Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 23 (2008), No. 3, pp. 453–459
Se Hwa Chung
Reprinted from the
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
Vol. 23, No. 3, July 2008
The Korean Mathematical Society
Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 23 (2008), No. 3, pp. 453–459
Se Hwa Chung
Abstract. We introduce a concept of continuous homomorphisms between Császár frames and show that the Cauchy completion in CsFrm
gives rise to a coreflection in the category PCsFrm (resp. UCsFrm) consisting of proximal Császár frames and uniform continuous homomorphisms (resp. uniform Császár frames and uniform continuous homomorphisms).
1. Introduction
Many authors have focused attention on the fact that the important aspect
of a topological space is not its set of points but its lattice of open subsets.
The study of topological properties from a lattice-theoretic viewpoint was initiated by Wallman. Theory of frames was introduced by C. Ehresmann and
J. Bénabou (cf. [10]). A frame is a complete lattice L satisfying the distributive
x ∧ S = {x ∧ s | s ∈ S}
for all x ∈ L and S ⊆ L.
In view of the fact that in a set, uniformities, proximities, nearness structures
and syntopogenous structures determine a topology on the set, such structures
must appear as additional structures on frames. For such a reason, the study
of structured frames was introduced by Isbell ([9]) and in recent years, various
authors are studying structured frames (cf. [4, 5, 8, 11]).
This paper is a continuation of the previous paper [5] in which we introduce
Császár frames generalizing syntopogenous spaces [6]. In this paper, we introduce a concept of continuous homomorphisms preserving Császár frame structures and investigate some properties of continuous homomorphisms. Moreover, we show that the Cauchy completion in CsFrm gives rise to a coreflection
in the category PCsFrm (resp. UCsFrm) consisting of proximal Császár frames
Received April 1, 2008.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 06D22, 18A40, 54A15, 54D35.
Key words and phrases. frames, strict extension, uniform continuous homomorphisms,
surjections, Cauchy homomorphism, proximal Császár frames, uniform Császár frames, regular Cauchy filters, Cauchy completions.
The author would like to express a deep gratitude to Prof. S. S. Hong for his valuable
seminar lectures. This work was written during a sabbatical leave in 2007.
The Korean Mathematical Society
and uniform continuous homomorphisms (resp. uniform Császár frames and
uniform continuous homomorphisms). Now we briefly recall some of basic concepts of frame theory and introduce notation and terminology. For the general
background of frames and Császár frames, we refer to ([10], [5], resp.) and for
the category theory, we refer to [1].
In a frame L, we have the relation a ≺ b by a∗ ∨ b = e, where a∗ is the
pseudocomplement of a in L, given by
a∗ = {x ∈ L | x ∧ a = 0}.
A Császár order C is a binary relation on L satisfying the following:
(1) 0 C 0 and e C e,
(2) x C y implies x ≤ y,
(3) x ≤ a C b ≤ y implies x C y.
A Császár order C is symmetric if x C y implies y ∗ C x∗ . A Császár frame is a
pair (L, L), where L is a frame and L is a set of Császár orders on L with the
following properties:
(1) L is up-directed.
(2) every member of L is a meet-sublattice of L
W× L.
(3) L is admissible, i.e., for any x ∈ L, x = {y ∈ L | y CL x} where
CL = ∪{C∈ L}.
A frame homomorphism is a map h : M → L between frames preserving
arbitrary finite meets (including the top e) and arbitrary joins (including the
bottom 0), and has the right adjoint h∗ : L → M , i.e.,
h(x) ≤ y if and only if x ≤ h∗ (y).
A frame homomorphism h : M → L is dense if h(a) = 0 implies a = 0.
Let h : M → L be a frame homomorphism and let Cm and Cl be Császár
orders on M and L, respectively. Then we have the two binary relations as
xh∗ (Cl )y if and only if there are elements a, b ∈ L such that
h(x) ≤ a Cl b, h∗ (b) ≤ y
xh(Cm )y if and only if there are elements a, b ∈ M such that
x ≤ h(a), a Cm b, h(b) ≤ y.
If a frame homomorphism h : M → L is dense, then h∗ (C) is a Császár order
on M , and for any frame homomorphism h : M → L, h(C) is a Császár order
on L.
2. Continuous homomorphisms on Császár frames
In this section we introduce a concept of continuous homomorphisms between Császár frames and show that every dense onto continuous homomorphism is a uniform continuous homomorphism and hence a Cauchy frame homomorphism.
Definition. A Császár frame (L, L) is said to be:
(1) strong if for each C∈ L, there is C◦ ∈ L such that a C b implies a C◦
c C◦ b for some c ∈ L.
(2) symmetric if every member of L is symmetric.
(3) regular if every member of L is coarser than ≺.
(4) proximal if it is strong, symmetric and regular.
(5) uniform if it is proximal and every member of L is a meet-complete
sublattice of L × L.
If h : M → (L, L) is a dense onto frame homomorphism and (L, L) is
symmetric and strong, then (M, h∗ (L)) is also symmetric and strong, where
h∗ (L) denotes the set {h∗ (C) :C∈ L}.
As noted in the previous section, CL denotes ∪{C∈ L} for a Császár frame
(L, L).
Proposition 2.1. If (L, L) is a proximal Császár frame, then CL satisfies the
(1) CL is a symmetric Császár order.
(2) CL is strong.
(3) CL is a sublattice of L × L.
Proof. (1) It is enough to show that CL is symmetric. Suppose x CL y, then
x C y for some C∈ L. Since C is symmetric, y ∗ C x∗ and hence y ∗ CL x∗ .
(2) Suppose x CL y, then x C y for some C∈ L. Since L is strong, x C0
z C0 y for some z ∈ L and C0 ∈ L, and hence x CL z CL y. Thus CL is strong.
(3) Suppose a CL b and a CL c, then there are C1 , C2 ∈ L such that a C1 b
and a C2 c. Since L is up-directed, there is C0 ∈ L such that C1 ∪ C2 ⊆C0 .
Since C0 is a meet-sublattice of L × L, a C0 b ∧ c and hence a CL b ∧ c. Suppose
b CL a and c CL a, then there are x, y, u, v ∈ L such that b CL x ≺ u CL a and
c CL y ≺ v CL a because L is strong and CL ⊆≺. Since CL is symmetric and
a meet-sublattice of L × L, (b ∨ c)∗∗ CL (x ∨ y)∗∗ and so (b ∨ c) CL (x ∨ y)∗∗ .
Since (x ∨ y)∗∗ ≺ (u ∨ v) and (u ∨ v) ≤ a, (b ∨ c) CL a.
Remark 2.2. If (L, L) is a proximal Császár frame, then CL is a strong inclusion.
Therefor, if (L, L) is a proximal Császár frame or a uniform Császár frame, it
has a compactification (cf. [2]).
Now we introduce a concept of continuous homomorphisms and surjections
between Császár frames.
Definition. Let (L, L) and (M, M) be Császár frames. A frame homomorphism h : M → L is said to be:
(1) a continuous homomorphism if for each Cm ∈ M, there is a Cl ∈ M
with h(Cm ) ⊆Cl , or equivalently (h × h)(Cm ) ⊆Cl .
(2) a surjection if it is onto dense and M = {h∗ (C) :C∈ L}.
Remark 2.3. It is now clear that the class of Császár frames and continuous
homomorphisms forms a category.
If h : M → L is an onto dense frame homomorphism, then for any Császár
order C on L, h(h∗ (C)) =C and hence every surjection is a continuous homomorphism.
Definition ([5]). A filter F on a Császár frame (L, L) is said to be :
(1) Cauchy if a CL b implies a∗ ∈ F or b ∈ F .
(2) CL -regular(or simply regular) if for any a ∈ F , there is b ∈ F with
b CL a.
For a filter F on a Császár frame (L, L), we write
F ◦ = {a ∈ L : b CL a for some b ∈ F }.
Definition. Let L be a frame and C a Császár order on L. An element a ∈ L
is called C-small if a ≤ x∗ or a ≤ y whenever x C y.
Denote by S(C) the set of C-small elements. Let U be a set and @ an order
on U . Then for A, B ⊆ U , A is said to @-refine B if for any a ∈ A, there is
b ∈ B with a @ b and we write A @ B.
Remark 2.4. A filter F on a Császár frame (L, L) is Cauchy if and only if for
any C∈ L, F ∩ S(C) 6= ∅.
Definition ([5]). A frame homomorphism h : (M, M) → (L, L) between
Császár frames is called a uniform homomorphism if for each Cm ∈ M there is
a Cl ∈ L with S(Cl ) ≤ h(S(Cm )).
Recall that if h : M → L is a dense frame homomorphism, then for each
x ∈ M , h∗ (h(x)) ≤ x∗∗ .
Theorem 2.5. If h : (M, M) → (L, L) is a dense onto continuous homomorphism between proximal Császár frames, then h is uniform.
Proof. Take any Cm ∈CM . Since (M, M) is proximal, there is C∈CM such
that s Cm t implies s C u∗∗ C t. Since h is continuous, there is Cl ∈CL
with h(C) ⊆Cl and hence S(Cl ) ⊆ S(h(C)). Now, it is enough to show that
S(h(C)) ⊆ h(S(Cm )). Take any a ∈ S(h(C)) and suppose x Cm y. Then
x C z C y for some z ∈ M with z = z ∗∗ and hence h(x) h(C) h(z) h(C) h(y).
Then a ≤ [h(x)]∗ or a ≤ h(z) for a ∈ S(h(C)). Since h is dense, h∗ (a) ∧ x = 0
or h∗ (a) ≤ h∗ (h(z)) ≤ z ≤ y. Hence h∗ (a) ∈ S(Cm ) and hence h∗ (S(h(C)) ⊆
S(Cm ). Since h is onto, S(h(C)) ⊆ h(S(Cm )). Thus S(Cl ) ⊆ h(S(Cm )). This
completes the proof.
Definition ([5]). A frame homomorphism h : (M, M) → (L, L) between
Császár frames is a Cauchy frame homomorphism if for any regular Cauchy
filter F in L, there is a regular Cauchy filter G in M with h(G) ⊆ F .
Theorem 2.6 ([5]). Every uniform homomorphism h : (M, M) → (L, L)
between proximal Császár frames is a Cauchy homomorphism.
Remark 2.7. Using the above theorems, one has the following:
(1) Every dense onto continuous homomorphism between proximal Császár
frames is a Cauchy homomorphism.
(2) Every surjection is a Cauchy homomorphism.
Proposition 2.8. If a frame homomorphism h : (M, M) → (L, L) is a surjection and F is a regular Cauchy filter on M , then h(F ) is a regular Cauchy
filter on L.
Proof. Since h is dense, h(F ) is a filter base. Take any a ∈ h(F ) and suppose
a ≤ b. Then there is x ∈ F with h(x) = a. Then x ≤ h∗ (b) and so b ∈ h(F ) for
h is onto. Thus h(F ) is a filter. Suppose a C b in L, then h∗ (a) h∗ (C) h∗ (b).
Since F is Cauchy, [h∗ (a)]∗ ∈ F or h∗ (b) ∈ F . Hence h([h∗ (a)])∗ ∈ h(F ) or
h(h∗ (b)) ∈ F and hence a∗ ∈ h(F ) or b ∈ h(F ) for h is onto. Further, there
are s, t ∈ F such that f (t) = a and sh∗ (C)t for some C∈ L and hence h(s) C a
and h(s) ∈ h(F ). Thus h(F ) is regular.
Definition. A frame homomorphism between proximal Császár frames is said
to be uniform continuous if it is uniform and continuous.
PCsFrm denotes the Category of proximal Császár frames and uniform continuous homomorphisms and CPCsFrm denotes the full subcategory of PCsFrm
determined by Cauchy complete proximal Császár frames.
3. Cauchy completions of Császár frames
Definition ([3]). A strict extension of a frame L is an onto dense frame homomorphism h : M → L satisfying the following:
M = { A : A ⊆ h∗ (L)}.
For a Császár frame (L, L), let X be the set of regular Cauchy filters on L
and L×P (X) the product frame of L and P (X). Then SX L = {(a, Σa ) : a ∈ L}
is a subframe of L × P (X), where Σa = {F ∈ X : a ∈ F }. Let s : SX L → L be
W restriction of the first projection of P rL : L × P (X) → L and cL denotes
{( A, ΣA ) : A ⊆ s∗ (L)}. Then cL : cL → L is a strict extension of L associated
with X(see [3, 8] for a more detail).
Remark 3.1. For any a ∈ L, Σa = {F ∈ X : b ∈ F for some b CL a}.
Recall that in any frame L, a cover of L is any subset whose join is e and a
filter F on L is convergent if for any cover A of L, F ∩ A 6= ∅ (see [7]).
Definition ([5]). A Császár frame is Cauchy complete if every regular Cauchy
filter is convergent.
The proof of the following can be found in [5].
Proposition 3.2. For any proximal Császár frame (L, L), (cL, L∗ ) is a Cauchy
complete proximal Császár frame, where L∗ = {cL ∗ (C) :C∈ L}.
Lemma 3.3 ([5]). (1) Let (L, L) be a proximal Császár frame. Then for any
C∈ L, there is C◦ ∈ L with S(C◦ ) C◦ S(C).
(2) If h : M → L is an onto dense frame homomorphism and C is a Császár
order on L, then S(h∗ (C)) ≤ h∗ (S(C)).
Let u : P CsF rm → F rm be the forgetful functor, then one has the following:
Lemma 3.4. Every surjection h : (M, M) → (L, L) between proximal Császár
frames is u-initial.
Proof. Take any proximal Császár frame (K, K) and a frame homomorphism
k : K → M such that h ◦ k : (k, K) → (L, L) is a uniform continuous homomorphism. We first show that k : (K, K) → (M, M) is continuous. Take any
C1 ∈ K and suppose x C1 y. Then x C a C b C y for some a, b ∈ K and C∈ K.
Since (K, K) is a regular proximal Császár frame and k is a frame homomorphism, k(x) ≺ k(a) ≺ k(b)∗∗ ≺ k(y). Since h ◦ k is continuous, there is C2 ∈ L
with h(k(x)) C2 h(k(a)) C2 h(k(b)) C2 h(k(y)). Since h is a surjection,
k(x) h∗ (C2 ) h∗ [h(k(a))] h∗ (C2 ) h∗ [h(k(b))] ≺ k(b)∗∗ ≤ k(y)
and hence k(x) h∗ (C2 ) k(y). Thus k is continuous. Now we show that k is
uniform. Take any C1 ∈ K. Since (k, K) is a proximal Császár frame, there
is C◦ ∈ K with S(C◦ ) C◦ S(C2 ). Since h ◦ k is uniform, there is C2 ∈ L with
S(C2 ) ≤ h◦k(S(C◦ )) and hence h∗ (S(C2 )) ≤ h∗ ◦h[k(S(C◦ ))]. Since S(C◦ ) C◦
S(C1 ) for any a ∈ S(C◦ ), there is b ∈ S(C1 ) with h∗ ◦ h(k(a)) ≤ k(b) and hence
h∗ ◦ h[k(S(C◦ ))] ≤ k(S(C1 )). Since h is onto dense, S(h∗ (C2 )) ≤ h∗ (S(C2 ))
and so S(h∗ (C2 )) ≤ k(S(C1 )). Thus k is uniform.
Recall that for any Cauchy complete Császár frame (L, L), cL : (L, L∗ ) →
(L, L) is an isomorphism. Using this and the above lemma, we show that
cL : (cL, L∗ ) → (L, L) is a coreflection of (L, L) in the category PCsFrm.
Theorem 3.5. The category CPCsFrm is coreflective in the category PCsFrm.
Proof. Take any proximal Császár frame (L, L). Clearly cL : (cL, L∗ ) → (L, L)
is a surjection and hence a uniform continuous homomorphism. Take any
Cauchy complete proximal Császár frame (M, M) and a uniform continuous homomorphism h : M → L. We define h̄ : cM → cL by h̄(a, Σa ) =
(h(a), ∪{Σh(x) : x CM a}). Then h̄ is a map with h ◦ cM = cL ◦ h̄. Let
k = h̄ ◦ cM ∗ . Since h : M → L is a uniform continuous homomorphism,
it is a Cauchy homomorphism and hence k is a frame homomorphism by
Theorem 3.1.7 in [5]. By Lemma 3.4, k is a uniform continuous homomorphism. Since cL is dense and hence monomorphism, such a k is unique. Thus
cL : (cL, L∗ ) → (L, L) is a coreflection of (L, L) in the category PCsFrm.
Lemma 3.6. If h : M → L is a dense frame homomorphism and C a meetcomplete sublattice of L × L, then h∗ (C) is also a meet-complete sublattice of
M × M.
Proof. Let S ⊆ L and suppose ah∗ (C)s for all s ∈ S. Then there are xs , ys ∈ M
such that h(a) ≤ xs C ys and h∗ (ys ) ≤ bs . Since C isV a meet-complete
V of L×L and
V h∗ preserves arbitrary
Vmeets, h(a) ≤ s∈S xs C s∈S ys
and h∗ ( s∈S ys ) ≤ s∈S bs . Hence ah∗ (C) s∈S bs .
Collecting the above, we have the following:
Theorem 3.7. The category of Cauchy complete uniform Császár frames and
uniform continuous homomorphisms is a coreflective subcategory of the category
of uniform Császár frames and uniform continuous homomorphisms.
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Department of Mathematics and information
Kyungwon University
Sungnam 461-701, Korea
E-mail address: sehwa@kyungwon.ac.kr