Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko Communications and Space Sciences Laboratory Dept. of Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University ———————— FESD “Electrical Connections and Consequences Within the Earth System” Meeting, February 28, 2013 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions 2 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Model Formulation I A cylindrical two-dimensional coordinate system (r , z) is used, with the z− axis representing the altitude. I The ground (z0 =0 km), upper (zmax =40 km) and the side (r =80 km) boundaries are assumed to be perfectly conducting. I The spatial distributions of positive and negative source charges are considered to be Gaussian of the following form: Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions ρ± (r , z) = r2 (z − h± )2 Q± − exp − (2π)3/2 αz α2r 2α2z 2α2r where αz = 1 km and αr = 1 km are the vertical and horizontal scales of the charge distributions, h± are the altitudes of their centers and Q± = ±1 C are the total charge values that are deposited/removed from the system I The continuous thundercloud charge distribution dynamics can be described as follows: I Linear in time charge accumulation for a time interval equal to 400 sec. I Charge removal during a 400 msec time interval due to lightning. I Relaxation of the system for a time interval equal to 400 sec. I Cloud relaxation for a time interval equal to 450 sec during which the conductivity inside the thundercloud is increased linearly in time to its ambient value. 3 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Model Formulation (cont.) I Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko The induced charge, the potential and the electric field are calculated by solving the following set of equations: ∇2 φ = − FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation ρt 0 (1) ρt ∂ρt − ∇σ · ∇φ = −σ ∂t 0 ~ = −∇φ E Results Conclusions σ(r , z) = σ0 ez/l 1− c 1 − tanh( r −r ) α 2 × (2) (3) c 1 − tanh( z−z ) α 2 ! (4) where ρt = ρs + ρf the total charge density, σ0 = 5 × 10−14 S/m is the conductivity at ground level, l = 6 km is the altitude scaling factor, zc = 20 km and rc = 20 km are the vertical and horizontal extents of the cloud and α = 800 m is the thickness of the conductivity transition region between the cloud and the surrounding air. I The charges that are transferred to the ionosphere and to the ground are calculated by integrating the conduction current over horizontal planes, corresponting to the lower and upper boundaries. I The total efficiency of a lightning flash as a contributor to the GEC is defined as the ratio of the total charge transfered to the Ionosphere over the absolute value of the maximum charge that is accumulated in the thundercloud [Mallios and Pasko, JGR, 117, A08303, 2012]. 4 / 25 Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning (-CG) Charge density magnitude (C/m3) FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation 10-12 10-13 Screening Charges 30 - - - 10 30 20 10 0 10 20 10 30 40 0 40 40 30 30 t=800 sec 0 40 30 20 - - - 10 + 10 0 30 20 10 20 - - - 20 + t=400.4 sec 40 - - - Altitude (km) 0 40 - - - 20 + - t=400 sec 10-16 - - - - - 30 - - - 20 - - - Altitude (km) Conclusions 10-15 40 40 Results 10-14 10 20 Radial Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 - - 10 + t=1250 sec 30 - - - Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko - - - Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes 0 40 40 30 20 + + + 10 0 Radial Distance (km) 5 / 25 Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning (cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko Model Formulation Results Conclusions 0.4 Positive Q 0.5 0 Negative Q −0.5 −1 0 Induced Q (C) Introduction 0.6 1 Source Q (C) FESD Meeting 2013 500 0 −0.2 −0.4 Total Induced Q −0.6 -0.27 -0.62 −0.8 (b) Negative Q −1.2 0 1000 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 (c) −1.2 0 Positive Q 0.2 −1 (a) Deposited Q (C) Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes 500 -0.98 1000 0.81 Ionospheric Q 0.55 0.27 Ground Q -0.83 -0.95 500 Time (sec) 1000 6 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Intra-Cloud Lightning (IC) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko Charge density magnitude (C/m3) FESD Meeting 2013 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 Introduction 40 40 Screening Charges Conclusions - - + - - - - 20 10 t=400 sec 30 20 10 0 10 20 10 t=400.4 sec 30 40 0 40 40 30 30 +++ - - - 10 t=800 sec 0 40 30 20 10 0 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 10 0 10 20 30 40 20 - + - ++ 20 - - - 20 40 +++ - - - Altitude (km) 0 40 + + + + + 30 - - - Altitude (km) 30 - - - Results - - - Model Formulation 10 20 Radial Distance (km) 10 t=1250 sec 30 40 0 40 30 20 Radial Distance (km) 40 7 / 25 Intra-Cloud Lightning (cont.) Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions Source Q (C) FESD Meeting 2013 0.2 1 Positive Q 0.5 Induced Q (C) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 0 0 500 0.04 0 -0.04 Total induced Q −0.2 (a) −1 Negative Q −0.3 0 1000 0.18 Positive Q 0.1 −0.1 Negative Q −0.5 500 0.3 Deposited Q (C) Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes (b) 1000 -0.28 0.27 0.2 Ionospheric Q 0.1 0 −0.1 0 (c) Ground Q 500 Time (sec) 1000 8 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Electrified cloud that does not produce lightning Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 0.6 Introduction Model Formulation Results Deposited Q (C) Conclusions 0.4 0.25 0.2 Ionospheric Q 0 −0.2 Ground Q −0.4 −0.6 0 500 Time (sec) -0.25 1000 9 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Study of a Realistic Thunderstorm Configuration Charge density magnitude (C/m3) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 40 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions Altitude (km) FESD Meeting 2013 30 Screening Charges 20 - - - - 10 ++++ 6667 C - - - - -10000 C 3333 C ++++ 0 - - 200 100 - - 0 100 Radial Distance (km) 200 I Mach et al. [JGR, 114, D10204, 2009; JGR, 115, D03201, 2010; JGR, 116, D05201, 2011] presented analyses of high-altitude aircraft observations regarding the Wilson currents that flow above thunderstorms and electrified clouds during 850 overflights. I We reproduce the thundercloud configuration for one of these thunderstorms, knowing the Wilson currents that were estimated 20 km above the thunderstorm as well as the altitudes of the charge layers inside the thundercloud. 10 / 25 Study of a Realistic Thunderstorm Configuration (Cont.) 40 1 30 Einit Einit Altitude (km) FESD Meeting 2013 Depostited Q (C) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 20 Introduction Model Formulation Results 10 Conclusions 0 3 Transfered Q (C) Positive 0 −0.5 (a) (b) −2 −1 4 0 Ez (kV/cm) 1 −1 0 2 x 10 Negative 1000 2000 Time (sec) 3000 6 Ionospheric 2 4 1 2 0 Ionosphere and at 20 km 0 −2 −1 −2 5 x 10 0.5 I (A) Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes −3 0 Ground −4 Ground −6 (d) (c) 1000 2000 Time (sec) 3000 0 1000 2000 Time (sec) 3000 I Out of 82570 C that are deposited to the thundercloud, 22350 C are transfered to the ionosphere, which are 27.07% of the deposited charge. I Above the thundercloud the current is the same at any altitude in the steady state. 11 / 25 Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions Study of a Realistic Thunderstorm Configuration (Cont.) 0.6 0.6 h = 2 km 0.5 Deposited Q (C) Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes 0.4 0.4 Ionospheric Q 0.3 0.2 0.2 0 7 8 9 10 h+ (km) 11 Ground Q 0.1 (a) −0.1 6 Ionospheric Q 0.3 Ground Q 0.1 0 h+ = 13 km 0.5 12 13 (b) −0.1 2 3 4 5 6 h− (km) 7 8 9 I In [Mallios and Pasko, JGR, 117, A08303, 2012] we have shown the dependancy between the charge that is transfered to the ionosphere and the distance between the source charges, for the case of a dipole during the electrification stage of a thunderstorm. I For a distance equal to 5 km, 26% of the deposited charge is transfered to the ionosphere. This value has only 5% difference from the value that we derived for the case of a realistic thunderstorm. I This shows the validity of our model, and that the main parameters that influence the amount of the charge that is transfered to the ionosphere during the electrification phase of a thunderstorm are only the distance between the main positive and main negative charge layers, as well as the amount of the deposited charge. 12 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko Corona Current I When the electric field near the ground exceeds a few kilovolts per meter, ions are produced by corona and flow upward from the ground to the base of the thundercloud. I The minimum electric field required to produce corona is about 5 kV/m depending upon the surface roughness and vegetation growth [Standler R. B., JGR, 85, 4541, 1980]. I When the electric field at the ground exceeds the corona threshold Ec = 5 kV/m we calculate the corona current density from the formulas: Ez0 −1 (5) Jc0 = σ0 Ez0 − σ0 Ec exp Ec z Jc (z) = Jc0 exp − (6) hl /10 FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions where hl is the altitude of the lower boundary of the thundercloud, σ0 is the value of the conductivity at the ground, and Ez0 the value of the vertical component of the electric field at the ground. I From the corona current density, we calculate the corona current and we add this current source to the current in continuity equation (2). 13 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Corona Current (Cont.) Charge density magnitude (C/m3) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 40 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 FESD Meeting 2013 Results Conclusions 30 Screening Charges 20 - - - ++++ 10 - - - - - 0 40 Altitude (km) Model Formulation Altitude (km) Introduction 30 - - Screening Charges 20 - - - - Corona Charges ++++ 10 0 ++++ - - - - - 200 100 + ++++ - + - 0 Radial Distance (km) 100 200 14 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Corona Current (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 40 3 (a) FESD Meeting 2013 Einit Einit Transfered Q (C) 30 20 0 Without Corona −2 −1 0 E (kV/cm) z 2 10 With Corona Jc (nA/m ) Conclusions Altitude (km) Results 1 1 0 −1 −2 Ground without corona −3 0 2 (b) Ionospheric 2 Introduction Model Formulation 4 x 10 1000 0 Ground with corona 2000 Time (sec) 3000 (c) −5 −10 −15 0 5 10 E (kV/m) z 15 20 15 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko I We place a positive source charge Q+ at h+ = 10 km and a negative source charge Q− at h− = 5 km. I The vertical and horizontal scales of the source charges are αz = 2 km and αr = 2 km respectively. I We charge the system for a time period of 1000 sec with source currents I± = 1 A. I The ambient conductivity profile distribution is chosen to be: FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions σ(z) = σ0 ez/l (7) 10−14 where σ0 = 5 × S/m is the conductivity at ground level, l = 6 km is the altitude scaling factor. I The boundary conditions are: I I I Φ = 0 at z = 0 km Ez = 0 at z = 60 km Er = 0 at r = 0 km and r = 1000 km. 16 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Charge density magnitude (C/m3) Results Conclusions 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 60 Altitude (km) 50 40 30 20 + 10 0 1000 - 500 0 32 C -74 C Radial Distance (km) 500 1000 17 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Static Model Conclusions 60 Time Dynamic Model 60 50 Altitude (km) 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 (a) 0 −2 10 0 2 4 10 10 10 Thundercloud Ez Field (V/m) 10 6 (b) 0 −2 10 0 2 4 10 10 10 Thundercloud Ez Field (V/m) 10 18 / 25 6 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Static Model 4 3 x 10 Conclusions 3 Potential(V) 2.5 Time Dynamic Model 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0 4 x 10 0.5 (a) 0 200 400 600 800 Radial Distance (km) 1000 (b) 0 0 200 400 600 800 Radial Distance (km) 1000 19 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results 60 Altitude (km) Conclusions Static Model 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 0 0 Time Dynamic Model 10 (a) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 Fair Weather Potential (V) (b) 2000 4000 6000 8000 Fair Weather Potential (V) 10000 20 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Static Model 60 Altitude (km) Conclusions 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 Time Dynamic Model 10 10 0 −1.4 −1.2 −1 (a) −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 Fair Weather Ez Field (V/m) 0 0 −1.4 −1.2 (b) −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 Fair Weather Ez Field (V/m) 0 21 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Time-Dependent Global Electric Circuit Model (Cont.) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko 3 0.4 2.5 FESD Meeting 2013 Potential(V) 0.2 Introduction Conclusions I (A) Model Formulation Results 0 −0.2 (a) −0.4 0 4 x 10 2 1.5 1 0.5 200 400 600 Time (sec) 800 1000 (b) 0 0 200 400 600 800 Radial Distance (km) 1000 I The resistance of the simulation domain is equal to R=38195 Ω. I The steady state positive current that flows to the ground is equal to I=0.2586 A. I From Ohm’s law we find that V =9877.2 V. I Integrating the potential distribution at the top boundary over the surface and dividing by the total surface area of the boundary, we find that the effective potential is equal to <V >=9810 V. This value is consistent with the value calculated by Ohm’s law. 22 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko Conclusions I The charge accumulation stage should be taken into account for the study of the charge transfer to the ionosphere and to the ground in association with lightning discharges. The amount of induced charge that is transferred to the ionosphere during the charge accumulation phase prior to the lightning is comparable to the charge that is transferred during the slow transients after the lightning occurrence. I In addition to the charge accumulation and the lightning phases, the quantitative description of the thunderstorm dissipation phase is also important for understanding of the overall contribution of the thunderstorms to the GEC. I Simulating a realistic thunderstorm based on the measurements of Mach et al. [JGR, 114, D10204, 2009; JGR, 115, D03201, 2010; JGR, 116, D05201, 2011] regarding the altitudes of the charge layers and the steady state Wilson current that flows above the thundercloud to the ionosphere, we were able to reproduce the dynamics of the thunderstorm. We showed that the charge that is transfered to the ionosphere depends mainly on the distance between the main positive and the main negative charge layers and the deposited charge to the thundercloud. We also showed the validity of our simple dipole model compared to the complex realistic thunderstorm configuration. FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Conclusions 23 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Conclusions (Cont) Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results I The effects of the corona currents that flow from the ground to the bottom of the thundercloud have been investigated. Corona currents tend to decrease the amplitude of the electric field at the ground and thus, they tend to decrease the amount of charge that is transfered to the ground. The effects of the corona currents depend on the amplitude of the electric field at the ground, which depends on the charge configuration of a given thunderstorm. I A time dependent model has been presented for the study of the effect of a single thunderstorm to the Global Electric Circuit. The results of this model in the steady state are in agreement with a static model. Conclusions 24 / 25 Time-Dependent Modeling of Global Electric Circuit Processes Sotirios A. Mallios and Victor P. Pasko FESD Meeting 2013 Introduction Model Formulation Results Thank you for your attention! Conclusions This research was supported by NSF under grants AGS-0652148 and AGS-1135446 to Penn State University. 25 / 25