankar
Alexander Walters Sharif
Anant Sharma
Jayalaxmi B Shekarraju
Tianyi Shen
Miguel Shin
Jacob Benjamin Shmukler
Shwetha Shyam Sunder
Benjamin John Simonett
Randy James Sinclair
Akshay Singh
Henry Fulton Skelsey, Jr.
Brandan John Smestad
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Varun Solan
Emily Kate Solomon
Inkeun Song
Bhavani Shankar Srinivasan
Joshua Gehman Stegall
Michael Frederick Stehle
Matthew Aaron Stein
Rafe Steinhauer
Emily Claire Stovicek
Kyle Alexander Strong
Kris Aaron Deardorff Subhash
Kavi Sud
Robert A. Sukhwani
Alan Jonathan Sung
Ferit Tas
Stephen Tavares
Benjamin Jesse Taylor
Christopher Paul Taylor
Christopher Robert Taylor
Clifford Michael Taylor
Thomas Patrick Teague
Laura Elizabeth Temel
Sidhartha Thakur
Michael Thomas Tham
Matthew Ross Thames
Ana Maria Thomas
Marcus E. Thomas
George Kennedy Thompson, Jr.
George Richard Thompson
Elliott Paul Tinnes
Richard Decatur Townsend II
Elizabeth Blanchard Tual
John Edward Turner
Bradley Scott Uhl
Kwame Osei Ulmer
Zachary Gigitt Upcheshaw
Seyitbek Usmanov
Emmanuel Osumbo Vak Stephens
Asa Valenti
Thomas Boushall Valentine, Jr.
Joseph Courtenay Vanzant III
Felipe Carlos Velasquez, Jr.
Gordon Fitzgerald Vernon
Virginia Rumenova Veselinova
Matthew Christopher Waite
David Lawson Money Waldman
William Maitland Walton
Christina Tianjiao Wang
Guixing Wang
Haifeng Wang
Kun Wang
Brian Michael Ward
Samuel Weitkemper
Brian Andrew Welsh
John Michael Will
Alison Renee Williams
Christopher Joseph Williams
Donald Porter Williams
Amy Wang Williamson
Jordan Willis
Colin Matthew Winter
Jacob Benjamin Womble
Stephen William Wong
Baker Harrington Woods
Allen Alexander Woodward
Matthew Jerrold Wurster
Glen Ye
Jacob Ryan Yeager
Zheng Yin
Ran You
Highest Honors
Collin William Young
Xiaoqian Yu
Tyler Mifflin Zara
Chang Zhou
School of
Conferred August 12, 2014
Master of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Andrew John Greene
Bachelor of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Sydney Evelyn Shivers4
Conferred December 30, 2014
Masters of Architecture
Raul Alexander Ayala Duron
Ryan Michael Carbone
Brianne Caitlin Doak
Benjamin Michael Gregory
Sarah Elise Karpinski
Nicholas Sausele Knodt
Sarah Elizabeth McKay
Masters of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Raul Alexander Ayala Duron
Kwaku Letsu Keddey
Matthew Ryan West
Bachelor of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Ye Zheng
Conferred May 17, 2015
Masters of
Architectural History
Niya Marie Bates
William Rousselet Canup
Anna Yao Hong
Peter Randolph Kempson
Leigh Miller
Kathleen Schnurr
Margaret Stella
Masters of Architecture
Aaron Michael Argyle
Eric Ryan Barr
Aaron Paul Bridgers
Marcus Leo Brooks
Sarah Evangeline Brummett
Elizabeth Lee Charpentier
Bocong Chen
Zhifei Cheng
Rosa Cristina Corrales Rodriguez
Peiwen Deng
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Nursing
Elizabeth O’Brien Garrison
Marcela Lucía Gracia Acosta
William Edward Deierlein Green
Peter Randolph Kempson
Julia Josephine Kwolyk
Joseph Robert Laughlin
Yiming Li
Haidi Liu
Marina Edward Michael
Sarah Price Miller
Lauren Anne Nelson
Graham Snow
Yimeng Teng
John Palmer Trevor
David Tillman Tucker
Oliver Richard Vranesh
Laura Willwerth
Ge Yu
Masters of Landscape
Margaret Mandt Baldwin
Marcus Leo Brooks
Jenna Frances Harris
Jennifer Leigh Livingston
Sarah Price Miller
Margaret Evelyn Plumb
Rong Rong
Rachelle Rene Trahan
Masters of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Jasmine W Amanin
Amanda Ruthe Beck
Fatmah Mahmoud Behbehani
Sarah Kelly Elizabeth Burr
Mary Elizabeth Butcher
Li Min Cheah
Raphael Angelo Clarke
Nicholas J Hutchison
Jason John Knickmeyer
Francis Timothy Krawczel
Wei Li
Dominique Antoinette Lockhart
Chen Lu
Tatiana Marquez Aguel
Chad Aaron O’Connor
William Thomas Scibilia, Jr.
Yue Shan
Sydney Evelyn Shivers
Mi Sun
Ross Woodson Weaver
James Mark Wood, Jr.
Danielle Nicole Bruno4
Lane Elizabeth Rylander
Bachelors of Science
Victoria Katlin Amato4
Oliver James Atwood
Jessica Isabella Baralt
Joshua Wayne Basham
Alexandra Elaine Bergman
Jennifer Clare Bost
High Distinction
Emily Jan Paul
Tyler Ames Pitt4
Kayleigh Michelle Roy
Yizhou Wang4
Doctors of
Nursing Practice
Amelia Schechinger Black
Capstone: Heart Failure and Acute
Myocardial Infarction Patients’ and
Caregivers’ Perceptions of Reasons
for 30-Day Readmissions in the
Community Hospital Setting
Mary Kathleen Goldschmidt
Capstone: Pediatric Abusive Head
Trauma in Virginia: A Protocol for
Public Health Surveillance Using
the Virginia Statewide Trauma
Sarah Elizabeth Martin
Capstone: Active Duty Women’s
Perceptions of Breastfeeding Support in the Military Setting
Julie K. Schexnayder
Capstone: Evaluation of a NurseLed Antiretroviral Treatment Program in a Rural South African
Primary Health Care Clinic
Masters of Science
in Nursing
Becky Marie Bautch
Bonnie Mae Bellows
Hunter Joseph Choate
Susan Marie Dudley
Steven Joshua Estes
Sheryl Bell Feggans
Peter Nathan Kulis
Jennifer Leake
Debra Lynne Levin
Christine Elizabeth Moubray
Jeffrey Lind Ross
Kathy Ray Scott
Conferred December 30, 2014
Doctors of
Nursing Practice
Debra R. Brunk
Capstone: A Culturally Appropriate Self-Management Program for
Hispanic Adults with Type 2 Diabetes and Low Health Literacy Skills
Kimberly Anne Nelson
Capstone: Preemptive Advanced
Clinical Management to Decrease
30 Day Readmissions in the
Mechanical Circulatory Support
High Honors
Tilahun Mekonnen Goshu
Angela Marie Mitchell Chatman
Tallison Heather Rausch
Lauren Nicole Woolfolk
Conferred May 17, 2015
Conferred August 12, 2014
Katherine Elizabeth Bailey4
Ashley Blackwell
Tyneshia Rashae Burton
Adriana Castillo Fischer
Robert Andrew D’Agostino
Mathew Theodore Diachok
Claudia Franziska Elzey6
Reem Ayman Hashim
Jacob Connor Herrman
Emily Marie Heymann
Xinyuan Hu
Rachael Margaret Laurilliard
Hallie Meade Martin
Michael Patrick Maynard
Corey Patrick Milner
Heidi Annemarie Mitter
Highest Distinction
Masters of Science
in Nursing
School of Nursing
Bachelors of Urban and
Environmental Planning
Bachelors of
Architectural History
Amelia M Brackmann4
Henry Elkan Brazer5
Rachel Lindsey Brondstater
Samuel Wheeler Eldredge
Luke Eli Escobar
Caitlin Emily Gallagher
Callum Gordon4
Jordana Remi Greenberg5
Karim Abdelrahman Yousef Habbab
George Hanna Hajjar
Dillon Anderson Harding
William Richard Haynes
Ryan Walker Hess
Rachel Nicole Himes5
Sarah Jayne Holsinger4
Jared Chase Huggins5
Alexandra Xavier Iaccarino6
Courtney Janet Keehan5
Aigul Kenzhegaliyeva
Sean Kim
Mariangeles Lacayo
Jae Hyun Lee
Michael Sasha Light
Bess Hana Lovern
Robert Warren Manion
Charlton Asher McGlothlin
Jaline Esther-Mae McPherson
Sara A. Neel
Margaret Mary Nersten4
Christine Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Caroline Rebecca Nilsson5
Kevin Matthew O’Hara
Chloe Tara Bynoe Osborne
Madeleine Lily Partridge5
Alexander John Peters
Michael Joel Peterson
Isabel Del Carmen Preciado Arias4
Brett H. Rappaport
Emily Elizabeth Kuhman Richards5
Matson Lamar Roberts, Jr.
Jodad Santiago Rodriguez
Kari Ann Roynesdal4
Judith Rebeca Sanchez Contreras
Suzanne Catherine Sharp
David Sarage Sherdil
Yuni Song
Joseph Todd Stovall
Ceylan Tomruk5
Christopher James Wallace
Allen Neil Ward
Elizabeth Pelham Wilson
Highest Honors
Doctors of
Nursing Practice
Douglas Everett Dillon
Capstone: Suicide Risk Assessment
Toolkit for the Primary Care Setting
Diane Karowitz Drame
Capstone: Assessment of the Adoption of the World Health Organization Recommendations for Hospital
Nursing Care of Children with
Pneumonia in Senegal
Elizabeth S. Dunning
Capstone: Implementation and
Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary
and Coordinated Process Focusing on the Transitional Care of
High-Risk Adult Patients With
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and/or
Jeanette Missouri Sessoms
Capstone: Provider Adherence to
National Guidelines for Managing
Hypertension in African Americans
Dianna Beale White
Capstone: Evaluating the COACH
Program for African Americans
with Type 2 Diabetes
Masters of Science
in Nursing
Patrick Neal Ahern
Stacey Michelle Akers
Ashley Carol Allen
Angela Susan Amas
Devin Whitney Armstrong
Karen Lynn Baer
Tiffany Alisha Batterton
Melissa Beth Crawford Behl
Virginia Marie Bell
Rosalie Caroline Bennett
Karri Marie Mills Bishop
Lauren Mary Brady
Chandra Jeanne Burnside
Michelle Denise Bushrow
Louis Aaron Bussells
Kathy May Butler
Molly P Camper
Kaitlin Michelle Carver
Zaklina Cetic
Rosanna Lee Chapman
Anna Cincotta
Sarah Elizabeth Clyburn
Cierra Nicole Condrey
Carolin Margaret Connelly
Nicole Amanda Curry
Timothy Scott Darrah II
Distinguished Majors Program
McIntire School of Commerce
Abby Susan Denby
Rachel Dihle
Frank James Dolan, Jr.
Thomas Dresner
Laura Leigh Eleazer
Abigail E Evans
Sandra Ann Farnum
Lauren Lightfield Floyd
Shaundreka Shantay Fox
Jill Heather Francis-Parr
Lisa Ann Fuzy
Joshua Daniel Gadd
Jason Lamar Gates
Donna M Gravely
Donna Gayle Hayden
Wilnette Allen Hill
Kathryn Elizabeth Hood
James Odell Howell III
Mary Carolyn Howell
Lauren Amber Huck
Cemile Ayse Kahveci
Jacqueline Daisy Kane
Kaitlin Elizabeth Layne
Rebecca Susan Lindstrom
Michelle Amie Linnekin
Samantha Ann Lucas
Allison Huber Maddy
Elizabeth Maria Madero
Laura Gene Manley
Gabrielle Marcelline Manton
Isabelle Howard Marshall
Megan Lee Marie Matters
Ryan Kirk McFadden
Kimberly Mosby
Gwendolyn Dawn Mulholland
Amy Catherine Mutkala
Amy Leigh Newcombe
Colleen Ann Nolan
Amy Marie Nowakowski
Natasha Ballentine Obrist
Bailey Leah Ocker
Anthony Ikechukwu Onoh
Michelle Marie Paul
Maria Theresa Pescatore
Tiffany Erica Polo
Lara Popel
Jamille Conger Prevete
Julianne Koch Price
Leah Hadassah Raff
Katharine Ackerman Rhamey
Kimberley Anne Richards
Megan Elizabeth Rock
Amy Lynn Roman
Ryann McGough Rose
Carla Rae Rothmann
Crystal Marie McDaniel Saraceni
Lindsay Scattergood-Keepper
Christian Wilhelm Schilling
Jessica Leanne Schwinck
Deanna Rae Christensen Settelmeyer
Mary E. Shank
Anita Kline Sites
Jeanine Tiara St. Lawrence
Hayley Marie Tawes
Caroline Anne Tierney
Sarah Katherine Verges
Haley Elizabeth Wilson
Kylie Cooper Wright
Grace Yu
High Distinction
Bachelors of Science
in Nursing
Emily Anne Koyen
Elizabeth Rose Labish
Paige Elizabeth Leslie
Heather Elizabeth Lister
Beth Anne Loudin
Grace Ellen Lowen
Tara Kirstin Lumsden
Jennifer Renee Maneffa
Ashley Mangum1
Tess Elizabeth Martin1
Sylvanus Brenya Mensah
Claire Virginia Meyers
Mary Magdalene Mooney
Marta Jane Moore1
Muriel Suzanne OmbretHollandsworth1
Samuel Michael Palmer1
Austin Cole Payne
Alexa Noelle Pfaffenberger
Brittany Rene Pierce1
Raynusha Pillai
Jennifer Rita Piperno
Melissa Morris Pritchett1
Cynthia Anne Quarles1
Zuseen Castrillon Rannigan1
Renee Stratton Redman
Linda Kay Ruamthong
Shelly Lynette Rush-Evans1
Haley Alexandra Sanchez
Ashley Elizabeth Self1
Robbin Whorley Shifflett
Timothy Patrick Short
Lyndsey Elizabeth Sinclair
Catherine Sparkman
Virginia Willoughby Stone
Marissa Anne Sylvia
Meghan Louise Talbert
Elizabeth Taylor1
Lois Onekeh Theo
Bailey Mara Thomas
Madelyn Sue Thornton1
Katherine Elizabeth Thrasher
Taryn Lee Thrasher
Mary Katherine Thurman
Emma Jane Volz
Hannah Elyse Wacks
Tessa Ashleigh Warfield
Alisha Marie Wheeler
Michelle Yong-Yi Wu
Rosa Songah Yoon
Wenzhao Zhang
Andreya Janay Adams
Anna-Lena Alvesteffer1
Morgan Alexis Anderson
Laura-Ashley Angoe
Jennifer Jane Hermosisima Arcilla
Patricia Marie Averill
Francisca Maria Baker
Suzanne Noelle Belli
Elizabeth Bird Bettinger
Sarah Diane Bilby1
Kensie Kuruc Blodgett
Jessica Elizabeth Borchert
Sarah Brady
Katherine Elizabeth Brann
Janet Leigh Brock
Amy Kristine Bronick
Ashley Lauren Browne
Lindsay Anne Callahan
Amber Kristine Campos1
Anna Colleen Caputo
Michelle Kensie Carroll
Crystal Dawn Chu1
Isabel Fleming Concepcion
Lauren Gabriele Connelly
Emily Nichole Cramer1
Nathan Michael Demers
Quinn DeMott1
Jessica Lynne Denomme
Lauren Peyton Dougherty
Anna Kathryn Doughty
Karen Anne Duffy1
Timothy-Keith Schau Earley
Caroline Frances Eckert1
Priscilla Anne Ehreth
Danielle Belber Evangelista
Klara Luisa Franco
Sarah Melinda Fuller
Anna Elizabeth Garcia
Katherine Mary Garity
Michele Deane Garner
Georgetta Fluharty Gentry
Amy Walker Gilchrist1
Suzanne Shelley Gill
Stephanie Elizabeth Graefe
Janell Jacquelyn Green
Emma Williams Griffin1
Kelsey Anne Hall
Mary Theresa Harrington
Teri Lee Harris1
Brooke Elizabeth Hartless
Casey Nicole Herring
Zsai BreÁne Hill
Amelia Sylvie Hodson1
Elizabeth Catherine Holohan
Timothy James Honeycutt1
Chelsea A’Davia Hull
Brittany Dare Hundley
Carter Christian Hunter
Brittany Michelle Huth
Emily Caroline Johnson
Lindsey Heldreth Kennedy1
Marguerite Hannah Kennedy
Mariah Delaney Kennedy
NamKyung Kim
Terry Marie Knick
Stephanie Marie Knight1
Colleen Morgan Koppenhaver
Highest Distinction
High Honors
McIntire School
of Commerce
Conferred August 12, 2014
Masters of Science
Horace Glasford Allen, Jr.
John Richard Anderson
John Eduard Andrade
Mengsha Bai
Marjorie Anne Baker
Robert Adams Barry
Sarah Elizabeth Beal
Kelsey Lauren Blaskoski
Highest Honors
Timour Bussiere
Emma Laura Byrd
Bairui Chen
Jun Woo Cho
Stephanie Youn Choi
Jared Andrew Ciervo
Kyle Loring Clements
Sarah Elizabeth Colburn
William Scott Cooper, Jr.
John William Crockett
Caroline Elizabeth Davis
Jeffrey Vincent DelPresto
Aris Christopher Dimas
Niloufar Dodangeh
Alan Frederick Donovan
Alexandra Claire Dudley
Matthew Montgomery Entsminger
Jacob Stephen Farrell
Steven Joseph Farruggio
Erin Marie Friedlander
Tina Maria Frukacz
Julia Parker Fuller
Rui Gong
Robert Joseph Griffon III
Kent Taylor Hammond
Elena Crawford Hayssen
Jane L. Hegeler
Brandy Danielle Hence
William John Henry
Sarah Hollander
Michael James Howe
Charles Taylor Massie Jenkins
Kelsey Lorraine Johnson
Daniel John Kane
Matthew Courtland Kasten
John-Daniel Kelley
John Alexander Kent
Christopher James Keshian
Eric Jiho Kim
Michael Hoyun Kim
Melissa Ann Knapp
Stephen John Lastova
Brian Philip Levinstein
James Wentworth Lewis
Simin Li
Samuel Frederick Linder
Jianxiao Liu
Yuchen Charley Liu
Catriona Mary Macfie
Connor Patrick MacKenzie
Jiayang Mao
Henry Brooks Marsh
Annmarie Marshall
Diego Rafael Martinez
Katheryn Marie McKee
Emily Katherine Mendenhall
Richard Travis Meng, Jr.
Richard Bowen Midgett
Shaun Rafie Moshasha
Arij Mustansar Nazir
Ha-thanh Nguyen
Christopher Daly Overend
Daniel John Panagacos
Harry James Peppiatt II
Peter Alexander Phau Mendoza
Chuan Qin
Ian Alexander Rahman
Anna Marie Ramundo
Ian Lawrence Rappaport
Michael Hastings Reap II
Distinguished Majors Program
McIntire School of Commerce
Devon James Robinson
McKenzie Lee Roese
Eric Robert Rosato
Evan Michael Sacks
Marshall Clement Sanford III
Ting Shao
Kedar Sunil Shirole
Timothy Andrew Singleton
Lauren Kathleen Sittler
Luwen Song
Olivia Ing Stetler
Brian Truong
Frank McClelland Mitchener
John Anthony Vroom
Olivia Grace Walker
Yang Xiao
Jingting Yuan
Yicheng Zhang
Kailun Zheng
Zihui Zhu
Zachary William Zoller
Byron E. Adams
Nana Osei T Amoakohene
Stephen Todd Andricos
Michael Joseph Baader II
Carl Thomas Beaudry
Jason Todd Bengtson
Christopher James Bloch
Anthony James Buchanan, Jr.
Mary Teresa Centner
Hassan Karim Chagani
Craig James Chase
Patrick FitzPatrick Clancey
Sean Daniel Cook
Christine Louise Couch
Steven Lee Coulbourne
Jason Robert Daube
Daren Dewbre
Andrew Gordon Duff
Patrick Jerome Ferreri-Hanberry
Javier Santiago Fonseca Suing
John Mark Gallagher
Peter Michael Garafola
Matthew Vincent Garofalo
Michele J. Givens
Mary Tracy Glerum
Reghu A. Gopinathan
Lalit Kishore Gupta
Mahwish Hamlani
Anthony Vincent Harper
David James Harrity
Nancy Elizabeth Harrity
Aaron Jamar R. Hayes
Joseph William Hobbs II
Scott William Hunter
Michael Shelton Hutchinson
Vinoth John
Shane A. Johnson
Mark Mohamed Kamara
Amanda Marie Kane
Roderick Andre Kelly
Jehanzeb Nasim Khan
Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan
Samir Girish Kothari
Joel Adam Lothamer
High Distinction
Nadamaya Farid Melhem
Paulo Alexandre Miranda
Kimberly Thompson Murphy
Susan Keru Nyaga
Marcellus Jerome O’Connor
Emily Wiley Peverall
Brendan Parnell Post
William Michael Rajczak
Brian David Ronnau
Jorge Paul Rosand
Chandni Sahni
Thomas Daniel Salerno
Eric Hartmut Schierling
John Russell Schulz
Cynthia Nicole Smith
James Alan Smith
Patrick Dewayne Smith
Reed Allen Smollar
Edward John Stelmack
Olisa Stephensbailey
Claire Marie Sterrett
Zachary Smith Tappe
James Michael Ternyila, Jr.
Jonathan Christopher Tesky
Matthew Leif Thompson
Matthew T Wagner
Michael Curtis Wilcox
Scott Cameron Wilks
Alexander Philip Williamson
Josiah Anthony Fahey
Raymond Alexander Gromelski III
Xinya Guo
Naomi Shanelle Himmelstein
Andrew Christian Hinnant
Jinghong Huang
Sha Huang
Moussi Habib Ralph Issa
Ivy Starr Ittilucksatit
Jackson Benjamin King
Chelsea Burton Kowalchuk
Mitchell William Krasney
Colette Wells LeClair
Junfeng Li
Yi Li
Qiaochu Liang
Tzu Ting Liao
Yupeng Luan
Abigail Johanna Luikert
Alexandra Claude McCabe
Margaret Anne Mcenery
Jenna Eileen Muniz
William Robert O’Donnell
Aaron Michael Olive
Derek Osborne
Hannah Yewande Oshin
Benton Paris Pearson
Jared Ethan Rapoport
Ryan Matthew Ray
Bing Ren
Yue Ren
Ashleigh Elizabeth Emily Rogers
Kelly Anne Schleiter
Olivia Rhiannon Schulte
Samuel Casimer Segraves
Eva Kathleen Shufflebarger
Molly Elizabeth Steele
Kenisha A. Subero
Alexia Michelle McDaniel Tandron
Vincent Eugene Taylor
Alexandra Victoria Van Horn
Hayden Patrick White
Yuqi Wu
Xiao Xiao
Kathleen Ann Yakulis
Yafei Zhang
Wanjia Zhao
Bachelor of Science
in Commerce
Yiqing Zhang
Conferred December 30, 2014
Masters of Science
Kaitlin Mary Caubo
Jonathan Connor Pappas Ferrell
Theresa Marie Hackett
Ya Ma
Dylan Reed Thomas Piacentini
Warren Michael Resnick
Bachelor of Science
in Commerce
Yin Shen
Erxin Zhou
David Hing Feng
Bachelors of Science
in Commerce
Conferred May 17, 2015
Masters of Science
Kevin Asamoah Ababio
Nicole Brooke Abba
Jeffrey Michael Abed
Meklit Adnan
Akshita Agarwal
Yash Agarwal
Siddharth Agarwala
Haroun Habib Ahmed
Kamil Etezaz Ahmed
Hakeem Shabazz Allen1
Haley Nicole Alvarez
Suzana Catoma Da Conceicao Amoes
John Henry Andrews
Alvaro Anspach
Allen Au1
Jessica Paola Acosta Rainis
Mary Kathryn Bergey
Jackelyn Branco
Abbey Marie Brown
Brittany K. Brown
Nicholas Elton Bryant
Kevin Reaume Byrne
John Baldwin Catlett III
Ted Kin Chen
Michael Philip Doobin
Erika Symone Earley
Megan Elizabeth Early
Albert Devery Ernest IV
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Highest Honors
Kamaljit Kaur Aujla
Aline Avigdor Altschul
Sarah Ross Axmann
Brett Balasa
Blake Andrew Balda
Katherine Sherrill Bandlow
Tiffany Brooke Banfield
Ryan David Barr
Zachary James Bartee1
Calvert Thomas Bauer
Evan Douglas Baum
Cameron Benjamin Becker
Nicole Celina Bedoya
Rachel Elise Begeman
Christopher James Bell
John Hagan Bennett
Bethany Danielle Berg
Chesley David Berlinghof1
Nitya Annapurna Bhagavatula
Vishwa Tushar Bhuta
Richard Martin Bilger
Kari Stephenson Bjorlin1
Jennifer Chase Blake
Matthew Alexander Blank1
Stephanie Larisa Bolton1
Andrew Scott Bonaventura
Elizabeth Chandler Brailsford
Elly Kathryn Bringaze1
Sara Rose Brodsky
Matthew Evan Brown
Matthew Taylor Brown
Stephanie Rose Bullis
Thomas Joseph Burke
Hunter Xavier Burrell
Joseph David Caiello
Jason Slayter Caire
Ryan Michael Caradonna
Jason Carroll
William Ballinger Carver
Mircea Cernev1
Aysha Chaudhry
Long Chen
Ryan Nathaniel Chen1
Zixing Chen1
Jing Yong Chia1
Justin Murray Cline
Lindsey Anne Collie
Timothy Walton Conway V
Casey James Cooke1
Erin Amanda Corey
Matheus Cunha Correa
Veronica Correa Bayas
Raleigh Spencer Cunningham
Brooke Lorraine Dalby
Thomas Scott Davidson
Connor William Davis
Andrew DeHuff
Sawyer Cornell Devries
Milan Shunil Dhar
Harrison Robert DiGia1
Dante Alfred DiSimplico
Eric Carlton Dixon
Tony Eugene Douglas, Jr.
Joseph Connor Dowds1
Sarah Evelyn Dunaye
Scott Michael Dunnam
Merve Naz Durgunoglu
Jordon Austin Durst
Adrienne Madelyne Ebbert
Distinguished Majors Program
School of Continuing & Professional Studies
Matthew Denton Elgin
Sameer Essa
Brendan Thomas Evans1
James Thomas Everett IV
David Harris Fleishman
Madelyn Elizabeth Flinn
Robert Maxwell Forton
Niccolo James Freeo
Mallory French
Joseph Konstantine Galiano
Randall Frederick Galindo
Sarah McCabe Galloway
Elizabeth Molly Gardner
Peter Christopher Garrison
Jason Reid Gart
Yiorgos Thanasis Georgeson
Samuel Emmet Goldberg
Chen Gong
Elise Marie Gordon
Samuel Heller Green
Benjamin Alexander Greenberg
Kishon Hector Greene
Sheryl Ruth Greene
Tyler John Griffin
Alexandra Mayne Griswold1
Edward Preston Growney
Litong Guo
Akaash Narain Gupta
Alek Samuel Hagopian
Stacey Jihee Hahn
Solomon Hailu
John Carey Hallemann1
Alexandra Jane Harenberg
Rukshan Peter Haththotuwa
Michael Haxhiu
Brian Daniel Head
Benjamin Hon-Wen Heah
Isabelle Nicole Heston
Allison Margaret Hewitt
My Hoang
Elizabeth Blakeslee Zadworny
Zachary Aaron Holt
Elizabeth Anne Hunt1
Anastasiya Hvaleva
Henry Manning Ilnicky
David Michael Ingraham
Arden Poul Ivens-Anderson
Aria Michael Izadpanah
Simone Francisca Janssen
Caroline Lee Johnsen
Lindsey Elizabeth Jones
Taylor Elizabeth Jordan
Jeremy Preston Juliane
Rui Kang
Nayan Patrick Karanth
Max Edward Katzenstein
Gurpreet Kaur
Stephen Joseph Kelly
Alexandra Florri Kerstein
Lim Shan Wei, Kevin
Bushra Parwaiz Khan
Musawwir Hossain Khan
Jennifer Jade Kim
Charles William Kjelland
Sheila Micaela Klauck
Robert Alan Koch1
Arisa Koyama1
Seth Jared Kramer
Michael Scott Kreamer
High Distinction
Alvin Zhenjun Kuai1
Nicholas Kwan
Nan Lai
Mary Kathryn Langan
Mary Katherine Lapidus1
Matthew Allen Latimer
Michael Joseph Lau
Cory Morgan Law1
Gray Chandler Layden
Christina Louise Lee1
Elise Christine Lepe
Benjamin Dodek Lerner
Paige Elyse Levenberg1
Tyler Alexander Lewris
Hiu Wai Li
Keyu Li
Yaoqin Li
Leon Lin Shuxiang1
Sally Anne Linden
Jesse McDaniel Lindsay
Joseph M Linzon
Brett Molitor Lisle
William Edmund Ashe Little
Barnaby Sau-Kwan Lo1
Thomas Anderson Locke
Thomas Edward Lydon, Jr.
Duanpeng Ma1
Meng Ma
Thomas John Macdonald
Samuel Ian MacFarlane
Margaret Anne Maddox1
Varun Malkani
Dillon Jeffrey Manchisi
Joseph Sullivan Martin
Julie Elizabeth Mason
Jeremy Donovan McAndrew
Sheridan Kenji McCabe
Macklin Xavier McMullen
Conor James McNerney
Patricia Lee Menges
Brooks Nicholas Miller1
Matthew Peduzzi Mills
Hadley Blocker Moloney
Diego Jose Montes
Brittany Lee Morgan
Jared Daniel Morgan
Ava Lene’ Morris
Andrew Wade Morton
Kristie Michelle Moy
Yangfan Mu
Mary Clark Mulhern
Austen Mae Murrow
Omar Ahmed Nabhani
Diwas Neupane
Kevin Quoc Van Vu Nguyen
Lauren Mai-Thi Nguyen
Mai-Vi Ngoc Nguyen
Kaylor Alonia Nichols
Alannah Travers Nisbet
Elliot John Nolan
Lara Alia Nosseir
Scott O’Brien
David Bigelow O’Hara
Zachary Ryan Odle
James Camden Oldenburg
Anthony Brennan Olmert, Jr.
Sarah Johanna Olsen
Jamie Ellen Oppenheimer
Luis Eduardo Ortiz
Christian Bowen Ostberg
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Sanjay Sethu Palat
Julie Jacob Parisi Presicce
Shin Hoo Park
Alexander Charles Perrin
Jesse Rachelle Peterson
Dylan Thomas Pett
Anh Phuong Pham
Kylie Ellen Philbin
Matthew Steven Pregozen1
Sierra Nicole Prochna1
Kevin John Quaranta, Jr.
William Blaisdell Quinn
Danielle Elizabeth Raffone1
Elba Casandra Ramirez
Alejandro Emilio Ramírez Disla
Mark Wayne Rankin
G. Bennett Reck1
Shannon Jean Reeves
Megan Marie Reichert
Cornelius Aaron Reilly
John Luther Rendleman III1
Sarah Frances Rennich1
John Matthew Retterer
Sarah Parker Rhodes
Maclain Lee Riccardi
Colin Dees Richardson
Taytem James Riley
Campbell Barnes Ross
Jordan Rubin
Dare Marie Ruffin
Maya Krishna Sadagopal
Mariel Joy Jove Salcedo
Kerry Anne Sawyer
Brian Martin Scanlon
Christopher William Schade
Eric Brandon Schuler
Justin Kyle Schultz
Kaylen Ann Schwartz1
Kashyap Arun Shah
Nicholas Abraham Shashy
Zafar Yosef Shaw
Izsak Martin Sheft1
Charles Henry Sherman
Renee Michelle Siegel
Stephen Michael Simion
Troy Andrew Singer1
Sarah Elizabeth Sisson
Christopher Cavanaugh Smalley
Alexander Roman Sneider
Keyla Priscilla Solis Raposo
Miles Cheng Sollinger
Zachary Alexander Spainhour
Brooke Elizabeth Spann1
Taylor Jordan Spooner
Jessica Michelle Stamelman1
Eric Edward Stephens
James Philip Steyn
Chuxi Sun
Sijia Tang1
Shannon Yu Xiang Tay
Jesse William Taylor1
James Clarke Templeman III
Kristopher Kinkaid Thomas
Michael Patrick Thomas
Savannah Blaire Timme
Nada Maria Tramonte
Nicholas John Trinchere
Stephanie Chu Tso
Ian Uriguen
Umme Hane V.S
Highest Honors
Collin O’Neil Waldoch1
Samuel Hamilton Walsh
Christopher Badois Wang
Ke Wang
Richard David Warren
Jamie Leigh Wasserman1
Phoebe Burnett Weatherall1
Elizabeth Carol Weaver1
Robert Louis Wegman, Jr.1
Christopher Brian Welsh
Cecil White III
Kevin Rhodes Whitehead1
Andrew Cofield Widner
Garrett Douglas Williams
Angus Seiya Wilson
Andrew Shepard Wisenberg
David Wong
Melanie Wymann Wu
Pengbo Wu
Tiffany Jeng-Yin Wu
Yanre Wu
Yaqiong Wu
Mariama Wurie
Hannah Wyman
Xi Xi
Tianshi Xie
Ruisi Xiong
Wei Xiong
Melissa Xu
Tianyun Xue
Wendy Geng Xue
Cheal Jun Yang
Christine Yang
Xiaoyi Sean Yu
Yi Yuan
Joseph Edward Yusician III
Melika Zarei
Dian Zhang
Mengyao Zhang1
Qianying Zhang
Yueli Zhang
Biyuan Zhao
Jiayun Zou
School of
Continuing &
Conferred August 12, 2014
Bachelors of
Interdisciplinary Studies
Casey Leigh Barlow2
Jose Antonio Barros
Ali Hasnain
John Francis Konya3
Shirley Viengvilayvone
Alexander Mark Makris
Jennifer Forrer Pearce2
Seth B. Tate
Kimberly Renee Thorn1
Lance Baer Truslow
Cindy Kay VanderMeer3
Richard Charles Vigilant
Distinguished Majors Program
Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
Conferred December 30, 2014
Bachelors of
Interdisciplinary Studies
Danielle Lewark Burns
Jason Christopher Clarke3
Thomas Gauvreau2
Carroll Arnold Hebron, Jr.
Jeffry Allen Larson3
Danisch A. Malik
Mildred Enid Masters
William Christopher Saunders3
MaryKate Caldwell Terrell
Robin Shana Wallace3
Ian Harrison Walsh3
Conferred May 17, 2015
Bachelors of
Interdisciplinary Studies
Berhan Aljiji1
Heather Elaine Bart3
Kristin Eileen Sheckler Biondo1
Kristin Ann Bowers
William Walton Campbell
Wilkinson Micajah Carr
Samuel J. Choi
D’Arcy Phillip Collier
Jeffrey Jarvis Cowan2
Katie Kristina Crawford
Sean William Curran
Jorge Luis De Casanova2
Sheri Dena Friedman3
Justin Hart Goodman
Sharon Lynn Justus Swanberg3
Cynthia Lou Kolodziej3
Akisha Shalise Mackritis1
Finis Daniel McGraw
Timothy Edward Myers
Lauren Beth O’Brien3
Jonathan Nathaniel Renshaw2
Christopher Evan Rivers
Julie Ann Robbins Lassetter3
Jill Elizabeth Sciaroni1
William Scott Smith3
Evangeline Joyce Stewart1
Elizabeth Catherine Stickel3
Nancy Hanks Tappan2
Martha Julia Timberlake3
William Edward Todd II2
Virginia Hazel Tudor2
Kathleen Renee Witherite3
Jason Boatwright Woodle3
Camden Zemp1
High Distinction
Allison Daisy Ratliff
Ilgiz Saubanov
Elsa Christine Schultze
Samia Sekkarie
Aaron Matthew Shroyer
Jerrod Mitchell Smith
Yena Kristin Son
Nadia Tanoli
Charles Michael Tilley
Elizabeth Ann Vranas
Alexander John Wallace
Katarina Cassidy Walsh
Courtney Lynn Warren
Ebonie Annette Williams
Masters of Public Policy
Conferred May 17, 2015
Frank Batten
School of
Leadership and
Public Policy
Minahil Khadija Amin
Hajeong Bang
Anna Marie Barber
Ann Laurence Baumer
Rebecca Joanne Beeson
Zachary Alexander Blackburn
Michael Charles Bock
Kathryn Douai Bondurant
Franklin Anthony Bontempo III
Jennifer Anne Casto
Haoming Chen
Xiao Chen
Lauren Sarah Citron
Sarah Rachel Collier
Chanel Anice Cooper
Danielle Nicole DeLisle
Rebecca Ann Dudley
Juliana Echeverri
Graham Lawrence Egan
Sama Anisa Ehtesham
Christopher Adam Foley
Joseph Asasi Francois-Ashbrook
Yuhuan Fu
Kenneth Lakin Gillette
David Benjamin Goodman
Christopher Ryan Haberland
Jeffrey Mitchel Hunt
Henry Downs Jamison V
Shannon Maire Joyce
Jewon Jung
Christopher Theone Freer Lancaster
Joshua Dale LaRosa
Joseph Michael Liss
Kurt Traeger Finck Lockhart
Sebastian John Loria
Ashlyn Elaine McCurley
Keanan Mikhail McGonigle
Malcolm Dean McGregor
Elizabeth Ann Minneman
Baylee Keetch Molloy
Vimal R. Nair
Shilpa Manne Narayan
Daniel Joseph Newman
Christopher Ryan Palmer
Irma Louise Palmer
Bronwyn Nicole Pascal
Zachary Vaughn Porter
Elizabeth Rose Prinzi
Olivia Rose Rappe
Highest Distinction
High Honors
Bachelors of Arts
Ayesha Arshad
Brandon Keith Bailey
Heather Allison Berg
Carter Matthew Blackwell
Katherine Alexandra Brause1
Christopher John Carlevato1
Erick Chiroles
Sarah Taylor Mary Colley2
Madeline Claire DeCerbo
Matthew Steven Dorritie1
Christopher Connor Dunwoody
Christopher George Forsgren1
Chloe Helena Gardner3
Samuel Berry Gips2
Virginia Elizabeth Gordon
Kathryn Seymour Hahne
Marcus Reese Harris
William Tyler Holly2
Charles Griffin Horter2
Stephanie Jean Hough
Julian John Jackson
Matthew John Jacobson
Bryan David Kardos
Saiful A. Khan3
Katherine Haejin Kim
Rebecca Herri Kim
Clara Caroline Kuper2
Alison Brooke Masselli1
Rhody Elizabeth Mastin2
Paige Taylor McDermott3
Megan Louise Mohr
Samhita Lakshmi Nelamangala2
Brian Newborn2
Edward Samuel Novack
Thomas Martin O’Duden1
Jennifer Akosua Oppong
Marc Anthony Peck, Jr.
Michael Francis Reilly2
Alexa Lindsey Rosenstein1
Spencer Bartlett Schloss2
Daniel William Schmehl1
Amelia Jessie Syvrud1
Mariam Thomas1
Highest Honors
Julia Allyn Van Beek
Heidi Nicole Velk
Sonia Zhu Wang1
Keith Douglas Wilson
Elshadai Zenaye
Data Science
Conferred May 17, 2015
Masters of Science
Krishna Aswani
Daniel James Brady
Malcolm David Charles
Shengqiang Chen
Youngwoon Cho
Jason Jongwon Choi
Elise Marie Clougherty
John Patrick Clougherty
Aidan Joseph Cronin
Bernard David Earley
Michael Guilfoyle
Joseph Walter Guillen
Samuel Stevens Hewitt
Caroline Rae Heylman
Xuandong Huang
Suk Young Jang
Wenheng Jiang
Yirong Jing
Young Gee Kim
Ashley Soyoung Lee
Fangxu Li
Andrew Robert Lightner
Lu Liu
Xirui Liu
Yaxin Liu
Thomas Nicholas Miano
Junghwan Min
Louis Joseph Mungin III
Adam Holloway Pearce
Yibing Qi
Prasad Seemakurthi
Nicole Mariko Shintaku
Jeremy Doron Stern
Fuyuan Wang
Jiaqi Wang
Tianyao Wang
Yanchi Wang
Qi Zang
Yingbo Zhai
Shuhao Zhang
Xiaoying Zhang
Xinhe Zhang
Heyuan Zhao
Wenjie Zhu
Distinguished Majors Program
Student and Faculty Awards
Alumni Association’s Ernest H.
Ern Distinguished Student Award
Jalen Joseph Bass Ross
Gray-Carrington Leadership
Anthony R Harris
David A. Harrison III
Undergraduate Research Awards
Morgan Barrett
Mikel Dermer
Benjamin Alfred Tran
Stephen Robert Amorino
Morgan Barrett
Yiqi Cao
Cassandra Lynn Cosans
Sarah Elizabeth Cottrell-Cumber
Kylene Patricia Daily
Joseph Morris Dardick
Arun Brendan Dutta
Jessica Ann Goldsby
Mirenda Nicole Gwin
Sarah Kate Hansen
April Narae Hyon
Justin Allan Kaplan
Sumin Kim
Catherine Emily Kitrinos
George Anthony Knaysi lll
Eunice Yoon Ko
Andrew William Lankenau
Nicholas Chien-Juei Lee
Raven Society Awards
Stefan Moscalu
Daniel Kevin Ng
Ashley Catherine O’Keefe
Nicole Marie Penn
John Norman Roach, Jr.
Katharine Claire Sadowski
Edward Charles Schrom ll
Zoe Amadeus P. Slepian
Mitchell Ross Slovin
Benjamin Alfred Tran
Christine Ang-Thu Tran
Rebecca Holloman Walker
Sasha Marie Ward
Mengran Xu
M. Arslan Zahid
Sibo Zhang
Catherine Simon Zucker
A. E. Dick Howard
Karen S. Rheuban, M.D.
Michael A. DeCola
Toby J. Heytens
Walter N. Ridley Scholarship
Timothy Clifton Kimble
Chelsea Alice Stokes
Seven Society Louis A. Onesty
Jordan Elise Lavender
Seven Society James Earle
Sargeant Award
Sustained Dialogue
Thomas Jefferson Awards
Alexander B. Horniman
Melvyn P. Leffler
Edgar F. Shannon Awards
Presented by the “Z” Society
School of Architecture:
Claudia Franziska Elzey
College of Arts & Sciences:
Edward Charles Schrom II
Graduate School of Arts &
Thomas A Talhelm
Curry School of Education:
Hilary Gail Dack
School of Engineering & Applied
Rishi Raj Gupta
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Medal in Architecture
Herman Hertzberger
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Medal in Citizen Leadership
John R. Lewis
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Medal in Law
Joan E. Donoghue
School of Law:
Samuel Matthew Strongin
McIntire School of Commerce:
Alexandra Mayne Griswold
School of Medicine:
Julia Vivian Loewenthal
School of Nursing:
Cynthia Anne Quarles
Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards
Hawa Akouna Ahmed
Timothy Clifton Kimble
Nicole Petra-Lena Eramo
Honorary Societies
Alpha Omega Alpha
Honorary Medical Society
Emily Claire Arena
Alexander Rainer Manuel Bitzer
John Bradford Boone
David Chen
Amy Ruth Copeland
Anastasia Martha Crihfield
Sara Kaitlyn Daniel
Rebecca Rigel Donald
Katherine Davila Willson Donowitz
Austin Keith Drake
Yasser Jamal El-Abd
Matthew Aaron Guess
Ankur Gupta
Ryan Brandon Hunter
Emily Lauren Moore Knudsen
Patrick Michael Kozak
Gregory Matthew Kurkis
Julia Vivian Loewenthal
Lingjin Meng
Maanasi Sunil Mistry
Rita DiGrazia Page
Grace Lauren Prince
Katherine Ann Ramsey
Meagan McGinley Simpson
Alexandra Carleton Tilt
Emily Rose Trauernicht
Alpha Sigma Lambda
National Honor Society
Casey Leigh Barlow
Heather Elaine Bart
Jeffrey Jarvis Cowan
Jorge Luis De Casanova
Sharon Lynn Justus Swanberg
Cynthia Lou Kolodziej
John Francis Konya
Jeffry Allen Larson
Julie Ann Robbins Lassetter
William Christopher Saunders
William Scott Smith
Elizabeth Catherine Stickel
Martha Julia Timberlake
Cindy Kay VanderMeer
Robin Shana Wallace
Jason Boatwright Woodle
Beta Gamma Sigma
Commerce Honor Society
Yash Agarwal
Blake Andrew Balda
Zachary James Bartee
Kari Stephenson Bjorlin
Elly Kathryn Bringaze
Nicholas Elton Bryant
William Ballinger Carver
Kaitlin Mary Caubo
Mircea Cernev
Ryan Nathaniel Chen
Jing Yong Chia
Casey James Cooke
Harrison Robert DiGia
Joseph Connor Dowds
Matthew Montgomery Entsminger
Brendan Thomas Evans
Erin Marie Friedlander
Julia Parker Fuller
Xinya Guo
Theresa Marie Hackett
Michael James Howe
Elizabeth Anne Hunt
Eric Jiho Kim
Cory Morgan Law
Paige Elyse Levenberg
James Wentworth Lewis
Yi Li
Leon Lin Shuxiang
Barnaby Sau-Kwan Lo
Duanpeng Ma
Catriona Mary Macfie
Annmarie Marshall
Katheryn Marie McKee
Emily Katherine Mendenhall
Anthony Brennan Olmert, Jr.
Daniel John Panagacos
Matthew Steven Pregozen
Ryan Matthew Ray
John Luther Rendleman III
Warren Michael Resnick
Devon James Robinson
McKenzie Lee Roese
Ashleigh Elizabeth Emily Rogers
Olivia Rhiannon Schulte
Izsak Martin Sheft
Troy Andrew Singer
Jamie Leigh Wasserman
Hayden Patrick White
Scott Cameron Wilks
Angus Seiya Wilson
Beta Kappa Chapter of
Sigma Theta Tau National
Society of Nursing
Patrick Neal Ahern
Karen Lynn Baer
Becky Marie Bautch
Melissa Beth Crawford Behl
Virginia Marie Bell
Karri Marie Mills Bishop
Jessica Elizabeth Borchert
Lauren Mary Brady
Janet Leigh Brock
Chandra Jeanne Burnside
Michelle Denise Bushrow
Amber Kristine Campos
Anna Colleen Caputo
Kaitlin Michelle Carver
Crystal Dawn Chu
Cierra Nicole Condrey
Sarah Jane White Craig
Emily Nichole Cramer
Mary Beth Byington Crandall
Nathan Michael Demers
Quinn DeMott
Jessica Lynne Denomme
Rachel Dihle
Thomas Dresner
Susan Marie Dudley
Karen Anne Duffy
Abigail E Evans
Shaundreka Shantay Fox
Katherine Mary Garity
Mary Kathleen Goldschmidt
Victoria M. Goode
Stephanie Elizabeth Graefe
Janell Jacquelyn Green
Emma Williams Griffin
Teri Lee Harris
Brooke Elizabeth Hartless
Elizabeth Catherine Holohan
Timothy James Honeycutt
Mary Carolyn Howell
Chelsea A’Davia Hull
Jacqueline Daisy Kane
Terry Marie Knick
Colleen Morgan Koppenhaver
Emily Anne Koyen
Kaitlin Elizabeth Layne
Paige Elizabeth Leslie
Debra Lynne Levin
Rebecca Susan Lindstrom
Michelle Amie Linnekin
Beth Anne Loudin
Bernadethe Marheni Luan
Allison Huber Maddy
Elizabeth Maria Madero
Jennifer Renee Maneffa
Ashley Mangum
Laura Gene Manley
Tess Elizabeth Martin
Megan Lee Marie Matters
Ryan Kirk McFadden
Sylvanus Brenya Mensah
Claire Virginia Meyers
Gwyneth Rhiannon Milbrath
Christine Elizabeth Moubray
Amy Catherine Mutkala
Amy Leigh Newcombe
Amy Marie Nowakowski
Bailey Leah Ocker
Anthony Ikechukwu Onoh
Eunhee Park
Maria Theresa Pescatore
Brittany Rene Pierce
Jennifer Rita Piperno
Jamille Conger Prevete
Cynthia Anne Quarles
Katharine Ackerman Rhamey
Megan Elizabeth Rock
Jeffrey Lind Ross
Lindsay Scattergood-Keepper
Julie K. Schexnayder
Jessica Leanne Schwinck
Ashley Elizabeth Self
Robbin Whorley Shifflett
Anita Kline Sites
Lois Onekeh Theo
Madelyn Sue Thornton
Mary Katherine Thurman
Caroline Anne Tierney
Emma Jane Volz
Jane Rita von Gaudecker
Dianna Beale White
Haley Elizabeth Wilson
Jefferson Scholars Class of 2015
Forrest Gordon Brown
John Andrew Burns
William Joseph Cadigan
Yiqi Cao
Henry McCulloch Cline
Joseph Morris Dardick
Eda Faye Herzog-Vitto
Ryan Christopher Hill
Katherine Tod Hutto
Alexandra Xavier Iaccarino
Samuel Anthony Johnson
Alexandra Rose Lichtenstein
Patrick James McQuade
Elizabeth Ann Minneman
Sanjay Sethu Palat
Caroline Louise Parker
Kylie Ellen Philbin
Sarah Frances Rennich
Jalen Joseph Bass Ross
Amir Jalal Tabaian
Emily Jane Tonks
Katherine Judy Travis
Darya Tyshlek
Jackson Scott Wolford
Omicron Delta Kappa National
Leadership Honor Society
Sarah Evangeline Brummett
Margaret Sears Grundy
Corey Williams McLellan
Lauren Summers Nelson
Siddhartha Pailla
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
Erin Sheridan Adonnino
Nader Mohammed Ahmed
Ian Myles Alexander
Mary Katherine Amato
Meredith Susan Arnold
Clarisse Awamengwi
Charles Thomas Baker
Laura Elizabeth Baker
Benjamin Zachary Ball
Jennifer E. Barlow
Gabrielle Lizette Black
Katherine Marie Black
Zachary Alexander Blackburn
Jessica Nicole Blusiewicz
Michael Charles Bock
Anthony Michael Bradshaw
Katie Richarts Bray
Cierra Grace Brooks
Forrest Gordon Brown
Anna Grace Butler
Therese Marie Codd
Emma Melanie Cohen
Adam Justin Cohn
Amy Ruth Copeland
Hayley Bennett Coyle
Joanna Beth Currey
Brenna Darroch
Sarah Elizabeth Davis
Yekaterina Allanovna Davydova
Matthew Bradford Diem
Megan Stefania Duckworth
Sarah Celeste Dudley
Shane Subir Dutta
David Richardson Fall IV
Brian Carter Fitzsimmons
Thomas Leslie Forman II
Katharyn Leigh Gadient
Chloe Helena Gardner
Anna Catherine Gordon
Leah Ariana Grande
John Lee Graves, Jr.
Michelle Kieu Gray
Isabel Foster Greenberg
Kristen Victoria Gunn
Christopher Ryan Haberland
Valerie Cassandra Hartwick
Charles Butler Hill
Nicholas Tift Hine
Katherine Tod Hutto
Honorary Societies
Lindsey Rae Johnson
Rebecca Anne Jones
Jewon Jung
Justin Allan Kaplan
Samantha Morgan Karp
Saiful A. Khan
Vikrant Khare
Connell Joseph Hu Kling
Lauren Marie Knizner
Julie Ann Kusnerik
Kaitlin Rylie LaGrasta
Joseph John Larounis
Faith Florence Lee
Richard Hancock Lee, Jr.
Caitlin Elizabeth Rose Levine
Kah Mun Loh
Samuel Franklin Luebbert
Rhody Elizabeth Mastin
Harris B Mendell
Laura Marshall Merriman
Schuyler McKenzie Miller
Shayan Moosa
Emily Sears Mordecai
Isaac Eugene Mounguen-Ndom
Alison Gilson Nagel
Samhita Lakshmi Nelamangala
John Michael Nesemann
Daniel Ngocminh Nguyen
Tien Thuy Nguyen
Rita DiGrazia Page
Radhika N. Parekh
Pratik Atul Patel
Erin Kelley Patrick
Stephen Elliott Paul
Adria Kathryn Penatzer
Lucia Nicole Perkins
Benjamin Aaron Pickus
Mina Anahid Pirasteh
Jennifer Powell de Sandria
Paul Walker Prillaman
Danielle Elizabeth Psimas
Michael David Pugliese
Catherine Elizabeth Quinn
Samantha Rose Rasnic
Alexander Bramwell Reed
Robert Paul Reese
David Luigi Richards
Maddalena Elizabeth Richards
Caitlin Brooks Rider
Hayley Marie Rose
Daniel Berman Rosenfeld
Benjamin James Rost
Annaliesa Rand Routh
Jeffrey Robert Ruland
James Andrew Saba
Lindsay Elizabeth Sackellares
Megan Massey Schad
Caroline Susan Schmidt
Ashley Mariah Schoen
Emily Margaret Schutzenhofer
Kathryn Carlisle Scully
Zachary William Seid
Ashley Cole Shamblin
Mathilda Eliza Shepard
Marin Saylor Smith
Jennifer Dana Sokolowski
Emily Rose Sullivan
Raymond Stanley Szwabowski III
Andrew Edward Talbot
Pablo Andres Teran Chicaiza
Katherine Tod Hutto
Alexandra Xavier Iaccarino
Justin Charles Ingram
Gen Andrew Izutsu
Dyanna Michelle Jaye
Sejal Parimal Jhaveri
Joel S. Johnson
Venkata-Gautam Raju Kanumuru
Justin Allan Kaplan
Hope Elisabeth Kerpelman
Matthew James Kincaid
George Anthony Knaysi III
Christopher A. Knight
Nicholas Sausele Knodt
Art Tan Kulatti
Andrew William Lankenau
Christina Louise Lee
Nicholas Chien-Juei Lee
Alexandra Rose Lichtenstein
Rebecca Suejin Lim
Michael John Lingelbach
Jennifer Leigh Livingston
Barnaby Sau-Kwan Lo
Julia Vivian Loewenthal
Lydia An Luu
David Thomas Martin
Joseph Sullivan Martin
Paige Taylor McDermott
Malcolm Dean McGregor
Corey Williams McLellan
John Rappa McNulty
Annie Hannah Medaglia
Sarah Price Miller
Katrina Lauren Moberg
Marta Jane Moore
Claire Seabury Mueller
Sapir Nachum
John Michael Nesemann
Elliot John Nolan
John Kenneth Nolan
Ashley Catherine O’Keefe
Rita DiGrazia Page
Siddhartha Pailla
Janice Haesun Park
Caroline Louise Parker
Pratik Atul Patel
Lide Evans Paterno
Stephen Elliott Paul
Matthew Jay Pearson-Beck
Adria Kathryn Penatzer
Lucia Nicole Perkins
Brittany Rene Pierce
Tyler Ames Pitt
Julianne Koch Price
George Collins Privon
Domenic Vincent Puzio
Sarah Frances Rennich
Richard Martin Ressler
Tamika Yolanda Richeson
Daniel Berman Rosenfeld
Jalen Joseph Bass Ross
Katharine Claire Sadowski
Catherine Shea Sanger
Matthew Casey Sculnick
Benjamin M. Seel
Kevin Paul Seitter
Mohammed Khalid M Shafi
Meagan McGinley Simpson
Sarah Chambers Skinner
Jennifer Dana Sokolowski
Sarah Annina Thomas
Angela Schindler Thorp
Megan Leigh Tracy
Benjamin Alfred Tran
Katherine Judy Travis
Amaro Tuninetti
Jessica Taylor Turpin
Alice Catherine Vaden
Claire Xiaozhi Wang
Sasha Marie Ward
Rosa Mae Waters
Daniel Edward Watling
Zachary Joseph Werner
Taylor Katherine Wimberly
Krystal Xiaoxiao Xu
Mengran Xu
Anna Katherine Yanchenko
Raven Society
Joyce Lillian Arcangeli
Lauren Marie Baetsen
Kathryn Margaret Barber
Justin Nathaniel Baros Barr
Zachary James Bartee
Jessica Nicole Blusiewicz
Fritz N. Bondoa
Franklin Anthony Bontempo III
Jessica Elizabeth Borchert
Amelia M Brackmann
Katie Richarts Bray
Erica Rachel Breese
Matthew Spencer Brooker
Marcus Leo Brooks
Forrest Gordon Brown
John Andrew Burns
Benjamin Read Campbell
William Rousselet Canup
Yiqi Cao
Danit Carrier Tal
Randall Brentson Cebul
Hilary Gail Dack
Joseph Morris Dardick
Sarah Elizabeth Davis
Yekaterina Allanovna Davydova
Quinn DeMott
Rebecca Rigel Donald
Melissa Kypraios Driver
Andrew Charles Elliott
Claudia Franziska Elzey
Brendan Thomas Evans
Katherine Ann Fetscher
Robert Daniel Foster, Jr.
Sasha Meredith Friedman
Alisha Mae Geldert
Margaret Nickle Gould
Alexandra Mayne Griswold
Margaret Sears Grundy
Matthew Aaron Guess
Mirenda Nicole Gwin
Theresa Marie Hackett
Sarah Kate Hansen
Eda Faye Herzog-Vitto
Lindsay Stuart Hill
Ryan Christopher Hill
Timothy Frank Hilliard
Nicholas Tift Hine
Thomas Henley Hopkinson
Molly Elizabeth Hunter
Ryan Brandon Hunter
Taylor Marie Steffan
Caroline Elizabeth Stewart
Declan Thomas Tansey
Jacqueline Susan Taylor
Sidhartha Thakur
Matthew Ross Thames
Madelyn Sue Thornton
Angela Schindler Thorp
Scott Lyden Tilton
Katherine Judy Travis
Caroline Kerry Trezza
Anika Marie Turkiewicz
Christine Marie Van Hover
Paul Vereshchetin
Elizabeth Erickson Voss
Oliver Richard Vranesh
Rachel Y. Wade
Elizabeth Ann Wagner
Collin O’Neil Waldoch
Rebecca Holloman Walker
Robin Shana Wallace
Sasha Marie Ward
Jamie Leigh Wasserman
Rosa Mae Waters
Sara Elizabeth Weintraub
Trey Vaughn Wenger
Kevin Rhodes Whitehead
Xiaoyi Sean Yu
Maurice Apprey
W. Bernard Carlson
Nancy L. Deutsch
Dorrie K. Fontaine
E. Clarke Haley, Jr. M.D.
William A. Petri, M.D.
Robert C. Pianta
J. Goodwin Bland
Peter D. Brundage
Bobby Chhabra, M.D.
Peter M. Grant II
Robert J. Hugin
Linda D. Norman
Mallory Walker
Marion Weiss
Society of Fellows
Jonathan F. Forney
Rachel Carrie Geer
Benjamin Beardsley Jasnow
Tau Beta Pi
Engineering Honor Society
Erin Lawson Aubrey
Lauren Marie Baetsen
Ayodeji Toluwanimi Bode-Oke
Michael Patrick Brown
Benjamin Ray Campbell
Yiqi Cao
Micah Christopher Consylman
Michelle Shiao-Bin Eng
Katherine Ann Fetscher
Rachel Christine Fry
Jay Gilbert Fuhrman
Ankit Gupta
Marc Eugene Hansen
Sarah Kate Hansen
Julia Christine Hoffer
Honorary Societies
Jin Kyung Kim
Ryan James King
Colton John Ladbury
Vaishnavi Lanka
Lydia An Luu
Courtney Elise Maimon
Catherine Elizabeth Markert
Bridget Elizabeth Mason
Michael James McGrath
John Patrick McNamara
Patrick James McQuade
Sumit Krishna Narain
Emily Elisabeth Nemec
William Cain Pilcher, Jr.
Michael Dietrich Schad
Mohammed Khalid M Shafi
Hyun Seung Shin
Mitchell Ross Slovin
Xin Song
Hoa Truong
Zachary Dillon Verham
Jacob Stephen Vogel
Samuel Ray Wallingford
Thomas Rocco Williams
Thomas Lloyd Woodruff
Grace Olsen Zammitti
Sibo Zhang
Ruijie Zhu
Locations of 2015 schooL and department ceremonies
Saturday, May 16, 2015
College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
(Finals in JPJ Arena for
Undergraduates Only/Dept.
Ceremonies Inside)
(Finals in JPJ Arena for
Undergraduates Only/Dept.
Ceremonies Inside)
Newcomb Hall, South Meeting Same
Ruffner Hall, Auditorium
(1 p.m.)
Newcomb Hall, Commonwealth Same
PavilionI, LowerGarden
Newcomb Hall, Theatre
(3 p.m.)
Ruffner Hall, Auditorium
(1 p.m.)
Center, Auditorium (12:30 p.m.)
PavilionIX, LowerGarden
Maury Hall, Room 209**
(12:30 p.m.)
Pavilion IV, LowerGarden**
WilsonHall,Room 402
FrenchHouse,1404Jefferson Same
Chemistry Bldg., Auditorium** Chemistry Bldg., Auditorium**
Policy& LawProgram
Ruffner Hall (1 p.m.)
Aquatic& FitnessCenter
Newcomb Hall, Ballroom (1 p.m.) Same
Clark Hall, Rooms 107 and 108 Clark Hall, Rooms 107 and 108
PavilionVI, LowerGarden**
FrenchHouse,1404Jefferson Same
PavilionII, LowerGarden**
Ern Commons (1:30 p.m.)
Pavilion III, Garden
(12:30 p.m.)
Newcomb Hall, South Meeting Same
Room (12:45 p.m.)
History(Undergraduate) McIntire Amphitheatre (3 p.m.) NorthGroundsRecreation
South Lawn Commons Bldg.,
* BiochemistryandMolecularGenetics,Biophysics,CellBiology,ClinicalResearch,ExperimentalPathology,Microbiology,Pharmacology,Physiology
** Dependinguponthedisabilityandthesite,assistance maybenecessary.
Locations of 2015 schooL and department ceremonies
Sunday, May 17, 2015
School of Engineering & Applied Science
(School Ceremonies Only)
(Finalsand School
AerospaceandMechanical ThorntonHall,DardenCourt
Chemistry Bldg., Auditorium** Same
Frank Batten School Old Cabell Hall, Auditorium
of Leadership and
Public Policy
(Finals in JPJ Arena for
Undergraduates Only/Dept.
Ceremonies Inside)
College and
School of Arts
& Sciences
previous page
previous page
previous page
Continuing &
Curry School of
& Graduate)
(1:15 p.m.)
Darden Graduate
Business School
Data Science
Engineering &
Applied Science
McIntire School
of Commerce
FAIR: Finals on the Lawn, school and department ceremonies at fair-weather sites
INCLEMENT: Finals on the Lawn, school and department ceremonies at inclement-weather sites
SEVERE: Finals in John Paul Jones Arena, school and department ceremonies at severe-weather sites
Massie Rd
(R t
Hearing Impaired Seating
Information Booth
Remote Viewing Site
Emergency Medical Services
Food Stand
Bus Stop
Wheelchair Access
1 Alderman Library
2 Alumni Hall
3 Aquatic & Fitness Center
4 Brooks Hall
5 Bryan Hall
6 Cabell Hall, New
7 Cabell Hall, Old
8 Campbell Hall
9 Carr’s Hill
10 Carter-Harrison Rsch. Bldg.
1 1 Chemical Engineering Bldg.
12 Chemistry Bldg.
13 Clark Hall
14 Clemons Library
15 Cocke Hall
16 Darden School
17 Drama Bldg.
18 Emmet/Ivy Parking Garage
19 Ern Commons
20 French House
21 Garrett Hall
22 Gibson Hall
23 Gilmer Hall
24 Hunter Smith Band Bldg.
25 Jefferson Hall
26 John Paul Jones Arena
27 Jordan Hall
28 Kent House Front Lawn
29 Law School
30 Maury Hall
31 McIntire Amphitheatre
32 McKim Hall
33 McLeod Hall
34 Mechanical Engineering Bldg.
35 Memorial Gymnasium
36 Minor Hall
37 Monroe Hall
38 Monroe Hill House
39 Nau Hall
40Newcomb Hall
41 North Grounds Rec. Center
42 Olsson Hall
35 43 Pavilion I, Lower Garden
44 Pavilion II, Lower Garden
45 Pavilion III, Garden
46 Pavilion IV, Garden
47 Pavilion V, Lower Garden
48 Pavilion VI, Lower Garden
49 Pavilion VII, Garden
50 Pavilion VIII, Garden
51 Pavilion IX, Lower Garden
52 Pavilion X, Lower Garden
53 Physics Bldg.
54 Rice Hall
55 Robertson Hall
56 Rotunda
57 Rouss Hall
58 Ruffner Hall
59 Scott Stadium
60Slaughter Rec. Center
61 South Lawn Commons Bldg.
62 Special Collections Library
63 Student Activities Bldg.
64 The Lawn
65 Thornton Hall
66 University Bookstore
67 University Chapel
68 University Hall
69 Wilsdorf Hall
70 Wilson Hall
71 Zehmer Hall
Midmont Ln
m ick
11 ?
12 69
The Lawn, Central
Grounds, & Hospital
by R
Em me
St (U
S Rt .
29 Bu
ll R
Saturday/Sunday Only
ay O
Guest Seating
A lle
da A
All ey
y All
tal D
Graduate Seating
ar k A
son P
Jefferson Park Ave
Food Stand
Hearing Impaired Seating
Information Booth
La n
Lan e
ne t
Emergency Medical Services
Bus Stop
ll D
Remote Viewing Site
Wheelchair Access
Bus stop for accommodative shuttles on Saturday and Sunday – McCormick Road in front of Special Collections Library
1 Alderman Library
2 Alumni Hall
3 Aquatic & Fitness Center
4 Brooks Hall
5 Bryan Hall
6 Cabell Hall, New
7 Cabell Hall, Old
8 Campbell Hall
9 Carr’s Hill
10 Carter-Harrison Rsch. Bldg.
1 1 Chemical Engineering Bldg.
12 Chemistry Bldg.
13 Clark Hall
14 Clemons Library
15 Cocke Hall
16 Darden School
17 Drama Bldg.
18 Emmet/Ivy Parking Garage
19 Ern Commons
20 French House
21 Garrett Hall
22 Gibson Hall
23 Gilmer Hall
24 Hunter Smith Band Bldg.
25 Jefferson Hall
26 John Paul Jones Arena
27 Jordan Hall
28 Kent House Front Lawn
29 Law School
30 Maury Hall
31 McIntire Amphitheatre
32 McKim Hall
33 McLeod Hall
34 Mechanical Engineering Bldg.
35 Memorial Gymnasium
36 Minor Hall
37 Monroe Hall
38 Monroe Hill House
39 Nau Hall
40Newcomb Hall
41 North Grounds Rec. Center
42 Olsson Hall
43 Pavilion I, Lower Garden
44 Pavilion II, Lower Garden
45 Pavilion III, Garden
46 Pavilion IV, Garden
47 Pavilion V, Lower Garden
48 Pavilion VI, Lower Garden
49 Pavilion VII, Garden
50 Pavilion VIII, Garden
51 Pavilion IX, Lower Garden
52 Pavilion X, Lower Garden
53 Physics Bldg.
54 Rice Hall
55 Robertson Hall
56 Rotunda
57 Rouss Hall
58 Ruffner Hall
59 Scott Stadium
60Slaughter Rec. Center
61 South Lawn Commons Bldg.
62 Special Collections Library
63 Student Activities Bldg.
64 The Lawn
65 Thornton Hall
66 University Bookstore
67 University Chapel
68 University Hall
69 Wilsdorf Hall
70 Wilson Hall
71 Zehmer Hall
The Good Old Song
That good old song of Wah-hoo-wah,
We’ll sing it o’er and o’er;
It cheers our hearts and warms our blood
To hear them shout and roar.
We come from old Virginia
Where all is bright and gay;
Let’s all join hands and give a yell
For the dear old UVA.
Study collections