architectural glass care

Prelco Architectural Glass Products undergo
rigorous quality assurance inspections to insure
that we ship damage-free glass, which meets or
exceeds all applicable standards. This high
quality can be maintained and the risk of
damage reduced by following the simple
guidelines outlined in this section.
The best guide to proper glass storage is the
printed instructions found on each case, and
these should be followed scrupulously.
In addition, interleaving protection should be
used between lites at all times, and glass and
interleaving materials should always be kept
dry to prevent glass staining. This can be
accomplished by storing glass cases in clean,
cool, dry areas where temperatures are above
the dewpoint.
Circulation of cool, dry air is essential,
especially after periods of high humidity and
cyclic temperatures. If cases cannot be stored
indoors, they should be protected from windblown rain or water run-off with tarpaulins or
plastic coverings, and they should be opened
periodically to inspect and correct possible
moisture accumulations, which could damage
the glass.
Solvent Wash
Remove grease and glazing materials with
commercial solvents such as xylene, toluene,
mineral spirits, or naphtha. Follow with a
normal wash and rinse. Be careful not to
damage glazing or insulating unit seals by overgenerous application of strong solvents. Do not
use fluoride salts or hydrogen-fluoride
producing compounds to wash the glass or
surfaces around the glass; these damage and
weather glass and can lead to subsequent
If architectural glass is mishandled, it may
break and cause serious personal injuries. It is
vital, therefore, that all those who pack, unpack,
transport, or glaze architectural glass follow all
safety requirements, use proper equipment, and
wear necessary protective clothing.
Always unpack according to specific printed
instructions on the case. Stack individual lites
of glass on edge with a slope of 5° to 7° from
vertical and lean against sturdy uprights. Top
and bottom edges of all lites should be
cushioned with felt and separated with
protective paper or other suitable separators. If
glass is to be laid flat, use felt covered tables
free of dirt, grit, glass chips, or other
Glass should never be stored in direct sunlight
without a light coloured opaque protective
Normal wash and Rinse
Wash, rinse, and dry glass at frequent intervals,
particularly during construction, with a soft,
clean, grit-free cloth and a mild soap, detergent,
or slightly acidic cleaning solution. Follow the
wash immediately with clean rinse water, and
promptly remove excess rinse water with a
clean squeegee.
Because fingerprints, grease stains, smears, dirt,
scum, sealant residue, scratches, and abrasions
(on either surface) are more noticeable on
reflective glasses than on regular glass, take
extra care in the handling and cleaning of
reflective glasses such as Solarban Insulating
Glass Units or Solarcool. Interleaving should be
used between lites or reflective glass at all times
in storage and shipment.
Solarcool glass is usually glazed with its
reflective coating facing the outdoors. Abrasive
cleaners should not be used to clean glass.
Follow normal recommended care and cleaning
methods for Solarcool; no special cleaning
methods are necessary.
Protection During Construction
Good architectural practice provides for glass
protection (and cleaning) in the contract
responsibility of the general contractor - not of
the glass manufacturer.
It is common practice to mark glazed openings
in some way during the construction period.
This may be accomplished with colourful flags,
festoons, or tape suspended near the glass or
attached to the sash at head, jambs or sill. Be
sure that tape is not in contact with the glass
and that no markings or identity coatings are
applied directly to the glass surface.
glass. Precast panels and other concrete wall
materials should be thoroughly mixed, fully
hydrated, and completely cured. Concrete
surface treatments (acid, sandblasting, bushhammering, grouting, waterproofing, etc.)
should be finished and any loose particles
resulting from these operations removed, before
glazing begins.
When glass is installed adjacent to or below
concrete or other masonry surfaces which are
exposed to weather, examine glass monthly
during construction. Wash glass immediately
when inspection reveals dirt, scum, deposits, or
staining; or after rainstorms, to remove any
corrosive wash or dirt which may adhere.
Water falling on decoratiave crushed rock or
other alkali bearing surfaces adjacent to glass
can splash glass surfaces and cause etching or
staining. Protect glass surfaces from this spray
and wash frequently.
Stains from Weathering Steels
Weathering steels, such as Mayari R. Stelcoloy,
and Cor-Ten release oxides while aging. These
oxide deposits can be removed from smooth
glass without difficulty by cleaning early during
construction and regularly during the aging
period designated by the steel manufacturer.
Abrasive and Impact Damage
Glass may be damaged by welding splatter,
sandblasting, wind-blown dirt or sand, or other
scratch-producing objects. Because these types
of damage will reduce glass strength and
increase the likelihood of glass breakage and
injury, lites having these types of damage
should be replaced.
Stain Removal
Stains can be recognized by their iridescent or
oil-film appearance. They are often caused by
substances in interleaving materials, which get
wet and then dry, when glass is improperly
stored. If large quantities of glass are stained,
the only pratical remedy is glass replacement.
If relatively few lites are stained, the stains can
sometimes be removed. For recommendations,
contact the Prelco Representatives nearest you.
Heavy impervious screens of plywood or plastic
may be required if welding, cutting,
sandblasting, or other potentially glass
damaging construction techniques are used near
the glass, to avoid weakening and subsequent
Stains from Concrete
Glass can be stained or etched by alkaline or
fluorine materials which may be released from
concrete or masonry during rain storms.
Concrete frames at window heads should be
designed to keep drip water away from the
Prelco inc. 94, boul. Cartier, Rivière-du-Loup (Québec) Canada, G5R 2M9
La compagnie se réserve le droit de faire tout changement sans préavis.
The company reserves the right to make changes without notice.
Schedule glass deliveries to coincide with
glazing schedules.
Remove all unopened cases from the job
Support cases on both sides when stored
Check glass surfaces and all edges for
damage before transporting.
Use gloves, safety shoes, hard hats, glazing
gauntlets, and other safety equipment as
required, when transporting lites of glass.
Protect glass from weld splatter, sandblasting, and other impact damage.
Handling :
Manual Flat Glass Packaging PPG
Manual Glass Pack Handling System PPG
Easy-End Open Case
The Science of Glass Packaging
Glass products :
Technical Service Report No. 130 :
G-925, Installation Recommendations
Tinted and Reflective Glass Technical Service
No. 230 : G-011, Installation Recommendations
PPG’s Recommended Glazing Practices for
Insulating Units over 20 square feet in area.
Cleaning & Maintenance :
Mémorandum technique : Care and Storage of
Rapport technique sur le verre : no 80-5 :
Move partially unpacked cases of glass, as
this is apt to cause glass damage or breakage.
Allow interleaving materials to become
wet, as staining may result.
Carry glass with hand under the lower edge
of the lite.
Use fewer people than required to safely
transport large lites of glass.
Slide one lite of glass over another.
Mark or coat surfaces partially or
completely with “X”s or other identity symbols.
Prelco inc. 94, boul. Cartier, Rivière-du-Loup (Québec) Canada, G5R 2M9
La compagnie se réserve le droit de faire tout changement sans préavis.
The company reserves the right to make changes without notice.